SBC - Code - 801 - 2018 - Unlocked (2) (001-300)
SBC - Code - 801 - 2018 - Unlocked (2) (001-300)
SBC - Code - 801 - 2018 - Unlocked (2) (001-300)
SBC 801 - CR
Code Requirements
ﻛﻮد اﻟﺤﻤﺎﻳﺔ ﻣﻦ اﻟﺤﺮاﺋﻖ
Saudi Fire Code
SBC 801
Key List of the Saudi Codes: Designations and brief titles
Title Code Req.1 Code &Com.2 Arabic Prov. 3
The General Building Code SBC 201-CR SBC 201-CC SBC 201-AR
Structural – Loading and Forces SBC 301-CR SBC 301-CC SBC 301-AR
Structural – Construction SBC 302- CR SBC 302-AR
Structural – Soil and Foundations SBC 303- CR SBC 303-CC SBC 303-AR
Structural – Concrete Structures SBC 304- CR SBC 304-CC SBC 304-AR
Structural – Masonry Structures SBC 305- CR SBC 305-CC SBC 305-AR
Structural – Steel Structures
Electrical Code SBC 401- CR SBC 401-AR
Mechanical Code SBC 501-CR SBC 501-CC SBC 501-AR
Energy Conservation- SBC 601- CR SBC 601- CC SBC 601- AR
Energy Conservation-Residential SBC 602- CR SBC 602- CC SBC 602- AR
Plumbing Code SBC 701- CR SBC 701-CC SBC 701-AR
Private sewage Code SBC 702-CR SBC 702-AR
SBC 801-CC SBC 801-AR
Fire Code SBC 801-CR
Existing Buildings Code SBC 901- CR SBC 901-CC SBC 901-AR
Green Construction Code SBC 1001- CR SBC 1001-CC SBC 1001-AR
Residential Building Code* SBC 1101- CR SBC 1101-CC SBC 1101-AR
Fuel Gas Code* SBC 1201- CR SBC 1201-CC SBC 1201-AR
1. CR: Code Requirements without Commentary
2. CC: Code Requirements with Commentary
3. AR: Arabic Code Provisions
* Under Development
The Saudi Building Code National Committee (SBCNC).
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. All intellectual property rights of this Saudi Code are owned by the
National Committee of Saudi Building Code as per the Saudi laws of the intellectual property. No part
of this code may be reproduced, distributed or leased in any form or by any means, including but not
limited to publishing on cloud sites, computer networks or any electronic means of communication,
without prior written permission from the National Committee of the Saudi Building Code. The
purchase of an electronic or paper copy does not exempt the individual or entity from complying with
the above limitations.
SBC 801-CR-18 i
1 Engr. Nasser M. Al-Dossari Chairman
2 Engr. Ali A. Al-Mudhei Member
3 Engr. Ali J. Alshamrani Member
4 Engr. Mohammed A. Al-Saeefan Member
5 Engr. Hamad A. Al-Qahtani Member
6 Engr. Said Y. Ibrahim Member
1 Dr. Naif M. Alabbadi Chairman
2 Dr. Khaled M. Aljammaz Member
3 Dr. Abdulrahman G. Al-enizi Member
4 Eng. Saeed K. Kadasah Member
1 Dr. Khaled M. Aljammaz Chairman
2 Eng. Khalifa S. Alyahyai Vice Chairman
3 Dr. Hani M. Zahran Member
4 Prof. Ali A. Shash Member
5 Prof. Ahmed B. Shuraim Member
6 Dr. Khalid M. Wazira Member
7 Dr. Abdulhameed A. Al Ohaly Member
8 Dr. Hamza A. Ghulman Member
9 Engr. Hakam A. Al-Aqily Member
10 Prof. Saleh F. Magram Member
11 Engr. Nasser M. Al-Dossari Member
12 Dr. Waleed H. Khushefati Member
13 Dr. Waleed M. Abanomi Member
14 Dr. Fahad S. Al-Lahaim Member
SBC 801-CR-18 ii
The Saudi Fire Code (SBC 801) provides minimum fire safety requirements for new and existing
buildings, facilities, storage and processes. The SBC 801 addresses fire prevention, fire protection, life
safety and safe storage and use of hazardous materials in new and existing buildings, facilities and
processes. The SBC 801 provides a total approach of controlling hazards in all buildings and sites,
regardless of the hazard being indoors or outdoors. Depending on the building’s occupancy and uses,
the SBC 801 regulates the various hazards that may be housed within the building, including
refrigeration systems, application of flammable finishes, fueling of motor vehicles, high-piled
combustible storage and the storage and use of hazardous materials. SBC 801 sets forth minimum
requirements for these and other hazards and contains requirements for maintaining the life safety of
building occupants, the protection of emergency responders, and to limit the damage to a building and
its contents as the result of a fire, explosion or unauthorized hazardous material discharge.
2015 International Fire Code (IFC 2015), published by the International Code Council (ICC), is the
base code in the development of this Code. Saudi Building Code National Committee (SBCNC) has
made an agreement with the ICC to use their materials and modify them as per the local construction
needs and regulatory requirements of Saudi Arabia. The ICC is not responsible or liable in any way to
SBCNC or to any other party or entity for any modifications or changes that SBCNC makes to such
The writing process of SBC 801-18 followed the methodology approved by the Saudi Building Code
National Committee. Many changes and modifications were made in its base code (IFC 2015) to meet
the local weather, materials, construction and regulatory requirements.
The committees responsible for SBC 801 Code have taken all precautions to avoid ambiguities,
omissions, and errors in the document. Despite these efforts, the users of SBC 801 may find
information or requirements that may be subject to more than one interpretation or may be incomplete.
The SBCNC alone possesses the authority and responsibility for updating, modifying and interpreting
the Code.
It is a common assumption that engineering knowledge is a prerequisite in understanding code
provisions and requirements; thus, the code is oriented towards individuals who possess the
background knowledge to evaluate the significance and limitations of its content and
recommendations. They shall be able to determine the applicability of all regulatory limitations before
applying the Code and must comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
The requirements related to administration and enforcement of this Code are advisory only. SBCNC
and governmental organizations, in charge of enforcing this Code, possess the authority to modify
these administrative requirements.
PART I—ADMINISTRATIVE AND DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................... 1
SCOPE AND ADMINISTRATION ................................................................................................................... 2
SECTION 101 SCOPE AND GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................................... 2
SECTION 102 APPLICABILITY .............................................................................................................................................. 2
SECTION 103 DEPARTMENT OF FIRE PREVENTION ........................................................................................................... 3
SECTION 104 GENERAL AUTHORITY AND RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................................ 4
SECTION 105 PERMITS ...................................................................................................................................................... 6
SECTION 106 INSPECTIONS .............................................................................................................................................. 14
SECTION 107 MAINTENANCE ........................................................................................................................................... 15
SECTION 108 BOARD OF APPEALS................................................................................................................................... 15
SECTION 109 VIOLATIONS .............................................................................................................................................. 16
SECTION 110 UNSAFE BUILDINGS ................................................................................................................................... 16
SECTION 111 STOP WORK ORDER ................................................................................................................................... 17
SECTION 112 SERVICE UTILITIES ..................................................................................................................................... 17
SECTION 113 FEES ........................................................................................................................................................... 17
DEFINITIONS ..............................................................................................................................................23
SECTION 201 GENERAL ................................................................................................................................................... 23
SECTION 202 GENERAL DEFINITIONS .............................................................................................................................. 23
PART II—GENERAL SAFETY PROVISIONS ......................................................................................................................65
GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .........................................................................................................................66
SECTION 301 GENERAL ................................................................................................................................................... 66
SECTION 302 DEFINITIONS.............................................................................................................................................. 66
SECTION 303 ASPHALT KETTLES ...................................................................................................................................... 66
SECTION 304 COMBUSTIBLE WASTE MATERIAL ............................................................................................................. 66
SECTION 305 IGNITION SOURCES ................................................................................................................................... 67
SECTION 306 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION ROOMS AND FILM ................................................................................... 67
SECTION 308 OPEN FLAMES ........................................................................................................................................... 68
SECTION 309 POWERED INDUSTRIAL TRUCKS AND EQUIPMENT ................................................................................... 70
SECTION 310 SMOKING .................................................................................................................................................. 71
SECTION 311 VACANT PREMISES .................................................................................................................................... 71
SECTION 312 VEHICLE IMPACT PROTECTION .................................................................................................................. 72
SECTION 313 FUELED EQUIPMENT ................................................................................................................................. 72
SECTION 314 INDOOR DISPLAYS ..................................................................................................................................... 73
SECTION 315 GENERAL STORAGE ................................................................................................................................... 73
SECTION 316 HAZARDS TO FIRE FIGHTERS ...................................................................................................................... 74
SECTION 317 ROOFTOP GARDENS AND LANDSCAPED ROOFS ........................................................................................ 74
SECTION 318 LAUNDRY CARTS ........................................................................................................................................ 75
SECTION 319 MOBILE FOOD PREPARATION VEHICLES .............................................................................................................. 75
EMERENCY PLANNING AND PREPAREDNESS .............................................................................................79
SECTION 401 GENERAL ................................................................................................................................................... 79
SECTION 402 DEFINITIONS.............................................................................................................................................. 79
SECTION 403 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................... 79
SECTION 404 FIRE SAFETY, EVACUATION AND LOCKDOWN PLANS ................................................................................ 85
SECTION 405 EMERGENCY EVACUATION DRILLS ............................................................................................................ 87
SECTION 406 EMPLOYEE TRAINING AND RESPONSE PROCEDURES ................................................................................ 88
SECTION 407 HAZARD COMMUNICATION ...................................................................................................................... 88
PART III—BUILDING AND EQUIPMENT DESIGN FEATURES ...........................................................................................91
FIRE SERVICE FEATURES.............................................................................................................................92
SBC 801-CR-18 iv
SBC 801-CR-18 v
SBC 801-CR-18 vi
SBC 801-CR-18 ix
SBC 801-CR-18 x
SBC 801-CR-18 xi
SBC 801-CR-18 1
PART 1—GENERAL PROVISIONS 101.5 Validity. In the event any part or provision
of this code is held to be illegal or void, this shall
not have the effect of making void or illegal any of
SECTION 101 SCOPE AND GENERAL the other parts or provisions hereof, which are
REQUIREMENTS determined to be legal; and it shall be presumed that
101.1 Title. These regulations shall be known as this code would have been adopted without such
the Saudi Fire Code for the Kingdom of Saudi illegal or invalid parts or provisions.
Arabia, hereinafter referred to as this code and
designated as SBC 801.
101.2 Scope. This code establishes regulations
affecting or relating to structures, processes, 102.1 Construction and design provisions. The
premises and safeguards regarding all of the construction and design provisions of this code shall
following: apply to:
1. The hazard of fire and explosion arising from 1. Structures, facilities and conditions arising
the storage, handling or use of structures, after the adoption of this code.
materials or devices. 2. Existing structures, facilities and conditions
2. Conditions hazardous to life, property or not legally in existence at the time of
public welfare in the occupancy of structures adoption of this code.
or premises. 3. Existing structures, facilities and conditions
3. Fire hazards in the structure or on the where required in Chapter 11.
premises from occupancy or operation. 4. Existing structures, facilities and conditions
4. Matters related to the construction, extension, that, in the opinion of the fire code official,
repair, alteration or removal of fire constitute a distinct hazard to life or property.
suppression or alarm systems. 102.2 Administrative, operational and
5. Conditions affecting the safety of fire fighters maintenance provisions. The administrative,
and emergency responders during emergency operational and maintenance provisions of this code
operations. shall apply to:
101.2.1 Appendices. Provisions in the appendices 1. Conditions and operations arising after the
shall not apply unless specifically adopted. adoption of this code.
101.3 Intent. The purpose of this code is to 2. Existing conditions and operations.
establish the minimum requirements consistent 102.3 Change of use or occupancy. Changes
with nationally recognized good practice for shall not be made in the use or occupancy of any
providing a reasonable level of life safety and structure that would place the structure in a different
property protection from the hazards of fire, division of the same group or occupancy or in a
explosion or dangerous conditions in new and different group of occupancies, unless such
existing buildings, structures and premises, and to structure is made to comply with the requirements
provide a reasonable level of safety to fire fighters of this code and the SBC 201. Subject to the
and emergency responders during emergency approval of the fire code official, the use or
operations. occupancy of an existing structure shall be allowed
101.4 Severability. If a section, subsection, to be changed and the structure is allowed to be
sentence, clause or phrase of this code is, for any occupied for purposes in other groups without
reason, held to be unconstitutional, such decision conforming to all of the requirements of this code
shall not affect the validity of the remaining and the SBC 201 for those groups, provided the new
portions of this code. or proposed use is less hazardous, based on life and
fire risk, than the existing use.
SBC 801-CR-18 2
102.4 Application of building code. The design laws, codes, regulations, ordinances or by laws
and construction of new structures shall comply adopted by the jurisdiction, compliance with
with the SBC 201 and any alterations, additions, applicable standards of the National Fire Protection
changes in use or changes in structures required by Association or other nationally recognized fire
this code, which are within the scope of the SBC safety standards, as approved, shall be deemed as
201, shall be made in accordance therewith. prima facie evidence of compliance with the intent
of this code. Nothing herein shall derogate from the
102.5 Application of residential code. Where
authority of the fire code official to determine
structures are designed and constructed in
compliance with codes or standards for those
accordance with the SBC 1101, the provisions of
activities or installations within the fire code
this code shall apply as follows:
official’s jurisdiction or responsibility.
1. Construction and design provisions of this
code pertaining to the exterior of the structure 102.9 Matters not provided for. Requirements
shall apply including, but not limited to, that are essential for the public safety of an existing
premises identification, fire apparatus access or proposed activity, building or structure, or for the
safety of the occupants thereof, that are not
and water supplies. Where interior or exterior
specifically provided for by this code, shall be
systems or devices are installed,
construction permits required by Section determined by the fire code official.
105.7 of this code shall apply. 102.10 Conflicting provisions. Where there is a
2. Administrative, operational and maintenance conflict between a general requirement and a
specific requirement, the specific requirement
provisions of this code shall apply.
shall be applicable. Where, in a specific case,
102.6 Historic buildings. The provisions of this different sections of this code specify different
code relating to the construction, alteration, repair, materials, methods of construction or other
enlargement, restoration, relocation or moving of requirements, the most restrictive shall govern.
buildings or structures shall not be mandatory for
existing buildings or structures identified and 102.11 Other laws. The provisions of this code
classified by the government-body-in-charge as shall not be deemed to nullify any provisions of
historic buildings where such buildings or government law.
structures do not constitute a distinct hazard to life 102.12 Application of references. References to
or property. Fire protection in designated historic chapter or section numbers, or to provisions not
buildings shall be provided with an approved fire specifically identified by number, shall be
protection plan as required in Section 1103.1.1. construed to refer to such chapter, section or
102.7 Referenced codes and standards. The provision of this code.
codes and standards referenced in this code shall be
those that are listed in Chapter 80, and such codes
and standards shall be considered to be part of the
requirements of this code to the prescribed extent of
each such reference and as further regulated in SECTION 103 DEPARTMENT OF FIRE
Sections 102.7.1 and 102.7.2. PREVENTION
102.7.1 Conflicts. Where conflicts occur between 103.1 General. The department of fire prevention
provisions of this code and referenced codes and is established within the jurisdiction under the
standards, the provisions of this code shall apply. direction of the fire code official. The function of
102.7.2 Pr ovisions in referenced codes and the department shall be the implementation,
standar ds. Where the extent of the reference to a administration and enforcement of the provisions of
referenced code or standard includes subject matter this code.
that is within the scope of this code, the provisions 103.2 Appointment. The fire code official shall
of this code, as applicable, shall take precedence be appointed by the chief appointing authority of
over the provisions in the referenced code or the jurisdiction; and the fire code official shall not
standard. be removed from office except for cause and after
102.8 Subjects not regulated by this code. full opportunity to be heard on specific and relevant
Where applicable standards or requirements are not charges by and before the appointing authority.
set forth in this code, or are contained within other
SBC 801-CR-18 3
103.3 Deputies. In accordance with the and enforce compliance with the provisions of this
prescribed procedures of this jurisdiction and with code.
the concurrence of the appointing authority, the fire
104.3 Right of entry. Where it is necessary to
code official shall have the authority to appoint a
make an inspection to enforce the provisions of this
deputy fire code official, other related technical
code, or where the fire code official has reasonable
officers, inspectors and other employees.
cause to believe that there exists in a building or
103.4 Liability. The fire code official, member of upon any premises any conditions or violations of
the board of appeals, officer or employee charged this code that make the building or premises unsafe,
with the enforcement of this code, while acting for dangerous or hazardous, the fire code official shall
the jurisdiction, in good faith and without malice in have the authority to enter the building or premises
the discharge of the duties required by this code or at all reasonable times to inspect or to perform the
other pertinent law or ordinance, shall not thereby duties imposed upon the fire code official by this
be rendered civilly or criminally liable personally, code. If such building or premises is occupied, the
and is hereby relieved from all personal liability for fire code official shall present credentials to the
any damage accruing to persons or property as a occupant and request entry. If such building or
result of an act or by reason of an act or omission in premises is unoccupied, the fire code official shall
the discharge of official duties. first make a reasonable effort to locate the owner,
103.4.1 Legal defense. Any suit or criminal the owner’s authorized agent or other person having
complaint instituted against any officer or employee charge or control of the building or premises and
because of an act performed by that officer or request entry. If entry is refused, the fire code
employee in the lawful discharge of duties and official has recourse to every remedy provided by
under the provisions of this code shall be defended law to secure entry.
by the legal representatives of the jurisdiction until 104.3.1 War r ant. Where the fire code official has
the final termination of the proceedings. The fire first obtained a proper inspection warrant or other
code official or any subordinate shall not be liable remedy provided by law to secure entry, an owner,
for costs in an action, suit or proceeding that is the owner’s authorized agent or occupant or person
instituted in pursuance of the provisions of this having charge, care or control of the building or
code; and any officer of the department of fire premises shall not fail or neglect, after proper
prevention, acting in good faith and without malice, request is made as herein provided, to permit entry
shall be free from liability for acts performed under therein by the fire code official for the purpose of
any of its provisions or by reason of any act or inspection and examination pursuant to this code.
omission in the performance of official duties in
104.4 Identification. The fire code official shall
connection therewith.
carry proper identification when inspecting
structures or premises in the performance of duties
under this code.
AND RESPONSIBILITIES 104.5 Notices and orders. The fire code official
is authorized to issue such notices or orders as are
104.1 General. The fire code official is hereby required to affect compliance with this code in
authorized to enforce the provisions of this code and accordance with Sections 109.1 and 109.2.
shall have the authority to render interpretations of
this code, and to adopt policies, procedures, rules 104.6 Official records. The fire code official
and regulations in order to clarify the application of shall keep official records as required by Sections
its provisions. Such interpretations, policies, 104.6.1 through 104.6.4. Such official records shall
procedures, rules and regulations shall be in be retained for not less than 5 years or for as long as
compliance with the intent and purpose of this code the structure or activity to which such records relate
and shall not have the effect of waiving remains in existence, unless otherwise provided by
requirements specifically provided for in this code. other regulations.
104.2 Applications and permits. The fire code 104.6.1 Appr ovals. A record of approvals shall be
official is authorized to receive applications, review maintained by the fire code official and shall be
construction documents and issue permits for available for public inspection during business
construction regulated by this code, issue permits hours in accordance with applicable laws.
for operations regulated by this code, inspect the
premises for which such permits have been issued
SBC 801-CR-18 4
104.6.2 Inspections. The fire code official shall and that such modification does not lessen health,
keep a record of each inspection made, including life and fire safety requirements. The details of
notices and orders issued, showing the findings and action granting modifications shall be recorded and
disposition of each. entered in the files of the department of fire
104.6.3 Fire recor ds. The fire department (Civil
Defense) shall keep a record of fires occurring 104.9 Alternative materials and methods. The
within its jurisdiction and of facts concerning the provisions of this code are not intended to prevent
same, including statistics as to the extent of such the installation of any material or to prohibit any
fires and the damage caused thereby, together with method of construction not specifically prescribed
other information as required by the fire code by this code, provided that any such alternative has
official. been approved. The fire code official is authorized
to approve an alternative material or method of
104.6.4 Administr ative. Application for
construction where the fire code official finds that
modification, alternative methods or materials and
the proposed design is satisfactory and complies
the final decision of the fire code official shall be in
with the intent of the provisions of this code, and
writing and shall be officially recorded in the
that the material, method or work offered is, for the
permanent records of the fire code official.
purpose intended, at least the equivalent of that
104.7 Approved materials and equipment. prescribed in this code in quality, strength,
Materials, equipment and devices approved by the effectiveness, fire resistance, durability and safety.
fire code official shall be constructed and installed Where the alternative material, design or method of
in accordance with such approval. construction is not approved, the fire code official
104.7.1 Material and equipment reuse. Materials, shall respond in writing, stating the reasons why the
equipment and devices shall not be reused or alternative was not approved.
reinstalled unless such elements have been 104.9.1 Resear ch repor ts. Supporting data, where
reconditioned, tested and placed in good and proper necessary to assist in the approval of materials or
working condition and approved. assemblies not specifically provided for in this
104.7.2 Technical assistance. To determine the code, shall consist of valid research reports from
acceptability of technologies, processes, products, approved sources.
facilities, materials and uses attending the design, 104.9.2 Tests. Where there is insufficient evidence
operation or use of a building or premises subject to of compliance with the provisions of this code, or
inspection by the fire code official, the fire code evidence that a material or method does not
official is authorized to require the owner or conform to the requirements of this code, or in order
owner’s authorized agent to provide, without to substantiate claims for alternative materials or
charge to the jurisdiction, a technical opinion and methods, the fire code official shall have the
report. The opinion and report shall be prepared by authority to require tests as evidence of compliance
a qualified engineer, specialist, laboratory or fire to be made at no expense to the jurisdiction. Test
safety specialty organization acceptable to the fire methods shall be as specified in this code or by other
code official and shall analyze the fire safety recognized test standards. In the absence of
properties of the design, operation or use of the recognized and accepted test methods, the fire code
building or premises and the facilities and official shall approve the testing procedures. Tests
appurtenances situated thereon, to recommend shall be performed by an approved agency. Reports
necessary changes. The fire code official is of such tests shall be retained by the fire code
authorized to require design submittals to be official for the period required for retention of
prepared by, and bear the stamp of, a registered public records.
design professional.
104.10 Fire investigations. The fire code official,
104.8 Modifications. Where there are practical the fire department (Civil Defense) or other
difficulties involved in carrying out the provisions responsible authority shall have the authority to
of this code, the fire code official shall have the investigate the cause, origin and circumstances of
authority to grant modifications for individual any fire, explosion or other hazardous condition.
cases, provided the fire code official shall first find Information that could be related to trade secrets or
that special individual reason makes the strict letter processes shall not be made part of the public
of this code impractical and the modification is in record, except as directed by a court of law.
compliance with the intent and purpose of this code
SBC 801-CR-18 5
SBC 801-CR-18 6
corporation regularly employing one or more and laws and ordinances applicable thereto, the fire
qualified tradespersons in the building, structure or code official shall issue a permit therefor as soon as
on the premises owned or operated by the applicant practicable.
for the permit.
105.3 Conditions of a permit. A permit shall Annual permit records. The constitute permission to maintain, store or handle
person to whom an annual permit is issued shall materials; or to conduct processes that produce
keep a detailed record of alterations made under conditions hazardous to life or property; or to install
such annual permit. The fire code official shall have equipment utilized in connection with such
access to such records at all times or such records activities; or to install or modify any fire protection
shall be filed with the fire code official as system or equipment or any other construction,
designated. equipment installation or modification in
accordance with the provisions of this code where
105.2 Application. Application for a permit
a permit is required by Section 105.6 or 105.7.
required by this code shall be made to the fire code
Such permission shall not be construed as authority
official in such form and detail as prescribed by the
to violate, cancel or set aside any of the provisions
fire code official. Applications for permits shall be
of this code or other applicable regulations or laws
accompanied by such plans as prescribed by the fire
of the jurisdiction.
code official.
105.3.1 Expir ation. An operational permit shall
105.2.1 Refusal to issue per mit. If the application
remain in effect until reissued, renewed or revoked,
for a permit describes a use that does not conform
or for such a period of time as specified in the
to the requirements of this code and other pertinent
permit. Construction permits shall automatically
laws and ordinances, the fire code official shall not
become invalid unless the work authorized by such
issue a permit, but shall return the application to the
permit is commenced within 180 days after its
applicant with the refusal to issue such permit. Such
issuance, or if the work authorized by such permit
refusal shall, where requested, be in writing and
is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days
shall contain the reasons for refusal.
after the time the work is commenced. Permits are
105.2.2 Inspection author ized. Before a new not transferable and any change in occupancy,
operational permit is approved, the fire code official operation, tenancy or ownership shall require that a
is authorized to inspect the receptacles, vehicles, new permit be issued.
buildings, devices, premises, storage spaces or
105.3.2 Extensions. A permittee holding an
areas to be used to determine compliance with this
unexpired permit shall have the right to apply for an
code or any operational constraints required.
extension of the time within which the permittee
105.2.3 Time limitation of application. An will commence work under that permit where work
application for a permit for any proposed work or is unable to be commenced within the time required
operation shall be deemed to have been abandoned by this section for good and satisfactory reasons.
180 days after the date of filing, unless such The fire code official is authorized to grant, in
application has been diligently prosecuted or a writing, one or more extensions of the time period
permit shall have been issued; except that the fire of a permit for periods of not more than 180 days
code official is authorized to grant one or more each. Such extensions shall be requested by the
extensions of time for additional periods not permit holder in writing and justifiable cause
exceeding 90 days each. The extension shall be demonstrated.
requested in writing and justifiable cause
105.3.3 Occupancy pr ohibited before appr oval.
The building or structure shall not be occupied prior
105.2.4 Action on application. The fire code to the fire code official issuing a permit and
official shall examine or cause to be examined conducting associated inspections indicating the
applications for permits and amendments thereto applicable provisions of this code have been met.
within a reasonable time after filing. If the
105.3.4 Conditional per mits. Where permits are
application or the construction documents do not
required and upon the request of a permit applicant,
conform to the requirements of pertinent laws, the
the fire code official is authorized to issue a
fire code official shall reject such application in
conditional permit to occupy the premises or
writing, stating the reasons therefor. If the fire code
portion thereof before the entire work or operations
official is satisfied that the proposed work or
on the premises is completed, provided that such
operation conforms to the requirements of this code
SBC 801-CR-18 7
portion or portions will be occupied safely prior to 105.4 Construction documents. Construction
full completion or installation of equipment and documents shall be in accordance with Sections
operations without endangering life or public 105.4.1 through 105.4.6.
welfare. The fire code official shall notify the
105.4.1 Submittals. Construction documents and
permit applicant in writing of any limitations or
supporting data shall be submitted in two or more
restrictions necessary to keep the permit area safe.
sets with each application for a permit and in such
The holder of a conditional permit shall proceed
form and detail as required by the fire code official.
only to the point for which approval has been given,
The construction documents shall be prepared by a
at the permit holder’s own risk and without
registered design professional where required by
assurance that approval for the occupancy or the
the statutes of the jurisdiction in which the project
utilization of the entire premises, equipment or
is to be constructed.
operations will be granted.
Exception: The fire code official is authorized to
105.3.5 Posting the per mit. Issued permits shall be
waive the submission of construction documents
kept on the premises designated therein at all times
and supporting data not required to be prepared by a
and shall be readily available for inspection by the
registered design professional if it is found that the
fire code official.
nature of the work applied for is such that review of
105.3.6 Compliance with code. The issuance or construction documents is not necessary to obtain
granting of a permit shall not be construed to be a compliance with this code.
permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any Examination of documents. The
of the provisions of this code or of any other
fire code official shall examine or cause to be
ordinance of the jurisdiction. Permits presuming to
examined the accompanying construction
give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of
documents and shall ascertain by such examinations
this code or other ordinances of the jurisdiction
whether the work indicated and described is in
shall not be valid. The issuance of a permit based
accordance with the requirements of this code.
on construction documents and other data shall not
prevent the fire code official from requiring the 105.4.2 Infor mation on constr uction documents.
correction of errors in the construction documents Construction documents shall be drawn to scale
and other data. Any addition to or alteration of upon suitable material. Electronic media documents
approved construction documents shall be are allowed to be submitted where approved by the
approved in advance by the fire code official, as fire code official. Construction documents shall be
evidenced by the issuance of a new or amended of sufficient clarity to indicate the location, nature
permit. and extent of the work proposed and show in detail
that it will conform to the provisions of this code
105.3.7 Infor mation on the per mit. The fire code and relevant laws, ordinances, rules and regulations
official shall issue all permits required by this code as determined by the fire code official.
on an approved form furnished for that purpose.
The permit shall contain a general description of the Fire protection system shop
operation or occupancy and its location and any drawings. Shop drawings for the fire protection
other information required by the fire code official. system(s) shall be submitted to indicate compliance
Issued permits shall bear the signature of the fire with this code and the construction documents, and
code official or other approved legal authorization. shall be approved prior to the start of installation.
Shop drawings shall contain all information as
105.3.8 Validity of per mit. The issuance or
required by the referenced installation standards in
granting of a permit shall not be construed to be a
Chapter 9.
permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any
of the provisions of this code or of any other 105.4.3 Applicant responsibility. It shall be the
ordinances of the jurisdiction. Permits presuming to responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the
give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of construction documents include all of the fire
this code or other ordinances of the jurisdiction protection requirements and the shop drawings are
shall not be valid. The issuance of a permit based complete and in compliance with the applicable
on construction documents, operational documents codes and standards.
and other data shall not prevent the fire code official 105.4.4 Appr oved documents. Construction
from requiring correction of errors in the documents documents approved by the fire code official are
or other data. approved with the intent that such construction
SBC 801-CR-18 8
documents comply in all respects with this code. 4. There have been any false statements or
Review and approval by the fire code official shall misrepresentations as to the material fact in
not relieve the applicant of the responsibility of the application for permit or plans submitted
compliance with this code. or a condition of the permit. Phased approval. The fire code 5. The permit is used by a different person or
official is authorized to issue a permit for the firm than the name for which it was issued.
construction of part of a structure, system or
6. The permittee failed, refused or neglected to
operation before the construction documents for the
comply with orders or notices duly served in
whole structure, system or operation have been
accordance with the provisions of this code
submitted, provided that adequate information and
within the time provided therein.
detailed statements have been filed complying with
pertinent requirements of this code. The holder of 7. The permit was issued in error or in violation
such permit for parts of a structure, system or of an ordinance, regulation or this code.
operation shall proceed at the holder’s own risk 105.6 Required operational permits. The fire
with the building operation and without assurance code official is authorized to issue operational
that a permit for the entire structure, system or permits for the operations set forth in Sections
operation will be granted. 105.6.1 through 105.6.48.
105.4.5 Amended constr uction documents. Work 105.6.1 Aerosol products. An operational permit is
shall be installed in accordance with the approved required to manufacture, store or handle an
construction documents, and any changes made aggregate quantity of Level 2 or Level 3 aerosol
during construction that are not in compliance with products in excess of 225 kg net weight.
the approved construction documents shall be
resubmitted for approval as an amended set of 105.6.2 Amusement buildings. An operational
construction documents. permit is required to operate a special amusement
105.4.6 Retention of constr uction documents.
One set of construction documents shall be retained 105.6.3 Aviation facilities. An operational permit
by the fire code official for a period of not less than is required to use a Group H or Group S occupancy
180 days from date of completion of the permitted for aircraft servicing or repair and aircraft fuel-
work, or as required by government or local laws. servicing vehicles. Additional permits required by
One set of approved construction documents shall other sections of this code include, but are not
be returned to the applicant, and said set shall be limited to, hot work, hazardous materials and
kept on the site of the building or work at all times flammable or combustible finishes.
during which the work authorized thereby is in 105.6.4 Car bon dioxide systems used in bever age
progress. dispensing applications. An operational permit is
105.5 Revocation. The fire code official is required for carbon dioxide systems used in
authorized to revoke a permit issued under the beverage dispensing applications having more than
provisions of this code where it is found by 45 kg of carbon dioxide.
inspection or otherwise that there has been a false 105.6.5 Car nivals and fairs. An operational
statement or misrepresentation as to the material permit is required to conduct a carnival or fair.
facts in the application or construction documents
on which the permit or approval was based 105.6.6 Cellulose nitr ate film. An operational
including, but not limited to, any one of the permit is required to store, handle or use cellulose
following: nitrate film in a Group A occupancy.
1. The permit is used for a location or 105.6.7 Combustible dust-pr oducing oper ations.
establishment other than that for which it was An operational permit is required to operate a grain
issued. elevator, flour starch mill, feed mill, or a plant
pulverizing aluminum, coal, cocoa, magnesium,
2. The permit is used for a condition or activity spices or sugar, or other operations producing
other than that listed in the permit. combustible dusts as defined in Chapter 2.
3. Conditions and limitations set forth in the 105.6.8 Combustible fibers. An operational permit
permit have been violated. is required for the storage and handling of
combustible fibers in quantities greater than 2.8 m3.
SBC 801-CR-18 9
Exception: A permit is not required for agricultural purposes that are installed on water systems and
storage. accessible to a fire apparatus access road that is
open to or generally used by the public.
105.6.9 Compr essed gases. An operational permit
is required for the storage, use or handling at normal Exception: A permit is not required for authorized
temperature and pressure (NTP) of compressed employees of the water company that supplies the
gases in excess of the amounts listed in Table system or the fire department (Civil Defense) to use
105.6.9. or operate fire hydrants or valves.
Exception: Vehicles equipped for and using 105.6.17 Flammable and combustible
compressed gas as a fuel for propelling the vehicle. liquids. An operational permit is required:
105.6.10 Covered and open mall 1. To use or operate a pipeline for the
buildings. An operational permit is required for: transportation within facilities of flammable
or combustible liquids. This requirement
1. The placement of retail fixtures and displays,
shall not apply to the off-site transportation
concession equipment, displays of highly
in pipelines regulated by the Ministry of
combustible goods and similar items in the
Transportation or any other government
agency nor does it apply to piping systems.
2. The display of liquid or gas-fired equipment
2. To store, handle or use Class I liquids in
in the mall.
excess of 19 L in a building or in excess of
3. The use of open-flame or flame-producing 38 L outside of a building, except that a
equipment in the mall. permit is not required for the following:
105.6.11 Cr yogenic fluids. An operational 2.1. The storage or use of Class I liquids
permit is required to produce, store, transport on in the fuel tank of a motor vehicle,
site, use, handle or dispense cryogenic fluids in aircraft, motorboat, mobile power plant or
excess of the amounts listed in Table 105.6.11. mobile heating plant, unless such storage,
Exception: Permits are not required for vehicles in the opinion of the fire code official,
equipped for and using cryogenic fluids as a fuel for would cause an unsafe condition.
propelling the vehicle or for refrigerating the lading. 2.2. The storage or use of paints, oils,
105.6.12 Cutting and welding. An varnishes or similar flammable mixtures
operational permit is required to conduct cutting or where such liquids are stored for
welding operations within the jurisdiction. maintenance, painting or similar purposes
for a period of not more than 30 days.
105.6.13 Dry cleaning. An operational
permit is required to engage in the business of dry 3. To store, handle or use Class II or Class IIIA
cleaning or to change to a more hazardous cleaning liquids in excess of 95 L in a building or in
solvent used in existing dry cleaning equipment. excess of 225 L outside a building, except for
fuel oil used in connection with oil-burning
105.6.14 Exhibits and tr ade shows. An equipment.
operational permit is required to operate exhibits
and trade shows. 4. To store, handle or use Class IIIB liquids in
tanks or portable tanks for fueling motor
105.6.15 Explosives. An operational permit vehicles at motor fuel-dispensing facilities or
is required for the manufacture, storage, handling, where connected to fuelburning equipment.
sale or use of any quantity of explosives, explosive
materials, fireworks or pyrotechnic special effects Exception: Fuel oil and used motor oil used for
within the scope of Chapter 56. space heating or water heating.
SBC 801-CR-18 10
stations, refineries, distilleries and similar 105.6.24 Hot work oper ations. An
facilities where flammable and combustible operational permit is required for hot work
liquids are produced, processed, transported, including, but not limited to:
stored, dispensed or used.
1. Public exhibitions and demonstrations where
7. To place temporarily out of service (for more hot work is conducted.
than 90 days) an underground, protected
2. Use of portable hot work equipment inside a
above-ground or above-ground flammable or
combustible liquid tank.
Exception: Work that is conducted under a
8. To change the type of contents stored in a
construction permit.
flammable or combustible liquid tank to a
material that poses a greater hazard than that 3. Fixed-site hot work equipment, such as
for which the tank was designed and welding booths.
constructed. 4. Hot work conducted within a wildfire risk
9. To manufacture, process, blend or refine area.
flammable or combustible liquids. 5. Application of roof coverings with the use of
10. To engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels an open flame device.
into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles at 6. Where approved, the fire code official shall
commercial, industrial, governmental or issue a permit to carry out a hot work
manufacturing establishments. program. This program allows approved
11. To utilize a site for the dispensing of liquid personnel to regulate their facility’s hot work
fuels from tank vehicles into the fuel tanks of operations. The approved personnel shall be
motor vehicles, marine craft and other special trained in the fire safety aspects denoted in
equipment at commercial, industrial, this chapter and shall be responsible for
governmental or manufacturing issuing permits requiring compliance with
establishments. the requirements found in Chapter 35. These
permits shall be issued only to their
105.6.18 Floor finishing. An operational
employees or hot work operations under their
permit is required for floor finishing or surfacing
operations exceeding 33 m2 using Class I or Class
II liquids. 105.6.25 Industr ial ovens. An operational
permit is required for operation of industrial ovens
105.6.19 Fr uit and crop ripening. An
regulated by Chapter 30.
operational permit is required to operate a fruitor
crop-ripening facility or conduct a fruit-ripening 105.6.26 Lumber yar ds and wood-
process using ethylene gas. working plants. An operational permit is required
for the storage or processing of lumber exceeding
105.6.20 Fumigation and insecticidal
235 cubic meters.
fogging. An operational permit is required to
operate a business of fumigation or insecticidal 105.6.27 Liquid or gas-fueled vehicles or
fogging, and to maintain a room, vault or chamber equipment in assembly buildings. An operational
in which a toxic or flammable fumigant is used. permit is required to display, operate or demonstrate
liquid or gas-fueled vehicles or equipment in
105.6.21 Hazar dous mater ials. An
assembly buildings.
operational permit is required to store, transport on
site, dispense, use or handle hazardous materials in 105.6.28 LP-gas. An operational permit is
excess of the amounts listed in Table 105.6.21. required for:
105.6.22 HPM facilities. An operational 1. Storage and use of LP-gas.
permit is required to store, handle or use hazardous Exception: A permit is not required for individual
production materials. containers with a 1900 L water capacity or less or
105.6.23 High-piled stor age. An multiple container systems having an aggregate
operational permit is required to use a building or quantity not exceeding 1900 L, serving occupancies
portion thereof as a high-piled storage area in Group R-3.
exceeding 46 m2.
SBC 801-CR-18 11
2. Operation of cargo tankers that transport LP- than 10 kg of cellulose nitrate (pyroxylin) plastics,
gas. and for the assembly or manufacture of articles
involving pyroxylin plastics.
105.6.29 Magnesium. An operational
permit is required to melt, cast, heat treat or grind 105.6.40 Refriger ation equipment. An
more than 4.5 kg of magnesium. operational permit is required to operate a
mechanical refrigeration unit or system regulated
105.6.30 Miscellaneous combustible
by Chapter 6.
stor age. An operational permit is required to store
in any building or upon any premises in excess of 105.6.41 Repair gar ages and motor fuel-
70 m3 gross volume of combustible empty packing dispensing facilities. An operational permit is
cases, boxes, barrels or similar containers, rubber required for operation of repair garages.
tires, rubber, cork or similar combustible material.
105.6.42 Rooftop helipor ts. An operational
105.6.31 Motor fuel-dispensing facilities. permit is required for the operation of a rooftop
An operational permit is required for the operation heliport.
of automotive, marine and fleet motor fuel-
105.6.43 Spr aying or dipping. An
dispensing facilities.
operational permit is required to conduct a spraying
105.6.32 Open bur ning. An operational or dipping operation utilizing flammable or
permit is required for the kindling or maintaining of combustible liquids, or the application of
an open fire or a fire on any public street, alley, road, combustible powders regulated by Chapter 24.
or other public or private ground. Instructions and
105.6.44 Stor age of scrap tires and tir e
stipulations of the permit shall be adhered to.
byproducts. An operational permit is required to
Exception: Recreational fires. establish, conduct or maintain storage of scrap tires
and tire byproducts that exceeds 71 m3 of total
105.6.33 Open flames and torches. An
volume of scrap tires, and for indoor storage of tires
operational permit is required to remove paint with
and tire byproducts.
a torch; or to use a torch or open-flame device in a
wildfire risk area. 105.6.45 Tempor ar y membr ane
str uctur es and tents. An operational permit is
105.6.34 Open flames and candles. An
required to operate an air-supported temporary
operational permit is required to use open flames or
membrane structure, a temporary stage canopy or a
candles in connection with assembly areas, dining
tent having an area in excess of 35 m2.
areas of restaurants or drinking establishments.
105.6.35 Or ganic coatings. An operational
permit is required for any organic-coating 1. Tents used exclusively for recreational
manufacturing operation producing more than 4 L camping purposes.
of an organic coating in one day.
2. Tents open on all sides, which comply with
105.6.36 Places of assembly. An all of the following:
operational permit is required to operate a place of
2.1. Individual tents having a maximum
size of 65 m2.
105.6.37 Pr ivate fire hydr ants. An
2.2. The aggregate area of multiple tents
operational permit is required for the removal from
placed side by side without a fire break
service, use or operation of private fire hydrants.
clearance of not less than 3.5 m shall not
Exception: A permit is not required for private exceed 65 m2 total.
industry with trained maintenance personnel,
2.3. A minimum clearance of 3.5 m to
private fire brigade or fire departments to maintain,
structures and other tents shall be
test and use private hydrants.
105.6.38 Pyrotechnic special effects
105.6.46 Tire-rebuilding plants. An
material. An operational permit is required for use
operational permit is required for the operation and
and handling of pyrotechnic special effects
maintenance of a tire-rebuilding plant.
105.6.47 Waste handling. An operational
105.6.39 Pyr oxylin plastics. An operational
permit is required for the operation of wrecking
permit is required for storage or handling of more
SBC 801-CR-18 12
yards, junk yards and waste material-handling Maintenance performed in accordance with this
facilities. code is not considered to be a modification and does
not require a construction permit.
105.6.48 Wood pr oducts. An operational
permit is required to store chips, hogged material, 105.7.7 Fire pumps and related equipment. A
lumber or plywood in excess of 6 m3. construction permit is required for installation of or
modification to fire pumps and related fuel tanks,
105.7 Required construction permits. The fire
jockey pumps, controllers and generators.
code official is authorized to issue construction
Maintenance performed in accordance with this
permits for work as set forth in Sections 105.7.1
code is not considered to be a modification and does
through 105.7.18.
not require a construction permit.
105.7.1 Automatic fire-extinguishing systems. A
105.7.8 Flammable and combustible liquids. A
construction permit is required for installation of or
construction permit is required:
modification to an automatic fire-extinguishing
system. Maintenance performed in accordance with 1. To install, repair or modify a pipeline for the
this code is not considered to be a modification and transportation of flammable or combustible
does not require a permit. liquids.
105.7.2 Batter y systems. A permit is required to 2. To install, construct or alter tank vehicles,
install stationary storage battery systems having a equipment, tanks, plants, terminals, wells,
liquid capacity of more than 190 L. fuel-dispensing stations, refineries,
distilleries and similar facilities where
105.7.3 Compr essed gases. Where the compressed
flammable and combustible liquids are
gases in use or storage exceed the amounts listed in
produced, processed, transported, stored,
Table 105.6.9, a construction permit is required to
dispensed or used.
install, repair damage to, abandon, remove, place
temporarily out of service, or close or substantially 3. To install, alter, remove, abandon or
modify a compressed gas system. otherwise dispose of a flammable or
combustible liquid tank.
105.7.9 Gates and bar r icades acr oss fire
1. Routine maintenance.
appar atus access roads. A construction permit is
2. For emergency repair work performed on an required for the installation of or modification to a
emergency basis, application for permit shall gate or barricade across a fire apparatus access road.
be made within two working days of
105.7.10 Hazar dous materials. A
commencement of work.
construction permit is required to install, repair
105.7.4 Cr yogenic fluids. A construction permit is damage to, abandon, remove, place temporarily out
required for installation of or alteration to outdoor of service, or close or substantially modify a storage
stationary cryogenic fluid storage systems where facility or other area regulated by Chapter 50 where
the system capacity exceeds the amounts listed in the hazardous materials in use or storage exceed the
Table 105.6.11. Maintenance performed in amounts listed in Table 105.6.21.
accordance with this code is not considered to be an
alteration and does not require a construction
permit. 1. Routine maintenance.
105.7.5 Emer gency responder radio coverage 2. For repair work performed on an emergency
system. A construction permit is required for basis, application for permit shall be made
installation of or modification to emergency within two working days of commencement
responder radio coverage systems and related of work.
equipment. Maintenance performed in accordance
105.7.11 Industr ial ovens. A construction
with this code is not considered to be a modification
permit is required for installation of industrial ovens
and does not require a construction permit.
covered by Chapter 30.
105.7.6 Fire alar m and detection systems and
related equipment. A construction permit is
required for installation of or modification to fire 1. Routine maintenance.
alarm and detection systems and related equipment.
SBC 801-CR-18 13
2. For repair work performed on an emergency 3. Tents and awnings open on all sides, which
basis, application for permit shall be made comply with all of the following:
within two working days of commencement
3.1. Individual tents shall have a
of work.
maximum size of 65 m2.
105.7.12 LP-gas. A construction permit is
3.2. The aggregate area of multiple tents
required for installation of or modification to an LP-
placed side by side without a fire break
gas system. Maintenance performed in accordance
clearance of not less than 3.5 m shall not
with this code is not considered to be a modification
exceed 65 m2 total.
and does not require a permit.
3.3. A minimum clearance of 3.5 m to
105.7.13 Pr ivate fire hydr ants. A
structures and other tents shall be
construction permit is required for the installation
or modification of private fire hydrants.
Maintenance performed in accordance with this
code is not considered to be a modification and does
not require a permit.
106.1 Inspection authority. The fire code
105.7.14 Smoke control or smoke exhaust
official is authorized to enter and examine any
systems. Construction permits are required for
building, structure, marine vessel, vehicle or
installation of or alteration to smoke control or
premises in accordance with Section 104.3 for the
smoke exhaust systems. Maintenance performed in
purpose of enforcing this code.
accordance with this code is not considered to be an
alteration and does not require a permit. 106.2 Inspections. The fire code official is
authorized to conduct such inspections as are
105.7.15 Solar photovoltaic power
deemed necessary to determine the extent of
systems. A construction permit is required to install
compliance with the provisions of this code and to
or modify solar photovoltaic power systems.
approve reports of inspection by approved agencies
Maintenance performed in accordance with this
or individuals. Reports of such inspections shall be
code is not considered to be a modification and does
prepared and submitted in writing for review and
not require a permit.
approval. Inspection reports shall be certified by a
105.7.16 Spr aying or dipping. A responsible officer of such approved agency or by
construction permit is required to install or modify the responsible individual. The fire code official is
a spray room, dip tank or booth. Maintenance authorized to engage such expert opinion as deemed
performed in accordance with this code is not necessary to report upon unusual, detailed or
considered to be a modification and does not require complex technical issues subject to the approval of
a permit. the governing body.
105.7.17 Standpipe systems. A 106.2.1 Inspection requests. It shall be the duty of
construction permit is required for the installation, the holder of the permit or their duly authorized
modification or removal from service of a standpipe agent to notify the fire code official when work is
system. Maintenance performed in accordance with ready for inspection. It shall be the duty of the
this code is not considered to be a modification and permit holder to provide access to and means for
does not require a permit. inspections of such work that are required by this
105.7.18 Tempor ar y membr ane code.
str uctur es and tents. A construction permit is 106.2.2 Appr oval required. Work shall not be
required to erect an air-supported temporary done beyond the point indicated in each successive
membrane structure, a temporary stage canopy or a inspection without first obtaining the approval of
tent having an area in excess of 35 m2. the fire code official. The fire code official, upon
Exceptions: notification, shall make the requested inspections
and shall either indicate the portion of the
1. Tents used exclusively for recreational construction that is satisfactory as completed, or
camping purposes. notify the permit holder or his or her agent wherein
2. Funeral tents and curtains, or extensions the same fails to comply with this code. Any
attached thereto, when used for funeral portions that do not comply shall be corrected, and
SBC 801-CR-18 14
such portion shall not be covered or concealed until The fire code official is authorized to prescribe the
authorized by the fire code official. form and format of such record-keeping. The fire
code official is authorized to require that certain
106.3 Concealed work. It shall be the duty of the
required records be filed with the fire code official.
permit applicant to cause the work to remain
accessible and exposed for inspection purposes. 107.4 Supervision. Maintenance and testing shall
Where any installation subject to inspection prior to be under the supervision of a responsible person
use is covered or concealed without having first who shall ensure that such maintenance and testing
been inspected, the fire code official shall have the are conducted at specified intervals in accordance
authority to require that such work be exposed for with this code.
inspection. Neither the fire code official nor the
107.5 Rendering equipment inoperable.
jurisdiction shall be liable for expense entailed in
Portable or fixed fire-extinguishing systems or
the removal or replacement of any material required
devices, and fire-warning systems, shall not be
to allow inspection.
rendered inoperative or inaccessible, except as
106.4 Approvals. Approval as the result of an necessary during emergencies, maintenance,
inspection shall not be construed to be an approval repairs, alterations, drills or prescribed testing.
of a violation of the provisions of this code or of
107.6 Overcrowding. Overcrowding or
other ordinances of the jurisdiction. Inspections
admittance of any person beyond the approved
presuming to give authority to violate or cancel
capacity of a building or a portion thereof shall not
provisions of this code or of other ordinances of the
be allowed. The fire code official, upon finding any
jurisdiction shall not be valid.
overcrowding conditions or obstructions in aisles,
passageways or other means of egress, or upon
SECTION 107 MAINTENANCE finding any condition that constitutes a life safety
hazard, shall be authorized to cause the event to be
107.1 Maintenance of safeguards. Where any stopped until such condition or obstruction is
device, equipment, system, condition, arrangement, corrected.
level of protection, or any other feature is required
for compliance with the provisions of this code, or
otherwise installed, such device, equipment, SECTION 108 BOARD OF APPEALS
system, condition, arrangement, level of protection,
or other feature shall thereafter be continuously 108.1 Board of appeals established. In order to
maintained in accordance with this code and hear and decide appeals of orders, decisions or
applicable referenced standards. determinations made by the fire code official
relative to the application and interpretation of this
107.2 Testing and operation. Equipment code, there shall be and is hereby created a board of
requiring periodic testing or operation to ensure appeals. The board of appeals shall be appointed by
maintenance shall be tested or operated as specified the governing body and shall hold office at its
in this code. pleasure. The fire code official shall be an ex officio
member of said board but shall not have a vote on
any matter before the board. The board shall adopt
107.2.1 Reinspection and testing. Where any rules of procedure for conducting its business, and
work or installation does not pass an initial test or shall render all decisions and findings in writing to
inspection, the necessary corrections shall be made the appellant with a duplicate copy to the fire code
so as to achieve compliance with this code. The official.
work or installation shall then be resubmitted to the
fire code official for inspection and testing. 108.2 Limitations on authority. An application
for appeal shall be based on a claim that the intent
107.3 Record-keeping. A record of periodic of this code or the rules legally adopted hereunder
inspections, tests, servicing and other operations have been incorrectly interpreted, the provisions of
and maintenance shall be maintained on the this code do not fully apply, or an equivalent
premises or other approved location for not less than method of protection or safety is proposed. The
3 years, or a different period of time where specified board shall not have authority to waive
in this code or referenced standards. Records shall requirements of this code.
be made available for inspection by the fire code
official, and a copy of the records shall be provided 108.3 Qualifications. The board of appeals shall
to the fire code official upon request. consist of members who are qualified by experience
SBC 801-CR-18 15
and training to pass on matters pertaining to hazards counsel of the jurisdiction to institute the
of fire, explosions, hazardous conditions or fire appropriate legal proceedings at law or in equity to
protection systems, and are not employees of the restrain, correct or abate such violation or to require
jurisdiction. removal or termination of the unlawful occupancy
of the structure in violation of the provisions of this
code or of the order or direction made pursuant
109.1 Unlawful acts. It shall be unlawful for a 109.3.4 Unauthorized tamper ing. Signs, tags or
person, firm or corporation to erect, construct, alter, seals posted or affixed by the fire code official shall
repair, remove, demolish or utilize a building, not be mutilated, destroyed or tampered with, or
occupancy, premises or system regulated by this removed, without authorization from the fire code
code, or cause same to be done, in conflict with or official.
in violation of any of the provisions of this code. 109.4 Violation penalties. Persons who shall
109.2 Owner/occupant responsibility. violate a provision of this code or shall fail to
Correction and abatement of violations of this code comply with any of the requirements thereof or who
shall be the responsibility of the owner or the shall erect, install, alter, repair or do work in
owner’s authorized agent. Where an occupant violation of the approved construction documents
creates, or allows to be created, hazardous or directive of the fire code official, or of a permit
conditions in violation of this code, the occupant or certificate used under provisions of this code,
shall be held responsible for the abatement of such shall be guilty of a [SPECIFY OFFENSE], punishable by
hazardous conditions. a fine of not more than [AMOUNT] Saudi Riyals or by
imprisonment not exceeding [NUMBER OF DAYS], or
109.3 Notice of violation. Where the fire code
both such fine and imprisonment. Each day that a
official finds a building, premises, vehicle, storage
violation continues after due notice has been served
facility or outdoor area that is in violation of this
shall be deemed a separate offense.
code, the fire code official is authorized to prepare
a written notice of violation describing the 109.4.1 Abatement of violation. In addition to the
conditions deemed unsafe and, where compliance is imposition of the penalties herein described, the fire
not immediate, specifying a time for reinspection. code official is authorized to institute appropriate
action to prevent unlawful construction or to
109.3.1 Service. A notice of violation issued
restrain, correct or abate a violation; or to prevent
pursuant to this code shall be served upon the
illegal occupancy of a structure or premises; or to
owner, the owner’s authorized agent, operator,
stop an illegal act, conduct of business or
occupant or other person responsible for the
occupancy of a structure on or about any premises.
condition or violation, either by personal service,
mail or by delivering the same to, and leaving it
with, some person of responsibility upon the
premises. For unattended or abandoned locations, a
copy of such notice of violation shall be posted on 110.1 General. If during the inspection of a
the premises in a conspicuous place at or near the premises, a building or structure, or any building
entrance to such premises and the notice of system, in whole or in part, constitutes a clear and
violation shall be mailed by certified mail with inimical threat to human life, safety or health, the
return receipt requested or a certificate of mailing, fire code official shall issue such notice or orders to
to the last known address of the owner, the owner’s remove or remedy the conditions as shall be deemed
authorized agent, or occupant. necessary in accordance with this section, and shall
refer the building to the building department for any
109.3.2 Compliance with order s and notices. A
repairs, alterations, remodeling, removing or
notice of violation issued or served as provided by
demolition required.
this code shall be complied with by the owner, the
owner’s authorized agent, operator, occupant or 110.1.1 Unsafe conditions. Structures or existing
other person responsible for the condition or equipment that are or hereafter become unsafe or
violation to which the notice of violation pertains. deficient because of inadequate means of egress or
which constitute a fire hazard, or are otherwise
109.3.3 Pr osecution of violations. If the notice of
dangerous to human life or the public welfare, or
violation is not complied with promptly, the fire
which involve illegal or improper occupancy or
code official is authorized to request the legal
SBC 801-CR-18 16
inadequate maintenance, shall be deemed an unsafe 111.3 Emergencies. Where an emergency exists,
condition. A vacant structure that is not secured the fire code official shall not be required to give a
against unauthorized entry as required by Section written notice prior to stopping the work.
