IFS FoodFraud-Guide - 1805

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IFS Standards
Product Fraud
Guidelines for Implementation

IFS would like to thank all members of the national working groups, international
technical committee, IFS team and experts who have actively participated in the
conception and review of this guideline.

We are particularly grateful to Kevin Swoffer, whose experience, knowledge and

insight have made this Guideline possible, presenting a practical approach to the
implementation of food fraud mitigation principles.

Stephan Tromp Bruno Séchet

IFS Managing Director IFS Technical Director


Table of Content

Introduction 5

1. Terms and Definitions 7

2. Key Points for the Development, Implementation and Maintenance

of a Product Fraud Mitigation Plan 8

3. IFS Standards – Product Fraud Requirements 11

3.1. IFS Food Version 6.1 11
3.2. IFS PACsecure Version 1.1 11
3.3. IFS Logistics Version 2.2 11

4. Guidelines for the Development, Implementation and Maintenance

of a Product Fraud Mitigation Plan – IFS Food and IFS PACsecure 13
4.1. Establishing the Product Fraud Assessment Team 13
4.2. The Identification of Potential Product Fraud Risk 13
4.2.1. Data Gathering and Review 13
4.3. Undertaking the Product Fraud Vulnerability Assessment 15
4.3.1. Product Fraud Vulnerability Assessment Principles 17
4.3.2. Supplier Fraud Vulnerability Assessment Principles 21
4.4. Developing the Product Fraud Mitigation Plan 22
4.4.1. Product Fraud Mitigation Plan Principles 22
4.5. Implementation and Monitoring of the Product Fraud Mitigation
Plan Control Measures 25
4.5.1. Control Measures 25
4.6. The Review and Refinement of the Product Fraud Mitigation Plan 26
4.6.1. Changes to Risk Factors and Product Fraud Vulnerability Assessment Review 26
4.6.2. Formal Review of Product Fraud Vulnerability Assessments 27
4.6.3. Control and Monitoring Requirements Review and Implementation 27

5. Guidelines for the Development and Maintenance

of a Food Fraud Mitigation Plan – IFS Logistics 28
5.1.1. Food Fraud Risk Assessment Principles and Mitigation Control Measures 28

6. Appendices 30
Appendix 1
Example IFS Food Version 6.1 – Vulnerability Assessment, Mitigation Plan
Development and Mitigation Plan Review 31
Appendix 2
Example IFS PACsecure Version 1.1 – Vulnerability Assessment,
Mitigation Plan Development and Mitigation Plan Review 40
Appendix 3
Auditor Questions and Documentation 47
Appendix 4
References 49


Food Fraud along the supply chain …

Farmer Producer cooperatives


Distribution center Wholesale Production site

Retailer Cash & Carry Market Packaging industry


… with IFS certification

Farmer Producer cooperatives


Distribution center Wholesale Production site

Retailer Cash & Carry Market Packaging industry


Product fraud encompasses a wide range of deliberate fraudulent acts relating to food and food packaging,
all of which are economically motivated and have serious ramifications to consumers and businesses.
The most serious of these fraudulent act is the intentional and economically motivated adulteration (EMA)
of food and packaging, where there is an elevated risk in relation to consumer health. The example of
melamine adulteration of infant formula and milk in 2008, serves to remind the Food Industry how vulne-
rable the systems are within the supply chain and the total lack of regard for human health by the fraudsters.
Product fraud is not a new crime and there are well documented incidents dating back many hundreds
of years and was one of the main drivers for the drafting and implementation of Food Law. The European
horsemeat scandal in 2013, however raised the profile of food fraud and exposed the deficiencies of even
some of the industry’s larger companies and highlighted the unprecedented challenges the Food Industry
faces to the integrity and safety of its food supply chain, as the chain itself becomes more complex and
global in nature. Depending on sources, it is estimated that food fraud costs the global Food Industry
US$20 – $50 billion per year.
In addition to legislative requirements, which have been enacted to prevent product fraud and subsequent
enforcement activity both nationally and internationally, Industry bodies such as the Global Food Safety
Initiative (GFSI) have driven for food safety schemes, such as IFS, to introduce and implement systems to
mitigate the risk of food fraud.
Product fraud can occur at any point within the food supply chain and therefore IFS Standards ( IFS Food
V 6.1, IFS PACsecure V 1.1 and IFS Logistics V2.2) have incorporated the need for product fraud mitigation
measures to meet the requirements of the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) Benchmarking Requirements
Document v7.1.
These Guidelines have been developed to assist users of IFS standards to understand the intent of IFS
product fraud requirements and to gain an understanding of how practices can be applied to meet these
requirements in relation to the scope of the specific standard.

The information in this document is not intended to be mandatory, the intention is to provide guidance
for companies to implement the IFS Standards product fraud requirements.


1. Terms and Definitions

For the purposes of this document, the key terms and definitions relating to Product Fraud are:

Product Fraud
The deliberate and intentional substitution, mislabeling, adulteration or counterfeiting of food,
raw materials, ingredients or packaging placed upon the market for economic gain. This definition
also applies to outsourced processes.

Fraud Assessment Team

A team of persons who are appointed to undertake develop, implement and review the Product
Fraud Mitigation Plan.

Product Fraud Vulnerability Assessment

A systematic documented form of risk assessment to identify the risk of possible product fraud
activity within the supply chain (including all raw materials, ingredients, food and packaging) until
delivery to the customer.
The method of risk assessment may vary from company to company, however the systematic
methodology for product fraud vulnerability assessment shall include as a minimum:
The identification of potential product fraud activities, using known and reliable data sources
The evaluation of the level of risk; both product and supply source
The evaluation for the need for additional control measures
Use of the results of the Product Fraud Vulnerability Assessment to develop and implement the
Product Fraud Mitigation Plan
Reviewed annually, or when there is increased risk identified by change to defined risk criteria.
The criteria used to evaluate the level of risk should be as follows:
• History of product fraud incidents
• Economic factors
• Ease of fraudulent activity
• Supply chain complexity
• Current control measures
• Supplier confidence

Product Fraud Mitigation Plan

A process that defines the requirements on when, where and how to mitigate fraudulent activities,
identified by a product fraud vulnerability assessment. The resulting plan will define the measures
and controls that are required to be in place to effectively mitigate the identified risks. The control
measures required to be put into place may vary according to the nature of the product fraud
(substitution, mislabeling, adulteration, counterfeiting), detection methodology, type of surveillance
(inspection, audit, analytical, product certification) and the source of the raw material, ingredient and

Food Defense:
Procedures adopted to assure the security of food and their supply chain from malicious and ideolog-
ically motivated threats.

Economically Motivated Adulteration:

The fraudulent, intentional substitution or addition of a substance in a product for the purpose
of increasing the apparent value of the product or reducing the cost of its production, i.e., for
economic gain.


2. Key Points for the Development,
Implementation and Maintenance
of a Product Fraud Mitigation Plan

It should be noted that the method of risk assessment may vary from company to company and
it is recommended that, where possible, companies use the risk assessment methodology, which
they feel most comfortable with. The outcome of a quantitative risk assessment is typically a
‘numerical’ or ‘level’ of risk rating, which can then be used to decide upon the appropriate level of
monitoring and control measures to mitigate fraudulent acts against the company. It is reiterated
that IFS does not prescribe a particular methodology for the risk assessment.
Despite the variety of risk assessment methodologies, there are criteria which should always
be considered in relation to product fraud vulnerabilities. These criteria are specific to identify
possible product fraud exposure and differ considerably from those criteria related to food safety
and food defense.
These guidelines have been designed to assist users of IFS Standards to understand the concept
of risk management in relation to product fraud threats and how vulnerability assessments are
an integral part of the risk management process. Risk management includes risk management
planning, risk identification, the qualitative and quantitative analysis of risks, risk response
planning, monitoring and controlling the risk responses. (Reference Figure 1).
How the concept of risk management has been applied to food fraud vulnerabilities can be seen
in Figure 2 below.

