Cobol Release Notes
Cobol Release Notes
Cobol Release Notes
Release Notes
June 2021
Release Notes
Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle
Accessibility Program website at
• Windows x86 (32-bit and 64-bit)
• HPUX on Itanium (32-bit and 64-bit)
• Solaris SPARC (32-bit and 64-bit)
• IBM AIX (32-bit and 64-bit)
• Linux for IBM System z (31-bit and 64-bit)
Bugs Fixed
The following section lists bugs fixed in Pro*COBOL. Numbers in parentheses
following the description refer to bug numbers in the Oracle Bug Database.
• Pro*COBOL no longer crashes while parsing long token/ SQL statement
• Pro*COBOL no longer returns PCB-S-400 when precompiling SQL that includes
an inline view written as embedded SQL (EXEC SQL), in-spite of using
common_parser=yes (12641413)
• Pro*COBOL no longer throws PCB-0400 error when using numeric as first
character of a group element (10265545)
• Pro*COBOL on Windows no longer crashes when option comp1=integer is set
• Pro*COBOL no longer returns ORA-6502 with PL/SQL bind (9905110)
• Pro*COBOL no longer crashes when a large source file contains a large number
of host variables (9689604)
• Pro*COBOL now parses statements with a double dot after a COBOL COPY
clause after installing patch 9218271 (9470397)
• Pro*COBOL no longer generates illegal values when a statement is declared at a
remote DB and then prepared by passing a string instead of bind-var) (9402996)
• Pro*COBOL non longer fails with ORA-12899 when max_rows_insert is set
• Pro*COBOL non longer returns PCB-S-00214 when JUSTFIED clause is used
with host variables (9266470)
• Pro*COBOL no longer returns PCB-S-400 error if SCREEN SECTION is used
• Pro*COBOL no longer returns PCB-W-233 when host variable was used for AT
clause (9147830)
• Pro*COBOL no longer returns PCB-S-400 when COPY is used in OCCURS
clause of an array declaration (9128157)
• Pro*COBOL no longer returns PCB-S-400 when a COPY statement ends with
double dots (9055457)
• Pro*COBOL now correctly translates SQL statements which contain a list of lists
• Pro*COBOL no longer returns ORA-933 when cursors are declared with outline
enabled (8770900)
• Pro*COBOL no longer returns PCB-S-00400 when an EXE SQL INCLUDE
statement is used without an ending period in DATA SECTION (8713408)
For Pro*COBOL support, contact your local Oracle Support Services Center.
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