Data Representation 02 - 12
Data Representation 02 - 12
Data Representation 02 - 12
4 The ages, x years, of 18 people attending an evening class are summarised by the following totals:
Σ x = 745, Σ x2 = 33 951.
(i) Calculate the mean and standard deviation of the ages of this group of people. [3]
(ii) One person leaves the group and the mean age of the remaining 17 people is exactly 41 years.
Find the age of the person who left and the standard deviation of the ages of the remaining
17 people. [4]
4 A group of 10 married couples and 3 single men found that the mean age xw of the 10 women was
41.2 years and the standard deviation of the women’s ages was 15.1 years. For the 13 men, the mean
age xm was 46.3 years and the standard deviation was 12.7 years.
(i) Find the mean age of the whole group of 23 people. [2]
(ii) The individual women’s ages are denoted by xw and the individual men’s ages by xm . By first
finding Σ xw
and Σ xm
, find the standard deviation for the whole group. [5]
Construct a grouped frequency table for these data such that there are five equal class intervals with
the first class having a lower boundary of 41.5 kg and the fifth class having an upper boundary of
61.5 kg. [4]
3 In a survey, people were asked how long they took to travel to and from work, on average. The median
time was 3 hours 36 minutes, the upper quartile was 4 hours 42 minutes and the interquartile range
was 3 hours 48 minutes. The longest time taken was 5 hours 12 minutes and the shortest time was
30 minutes.
1 Rachel measured the lengths in millimetres of some of the leaves on a tree. Her results are recorded
32 35 45 37 38 44 33 39 36 45
Find the mean and standard deviation of the lengths of these leaves. [3]
5 The pulse rates, in beats per minute, of a random sample of 15 small animals are shown in the following
115 120 158 132 125
104 142 160 145 104
162 117 109 124 134
(iii) On graph paper, using a scale of 2 cm to represent 10 beats per minute, draw a box-and-whisker
plot of the data. [3]
3 3699 (4)
4 67 (2)
5 0122 (4)
6 00112344444556667889 (20)
7 113335667899 (12)
8 0245568 (7)
9 001244445567788999 (18)
Key: 3 6 represents 36 books
(i) Find the number of shelves in this section of the library. [1]
In another section all the shelves are full and the numbers of books on each shelf are summarised by
the following stem-and-leaf diagram.
2 1222334566679 (13)
3 011234456677788 (15)
4 22357789 (8)
Key: 3 6 represents 36 books
(iii) There are fewer books in this section than in the previous section. State one other difference
between the books in this section and the books in the previous section. [1]
6 The following table gives the marks, out of 75, in a pure mathematics examination taken by 234
(ii) Calculate estimates of the mean mark and the standard deviation. [4]
1 Anita made observations of the maximum temperature, t ◦ C, on 50 days. Her results are summarised
by Σ t = 910 and Σ(t − t )2 = 876, where t denotes the mean of the 50 observations. Calculate t and
the standard deviation of the observations. [3]
4 The weights in grams of a number of stones, measured correct to the nearest gram, are represented in
the following table.
Weight (grams) 1 − 10 11 − 20 21 − 25 26 − 30 31 − 50 51 − 70
Frequency 2x 4x 3x 5x 4x x
A histogram is drawn with a scale of 1 cm to 1 unit on the vertical axis, which represents frequency
density. The 1 − 10 rectangle has height 3 cm.
(i) Calculate the value of x and the height of the 51 − 70 rectangle. [4]
2 Esme noted the test marks, x, of 16 people in a class. She found that Σ x = 824 and that the standard
deviation of x was 6.5.
(ii) One person did the test later and her mark was 72. Calculate the new mean and standard deviation
of the marks of all 17 people. [3]
4 The weights in kilograms of 11 bags of sugar and 7 bags of flour are as follows.
Sugar: 1.961 1.983 2.008 2.014 1.968 1.994 2.011 2.017 1.977 1.984 1.989
Flour: 1.945 1.962 1.949 1.977 1.964 1.941 1.953
(i) Represent this information on a back-to-back stem-and-leaf diagram with sugar on the left-hand
side. [4]
(ii) Find the median and interquartile range of the weights of the bags of sugar. [3]
(iii) The standard deviation of the speeds is 10.6 km per hour. Calculate Σ(x − 50)2 . [2]
5 The following histogram illustrates the distribution of times, in minutes, that some students spent
taking a shower.