Risk assessment

Establish risk
assessment group

Review and
of risk

and monitoring Risk response
of controls planning


Product fraud mitigation plan

Establish product fraud

assessment team Identify
potential product
fraud risk

Undertake the
Review and refine
product fraud
the product fraud
migration plan

Implement and
of controls in Develop product
accordance with fraud migration
the product fraud plan
migration plan

In the case of IFS Standards, the principles of risk assessment will be followed and applied to the
development of a Product Fraud Mitigation Plan.
The development of a Product Fraud Mitigation Plan has a number of steps, namely:
• The identification of potential product fraud activities, using known and reliable data sources
• The evaluation of the level of risk; both product and supply source by carrying out a Product
Fraud Vulnerability Assessment
• The evaluation for the need for additional control measures
• Use of the results of the Product Fraud Vulnerability Assessment to develop the Product Fraud
Mitigation Plan
• Implement monitoring and control measures defined in the Product Fraud Mitigation Plan
• The Product Fraud Vulnerability Assessment and Product Fraud Mitigation Plan shall be
reviewed annually, or when there is increased risk identified by change to defined risk criteria.
It is important to appreciate that the effectiveness of the development and maintenance of any
Product Fraud Mitigation Plan is dependent on the quality of the data available for assessment
and the competence of the individuals within the Product Fraud Assessment Team. As the tech-
nical and commercial expertise differs in relation to the scope of the Standard in question, and
the team members may vary within any Product Fraud Assessment Team, this is reflected within
the Guidelines; examples of these are technical management, analysts, packaging technologists,
buyers and logistics/supply chain management.
In the sections of these Guidelines, general guidance has been developed and for each standard,
specific examples have been incorporated within a section or within an appendix:
• IFS Food Version 6.1 (Appendix 1)
• IFS PACsecure Version 1.1 (Appendix 2)
• IFS Logistics Version 2.2 (section 5)


3. IFS Standards – Product Fraud Requirements

3.1. IFS Food Version 6.1

There are three requirements relating to product fraud within IFS Food Version 6.1. These are:
Requirement 4.21.1:
A documented food fraud vulnerability assessment shall be undertaken on all raw materials,
ingredients, packaging, and outsourced processes, to determine the risk of fraudulent activity in
relation to substitution, mislabeling, adulteration or counterfeiting. The criteria considered within
the vulnerability assessment shall be defined.
Requirement 4.21.2:
A documented food fraud mitigation plan shall be developed, with reference to the vulnerability
assessment, and implemented to control any identified risk. The methods of control and monitor-
ing shall be defined and implemented.
In the event of increased risk, food fraud vulnerability assessment shall be reviewed.
Otherwise all vulnerability assessments shall be reviewed at least annually.
Control and monitoring requirements of the food fraud mitigation plan shall be reviewed and
amended, when applicable.

3.2. IFS PACsecure Version 1.1

There are three requirements relating to product fraud within IFS PACsecure Version 1.1. These are:
Requirement 4.20.1:
A documented product fraud vulnerability assessment shall be undertaken on all raw materials
(raw materials, additives, inks, adhesives, solvents, wrapping, materials and rework), product for-
mula/configuration, processes (including outsourced), packaging and labelling, to determine the
risk of fraudulent activity in relation to substitution, mislabeling, adulteration or counterfeiting.
The criteria considered within the vulnerability assessment shall be defined.
Requirement 4.20.2:
A documented product fraud mitigation plan shall be developed, with reference to the vulner-
ability assessment, and implemented to control any identified risk. The methods of control and
monitoring shall be defined and implemented.
Requirement 4.20.3:
In the event of increased risks, the vulnerability assessment and mitigation plan shall be reviewed
and amended accordingly. Otherwise all the vulnerability assessments, shall be reviewed at least

3.3. IFS Logistics Version 2.2

In contrast to IFS Food and IFS PACsecure, IFS Logistics has one requirement which reflects the
level of risk associated with the scope of the Standard.
A hazard analysis and assessment of associated risks for possible food fraud is in place, which
realistically can be expected within the process. Based on this, appropriate measures for risk mit-
igation shall be documented and implemented, if necessary.


4. Guidelines for the Development,
Implementation and Maintenance
of a Product Fraud Mitigation Plan –
IFS Food and IFS PACsecure

The Product Fraud Mitigation Plan is developed by a systematic process defined within Figure 2
of these Guidelines.

4.1. Establishing the Product Fraud Assessment Team

The team developing and implementing the Product Fraud Mitigation Plan shall include specifi-
cally representatives of purchasing (who are directly involved with purchasing of product), logistics
management, and of technical management (that may include product, process and packaging,
laboratory and quality technologists), who should be trained in product fraud vulnerability
assessment techniques.
Where specific expertise is not available within the company, external expertise should be used.
The roles and responsibilities of the Product Fraud Assessment Team should be clearly defined
and the Team should have full support of the Company’s senior management. The internal audit
program should include the review of the activities of the Product Fraud Assessment Team and
there should be commitment for continual improvement of the process.

4.2. The Identification of Potential Product Fraud Risk

4.2.1. Data Gathering and Review
A review of data should be undertaken, in order to identify potential product fraud risk. Based
upon the review of this data the Product Fraud Assessment Team should be able to effectively
undertake the vulnerability assessment process.

In order to undertake an effective vulnerability assessment the Product Fraud Assessment Team
should identify the sources of information and data that relate to the risk factors, that will be
used within the vulnerability assessment. The sources of data should be documented and the
frequency at which the data should be assessed and by whom. For example, commercial data,
such as price and availability, should be the responsibility of the purchasing department Team
members and technical data, such as reports of fraudulent activity and detection methodology
developments should be the responsibility of the technical department Team members.

The information and data sources used to assess the potential of product fraud and other asso-
ciated information should be researched and once agreed, documented prior to the vulnerabil-
ity assessment. The initial information that should always be collated is an exhaustive list of all
product (raw materials, ingredients and packaging) and the supplier of each of the products;
where a process is outsourced the supplier should be identified.


The responsibility for the review of these data sources should be documented. New data sources
should always be considered for inclusion within the data source listing.

Typical sources of data are as follows(this list is not exhaustive):

• Blogs
• Media
• Trade Associations
• Research Associations
• Industry network and personal networking
• EU RASFF-Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed
• EFSA-European Food Standards Agency
• National Competent Authorities – product recall alerts
• National Competent Authorities – changes in legislation and guidelines
• Commercial service provider of data scanning and advice on threats
• Food Fraud Databases
• Testing Laboratory Information
• Commercial Trade Press – Commodity price fluctuations
• Commercial Trade Press – Harvest information
• Country Risk Classification – Amfori-BSCI
• Corruption Index – Transparency International

The following table provides further guidance regarding the type of information to be found
within these data sources, who would be expected to review these and where necessary highlight
possible increased risk.

Probable Data Sources

General data Source Data value Responsibility for review

Blogs General information on product Technical / Packaging

fraud matters/incidents Technologist / Logistics

Media Product fraud incidents Technical / Packaging

Technologist / Logistics

Trade associations Guidance and information Technical / Packaging

transfer Technologist/

Research associations Guidance and information Technical


Industry network and General information Technical / Packaging

personal networking Technologist / Purchasing /


Specific data source Data value Responsibility for review

EU RASFF – Rapid Alert • Information of product quality Technical

System for Food and Feed safety issues egarding border

EFSA – European Food • General information on food Technical

Standards Agency fraud matters/incidents

National competent • Product Recall Alerts Technical

authorities • Food fraud incidents
• National legislation
• Guidance

Commercial service • Trend analysis on food fraud Technical

provider of data scanning and issues
advice on threats • General advice

Food fraud databases • Data on food fraud incidents Technical

Testing laboratory • Information on analytical Technical /Analyst

information methodology
• Guidance and advice

Commercial trade press • Commodity price – forecasts Purchasing

and fluctuations (Food and Packaging)
• Product supply information
and shortages

Country risk classification – • Information on country Purchasing

Amfori – BSCI governance

Corruption index – • Information on country Purchasing

transparency international corruption level

4.3. Undertaking the Product Fraud Vulnerability Assessment

A product fraud vulnerability assessment shall be conducted on every raw material, ingredient,
packaging, food and outsourced process, considering the supply chain steps under the supplier’s
responsibility until delivery to customer.

An effective, systematic documented product fraud vulnerability assessment will identify risk
of possible fraudulent activity within the supply chain. As product fraud may take the form of
deliberate and intentional substitution, adulteration, mislabeling or counterfeiting, the product
fraud vulnerability assessment shall be conducted on raw materials, ingredients, food packaging
and the food itself (including outsourced product). The product fraud vulnerability assessment,
if carried out correctly, will identify potential weaknesses in the supply chain, which have to be
addressed in the Product Fraud Mitigation Plan to minimize the risk of fraud.
Product fraud could have significant consumer safety implications, affect company profitability
and potentially damage company reputation.


