Gen1094A Datasheet
Gen1094A Datasheet
Gen1094A Datasheet
Broadcast Monitoring
Surround Sound
TV Control Rooms
Digital Workstations
The amplifier produces 400 W of The 1092A uses two 210mm (8") The amplifier produces 180 W of
short term RMS power, with very cone drivers with large magnets short term RMS power, with very
low THD and IM distortion. It is and large displacement capabil- low THD and IM distortion.
mounted on a large, thick alu- ity (18 mm peak-to-peak). These The amplifier includes circuitry for
minium plate, which provides ex- properties allow the reproduction driver overload protection ensur-
cellent heat dissipation. Driver of low frequencies at high levels. ing the long term reliability of the
overload protection and power- The drivers are housed in a 55 drivers. The unit also contains a
on signal muting is included in the liters vented cabinet. The drivers muting circuit, which disconnects
amplifier circuitry. The amplifier are specially front loaded to im- the amplifier and filter outputs when
also incorporates a soft start power prove both passband efficiency. the mains power is switched on
supply, thermal overload and short This also improves stopband re- and off, to prevent pops and clicks.
DRIVERS circuit protection. jection. Thermal overload protection is also
The 1094A includes a clip LED on provided.
The 1094A has one 385 mm (15") the amplifier panel, which lights if
cone driver, capable of produc- the amplifier is overloaded.
ing very high SPLs. The driver is
housed in a 110 liters vented cabi-
net. The drivers are specially front
loaded to improve both the pass-
band efficiency and stopband
The leftmost curves show the 1094A free field frequency response at The leftmost curves show the 1092A free field frequency response at
different bass roll-off settings. The right hand curve is the high different bass roll-off settings. The right hand curve is the high
passed 1032A free field frequency response. The upper curve passed 1030A free field frequency response.
shows the total system free field frequency response.
To provide a flat bass response in Bass roll-off (0,-2,-4,-6 dB) and Opt-03
many different acoustic environ- phase (0°,-90°,-180°,-270°) Magnetic shield-
ments, a calibrated 'bass roll-off' switching controls ing
switch is included, which makes Order Code
adjustments to the subwoofer re- 1092: 1092-403
sponse in three -2 dB steps. A 1094: 1094-403