FY24 Failing Fix

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Failing the Fix (2024)


Lucas Rockett Gutterman, U.S. PIRG Education Fund

February 6, 2024
| Acknowledgments
The author thanks Elizabeth Ridlington, Associate Director and Senior Policy Analyst, Frontier
Group; R.J. Cross, Don't Sell My Data Director, U.S. PIRG; Nathan Proctor, Senior Right to Repair
Campaign Director, U.S. PIRG; Will Sherwood and Meghan Smith, New Economy Program
associates, U.S. PIRG; ​Janet Domenitz, Executive Director, MASSPIRG; Alec Meltzer and others
for their contributions.

The author bears any responsibility for factual errors.

© 2024 U.S. PIRG Education Fund. Some Rights Reserved. This work is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 Unported License. To view the terms
of this license, visit creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0.

U.S. PIRG Education Fund is an independent, non-partisan group that works for consumers and the
public interest. Through research, public education and outreach, we serve as counterweights to
the influence of powerful special interests that threaten Americans’ health, safety or well-being.
For more information, please visit www.uspirgedfund.org.
| Executive summary
Nobody walks into an electronics store and thinks, “I’m going to buy something that breaks.”

Many of us have purchased something, or received a gift, that nearly immediately stopped
working. Many phones and laptops on the market are made to be so difficult to fix they become
essentially disposable. Consumers would like to choose electronics that are durable and fixable,
but how do we know which products are designed to last and which are destined for the dump?

This report calculates a repairability score for the most popular cell phone and laptop brands, and
grades which manufacturers are designing devices to last and which are “Failing the Fix.”

Since January of 2021, France has required companies to provide detailed information about how
fixable certain products are, and to post an overall repair score at the point of sale.1 Our third
edition of “Failing the Fix” reviews the detailed repair information now available from this
requirement for 164 devices and tracks changes in grades since our last report. This year’s edition
also includes a section highlighting the three most repairable cell phones and laptops available on
the market from each manufacturer to guide consumers looking to buy a fixable device.

Overall, scores have increased for cell phones indicating that repair scores are continuing to
incentivize manufacturers to design more repairable products. Unfortunately, improvement has
not been consistent across product categories, with laptops having fallen according to several of
our measurements.

Motorola leads cell phone manufacturers with a C+, while Apple and Google are tied for second
place, each earning a C. Samsung lags with a C-. For laptop manufacturers, ASUS leads in
repairability with a B+, followed by Acer with a B, DELL and Microsoft are tied for third each
scoring a C+ grade, HP and Lenovo follow each earning a C, and Apple is in last place with a D.

Some notable trends from last year have continued, including that Chromebooks, while more
affordable than other devices, continue to be less repairable than other laptops.2 Apple continues
to be in last place for laptop manufacturers, but improved the most among cell phone
manufacturers, surpassing last year’s D to earn a C this year. The iPhone maker’s higher marks
partially result from a significant increase in the ease of disassembly of their products.3

Unrepairable devices are a disaster for the environment and fuel a growing electronic waste crisis.
Globally, we trash 59 million tons of used electronics (the weight of 161 Empire State Buildings)
each year.4 Electronic waste is the fastest growing waste stream in the world,5 and the U.S. EPA
reports that it is the fastest growing part of our domestic municipal waste stream.6

Fixable devices are also a boon for Americans looking to save money. An average family spends
nearly $1,500 on new electronics per year. A previous PIRG report found that consumers could
save a combined $40 billion if they were able to repair instead of replace products and extend the
lifespans of their electronics by 50 percent.7

This detailed repairability information provided by manufacturers in France are composed of five
categories which help consumers understand what challenges they could face during repair. Our
report more heavily weights the disassembly score because we think this better reflects what
consumers think a repairability score indicates and because the other categories can be country
specific. Consumers’ ability to fix their devices is limited by efforts to stop the Right to Repair, so
our final grades remove points from companies who are members of trade groups which lobby
against repair legislation. This year’s addition also deducts points if manufacturers don’t easily
provide full information on how they calculated their products' repair scores. (See more in the
methodology section.)

