Physical and Numerical Modelling of Heat Treatment The Precipitation-Hardening Complex-Phase Steel (CP)

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METABK 52(1) 23-26 (2013)
UDC – UDK 669.1:621.78:519.876.5=111


Received – Prispjelo: 2012-05-10
Accepted – Prihvaćeno: 2012-08-25
Original Scientific paper – Izvorni znanstveni rad

The article presents the results of physical and numerical modelling of the processes of thermo- plastic treatment of
an experimental complex-phase (CP) steel. Numerical tests were carried out using a commercial software program,
ThermoCalc. Based on the obtained test results, the austenitization temperature was established. Physical model-
ling was performed using a DIL 805A/D dilatometer and the Gleeble 3800 system. The characteristic temperatures
of the steel and the primary austenite grain size were determined. The test pieces were also subjected to metallo-
graphic examinations and Vickers hardness tests. The obtained results served for building an actual CCT diagram for
the steel tested.
Key words: CP steels, microstructure evolution, physical modelling, CCT diagrams

INTRODUCTION during a collision. Thanks to these properties, CP steels

find application as a material for production of construc-
The development of the automotive industry urges tion elements absorbing the energy of collisions, espe-
designers to focus their activities on reducing the mass cially side crashes.
of cars to be manufactured, resulting in a significant re-
duction of fuel consumption and emissions of harmful
exhaust gas to the atmosphere. The consequence of this TEST MATERIAL
is searching for new constructional materials for the AND TESTING METHODOLOGY
manufacture of sheet metal of high strength and engi-
Tests were carried out on an experimental complex
neering deformability, which will assure lightweight
phase steel, whose chemical composition is given in Ta-
and tough car bodies to be obtained [1 - 2]. This direc-
ble 1.
tion is consistent with the general trend development of
metallurgy in Poland [3]. Among modern car body Table 1 Chemical composition of the steel / wt %
steels, two group of steels can be distinguished. The
C Mn Si Cr Ni Ti Cu N
first group is made up of conventional High-Strength
0,08 1,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,10 0,2 0,003
Steels (HSS).
This includes: Interstitial-Free (IF) steels, Isotropic
Steels (IS), Bake Hardened (BH) steels, C-Mn (carbon- The melt was made under laboratory conditions in a
manganese) steels, and High-Strength Low-Alloy (HSLA) VSG100S vacuum furnace with a crucible capacity of
steels. The second group consists of Advanced High- 100 kg, and was cast in vacuum into a 100 x 100 mm
Strength Steels (AHSS): Dual Phase (DP) steels; Complex inner cross-section ingot mould. The obtained ingot was
Phase (CP) steels; TRIP (Transformation Induced Plastic- forged into square and round bars and then softening
ity) steels; and TMS (martensitic steels) [4 - 8]. heat treatment was carried out.
CP steels are characterized by their tensile strength Numerical studies were carried out using the Ther-
at a level of approx. 800 MPa, and quite often even mo-Calc program. The austenitizing temperature of the
more. The high strength of steel is achieved due to the test steel, which assured the dissolution of alloy addi-
contents of fine-grained ferrite and interstitial bainite in tions in the solution, was determined based on the
the microstructure and the dispersion hardening by pre- chemical composition using this program. On this basis,
cipitates of carbides and nitrides. To obtain fine-grained the diagram of equilibrium of the test steel with the car-
precipitates, additions of niobium, titanium or vanadi- bon content varying in the range of 0 - 0,12 % and vari-
um are used. Steels of this type are distinguished by ation in the contents of individual phases as a function
good deformability and high capability to absorb energy of temperature was plotted.
For carrying out physical simulations of heat treat-
A Kawałek, J. Rapalska-Nowakowska, H. Dyja, B. Koczurkiewicz, Facul-
ty of materials Processing Technology and Applied Physics Częstochowa
ment, a DIL 805A/D dilatometer was used. For the tests
University of Technology, Częstochowa, Poland. 10 mm-long and 5 mm-diameter cylindrical samples

