Abstract. This study aims to produce a worksheet of chemical equilibrium which based on
guided inquiry to determine the validity, practicality and effectiveness the student worksheet on
student learning activities. Learning activities are assessed in the form of listening activities,
visual activities, mental activities, oral activities, writing activities and motor activities. This
research method was a research development using the Plomp model. The research subjects were
students majoring in chemistry in 2019. The research instruments used were validation sheets,
practicality sheets and observation sheets of learning activities.This research found that the
students’ worksheets have a very high level of validity (k=0,91) and very high level of
practicality by students (k=0,87) and high by the lecturer (k=0,79). The results showed that in
general, the average student learning activity was 81,18% which was included in the very high
category. It shows that the students’ worksheets which have been produced can be used as one
of the teaching materials in the learning process on chemical equilibrium material.
1. Introduction
Chemistry is defined as the science of the composition, structure, properties, and reactions of
compounds, especially atoms and molecular systems, material changes and the energy that accompanies
these changes [1]. Chemistry is a product (chemical knowledge in the form of facts, theories, principles,
laws) scientific findings and processes (scientific work). There are some concepts in chemistry that are
abstract, these abstract concepts make it difficult for students to understand the material. Chemical
equilibrium is an important material that is difficult to study because it relates to chemical reactions,
where chemical equilibrium answers the question of how far a chemical reaction can go .Chemical
equilibrium is one of the compulsory material that students learn in basic chemistry courses. After doing
the interview with 3 chemistry lecturers and students majoring in chemistry of Universitas Negeri
Padang, The result is the equilibrium material was considered one of the difficult material by students.
To provide interesting learning for students, lecturers must have a strategy and completeness of good
teaching materials one of which is student worksheet.
Student Worksheets are activity sheets that can be used to activate students during learning. Student
Worksheet is a sheet containing the tasks that must be done by students both in the form of questions
and active activities during learning. student use of worksheets can improve and increase the creativity
and activeness of students so as to assist students in the process of concept independently. Student
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1st International Conference on Chemistry and Science Education (ICChSE) 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1788 (2021) 012037 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1788/1/012037
worksheets arranged using a learning model can make students more active because in learning students
are guided in finding concepts according to the syntax of the model used in the worksheet.
One of learning model that can activate student activities is guided inquiry. Guided inquiry is an
effective learning model used in learning [2]. This learning model requires the active participation of
students in scientific inquiry [3]. The main advantage of guided inquiry is that it can help students
improve their ability to solve questions [4]. Guided inquiry is one type of inquiry that focuses on
planning and guidance that begin from teacher to improve students' skill for life [5]. The advantages of
student worksheets that are arranged using a guided inquiry model are to provide a model
(submiscropcopis representation) to assist students in answering key questions[6].
The lecturer has a very important position to make learning successful, because the main function of
the lecturer is to design, manage and evaluate learning [7]. Student activities in learning activities are
important. Learning activities also really need to be developed in the learning process because learning
activities will be more meaningful . The existence of student activities in learning activities has a great
impact on learning. Maximum learning activities will show that learning takes place properly and
optimally, so that learning is of higher quality. Student activities in learning can provide maximum
results if students are actively involved in learning. Paul B. Diedrich made a list of 177 types of student
activities [8] which divided into eight groups, namely as follows: Visual activities, oral activities,
listening activities, writing activities, drawing activities, motor activities , mental activities and
emotional activities (emotional activities)
One of the efforts in increasing student activities in learning is to design teaching materials in the
form of student guided inquiry based student worksheet [9] in chemical equilibrium material. This
student worksheet that will be developed uses a guided inquiry model and is equipped with multiple
representations consisting of three levels. This study aims to produce a guided inquiry based student
worksheet of chemical equilibrium and to know the validity, practicality and effectiveness.
2. Methodology
1st International Conference on Chemistry and Science Education (ICChSE) 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1788 (2021) 012037 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1788/1/012037
Po – Pe
k= (1)
1 - Pe
Information :
k = kappa moment value
Po = realized proportion
Pe = proportion not realized
Kappa moments (k) range from 0 to 1, with interpretations presented in Table 2.
The effectiveness of student worksheet in this research is seen from the activities of students for
analysis using the percentage formula approach [13] with the following equation :
𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑏𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑
%𝐴 = × 100% (2)
𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒
3. Results
3.1. Preliminary Research
After doing the interview with 3 chemistry lecturers and students majoring in chemistry, Universitas
Negeri Padang regarding problems in basic chemistry courses, especially in chemical equilibrium
material. The result is the teaching materials used in chemistry courses basic, especially chemical
equilibrium material is a textbook and there is not yet student worksheet as teaching material. Teaching
materials that must be mastered by students based on syllabus and semester learning plans are: 1)
Dynamic equilibrium, 2) Equilibrium law, 3) Homogeneous and heterogeneous equilibrium, 4)
Dissociation equilibrium, 5) Kc and Kp relationships, and 6) Equilibrium shift
1st International Conference on Chemistry and Science Education (ICChSE) 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1788 (2021) 012037 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1788/1/012037
After producing prototype 1 in the form of an initial design, the next step is to personally check the
worksheets that are designed or called self-evaluation. Self-evaluation is carried out with a check list
system of important parts that must be contained in the student worksheet. After the results of the
revision prototype 2 was formed . Then the chemistry lecturer is validated the student worksheet.
Revision based on the validator's suggestion is to change the cover of student worksheets, add some key
questions and eliminate formulas from the information provided and in order to guide students in
discover the concepts based on the key questions given. The validation results show that the student
worksheets were valid with a very high validity category with k value 0,91. If it has met the requirements
in terms of content and construct, then a product can be said to be valid [13] . Validation analysis are
shown in Table 4.