Consumers who seek to purchase easily repairable products – especially from companies who do
not fight to prevent Right to Repair – can use these grades as a starting point for comparison
shopping. Additionally, repair scores encourage companies to design products that are repairable
and stop supporting trade associations that lobby against Right to Repair legislation. Both are
important steps to protect consumers and our planet.
| Findings
| France’s repairability index
The European Union’s Ecodesign Directive, established in 2009, sets goals to improve the
environmental performance of consumer products around energy usage and sustainability by
“bringing all products produced or sold in the EU in line with technical standards for
sustainability.”8 The European Parliament, as part of that directive, voted in November 2020 to
approve new repairability measures, in order to address the rise in throwaway electronics. Part of
that measure requires the European Union to create repairability and durability labels for
consumer products, which the European Commission is tasked with developing, with the goal of
addressing the shortening lifespans of electronics.9

France debuted the first repairability scores in January 2021, ahead of an EU-wide law requiring
other countries to follow suit.10 These labels are meant to incentivize manufacturers to abandon
unsustainable design practices such as designing products that are impossible to repair, requiring
proprietary tools, refusing to provide access to tools or service instructions, and other anti-repair

On behalf of Samsung, OpinionWay investigated how the French repairability index has influenced
French consumer attitudes and behavior since its introduction on January 1, 2021. Among the key
findings: 71% have heard about the index, and 86% say that the index impacts their purchasing
behavior – including 8 out of 10 who indicated they would give up their favorite brand for a more
repairable product.11

These concerns resonate on both sides of the Atlantic. American consumers also expect to be able
to repair devices, but without repair scores don’t know which devices will meet their expectations.
A 2021 study of U.S. consumers, conducted by Aaron Perzanowski, revealed consumers expect to
be able to repair consumer electronics such as tablets, smart speakers, digital cameras, and smart
refrigerators.12 “Across device categories, 83% of consumers agreed with the proposition that they
have the right to repair devices they purchase themselves or to take them to the repair shop of
their choice. 59% reported that they would be very or somewhat surprised to learn that a
manufacturer limited their ability to repair a device they purchased.”13 These findings underscore
that consumers need better information about whether the products they buy are repairable, such
as by publishing a repair score.

The repairability index scores devices on five criteria, with a max score of 20 for each criterion.
Those criteria are: availability of repair documentation (manuals and service guides), ease of
disassembly (how easy or hard it is to open the device), availability of spare parts, affordability of
spare parts (calculated as a percentage of the cost of the whole product), and a device-specific
category. The scores for the five categories are then summed and divided by 10 to create a total
score ranging from 0 to 10.
Our grade more heavily weighs the disassembly score, and deducts points for failing to provide full
scoring information and for membership in anti-Right to Repair trade organizations (more on our
process and rationale in the Methodology portion of this report). This edition reviews devices that
were available for sale directly from manufacturers in January 2024.
| Laptop drill down
Missing Trade
Laptop Scored Average FR Disassembly average scores PDFs Association Letter
Manufacturers Devices score (out of 10) deduction Modification Grade Grade
Acer 14 6.9 8.1 -0.20 0 7.3 B
Apple 8 6.6 4.0 0.00 -1 4.3 D
ASUS 14 7.4 9.1 0.00 -0.5 7.7 B+
DELL 48 7.5 7.6 -0.20 -1 6.3 C+
HP 33 6.2 7.8 -0.40 -1 5.6 C
Lenovo 6 7.0 6.6 -0.80 -0.5 5.5 C
Microsoft 6 6.4 8.0 -0.40 -0.5 6.3 C+

Avg across
manufacturers 6.9 7.3 6.2
Table 1. Laptop overview

Asus has overtaken Dell to score the highest grade among laptop manufacturers this year with a
B+. Second place is taken up by Acer with a B, DELL and Microsoft are tied for third each scoring a
C+ grade, HP and Lenovo follow each earning a C, and Apple is in last place with a D. Looking at the
column “Missing scores PDFs deduction” we can see that Lenovo lost the most points for having a
large number of devices with missing full score breakdowns. (See the Methodology section for
more). HP, Microsoft, and Acer lost points for not providing all the repair score breakdowns as
well. We also removed points for membership in trade associations that fight against the Right to
Repair (see Methodology section) with Apple, Dell, and HP all losing a full point for membership in
both TechNet and the Consumer Technology Association (CTA), and Asus, Lenovo, and Microsoft
losing half a point for their membership in one of these anti-consumer associations. Acer was the
only manufacturer who didn’t lose any points for membership in a trade association that lobbies
against repair.

