Thesis Statement For Rwandan Genocide

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Crafting a thesis statement for the Rwandan Genocide is an intricate task that demands meticulous

research, critical analysis, and profound understanding of the historical context. This dark chapter in
human history is marked by complexities that require careful navigation to capture its essence
accurately. From examining the root causes and historical precedents to analyzing the socio-political
dynamics and international responses, every aspect demands thorough exploration and scholarly

The enormity of the Rwandan Genocide presents a formidable challenge for any researcher or
student attempting to encapsulate its essence within a concise thesis statement. The multifaceted
nature of the events, including the interplay of ethnic tensions, colonial legacies, political
manipulations, and failures of international intervention, adds layers of complexity that must be
carefully unraveled.

Moreover, the ethical responsibility of addressing such a sensitive and tragic topic adds another
dimension of difficulty. Balancing academic rigor with empathy and respect for the victims and
survivors requires a delicate approach that acknowledges the human suffering while striving for
impartial analysis.

Given the daunting nature of this task, seeking professional assistance can be invaluable. ⇒ ⇔ offers expert guidance and support to students and researchers grappling with
the challenges of crafting a thesis statement for the Rwandan Genocide. With a team of experienced
writers and researchers specializing in various fields, ⇒ ⇔ ensures meticulous
attention to detail, thorough research, and adherence to academic standards.

By entrusting your thesis statement to ⇒ ⇔, you can alleviate the burden of this
daunting task and ensure that your work reflects the depth and complexity of the Rwandan
Genocide while meeting the highest scholarly standards. Let us help you navigate this challenging
journey and produce a thesis statement that does justice to this tragic chapter in human history.
Dallaire wanted 5000 troops to be deployed, but had to compromise with 25000 UNAMIR soldiers
that weren't even equipped to perform basic tasks. Abstract: Rwanda's upcoming August 2017
presidential election provides a unique opportunity for the international community to reflect upon
the past and contemplate the future of a nation that has struggled with intense ethnic factionalism for
much of its history. The lost generation - Kidnapping in the name of the Law. Questions were no
longer asked about who was handling guns, who had experience with this or that militia, or who had
never let a machete fall from their hands. It is important to use that lesson so that we are able to
prevent something like this from happening again. Though the peace process seemed to be underway
there were many in Habyarimana’s government who did not want to accept the power sharing
agreement. The Tutsis would for decades rule over the other ethnic party in Rwanda, the Hutus. A
plane with the president in it was shot down on April 6, 1994. While the U.S. as a superpower was
able to collude with the United Nations to enforce the post-Somalia foreign policy, the Rwandese
case should have been given thought and acted upon before it escalated to dangerous levels. I do not
feel okay pronouncing it because I know it is the term that has been destroying and wounding
humanity many times in the past. The cause of the genocide was a conflict beginning in 1990
between the Hutu-led government and the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF). “The latter was made up
largely of Tutsi refugees whose families had fled to Uganda after the 1959 Hutu revolt against
colonial rule (Florence).”. If reports are being leaked to the international community, it is obvious that
the community, for some reason, is not taking any sort of action to alleviate the situation. In early
1996, the U.S. deployed numerous troops to Liberia to protect the U.S. citizens and property in the
wake of a civil war. The third lesson is how important it is to remember those affected by the
genocide. According to, there was not a timely response to the genocide. Therefore, it
can be argued that the whole burden would not have fallen upon the U.S. but upon the whole world
in case the country used its resources and powers well to push the others towards arresting the issue
at hand. Thousands of these survivors were women, who were raped daily by Hutu men and