0 Time in
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 minutes
(i) Copy and complete the following frequency table for the data. [3]
(iii) Two of these students are chosen at random. Find the probability that exactly one takes between
7 and 10 minutes to take a shower. [3]
4 The marks of the pupils in a certain class in a History examination are as follows.
28 33 55 38 42 39 27 48 51 37 57 49 33
The marks of the pupils in a Physics examination are summarised as follows.
Lower quartile: 28, Median: 39, Upper quartile: 67.
The lowest mark was 17 and the highest mark was 74.
(i) Draw box-and-whisker plots in a single diagram on graph paper to illustrate the marks for History
and Physics. [5]
(ii) State one difference, which can be seen from the diagram, between the marks for History and
Physics. [1]
1 The following are the times, in minutes, taken by 11 runners to complete a 10 km run.
48.3 55.2 59.9 67.7 60.5 75.6 62.5 57.4 53.4 49.2 64.1
Find the mean and standard deviation of these times. [3]
(i) State which interval the median weight lies in. [1]
(ii) Find the smallest possible value and the largest possible value for the interquartile range. [2]
(iv) On graph paper, draw a histogram to represent the weights of the sausages. [4]
Cumulative frequency
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Salary (thousands of euros)
The cumulative frequency graph shows the annual salaries, in thousands of euros, of a random sample
of 500 adults with jobs, in France. It has been plotted using grouped data. You may assume that the
lowest salary is 5000 euros and the highest salary is 80 000 euros.
(i) On graph paper, draw a box-and-whisker plot to illustrate these salaries. [4]
(iii) An ‘outlier’ is defined as any data value which is more than 1.5 times the interquartile range
above the upper quartile, or more than 1.5 times the interquartile range below the lower quartile.
(a) How high must a salary be in order to be classified as an outlier? [3]
(b) Show that none of the salaries is low enough to be classified as an outlier. [1]
2 The amounts of money, x dollars, that 24 people had in their pockets are summarised by Σ(x − 36) = −60
and Σ(x − 36)2 = 227.76. Find Σ x and Σ x2 . [5]
(ii) Write down the lower quartile of the prices of the caravans in the showroom. [1]
(iii) 3 different caravans in the showroom are chosen at random and their prices are noted. Find the
probability that 2 of these prices are more than the median and 1 is less than the lower quartile.
4 In a survey, the percentage of meat in a certain type of take-away meal was found. The results, to the
nearest integer, for 193 take-away meals are summarised in the table.
(i) Calculate estimates of the mean and standard deviation of the percentage of meat in these
take-away meals. [4]
(ii) Draw, on graph paper, a histogram to illustrate the information in the table. [5]
1 (i)
The diagram represents the sales of Superclene toothpaste over the last few years. Give a reason
why it is misleading. [1]
(ii) The following data represent the daily ticket sales at a small theatre during three weeks.
52, 73, 34, 85, 62, 79, 89, 50, 45, 83, 84, 91, 85, 84, 87, 44, 86, 41, 35, 73, 86.
1 Two cricket teams kept records of the number of runs scored by their teams in 8 matches. The scores
are shown in the following table.
(i) Find the mean and standard deviation of the scores for team A. [2]
The mean and standard deviation for team B are 130.75 and 29.63 respectively.
(ii) State with a reason which team has the more consistent scores. [2]
2 In a recent survey, 640 people were asked about the length of time each week that they spent watching
television. The median time was found to be 20 hours, and the lower and upper quartiles were 15 hours
and 35 hours respectively. The least amount of time that anyone spent was 3 hours, and the greatest
amount was 60 hours.
(i) On graph paper, show these results using a fully labelled cumulative frequency graph. [3]
(ii) Use your graph to estimate how many people watched more than 50 hours of television each
week. [2]
1 The salaries, in thousands of dollars, of 11 people, chosen at random in a certain office, were found to
40, 42, 45, 41, 352, 40, 50, 48, 51, 49, 47.
Choose and calculate an appropriate measure of central tendency (mean, mode or median) to summarise
these salaries. Explain briefly why the other measures are not suitable. [3]
5 Each father in a random sample of fathers was asked how old he was when his first child was born.
The following histogram represents the information.
(ii) How many fathers were between 25 and 30 years old when their first child was born? [2]
(iv) Find the probability that a father, chosen at random from the group, was between 25 and 30 years
old when his first child was born, given that he was older than 25 years. [2]
1 The length of time, t minutes, taken to do the crossword in a certain newspaper was observed on
12 occasions. The results are summarised below.
Calculate the mean and standard deviation of these times taken to do the crossword. [4]
4 The lengths of time in minutes to swim a certain distance by the members of a class of twelve
9-year-olds and by the members of a class of eight 16-year-olds are shown below.