Drilling down further into the five different categories that comprise the French score provides
additional insight into where manufacturers excel or lag in terms of supporting repair. We can see
that the average French repair score across manufacturers increased slightly from 6.5 in last year’s
edition to 6.9 this year. Unfortunately, the average disassembly score across manufacturers
decreased from last year’s 7.5 to 7.3 this year. This indicates that manufacturers are failing to
design laptops that are easier to disassemble and repair. We weigh this category more heavily than
the others in our manufacturer grades (see Methodology section) given that we believe it most
accurately represents the concerns consumers have when considering repairability.
FY24 FY23 FY24 FY23 FY24 Disassembly Difference
Laptop Scored Scored Average FR Average FR Disassembly average (out of FY24 FY23 in Grades
Manufacturers Devices Devices score Score average (out of 10) 10) Grade Grade FY24-FY23
Acer 14 32 6.9 6.4 8.1 7.7 7.3 7.0 0.3
Apple 8 9 6.6 6.2 4.0 3.5 4.3 3.3 1.0
ASUS 14 55 7.4 6.8 9.1 9.2 7.7 7.7 0.0
DELL 48 42 7.5 7.3 7.6 9.6 6.3 7.9 -1.6
HP 33 56 6.2 6.7 7.8 8.5 5.6 7.1 -1.5
Lenovo 6 40 7.0 7.5 6.6 6.8 5.5 6.9 -1.4
Microsoft 6 6 6.4 4.6 8.0 7.2 6.3 4.9 1.4

Avg across
manufacturers 6.9 6.5 7.3 7.5 6.2 6.4
Table 2. Laptop overview compared to last year (FY23)

The following table compares the breakdown on the five categories that comprise the overall
French repair score with the results from last year’s edition. We can see that the averages across
manufacturers for documentation, parts availability, parts pricing, and the final laptop-specific
category have all increased, as previously noted the most important category in our analysis,
disassembly, has decreased slightly from last year.

FY24 FY23 FY24 FY23 Cat 3: FY24
Cat 1: Cat 1: Cat 2: Cat 2: FY24 Parts Cat 4: FY23 FY24 FY23
Laptop Documentati Documenta Disassem Disassem Cat 3: Parts Availabili Parts Cat 4: Parts Cat 5: Cat 5:
Manufacturers on tion bly bly Availability ty Pricing Pricing Specific Specific
Acer 16.9 16.9 16.1 15.3 13.9 10.5 2.1 1.2 19.8 19.6
Apple 15.4 14.0 8.0 6.9 13.2 11.7 9.8 9.7 20.0 20.0
ASUS 17.0 13.2 18.2 18.3 5.4 2.2 14.1 15.9 19.3 18.2
DELL 16.6 17.0 15.1 19.2 14.6 12.1 8.8 4.5 20.0 20.0
HP 17.9 17.0 15.7 17.0 4.9 7.8 3.0 5.6 20.0 20.0
Lenovo 18.5 18.5 13.2 13.5 14.1 14.1 4.5 10.3 20.0 18.8
Microsoft 15.4 13.1 16.0 14.5 8.1 3.4 8.7 0.0 15.5 15.5

Avg across
manufacturers 16.8 15.7 14.6 15.0 10.6 8.8 7.3 6.7 19.2 18.9
Table 3. Laptop repair score category breakdown

Finally this table compares the repair store and disassembly score for the 10 laptops which we
identified as Chromebooks. Overall the average repair score across Chromebook devices of all
manufacturers was 6.3 compared to an average of 7.0 for all other laptops. Again focusing on the
disassembly category which we identify as the most important in our analysis, the average across
Chromebook laptops was 14.9, lower than the average of 15.2 across all other laptops. Both of
these lower averages indicate that while often considered an affordable choice for individuals or
schools, Chromebooks are on average less repairable than other laptops.

