Reading Lesson 3 1 24
Reading Lesson 3 1 24
Reading Lesson 3 1 24
The students will be working with letter sounds and building their vocabulary.
Provide a title/topic and description of a
unit or lesson.
2. Learning Targets
2a. Learning targets (concepts and 2b. Prioritized learning targets (concepts and competencies) for students with complex instructional needs
competencies) for all students
Identify prioritized learning targets by identifying a subset of the concepts and competencies for all students.
Describe what all students are expected Maintain alignment to the grade level content and the depth of knowledge but reduce the complexity. You may
to know (concepts) and be able to do identify learning targets leading to some, but not all of the competencies and/or identify portions of the
(competencies) at the completion of the competencies.
unit of study.
Understanding the letter blends and being able to use those blends within the words.
The students will be able to repeat letter
sounds and letter blends.
January, 2023
2c. Key vocabulary for all students 2d. Prioritized key vocabulary and ideas for students with complex instructional needs
- Swims
- Plays Identify and describe/define prioritized vocabulary and ideas for students with complex instructional needs. This
- Barked vocabulary should include a subset of the key vocabulary that all students will learn in this unit as well as
- Far foundational and high frequency core vocabulary that students will need to understand in order to comprehend
- Barking prioritized concepts.
- Better
- Helped The students are working with words that have -ar and -th blends. They are also working on ending sounds with
- Sharks -ing and -ed.
- That
- Swam
- They
- Them
- When
- Liked
- Away
- Other
- Horse
- Funny
- Books
- Looks
- Cooked
- Took
3. Instructional Process
Students will come to Promethean Board Quizzing the individual students on the letter
the carpet to start the sounds.
lesson. I will point to
the letters and the
students will tell me the
different sounds they
We will then sound out Questioning Promethean Board The students will read the words to me by
some of the words themselves, and I will ask them out of order to
before reading them the check for an understanding.
fast way. When having
the list in front of them I
will ask them what they
notice about some of the
words. Are there any
rhyming words? Which
words have the same
beginning sound? Can
they come up with a
sentence using one of
the words?
The students will read Plenty of Practice Workbooks Comprehension questions to check for an
the story to me together. Story books understanding.
As they read, I will ask Pencils
them questions about Sight word rings
the story. Once we read
the story twice the
students will begin
working in their
workbook. I will then
ask each individual
student to reread the
story to me to get an
understanding of how
they are doing and
comprehending the
January, 2023
These students are in the process of being identified but have not had an IEP meeting as of right now.
January, 2023