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Benedict Pastoral Counseling

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How should pastors think about politics, and how can they shepherd their congregations
during an election season? Christians in every generation have debated these questions. Over the
years, several models and suggestions for Christian political and cultural engagement have been
proposed. All Christians are called by God to a life of discipleship and service to Christ. (Rom.
11:1-2). He, however, calls some to serve in roles of vocational Christian ministry. One of these
roles is pastoral ministry. The call to pastoral ministry is not merely an individual's choice in a
smorgasbord of good things to do. God's call is born of the Holy Spirit's work in the believer's
life and leads to the conviction that “This is the way, walk in it.”(Isa. 30:21)
Pastoral counseling help people to gain back their physical and spiritual strength, pastoral
ministry can’t be without counseling because church assume he knows everything, the major
discussion in this term paper is see the role of pastoral counseling in time of politics why because
many of pastors guilty of the role in which to play in time of political activities, many pastors
has lose their integrity because the role they supposed to play in politics is inactive.


Etymologically the word “pastor” means “shepherd” or “herdsman.” The word is derived
from the Latin word pascere, which means “to pasture” or “to feed.” Ancient cultures valued
shepherds differently. The pastor shall serve as the chief under-shepherd and overseer of this
local church, feeding, leading and nurturing the sheep. This person’s main responsibilities will be
to communicate God’s Word, minister to spiritual needs and provide biblical leadership for
The church.
Looking at the contemporary pastors it is difficult to understand who is truly a pastor,
Adetoyese give a broad definition of a pastor he echoes that;
“the word pastor Is a latin translation of a Greek word “poimen” which means
literally a “herdsmen” a “shepherd” the word “poime” means a “flock” or
“sheep”, poimana means to feed to tend a flock to shepherd the sheep. he further
it is the constant need of the care of shepherd and also the believers in Christ
pasturing a church and tendering the LORD flocks.”1
According to Dosunmu in his course note he stated that “a pastor is to feed, tend and shepherd
the people of God” MacArthur, John F., Jr; Mayhue, Richard; Thomas Robert, L. cited by
Dosunmu said “shepherding spiritual flocks is not so simple. it take more than a wandering
bumpkin to be a spiritual shepherd the standard are high, the requirement had to satisfy ( 1 tim
3:1-7). Not everyone can meet the qualification, and of those who do, few seem to excel at the
task.”2 being a Pastor call by God there are some physical steps that you will take, Oswald
chamber, said “we have to go to school among human souls, and we have to educate ourselves in
the Bible fact”3 in this 21st century young pastors are coming up that ignore the calling of God
and follow their own flash desire, some have this notion that ‘theological foundation is not

Adetoyese, John Olu, Handbook On Pastoral Theology (Oyo Nigeria: Co-Operation Shopping Complex,
Dosunmu J.A, Pastoral Theology Course Note ( Ecwa Theological Seminary Igbaja Kwara State,2021),3.
Oswald Chamber, Workmen Of God Cure Souls (London; Marshall, Morgan & Scott, U T D, 1958),13.
Counselling is a helping processes where one person gives his her time, attention and
skills to assist a client to explore the situation & mange Stress and that facilitates inter personal
relationships among client, family a health care team. syed Muhammad Sajjad Kabir
contributed that “Counseling is an art and science. It’s a short term, interpersonal, theory based,
helping profession. Its aim is to resolve developmental and situational difficulties. Counseling
helps to bring change in life: Change in thought; Change in emotion; and Change in behavior”.4

Counseling is a profession. Practitioners should complete a prescribed course of study

usually leading to a master’s degree or a doctorate degree. Counselors are members of
organizations that set professional and ethical standards and promote state licensing and
certification by national associations 5. The process of certification and licensing and the
adherence to ethical codes assure the public that the counselor meets minimal educational and
professional standards. Counselors should possess personal qualities of maturity, empathy, and
warmth. Overall, counseling is active and differs considerably from passively listening to