Category 2:
Brand US Device Name and Model Score Disassembly
DELL Latitude 3140 Laptop or 2-in-1 8.8 19.3
ASUS ASUS Chromebook Plus CX34 (CX3402) 7.4 19.5
ASUS ASUS Chromebook CM14 Flip (CM1402F) 6.4 19.5
Acer Acer Chromebook Plus 515 - CB515-2H-31NY 6.4 15.5
DELL Latitude 5430 Chromebook 6.6 14.7
DELL Latitude 3445 Chromebook 6.4 13.5
ASUS ASUS Chromebook C423 4.7 15.5
DELL Chromebook 3110 Laptop 5.7 10.8
HP HP Chromebook 15a-na0047nr 5.2 11.5
HP HP Chromebook 15a-nb0097nr 5.1 9.5

Chromebook average 6.3 14.9

Average of all other laptops 7.0 15.2
Table 4. Chromebooks
| Cellphone drill down
Cellphone Scored Average FR Disassembly Missing scores Association Letter
Manufacturers Devices score average (out of 10) PDFs deduction Modification Grade Grade
Apple 8 7.1 6.4 0.00 -1 5.7 C
Google 6 7.5 5.9 0.00 -1 5.7 C
Motorola 5 6.6 6.0 0.00 0 6.3 C+
Samsung 16 8.2 4.2 -0.20 -1 5.0 C-

avg 7.4 5.6 5.7

Table 5. Cellphone overview

Grades were relatively clustered this year among cellphone manufacturers due to a decrease from
Motorola compared to last year’s edition and promising increases from Apple and Google.
Motorola leads with a C+, while Apple and Google are tied for second place, each earning a C.
Samsung lags with a C-. Only Samsung lost points for missing the full breakdown of repair score
PDFs, but all manufacturers besides Motorola lost a full point due to membership in both
anti-Right to Repair trade associations.

FY24 FY23
FY24 FY23 FY24 FY23 Disassembly Disassembly Difference in
Cellphone Scored Scored Average FR Average FR average (out of average (out of FY24 FY23 Grades
Manufacturers Devices Devices score Score 10) 10) Grade Grade FY24-FY23
Apple 8 9 7.1 6.6 6.4 4.8 5.7 4.2 1.5
Google 6 5 7.5 6.7 5.9 5.8 5.7 4.7 1.0
Motorola 5 39 6.6 7.0 6.0 7.4 6.3 7.2 -0.9
Samsung 16 37 8.2 7.9 4.2 3.9 5.0 5.6 -0.6

avg 7.4 7.1 5.6 5.5 5.7 5.4

Table 6. Cellphone overview compared to last year (FY23)

Reviewing the table above which compares scores from the last edition to this year, we can see
that Apple improved the most with a 1.5 increase in their overall grade. This largely comes from
their 1.6 increase in disassembly average indicating that the iPhone maker has improved the
ability to take apart and fix their phones. Google is tied for second place overall and second place
in terms of improvement, but as we can see in the below table comparing the five categories that
constitute the overall repair score, their improvement is mostly from documentation and parts
availability. We give less weight to these categories than disassembly in our overall manufacturer
grade. Motorola, while still the top scoring cellphone manufacturer, also fell the most from last
year due to a decrease in average disassembly scores. Samsung also had a lower score than last
year due to their membership in lobbying trade associations and missing score PDFs.
FY24 FY23 FY24 FY23 FY24 FY23
Cat 1: Cat 1: Cat 2: Cat 2: FY24 FY23 Cat 4: Cat 4: FY24 FY23
Cellphone Document Documenta Disassem Disassem Cat 3: Parts Cat 3: Parts Parts Parts Cat 5: Cat 5:
Manufacturers ation tion bly bly Availability Availability Pricing Pricing Specific Specific
Apple 14.6 13.7 12.7 9.5 14.1 11.9 10.0 10.6 20.0 20
Google 11.9 7.0 11.8 11.6 13.3 10.3 19.8 19.8 18.7 18
Motorola 13.8 13.8 12.0 14.7 5.3 5.5 16.8 18.2 18.0 18
Samsung 17.7 16.6 8.3 7.7 16.6 16.0 19.6 19.0 20.0 19.8

avg 14.5 12.8 11.2 10.9 12.3 10.9 16.5 16.9 19.2 18.95
Table 7. Cellphone repair score category breakdown

