Sainik School Ambikapur Application Form 29042023

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(Phone No - 07774-261609) *{r$rfr;{ _


1. Sainik School Ambikapur (Chhattisgarh) invites applications from the eligible candidates for the
following contractual posts as per details tabulated below :-

SI Post & Age No. of Monthly Qualification

No (As on 01 Jun 20231 Post Remuneration
Cateoorv (Gonsolidated)
(a) Band Master 01 (Gen) < 25,000/- Essential
(18-50 years) fr4"tri*f"tion (1Oth; or equivalent from
recognised Board, Potential Band
Master/Band Major/Drum Major
Course at the AEC Training College
and Centre, Pachmarhi or Equivalent
Naval/Air Force Courses or equivalent
course. (OR) Higher Secondary with a
degree or diploma in music from any
of the recognised institutions.
Experience in the field, Computer
Sawv. Attainments in Sports/ArUMusic.
(b) Horse Riding 01 (Gen) < 25,000/- Essential
lnstructor tntermediate or Equivalent &
(18-50 years) Knowledge of Horse Riding/ Risaldar
Course qualified.
Experience in the field, ComPuter
Sawv. Attainments in Sports/ArUMusic
(c) Laboratory 01 (Gen) t 20,000/- Essential
Assistant tnterrneOiate Science or equivalent with
(21-35 years) Chemistry Subject.
Higher Qualification in Chemistry,
Computer Sawy. Attainments in
(d) Ward Boy 04 < 17,000/- Essential
(unrqrq s6-cpa;) (Gen - 02, Should have passed lntermediate or
(18-50 years) sc-01 & Equivalent and should be able to
sT - 01) converse fluently in English.
Higher Qualification, Experience in the
field, Computer Sawy. Attainments in

2. Rent free accommodation (subject to availability) will be provided. No other allowances are
applicable. Tenure of contractual appointment will be one year from the date of appointment.
Vacation pay will not be applicable for all 1 (b) & (d).
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3. Bio-data (Application Form) downloaded from the Schoolwebsite only will be considered.

4. Eligible and interested candidates can submit the prescribed application alongwith registration fees
worth < 300/- (non refundable) and self attested copies of certificates/ testimonials. The registration
fee is to be rernitted to the Principal, Sainik School Ambikapur through RTGS/NEFT/other digital
paym'rent modes only (SBl Bank Account Number 37923027067, IFSC Code S8IN0000310).

5. Preference will be given to candidates having higher qualification/skill and experience in

respective field. Join Telegram Channel:
6. The prescribed application and all relevant documents should reach this office within 21 days from
the date of publication of this advertisement.. The School will not be responsible for any postal delay.
The number and nature of vacancy are subject to change.

7. The School administration reserves the right to cancel the recruitment process for any post at any
time or reject incomplete applications without intimation.

8. Conduct of Wriften Test. Skill & Phvsical TesUDemonstration and lnterview

Ser No. Name of post Conduct

(a) Band Master (i) Verification of documents.
(ii) Written Test (100 Marks). Weightage 50o/o. One hour
duration consisting General Knowledge (15 marks),
General English (15 Marks), Basic Mathematics (10
Marks) and Subject test of appropriate level (60 marks).
A candidate wil! be required to score minimum 33%
marks to qualify for the next step of the selection
process. However, the minimum required marks may be
increased upto 50% by the Board of Officers of the
selection committee to limit the number of candidates
for the next step of the selection process.
(iii) Demonstration (100 Marks). Weightage 30o/o.
(iv) lnterview (100 Marks). Weightage 15o/o.
(v) Hisher Qualification and Experience. Weightage 5o/o.
(b) Horse Riding Instructor (i) Verification of documents
(ii) Written Test (100 Marks). Weightage 50o/o. One hour
duration consisting General Knowledge (15 marks),
General English (15 Marks), Basic Mathematics (10
Marks) and Subject test of appropriate teve! (60 marks).
A candidate wil! be required to score minimum 33%
marks to qualify for the next step of the selection
process. However, the minimum required marks may be
increased upto 50% by the Board of Officers of the
selection committee to limit the number of candidates
for the next step of the selection process.
(iii) Demonstration (100 Marks). Weightage 30%.
(iv) lnterview (100 Marks). Weightage 15o/o.
(v) Hioher Qualification and Experience. Weiqhtaea 5o/o.
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(c) Laboratory Assistant (i) Verification of documents