311 shall be deemed unsafe.
111.4 Failure to comply. Any person who shall
110.1.2 Str uctur al hazar ds. Where an apparent continue any work after having been served with a
structural hazard is caused by the faulty installation, stop work order, except such work as that person is
operation or malfunction of any of the items or directed to perform to remove a violation or unsafe
devices governed by this code, the fire code official condition, shall be liable to a fine of not less than
shall immediately notify the building code official [AMOUNT] Saudi riyals or more than
in accordance with Section 110.1. [AMOUNT] Saudi riyals.
110.2 Evacuation. The fire code official or the
fire department (Civil Defense) official in charge of
an incident shall be authorized to order the
immediate evacuation of any occupied building Authority to disconnect service utilities. The fire
code official shall have the authority to authorize
deemed unsafe where such building has hazardous
disconnection of utility service to the building,
conditions that present imminent danger to building
occupants. Persons so notified shall immediately structure or system in order to safely execute
leave the structure or premises and shall not enter emergency operations or to eliminate an immediate
or re-enter until authorized to do so by the fire code hazard. The fire code official shall notify the
official or the fire department (Civil Defense) serving utility and, where possible, the owner or the
owner’s authorized agent and the occupant of the
official in charge of the incident.
building, structure or service system of the decision
110.3 Summary abatement. Where conditions to disconnect prior to taking such action. If not
exist that are deemed hazardous to life and property, notified prior to disconnection, then the owner, the
the fire code official or fire department (Civil owner’s authorized agent or occupant of the
Defense) official in charge of the incident is building, structure or service system shall be
authorized to abate summarily such hazardous notified in writing as soon as practical thereafter.
conditions that are in violation of this code.
110.4 Abatement. The owner, the owner’s
authorized agent, operator or occupant of a building SECTION 113 FEES
or premises deemed unsafe by the fire code official 113.1 Fees. A permit shall not be issued until the
shall abate or cause to be abated or corrected such fees have been paid, nor shall an amendment to a
unsafe conditions either by repair, rehabilitation, permit be released until the additional fee, if any,
demolition or other approved corrective action. has been paid.
113.2 Schedule of permit fees. A fee for each
SECTION 111 STOP WORK ORDER permit shall be paid as required, in accordance with
the schedule as established by the applicable
111.1 Order. Where the fire code official finds governing authority.
any work regulated by this code being performed in
a manner contrary to the provisions of this code, or 113.3 Work commencing before permit
in a dangerous or unsafe manner, the fire code issuance. A person who commences any work,
official is authorized to issue a stop work order. activity or operation regulated by this code before
obtaining the necessary permits shall be subject to
111.2 Issuance. A stop work order shall be in an additional fee established by the applicable
writing and shall be given to the owner of the governing authority, which shall be in addition to
property, or to the owner’s authorized agent, or to the required permit fees.
the person doing the work. Upon issuance of a stop
work order, the cited work shall immediately cease. 113.4 Related fees. The payment of the fee for
The stop work order shall state the reason for the the construction, alteration, removal or demolition
order, and the conditions under which the cited of work done in connection to or concurrently with
the work or activity authorized by a permit shall not
work is authorized to resume.
relieve the applicant or holder of the permit from
the payment of other fees that are prescribed by law.
SBC 801-CR-18 17
SBC 801-CR-18 18
TABLE 105.6.9
(cubic meter at NTP)
Corrosive 6
Flammable (except cryogenic fluids and
liquefied petroleum gases)
Highly toxic Any Amount
Inert and simple asphyxianta 170
Oxidizing (including oxygen) 14
Pyrophoric Any Amount
Toxic Any Amount
a. For carbon dioxide used in beverage dispensing applications, see Section 105.6.4.
TABLE 105.6.11
(Liters) (Liters)
Flammable More than 227
Inert 227 1893
Oxidizing (includes oxygen) 38 190
Physical or health hazard not
Any Amount Any Amount
indicated above
TABLE 105.6.21
SBC 801-CR-18 20
TABLE 105.6.21—continued
SBC 801-CR-18 21
SBC 801-CR-18 22
pressure, and occupants of the structure are within a given time period, after being automatically reset,
the elevated pressure area. Air supported structures in order to be accepted as a valid alarm-initiation
are of two basic types: signal.
Double skin. Similar to a single skin, but with an ALCOHOL-BASED HAND RUB. An alcohol-
attached liner that is separated from the outer skin containing preparation designed for application to
and provides an airspace which serves for the hands for reducing the number of viable
insulation, acoustic, aesthetic or similar purposes. microorganisms on the hands and containing
ethanol or isopropanol in an amount not exceeding
Single skin. Where there is only the single outer
95-percent by volume.
skin and the air pressure is directly against that skin.
DISPENSING FACILITY. That portion of liquids consisting of 10-percent or greater, by
property where flammable or combustible liquids or volume, ethanol or other alcohols blended with
gases used as motor fuels are stored and dispensed gasoline.
from fixed automotive-type equipment into the fuel ALTERATION. Any construction or renovation to
tanks of aircraft. an existing structure other than a repair or addition.
used or intended for use for the parking, taxiing, has a series of steps between 50 and 70 degrees
takeoff, landing or other ground-based aircraft from horizontal, usually attached to a center support
activity. rail in an alternating manner so that the user does
AIRPORT. An area of land or structural surface not have both feet on the same level at the same
that is used, or intended for use, for the landing and time.
taking off of aircraft with an overall length greater AMBULATORY CARE FACILITY. Buildings or
than 12 m and an overall exterior fuselage width portions thereof used to provide medical, surgical,
greater than 2 m, and any appurtenant areas that are psychiatric, nursing or similar care on a less-than-
used or intended for use for airport buildings and 24-hour basis to persons who are rendered
other airport facilities. incapable of self-preservation by the services
AISLE. An unenclosed exit access component that
defines and provides a path of egress travel. AMMONIUM NITRATE. A chemical compound
represented by the formula NH4NO3.
AISLE ACCESSWAY. That portion of an exit
access that leads to an aisle. ANNUNCIATOR. A unit containing one or more
indicator lamps, alphanumeric displays or other
ALARM, NUISANCE. See “Nuisance alarm.” equivalent means in which each indication provides
status information about a circuit, condition or
“Multiple-station alarm device.”
APPROVED. Acceptable to the fire code official.
alarm system component such as a bell, horn,
speaker, light or text display that provides audible, AREA, BUILDING. The area included within
tactile or visible outputs, or any combination surrounding exterior walls (or exterior walls and
thereof. See also “Audible alarm notification fire walls) exclusive of vent shafts and courts.
appliance” or “Visible alarm notification Areas of the building not provided with surrounding
appliance.” walls shall be included in the building area if such
areas are included within the horizontal projection
ALARM SIGNAL. A signal indicating an of the roof or floor above.
emergency requiring immediate action, such as a AREA OF REFUGE. An area where persons
signal indicative of fire. unable to use stairways can remain temporarily to
ALARM VERIFICATION FEATURE. A await instructions or assistance during emergency
feature of automatic fire detection and alarm evacuation.
systems to reduce unwanted alarms wherein smoke ARRAY. The configuration of storage.
detectors report alarm conditions for a minimum Characteristics considered in defining an array
period of time, or confirm alarm conditions within include the type of packaging, flue spaces, height of
SBC 801-CR-18 24
SBC 801-CR-18 25
a natural or an artificial barrier. A straight line from discharge capacity of the entire battery. After
the top of any sidewall of the building containing discharge, it may be restored to a fully charged
explosive materials to the eave line of any magazine condition by an electric current flowing in a
or other building or to a point 3.7 m above the center direction opposite to the flow of current when the
of a railway or highway shall pass through such battery is discharged.
Valve-regulated lead-acid (VRLA) battery. A
BASEMENT. A story that is not a story above lead-acid battery consisting of sealed cells
grade plane. furnished with a valve that opens to vent the battery
whenever the internal pressure of the battery
ACID. A system which consists of three exceeds the ambient pressure by a set amount. In
interconnected subsystems: VRLA batteries, the liquid electrolyte in the cells is
immobilized in an absorptive glass mat (AGM cells
1. A lead-acid battery. or batteries) or by the addition of a gelling agent
2. A battery charger. (gel cells or gelled batteries).
SBC 801-CR-18 26
SBC 801-CR-18 27
SBC 801-CR-18 28
1. Is a gas at 20°C or less at 101 kPa of pressure; CONTAINER. A vessel of 225 L or less in
and capacity used for transporting or storing hazardous
materials. Pipes, piping systems, engines and
2. Has a boiling point of 20°C or less at 101 kPa engine fuel tanks are not considered to be
which is either liquefied, non-liquefied or in containers.
solution, except those gases which have no
other healthor physical-hazard properties are CONTAINMENT SYSTEM. A gas-tight
not considered to be compressed until the recovery system comprised of equipment or devices
pressure in the packaging exceeds 282 kPa at which can be placed over a leak in a compressed
20°C. gas container, thereby stopping or controlling the
escape of gas from the leaking container.
The states of a compressed gas are categorized as
follows: CONTAINMENT VESSEL. A gas-tight recovery
vessel designed so that a leaking compressed gas
1. Non-liquefied compressed gases are gases, container can be placed within its confines thereby
other than those in solution, which are in a encapsulating the leaking container.
packaging under the charged pressure and are
entirely gaseous at a temperature of 20°C.
gas detection system where the analytical
2. Liquefied compressed gases are gases that, in instrument is maintained in continuous operation
a packaging under the charged pressure, are and sampling is performed without interruption.
partially liquid at a temperature of 20°C. Analysis is allowed to be performed on a cyclical
3. Compressed gases in solution are non- basis at intervals not to exceed 30 minutes.
liquefied gases that are dissolved in a solvent. CONTROL AREA. Spaces within a building
4. Compressed gas mixtures consist of a mixture where quantities of hazardous materials not
of two or more compressed gases contained exceeding the maximum allowable quantities per
in a packaging, the hazard properties of control area are stored, dispensed, used or
which are represented by the properties of the handled. See also the definition of “Outdoor control
mixture as a whole. area.”
SBC 801-CR-18 29
SBC 801-CR-18 30
moss and similar items, foam plastics and materials instantaneous and delay types, blasting caps for use
containing foam plastics. Decorative materials do with safety fuses, detonating cord delay connectors,
not include wall coverings, ceiling coverings, floor and non-instantaneous and delay blasting caps
coverings, ordinary window shades, interior finish which use detonating cord, shock tube or any other
and materials 0.64 mm or less in thickness applied replacement for electric leg wires. All types of
directly to and adhering tightly to a substrate. detonators in strengths through No. 8 cap should be
rated at 0.68 kg of explosives per 1,000 caps. For
DEFLAGRATION. An exothermic reaction, such
strengths higher than No. 8 cap, consult the
as the extremely rapid oxidation of a flammable dust
or vapor in air, in which the reaction progresses
through the unburned material at a rate less than the DETOXIFICATION FACILITIES. Facilities
velocity of sound. A deflagration can have an that provide treatment for substance abuse serving
explosive effect. care recipients who are incapable of self-
preservation or who are harmful to themselves or
DELUGE SYSTEM. A sprinkler system
employing open sprinklers attached to a piping
system connected to a water supply through a valve DIP TANK. A tank, vat or container of flammable
that is opened by the operation of a detection system or combustible liquid in which articles or materials
installed in the same area as the sprinklers. When are immersed for the purpose of coating, finishing,
this valve opens, water flows into the piping system treating and similar processes.
and discharges from all sprinklers attached thereto.
DISCHARGE SITE. The immediate area
DESIGN PRESSURE. The maximum gauge surrounding the fireworks mortars used for an
pressure that a pressure vessel, device, component outdoor fireworks display.
or system is designed to withstand safely under the
temperature and conditions of use expected.
DISPENSING. The pouring or transferring of any
DETACHED BUILDING. A separate single-story
material from a container, tank or similar vessel,
building, without a basement or crawl space, used
whereby vapors, dusts, fumes, mists or gases are
for the storage or use of hazardous materials and
liberated to the atmosphere.
located an approved distance from all structures.
DETEARING. A process for rapidly removing dispensing device that consists of one or more
excess wet coating material from a dipped or coated individual units intended for installation in
object or material by passing it through an
conjunction with each other, mounted above a
electrostatic field. dispensing area typically within the motor fuel-
DETECTOR, HEAT. A fire detector that senses dispensing facility canopy structure, and
heat, either abnormally high temperature or rate of characterized by the use of an overhead hose reel.
rise, or both. DISPLAY SITE. The immediate area where a
DETONATING CORD. A flexible cord fireworks display is conducted. The display area
containing a center core of high explosive used to includes the discharge site, the fallout area and the
initiate other explosives. required separation distance from the mortars to
spectator viewing areas. The display area does not
DETONATION. An exothermic reaction
include spectator viewing areas or vehicle parking
characterized by the presence of a shock wave in the
material which establishes and maintains the
reaction. The reaction zone progresses through the DOOR, BALANCED. See “Balanced door.”
material at a rate greater than the velocity of sound. DOOR, DUTCH. See “Dutch door.”
The principal heating mechanism is one of shock
compression. Detonations have an explosive effect. DOOR, LOW ENERGY POWER-
OPERATED. See “Low energy power-operated
DETONATOR. A device containing any initiating door.”
or primary explosive that is used for initiating
detonation. A detonator shall not contain more than DOOR, POWER-ASSISTED. See “Power-
10 grams of total explosives by weight, excluding assisted door.”
ignition or delay charges. The term includes, but is DOOR, POWER-OPERATED. See “Power-
not limited to, electric blasting caps of operated door.”
SBC 801-CR-18 31
DOORWAY, EXIT ACCESS. See “Exit access more persons, including permanent provisions for
doorway.” living, sleeping, eating, cooking and sanitation.
DORMITORY. A space in a building where group EARLY SUPPRESSION FAST-RESPONSE
sleeping accommodations are provided in one (ESFR) SPRINKLER. A sprinkler listed for early
room, or in a series of closely associated rooms, for suppression fast response performance.
persons not members of the same family group,
EGRESS COURT. A court or yard which provides
under joint occupancy and single management, as
access to a public way for one or more exits.
in college dormitories.
DRAFT CURTAIN. A structure arranged to limit
container holding powder coating material that is
the spread of smoke and heat along the underside of
aerated from below so as to form an air-supported
the ceiling or roof.
expanded cloud of such material that is electrically
DRAFTSTOP. A material, device or construction charged with a charge opposite to that of the object
installed to restrict the movement of air within open to be coated. Such object is transported through
spaces of concealed areas of building components the container immediately above the charged and
such as crawl spaces, floor/ceiling assemblies, aerated materials in order to be coated.
roof/ceiling assemblies and attics.
ELEVATOR GROUP. A grouping of elevators in
DRY-CHEMICAL EXTINGUISHING AGENT. A a building located adjacent or directly across from
powder composed of small particles, usually of one another that respond to a common hall call
sodium bicarbonate, potassium bicarbonate, urea- button(s).
potassium-based bicarbonate, potassium chloride or
mono-ammonium phosphate, with added
particulate material supplemented by special provide indication and warning of emergency
treatment to provide resistance to packing, situations involving hazardous materials.
resistance to moisture absorption (caking) and the EMERGENCY CONTROL STATION. An
proper flow capabilities. approved location on the premises where signals
from emergency equipment are received and which
DRY CLEANING. The process of removing dirt,
grease, paints and other stains from such items as is staffed by trained personnel.
wearing apparel, textiles, fabrics and rugs by use of EMERGENCY ESCAPE AND RESCUE
non-aqueous liquids (solvents). OPENING. An operable window, door or other
similar device that provides for a means of escape
DRY CLEANING PLANT. A facility in which
and access for rescue in the event of an emergency.
dry cleaning and associated operations are
conducted, including the office, receiving area and EMERGENCY EVACUATION DRILL. An
storage rooms. exercise performed to train staff and occupants and
to evaluate their efficiency and effectiveness in
DRY CLEANING ROOM. An occupiable space
carrying out emergency evacuation procedures.
within a building used for performing dry cleaning
operations, the installation of solvent-handling EMERGENCY POWER SYSTEM. A source of
equipment or the storage of dry cleaning solvents. automatic electric power of a required capacity and
duration to operate required life safety, fire alarm,
detection and ventilation systems in the event of a
equipment in which textiles are immersed or
failure of the primary power. Emergency power
agitated in solvent or in which dry cleaning solvent
systems are required for electrical loads where
is extracted from textiles.
interruption of the primary power could result in
DUTCH DOOR. A door divided horizontally so loss of human life or serious injuries.
that the top can be operated independently from the
designed to shut off the flow of gases or liquids.
DWELLING. A building that contains one or two EMERGENCY SHUTOFF VALVE,
dwelling units used, intended or designed to be AUTOMATIC. A fail-safe automatic-closing valve
used, rented, leased, let or hired out to be occupied designed to shut off the flow of gases or liquids
for living purposes. initiated by a control system that is activated by
DWELLING UNIT. A single unit providing automatic means.
complete, independent living facilities for one or
SBC 801-CR-18 32
EMERGENCY SHUTOFF VALVE, MANUAL. A point along the path of egress travel from an
manually operated valve designed to shut off the occupied room, area or space where the path of
flow of gases or liquids. egress enters an intervening room, corridor, exit
EMERGENCY VOICE/ALARM access stairway or ramp.
COMMUNICATIONS. Dedicated manual or EXIT ACCESS RAMP. A ramp within the exit
automatic facilities for originating and distributing access portion of the means of egress system.
voice instructions, as well as alert and evacuation
signals pertaining to a fire emergency, to the EXIT ACCESS STAIRWAY. A stairway within
occupants of a building. the exit access portion of the means of egress
EMPLOYEE WORK AREA. All or any portion
of a space used only by employees and only for EXIT DISCHARGE. That portion of a means of
work. Corridors, toilet rooms, kitchenettes and egress system between the termination of an exit
break rooms are not employee work areas. and a public way.
SBC 801-CR-18 33
DOTn 49 CFR Parts 100-185. Division 1.4. Explosives that pose a minor
explosion hazard. The explosive effects are largely
confined to the package and no projection of
High explosive. Explosive material, such as
fragments of appreciable size or range is to be
dynamite, which can be caused to detonate by
expected. An external fire must not cause virtually
means of a No. 8 test blasting cap where
instantaneous explosion of almost the entire
contents of the package.
Low explosive. Explosive material that will burn or
Division 1.5. Very insensitive explosives. This
deflagrate when ignited. It is characterized by a rate
division is comprised of substances that have a mass
of reaction that is less than the speed of sound.
explosion hazard but which are so insensitive that
Examples of low explosives include, but are not
there is very little probability of initiation or of
limited to, black powder, safety fuse, igniters,
transition from burning to detonation under normal
igniter cord, fuse lighters, fireworks, 1.3G and
conditions of transport.
propellants, 1.3C.
Division 1.6. Extremely insensitive articles which
Mass-detonating explosives. Division 1.1, 1.2 and
do not have a mass explosion hazard. This division
1.5 explosives alone or in combination, or loaded
is comprised of articles that contain only extremely
into various types of ammunition or containers,
insensitive detonating substances and which
most of which can be expected to explode virtually
demonstrate a negligible probability of accidental
instantaneously when a small portion is subjected to
initiation or propagation.
fire, severe concussion, impact, the impulse of an
initiating agent or the effect of a considerable EXPLOSIVE MATERIAL. The term “explosive”
discharge of energy from without. Materials that material means explosives, blasting agents and
react in this manner represent a mass explosion detonators.
hazard. Such an explosive will normally cause
EXTERIOR EXIT RAMP. An exit component
severe structural damage to adjacent objects.
that serves to meet one or more means of egress
Explosive propagation could occur immediately to
design requirements, such as required number of
other items of ammunition and explosives stored
exits or exit access travel distance, and is open to
sufficiently close to and not adequately protected
yards, courts or public ways.
from the initially exploding pile with a time interval
short enough so that two or more quantities must be EXTERIOR EXIT STAIRWAY. An exit
considered as one for quantity-distance purposes. component that serves to meet one or more means
of egress design requirements, such as required
UN/DOTn Class 1 explosives. The former number of exits or exit access travel distance, and is
classification system used by DOTn included the open to yards, courts or public ways.
terms “high” and “low” explosives as defined EXTERIOR WALL. A wall, bearing or
herein. The following terms further define nonbearing, that is used as an enclosing wall for a
explosives under the current system applied by building, other than a fire wall, and that has a slope
DOTn for all explosive materials defined as hazard of 60 degrees or greater with the horizontal plane.
Class 1 materials. Compatibility group letters are
used in concert with the division to specify further STORAGE. Storage on racks of Class I, II, III or IV
limitations on each division noted (for example, the commodities that exceed 12 m in height and storage
letter G identifies the material as a pyrotechnic on racks of high-hazard commodities that exceed 9
substance or article containing a pyrotechnic m in height.
substance and similar materials).
FABRICATION AREA. An area within a
Division 1.1. Explosives that have a mass explosion semiconductor fabrication facility and related
hazard. A mass explosion is one which affects research and development areas in which there are
almost the entire load instantaneously. processes using hazardous production materials.
Division 1.2. Explosives that have a projection Such areas are allowed to include ancillary rooms
hazard but not a mass explosion hazard. or areas such as dressing rooms and offices that are
directly related to the fabrication area processes.
Division 1.3. Explosives that have a fire hazard and
either a minor blast hazard or a minor projection FACILITY. A building or use in a fixed location
hazard or both, but not a mass explosion hazard. including exterior storage areas for flammable and
SBC 801-CR-18 34
combustible substances and hazardous materials, devices and to initiate the appropriate response to
piers, wharves, tank farms and similar uses. This those signals.
term includes recreational vehicles, mobile home
and manufactured housing parks, sales and storage
that provides fire apparatus access from a fire
station to a facility, building or portion thereof. This
FAIL-SAFE. A design condition incorporating a is a general term inclusive of all other terms such as
feature for automatically counteracting the effect of fire lane, public street, private street, parking lot
an anticipated possible source of failure; also, a lane and access roadway.
design condition eliminating or mitigating a
FIRE AREA. The aggregate floor area enclosed
hazardous condition by compensating
and bounded by fire walls, fire barriers, exterior
automatically for a failure or malfunction.
walls or horizontal assemblies of a building. Areas
FALLOUT AREA. The area over which aerial of the building not provided with surrounding walls
shells are fired. The shells burst over the area, and shall be included in the fire area if such areas are
unsafe debris and malfunctioning aerial shells fall included within the horizontal projection of the roof
into this area. The fallout area is the location where or floor next above.
a typical aerial shell dud falls to the ground
FIRE BARRIER. A fire-resistance-rated wall
depending on the wind and the angle of mortar
assembly of materials designed to restrict the spread
of fire in which continuity is maintained.
FALSE ALARM. The willful and knowing
FIRE CHIEF. The chief officer of the fire
initiation or transmission of a signal, message or
department (Civil Defense) serving the jurisdiction,
other notification of an event of fire when no such
or a duly authorized representative.
danger exists.
FIRE CODE OFFICIAL. The fire chief or other
FINES. Small pieces or splinters of wood
designated authority charged with the
byproducts that will pass through a 6.4 mm screen.
administration and enforcement of the code, or a
FIRE ALARM. The giving, signaling or duly authorized representative.
transmission to any public fire station, or company
or to any officer or employee thereof, whether by
attended or unattended location where the status of
telephone, spoken word or otherwise, of
detection, alarm communications and control
information to the effect that there is a fire at or near
systems is displayed, and from which the system(s)
the place indicated by the person giving, signaling
can be manually controlled.
or transmitting such information.
FIRE DAMPER. A listed device installed in ducts
and air transfer openings designed to close
fire alarm box.”
automatically upon detection of heat and resist the
FIRE ALARM CONTROL UNIT. A system passage of flame. Fire dampers are classified for use
component that receives inputs from automatic and in either static systems that will automatically shut
manual fire alarm devices and may be capable of down in the event of a fire, or in dynamic systems
supplying power to detection devices and that continue to operate during a fire. A dynamic
transponder(s) or off-premises transmitter(s). The fire damper is tested and rated for closure under
control unit may be capable of providing a transfer elevated temperature airflow.
of power to the notification appliances and transfer
of condition to relays or devices.
MASTER KEY. A limited issue key of special or
FIRE ALARM SIGNAL. A signal initiated by a controlled design to be carried by fire department
fire alarm-initiating device such as a manual fire (Civil Defense) officials in command which will
alarm box, automatic fire detector, waterflow open key boxes on specified properties.
switch or other device whose activation is
indicative of the presence of a fire or fire signature.
designed to detect the presence of a fire signature
FIRE ALARM SYSTEM. A system or portion of and to initiate action.
a combination system consisting of components and
FIRE DOOR. The door component of a fire door
circuits arranged to monitor and annunciate the
status of fire alarm or supervisory signal-initiating
SBC 801-CR-18 35
FIRE DOOR ASSEMBLY. Any combination of a measured from the building face to one of the
fire door, frame, hardware and other accessories following:
that together provide a specific degree of fire
1. The closest interior lot line.
protection to the opening.
2. To the centerline of a street, an alley or public
FIRE EXIT HARDWARE. Panic hardware that
is listed for use on fire door assemblies.
3. To an imaginary line between two buildings
FIRE LANE. A road or other passageway
on the lot.
developed to allow the passage of fire apparatus. A
fire lane is not necessarily intended for vehicular The distance shall be measured at right angles from
traffic other than fire apparatus. the face of the wall.
FIRE PARTITION. A vertical assembly of FIRE WALL. A fire-resistance-rated wall having
materials designed to restrict the spread of fire in protected openings, which restricts the spread of fire
which openings are protected. and extends continuously from the foundation to or
through the roof, with sufficient structural stability
FIRE POINT. The lowest temperature at which a
under fire conditions to allow collapse of
liquid will ignite and achieve sustained burning
construction on either side without collapse of the
when exposed to a test flame in accordance with
ASTM D 92.
FIRE WATCH. A temporary measure intended to
ensure continuous and systematic surveillance of a
time that an opening protective assembly will
building or portion thereof by one or more qualified
maintain the ability to confine a fire as determined
individuals for the purposes of identifying and
by tests prescribed in Section 716. Ratings are
controlling fire hazards, detecting early signs of
stated in hours or minutes.
unwanted fire, raising an alarm of fire and notifying
FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM. Approved the fire department.
devices, equipment and systems or combinations of
FIREBLOCKING. Building materials, or
systems used to detect a fire, activate an alarm,
materials approved for use as fire blocking,
extinguish or control a fire, control or manage
installed to resist the free passage of flame to other
smoke and products of a fire or any combination
areas of the building through concealed spaces.
FIREWORKS. Any composition or device for the
FIRE RESISTANCE. That property of materials
purpose of producing a visible or an audible effect
or their assemblies that prevents or retards the
for entertainment purposes by combustion,
passage of excessive heat, hot gases or flames under
deflagration or detonation that meets the definition
conditions of use.
of 1.4G fireworks or 1.3G fireworks.
Fireworks, 1.4G. Small fireworks devices
time a building element, component or assembly
containing restricted amounts of pyrotechnic
maintains the ability to confine a fire, continues to
composition designed primarily to produce visible
perform a given structural function, or both, as
or audible effects by combustion. Such 1.4G
determined by the tests, or the methods based on
fireworks which comply with the construction,
tests, prescribed in Section 703 of the SBC 201.
chemical composition and labeling regulations of
FIRE-RESISTANT JOINT SYSTEM. An the DOTn for Fireworks, UN 0336, and the U.S.
assemblage of specific materials or products that are Consumer Product Safety Commission as set forth
designed, tested and fire-resistance rated in in CPSC 16 CFR Parts 1500 and 1507, are not
accordance with either ASTM E 1966 or UL 2079 explosive materials for the purpose of this code.
to resist for a prescribed period of time the passage
of fire through joints made in or between fire- Fireworks, 1.3G. Large fireworks devices, which
resistance-rated assemblies. are explosive materials, intended for use in
fireworks displays and designed to produce audible
FIRE SAFETY FUNCTIONS. Building and fire or visible effects by combustion, deflagration or
control functions that are intended to increase the detonation. Such 1.3G fireworks include, but are
level of life safety for occupants or to control the not limited to, firecrackers containing more than
spread of the harmful effects of fire. 130 milligrams (2 grains) of explosive composition,
FIRE SEPARATION DISTANCE. The distance aerial shells containing more than 40 grams of
SBC 801-CR-18 36
pyrotechnic composition and other display pieces liquids. The Class I category is subdivided as
which exceed the limits for classification as 1.4G follows:
fireworks. Such 1.3G fireworks are also described
Class IA. Liquids having a flash point below 23°C
as Fireworks, UN 0335 by the DOTn.
and having a boiling point below 38°C.
FIREWORKS DISPLAY. A presentation of
Class IB. Liquids having a flash point below 23°C
fireworks for a public or private gathering.
and having a boiling point at or above 38°C.
Class IC. Liquids having a flash point at or above
commercial business granted the right by the airport
23°C and below 38°C.
sponsor to operate on an airport and provide
aeronautical services such as fueling, hangaring, The category of flammable liquids does not include
tie-down and parking, aircraft rental, aircraft compressed gases or cryogenic fluids.
maintenance and flight instruction. FLAMMABLE MATERIAL. A material capable
FIXED SEATING. Furniture or fixtures designed of being readily ignited from common sources of
and installed for the use of sitting and secured in heat or at a temperature of 316°C or less.
place including bench-type seats and seats with or FLAMMABLE SOLID. A solid, other than a
without back or arm rests. blasting agent or explosive, that is capable of
FLAME SPREAD. The propagation of flame over causing fire through friction, absorption of
a surface. moisture, spontaneous chemical change or retained
heat from manufacturing or processing, or which
has an ignition temperature below 100°C or which
measure, expressed as a dimensionless number,
burns so vigorously and persistently when ignited
derived from visual measurements of the spread of
as to create a serious hazard. A chemical shall be
flame versus time for a material tested in
considered a flammable solid as determined in
accordance with ASTM E 84 or UL 723.
accordance with the test method of CPSC 16 CFR
FLAMMABLE CRYOGENIC FLUID. A Part 1500.44, if it ignites and burns with a self-
cryogenic fluid that is flammable in its vapor state. sustained flame at a rate greater than 2.2 mm per
second along its major axis.
FLAMMABLE FINISHES. Coatings to articles or
materials in which the material being applied is a FLAMMABLE VAPOR AREA. An area in which
flammable liquid, combustible liquid, combustible the concentration of flammable constituents (vapor,
powder, fiberglass resin or flammable or gas, fume, mist or dust) in air exceeds 25 percent of
combustible gel coating. their lower flammable limit (LFL) because of the
flammable finish processes operation. It shall
FLAMMABLE GAS. A material which is a gas at
20°C or less at 101 kPa of pressure [a material that
has a boiling point of 20°C or less at 101 kPa] 1. The interior of spray booths.
2. The interior of ducts exhausting from
1. Is ignitable at 101 kPa when in a mixture of spraying processes.
13 percent or less by volume with air; or
3. Any area in the direct path of spray or any area
2. Has a flammable range at 101 kPa with air of containing dangerous quantities of air-
not less than 12 percent, regardless of the suspended powder, combustible residue,
lower limit. dust, deposits, vapor or mists as a result of
spraying operations.
The limits specified shall be determined at 101 kPa
of pressure and a temperature of 20°C in 4. The area in the vicinity of dip tanks, drain
accordance with ASTM E 681. boards or associated drying, conveying or
other equipment during operation or
shutdown periods.
compressed gas which, under a charged pressure, is
partially liquid at a temperature of 20°C and which The fire code official is authorized to determine the
is flammable. extent of the flammable vapor area, taking into
consideration the material characteristics of the
FLAMMABLE LIQUID. A liquid having a closed
flammable materials, the degree of sustained
cup flash point below 38°C. Flammable liquids are
ventilation and the nature of the operations.
further categorized into a group known as Class I
SBC 801-CR-18 37
SBC 801-CR-18 38
finishes, cooling oil or cooking oils, that opening is not more than 1100 mm above or below
present a hazard are ventilated according to the finished ground level adjacent to the opening.
Class A standards.
GRADE PLANE. A reference plane representing
FURNACE CLASS B. An oven or furnace that has the average of finished ground level adjoining the
heat utilization equipment operating at building at exterior walls. Where the finished
approximately atmospheric pressure wherein there ground level slopes away from the exterior walls,
are no flammable volatiles or combustible materials the reference plane shall be established by the
being heated. lowest points within the area between the building
and the lot line or, where the lot line is more than
FURNACE CLASS C. An oven or furnace that has
1800 mm from the building, between the building
a potential hazard due to a flammable or other
and a point 1800 mm from the building.
special atmosphere being used for treatment of
material in process. This type of furnace can use any GRANDSTAND. Tiered seating supported on a
type of heating system and includes a special dedicated structural system and two or more rows
atmosphere supply system. Also included in the high and is not a building element (see
Class C classification are integral quench furnaces “Bleachers”).
and molten salt bath furnaces.
GROUP HOME. A facility for social
FURNACE CLASS D. An oven or furnace that rehabilitation, substance abuse or mental health
operates at temperatures from above ambient to problems that contains a group housing
over 2760°C and at pressures normally below arrangement that provides custodial care but does
atmospheric using any type of heating system. not provide medical care.
These furnaces can include the use of special
GUARD. A building component or a system of
processing atmospheres.
building components located at or near the open
GAS CABINET. A fully enclosed, ventilated, sides of elevated walking surfaces that minimizes
noncombustible enclosure used to provide an the possibility of a fall from the walking surface to
isolated environment for compressed gas cylinders a lower level.
in storage or use. Doors and access ports for
GUEST ROOM. A room used or intended to be
exchanging cylinders and accessing pressure-
used by one or more guests for living or sleeping
regulating controls are allowed to be included.
GYPSUM BOARD. Gypsum wallboard, gypsum
See “Continuous gas detection system.”
sheathing, gypsum base for gypsum veneer plaster,
GAS ROOM. A separately ventilated, fully exterior gypsum soffit board, pre decorated gypsum
enclosed room in which only compressed gases and board or water resistant gypsum backing board
associated equipment and supplies are stored or complying with the standards listed in Tables
used. 2506.2 and 2507.2 and Chapter 35 of SBC 201.
“Hydrogen fuel gas room.” HABITABLE SPACE. A space in a building for
living, sleeping, eating or cooking. Bathrooms,
toilet rooms, closets, halls, storage or utility spaces
assembly of piping, devices and apparatus designed
and similar areas are not considered habitable
to generate, store, contain, distribute or transport a
nontoxic, gaseous hydrogen containing mixture
having not less than 95-percent hydrogen gas by HALOGENATED EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM. A
volume and not more than 1-percent oxygen by fire-extinguishing system using one or more atoms
volume. Gaseous hydrogen systems consist of items of an element from the halogen chemical series:
such as compressed gas containers, reactors and fluorine, chlorine, bromine and iodine.
appurtenances, including pressure regulators, HANDLING. The deliberate transport by any
pressure relief devices, manifolds, pumps,
means to a point of storage or use.
compressors and interconnecting piping and tubing
and controls. HANDRAIL. A horizontal or sloping rail intended
for grasping by the hand for guidance or support.
GRADE FLOOR OPENING. A window or other
opening located such that the sill height of the HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. Those chemicals
or substances which are physical hazards or health
SBC 801-CR-18 39
hazards as defined and classified in this chapter, electrical power transmission line operating at or
whether the materials are in usable or waste above 66 kilovolts.
HIGHLY TOXIC. A material which produces a
HAZARDOUS PRODUCTION MATERIAL lethal dose or lethal concentration which falls
(HPM). A solid, liquid or gas associated with within any of the following categories:
semiconductor manufacturing that has a degree-of-
hazard rating in health, flammability or instability 1. A chemical that has a median lethal dose
of Class 3 or 4 as ranked by NFPA 704 and which (LD50) of 50 milligrams or less per kilogram
is used directly in research, laboratory or production of body weight when administered orally to
processes which have, as their end product, albino rats weighing between 200 and 300
materials that are not hazardous. grams each.
HEALTH HAZARD. A classification of a 2. A chemical that has a median lethal dose
chemical for which there is statistically significant
(LD50) of 200 milligrams or less per kilogram
evidence that acute or chronic health effects are
of body weight when administered by
capable of occurring in exposed persons. The term
continuous contact for 24 hours (or less if
“health hazard” includes chemicals that are toxic,
death occurs within 24 hours) with the bare
highly toxic and corrosive.
skin of albino rabbits weighing between 2
HEAT DETECTOR. See “Detector, heat.” and 3 kilograms each.
HEIGHT, BUILDING. The vertical distance from 3. A chemical that has a median lethal
grade plane to the average height of the highest roof concentration (LC50) in air of 200 parts per
surface. million by volume or less of gas or vapor, or
HELIPORT. An area of land or water or a 2 milligrams per liter or less of mist, fume or
structural surface that is used, or intended for use, dust, when administered by continuous
for the landing and taking off of helicopters, and any inhalation for one hour (or less if death
appurtenant areas which are used, or intended for occurs within 1 hour) to albino rats weighing
use, for heliport buildings and other heliport between 200 and 300 grams each.
facilities. Mixtures of these materials with ordinary materials,
HELISTOP. The same as “Heliport,” except that such as water, might not warrant classification as
fueling, defueling, maintenance, repairs or storage highly toxic. While this system is basically simple
of helicopters is not permitted. in application, any hazard evaluation that is
required for the precise categorization of this type
HI-BOY. A cart used to transport hot roofing of material shall be performed by experienced,
materials on a roof. technically competent persons.
Storage of combustible materials in closely packed compressed gas with a boiling point of less than
piles or combustible materials on pallets, in racks or 20°C.
on shelves where the top of storage is greater than
3600 mm in height. Where required by the fire code HIGHWAY. A public street, public alley or public
official, high-piled combustible storage also road.
includes certain high-hazard commodities, such as HISTORIC BUILDINGS. Buildings that are listed
rubber tires, Group A plastics, flammable liquids, in or eligible for listing in the National Register of
idle pallets and similar commodities, where the top Historic Places, or designated as historic under
of storage is greater than 1800 mm in height. governmental law.
HIGH-PILED STORAGE AREA. An area within HOGGED MATERIALS. Wood waste materials
a building which is designated, intended, proposed produced from the lumber production process.
or actually used for high-piled combustible storage.
HOOD. An air-intake device used to capture by
HIGH-RISE BUILDING. A building with an entrapment, impingement, adhesion or similar
occupied floor located more than 23 m above the means, grease and similar contaminants before they
lowest level of Civil Defense vehicle access. enter a duct system.
Type I. A kitchen hood for collecting and removing
SBC 801-CR-18 40
SBC 801-CR-18 41
originates transmission of a change-of-state KEY BOX. A secure device with a lock operable
condition, such as in a smoke detector, manual fire only by a fire department (Civil Defense) master
alarm box, or supervisory switch. key, and containing building entry keys and other
keys that may be required for access in an
INSECTICIDAL FOGGING. The utilization of
insecticidal liquids passed through fog-generating
units where, by means of pressure and turbulence, LABELED. Equipment, materials or products to
with or without the application of heat, such liquids which have been affixed a label, seal, symbol or
are transformed and discharged in the form of fog other identifying mark of a nationally recognized
or mist blown into an area to be treated. testing laboratory, approved agency or other
organization concerned with product evaluation
INTERIOR EXIT RAMP. An exit component
that maintains periodic inspection of the production
that serves to meet one or more means of egress
of the labeled items and whose labeling indicates
design requirements, such as required number of
either that the equipment, material or product meets
exits or exit access travel distance, and provides for
identified standards or has been tested and found
a protected path of egress travel to the exit discharge
suitable for a specified purpose.
or public way.
discharge, level of.”
component that serves to meet one or more means
of egress design requirements, such as required LIMITED SPRAYING SPACE. An area in which
number of exits or exit access travel distance, and operations for touch-up or spot painting of a surface
provides for a protected path of egress travel to the area of 0.85 m2 or less are conducted.
exit discharge or public way. LIQUEFIED NATURAL GAS (LNG). A fluid in
INTERIOR FINISH. Interior finish includes the liquid state composed predominantly of
interior wall and ceiling finish and interior floor methane and which may contain minor quantities of
finish. ethane, propane, nitrogen or other components
normally found in natural gas.
floor finish trim used to provide a functional or LIQUEFIED PETROLEUM GAS (LP-gas). A
decorative border at the intersection of walls and material which is composed predominantly of the
floors. following hydrocarbons or mixtures of them:
propane, propylene, butane (normal butane or
exposed interior surfaces of buildings, including but isobutane) and butylenes.
not limited to: fixed or movable walls and LIQUID. A material having a melting point that is
partitions; toilet room privacy partitions; columns; equal to or less than 20°C and a boiling point which
ceilings; and interior wainscoting, paneling or other is greater than 20°C at 101 kPa. Where not
finish applied structurally or for decoration, otherwise identified, the term “liquid” includes both
acoustical correction, surface insulation, structural flammable and combustible liquids.
fire resistance or similar purposes, but not including
trim. CONTAINER. A container used for liquid oxygen
IRRITANT. A chemical which is not corrosive, not exceeding 1.5 liters specifically designed for
but which causes a reversible inflammatory effect use as a medical device as defined by 21 USC
on living tissue by chemical action at the site of Chapter 9 that is intended for portable therapeutic
contact. A chemical is a skin irritant if, when tested use and to be filled from its companion base unit, a
on the intact skin of albino rabbits by the methods liquid oxygen home care container.
of CPSC 16 CFR Part 1500.41 for an exposure of LIQUID OXYGEN HOME CARE CONTAINER. A
four or more hours or by other appropriate container used for liquid oxygen not exceeding 60
techniques, it results in an empirical score of 5 or liters specifically designed for use as a medical
more. A chemical is classified as an eye irritant if device as defined by 21 USC Chapter 9 that is
so determined under the procedure listed in CPSC intended to deliver gaseous oxygen for therapeutic
16 CFR Part 1500.42 or other approved techniques. use in a home environment.
JURISDICTION. The governmental unit that has LIQUID STORAGE ROOM. A room classified
adopted this code under due legislative authority. as a Group H-3 occupancy used for the storage of
flammable or combustible liquids in a closed
SBC 801-CR-18 42
LOWER EXPLOSIVE LIMIT (LEL). See MALL. See “Covered mall building.”
“Lower flammable limit.” MANUAL FIRE ALARM BOX. A manually
LOWER FLAMMABLE LIMIT (LFL). The operated device used to initiate an alarm signal.
minimum concentration of vapor in air at which MANUAL STOCKING METHODS. Stocking
propagation of flame will occur in the presence of methods utilizing ladders or other non-mechanical
an ignition source. The LFL is sometimes referred equipment to move stock.
to as LEL or lower explosive limit.
MARINA. Any portion of the ocean or inland
LP-GAS CONTAINER. Any vessel, including water, either naturally or artificially protected, for
cylinders, tanks, portable tanks and cargo tanks, the mooring, servicing or safety of vessels and shall
SBC 801-CR-18 43
include artificially protected works, the public or METAL HYDRIDE STORAGE SYSTEM. A closed
private lands ashore, and structures or facilities system consisting of a group of components
provided within the enclosed body of water and assembled as a package to contain metal-hydrogen
ashore for the mooring or servicing of vessels or the compounds for which there exists an equilibrium
servicing of their crews or passengers. condition where the hydrogen absorbing metal
alloy(s), hydrogen gas and the metal-hydrogen
compound(s) coexist and where only hydrogen gas
FACILITY. That portion of property where
is released from the system in normal use.
flammable or combustible liquids or gases used as
fuel for watercraft are stored and dispensed from MEZZANINE. An intermediate level or levels
fixed equipment on shore, piers, wharves, floats or between the floor and ceiling of any story and in
barges into the fuel tanks of watercraft and shall accordance with Section 505 of SBC 201.
include all other facilities used in connection MOBILE FUELING. The operation of dispensing
therewith. liquid fuels from tank vehicles into the fuel tanks of
MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET (MSDS). motor vehicles. Mobile fueling may also be known
Information concerning a hazardous material which by the terms “Mobile fleet fueling,” “Wet fueling”
is prepared in accordance with the provisions of and “Wet hosing.”
DOL 29 CFR Part 1910.1200.
MORTAR. A tube from which fireworks shells are
CONTROL AREA. The maximum amount of a
hazardous material allowed to be stored or used
more single-station alarm devices that can be
within a control area inside a building or an outdoor
interconnected such that actuation of one causes all
control area. The maximum allowable quantity per
integral or separate audible alarms to operate. A
control area is based on the material state (solid,
multiple-station alarm device can consist of one
liquid or gas) and the material storage or use
single-station alarm device having connections to
other detectors or to a manual fire alarm box.
MEANS OF EGRESS. A continuous and
unobstructed path of vertical and horizontal egress more single-station alarm devices that are capable of
travel from any occupied portion of a building or interconnection such that actuation of one causes
structure to a public way. A means of egress the appropriate alarm signal to operate in all
consists of three separate and distinct parts: the exit
interconnected alarms.
access, the exit and the exit discharge.
NESTING. A method of securing flat-bottomed
compressed gas cylinders upright in a tight mass
methods utilizing motorized vehicles or hydraulic
using a contiguous three point contact system
jacks to move stock.
whereby all cylinders within a group have not less
MEDICAL CARE. Care involving medical or than three points of contact with other cylinders,
surgical procedures, nursing or for psychiatric walls or bracing.
MEMBRANE STRUCTURE. An air-inflated, NET EXPLOSIVE WEIGHT (net weight). The
air-supported, cable or frame-covered structure as weight of explosive material expressed in kg . The
defined by SBC 201and not otherwise defined as a net explosive weight is the aggregate amount of
tent. See Chapter 31 of SBC 201. explosive material contained within buildings,
magazines, structures or portions thereof, used to
MERCHANDISE PAD. A merchandise pad is an establish quantity-distance relationships.
area for display of merchandise surrounded by
aisles, permanent fixtures or walls. Merchandise NORMAL TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE
pads contain elements such as non-fixed and (NTP). A temperature of 21°C and a pressure of 1
moveable fixtures, cases, racks, counters and atmosphere [101 kPa].
partitions as indicated in Section 105.2 from which NOSING. The leading edge of treads of stairs and
customers browse or shop. of landings at the top of stairway flights.
METAL HYDRIDE. A generic name for NOTIFICATION ZONE. See “Zone,
compounds composed of metallic element(s) and notification.”
SBC 801-CR-18 44
NUISANCE ALARM. An alarm caused by includes assembly uses intended for food and/or
mechanical failure, malfunction, improper drink consumption including, but not limited to:
installation or lack of proper maintenance, or an
• Banquet halls
alarm activated by a cause that cannot be
determined. • Restaurants, cafeterias and similar dining
facilities (including associated
NURSING HOMES. Facilities that provide care, commercial kitchens)
including both intermediate care facilities and
Assembly Group A-3. Group A-3 occupancy
skilled nursing facilities, where any of the persons includes assembly uses intended for worship,
are incapable of self-preservation. recreation or amusement and other assembly uses
OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION. For the not classified elsewhere in Group A, including, but
purposes of this code, certain occupancies are not limited to:
defined as follows:
• Amusement arcades
Assembly Group A. Assembly Group A • Art galleries
occupancy includes, among others, the use of a
• Bowling alleys
building or structure, or a portion thereof, for the
gathering of persons for purposes such as civic, • Community halls
social or religious functions; recreation, food or • Courtrooms
drink consumption; or awaiting transportation. • Dance halls (not including food or drink
Small buildings and tenant spaces. A building or consumption)
tenant space used for assembly purposes with an • Exhibition halls
occupant load of less than 50 persons shall be • Gymnasiums (without spectator seating)
classified as a Group B occupancy. • Indoor swimming pools (without spectator
Small assembly spaces. The following rooms and seating)
spaces shall not be classified as assembly • Indoor tennis courts (without spectator
occupancies: seating)
1. A room or space used for assembly purposes • Lecture halls
with an occupant load of less than 50 persons • Libraries Museums
and accessory to another occupancy shall be • Mosques and prayer halls
classified as a Group B occupancy or as part
• Pool and billiard parlors
of that occupancy.
• Waiting areas in transportation terminals
2. A room or space used for assembly purposes Assembly Group A-4. Group A-4 occupancy
that is less than 70 m2 in area and accessory includes assembly uses intended for viewing of
to another occupancy shall be classified as a indoor sporting events and activities with spectator
Group B occupancy or as part of that seating including, but not limited to:
• Arenas
Associated with Group E occupancies. A room or
space used for assembly purposes that is associated • Skating rinks
with a Group E occupancy is not considered a • Swimming pools
separate occupancy. • Tennis courts
Assembly Group A-1. Group A occupancy Assembly Group A-5. Group A-5 occupancy
includes assembly uses, usually with fixed seating, includes assembly uses intended for participation in
intended for the production and viewing of or viewing outdoor activities including, but not
performing arts or motion pictures including, but limited to:
not limited to: • Amusement park structures
• Motion picture theaters • Bleachers
• Symphony and concert halls • Grandstands
• Television and radio studios admitting an • Stadiums
audience Theaters Business Group B. Business Group B occupancy
Assembly Group A-2. Group A-2 occupancy includes, among others, the use of a building or
SBC 801-CR-18 45
structure, or a portion thereof, for office, Five or fewer children. A facility having five or
professional or service-type transactions, including fewer children receiving such care shall be
storage of records and accounts. Business classified as part of the primary occupancy.
occupancies shall include, but not be limited to, the
Five or fewer children in a dwelling unit. A
facility such as the above within a dwelling unit and
• Airport traffic control towers having five or fewer children receiving such care
• Ambulatory care facilities shall be classified as a Group R-3 occupancy or shall
comply with SBC 1101.
