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Gen1094A Datasheet

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Genelec 1092A and 1094A

Active Subwoofer Systems Data sheet

Genelec Active Subwoofer Systems

Broadcast Monitoring

Surround Sound


TV Control Rooms

Video Post Production

Project / Home Studios

Digital Workstations

SYSTEMS connection to existing monitor

systems, whether one, two or three
Genelec's active subwoofers are channel, or to proprietary sur-
powerful low frequency loud- round sound decoders.
speakers, incorporating all the The unit has adjustable sensitivity
amplifier and crossover electron- and a bass roll-off and phase
ics needed to combine them with matching control to tailor the re-
other loudspeakers amplifiers and sponse of the subwoofer to its
signal sources. environment.

The 1094A is a powerful system, INTEGRATED CONSTRUCTION

capable of reproducing frequen-
cies in the range 29 - 80 Hz The combination of the cabinet
(± 2.5 dB). The 1092A is a com- and amplifier in one unit results in
pact system that will reproduce a robust and simple system.
frequencies of 33 - 80 Hz (± 2.5 The amplifier is mounted on pivot-
dB). ing vibration absorbers, which
prevent damage to the electron-
The amplifier unit integrated into ics and ensures easy access and
the cabinet contains active cross- maintenance of the amplifier.
over filters, driver overload pro- The cabinet is made from MDF
tection circuits and a power ampli- with rounded corners and hard-
fier. The crossover has 3 signal wearing textured black surface. Block diagram, showing active crossover filters, power amplifiers
channels (L/C/R) input and output The drivers are concealed inside and driver units.
channels and a discrete sub- an efficiency boosting cavity,
woofer signal (.1) input, providing which also protects them from SPEAKER CONFIGURATIONS this way, the effective subwoofer
great flexibility and allowing easy physical damage. AND POSITIONING output is doubled and avoids
possible interference dips in the
Both the 1094A and 1092A may be frequency response.
used in conjunction with other Accordingly, the Genelec sub-
Genelec monitors to extend the woofers have been designed so
low frequency response and SPL that they may be flush mounted
performance. It is advised that whilst allow access to the amplifier
they be used with models 1029A connections and controls. Alter-
through to 1037A. Due to the ver- natively, due to their omnidirec-
satile crossover filters, stereo, tional dispersion, the same result
analogue matrix surround and may be achieved by positioning
digital 5.1 channel surround sys- the subwoofers free standing with
tems may be easily configured. the ports and the amplifier facing
Some recommended configura- the wall.
tions are shown on the opposite
page. The inclusion of a phase correc-
tion switch in the crossover allows
1094A employed 1092A for the subwoofer to be freely
By positioning the subwoofer close
in a stereo system employed in placed away from the main moni-
to a wall, it's radiation efficiency
(refer to recom- an L/C/R tors, without resulting in phase
can be maximized and some ad-
mended setups on Surround cancellation.
verse room effects minimised. In
opposite page) sound system
1094A 1092A

The amplifier produces 400 W of The 1092A uses two 210mm (8") The amplifier produces 180 W of
short term RMS power, with very cone drivers with large magnets short term RMS power, with very
low THD and IM distortion. It is and large displacement capabil- low THD and IM distortion.
mounted on a large, thick alu- ity (18 mm peak-to-peak). These The amplifier includes circuitry for
minium plate, which provides ex- properties allow the reproduction driver overload protection ensur-
cellent heat dissipation. Driver of low frequencies at high levels. ing the long term reliability of the
overload protection and power- The drivers are housed in a 55 drivers. The unit also contains a
on signal muting is included in the liters vented cabinet. The drivers muting circuit, which disconnects
amplifier circuitry. The amplifier are specially front loaded to im- the amplifier and filter outputs when
also incorporates a soft start power prove both passband efficiency. the mains power is switched on
supply, thermal overload and short This also improves stopband re- and off, to prevent pops and clicks.
DRIVERS circuit protection. jection. Thermal overload protection is also
The 1094A includes a clip LED on provided.
The 1094A has one 385 mm (15") the amplifier panel, which lights if
cone driver, capable of produc- the amplifier is overloaded.
ing very high SPLs. The driver is
housed in a 110 liters vented cabi-
net. The drivers are specially front
loaded to improve both the pass-
band efficiency and stopband

The leftmost curves show the 1094A free field frequency response at The leftmost curves show the 1092A free field frequency response at
different bass roll-off settings. The right hand curve is the high different bass roll-off settings. The right hand curve is the high
passed 1032A free field frequency response. The upper curve passed 1030A free field frequency response.
shows the total system free field frequency response.