Companies may undertake a number of risk assessments, which follow risk management
principles, but may differ in their detailed methodologies. Typical risk assessments commonly
used within a food industry are HACCP and within incident management procedures, to establish
course of action.
IFS cannot prescribe the detailed methodology of risk assessment a company should use; how-
ever, they should use the method they feel most comfortable with and are experienced in using.
Typical approaches may be the use of simple matrix (quadratic matrix), decision tree, spreadsheet/
matrix or multi matrices.
By far the most common approach of risk assessment is the quadratic model, which has been used
within the food and non-food sectors for some years.
(Ref http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/archive/ipm/risk_assesment_guidelines_non_food.pdf ).
Within the following sections of these Guidelines, a recommended example is provided to assist
those companies, who may not have experience of risk assessment methodologies.
Figure 3 illustrates a typical quadratic risk matrix commonly used within the food industry for issues
such as decision making on product safety incidents and potential foreign body occurrence. Please
note the quadratic risk matrix format may vary according to individual company requirements.

An example of a typical quadratic risk matrix

Very Likely


Quite Possible


Not Likely

Trivial Minor Significant Major Catastrophic


When undertaking vulnerability assessments there are three main criteria, which are of the utmost
importance to the food fraudster namely: profitability, the risk of detection and the ease of
carrying out the fraud.
Within any risk or vulnerability assessment there are risk factors that have to be defined to allow
the assessment to be carried out effectively. These Guidelines have been developed to pro-
vide advice and guidance on these product fraud risk factors, which can be used to develop a
quadratic risk matrix, and in turn can be used to develop the most appropriate control measures to
mitigate risk.
The vulnerability assessment shall have two basic elements; the product risk and the supplier risk.


4.3.1 Product Fraud Vulnerability Assessment Principles
In relation to product vulnerability assessment, the quadratic matrix approach provides a
useful tool and as vulnerability assessments are specifically designed to identify product
fraud risk, then values on the matrix horizontal and vertical axis can be modified from the
typical risk matrix (Figure 3). In this case, the vertical axis shall represent likelihood of occur-
rence and the horizontal axis shall represent the likelihood of current detection (Figure 4).

An example of a Product Vulnerability Risk Matrix with Risk Rating for Likelihood of Occurrence and
Likelihood of Detection on Axes

Very Likely
5 Medium Medium High High High
Likelihood of Occurance

4 Low Medium Medium High High

Quite Possible Low Low Medium Medium High


Possible Low Low Low Medium Medium

Not Likely
1 Low Low Low Low Medium

Very Likely Likely Quite Possible Possible Not Likely

1 2 3 4 5
Likelihood of Current Detection

An example of a Product Vulnerability Risk Matrix with Scored Risk Rating for Likelihood of Occurrence and
Likelihood of Detection on Axes and Product Risk Rating within the Matrix

Very Likely Medium Medium High High High

5 5 10 15 20 25
Likelihood of Occurance

4 Low Medium Medium High High
4 8 12 16 20

Quite Possible Low Low Medium Medium High

3 3 6 9 12 15

Possible Low Low Low Medium Medium

2 2 4 6 8 10

Not Likely Low Low Low Low Medium

1 1 2 3 4 5
Very Likely Likely Quite Possible Possible Not Likely
1 2 3 4 5
Likelihood of Current Detection

The colour of the cells within the product vulnerability risk matrix are indicative of the product
risk, namely; red is regarded as high risk, yellow is regarded as medium risk and green would be
regarded as low risk. Therefore, by their very nature, as assessed, the determined product risk
can be used to indicate the need for possible increased control measures for the mitigation of
food fraud.


The following table illustrates the risk factors and examples of criteria for consideration for the
assessment of product risk.

Product risk factors Criteria for consideration

History of product fraud – • The number, types and frequency of fraud carried out in relation
incidents to product.

Economic factors • Price (profitability of the product e.g. profit margin and quantity)
• Availability of the product (seasonality, reduce quantity / quality,
high consumer demand, quota)
• Availability of adulterant (quantity, price, nature of the adulterant)
• Tariff (increased or fluctuating government tariffs affecting price
and availability)
• Price Fluctuation (seasonality, reduced quantity / quality, high
consumer demand, quota, price setting mechanisms)

Ease of fraudulent activity • Physical nature of the product (liquid, powder, minced pieces,
• Cost and complexity of fraudulent process (location, processing
machinery, costs of production, packaging cost, distribution cost)
• Staff involvement in the fraudulent activity (number, ease of
concealment, number of locations)
• Packaging formats (packaging of raw material and adulterant)

Supply chain complexity • Geographical origin (location of source and length of supply chain)
• Types and number of organization in the supply chain
(manufacture, storage, distribution, agent or broker)
• Number of factories within the supplier organization

Current control measures for • Testing authority (certification bodies, auditing body, testing
detecting fraud laboratories and status [ accredited / non-accredited], inspection
bodies and status [accredited / non accredited])
• Testing methodology (accredited / non-accredited analytical
methodology, auditing [certificated / non-certificated],
product inspection, product testing body and status [accredited /
• Testing frequency (auditing, product inspection, product testing)
• Cost of testing (product inspection, product testing, analytical
testing complexity)


The diversity of outsourcing of process is wide and is highly reliant on the contractual arrange-
ment between the company and the supplier and the status of the raw material, ingredient,
packaging or food, i.e. does the company fully control the purchasing and/or technical control
mechanisms or are the purchasing and/or technical control mechanisms completely outsourced
to the supplier?
If the company has direct control of the purchasing and technical control mechanisms, the risk is
therefore reduced and the control measures relate to those specific criteria aligned to the supplier
approval and monitoring requirements.


More than 30 ingredients and potential sourcing origins

WHEAT FLOUR: USA, Canada, France, Germany
RAPESEED OIL: UK, France, Spain, Italy
DEXTROSE: USA, China, Brazil, India, Pakistan TOMATO PUREE: Greece, Turkey, Italy, Spain, Argentina
MALTODEXTRIN: Brazil, Poland SUGAR: China, Germany, France, UK
PEPPER: Vietnam, Indonesia, India, Brazil, China
SALT: Germany, UK, France
OREGANO: Greece, Turkey, Macedonia
BASIL: Egypt, Turkey
SAGE: Albania, Turkey
THYME: Morocco, Egypt, Albania, Poland
MODIFIED STARCH: Netherlands, Germany
SALT: Germany, UK, Russia
CARRAGEENAN: Philippines


PORK: Poland, Denmark, China, Thailand
PORK FAT: Poland, Denmark, Brazil
SALT: Germany, France, UK
SPICES: India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Turkey, Indonesia
(EXTRACT OF ROSEMARY): Tunisia, Morocco, Spain


RED PEPPERS: Spain, South Africa, Mexico, Turkey
CHILLIES: Mexico, Spain, China
SWEETCORN: Spain, USA, Israel
Denmark, Germany, Italy, France MUSHROOM: Ireland, Netherlands, Poland, France
The product risk factors used for the risk rating within the matrix are defined within the table
above, and the risk factors used to develop the product vulnerability risk matrix are defined as

Product Risk Factor Classification

Matrix axis Risk factors Criteria for consideration

Likelihood of History of • The number, types and frequency of fraud (the more frequent
occurrence product fraud that a product has food fraud associated with it, the higher the risk)

Likelihood of Economic • Price (the higher the profit margin the higher the risk)
occurrence factors • Availability of the product (the lower the availability of a product,
the higher the risk)
• Availability of adulterant (the high availability and low cost of an
adulterant, the higher the risk)
• Tariff Costs (the higher the tariff cost, the higher the risk
• Price Fluctuation (the frequency and level of fluctuation will
determine risk)

Likelihood of Ease of • Physical nature of the product (liquids pose the highest risk and
occurrence fraudulent mixing of individual components e.g. whole fish, pose the lowest risk)
activity • Cost and complexity of fraudulent process (the more complex and
costly a process, the lower the risk)
• Staff involvement in the fraudulent activity (the more staff
involvement, the lower the risk)
• Packaging formats-raw material and adulterant (if product is
available unmarked and in bulk the higher the risk, if product is
prepackaged, marked and requires unpacking, the lower the risk)

Likelihood Supply chain • Geographical origin (the longer the distance from source to
of current complexity company, the higher the risk)
detection • Number of organization in the supply chain (the greater the
number of organizations in the supply chain, the higher the risk)
• Types of organization (the greater the number of manufacturers
and agents within the supply chain, the higher the risk)
• Number of factories within the supplier organization (the greater
the number of manufacturing units within one supplier organization
the higher the risk)

Likelihood Current • Testing authority (accredited testing companies pose the lowest
of current control risk, unaccredited or unknown companies pose the highest risk)
detection measures for • Testing methodology (accredited testing methodologies pose the
detecting lowest risk; unaccredited or unknown testing methodologies pose
fraud the highest risk)
• Testing frequency (the higher the frequency of testing the lower
the risk)
• Cost of testing (the higher the cost of testing the greater the risk)


4.3.2 Supplier Vulnerability Assessment Principles
In addition to the product vulnerability assessment, it is equally important to assess supplier risk.
For example, the product will have a defined risk; however, the same product may be procured
from a number of sources, all of which will have a differing risk, assessed by the supplier vulnera-
bility assessment.
The following table illustrates the risk factors that can be used for the assessment of supplier risk.

