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Inside Out and Back Again(Week 1)

<Assignment Instructions>
Please turn in the writing assignments by the day before class.

The writing assignments help prepare debates. Please make sure you submit the
assignment. -
1st assignment is not subjected to correction. This is to help students prepare
for class. 2nd assignments will be corrected by the teacher.

Reading Assignment: Parts I Saigon and II At Sea (Read till end of Part II)

1. Read the assigned chapters before coming to class.

2. While reading, please think about the discussion questions.It will help prepare the
3. Pick the debating questions that you are interested to debate in class.
4. Summarize your favorite chapter and prepare to share with your class.
5. Writing assignments: Please submit by the day before class.

<Discussion Questions to Think About While Reading>

Inside Out and Back
Again ● What is tet? Why do you think this day is important?
● What is happening in Saigon that makes life
challenging for Ha’s family?
Author: Thanhhà Lai
● Where is Father? How does the family feel about his
● Who is Uncle Son and what was his suggestion?
● What is difficult about life at sea?
● Where did the family go first after an American ship
finds them? Where do they end up after that?
<Writing Assignment>

1. Summarize one of your favorite/most memorable parts of the book so far.

Explain what happened in your own words, and why this part stood out to you.
*Your response should be 2-3 sentences.

2. Why did Mother claim that they were Christians? *Your response should be
at least 1-2 sentences.

3. Why will Ha miss the papaya tree? Is there something similar in your life that
you would miss if you were in Ha’s situation? *Your response should be at
least 2-3 sentences.
<Debating Questions>
Consider the following questions. After thinking about each debating question, mark
2 or 3 that you find most interesting.
● Do you think in a family it is easier to be without a mother or without a father?
● Would you be interested in sponsoring a family from another country? Why or
why not?
● Do you think it is better for the family to keep hoping for Father’s return, or to
assume the worse? Explain why.
● “If they’re smart / America will give them / scholarships.” (Part II). Do you
agree with Mother’s choice to pick America for the potential of
scholarships/college? Explain.
● Mother does not want to sell her amethyst ring. She said, “NO! What’s the
point of / new shirt and sandals / if you lose the last / tangible remnant of
love?” Would you advise her to sell the ring, or keep it?

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