ultimately became HIV positive. According to Sen, human rights imply a set of three interrelated
duties. It was estimated that about 1 million Rwandans were killed. 70% were said to be Tutsi. There
had been many attempts at peace making prior to the genocide taking place. We use cookies to create
the best experience for you. However after Rwanda fell to the hands of the Belgiums, the Tutsis, the
minority of the population, were given much more privileges than the Hutus, the majority, for having
European features: Longer nose, lighter skin, taller figure etc. (socialistworker, 7.May.2004) This
unreasonable division allowed the Tutsis to have better education, job opportunities and ownership of
land. Over about one hundred days, it is estimated that twenty percent of the country’s total
population were killed. Based on the results of this pile, it is clear that the public was highly
misunderstood by the leaders who believed that they should only intervene when the national
interests are at risk whereas more people in the public supported the intervention where people were
suffering or facing deaths. Through propaganda. His quote holds meaning and truth as within the
past twenty years, Rwanda has worked miraculously to rebuild and reunite the country that was left
disheveled by social conflict and genocide. Although laws were not put in place, media outlets
including newspapers and radio shows spread hate propaganda and they even provided specific
instructions on how to kill the Tutsi people. The Belgian suspicion of a Hutu overthrow came to
fruition when the Hutus took control of Rwanda in 1959 (Rwanda, 2008).After the overthrow,
vengeful Hutu militias murdered about 15,000 Tutsis, and more than 100,000 Tutsis fled to bordering
countries, primarily Uganda and Burundi (Cook, 2006). Most of the victims were killed in their own
villages and homes by machetes and rifles. Gradually, the Tutsis were the ones who were being
discriminated by Hutus, which further increased the hostility between the two ethnicities. The
ignition of the extreme violence is analysed by combining constructivism and instrumentalism.
The genocide made many problems for the world, it has many lasting effects on the world and
Rwanda. This might lead to a tense relationship between neighbours. The aftermath of World War II,
The Holocaust, and the age of the atomic bomb instilled in the sculpture of the mid-1940s a sense
that art should return to its pre-cultural and pre-rational origins. There are many factors that have
contributed to the reconstruction of Rwanda, including international assistance, gacaca courts and
International Criminal Tribunal. The perpetrators were the Hutu-led government, Intera Hamuve and
Impuzamugambi milita. 7. Untitled Slide 8. Need Of Financial Aid The Rwanda genocide reflects
genocide because there was about 500,000-1,000,000 deaths. Having discussed the hate radio that
played a central role in perpetrating hate among the Hutus against the Tutsi, the U. S. should have
taken a prompt decision to ensure that the radio waves were closed before the organizations and co-
ordinations of the deaths were achieved. Despite the fact the Clinton administration was aware of
what was unfolding, they came to a decision not to act and stayed oblivious of the damage that the
genocide would bring to the country. They demanded the identity cards of the people living in a
given area and killed all the Tutsi. RTLM became immensely popular as a young, hip alternative to
the official voice of the government.” (Universite Concorde University) Women experienced
dehumanization through rape and thousands were sex slaves. This text is free, available online and
used for guidance and inspiration. As mentioned, the genocide began after the President’s plane was
shot down. Some of the Tutsi were tortured for days before they died. There had been many attempts
at peace making prior to the genocide taking place. You can download the paper by clicking the
button above. The First World War made the Germans lose their colonies including Rwanda
(Mamdani, 2001). However, amongst the peacekeepers ten soldiers from Belgium were captured by
the Hutus, tortured and murdered. A timely intervention by the U.S. would have saved people’s
lives, and this is especially true considering that even an indirect intervention would have been
enough. It is the most unwanted word we have in English dictionary. This racial animosity has
disastrous consequences, such as civil wars and the unhealed wounds of previously colonised nations.