CROSSOVER FILTERS phase matching switch in the Recommended setup configurations

crossover allows compensation
The active crossover contained in for the delays which occur if the
Main Monitor Stereo system L/C/R Surround Sound System
the amplifier unit splits the input subwoofer is placed away from
signals into low and high fre- the main speakers or for other
quency components, accurately speaker systems phase behav- 1029A / 1030A 1 x 1092A 1 x 1092A
dividing the input signal between ior. Four settings are provided
the subwoofer and the main between 0° and -270°. 1031A 1 x 1092A 1 x 1094A or 2 x 1092A
speakers. The low pass section Balanced XLR connectors are
has ± 6 dB adjustable sensitivity, used for the system inputs and
1032A / S30C /
to allow easy level matching with outputs. 1 x 1094A 1 x 1094A
the various main speakers. The
three high pass sections have 0
dB passband gain. Options

To provide a flat bass response in Bass roll-off (0,-2,-4,-6 dB) and Opt-03
many different acoustic environ- phase (0°,-90°,-180°,-270°) Magnetic shield-
ments, a calibrated 'bass roll-off' switching controls ing
switch is included, which makes Order Code
adjustments to the subwoofer re- 1092: 1092-403
sponse in three -2 dB steps. A 1094: 1094-403

Free field frequency response Short term amplifier output

of system (± 2.5 dB): 29 - 80 Hz 33 - 80 Hz power : 400 W (8 Ohm) 180 W (4 Ohm)
(Long term output power is limited
Maximum short term sine wave by driver unit protection circuitry.)
acoustic output in half space,
averaged from 35 Hz to 85 Hz Amplifier system distortion
@ 1m: >120 dB SPL >115 dB SPL at nominal output:
THD < 0.08% < 0.08%
SMPTE-IM < 0.08% < 0.08%
Self generated noise level in free CCIF-IM < 0.08% < 0.08%
field @ 1m on axis (A-weighted) < 10 dB < 10 dB DIM 100 < 0.08% < 0.08%

Harmonic distortion at 100 dB SPL Signal to Noise ratio,

@ 1m on axis in half space referred to full output: > 100 dB > 100 dB
(30...100 Hz): < 3% < 4%
Mains voltage: 100/200 or 115/230V
Drivers: 385 mm 2 x 210 mm
(15") (2 x 8") Voltage operating range: ± 10%

Weight: 50 kg 30 kg Power consumption (average):

(110 lb) (66 lb) Idle 60 VA 50 VA
Full output 650 VA 300 VA
Dimensions: Height 739 mm 615 mm
(29 1/16") (24 3/16")

Width 468 mm 320 mm INPUT

( 18 7/16") (12 5/8")
SECTION Both Models
Depth 620 mm 510 mm
(24 7/16") (20 1/16") Input connectors: XLR female. pin 1: gnd
pin 2: +
pin 3: -

CROSSOVER Input impedance: 10 kOhm balanced

SECTION Both Models Input level for 100 dB SPL

output @ 1m: variable from +6 to - 6 dBu
Subsonic filter (18 dB/octave)
below: 29 Hz 33 Hz

Crossover frequency, (sub/main monitors) 85 Hz OUTPUT

Crossover frequency, (sub input channel) Full band/85 Hz SECTION Both Models
Crossover acoustical slope
Lowpass: 28 dB/octave Output connectors: XLR male. pin 1: gnd
Highpass: 12 dB/octave pin 2: +
Midband rejection, freq. > 400 Hz: > 50 dB pin 3: -

Bass roll-off control operating Output impedance: 100 Ohm balanced,

range in 2 dB steps: from 0 to -6 dB @ 33 Hz active floating

Phase matching control in 90° steps: from 0° to -270° @ 85 Hz Gain: 0 dB

Genelec Oy, Olvitie 5 Genelec Inc, 7 Tech Circle

FIN - 74100 IISALMI, FINLAND Natick, MA 01760, USA
Phone: +358 17 83 881 Phone: +1 508 652 0900
Telefax: +358 17 812 267 Fax: +1 508 652 0909 Data Sheet No. BBA9294001a
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] COPYRIGHT GENELEC OY 11/2000
Web: http://www.genelec.com All data subject to change without prior notice

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