My Project
My Project
My Project
This project aims to explore Michael Eneyo's Philosophy of Unity as a catalyst for socio-political
inclusivity. In his book, "Philosophy of Unity: Love as an Ultimate Unifier," Eneyo presents a
compelling argument for fostering unity as a means to address social and political divisions and
promote inclusivity.
The project will analyze the main tenets of Eneyo's philosophy, focusing on the central concept
of love as the ultimate unifying force. It will examine how embracing love and understanding
across diverse societal groups can lead to greater empathy, tolerance, and acceptance, thereby
fostering a more inclusive and harmonious society.
Furthermore, this research will investigate the practical implications of implementing Eneyo's
philosophy within the socio-political landscape. It will explore case studies and examine political
contexts to understand how unity can be utilized as a tool to bridge divisions and promote
inclusivity in diverse settings.
In Chapter Six of his book, Eneyo posits that "Exclusion is human's false belief that he can
achieve "all" by excluding "some" without realizing that the "some" he is excluding is part of the
"all" he is desiring (Eneyo, p.127). He draws our attention to the natural unity that exists in the
universe by arguing that the universe from its etymological viewpoint, means everything
becoming one or everything turning into one whole (p.10).
The project will also assess the potential of Eneyo's philosophy to counteract the detrimental
effects of identity politics and nationalism. By advocating for a shared humanity and the
recognition of our interdependence, Eneyo's philosophy offers an alternative to exclusionary
ideologies, promoting a sense of belonging and unity among individuals and communities,
because to him, everything is related to everything else.
Moreover, the research will critically look at the role of Eneyo's philosophy in facilitating
constructive dialogue and communication. By emphasizing respectful discourse and active
listening, this philosophy seeks to bridge divergent perspectives, fostering understanding and
collaboration across ideological divides. Eneyo holds the locus that the uniqueness of individual
beings is not a limitation to the oneness of all beings (p.19).
Additionally, the project will explore the practical steps that can be taken to incorporate Eneyo's
philosophy of unity into institutional frameworks and educational systems. It will evaluate the
potential impact of inclusive decision-making processes and equitable representation in
governance, as well as the integration of unity-focused teachings in formal education, aiming to
shape future generations committed to inclusivity.
Through thorough analysis and evaluation, this research aims to provide insights into the
relevance and applicability of Eneyo's Philosophy of Unity in promoting socio-political
inclusivity. It strives to identify practical recommendations for individuals, communities, and
policymakers seeking to implement inclusive practices and foster a more harmonious and
cohesive society. On this Eneyo opines that apart from our individual biological families, we also
belong to a larger family which is human family or family of human beings (p.209). In this
sense, every human being shares a common family, which is, family of human beings. By the
virtue of being a member of this family, human being becomes a Unifier to every individual
person. The family of human beings becomes inauthentic and incomplete when any human being
is working against or try to eliminate another human being. Eneyo is of the opinion that it is the
unity of every human being that the term "humanity” can attend its endpoint.
Finally, Michael Eneyo's philosophy of unity, as articulated in his book "Philosophy of Unity:
Love as an Ultimate Unifier," offers invaluable insights into the potential of unity as a catalyst
for socio-political inclusivity. This project aims to shed light on the importance of embracing
love and cultivating inclusive attitudes, providing practical recommendations for individuals and
institutions interested in fostering a more inclusive society. By building bridges and promoting
understanding, Eneyo's philosophy presents a means to overcome divisions and create a more
cohesive and harmonious future for all.
In the pursuit of a more inclusive and harmonious society, the importance of fostering socio-
political inclusivity cannot be understated. However, achieving this goal remains a significant
challenge due to various factors such as deep-seated social divisions, political polarization, and
the exclusion of marginalized groups.