• Animal hospitals, kennels and pounds
• Banks Factory Industrial Group F. Factory Industrial
Group F occupancy includes, among others, the use
• Barber and beauty shops
of a building or structure, or a portion thereof, for
• Car wash assembling, disassembling, fabricating, finishing,
• Civic administration manufacturing, packaging, repair or processing
• Clinic-outpatient operations that are not classified as a Group H high-
• Dry cleaning and laundries: pick-up and hazard or Group S storage occupancy.
delivery stations and self-service
• Educational occupancies for students Factory Industrial F-1 Moderate-hazard
above the 12th grade occupancy. Factory industrial uses that are not
• Electronic data processing classified as Factory Industrial F-2 Low Hazard
shall be classified as F-1 Moderate Hazard and shall
• Food processing establishments and include, but not be limited to, the following:
commercial kitchens not associated with
restaurants, cafeterias and similar dining • Aircraft (manufacturing, not to include
facilities not more than 232 m2 in area. repair)
• Laboratories: testing and research • Appliances
• Motor vehicle showrooms • Athletic equipment
• Post offices • Automobiles and other motor vehicles
• Print shops • Bakeries
• Professional services (architects, • Bicycles
attorneys, dentists, physicians, engineers, • Boats
etc.) • Brooms or brushes Business machines
• Radio and television stations • Cameras and photo equipment Canvas or
• Telephone exchanges similar fabric
• Training and skill development not in a • Carpets and rugs (includes cleaning)
school or academic program (This shall Clothing
include, but not be limited to, tutoring • Construction and agricultural machinery
centers, martial arts studios, gymnastics Disinfectants
and similar uses regardless of the ages
served, and where not classified as a • Dry cleaning and dyeing Electric
Group A occupancy). generation plants Electronics
Educational Group E. Educational Group E • Engines (including rebuilding)
occupancy includes, among others, the use of a • Food processing and commercial kitchens
building or structure, or a portion thereof, by six or not associated with restaurants, cafeterias
more persons at any one time for educational and similar dining facilities more than 230
purposes through the 12th grade. m2 in area.
Group E, day care facilities. This group includes • Furniture
buildings and structures or portions thereof • Hemp products
occupied by more than five children older than 21/2 • Jute products
years of age who receive educational, supervision • Laundries
or personal care services for less than 24 hours per • Leather products
• Machinery
SBC 801-CR-18 46
SBC 801-CR-18 47
12. Display and storage of non-flammable solid fire or explosion hazard based on
and non-flammable or noncombustible liquid information prepared in accordance
hazardous materials in quantities not with Section 414.1.3 of the SBC 201
exceeding the maximum allowable quantity • Cryogenic fluids, flammable
per control area in Group M or S • Flammable gases
occupancies complying with Section
5003.8.3.5. • Organic peroxides, Class I
• Oxidizers, Class 3, that are used or stored
13. The storage of black powder, smokeless in normally open containers or systems, or
propellant and small arms primers in Groups in closed containers or systems
M and R-3 and special industrial explosive pressurized at more than 103.4 kPa
devices in Groups B, F, M and S, provided
such storage conforms to the quantity limits • Pyrophoric liquids, solids and gases,
and requirements of this code. nondetonable
• Unstable (reactive) materials, Class 3,
High-hazard Group H-1. Buildings and structures nondetonable
containing materials that pose a detonation hazard
shall be classified as Group H-1. Such materials • Water-reactive materials, Class 3
shall include, but not be limited to, the following: High-hazard Group H-3. Buildings and structures
containing materials that readily support
• Detonable pyrophoric materials combustion or that pose a physical hazard shall be
Explosives: classified as Group H-3. Such materials shall
Division 1.1 include, but not be limited to, the following:
Division 1.2
Division 1.3 • Combustible fibers, other than densely
Division 1.4 packed baled cotton, where
Division 1.5 manufactured, generated or used in such
Division 1.6 a manner that the concentration and
• Organic peroxides, unclassified detonable conditions create a fire or explosion
• Oxidizers, Class 4 hazard based on information prepared in
• Unstable (reactive) materials, Class 3 accordance with Section 414.1.3 of the
detonable, and Class 4 SBC 201
Occupancies containing explosives not classified • Consumer fireworks, 1.4G (Class C,
as H-1. The following occupancies containing Common)
explosive materials shall be classified as follows: • Cryogenic fluids, oxidizing
SBC 801-CR-18 48
development areas in which hazardous production Five or fewer persons receiving custodial care. A
materials (HPM) are used and the aggregate facility with five or fewer persons receiving
quantity of materials is in excess of those listed in custodial care shall be classified as Group R-3 or
Tables 5003.1.1(1) and 5003.1.1(2) shall be shall comply with the SBC 1101 provided an
classified as Group H-5. Such facilities and areas automatic sprinkler system is installed in
shall be designed and constructed in accordance accordance with Section 903.3.1.3 or with Section
with Section 415.11 of the SBC 201. P2904 of the SBC 1101.
Institutional Group I. Institutional Group I Institutional Group I-2. Institutional Group I-2
occupancy includes, among others, the use of a occupancy shall include buildings and structures
building or structure, or a portion thereof, in which used for medical care on a 24-hour basis for more
care or supervision is provided to persons who are than five persons who are not capable of self-
or are not capable of self preservation without preservation. This group shall include, but not be
physical assistance or in which persons are detained limited to, the following:
for penal or correctional purposes or in which the
• Foster care facilities
liberty of the occupants is restricted. Institutional
occupancies shall be classified as Group I-1, I-2, I- • Detoxification facilities
3 or I-4. • Hospitals
Institutional Group I-1. Institutional Group I-1 • Nursing homes
occupancy shall include buildings, structures or • Psychiatric hospitals
portions thereof for more than 16 persons, Occupancy Conditions. Buildings of Group I-2
excluding staff, who reside on a 24-hour basis in a shall be classified as one of the following
supervised environment and receive custodial care. occupancy conditions:
Buildings of Group I-1 shall be classified as one of
the occupancy conditions indicated below. This Condition 1. This occupancy condition shall
group shall include, but not be limited to, the include facilities that provide nursing and medical
following: care but do not provide emergency care, surgery,
obstetrics, or in-patient stabilization units for
• Alcohol and drug centers psychiatric or detoxification, including, but not
• Assisted living facilities limited to, nursing homes and foster care facilities.
• Congregate care facilities Condition 2. This occupancy condition shall
• Group homes include facilities that provide nursing and medical
• Halfway houses care and could provide emergency care, surgery,
obstetrics, or inpatient stabilization units for
• Residential board and care facilities psychiatric or detoxification, including, but not
• Residential board and custodial care limited to, hospitals.
Five or fewer persons receiving medical care. A
• Social rehabilitation facilities facility with five or fewer persons receiving
Condition 1. This occupancy condition shall medical care shall be classified as Group R-3 or
include buildings in which all persons receiving shall comply with the SBC 1101 provided an
custodial care who, without any assistance, are automatic sprinkler system is installed in
capable of responding to an emergency situation to accordance with Section 903.3.1.3 or with Section
complete building evacuation. P2904 of the SBC 1101.
Condition 2. This occupancy condition shall Institutional Group I-3. Institutional Group I-3
include buildings in which there are any persons occupancy shall include buildings and structures
receiving custodial care who require limited which are inhabited by more than five persons who
verbal or physical assistance while responding to an are under restraint or security. A Group I-3 facility
emergency situation to complete building is occupied by persons who are generally incapable
evacuation. of self-preservation due to security measures not
Six to 16 persons receiving custodial care. A under the occupants’ control. This group shall
facility housing not fewer than six and not more than include, but not be limited to, the following:
16 persons receiving custodial care shall be • Correctional centers
classified as Group R-4.
• Detention centers
SBC 801-CR-18 49
SBC 801-CR-18 50
occupancies containing sleeping units or more than be limited to, the following:
two dwelling units where the occupants are
• Alcohol and drug centers
primarily permanent in nature, including:
• Assisted living facilities
• Apartment houses
• Congregate care facilities
• Boarding houses (non-transient) with • Group homes
more than 16 occupants
• Halfway houses
• Congregate living facilities (non-transient)
with more than 16 occupants • Residential board and care facilities
• Dormitories • Social rehabilitation facilities
• Hotels (non-transient) Group R-4 occupancies shall meet the requirements
for construction as defined for Group R-3, except as
• Live/work units otherwise provided for in SBC 201.
• Motels (non-transient)
Condition 1. This occupancy condition shall
• Vacation timeshare properties include buildings in which all persons receiving
Residential Group R-3. Residential Group R-3 custodial care, without any assistance, are capable
occupancies where the occupants are primarily of responding to an emergency situation to
permanent in nature and not classified as Group R- complete building evacuation.
1, R-2, R-4 or I, including:
Condition 2. This occupancy condition shall
• Boarding houses (non-transient) with 16 include buildings in which there are any persons
or fewer occupants receiving custodial care who require limited verbal
• Boarding houses (transient) with 10 or or physical assistance while responding to an
fewer occupants emergency situation to complete building
• Buildings that do not contain more than evacuation.
two dwelling units Storage Group S. Storage Group S occupancy
• Care facilities that provide includes, among others, the use of a building or
accommodations for five or fewer persons structure, or a portion thereof, for storage that is not
receiving care classified as a hazardous occupancy.
• Congregate living facilities (non-transient) Accessory storage spaces. A room or space used
with 16 or fewer occupants for storage purposes that is less than 9 m2 in area
• Congregate living facilities (transient) and accessory to another occupancy shall be
with 10 or fewer occupants classified as part of that occupancy. The aggregate
• Lodging houses with five or fewer guest area of such rooms or spaces shall not exceed the
rooms allowable area limits of Section 508.2 of SBC 201.
Care facilities within a dwelling. Care facilities Moderate-hazard storage, Group S-1. Storage
for five or fewer persons receiving care that are Group S-1 occupancies are buildings occupied for
within a single-family dwelling are permitted to storage uses that are not classified as Group S-2,
comply with the SBC 1101 provided an automatic including, but not limited to, storage of the
sprinkler system is installed in accordance with following:
Section 903.3.1.3 or with SBC 1101.
• Aerosols, Levels 2 and 3
Lodging houses. Owner-occupied lodging houses • Aircraft hangar (storage and repair)
with five or fewer guest rooms shall be permitted to
be constructed in accordance with SBC 1101. • Bags: cloth, burlap and paper
• Bamboos and rattan
Residential Group R-4. Residential Group R-4
shall include buildings, structures or portions • Baskets
thereof for more than five but not more than 16 • Belting: canvas and leather
persons, excluding staff, who reside on a 24-hour • Books and paper in rolls or packs
basis in a supervised residential environment and • Boots and shoes
receive custodial care. Buildings of Group R-4 shall
• Buttons, including cloth covered, pearl or
be classified as one of the occupancy conditions
indicated below. This group shall include, but not
• Cardboard and cardboard boxes
SBC 801-CR-18 51
SBC 801-CR-18 52
OPEN BURNING. The burning of materials binders such as alkyd, nitrocellulose, acrylic or oil,
wherein products of combustion are emitted and flammable and combustible solvents such as
directly into the ambient air without passing hydrocarbon, ester, ketone or alcohol, which, when
through a stack or chimney from an enclosed spread in a thin film, convert to a durable protective
chamber. Open burning does not include road flares, and decorative finish.
smudge pots and similar devices associated with
ORGANIC PEROXIDE. An organic compound
safety or occupational uses typically considered that contains the bivalent -O-Ostructure and which
open flames, recreational fires or use of portable may be considered to be a structural derivative of
outdoor fireplaces. For the purpose of this hydrogen peroxide where one or both of the
definition, a chamber shall be regarded as enclosed hydrogen atoms have been replaced by an organic
when, during the time combustion occurs, only radical. Organic peroxides can present an explosion
apertures, ducts, stacks, flues or chimneys necessary hazard (detonation or deflagration) or they can be
to provide combustion air and permit the escape of
shock sensitive. They can also decompose into
exhaust gas are open. various unstable compounds over an extended
OPEN-ENDED CORRIDOR. An interior period of time.
corridor that is open on each end and connects to an
Class I. Describes those formulations that are
exterior stairway or ramp at each end with no
capable of deflagration but not detonation.
intervening doors or separation from the corridor.
Class II. Describes those formulations that burn
OPEN MALL. See “Covered mall building.” very rapidly and that pose a moderate reactivity
OPEN MALL BUILDING. See “Covered mall hazard.
building.” Class III. Describes those formulations that burn
OPEN PARKING GARAGE. A structure or rapidly and that pose a moderate reactivity hazard.
portion of a structure with the openings as Class IV. Describes those formulations that burn in
described in Section 406.5.2 of SBC 201 on two the same manner as ordinary combustibles and that
or more sides that is used for the parking or storage
pose a minimal reactivity hazard.
of private motor vehicles as described in Section
406.5 of SBC 201. Class V. Describes those formulations that burn
with less intensity than ordinary combustibles or do
OPEN SYSTEM. The use of a solid or liquid
not sustain combustion and that pose no reactivity
hazardous material involving a vessel or system that hazard.
is continuously open to the atmosphere during
normal operations and where vapors are liberated, Unclassified detonable. Organic peroxides that are
or the product is exposed to the atmosphere during capable of detonation. These peroxides pose an
normal operations. Examples of open systems for extremely high-explosion hazard through rapid
solids and liquids include dispensing from or into explosive decomposition.
open beakers or containers, dip tank and plating OUTDOOR CONTROL AREA. An outdoor area
tank operations. that contains hazardous materials in amounts not
OPERATING BUILDING. A building occupied exceeding the maximum allowable quantities Table
in conjunction with the manufacture, transportation 5003.1.1(3) or Table 5003.1.1(4).
or use of explosive materials. Operating buildings OUTPATIENT CLINIC. See “Clinic, outpatient.”
are separated from one another with the use of
intraplant or intraline distances. OVERCROWDING. A condition that exists when
either there are more people in a building, structure
OPERATING LINE. A group of buildings, or portion thereof than have been authorized or
facilities or workstations so arranged as to permit posted by the fire code official, or when the fire
performance of the steps in the manufacture of an code official determines that a threat exists to the
explosive or in the loading, assembly, modification safety of the occupants due to persons sitting and/or
and maintenance of ammunition or devices standing in locations that may obstruct or impede
containing explosive materials. the use of aisles, passages, corridors, stairways,
OPERATING PRESSURE. The pressure at exits or other components of the means of egress.
which a system operates. OWNER. Corporation, firm, partnership,
ORGANIC COATING. A liquid mixture of association, organization and any other group
SBC 801-CR-18 53
acting as a unit, or a person who has legal title to concentration of an air-borne contaminant. The
any structure or premises with or without exposure limits to be utilized are those published in
accompanying actual possession thereof, and shall DOL 29 CFR Part 1910.1000. The Recommended
include the duly authorized agent or attorney, a Exposure Limit (REL) concentrations published by
purchaser, devisee, fiduciary and any person having the U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety
a vested or contingent interest in the premises in and Health (NIOSH), Threshold Limit Value-Time
question. Weighted Average (TLV-TWA) concentrations
published by the American Conference of
OXIDIZER. A material that readily yields oxygen
Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH),
or other oxidizing gas, or that readily reacts to
Workplace Environmental Exposure Level
promote or initiate combustion of combustible
(WEEL) Guides published by the American
materials and, if heated or contaminated, can result
Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA), and other
in vigorous self-sustained decomposition.
approved, consistent measures are allowed as
Class 4. An oxidizer that can undergo an explosive surrogates for hazardous substances not listed in
reaction due to contamination or exposure to DOL 29 CFR Part 1910.1000.
thermal or physical shock and that causes a severe
increase in the burning rate of combustible
PERMIT. An official document or certificate
materials with which it comes into contact.
issued by the fire code official that authorizes
Additionally, the oxidizer causes a severe increase
performance of a specified activity.
in the burning rate and can cause spontaneous
ignition of combustibles. PERSON. An individual, heirs, executors,
administrators or assigns, and also includes a firm,
Class 3. An oxidizer that causes a severe increase
partnership or corporation, its or their successors or
in the burning rate of combustible materials with
assigns, or the agent of any of the aforesaid.
which it comes in contact.
Class 2. An oxidizer that will cause a moderate
persons who do not require medical care. Personal
increase in the burning rate of combustible
care involves responsibility for the safety of the
materials with which it comes in contact.
persons while inside the building.
Class 1. An oxidizer that does not moderately
PESTICIDE. A substance or mixture of
increase the burning rate of combustible materials.
substances, including fungicides, intended for
OXIDIZING CRYOGENIC FLUID. An preventing, destroying, repelling or mitigating pests
oxidizing gas in the cryogenic state. and substances or a mixture of substances intended
OXIDIZING GAS. A gas that can support and for use as a plant regulator, defoliant or desiccant.
accelerate combustion of other materials more than PHOTOLUMINESCENT. Having the property of
air does. emitting light that continues for a length of time
OZONE-GAS GENERATOR. Equipment which after excitation by visible or invisible light has been
causes the production of ozone. removed.
SBC 801-CR-18 54
physiological responses. When used in conjunction door closes automatically and includes provisions
with the permissible exposure limit (PEL), the such as presence sensors to prevent entrapment. See
physiological warning threshold levels are those also “Low energy power-operated door” and
consistent with the classification system used to “Power-assisted door.”
establish the PEL. See the definition of
PRESSURE VESSEL. A closed vessel designed to
“Permissible exposure limit (PEL).”
operate at pressures above 103 kPa.
PIER. A structure built over the water, supported
PRIMARY CONTAINMENT. The first level of
by pillars or piles, and used as a landing place,
containment, consisting of the inside portion of that
pleasure pavilion or similar purpose.
container which comes into immediate contact on
its inner surface with the material being contained.
PLENUM. An enclosed portion of the building
PRIVATE GARAGE. A building or portion of a
structure, other than an occupiable space being
building in which motor vehicles used by the
conditioned, that is designed to allow air movement
tenants of the building or buildings on the premises
and thereby serve as part of an air distribution
are stored or kept, without provisions for repairing
or servicing such vehicles for profit.
PROCESS TRANSFER. The transfer of
unmixed, commercially manufactured,
flammable or combustible liquids between tank
prepackaged chemical substances including
vehicles or tank cars and process operations.
oxidizers, flammable liquids or solids, or similar
Process operations may include containers, tanks,
substances that are not independently classified as
piping and equipment.
explosives but which, when mixed or combined,
form an explosive that is intended for blasting. PROPELLANT. The liquefied or compressed gas
in an aerosol container that expels the contents from
an aerosol container when the valve is actuated. A
where raw wood products are processed into
propellant is considered flammable if it forms a
finished wood products, including waferboard,
flammable mixture with air, or if a flame is self-
oriented strand board, fiberboard, composite wood
propagating in a mixture with air.
panels and plywood.
PROXIMATE AUDIENCE. An audience closer
outdoor, solid-fuel-burning fireplace that may be
to pyrotechnic devices than allowed by NFPA 1123.
constructed of steel, concrete, clay or other PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITALS. See “Hospitals.”
noncombustible material. A portable outdoor
fireplace may be open in design, or may be
street, road, highway, navigable stream or
equipped with a small hearth opening and a short
passenger railroad that is used for through traffic by
chimney or chimney opening in the top.
the general public.
PUBLIC-USE AREAS. Interior or exterior rooms
tractor, platform lift truck or motorized hand truck
or spaces that are made available to the general
powered by an electrical motor or internal
combustion engine. Powered industrial trucks do
not include farm vehicles or automotive vehicles for PUBLIC WAY. A street, alley or other parcel of
highway use. land open to the outside air leading to a street, that
has been deeded, dedicated or otherwise
POWER-ASSISTED DOOR. Swinging door that
permanently appropriated to the public for public
opens by reduced pushing or pulling force on the
use and which has a clear width and height of not
door-operating hardware. The door closes
less than 3000 mm.
automatically after the pushing or pulling force is
released, and functions with decreased forces. See PYROPHORIC. A chemical with an autoignition
also “Low energy power-operated door” and temperature in air, at or below a temperature of
“Power-operated door.” 54°C.
sliding, or folding door that opens automatically device for use in the entertainment industry, which
when approached by a pedestrian or opens is not classified as fireworks.
automatically upon an action by a pedestrian. The
SBC 801-CR-18 55
mixture that produces visible light displays or RAMP. A walking surface that has a running slope
sounds through a self propagating, heat-releasing steeper than one unit vertical in 20 units horizontal
chemical reaction which is initiated by ignition. (5-percent slope).
or audible effect for entertainment created through
RAMP, EXTERIOR EXIT. See “Exterior exit
the use of pyrotechnic materials and devices.
MATERIAL. A chemical mixture used in the
RAMP, INTERIOR EXIT. See “Interior exit
entertainment industry to produce visible or audible ramp.”
effects by combustion, deflagration or detonation. RAW PRODUCT. A mixture of natural materials
Such a chemical mixture predominantly consists of such as tree, brush trimmings, or waste logs and
solids capable of producing a controlled, self- stumps.
sustaining and self-contained exothermic chemical
READY BOX. A weather-resistant container with
reaction that results in heat, gas sound, light or a
a self closing or automatic-closing cover that
combination of these effects. The chemical reaction
protects fireworks shells from burning debris.
functions without external oxygen. Tarpaulins shall not be considered as ready boxes.
PYROTECHNICS. Controlled exothermic
chemical reactions timed to create the effects of RECORD DRAWINGS. Drawings (“as builts”)
heat, hot gas, sound, dispersion of aerosols, that document the location of all devices,
emission of visible light or a combination of such appliances, wiring, sequences, wiring methods and
effects to achieve the maximum effect from the connections of the components of a fire alarm
least volume of pyrotechnic composition. system as installed.
QUANTITY-DISTANCE (Q-D). The quantity of RECREATIONAL FIRE. An outdoor fire
explosive material and separation distance burning materials other than rubbish where the fuel
relationships providing protection. These being burned is not contained in an incinerator,
relationships are based on levels of risk considered outdoor fireplace, portable outdoor fireplace,
acceptable for the stipulated exposures and are barbeque grill or barbeque pit and has a total fuel
tabulated in the appropriate Q-D tables. The area of 900 mm or less in diameter and 600 mm or
separation distances specified afford less than less in height for pleasure, ceremonial, cooking,
absolute safety: warmth or similar purposes.
Inhabited building distance (IBD). The minimum REDUCED FLOW VALVE. A valve equipped
separation distance between an operating building with a restricted flow orifice and inserted into a
or magazine containing explosive materials and an compressed gas cylinder, portable tank or stationary
inhabited building or site boundary. tank that is designed to reduce the maximum flow
from the valve under full-flow conditions. The
Intermagazine distance (IMD). The minimum maximum flow rate from the valve is determined
separation distance between magazines. with the valve allowed to flow to atmosphere with
no other piping or fittings attached.
Intraline distance (ILD) or Intraplant distance
(IPD). The distance to be maintained between any REFINERY. A plant in which flammable or
two operating buildings on an explosives combustible liquids are produced on a commercial
manufacturing site when at least one contains or is scale from crude petroleum, natural gasoline or
designed to contain explosives, or the distance other hydrocarbon sources.
between a magazine and an operating building. REFRIGERANT. The fluid used for heat transfer
Minimum separation distance (Do). The in a refrigeration system; the refrigerant absorbs
minimum separation distance between adjacent heat and transfers it at a higher temperature and a
buildings occupied in conjunction with the higher pressure, usually with a change of state.
manufacture, transportation, storage or use of REFRIGERATING (REFRIGERATION)
explosive materials where one of the buildings contains SYSTEM. A combination of interconnected
explosive materials and the other building does not. refrigerant-containing parts constituting one closed
RAILWAY. A steam, electric or other railroad or refrigerant circuit in which a refrigerant is
railway that carriers passengers for hire. circulated for the purpose of extracting heat.
SBC 801-CR-18 56
SBC 801-CR-18 57
arrangements, see the requirements for rack storage. SMOKE DAMPER. A listed device installed in
ducts and air transfer openings designed to resist the
assembly incorporating the detector, the control passage of smoke. The device is installed to operate
equipment and the alarm-sounding device in one automatically, controlled by a smoke detection
unit, operated from a power supply either in the unit system, and where required, is capable of being
or obtained at the point of installation. positioned from a fire command center.
SITE. A parcel of land bounded by a lot line or a SMOKE DETECTOR. A listed device that senses
designated portion of a public right-of-way. visible or invisible particles of combustion.
SBC 801-CR-18 58
SBC 801-CR-18 59
system. Manual dry standpipe systems require SUPERVISORY SERVICE. The service required
water from a Civil Defense pumper to be pumped to monitor performance of guard tours and the
into the system through the Civil Defense operative condition of fixed suppression systems or
connection in order to supply the system demand. other systems for the protection of life and property.
Manual wet. A wet standpipe system connected to SUPERVISORY SIGNAL. A signal indicating
a water supply for the purpose of maintaining the need of action in connection with the
water within the system but which does not have a supervision of guard tours, the fire suppression
water supply capable of delivering the system systems or equipment, or the maintenance features
demand attached to the system. Manual wet of related systems.
standpipe systems require water from a Civil SUPERVISORY SIGNAL-INITIATING DEVICE.
Defense pumper (or the like) to be pumped into the An initiating device such as a valve supervisory
system in order to supply the system demand. switch, water level indicator, or low-air pressure
Semiautomatic dry. A dry standpipe system that is switch on a dry-pipe sprinkler system whose change
arranged through the use of a device, such as a of state signals an off-normal condition and its
deluge valve, to admit water into the system piping restoration to normal of a fire protection or life
upon activation of a remote control device located safety system; or a need for action in connection
at a hose connection. A remote control activation with guard tours, fire suppression systems or
device shall be provided at each hose connection. equipment, or maintenance features of related
The water supply for a semiautomatic dry standpipe systems.
system shall be capable of supplying the system SYSTEM. An assembly of equipment consisting of
demand. a tank, container or containers, appurtenances,
STATIC PILES. Piles in which processed wood pumps, compressors and connecting piping.
product or solid biomass feedstock is mounded and TANK. A vessel containing more than 225 L.
is not being turned or moved.
TANK, ATMOSPHERIC. A storage tank
STEEL. Hot or cold-rolled as defined by SBC 201. designed to operate at pressures from 101 kPa to
STORAGE, HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. The 108 kPa measured at the top of the tank.
keeping, retention or leaving of hazardous materials
TANK, PORTABLE. A packaging of more than
in closed containers, tanks, cylinders, or similar 225 L capacity and designed primarily to be loaded
vessels; or vessels supplying operations through into or on or temporarily attached to a transport
closed connections to the vessel. vehicle or ship and equipped with skids, mountings
STORY. That portion of a building included or accessories to facilitate handling of the tank by
between the upper surface of a floor and the upper mechanical means. It does not include any cylinder
surface of the floor or roof next above (see having less than a 450 kg water capacity, cargo
“Basement,” “Building height,” “Grade plane” and tank, tank car tank or trailers carrying cylinders of
“Mezzanine”). A story is measured as the vertical more than 450 kg water capacity.
distance from top to top of two successive tiers of TANK, PRIMARY. A listed atmospheric tank
beams or finished floor surfaces and, for the
used to store liquid. See “Primary containment.”
topmost story, from the top of the floor finish to the
top of the ceiling joists or, where there is not a TANK, PROTECTED ABOVE GROUND. A
ceiling, to the top of the roof rafters. tank listed in accordance with UL 2085 consisting
of a primary tank provided with protection from
physical damage and fire-resistive protection from a
having its finished floor surface entirely above high-intensity liquid pool fire exposure. The tank
grade plane, or in which the finished surface of the may provide protection elements as a unit or may be
floor next above is: an assembly of components, or a combination
1. More than 1800 mm above grade plane; or thereof.
2. More than 3600 mm above the finished TANK, STATIONARY. Packaging designed
ground level at any point. primarily for stationary installations not intended
for loading, unloading or attachment to a transport
vehicle as part of its normal operation in the process
receives signals and at which personnel are in
of use. It does not include cylinders having less than
attendance at all times to respond to these signals.
SBC 801-CR-18 60
TIRES, BULK STORAGE OF. Storage of tires TRANSIENT AIRCRAFT. Aircraft based at
where the area available for storage exceeds 566 m3. another location and that is at the transient location
for not more than 90 days.
TOOL. A device, storage container, workstation or
process machine used in a fabrication area. TRANSVERSE FLUE SPACE. See “Flue
Bituminous roofing systems using membranes that TRASH. See “Rubbish.”
are adhered by heating with a torch and melting TROUBLE SIGNAL. A signal initiated by the fire
asphalt back coating instead of mopping hot asphalt alarm system or device indicative of a fault in a
for adhesion. monitored circuit or component.
TOWNHOUSE. A single-family dwelling unit TUBE TRAILER. A semitrailer on which a
constructed in a group of three or more attached number of tubular gas cylinders have been mounted.
units in which each unit extends from the A manifold is typically provided that connects the
foundation to roof and with open space on not less cylinder valves enabling gas to be discharged from
than two sides. one or more tubes or cylinders through a piping and
TOXIC. A chemical falling within any of the control system.
following categories: TWENTY-FOUR HOUR BASIS. See “24-hour
1. A chemical that has a median lethal dose basis” before the “A” entries.
(LD50) of more than 50 milligrams per UNAUTHORIZED DISCHARGE. A release or
kilogram, but not more than 500 milligrams emission of materials in a manner which does not
per kilogram of body weight when conform to the provisions of this code or applicable
administered orally to albino rats weighing public health and safety regulations.
between 200 and 300 grams each.
2. A chemical that has a median lethal dose material, other than an explosive, which in the pure
(LD50) of more than 200 milligrams per state or as commercially produced, will vigorously
kilogram but not more than 1,000 milligrams polymerize, decompose, condense or become self-
SBC 801-CR-18 61
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SBC 801-CR-18 63
SBC 801-CR-18 64
Part II—General Safety
SBC 801-CR-18 65
SBC 801-CR-18 66
304.1.3 Space under neath seats. Spaces underneath 1. Dumpsters in areas protected by an approved
grandstand and bleacher seats shall be kept free from automatic sprinkler system installed throughout
combustible and flammable materials. Except where in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1, 903.3.1.2
enclosed in not less than 1-hour fire-resistance-rated or 903.3.1.3.
construction in accordance with the SBC 201, spaces
2. Storage in a structure shall not be prohibited
underneath grandstand and bleacher seats shall not be
where the structure is of Type I or IIA
occupied or utilized for purposes other than means of
construction, located not less than 3000 mm from
other buildings and used exclusively for
304.2 Storage. Storage of combustible rubbish shall dumpster or container storage.
not produce conditions that will create a nuisance or a
hazard to the public health, safety or welfare.
304.3 Containers. Combustible rubbish, and waste SECTION 305 IGNITION SOURCES
material kept within or near a structure shall be stored 305.1 Clearance from ignition sources. Clearance
in accordance with Sections 304.3.1 through 304.3.4. between ignition sources, such as luminaires, heaters,
304.3.1 Spontaneous ignition. Materials susceptible flame-producing devices and combustible materials,
to spontaneous ignition, such as oily rags, shall be shall be maintained in an approved manner.
stored in a listed disposal container. Contents of such 305.2 Hot ashes and spontaneous ignition sources.
containers shall be removed and disposed of daily. Hot ashes, cinders, smoldering coals or greasy or oily
materials subject to spontaneous ignition shall not be
304.3.2 Capacity exceeding 0.15 m3. Containers with a
capacity exceeding 0.15 m3 shall be provided with lids. deposited in a combustible receptacle, within 3000 mm
of other combustible material including combustible
Containers and lids shall be constructed of
walls and partitions or within 600 mm of openings to
noncombustible materials or of combustible materials
with a peak rate of heat release not exceeding 300 kW/ buildings.
m2 where tested in accordance with ASTM E 1354 at an Exception: The minimum required separation distance
incident heat flux of 50 kW/m2 in the horizontal to other combustible materials shall be 600 mm where
orientation. the material is deposited in a covered, noncombustible
Exception: Wastebaskets complying with Section 808. receptacle placed on a noncombustible floor, ground
surface or stand.
304.3.3 Capacity exceeding 1.15 m3. Dumpsters and
containers with an individual capacity of 1.15 m3 or 305.3 Open-flame warning devices. Open-flame
warning devices shall not be used along an excavation,
more shall not be stored in buildings or placed within
road, or any place where the dislodgment of such device
1500 mm of combustible walls, openings or
combustible roof eave lines. might permit the device to roll, fall or slide on to any
area or land containing combustible material.
305.4 Deliberate or negligent burning. It shall be
1. Dumpsters or containers in areas protected by an unlawful to deliberately or through negligence set fire
approved automatic sprinkler system installed to or cause the burning of combustible material in such
throughout in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1, a manner as to endanger the safety of persons or
903.3.1.2 or 903.3.1.3. property.
2. Storage in a structure shall not be prohibited
where the structure is of Type I or IIA 305.5 Unwanted fire ignitions. Acts or processes
construction, located not less than 3000 mm from that have caused repeated ignition of unwanted fires
other buildings and used exclusively for shall be modified to prevent future ignition.
dumpster or container storage.
304.3.4 Capacity of 0.75 m3 or mor e. Dumpsters with
an individual capacity of 0.76 m3 or more shall not be SECTION 306 MOTION PICTURE
stored in buildings or placed within 1500 mm of PROJECTION ROOMS AND FILM
combustible walls, openings or combustible roof eave 306.1 Motion picture projection rooms. Electric
lines unless the dumpsters are constructed of arc, xenon or other light source projection equipment
noncombustible materials or of combustible materials that develops hazardous gases, dust or radiation and the
with a peak rate of heat release not exceeding 300 projection of ribbon type cellulose nitrate film,
kW/m2 where tested in accordance with ASTM E1354 regardless of the light source used in projection, shall be
at an incident heat flux of 50 kW/m2 in the horizontal operated within a motion picture projection room
orientation. complying with Section 409 of SBC 201.
SBC 801-CR-18 67
306.2 Cellulose nitrate film storage. Storage of material. Conditions that could cause a fire to spread
cellulose nitrate film shall be in accordance with NFPA within 7.5 m of a structure shall be eliminated prior to
40. ignition.
SECTION 307 OPEN BURNING, 307.4.3 Por table outdoor fireplaces. Portable outdoor
RECREATIONAL FIRES AND PORTABLE fireplaces shall be used in accordance with the
OUTDOOR FIREPLACES manufacturer’s instructions and shall not be operated
within 4.5 m of a structure or combustible material.
307.1 General. A person shall not kindle or maintain
or authorize to be kindled or maintained any open Exception: Portable outdoor fireplaces used at one and
burning unless conducted and approved in accordance two-family dwellings.
with Sections 307.1.1 through 307.5. 307.5 Attendance. Open burning, bonfires,
307.1.1 Pr ohibited open bur ning. Open burning shall recreational fires and use of portable outdoor fireplaces
be prohibited when atmospheric conditions or local shall be constantly attended until the fire is
circumstances make such fires hazardous. extinguished. A minimum of one portable fire
extinguisher complying with Section 906 with a
Exception: Prescribed burning for the purpose of minimum 4-A rating or other approved on-site fire-
reducing the impact of wildland fire when authorized by extinguishing equipment, such as dirt, sand, water
the fire code official. barrel, garden hose or water truck, shall be available for
307.2 Permit required. A permit shall be obtained immediate utilization.
from the fire code official in accordance with Section SECTION 308 OPEN FLAMES
105.6 prior to kindling a fire for recognized silvicultural
or range or wildlife management practices, prevention 308.1 General. Open flame, fire and burning on all
or control of disease or pests, or a bonfire. Application premises shall be in accordance with Sections 308.1.1
for such approval shall only be presented by and permits through 308.4.1 and with other applicable sections of
issued to the owner of the land upon which the fire is to this code.
be kindled. 308.1.1 Where pr ohibited. A person shall not take or
307.2.1 Authorization. Where required by government utilize an open flame or light in a structure, vessel, boat
regulations, open burning shall only be permitted with or other place where highly flammable, combustible or
prior approval from the government air and water explosive material is utilized or stored. Lighting
quality management authority, provided that all appliances shall be well-secured in a glass globe and
conditions specified in the authorization are followed. wire mesh cage or a similar approved device.
307.3 Extinguishment authority. Where open 308.1.2 Thr owing or placing sources of ignition. A
burning creates or adds to a hazardous situation, or a person shall not throw or place, or cause to be thrown
required permit for open burning has not been obtained, or placed, a lighted match, cigar, cigarette, matches, or
the fire code official is authorized to order the other flaming or glowing substance or object on any
extinguishment of the open burning operation. surface or article where it can cause an unwanted fire.
307.4 Location. The location for open burning shall 308.1.3 Torches for removing paint. A person
be not less than 15 m from any structure, and provisions utilizing a torch or other flame-producing device for
shall be made to prevent the fire from spreading to removing paint from a structure shall provide not less
within 15 m of any structure. than one portable fire extinguisher complying with
Section 906 and with a minimum 4-A rating, two
Exceptions: portable fire extinguishers, each with a minimum 2-A
1. Fires in approved containers that are not less than rating, or a water hose connected to the water supply on
4.5 m from a structure. the premises where such burning is done. The person
doing the burning shall remain on the premises 1 hour
2. The minimum required distance from a structure after the torch or flame-producing device is utilized.
shall be 7.5 m where the pile size is 900 mm or
less in diameter and 600 mm or less in height. 308.1.4 Open-flame cooking devices. Charcoal
burners and other open-flame cooking devices shall not
307.4.1 Bonfires. A bonfire shall not be conducted be operated on combustible balconies or within 3000
within 15 m of a structure or combustible material mm of combustible construction.
unless the fire is contained in a barbecue pit. Conditions
that could cause a fire to spread within 15 m of a Exceptions:
structure shall be eliminated prior to ignition. 1. One-and two-family dwellings.
307.4.2 Recreational fires. Recreational fires shall not 2. Where buildings, balconies and decks are
be conducted within 7.5 m of a structure or combustible protected by an automatic sprinkler system.
SBC 801-CR-18 68
3. LP-gas cooking devices having LP-gas in accordance with Sections 308.1.8.1 through
container with a water capacity not greater than 308.1.8.5.
1.14 kg.
308.1.8.1 Dispensing. Flammable or
308.1.5 Location near combustibles. Open flames combustible liquids used in the preparation of flaming
such as from candles, lanterns, kerosene heaters and foods or beverages shall be dispensed from one of the
gas-fired heaters shall not be located on or near following:
decorative material or similar combustible materials.
1. A 30 ml container.
308.1.6 Open-flame devices. Torches and other
2. A container not exceeding 900 ml capacity with a
devices, machines or processes liable to start or cause
controlled pouring device that will limit the flow
fire shall not be operated or used in or upon wildfire risk
to a 30 ml serving.
areas, except by a permit in accordance with Section
105.6 secured from the fire code official. 308.1.8.2 Containers not in use. Containers
shall be secured to prevent spillage when not in use.
Exception: Use within inhabited premises or
designated campsites that are not less than 9 m from 308.1.8.3 Serving of flaming food. The serving
grass-, grain-, brush or forest-covered areas. of flaming foods or beverages shall be done in a safe
manner and shall not create high flames. The pouring,
308.1.6.1 Signals and markers. Flame-
ladling or spooning of liquids is restricted to a
employing devices, such as lanterns or kerosene road
maximum height of 200 mm above the receiving
flares, shall not be operated or used as a signal or marker
in or upon wildfire risk areas.
308.1.8.4 Location. Flaming foods or beverages
Exception: The proper use of fusees at the scenes of
shall be prepared only in the immediate vicinity of the
emergencies or as required by standard railroad
table being serviced. They shall not be transported or
operating procedures.
carried while burning.
308.1.6.2 Portable fueled open-flame devices.
308.1.8.5 Fire protection. The person preparing
Portable open-flame devices fueled by flammable or
the flaming foods or beverages shall have a wet cloth
combustible gases or liquids shall be enclosed or
towel immediately available for use in smothering the
installed in such a manner as to prevent the flame from
flames in the event of an emergency.
contacting combustible material.
308.2 Permits required. Permits shall be obtained
from the fire code official in accordance with Section
1. LP-gas-fueled devices used for sweating pipe 105.6 prior to engaging in the following activities
joints or removing paint in accordance with involving open flame, fire and burning:
Chapter 61.
1. Use of a torch or flame-producing device to
2. Cutting and welding operations in accordance remove paint from a structure.
with Chapter 35.
2. Use of open flame, fire or burning in connection
3. Torches or flame-producing devices in with Group A or E occupancies.
accordance with Section 308.4.
3. Use or operation of torches and other devices,
4. Candles and open-flame decorative devices in machines or processes liable to start or cause fire
accordance with Section 308.3. in or upon wildfire risk areas.
308.1.6.3 Sky lanterns. A person shall not 308.3 Group A occupancies. Open-flame devices
release or cause to be released an untethered sky lantern. shall not be used in a Group A occupancy.
308.1.7 Social ceremonies. When, in the opinion of the Exceptions:
fire code official, adequate safeguards have been taken,
1. Open-flame devices are allowed to be used in the
participants in social ceremonies are allowed to carry
following situations, provided approved
hand-held candles. Hand-held candles shall not be
precautions are taken to prevent ignition of a
passed from one person to another while lighted.
combustible material or injury to occupants:
308.1.7.1 Aisles and exits. Candles shall be
1.1. Where necessary for ceremonial purposes
prohibited in areas where occupants stand, or in an aisle
in accordance with Section 308.1.7.
or exit.
1.2. On stages and platforms as a necessary
308.1.8 Flaming food and bever age prepar ation. The
part of a performance in accordance with
preparation of flaming foods or beverages in places of
Section 308.3.2.
assembly and drinking or dining establishments shall be
SBC 801-CR-18 69
1.3. Where candles on tables are securely the area and away from possible contact with
supported on substantial noncombustible drapes, curtains or other combustibles.
bases and the candle flames are protected.
308.3.2 Theatr ical per for mances. Where approved,
2. Heat-producing equipment complying with open-flame devices used in conjunction with theatrical
Chapter 6 and the SBC 501. performances are allowed to be used when adequate
safety precautions have been taken in accordance with
3. Gas lights are allowed to be used provided
NFPA 160.
adequate precautions satisfactory to the fire code
official are taken to prevent ignition of 308.4 Group R occupancies. Open flame, fire and
combustible materials. burning in Group R occupancies shall comply with the
requirements of Sections 308.1 through 308.1.6.3 and
308.3.1 Open-flame decor ative devices. Open-flame
Section 308.4.1.
decorative devices shall comply with all of the
following restrictions: 308.4.1 Gr oup R-2 dor mitories. Candles, incense and
similar open-flame-producing items shall not be
1. Class I and Class II liquids and LP-gas shall not
allowed in sleeping units in Group R-2 dormitory
be used.
2. Liquid or solid-fueled lighting devices containing
more than 235 ml of fuel must self-extinguish and
not leak fuel at a rate of more than 0.25 teaspoon SECTION 309 POWERED INDUSTRIAL
per minute (1.25 ml per minute if tipped over. TRUCKS AND EQUIPMENT
3. The device or holder shall be constructed to 309.1 General. Powered industrial trucks and similar
prevent the spillage of liquid fuel or wax at the equipment including, but not limited to, floor scrubbers
rate of more than 0.25 teaspoon per minute (1.25 and floor buffers, shall be operated and maintained in
ml per minute) when the device or holder is not accordance with Section 309.2 through 309.6.
in an upright position.
309.2 Battery chargers. Battery chargers shall be of
4. The device or holder shall be designed so that it an approved type. Combustible storage shall be kept not
will return to the upright position after being less than 900 mm from battery chargers. Battery
tilted to an angle of 45 degrees from vertical. charging shall not be conducted in areas accessible to
Exception: Devices that self-extinguish if tipped over the public.
and do not spill fuel or wax at the rate of more than 0.25
teaspoon per minute (1.25 ml per minute) if tipped over.
309.3 Ventilation. Ventilation shall be provided in an
5. The flame shall be enclosed except where approved manner in battery-charging areas to prevent a
openings on the side are not more than 9.5 mm dangerous accumulation of flammable gases.
diameter or where openings are on the top and the
distance to the top is such that a piece of tissue 309.4 Fire extinguishers. Battery-charging areas
paper placed on the top will not ignite in 10 shall be provided with a fire extinguisher complying
seconds. with Section 906 having a minimum 4-A:20-B:C rating
within 6 m of the battery charger.
6. Chimneys shall be made of noncombustible
materials and securely attached to the open-flame 309.5 Refueling. Powered industrial trucks using
device. liquid fuel, LP-gas or hydrogen shall be refueled outside
of buildings or in areas specifically approved for that
Exception: A chimney is not required to be attached to purpose. Fixed fuel dispensing equipment and
any open-flame device that will self extinguish if the associated fueling operations shall be in accordance
device is tipped over. with Chapter 23. Other fuel-dispensing equipment and
7. Fuel canisters shall be safely sealed for storage. operations, including cylinder exchange for LP-gas-
fueled vehicles, shall be in accordance with Chapter 57
8. Storage and handling of combustible liquids shall for flammable and combustible liquids or Chapter 61 for
be in accordance with Chapter 57. LP-gas.
9. Shades, where used, shall be made of 309.6 Repairs. Repairs to fuel systems, electrical
noncombustible materials and securely attached systems and repairs utilizing open flame or welding
to the open-flame device holder or chimney. shall be done in approved locations outside of buildings
10. Candelabras with flame-lighted candles shall be or in areas specifically approved for that purpose.
securely fastened in place to prevent overturning,
and shall be located away from occupants using
SBC 801-CR-18 70
SBC 801-CR-18 71
SBC 801-CR-18 72
SBC 801-CR-18 73
automatic sprinklers are installed under such eaves, 316.4 Obstructions on roofs. Wires, cables, ropes,
canopies or other projections or overhangs. antennas, or other suspended obstructions installed on
the roof of a building having a roof slope of less than 30
315.4.2 Height. Storage in the open shall not exceed
degrees shall not create an obstruction that is less than
6000 mm in height.
2100 mm high above the surface of the roof.
315.5 Storage underneath high-voltage
transmission lines. Storage located underneath high-
voltage transmission lines shall be in accordance with 1. Such obstruction shall be permitted where the
Section 316.6.2. wire, cable, rope, antenna or suspended
obstruction is encased in a white, 50 mm
315.6 Storage in plenums. Storage shall not be
minimum diameter plastic pipe or an approved
permitted in plenums. Abandoned material in plenums
shall be deemed to be storage and shall be removed.
Where located in plenums, the accessible portion of 2. Such obstruction shall be permitted where there is
abandoned cables that are not identified for future use a solid obstruction below such that accidentally
with a tag shall be deemed storage and shall be removed. walking into the wire, cable, rope, antenna or
suspended obstruction is not possible.
316.5 Security device. Any security device or system
SECTION 316 HAZARDS TO FIRE that emits any medium that could obscure a means of
FIGHTERS egress in any building, structure or premise shall be
316.1 Trapdoors to be closed. Trapdoors and scuttle prohibited.
covers, other than those that are within a dwelling unit 316.6 Structures and outdoor storage underneath
or automatically operated, shall be kept closed at all high voltage transmission lines. Structures and
times except when in use. outdoor storage underneath high-voltage transmission
316.2 Shaftway markings. Vertical shafts shall be lines shall comply with Sections 316.6.1 and 316.6.2,
identified as required by this section. respectively.
316.2.1 Exterior access to shaftways. Outside 316.6.1 Str uctur es. Structures shall not be constructed
openings accessible to the fire department (Civil within the utility easement beneath high-voltage
Defense) and that open directly on a hoistway or transmission lines.
shaftway communicating between two or more floors in Exception: Restrooms and unoccupied
a building shall be plainly marked with the word telecommunication structures of noncombustible
SHAFTWAY in red letters not less than 150 mm high construction less than 4500 mm in height.
on a white background. Such warning signs shall be
placed so as to be readily discernible from the outside 316.6.2 Outdoor stor age. Outdoor storage within the
of the building. utility easement underneath high-voltage transmission
lines shall be limited to noncombustible material.
316.2.2 Inter ior access to shaftways. Door or window Storage of hazardous materials including, but not
openings to a hoistway or shaftway from the interior of limited to, flammable and combustible liquids is
the building shall be plainly marked with the word prohibited.
SHAFTWAY in red letters not less than 150 mm high
on a white background. Such warning signs shall be Exception: Combustible storage, including vehicles
placed so as to be readily discernible. and fuel storage for backup power equipment serving
public utility equipment, is allowed, provided that a
Exception: Marking shall not be required on shaftway plan indicating the storage configuration is submitted
openings that are readily discernible as openings onto a and approved.
shaftway by the construction or arrangement.
316.3 Pitfalls. The intentional design or alteration of
buildings to disable, injure, maim or kill intruders is SECTION 317 ROOFTOP GARDENS AND
prohibited. A person shall not install and use firearms, LANDSCAPED ROOFS
sharp or pointed objects, razor wire, explosives,
317.1 General. Rooftop gardens and landscaped
flammable or combustible liquid containers, or
roofs shall be installed and maintained in accordance
dispensers containing highly toxic, toxic, irritant or
with Sections 317.2 through 317.5 and Sections 1505 and
other hazardous materials in a manner that could 1507.16 of the SBC 201.
passively or actively disable, injure, maim or kill a fire
fighter who forcibly enters a building for the purpose of 317.2 Rooftop garden or landscaped roof size.
controlling or extinguishing a fire, rescuing trapped Rooftop garden or landscaped roof areas shall not
occupants or rendering other emergency assistance. exceed 1450 m2 in size for any single area with a
maximum dimension of 39 m in length or width. A
SBC 801-CR-18 74
minimum 1.8 m wide clearance consisting of a Class A- SECTION 319 MOBILE FOOD
rated roof system complying with ASTM E 108 or UL
790 shall be provided between adjacent rooftop gardens PREPARATION VEHICLES
or landscaped roof areas.
319.1 General. Mobile food preparation vehicles that
317.3 Rooftop structure and equipment clearance. are equipped with appliances that produce
For all vegetated roofing systems abutting combustible smoke or grease-laden vapors shall comply
vertical surfaces, a Class A-rated roof system with this section.
complying with ASTM E108 or UL 790 shall be
achieved for a minimum 1800 mm wide continuous 319.2 Permit required. Permits shall be required as
border placed around rooftop structures and all rooftop set forth in Section 105.6.
equipment including, but not limited to, mechanical and 319.3 Exhaust hood. Cooking equipment that
machine rooms, penthouses, skylights, roof vents, solar produces grease-laden vapors shall be provided
panels, antenna supports and building service with a kitchen exhaust hood in accordance with
equipment. Section 607.
317.4 Vegetation. Vegetation shall be maintained in 319.4 Fire protection. Fire protection shall be
accordance with Sections 317.4.1 and 317.4.2. provided in accordance with Sections 319.4.1
317.4.1 Ir r igation. Supplemental irrigation shall be and 319.4.2.
provided to maintain levels of hydration necessary to 319.4.1 Fire protection for cooking equipment.
keep green roof plants alive and to keep dry foliage to a Cooking equipment shall be protected by
minimum. automatic fire extinguishing systems in
317.4.2 Dead foliage. Excess biomass, such as accordance with Section 904.12.
overgrown vegetation, leaves and other dead and 319.4.2 Fire extinguisher. Portable fire extinguishers
decaying material, shall be removed at regular intervals shall be provided in accordance with Section
not less than two times per year. 906.4.
317.4.3 Maintenance plan. The fire code official is 319.5 Appliance connection to fuel supply piping.
authorized to require a maintenance plan for vegetation Gas cooking appliances shall be secured in
placed on roofs due to the size of a roof garden, place and connected to fuel-supply piping with
materials used or where a fire hazard exists to the an appliance connector complying with ANSI
building or exposures due to the lack of maintenance. Z21.69/CSA 6.16. The connector installation
317.5 Maintenance equipment. Fueled equipment shall be configured in accordance with the
stored on roofs and used for the care and maintenance manufacturer’s installation instructions.
of vegetation on roofs shall be stored in accordance with Movement of appliances shall be limited by
Section 313. restraining devices installed in accordance with
the connector and appliance manufacturers’
SECTION 318 LAUNDRY CARTS 319.6 Cooking oil storage containers. Cooking oil
318.1 Laundry carts with a capacity of 0.75 m or 3 storage containers within mobile food
more. Laundry carts with an individual capacity of 0.75 preparation vehicles shall have a maximum
m3 or more, used in laundries within Group B, E, F-1, I, aggregate volume not more than 454 L, and
M and R-1 occupancies, shall be constructed of shall be stored in such a way as to not be
noncombustible materials or materials having a peak toppled or damaged during transport.
rate of heat release not exceeding 300 kW/m2 at a flux of 319.7 Cooking oil storage tanks. Cooking oil storage
50 kW/m2 where tested in a horizontal orientation in tanks within mobile food preparation vehicles
accordance with ASTM E1354. shall comply with Sections 319.7.1 through
Exceptions: 319.7.5.2.
