Activity 1

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Activity 1: Teacher’s Knowledge on

Content and Pedagogy

Name of FS Student Glyde Maye Boston

Course, Year and Section IV BSE SOCIAL STUDIES
Date September 13, 2023

Intended Learning

At the end of this activity, the FS student must be able to achieve the following intended
learning outcomes:

1. identify the strategies used by the teacher that promotes numeracy skills, literacy
skills, higher order thinking skills;
2. take an account on various strategies employed by the teacher; and
3. observe and categorize classroom communication strategies employed by the
teacher that support learners’ maximum involvement and greater accomplishment.


Activity 1. focus on the pedagogical content knowledge that recognizes the importance of
teachers’ mastery of content knowledge and its interconnectedness within and across curriculum areas,
coupled with a sound and critical understanding of the application of theories and principles of teaching
and learning. This activity further encompasses teachers’ ability to apply developmentally appropriate
and meaningful pedagogy grounded on content knowledge and pedagogy. It takes into account
teachers’ proficiency in Mother Tongue, Filipino and English in the teaching and learning process, as
well as needed skills in the use of communication strategies, teaching strategies, and technologies to
promote high-quality learning outcomes.


Direction: Read the following items below before observing an online/actual class.
1. Ask permission from a teacher that you will observe his/her online/actual class.
2. Follow the minimum health protocol at all times.
3. Observe classroom netiquette on the whole duration of the activity.
4. Accomplish all the given task in the observation report below.
Activity 1: Teacher’s Knowledge on
Content and Pedagogy

Directions: Complete the table below. Indicate opposite each learning principle the part of
the lesson where it/they are employed/utilized.

State evidence(s) that will prove

Principles of Learning Part of the Lesson your claim

As I observed the teaching approach, I

observed that the teacher employs a
PowerPoint presentation to introduce the
1. Effective learning begins with the Before the lesson started, the Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO) to the
setting of clear and high learning competencies were students before commencing the actual
expectations of learning outcomes. stated as preliminaries. session. This effectively demonstrates the
teacher's desire for learners to have a clear
understanding of the lesson's objectives
and expected outcomes
Before starting the lesson, the In our observation, at the beginning of the
teacher checked attendance, learning process, Mrs. Liezl greeted her
updated everyone on their students and after that, she checked their
health, and had a casual attendance. Eventually, the educator
conversation with the class to initiated the lesson by presenting an
catch up. For the lesson itself, activity to the students. Throughout the
2. Learning is an active process.
the teacher assigned a mind learning experience, the teacher
exercise activity to help encourages active participation and
improve the learning process. involvement in various learning activities,
The next step was for the recitations, and assessments, fostering the
students to read the lesson development of dynamic and well-rounded
materials. learners.
During the lesson, the teacher
provided students with
various questions. For From my observation, while delivering the
3. Learning is the discovery of
assessment, the learners lesson, the teacher consistently elicited and
personal meaning and relevance of
received a home activity and motivated students' input by posing
completed written questions.
assessments and oral
While monitoring the learning process, I
noticed that the teacher engages in a brief
recitation with the students to ensure their
4. Learning is a cooperative and a comprehension of the lesson. Additionally,
In lesson proper, the teacher
collaborative process. Learning is the teacher presents diverse questions,
commenced an oral recitation
enhanced in an atmosphere of encouraging active student participation,
to the students.
cooperation and collaboration. discussion, idea sharing, cooperation, and
collaboration to collectively address
challenges and attain a specified shared
Activity 1: Teacher’s Knowledge on
Content and Pedagogy


1. Are there other principles not applied by the teacher nor listed in the table? If
yes write them on the space provided.

Because of challenges and uncertainties, students may encounter difficulties in the learning process. Mrs.
Liezl addresses this by providing her students with extra opportunities to participate in recitations, enabling
them to explore different approaches and learn from mistakes. This approach contributes to the
development of the student’s confidence and motivation in handling challenges correctly. Recognizing that
students are not only intellectual but also social and emotional beings undergoing growth in all these
aspects, Mrs. Angeline emphasizes the importance of a positive environment. A conducive environment
can energize students' studies, while a negative one may impede learning and performance.