Reviewing the above table which compares the breakdown on the five categories that comprise
the overall French repair score with the results from last year’s edition highlights improvements in
the averages across manufacturers in all categories besides parts pricing. In general, cellphones
are getting more repairable with better documentation, spare parts availability, and easier
| Conclusion
Some devices are not easily repairable, and it can be difficult to know which ones are hard to fix:
Consumers need better information about repairability at the point of sale. Cellphones are
getting easier to open up and repair while laptops are failing the fix.

Having a repairable product requires that the product be designed to facilitate repairs, have an
ecosystem of support where owners can access parts and documentation, and consumers with
access to a range of repair businesses to provide service. Repair scores give valuable information
about the design of products and an indication of the support the manufacturer provides to the
repair ecosystem. Our score further reflects membership in trade associations which fight against
Right To Repair legislation, the availability of detailed repair scoring information, and the physical
ease of repairing devices.

The long-term value of a product is generally tied to its ability to keep working over time.
Consumers should be able to know if the product they are purchasing is repairable, as it impacts
the value of their purchase. Our report shows that some expensive models have low repair scores,
while other more affordable models are very repairable – so price alone does not convey how
repairable a product is, and therefore how long it will hold value. There is a significant benefit for
consumers to have access to this information as they make their purchases, especially because
consumers are significantly concerned about durability while comparison shopping. In a study by
Avery Dennison, almost 30% of consumers ranked durability as a top three concern and 48% as a
top five concern.14 Repairability transparency also increases incentives for manufacturers to make
more repairable products, resulting in significant environmental benefits.

More cellphones are designed to last

Apple is still in last place in terms of laptop manufacturers, but the iPhone maker improved the
most in terms of cellphones with a 1.5 increase in their overall grade. This largely comes from their
1.6 increase in the disassembly average indicating that Apple has improved the ability to take
apart and fix their phones. Across all cellphone manufacturers, we saw improvements in averages
across all five categories of the repair scores besides parts pricing. In general, cellphones are
getting more repairable with better documentation, spare parts availability, and easier

Software is a growing concern that threatens gains in repairability

Although newer iPhone models have been designed with more accessible hardware, software
locks still make them increasingly difficult to repair. For example, while the iPhone 14’s rear glass
panel makes it easier to disassemble, repair technicians and home fixers have encountered
software barriers to installing replacement parts.15 Even when using official Apple replacement
parts, fixers can receive Apple’s warning that they installed an “unknown part.” That’s because
DIY-fixers don’t have access to Apple’s software tools that allow them to officially “authenticate”
the repair. These restrictions are examples of a technique known as parts pairing, which is an
increasingly common barrier to repair.16 Apple isn’t the only tech company using software to
prevent repair: It’s a growing problem for consumers.17

Software support timelines can also pose a challenge to device longevity

Manufacturers often use software to push us into the whirlpool of replacement. They commonly
end software support after just a few years. Consumers deserve to know the “support date” that
guarantees the length of a product’s software support, so we’re not kept in the dark about when a
phone or laptop will reach its “death date.” Software support timelines are not currently included
in French repairs scores and therefore aren’t tracked in the manufacturer grades in this report.

Right to Repair reforms and Right to Repair scores would help consumers fix their stuff

Requiring companies to provide access to parts and service instructions, as well as any necessary
software tools, would improve repair scores across the board, and result in more products getting
fixed, avoiding electronic waste. By passing Right to Repair reforms at the state and national
levels, we can ensure consumers can fix their products.