METALURGIJA 52 (2013) 1, 23-26 23


were used. In the first place, the effect of austenitizing

temperature on the primary austenite grain size was ex-
amined. To this end, the samples were heated up to a
temperature in the range of 900 – 1 250 °C with a step
of 50 °C and at a rate of 5 °C/s, soaked at that tempera-
ture for 30 minutes, and then rapid cooling was applied
to assure that the structure was frozen. The austenite
grain size on samples was determined by a comparative
method using the normalized standard scale conform-
ing to standard PN-EN ISO643:2003.
The values of the characteristic temperatures Ac1,
Ac3, Ar1 and Ar3 during heating and cooling were deter-
mined. The samples were heated up and cooled down in
a continuous manner at a constant rate of 3 °C/min. The
analysis of dilatometric patterns recorded during heat- Figure 1 Equilibrium diagram for steel with carbon content
varying in the range of 0 – 0,12 %
ing and cooling was made following the procedure set
out in standard PN-68/H-04500. The determined values
of temperatures Ac3 provided a basis for establishing the
value of austenitizing temperature during conducting
the dilatometric tests.
To determine the CCT diagram, the samples were
heated up to a temperature of 940 °C at a heating rate of
3 °C/s, soaked at that temperature for 300 s and then
cooled down to ambient temperature at varying cooling
rates. The outcome of the tests is a series of dilatometric
patterns illustrating the variation of sample length as a
function of temperature. After the heat treatment physi-
cal simulations, the samples were subjected to metallo-
graphic examination to disclose the structure formed, Figure 2 Effect of austenitizing temperature on the primary
austenite grain size
and then Vickers hardness tests were performed.
To determine the effect of temperature and strain rate scale of standards in accordance with standard PN-EN
on the yield stress of the steel, a high-temperature com- ISO 643:2003, and was found to be 9 μm.
pression test was carried out. The tests were conducted The results of tests for the effect of austenitizing
using a simulator of metallurgical processes Gleeble. The temperature in the range of 900 – 1 250 °C on the γ
σ-ε curves were determined for the actual strain of ε = 1. phase grain growth are illustrated in Figure 2.
The samples were resistance heated in vacuum to a tem- Figure 3 shows the revealed primary austenite grain
perature of 1 150 °C at a heating rate of 5 °C/s, soaked at boundaries in the test steel, as quenched from a tem-
that temperature for 60 s, and then cooled down to a plas- perature of 1 200 °C and 950 °C, respectively.
tic strain temperature of 850 - 1 150 °C. The compression The performed tests found that samples austenitized
of the samples was conducted at a strain rate of ε = 0,1; in the temperature range of 900 - 1 050 °C were charac-
1,0 and 10 s-1, respectively. terized by fine austenite grains from 11 to 22 µm in size.
This indicates that for austenitizing temperatures below
TEST RESULTS AND THE DISCUSSION 1 050 °C the steel maintains a fine-grained structure.
For a sample austenitized at 1 100 °C, the austenite
Based on the chemical composition, the austenitiz- grain size was determined to be 117 µm, which defi-
ing temperature of the test steel was determined. For nitely deviates from the remaining determined sizes. As
this purpose, the Thermo-Calc program was used. The indicated by the data in Figure 3, the accelerated austen-
program served for constructing the diagram of equilib-
rium of the steel with carbon content varying in the
range 0 - 0,12 % (Figure 1).
The data in Figure 1 shows that up to a temperature
of approx. 880 °C, a multi-component structure exists
in the steel. It is composed of ferrite, austenite, cement-
ite, MC-type carbides and manganese sulphide. Above
that temperature, only austenite and manganese sul-
phide occur in the structure. Figure 3 Primary austenite grain boundaries in steel
The austenite grain size in the initial state was deter- quenched from a temperature of: a) 1 200 °C,
mined by a comparative method using the normalized 50 x, b) 950 °C, 100 x