Supplier risk factors Criteria for consideration

Economic stability • Economical stability of supplier

and legal status • Legal entity of the supplier

History of business • Duration of business between the companies (the longer the
duration of business between the supplier and the company,
the lower the risk)
• Good business history e.g. no disputes, no commercial or
technical issues (the better the business relationship history
between the supplier and the company, the lower the risk)

Commercial relationships • Partnership supplier, contracted supplier, un-contracted supplier,

or open market supplier (Partnership lowest risk, open market
supplier highest risk)
• Regular contracted quantities and supplier reliant on good
relationship with the company (more regular quantities procured
the lower the risk)
• Commercially knowledgeable-margin control, supply chain
knowledge, commercially aware (the more commercially
knowledgeable the lower the risk)
• Subcontracting or outsourcing of production (the more the
supplier subcontracts or outsources the higher the risk)
• Direct control/ownership of raw materials (if the supplier has
direct control and ownership of raw materials the lower the risk)

Technical relationships • Quality, accuracy and timely provision of technical information

such as specifications, requests for specific information and
complaint response (the more technically responsive the lower
the risk)
• The competence of the supplier’s technical staff (the higher the
competence of technical staff the lower the risk)
• Supplier transparency on technical issue (the more transparent
the supplier is the lower the risk)
• Company’s knowledge of supply chain, process steps and
technologies used by the supplier
• The supplier’s knowledge of technical issues and fraud control
measures (the more knowledgeable regarding technical issues
and food fraud measure the lower the risk)
• Effectiveness of quality management systems (if the supplier
has an effective QM systems the lower the risk)


Supplier risk factors Criteria for consideration

Technical compliance • Compliance to agreed performance KPI’s (the more compliant

performance with KPI’s the lower the risk)
• Gaining or maintaining a level of certification or audit score (a
good level of certification and continued good performance the
lower the risk)
• The consistent supply of safe and specification compliant product
(the better consistent performance regarding agreed safety and
quality product the lower the risk)
• Minimal intake rejections-quality, temp, etc. (the better the
rejection rate the lower the risk)
• Minimal consumer complaints (the lower the complaint level
the lower the risk)
• Minimal waste / damage during manufacture (the lower the
waste/damage level the lower the risk)

Country of supply regulatory • Level of regulatory control at the source of product in relation
infrastructure and controls with country regulatory quality (the higher level of comparable
regulatory control the lower the risk)
• Intergovernmental relationships with the country of supply
(the higher the level of government interface and controls
the lower the risk)

Country and business ethics • Level of corruption within product supplier’s country (the higher
the level of corruption the higher the risk)
• Ethical working conditions (the poorer the ethical working
conditions within the supplier the higher the risk)
• Environmental conditions (the poorer the environmental
conditions within the supplier the higher the risk)

The supplier risk, like product risk, can be graded dependent upon the confidence the company
has with the supplier and is based upon defined risk factors and risk sub-factors within the
table above.
For example:
1 Very High Confidence
2 High Confidence
3 Medium Confidence
4 Low Confidence
5 Very Low Confidence

4.4 Developing the Product Fraud Mitigation Plan

4.4.1 Food Fraud Mitigation Plan Principles
An effective Product Fraud Mitigation Plan will define the measures and controls that are required
to be in place to mitigate the risks identified in the Product Fraud Vulnerability Assessment. The
completed Product Fraud Mitigation Plan constitutes the most important document,as it reflects
the results of all the product fraud mitigation strategy of the supplier.


The product and supplier vulnerability assessment are undertaken on every raw material, ingre-
dient, packaging and food and the resultant overall risk assessment reviewed against current
control measures, that the company undertakes to identify fraudulent activity, in order to deter-
mine if these provide effective mitigation against possible fraud threats.
Unlike product and supplier vulnerability assessments, it is suggested that the current control
measures should be rated, in accordance with an assessment of the likely effectiveness of controls
by the technical member(s) of the Product Fraud Assessment Team. For example:
High – Good level of control measures relating to product fraud activity
Medium – Medium level of control measures relating to product fraud activity
Low – Low level of control measures relating to product fraud activity.
The control measures that can be used are numerous and are specific in nature to the raw material,
ingredient, packaging or food, but should however, be implemented to effectively control risks.
The following list is not exhaustive, but are those control measures that are typically used:
• Economical and legal status of supplier verification
• Raw material, ingredient and packaging analytical testing
• Certificates of analysis
• Product inspection prior to delivery
• Third party technical audit
• Second party technical audit
• First party technical audit
• Chain of custody certification
• Mass balance testing
• Supplier questionnaires
• Legal compliance of supply chain suppliers

Criteria for Control Measures

There are a number of criteria examples which should also be considered when assessing the
effective of control measures:

Control measures Criteria for consideration

Economic and legal status • Financial stability verification

verification • Legal entity verification

Raw material, ingredient and • Testing methodology-accredited methodology (if the testing
packaging analytical testing methodology is accredited, the lower the risk)
• Testing methodology – detection level (the lower the detection
level, the lower the risk)
• Accredited / non-accredited laboratory (if the laboratory is
accredited the lower the risk, if the laboratory is non-accredited,
the higher the risk)
• Reliability /validation of the laboratory (if there is evidence of
good reliability of the laboratory, the lower the risk)
• Controls at reception: orders making reference to agreed
specifications, verification of delivery documents, origin and
batch related inspection

Certificates of analysis • Issued by an accredited / non-accredited laboratory (if the

certificate is issued by an accredited laboratory, the lower the risk)
• Certificate relating to the actual batch / lot code of production
(if the certificate is lot/batch specific, the lower the risk)


Control measures Criteria for consideration
Product inspection prior to • Status of inspection body – Government, independent accredited
export / delivery body, independent non-accredited body, appointed by the
company or non-appointed by the company (inspection
undertaken by government or an accredited body pose, the
lowest risk)
• Inspection frequency (the more frequent the inspection, the
lower the risk)
• Inspection sampling methodology (the more through the
sampling, the lower the risk)

Third party technical audit • Accredited certification body against a known and recognized
standard (an accredited certification body poses, the lowest risk)
• Non-accredited certification body against a known and recognized
standard (a non-accredited certification body poses, the
highest risk)
• Audit report and Certificate (a detailed audit report and certificate
poses the lowest risk)
• Certificate (a certificate without a report poses, the highest risk)

Second party technical audit • Accredited certification body against a company standard
(an accredited certification body poses, the lowest risk)
• Non-accredited certification body against a company standard
(a non-accredited certification body poses, the highest risk)
• Audit frequency and scope of audit (the more frequent and robust
scope, the lower the risk)

First party technical audit • Audit undertaken by own employee (the more competent the
employee, the lower the risk)
• Audit frequency and scope of audit (the more frequent and robust
scope, the lower the risk)

Chain of custody certification • Accredited certification body against a known and recognized
standard (an accredited certification body poses, the lowest risk)
• Non-accredited certification body against a known and recognized
standard (a non-accredited certification body poses, the highest risk)
• Audit report and Certificate (a detailed audit report and certificate
poses, the lowest risk)
• Certificate (a certificate without a report poses, the highest risk)

Mass balance testing • Mass balance testing as part of technical or chain of custody
certification audit (testing carried out in accordance with
certification process, the lowest risk)
• Extraordinary testing of mass balance (extraordinary testing under
company control poses, the lowest risk)
• Frequency and scope of testing (the more frequent and robust
scope, the lower the risk)
• Report (a detailed audit report poses, the lowest risk)

Supplier questionnaires • Robustness of questionnaire and evaluation (a robust and detailed

questionnaire poses, the lowest risk)
• Level of use within supply chain (the level to which questionnaires
are used e.g. primary, secondary, tertiary suppliers)

Legal compliance checking of • Review of legal conformity (existence and number of prosecutions)
supply chain suppliers