After validity by expert review, then do the one to one evaluation by three students majoring in
chemistry. The results of the interview found that in terms of cover design and color selection makes
students interested in learning it and the use of the language is easily understood. This revision of student
worksheets a prototype 3 is formed. After prototype 3 is formed, next is to do small group evaluation .
Small group evaluation was carried out involving 6 students with research instruments in the form of
questionnaires. The results show that the student worksheets were practical with a very practical
category with k value 0,82. The results of small group evaluations conducted on students with
practicality questionnaire instruments whose analysis results are shown in table 5. After evaluating a
small group, a prototype 4 will be formed which will be tested in the field test.
1st International Conference on Chemistry and Science Education (ICChSE) 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1788 (2021) 012037 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1788/1/012037
From table 6 it can be seen that the average k value from the questionnaire in the evaluation of large
groups is 0,82 with a very practical category, this shows that this student worksheet is very practical to
be used by students in learning. In table 7 based on the lecturer response questionnaire obtained an
average value of k is 0,79 with a practical category.
To see the effectiveness of student worksheets, an analysis of student activities in learning was
conducted. This observation was carried out on 5 February 2020 for the first meeting, and the second
meeting on 6 February 2020 and 12 February 2020 for the last meeting. Student learning activities
obtained from observers observations. The observer consists of two people who observe the learning
process when using guided inquiry based student worksheet of chemical equilibrium. This observation
was conducted to determine the level of student activity in learning using this student worksheet. For
the percentage of student learning activities in each activity are shown in Table 8.
4. Discussion
4.1. Validity
Validation of student worksheets by chemistry lecturers by filling out a questionnaire that has been
arranged according to the grid. Results of the content validity analysis obtained the level of validity is
very high category with a k value of 0,87. The model used on student worksheets is scientifically correct
and in accordance with the material taught and can be explored to answer key questions. This is approval
with the purpose of the model that is used so that students or students find a certain pattern that refers
to the understanding of concepts [14]
Based on the results of the analysis of construct validity (presentation) the validity level of student
worksheets is in the very high category with k value of 0,94. The high value of k indicates the
components in the worksheet are related to each other and are well connected [15]
The linguistic component assessment of student worksheets has a very high validity category with a
kappa moment value of 0,90. This means that the language used is communicative and the sentences
used are easy to understand.
Graphic component assessment of student worksheets has a very high validity category with a k
value of 0,93. This shows that the model presented, the type of font used, layout and colour selection
1st International Conference on Chemistry and Science Education (ICChSE) 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1788 (2021) 012037 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1788/1/012037
are appropriate and can attract the attention of students. The results of the student work sheet validation
are shown in Figure 1
Validation Result
Content Construction Linguistic Graphic
K value 0.87 0.94 0.90 0.93
4.2. Practicality
Practicality data was collected using the questionnaire practicality of student responses and practicality
questionnaire responses of lecturers. The ease of use of student worksheets shows a very practical with
the acquisition of kappa moments of 0,83 from the lecturer practicality questionnaire and 0.87 from
the student practicality questionnaire. This shows that the student worksheets have instructions for use
that are easy to understand, the steps of the activities undertaken are clear and neatly arranged so that it
can be understood by the teacher and students.
The time efficiency component of student worksheets shows practical with the acquisition of a kappa
of 0,76 moment from the lecturer practicality and a very practical with the acquisition of a 0,85 from
the student practicality. This shows that student worksheets are practical in terms of in terms of learning
The aspect of the benefits of student worksheets shows a very practical with the acquisition of of
kappa moments of 0,77 from the lecturer practicality and a very practical with the acquisition of a 0,85
from the student practicality. This shows that student worksheets can motivate students to find concepts
with guidance through key questions. The results of practicality can be seen in Figure 2.
1st International Conference on Chemistry and Science Education (ICChSE) 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1788 (2021) 012037 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1788/1/012037
4.3. Effectiveness
The effectiveness of student worksheets is seen from the learning activities of students observed by the
observer while learning takes place. Based on observations by observers the percentage of students
doing listening activities is 81,78% with a very high category, it can be concluded that students are
already very good at conducting listening activities from lecturers or peers. The percentage of students
doing visual activities is 82,15% with a very high category, it can be concluded that students are already
very good in carrying out activities related to vision in learning such as reading and paying attention to
the lecturer explaining. The percentage of students doing mental activities is 81,67% with a very high
category, it was concluded that the students were very good at responding, remembering and solving
problems in the learning process .
The percentage of students doing oral activities is 81,48% with a very high category, it was concluded
that the students were very good at asking questions, giving opinions, and discussing in the learning
process. The percentage of students doing writing activities is 80,74% with a high category, It is
concluded that students are already good at carrying out activities of noting important things in learning.
The percentage of students doing motor activities is 79,27% with a high category, it is concluded that
students are already good at doing work activities in learning. Overall the average student learning
activity is 81,18% which is included in the very high category. This results analysis proves that student
worksheets that are designed very effectively are used in chemical equilibrium learning . The percentage
of student learning activities can be seen in Figure 3.
81.78% 81.67% 81.48%
5. Conclusion
Based on the results of the development of guided inquiry-based student worksheet of chemical
equilibrium towards student activities. This research found that the students’ worksheets have a very
high level of validity (k=0,91) and very high level of practicality by students (k=0,87) and high by the
lecturer (k=0,79). The results showed that in general, the average student learning activity was 81,18%
which was included in the very high category. It shows that the students’ worksheets which have been
produced can be used as one of the teaching materials in the learning process on chemical equilibrium
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