2. What skills are developed/enhanced during the learning process?

My observation of Ma'am Liezl's class clearly indicated that the students were actively engaged in the
conversation, demonstrated by their attentive responses to the teacher's questions. The teacher's
discussion methodology played a crucial role in fostering the learners' ability to actively participate. The
capacity for critical thinking among the learners contributes to the creation of positive learning
environments throughout the educational journey. Ma'am Liezl ensured that students were actively
involved in the learning process, enhancing their proficiency. I can affirm that the students' active
participation skills improved as a direct result of what they learned in Ma'am Liezl's instructional exercises.

3. What did the teacher do to enhanced/developed the needed skills?

From my observations, Ma'am Liezl employs diverse strategies to cultivate and improve the essential
skills of her students. As a motivational tool, she presents photographs to prompt students to identify the
topic to be addressed on a given day. Ma'am Liezl's effective communication skills contribute significantly
to an enriched learning process, as she translates complex terminology to ensure the students better
comprehend the lesson. To enhance understanding, she provides examples and real-life scenarios related
to the lesson. Additionally, Ma'am Liezl employs effective strategies to encourage student attentiveness,
maintaining a learning atmosphere that is conducive to their needs.
Activity 1: Teacher’s Knowledge on
Content and Pedagogy

4. What communication skills were utilized by the teacher during the teaching-
learning process?

Ma'am Liezl demonstrates excellent communication skills, a crucial attribute for an effective teacher.
Her ability to communicate with modulation and eloquence positively impacts everyone in the learning
environment. As a skillful and articulate communicator, she enhances the overall learning experience
for her students through the delivery of lessons. Ma'am Liezl recognizes the importance of her
communication style in fostering connections with her students, promoting a deeper understanding
among learners, and modeling constructive interactions as a teacher in the classroom. Her proficiency
in communication contributes significantly to creating a conducive and enriching educational

5. Describe how the learners respond to the communication strategies of the


In my observation of Ma'am Liezl's class, I noted a noticeable improvement in the students'

attentiveness and responsiveness during discussions. The heightened interest and
willingness of the students to answer questions related to their topics can be attributed to
Ma'am Liezl's practice of offering appreciation and praise to each student. Additionally, I
observed that students were more confident in responding to questions, likely due to the
teacher's approach of providing thorough explanations or repeating information when
necessary. Importantly, Ma'am Liezl created a supportive environment where students did
not feel uncomfortable even when their answers differed from the correct ones, fostering a
positive and inclusive atmosphere in the classroom.
Activity 1: Teacher’s Knowledge on
Content and Pedagogy

Directions: Identify the strategy/technique used by the teacher throughout the learning
process. Write or attach proof/s below the column of either inductive method of teaching or
deductive method of teaching.

Procedure Strategy/Technique
Motivation I noticed that during class with Ma'am Liezl, she normally started the class
like they were in an active variety show where everyone was laughing at a
certain thing. She began with a simple greeting and checking the attendance.
After a little catching up, she started the class formally by introducing a
mind exercise. She specifically used images that give hints on what their
lesson would be for the day.
Presentation of the lesson In delivering the lesson through the inductive method, the instructor chose
an impactful visual tool—presenting a documentary video on child labor.
This deliberate decision sought to engage students in a genuine, real-world
setting, offering explicit instances for their examination and reflection. The
video functioned as a tangible foundation, enabling students to extract
overarching principles and gain insights pertaining to the subject of the
Development of the lesson In formulating the lesson using the deductive method, the educator
commenced by engaging the students with purposeful questioning. These
deliberate inquiries laid the groundwork for the introduction of overarching
concepts or theories associated with the lesson's subject matter.

Generalization/ Closure/ Drawing Throughout the three days of our observation, regrettably, we were unable to
insights witness or assess this particular aspect. Consequently, I am unable to provide
a response for this section.

Enrichment/ Application/Fixing Skills Throughout the three days of our observation, regrettably, we were unable to
witness or assess this particular aspect. Consequently, I am unable to provide
a response for this section.

Assessment/evaluation Throughout the three days of our observation, regrettably, we were unable to
witness or assess this particular aspect. Consequently, I am unable to provide
a response for this section.