The Product Fraud Mitigation Plan can then be developed (Figure 6) by the Product Fraud
Assessment Team from the product and supplier vulnerability assessments for each raw material,
ingredient, packaging and food using an overall risk rating score and the assessment of current
control measures (current control measure rating – high, medium or low).
For the development of the Product Fraud Mitigation Plan, the following criteria shall apply:
• The overall risk score is the product risk score multiplied by the supplier risk score
• The raw material, ingredient, packaging and food risk score shall be determined first and shall
be the same, irrespective of the supplier risk rating. Therefore, there will be a ‘common product
risk score’, but there may be differing supplier risk scores dependent upon confidence the
company has of the supplier.
• It is strongly advised to group all raw material, ingredient, packaging and food together and
list suppliers as this will add decision making and plan review.
The Product Fraud Assessment Team shall, by reviewing the collated risk scores and current con-
trol measure rating ( high, medium or low), reach a decision by consensus on need for control

Food Fraud Mitigation Plan Template

Raw material, Supplier Product Supplier Overall Current Team Control

ingredient, risk risk risk control decision measures
packaging score score score measure
food and rating

4.5 Implementation and Monitoring of the Product Fraud Mitigation Plan

Control Measures
4.5.1 Control Measures
The decisions of the Product Fraud Assessment Team may be numerous, dependent on the
evidence reviewed and may lead to changes in policy in relation to supply of product, modifica-
tion of current control measures, or to retain current control measures:
• the discontinuation or reduction of use of a raw material, ingredient, packaging or food
• the discontinuation of the use of supplier(s)
• the reduction in quantity of a raw material, ingredient, packaging or food for specific
• modify current control measures dependent upon product and control measures, e.g.
increase analytical surveillance, use of accredited laboratories and methods, increased
intake inspection, independent inspection prior to shipment, etc.
• retain current levels of control


The Product Fraud Mitigation Plan, and any subsequent revisions of the Plan, should be fully
documented and dated.
When finalizing the Product Fraud Mitigation Plan, the members of the Fraud Assessment Team
should be mindful of the commercial impact of the decisions they consider to be appropriate;
this may involve criteria such as the limited availability of the product, the cost of approving new
suppliers versus the cost of increased surveillance measures and the overall turnover / importance
of the product to the company.
The Product Fraud Mitigation Plan will allow for a prioritization of actions to be made in order to
mitigate overall risk posed by the higher risk products and suppliers. For obvious reasons, particu-
larly in relation to company analytical costs, some judgments may need to be made in relation to
the overall budget for all food controls, both safety and food fraud and it is extremely important
that the Product Fraud Assessment Team have full support of company management.
The Product Fraud Mitigation Plan should be reviewed in alignment with the quality food safety
management system review.

4.6 The Review and Refinement of the Product Fraud Mitigation Plan
4.6.1 Changes to Risk Factors and Product Fraud Vulnerability Assessment Review
A Product Fraud Mitigation Plan will only remain effective, if changes to the risk factors that deter-
mine the risk within the food vulnerability are identified and these changes reviewed, in order to
maintain the required level of control measures.

The members of the Product Fraud Assessment Team should have access to the appropriate data
and information regarding the risk factors used for the vulnerability assessments.
When carrying out the initial Product Fraud Mitigation Plan, this should be regarded as a ‘snap shot
in time’, and there should be recognition that risk factors will change within a dynamic industry
such as the food industry. This will mean there should be in place the ability to revisit individual
products’ (and the suppliers of these products) risk assessments, if there are possible changes to
the overall risk in relation to possible food fraud.
The Product Fraud Assessment Team should review the product fraud vulnerability assessment
when significant changes occur. The following list are those regarded as significant changes, that
will prompt the Team to undertake a revised vulnerability assessment:
›› change in supply of raw materials e.g. new supplier
›› change in management or financial situation of supplier
›› change in cost of raw material(s)
›› change that effect the cost of finished product e.g. tariff increases, transport costs
›› change in supply chain e.g. additional suppliers, type of supplier
›› change in raw material availability, e.g. seasonal shortage, poor quality
›› evidence of fraud found by control measures such as analytical testing
›› evidence of increased customer or consumer complaints which are related to possible fraud,
e.g. poor quality and inconsistent quality
›› emergence of a newly recognised adulterate
›› development of scientific information regarding process, product or analytical identification


4.6.2 Formal Review of the Product Fraud Vulnerability Assessments
A Product Fraud Mitigation Plan will only remain effective, if changes to the risk factors that deter-
mine the risk within the food vulnerability are identified and these changes reviewed, in order to
maintain the required level of control measures. Although within the first part of this requirement
there is need for regular review, there is also a requirement for an annual vulnerability assessment
of all raw materials, ingredients, packaging and outsourced processes.

The members of the Product Fraud Assessment Team should have access to the appropriate data
and information regarding the risk factors used for the vulnerability assessments, which will allow
effective vulnerability assessments to be undertaken.
In accordance with the first part of this requirement, the Team members should regularly review
data and information for significant change, however all raw materials, ingredients, packaging and
outsourced product should be reviewed by undertaking a full vulnerability assessment at least
annually. The Product Fraud Assessment Team should use the same methodology for vulnerability
assessment, however they should review data/information sources to assess if new data/informa-
tion sources are appropriate.
The full vulnerability assessments shall be documented and dated in accordance with company
documentation control requirements.

4.6.3 Control and Monitoring Requirements Review and Implementation

A Product Fraud Mitigation Plan will only remain effective, if changes to the risk factors that
determine the risk within the product vulnerability assessment are identified and these changes
reviewed, in order to maintain the required level of control measures. Within the first part of this
requirement there is need for regular review, and in the second part of this requirement there is
also a requirement for an annual vulnerability assessment of all raw materials, ingredients, pack-
aging and outsourced product, as a consequence of these requirements, there should be a need
to review the current control and monitoring requirements of the product fraud mitigation plan,
which should be amended and implemented immediately after review.

When the Product Fraud Assessment Team undertake the full annual vulnerability assessments
or interim vulnerability assessments of individual raw materials, ingredients, packaging or out-
sourced processes, there is a need to also review the effectiveness of the control measures defined
within the Product Fraud Mitigation Plan.
The Product Fraud Assessment Team should use the same methodology for the development of
the Product Fraud Mitigation Plan, but should review the decision regarding control measures.
If there are changes to the current control measures, these changes should be made as soon as
Any changes to the Product Fraud Mitigation Plan should be documented and dated in accord-
ance with company documentation control requirements.


5 Guidelines for chapter 4 of
IFS Logistics Version 2.2

Although the Logistics Service Provider have few possibilities to mitigate directly product fraud,
as they have less interaction with the product itself, product fraud activity may occur within the
logistics sector of the supply chain and therefore reference is made to the assessment of risk and
the requirement for measures to be in place to mitigate any identified risk.
Although within the requirements of IFS Logistics Version 2.2 reference is not specifically made
to vulnerability assessments or a formal risk mitigation plan and is part of section 4.2.4, Receipt
of Goods and Storage, it is advisable that the general principles which apply to product fraud
vulnerability assessment (section 4 of these Guidelines) are utilised for the assessment of risk
within the logistics supply chain.

5.1.1 Food Fraud Risk Assessment Principles and Mitigation Control Measures
The storage, transport and other services (e.g., packing and labeling) involving raw materials and
finished product within the logistics sector, is an area where substitution and counterfeiting could
be expected as a major food fraud threat. The fraudsters could use the logistic supply chain to sub-
stitute or adulterate raw materials, particularly loose or unpackaged product, or use the legitimate
supply chain system to place counterfeit product onto the market. Mislabeling is also considered
as fraud, for example when best before dates are extended during co-packing activities.
As there is no processing or production of food within the logistics sector, consideration should
be given to factors such as economic factors, ease of the fraudulent activity, supplier business
history, commercial relationships, supplier technical control measures and country and business
ethics. Other factors that are relevant are the nature of the product and its status; typically, loose
or unpackaged product are a higher risk than product that has been packaged and labelled.
The controls that can be used to mitigate Food Fraud within the logistics supply chain are similar
to those which apply to Food Defense controls and should be considered (Reference IFS Food
Defense Guideline); good examples are where traceability / lot coding systems should be evident
as a measure of control and where tamper evidence is incorporated within the packaging design.
The most vulnerable products would be loose or unpackaged product, which are brought into the
company or dispatched from the company. The control and monitoring systems must therefore
be considered and are similar to those used to mitigate the risk of malicious contamination, e.g.
sealed containers, inspection, site security measures, documentation control and regular monitor-
ing of logistic control systems by first, second or third-party audits.