Pastoral counseling has been defined in several ways by several scholars, pastoral
counseling has no specific definition because everyone saw it on his/her perspective in a general
sense pastoral counseling offers a relationship to that understanding of life and faith. Pastoral
counseling uses both psychological and theological resources to deepen its understanding of the
pastoral relationship. Pastoral counseling is a branch of counseling in
which psychologically trained ministers, rabbis, priests, imams, and other persons provide
therapy services. According to Benner David, “Pastoral counselors often integrate modern
psychological thought and method with traditional religious training in an effort to address
psychospiritual issues in addition to the traditional spectrum of counseling services”. 6Pastoral
counselors are representatives of the central images of life and its meaning affirmed by their
religious communities.
“Pastoral Counseling is a unique form of psychotherapy which uses
spiritual resources as well as psychological understanding for healing and
growth. It is provided by certified pastoral counselors, who are not only
mental health professionals but who have also had in-depth religious
and/or theological training”.7
Counseling at Dwell Community Church is different from counseling in the mental health
community. Pastoral counseling seeks to help people respond to God's direction as taught in the
Bible in the areas of lifestyle, love relationships, and serving others. “Pastoral counseling is a
therapeutic approach that utilizes both psychological and theological practices and concepts.
Syed Muhammad Sajjad Kabir, “Introduction To Counseling” Accessed On 9 November 2022
John Patton, Pastoral Counselling: A Ministry of the Church, Published by Abingdon
Press, Nashville, 1983, 10.
Benner, David G, Strategic Pastoral Counseling: A Short-Term Structured Mode (Grand Rapids MI:
Baker Academic,2003),13–14.
N.A., “A Definition of Pastoral Counseling” accessed on 3/10/2022. https://counselingcenter.org/a-
While its foundation is similar to other therapeutic processes, pastoral counseling differs by its
inclusion of spirituality and faith.”8Pastoral care is one of the important ministries of the church.
Throughout the Bible, we read about the act of God’s caring for his people. It is also understood
as the ‘care of the soul’ and has a theological ground. Through the Bible, God addressed as
Israelites shepherd who is the one who watches guides, feeds, provides, protects leads and
controls them. (Jn 18:1-11; 21: 16, 17)9
When we are talking about politics, politics have been defined in severer ways by severer
scholars. Etymologically the word politics is derive from the Greek word polis which means
“city or state” In a layman language. Politics is the art of government, Public affairs. Also Politic
in its broadest sense is the activity through which people make, preserve and amend the general
rules under which they live. Or is the existence of rival opinions, different wants, competing
needs and opposing interests guarantees disagreement about the rules under which people live.
On the other hand, people recognize politics, in order to influence these rules or ensure that they
are upheld; they must work with others, David Closson said “politics” is synonymous with
deception, conflict, and division and invokes images of candidates clashing on TV or a nasty
campaign and denouncing an opponent. However, narrowly interpreting politics to refer to
politicians, campaigns, or an apparatus of the state is a truncated view. 10 Aristotle defines Politics
“The activity through which people make, preserve and amend the
general rules under which they live. As such, it is an essentially social
activity, in extricable linked, on the one hand, to the existence of diversity
and conflict, and, on the other, to a willingness to cooperate and act
collectively. Politics is better seen as a search for conflict resolution than
as its achievement, as not all conflicts are, or can be, resolved”.11
Politics has been understood differently by different thinkers and within different
traditions. Politics has been viewed as the art of government or as ‘what concerns the state’; as
the conduct and management of public affairs; as the resolution of conflict through debate and
compromise; and as the production, distribution and use of resources in the course of social
existence. Appadorai said “when a body of people is clearly organize as a unit for purpose of
government, then it is said to be political”. 12 When the body is organized it may be called politics
or state- a society politically organized.

N.A. “Benefits of Pastoral Counseling for Breaking Addiction” Accessed On 3/10/2022.

