Asia Continent Important Notes For Upcoming Exams (GK by Bright Way Academy) 3

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Asia (Sun 0) DAia is world Ep ontinenit by Mee /Y population > «eZ Wworlels. popula ion Hive In Ale: U2 larlocked Court , 9 [exaust worlds % Asia’ buget dandlacked Court’ 4 a Gutiv) in Abia BD Red Sea is [cape pint of Asia- 03466 266402 India (21 stole) ) SS (7 tennitonits). Bp fepublic it India & 26 Jan —y Republic Dey ap oct (1949) — pate of Constitution BD World Longest Demet saty - ® 2nd! fusgest Country by Pop: 0) Th Laugest Country by Opler - wp largest Lamol boaucter wil. bamgladlesh gp Veatr, %4 Meprul(1764) a Layest Cty —> Mumbai g 1940 —> bre ble Sndlia, “y Ching. Grigut wad Arcadymy une BD Kasai is [s¢ Capitol Wal Capital Rawwadp ind 1959 a Sslambacl (4 August(I96R) ap Sslamic Republic 44 fakiston ial Mame. ) BDU parallel Bint booueles bv ak Indi BD 381913 bem Mea- old Name —=>caybore | 43S Inctpendont in (1948) Ss Change 44 Nume C19 7) Giteracy Ralt id Wighost 977 Eshirrele of - Bamoladtsh lb pecember : Septal uk. ap [rk cepted ote 3 year . "ap olving 2nd mecting { OIC with hold in labore in (9qy BH Crood pop contro! policy Bp Phek. > uty of Mosques , 2 Bangladesh —p lane of oon PEK: SD People’s Mypblic a bangladesh world fugest Polta BSAC 3 Countsits. wb (8 bec 1985) ° a Fortna —»> pispuhve tesrito Bhus Indi 4 Bamgladtosh wD26 Much Republi Doy + 8 Loupthle pyst” STilemka A" a Snel Maes mes PAIN Nepal uv Vv Bamgldisn giagarn Highanisten nepal Lord Ructha Born here Khodmandia—> Capital Country of moturhrir’s - Bhutam vy ' “himphu—> Capitol hye Camel 4 fkumdewstorm . G Couraemey —>N galtrum- Dokhlom —sTinitory bho Sptia 5 Bhutan, Maldives Smallest Mushion County in the Lor ld. R upiyen —> lurrtncy ¢ Afghanistan eS (igs) Puranct Line Bocacler blu Bak Mpghenistan C26lliém) Bovren: kabul River enter to fk from Apghanistevn. i province touch to Iakistan bownoley. koh-Hndukush abso ents to fale tan from deg hanis tan, Soult. Cont Asia gerasl Modaysia <— Mm B 8B So Singapore yj Vv Burma Philipines PT —vviltam Freshen Indorvine C Lo loas. J Comburtia. + East Tims - (Maxyamme, w ‘¢ (Burma) « @ Kyat —> Gyital wblic & Wri 4 Myanmas at i i Cepial Mame ((935) Seperate from Indbia- loas Videtane —y Capitol Loma 4 hice % Tea Kip —> cwroney Loon, people Demothatic Lopublic (official Wane) Coulh: East Asion gnty Land lnched Country. me kong River. pases Mirouge Thailemd yn lam of white oy while elyphant es Vee fowl uh hanko kK —> Capitol nw boghat —> Gusinty Kr city of elephants . ie Combodia ° Phnom pon. —> Capital Rel —> auaeney Kingdon m & Combodia G al Nevne ) Aorld's Lagest 4€mple in Combed’ y, vitnann Hanoy —> heal Dong — untny Gulf of Folin — Blu thing Y Vietnam, Aaoys Kolalanmpus —> capital Ring t — canincy Mohatiy Muhammad fom Malaysia $i Singapore yn Singapore uty —> Gyitel Jndontsia grt ve , Futasta —» Copia SYR ot Repih —> Cumeny (ys Fneugh equator Worb!'s Largest Bland lounrry. Land Nglanal Nasuntra — 7 New Capital Soul China, Sea — world Lanyes thea UA & Landa —7 49" parallel Lre > Worl Lagest ovalth (Mongolia Tonga —> Curkimcy Destroy Abbasicl dynasty Start from Maile Wann botoA—> Gpitel landlocked Country 2n4 Gobi desert —> most put laeh af Blue 4 x "Nort Kove Kovea WA fete eu, eee wr 38 “pote! tine “ae Nora Kolen to South Kore 4 Seyesalé in (1995) . lama of Morning Calm: £ Souk. Koyea NS Seoul —> Capitel ~ S v Ba Won —> Caurency Ropubli ct 4 Coult Korea iste =) TohKent —> Capital eed fom —> Cursinty wringet County by por in Ceontyal Asia sl sna ted Loe. WS ; § Rar) ® 607. Los in Asia. "| L407. Lies in Susipe - B® (wilds lagest Country DY Wea- B® (50 —3(/922) p> BDivide in 15 state. eUlixine Sepuraié (1991) Y : ay2” laugest power 4 world. w y B® Jranstontinintal Country. ie B || Lrve 2orres ed S wp Deepest lake —> boikal. cis) (a8 wy longest iver 4 Europe —volga lila Liver. aw Baring Streit Sepecold Lusia. from ANAICK , Most populas Uirosbi pant TOON 08 ie tie. 4a Nagasaki D> fokoyo—> Capital w) Yen > evuney ue uf wr 6300 —> islamols ep ll nant —> kyoto o” &® (ond of Bsiny Sun: w7ged peopl al in Jopon,

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