The sovereign states’ duty to secure human rights implies that the U.S. should have intervened in
Rwanda in order to secure the genocide victims’ right to security. However, once the genocide begin
there was not a rush to action to stop it. Although laws were not put in place, media outlets including
newspapers and radio shows spread hate propaganda and they even provided specific instructions on
how to kill the Tutsi people. This led the Hutu Power circle around President Habyarimana and his
wife to found RTLM as a private radio station. Rwadian Air Force (RAF) went from house to house
killing innocent people. The post-genocide government has tried to establish a greater level of
stability within the country in hopes of another genocide never occurring again. They forced Hutu
civilians to participate in the genocide, or be killed in return. Application of Theory In a conflict as
atrocious and incomprehensible as the one in Rwanda it is. This further increased the tension between
the two ethnic communities. In applying the constructivists framework, the essay makes the case
Rwanda’s racially based ethnic identities were socially constructed during decades of colonialism.
The radio had so much influence on polarizing the Tutsi and Hutu tribes, it became one of the most
important factors in organizing the genocide.
In particular, incumbent President Paul Kagame's bid for a third-term is cause to consider the merits
and dangers of his continued rule. Belgium took over Rwanda and introduced the identity cards.
Coincidentally, although legislators included crimes of sexual torture among those to be most
severely sanctioned, judicial personnel have shown little interest in prosecuting such crimes. The one
and only deciding factor that manifests what will happen with human rights violations and a
countries choice to intervene is the United Nations and the international community. The six weeks
that followed the April 6 date would witness the death of approximately 800,000 Rwandese as the
two biggest tribes in the country, Hutu and Tutsi rose against each other to execute a bloodbath of
extreme margin. Additionally, as opposed to what elites think, the public tends to support moral
compelling interventions as opposed to basing their case on interests. Receive a tailored piece that
meets your specific needs and requirements. There were also lessons that could be learned from this.
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on Nov 20, 2015 No Description View Outline MORE DECKS TO EXPLORE PRESENTATION
OUTLINE 1. After a plane crash, the tutsi were being executed along with Hutu leaders, and they
need help from not being killed. 3. Untitled Slide 4. What's going on Tutsi people are being
slaughtered in Rwanda during 1994.Ethnic Tutsi and politically moderate Hutu peoples are being
slaughtered.Victims were killed in their own towns or villages by their neighbors and
villagers.Rwandan Genocide began on April 6, 1994, and also the slaughter. This was because the
Hutu believed that the Tutsi had originally migrated from Ethiopia.ConclusionIn July 1994, the
Rwanda Patriotic Front took over the government. The reasons that the Clinton administration gave
for failing to intervene in the genocide were not plausible, and the administration took a politically
expedient action. Security, Opportunity, and Authority in an Ethnocratic State. In Bosnia, the scale
of the violence was lower than that of Rwanda, and this partially explains why the Clinton
administration preferred Bosnia to Rwanda. Nearly 1 million people loss their lives due to people
acting out of hatred. The Hutu’s tribe made a breakthrough as they were higher in the Catholic
church. “In 1961, Rwanda gained its independence and the Hutu majority took power. Though the
peace process seemed to be underway there were many in Habyarimana’s government who did not
want to accept the power sharing agreement. Extremists, suspecting that the president is finally about
to implement the Arusha Peace Accords, are believed to be behind the attack. The conflict was about
a year after US troops were killed in Somalia, so the US decided not to become apart of another
African conflict” (Rwanda genocide: 100 days of slaughter, 2014). They fought for 100 days killing
thousands of people a day. By mid-July the genocide had ended.ReferencesMamdani, M. (2001).
When Victims Become Killers: Colonialism, Nativism, and the Genocide in Rwanda. There are many
factors that have contributed to the reconstruction of Rwanda, including international assistance,
gacaca courts and International Criminal Tribunal. In applying the constructivists framework, the
essay makes the case Rwanda’s racially based ethnic identities were socially constructed during
decades of colonialism. A state feels that it should not involve itself in a sovereign state in order to
preserve autonomy and freedom. While the humanitarian workers and the diplomats in hotels and
embassies in Rwanda gave daily tolls of the demises, mainly the Tutsis, the Western world and the
US failed to respond and most experts feel that they failed to engage in an action that could save
lives and ultimately world peace. Racist ideologies and propaganda were also used to divide and rule
the people in their colonies. Another explanation for U.S.’s inaction was that she prioritized other
foreign policy issues, especially Bosnia. This is occurring in the African Country of Rwandagf 5.