1. Laundry carts in areas protected by an approved 319.7.1 Metallic storage tanks. Metallic cooking oil
automatic sprinkler system installed throughout storage tanks shall be listed in accordance with
in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1. UL 80 or UL 142, and shall be installed in
accordance with the tank manufacturer’s
2. Laundry carts in coin-operated laundries. instructions.
319.7.2 Nonmetallic storage tanks. Nonmetallic
cooking oil storage tanks shall be installed in
accordance with the tank manufacturer’s
SBC 801-CR-18 75
instructions and shall comply with both of the adequately protected to prevent tampering,
following: impact damage, and damage from vibration.
1. Tanks shall be listed for use with cooking oil, 319.8.5 LP-gas alarms. A listed LP-gas alarm shall be
including maximum temperature to which the installed within the vehicle in the vicinity of
tank will be exposed during use. LP-gas system components, in accordance with
the manufacturer’s instructions.
2. Tank capacity shall not exceed 757 L per tank.
319.9 CNG systems. Where CNG systems provide
319.7.3 Cooking oil storage system components.
fuel for cooking appliances, such systems shall
Metallic and nonmetallic cooking oil storage
comply with Sections 319.9.1 through 319.9.4.
system components shall include, but are not
limited to, piping, connections, fittings, valves, 319.9.1 CNG containers supplying only cooking fuel.
tubing, hose, pumps, vents and other related CNG containers installed solely to provide fuel
components used for the transfer of cooking oil. for cooking purposes shall be in accordance
with Sections 319.9.1.1 through 319.9.1.3.
319.7.4 Design criteria. The design, fabrication and
assembly of system components shall be 319.9.1.1 Maximum aggregate volume. The
suitable for the working pressures, maximum aggregate capacity of CNG
temperatures and structural stresses to be containers transported on the vehicle shall not
encountered by the components. exceed 590 kg water capacity.
319.7.5 Tank venting. Normal and emergency venting 319.9.1.2 Protection of container. CNG
shall be provided for cooking oil storage tanks. containers shall be securely mounted and
restrained to prevent movement. Containers
319.7.5.1 Normal vents. Normal vents shall be
shall not be installed in locations subject to a
located above the maximum normal liquid line,
direct vehicle impact.
and shall have a minimum effective area not
smaller than the largest filling or withdrawal 319.9.1.3 CNG container construction. CNG
connection. Normal vents are not required to containers shall be an NGV-2 cylinder.
vent to the exterior.
319.9.2 CNG containers supplying transportation
319.7.5.2 Emergency vents. Emergency relief
and cooking fuel. Where CNG containers and
vents shall be located above the maximum
systems are used to supply fuel for cooking
normal liquid line, and shall be in the form of a
purposes in addition to being used for
device or devices that will relieve excessive
transportation fuel, the installation shall be in
internal pressure caused by an exposure fire.
accordance with NFPA 52.
For nonmetallic tanks, the emergency relief
vent shall be allowed to be in the form of 319.9.3 Protection of system piping. CNG system
construction. Emergency vents are not required piping, including valves and fittings, shall be
to discharge to the exterior. adequately protected to prevent tampering,
impact damage and damage from vibration.
319.8 LP-gas systems. Where LP-gas systems
provide fuel for cooking appliances, such 319.9.4 Methane alarms. A listed methane gas alarm
systems shall comply with Chapter 61 and shall be installed within the vehicle in
Sections 319.8.1 through 319.8.5. accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.
319.8.1 Maximum aggregate volume. The maximum 319.10 Maintenance. Maintenance of systems on
aggregate capacity of LP-gas containers mobile food preparation vehicles shall be in
transported on the vehicle and used to fuel accordance with Sections 319.10.1 through
cooking appliances only shall not exceed 91 kg 319.10.3.
propane capacity. 319.10.1 Exhaust system. The exhaust system,
319.8.2 Protection of container. LP-gas containers including hood, grease-removal devices, fans,
installed on the vehicle shall be securely ducts and other appurtenances, shall be
mounted and restrained to prevent movement. inspected and cleaned in accordance with
Section 607.3.
319.8.3 LP-gas container construction. LP-gas
containers shall be manufactured in compliance 319.10.2 Fire protection systems and devices.
with the requirements of NFPA 58. Fire protection systems and devices shall be
maintained in accordance with Section 901.6.
319.8.4 Protection of system piping. LP-gas system
piping, including valves and fittings, shall be 319.10.3 Fuel gas systems. LP-gas containers
installed on the vehicle and fuel-gas piping
SBC 801-CR-18 76
systems shall be inspected annually by an not be used past their expiration date as listed
approved inspection agency to requalify LP-gas on the manufacturer’s container label. Upon
cylinders, to ensure that system components are satisfactory inspection, the approved inspection
free from damage, suitable for the intended agency shall affix a tag on the fuel gas system
service and not subject to leaking. CNG or within the vehicle indicating the name of the
containers shall be inspected every 3 years in a inspection agency and the date of satisfactory
qualified service facility. CNG containers shall inspection.
SBC 801-CR-18 77
SBC 801-CR-18 78
SBC 801-CR-18 79
403.2.2 Announcements. In theaters, motion shall be reviewed by the staff not less than every two
picture theaters, auditoriums and similar assembly months. A copy of the plan shall be readily
occupancies in Group A used for noncontinuous available at all times within the facility.
programs, an audible announcement shall be made
403.3.4 Emer gency evacuation dr ills. Emergency
not more than 10 minutes prior to the start of each
evacuation drills shall comply with Section 405.
program to notify the occupants of the location of
Emergency evacuation drills shall be conducted not
the exits to be used in the event of a fire or other
less than four times per year.
Exceptions: The movement of patients to safe areas
Exception: In motion picture theaters, the
or to the exterior of the building is not required.
announcement is allowed to be projected upon the
screen in a manner approved by the fire code 403.4 Group B occupancies. An approved fire
official. safety and evacuation plan in accordance with
Section 404 shall be prepared and maintained for
403.2.3 Fire watch personnel. Fire watch
buildings containing a Group B occupancy where
personnel shall be provided where required by
the Group B occupancy has an occupant load of 500
Section 403.12.1.
or more persons or more than 100 persons above or
403.2.4 Cr owd managers. Crowd managers shall below the lowest level of exit discharge and for
be provided where required by Section 403.12.3. buildings having an ambulatory care facility.
403.3 Ambulatory care facilities. Ambulatory 403.5 Group E occupancies. An approved fire
care facilities shall comply with the requirements of safety and evacuation plan in accordance with
Sections 403.3.1 through 403.3.3 as well as 401 and Section 404 shall be prepared and maintained for
404 through 406. Group E occupancies and for buildings containing
both a Group E occupancy and an atrium.
403.3.1 Fire evacuation plan. The fire safety and
evacuation plan required by Section 404 shall Group E occupancies shall comply with Sections
include a description of special staff actions. This 403.5.1 through 403.5.3.
shall include procedures for stabilizing patients in
403.5.1 First emer gency evacuation drill. The
a defend-in-place response, staged evacuation, or
first emergency evacuation drill of each school year
full evacuation in conjunction with the entire
shall be conducted within 10 days of the beginning
building if part of a multitenant facility.
of classes.
403.3.2 Fire safety plan. A copy of the plan shall 403.5.2 Time of day. Emergency evacuation drills
be maintained at the facility at all times. The plan shall be conducted at different hours of the day or
shall include all of the following in addition to the evening, during the changing of classes, when the
requirements of Section 404: school is at assembly, during the recess or
1. Locations of patients who are rendered gymnastic periods, or during other times to avoid
incapable of self-preservation. distinction between drills and actual fires.
2. Maximum number of patients rendered 403.5.3 Assembly points. Outdoor assembly areas
incapable of self-preservation. shall be designated and shall be located a safe
distance from the building being evacuated so as to
3. Area and extent of each ambulatory care
avoid interference with fire department (Civil
Defense) operations. The assembly areas shall be
4. Location of adjacent smoke compartments or arranged to keep each class separate to provide
refuge areas, where required. accountability of all individuals.
5. Path of travel to adjacent smoke 403.6 Group F occupancies. An approved fire
compartments. safety and evacuation plan in accordance with
Section 404 shall be prepared and maintained for
6. Location of any special locking, delayed
buildings containing a Group F occupancy where
egress or access control arrangements.
the Group F occupancy has an occupant load of 500
403.3.3 Staff tr aining. Employees shall be or more persons or more than 100 persons above or
periodically instructed and kept informed of their below the lowest level of exit discharge.
duties and responsibilities under the plan. Records
403.7 Group H occupancies. An approved fire
of instruction shall be maintained. Such instruction
safety and evacuation plan in accordance with
SBC 801-CR-18 80
Section 404 shall be prepared and maintained for addition to the requirements of Section 404, plans
Group H occupancies. in Group I-1 Condition 2 occupancies shall include
procedures for evacuation through a refuge area in
403.7.1 Gr oup H-5 occupancies. Group H-5
an adjacent smoke compartment and then to an
occupancies shall comply with Sections 403.7.1.1
exterior assembly point.
through 403.7.1.4.
403. Fire safety plans. A copy of the
403.7.1.1 Plans and diagrams. In addition
fire safety plan shall be maintained at the facility at
to the requirements of Section 404 and Section
all times. Plans shall include the following in
407.6, plans and diagrams shall be maintained in
addition to the requirements of Section 404:
approved locations indicating the approximate plan
for each area, the amount and type of HPM stored, 1. Location and number of resident sleeping
handled and used, locations of shutoff valves for rooms.
HPM supply piping, emergency telephone locations
2. Location of special locking or egress control
and locations of exits.
403.7.1.2 Plan updating. The plans and
403.8.1.2 Employee training. Employees
diagrams required by Sections 404, 403.7.1.1 and
shall be periodically instructed and kept informed
407.6 shall be maintained up to date and the fire
of their duties and responsibilities under the plan.
code official and fire department (Civil Defense)
Such instruction shall be reviewed by employees at
shall be informed of major changes.
intervals not exceeding two months. A copy of the
403.7.1.3 Emergency response team. plan shall be readily available at all times within the
Responsible persons shall be designated as an on- facility.
site emergency response team and trained to be
403.8.1.3 Resident training. Residents
liaison personnel for the fire department. These
capable of assisting in their own evacuation shall be
persons shall aid the fire department (Civil
trained in the proper actions to take in the event of
Defense) in preplanning emergency responses,
a fire. In Group I-1 Condition 2 occupancies,
identifying locations where HPM is stored, handled
training shall include evacuation through an
and used, and be familiar with the chemical nature
adjacent smoke compartment and then to an
of such material. An adequate number of personnel
exterior assembly point. The training shall include
for each work shift shall be designated.
actions to take if the primary escape route is
403.7.1.4 Emergency drills. Emergency blocked. Where the resident is given rehabilitation
drills of the on-site emergency response team shall or habilitation training, methods of fire prevention
be conducted on a regular basis but not less than and actions to take in the event of a fire shall be a
once every three months. Records of drills part of the rehabilitation training program.
conducted shall be maintained. Residents shall be trained to assist each other in case
of fire to the extent their physical and mental
403.8 Group I occupancies. An approved fire
abilities permit them to do so without additional
safety and evacuation plan in accordance with
personal risk.
Section 404 shall be prepared and maintained for
Group I occupancies. Group I occupancies shall 403.8.1.4 Drill frequency. In addition to the
comply with Sections 403.8.1 through 403.8.3.4. evacuation drills required in Section 405.2,
employees shall participate in drills an additional
403.8.1 Gr oup I-1 occupancies. Group I-1
two times a year on each shift. Twelve drills with
occupancies shall comply with Sections 403.8.1.1
all occupants shall be conducted in the first year of
through 403.8.1.7.
operation. Drills are not required to comply with the
403.8.1.1 Fire safety and evacuation plan. time requirements of Section 405.4.
The fire safety and evacuation plan required by
403.8.1.5 Drill times. Drill times are not
Section 404 shall include special employee actions,
required to comply with Section 405.4.
including fire protection procedures necessary for
residents, and shall be amended or revised upon 403.8.1.6 Resident participation in drills.
admission of any resident with unusual needs. Emergency evacuation drills shall involve the actual
evacuation of residents to a selected assembly point
403. Fire evacuation plan. The fire
and shall provide residents with experience in
evacuation plan required by Section 404 shall
exiting through all required exits. All required exits
include a description of special staff actions. In
shall be used during emergency evacuation drills.
SBC 801-CR-18 81
SBC 801-CR-18 82
occupancies shall comply with Sections 403.10.1.1 accessible to residents, including fire alarm
through 403.10.1.3. systems, smoke alarms and portable fire
extinguishers. Guides shall include an emergency
403.10.1.1 Evacuation diagrams. A diagram
evacuation plan for each dwelling unit.
depicting two evacuation routes shall be posted on
or immediately adjacent to every required egress 403. Emergency guide maintenance.
door from each hotel or motel sleeping unit. Emergency guides shall be reviewed and approved
by the fire code official.
403.10.1.2 Emergency duties. Upon
discovery of a fire or suspected fire, hotel and motel 403.10.2.3 Evacuation diagrams for
employees shall perform the following duties: dormitories. A diagram depicting two evacuation
routes shall be posted on or immediately adjacent to
1. Activate the fire alarm system, where
every required egress door from each dormitory
sleeping unit. Evacuation diagrams shall be
2. Notify the public fire department. reviewed and updated as needed to maintain
3. Take other action as previously instructed. accuracy.
403.10.2 Gr oup R-2 occupancies. Group 403.10.3.1 Fire safety and evacuation plan.
R-2 occupancies shall comply with Sections The fire safety and evacuation plan required by
403.10.2.1 through 403.10.2.3. Section 404 shall include special employee actions,
including fire protection procedures necessary for
403.10.2.1 College and university buildings. residents, and shall be amended or revised upon
An approved fire safety and evacuation plan in admission of a resident with unusual needs.
accordance with Section 404 shall be prepared and
maintained for Group R-2 college and university 403. Fire safety plans. A copy of the
buildings. Group R-2 college and university plan shall be maintained at the facility at all times.
buildings shall comply with Sections 403. Plans shall include the following in addition to the
and 403. requirements of Section 404:
403. First emergency evacuation drill. 1. Location and number of resident sleeping
The first emergency evacuation drill of each school rooms.
year shall be conducted within 10 days of the 2. Location of special locking or egress control
beginning of classes. arrangements.
403. Time of day. Emergency 403.10.3.2 Employee training. Employees
evacuation drills shall be conducted at different shall be periodically instructed and kept informed
hours of the day or evening, during the changing of of their duties and responsibilities under the plan.
classes, when school is at assembly, during recess Records of instruction shall be maintained. Such
or gymnastic periods or during other times to avoid instruction shall be reviewed by employees at
distinction between drills and actual fires. One intervals not exceeding two months. A copy of the
required drill shall be held during hours after sunset plan shall be readily available at all times within the
or before sunrise. facility.
403.10.2.2 Emergency guide. Fire 403.10.3.3 Resident training. Residents
emergency guides shall be provided for Group R-2 capable of assisting in their own evacuation shall be
occupancies. Guide contents, maintenance and trained in the proper actions to take in the event of a
distribution shall comply with Sections fire. The training shall include actions to take if the
403. through 403. primary escape route is blocked. Where the resident
403. Guide contents. A fire emergency is given rehabilitation or habilitation training,
guide shall describe the location, function and use methods of fire prevention and actions to take in the
of fire protection equipment and appliances event of a fire shall be a part of the rehabilitation
SBC 801-CR-18 83
training program. Residents shall be trained to assist 3.3. Smoke management system controls.
each other in case of fire to the extent their physical
3.4. Elevators, elevator machine rooms
and mental abilities permit them to do so without
and controls.
additional personal risk.
3.5. Hose valve outlets.
403.10.3.4 Drill frequency. In addition to the
evacuation drills required in Section 405.2, 3.6. Sprinkler and standpipe control
employees shall participate in drills an additional valves.
two times a year on each shift. Twelve drills with 3.7. Automatic fire-extinguishing system
all occupants shall be conducted in the first year of areas.
3.8. Automatic fire detector zones.
403.10.3.5 Drill times. Drill times are not
required to comply with Section 405.4. 3.9. Fire barriers.
403.10.3.6 Resident participation in drills. 403.11.1.3 Lease plan approval. The lease
Emergency evacuation drills shall involve the plan shall be submitted to the fire code official for
actual evacuation of residents to a selected approval, and shall be maintained on site for
assembly point and shall provide residents with immediate reference by responding fire service
experience in exiting through all required exits. All personnel.
required exits shall be used during emergency 403.11.1.4 Lease plan revisions. The lease
evacuation drills. plans shall be revised annually or as often as
Exception: Actual exiting from emergency escape necessary to keep them current. Modifications or
and rescue windows shall not be required. Opening changes in tenants or occupancies shall not be made
the emergency escape and rescue window and without prior approval of the fire code official and
signaling for help shall be an acceptable alternative. building official.
403.11 Special uses. Special uses shall be in 403.11.1.5 Tenant identification. Tenant
accordance with Sections 403.11.1 through identification shall be provided for secondary exits
403.11.4. from occupied tenant spaces that lead to an exit
corridor or directly to the exterior of the building.
403.11.1 Covered and open mall Tenant identification shall be posted on the exterior
buildings. Covered and open mall buildings shall side of the exit or exit access door and shall identify
comply with the requirements of Sections the business name and address using plainly legible
403.11.1.1 through 403.11.1.6. letters and numbers that contrast with their
403.11.1.1 Malls and mall buildings background.
exceeding 4650 m2. An approved fire safety and Exception: Tenant identification is not required for
evacuation plan in accordance with Section 404 anchor stores.
shall be prepared and maintained for covered malls
exceeding 4650 m2 in aggregate floor area and for 403.11.1.6 Unoccupied tenant spaces. The
open mall buildings exceeding 4650 m2 in fire safety and evacuation plan shall provide for
aggregate area within the perimeter line. compliance with the requirements for unoccupied
tenant spaces in Section 311.
403.11.1.2 Lease plan. In addition to the
requirements of Section 404.2.2, a lease plan that 403.11.2 High-r ise buildings. An approved
includes the following information shall be fire safety and evacuation plan in accordance with
prepared for each covered and open mall building: Section 404 shall be prepared and maintained for
high-rise buildings.
1. Each occupancy, including identification of
tenant. 403.11.3 Under gr ound buildings. An
approved fire safety and evacuation plan in
2. Exits from each tenant space. accordance with Section 404 shall be prepared and
3. Fire protection features, including the maintained for underground buildings.
following: 403.11.4 Buildings using occupant
3.1. Fire department connections. evacuation elevators. In buildings using occupant
evacuation elevators in accordance with Section
3.2. Fire command center.
3008 of the SBC 201, the fire safety and evacuation
SBC 801-CR-18 84
plan and the training required by Sections 404 and 7. Vendor and food concession distribution.
406, respectively, shall incorporate specific
8. The need for the presence of law enforcement.
procedures for the occupants using such elevators.
9. The need for fire and emergency medical services
403.12 Special requirements for public safety. personnel.
Special requirements for public safety shall be in
accordance with Sections 403.12.1 through 403.12.3 Cr owd managers for gatherings
403.12.3.3. exceeding 1,000 people. Where facilities or events
involve a gathering of more than 1,000 people,
403.12.1 Fire watch personnel. Where, in crowd managers shall be provided in accordance
the opinion of the fire code official, it is essential with Sections 403.12.3.1 through 403.12.3.3.
for public safety in a place of assembly or any other
place where people congregate, because of the 403.12.3.1 Number of crowd managers. The
number of persons, or the nature of the minimum number of crowd managers shall be
performance, exhibition, display, contest or established at a ratio of one crowd manager for
activity, the owner, agent or lessee shall provide one every 250 persons.
or more fire watch personnel, as required and Exception: Where approved by the fire code
approved. Fire watch personnel shall comply with official, the number of crowd managers shall be
Sections 403.12.1.1 and 403.12.1.2. permitted to be reduced where the facility is
403.12.1.1 Duty times. Fire watch personnel equipped throughout with an approved automatic
shall remain on duty while places requiring a fire sprinkler system or based upon the nature of the
watch are open to the public, or when an activity event.
requiring a fire watch is being conducted. 403.12.3.2 Training. Training for crowd
403.12.1.2 Duties. On-duty fire watch managers shall be approved.
personnel shall have the following responsibilities: 403.12.3.3 Duties. The duties of crowd
1. Keep diligent watch for fires, obstructions to managers shall include, but not be limited to:
means of egress and other hazards. 1. Conduct an inspection of the area of
2. Take prompt measures for remediation of responsibility and identify and address any
hazards and extinguishment of fires that egress barriers.
occur. 2. Conduct an inspection of the area of
3. Take prompt measures to assist in the responsibility to identify and mitigate any
evacuation of the public from the structures. fire hazards.
403.12.2 Public safety plan for gather ings. 3. Verify compliance with all permit conditions,
Where the fire code official determines that an including those governing pyrotechnics and
indoor or outdoor gathering of persons has an other special effects.
adverse impact on public safety through diminished 4. Direct and assist the event attendees in
access to buildings, structures, fire hydrants and fire evacuation during an emergency.
apparatus access roads or where such gatherings
adversely affect public safety services of any kind, 5. Assist emergency response personnel where
the fire code official shall have the authority to requested.
order the development of or prescribe a public 6. Other duties required by the fire code official.
safety plan that provides an approved level of
public safety and addresses the following items: 7. Other duties as specified in the fire safety
1. Emergency vehicle ingress and egress.
2. Fire protection.
3. Emergency egress or escape routes. EVACUATION AND LOCKDOWN
4. Emergency medical services. PLANS
5. Public assembly areas. 404.1 General. Where required by Section 403,
6. The directing of both attendees and vehicles, fire safety, evacuation and lockdown plans shall
including the parking of vehicles. comply with Sections 404.2 through 404.4.1.
SBC 801-CR-18 85
404.2 Contents. Fire safety and evacuation plan 2.2. Procedures for occupants under a
contents shall be in accordance with Sections defend-in-place response.
404.2.1 and 404.2.2.
2.3. Procedures for evacuating occupants,
404.2.1 Fire evacuation plans. Fire evacuation including those who need evacuation
plans shall include the following: assistance.
1. Emergency egress or escape routes and 3. Site plans indicating the following:
whether evacuation of the building is to be
3.1. The occupancy assembly point.
complete by selected floors or areas only or
with a defend-in-place response. 3.2. The locations of fire hydrants.
2. Procedures for employees who must remain 3.3. The normal routes of fire department
to operate critical equipment before (Civil Defense) vehicle access.
evacuating. 4. Floor plans identifying the locations of the
3. Procedures for the use of elevators to evacuate following:
the building where occupant evacuation
4.1. Exits.
elevators complying with Section 3008 of the
SBC 201 are provided. 4.2. Primary evacuation routes.
4. Procedures for assisted rescue for persons 4.3. Secondary evacuation routes.
unable to use the general means of egress 4.4. Accessible egress routes.
4.4.1 Areas of refuge.
5. Procedures for accounting for employees and
occupants after evacuation has been 4.4.2 Exterior areas for assisted
completed. rescue.
6. Identification and assignment of personnel 4.5. Refuge areas associated with smoke
responsible for rescue or emergency medical barriers and horizontal exits.
aid. 4.6. Manual fire alarm boxes.
7. The preferred and any alternative means of 4.7. Portable fire extinguishers.
notifying occupants of a fire or emergency.
4.8. Occupant-use hose stations.
8. The preferred and any alternative means of
reporting fires and other emergencies to the 4.9. Fire alarm annunciators and controls.
fire department (Civil Defense) or designated
emergency response organization. 5. A list of major fire hazards associated with the
9. Identification and assignment of personnel normal use and occupancy of the premises,
who can be contacted for further information including maintenance and housekeeping
or explanation of duties under the plan. procedures.
10. A description of the emergency voice/alarm 6. Identification and assignment of personnel
communication system alert tone and responsible for maintenance of systems and
preprogrammed voice messages, where equipment installed to prevent or control
provided. fires.
404.2.2 Fire safety plans. Fire safety plans shall 7. Identification and assignment of personnel
include the following: responsible for maintenance, housekeeping
and controlling fuel hazard sources.
1. The procedure for reporting a fire or other
emergency. 404.2.3 Lockdown plans. Where facilities develop
a lockdown plan, it shall be in accordance with
2. The life safety strategy including the Sections 404.2.3.1 through 404.2.3.3.
404.2.3.1 Lockdown plan contents.
2.1. Procedures for notifying occupants, Lockdown plans shall be approved by the fire code
including areas with a private mode alarm official and shall include the following:
SBC 801-CR-18 86
1. Initiation. The plan shall include instructions 405.2 Frequency. Required emergency
for reporting an emergency that requires a evacuation drills shall be held at the intervals
lockdown. specified in Table 405.2 or more frequently where
necessary to familiarize all occupants with the drill
2. Accountability. The plan shall include
accountability procedures for staff to report
the presence or absence of occupants. 405.3 Leadership. Responsibility for the
planning and conduct of drills shall be assigned to
3. Recall. The plan shall include a prearranged
competent persons designated to exercise
signal for returning to normal activity.
4. Communication and coordination. The plan
405.4 Time. Drills shall be held at unexpected
shall include an approved means of two-way
times and under varying conditions to simulate the
communication between a central location
unusual conditions that occur in case of fire.
and each secured area.
405.5 Record keeping. Records shall be
404.2.3.2 Training frequency. The training
maintained of required emergency evacuation drills
frequency shall be included in the lockdown plan.
and include the following information:
The lockdown drills shall not substitute for any of
the fire and evacuation drills required in Section 1. Identity of the person conducting the drill.
2. Date and time of the drill.
404.2.3.3 Lockdown notification. The
3. Notification method used.
method of notifying building occupants of a
lockdown shall be included in the plan. The method 4. Employees on duty and participating.
of notification shall be separate and distinct from the 5. Number of occupants evacuated.
fire alarm signal.
6. Special conditions simulated.
404.3 Maintenance. Fire safety and evacuation
plans shall be reviewed or updated annually or as 7. Problems encountered.
necessitated by changes in staff assignments, 8. Weather conditions when occupants were
occupancy or the physical arrangement of the evacuated.
9. Time required to accomplish complete
404.4 Availability. Fire safety and evacuation evacuation.
plans shall be available in the workplace for
reference and review by employees, and copies 405.6 Notification. Where required by the fire
shall be furnished to the fire code official for review code official, prior notification of emergency
upon request. evacuation drills shall be given to the fire code
404.4.1 Distribution. The fire safety and
evacuation plans shall be distributed to the tenants 405.7 Initiation. Where a fire alarm system is
and building service employees by the owner or provided, emergency evacuation drills shall be
owner’s agent. Tenants shall distribute to their initiated by activating the fire alarm system.
employees applicable parts of the fire safety plan 405.8 Accountability. As building occupants
affecting the employees’ actions in the event of a arrive at the assembly point, efforts shall be made to
fire or other emergency. determine if all occupants have been successfully
evacuated or have been accounted for.
SECTION 405 EMERGENCY 405.9 Recall and reentry. An electrically or
EVACUATION DRILLS mechanically operated signal used to recall
occupants after an evacuation shall be separate and
405.1 General. Emergency evacuation drills distinct from the signal used to initiate the
complying with Sections 405.2 through 405.9 shall evacuation. The recall signal initiation means shall
be conducted not less than annually where fire be manually operated and under the control of the
safety and evacuation plans are required by Section person in charge of the premises or the official in
403 or where required by the fire code official. charge of the incident. Persons shall not reenter the
Drills shall be designed in cooperation with the premises until authorized to do so by the official in
local authorities. charge.
SBC 801-CR-18 87
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SBC 801-CR-18 90
Part III—Building and
Equipment Design
SBC 801-CR-18 91
SBC 801-CR-18 92
piled combustible storage shall comply with the by the fire code official based on the fire
applicable provisions of Chapter 32. department’s apparatus.
503.2 Specifications. Fire apparatus access roads 503.3 Marking. Where required by the fire code
shall be installed and arranged in accordance with official, approved signs or other approved notices
Sections 503.2.1 through 503.2.8. or markings that include the words NO
PARKING—FIRE LANE shall be provided for fire
503.2.1 Dimensions. Fire apparatus access roads
apparatus access roads to identify such roads or
shall have an unobstructed width of not less than 6
prohibit the obstruction thereof. The means by
m, exclusive of shoulders, except for approved
which fire lanes are designated shall be maintained
security gates in accordance with Section 503.6,
in a clean and legible condition at all times and be
and an unobstructed vertical clearance of not less
replaced or repaired when necessary to provide
than 4 m.
adequate visibility.
503.2.2 Authority. The fire code official shall have
503.4 Obstruction of fire apparatus access
the authority to require or permit modifications to
roads. Fire apparatus access roads shall not be
the required access widths where they are
obstructed in any manner, including the parking of
inadequate for fire or rescue operations or where
vehicles. The minimum widths and clearances
necessary to meet the public safety objectives of the
established in Sections 503.2.1 and 503.2.2 shall be
maintained at all times.
503.2.3 Sur face. Fire apparatus access roads shall
503.4.1 Tr affic calming devices. Traffic calming
be designed and maintained to support the imposed
devices shall be prohibited unless approved by the
loads of fire apparatus and shall be surfaced so as to
fire code official.
provide all-weather driving capabilities.
503.5 Required gates or barricades. The fire
503.2.4 Tur ning radius. The required turning
code official is authorized to require the installation
radius of a fire apparatus access road shall be
and maintenance of gates or other approved
determined by the fire code official.
barricades across fire apparatus access roads, trails
503.2.5 Dead ends. Dead-end fire apparatus access or other access ways, not including public streets,
roads in excess of 45 m in length shall be provided alleys or highways. Electric gate operators, where
with an approved area for turning around fire provided, shall be listed in accordance with UL 325.
apparatus. Gates intended for automatic operation shall be
503.2.6 Bridges and elevated surfaces. Where a designed, constructed and installed to comply with
bridge or an elevated surface is part of a fire the requirements of ASTM F2200.
apparatus access road, the bridge shall be 503.5.1 Secured gates and bar ricades. Where
constructed and maintained in accordance with required, gates and barricades shall be secured in an
AASHTO HB-17. Bridges and elevated surfaces approved manner. Roads, trails and other access
shall be designed for a live load sufficient to carry ways that have been closed and obstructed in the
the imposed loads of fire apparatus. Vehicle load manner prescribed by Section 503.5 shall not be
limits shall be posted at both entrances to bridges trespassed on or used unless authorized by the
where required by the fire code official. Where owner and the fire code official.
elevated surfaces designed for emergency vehicle
Exception: The restriction on use shall not apply to
use are adjacent to surfaces that are not designed for
public officers acting within the scope of duty.
such use, approved barriers, approved signs or both
shall be installed and maintained where required by 503.6 Security gates. The installation of security
the fire code official. gates across a fire apparatus access road shall be
approved by the fire chief. Where security gates are
503.2.7 Gr ade. The grade of the fire apparatus
installed, they shall have an approved means of
access road shall be within the limits established by
emergency operation. The security gates and the
the fire code official based on the fire department’s
emergency operation shall be maintained
operational at all times. Electric gate operators,
503.2.8 Angles of appr oach and depar tur e. The where provided, shall be listed in accordance with
angles of approach and departure for fire apparatus UL 325. Gates intended for automatic operation
access roads shall be within the limits established shall be designed, constructed and installed to
comply with the requirements of ASTM F2200.
SBC 801-CR-18 93
SBC 801-CR-18 94
access tools, keys and information pertinent 507.5 Fire hydrant systems. Fire hydrant
to emergency planning or elevator access systems shall comply with Sections 507.5.1 through
shall be permitted where authorized by the 507.5.6.
fire code official.
507.5.1 Where required. Where a portion of the
6. In buildings with two or more elevator banks, facility or building hereafter constructed or moved
a single key box shall be permitted to be used into or within the jurisdiction is more than 120 m
where such elevator banks are separated by from a hydrant on a fire apparatus access road, as
not more than 9 m. Additional key boxes measured by an approved route around the exterior
shall be provided for each individual elevator of the facility or building, on-site fire hydrants and
or elevator bank separated by more than 9 m. mains shall be provided where required by the fire
code official.
Exception: A single key box shall be permitted to
be located adjacent to a fire command center or the Exceptions:
non-standard fire service elevator key shall be
1. For Group R-3 and Group U occupancies, the
permitted to be secured in a key box used for other
distance requirement shall be 180 m.
purposes and located in accordance with Section
506.1. 2. For buildings equipped throughout with an
approved automatic sprinkler system
506.2 Key box maintenance. The operator of the
installed in accordance with Section
building shall immediately notify the fire code
903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2, the distance
official and provide the new key where a lock is
requirement shall be 180 m.
changed or rekeyed. The key to such lock shall be
secured in the key box. 507.5.1.1 Hydrant for standpipe systems.
Buildings equipped with a standpipe system
installed in accordance with Section 905 shall have
SECTION 507 FIRE PROTECTION a fire hydrant within 30 m of the fire department
WATER SUPPLIES (Civil Defense) connections.
507.1 Required water supply. An approved Exception: The distance shall be permitted to
water supply capable of supplying the required fire exceed 30 m where approved by the fire code
flow for fire protection shall be provided to official.
premises upon which facilities, buildings or 507.5.2 Inspection, testing and maintenance. Fire
portions of buildings are hereafter constructed or hydrant systems shall be subject to periodic tests as
moved into or within the jurisdiction. required by the fire code official. Fire hydrant
507.2 Type of water supply. A water supply systems shall be maintained in an operative
shall consist of reservoirs, pressure tanks, elevated condition at all times and shall be repaired where
tanks, water mains or other fixed systems capable defective. Additions, repairs, alterations and
of providing the required fire flow. servicing shall comply with approved standards.
Records of tests and required maintenance shall be
507.2.1 Pr ivate fire service mains. Private fire maintained.
service mains and appurtenances shall be installed
in accordance with NFPA 24. 507.5.3 Pr ivate fire service mains and water
tanks. Private fire service mains and water tanks
507.2.2 Water tanks. Water tanks for private fire shall be periodically inspected, tested and
protection shall be installed in accordance with maintained in accordance with NFPA 25 at the
NFPA 22. following intervals:
507.3 Fire flow. Fire flow requirements for 1. Private fire hydrants of all types: Inspection
buildings or portions of buildings and facilities shall annually and after each operation; flow test
be determined by an approved method. and maintenance annually.
507.4 Water supply test. The fire code official 2. Fire service main piping: Inspection of
shall be notified prior to the water supply test. exposed, annually; flow test every 5 years.
Water supply tests shall be witnessed by the fire
code official or approved documentation of the test 3. Fire service main piping strainers: Inspection
shall be provided to the fire code official prior to and maintenance after each use.
final approval of the water supply system. Records of inspections, testing and maintenance
SBC 801-CR-18 95
SBC 801-CR-18 96
construction including but not limited to SECTION 509 FIRE PROTECTION AND
floors, walls, columns and roof assembly; UTILITY EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION
14.4. Exit access stairway and exit AND ACCESS
stairway information that includes: 509.1 Identification. Fire protection equipment
number of exit access stairways and exit shall be identified in an approved manner. Rooms
stairways in building; each exit access containing controls for air-conditioning systems,
stairway and exit stairway designation sprinkler risers and valves, or other fire detection,
and floors served; location where each suppression or control elements shall be identified
exit access stairway and exit stairway for the use of the fire department. Approved signs
discharges, interior exit stairways that are required to identify fire protection equipment and
pressurized; exit stairways provided with equipment location shall be constructed of durable
emergency lighting; each exit stairway materials, permanently installed and readily visible.
that allows reentry; exit stairways
providing roof access; elevator 509.1.1 Utility identification. Where required by
information that includes: number of the fire code official, gas shutoff valves, electric
elevator banks, elevator bank designation, meters, service switches and other utility equipment
elevator car numbers and respective shall be clearly and legibly marked to identify the
floors that they serve; location of elevator unit or space that it serves. Identification shall be
machine rooms, control rooms and made in an approved manner, readily visible and
control spaces; location of sky lobby; and shall be maintained.
location of freight elevator banks; 509.2 Equipment access. Approved access shall
14.5. Building services and system be provided and maintained for all fire protection
information that includes: location of equipment to permit immediate safe operation and
mechanical rooms, location of building maintenance of such equipment. Storage, trash and
management system, location and other materials or objects shall not be placed or kept
capacity of all fuel oil tanks, location of in such a manner that would prevent such
emergency generator and location of equipment from being readily accessible.
natural gas service;
14.6. Fire protection system information SECTION 510 EMERGENCY
that includes: location of standpipes,
location of fire pump room, location of
Civil Defense connections, floors 510.1 Emergency responder radio coverage in
protected by automatic sprinklers and new buildings. All new buildings shall have
location of different types of automatic approved radio coverage for emergency responders
sprinkler systems installed including but within the building based upon the existing
not limited to dry, wet and pre-action; coverage levels of the public safety communication
systems of the jurisdiction at the exterior of the
14.7. Hazardous material information that
building. This section shall not require
includes: location and quantity of
improvement of the existing public safety
hazardous material.
communication systems.
15. Work table.
16. Generator supervision devices, manual start
1. Where approved by the building official and
and transfer features. the fire code official, a wired communication
17. Public address system, where specifically system in accordance with Section
required by other sections of this code. 907.2.13.2 shall be permitted to be installed
or maintained instead of an approved radio
18. Elevator fire recall switch in accordance
coverage system.
with ASME A17.1.
2. Where it is determined by the fire code
19. Elevator emergency or standby power
official that the radio coverage system is not
selector switch(es), where emergency or
standby power is provided.
SBC 801-CR-18 97
3. In facilities where emergency responder radio specific technical information and requirements
coverage is required and such systems, for the emergency responder radio coverage
components or equipment required could system. This document shall contain, but not be
have a negative impact on the normal limited to, the various frequencies required, the
operations of that facility, the fire code location of radio sites, effective radiated power of
official shall have the authority to accept an radio sites, and other supporting technical
automatically activated emergency information.
responder radio coverage system.
510.4.2.3 Standby power. Emergency
510.2 Emergency responder radio coverage in responder radio coverage systems shall be provided
existing buildings. Existing buildings shall be with standby power in accordance with Section 604.
provided with approved radio coverage for The standby power supply shall be capable of
emergency responders as required in Chapter 11. operating the emergency responder radio coverage
system for a duration of not less than 24 hours.
510.3 Permit required. A construction permit
for the installation of or modification to emergency 510.4.2.4 Signal booster requirements. If
responder radio coverage systems and related used, signal boosters shall meet the following
equipment is required as specified in Section requirements:
105.7.5. Maintenance performed in accordance
1. All signal booster components shall be
with this code is not considered a modification and
contained in a National Electrical
does not require a permit.
Manufacturer’s Association (NEMA) 4-type
510.4 Technical requirements. Systems, waterproof cabinet.
components and equipment required to provide the
2. Battery systems used for the emergency
emergency responder radio coverage system shall
power source shall be contained in a NEMA
comply with Sections 510.4.1 through 510.4.2.5.
4-type waterproof cabinet.
510.4.1 Radio signal strength. The building shall
3. The signal booster system and battery system
be considered to have acceptable emergency
shall be electrically supervised and
responder radio coverage when signal strength
monitored by a supervisory service, or when
measurements in 95 percent of all areas on each
approved by the fire code official, shall
floor of the building meet the signal strength
sound an audible signal at a constantly
requirements in Sections 510.4.1.1 and 510.4.1.2.
attended location.
510.4.1.1 Minimum signal strength into
510.4.2.5 Additional frequencies and
the building. A minimum signal strength of -95
change of frequencies. The emergency responder
dBm shall be receivable within the building.
radio coverage system shall be capable of
510.4.1.2 Minimum signal strength out of modification or expansion in the event frequency
the building. A minimum signal strength of -95 changes are required by the FCC or additional
dBm shall be received by the agency’s radio system frequencies are made available by the FCC.
when transmitted from within the building.
510.5 Installation requirements. The
510.4.2 System design. The emergency responder installation of the public safety radio coverage
radio coverage system shall be designed in system shall be in accordance with Sections 510.5.1
accordance with Sections 510.4.2.1 through through 510.5.4.
510.5.1 Appr oval prior to installation.
510.4.2.1 Amplification systems allowed. Amplification systems capable of operating on
Buildings and structures that cannot support the frequencies licensed to any public safety agency by
required level of radio coverage shall be equipped the FCC shall not be installed without prior
with a radiating cable system, a distributed antenna coordination and approval of the fire code official.
system with government Communications
510.5.2 Minimum qualifications of personnel.
Commission-certified signal boosters, or other
The minimum qualifications of the system designer
system approved by the fire code official in order to
and lead installation personnel shall include both of
achieve the required adequate radio coverage.
the following:
510.4.2.2 Technical criteria. The fire code
1. A valid FCC-issued general radio operator’s
official shall maintain a document providing the
SBC 801-CR-18 98
SBC 801-CR-18 99
operator in the proper operation of the equipment. 603.3.2.2 Restricted use and connection.
The installer shall furnish the owner or operator Tanks installed in accordance with Section 603.3.2
with the name and telephone number of persons to shall be used only to supply fuel oil to fuel-burning
contact for technical information or assistance and or generator equipment installed in accordance with
routine or emergency services. Section 603.3.2.4. Connections between tanks and
equipment supplied by such tanks shall be made
603.1.7 Clear ances. Working clearances between
using closed piping systems.
oil-fired appliances and electrical panel boards and
equipment shall be in accordance with SBC 401. 603.3.2.3 Applicability of maximum
Clearances between oil-fired equipment and oil allowable quantity and control area
supply tanks shall be in accordance with NFPA 31. requirements. The quantity of combustible liquid
stored in tanks complying with Section 603.3.2
603.2 Chimneys. Masonry chimneys shall be
shall not be counted towards the maximum
constructed in accordance with the SBC 201/SBC
allowable quantity set forth in Table 5003.1.1(1),
305. Factory built chimneys shall be installed in
and such tanks shall not be required to be located in
accordance with the SBC 501. Metal chimneys shall
a control area.
be constructed and installed in accordance with
NFPA 211. 603.3.2.4 Installation. Tanks and piping
systems shall be installed and separated from other
603.3 Fuel oil storage systems. Fuel oil storage
uses in accordance with Section 915 and Chapter
systems shall be installed in accordance with these
13, both of the SBC 501, as applicable.
code requirements. Fuel-oil piping systems shall be
installed in accordance with the SBC 501. Exception: Protected above-ground tanks
complying with Section 5704.2.9.7 shall not be
603.3.1 Fuel oil stor age in outside, above-gr ound
required to be separated from surrounding areas.
tanks. Where connected to a fuel-oil piping system,
the maximum amount of fuel oil storage allowed 603.3.2.5 Tanks in basements. Tanks in
outside above ground without additional protection basements shall be located not more than two
shall be 2500 L. The storage of fuel oil above stories below grade plane.
ground in quantities exceeding 2500 L shall comply
603.3.3 Under gr ound stor age of fuel oil. The
with NFPA 31.
storage of fuel oil in underground storage tanks shall
603.3.2 Fuel oil stor age inside buildings. Fuel oil comply with NFPA 31.
storage inside buildings shall comply with Sections
603.4 Portable unvented heaters. Portable
603.3.2.1 through 603.3.2.5 or Chapter 57.
unvented fuel fired heating equipment shall be
603.3.2.1 Quantity limits. One or more fuel prohibited in occupancies in Groups A, E, I, R-1, R-
oil storage tanks containing Class II or III 2, R-3 and R-4.
combustible liquid shall be permitted in a building.
The aggregate capacity of all such tanks shall not
exceed 2500 L. 1. Listed and approved unvented fuel-fired
heaters, including portable outdoor gas-fired
Exception: The aggregate capacity limit shall be
heating appliances, in one-and two-family
permitted to be increased to 11,350 L of Class II or
III liquid for storage in protected above-ground
tanks complying with Section 5704.2.9.7, where all 2. Portable outdoor gas-fired heating appliances
of the following conditions are met: shall be allowed in accordance with Section
1. The entire 11,350 L quantity shall be stored
in protected above-ground tanks. 603.4.1 Pr ohibited locations. Unvented fuel-fired
heating equipment shall not be located in, or obtain
2. The 11,350 L capacity shall be permitted to
combustion air from, any of the following rooms or
be stored in a single tank or multiple smaller
spaces: sleeping rooms, bathrooms, toilet rooms or
storage closets.
3. The tanks shall be located in a room protected
603.4.2 Por table outdoor gas-fired heating
by an automatic sprinkler system complying
appliances. Portable gas-fired heating appliances
with Section 903.3.1.1.
located outdoors shall be in accordance with
Sections 603.4.2.1 through 603.
603.6.2 Metal chimneys. Metal chimneys which 603.8.3 Restr ictions. Where the fire code official
are corroded or improperly supported shall be determines that burning in incinerators located
repaired or replaced. within 150 m of mountainous, brush or grass-
covered areas will create an undue fire hazard
603.6.3 Decorative shrouds. Decorative shrouds
because of atmospheric conditions, such burning
installed at the termination of factory-built
shall be prohibited.
chimneys shall be removed except where such
shrouds are listed and labeled for use with the 603.8.4 Time of bur ning. Burning shall take place
specific factory-built chimney system and are only during approved hours.
installed in accordance with the chimney
603.8.5 Discontinuance. The fire code official is
manufacturer’s instructions.
authorized to require incinerator use to be
603.6.4 Factor y-built chimneys. Existing factory- discontinued immediately if the fire code official
built chimneys that are damaged, corroded or determines that smoke emissions are offensive to
improperly supported shall be repaired or replaced. occupants of surrounding property or if the use of
incinerators is determined by the fire code official
603.6.5 Connectors. Existing chimney and vent
to constitute a hazardous condition.
connectors that are damaged, corroded or
improperly supported shall be repaired or replaced. 603.8.6 Flue-fed inciner ators in Gr oup I-2. In
Group I-2 occupancies, the continued use of
603.7 Discontinuing operation of unsafe
existing flue-fed incinerators is prohibited.
heating appliances. The fire code official is
authorized to order that measures be taken to 603.8.7 Inciner ator inspections in Gr oup I-2.
prevent the operation of any existing stove, oven, Incinerators in Group I-2 occupancies shall be
furnace, incinerator, boiler or any other heat- inspected not less than annually in accordance with
producing device or appliance found to be defective the manufacturer’s instructions. Inspection records
or in violation of code requirements for existing shall be maintained on the premises and made
appliances after giving notice to this effect to any available to the fire code official upon request
person, owner, firm or agent or operator in charge
603.9 Gas meters. Above-ground gas meters,
of the same. The fire code official is authorized to
regulators and piping subject to damage shall be
take measures to prevent the operation of any device
protected by a barrier complying with Section 312
or appliance without notice when inspection shows
or otherwise protected in an approved manner.
the existence of an immediate fire hazard or when
imperiling human life. The defective device shall SECTION 604 EMERGENCY AND
remain withdrawn from service until all necessary STANDBY POWER SYSTEMS
repairs or alterations have been made.
604.1 General. Emergency power systems and
603.7.1 Unauthorized oper ation. It shall be a standby power systems required by this code or the
violation of this code for any person, user, firm or other SBC 201 shall comply with Sections 604.1.1
agent to continue the utilization of any device or through 604.1.8.
appliance (the operation of which has been
discontinued or ordered discontinued in accordance 604.1.1 Stationar y gener ator s. Stationary
with Section 603.7) unless written authority to emergency and standby power generators required
resume operation is given by the fire code official. by this code shall be listed in accordance with UL
Removing or breaking the means by which 2200.
operation of the device is prevented shall be a
violation of this code. 604.1.2 Installation. Emergency power systems
603.8 Incinerators. Commercial, industrial and and standby power systems shall be installed in
residential type incinerators and chimneys shall be accordance with the SBC 201, SBC 401, NFPA 110
constructed in accordance with the SBC 201, SBC and NFPA 111.
501 and the SBC 1201. 604.1.3 Load tr ansfer. Emergency power systems
603.8.1 Residential inciner ator s. Residential shall automatically provide secondary power within
incinerators shall be of an approved type. 10 seconds after primary power is lost, unless
specified otherwise in this code. Standby power
603.8.2 Spar k ar r estor. Incinerators shall be
systems shall automatically provide secondary
equipped with an effective means for arresting
power within 60 seconds after primary power is lost 604.2.5 Exit signs. Emergency power shall be
unless specified otherwise in this code. provided for exit signs as required in Section
1013.6.3. The system shall be capable of powering
604.1.4 Load dur ation. Emergency power systems
the required load for a duration of not less than 90
and standby power systems shall be designed to
provide the required power for a minimum duration
of 2 hours without being refueled or recharged, 604.2.6 Gr oup I-2 occupancies. Essential
unless specified otherwise in this code. electrical systems for Group I-2 occupancies shall
be in accordance with SBC 201.
604.1.5 Uninter r uptable power source. An
uninterrupted source of power shall be provided for 604.2.7 Gr oup I-3 occupancies. Power-operated
equipment where required by the manufacturer’s sliding doors or power-operated locks for swinging
instructions, the listing, this code or applicable doors in Group I3 occupancies shall be operable by
referenced standards. a manual release mechanism at the door.
Emergency power shall be provided for the doors
604.1.6 Inter changeability. Emergency power
and locks in accordance with Section 604.
systems shall be an acceptable alternative for
installations that require standby power systems. Exceptions:
604.1.7 Gr oup I-2 occupancies. In Group I-2 1. Emergency power is not required in facilities
occupancies, where an essential electrical system is where provisions for remote locking and
located in flood hazard areas established in the SBC unlocking of occupied rooms in Occupancy
201 and where new or replacement essential Condition 4 are not required as set forth in
electrical system generators are installed, the the SBC 201.
system shall be located and installed in accordance
2. Emergency power is not required where
with ASCE 24.
remote mechanical operating releases are
604.1.8 Maintenance. Existing installations shall provided.
be maintained in accordance with the original
604.2.8 Hazar dous materials. Emergency and
approval and Section 604.4.
standby power shall be provided in occupancies
604.2 Where required. Emergency and standby with hazardous materials as required in the
power systems shall be provided where required by following sections:
Sections 604.2.1 through 604.2.16.
1. Sections 5004.7 and 5005.1.5 for hazardous
604.2.1 Elevators and platfor m lifts. Standby materials.
power shall be provided for elevators and platform
2. Sections 6004.2.2.8 and 6004.3.4.2 for highly
lifts as required in Sections 607.2, 1009.4, and
toxic and toxic gases.
3. Section 6204.1.11 for organic peroxides.
604.2.2 Emer gency alar m systems. Emergency
power shall be provided for emergency alarm 604.2.9 High-r ise buildings. Standby power and
systems as required by Section 414 of the SBC 201. emergency power shall be provided for high-rise
buildings as required in Section 407 of the SBC 201,
604.2.3 Emer gency responder radio coverage
and shall be in accordance with Section 604.
systems. Standby power shall be provided for
emergency responder radio coverage systems as 604.2.10 Hor izontal sliding doors. Standby
required in Section 510.4.2.3. The standby power power shall be provided for horizontal sliding doors
supply shall be capable of operating the emergency as required in Section 1010.1.4.3. The standby
responder radio coverage system for a duration of power supply shall have a capacity to operate not
not less than 24 hours. fewer than 50 closing cycles of the door.
604.2.4 Emer gency voice/alar m communication 604.2.11 Hydr ogen fuel gas rooms.
systems. Emergency power shall be provided for Standby power shall be provided for hydrogen fuel
emergency voice/ alarm communication systems as gas rooms as required by Section 5808.7.
required in Section 907. The system shall be
604.2.12 Means of egress illumination.
capable of powering the required load for a duration
Emergency power shall be provided for means of
of not less than 24 hours, as required in NFPA 72.
egress illumination in accordance with Sections
1008.3 and 1104.5.1.
604.2.13 Membr ane str uctur es. Standby be replaced in accordance with the transfer switch
power shall be provided for auxiliary inflation manufacturer’s instructions.
systems in permanent membrane structures in
604.5 Operational inspection and testing.
accordance with Section 2702 of the SBC 201.
Emergency power systems, including all
Auxiliary inflation systems shall be provided in
appurtenant components, shall be inspected and
temporary air-supported and air-inflated membrane
tested under load in accordance with NFPA 110 and
structures in accordance with Section 3103.10.4.
NFPA 111.