Furthermore, the lack of a unifying philosophy or framework impedes progress towards socio-
political inclusivity by perpetuating divisions and preventing meaningful dialogue between
diverse stakeholders. To address these issues, it is essential to explore philosophies that can serve
as catalysts for unity and inclusivity. Michael Eneyo's Philosophy of Unity presents a unique
perspective on how love can act as an ultimate unifier, transcending societal divisions and
promoting inclusive governance. However, the specific problems that inhibit the effective
application of Eneyo's philosophy and the potential solutions it offers need to be examined and
understood in the world where division and disunity are the celebrated paradigms. By
investigating the challenges surrounding socio-political inclusivity and critically analyzing
Eneyo's Philosophy of Unity, this research aims to identify strategies for utilizing this framework
to bridge divisions, foster empathy, and promote inclusivity in contemporary society. Ultimately,
this study seeks to contribute to the advancement of a more unified and inclusive socio-political
landscape, where the voices and perspectives of all individuals are valued and respected.
The main objective of this study is to provide a philosophical appraisal of Michael Eneyo's
Philosophy of Unity as a catalyst for socio-political inclusivity.
1. To critically analyze Michael Eneyo's Philosophy of Unity and its fundamental principles.
2. To examine the potential impact of the Philosophy of Unity on socio-political structures and
3. To explore how the Philosophy of Unity can foster inclusivity and harmony across diverse
social and political groups.
4.To propose recommendations for incorporating the Philosophy of Unity into existing socio-
political frameworks to enhance inclusivity.
The methods employed in this project is solely expository, interpretative and evaluative.
Expository research involves a detailed revelation of facts; interpretative research involves social
theories and perspectives that embrace a view of reality as social constructed, while the
evaluative research encompasses critical thinking skills and the assessment of facts and
information relating to the research being conducted.
This work has both theoretical and practical significances. Theoretical significance, on the one
hand in the sense that it may be a source of reference and an academic text for further studies in
the field of philosophy, especially dealing with philosophy of unity. On the other hand, it has a
practical for it draws attention to the high level of exclusivity in the socio-political space of
The study on Michael Eneyo's Philosophy of Unity as a catalyst for socio-political inclusivity
offers several significant contributions and implications:
1. The findings of this study can provide a philosophical basis for promoting unity and
inclusivity in socio-political systems. By analyzing the principles and concepts of the Philosophy
of Unity, policymakers and leaders can gain insights into how to foster a sense of belonging and
cooperation among diverse populations.
2. Understanding the potential impact of the Philosophy of Unity on socio-political structures can
help guide the design and implementation of inclusive policies and practices. By adopting a
unity-based approach, policymakers can work towards reconciling societal divisions, reducing
marginalization, and building more cohesive societies.
3. The study addresses the pressing need to bridge divides in increasingly diverse societies. By
exploring how the Philosophy of Unity can overcome barriers and promote inclusivity, it offers
practical insights and approaches that can be implemented in real-world scenarios.
4. The findings of this study may have implications beyond socio-political contexts. The
Philosophy of Unity can have broader applications in various domains, such as interpersonal
relationships, education, and community development. Thus, its significance extends to fostering
harmony and cooperation across multiple aspects of society.
5. By critically appraising Eneyo's Philosophy of Unity, this study contributes to the broader field
of philosophy by offering alternative perspectives and frameworks for understanding and
addressing societal and political challenges. It adds to the existing discourse on unity and
inclusivity, enriching philosophical discussions and encouraging further research in this area.
In all, the significance of this study lies in its potential to promote unity and inclusivity in socio-
political structures and its broader implications for addressing divisions and promoting harmony
in diverse societies. Its findings can guide policymakers, leaders, and researchers in shaping
inclusive policies, fostering collaboration, and enhancing understanding among different social
and political groups.
This research is limited to Michael Eneyo’s work on philosophy of unity. Its bent-on elevating
how his stand on philosophy of unity should be the templet for a social inclusiveness amongst
the people.