When people feel threatened by the group of people who are different than them they become hateful
and associate them as being “others” who do not deserve to be held up to the same standard as
everyone. This paper explores how and why the media failed in The Rwandan Genocide in 1994.
The Rwandan genocide was as devastating as the Holocaust and were both left with a bad
reputation. While Rwanda may not offer any commercial interests to the U.S., the neighboring
Congo, which is resource rich would be affected and therefore the interests of the U.S. would be
affected. The Tutsi people were frequently referred to as “cockroaches” or “tall trees” on radio
broadcasts or newspapers. While the U.N. seems to have been ill-prepared to what erupted, it is clear
that their efforts were not directed to help any of the victims in the country given that over 1000
heavily armed Belgian and French troops flew in Kigali by April 10 as they sought to evacuate their
own nationals from perishing. We assembled on the football field and I trust a group and set off
together, united in our hunt (Haperen, 2009). As stated on United to End Genocide, “The Rwandan
genocide is one of the heaviest moments in human history. They slowly took land in Rwanda until
they finally took Kigali, which is the capital of Rwanda. In early 1991, there was a civil war in
Mogadishu and U.S. troops successfully evacuated the U.S. embassy. In late 1992, the U.S.
deployed at least 20,000 troops in Somalia within a month and these troops succeeded in stopping
mass starvation. The Tutsis would for decades rule over the other ethnic party in Rwanda, the Hutus.
Intervening, whether humane or not, has always been a dilemma for countries. Extremists, suspecting
that the president is finally about to implement the Arusha Peace Accords, are believed to be behind
the attack. On July 4, 1994, Kigali fell to the RPF and the genocide and finally came to an end on
July 18 (Cook, 2006). The United Nations feels that some countries are going to have to solve the
problems within their own state on their own terms, time, and money. As of the end of March 1998,
the United Nations Human Rights Field Operation in Rwanda had registered only eleven cases of
persons charged with sexual crimes although such crimes were widely reported to have occurred
during the genocide. 1The Gacaca requires additional review since it is supported by even the
prisiones themselves as fair and appropriate. Therefore, it can be argued that the whole burden would
not have fallen upon the U.S. but upon the whole world in case the country used its resources and
powers well to push the others towards arresting the issue at hand. Specifically, the lack of American
intervention in Rwanda reveals the complexity race and policy in American history and the shared
fates of Africans throughout the world. As mentioned, the genocide began after the President’s plane
was shot down. Both at the groups spoke the same language, lives in the same areas, and follow the
same traditions (Rwanda: How the Genocide Started, 2011). Genocide and crisis in Central Africa:
conflict roots, mass violence, and regional war; foreword by Robert Melson. It’s important not to
simply learn from the experience but to act on what was learned as well. President Clinton’s concern
about the political implications of his handling of the genocide at the expense of the lives of the
Rwandans indicates that the U.S. used false excuses to evade her responsibility to intervene. Though
the peace process seemed to be underway there were many in Habyarimana’s government who did
not want to accept the power sharing agreement. The cause of the genocide was a conflict beginning
in 1990 between the Hutu-led government and the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF). “The latter was
made up largely of Tutsi refugees whose families had fled to Uganda after the 1959 Hutu revolt
against colonial rule (Florence).”. There are several factors that lead to this violence, however
colonisation and the international community are the major blame to the horrific result of this
genocide rather than the people of Rwanda. There had been many attempts at peace making prior to
the genocide taking place. Saving some lives would be a justified intervention as opposed to staying
put and trying to rectify the effect. Nobody took the time to identify who actually shut down the
plane, they simply responded. “All of a sudden, Hutus became patriotic Brothers, and there was no
political differences of opinion between them. This is result of Western colonizing powers creating
artificial boundaries between their colonies and not taking into consideration the ethnic group that
they may be dividing and elittling. Furthermore, the intervention would have wooed other countries
to join the course and therefore the whole cost would not have fallen on the U.S. alone. All in all, the
few lives that would have been saved following the intervention of the United States would have
been worth it bearing in mind that that cannot be quantified now that nothing was done. An early
halt of the genocide would have derailed the plans of the organizers of the genocide and the ensuing
international pressure would probably have forced them to abandon their plan to resume the conflict
and made them cooperate in the implementation of the peace agreement.