Nobody walks into an electronics store looking to buy something that breaks and can’t be repaired
or fixed. But right now we don't know which products are destined for the dump and which are
designed to last. There needs to be a consistent repair score criteria that allows apples-to-apples
comparisons, just like other successful labeling programs such as automobile fuel economy
stickers. U.S. Right to Repair scores, similar to the scoring system in France used by this report,
provide transparency in the marketplace by providing consumers with a simple way to compare
repairability across products. These scores are like fuel economy stickers for repairability.

State lawmakers and the federal government can act to provide consumers with the information
they need to choose repairable products. Many retailers and manufacturers already have these
scores due to the French repair score policy and should voluntarily provide them to U.S.
| Methodology
This report compared scores from the same manufacturers in the last two editions in order to
capture trends over time. For the inaugural edition, in order to select which brands to compare, we
reviewed popular laptop manufacturers in the American market, of which the top eight were HP,
Dell, Apple, Acer, Lenovo, Asus, Microsoft and Samsung.18 Because Samsung discontinued sales of
laptops in Europe, we could not review the French repair score for these products, so we scored
the remaining seven brands.19 For cellphones, we also reviewed popular brands.20 21 Our final list of
most popular cellphone brands was Apple, Samsung, Motorola and Google.

We followed a three phase approach to collect devices and score them for this report. Phase one:
Devices from each manufacturer that met the inclusion criteria were listed. We included any
device in the US for sale directly from the manufacturer's website. We included
manufacturer-refurbished devices and those that were currently out of stock. We didn't include
devices that were only available from third party retailers.

Phase two: We searched for the device on French retailers to find the repair score breakdown
PDF. This PDF lists the model number and the score (out of 20) for the 5 categories that make up
the final device topline score (out of 10). In many cases, especially for laptop brands Acer, Asus, HP,
and Lenovo the model numbers used in the U.S. didn't match those used in France. We first
compared so-called "marketing names" (e.g. Vivobook 17X) and if the product pictures and these
“marketing names” matched for specific U.S. and French devices, we corresponded the French
model's repair score with the U.S. device. We then attempted to compare the model numbers to
determine a match. Model numbers often contained three sections separated by dashes. e.g.
xxx-xxx-xxx If the first two sections of a U.S. and French model number matched, we counted them
as corresponding models. If the second section was different we reviewed product photos, and if
the device housing (e.g. port placement, keyboard layouts) were identical, we counted them as
corresponding models. If we couldn't find a corresponding French model we marked this device as
"Not for sale in France."

Phase three: The repairability index scores devices on five criteria, with a max score of 20 for each
criterion, for a total of 100 points, and then divides the total by 10. Each score is based on a
worksheet which shows the breakdown of all five criteria. We searched for the full repair score
breakdown PDF on the French version of the manufacturer's website and on third-party retailers
boulanger.com and amazon.fr. If we couldn't find the full breakdown PDF on any of these three
sources we marked the device as "No PDF." We did not include products for which we could not
locate this detailed scoring information.

If we found the PDF we transcribed the five score categories. The overall French score was
calculated as a sum of the five categories divided by 10 to calculate a topline score out of 10. We
use this calculated score in the report if the topline score for the device was either misreported or
rounded incorrectly.
Some brands provided a full accounting of all their repair scores in one central place, while others
posted it alongside each product individually. Motorola deserves credit for displaying their scores
the most accessibly, allowing consumers to easily review them while shopping.22 Microsoft and
Apple link to their scores on a less accessible support page rather than on the store listing for each
device.23 24

There were a number of products which did not seem to be sold in France and for which we could
not find a repair score. Manufacturers didn’t receive any sort of deduction for U.S. models not
being available in France. On the other hand, some devices were available in France but had no
links to the full score breakdown, broken links, or links to documentation that didn’t include the
device’s full repair scores. This year, we removed points from manufacturers for those that had a
large number of missing full score PDF, noted as “No PDF” in the below tables. Lenovo was the
worst at providing complete scoring information with 19 devices that were missing full scoring
breakdowns or 76% of the total devices available for sale in France that didn’t have scoring
information. When we called French Lenovo customer service we were told that the devices were
too new and the repair scores would be provided at an unspecified date.25