This research project has a division of five chapters. chapter one: deals with the introductory part
of the work which introduces the whole structure of the study with the methodology.
furthermore, it states the problem of the study, the aim and objectives of the study, the
significance of the study and the scope of the study. chapter two: has it focus on the review of
related literature which traces its historical account in the history of thought, however, taking the
historical review style. chapter three: centers on philosophy of unity with particular reference to
Michael Eneyo stances on what philosophy of unity is, here it looks also at the implications of
Eneyo’s conceptual expressing of what philosophy of unity is. chapter four: has its proper
focuses in the exposition of the implication of Michael Eneyo’s philosophy of unity as a catalyst
for socio-political inclusivity with reference to the Nigerian society and also a critical evaluation
of the stud. chapter five: takes care of summary, conclusion and the study’s contributions to
knowledge. it is this final chapter that bears the writer’s opinion concerning the topic.
To prevent a pathetic situation of writhing aimlessly in an alluring subterranean space strewn
with shards of ambiguity and indecipherability, it is pertinent to employ words that are congenial
and will inevitably lead one to the shore of insurmountable comprehension. There is always a
prospect defeat to the aim, if terms are not crafted with amicable words that broaden the horizons
of the readers, and not mere ignis fatuous that is characterized by dim light and often misleads a
sojourner; one traipsing on an epistemic path to the corridors of academic truth.
Aristotle one of the most enigmatic philosophers that ever graced the face of the earth described
philosophy with a naturally sublime wordings. He saw philosophy as "the knowledge of truth"1.
He could not have put it more succinctly. Philosophy is simply an enterprise of the truth. This
invariably means that words that must be at the service of expatiating terms in philosophical
adventure must not be mired in obscurity. For the truth to be or near-truth to be attained all
manicles of indecipherability and vagueness must be extirpated. John New-Man in his famous
Latin epigram said”ex umbris et imaginibus in veritatem”, which means ”out of fantasy and
darkness into the truth”2.This is basically the raison d’être of this clarification of terms; to
expunge the treacherous webs of benightedness and fantasy, and elevate the glamorous banner
that leads to a good understanding of the discourse.
The three groups of words that are in dire need of clarification are the philosophy of unity, theory
of opposite and socia inclusivity. They embody the labyrinths of this work. This is why a proper
understanding of their meanings and contextual use will go a long way. To begin with,
philosophy of unity evokes a cascading train of thoughts in a critical mind. The aura of its
Joseph Omoregbe, Knowing Philosophy,Third Edition( Lagos: JojaEducationalResearch,1990),1
Andrew Beards,Philosophy The Quest For Truth and Meaning,Fisrt Edition(Minnesota: Liturgical Press
abstract splendour exudes redolence of intellectual gymnastics. In such numinous state it will not
fail to carve out an ethereal image on the mind.
To fathom the underpinnings of the above terms and their usage in this work the word
'Philosophy' must be clearly understood. Michael Bassey Eneyo in one of his works entitled
Philosophy of Unity asseverated that "Philosophy is a coinage of two Greek words; Philo and
Sophia, meaning love and wisdom"3. Literally, Philosophy means love of wisdom it is all about
search for wisdom; the search for the ultimate cause of reality. It is pertinent to note that
Philosophy has no single universally accepted definition because it is a continuous search for
truth; it seeks truth indefatigably. Omoregbe defined Philosophy as " a rational search for
answers to the questions that arise in our mind when we reflect on human experience"4. Michael
Maduawuchi Uzomah in his book entitled Introduction to Philosophy and History and
Philosophy of Science averse that "Philosophy is the king of all humanities and sciences (pure,
social and applied sciences) and the first conscious rational attempt by humans to critically and
systematically engage fundamental life issues and problems"5. This quite an excellent description
of Philosophy. Michael Bassey Eneyo defined Philosophy as "the study of about knowledge,
truth, meaning and the nature of anything that is regarded as being"6.'Unity' is another word in
the schematics of the topic of this work that initiates an avalanche of feelings ensconced in the
spirit of camaraderie and collective responsibility. The Merriam-Webster English dictionary