Agreement/Assignment Throughout the three days of our observation, regrettably, we were unable to
witness or assess this particular aspect. Consequently, I am unable to provide
a response for this section.
Activity 1: Teacher’s Knowledge on
Content and Pedagogy


Answer the following questions:

Are the learning principles applied by the teacher appropriate with the nature of the learners and
learning learning conditions? Why/Why not?
Yes, considering the characteristics of the students and the learning environment, the teacher
effectively applied learning principles in a manner that was well-suited. The teacher's explicit
communication of the learning session's objectives, promotion of active participation from students
during discussions, and facilitation of opportunities for creative thinking and collaborative group work
aligned with sound learning principles. The teacher's ability to lead an engaging class discussion
further ensured that students found the employed learning tactics to be beneficial. The overall
approach seemed to resonate effectively with the students, fostering a positive and conducive
learning experience.

Did you observed passive learners? If yes, what might be their reasons why they are
Indeed, in any classroom, it's not uncommon to observe a mix of active and passive student
participation. Some students may be initially hesitant to express their ideas and opinions in a group
setting. This reticence could be due to factors such as shyness, a fear of judgment from peers, or a lack
of confidence in their contributions.

Additionally, there are individuals who are naturally introverted and prefer solitary study. For these
students, participating in group discussions may not align with their preferred learning style, leading
them to adopt a more passive role in the classroom. Recognizing and addressing these individual
differences in learning preferences can be important for creating an inclusive and supportive learning
environment that encourages active participation from all students.

Are the communication strategies used by the teacher appropriate to the level of the learners?
Absolutely, the use of non-verbal cues, in tandem with verbal communication, plays a crucial role in
effective teaching. The teachers’ facial expressions and hand gestures contribute to the overall
communication by projecting confidence, enthusiasm, and engagement. Maintaining eye contact with
the class adds a personal and connecting element, motivating students to pay attention and actively
participate in discussions.

These non-verbal cues serve as a visual reinforcement to verbal messages, helping students grasp
concepts more effectively. By aligning non-verbal expressions with verbal explanations, the teacher
enhances the clarity of the message. This approach not only aids comprehension but also makes it
easier for students to actively participate in debates and discussions, as they can more readily
understand and follow the teacher's cues.
Activity 1: Teacher’s Knowledge on
Content and Pedagogy

If you are the teacher, what possible learning principle(s) and strategy(ies) would
you apply to elicit meaningful learning?
If I were the teacher the possible learning principles and strategies that I would foster in the
classroom to elicit meaningful learning, are I would make fun and interesting the learning process.
There are so many ways to give meaningful learning. First, make your students explore new ideas
and give them a chance to ask questions so that the learning process is not boring. Second, In the
learning process, it is important to connect learning to the real-world scenario or setting so that the
students will easily understand the lesson. Lastly, providing activities that consider the individual
differences of the learners according to their learning capacity and multiple intelligences.


1. Among the principles of learning, which one is the most important for you?
Substantiate your answer.
All of the principles of learning are necessary for me to become a good and
effective teacher and be able to provide the ideal learning environment for my
students. I require all of them, not just one. Each principle must be taught using the
right instructional strategies to promote active involvement, teamwork, and, finally, a
learning environment that is suitable for the learner's needs.

2. What insight did you learn from the class activities that you have observed?

Adapting to challenging conditions is crucial, and in doing so, it becomes evident how
significant a teacher's role is in educating diverse learners with varying perspectives. An
effective teacher should possess qualities such as flexibility, adaptability, and a genuine
interest in their students' success. Employing pedagogical strategies, including effective
classroom management, allows teachers to articulate their teaching philosophy and create
an environment conducive to learning.

Fostering a supportive learning atmosphere that encourages active involvement enhances

understanding across a spectrum of subjects, emphasizing the importance of education as
a two-way communication process. In challenging times, empathy becomes paramount.
Recognizing and acknowledging the efforts of both teachers and students is essential for
navigating difficulties and ensuring a positive and constructive learning experience.
Activity 1: Teacher’s Knowledge on
Content and Pedagogy


During my actual
observation to Mrs.
Liezl E. Ferrer with her
grade 10 class.

Self- Peer FS Over-all

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