An effective, systematic documented hazard analysis and assessment will identify risk of possible
food fraud activity within the logistics supply chain. As food fraud may take the form of deliberate
and intentional substitution, adulteration, mislabeling or counterfeiting, the hazard analysis shall
be conducted on raw materials, ingredients, food packaging and food within the logistics supply
chain. The hazard analysis, if carried out correctly, will identify potential weaknesses in the logistics
supply chain, which should be addressed by risk mitigation control measures.


Companies may undertake a number of risk assessments, which follow risk management prin-
ciples, but may differ in their detailed methodologies. Typical risk assessments commonly used
within a food manufacturing industry are HACCP, and within incident management procedures,
to establish course of action; however those principles presented in section 4 of these Guidelines,
should greatly assist companies with this process.
Below is an example of table of assessed product and supplier risk and mitigation control
measures for use within the logistics sector.

Food Fraud Risk Assessment and Mitigation Control Measures

Food fraud risk Supplier risk Examples of control measures

Unlabeled Supplier X – • Contract requiring locked containers and fitted with

packaged large storage company seal during transport.
product – and transport • Review of records of container seals and consignment
risk-substitution corporation, notes
short supply • Company procedures review
chain (one • Review of intake records
company) • Authorized consignment notes for all deliveries with
Low risk traceability/lot code data (Audit trail)
• Review of journey log
• Intake quality checks – medium sampling level

Loose product in Supplier  Y – • Contract requiring locked containers and fitted with
open trays – small trans- company seal during transport.
risk-substitution port company • Review of records of container seals and consignment notes.
driver owned • Company procedures review
Low risk • Review of intake records
• Authorized consignment notes for all deliveries with
traceability/lot code data (Audit trail)
• Review of journey log Intake quality checks – low
sampling level

High value brand Supplier Z – • Contract requiring locked containers and fitted with
product small storage company seal on dispatch.
risk-counterfeiting facility • Review of records of product storage and quantity
poor systems • Company procedures review
and security • Review of intake records
High risk • Authorized consignment notes for all products stored with
traceability/lot code data
• Unannounced audits
• Intake quality checks – high sampling level

Mislabeling of Customer • Consistency with product specifications.

product during requesting • Operations traceability
co-packing or shelf-life • Legal advisory
relabeling extension or
activities change
Middle risk



Appendix 1
Example IFS Food Version 6.1 – Vulnerability Assessment,
Mitigation Plan Development and Mitigation Plan Review

Appendix 2
Example IFS PACsecure Version 1.1 – Vulnerability Assessment,
Mitigation Plan Development and Mitigation Plan Review

Appendix 3
Auditor Questions and Documentation

Appendix 4


Example IFS Food Version 6.1 – Vulnerability Assessment, Mitigation Plan
Development and Mitigation Plan Review

1. Examples of Product Vulnerability Assessments

The Company is assessing the risk in relation to:

• Extra virgin olive oil

• Tomato paste
• Preprinted Kraft board tray sleeves

• Minced Beef Frozen block thawing process (outsourced process and raw material
purchasing outsourced)

By assessment using the risk factors and criteria for consideration, the Product Fraud Assessment Team
will, through consensus, assign a scoring of each risk factor, which in turn will confirm the product’s
position within the product vulnerability risk matrix. (Reference tables within section 4.3).
The overall product risk can be scored and assigned for each product/process by multiplying
the likelihood of occurrence and likelihood of current detection scores together to determine a product /
process position within the product vulnerability risk matrix.


Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Likelihood of Occurrence Scoring – Extra Virgin Olive Oil

High risk of History of food Economic Ease of Highest score

occurrence fraud incidents factors fraudulent assigned

5 5
(Very likely)


(Quite possible)


(Not likely)

Low risk of

Likelihood of Current Detection – Extra Virgin Olive Oil

High risk of current Supply chain Current control Highest score

detection complexity measures assigned

(Not likely)


(Quite possible)

3 3

(Very likely)

Low risk of current


Overall Product Risk Score for Extra Virgin Olive Oil = 15

Likelihood of Occurrence (Highest Score Assigned) x Likelihood of Current Detection
(Highest Score Assigned)
Likelihood of Occurrence 5 x Likelihood of Current Detection 3 = 15


Tomato Paste
Likelihood of Occurrence Scoring – Tomato Paste

High risk of History of food Economic Ease of Highest score

occurrence fraud incidents factors fraudulent assigned

(Very likely)


(Quite possible)

(Possible) 2 2 2 2

(Not likely)

Low risk of

Likelihood of Current Detection – Tomato Paste

High risk of current Supply chain Current control Highest score

detection complexity measures assigned

(Not likely)


(Quite possible)


(Very likely) 2 2

Low risk of current


Overall Product Risk Score for Tomato Paste = 4

Likelihood of Occurrence (Highest Score Assigned) x Likelihood of Current Detection
(Highest Score Assigned)
Likelihood of Occurrence 2 x Likelihood of Current Detection 2 = 4
Preprinted Kraft Board Tray Sleeves
Likelihood of Occurrence Scoring-Preprinted Kraft Board Tray Sleeves

High risk of History of food Economic Ease of Highest score

occurrence fraud incidents factors fraudulent assigned

(Very likely)


(Quite possible)

(Possible) 2 2

(Not likely) 1 1

Low risk of

Likelihood of Current Detection-Preprinted Kraft Board Tray Sleeves

High risk of current Supply chain Current control Highest score

detection complexity measures assigned

(Not likely)


(Quite possible)


(Very likely) 2 1 1

Low risk of current


Overall Product Risk Score for Preprinted Kraft Board Tray Sleeves = 2
Likelihood of Occurrence (Highest Score Assigned) x Likelihood of Current Detection
(Highest Score Assigned)
Likelihood of Occurrence 2 x Likelihood of Current Detection 1 = 2


Minced Beef Frozen Block Thawing Process
(Outsourced Process and Outsourced Raw Material Purchasing)
Likelihood of Occurrence Scoring-Minced Beef Frozen Block Thawing Process (Outsourced Process
and Outsourced Raw Material Purchasing)

High risk of History of food Economic Ease of Highest score

occurrence fraud incidents factors fraudulent assigned

5 5
(Very likely)


3 3
(Quite possible)


(Not likely)

Low risk of

Likelihood of Current Detection – Minced Beef Frozen Block Thawing Process (Outsourced Process
and Outsourced Raw Material Purchasing)

High risk of current Supply chain Current control Highest score

detection complexity measures assigned

(Not likely)

4 4

(Quite possible)


(Very likely)

Low risk of current


Overall Product Risk Score for Minced Beef Frozen Block Thawing Process
(Outsourced Process and Outsourced Raw Material Purchasing) = 20
Likelihood of Occurrence (Highest Score Assigned) x Likelihood of Current Detection
(Highest Score Assigned)
Likelihood of Occurrence 5 x Likelihood of Current Detection 4 = 20
From the assigned scores and the Product Risk Matrix (Reference Figure 5)
• where a raw material such as Extra Virgin Olive Oil has a very likely rating for likelihood of
occurrence and a quite possible rating for likelihood of current detection, the overall risk
rating within the matrix is within a high-risk area of the matrix.

• where a raw material such as Tomato Paste has a possible rating for likelihood of occurrence
and likely rating for likelihood of current detection, the overall risk rating within the matrix is
within a low risk area of the matrix.

• where packaging such as Preprinted Kraft Board Tray Sleeves has a possible rating for likeli-
hood of occurrence and a very likely rating for likelihood of current detection, the overall risk
rating within the matrix is within a low risk area of the matrix.

• where a raw material such as Minced Beef Frozen Block Thawing Process (Outsourced Process
and Outsourced Raw Material Purchasing) has a very likely rating for likelihood of occurrence
and a possible rating for likelihood of current detection, the overall risk rating within the
matrix is within a high-risk area of the matrix.

Raw Material, Ingredient Vulnerability and Food

Very likely Extra Virgin

5 Olive Oil
Likelihood of Occurance


Quite possible

Possible Tomato Paste

Not likely

Very likely Likely Quite possible Possible Not likely

2 3

Likelihood of Current Detection


Packaging and Outsourced Process/Product

Very Likely Minced Beef

5 Frozen
Likelihood of Occurance


Quite Possible

Possible Kraft Board

2 Sleeve

Not Likely

Very Likely Likely Quite Possible Possible Not Likely

1 4
Likelihood of Current Detection

Therefore, the position of product/process within the Product Risk Matrix will determine the
need for action to be taken to mitigate any possible risk of food fraud activity. In relation to the
examples above:
• Extra Virgin Olive Oil: it would be expected that, if adequate control measures are not in
place, additional control measures should be urgently considered and actioned.