defines 'unity' as "the quality or state of not being multiple; ones" 7. This is a terse definition of
'unity’, it describes eloquently the how the word 'unity' is used in the work. also
lend credence to the inexorable nature of the word 'unity', it also defined as the "the state of
being one"8. The apparent description of the word embroidered in the fabric of oneness can be
traced to philosophy of antiquity. "Among the pre-Socratics, Parmenides noted that the cosmos
exists or simply is" 9. The cosmology of some of the ancient philosophers is laced with the
fabrics of unity, it has a profound philosophical significance. Michael Bassey Eneyo defined
Michael Bassey Eneyo, Philosophy of Unity: Love As An Ultimate Unifier, (London: Lightening Source UK Ltd), 3
Joseph Omoregbe, Knowing Philosophy,Third Edition( Lagos: JojaEducationalResearch,1990),3
Michael Maduawuchi Uzomah, Introduction to Philosophy and History and Philosophy of Science (Kaduna: All-well
Printing and Publishing Co), 4
Michael Bassey Eneyo, Philosophy of Unity: Love As An Ultimate Unifier, (London: Lightening Source UK Ltd), 4
"Unity". Merriam-Webster. Com. 2011.https: // November 2023)
"Unity". 2013. (28 November 2023)
Salmon E. G "Unity". New Catholic Encyclopedia. Encyclopedia. Com. Retrieved 28 November
Philosophy of Unity as "a philosophical study of the natural unity that exists between and among
beings"10. Philosophy of unity as used in this work emphasizes the unity that exists among
beings; a pristine unity imbued by the limpid stream of nature, a unity that permeates the fiber of
all beings.
The theory of opposites comprises two major words that will not fail to register an isomorphic
feeling on the mind. The clarification of the words before the exploration of their philosophical
underpinnings will inevitably materialize a good degree of comprehension with regard to what
Theory of opposites is all about. The Encyclopedia. Com defined 'theory' as "a supposition or a
system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles
independent of the thing to be explained" 11. This has made bare what theory is all about,
especially with regard to its use in 'the theory of opposites'. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary
defines 'opposite' as "contrary to one another or to a specified thing"12. The theory of opposites as
emblazoned on this work is not different from the meanings of the individual words. The
philosopher who championed the theory of opposites in the Greek antiquity was Empedocles. He
designated four elements that are responsible for bringing things into being and expunging them
from the plane of existence. The "forces of love and hatred combine or separate the four
elements"13. This is basically a contest between two forces: the force of unity and that of
division, their clash embodies the importance of unity and opposites. Michael Bassey Eneyo
defined theory of opposites as " philosophical discourse that tend to explain the natural existence
of things that are directly opposite each other and the possibility of these different contraries to
be explained in terms of contrast"14. The theory of opposites as used in this work is elegantly
embossed in the theory of unity to show the sacrosanct role it plays, and to buttress the fact that
differences do not disrupt unity, but strengthens its resolve.
Social inclusivity breeds an aura of tendentious unity, tendentious in this sense because it is
unattainable without unity. There must be unity for social inclusivity to thrive. Owing to the fact
that the adjective 'social' as used above relates to a society and its organization obviates the
Michael Bassey Eneyo, Philosophy of Unity: Love As An Ultimate Unifier, (London: Lightening Source UK Ltd), 4
"Theory". The Oxford Pocket Dictionary of Current English. Encyclopedia. Com. Retrieved 28 November 2023.
"Opposite". Merriam-Webster. Com. 2011.https: // 27 November 2023)
Silvano Borruso, A History of Philosophy, (Nairobi: Paulines Publications Africa)'40
Michael Bassey Eneyo, Philosophy of Unity: Love As An Ultimate Unifier, (London: Lightening Source UK Ltd),
necessity of conferring it with a naked elaboration. in defines 'inclusivity as "the
fact or policy of not excluding members or participants on grounds of gender, race, class,
sexuality etc. "15. Michael Bassey Eneyo asserted that "Philosophy of Unity emphasizes an
inclusive unity in which all factors and actors are accommodated and respected. It pays attention
to all ontologies and treat them as missing-links to all to all other beings"16. It is within the
confines of the above asseveration that this work situates social inclusivity.
"Inclusivity". 2013. (retrieved 28 November 2023)
Michael Bassey Eneyo, Philosophy of Unity: Love As An Ultimate Unifier, (London: Lightening Source UK Ltd), 107