N.A, “what is pastoral care” retrieved on 23 November 2022 from https://mahasoe.com/2021/07/23/what-
David Closson, Biblical Principles For Political Engagemen: Worldview, Issues, And Voting (U. S.A:
Intervesity Press,2001),14.
Aristotle “classification of state: a detail analysis accessed 18/9/2022.
A Appadorai, The Substance Of Politics (India Rashtriya: Oxford University Press,2004),3.
Ethics is a branch of study which investigates the law of morality and formulates rules of
conduct. It deals with the rightness and wrongness of man’s conduct and the ideal towards which
man is working. What is the basis of moral obligation? What do we mean by right action? How
are we to distinguish a right from a wrong one? These are the some of the question with which
ethics concerns itself. According to Lord Action cited by Appadorai said “the great question for
politics is to discover not what government prescribe but what they ought to prescribe”, 13 the
connection between ethics and politics is clear, on every political issue the question may be
raised whether it is right or wrong. Politics is conditioned by ethics because politics has to do
with right of individual the function of government and relations of state with state. Every one of
these has a moral aspect. The end of state has been formulated by the greatest political thinkers
in terms of moral value. Aristotle said “while the state comes into existence for the sake of life, it
continues to exist for the sake of good”. 14 The right of individuals which deserve recognition by
the state can be defined only in a moral context. Since Politics is conditioned by ethics it shows
that every individual has right to partake in politics since it did not specify if it is a religious
obligation nor tribalism then Christians has the right to partake.

It is a common saying that if good men keep quiet in a morally bankrupt society, then
they themselves should be ready to go down the drain with those corrupting that society. The
calibre of men and women who are into partisan politics are well-known in the society.
However, a great number of them have questionable character and tainted records. Majority of
them are not role models for the youth based on the behavior they exhibit. These are Reason why
politics is regard as dirty
 Politicians are the best at telling the electorates a good number of promises they will not
 Some morally-upright persons see politics as a dirty game

 All political dispensations have the challenges they tackle

“The poor masses in Nigeria cry everyday based on how the nation is going.
Politicians do not draw sympathy from this. The political class go about
gallivanting all over the world in exotic hotels and highly serene environment,
while the citizens pass through hell. It is not an overstatement to reason
sometimes if politicians are compassionate. Moreso, it should not surprise anyone
who understands politics that it is always the same story politicians tell the
electorates when they campaign during elections.”15


