ADF - Creating Users Profile
ADF - Creating Users Profile
ADF - Creating Users Profile
A delegated supplier administrator can create a user’s card only into his
administrative perimeter.
To begin the creation process of a card, click from the search form in the “User
Click on
This link allow you to send an e-mail to the Suppliers Repository Administrator
(or ARF) for asking him creation, modification or delete operations for your
elements of structure (group, entities, sites).
Once you have clicked on the link “user creation”, the following screen is
attachment entity
Note: You can choose only an entity inside your administrative perimeter.
Once you did your choice, click on the “validate” button.
ADP application is then going to check if there is not already an existing card
with the same name, given name or e-mail address in the selected
administrative attachment entity.
In this case, a warning message is displayed to inform you than a similar entry
has been detected. Then, you can continue or stop the creation process.
To continue the creation and pass to the next screen, click on the button
“Resume creation”.
If you want to cancel, click on the link “home”.
In this case, a warning message is displayed to inform you than a similar entry
has been detected. Then, you can continue or stop the creation process.
To continue the creation and pass to the next screen, click on the button
“Resume creation”.
If you want to cancel, click on the link “home”.
In the case when all the three values are identical: same name, given name
and e-mail, than both warning messages will be displayed.
Details of each tab are explained in the following parts of this document.
For The Surname and Given name attributes, you must respect the following
o No accent: é, è, ê Æ e
o No apostrophe. ’Æ -
o No special character (ç, @, &, µ,…)
You can add a value by keyboarding the value in the left zone and then by
clicking on the “add” icon: to move it to the right zone
You can delete one value by selecting an existing number in the right zone and
then by clicking on the “delete” icon: .
The job attribute is mono valuated. For modifying it, select a job in the scrolling
The preferred language is a multi-values attribute. You can add a language by
selecting a new value in the left scrolling list and then by clicking on the “add”
icon to move it to the right zone.
You can delete a language by selecting one in the right zone and then by
clicking on the “delete” icon .
The postal address attribute has no special format but we ask you to
follow this format:
o Street address
o Postal Code
o City
o Country.
When a card is created, the account expiration date is automatically set two
years later but you can change this date (2 years maximum with regard to the
date of the day).
The account suspension date allows you to suspend directly a user’s card
without waiting for the account expiration date. For more information, go to the
“account suspension” chapter in this document.
When you have filled in all mandatory attributes of all tabs (personal,
professional, structure and security), then click on the create button to really
create the entry in the directory.
Please click on “OK” after having verified that the e-mail address is correct.
A new page is displayed to inform you if the user card has been created
(success or failure).
In the case of a successful creation, the user will receive by e-mail two
separate messages:
o the first e-mail will contain the new IPN created
o the second e-mail will contain the new password generated (the second
e-mail does not contain the IPN for security reasons)
From: [email protected]
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2005 3:27 PM
Subject: Access to RENAULT Portal / Accès portail RENAULT
Tudor Mihaila
IPN : FP19064
Further to your demand, your personal identifier IPN was created and is placed in the superior
part of this message (ex: fp12345).
For security reasons, your PASSWORD will be sent to you in another message.
Both will be necessary for you for the access to the Renault Portal.
Good navigation on the Renault Portal!
Suite à votre demande, votre identifiant personnel IPN a été créé et se trouve en partie
supérieure de ce message.
Pour des raisons de sécurité, votre MOT DE PASSE vous sera transmis dans un autre message.
L'un et l'autre vous seront nécessaires pour l'accès au portail Renault.
Bonne navigation sur le portail Renault !
From: [email protected]
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2005 3:27 PM
Subject: Access to RENAULT Portal - Continuation / Accès portail RENAULT - Suite
mot de passe/password : 9uz84YGD
Vous trouverez votre MOT DE PASSE en partie supérieure de ce message, faisant suite à l'e-
mail qui vient de vous être envoyé/You will find your PASSWORD in the superior part of this
message, in reference with the e-mail which we have just sent you.
En cas de problème avec l'utilisation de ce mot de passe, merci de ne pas répondre à cet e-mail
mais de contacter la hot-line au : (connexion Internet) (connexion ENX)
If you have a problem with the use of this password, please dont reply to this e-mail but contact
the hotline at the following address : (Internet connection) (ENX connection)