604.2.14 Semiconductor fabr ication
Exception: Where the emergency power system is
facilities. Emergency power shall be provided for
used for standby power or peak load shaving, such
semiconductor fabrication facilities as required in
use shall be recorded and shall be allowed to be
Section 2703.15.
substituted for scheduled testing of the generator
604.2.15 Smoke contr ol systems. Standby set, provided that appropriate records are
power shall be provided for smoke control systems maintained.
as required in Section 909.11.
604.5.1 Tr ansfer switch test. The test of the
604.2.16 Under gr ound buildings. transfer switch shall consist of electrically operating
Emergency and standby power shall be provided in the transfer switch from the normal position to the
underground buildings as required in Section 405 of alternate position and then return to the normal
the SBC 201 and shall be in accordance with position.
Section 604.
604.6 Emergency lighting equipment.
604.3 Critical circuits. Cables used for Emergency lighting shall be inspected and tested
survivability of required critical circuits shall be in accordance with Sections 604.6.1 through
listed in accordance with UL 2196. Electrical circuit 604.6.2.1.
protective systems shall be installed in accordance
604.6.1 Activation test. An activation test of the
with their listing requirements.
emergency lighting equipment shall be completed
604.4 Maintenance. Emergency and standby monthly. The activation test shall ensure the
power systems shall be maintained in accordance emergency lighting activates automatically upon
with NFPA 110 and NFPA 111 such that the system normal electrical disconnect and stays sufficiently
is capable of supplying service within the time illuminated for not less than 30 seconds.
specified for the type and duration required.
604.6.1.1 Activation test record. Records of
604.4.1 Schedule. Inspection, testing and tests shall be maintained. The record shall include
maintenance of emergency and standby power the location of the emergency lighting tested,
systems shall be in accordance with an approved whether the unit passed or failed, the date of the test
schedule established upon completion and approval and the person completing the test.
of the system installation.
604.6.2 Power test. For battery-powered
604.4.2 Recor ds. Records of the inspection, testing emergency lighting, a power test of the emergency
and maintenance of emergency and standby power lighting equipment shall be completed annually.
systems shall include the date of service, name of The power test shall operate the emergency lighting
the servicing technician, a summary of conditions for not less than 90 minutes and shall remain
noted and a detailed description of any conditions sufficiently illuminated for the duration of the test.
requiring correction and what corrective action was
604.6.2.1 Power test record. Records of
taken. Such records shall be maintained.
tests shall be maintained. The record shall include
604.4.3 Switch maintenance. Emergency and the location of the emergency lighting tested,
standby power system transfer switches shall be whether the unit passed or failed, the date of the test
included in the inspection, testing and and the person completing the test.
maintenance schedule required by Section
604.7 Supervision of maintenance and testing.
604.4.1. Transfer switches shall be maintained free
Routine maintenance, inspection and operational
from accumulated dust and dirt. Inspection shall
testing shall be overseen by a properly instructed
include examination of the transfer switch contacts
for evidence of deterioration. When evidence of
contact deterioration is detected, the contacts shall
605.9.1 Attachment to str uctur es. Temporary building construction in locations where the access
wiring attached to a structure shall be attached in an point does not conflict with overhead obstructions
approved manner. such as tree limbs, wires or signs.
605.10 Portable, electric space heaters. Where 605.11.1.2 Solar photovoltaic systems for
not prohibited by other sections of this code, Group R-3 buildings. Solar photovoltaic systems
portable, electric space heaters shall be permitted to for Group R-3 buildings shall comply with Sections
be used in all occupancies other than Group I-2 and 605. through 605.
in accordance with Sections 605.10.1 through
Exception: These requirements shall not apply to
structures designed and constructed in accordance
Exception: The use of portable, electric space with the SBC 1101.
heaters in which the heating element cannot exceed
a temperature of 100°C shall be permitted in
nonsleeping staff and employee areas in Group I-2 605. Size of solar photovoltaic array.
occupancies. Each photovoltaic array shall be limited to 45 m by
605.10.1 Listed and labeled. Only listed 45 m. Multiple arrays shall be separated by a 900
and labeled portable, electric space heaters shall be mm clear access pathway.
used. 605. Hip roof layouts. Panels and
605.10.2 Power supply. Portable, electric modules installed on Group R-3 buildings with hip
space heaters shall be plugged directly into an roof layouts shall be located in a manner that
approved receptacle. provides a 900 mm clear access pathway from the
eave to the ridge on each roof slope where panels
605.10.3 Extension cords. Portable, electric and modules are located. The access pathway shall
space heaters shall not be plugged into extension be at a location on the building capable of
cords. supporting the fire fighters accessing the roof.
605.10.4 Pr ohibited ar eas. Portable, Exception: These requirements shall not apply to
electric space heaters shall not be operated within roofs with slopes of two units vertical in 12 units
900 mm of any combustible materials. Portable, horizontal (2:12) or less.
electric space heaters shall be operated only in
locations for which they are listed. 605. Single-ridge roofs. Panels and
modules installed on Group R-3 buildings with a
605.11 Solar photovoltaic power systems. Solar single ridge shall be located in a manner that
photovoltaic power systems shall be installed in provides two, 900 mm wide access pathways from
accordance with Sections 605.11.1 through the eave to the ridge on each roof slope where panels
605.11.2, SBC 201 or SBC 1101 and SBC 401. and modules are located.
605.11.1 Access and pathways. Roof Exception: This requirement shall not apply to
access, pathways, and spacing requirements shall be roofs with slopes of two units vertical in 12 units
provided in accordance with Sections 605.11.1.1 horizontal (2:12) or less.
through 605.
605. Roofs with hips and valleys.
Exceptions: Panels and modules installed on Group R-3
1. Detached, nonhabitable Group U structures buildings with roof hips and valleys shall not be
including, but not limited to, parking shade located closer than 450 mm to a hip or a valley
structures, carports, solar trellises and similar where panels/modules are to be placed on both sides
structures. of a hip or valley. Where panels are to be located on
only one side of a hip or valley that is of equal
2. Roof access, pathways and spacing length, the panels shall be permitted to be placed
requirements need not be provided where the directly adjacent to the hip or valley.
fire chief has determined that rooftop
operations will not be employed. Exception: These requirements shall not apply to
roofs with slopes of two units vertical in 12 units
605.11.1.1 Roof access points. Roof access horizontal (2:12) or less.
points shall be located in areas that do not require
the placement of ground ladders over openings such 605. Allowance for smoke ventilation
as windows or doors, and located at strong points of operations. Panels and modules installed on Group
R-3 buildings shall be located not less than 900 mm 605. Smoke ventilation. The solar
from the ridge in order to allow for Civil Defense installation shall be designed to meet the following
smoke ventilation operations. requirements:
Exception: Panels and modules shall be permitted 1. Arrays shall be not greater than 45 m by 45 m
to be located up to the roof ridge where an in distance in either axis in order to create
alternative ventilation method approved by the fire opportunities for Civil Defense smoke
chief has been provided or where the fire chief has ventilation operations.
determined vertical ventilation techniques will not
2. Smoke ventilation options between array
be employed.
sections shall be one of the following:
605.11.1.3 Other than Group R-3 buildings.
2.1. A pathway 2400 mm or greater in
Access to systems for buildings, other than those
containing Group R-3 occupancies, shall be
provided in accordance with Sections 605. 2.2. A 1200 mm or greater in width
through 605. pathway and bordering roof skylights or
gravity operated dropout smoke and heat
Exception: Where it is determined by the fire code
vents on not less than one side.
official that the roof configuration is similar to that
of a Group R-3 occupancy, the residential access 2.3. A 1200 mm or greater in width
and ventilation requirements in Sections pathway and bordering all sides of non-
605. through 605. shall be gravity-operated dropout smoke and heat
permitted to be used. vents.
605. Access. There shall be a minimum 2.4. A 1200 mm or greater in width
1800 mm clear perimeter around the edges of the pathway and bordering 1200 mm by 2400
roof. mm “venting cutouts” every 6000 mm on
alternating sides of the pathway.
Exception: Where either axis of the building is 76
m or less, the clear perimeter around the edges of 605.11.2 Gr ound-mounted photovoltaic
the roof shall be permitted to be reduced to a ar r ays. Ground mounted photovoltaic arrays
minimum 1200 mm. shall comply with Section 605.11 and this section.
Setback requirements shall not apply to ground-
605. Pathways. The solar installation
mounted, free-standing photovoltaic arrays. A
shall be designed to provide designated pathways.
clear, brush-free area of 3000 mm shall be required
The pathways shall meet the following
for ground-mounted photovoltaic arrays.
605.12 Abandoned wiring in plenums.
1. The pathway shall be over areas capable of
Accessible portions of abandoned cables in air-
supporting fire fighters accessing the roof.
handling plenums shall be removed. Cables that are
2. The centerline axis pathways shall be unused and have not been tagged for future use shall
provided in both axes of the roof. Centerline be considered abandoned.
axis pathways shall run where the roof
structure is capable of supporting fire fighters
accessing the roof. SECTION 606 MECHANICAL
3. Pathways shall be a straight line not less than REFRIGERATION
1200 mm clear to roof standpipes or 606.1 Scope. Refrigeration systems shall be
ventilation hatches. installed in accordance with the SBC 501.
4. Pathways shall provide not less than 1200 mm 606.2 Refrigerants. The use and purity of new,
clear around roof access hatch with not less recovered and reclaimed refrigerants shall be in
than one singular pathway not less than 1200 accordance with the SBC 501.
mm clear to a parapet or roof edge.
606.3 Refrigerant classification. Refrigerants
shall be classified in accordance with the SBC 501.
606.4 Change in refrigerant type. A change in
the type of refrigerant in a refrigeration system shall
be in accordance with the SBC 501.
606.5 Access. Refrigeration systems having a location immediately outside the machinery room
refrigerant circuit containing more than 100 kg of and adjacent to its principal entrance.
Group A1 or 14 kg of any other group refrigerant
606.9.1 Refriger ation system emer gency shutoff.
shall be accessible to the fire department at all times
A clearly identified switch of the break-glass type
as required by the fire code official.
or with an approved tamper-resistant cover shall
606.6 Testing of equipment. Refrigeration provide off-only control of refrigerant compressors,
equipment and systems having a refrigerant circuit refrigerant pumps and normally closed automatic
containing more than 100 kg of Group A1 or 14 kg refrigerant valves located in the machinery room.
of any other group refrigerant shall be subject to Additionally, this equipment shall be automatically
periodic testing in accordance with Section 606.6.1. shut off when the refrigerant vapor concentration in
Records of tests shall be maintained. Tests of the machinery room exceeds the vapor detector’s
emergency devices or systems required by this upper detection limit or 25 percent of the LEL,
chapter shall be conducted by persons trained and whichever is lower.
qualified in refrigeration systems.
606.9.2 Ventilation system. A clearly identified
606.6.1 Periodic testing. The following emergency switch of the break-glass type or with an approved
devices or systems shall be periodically tested in tamper-resistant cover shall provide on-only control
accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions of the machinery room ventilation fans.
and as required by the fire code official.
606.10 Emergency pressure control system.
1. Treatment and flaring systems. Permanently installed refrigeration systems
2. Valves and appurtenances necessary to the containing more than 3 kg of flammable, toxic or
operation of emergency refrigeration control highly toxic refrigerant or ammonia shall be
provided with an emergency pressure control
system in accordance with Sections 606.10.1 and
3. Fans and associated equipment intended to 606.10.2.
operate emergency ventilation systems.
606.10.1 Automatic crossover valves.
4. Detection and alarm systems. Each highand intermediate-pressure zone in a
606.7 Emergency signs. Refrigeration units or refrigeration system shall be provided with a single
systems having a refrigerant circuit containing more automatic valve providing a crossover connection
than 100 kg of Group A1 or 14 kg of any other to a lower pressure zone. Automatic crossover
group refrigerant shall be provided with approved valves shall comply with Sections 606.10.1.1
emergency signs, charts and labels in accordance through 606.10.1.3.
with NFPA 704. Hazard signs shall be in 606.10.1.1 Overpressure limit set point.
accordance with the SBC 501 for the classification Automatic crossover valves shall be arranged to
of refrigerants listed therein. automatically relieve excess system pressure to a
606.8 Refrigerant detector. Machinery rooms lower pressure zone if the pressure in a highor
shall contain a refrigerant detector with an audible intermediate-pressure zone rises to within 90
and visual alarm. The detector, or a sampling tube percent of the set point for emergency pressure
that draws air to the detector, shall be located in an relief devices.
area where refrigerant from a leak will concentrate. 606.10.1.2 Manual operation. Where
The alarm shall be actuated at a value not greater required by the fire code official, automatic
than the corresponding TLV-TWA values shown in crossover valves shall be capable of manual
the SBC 501 for the refrigerant classification. operation.
Detectors and alarms shall be placed in approved
locations. The detector shall transmit a signal to an 606.10.1.3 System design pressure.
approved location. Refrigeration system zones that are connected to a
higher pressure zone by an automatic crossover
606.9 Remote controls. Where flammable valve shall be designed to safely contain the
refrigerants are used and compliance with Section maximum pressure that can be achieved by
1106 of the SBC 501 is required, remote control of interconnection of the two zones.
the mechanical equipment and appliances located in
the machinery room as required by Sections 606.9.1 606.10.2 Automatic emer gency stop. An
and 606.9.2 shall be provided at an approved automatic emergency stop feature shall be provided
in accordance with Sections 606.10.2.1 and 606.12.2 Fusible plugs and ruptur e
606.10.2.2. member s. Discharge piping and devices connected
to the discharge side of a fusible plug or rupture
606.10.2.1 Operation of an automatic
member shall have provisions to prevent plugging
crossover valve. Operation of an automatic
the pipe in the event the fusible plug or rupture
crossover valve shall cause all compressors on the
member functions.
affected system to immediately stop. Dedicated
pressure-sensing devices located immediately 606.12.3 Flammable refriger ants. Systems
adjacent to crossover valves shall be permitted as a containing more than 3 kg of flammable
means for determining operation of a valve. To refrigerants having a density equal to or greater than
ensure that the automatic crossover valve system the density of air shall discharge vapor to the
provides a redundant means of stopping atmosphere only through an approved treatment
compressors in an overpressure condition, high system in accordance with Section 606.12.6 or a
pressure cutout sensors associated with flaring system in accordance with Section 606.12.7.
compressors shall not be used as a basis for Systems containing more than 3 kg of flammable
determining operation of a crossover valve. refrigerants having a density less than the density of
air shall be permitted to discharge vapor to the
606.10.2.2 Overpressure in low-pressure
atmosphere provided that the point of discharge is
zone. The lowest pressure zone in a refrigeration
located outside of the structure at not less than 4500
system shall be provided with a dedicated means of
mm above the adjoining grade level and not less
determining a rise in system pressure to within 90
than 6000 mm from any window, ventilation
percent of the set point for emergency pressure
opening or exit.
relief devices. Activation of the overpressure
sensing device shall cause all compressors on the 606.12.4 Toxic and highly toxic
affected system to immediately stop. refriger ants. Systems containing more than 3 kg of
toxic or highly toxic refrigerants shall discharge
606.11 Storage, use and handling. Flammable
vapor to the atmosphere only through an approved
and combustible materials shall not be stored in
treatment system in accordance with Section
machinery rooms for refrigeration systems having a
606.12.6 or a flaring system in accordance with
refrigerant circuit containing more than 100 kg of
Section 606.12.7.
Group A1 or 14 kg of any other group refrigerant.
Storage, use or handling of extra refrigerant or 606.12.5 Ammonia refriger ant. Systems
refrigerant oils shall be as required by Chapters 50, containing more than 3 kg of ammonia refrigerant
53, 55 and 57. shall discharge vapor to the atmosphere in
accordance with one of the following methods:
Exception: This provision shall not apply to spare
parts, tools and incidental materials necessary for 1. Directly to atmosphere where the fire code
the safe and proper operation and maintenance of official determines, on review of an
the system. engineering analysis prepared in accordance
with Section 104.7.2, that a fire, health or
606.12 Discharge and termination of pressure
environmental hazard would not result from
relief and purge systems. Pressure relief devices,
atmospheric discharge of ammonia.
fusible plugs and purge systems discharging to the
atmosphere from refrigeration systems containing 2. Through an approved treatment system in
flammable, toxic or highly toxic refrigerants or accordance with Section 606.12.6.
ammonia shall comply with Sections 606.12.3
3. Through a flaring system in accordance with
through 606.12.5.
Section 606.12.7.
606.12.1 Standar ds. Refrigeration systems
4. Through an approved ammonia diffusion
and the buildings in which such systems are
system in accordance with Section 606.12.8.
installed shall be in accordance with ASHRAE 15.
5. By other approved means.
606.12.1.1 Ammonia refrigeration.
Refrigeration systems using ammonia refrigerant Exception: Ammonia/water absorption systems
and the buildings in which such systems are containing less than 10 kg of ammonia and for
installed shall comply with IIAR-2 for system which the ammonia circuit is located entirely
design and installation and IIAR-7 for operating outdoors.
not to use the elevators in case of fire. The sign shall 2. Fire service elevator keys shall be of a patent-
read: IN FIRE EMERGENCY, DO NOT USE protected design to prevent unauthorized
Exceptions: 3. Fire service elevator keys shall be factory
restricted by the manufacturer to prevent the
1. The emergency sign shall not be required for
unauthorized distribution of key blanks.
elevators that are part of an accessible means
Uncut key blanks shall not be permitted to
of egress complying with Section 1009.4.
leave the factory.
2. The emergency sign shall not be required for
4. Fire service elevator keys subject to these
elevators that are used for occupant self-
rules shall be engraved with the words “DO
evacuation in accordance with Section 3008
of the SBC 201.
607.8.2 Access to standar dized fire service keys.
607.4 Fire service access elevator lobbies.
Access to standardized fire service elevator keys
Where fire service access elevators are required by
shall be restricted to the following:
Section 3007 of the SBC 201, fire service access
elevator lobbies shall be maintained free of storage 1. Elevator owners or their authorized agents.
and furniture.
2. Elevator contractors.
607.5 Occupant evacuation elevator lobbies.
3. Elevator inspectors of the jurisdiction.
Where occupant evacuation elevators are provided
in accordance with Section 3008 of the SBC 201, 4. Fire code officials of the jurisdiction.
occupant evacuation elevator lobbies shall be 5. The fire department (Civil Defense) and other
maintained free of storage and furniture. emergency response agencies designated by
607.6 Water protection of hoistway enclosures. the fire code official.
Methods to prevent water from infiltrating into a
607.8.3 Duplication or distr ibution of keys. A
hoistway enclosure required by Section 3007.4 and person shall not duplicate a standardized fire service
Section 3008.4 of the SBC 201 shall be maintained. elevator key or issue, give, or sell a duplicated key
607.7 Elevator key location. Keys for the unless in accordance with this code.
elevator car doors and fire-fighter service keys shall 607.8.4 Responsibility to pr ovide keys. The
be kept in an approved location for immediate use building owner shall provide up to three
by the Civil Defense. standardized fire service elevator keys where
required by the fire code official, upon installation
607.8 Standardized fire service elevator keys. of a standardized fire service key switch or switches
Buildings with elevators equipped with Phase I in the building.
emergency recall, Phase II emergency in-car
operation, or a fire service access elevator shall be
equipped to operate with a standardized fire service STORAGE BATTERY SYSTEMS
elevator key approved by the fire code official. 608.1 Scope. Stationary storage battery systems
Exception: The owner shall be permitted to place having an electrolyte capacity of more than 190 L
the building’s non-standardized fire service for flooded lead-acid, nickel cadmium (Ni-Cd) and
elevator keys in a key box installed in accordance valve-regulated lead-acid (VRLA), or more than
with Section 506.1.2. 450 kg for lithium-ion and lithium metal polymer,
used for facility standby power, emergency power
607.8.1 Requirements for standar dized fire or uninterruptible power supplies shall comply with
service elevator keys. Standardized fire service this section and Table 608.1.
elevator keys shall comply with all of the following:
608.2 Safety caps. Safety caps for stationary
1. All fire service elevator keys within the storage battery systems shall comply with Sections
jurisdiction shall be uniform and specific for 608.2.1 and 608.2.2.
the jurisdiction.Keys shall be cut to a uniform
key code. 608.2.1 Nonr ecombinant batter ies. Vented lead-
acid, nickel-cadmium or other types of
nonrecombinant batteries shall be provided with
safety venting caps.
608.2.2 Recombinant batter ies. VRLA batteries capacity of the largest cell or block in the room to a
shall be equipped with self-resealing flame- pH between 5.0 and 9.0.
arresting safety vents.
Exception: Lithium-ion and lithium metal polymer
608.3 Thermal runaway. VRLA and lithium batteries shall not require neutralization.
metal polymer battery systems shall be provided
608.6 Ventilation. Ventilation of stationary
with a listed device or other approved method to
storage battery systems shall comply with Sections
preclude, detect and control thermal runaway.
608.6.1 and 608.6.2.
608.4 Room design and construction. Enclosure
608.6.1 Room ventilation. Ventilation shall be
of stationary battery systems shall comply with the
provided in accordance with the SBC 501 and the
SBC 201. Battery systems shall be allowed to be in
the same room with the equipment they support.
1. For flooded lead-acid, flooded Ni-Cd and
608.4.1 Separ ate rooms. Where stationary
VRLA batteries, the ventilation system shall
batteries are installed in a separate equipment room
be designed to limit the maximum
accessible only to authorized personnel, they shall
concentration of hydrogen to 1.0 percent of
be permitted to be installed on an open rack for ease
the total volume of the room; or
of maintenance.
2. Continuous ventilation shall be provided at a
608.4.2 Occupied work center s. Where a system
rate of not less than 5.08 liters per second per
of VRLA, lithium-ion, or other type of sealed, non-
squar meter of floor area of the room.
venting batteries is situated in an occupied work
center, it shall be allowed to be housed in a Exception: Lithium-ion and lithium metal polymer
noncombustible cabinet or other enclosure to batteries shall not require additional ventilation
prevent access by unauthorized personnel. beyond that which would normally be required for
human occupancy of the space in accordance with
608.4.3 Cabinets. Where stationary batteries are
the SBC 501.
contained in cabinets in occupied work centers, the
cabinet enclosures shall be located within 3000 mm 608.6.2 Cabinet ventilation. Where VRLA
of the equipment that they support. batteries are installed inside a cabinet, the cabinet
shall be approved for use in occupied spaces and
608.5 Spill control and neutralization. An
shall be mechanically or naturally vented by one of
approved method and materials for the control and
the following methods:
neutralization of a spill of electrolyte shall be
provided in areas containing lead acid, nickel- 1. The cabinet ventilation shall limit the
cadmium or other types of batteries with free maximum concentration of hydrogen to 1
flowing liquid electrolyte. For purposes of this percent of the total volume of the cabinet
paragraph, a “spill” is defined as any unintentional during the worst-case event of simultaneous
release of electrolyte. “boost” charging of all the batteries in the
Exception: VRLA, lithium-ion, lithium metal
polymer or other types of sealed batteries with 2. Where calculations are not available to
immobilized electrolyte shall not require spill substantiate the ventilation rate, continuous
control. ventilation shall be provided at a rate of not
less than 5.08 liters per second per squar
608.5.1 Nonr ecombinant batter y neutr alization.
For battery systems containing lead acid, nickel meter of floor area covered by the cabinet.
cadmium or other types of batteries with free- The room in which the cabinet is installed
flowing electrolyte, the method and materials shall shall be ventilated as required in Section
be capable of neutralizing a spill of the total 608.6.1.
capacity from the largest cell or block to a pH 608.6.3 Super vision. Mechanical ventilation
between 5.0 and 9.0. systems where required by Sections 608.6.1 and
608.5.2 Recombinant batter y neutr alization. For 608.6.2 shall be supervised by an approved central,
VRLA or other types of batteries with immobilized proprietary or remote station service or shall initiate
electrolyte, the method and material shall be an audible and visual signal at a constantly attended
capable of neutralizing a spill of 3.0 percent of the on-site location.
608.7 Signage. Signs shall comply with Sections 609.3.1 Ventilation system. The ventilation
608.7.1 and 608.7.2. system in connection with hoods shall be operated
at the required rate of air movement, and classified
608.7.1 Equipment room and building signage.
grease filters shall be in place when equipment
Doors into electrical equipment rooms or buildings
under a kitchen grease hood is used.
containing stationary battery systems shall be
provided with approved signs. The signs shall state
609.3.2 Gr ease extractor s. Where grease
1. The room contains energized battery systems. extractors are installed, they shall be operated when
2. The room contains energized electrical the commercial-type cooking equipment is used.
circuits. 609.3.3 Cleaning. Hoods, grease-removal devices,
3. The battery electrolyte solutions, where fans, ducts and other appurtenances shall be cleaned
present, are corrosive liquids. at intervals as required by Sections 609.3.3.1
through 609.3.3.3.
608.7.2 Cabinet signage. Cabinets shall have
exterior labels that identify the manufacturer and 609.3.3.1 Inspection. Hoods, grease-
model number of the system and electrical rating removal devices, fans, ducts and other
(voltage and current) of the contained battery appurtenances shall be inspected at intervals
system. There shall be signs within the cabinet that specified in Table 609.3.3.1 or as approved by the
indicate the relevant electrical, chemical and fire fire code official. Inspections shall be completed by
hazards. qualified individuals.
608.8 Seismic protection. The battery systems 609.3.3.2 Grease accumulation. If during
shall be seismically braced in accordance with the the inspection it is found that hoods, grease-removal
SBC 201. devices, fans, ducts or other appurtenances have an
accumulation of grease, such components shall be
608.9 Smoke detection. An approved automatic cleaned in accordance with ANSI/IKECA C 10.
smoke detection system shall be installed in
accordance with Section 907.2 in rooms containing 609.3.3.3 Records. Records for inspections
stationary battery systems. shall state the individual and company performing
the inspection, a description of the inspection and
when the inspection took place. Records for
SECTION 609 COMMERCIAL cleanings shall state the individual and company
KITCHEN HOODS performing the cleaning and when the cleaning took
place. Such records shall be completed after each
609.1 General. Commercial kitchen exhaust inspection or cleaning and maintained.
hoods shall comply with the requirements of the
SBC 501. 609. Tags. When a commercial kitchen
hood or duct system is inspected, a tag containing
609.2 Where required. A Type I hood shall be the service provider name, address, telephone
installed at or above all commercial cooking number and date of service shall be provided in a
appliances and domestic cooking appliances used conspicuous location. Prior tags shall be covered or
for commercial purposes that produce grease removed.
609.3.4 Extinguishing system service. Automatic
Exception: A Type I hood shall not be required for fire-extinguishing systems protecting commercial
an electric cooking appliance where an approved cooking systems shall be serviced as required in
testing agency provides documentation that the Section 904.12.6.
appliance effluent contains 5 mg per m3 or less of
grease when tested at an exhaust flow rate of 14.15 609.4 Appliance connection to building piping.
m3 per minute in accordance with UL 710B. Gas-fired commercial cooking appliances installed
on casters and appliances that are moved for
609.3 Operations and maintenance. cleaning and sanitation purposes shall be connected
Commercial cooking systems shall be operated and to the piping system with an appliance connector
maintained in accordance with Sections 609.3.1 listed as complying with ANSI Z21.69. The
through 609.3.4. commercial cooking appliance connector
installation shall be configured in accordance with
the manufacturer’s installation instructions. 610.5.1 Normal vents. Normal vents shall be
Movement of appliances with casters shall be located above the maximum normal liquid line, and
limited by a restraining device installed in shall have a minimum effective area not smaller
accordance with the connector and appliance than the largest filling or withdrawal connection.
manufacturer's instructions. Normal vents shall be permitted to vent inside the
610.5.2 Emer gency vents. Emergency relief vents
SECTION 610 COMMERCIAL KITCHEN shall be located above the maximum normal liquid
COOKING OIL STORAGE line, and shall be in the form of a device or devices
610.1 General. Storage of cooking oil (grease) in that will relieve excessive internal pressure caused
commercial cooking operations utilizing above- by an exposure fire. For nonmetallic tanks, the
ground tanks with a capacity greater than 225 L emergency relief vent shall be allowed to be in the
installed within a building shall comply with form of construction. Emergency vents shall be
Sections 610.2 through 610.7 and NFPA 30. For permitted to vent inside the building.
purposes of this section, cooking oil shall be 610.6 Heating of cooking oil. Electrical
classified as a Class IIIB liquid unless otherwise equipment used for heating cooking oil in cooking
determined by testing. oil storage systems shall be listed to UL 499 and
610.2 Metallic storage tanks. Metallic cooking shall comply with NFPA 70. Use of electrical
oil storage tanks shall be listed in accordance with immersion heaters shall be prohibited in
UL 142 or UL 80, and shall be installed in nonmetallic tanks.
accordance with the tank manufacturer’s 610.7 Electrical equipment. Electrical
instructions. equipment used for the operation of cooking oil
610.3 Nonmetallic storage tanks. Nonmetallic storage systems shall comply with SBC 401.
cooking oil storage tanks shall be installed in
accordance with the tank manufacturer’s
instructions and shall also comply with all of the SECTION 611 HYPERBARIC
following: FACILITIES
1. Tanks shall be listed for use with cooking oil, 611.1 General. Hyperbaric facilities shall be
including maximum temperature to which inspected, tested and maintained in accordance with
the tank will be exposed during use. NFPA 99.
2. Tank capacity shall not exceed 750 L per tank. 611.2 Records. Records shall be maintained of all
testing and repair conducted on the hyperbaric
610.4 Cooking oil storage system components.
chamber and associated devices and equipment.
Cooking oil storage system components shall
Records shall be available to the fire code official.
include but are not limited to piping, connections,
fittings, valves, tubing, hose, pumps, vents and
other related components used for the transfer of
cooking oil, and are permitted to be of either
metallic or nonmetallic construction.
610.4.1 Design standar ds. The design, fabrication
and assembly of system components shall be
suitable for the working pressures, temperatures
and structural stresses to be encountered by the
610.4.2 Components in contact with heated oil.
System components that come in contact with
heated cooking oil shall be rated for the maximum
operating temperatures expected in the system.
610.5 Tank venting. Normal and emergency
venting shall be provided for cooking oil storage
TABLE 609.3.3.1
subjected to room temperatures of 93°C for not less 3. Flashover, as defined in NFPA 265, shall not
than 30 minutes. occur.
803.3 Interior finish requirements based on 4. For newly introduced wall and ceiling
occupancy. Interior wall and ceiling finish shall coverings, the total smoke released
have a flame spread index not greater than that throughout the test shall not exceed 1,000 m2.
specified in Table 803.3 for the group and location
803.5.2 Newly intr oduced textile wall and ceiling
coverings. Newly introduced textile wall and
803.4 Fire-retardant coatings. The required ceiling coverings shall comply with one of the
flame spread or smoke-developed index of surfaces following:
in existing buildings shall be allowed to be achieved
1. The wall or ceiling covering shall have a
by application of approved fire-retardant coatings,
Class A flame spread index in accordance
paints or solutions to surfaces having a flame spread
with ASTM E 84 or UL 723, and be protected
index exceeding that allowed. Such applications
by automatic sprinklers installed in
shall comply with NFPA 703 and the required fire
accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or
retardant properties shall be maintained or renewed
903.3.1.2. Test specimen preparation and
in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
mounting shall be in accordance with ASTM
803.5 Textiles. Where used as interior wall or E 2404.
ceiling finish materials, textiles, including materials
2. The wall covering shall meet the criteria of
having woven or nonwoven, napped, tufted, looped
Section 803.5.1.1 when tested in the manner
or similar surface, shall comply with the
intended for use in accordance with NFPA
requirements of this section.
265 using the product-mounting system
803.5.1 Textile wall or ceiling coverings. Textile (including adhesive) of actual use.
wall or ceiling coverings shall comply with one of
3. The wall or ceiling covering shall meet the
the following:
criteria of Section 803.1.2.1 when tested in
1. The wall or ceiling covering shall have a accordance with NFPA 286 using the
Class A flame spread index in accordance product-mounting system (including
with ASTM E 84 or UL 723, and be protected adhesive) of actual use.
by automatic sprinklers installed in
803.6 Expanded vinyl wall or ceiling coverings.
accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or
Expanded vinyl wall or ceiling coverings shall
comply with one of the following:
2. The wall covering shall meet the criteria of
1. The wall or ceiling covering shall have a
Section 803.5.1.1 when tested in the manner
Class A flame spread index in accordance
intended for use in accordance with NFPA
with ASTM E 84 or UL 723, and be protected
265 using the product-mounting system,
by automatic sprinklers installed in
including adhesive, of actual use.
accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or
3. The wall or ceiling covering shall meet the 903.3.1.2. Test specimen preparation and
criteria of Section 803.1.2.1 when tested in mounting shall be in accordance with ASTM
accordance with NFPA 286 using the E 2404.
product-mounting system, including
2. The wall covering shall meet the criteria
adhesive, of actual use.
of Section 803.5.1.1 when tested in the
803.5.1.1 Method B test protocol. During manner intended for use in accordance with
the Method B protocol, the textile wall covering or NFPA 265 using the product-mounting
expanded vinyl wall covering shall comply with the system (including adhesive) of actual use.
3. The wall or ceiling covering shall meet the
1. During the 40-kW exposure, flames shall not criteria of Section 803.1.2.1 when tested in
spread to the ceiling. accordance with NFPA 286 using the
2. The flame shall not spread to the outer product-mounting system (including
extremities of the samples on the 2400 by adhesive) of actual use.
3600 mm walls. 803.7 Facings or wood veneers intended to be
applied on site over a wood substrate. Facings or
veneers intended to be applied on site over a wood SECTION 804 INTERIOR WALL AND
substrate shall comply with one of the following: CEILING TRIM AND INTERIOR FLOOR
1. The facing or veneer shall have a Class A, B FINISH IN NEW AND EXISTING
or C flame spread index and smoke- BUILDINGS
developed index, based on the requirements 804.1 Interior trim. Material, other than foam
of Table 803.3, in accordance with plastic, used as interior trim in new and existing
ASTM E 84 or UL 723. Test specimen buildings shall have minimum Class C flame
preparation and mounting shall be in spread and smoke-developed indices, when tested
accordance with ASTM E 2404. in accordance with ASTM E 84 or UL 723, as
2. The facing or veneer shall meet the criteria of described in Section 803.1.1. Combustible trim,
Section 803.1.2.1 when tested in accordance excluding handrails and guardrails, shall not exceed
with NFPA 286 using the product-mounting 10 percent of the specific wall or ceiling areas to
system, including adhesive, described in which it is attached.
Section 5.8.9 of NFPA 286. 804.1.1 Alter native testing. When the interior trim
803.8 Foam plastic materials. Foam plastic material has been tested as an interior finish in
materials shall not be used as interior wall and accordance with NFPA 286 and complies with the
ceiling finish unless specifically allowed by Section acceptance criteria in Section 803.1.2.1, it shall not
803.8.1 or 803.8.2. Foam plastic materials shall not be required to be tested for flame spread index and
be used as interior trim unless specifically allowed smoke-developed index in accordance with ASTM
by Section 803.8.3. E 84.
803.8.1 Combustibility char acteristics. Foam 804.2 Foam plastic. Foam plastic used as interior
plastic materials shall be allowed on the basis of fire trim shall comply with Sections 804.2.1 through
tests that substantiate their combustibility 804.2.4.
characteristics for the use intended under actual fire 804.2.1 Density. The minimum density of the
conditions, as indicated in Section 2603.9 of the interior trim shall be 320 kg/m3.
SBC 201. This section shall apply both to exposed
foam plastics and to foam plastics used in 804.2.2 Thickness. The maximum thickness of the
conjunction with a textile or vinyl facing or cover. interior trim shall be 13 mm and the maximum
width shall be 200 mm.
803.8.2 Ther mal bar r ier. Foam plastic material
shall be allowed if it is separated from the interior 804.2.3 Area limitation. The interior trim shall not
of the building by a thermal barrier in accordance constitute more than 10 percent of the specific wall
with Section 2603.4 of the SBC 201. or ceiling area to which it is attached.
803.8.3 Trim. Foam plastic shall be allowed for 804.2.4 Flame spr ead. The flame spread index
trim in accordance with Section 804.2. shall not exceed 75 where tested in accordance with
ASTM E 84 or UL 723. The smoke-developed
803.9 High-density polyethylene (HDPE) and index shall not be limited.
polypropylene (PP). Where high-density
polyethylene or polypropylene is used as an interior Exception: When the interior trim material has
finish it shall comply with Section 803.1.2. been tested as an interior finish in accordance with
NFPA 286 and complies with the acceptance
803.10 Site-fabricated stretch systems. Where criteria in Section 803.1.2.1, it shall not be required
used as newly installed interior wall or interior to be tested for flame spread index in accordance
ceiling finish materials, site-fabricated stretch with ASTM E 84 or UL 723.
systems containing all three components described
in the definition in Chapter 2 shall be tested in the 804.3 New interior floor finish. New interior
manner intended for use, and shall comply with the floor finish and floor covering materials in new and
requirements of Section 803.1.1 or 803.1.2. If the existing buildings shall comply with Sections
materials are tested in accordance with ASTM E 84 804.3.1 through 804.3.3.2.
or UL 723, specimen preparation and mounting Exception: Floor finishes and coverings of a
shall be in accordance with ASTM E 2573. traditional type, such as wood, vinyl, linoleum or
terrazzo, and resilient floor covering materials that
are not composed of fibers.
804.3.1 Classification. Interior floor finish and tested in accordance with NFPA 253 and shall be
floor covering materials required by Section not less than Class II. Where a Class I floor finish
804.3.3.2 to be of Class I or II materials shall be is required, the floor-wall base shall be Class I. The
classified in accordance with NFPA 253. The classification referred to herein corresponds to the
classification referred to herein corresponds to the classifications determined by NFPA 253 as follows:
classifications determined by NFPA 253 as follows: Class I, 4.5 kilowatts/m2 or greater; Class II, 2.2
Class I, 4.5 kilowatts/m2 or greater; Class II, 2.2 kilowatts/m2 or greater.
kilowatts/m2 or greater.
Exception: Interior trim materials that comply with
804.3.2 Testing and identification. Section 804.1.
Interior floor finish and floor covering materials
shall be tested by an approved agency in accordance
with NFPA 253 and identified by a hang tag or other SECTION 805 UPHOLSTERED
suitable method so as to identify the manufacturer FURNITURE AND MATTRESSES IN
or supplier and style, and shall indicate the interior NEW AND EXISTING BUILDINGS
floor finish or floor covering classification in
805.1 Group I-1, Condition 2. The requirements
accordance with Section 804.3.1. Carpet-type floor
in Sections 805.1.1 through 805.1.2 shall apply to
coverings shall be tested as proposed for use,
facilities in Group I-1, Condition 2.
including underlayment. Test reports confirming
the information provided in the manufacturer’s 805.1.1 Upholstered fur nitur e. Newly introduced
product identification shall be furnished to the fire upholstered furniture shall meet the requirements
code official upon request. of Sections 805.1.1.1 through 805.1.1.3.
804.3.3 Inter ior floor finish requirements. New 805.1.1.1 Ignition by cigarettes. Newly
interior floor coverings materials shall comply introduced upholstered furniture shall be shown to
with Sections 804.3.3.1 and 804.3.3.2, and interior resist ignition by cigarettes as determined by tests
floor finish materials shall comply with Section conducted in accordance with one of the following:
804.3.1. 1. Mocked-up composites of the upholstered
804.3.3.1 Pill test. In all occupancies, new furniture shall have a char length not
floor covering materials shall comply with the exceeding 38 mm when tested in accordance
requirements of the DOC FF-1 “pill test” (CPSC 16 with NFPA 261.
CFR Part 1630) or of ASTM D 2859. 2. The components of the upholstered furniture
804.3.3.2 Minimum critical radiant flux. In shall meet the requirements for Class I when
all occupancies, new interior floor finish and floor tested in accordance with NFPA 260.
covering materials in enclosures for stairways and
805.1.1.2 Heat release rate. Newly
ramps, exit passageways, corridors and rooms or
introduced upholstered furniture shall have limited
spaces not separated from corridors by full-height rates of heat release when tested in accordance with
partitions extending from the floor to the underside
ASTM E 1537 or California Technical Bulletin 133,
of the ceiling shall withstand a minimum critical
as follows:
radiant flux. The minimum critical radiant flux shall
be not less than Class I in Groups I-1, I-2 and I-3 1. The peak rate of heat release for the single
and not less than Class II in Groups A, B, E, H, I-4, upholstered furniture item shall not exceed
M, R-1, R-2 and S. 80 kW.
Exception: Where a building is equipped Exception: Upholstered furniture in rooms or
throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in spaces protected by an approved automatic
accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2, sprinkler system installed in accordance with
Class II materials shall be permitted in any area Section 903.3.1.1.
where Class I materials are required and materials 2. The total energy released by the single
complying with DOC FF-1 “pill test” (CPSC 16 upholstered furniture item during the first 10
CFR Part 1630) or with ASTM D 2859 shall be minutes of the test shall not exceed 25
permitted in any area where Class II materials are megajoules (MJ).
Exception: Upholstered furniture in rooms or
804.4 Interior floor-wall base. Interior floor- spaces protected by an approved automatic
wall base that is 150 mm or less in height shall be
sprinkler system installed in accordance with (b) the components of the upholstered furniture
Section 903.3.1.1. shall meet the requirements for Class I when tested
in accordance with NFPA 260.
805.1.1.3 Identification. Upholstered
furniture shall bear the label of an approved agency, Exception: Upholstered furniture belonging to the
confirming compliance with the requirements of patients in sleeping rooms of nursing homes (Group
Sections 805.1.1.1 and 805.1.1.2. I-2), provided that a smoke detector is installed in
such rooms. Battery-powered, single-station smoke
805.1.2 Mattr esses. Newly introduced mattresses
alarms shall be allowed.
shall meet the requirements of Sections 805.1.2.1
through 805.1.2.3. 805.2.1.2 Heat release rate. Newly
introduced upholstered furniture shall have limited
805.1.2.1 Ignition by cigarettes. Newly
rates of heat release when tested in accordance with
introduced mattresses shall be shown to resist
ASTM E 1537 or California Technical Bulletin 133,
ignition by cigarettes as determined by tests
as follows:
conducted in accordance with DOC 16 CFR Part
1632 and shall have a char length not exceeding 50 1. The peak rate of heat release for the single
mm. upholstered furniture item shall not exceed
80 kW.
805.1.2.2 Heat release rate. Newly
introduced mattresses shall have limited rates of Exception: Upholstered furniture in rooms or
heat release when tested in accordance with ASTM spaces protected by an approved automatic
E 1590 or California Technical Bulletin 129, as sprinkler system installed in accordance with
follows: Section 903.3.1.1.
1. The peak rate of heat release for the single 2. The total energy released by the single
mattress shall not exceed 100 kW. upholstered furniture item during the first 10
minutes of the test shall not exceed 25 MJ.
Exception: Mattresses in rooms or spaces protected
by an approved automatic sprinkler system installed Exception: Upholstered furniture in rooms or
in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1. spaces protected by an approved automatic
sprinkler system installed in accordance with
2. The total energy released by the single
Section 903.3.1.1.
mattress during the first 10 minutes of the test
shall not exceed 25 MJ. 805.2.1.3 Identification. Upholstered
furniture shall bear the label of an approved agency,
Exception: Mattresses in rooms or spaces protected
confirming compliance with the requirements of
by an approved automatic sprinkler system installed
Sections 805.2.1.1 and 805.2.1.2.
in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1.
805.2.2 Mattr esses. Newly introduced mattresses
805.1.2.3 Identification. Mattresses shall
shall meet the requirements of Sections 805.2.2.1
bear the label of an approved agency, confirming
through 805.2.2.3.
compliance with the requirements of Sections
805.2.2.1 and 805.2.2.2. 805.2.2.1 Ignition by cigarettes. Newly
introduced mattresses shall be shown to resist
805.2 Group I-2, nursing homes and hospitals.
ignition by cigarettes as determined by tests
The requirements in Sections 805.2.1 through
conducted in accordance with DOC 16 CFR Part
805.2.2 shall apply to nursing homes and hospitals
1632 and shall have a char length not exceeding 50
classified in Group I-2.
805.2.1 Upholstered fur nitur e. Newly introduced
805.2.2.2 Heat release rate. Newly
upholstered furniture shall meet the requirements
introduced mattresses shall have limited rates of
of Sections 805.2.1.1 through 805.2.1.3.
heat release when tested in accordance with ASTM
805.2.1.1 Ignition by cigarettes. Newly E 1590 or California Technical Bulletin 129, as
introduced upholstered furniture shall be shown to follows:
resist ignition by cigarettes as determined by tests
1. The peak rate of heat release for the single
conducted in accordance with one of the following:
mattress shall not exceed 100 kW.
(a) mocked-up composites of the upholstered
furniture shall have a char length not exceeding 38
mm when tested in accordance with NFPA 261 or
rates of heat release when tested in accordance with compliance with the requirements of Sections
ASTM E 1537 or California Technical Bulletin 133, 805.4.2.1 and 805.4.2.2.
as follows:
1. The peak rate of heat release for the single
upholstered furniture item shall not exceed
Exception: Upholstered furniture in rooms or
spaces protected by an approved automatic 806.1 Natural cut trees. Natural cut trees, where
sprinkler system installed in accordance with allowed by this section, shall have the trunk
Section 903.3.1.1. bottoms cut off not less than 13 mm above the
original cut and shall be placed in a support device
2. The total energy released by the single complying with Section 806.1.2.
upholstered furniture item during the first 10
minutes of the test shall not exceed 25 MJ. 806.1.1 Restr icted occupancies. Natural cut trees
shall be prohibited within ambulatory care facilities
Exception: Upholstered furniture in rooms or and Group A, E, I-1, I-2, I-3, I-4, M, R-1, R-2 and
spaces protected by an approved automatic R-4 occupancies.
sprinkler system installed in accordance with
Section 903.3.1.1. Exceptions:
805.4.1.3 Identification. Upholstered 1. Trees located in areas protected by an
furniture shall bear the label of an approved agency, approved automatic sprinkler system
confirming compliance with the requirements of installed in accordance with Section
Sections 805.4.1.1 and 805.4.1.2. 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2 shall not be prohibited
in Groups A, E, M, R-1 and R-2.
805.4.2 Mattr esses. Newly introduced mattresses
shall meet the requirements of Sections 805.4.2.1 2. Trees shall be allowed within dwelling units
through 805.4.2.3. in Group R-2 occupancies.
805.4.2.1 Ignition by cigarettes. Newly 806.1.2 Suppor t devices. The support device that
introduced mattresses shall be shown to resist holds the tree in an upright position shall be of a
ignition by cigarettes as determined by tests type that is stable and that meets all of the following
conducted in accordance with DOC 16 CFR Part criteria:
1632 and shall have a char length not exceeding 50 1. The device shall hold the tree securely and be
mm. of adequate size to avoid tipping over of the
805.4.2.2 Heat release rate. Newly tree.
introduced mattresses shall have limited rates of 2. The device shall be capable of containing a
heat release when tested in accordance with ASTM minimum two-day supply of water.
E 1590 or California Technical Bulletin 129, as
follows: 3. The water level, when full, shall cover the tree
stem not less than 50 mm. The water level
1. The peak rate of heat release for the single shall be maintained above the fresh cut and
mattress shall not exceed 100 kW. checked not less than once daily.
Exception: Mattresses in rooms or spaces protected 806.1.3 Dryness. The tree shall be removed from
by an approved automatic sprinkler system installed the building whenever the needles or leaves fall off
in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1. readily when a tree branch is shaken or if the
2. The total energy released by the single needles are brittle and break when bent between the
mattress during the first 10 minutes of the test thumb and index finger. The tree shall be checked
shall not exceed 25 MJ. daily for dryness.
Exception: Mattresses in rooms or spaces protected 806.2 Artificial vegetation. Artificial decorative
by an approved automatic sprinkler system installed vegetation shall meet the flame propagation
in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1. performance criteria of Test Method 1 or Test
Method 2, as appropriate, of NFPA 701. Meeting
805.4.2.3 Identification. Mattresses shall the flame propagation performance criteria of Test
bear the label of an approved agency, confirming Method 1 or Test Method 2, as appropriate, of
NFPA 701 shall be documented and certified by the percent of the specific wall or ceiling area to which
manufacturer in an approved manner. they are attached.
Alternatively, the artificial decorative vegetation
Fixed or movable walls and partitions, paneling,
item shall be tested in accordance with NFPA 289,
wall pads and crash pads applied structurally or for
using the 20 kW ignition source, and shall have a
decoration, acoustical correction, surface insulation
maximum heat release rate of 100 kW.
or other purposes shall be considered interior finish,
806.3 Obstruction of means of egress. The shall comply with Section 803 and shall not be
required width of any portion of a means of egress considered decorative materials or furnishings.
shall not be obstructed by decorative vegetation.
Natural cut trees shall not be located within an exit,
corridor, or a lobby or vestibule. 1. In auditoriums in Group A, the permissible
amount of curtains, draperies, fabric hangings
806.4 Open flame. Candles and open flames
and other similar combustible decorative
shall not be used on or near decorative vegetation.
material suspended from walls or ceilings
Natural cut trees shall be kept a distance from heat
shall not exceed 75 percent of the aggregate
vents and any open flame or heat-producing devices
wall area where the building is equipped
at least equal to the height of the tree.
throughout with an approved automatic
806.5 Electrical fixtures and wiring. The use of sprinkler system in accordance with Section
unlisted electrical wiring and lighting on natural cut 903.3.1.1, and where the material is installed
trees and artificial decorative vegetation shall be in accordance with Section 803.11 of the
prohibited. The use of electrical wiring and lighting SBC 201.
on artificial trees constructed entirely of metal shall
2. In Group R-2 dormitories, within sleeping
be prohibited.
units and dwelling units, the permissible
amount of curtains, draperies, fabric
hangings and other similar decorative
SECTION 807 DECORATIVE materials suspended from walls or ceilings
MATERIALS OTHER THAN shall not exceed 50 percent of the aggregate
DECORATIVE VEGETATION IN NEW wall areas where the building is equipped
AND EXISTING BUILDINGS throughout with an approved automatic
807.1 General. Combustible decorative sprinkler system installed in accordance with
materials, other than decorative vegetation, shall Section 903.3.1.
comply with Sections 807.2 through 807.5.6. 3. In Group B and M occupancies, the amount of
807.2 Limitations. The following requirements combustible fabric partitions suspended from
shall apply to all occupancies: the ceiling and not supported by the floor
shall comply with Section 807.4 and shall not
1. Furnishings or decorative materials of an be limited.
explosive or highly flammable character
shall not be used. 807.4 Acceptance criteria and reports. Where
required to exhibit improved fire performance,
2. Fire-retardant coatings in existing buildings curtains, draperies, fabric hangings and other
shall be maintained so as to retain the similar combustible decorative materials suspended
effectiveness of the treatment under service from walls or ceilings shall be tested by an
conditions encountered in actual use. approved agency and meet the flame propagation
3. Furnishings or other objects shall not be performance criteria of Test Method 1 or Test
placed to obstruct exits, access thereto, Method 2, as appropriate, of NFPA 701 or exhibit a
egress therefrom or visibility thereof. maximum rate of heat release of 100 kW when
tested in accordance with NFPA 289, using the 20
4. The permissible amount of non-combustible kW ignition source. Reports of test results shall be
decorative materials shall not be limited. prepared in accordance with the test method used
807.3 Combustible decorative materials. In and furnished to the fire code official upon request.
other than Group I-3, curtains, draperies, fabric 807.5 Occupancy-based requirements. In
hangings and other similar combustible decorative occupancies specified, combustible decorative
materials suspended from walls or ceilings shall
comply with Section 807.4 and shall not exceed 10
materials not complying with Section 807.3 shall 807.5.2.2 Artwork in corridors. Artwork
comply with Sections 807.5.1 through 807.5.6. and teaching materials shall be limited on the walls
of corridors to not more than 20 percent of the wall
807.5.1 Gr oup A. In Group A occupancies, the
requirements in Sections 807.5.1.1 through
807.5.1.4 shall apply. 807.5.2.3 Artwork in classrooms. Artwork
and teaching materials shall be limited on walls of
807.5.1.1 Foam plastics. Exposed foam
classrooms to not more than 50 percent of the
plastic materials and unprotected materials
specific wall area to which they are attached.
containing foam plastic used for decorative
purposes or stage scenery or exhibit booths shall 807.5.3 Gr oups I-1 and I-2. In Group I-1 and I-2
have a maximum heat release rate of 100 kW when occupancies, combustible decorative materials
tested in accordance with UL 1975, or when tested shall comply with Sections 807.5.3.1 through
in accordance with NFPA 289 using the 20 kW 807.5.3.4.
ignition source.
