12 RecruitmentNotice
12 RecruitmentNotice
12 RecruitmentNotice
(For Extending Age Relaxation and/or marks as applicable for recruitments in the Directorate of Education, A & N Administration)
Sl. Order No. and date Appointed as Nature of appointment Duty performed (Excluding long leave & Break period)
No. of appointment (Name of the post) (Full-Time/ Part-Time) From (DD/MM/YYYY) To (DD/MM/YYYY) No. of Days
Certified that this certificate is issued strictly as per appointment Order(s) and records of duty performed by the applicant in this institution. The No. of days mentioned
above excludes Long leave, Summer Holidays, Autumn break etc. The undersigned owes the authenticity of this experience Certificate.
Date: ………….…………………………
Place: ……………………………………
Signature of the Head of the Institution with office seal
Name of the HOI & Des.: ………………………………..……………………
UDISE School Code: …………………………………………………………….
Email ID of the School: ……………………………..…………………………
Phone/Mobile No: ………………………………………………………………..
(To be mandatorily countersigned by the designated authority as stipulated at Sl. No 09 (xi) in the vacancy notice)
Date: …………………………….……
Place: …………………………………
Countersign: ……………..…………………………………………..
Countersigned by (Name): ...…………………………………………………..
Designation: …………………….…………………………………………………..
Contact detail of signing authority: ………………….……..………………
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