Cellphone Percent "No

Manufacturers Scored Devices Total "No PDF." PDF." Modification
Apple 8 0 0% 0.00
Google 6 0 0% 0.00
Motorola 5 0 0% 0.00
Samsung 16 2 11% -0.20
Table 8. Cellphone “No PDF” deductions

Laptop Percent "No

Manufacturers Scored Devices Total "No PDF." PDF." Modification
Acer 14 1 7% -0.20
Apple 8 0 0% 0.00
ASUS 14 0 0% 0.00
DELL 48 4 8% -0.20
HP 33 12 27% -0.40
Lenovo 6 19 76% -0.80
Microsoft 6 2 25% -0.40
Table 9. Laptop “No PDF” deductions
Percent "No
PDF." Modification
0% - 10% -0.20
11% - 20% -0.20
21% - 30% -0.40
31% - 40% -0.40
41%+ -0.60
51-60% -0.60
61-70% -0.80
71-80% -0.80
81%+ -1.0
Table 10. “No PDF” grade modifications

Calculating manufacturer grades: Our overall process was similar to last year’s edition with some
changes to the deductions for trade association membership and the addition of deductions for
missing score PDFs. Just as last year, in calculating the final grade, we decided to give significant
weight to the physical ease of disassembly of the product. Because a large portion of the French
score gauges access to repair manuals and spare parts, and that access can change over time or
from country to country, we wanted the score to reflect the design of the product more
prominently. We believe this is what consumers generally expect when learning about a “repair
score.” Each company grade averages the total French score and the disassembly score with equal
weight, and then deducts 0.5 points for each case of membership in TechNet or Consumer
Technology Association (CTA). The full deductions for trade association membership are listed
below. While Lenovo owns Motorola, just as last year we decided against deducting Lenovo’s trade
association memberships from Motorola, since the brand has its own association memberships
and appears to act independently. We removed deductions for so-called "direct lobbying" that had
been present in previous editions because at this point many manufacturers have both supported
and opposed various state Right to Repair bills. We wanted to highlight the consistent opposition
of TechNet and CTA towards all Right to Repair policies. As described above, this year we also
calculated the percentage of all devices which were also for sale in France yet were missing the full
score breakdown PDF. We deduct between 0.20 and 1.0 points from the manufacturer's final
grade according to the tables above.
TechNet Membership CTA Membership Grade
Companies -0.5 to grade -0.5 to grade Modification
Acer no no 0
Apple yes yes -1
Asus no yes -0.5
DELL yes yes -1
Google yes yes -1
HP yes yes -1
Lenovo no yes -0.5
Microsoft no yes -0.5
Motorola no no 0
Samsung yes yes -1
Table 11. Manufacturer trade association membership details

Our manufacturer grades, out of ten, were translated to letter grades using the following
breakdown from the previous editions of this report:

9 or above A+
8.5-8.99 A
8.0-8.49 A-
7.5-7.99 B+
7.0-7.49 B
6.5-6.99 B-
6-6.49 C+
5.5-5.99 C
5-5.49 C-
4.5-4.99 D+
4-4.49 D
3.0-3.99 D-
2.99 or below F
Table 12. Manufacturer grade to letter grades
| Endnotes
1. Maddie Stone, “Why France’s new ‘repairability index’ is a big deal,” Grist, Feb. 8, 2021.
2. See Laptop Breakdown section. Averaging scores across devices, Chromebooks scored a 6.3 vs an
average of 7.0 for all other laptops.
3. See Cellphone Breakdown section. Averaging scores across devices, Apple improved from a 4.8 average
disassembly score in last year’s edition to 6.4 in this edition.
4. “Electronic Waste Is Destroying the Planet, but We Can Fix That,” Arizona PIRG, April 27, 2021,
5. Matthew Gault, “The World Economic Forum Tells Davos: Electronics Are 'the Fastest-Growing Waste Stream in the
World’,” Vice (blog), January 29, 2019,
6. ORD US EPA, “Helping Communities Manage Electronic Waste,” Overviews and Factsheets, June 1, 2021,
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