(Biology) (ii) Written Test (100 Marks). Weightage 50o/o. One hour
duration consisting General Knowledge (15 marks),
General English (15 Marks), Basic Mathematics (10
Marks) and Subject test of appropriate level (60 marks).
A candidate will be required to score minimum 33%
marks to qualify for: the next step of the selection
process. However, the minimum required marks may be
increased upto 50% by the Board of Officers of the
selection committee to limit the number of candidates
for the next step of the selection process.
(iii) Class Demonstration (100 Marks). Weightage 30%.
(iv) lnterview (100 Marks). Weightage 15o/o.
(v) Higher Qualification and Experience. Weiqhtaoe 5o/o.
(d) Ward Boy (i) Verification of documents
(urerors s6r+6) (ii) Written Test (50 Marks). One hour duration
consisting Genera! Knowledge (5 marks), General
English (10 Marks), Basic Mathematics (10 Marks) and
Subject test of appropriate level (25 marks).
A candidate will be required to score minimum 33%
marks to qualify for the next step of the selection
process. However, the minimum required marks may be
increased upto 50% by the Board of Officers of the
selection committee to limit the number of candidates
for the next step of the selection process.
(iii) Skill/Proficiency Test (35 Marks). Running/Shuttle
(Age Group wise) (10 marks), Games Duty Test
(Organising Games for Candidates)/Setting of Bed/
Knowledge of First Aid etc (30 marks), Knowledge of
Child Psycholoqv/POSCO Act etc (10 marks)

9. Tenure of Contractual Appointment. One Year from the date of appointment. During the
contractual appointment, if this School falls on vacation, no vacation pay will be granted to the
contractual employees for posts of Band Master and Laboratory Assistant.

10. The post for which applied should be super-scribed on envelope. Applicants are to clearly
mentioned their E-mail lD and mobile number in the application form to enable the school
administration to communicate schedule of selection tests to the short-listed candidates.

11. No TA/DA is admissible for attending the selection process.

12. Shortlisted candidates should produce original certificates/testimonials at the time of attending
selection test in support of their qualification, experience, category as mentioned in the apptication
failing which their candidature will not be considered/entertained.

13. Selection Tests will be conducted in this School premises in the month of Jun 2023. Firm date
will be intimated later.

14. Note. lf qualified SC, ST and OBC Category candidates are not available for the post reserved
for them, Principal, Sainik School Ambikapur administration will be authorised to fill the posts from
amongst the General category candidates.


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(under the aegis of sainik schools society, Ministry of Defence)

1. Name (in BLOCK letters) :
Affix a
2. Father's Name : Passport size
3. Permanent Address with Pin photograph
(Photograph to
be taken/
developed on
PIN Code or afier
15 Anr 2O23)
4. Correspondence Address with Pin Code:

PIN Code
5. Contact Nos. : (a) Phone with STD code
(b) Mobile
(c) E-mail ld
6. Date of Birth (DDMMYYYY)
7. Marital Status : Single/ Married
8. Category (Gen/OBC/SC/ST) :

9. Academic Qualifications (Startinq from Matriculation) :-

Qualification Subject Studied Mode of Month & Board/ Percentage

Teaching Year of University
(Reoular/Ilistane-al completion

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10. Experience

S! Name of the School & Post Period of emolovment Temporary/

No. Address From To Total Years Adhoc/

11. Proficiencv in Games/Co-curricular activities/Literarv Activities

Games/ School Team Level plaved

Co-curricular Sch oo l/Go I !eqe/U n ive rs itv Zonal Dist State

12. Hobbies

13. NCC : (a) Certificates obtained

(b) Camps attended

14. Payment of recruitment fees Google Pay/PhonePayl



1. I, hereby certify that the above particulars are correct and true in all respect to the
best of my knowledge and belief. ln case at any time they are found to be wrong
my candidature/application may get rejected.

2. I am enclosing the copies of relevant certificates/testimonials with regards to my

qualifications, experience, category etc and UTR No. of online payment of recruitment fees
in favour of Principal, Sainik School Ambikapur (strike over which is not enclosing) etc duly
signed by me. I agree to produce original certificates when asked for.

3. I will not claim any TA/DA while attending selection process being conducted by
Sainik School Ambikapur.

Date : (Signature of Applicant)

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