• Tomato Paste: it would be expected that the current control measures be reviewed for
effectiveness and any decisions action.

• Preprinted Kraft Board Tray Sleeves: it would be expected that the current control measures
be reviewed for effectiveness and any decisions action.

• Minced Beef Frozen Block Thawing Process (Outsourced Process and Outsourced Raw
Material Purchasing): it would be expected that, if adequate control measures are not in
place, additional control measures should be urgently considered and actioned.


2. Example of a Food Fraud Mitigation Plan
An example of a Food Fraud Mitigation Plan is provided below for raw materials, ingredients, food
and outsourced processes:
Date of Assessment: 16th December 2016

Raw material, Supplier Product Supplier Overall Current Team Control measures
ingredient, risk risk risk control decision
packaging food score score score measure
and outsourced rating
Extra virgin Retain Retain control measures.
olive oil W 15 1 15 Medium supplier Product analysis program –
2 analysis per year
Extra virgin Retain Increase product analysis
olive oil X 15 2 30 Medium supplier program to 4 analyses per year

Extra virgin Retain Increase product analysis

olive oil Y 15 2 30 Medium supplier program to 4 analyses per year.

Extra virgin Consider If retained increase product

olive oil discontin- analysis program to 8 analyses
Z 15 4 60 Medium uing per year. Certificate of analysis
for every consignment.
Tomato paste Retain Retain control measures.
A 4 1 4 High supplier Certificates of analysis and
intake checks
Tomato paste Retain Retain control measures.
B 4 1 4 High supplier Certificates of analysis and
intake checks
Tomato paste Retain Retain control measures.
C 4 2 8 High supplier Certificates of analysis and
intake checks
Frozen beef Retain Retain control measures
mince 80% supplier.
D 20 2 40 High
visual lean Direct
Frozen beef Retain Increase product analysis (PCR)
mince 80% supplier. to every consignment. Surveil-
visual lean Direct lance sampling on a number of
E 20 3 60 High control species. Certificate of analysis
for every consignment. (accred-
ited laboratory and method).

Frozen beef Consider Increase product analysis (PCR)

mince 60% discon- to every consignment for
visual lean tinuing or species profile. Certificate of
reducing analysis for every consignment.
business. (accredited laboratory and
F 20 5 100 Medium Long supply method). Unannounced first
chain. party audits with mass balance
Outsourced exercise
process and
Kraft board Must have Undertake checks on PEFC
sleeves PEFC Mark certification and request mass
H 15 1 15 Low and reliable balance data. Undertake a
supplier surveillance audit


3. Example of Food Fraud Mitigation Review and Amendment
Below is an example to a reviewed Food Fraud Mitigation Plan (yellow highlighted cells indicate where
changes to the control measures have been made)
Date of Review: 16th December 2017

Raw material, Supplier Product Supplier Overall Current Team Control measures
ingredient, risk score risk score risk score control decision
packaging food measure
and outsourced rating

Extra virgin Retain Retain control measures. Product

olive oil W 15 1 15 Medium supplier analysis program – 2 analysis per
Extra virgin Retain Issues identified in supply region.
olive oil X 15 2 30 Medium supplier Increase product analysis pro-
gram to 6 analyses per year
Extra virgin Retain Issues identified in supply region.
olive oil Y 15 2 30 Medium supplier Increase product analysis pro-
gram to 6 analyses per year
Extra virgin Consider If retained increase product
olive oil discontin- analysis program to 8 analyses
Z 15 4 60 Medium uing per year. Certificate of analysis
for every consignment.

Tomato paste Retain Retain control measures. Cer-

A 4 1 4 High supplier tificates of analysis and intake
Tomato paste Retain Retain control measures. Cer-
B 4 1 4 High supplier tificates of analysis and intake
Tomato paste Retain Retain control measures. Cer-
C 4 2 8 High supplier tificates of analysis and intake
Frozen beef Retain Increase PCR due to suspect
mince 80% supplier. results
visual lean D 20 3 60 High Direct
Frozen beef Retain Increase product analysis (PCR)
mince 80% supplier. to every consignment. Surveil-
visual lean Direct lance sampling on a number of
E 20 3 60 High species. Certificate of analysis for
every consignment. (accredited
laboratory and method).

Frozen beef Consider Increase product analysis (PCR)

mince 60% discon- to every consignment for species
visual lean tinuing or profile. Certificate of analysis for
reducing every consignment. (accredited
business. laboratory and method). Unan-
F 20 5 100 Medium Long supply nounced first party audits with
chain. mass balance exercise
process and

Kraft board Must have Undertake checks on PEFC

sleeves PEFC Mark certification and request mass
H 15 1 15 Low and reliable balance data. Undertake a
supplier surveillance audit


Example IFS PACsecure Version 1.1 – Vulnerability Assessment,
Mitigation Plan Development and Mitigation Plan Review

1. Examples of Product Vulnerability Assessments

The Company is assessing the risk of:

• Kraft Board PEFC Mark ( Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification) Compliant
• Polyester base for lidding film – Polyester Content and PET recyclable mark compliant
• Vacuum and Modified Atmosphere Film for Pouch manufacture – thickness / specification

By assessing using the risk factors and criteria for consideration the Product Fraud Assessment Team
should, through consensus, assign a scoring of each risk factor, which in turn will confirm the product’s
position within the product vulnerability risk matrix. (Reference tables in section 4.3).
The overall product risk can be scored and assigned for each product / process by multiplying the likeli-
hood of occurrence and likelihood of current detection scores together to determine a product / process
position within the product vulnerability risk matrix.

Kraft Board PEFC Mark

Likelihood of Occurrence Scoring – Kraft Board PEFC Mark

High risk of History of food Economic Ease of Highest score

occurrence fraud incidents factors fraudulent assigned

(Very likely)

4 4

3 2
(Quite possible)


(Not likely)

Low risk of


Likelihood of Current Detection – Kraft Board PEFC Mark

High risk of current Supply chain Current control Highest score

detection complexity measures assigned

(Not likely)


(Quite possible) 3 3

(Likely) 2

(Very likely)

Low risk of current


Overall Product Risk Score for Kraft Board PEFC Mark = 12

Likelihood of Occurrence (Highest Score Assigned) x Likelihood of Current Detection
(Highest Score Assigned)
Likelihood of Occurrence 4 x Likelihood of Current Detection 3 = 12

Polyester base for lidding film

Likelihood of Occurrence Scoring – Polyester base for lidding film

High risk of History of food Economic Ease of Highest score

occurrence fraud incidents factors fraudulent assigned

(Very likely)


(Quite possible)

2 2 2

(Not likely)

Low risk of


Likelihood of Current Detection – Polyester base for lidding film

High risk of current Supply chain Current control Highest score

detection complexity measures assigned

(Not likely)


(Quite possible) 3 3

(Likely) 2

(Very likely)

Low risk of current


Overall Product Risk Score for Polyester base for lidding film = 6
Likelihood of Occurrence (Highest Score Assigned) x Likelihood of Current Detection
(Highest Score Assigned)
Likelihood of Occurrence 2 x Likelihood of Current Detection 3 = 6

Vacuum and Modified Atmosphere Film for Pouch manufacture

Likelihood of Occurrence Scoring – Vacuum and Modified Atmosphere Film for Pouch manufacture

High risk of History of food Economic Ease of Highest score

occurrence fraud incidents factors fraudulent assigned

(Very likely)


3 3
(Quite possible)

2 2

(Not likely)

Low risk of


Likelihood of Current Detection – Vacuum and Modified Atmosphere Film for Pouch manufacture

High risk of current Supply chain Current control Highest score

detection complexity measures assigned

(Not likely)


(Quite possible)


(Very likely) 1 1 1

Low risk of current


Overall Product Risk Score for Vacuum and Modified Atmosphere Film for
Pouch manufacture = 3
Likelihood of Occurrence (Highest Score Assigned) x Likelihood of Current Detection
(Highest Score Assigned)
Likelihood of Occurrence 3 x Likelihood of Current Detection 1 = 3
• From the assigned scores and the Product Risk Matrix (Reference Figure 8)

• where a raw material such as Kraft Board (PEFC Mark) has a likely rating for likelihood of occurrence
and a quite possible rating for likelihood of current detection, the overall risk rating within the matrix is
within a medium risk area of the matrix.

• where a raw material such as Polyester Base has a possible rating for likelihood of occurrence and quite
possible for likelihood of current detection, the overall risk rating within the matrix is within a low risk
area of the matrix.