And unfortunately, the last reason that other countries did not intervene is because they genuinely
were not concerned about getting involved in something that would not offer them any personal
gain. Although fundamental human rights create collective duties, it is not feasible for individuals to
meet the demands that arise in the instances of the massive violation of these rights. You can use
essay samples to find ideas and inspiration for your paper. However, during Rwanda’s’ struggle for
independence, the Belgians made the new self-dependent government in the hands of the Hutu.
During the time of the Rwandan genocide, the United States had just pulled American troops out of
a disastrous peacekeeping mission in Somalia. At this time, the Hutu ethnicity made up over eighty
percent of the population, and blamed the people of Tutsi, who made up the lower fifteen percent for
all of the economic and political problems of the country. The tension eventually boiled over and it
turned into what we know as the Rwandan Genocide. Taken as a whole, the domestic cultural
background of the early 1990s, including the rise of gangsta rap, rioting, and the dilemma of “black-
on-black crime,” collectively influenced American policy towards Africa at a critical juncture in the
continent’s history. In the end, over one-tenth of the Rwandan population (800,000 people) had been
killed. This might lead to a tense relationship between neighbours. Thousands and thousands of
people participated in the ethnic cleansing of the Tutsi people in Rwanda. Some of these dissenters,
many of which were high-level government officials and military personnel, began to devise their
own solution to the 'Tutsi problem'. The Rwanda genocide essay are an ethnic group that resides in
the African Great Lakes region. The third lesson is how important it is to remember those affected by
the genocide. Nobody took the time to identify who actually shut down the plane, they simply
responded. “All of a sudden, Hutus became patriotic Brothers, and there was no political differences
of opinion between them. The impact of the United Nations on the intervention in human rights
violation most definitely correlates. Both groups lived as one, same language, intermarrying, and
obeying a Tutsi king. Additionally, an arms embargo appeal meant to ensure refraining from the
provision of military assistance and arm to the country that has would in case it was implemented
earlier. Being one of the smallest countries in Central Africa, it is comprised of two main ethnic
groups; Hutu and Tutsi. Choosing not to intervene was at the top of Clinton’s failure list for his time
as President of the United States of America. According to Peter Uvin, four years before the
genocide, there was a diplomatic pressure on the government to stop violations of human rights
which was key in changing the behaviors of the government officials albeit temporarily. I did not see
anything that said they defended themselves. During this time, the Belgians had granted the Tutsis
with wealth and noble status, which thus left the Hutus as an inferior race. Conclusion The Rwandan
Genocide roots from historical revenge, hatred, external causes, monopolization of power, the killing
of the then president and civil war. The ignition of the extreme violence is analysed by combining
constructivism and instrumentalism. The most disturbing issue of these occurrences was how the
world sat down and watched the events unfolding without taking an initiative of stopping the
happening and controlling the damage before it went too far. The world, and more particularly
Hollywood, is obsessed with the plight of. According to Thomas Weiss, the US has a tendency of
allocating and disbursing billions of dollars as humanitarian aid following the eruption of violence in
different areas as they find it easier than committing armed forces or risk-averse policies following
the eruption of the conflict. The conflict in Rwanda claimed as many as 800,000 lives over a three
month period (Rwanda, 2008), and in the history of violent conflicts this one will never be
forgotten.Bibliography Cook, S.

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