Effects of Variable Attachment Shapes and Aligner Material On Aligner Retention
Effects of Variable Attachment Shapes and Aligner Material On Aligner Retention
Effects of Variable Attachment Shapes and Aligner Material On Aligner Retention
Objective: To evaluate the retention of four types of aligners on a dental arch with various attachments.
Figure 4. Reproducible locations of holes on the model base (6 mm in diameter) and the occlusal surfaces (3 mm in diameter and 5 mm in depth)
of the first molars. The central mounting hole was used for fixation of the model in the Gabo Qualimeter Eplexor (GQE). The location was
determined with one median line through the location of the palatal raphe intersecting with a line through the mesiolingual cusps of the first
molars. The molar holes provided room for the stops of two steel ropes that passed through the aligner into the bolting apparatus on the GQE.
Figure 6. Quantification of variable aligner material on retention. (A) Vertical displacement forces (Newtons) of each aligner material during
removal from the control cast containing no attachments. (B) Vertical displacement forces of each aligner material during removal from the cast
containing ellipsoid attachments. (C) Vertical displacement forces of each aligner material during removal from the cast containing beveled
attachments. Each column represents one of the tested aligner materials (CA soft, medium, hard; Essix ACE).
Figure 7. Quantification of variable attachments on retention. (A) CA soft aligner removal from three different casts containing either no
attachments, ellipsoid, or beveled attachments. (B) CA medium aligner removal from three different casts containing either no attachments,
ellipsoid, or beveled attachments (C) CA hard aligner removal from three different casts containing either no attachments, ellipsoid, or beveled
attachments (D) Essix ACE aligner removal from three different casts containing either no attachments, ellipsoid, or beveled attachments.
that ellipsoid attachments do not increase aligner and measuring device impede drawing one conclusion
retention significantly under all circumstances. for aligner retention from the listed findings.
The small sample size in this study inherited a
Effect of Aligner Material on Retention limited perspective that needs to be widened in future
studies. Since our study revealed the significance of
The linear increase in retention, when comparing CA-
material composition on aligner retention, additional
soft, CA-medium, and CA-hard, suggests that retention
trials should be conducted to compare different
varies based on material thickness (Figure 6A–C). In
material types of the same thickness to determine
contrast, Essix ACE demonstrated decreased retention
which material component contributes to increased
compared with CA-hard when removed from the cast
retention. Future clinical studies should include the
with ellipsoid attachments, as well as the cast with
effect of body temperature, saliva, and patient comfort
beveled attachments (Figure 6B,C). Since CA-hard and
on aligner retention.
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