• where packaging such as Vacuum and Modified Atmosphere Film has a quite possible rating for like-
lihood of occurrence and a very likely rating for likelihood of current detection, the overall risk rating
within the matrix is within a low risk area of the matrix


Very Likely
Likelihood of Occurance

Likely Kraft Board

4 PEFC Mark

Quite Possible

Possible Polyester Base

Not Likely Vacuum and

MA Film
VeryLlikely Likely Quite Possible Possible Not Likely
2 3
Likelihood of Current Detection

Therefore, the position of product/process within the Product Risk Matrix will determine the need for
action to be taken to mitigate any possible risk of food fraud activity. In relation to the examples above:

• Kraft Board PEFC Mark: it would be expected that, if adequate control measures are not in place,
additional control measures should be urgently considered and actioned.

• Polyester Base: it would be expected that the current control measures be reviewed for effectiveness
and any decisions action.

• Vacuum and Modified Atmosphere Film: it would be expected that the current control measures be
reviewed for effectiveness and any decisions action.


2. Example of a Food Fraud Mitigation Plan
An example of a Food Fraud Mitigation Plan is provided below for raw materials, ingredients, food
and outsourced processes:
Date of Assessment: 16th December 2017

Raw material, Supplier Product Supplier Overall Current Team Control measures
ingredient risk risk risk control decision
or food score score score measure
packaging rating

Kraft Board Retain Retain control measures.

PEFC Mark supplier Rely on Certification Report
W 12 1 12 High
and Chain of Custody
Kraft Board Retain Certification Report and
PEFC Mark supplier Chain of Custody Certifica-
X 12 2 24 High tion Additional annual audit
with mass balance exercise
Kraft Board Retain Certification Report and
PEFC Mark supplier Chain of Custody Certifica-
Y 12 2 24 High
tion Additional annual audit
with mass balance exercise
Kraft Board Consider Certification Report and
FSC Mark discontin- Chain of Custody Certifica-
Z 12 4 48 High
uing tion Additional annual audit
with mass balance exercise
Kraft Board Retain Retain control measures.
FSC Mark supplier Rely on Certification Report
A 12 1 12 High
and Chain of Custody
Polyester base Retain Retain control measures.
B 6 1 6 Medium supplier Certificates of analysis

V and MA Film Retain Retain control measures.

C 3 1 3 Low supplier

V and MA Film Retain Increase control measures

D 3 2 6 Low supplier by increased sampling on
Polypropylene Retain Increase product analysis
base for films supplier. to every consignment.
Certificate of analysis for
E 6 3 18 Medium
every consignment.
(accredited laboratory
and method).
Environ- Only Certificate of analysis
mentally supplier for every consignment.
friendly board of this (accredited laboratory
biodegradable product and method). Third party
(sugar cane F 20 4 80 Medium and in certification Increase to
fibre) South unannounced first party
Africa audits with mass balance


3. Example of Product Fraud Mitigation Review and Amendment
Below is an example to a reviewed Product Fraud Mitigation Plan (yellow highlighted cells indicate
where changes to the control measures have been made)

Raw material, Supplier Product Supplier Overall Current Team Control measures
ingredient risk risk risk control decision
or food score score score measure
packaging rating
Kraft Board Retain control measures. Rely
PEFC Mark Retain
W 12 1 12 High on Certification Report and
Chain of Custody Certification
Kraft Board Certification Report and
PEFC Mark Retain Chain of Custody Certification
X 12 2 24 High
supplier Additional annual audit with
mass balance exercise
Kraft Board Issues identified by Certifica-
PEFC Mark tion Body and mass balance
Chain of Custody Certification
Y 12 5 60 High discontinu-
issues and certificate sus-
ing supplier
pended Do not order this
Kraft Board
Certification Report and
FSC Mark Consider
Chain of Custody Certification
Z 12 4 48 High discontin-
Additional annual audit with
mass balance exercise
Kraft Board Retain control measures. Rely
FSC Mark Retain
A 12 1 12 High on Certification Report and
Chain of Custody Certification
Polyester base
Retain Retain control measures.
B 6 1 6 Medium
supplier Certificates of analysis

V and MA Film Retain Retain control measures.

C 3 1 3 Low supplier

V and MA Film Consider Increase control measures has

looking for identified inconsistent Product
new source Increased sampling on intake
D 3 4 12 Medium or increase on every reel
volume of
supplier C

Polypropylene Retain Increase product analysis to

base for films supplier. every consignment. Certificate
of analysis for every consign-
E 6 3 18 Medium
ment. (accredited laboratory
and method).

Environ- Only Certificate of analysis for every

mentally supplier of consignment. (accredited
friendly board this product laboratory and method). Third
biodegradable F 20 4 80 Medium and in South party certification Increase to
(sugar cane Africa unannounced first party audits
fibre) with mass balance exercise


Auditor Questions and Documentation
The IFS auditor shall perform an assessment of the development and implementation of the Product
Fraud Mitigation Plan and other relevant documentation.

Section 4.2
Questions that the auditor should ask and that the company should be able to reply to:
• Who are members of the product fraud assessment team?
• How members of the product assessment team have been trained?
• Are the responsibilities of the product fraud assessment team clearly defined?
• How does senior management support the product fraud assessment team?
• How are data sources relating to product fraud identified?  
• Is there a list of data sources with information relating to its review and frequency of review?
• Are credible data sources used?
• How are the data used by the members of the product fraud assessment team ?
Documents that the auditor may wish to assess
• Training records of product fraud assessment team
• List of information and data sources
• Evidence for the regular review of information and data sources

Section 4.3
Questions that the auditor should ask and that the company should be able to reply to:
• Which is the defined vulnerability assessment methodology?
• Which risk factors are defined for product (raw material, ingredient and packaging) and suppliers?
• Are all raw materials, ingredients and packaging subject to vulnerability assessment?
• Are vulnerability scores, ranking or grading available for review?
• How often are vulnerability assessments undertaken?
• Are vulnerability assessments undertaken on all new raw material, ingredient and packaging and
the suppliers of these product?
Documents that the auditor may wish to assess
• Vulnerability assessment records
• List of raw materials, ingredients and packaging and their suppliers.
• Results of internal audit review

Section 4.4 and Section 4.5

Questions that the auditor should ask and that the company should be able to reply to:
• Is there a product fraud mitigation plan procedure in place?
• What are the control measures applied to mitigate the risk of potential product fraud activity iden-
tified within the vulnerability assessment?
• Are control measures appropriately and consistently applied in accordance with identified risks?
• Who monitors, and where necessary actions, issues identified by the control measures?
• Are control measures regularly reviewed for suitability and effectiveness?


Documents that the auditor may wish to assess
• Product Fraud Mitigation Plan
• Product Fraud Mitigation Plan control measure records and review (and actions)
• Customer and consumers Complaints
• Results of internal audit

Section 4.6
Questions that the auditor should ask and that the company should be able to reply to:
• How often is a vulnerability assessment undertaken?
• Is there, within the food fraud mitigation plan procedure, criteria defined when the food fraud
vulnerability assessment shall be reviewed in additional to the annual review, i.e. when changes
to risk could occur?
• Is the effectiveness of the food fraud mitigation plan reviewed? If so how is this undertaken?
• Are control and monitoring requirements changed, and if so, why?
Documents that the auditor may wish to assess
• Product Fraud Mitigation Plan procedures
• Product Fraud Mitigation Plan control measures, records and review (and actions)
• Customer and consumers Complaints
• Results of internal audit


Examples of Data Resources
The following references may be useful in relation to data sources:
• IFS Dashboard (available from September 2018)
• RASSF Portal
• FAO Food Price Index ( Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations)
• Animal Disease – EMPRES (Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations)
• Food Outlook / Crop Forecasting -GIEWS (Global Information and Early Warning System, Food
and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations)
• Country Risk Index
http://www.amfori.org/sites/default/files/amfori BSCI CRC V2018_HM_AD.pdf
• Corruption Index – Transparency International
• Food Fraud Database – US Pharmacopeil Convention(USP)
• Food Protection and Defense Institute
• EU Food Fraud Network
• EU Science Hub Monthly Report on Food Fraud and Authenticity
• Europol Interpol Operation Opson



Contact and Informations:

IFS Management GmbH

Am Weidendamm 1 A
10117 Berlin, Germany
Managing Director: Stephan Tromp
Phone: +49 (0)30 72 62 50-74
Fax: +49 (0)30 72 62 50-79

IFS Contact person for Food Fraud:

Mr. Bruno Séchet
IFS Technical Director

All rights reserved.

© IFS, 2018

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