Ibid, 10.
Aristotle Aristocracy, “Classification Of State” https://kailashafoundation.org/2017/08/23/classification-
Oladele Hakeem, “Three Reasons Politics Is Regarded As A Dirty Game”Https://Www.Legit.Ng/929206-
Revealed-Three-Reasons-Politics-Called-Dirty-Game.Html accessed 15/9/2022
Pastoral counsel play a vital role in politics, every member believes pastors have answer to
every question, since the pastor is the spiritual father they assume he can solved their problems.
As a counselor u are expected to counsel people on how to conduct themselves in time of
election, as a pastoral, counselor these are the role to perform in politics;
1. Encourage members to participate in politics: Most Christians believes that politics is
a dirty game and everyone who engaged in politics is a sinner, When I was still a child I
told anyone who participate in politics is a Ritualist, looking at how things are happening
in our country today, it has becomes challenge to me and I believe not only me likewise
other. This is one of the reason why some Christians refused to join politics because they
think politics is a dirty game but the question is ‘can Christians overlook all these
misfortune seeing how our country is falling apart’? We neglect the aspect of politics
long ago and that is what Muslims are using oppressing us today. David Closson, said
“we live in a time of acute political polarization, exacerbated every election cycle by a
24-hour barrage of candidate advertisements on every communication platform.
Unfortunately, the toxic tone and extremely partisan nature of our political system
discourage many Christians from studying what the Bible teaches about government and
considering how faith should inform one’s view of politics”. As the counselor counsel
them not to neglect the aspect of politics encourage them to participate to change the
corrupted government to uncorrupted.
2. Encourage church members to pray for candidates and for those elected to
leadership: it is our obligation to pray for each other as Christian’s prayer is the way you
communicate with your God, Prayer brings us in touch with God and others, Christians
prayed in the name of Jesus Christ and in the power of the Holy Spirit. Prayer is the open
admission that without Christ we can do nothing, prayer is an expression of faith in Gods
power. “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thank to God in all circumstance; for this
is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus”. (1thessalonians 5:16-18) Prayers is the richly
weapon for Christians, no matters how gigantic devil is, prayer is the only weapon to
finished devil, Rev. James, indicate that “prayer is not a posture, but an attitude of heart”
every successful Christians is true prayer’s, because that’s the only way communicate
with God. Members are to pray for any candidate for him/her to be use by God not
he/her own will, as pastoral counselor it’s your duty to counsel the members not to cease
praying for their leaders even if they did not work for them as it’s expected pray for
3. Encourage members to vote: When we realize that these are the very things that
constitute a church as a church, I think we can also say, by implication, that members
should vote on anything that’s crucial to the nature, integrity, and mission of the church
As Paul wrote to the Romans: "Everyone must submit himself to the governing
authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established" (Romans
13:1). I am sure you will agree that our God-given liberty and influence are worth
praying for, working for, and fighting to preserve!
“Pastors and leaders, serve as watchmen, exhorting Christians to fulfill their biblically-defined
civic duties (including praying for our leaders and electing leaders who honor and fear God), as
well as warning of danger and informing Christians of the vital moral and public policy issues of
the day, such as protecting life, marriage, and religious freedom. Since Jesus is not running for
office, there are no perfect candidates. It is therefore our duty to identify and vote for those who
most closely represent our Biblical worldview. We are responsible to God and to one another to
vote according to policy and platform, not personality”.
4. Pastors should encourage members to get PVC : Recently when I was In internship
this year July 2022 in Abuja I learnt that most of the pastors encourage their members to bring
PVC to the church why because the way most of our religious leaders are ruling politics is so
pathetic and hectic, initially most Christians have this notion that politics is a dirty game out of
%100 of Christians only 50% were having their PVC but the action most pastors takes out of
%100 I think by now %80-90 have their PVC, I like what a catholic Rev’d father deed He said,
“From at present, in case you are coming for mass, carry your PVC, should you don’t have your
PVC, don’t hassle coming; because there is no point in having Christians fill the church, but
during the election, we have only a handful of them go out to vote. “So, it means our number,
our population means nothing. We want Christians to take their responsibility and their role
seriously.” As pastoral counselor counsel people to do the needful by getting their PVC even if
their words of mouth cannot go far their tomb-print can do better in time of election.
Christian has been called to live a life that is based on Jesus Christ both morally and
spiritually we are light of the world. The call of a pastor is a specific call, not all Christians are
called into the ministry of pastor, and pastor is a watch man over all people under his care he is
there to teach and to guard.
In pastoral ministry the pastor is to guide the church in every aspect, counseling is one of
the vital role of a pastor; a church pastor cannot do without counseling. Members faced different
kind of challenges like challenges of marriage, work, health, and challenges of life pastor is to
counsel them and assure them not to give up,
Which role can pastoral counseling play in politics? as pastor church members believed
you have answer to every question being raised, Pastors have a vital role to play in politics most
especially 2023 election the bible say we were once in darkness but now we are in light so
therefore do not live as unbelievers’ moreof, pastor is to counsel the church to participate in
politics, encourage them not to be deceived by money but they should vote the right person.
Therefore the researcher call for pastors-counselors to play their role in counseling,
combating the wrong ideal of Christian that politics is a dirty game. Don’t only encourage them
to participate but also to inject politics with the world of God.

A Appadorai. The Substance Of Politics, India Rashtriya: Oxford University Press,2004.
Aristotle “classification of state: a detail analysis accessed 18/9/2022.
Aristotle Aristocracy, “Classification Of State”
Benner, David G. Strategic Pastoral Counseling: A Short-Term Structured Mode, Grand Rapids
MI: Baker Academic,2003.
David, Closson. Biblical Principles For Political Engagemen: Worldview, Issues, And Voting, U.
S.A: Intervesity Press,2001.
J.A, Dosunmu. Pastoral Theology Course Note, Ecwa Theological Seminary Igbaja Kwara
John, Olu Adetoyese. Handbook On Pastoral Theology, Oyo Nigeria: Co-Operation Shopping
Complex, 2014.
Muhammad, Syed Sajjad Kabir, “Introduction To Counseling” Accessed On 9 November 2022
N.A, “what is pastoral care” retrieved on 23 November 2022 from
N.A. “Benefits of Pastoral Counseling for Breaking Addiction” Accessed On 3/10/2022.
N.A., “A Definition of Pastoral Counseling” accessed on 3/10/2022.
Oladele Hakeem, “Three Reasons Politics Is Regarded As A Dirty
Game.Html accessed 15/9/2022
Oswald, Chamber. Workmen Of God Cure Souls, London; Marshall, Morgan & Scott, U T D,
Patton. John, Pastoral Counselling: A Ministry of the Church, Published by Abingdon Press,
Nashville, 1983.

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