24 METALURGIJA 52 (2013) 1, 23-26


Figure 4 Structure of the test steel: a) ferritic-bainitic,

obtained after cooling at a rate of 30 °C/s; b)
bainitic-martensitic, with a slight amount of ferrite,
obtained after cooling at a rate of 80 °C/s; 1000 x

ite grain growth occurs only after the temperature of

1 100 °C is exceeded.
The characteristic temperatures obtained from the Figure 5 CCT diagram for the test steel
analysis of dilatometric patterns: Ac1 = 740 °C, Ac3 = 889
°C, Ar1 = 655 °C, Ac1 = 811 °C.
The austenitizing temperature for carrying out phys-
ical simulations for the test steel was assumed to be TA
= 940 ºC (Ac3 + 40 – 50 oC).
The samples after physical simulations were sub-
jected to metallographic examination to reveal the
structure formed (Figure 4).
Vickers hardness tests were also performed (Table 2).

Table 2 Phase transformation temperatures and the

hardness of the test steel as cooled from a
temperature of 940 °C
Cooling Characteristic Hardness
rates/ ºC/s temperatures / ºC HV
Figure 6 Effect of deformation temperature on the σ-ε curves
150 Fs = 715, Ff = Bs= 650, 321
Bf = 490, Ms = 411, Mf = 290 for the test steel deformed at a rate of 0,1 s-1
100 Fs = 712, Ff = Bs= 660, 317
Bf = 4 85, Ms = 410, Mf = 286 - 8 show diagrams illustrating the effect of deformation
80 Fs=720, Ff = Bs= 670, 257 temperature on the shape of the σ-ε curves for a varying
Bf = 505, Ms = 410, Mf = 330 strain rate of ε = 0,1; 1,0 and 10 s-1, respectively.
50 Fs = 733, Ff = Bs = 680, 230 The values of strain and yield stress were calculated
Bf = 479, Ms = 418, Mf = 348
from relationship (1) and (2), respectively.
30 Fs = 715, Ff= Bs= 650, Bf = 432 188
10 Fs = 800, Ff = Ps= 755, 156 2 h
Pf = Bs = 672, Bf = 550 = ln (1)
1 Fs = 800, Ff = Ps= 745, Pf = 625 151 3 h0
0,1 Fs = 796, Ff = Ps = 750, Pf = 664 140 where:
h – height of the sample during plastic deformation,
The data in Table 2 shows that bainite-containing h0 – initial sample height.
structures are obtained by cooling at cooling rates of v
= 10 – 150 ºC/s. A three-phase structure composed of
ferrite, martensite and bainite is obtained by cooling at
cooling rates higher than v = 30 °C/s.
Based on the performed analysis and obtained re-
sults, a CCT diagram was plotted (Figure 5).
The developed CCT diagram enables the tempera-
tures of the beginnings and ends of phase transformations
occurring during continuous cooling of complex-phase
steel to be red out with a high accuracy. It provides also
the capability to determine the cooling rates that assure
the formation of the desirable three-phase structure.
To determine the effect of deformation temperature
and strain rate on the yield stress of the test steel, a high-
temperature compression test was carried out using the Figure 7 Effect of deformation temperature on the σ-ε curves
Gleeble 3800 metallurgical process simulator. Figures 6 for the test steel deformed at a rate of 1 s-1

METALURGIJA 52 (2013) 1, 23-26 25


- the most desirable structures for the steel investi-

gated are the ones containing bainite. During cool-
ing from the austenitization temperature of TA =
950 ºC, a three-phase structure containing ferrite,
martensite and bainite is obtained with cooling at
cooling rates in the range of v = 30 – 150 ºC/s;
- the numerical and physical simulations complex-
phase steel heat treatment, which were carried out
within this study, have enabled the actual CCT dia-
gram to be constructed. This constitutes one of the
elements providing the basis for developing the
technology of rolling sheet metal of the steel grade
Figure 8 Effect of deformation temperature on the σ-ε curves
for the test steel deformed at a rate of 10 s-1 REFERENCES
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- for the steel grade examined, the austenitization
temperature equal to TA = 950 ºC should be as- Note: The responsible translator for English language is Czesław Gro-
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26 METALURGIJA 52 (2013) 1, 23-26

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