807.5.3.1 Group I-1 and I-2 Condition 1
Exceptions: within units. In Group I-1 and Group I-2 Condition
1 occupancies, equipped throughout with an
1. Individual foam plastic items or items
approved automatic sprinkler system installed in
containing foam plastic where the foam
accordance with Section 903.3.1.1, within sleeping
plastic does not exceed 0.45 kg in weight.
units and dwelling units, combustible decorative
2. Cellular or foam plastic shall be allowed for materials placed on walls shall be limited to not
trim in accordance with Section 804.2. more than 50 percent of the wall area to which they
807.5.1.2 Motion picture screens. The are attached.
screens upon which motion pictures are projected in 807.5.3.2 In Group I-1 and I-2 Condition 1
new and existing buildings of Group A shall either for areas other than within units. In Group I-1 and
meet the flame propagation performance criteria of Group I-2 Condition 1 occupancies, equipped
Test Method 1 or Test Method 2, as appropriate, of throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler
NFPA 701 or shall comply with the requirements system installed in accordance with Section
for a Class B interior finish in accordance with 903.3.1.1, combustible decorative materials placed
Section 803 of the SBC 201. on walls in areas other than within dwelling and
807.5.1.3 Reserved for numbering. I. sleeping units shall be limited to not more than 30
percent of the wall area to which they are attached.
807.5.1.4 Pyroxylin plastic. Imitation
leather or other material consisting of or coated with 807.5.3.3 In Group I-2 Condition 2. In
a pyroxylin or similarly hazardous base shall not be Group I-2 Condition 2 occupancies, equipped
used. throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler
system installed in accordance with Section
807.5.2 Gr oup E. Group E occupancies shall 903.3.1.1, combustible decorative materials placed
comply with Sections 807.5.2.1 through 807.5.2.3. on walls shall be limited to not more than 30 percent
807.5.2.1 Storage in corridors and lobbies. of the wall area to which they are attached.
Clothing and personal effects shall not be stored in 807.5.3.4 OtherareasinGroupsI-1andI-2.InGroupI-1
corridors and lobbies. and I-2 occupancies, in areas not equipped
Exceptions: throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler
system, combustible decorative materials shall be of
1. Corridors protected by an approved such limited quantities that a hazard of fire
automatic sprinkler system installed in development or spread is not present.
accordance with Section 903.3.1.1.
807.5.4 Gr oup I-3. In Group I-3, combustible
2. Corridors protected by an approved fire decorative materials are prohibited.
alarm system installed in accordance with
Section 907. 807.5.5 Gr oup I-4. Group I-4 occupancies shall
comply with the requirements in Sections 807.5.5.1
3. Storage in metal lockers, provided the through 807.5.5.3.
minimum required egress width is
807.5.5.1 Storage in corridors and lobbies. 808.2 Waste containers with a capacity of 75 L
Clothing and personal effects shall not be stored in or more in Group R-2 college and university
corridors and lobbies. dormitories. Waste containers, including their lids,
located in Group R-2 college and university
dormitories, and with a capacity of 75 L or more,
1. Corridors protected by an approved shall be constructed of noncombustible materials or
automatic sprinkler system installed in of materials that meet a peak rate of heat release not
accordance with Section 903.3.1.1. exceeding 300 kW/m2 when tested in accordance
2. Corridors protected by an approved fire with ASTM E 1354 at an incident heat flux of 50
alarm system installed in accordance with kW/m2 in the horizontal orientation. Metal
Section 907. wastebaskets and other metal waste containers with
a capacity of 75 L or more shall be listed in
3. Storage in metal lockers, provided the accordance with UL 1315 and shall be provided
minimum required egress width is with a noncombustible lid. Portable containers
maintained. exceeding 120 L shall be stored in an area classified
807.5.5.2 Artwork in corridors. Artwork as a waste and linen collection room constructed
and teaching materials shall be limited on walls of in accordance with Table 509 of the SBC 201.
corridors to not more than 20 percent of the wall 808.3 Signs. Foam plastic signs that are not
area. affixed to interior building surfaces shall have a
807.5.5.3 Artwork in classrooms. Artwork maximum heat release rate of 150 kW when tested
and teaching materials shall be limited on walls of in accordance with UL 1975, or when tested in
classrooms to not more than 50 percent of the accordance with NFPA 289 using the 20-kW
specific wall area to which they are attached. ignition source.
807.5.6 Dormitor ies in Group R-2. In Group R-2 Exception: Where the aggregate area of foam
dormitories, within sleeping units and dwelling plastic signs is less than 10 percent of the floor area
units, the combustible decorative materials shall be or wall area of the room or space in which the signs
of limited quantities such that a hazard of fire are located, whichever is less, subject to the
development or spread is not present. approval of the fire code official.
808.4 Combustible lockers. Where lockers
constructed of combustible materials are used, the
SECTION 808 FURNISHINGS OTHER lockers shall be considered interior finish and shall
THAN UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE comply with Section 803.
AND MATTRESSES OR DECORATIVE Exception: Lockers constructed entirely of wood
MATERIALS IN NEW AND EXISTING and noncombustible materials shall be permitted to
BUILDINGS be used wherever interior finish materials are
808.1 Wastebaskets and linen containers in required to meet a Class C classification in
Group I-1, I-2 and I-3 occupancies. Wastebaskets, accordance with Section 803.1.1.
linen containers and other waste containers,
including their lids, located in Group I-1, I-2 and I-
3 occupancies shall be constructed of non-
combustible materials or of materials that meet a
peak rate of heat release not exceeding 300 kW/m2
when tested in accordance with ASTM E 1354 at an
incident heat flux of 50 kW/m2 in the horizontal
orientation. Metal wastebaskets and other metal
waste containers with a capacity of 75 L or more
shall be listed in accordance with UL 1315 and shall
be provided with a noncombustible lid. Portable
containers exceeding 120 L shall be stored in an area
classified as a waste and linen collection room and
constructed in accordance with Table 509 of the
SBC 201.
sufficient to allow inspection, service, repair or be provided for all occupants left unprotected by the
replacement without removing such elements of shutdown until the fire protection system has been
permanent construction or disabling the function of returned to service.
a required fire resistance-rated assembly. Fire pump
Where utilized, fire watches shall be provided with
and automatic sprinkler system riser rooms shall be
not less than one approved means for notification of
provided with a door(s) and an unobstructed
the fire department (Civil Defense) and their only
passageway large enough to allow removal of the
duty shall be to perform constant patrols of the
largest piece of equipment.
protected premises and keep watch for fires.
901.5 Installation acceptance testing. Fire
901.7.1 Impair ment coordinator. The building
detection and alarm systems, fire-extinguishing
owner shall assign an impairment coordinator to
systems, fire hydrant systems, fire standpipe
comply with the requirements of this section. In the
systems, fire pump systems, private fire service
absence of a specific designee, the owner shall be
mains and all other fire protection systems and
considered the impairment coordinator.
appurtenances thereto shall be subject to acceptance
tests as contained in the installation standards and as 901.7.2 Tag requir ed. A tag shall be used to
approved by the fire code official. The fire code indicate that a system, or portion thereof, has been
official shall be notified before any required removed from service.
acceptance testing. 901.7.3 Placement of tag. The tag shall be posted
901.5.1 Occupancy. It shall be unlawful to occupy at each fire department (Civil Defense) connection,
any portion of a building or structure until the system control valve, fire alarm control unit, fire
required fire detection, alarm and suppression alarm annunciator and fire command center,
systems have been tested and approved. indicating which system, or part thereof, has been
removed from service. The fire code official shall
901.6 Inspection, testing and maintenance. Fire
specify where the tag is to be placed.
detection, alarm, and extinguishing systems,
mechanical smoke exhaust systems, and smoke and 901.7.4 Pr eplanned impair ment progr ams.
heat vents shall be maintained in an operative Preplanned impairments shall be authorized by the
condition at all times, and shall be replaced or impairment coordinator. Before authorization is
repaired where defective. Nonrequired fire given, a designated individual shall be responsible
protection systems and equipment shall be for verifying that all of the following procedures
inspected, tested and maintained or removed. have been implemented:
901.6.1 Standar ds. Fire protection systems shall 1. The extent and expected duration of the
be inspected, tested and maintained in accordance impairment have been determined.
with the referenced standards listed in Table 2. The areas or buildings involved have been
901.6.1. inspected and the increased risks determined.
901.6.2 Recor ds. Records of all system 3. Recommendations have been submitted to
inspections, tests and maintenance required by the management or the building owner/manager.
referenced standards shall be maintained.
4. The fire department (Civil Defense) has been
901.6.2.1 Records information. Initial notified.
records shall include the name of the installation
contractor, type of components installed, 5. The insurance carrier, the alarm company, the
manufacturer of the components, location and building owner/manager and other
number of components installed per floor. Records authorities having jurisdiction have been
shall also include the manufacturers’ operation and notified.
maintenance instruction manuals. Such records 6. The supervisors in the areas to be affected
shall be maintained for the life of the installation. have been notified.
901.7 Systems out of service. Where a required 7. A tag impairment system has been
fire protection system is out of service, the fire implemented.
department (Civil Defense) and the fire code
official shall be notified immediately and, where 8. Necessary tools and materials have been
required by the fire code official, the building shall assembled on the impairment site.
be either evacuated or an approved fire watch shall
901.7.5 Emer gency impair ments. Where 901.9 Termination of monitoring service. For
unplanned impairments occur, appropriate fire alarm systems required to be monitored by this
emergency action shall be taken to minimize code, notice shall be made to the fire code official
potential injury and damage. The impairment whenever alarm monitoring services are terminated.
coordinator shall implement the steps outlined in Notice shall be made in writing, to the fire code
Section 901.7.4. official by the monitoring service provider being
901.7.6 Restor ing systems to service. When
impaired equipment is restored to normal working 901.10 Recall of fire protection components.
order, the impairment coordinator shall verify that Any fire protection system component regulated by
all of the following procedures have been this code that is the subject of a voluntary or
implemented: mandatory recall under a governmental law shall be
replaced with approved, listed components in
1. Necessary inspections and tests have been
compliance with the referenced standards of this
conducted to verify that affected systems are
code. The fire code official shall be notified in
writing by the building owner when the recalled
2. Supervisors have been advised that protection component parts have been replaced.
is restored.
3. The Civil Defense has been advised that
protection is restored. SECTION 902 DEFINITIONS
4. The building owner/manager, insurance 902.1 Definitions. The following terms are
carrier, alarm company and other involved defined in Chapter 2:
parties have been advised that protection is • ALARM NOTIFICATION APPLIANCE.
restored. • ALARM SIGNAL.
5. The impairment tag has been removed. • ALARM VERIFICATION FEATURE.
901.8 Removal of or tampering with • ANNUNCIATOR.
equipment. It shall be unlawful for any person to • AUDIBLE ALARM NOTIFICATION
remove, tamper with or otherwise disturb any fire APPLIANCE.
hydrant, fire detection and alarm system, fire • AUTOMATIC.
suppression system or other fire appliance required
by this code except for the purpose of extinguishing
fire, training purposes, recharging or making
necessary repairs or where approved by the fire • AUTOMATIC SMOKE DETECTION
code official. SYSTEM.
901.8.1 Removal of or tampering with
appur tenances. Locks, gates, doors, barricades, • AUTOMATIC WATER MIST SYSTEM.
chains, enclosures, signs, tags or seals that have • AVERAGE AMBIENT SOUND LEVEL.
been installed by or at the direction of the fire code • CARBON DIOXIDE EXTINGUISHING
official shall not be removed, unlocked, destroyed, SYSTEM.
tampered with or otherwise vandalized in any • CLEAN AGENT.
901.8.2 Removal of existing occupant-use hose • CONSTANTLY ATTENDED
lines. The fire code official is authorized to permit LOCATION.
the removal of existing occupant-use hose lines
where all of the following conditions exist: • DELUGE SYSTEM.
1. Installation is not required by this code or
SBC 201.
2. The hose line would not be utilized by trained • ELEVATOR GROUP.
personnel or the fire department.
3. The remaining outlets are compatible with • EMERGENCY VOICE/ALARM
local fire department (Civil Defense) fittings. COMMUNICATIONS.
1. The fire area exceeds 1115 m2. stands, retail areas, press boxes and other accessory
use areas in excess of 93 m2.
2. The fire area has an occupant load of 300 or
more. 903.2.1.6 Assembly occupancies on roofs.
Where an occupied roof has an assembly occupancy
3. The fire area is located on a floor other than a
with an occupant load exceeding 100 for Group A-
level of exit discharge serving such
2 and 300 for other Group A occupancies, all floors
between the occupied roof and the level of exit
4. The fire area contains a multitheater complex. discharge shall be equipped with an automatic
903.2.1.2 Group A-2. An automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section
sprinkler system shall be provided for fire areas 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2.
containing Group A-2 occupancies and intervening Exception: Open parking garages of Type I or Type
floors of the building where one of the following II construction.
conditions exists:
903.2.1.7 Multiple fire areas. An automatic
1. The fire area exceeds 465 m2. sprinkler system shall be provided where multiple
2. The fire area has an occupant load of 100 or fire areas of Group A-1, A-2, A-3 or A-4
more. occupancies share exit or exit access components
and the combined occupant load of these fire areas
3. The fire area is located on a floor other than a is 300 or more.
level of exit discharge serving such
occupancies. 903.2.2 Ambulator y car e facilities. An automatic
sprinkler system shall be installed throughout the
903.2.1.3 Group A-3. An automatic entire floor containing an ambulatory care facility
sprinkler system shall be provided for fire areas where either of the following conditions exist at any
containing Group A-3 occupancies and intervening time:
floors of the building where one of the following
1. Four or more care recipients are incapable of
conditions exists:
self-preservation, whether rendered
1. The fire area exceeds 1115 m2. incapable by staff or staff has accepted
2. The fire area has an occupant load of 300 or responsibility for care recipients already
more. incapable.
3. The fire area is located on a floor other than a 2. One or more care recipients that are incapable
level of exit discharge serving such of self preservation are located at other than
occupancies. the level of exit discharge serving such a
Exception: Automatic Sprinkler System is not
required in detached Mosque of Type I or Type II In buildings where ambulatory care is provided on
construction. levels other than the level of exit discharge, an
automatic sprinkler system shall be installed
903.2.1.4 Group A-4. An automatic throughout the entire floor where such care is
sprinkler system shall be provided for fire areas provided as well as all floors below, and all floors
containing Group A-4 occupancies and intervening between the level of ambulatory care and the
floors of the building where one of the following nearest level of exit discharge, including the level of
conditions exists: exit discharge.
1. The fire area exceeds 1115 m2. 903.2.3 Gr oup E. An automatic sprinkler system
2. The fire area has an occupant load of 300 or shall be provided for Group E occupancies as
more. follows:
3. The fire area is located on a floor other than a 1. Throughout all Group E fire areas greater
level of exit discharge serving such than 1115 m2 in area.
occupancies. 2. Throughout every portion of educational
903.2.1.5 Group A-5. An automatic buildings below the lowest level of exit
sprinkler system shall be provided for Group A-5 discharge serving that portion of the
occupancies in the following areas: concession building.
with Section 903.3.1.2 shall be permitted in Group 1. Buildings having two or more stories above
R-4 Condition 2 occupancies. Attics shall be grade plane, including basements, with a fire
protected in accordance with Section 903. or area containing a repair garage exceeding 930
903. m2.
903. Attics used for living purposes, 2. Buildings not more than one story above
storage or fuel-fired equipment. Attics used for grade plane, with a fire area containing a
living purposes, storage or fuel-fired equipment repair garage exceeding 1115 m2.
shall be protected throughout with an automatic
3. Buildings with repair garages servicing
sprinkler system installed in accordance with
vehicles parked in basements.
Section 903.3.1.2.
4. A Group S-1 fire area used for the repair of
903. Attics not used for living
commercial motor vehicles where the fire
purposes, storage or fuel-fired equipment. Attics
area exceeds 465 m2.
not used for living purposes, storage or fuel-fired
equipment shall be protected in accordance with
one of the following: 903.2.9.2 Bulk storage of tires. Buildings
1. Attics protected throughout by a heat detector and structures where the area for the storage of tires
system arranged to activate the building fire exceeds 565 m3 shall be equipped throughout with
alarm system in accordance with Section an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with
907.2.10. Section 903.3.1.1.
2. Attics constructed of noncombustible 903.2.10 Gr oup S-2 enclosed par king
materials. gar ages. An automatic sprinkler system shall be
provided throughout buildings classified as
3. The automatic sprinkler system shall be
enclosed parking garages in accordance with
extended to provide protection throughout
Section 406.6 of the SBC 201 where either of the
the attic space.
following conditions exists:
903.2.8.4 Care facilities. An automatic
1. Where the fire area of the enclosed parking
sprinkler system installed in accordance with
garage exceeds 1115 m2.
Section 903.3.1.3 shall be permitted in care
facilities with five or fewer individuals in a single- 2. Where the enclosed parking garage is located
family dwelling. beneath other groups.
903.2.9 Gr oup S-1. An automatic sprinkler system Exception: Enclosed parking garages located
shall be provided throughout all buildings beneath Group R-3 occupancies.
containing a Group S-1 occupancy where one of the 903.2.10.1 Commercial parking garages.
following conditions exists: An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided
1. A Group S-1 fire area exceeds 1115 m2. throughout buildings used for storage of
commercial motor vehicles where the fire area
2. A Group S-1 fire area is located more than
exceeds 465 m2.
three stories above grade plane.
903.2.11 Specific buildings ar eas and
3. The combined area of all Group S-1 fire areas
hazar ds. In all occupancies other than Group U, an
on all floors, including any mezzanines,
automatic sprinkler system shall be installed for
exceeds 2230 m2.
building design or hazards in the locations set forth
4. A Group S-1 fire area used for the storage of in Sections 903.2.11.1 through 903.2.11.6.
commercial motor vehicles where the fire
903.2.11.1 Stories without openings. An
area exceeds 465 m2.
automatic sprinkler system shall be installed
5. A Group S-1 occupancy used for the storage throughout all stories, including basements, of all
of upholstered furniture or mattresses buildings where the floor area exceeds 140 m2 and
exceeds 230 m2. where there is not provided not fewer than one of
the following types of exterior wall openings:
903.2.9.1 Repair garages. An automatic
sprinkler system shall be provided throughout all 1. Openings below grade that lead directly to
buildings used as repair garages in accordance with ground level by an exterior stairway
Section 406.8 of the SBC 201, as shown: complying with Section 1009 or an outside
ramp complying with Section 1010. above the discharge. Chute sprinklers shall be
Openings shall be located in each 15 m, or accessible for servicing.
fraction thereof, of exterior wall in the story
903.2.11.3 Buildings 17 m or more in height.
on at least one side. The required openings
An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed
shall be distributed such that the lineal
throughout buildings that have one or more stories
distance between adjacent openings does not
with an occupant load of 30 or more located 17 m
exceed 15 m.
or more above the lowest level of Civil Defense
2. Openings entirely above the adjoining ground vehicle access, measured to the finished floor.
level totaling not less than 1.85 m2 in each 15
m linear meter, or fraction thereof, of exterior
wall in the story on at least one side. The 1. Open parking structures.
required openings shall be distributed such 2. Occupancies in Group F-2.
that the lineal distance between adjacent
openings does not exceed 15 m. The height 903.2.11.4 Ducts conveying hazardous
of the bottom of the clear opening shall not exhausts. Where required by the SBC 501,
exceed 1110 mm measured from the floor. automatic sprinklers shall be provided in ducts
conveying hazardous exhaust or flammable or
903. Opening dimensions and access. combustible materials.
Openings shall have a minimum dimension of not
less than 750 mm. Such openings shall be Exception: Ducts where the largest cross-sectional
accessible to the Civil Defense from the exterior diameter of the duct is less than 250 mm.
and shall not be obstructed in a manner such that 903.2.11.5 Commercial cooking operations.
fire fighting or rescue cannot be accomplished from An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed in
the exterior. commercial kitchen exhaust hood and duct systems
903. Openings on one side only. Where where an automatic sprinkler system is used to
openings in a story are provided on only one side comply with Section 904.
and the opposite wall of such story is more than 23 903.2.11.6 Other required suppression
m from such openings, the story shall be equipped systems. In addition to the requirements of Section
throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler 903.2, the provisions indicated in Table 903.2.11.6
system or openings as specified above shall be require the installation of a fire suppression system
provided on not fewer than two sides of the story. for certain buildings and areas.
903. Basements. Where any portion of
a basement is located more than 23 m from
903.2.12 Dur ing constr uction. Automatic
openings required by Section 903.2.11.1, or where
sprinkler systems required during construction,
walls, partitions or other obstructions are installed
alteration and demolition operations shall be
that restrict the application of water from hose
provided in accordance with Section 3313.
streams, the basement shall be equipped throughout
with an approved automatic sprinkler system. 903.3 Installation requirements. Automatic
sprinkler systems shall be designed and installed in
accordance with Sections 903.3.1 through 903.3.8.
903.2.11.2 Rubbish and linen chutes. An
automatic sprinkler system shall be installed at the
top of rubbish and linen chutes and in their terminal 903.3.1 Standar ds. Sprinkler systems shall be
rooms. Chutes shall have additional sprinkler heads designed and installed in accordance with Section
installed at alternate floors and at the lowest intake. 903.3.1.1, unless otherwise permitted by Sections
Where a rubbish chute extends through a building 903.3.1.2 and 903.3.1.3 and other chapters of this
more than one floor below the lowest intake, the code, as applicable.
extension shall have sprinklers installed that are 903.3.1.1 NFPA 13 sprinkler systems.
recessed from the drop area of the chute and Where the provisions of this code require that a
protected from freezing in accordance with Section building or portion thereof be equipped throughout
903.3.1.1. Such sprinklers shall be installed at with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance
alternate floors beginning with the second level with this section, sprinklers shall be installed
below the last intake and ending with the floor throughout in accordance with NFPA 13 except as
provided in Sections 903. and 903.
Exception: Kitchen equipment under exhaust system. Where a limited area sprinkler system is
hoods protected with a fire-extinguishing system in installed in a building without an automatic wet
accordance with Section 904. standpipe system, water shall be permitted to be
supplied by the plumbing system provided that the
903.3.4 Actuation. Automatic sprinkler systems
plumbing system is capable of simultaneously
shall be automatically actuated unless specifically
supplying domestic and sprinkler demands.
provided for in this code.
903.3.8.4 Supervision. Control valves shall
903.3.5 Water supplies. Water supplies for
not be installed between the water supply and
automatic sprinkler systems shall comply with this
sprinklers unless the valves are of an approved
section and the standards referenced in Section
indicating type that are supervised or secured in the
903.3.1. The potable water supply shall be protected
open position.
against backflow in accordance with the
requirements of this section and the SBC 701. For 903.3.8.5 Calculations. Hydraulic
connections to public waterworks systems, the calculations in accordance with NFPA 13 shall be
water supply test used for design of fire protection provided to demonstrate that the available water
systems shall be adjusted to account for seasonal flow and pressure are adequate to supply all
and daily pressure fluctuations based on sprinklers installed in any single fire area with
information from the water supply authority and as discharge densities corresponding to the hazard
approved by the fire code official. classification.
903.3.5.1 Domestic services. Where the 903.4 Sprinkler system supervision and
domestic service provides the water supply for the alarms. Valves controlling the water supply for
automatic sprinkler system, the supply shall be in automatic sprinkler systems, pumps, tanks, water
accordance with this section. levels and temperatures, critical air pressures and
waterflow switches on all sprinkler systems shall be
903.3.5.2 Residential combination
electrically supervised by a listed fire alarm control
services. A single combination water supply shall
be allowed provided that the domestic demand is
added to the sprinkler demand as required by NFPA Exceptions:
1. Automatic sprinkler systems protecting one
903.3.6 Hose thr eads. Fire hose threads and and two-family dwellings.
fittings used in connection with automatic sprinkler
2. Limited area sprinkler systems in accordance
systems shall be as prescribed by the fire code
with Section 903.3.8.
3. Automatic sprinkler systems installed in
903.3.7 Fire depar tment (Civil Defense)
accordance with NFPA 13R where a
connections. Fire department (Civil Defense)
common supply main is used to supply both
connections for automatic sprinkler systems shall
domestic water and the automatic sprinkler
be installed in accordance with Section 912.
system, and a separate shutoff valve for the
903.3.8 Limited ar ea sprinkler systems. Limited automatic sprinkler system is not provided.
area sprinkler systems shall be in accordance with
4. Jockey pump control valves that are sealed or
the standards listed in Section 903.3.1 except as
locked in the open position.
provided in Sections 903.3.8.1 through 903.3.8.5.
5. Control valves to commercial kitchen hoods,
903.3.8.1 Number of sprinklers. Limited
paint spray booths or dip tanks that are sealed
area sprinkler systems shall not exceed six
or locked in the open position.
sprinklers in any single fire area.
6. Valves controlling the fuel supply to fire
903.3.8.2 Occupancy hazard classification.
pump engines that are sealed or locked in the
Only areas classified by NFPA 13 as Light Hazard
open position.
or Ordinary Hazard Group 1 shall be permitted to
be protected by limited area sprinkler systems. 7. Trim valves to pressure switches in dry,
preaction and deluge sprinkler systems that
903.3.8.3 Piping arrangement. Where a
are sealed or locked in the open position.
limited area sprinkler system is installed in a
building with an automatic wet standpipe system, 903.4.1 Monitor ing. Alarm, supervisory and
sprinklers shall be supplied by the standpipe trouble signals shall be distinctly different and shall
to warn of pending agent discharge. Where 904.5.1 System test. Systems shall be inspected
exposure to automatic-extinguishing agents poses a and tested for proper operation at six-month
hazard to persons and a delay is required to ensure intervals. Tests shall include a check of the
the evacuation of occupants before agent discharge, detection system, alarms and releasing devices,
a separate warning signal shall be provided to alert including manual stations and other associated
occupants once agent discharge has begun. Audible equipment. Extinguishing system units shall be
signals shall be in accordance with Section 907.5.2. weighed and the required amount of agent verified.
Stored pressure-type units shall be checked for the
904.3.5 Monitor ing. Where a building fire alarm
required pressure. The cartridge of cartridge-
system is installed, automatic fire-extinguishing
operated units shall be weighed and replaced at
systems shall be monitored by the building fire
intervals indicated by the manufacturer.
alarm system in accordance with NFPA 72.
904.5.2 Fusible link maintenance. Fixed
904.4 Inspection and testing. Automatic fire-
temperature-sensing elements shall be maintained
extinguishing systems shall be inspected and tested
to ensure proper operation of the system.
in accordance with the provisions of this section
prior to acceptance. 904.6 Dry-chemical systems. Dry-chemical
extinguishing systems shall be installed,
904.4.1 Inspection. Prior to conducting final
maintained, periodically inspected and tested in
acceptance tests, all of the following items shall be
accordance with NFPA 17 and their listing. Records
of inspections and testing shall be maintained.
1. Hazard specification for consistency with
904.6.1 System test. Systems shall be inspected
design hazard.
and tested for proper operation at six-month
2. Type, location and spacing of automatic and intervals. Tests shall include a check of the
manual initiating devices. detection system, alarms and releasing devices,
3. Size, placement and position of nozzles or including manual stations and other associated
discharge orifices. equipment. Extinguishing system units shall be
weighed, and the required amount of agent verified.
4. Location and identification of audible and Stored pressure-type units shall be checked for the
visible alarm devices. required pressure. The cartridge of cartridge-
5. Identification of devices with proper operated units shall be weighed and replaced at
designations. intervals indicated by the manufacturer.
904.8.2 High-pr essur e cylinder s. High-pressure kPa for 4137 kPa charging pressure systems and not
cylinders shall be weighed and the date of the last less than 6200 kPa for 2482 kPa charging pressure
hydrostatic test shall be verified at six-month systems. For Halon 1211 hand-hose line systems,
intervals. Where a container shows a loss in original hoses shall be tested at 17250 kPa for high-pressure
content of more than 10 percent, the cylinder shall systems and 6200 kPa for low-pressure systems.
be refilled or replaced.
904.9.4 Auxiliar y equipment. Auxiliary and
904.8.3 Low-pressur e containers. The liquid- supplementary components, such as switches, door
level gauges of low-pressure containers shall be and window releases, interconnected valves,
observed at one-week intervals. Where a container damper releases and supplementary alarms, shall be
shows a content loss of more than 10 percent, the manually operated at 12-month intervals to ensure
container shall be refilled to maintain the minimum such components are in proper operating condition.
gas requirements.
904.10 Clean-agent systems. Clean-agent fire-
904.8.4 System hoses. System hoses shall be extinguishing systems shall be installed,
examined at 12 month intervals for damage. maintained, periodically inspected and tested in
Damaged hoses shall be replaced or tested. At five- accordance with NFPA 2001 and their listing.
year intervals, all hoses shall be tested. Records of inspections and testing shall be
904.8.4.1 Test procedure. Hoses shall be maintained.
tested at not less than 17250 kPa for high-pressure 904.10.1 System test. Systems shall be
systems and at not less than 6200 kPa for low- inspected and tested for proper operation at 12-
pressure systems. month intervals.
904.8.5 Auxiliar y equipment. Auxiliary and 904.10.2 Containers. The extinguishing
supplementary components, such as switches, door agent quantity and pressure of the containers shall
and window releases, interconnected valves, be checked at six-month intervals. Where a
damper releases and supplementary alarms, shall be container shows a loss in original weight of more
manually operated at 12-month intervals to ensure than 5 percent or a loss in original pressure, adjusted
that such components are in proper operating for temperature, of more than 10 percent, the
condition. container shall be refilled or replaced. The weight
and pressure of the container shall be recorded on a
904.9 Halon systems. Halogenated extinguishing
systems shall be installed, maintained, periodically tag attached to the container.
inspected and tested in accordance with NFPA 12A 904.10.3 System hoses. System hoses shall
and their listing. Records of inspections and testing be examined at 12-month intervals for damage.
shall be maintained. Damaged hoses shall be replaced or tested. All
904.9.1 System test. Systems shall be inspected hoses shall be tested at five-year intervals.
and tested for proper operation at 12-month 904.11 Automatic water mist systems. Automatic
intervals. water mist systems shall be permitted in applications
that are consistent with the applicable listing or
904.9.2 Containers. The extinguishing agent
approvals and shall comply with Sections 904.11.1
quantity and pressure of containers shall be checked
at six-month intervals. Where a container shows a through 904.11.3.
loss in original weight of more than 5 percent or a 904.11.1 Design and installation
loss in original pressure (adjusted for temperature) requir ements. Automatic water mist systems shall
of more than 10 percent, the container shall be be designed and installed in accordance with
refilled or replaced. The weight and pressure of the Sections 904.11.1.1 through 904.11.1.4.
container shall be recorded on a tag attached to the
904.11.1.1 General. Automatic water mist
systems shall be designed and installed in
904.9.3 System hoses. System hoses shall be accordance with NFPA 750 and the manufacturer’s
examined at 12 month intervals for damage. instructions.
Damaged hoses shall be replaced or tested. At five-
904.11.1.2 Actuation. Automatic water mist
year intervals, all hoses shall be tested.
systems shall be automatically actuated.
904.9.3.1 Test procedure. For Halon 1301
904.11.1.3 Water supply protection.
systems, hoses shall be tested at not less than 10350
Connections to a potable water supply shall be
protected against backflow in accordance with the 5. Wet-chemical extinguishing systems, NFPA
SBC 701. 17A.
904.11.1.4 Secondary water supply. Where a Exception: Factory-built commercial cooking
secondary water supply is required for an automatic recirculating systems that are tested in accordance
sprinkler system, an automatic water mist system with UL 710B and listed, labeled and installed in
shall be provided with an approved secondary water accordance with Section 304.1 of the SBC 501.
904.12.1 Manual system oper ation. A
904.11.2 Water mist system super vision manual actuation device shall be located at or near
and alar ms. Supervision and alarms shall be a means of egress from the cooking area not less
provided as required for automatic sprinkler than 3000 mm and not more than 6000 mm from the
systems in accordance with Section 903.4. kitchen exhaust system. The manual actuation
device shall be installed not more than 1200 mm nor
904.11.2.1 Monitoring. Monitoring shall be
less than 1000 mm above the floor and shall clearly
provided as required for automatic sprinkler
identify the hazard protected. The manual actuation
systems in accordance with Section 903.4.1.
shall require a maximum force of 178 N and a
904.11.2.2 Alarms. Alarms shall be provided maximum movement of 350 mm to actuate the fire
as required for automatic sprinkler systems in suppression system.
accordance with Section 903.4.2.
Exception: Automatic sprinkler systems shall not
904.11.2.3 Floor control valves. Floor be required to be equipped with manual actuation
control valves shall be provided as required for means.
automatic sprinkler systems in accordance with
904.12.2 System interconnection. The
Section 903.4.3.
actuation of the fire extinguishing system shall
904.11.3 Testing and maintenance. automatically shut down the fuel or electrical power
Automatic water mist systems shall be tested and supply to the cooking equipment. The fuel and
maintained in accordance with Section 901.6. electrical supply reset shall be manual.
904.12 Commercial cooking systems. The 904.12.3 Car bon dioxide systems. Where
automatic fire extinguishing system for commercial carbon dioxide systems are used, there shall be a
cooking systems shall be of a type recognized for nozzle at the top of the ventilating duct. Additional
protection of commercial cooking equipment and nozzles that are symmetrically arranged to give
exhaust systems of the type and arrangement uniform distribution shall be installed within
protected. Pre-engineered automatic dry and wet- vertical ducts exceeding 6 m and horizontal ducts
chemical extinguishing systems shall be tested in exceeding 15 m. Dampers shall be installed at either
accordance with UL 300 and listed and labeled for the top or the bottom of the duct and shall be
the intended application. Other types of automatic arranged to operate automatically upon activation
fire-extinguishing systems shall be listed and of the fire-extinguishing system. Where the damper
labeled for specific use as protection for is installed at the top of the duct, the top nozzle shall
commercial cooking operations. The system shall be immediately below the damper. Automatic
be installed in accordance with this code, its listing carbon dioxide fire-extinguishing systems shall be
and the manufacturer’s installation instructions. sufficiently sized to protect all hazards venting
Automatic fire-extinguishing systems of the through a common duct simultaneously.
following types shall be installed in accordance
904.12.3.1 Ventilation system. Commercial-
with the referenced standard indicated, as follows:
type cooking equipment protected by an automatic
1. Carbon dioxide extinguishing systems, NFPA carbon dioxide extinguishing system shall be
12. arranged to shut off the ventilation system upon
2. Automatic sprinkler systems, NFPA 13. activation.
904.12.4.1 Listed sprinklers. Sprinklers used required to comply with the applicable provisions
for the protection of fryers shall be tested in of Sections 904.12 through 904.12.4.
accordance with UL 199E, listed for that
904.12.6.2 Extinguishing system service.
application and installed in accordance with their
Automatic fire extinguishing systems shall be
serviced at least every six months and after
904.12.5 Por table fire extinguishers for activation of the system. Inspection shall be by
commer cial cooking equipment. Portable fire qualified individuals, and a certificate of inspection
extinguishers shall be provided within a 9 m shall be forwarded to the fire code official upon
distance of travel from commercial-type cooking completion.
equipment. Cooking equipment involving solid
904.12.6.3 Fusible link and sprinkler head
fuels or vegetable or animal oils and fats shall be
replacement. Fusible links and automatic sprinkler
protected by a Class K rated portable extinguisher
heads shall be replaced at least annually, and other
in accordance with Section 904.12.5.1 or
protection devices shall be serviced or replaced in
904.12.5.2, as applicable.
accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
904.12.5.1 Portable fire extinguishers for
Exception: Frangible bulbs are not required to be
solid fuel cooking appliances. Solid fuel cooking
replaced annually.
appliances, whether or not under a hood, with
fireboxes 0.14 m3 or less in volume shall have a 904.13 Domestic cooking systems in Group I-2
minimum 9 L or two 6 L Class K wet-chemical Condition 1. In Group I-2 Condition 1 occupancies
portable fire extinguishers located in accordance where cooking facilities are installed in accordance
with Section 904.12.5. with Section 407.2.6 of the SBC 201, the domestic
cooking hood provided over the cooktop or range
904.12.5.2 Class K portable fire
shall be equipped with an automatic fire-
extinguishers for deep fat fryers. Where hazard
extinguishing system of a type recognized for
areas include deep fat fryers, listed Class K portable
protection of domestic cooking equipment. Pre-
fire extinguishers shall be provided as follows:
engineered automatic extinguishing systems shall
1. For up to four fryers having a maximum be tested in accordance with UL 300A and listed and
cooking medium capacity of 36 kg each: one labeled for the intended application. The system
Class K portable fire extinguisher of a shall be installed in accordance with this code, its
minimum 6 L capacity. listing and the manufacturer’s instructions.
2. For every additional group of four fryers 904.13.1 Manual system oper ation and
having a maximum cooking medium interconnection. Manual actuation and system
capacity of 36 kg each: one additional Class interconnection for the hood suppression system
K portable fire extinguisher of a minimum 6 shall be in accordance with Sections 904.12.1
L capacity shall be provided. and 904.12.2, respectively.
3. For individual fryers exceeding 0.55 m2 in 904.13.2 Por table fire extinguishers for
surface area: Class K portable fire domestic cooking equipment in Gr oup I-2
extinguishers shall be installed in accordance Condition 1. A portable fire extinguisher
with the extinguisher manufacturer’s complying with Section 906 shall be installed
recommendations. within a 9 m distance of travel from domestic
cooking appliances.
904.12.6 Oper ations and maintenance.
Automatic fire extinguishing systems protecting
commercial cooking systems shall be maintained
in accordance with Sections 904.12.6.1 through SECTION 905 STANDPIPE SYSTEMS
904.12.6.3. 905.1 General. Standpipe systems shall be
904.12.6.1 Existing automatic fire- provided in new buildings and structures in
extinguishing systems. Where changes in the accordance with Sections 905.2 through 905.10. In
cooking media, positioning of cooking equipment buildings used for high-piled combustible storage,
or replacement of cooking equipment occur in fire protection shall be in accordance with Chapter
existing commercial cooking systems, the 32.
automatic fire extinguishing system shall be
905.2 Installation standard. Standpipe systems 905.3.2 Gr oup A. Class I automatic wet standpipes
shall be installed in accordance with this section and shall be provided in non-sprinklered Group A
NFPA 14. Civil Defense connections for standpipe buildings having an occupant load exceeding 1,000
systems shall be in accordance with Section 912. persons.
905.3 Required Installations. Standpipe Exceptions:
systems shall be installed where required by
1. Open-air-seating spaces without enclosed
Sections 905.3.1 through 905.3.8. Standpipe
systems are allowed to be combined with automatic
sprinkler systems. 2. Class I automatic dry and semiautomatic dry
standpipes or manual wet standpipes are
Exception: Standpipe systems are not required in
allowed in buildings that are not high-rise
Group R-3 occupancies. buildings.
905.3.1 Height. Class III standpipe systems shall 905.3.3 Covered and open mall buildings.
be installed throughout buildings where the floor Covered mall and open mall buildings shall be
level of the highest story is located more than 9 m equipped throughout with a standpipe system where
above the lowest level of the fire department (Civil
required by Section 905.3.1. Mall buildings not
Defense) vehicle access, or where the floor level of
required to be equipped with a standpipe system by
the lowest story is located more than 9 m below the Section 905.3.1 shall be equipped with Class I hose
highest level of fire department (Civil Defense) connections connected to the automatic sprinkler
vehicle access. system sized to deliver water at 945 L/min at the
Exceptions: most hydraulically remote hose connection while
concurrently supplying the automatic sprinkler
1. Class I standpipes are allowed in buildings
system demand. The standpipe system shall be
equipped throughout with an automatic
designed not to exceed a 345 kPa residual pressure
sprinkler system in accordance with Section
loss with a flow of 945 L/min from the fire
903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2.
department (Civil Defense) connection to the
2. Class I manual standpipes are allowed in open hydraulically most remote hose connection. Hose
parking garages where the highest floor is connections shall be provided at each of the
located not more than 45 m above the lowest following locations:
level of fire department (Civil Defense)
1. Within the mall at the entrance to each exit
vehicle access.
passageway or corridor.
3. Class I manual dry standpipes are allowed in
2. At each floor-level landing within interior
open parking garages that are subject to
exit stairways opening directly on the mall.
freezing temperatures, provided that the hose
connections are located as required for Class 3. At exterior public entrances to the mall of a
II standpipes in accordance with Section covered mall building
4. At public entrances at the perimeter line of an
4. Class I standpipes are allowed in basements open mall building.
equipped throughout with an automatic
5. At other locations as necessary so that the
sprinkler system.
distance to reach all portions of a tenant space
5. In determining the lowest level of fire does not exceed 60 m from a hose connection.
department (Civil Defense) vehicle access, it
905.3.4 Stages. Stages greater than 93 m2 in area
shall not be required to consider either of the
shall be equipped with a Class III wet standpipe
system with 40 mm and 65 mm hose connections
5.1. Recessed loading docks for four on each side of the stage.
vehicles or less.
Exception: Where the building or area is equipped
5.2. Conditions where topography makes throughout with an automatic sprinkler system, a 40
access from the fire department (Civil mm hose connection shall be installed in
Defense) vehicle to the building accordance with NFPA 13 or in accordance with
impractical or impossible. NFPA 14 for Class II or III standpipes.
905.3.4.1 Hose and cabinet. The 40 mm 4. In covered mall buildings, adjacent to each
hose connections shall be equipped with sufficient exterior public entrance to the mall and
lengths of 40 mm hose to provide fire protection adjacent to each entrance from an exit
for the stage area. Hose connections shall be passageway or exit corridor to the mall. In
equipped with an approved adjustable fog nozzle open mall buildings, adjacent to each public
and be mounted in a cabinet or on a rack. entrance to the mall at the perimeter line and
adjacent to each entrance from an exit
905.3.5 Under gr ound buildings. Underground
passageway or exit corridor to the mall.
buildings shall be equipped throughout with a Class
I automatic wet or manual wet standpipe system. 5. Where the roof has a slope less than four units
vertical in 12 units horizontal (33.3-percent
905.3.6 Helistops and helipor ts. Buildings with a
slope), a hose connection shall be located to
rooftop helistop or heliport shall be equipped with
serve the roof or at the highest landing of an
a Class I or III standpipe system extended to the
interior exit stairway with access to the roof
roof level on which the helistop or heliport is
provided in accordance with Section
located in accordance with Section 2007.5.
905.3.7 Mar inas and boatyar ds. Standpipes in
6. Where the most remote portion of a non-
marinas and boatyards shall comply with Chapter
sprinklered floor or story is more than 15 m
from a hose connection or the most remote
905.3.8 Rooftop gar dens and landscaped roofs. portion of a sprinklered floor or story is more
Buildings or structures that have rooftop gardens or than 60 m from a hose connection, the fire
landscaped roofs and that are equipped with a code official is authorized to require that
standpipe system shall have the standpipe system additional hose connections be provided in
extended to the roof level on which the rooftop approved locations.
garden or landscaped roof is located.
905.4.1 Pr otection. Risers and laterals of Class I
905.4 Location of Class I standpipe hose standpipe systems not located within an interior exit
connections. Class I standpipe hose connections stairway shall be protected by a degree of fire
shall be provided in all of the following locations: resistance equal to that required for vertical
1. In every required interior exit stairway, a hose enclosures in the building in which they are located.
connection shall be provided for each story Exception: In buildings equipped throughout with
above and below grade plane. Hose an approved automatic sprinkler system, laterals
connections shall be located at an that are not located within an interior exit stairway
intermediate landing between stories, unless are not required to be enclosed within fire-
otherwise approved by the fire code official. resistance-rated construction.
2. On each side of the wall adjacent to the exit 905.4.2 Inter connection. In buildings where more
opening of a horizontal exit. than one standpipe is provided, the standpipes shall
Exception: Where floor areas adjacent to a be interconnected in accordance with NFPA 14.
horizontal exit are reachable from an interior exit 905.5 Location of Class II standpipe hose
stairway hose connection by a 9 m hose stream connections. Class II standpipe hose connections
from a nozzle attached to 30 m of hose, a hose shall be accessible and shall be located so that all
connection shall not be required at the horizontal portions of the building are within 9 m of a nozzle
exit. attached to 30 m of hose.
3. In every exit passageway, at the entrance from 905.5.1 Gr oups A-1 and A-2. In Group A-1 and A-
the exit passageway to other areas of a 2 occupancies with occupant loads of more than
building. 1,000, hose connections shall be located on each
Exception: Where floor areas adjacent to an exit side of any stage, on each side of the rear of the
passageway are reachable from an interior exit auditorium, on each side of the balcony and on each
stairway hose connection by a 9 m hose stream tier of dressing rooms.
from a nozzle attached to 30 m of hose, a hose 905.5.2 Pr otection. Fire-resistance-rated
connection shall not be required at the entrance from protection of risers and laterals of Class II standpipe
the exit passageway to other areas of the building. systems is not required.
905.5.3 Class II system 25 mm hose. A minimum Exception: Where subject to freezing and in
25 mm hose shall be allowed to be used for hose accordance with NFPA 14.
stations in light-hazard occupancies where
905.9 Valve supervision. Valves controlling
investigated and listed for this service and where
water supplies shall be supervised in the open
approved by the fire code official.
position so that a change in the normal position of
905.6 Location of Class III standpipe hose the valve will generate a supervisory signal at the
connections. Class III standpipe systems shall have supervising station required by Section 903.4.
hose connections located as required for Class I Where a fire alarm system is provided, a signal shall
standpipes in Section 905.4 and shall have Class II be transmitted to the control unit.
hose connections as required in Section 905.5.
905.6.1 Pr otection. Risers and laterals of Class III
1. Valves to underground key or hub valves in
standpipe systems shall be protected as required for
roadway boxes provided by the municipality
Class I systems in accordance with Section 905.4.1.
or public utility do not require supervision.
905.6.2 Inter connection. In buildings where more
2. Valves locked in the normal position and
than one Class III standpipe is provided, the
inspected as provided in this code in
standpipes shall be interconnected in accordance
buildings not equipped with a fire alarm
with NFPA 14.
905.7 Cabinets. Cabinets containing fire-fighting
905.10 During construction. Standpipe systems
equipment, such as standpipes, fire hose, fire
required during construction and demolition
extinguishers or fire department (Civil Defense)
operations shall be provided in accordance with
valves, shall not be blocked from use or obscured
Section 3313.
from view.
905.11 Existing buildings. Where required in
905.7.1 Cabinet equipment identification.
Chapter 11, existing structures shall be equipped
Cabinets shall be identified in an approved manner
with standpipes installed in accordance with
by a permanently attached sign with letters not less
Section 905.
than 50 mm high in a color that contrasts with the
background color, indicating the equipment SECTION 906 PORTABLE FIRE
contained therein. EXTINGUISHERS
Exceptions: 906.1 Where required. Portable fire
1. Doors not large enough to accommodate a extinguishers shall be installed in all of the
written sign shall be marked with a following locations:
permanently attached pictogram of the 1. In new and existing Group A, B, E, F, H, I, M,
equipment contained therein. R-1, R-2, R-4 and S occupancies.
2. Doors that have either an approved visual Exception: In Group R-2 occupancies, portable fire
identification clear glass panel or a complete extinguishers shall be required only in locations
glass door panel are not required to be specified in Items 2 through 6 where each dwelling
marked. unit is provided with a portable fire extinguisher
905.7.2 Locking cabinet doors. Cabinets shall be having a minimum rating of 1-A:10-B:C.
unlocked. 2. Within 9 m of commercial cooking
Exceptions: equipment.
6. Special-hazard areas, including but not 906.3 Size and distribution. The size and
limited to laboratories, computer rooms and distribution of portable fire extinguishers shall be in
generator rooms, where required by the fire accordance with Sections 906.3.1 through 906.3.4.
code official.
906.3.1 Class A fire hazar ds. Portable fire
extinguishers for occupancies that involve
primarily Class A fire hazards, the minimum sizes
906.2 General requirements. Portable fire and distribution shall comply with Table 906.3(1).
extinguishers shall be selected, installed and
maintained in accordance with this section and 906.3.2 Class B fire hazar ds. Portable fire
NFPA 10. extinguishers for occupancies involving flammable
or combustible liquids with depths of less than or
Exceptions: equal to 6 mm shall be selected and placed in
1. The distance of travel to reach an extinguisher accordance with Table 906.3(2).
shall not apply to the spectator seating Portable fire extinguishers for occupancies
portions of Group A-5 occupancies. involving flammable or combustible liquids with a
2. Thirty-day inspections shall not be required depth of greater than 6 mm shall be selected and
and maintenance shall be allowed to be once placed in accordance with NFPA 10.
every 3 years for dry-chemical or 906.3.3 Class C fire hazar ds. Portable fire
halogenated agent portable fire extinguishers extinguishers for Class C fire hazards shall be
that are supervised by a listed and approved selected and placed on the basis of the anticipated
electronic monitoring device, provided that Class A or B hazard.
all of the following conditions are met:
906.4 Cooking grease fires. Fire extinguishers
2.1. Electronic monitoring shall confirm provided for the protection of cooking grease fires
that extinguishers are properly positioned, shall be of an approved type compatible with the
properly charged and unobstructed. automatic fire-extinguishing system agent and in
2.2. Loss of power or circuit continuity to accordance with Section 904.12.5.
the electronic monitoring device shall 906.5 Conspicuous location. Portable fire
initiate a trouble signal. extinguishers shall be located in conspicuous
2.3. The extinguishers shall be installed locations where they will be readily accessible and
inside of a building or cabinet in a immediately available for use. These locations shall
noncorrosive environment. be along normal paths of travel, unless the fire code
official determines that the hazard posed indicates
2.4. Electronic monitoring devices and the need for placement away from normal paths of
supervisory circuits shall be tested every travel.
3 years when extinguisher maintenance is
performed. 906.6 Unobstructed and unobscured. Portable
fire extinguishers shall not be obstructed or
2.5. A written log of required hydrostatic obscured from view. In rooms or areas in which
test dates for extinguishers shall be visual obstruction cannot be completely avoided,
maintained by the owner to verify that means shall be provided to indicate the locations of
hydrostatic tests are conducted at the extinguishers.
frequency required by NFPA 10.
906.7 Hangers and brackets. Hand-held
3. In Group I-3, portable fire extinguishers shall portable fire extinguishers, not housed in cabinets,
be permitted to be located at staff locations. shall be installed on the hangers or brackets
906.2.1 Cer tification of service per sonnel for supplied. Hangers or brackets shall be securely
por table fire extinguishers. Service personnel anchored to the mounting surface in accordance
providing or conducting maintenance on portable with the manufacturer’s installation instructions.
fire extinguishers shall possess a valid certificate 906.8 Cabinets. Cabinets used to house portable
issued by an approved governmental agency, or fire extinguishers shall not be locked.
other approved organization for the type of work
performed. Exceptions:
1. Where portable fire extinguishers subject to include, but not be limited to, all of the following
malicious use or damage are provided with a where applicable to the system being installed:
means of ready access.
1. A floor plan that indicates the use of all rooms.
2. In Group I-3 occupancies and in mental health
2. Locations of alarm-initiating devices.
areas in Group I-2 occupancies, access to
portable fire extinguishers shall be permitted 3. Locations of alarm notification appliances,
to be locked or to be located in staff locations including candela ratings for visible alarm
provided the staff has keys. notification appliances.
906.9 Extinguisher installation. The installation 4. Design minimum audibility level for
of portable fire extinguishers shall be in occupant notification.
accordance with Sections 906.9.1 through 5. Location of fire alarm control unit,
906.9.3. transponders and notification power supplies.
906.9.1 Extinguishers weighing 18 kg or less. 6. Annunciators.
Portable fire extinguishers having a gross weight
not exceeding 18 kg shall be installed so that their 7. Power connection.
tops are not more than 1500 mm above the floor. 8. Battery calculations.
906.9.2 Extinguishers weighing mor e than 18 kg 9. Conductor type and sizes.
. Hand-held portable fire extinguishers having a
gross weight exceeding 18 kg shall be installed so 10. Voltage drop calculations.
that their tops are not more than 1100 mm above the 11. Manufacturers’ data sheets indicating model
floor. numbers and listing information for
906.9.3 Floor clear ance. The clearance between equipment, devices and materials.
the floor and the bottom of installed hand-held 12. Details of ceiling height and construction.
portable fire extinguishers shall be not less than 100
mm. 13. The interface of fire safety control functions.
906.10 Wheeled units. Wheeled fire extinguishers 14. Classification of the supervising station.
shall be conspicuously located in a designated 907.1.3 Equipment. Systems and components
location. shall be listed and approved for the purpose for
which they are installed.