9-year-olds: 13.0 16.1 16.0 14.4 15.9 15.1 14.2 13.7 16.7 16.4 15.0 13.2
16-year-olds: 14.8 13.0 11.4 11.7 16.5 13.7 12.8 12.9
(i) Draw a back-to-back stem-and-leaf diagram to represent the information above. [4]
(ii) A new pupil joined the 16-year-old class and swam the distance. The mean time for the class of
nine pupils was now 13.6 minutes. Find the new pupil’s time to swim the distance. [3]
1 The stem-and-leaf diagram below represents data collected for the number of hits on an internet site
on each day in March 2007. There is one missing value, denoted by x.
0 0 1 5 6 (4)
1 1 3 5 6 6 8 (6)
2 1 1 2 3 4 4 4 8 9 (9)
3 1 2 2 2 x 8 9 (7)
4 2 5 6 7 9 (5)
(i) Find the median and lower quartile for the number of hits each day. [2]
17 5 2 23 16 31 8
22 14 25 35 17 27 12
6 23 19 21 23 8 26
(i) Draw a stem-and-leaf diagram to illustrate the information given above. [3]
(ii) Find the median, the lower quartile, the upper quartile and the interquartile range. [3]
(iii) State, in this case, which of the median and mode is preferable as a measure of central tendency,
and why. [1]
4 The numbers of rides taken by two students, Fei and Graeme, at a fairground are shown in the
following table.
(i) The mean cost of Fei’s rides is $2.50 and the standard deviation of the costs of Fei’s rides is $0.
Explain how you can tell that the roller coaster and the water slide each cost $2.50 per ride. [2]
(ii) The mean cost of Graeme’s rides is $3.76. Find the standard deviation of the costs of Graeme’s
rides. [5]
1 The times in minutes for seven students to become proficient at a new computer game were measured.
The results are shown below.
15 10 48 10 19 14 16
(i) Find the mean and standard deviation of these times. [2]
(ii) State which of the mean, median or mode you consider would be most appropriate to use as a
measure of central tendency to represent the data in this case. [1]
(iii) For each of the two measures of average you did not choose in part (ii), give a reason why you
consider it inappropriate. [2]
Country A
Country B
0 Weight (kg)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
The birth weights of random samples of 900 babies born in country A and 900 babies born in country B
are illustrated in the cumulative frequency graphs. Use suitable data from these graphs to compare
the central tendency and spread of the birth weights of the two sets of babies. [6]
6 The lengths of some insects of the same type from two countries, X and Y , were measured. The
stem-and-leaf diagram shows the results.
Country X Country Y
(10) 9766644432 80
(18) 888776655544333220 81 1122333556789 (13)
(16) 9998877655322100 82 0012333q4566788 (15)
(16) 8765553322211100 83 01224444556677789 (17)
(11) 87655443311 84 001244556677789 (15)
85 12r335566788 (12)
86 01223555899 (11)
(i) Find the median and interquartile range of the lengths of the insects from country X . [2]
(ii) The interquartile range of the lengths of the insects from country Y is 0.028 cm. Find the values
of q and r. [2]
(iii) Represent the data by means of a pair of box-and-whisker plots in a single diagram on graph
paper. [4]
(iv) Compare the lengths of the insects from the two countries. [2]
3 A sample of 36 data values, x, gave Σ(x − 45) = −148 and Σ(x − 45)2 = 3089.
(i) Find the mean and standard deviation of the 36 values. [3]
(ii) One extra data value of 29 was added to the sample. Find the standard deviation of all 37 values.
5 A hotel has 90 rooms. The table summarises information about the number of rooms occupied each
day for a period of 200 days.
(i) Draw a cumulative frequency graph on graph paper to illustrate this information. [4]
(ii) Estimate the number of days when over 30 rooms were occupied. [2]
(iii) On 75% of the days at most n rooms were occupied. Estimate the value of n. [2]
1 Red Street Garage has 9 used cars for sale. Fairwheel Garage has 15 used cars for sale. The mean age
of the cars in Red Street Garage is 3.6 years and the standard deviation is 1.925 years. In Fairwheel
Garage, Σ x = 64 and Σ x2 = 352, where x is the age of a car in years.
(ii) Find the standard deviation of the ages of all 24 cars. [4]
3 The following cumulative frequency table shows the examination marks for 300 candidates in
country A and 300 candidates in country B.
(i) Without drawing a graph, show that the median for country B is higher than the median for
country A. [2]
(ii) Find the number of candidates in country A who scored between 20 and 34 marks inclusive. [1]
(iii) Calculate an estimate of the mean mark for candidates in country A. [4]