Swiss Army EA v1.5 Features

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//| Swiss Army EA.mq4 |

//| "It does everything but place its own orders!" |
//| Derived from Base 1.8 |
//| Copyright © 2007, Ryan Klefas |
//| |
#property copyright "Copyright © 2007, Ryan Klefas (Base 1.8)"
#property link "[email protected]"

#include <stdlib.mqh>

extern string id="==== Identity Settings ====";

extern bool Symbol_Specific=true; // If true, EA will only manage order that have matching symbols
extern bool MagicNum_Specific=false; // If true, EA will only manage order that have matching magic numbers
// If both are false, EA will manage ALL orders, regardless of magic numbers or symbols
extern int MagicNumber=999999; // Magic number EA will try to manage
extern bool SelectiveScan=false; // If false, when calculating statistics for the conditions, order types that the EA is not
// allowed to manage are also considered
// If false, only allowed order types are considered when calculating statistics for the conditions
// NOTE: Order Type selection can be found below

extern string cond="==== Conditions: General ====";

// Conditions are disabled if the true/false option is set to false
// or if they have been set to "0".

extern bool Immediate_Activation=false; // Actions immediately occur

extern bool Time_Activation=false; // Actions occur at the specified time
extern int Time_Hour=23; // Hour to activate; used for Time_Activation
extern int Time_Minute=55; // Minute to activate; used for Time_Activation
extern int Minimum_FreeMargin=0; // Actions occur if minimum margin is reached
extern bool FreeMargin_LessThan=false; // Actions occur if free margin is less than used margin

extern string pro_cond="==== Conditions: Profit-Based ====";

// Conditions are disabled if they have been set to "0".

extern int MaxProfit_Dollar=0; // Actions occur if maximum profit (in dollars) is reached
extern int MaxProfit_Pip=0; // Actions occur if maximum profit (in pips) is reached
extern int MaxProfit_Percent=0; // Actions occur if maximum profit (in percentage) is reached

extern string loss_cond="==== Conditions: Loss-Based ====";

// Conditions are disabled if they have been set to "0".

extern int MaxLoss_Dollar=0; // Actions occur if maximum loss (in dollars) is reached
extern int MaxLoss_Pip=0; // Actions occur if maximum loss (in pips) is reached
extern int MaxLoss_Percent=0; // Actions occur if maximum loss (in percentage) is reached

extern string action="==== Actions: General ====";

// The following actions will execute when previously selected conditions are met.

extern bool CloseOrders=false; // Selected orders will be closed

extern bool HedgeActiveOrders=false; // New orders will be placed to hedge selected orders

extern string mod_action="==== Actions: Modify Orders ====";

// The following actions will modify existing orders, without closing them.
// These will not modify pending orders

extern int TakeProfit=0; // TakeProfit is set X pips from current price

extern int Stoploss=0; // Stoploss is set X pips from current price

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extern bool RemoveTakeProfit=false; // TakeProfits will be removed from orders
extern bool RemoveStoploss=false; // Stoplosses will be removed from orders

extern string otype="==== Order Types: Standard ====";

// Selected actions will be executed on the following order types

extern bool Allow_All_Types=false; // If true, actions will execute on all order types;
// this will over-ride the following options
extern bool Buy_Active=false; // Actions will execute on active buy orders
extern bool Sell_Active=false; // Actions will execute on active sell orders
extern bool Buy_Stop=false; // Actions will execute on buy stop orders
extern bool Sell_Stop=false; // Actions will execute on sell stop orders
extern bool Buy_Limit=false; // Actions will execute on buy limit orders
extern bool Sell_Limit=false; // Actions will execute on sell limit orders

extern string manage="==== Stop Management ====";

// The following options may be applied at any time, regardless of conditions or order type

extern int BreakEvenAt=0; // Set Stoploss to breakeven at X pips profit

extern int BreakEvenSlide=0; // Move the breakeven point up or down by X pips
extern int TrailingStop=0; // Stoploss follows behind current price by X pips
extern bool OnlyTrailProfits=false; // Trailing Stop will only trail when order is profitable

extern string extra="==== Extra Settings ====";

extern string ExpertName="Swiss Army EA"; // Expert name: for aesthetic purposes
extern bool Disable_Comments=false; // EA will not display comments on screen
extern int Slippage=3; // Slippage on closing orders

extern string sep="=============================";

extern string author="Programming: Ryan Klefas";
extern string contact="Email: [email protected]";
extern string web="Website:";

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