SECTION 907 FIRE ALARM AND 907.2 Where required—new buildings and
DETECTION SYSTEMS structures. An approved fire alarm system
installed in accordance with the provisions of this
907.1 General. This section covers the code and NFPA 72 shall be provided in new
application, installation, performance and buildings and structures in accordance with
maintenance of fire alarm systems and their Sections 907.2.1 through 907.2.23 and provide
components in new and existing buildings and occupant notification in accordance with Section
structures. The requirements of Section 907.2 are 907.5, unless other requirements are provided by
applicable to new buildings and structures. The another section of this code.
requirements of Section 907.9 are applicable to
existing buildings and structures. Not fewer than one manual fire alarm box shall be
provided in an approved location to initiate a fire
907.1.1 Constr uction documents. Construction alarm signal for fire alarm systems employing
documents for fire alarm systems shall be of automatic fire detectors or waterflow detection
sufficient clarity to indicate the location, nature and devices. Where other sections of this code allow
extent of the work proposed and show in detail that elimination of fire alarm boxes due to sprinklers, a
it will conform to the provisions of this code, the single fire alarm box shall be installed.
SBC 201 and relevant laws, ordinances, rules and
regulations, as determined by the fire code official. Exceptions:
907.1.2 Fire alar m shop dr awings. Shop drawings 1. The manual fire alarm box is not required for
for fire alarm systems shall be submitted for review fire alarm systems dedicated to elevator
and approval prior to system installation, and shall recall control and supervisory service.
2. The manual fire alarm box is not required for 2. The Group B occupant load is more than 100
Group R-2 occupancies unless required by persons above or below the lowest level of
the fire code official to provide a means for exit discharge.
fire watch personnel to initiate an alarm
3. The fire area contains an ambulatory care
during a sprinkler system impairment event.
Where provided, the manual fire alarm box
shall not be located in an area that is Exception: Manual fire alarm boxes are not
accessible to the public. required where the building is equipped throughout
with an automatic sprinkler system installed in
907.2.1 Gr oup A. A manual fire alarm system that
accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 and the occupant
activates the occupant notification system in
notification appliances will activate throughout the
accordance with Section 907.5 shall be installed in
notification zones upon sprinkler water flow.
Group A occupancies where the occupant load due
to the assembly occupancy is 300 or more. Group A 907.2.2.1 Ambulatory care facilities. Fire
occupancies not separated from one another in areas containing ambulatory care facilities shall be
accordance with Section 707.3.10 of the SBC 201 provided with an electronically supervised
shall be considered as a single occupancy for the automatic smoke detection system installed within
purposes of applying this section. Portions of Group the ambulatory care facility and in public use areas
E occupancies occupied for assembly purposes outside of tenant spaces, including public corridors
shall be provided with a fire alarm system as and elevator lobbies.
required for the Group E occupancy. Exception: Buildings equipped throughout with an
Exception: Manual fire alarm boxes are not automatic sprinkler system in accordance with
required where the building is equipped throughout Section 903.3.1.1 provided the occupant
with an automatic sprinkler system installed in notification appliances will activate throughout the
accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 and the occupant notification zones upon sprinkler water flow.
notification appliances will activate throughout the 907.2.3 Gr oup E. A manual fire alarm system that
notification zones upon sprinkler water flow. initiates the occupant notification signal utilizing an
907.2.1.1 System initiation in Group A emergency voice/ alarm communication system
occupancies with an occupant load of 1,000 or meeting the requirements of Section 907.5.2.2 and
more. Activation of the fire alarm in Group A installed in accordance with Section 907.6 shall
occupancies with an occupant load of 1,000 or be installed in Group E occupancies. When
more shall initiate a signal using an emergency automatic sprinkler systems or smoke detectors are
voice/alarm communications system in accordance installed, such systems or detectors shall be
with Section 907.5.2.2. connected to the building fire alarm system.
Exception: Where approved, the prerecorded Exceptions:
announcement is allowed to be manually 1. A manual fire alarm system is not required in
deactivated for a period of time, not to exceed 3 Group E occupancies with an occupant load
minutes, for the sole purpose of allowing a live of 50 or less.
voice announcement from an approved, constantly
attended location. 2. Emergency voice/alarm communication
systems meeting the requirements of Section
907.2.1.2 Emergency voice/alarm 907.5.2.2 and installed in accordance with
communication system captions. Stadiums, Section 907.6 shall not be required in Group
arenas and grandstands required to caption audible E occupancies with occupant loads of 100 or
public announcements shall be in accordance with less, provided that activation of the manual
Section 907. fire alarm system initiates an approved
907.2.2 Gr oup B. A manual fire alarm system shall occupant notification signal in accordance
be installed in Group B occupancies where one of with Section 907.5.
the following conditions exists: 3. Manual fire alarm boxes are not required in
1. The combined Group B occupant load of all Group E occupancies where all of the
floors is 500 or more. following apply:
3.1. Interior corridors are protected by
smoke detectors.
3.2. Auditoriums, cafeterias, gymnasiums detection system that activates the occupant
and similar areas are protected by heat notification system in accordance with Section
detectors or other approved detection 907.5 shall be provided in accordance with Sections
devices. 907.2.6.1, 907.2.6.2 and 907.
3.3. Shops and laboratories involving Exceptions:
dusts or vapors are protected by heat
1. Manual fire alarm boxes in sleeping units of
detectors or other approved detection
Group I-1 and I-2 occupancies shall not be
required at exits if located at all care
4. Manual fire alarm boxes shall not be required providers’ control stations or other
in Group E occupancies where all of the constantly attended staff locations, provided
following apply: such stations are visible and continuously
accessible and that the distances of travel
4.1. The building is equipped throughout
required in Section 907.4.2.1 are not
with an approved automatic sprinkler
system installed in accordance with
Section 903.3.1.1. 2. Occupant notification systems are not
required to be activated where private mode
4.2. The emergency voice/alarm
signaling installed in accordance with NFPA
communication system will activate on
72 is approved by the fire code official and
sprinkler water flow.
staff evacuation responsibilities are included
4.3. Manual activation is provided from a in the fire safety and evacuation plan required
normally occupied location. by Section 404.
907.2.4 Gr oup F. A manual fire alarm system that 907.2.6.1 Group I-1. An automatic smoke
activates the occupant notification system in detection system shall be installed in corridors,
accordance with Section 907.5 shall be installed in waiting areas open to corridors and habitable
Group F occupancies where both of the following spaces other than sleeping units and kitchens. The
conditions exist: system shall be activated in accordance with
1. The Group F occupancy is two or more stories Section 907.5.
in height. Exceptions:
2. The Group F occupancy has a combined 1. For Group I-1 Condition 1 occupancies,
occupant load of 500 or more above or below smoke detection in habitable spaces is not
the lowest level of exit discharge. required where the facility is equipped
Exception: Manual fire alarm boxes are not throughout with an automatic sprinkler
required where the building is equipped throughout system installed in accordance with Section
with an automatic sprinkler system installed in 903.3.1.1.
accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 and the occupant 2. Smoke detection is not required for exterior
notification appliances will activate throughout the balconies.
notification zones upon sprinkler water flow.
907. Smoke alarms. Single and
907.2.5 Gr oup H. A manual fire alarm system that multiple-station smoke alarms shall be installed in
activates the occupant notification system in accordance with Section 907.2.11.
accordance with Section 907.5 shall be installed in
907.2.6.2 Group I-2. An automatic smoke
Group H-5 occupancies and in occupancies used for
detection system shall be installed in corridors in
the manufacture of organic coatings. An automatic
Group I-2 Condition 1 facilities and spaces
smoke detection system shall be installed for highly
permitted to be open to the corridors by Section
toxic gases, organic peroxides and oxidizers in
407.2 of the SBC 201. The system shall be activated
accordance with Chapters 60, 62 and 63,
in accordance with Section 907.4. Group I-2
Condition 2 occupancies shall be equipped with an
907.2.6 Gr oup I. A manual fire alarm system that automatic smoke detection system as required in
activates the occupant notification system in Section 407 of the SBC 201.
accordance with Section 907.5 shall be installed in
Group I occupancies. An automatic smoke
1. Corridor smoke detection is not required in purpose, are allowed when necessary to
smoke compartments that contain sleeping prevent damage or tampering.
units where such units are provided with
2. Sleeping units in Use Conditions 2 and 3 as
smoke detectors that comply with UL 268.
described in Section 308 of the SBC 201.
Such detectors shall provide a visual display
on the corridor side of each sleeping unit and 3. Smoke detectors are not required in sleeping
shall provide an audible and visual alarm at units with four or fewer occupants in smoke
the care providers’ station attending each compartments that are equipped throughout
unit. with an automatic sprinkler system installed
in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1.
2. Corridor smoke detection is not required in
smoke compartments that contain sleeping 907.2.7 Gr oup M. A manual fire alarm system that
units where sleeping unit doors are equipped activates the occupant notification system in
with automatic door-closing devices with accordance with Section 907.5 shall be installed in
integral smoke detectors on the unit sides Group M occupancies where one of the following
installed in accordance with their listing, conditions exists:
provided that the integral detectors perform 1. The combined Group M occupant load of all
the required alerting function. floors is 500 or more persons.
907.2.6.3 Group I-3 occupancies. Group I- 2. The Group M occupant load is more than 100
3 occupancies shall be equipped with a manual fire persons above or below the lowest level of
alarm system and automatic smoke detection exit discharge.
system installed for alerting staff.
907. System initiation. Actuation of an
automatic fire-extinguishing system, automatic 1. A manual fire alarm system is not required in
sprinkler system, a manual fire alarm box or a fire covered or open mall buildings complying
detector shall initiate an approved fire alarm signal with Section 402 of the SBC 201.
that automatically notifies staff. 2. Manual fire alarm boxes are not required
907. Manual fire alarm boxes. Manual where the building is equipped throughout
fire alarm boxes are not required to be located in with an automatic sprinkler system installed
accordance with Section 907.4.2 where the fire in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 and the
alarm boxes are provided at staff attended locations occupant notification appliances will
having direct supervision over areas where manual automatically activate throughout the
fire alarm boxes have been omitted. notification zones upon sprinkler water flow.
907. Manual fire alarms boxes in 907.2.7.1 Occupant notification. During
detainee areas. Manual fire alarm boxes are times that the building is occupied, the initiation of
allowed to be locked in areas occupied by detainees, a signal from a manual fire alarm box or from a
provided that staff members are present within the waterflow switch shall not be required to activate
subject area and have keys readily available to the alarm notification appliances when an alarm
operate the manual fire alarm boxes. signal is activated at a constantly attended location
from which evacuation instructions shall be
907. Automatic smoke detection initiated over an emergency voice/alarm
system. An automatic smoke detection system shall communication system installed in accordance with
be installed throughout resident housing areas, Section 907.5.2.2.
including sleeping units and contiguous day rooms,
group activity spaces and other common spaces 907.2.8 Gr oup R-1. Fire alarm systems and smoke
normally accessible to residents. alarms shall be installed in Group R-1 occupancies
as required in Sections 907.2.8.1 through 907.2.8.3.
907.2.8.1 Manual fire alarm system. A
1. Other approved smoke detection manual fire alarm system that activates the
arrangements providing equivalent occupant notification system in accordance with
protection, including, but not limited to, Section 907.5 shall be installed in Group R-1
placing detectors in exhaust ducts from cells occupancies.
or behind protective guards listed for the
1. A manual fire alarm system is not required in of exit discharge of exits serving the dwelling
buildings not more than two stories in height unit or sleeping unit.
where all individual sleeping units and
3. The building contains more than 16 dwelling
contiguous attic and crawl spaces to those
units or sleeping units.
units are separated from each other and
public or common areas by not less than 1- Exceptions:
hour fire partitions and each individual 1. A fire alarm system is not required in
sleeping unit has an exit directly to a public buildings not more than two stories in height
way, egress court or yard. where all dwelling units or sleeping units and
2. Manual fire alarm boxes are not required contiguous attic and crawl spaces are
throughout the building where all of the separated from each other and public or
following conditions are met: common areas by not less than 1-hour fire
partitions and each dwelling unit or sleeping
2.1. The building is equipped throughout
unit has an exit directly to a public way,
with an automatic sprinkler system
egress court or yard.
installed in accordance with Section
903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2. 2. Manual fire alarm boxes are not required
where the building is equipped throughout
2.2. The notification appliances will
with an automatic sprinkler system installed
activate upon sprinkler water flow.
in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or
2.3. Not fewer than one manual fire alarm 903.3.1.2 and the occupant notification
box is installed at an approved location. appliances will automatically activate
throughout the notification zones upon a
907.2.8.2 Automatic smoke detection
sprinkler water flow.
system. An automatic smoke detection system that
activates the occupant notification system in 3. A fire alarm system is not required in
accordance with Section 907.5 shall be installed buildings that do not have interior corridors
throughout all interior corridors serving sleeping serving dwelling units and are protected by
units. an approved automatic sprinkler system
installed in accordance with Section
Exception: An automatic smoke detection system
903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2, provided that dwelling
is not required in buildings that do not have interior units either have a means of egress door opening
corridors serving sleeping units and where each directly to an exterior exit access that leads
sleeping unit has a means of egress door opening directly to the exits or are served by open-ended
directly to an exit or to an exterior exit access that corridors designed in accordance with Section
leads directly to an exit. 1027.6, Exception 3.
907.2.8.3 Smoke alarms. Single and 907.2.9.2 Smoke alarms. Single and
multiple-station smoke alarms shall be installed in multiple-station smoke alarms shall be installed in
accordance with Section 907.2.11. accordance with Section 907.2.11.
907.2.9 Gr oup R-2. Fire alarm systems and smoke 907.2.9.3 Group R-2 college and university
alarms shall be installed in Group R-2 occupancies buildings. An automatic smoke detection system
as required in Sections 907.2.9.1 and 907.2.9.3. that activates the occupant notification system in
accordance with Section 907.5 shall be installed in
907.2.9.1 Manual fire alarm system. A
Group R-2 occupancies operated by a college or
manual fire alarm system that activates the
university for student or staff housing in all of the
occupant notification system in accordance with
following locations:
Section 907.5 shall be installed in Group R-2
occupancies where any of the following conditions 1. Common spaces outside of dwelling units and
apply: sleeping units.
1. Any dwelling unit or sleeping unit is located 2. Laundry rooms, mechanical equipment rooms
three or more stories above the lowest level and storage rooms.
of exit discharge. 3. All interior corridors serving sleeping units or
2. Any dwelling unit or sleeping unit is located dwelling units.
more than one story below the highest level
1. On the ceiling or wall outside of each separate their primary power from the building wiring where
sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of such wiring is served from a commercial source and
bedrooms. shall be equipped with a battery backup. Smoke
alarms with integral strobes that are not equipped
2. In each room used for sleeping purposes.
with battery back-up shall be connected to an
3. In each story within a dwelling unit, including emergency electrical system in accordance with
basements but not including crawl spaces and Section 604. Smoke alarms shall emit a signal when
uninhabitable attics. In dwellings or dwelling the batteries are low. Wiring shall be permanent and
units with split levels and without an without a disconnecting switch other than as
intervening door between the adjacent levels, required for overcurrent protection.
a smoke alarm installed on the upper level
Exception: Smoke alarms are not required to be
shall suffice for the adjacent lower level
equipped with battery backup where they are
provided that the lower level is less than one
connected to an emergency electrical system that
full story below the upper level.
complies with Section 604.
907.2.11.3 Installation near cooking
907.2.11.7 Smoke detection system. Smoke
appliances. Smoke alarms shall not be installed in
detectors listed in accordance with UL 268 and
the following locations unless this would prevent
provided as part of the building fire alarm system
placement of a smoke alarm in a location required
shall be an acceptable alternative to single-and
by Section 907.2.11.1 or 907.2.11.2:
multiple-station smoke alarms and shall comply
1. Ionization smoke alarms shall not be installed with the following:
less than 6 m horizontally from a
1. The fire alarm system shall comply with all
permanently installed cooking appliance.
applicable requirements in Section 907.
2. Ionization smoke alarms with an alarm-
2. Activation of a smoke detector in a dwelling
silencing switch shall not be installed less
unit or sleeping unit shall initiate alarm
than 3000 mm horizontally from a
notification in the dwelling unit or sleeping
permanently installed cooking appliance.
unit in accordance with Section 907.5.2.
3. Photoelectric smoke alarms shall not be
3. Activation of a smoke detector in a dwelling
installed less than 1800 mm horizontally
unit or sleeping unit shall not activate alarm
from a permanently installed cooking
notification appliances outside of the
dwelling unit or sleeping unit, provided that
907.2.11.4 Installation near bathrooms. a supervisory signal is generated and
Smoke alarms shall be installed not less than 900 monitored in accordance with Section
mm horizontally from the door or opening of a 907.6.6.
bathroom that contains a bathtub or shower unless
907.2.12 Special amusement buildings. An
this would prevent placement of a smoke alarm
automatic smoke detection system shall be provided
required by Section 907.2.11.1 or 907.2.11.2.
in special amusement buildings in accordance with
907.2.11.5 Interconnection. Where more Sections 907.2.12.1 through 907.2.12.3.
than one smoke alarm is required to be installed
907.2.12.1 Alarm. Activation of any single
within an individual dwelling unit or sleeping unit
smoke detector, the automatic sprinkler system or
in Group R or I-1 occupancies the smoke alarms
any other automatic fire detection device shall
shall be interconnected in such a manner that the
immediately activate an audible and visible alarm
activation of one alarm will activate all of the
at the building at a constantly attended location
alarms in the individual unit. Physical
from which emergency action can be initiated,
interconnection of smoke alarms shall not be
including the capability of manual initiation of
required where listed wireless alarms are installed
requirements in Section 907.2.12.2.
and all alarms sound upon activation of one alarm.
The alarm shall be clearly audible in all bedrooms 907.2.12.2 System response. The activation
over background noise levels with all intervening of two or more smoke detectors, a single smoke
doors closed. detector equipped with an alarm verification
feature, the automatic sprinkler system or other
907.2.11.6 Power source. In new
approved fire detection device shall automatically
construction, required smoke alarms shall receive
do all of the following:
Defense) communication device shall be provided carrying not more than 141.5 m3 per minute
at each floor level within the interior exit stairway. and serving not more than 10 air inlet
907.2.14 Atriums connecting more than
two stories. A fire alarm system shall be installed 907.2.18.2 Alarm required. Activation of the
in occupancies with an atrium that connects more smoke control system shall activate an audible
than two stories, with smoke detection in locations alarm at a constantly attended location.
required by a rational analysis in Section 909.4 and
907.2.19 Deep under gr ound buildings.
in accordance with the system operation
Where the lowest level of a structure is more than
requirements in Section 909.17. The system shall be
18 m below the finished floor of the lowest level of
activated in accordance with Section 907.5. Such
exit discharge, the structure shall be equipped
occupancies in Group A, E or M shall be provided
throughout with a manual fire alarm system,
with an emergency voice/alarm communication
including an emergency voice/alarm
system complying with the requirements of Section
communication system installed in accordance with
Section 907.5.2.2.
907.2.15 High-piled combustible stor age
907.2.20 Covered and open mall
ar eas. An automatic smoke detection system shall
buildings. Where the total floor area exceeds 4650
be installed throughout high-piled combustible
m2 within either a covered mall building or within
storage areas where required by Section 3206.5.
the perimeter line of an open mall building, an
907.2.16 Aerosol stor age uses. Aerosol emergency voice/alarm communication system
storage rooms and general-purpose warehouses shall be provided. Emergency voice/alarm
containing aerosols shall be provided with an communication systems serving a mall, required or
approved manual fire alarm system where required otherwise, shall be accessible to the fire department
by this code. (Civil Defense) . The system shall be provided in
accordance with Section 907.5.2.2.
907.2.17 Lumber , wood str uctur al panel
and veneer mills. Lumber, wood structural panel 907.2.21 Residential aircr aft hangars. Not
and veneer mills shall be provided with a manual fewer than one single-station smoke alarm shall be
fire alarm system. installed within a residential aircraft hangar as
defined in Chapter 2 of the SBC 201 and shall be
907.2.18 Under gr ound buildings with
interconnected into the residential smoke alarm or
smoke contr ol systems. Where a smoke control
other sounding device to provide an alarm that will
system is installed in an underground building in
be audible in all sleeping areas of the dwelling.
accordance with the SBC 201, automatic smoke
detectors shall be provided in accordance with 907.2.22 Airpor t tr affic contr ol tower s.
Section 907.2.18.1. An automatic smoke detection system that activates
the occupant notification system in accordance with
907.2.18.1 Smoke detectors. Not fewer than
Section 907.5 shall be provided in airport control
one smoke detector listed for the intended purpose
towers in accordance with Sections 907.2.22.1
shall be installed in all of the following areas:
and 907.2.22.2.
1. Mechanical equipment, electrical,
Exception: Audible appliances shall not be
transformer, telephone equipment, elevator
installed within the control tower cab.
machine or similar rooms.
907.2.22.1 Airport traffic control towers
2. Elevator lobbies.
with multiple exits and automatic sprinklers.
3. The main return and exhaust air plenum of Airport traffic control towers with multiple exits
each air-conditioning system serving more and equipped throughout with an automatic
than one story and located in a serviceable sprinkler system in accordance with Section
area downstream of the last duct inlet. 903.3.1.1 shall be provided with smoke detectors in
4. Each connection to a vertical duct or riser all of the following locations:
serving two or more floors from return air 1. Airport traffic control cab.
ducts or plenums of heating, ventilating and
2. Electrical and mechanical equipment rooms.
air-conditioning systems, except that in
Group R occupancies, a listed smoke detector 3. Airport terminal radar and electronics rooms.
is allowed to be used in each return air riser
4. Outside each opening into interior exit supervising station, duct smoke detectors shall
stairways. report only as a supervisory signal and not as a fire
alarm. They shall not be used as a substitute for
5. Along the single means of egress permitted
required open area detection.
from observation levels.
6. Outside each opening into the single means of
egress permitted from observation levels. 1. The supervisory signal at a constantly
attended location is not required where duct
907.2.22.2 Other airport traffic control
smoke detectors activate the building’s alarm
towers. Airport traffic control towers with a single
notification appliances.
exit or where sprinklers are not installed throughout
shall be provided with smoke detectors in all of the 2. In occupancies not required to be equipped
following locations: with a fire alarm system, actuation of a
smoke detector shall activate a visible and an
1. Airport traffic control cab.
audible signal in an approved location.
2. Electrical and mechanical equipment rooms. Smoke detector trouble conditions shall
3. Airport terminal radar and electronics rooms. activate a visible or audible signal in an
approved location and shall be identified as
4. Office spaces incidental to the tower air duct detector trouble.
907.3.2 Delayed egress locks. Where delayed
5. Lounges for employees, including sanitary egress locks are installed on means of egress doors
facilities. in accordance with Section 1010.1.9.7, an automatic
6. Means of egress. smoke or heat detection system shall be installed as
required by that section.
7. Accessible utility shafts.
907.3.3 Elevator emer gency oper ation.
907.2.23 Batter y rooms. An automatic Automatic fire detectors installed for elevator
smoke detection system shall be installed in areas emergency operation shall be installed in
containing stationary storage battery systems with a accordance with the provisions of ASME A17.1 and
liquid capacity of more than 190 L. NFPA 72.
907.3 Fire safety functions. Automatic fire 907.3.4 Wiring. The wiring to the auxiliary devices
detectors utilized for the purpose of performing fire and equipment used to accomplish the fire safety
safety functions shall be connected to the building’s functions shall be monitored for integrity in
fire alarm control unit where a fire alarm system is accordance with NFPA 72.
required by Section 907.2. Detectors shall, upon
actuation, perform the intended function and 907.4 Initiating devices. Where manual or
activate the alarm notification appliances or activate automatic alarm initiation is required as part of a
a visible and audible supervisory signal at a fire alarm system, the initiating devices shall be
constantly attended location. In buildings not installed in accordance with Sections 907.4.1
equipped with a fire alarm system, the automatic through 907.4.3.1.
fire detector shall be powered by normal electrical 907.4.1 Pr otection of fire alar m control unit. In
service and, upon actuation, perform the intended areas that are not continuously occupied, a single
function. The detectors shall be located in smoke detector shall be provided at the location of
accordance with NFPA 72. each fire alarm control unit, notification appliance
907.3.1 Duct smoke detectors. Smoke detectors circuit power extenders and supervising station
installed in ducts shall be listed for the air velocity, transmitting equipment.
temperature and humidity present in the duct. Duct Exception: Where ambient conditions prohibit
smoke detectors shall be connected to the building’s installation of smoke detector, a heat detector shall
fire alarm control unit when a fire alarm system is be permitted.
required by Section 907.2. Activation of a duct
smoke detector shall initiate a visible and audible 907.4.2 Manual fire alar m boxes. Where a manual
supervisory signal at a constantly attended location fire alarm system is required by another section of
and shall perform the intended fire safety function this code, it shall be activated by fire alarm boxes
in accordance with this code and the SBC 501. In installed in accordance with Sections 907.4.2.1
facilities that are required to be monitored by a through 907.4.2.6.
907.4.2.1 Location. Manual fire alarm boxes detectors, an automatic sprinkler system installed in
shall be located not more than 1500 mm from the such areas in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or
entrance to each exit. In buildings not protected by 903.3.1.2 and that is connected to the fire alarm
an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with system shall be approved as automatic heat
Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2, additional manual detection.
fire alarm boxes shall be located so that the exit
907.5 Occupant notification systems. A fire
access travel distance to the nearest box does not
alarm system shall annunciate at the fire alarm
exceed 60 m.
control unit and shall initiate occupant notification
907.4.2.2 Height. The height of the manual upon activation, in accordance with Sections
fire alarm boxes shall be not less than 1000 mm and 907.5.1 through 907. Where a fire alarm
not more than 1200 mm measured vertically, from system is required by another section of this code,
the floor level to the activating handle or lever of it shall be activated by:
the box.
1. Automatic fire detectors.
907.4.2.3 Color. Manual fire alarm boxes
2. Automatic sprinkler system waterflow
shall be red in color.
907.4.2.4 Signs. Where fire alarm systems
3. Manual fire alarm boxes.
are not monitored by a supervising station, an
approved permanent sign shall be installed adjacent 4. Automatic fire-extinguishing systems.
to each manual fire alarm box that reads: WHEN Exception: Where notification systems are allowed
ALARM SOUNDS—CALL FIRE elsewhere in Section 907 to annunciate at a
DEPARTMENT (CIVIL DEFENSE) . constantly attended location.
Exception: Where the manufacturer has 907.5.1 Pr esignal featur e. A presignal feature
permanently provided this information on the shall not be installed unless approved by the fire
manual fire alarm box. code official and the fire department (Civil
907.4.2.5 Protective covers. The fire code Defense) . Where a presignal feature is provided, a
official is authorized to require the installation of signal shall be annunciated at a constantly attended
listed manual fire alarm box protective covers to location approved by the fire department (Civil
prevent malicious false alarms or to provide the Defense) , so that occupant notification can be
manual fire alarm box with protection from physical activated in the event of fire or other emergency.
damage. The protective cover shall be transparent 907.5.2 Alar m notification appliances. Alarm
or red in color with a transparent face to permit notification appliances shall be provided and shall
visibility of the manual fire alarm box. Each cover be listed for their purpose.
shall include proper operating instructions. A
protective cover that emits a local alarm signal shall 907.5.2.1 Audible alarms. Audible alarm
not be installed unless approved. Protective covers notification appliances shall be provided and emit a
shall not project more than that permitted by distinctive sound that is not to be used for any
Section 1003.3.3. purpose other than that of a fire alarm.
907.4.2.6 Unobstructed and unobscured. Exceptions:
Manual fire alarm boxes shall be accessible, 1. Audible alarm notification appliances are not
unobstructed, unobscured and visible at all times. required in critical care areas of Group I-2
907.4.3 Automatic smoke detection. Where an Condition 2 occupancies that are in
automatic smoke detection system is required it compliance with Section 907.2.6, Exception
shall utilize smoke detectors unless ambient 2.
conditions prohibit such an installation. In spaces 2. A visible alarm notification appliance
where smoke detectors cannot be utilized due to installed in a nurses’ control station or other
ambient conditions, approved automatic heat detectors
continuously attended staff location in a
shall be permitted.
Group I-2 Condition 2 suite shall be an
907.4.3.1 Automatic sprinkler system. For acceptable alternative to the installation of
conditions other than specific fire safety functions audible alarm notification appliances
noted in Section 907.3, in areas where ambient throughout the suite in Group I-2 Condition
conditions prohibit the installation of smoke
2 occupancies that are in compliance with be provided on a selective and all-call basis for all
Section 907.2.6, Exception 2. paging zones.
3. Where provided, audible notification 907. Live voice messages. The
appliances located in each occupant emergency voice/ alarm communication system
evacuation elevator lobby in accordance with shall have the capability to broadcast live voice
Section 3008.9.1 of the SBC 201 shall be messages by paging zones on a selective and all-call
connected to a separate notification zone for basis.
manual paging only.
907. Alternate uses. The emergency
907. Average sound pressure. The voice/ alarm communication system shall be
audible alarm notification appliances shall provide allowed to be used for other announcements,
a sound pressure level of 15 decibels (dBA) above provided the manual fire alarm use takes
the average ambient sound level or 5 dBA above the precedence over any other use.
maximum sound level having a duration of not less
907. Emergency voice/alarm
than 60 seconds, whichever is greater, in every
communication captions. Where stadiums, arenas
occupiable space within the building.
and grandstands are required to caption audible
907. Maximum sound pressure. The public announcements in accordance with Section
maximum sound pressure level for audible alarm 1108.2.7.3 of the SBC 201, the emergency/voice
notification appliances shall be 110 dBA at the alarm communication system shall be captioned.
minimum hearing distance from the audible Prerecorded or live emergency captions shall be
appliance. Where the average ambient noise is from an approved location constantly attended by
greater than 95 dBA, visible alarm notification personnel trained to respond to an emergency.
appliances shall be provided in accordance with
907. Emergency power. Emergency
NFPA 72 and audible alarm notification appliances
voice/ alarm communications systems shall be
shall not be required.
provided with emergency power in accordance with
907.5.2.2 Emergency voice/alarm Section 604. The system shall be capable of
communication systems. Emergency voice/alarm powering the required load for a duration of not less
communication systems required by this code shall than 24 hours, as required in NFPA 72.
be designed and installed in accordance with NFPA
907.5.2.3 Visible alarms. Visible alarm
72. The operation of any automatic fire detector,
notification appliances shall be provided in
sprinkler waterflow device or manual fire alarm box
accordance with Sections 907. through
shall automatically sound an alert tone followed by
voice instructions giving approved information and
directions for a general or staged evacuation in Exceptions:
accordance with the building’s fire safety and
1. Visible alarm notification appliances are not
evacuation plans required by Section 404. In high-
required in alterations, except where an
rise buildings, the system shall operate on at least
existing fire alarm system is upgraded or
the alarming floor, the floor above and the floor
replaced, or a new fire alarm system is
below. Speakers shall be provided throughout the
building by paging zones. At a minimum, paging
zones shall be provided as follows: 2. Visible alarm notification appliances shall not
be required in exits as defined in Chapter 2.
1. Elevator groups.
3. Visible alarm notification appliances shall not
2. Interior exit stairways.
be required in elevator cars.
3. Each floor.
4. Visual alarm notification appliances are not
4. Areas of refuge as defined in Chapter 2. required in critical care areas of Group I-2
Condition 2 occupancies that are in
Exception: In Group I-1 and I-2 occupancies, the
compliance with Section 907.2.6, Exception
alarm shall sound in a constantly attended area and
a general occupant notification shall be broadcast
over the overhead page. 907. Public use areas and common
use areas. Visible alarm notification appliances
907. Manual override. A manual
override for emergency voice communication shall
3. Automatic sprinkler systems in one and two- 907.8.3 Smoke detector sensitivity. Smoke
family dwellings. detector sensitivity shall be checked within one year
after installation and every alternate year thereafter.
907.6.6.1 Automatic telephone-dialing
After the second calibration test, where sensitivity
devices. Automatic telephone-dialing devices used
tests indicate that the detector has remained within
to transmit an emergency alarm shall not be
its listed and marked sensitivity range (or 4 percent
connected to any fire department telephone number
obscuration light grey smoke, if not marked), the
unless approved by the fire chief.
length of time between calibration tests shall be
907.6.6.2 Termination of monitoring permitted to be extended to not more than 5 years.
service. Termination of fire alarm monitoring Where the frequency is extended, records of
services shall be in accordance with Section 901.9. detector-caused nuisance alarms and subsequent
907.7 Acceptance tests and completion. Upon trends of these alarms shall be maintained. In zones
completion of the installation, the fire alarm system or areas where nuisance alarms show any increase
and all fire alarm components shall be tested in over the previous year, calibration tests shall be
accordance with NFPA 72. performed.
907.7.1 Singleand multiple-station alar m 907.8.4 Sensitivity test method. To verify that
devices. When the installation of the alarm devices each smoke detector is within its listed and marked
is complete, each device and interconnecting wiring sensitivity range, it shall be tested using one of the
for multiple-station alarm devices shall be tested in following methods:
accordance with the smoke alarm provisions of 1. A calibrated test method.
NFPA 72.
2. The manufacturer’s calibrated sensitivity test
907.7.2 Recor d of completion. A record of instrument.
completion in accordance with NFPA 72 verifying
3. Listed control equipment arranged for the
that the system has been installed and tested in
accordance with the approved plans and
specifications shall be provided. 4. A smoke detector/control unit arrangement
whereby the detector causes a signal at the
907.7.3 Instr uctions. Operating, testing and
control unit where the detector’s sensitivity is
maintenance instructions and record drawings (“as
outside its acceptable sensitivity range.
builts”) and equipment specifications shall be
provided at an approved location. 5. Another calibrated sensitivity test method
acceptable to the fire code official.
907.8 Inspection, testing and maintenance. The
maintenance and testing schedules and procedures Detectors found to have a sensitivity outside the
for fire alarm and fire detection systems shall be in listed and marked sensitivity range shall be cleaned
accordance with Sections 907.8.1 through 907.8.5 and recalibrated or replaced.
and NFPA 72. Records of inspection, testing and Exceptions:
maintenance shall be maintained.
1. Detectors listed as field adjustable shall be
907.8.1 Maintenance required. Where required permitted to be either adjusted within the
for compliance with the provisions of this code, listed and marked sensitivity range and
devices, equipment, systems, conditions, cleaned and recalibrated or they shall be
arrangements, levels of protection or other features replaced.
shall thereafter be continuously maintained in
accordance with applicable NFPA requirements or 2. This requirement shall not apply to single-
as directed by the fire code official. station smoke alarms.
907.8.2 Testing. Testing shall be performed in 907.8.4.1 Sensitivity testing device. Smoke
accordance with the schedules in NFPA 72 or more detector sensitivity shall not be tested or measured
frequently where required by the fire code official. using a device that administers an unmeasured
Records of testing shall be maintained. concentration of smoke or other aerosol into the
Exception: Devices or equipment that are
inaccessible for safety considerations shall be tested 907.8.5 Inspection, testing and maintenance. The
during scheduled shutdowns where approved by the building owner shall be responsible to maintain the
fire code official, but not less than every 18 months. fire and life safety systems in an operable condition
at all times. Service personnel shall meet the thereof by provisions of the SBC 201 or this code.
qualification requirements of NFPA 72 for The purpose of this section is to establish minimum
inspection, testing and maintenance of such requirements for the design, installation and
systems. Records of inspection, testing and acceptance testing of smoke control systems that
maintenance shall be maintained. are intended to provide a tenable environment for
the evacuation or relocation of occupants. These
907.9 Where required in existing buildings and
provisions are not intended for the preservation of
structures. An approved fire alarm system shall be
contents, the timely restoration of operations or for
provided in existing buildings and structures where
assistance in fire suppression or overhaul activities.
required in Chapter 11.
Smoke control systems regulated by this section
serve a different purpose than the smoke and heat
venting provisions found in Section 910.
Mechanical smoke control systems shall not be
SYSTEMS considered exhaust systems under Chapter 5 of the
908.1 Group H occupancies. Emergency alarms SBC 501.
for the detection and notification of an emergency 909.2 General design requirements. Buildings,
condition in Group H occupancies shall be provided structures, or parts thereof required by the SBC 201
as required in Chapter 50. or this code to have a smoke control system or
908.2 Group H-5 occupancy. Emergency alarms systems shall have such systems designed in
for notification of an emergency condition in an accordance with the applicable requirements of
HPM facility shall be provided as required in Section 909 and the generally accepted and well-
Section 2703.12. A continuous gas detection system established principles of engineering relevant to the
shall be provided for HPM gases in accordance with design. The construction documents shall include
Section 2703.13. sufficient information and detail to describe
adequately the elements of the design necessary for
908.3 Highly toxic and toxic materials. Where
the proper implementation of the smoke control
required by Section 6004.2.2.10, a gas detection
systems. These documents shall be accompanied
system shall be provided for indoor storage and use
with sufficient information and analysis to
of highly toxic and toxic compressed gases.
demonstrate compliance with these provisions.
908.4 Ozone gas-generator rooms. A gas
909.3 Special inspection and test requirements.
detection system shall be provided in ozone gas-
In addition to the ordinary inspection and test
generator rooms in accordance with Section
requirements that buildings, structures and parts
6005.3.2. thereof are required to undergo, smoke control
908.5 Repair garages. A flammable-gas systems subject to the provisions of Section 909
detection system shall be provided in repair garages shall undergo special inspections and tests
for vehicles fueled by nonodorized gases in sufficient to verify the proper commissioning of the
accordance with Section 2311.7.2. smoke control design in its final installed condition.
The design submission accompanying the
908.6 Refrigeration systems. Refrigeration
construction documents shall clearly detail
system machinery rooms shall be provided with a
procedures and methods to be used and the items
refrigerant detector in accordance with Section
subject to such inspections and tests. Such
commissioning shall be in accordance with
908.7 Carbon dioxide (CO2) systems. generally accepted engineering practice and, where
Emergency alarm systems in accordance with possible, based on published standards for the
Section 5307.5.2 shall be provided where required particular testing involved. The special
for compliance with Section 5307.5. inspections and tests required by this section shall
mmentary ectio
. be conducted under the same terms as in Section
1704 of the SBC 201.
SECTION 909 SMOKE CONTROL 909.4 Analysis. A rational analysis supporting
SYSTEMS the types of smoke control systems to be employed,
909.1 Scope and purpose. This section applies to the methods of their operations, the systems
mechanical or passive smoke control systems where supporting them and the methods of construction to
they are required for new buildings or portions be utilized shall accompany the construction
documents submission and include, but not be 2. Interior exit stairways and ramps and exit
limited to, the items indicated in Sections 909.4.1 passageways: A/Aw = 0.00035
through 909.4.7.
3. Enclosed exit access stairways and ramps and all
909.4.1 Stack effect. The system shall be designed other shafts: A/Aw = 0.00150
such that the maximum probable normal or reverse
4. Floors and roofs: A/AF = 0.00050
stack effect will not adversely interfere with the
system’s capabilities. In determining the where:
maximum probable stack effect, altitude, elevation,
A = Total leakage area, m2.
weather history and interior temperatures shall be
used. AF = Unit floor or roof area of barrier, m2.
909.4.2 Temper atur e effect of fire. Buoyancy and Aw = Unit wall area of barrier, m2.
expansion caused by the design fire in accordance
The leakage area ratios shown do not include
with Section 909.9 shall be analyzed. The system
openings due to gaps around doors and operable
shall be designed such that these effects do not
windows. The total leakage area of the smoke
adversely interfere with the system’s capabilities.
barrier shall be determined in accordance with
909.4.3 Wind effect. The design shall consider the Section 909.5.1 and tested in accordance with
adverse effects of wind. Such consideration shall be Section 909.5.2.
consistent with the wind-loading provisions of the
909.5.1 Total leakage area. Total leakage area of
SBC 301.
the barrier is the product of the smoke barrier gross
909.4.4 Systems. The design shall consider the area multiplied by the allowable leakage area ratio,
effects of the heating, ventilating and air- plus the area of other openings such as gaps around
conditioning (HVAC) systems on both smoke and doors and operable windows.
fire transport. The analysis shall include all
909.5.2 Testing of leakage ar ea. Compliance with
permutations of systems status. The design shall
the maximum total leakage area shall be determined
consider the effects of the fire on the heating,
by achieving the minimum air pressure difference
ventilating and air-conditioning systems.
across the barrier with the system in the smoke
909.4.5 Climate. The design shall consider the control mode for mechanical smoke control systems
effects of low temperatures on systems, property utilizing the pressurization method. Compliance
and occupants. Air inlets and exhausts shall be with the maximum total leakage area of passive
located so as to prevent snow or ice blockage. smoke control systems shall be verified through
909.4.6 Dur ation of oper ation. All portions of methods such as door fan testing or other methods,
active or engineered smoke control systems shall be as approved by the fire code official.
capable of continued operation after detection of the 909.5.3 Opening pr otection. Openings in smoke
fire event for a period of not less than either 20 barriers shall be protected by automatic-closing
minutes or 1.5 times the calculated egress time, devices actuated by the required controls for the
whichever is greater. mechanical smoke control system. Door openings
909.4.7 Smoke contr ol system inter action. The shall be protected by fire door assemblies
design shall consider the interaction effects of the complying with Section 716.5.3 of the SBC 201.
operation of multiple smoke control systems for all Exceptions:
design scenarios.
1. Passive smoke control systems with
909.5 Smoke barrier construction. Smoke automatic-closing devices actuated by spot-
barriers required for passive smoke control and a type smoke detectors listed for releasing
smoke control system using the pressurization service installed in accordance with Section
method shall comply with Section 709 of the SBC 907.3.
201. Smoke barriers shall be constructed and sealed
2. Fixed openings between smoke zones that are
to limit leakage areas exclusive of protected
openings. The maximum allowable leakage area protected utilizing the airflow method.
shall be the aggregate area calculated using the 3. In Group I-1 Condition 2, Group I-2 and
following leakage area ratios: ambulatory care facilities, where a pair of
opposite-swinging doors are installed across
1. Walls: A/Aw = 0.00100
a corridor in accordance with Section
909.5.3.1, the doors shall not be required to 909.6.2 Maximum pressur e difference. The
be protected in accordance with Section 716 maximum air pressure difference across a smoke
of the SBC 201. The doors shall be close- barrier shall be determined by required door-
fitting within operational tolerances and shall opening or closing forces. The actual force required
not have a center mullion or undercuts in to open exit doors when the system is in the smoke
excess of 20 mm louvers or grilles. The control mode shall be in accordance with Section
doors shall have head and jamb stops and 1010.1.3. Opening and closing forces for other
astragals or rabbets at meeting edges and, doors shall be determined by standard engineering
where permitted by the door manufacturer’s methods for the resolution of forces and reactions.
listing, positive-latching devices are not The calculated force to set a side hinged, swinging
required. door in motion shall be determined by:
4. In Group I-2 and ambulatory care facilities, 𝐹 = 𝐹𝑑𝑐 + 𝐾(𝑊𝐴𝑃)/2(𝑊 − 𝑑) (9-1)
where such doors are special-purpose
horizontal sliding, accordion or folding door
assemblies installed in accordance with where:
Section 1010.1.4.3 and are automatic closing
A = Door area, m2.
by smoke detection in accordance with
Section 716.5.9.3 of the SBC 201. d = Distance from door handle to latch edge of door,
5. Group I-3.
F = Total door opening force, N.
6. Openings between smoke zones with clear
ceiling heights of 4250 mm or greater and Fdc = Force required to overcome closing device, N.
bank down capacity of greater than 20
K = Coefficient 1.0.
minutes as determined by the design fire size.
W = Door width, m.
909.5.3.1 Group I-1 Condition 2, Group I-
2 and ambulatory care facilities. In Group I-1 P = Design pressure difference, Pa.
Condition 2, Group I-2 and ambulatory care
909.6.3 Pr essurized stairways and elevator
facilities, where doors are installed across a
hoistways. Where stairways or elevator hoistways
corridor, the doors shall be automatic closing by
are pressurized, such pressurization systems shall
smoke detection in accordance with Section
comply with Section 909 as smoke control systems,
716.5.9.3 of the SBC 201 and shall have a vision
in addition to the requirements of Section 909.21 of
panel with fire protection-rated glazing materials in
this code and Section 909.20 of the SBC 201.
fire-protection-rated frames, the area of which shall
not exceed that tested. 909.7 Airflow design method. Where approved
by the fire code official, smoke migration through
909.5.3.2 Ducts and air transfer openings.
openings fixed in a permanently open position,
Ducts and air transfer openings are required to be
which are located between smoke control zones by
protected with a minimum Class II, 121°C smoke
the use of the airflow method, shall be permitted.
damper complying with Section 717 of the SBC
The design airflow shall be in accordance with this
section. Airflow shall be directed to limit smoke
909.6 Pressurization method. The primary migration from the fire zone. The geometry of
mechanical means of controlling smoke shall be by openings shall be considered to prevent flow
pressure differences across smoke barriers. reversal from turbulent effects. Smoke control
Maintenance of a tenable environment is not systems using the airflow method shall be designed
required in the smoke-control zone of fire origin. in accordance with NFPA 92.
909.6.1 Minimum pr essur e difference. The 909.7.1 Pr ohibited conditions. This method shall
minimum pressure difference across a smoke not be employed where either the quantity of air or
barrier shall be 12 Pa in fully sprinklered buildings. the velocity of the airflow will adversely affect
other portions of the smoke control system, unduly
In buildings allowed to be other than fully
intensify the fire, disrupt plume dynamics or
sprinklered, the smoke control system shall be
interfere with exiting. In no case shall airflow
designed to achieve pressure differences not less
toward the fire exceed 1.0 m/s. Where the
than two times the maximum calculated pressure
difference produced by the design fire.
calculated airflow exceeds this limit, the airflow c = Specific heat of smoke at smoke layer
method shall not be used. temperature, kJ/kg · K.
909.8 Exhaust method. Where approved by the m = Exhaust rate, kg/s.
fire code official, mechanical smoke control for
Qc = Convective heat output of fire, kW.
large enclosed volumes, such as in atriums or malls,
shall be permitted to utilize the exhaust method. Ta = Ambient temperature, K.
Smoke control systems using the exhaust method
shall be designed in accordance with NFPA 92. Ts = Smoke temperature, K.
909.8.1 Smoke layer . The height of the lowest Exception: Reduced Ts as calculated based on the
horizontal surface of the smoke layer interface shall assurance of adequate dilution air.
be maintained not less than 1800 mm above a 909.10.2 Ducts. Duct materials and joints
walking surface that forms a portion of a required shall be capable of withstanding the probable
egress system within the smoke zone. temperatures and pressures to which they are
909.9 Design fire. The design fire shall be based exposed as determined in accordance with Section
on a rational analysis performed by the registered 909.10.1. Ducts shall be constructed and supported
design professional and approved by the fire code in accordance with the SBC 501. Ducts shall be leak
official. The design fire shall be based on the tested to 1.5 times the maximum design pressure in
analysis in accordance with Section 909.4 and this accordance with nationally accepted practices.
section. Measured leakage shall not exceed 5 percent of
design flow. Results of such testing shall be a part
909.9.1 Factor s considered. The engineering of the documentation procedure. Ducts shall be
analysis shall include the characteristics of the fuel, supported directly from fire-resistance-rated
fuel load, effects included by the fire and whether structural elements of the building by substantial,
the fire is likely to be steady or unsteady. noncombustible supports.
909.9.2 Design fire fuel. Determination of the Exception: Flexible connections, for the purpose of
design fire shall include consideration of the type of vibration isolation, complying with the SBC 501
fuel, fuel spacing and configuration. and that are constructed of approved fire resistance-
909.9.3 Heat-r elease assumptions. The analysis rated materials.
shall make use of best available data from approved 909.10.3 Equipment, inlets and outlets.
sources and shall not be based on excessively Equipment shall be located so as to not expose
stringent limitations of combustible material. uninvolved portions of the building to an additional
909.9.4 Spr inkler effectiveness assumptions. A fire hazard. Outside air inlets shall be located so as
documented engineering analysis shall be provided to minimize the potential for introducing smoke or
for conditions that assume fire growth is halted at flame into the building. Exhaust outlets shall be so
the time of sprinkler activation. located as to minimize reintroduction of smoke into
the building and to limit exposure of the building or
909.10 Equipment. Equipment including, but not adjacent buildings to an additional fire hazard.
limited to, fans, ducts, automatic dampers and
balance dampers shall be suitable for their intended 909.10.4 Automatic dampers. Automatic
use, suitable for the probable exposure temperatures dampers, regardless of the purpose for which they
that the rational analysis indicates, and as approved are installed within the smoke control system, shall
by the fire code official. be listed and conform to the requirements of
approved recognized standards.
909.10.1 Exhaust fans. Components of
exhaust fans shall be rated and certified by the 909.10.5 Fans. In addition to other
manufacturer for the probable temperature rise to requirements, belt-driven fans shall have 1.5 times
which the components will be exposed. This the number of belts required for the design duty
temperature rise shall be computed by: with the minimum number of belts being two. Fans
shall be selected for stable performance based on
𝑇𝑠 = (𝑄𝑐/𝑚𝑐) + (𝑇𝑎) (9-2) normal temperature and, where applicable, elevated
temperature. Calculations and manufacturer’s fan
curves shall be part of the documentation
where: procedures. Fans shall be supported and restrained
by noncombustible devices in accordance with the
structural design requirements of Chapter 16 of the official and in accordance with both of the
SBC 201. following:
Motors driving fans shall not be operated beyond 1. Where the operation of components is
their nameplate kilowatts as determined from bypassed from the preprogrammed weekly
measurement of actual current draw and shall have test, presence of power downstream of all
a minimum service factor of 1.15. disconnects shall be verified weekly by a
listed control unit.
909.11 Standby power. Smoke control systems
shall be provided with standby power in accordance 2. Testing of all components bypassed from the
with Section 604. preprogrammed weekly test shall be in
accordance with Section 909.20.6.
909.11.1 Equipment room. The standby
power source and its transfer switches shall be in a 909.12.2 Wiring. In addition to meeting
room separate from the normal power transformers requirements of SBC 401, all wiring, regardless of
and switch gears and ventilated directly to and from voltage, shall be fully enclosed within continuous
the exterior. The room shall be enclosed with not raceways.
less than 1-hour fire barriers constructed in
909.12.3 Activation. Smoke control
accordance with Section 707 of the SBC 201 or
systems shall be activated in accordance with this
horizontal assemblies constructed in accordance
with Section 711 of the SBC 201, or both.
909.12.3.1 Pressurization, airflow or
909.11.2 Power sour ces and power sur ges.
exhaust method. Mechanical smoke control
Elements of the smoke control system relying on
systems using the pressurization, airflow or exhaust
volatile memories or the like shall be supplied with
method shall have completely automatic control.
uninterruptable power sources of sufficient duration
to span 15-minute primary power interruption. 909.12.3.2 Passive method. Passive smoke
Elements of the smoke control system susceptible control systems actuated by approved spot-type
to power surges shall be suitably protected by detectors listed for releasing service shall be
conditioners, suppressors or other approved means. permitted.
909.12 Detection and control systems. Fire 909.12.4 Automatic contr ol. Where
detection systems providing control input or output completely automatic control is required or used,
signals to mechanical smoke control systems or the automatic-control sequences shall be initiated
elements thereof shall comply with the from an appropriately zoned automatic sprinkler
requirements of Section 907. Such systems shall be system complying with Section 903.3.1.1, manual
equipped with a control unit complying with UL controls that are readily accessible to the fire
864 and listed as smoke control equipment. department (Civil Defense) and any smoke
detectors required by the engineering analysis.
909.12.1 Verification. Control systems for
mechanical smoke control systems shall include 909.13 Control air tubing. Control air tubing shall
provisions for verification. Verification shall be of sufficient size to meet the required response
include positive confirmation of actuation, testing, times. Tubing shall be flushed clean and dry prior
manual override and the presence of power to final connections and shall be adequately
downstream of all disconnects. A preprogrammed supported and protected from damage. Tubing
weekly test sequence shall report abnormal passing through concrete or masonry shall be
conditions audibly, visually and by printed report. sleeved and protected from abrasion and
The preprogrammed weekly test shall operate all electrolytic action.
devices, equipment, and components used for 909.13.1 Materials. Control air tubing shall
smoke control. be hard drawn copper, Type L, ACR in accordance
Exception: Where verification of individual with ASTM B 42, ASTM B 43, ASTM B 68,
components tested through the preprogrammed ASTM B 88, ASTM B 251 and ASTM B 280.
weekly testing sequence will interfere with, and Fittings shall be wrought copper or brass, solder
produce unwanted effects to, normal building type, in accordance with ASME B 16.18 or
operation, such individual components are ASME B 16.22. Changes in direction shall be made
permitted to be bypassed from the preprogrammed with appropriate tool bends. Brass compression-
weekly testing, where approved by the fire code type fittings shall be used at final connection to
devices; other joints shall be brazed using a BCuP5 in a fire command center complying with Section
brazing alloy with solidus above 593°C and 508 in high-rise buildings or buildings with smoke-
liquidus below 816°C. Brazing flux shall be used on protected assembly seating. In all other buildings,
copper-to-brass joints only. the fire fighter’s smoke control panel shall be
installed in an approved location adjacent to the fire
Exception: Nonmetallic tubing used within control
alarm control panel. The fire fighter’s smoke
panels and at the final connection to devices,
control panel shall comply with Sections 909.16.1
provided all of the following conditions are met:
through 909.16.3.
1. Tubing shall comply with the requirements of
909.16.1 Smoke control systems. Fans
Section 602.2.1.3 of SBC 501.
within the building shall be shown on the fire
2. Tubing and the connected device shall be fighter’s control panel. A clear indication of the
completely enclosed within a galvanized or direction of airflow and the relationship of
paint-grade steel enclosure having a components shall be displayed. Status indicators
minimum thickness of 0.75 mm. Entry to the shall be provided for all smoke control equipment,
enclosure shall be by copper tubing with a annunciated by fan and zone and by pilot-lamp-type
protective grommet of neoprene or Teflon or indicators as follows:
by suitable brass compression to male-
1. Fans, dampers and other operating equipment
barbed adapter.
in their normal status—WHITE.
3. Tubing shall be identified by appropriately
2. Fans, dampers and other operating equipment
documented coding.
in their off or closed status—RED.
4. Tubing shall be neatly tied and supported
3. Fans, dampers and other operating equipment
within the enclosure. Tubing bridging
in their on or open status—GREEN.
cabinets and doors or moveable devices shall
be of sufficient length to avoid tension and 4. Fans, dampers and other operating equipment
excessive stress. Tubing shall be protected in a fault status—YELLOW/AMBER.
against abrasion. Tubing serving devices on 909.16.2 Smoke contr ol panel. The fire
doors shall be fastened along hinges. fighter’s control panel shall provide control
909.13.2 Isolation from other functions. capability over the complete smoke control system
Control tubing serving other than smoke control equipment within the building as follows:
functions shall be isolated by automatic isolation 1. ON-AUTO-OFF control over each individual
valves or shall be an independent system. piece of operating smoke control equipment
909.13.3 Testing. Control air tubing shall be that can also be controlled from other sources
tested at three times the operating pressure for not within the building. This includes stairway
less than 30 minutes without any noticeable loss in pressurization fans; smoke exhaust fans;
gauge pressure prior to final connection to devices. supply, return and exhaust fans; elevator
shaft fans; and other operating equipment
909.14 Marking and identification. The
used or intended for smoke control purposes.
detection and control systems shall be clearly
marked at all junctions, accesses and terminations. 2. OPEN-AUTO-CLOSE control over
individual dampers relating to smoke control
909.15 Control diagrams. Identical control
and that are also controlled from other
diagrams showing all devices in the system and
sources within the building.
identifying their location and function shall be
maintained current and kept on file with the fire 3. ON-OFF or OPEN-CLOSE control over
code official, the fire department (Civil Defense) smoke control and other critical equipment
and in the fire command center in a format and associated with a fire or smoke emergency
manner approved by the fire chief. and that can only be controlled from the fire
fighter’s control panel.
909.16 Fire fighter’s smoke control panel. A fire
fighter’s smoke control panel for fire department Exceptions:
(Civil Defense) emergency response purposes only 1. Complex systems, where approved, where the
shall be provided and shall include manual control controls and indicators are combined to
or override of automatic control for mechanical
smoke control systems. The panel shall be located
control and indicate all elements of a single 909.17 System response time. Smoke-control
smoke zone as a unit. system activation shall be initiated immediately
after receipt of an appropriate automatic or manual
2. Complex systems, where approved, where the
activation command. Smoke control systems shall
control is accomplished by computer
activate individual components (such as dampers
interface using approved, plain English
and fans) in the sequence necessary to prevent
physical damage to the fans, dampers, ducts and
909.16.3 Control action and pr iorities. other equipment. For purposes of smoke control, the
The fire fighter’s control panel actions shall be as fire fighter’s control panel response time shall be
follows: the same for automatic or manual smoke control
1. ON-OFF and OPEN-CLOSE control actions action initiated from any other building control
shall have the highest priority of any control point. The total response time, including that
point within the building. Once issued from necessary for detection, shutdown of operating
the fire fighter’s control panel, automatic or equipment and smoke control system startup, shall
manual control from any other control point allow for full operational mode to be achieved
within the building shall not contradict the before the conditions in the space exceed the design
control action. Where automatic means are smoke condition. The system response time for
provided to interrupt normal, nonemergency each component and their sequential relationships
equipment operation or produce a specific shall be detailed in the required rational analysis
result to safeguard the building or equipment and verification of their installed condition reported
including, but not limited to, duct freeze in the required final report.
stats, duct smoke detectors, high-temperature 909.18 Acceptance testing. Devices, equipment,
cutouts, temperature-actuated linkage and components and sequences shall be individually
similar devices, such means shall be capable tested. These tests, in addition to those required by
of being overridden by the fire fighter’s other provisions of this code, shall consist of
control panel. The last control action as determination of function, sequence and, where
indicated by each fire fighter’s control panel applicable, capacity of their installed condition.
switch position shall prevail. Control actions
909.18.1 Detection devices. Smoke or fire
shall not require the smoke control system to
detectors that are a part of a smoke control system
assume more than one configuration at any
shall be tested in accordance with Chapter 9 in their
one time.
installed condition. Where applicable, this testing
Exception: Power disconnects required by SBC shall include verification of airflow in both
401. minimum and maximum conditions.
1. Only the AUTO position of each three- 909.18.2 Ducts. Ducts that are part of a
position fire-fighter’s control panel switch smoke control system shall be traversed using
shall allow automatic or manual control generally accepted practices to determine actual air
action from other control points within the quantities.
building. The AUTO position shall be the
909.18.3 Damper s. Dampers shall be tested
NORMAL, nonemergency, building control
for function in their installed condition.
position. Where a fire fighter’s control panel
is in the AUTO position, the actual status of 909.18.4 Inlets and outlets. Inlets and
the device (on, off, open, closed) shall outlets shall be read using generally accepted
continue to be indicated by the status practices to determine air quantities.
indicator described in Section 909.16.1.
909.18.5 Fans. Fans shall be examined for
Where directed by an automatic signal to
correct rotation. Measurements of voltage,
assume an emergency condition, the
amperage, revolutions per minute and belt tension
NORMAL position shall become the
shall be made.
emergency condition for that device or group
of devices within the zone. Control actions 909.18.6 Smoke bar r iers. Measurements
shall not require the smoke control system to using inclined manometers or other approved
assume more than one configuration at any calibrated measuring devices shall be made of the
one time. pressure differences across smoke barriers. Such
measurements shall be conducted for each possible Section 909.18.8.3. Devices shall have an approved
smoke control condition. identifying tag or mark on them consistent with the
other required documentation and shall be dated
909.18.7 Controls. Each smoke zone
indicating the last time they were successfully
equipped with an automatic-initiation device shall
tested and by whom.
be put into operation by the actuation of one such
device. Each additional device within the zone shall 909.19 System acceptance. Buildings, or portions
be verified to cause the same sequence without thereof, required by this code to comply with this
requiring the operation of fan motors in order to section shall not be issued a certificate of occupancy
prevent damage. Control sequences shall be verified until such time that the fire code official determines
throughout the system, including verification of that the provisions of this section have been fully
override from the fire fighter’s control panel and complied with and that the fire department (Civil
simulation of standby power conditions. Defense) has received satisfactory instruction on
the operation, both automatic and manual, of the
909.18.8 Testing for smoke contr ol.
system and a written maintenance program
Smoke control systems shall be tested by a special
complying with the requirements of Section
inspector in accordance with Section 1705.18 of the
909.20.1 has been submitted and approved by the
SBC 201.
fire code official.
909.18.8.1 Scope of testing. Testing shall be
Exception: In buildings of phased construction, a
conducted in accordance with the following:
temporary certificate of occupancy, as approved by
1. During erection of ductwork and prior to the fire code official, shall be allowed, provided that
concealment for the purposes of leakage those portions of the building to be occupied meet
testing and recording of device location. the requirements of this section and that the
2. Prior to occupancy and after sufficient remainder does not pose a significant hazard to the
completion for the purposes of pressure- safety of the proposed occupants or adjacent
difference testing, flow measurements, and buildings.
detection and control verification. 909.20 Maintenance. Smoke control systems shall
909.18.8.2 Qualifications. Approved agencies be maintained to ensure to a reasonable degree that
for smoke control testing shall have expertise in fire the system is capable of controlling smoke for the
protection engineering, mechanical engineering and duration required. The system shall be maintained
certification as air balancers. in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions
and Sections 909.20.1 through 909.20.6.
909.18.8.3 Reports. A complete report of
testing shall be prepared by the approved agency. 909.20.1 Schedule. A routine maintenance
The report shall include identification of all devices and operational testing program shall be initiated
by manufacturer, nameplate data, design values, immediately after the smoke control system has
measured values and identification tag or mark. The passed the acceptance tests. A written schedule for
report shall be reviewed by the responsible routine maintenance and operational testing shall be
registered design professional and, when satisfied established.
that the design intent has been achieved, the 909.20.2 Recor ds. Records of smoke
responsible registered design professional shall control system testing and maintenance shall be
sign, seal and date the report. maintained. The record shall include the date of the
909. Report filing. A copy of the final maintenance, identification of the servicing
report shall be filed with the fire code official and personnel and notification of any unsatisfactory
an identical copy shall be maintained in an condition and the corrective action taken, including
approved location at the building. parts replaced.
The system shall be tested under standby power 3.1. The fire floor.
3.2. The two floors immediately below
909.20.5 Nondedicated smoke contr ol the fire floor.
systems. Non-dedicated smoke control systems
3.3. The floor immediately above the fire
shall be operated for each control sequence
annually. The system shall be tested under standby
power conditions. 4. The minimum positive pressure of 25 Pa and
a maximum positive pressure of 62 Pa with
909.20.6 Components bypassing weekly
respect to occupied floors is not required at
test. Where components of the smoke control
the floor of recall with the doors open.
system are bypassed by the preprogrammed weekly
test required by Section 909.12.1, such components 909.21.1.1 Use of ventilation systems.
shall be tested semiannually. The system shall be Ventilation systems, other than hoistway supply air
tested under standby power conditions. systems, are permitted to be used to exhaust air from
adjacent spaces on the fire floor, two floors
909.21 Elevator hoistway pressurization
immediately below and one floor immediately
alternative. Where elevator hoistway
above the fire floor to the building’s exterior where
pressurization is provided in lieu of required
necessary to maintain positive pressure
enclosed elevator lobbies, the pressurization system
relationships as required in Section 909.21.1 during
shall comply with Sections 909.21.1 through
operation of the elevator shaft pressurization
909.21.1 Pr essurization requirements.
909.21.2 Rational analysis. A rational
Elevator hoistways shall be pressurized to maintain
analysis complying with Section 909.4 shall be
a minimum positive pressure of 25 Pa and a
submitted with the construction documents.
maximum positive pressure of 62 Pa with respect to
adjacent occupied space on all floors. This pressure 909.21.3 Ducts for system. Any duct system
shall be measured at the midpoint of each hoistway that is part of the pressurization system shall be
door, with all elevator cars at the floor of recall and protected with the same fire-resistance rating as
all hoistway doors on the floor of recall open and all required for the elevator shaft enclosure.
other hoistway doors closed. The pressure 909.21.4 Fan system. The fan system
differential shall be measured between the hoistway provided for the pressurization system shall be as
and the adjacent elevator landing. The opening and required by Sections 909.21.4.1 through
closing of hoistway doors at each level must be 909.21.4.4.
demonstrated during this test. The supply air intake
shall be from an outside, uncontaminated source 909.21.4.1 Fire resistance. Where located
located a minimum distance of 6 m from any air within the building, the fan system that provides the
exhaust system or outlet. pressurization shall be protected with the same fire-
resistance rating required for the elevator shaft
Exceptions: enclosure.
1. On floors containing only Group R 909.21.4.2 Smoke detection. The fan system
occupancies, the pressure differential is shall be equipped with a smoke detector that will
permitted to be measured between the automatically shut down the fan system when
hoistway and a dwelling unit or sleeping unit. smoke is detected within the system.
2. Where an elevator opens into a lobby 909.21.4.3 Separate systems. A separate fan
enclosed in accordance with Section 3007.6 system shall be used for each elevator hoistway.
or 3008.6 of the SBC 201, the pressure
differential is permitted to be measured 909.21.4.4 Fan capacity. The supply fan shall
between the hoistway and the space be either adjustable with a capacity of not less than
immediately outside the door(s) from the 28.3 m3 per minute per door, or that specified by a
floor to the enclosed lobby. registered design professional to meet the
requirements of a designed pressurization system.
3. The pressure differential is permitted to be
measured relative to the outdoor atmosphere 909.21.5 Standby power . The
on floors other than the following: pressurization system shall be provided with
standby power in accordance with Section 604.
909.21.6 Activation of pr essur ization 910.2.1 Gr oup F-1 or S-1. Smoke and heat vents
system. The elevator pressurization system shall be installed in accordance with Section 910.3 or a
activated upon activation of either the building fire mechanical smoke removal system installed in
alarm system or the elevator lobby smoke detectors. accordance with Section 910.4 shall be installed in
Where both a building fire alarm system and buildings and portions thereof used as a Group F-1
elevator lobby smoke detectors are present, each or S-1 occupancy having more than 4650 m2 of
shall be independently capable of activating the undivided area. In occupied portions of a building
pressurization system. equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler
system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1, where
909.21.7 Testing. Testing for performance
the upper surface of the story is not a roof assembly,
shall be required in accordance with Section
a mechanical smoke removal system in accordance
909.18.8. System acceptance shall be in accordance
with Section 910.4 shall be installed.
with Section 909.19.
Exception: Group S-1 aircraft repair hangars.
909.21.8 Mar king and identification.
Detection and control systems shall be marked in 910.2.2 High-piled combustible storage. Smoke
accordance with Section 909.14. and heat removal required by Table 3206.2 for
buildings and portions thereof containing high piled
909.21.9 Control diagr ams. Control
combustible storage shall be installed in accordance
diagrams shall be provided in accordance with
with Section 910.3 in unsprinklered buildings. In
Section 909.15.
buildings and portions thereof containing high-
909.21.10 Control panel. A control panel piled combustible storage equipped throughout
complying with Section 909.16 shall be provided. with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance
909.21.11 System response time. Hoistway with Section 903.3.1.1, a smoke and heat removal
pressurization systems shall comply with the system shall be installed in accordance with Section
requirements for smoke control system response 910.3 or 910.4. In occupied portions of a building
time in Section 909.17. equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler
system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 where
SECTION 910 SMOKE AND HEAT the upper surface of the story is not a roof assembly,
REMOVAL a mechanical smoke removal system in accordance
with Section 910.4 shall be installed.
910.1 General. Where required by this code,
smoke and heat vents or mechanical smoke removal 910.3 Smoke and heat vents. The design and
systems shall conform to the requirements of this installation of smoke and heat vents shall be in
section. accordance with Sections 910.3.1 through 910.3.3.
910.2 Where required. Smoke and heat vents or 910.3.1 Listing and labeling. Smoke and heat
a mechanical smoke removal system shall be vents shall be listed and labeled to indicate
installed as required by Sections 910.2.1 and compliance with UL 793 or FM 4430.
910.2.2. 910.3.2 Smoke and heat vent locations. Smoke
Exceptions: and heat vents shall be located 6 m or more from
adjacent lot lines and fire walls and 3000 mm or
1. Frozen food warehouses used solely for
more from fire barriers. Vents shall be uniformly
storage of Class I and II commodities where
located within the roof in the areas of the building
protected by an approved automatic
where the vents are required to be installed by
sprinkler system. Section 910.2, with consideration given to roof
2. Smoke and heat removal shall not be required pitch, sprinkler location and structural members.
in areas of buildings equipped with early
910.3.3 Smoke and heat vents area. The required
suppression fast-response (ESFR) sprinklers. aggregate area of smoke and heat vents shall be
3. Smoke and heat removal shall not be required calculated as follows:
in areas of buildings equipped with control
For buildings equipped throughout with an
mode special application sprinklers with a
automatic sprinkler system in accordance with
response time index of 50 (m · S)1/2 or less
Section 903.3.1.1:
that are listed to control a fire in stored
commodities with 12 or fewer sprinklers. AVR = V/2745 (9-4)
condition and the corrective action taken, including 5. Vents shall be designed to withstand loads in
parts replaced. accordance with the SBC 201. Vents shall
consist of any one or any combination of the
SECTION 911 EXPLOSION CONTROL following to relieve at a maximum internal
911.1 General. Explosion control shall be pressure of 1 kPa, but not less than the loads
provided in the following locations: required by the SBC 201:
1. Where a structure, room or space is occupied 5.1. Exterior walls designed to release
for purposes involving explosion hazards as outward.
identified in Table 911.1. 5.2. Hatch covers.
2. Where quantities of hazardous materials
5.3. Outward swinging doors.
specified in Table 911.1 exceed the
maximum allowable quantities in Table 5.4. Roofs designed to uplift.
5003.1.1(1). 5.5. Venting devices listed for the
Such areas shall be provided with explosion purpose.
(deflagration) venting, explosion (deflagration) 6. Vents designed to release from the exterior
prevention systems or barricades in accordance walls or roofs of the building when venting a
with this section and NFPA 69, or NFPA 495 as deflagration shall discharge directly to the
applicable. Deflagration venting shall not be exterior of the building where an unoccupied
utilized as a means to protect buildings from space not less than 15 m in width is provided
detonation hazards. between the exterior walls of the building and
911.2 Required deflagration venting. Areas that the lot line.
are required to be provided with deflagration Exception: Vents complying with Item 7 of this
venting shall comply with the following: section.
1. Walls, ceilings and roofs exposing 7. Vents designed to remain attached to the
surrounding areas shall be designed to resist building when venting a deflagration shall be
a minimum internal pressure of 4.8 kPa. The so located that the discharge opening shall be
minimum internal design pressure shall be not less than 3000 mm vertically from
not less than five times the maximum internal window openings and exits in the building
relief pressure specified in Item 5 of this and 6 m horizontally from exits in the
section. building, from window openings and exits in
2. Deflagration venting shall be provided only adjacent buildings on the same lot and from
in exterior walls and roofs. the lot line.
Exception: Where sufficient exterior wall and roof 8. Discharge from vents shall not be into the
venting cannot be provided because of inadequate interior of the building.
exterior wall or roof area, deflagration venting shall 911.3 Explosion prevention systems. Explosion
be allowed by specially designed shafts vented to prevention systems shall be of an approved type and
the exterior of the building. installed in accordance with the provisions of this
3. Deflagration venting shall be designed to code and NFPA 69.
prevent unacceptable structural damage. 911.4 Barricades. Barricades shall be designed
Where relieving a deflagration, vent closures and installed in accordance with NFPA 495.
shall not produce projectiles of sufficient
velocity and mass to cause life threatening
injuries to the occupants or other persons on SECTION 912 FIRE DEPARTMENT
the property or adjacent public ways.
4. The aggregate clear area of vents and venting
912.1 Installation. Fire department (Civil
devices shall be governed by the pressure
Defense) connections shall be installed in
resistance of the construction assemblies
accordance with the NFPA standard applicable to
specified in Item 1 of this section and the
the system design and shall comply with Sections
maximum internal pressure allowed by Item
912.2 through 912.7.
5 of this section.
912.2 Location. With respect to hydrants, 900 mm in depth and 1980 mm in height shall be
driveways, buildings and landscaping, fire provided and maintained in front of and to the sides
department (Civil Defense) connections shall be so of wallmounted fire department (Civil Defense)
located that fire apparatus and hose connected to connections and around the circumference of free-
supply the system will not obstruct access to the standing fire department (Civil Defense)
buildings for other fire apparatus. The location of connections, except as otherwise required or
fire department (Civil Defense) connections shall approved by the fire chief.
be approved by the fire chief.
912.4.3 Physical protection. Where fire
912.2.1 Visible location. Fire department (Civil department (Civil Defense) connections are subject
Defense) connections shall be located on the street to impact by a motor vehicle, vehicle impact
side of buildings, fully visible and recognizable protection shall be provided in accordance with
from the street or nearest point of fire department Section 312.
(Civil Defense) vehicle access or as otherwise
912.5 Signs. A metal sign with raised letters not
approved by the fire chief.
less than 25 mm in size shall be mounted on all fire
912.2.2 Existing buildings. On existing buildings, department (Civil Defense) connections serving
wherever the fire department (Civil Defense) automatic sprinklers, standpipes or fire pump
connection is not visible to approaching fire connections. Such signs shall read: AUTOMATIC
apparatus, the fire department (Civil Defense) SPRINKLERS or STANDPIPES or TEST
connection shall be indicated by an approved sign CONNECTION or a combination thereof as
mounted on the street front or on the side of the applicable. Where the fire department (Civil
building. Such sign shall have the letters “FDC” not Defense) connection does not serve the entire
less than 150 mm high and words in letters not less building, a sign shall be provided indicating the
than 50 mm high or an arrow to indicate the portions of the building served.
location. Such signs shall be subject to the approval
of the fire code official.
912.6 Backflow protection. The potable water
912.3 Fire hose threads. Fire hose threads used supply to automatic sprinkler and standpipe systems
in connection with standpipe systems shall be shall be protected against backflow as required by
approved and shall be compatible with fire SBC 701 and NFPA standards.
department (Civil Defense) hose threads.
912.7 Inspection, testing and maintenance. Fire
912.4 Access. Immediate access to fire department (Civil Defense) connections shall be
department (Civil Defense) connections shall be periodically inspected, tested and maintained in
maintained at all times and without obstruction by accordance with NFPA 25. Records of inspection,
fences, bushes, trees, walls or any other fixed or testing and maintenance shall be maintained.
moveable object. Access to fire department (Civil
Defense) connections shall be approved by the fire
Exception: Fences, where provided with an access 913.1 General. Where provided, fire pumps shall
gate equipped with a sign complying with the be installed in accordance with this section and
legend requirements of Section 912.5 and a means NFPA 20.
of emergency operation. The gate and the means of
emergency operation shall be approved by the fire 913.2 Protection against interruption of
chief and maintained operational at all times. service. The fire pump, driver and controller shall
be protected in accordance with NFPA 20 against
912.4.1 Locking fire depar tment (Civil Defense) possible interruption of service through damage
connection caps. The fire code official is caused by explosion, fire, flood, earthquake,
authorized to require locking caps on fire rodents, insects, windstorm, freezing, vandalism
department (Civil Defense) connections for water- and other adverse conditions.
based fire protection systems where the responding
fire department (Civil Defense) carries appropriate 913.2.1 Pr otection of fire pump rooms. Fire
key wrenches for removal. pumps shall be located in rooms that are separated
from all other areas of the building by 2-hour fire
912.4.2 Clear space around connections. A barriers constructed in accordance with Section 707
working space of not less than 900 mm in width,
or 2-hour horizontal assemblies constructed in 913.4.1 Test outlet valve super vision. Fire pump
accordance with Section 711, or both. test outlet valves shall be supervised in the closed
913.5 Testing and maintenance. Fire pumps
1. In other than high-rise buildings, separation
shall be inspected, tested and maintained in
by 1-hour fire barriers constructed in
accordance with the requirements of this section and
accordance with Section 707 or 1-hour
NFPA 25. Records of inspection, testing and
horizontal assemblies constructed in
maintenance shall be maintained.
accordance with Section 711, or both, shall
be permitted in buildings equipped 913.5.1 Acceptance test. Acceptance testing shall
throughout with an automatic sprinkler be done in accordance with the requirements of
system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 NFPA 20.
or 903.3.1.2.
913.5.2 Gener ator sets. Engine generator sets
2. Separation is not required for fire pumps supplying emergency or standby power to fire pump
physically separated in accordance with assemblies shall be periodically tested in
NFPA 20. accordance with NFPA 110. Records of testing
913.2.2 Circuits supplying fire pumps. Cables shall be maintained.
used for survivability of circuits supplying fire 913.5.3 Tr ansfer switches. Automatic transfer
pumps shall be listed in accordance with UL 2196. switches shall be periodically tested in accordance
Electrical circuit protective systems shall be with NFPA 110. Records of testing shall be
installed in accordance with their listing maintained.
913.5.4 Pump room environmental conditions.
913.3 Temperature of pump room. Suitable Tests of pump room environmental conditions,
means shall be provided for maintaining the including heating, ventilation and illumination,
temperature of a pump room or pump house, where shall be made to ensure proper manual or automatic
required, above 4°C. operation of the associated equipment.
913.3.1 Engine manufactur er ’s
recommendation. Temperature of the pump room,
pump house or area where engines are installed SECTION 914 FIRE PROTECTION
shall never be less than the minimum recommended BASED ON SPECIAL DETAILED
by the engine manufacturer. The engine REQUIREMENTS OF USE AND
manufacturer’s recommendations for oil heaters OCCUPANCY
shall be followed. 914.1 General. This section shall specify where
913.4 Valve supervision. Where provided, the fire protection systems are required based on the
fire pump suction, discharge and bypass valves, and detailed requirements of use and occupancy of the
isolation valves on the backflow prevention device SBC 201 and this code.
or assembly shall be supervised open by one of the 914.2 Covered and open mall buildings.
following methods: Covered and open mall buildings shall comply with
1. Central-station, proprietary or remote-station Sections 914.2.1 through 914.2.4.
signaling service. 914.2.1 Automatic spr inkler system. Covered and
2. Local signaling service that will cause the open mall buildings and buildings connected
sounding of an audible signal at a constantly shall be equipped throughout with an automatic
attended location. sprinkler system in accordance with Section
903.3.1.1, which shall comply with the all of the
3. Locking valves open. following:
4. Sealing of valves and approved weekly 1. The automatic sprinkler system shall be
recorded inspection where valves are located complete and operative throughout occupied
within fenced enclosures under the control of space in the mall building prior to occupancy
the owner. of any of the tenant spaces. Unoccupied
tenant spaces shall be similarly protected
unless provided with approved alternative Exception: An automatic sprinkler system shall not
protection. be required in spaces or areas of:
2. Sprinkler protection for the mall of a covered 1. Open parking garages in accordance with
mall building shall be independent from that Section 406.5 of the SBC 201.
provided for tenant spaces or anchor
2. Telecommunications equipment buildings
used exclusively for telecommunications
3. Sprinkler protection for the tenant spaces of equipment, associated electrical power
an open mall building shall be independent distribution equipment, batteries and standby
from that provided for anchor buildings. engines, provided that those spaces or areas
are equipped throughout with an automatic
4. Sprinkler protection shall be provided
fire detection system in accordance with
beneath exterior circulation balconies located
Section 907.2 and are separated from the
adjacent to an open mall.
remainder of the building by not less than 1-
5. Where tenant spaces are supplied by the same hour fire barriers constructed in accordance
system, they shall be independently with Section 707 of the SBC 201 or not less
controlled. than 2-hour horizontal assemblies
Exception: An automatic sprinkler system shall not constructed in accordance with Section 711
be required in spaces or areas of open parking of the SBC 201, or both.
garages separated from the covered or open mall in 914.3.1.1 Number of sprinkler risers and
accordance with Section 402.4.2.3 of the SBC 201 system design. Each sprinkler system zone in
and constructed in accordance with Section 406.5 buildings that are more than 128 m in height shall
of the SBC 201. be supplied by no fewer than two risers. Each riser
914.2.2 Standpipe system. The covered and open shall supply sprinklers on alternate floors. If more
mall building shall be equipped throughout with a than two risers are provided for a zone, sprinklers
standpipe system as required by Section 905.3.3. on adjacent floors shall not be supplied from the
same riser.
914.2.3 Emer gency voice/alar m communication
system. Where the total floor area exceeds 4650 m2 914. Riser location. Sprinkler risers
within either a covered mall building or within the shall be placed in interior exit stairways and ramps
perimeter line of an open mall building, an that are remotely located in accordance with
emergency voice/ alarm communication system Section 1015.2.
shall be provided. Emergency voice/alarm 914.3.1.2 Water supply to required fire
communication systems serving a mall, required or pumps. In buildings that are more than 128 m in
otherwise, shall be accessible to the fire department building height, required fire pumps shall be
(Civil Defense) . The system shall be provided in supplied by connections to no fewer than two water
accordance with Section 907.5.2.2. mains located in different streets. Separate supply
914.2.4 Fire depar tment (Civil Defense) access piping shall be provided between each connection to
to equipment. Rooms or areas containing controls the water main and the pumps. Each connection and
for air-conditioning systems, automatic fire- the supply piping between the connection and the
extinguishing systems, automatic sprinkler systems pumps shall be sized to supply the flow and
or other detection, suppression or control elements pressure required for the pumps to operate.
shall be identified for use by the fire department Exception: Two connections to the same main shall
(Civil Defense) . be permitted provided the main is valved such that
914.3 High-rise buildings. High-rise buildings an interruption can be isolated so that the water
shall comply with Sections 914.3.1 through 914.3.7. supply will continue without interruption through
no fewer than one of the connections.
914.3.1 Automatic sprinkler system. Buildings
and structures shall be equipped throughout with an 914.3.2 Secondar y water supply. An automatic
automatic sprinkler system in accordance with secondary on-site water supply having a capacity
Section 903.3.1.1 and a secondary water supply not less than the hydraulically calculated sprinkler
where required by Section 914.3.3. demand, including the hose stream requirement,
shall be provided for high-rise buildings assigned to
Seismic Design Category C, D, E or F as
determined by the SBC 301. An additional fire 914.5 Underground buildings. Underground
pump shall not be required for the secondary water buildings shall comply with Sections 914.5.1
supply unless needed to provide the minimum through 914.5.5.
design intake pressure at the suction side of the fire 914.5.1 Automatic sprinkler system. The highest
pump supplying the automatic sprinkler system.
level of exit discharge serving the underground
The secondary water supply shall have a duration of
portions of the building and all levels below shall
not less than 30 minutes as determined by the be equipped with an automatic sprinkler system
occupancy hazard classification in accordance with installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1.
NFPA 13. Water-flow switches and control valves shall be
Exception: Existing buildings. supervised in accordance with Section 903.4.
914.3.3 Fire alar m system. A fire alarm system 914.5.2 Smoke contr ol system. A smoke control
shall be provided in accordance with Section system is required to control the migration of
907.2.13. products of combustion in accordance with Section
909 and provisions of this section. Smoke control
914.3.4 Automatic smoke detection. Smoke
shall restrict movement of smoke to the general area
detection shall be provided in accordance with
of fire origin and maintain means of egress in a
Section 907.2.13.1.
usable condition.
914.3.5 Emer gency voice/alar m communication
914.5.3 Compar tment smoke contr ol system.
system. An emergency voice/alarm communication
Where compartmentation is required by Section
system shall be provided in accordance with
405.4 of the SBC 201, each compartment shall have
Section 907.5.2.2.
an independent smoke control system. The system
914.3.6 Emer gency responder radio coverage. shall be automatically activated and capable of
Emergency responder radio coverage shall be manual operation in accordance with Section
provided in accordance with Section 510. 907.2.18.
914.3.7 Fire command. A fire command center 914.5.4 Fire alar m system. A fire alarm system
complying with Section 508 shall be provided in a shall be provided where required by Sections
location approved by the fire department (Civil 907.2.18 and 907.2.19.
Defense) .
914.5.5 Standpipe system. The underground
914.4 Atriums. Atriums shall comply with building shall be provided throughout with a
Sections 914.4.1 and 914.4.2. standpipe system in accordance with Section 905.
914.4.1 Automatic sprinkler system. An 914.6 Stages. Stages shall comply with Sections
approved automatic sprinkler system shall be 914.6.1 and 914.6.2.
installed throughout the entire building.
914.6.1 Automatic sprinkler system. Stages shall
Exceptions: be equipped with an automatic sprinkler system in
1. That area of a building adjacent to or above accordance with Section 903.3.1.1. Sprinklers shall
the atrium need not be sprinklered, provided be installed under the roof and gridiron and under
that portion of the building is separated from all catwalks and galleries over the stage. Sprinklers
the atrium portion by not less than a 2-hour shall be installed in dressing rooms, performer
fire barrier constructed in accordance with lounges, shops and storerooms accessory to such
Section 707 of the SBC 201 or horizontal stages.
assemblies constructed in accordance with Exceptions:
Section 711 of the SBC 201, or both.
1. Sprinklers are not required under stage areas
2. Where the ceiling of the atrium is more than less than 1200 mm in clear height utilized
16 m above the floor, sprinkler protection at exclusively for storage of tables and chairs,
the ceiling of the atrium is not required. provided the concealed space is separated
914.4.2 Fire alar m system. A fire alarm system from the adjacent spaces by Type X gypsum
shall be provided where required by Section board not less than 1 6 mm in thickness.
907.2.14. 2. Sprinklers are not required for stages 93 m2 or
less in area and 15 m or less in height where
curtains, scenery or other combustible
hangings are not retractable vertically. of transient aircraft only shall have a fire
Combustible hangings shall be limited to a suppression system, but the system shall be exempt
single main curtain, borders, legs and a single from foam requirements.
914.8.3.1 Hazardous operations. Any
3. Sprinklers are not required within portable Group III aircraft hangar in accordance with Table
orchestra enclosures on stages. 914.8.3 that contains hazardous operations
including, but not limited to, the following shall be
914.6.2 Standpipe system. Standpipe systems
provided with a Group I or II fire suppression
shall be provided in accordance with Section 905.
system in accordance with NFPA 409 as applicable:
914.7 Special amusement buildings. Special
1. Doping.
amusement buildings shall comply with Sections
914.7.1 and 914.7.2. 2. Hot work including, but not limited to,
welding, torch cutting and torch soldering.
914.7.1 Automatic spr inkler system. Special
amusement buildings shall be equipped throughout 3. Fuel transfer.
with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance
4. Fuel tank repair or maintenance not including
with Section 903.3.1.1. Where the special
defueled tanks in accordance with NFPA
amusement building is temporary, the sprinkler
409, inerted tanks or tanks that have never
water supply shall be of an approved temporary
been fueled.
5. Spray finishing operations.
Exception: Automatic sprinklers are not required
where the total floor area of a temporary special 6. Total fuel capacity of all aircraft within the
amusement building is less than 93 m2 and the exit unsprinklered single fire area in excess of
access travel distance from any point to an exit is 6050 L.
less than 15 m. 7. Total fuel capacity of all aircraft within the
914.7.2 Automatic smoke detection. Special maximum single fire area in excess of 28400
amusement buildings shall be equipped with an L for a hangar equipped throughout with an
automatic smoke detection system in accordance automatic sprinkler system installed in
with Section 907.2.12. accordance with Section 903.3.1.1.
914.8 Aircraft-related occupancies. Aircraft- 914.8.3.2 Separation of maximum single
related occupancies shall comply with Sections fire areas. Maximum single fire areas established
914.8.1 through 914.8.6. in accordance with hangar classification and
construction type in Table 914.8.3 shall be
914.8.1 Automatic smoke detection systems.
separated by 2-hour fire walls constructed in
Airport traffic control towers shall be provided with
accordance with Section 706 of the SBC 201. In
an automatic smoke detection system installed in
determining the maximum single fire area as set
accordance with Section 907.2.22.
forth in Table 914.8.3, ancillary uses that are
914.8.2 Automatic sprinkler system for new separated from aircraft servicing areas by not less
air por t tr affic contr ol towers. Where an occupied than a 1-hour fire barrier constructed in accordance
floor is located more than 10.5 m above the lowest with Section 707 of the SBC 201 shall not be
level of fire department (Civil Defense) vehicle included in the area.
access, new airport traffic control towers shall be
914.8.4 Finishing. The process of “doping,”
equipped with an automatic sprinkler system in
involving the use of a volatile flammable solvent,
accordance with Section 903.3.1.1.
or of painting shall be carried on in a separate
914.8.3 Fire suppr ession for aircr aft hangar s. detached building equipped with automatic fire-
Aircraft hangars shall be provided with a fire extinguishing equipment in accordance with
suppression system designed in accordance with Section 903.
NFPA 409, based upon the classification for the
914.8.5 Residential aircr aft hangar smoke
hangar given in Table 914.8.3.
alar ms. Smoke alarms shall be provided within
Exception: Where a fixed base operator has residential aircraft hangars in accordance with
separate repair facilities on site, Group II hangars Section 907.2.21.
operated by a fixed base operator used for storage
914.8.6 Aircr aft paint hangar fire suppr ession. Such warning signs shall be placed so as to be
Aircraft paint hangars shall be provided with fire readily discernible.
suppression as required by NFPA 409.
Exception: Markings shall not be required on
914.9 Application of flammable finishes. An shaftway openings that are readily discernible as
automatic sprinkler system or fire-extinguishing openings onto a shaftway by the construction or
system shall be provided in all spray, dip and arrangement.
immersing spaces and storage rooms, and shall be
914.12.2 Equipment room identification.
installed in accordance with Chapter 9.
Fire protection equipment shall be identified in an
914.10 Drying rooms. Drying rooms designed for approved manner. Rooms containing controls for
high-hazard materials and processes, including air-conditioning systems, sprinkler risers and
special occupancies as provided for in Chapter 4 of valves or other fire detection, suppression or control
the SBC 201, shall be protected by an approved elements shall be identified for the use of the fire
automatic fire-extinguishing system complying department (Civil Defense) . Approved signs
with the provisions of Chapter 9. required to identify fire protection equipment and
equipment location shall be constructed of durable
914.11 Ambulatory care facilities. Occupancies
materials, permanently installed and readily visible.
classified as ambulatory care facilities shall
comply with Sections 914.11.1 through 914.11.3.
914.11.1 Automatic sprinkler systems. An SECTION 915 CARBON MONOXIDE
automatic sprinkler system shall be provided for DETECTION
ambulatory care facilities in accordance with
Section 903.2.2. 915.1 General. Carbon monoxide detection shall
be installed in new buildings in accordance with
914.11.2 Manual fire alar m systems. A Sections 915.1.1 through 915.6. Carbon monoxide
manual fire alarm system shall be provided for detection shall be installed in existing buildings in
ambulatory care facilities in accordance with accordance with Section 1103.9.
Section 907.2.2.
915.1.1 Where required. Carbon monoxide
914.11.3 Fire alar m systems. An automatic detection shall be provided in Group I-1, I-2, I-4
smoke detection system shall be provided for and R occupancies and in classrooms in Group E
ambulatory care facilities in accordance with occupancies in the locations specified in Section
Section 907.2.2.1. 915.2 where any of the conditions in Sections
914.12 Emergency responder safety features. 915.1.2 through 915.1.6 exist.
Emergency responder safety features shall be 915.1.2 Fuel-bur ning appliances and fuel-
addressed in accordance with sections 914.12.1 and bur ning fireplaces. Carbon monoxide detection
914.12.2. shall be provided in dwelling units, sleeping units
914.12.1 Shaftway mar kings. Vertical and classrooms that contain a fuel-burning
shafts shall be identified as required by Sections appliance or a fuel-burning fireplace.
914.12.1.1 and 914.12.1.2.Exterior access to 915.1.3 For ced-air fur naces. Carbon monoxide
shaftways. Outside openings accessible to the fire detection shall be provided in dwelling units,
department (Civil Defense) and that open directly sleeping units and classrooms served by a fuel-
on a hoistway or shaftway communicating between burning, forced-air furnace.
two or more floors in a building shall be plainly
marked with the word “SHAFTWAY” in red letters Exception: Carbon monoxide detection shall not be
not less than 150 mm high on a white background. required in dwelling units, sleeping units and
Such warning signs shall be placed so as to be classrooms where carbon monoxide detection is
readily discernible from the outside of the building. provided in the first room or area served by each
main duct leaving the furnace, and the carbon
914.12.1.2 Interior access to shaftways. monoxide alarm signals are automatically
Door or window openings to a hoistway or shaftway transmitted to an approved location.
from the interior of the building shall be plainly
marked with the word “SHAFTWAY” in red letters 915.1.4 Fuel-bur ning appliances outside of
not less than 150 mm high on a white background. dwelling units, sleeping units and classrooms.
Carbon monoxide detection shall be provided in
dwelling units, sleeping units and classrooms
located in buildings that contain fuel-burning Section 406.6 of the SBC 201 shall not be
appliances or fuel-burning fireplaces. considered a private garage.
Exceptions: 915.2 Locations. Where required by Section
915.1.1, carbon monoxide detection shall be
1. Carbon monoxide detection shall not be
installed in the locations specified in Sections
required in dwelling units, sleeping units and
915.2.1 through 915.2.3.
classrooms where there are no
communicating openings between the fuel- 915.2.1 Dwelling units. Carbon monoxide
burning appliance or fuel-burning fireplace detection shall be installed in dwelling units outside
and the dwelling unit, sleeping unit or of each separate sleeping area in the immediate
classroom. vicinity of the bedrooms. Where a fuel-burning
appliance is located within a bedroom or its
2. Carbon monoxide detection shall not be
attached bathroom, carbon monoxide detection
required in dwelling units, sleeping units and
shall be installed within the bedroom.
classrooms where carbon monoxide
detection is provided in one of the following 915.2.2 Sleeping units. Carbon monoxide
locations: detection shall be installed in sleeping units.
2.1. In an approved location between the Exception: Carbon monoxide detection shall be
fuel burning appliance or fuel-burning allowed to be installed outside of each separate
fireplace and the dwelling unit, sleeping sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the
unit or classroom. sleeping unit where the sleeping unit or its attached
bathroom does not contain a fuel-burning appliance
2.2. On the ceiling of the room
and is not served by a forced air furnace.
containing the fuel-burning appliance or
fuel-burning fireplace. 915.2.3 Gr oup E occupancies. Carbon monoxide
detection shall be installed in classrooms in Group
915.1.5 Pr ivate gar ages. Carbon monoxide
E occupancies. Carbon monoxide alarm signals
detection shall be provided in dwelling units,
shall be automatically transmitted to an on-site
sleeping units and classrooms in buildings with
location that is staffed by school personnel.
attached private garages.
Exception: Carbon monoxide alarm signals shall
not be required to be automatically transmitted to an
1. Carbon monoxide detection shall not be on-site location that is staffed by school personnel
required where there are no communicating in Group E occupancies with an occupant load of
openings between the private garage and the 30 or less.
dwelling unit, sleeping unit or classroom.
915.3 Detection equipment. Carbon monoxide
2. Carbon monoxide detection shall not be detection required by Sections 915.1 through
required in dwelling units, sleeping units and 915.2.3 shall be provided by carbon monoxide
classrooms located more than one story alarms complying with Section 915.4 or carbon
above or below a private garage. monoxide detection systems complying with
3. Carbon monoxide detection shall not be Section 915.5.
required where the private garage connects to 915.4 Carbon monoxide alarms. Carbon
the building through an open-ended corridor. monoxide alarms shall comply with Sections
4. Where carbon monoxide detection is 915.4.1 through 915.4.3.
provided in an approved location between 915.4.1 Power source. Carbon monoxide alarms
openings to a private garage and dwelling shall receive their primary power from the building
units, sleeping units or classrooms, carbon wiring where such wiring is served from a
monoxide detection shall not be required in commercial source, and when primary power is
the dwelling units, sleeping units or interrupted, shall receive power from a battery.
classrooms. Wiring shall be permanent and without a
915.1.6 Exempt gar ages. For determining disconnecting switch other than that required for
compliance with Section 915.1.5, an open parking overcurrent protection.
garage complying with Section 406.5 of the SBC
201 or an enclosed parking garage complying with
TABLE 901.6.1
Portable fire extinguishers NFPA 10
Carbon dioxide fire-extinguishing system NFPA 12
Halon 1301 fire-extinguishing systems NFPA 12A
Dry-chemical extinguishing systems NFPA 17
Wet-chemical extinguishing systems NFPA 17A
Water-based fire protection systems NFPA 25
Fire alarm systems NFPA 72
Smoke and heat vents NFPA 204
Water-mist systems NFPA 750
Clean-agent extinguishing systems NFPA 2001
TABLE 903.2.5.2
Fabrication areas Ordinary Hazard Group 2
Service corridors Ordinary Hazard Group 2
Storage rooms without dispensing Ordinary Hazard Group 2
Storage rooms with dispensing Extra Hazard Group 2
Corridors Ordinary Hazard Group 2
TABLE 903.2.11.6
914.2.1 Covered and open mall buildings
914.3.1 High-rise buildings
914.4.1 Atriums
914.5.1 Underground structures
914.6.1 Stages
914.7.1 Special amusement buildings
914.8.2 Airport traffic control towers
914.8.3, 914.8.6 Aircraft hangars
914.9 Flammable finishes
914.10 Drying rooms
914.11.1 Ambulatory care facilities
1029.6.2.3 Smoke-protected assembly seating
1103.5.1 Pyroxylin plastic storage in existing buildings
1103.5.2 Existing Group I-2 occupancies
1103.5.3 Existing Group I-2 Condition 2 occupancies
1103.5.4 Pyroxylin plastics
2108.2 Dry cleaning plants
2108.3 Dry cleaning machines
2309. Hydrogen motor fuel-dispensing area canopies
2404.2 Spray finishing in Group A, E, I or R
2404.4 Spray booths and spray rooms
2405.2 Dip-tank rooms in Group A, I or R
2405.4.1 Dip tanks
2405.9.4 Hardening and tempering tanks
2703.10 HPM facilities
2703.10.1.1 HPM work station exhaust
2703.10.2 HPM gas cabinets and exhausted enclosures
2703.10.3 HPM exit access corridor
2703.10.4 HPM exhaust ducts
2703.10.4.1 HPM noncombustible ducts
2703.10.4.2 HPM combustible ducts
2807.3 Lumber production conveyor enclosures
2808.7 Recycling facility conveyor enclosures
3006.1 Class A and B ovens
3006.2 Class C and D ovens
Table 3206.2 Storage fire protection
3206.4 Storage
5003.8.4.1 Gas rooms
5003.8.5.3 Exhausted enclosures
5004.5 Indoor storage of hazardous materials
5005.1.8 Indoor dispensing of hazardous materials
5104.4.1 Aerosol warehouses
TABLE 906.1
TABLE 906.3(1)
Minimum rated
2-Ac 2-A 4-Aa
single extinguisher
Maximum floor area 280 m2 139 m2 93 m2
per unit of A
Maximum floor area 1,045 m2 1,045 m2 1,045 m2
for extinguisherb
Maximum distance of 23 m 23 m 23 m
travel to extinguisher
a. Two 9.5 L water-type extinguishers shall be deemed the equivalent of one 4-A rated extinguisher.
b. Annex E.3.3 of NFPA 10 provides more details concerning application of the maximum floor area criteria.
c. Two water-type extinguishers each with a 1-A rating shall be deemed the equivalent of one 2-A rated extinguisher for Light (Low)
Hazard Occupancies.
TABLE 906.3(2)
5-B 9
Light (Low)
10-B 15
10-B 9
Ordinary (Moderate)
20-B 15
40-B 9
Extra (High)
80-B 15
a. For requirements on water-soluble flammable liquids and alternative sizing criteria, see Section 5.5 of NFPA 10.
TABLE 907.
6 to 25 2
26 to 50 4
51 to 75 7
76 to 100 9
101 to 150 12
151 to 200 14
201 to 300 17
301 to 400 20
401 to 500 22
501 to 1,000 5% of total
1,001 and over 50 plus 3 for each 100 over 1,000
TABLE 911.1
Combustible dusts a
— Not required Required
Cryogenic fluids Flammable Not required Required
Division 1.1 Required Not required
Division 1.2 Required Not required
Division 1.3 Not required Required
Division 1.4 Not required Required
Division 1.5 Required Not required
Division 1.6 Required Not required
Gaseous Not required Required
Flammable gas
Liquefied Not required Required
IAb Not required Required
Flammable liquids
Not required Required
Unclassified detonable Required Not permitted
Organic peroxides
I Required Not permitted
Oxidizer liquids and solids 4 Required Not permitted
Pyrophoric Gases Not required Required
4 Required Not permitted
Unstable (reactive) 3 detonable Required Not permitted
3 nondetonable Not required Required
3 Not required Required
Water-reactive liquids and solids
2e Not required Required
Special Uses
a. Combustible dusts that are generated during manufacturing or processing. See definition of “Combustible dust” in Chapter 2.
b. Storage or use.
c. In open use or dispensing.
d. Rooms containing dispensing and use of hazardous materials where an explosive environment can occur because of the
characteristics or nature of the hazardous materials or as a result of the dispensing or use process.
e. A method of explosion control shall be provided where Class 2 water-reactive materials can form potentially explosive mixtures.
f. Explosion venting is not required for Group H-5 Fabrication Areas complying with Chapter 27 and the SBC 201.
TABLE 914.8.3
> 3715 Group I Group I Group I Group I Group I Group I Group I Group I Group I
3715 Group II Group II Group II Group II Group II Group II Group II Group II Group II
2785 Group III Group II Group II Group II Group II Group II Group II Group II Group II
1860 Group III Group III Group II Group II Group II Group II Group II Group II Group II
1390 Group III Group III Group III Group II Group III Group II Group III Group II Group II
1115 Group III Group III Group III Group III Group III Group III Group III Group II Group II
740 Group III Group III Group III Group III Group III Group III Group III Group III Group II
465 Group III Group III Group III Group III Group III Group III Group III Group III Group III
a. Aircraft hangars with a door height greater than 8500 mm shall be provided with fire suppression for a Group I hangar regardless of
maximum fire area.
b. Groups shall be as classified in accordance with NFPA 409.
c. Membrane structures complying with Section 3102 of the SBC 201 shall be classified as a Group IV hangar.
4. Stair headroom in accordance with Section Exception: Handrails are permitted to protrude 115
1011.3. mm from the wall.
5. Door height in accordance with Section 1003.3.4 Clear width. Protruding objects
1010.1.1. shall not reduce the minimum clear width of
accessible routes.
6. Ramp headroom in accordance with Section
1012.5.2. 1003.4 Floor surface. Walking surfaces of the
means of egress shall have a slip-resistant surface
7. The clear height of floor levels in vehicular and be securely attached.
and pedestrian traffic areas of public and
private parking garages in accordance with 1003.5 Elevation change. Where changes in
Section 406.4.1. elevation of less than 300 mm exist in the means of
egress, sloped surfaces shall be used. Where the
8. Areas above and below mezzanine floors in slope is greater than one unit vertical in 20 units
accordance with Section 505.2. horizontal (5-percent slope), ramps complying with
1003.3 Protruding objects. Protruding objects on Section 1012 shall be used. Where the difference in
circulation paths shall comply with the elevation is 150 mm or less, the ramp shall be
requirements of Sections 1003.3.1 through equipped with either handrails or floor finish
1003.3.4. materials that contrast with adjacent floor finish
1003.3.1 Headr oom. Protruding objects are
permitted to extend below the minimum ceiling Exceptions:
height required by Section 1003.2 where a 1. A single step with a maximum riser height of
minimum headroom of 2000 mm is provided over 175 mm is permitted for buildings with
any walking surface, including walks, corridors, occupancies in Groups F, H, R-2, R-3, S and
aisles and passageways. Not more than 50 percent U at exterior doors not required to be
of the ceiling area of a means of egress shall be accessible by Chapter 11.
reduced in height by protruding objects.
2. A stair with a single riser or with two risers
Exception: Door closers and stops shall not reduce and a tread is permitted at locations not
headroom to less than 2000 mm. required to be accessible by Chapter 11
A barrier shall be provided where the vertical where the risers and treads comply with
Section 1011.5, the minimum depth of the Design of egress path capacity shall be based on
tread is 325 mm and not less than one the cumulative portion of occupant loads of all
handrail complying with Section 1014 is rooms, areas or spaces to that point along the path
provided within 750 mm of the centerline of of egress travel.
the normal path of egress travel on the stair.
1004.1.1.2 Adjacent levels for mezzanines.
3. A step is permitted in aisles serving seating That portion of the occupant load of a mezzanine
that has a difference in elevation less than with required egress through a room, area or space
300 mm at locations not required to be on an adjacent level shall be added to the occupant
accessible by Chapter 11, provided that the load of that room, area or space.
risers and treads comply with Section
1004.1.1.3 Adjacent stories. Other than for
1029.13 and the aisle is provided with a
the egress components designed for convergence in
handrail complying with Section 1029.15.
accordance with Section 1005.6, the occupant load
Throughout a story in a Group I-2 occupancy, any from separate stories shall not be added.
change in elevation in portions of the means of
1004.1.2 Areas without fixed seating. The
egress that serve non-ambulatory persons shall be
number of occupants shall be computed at the rate
by means of a ramp or sloped walkway.
of one occupant per unit of area as prescribed in
1003.6 Means of egress continuity. The path of Table 1004.1.2. For areas without fixed seating, the
egress travel along a means of egress shall not be occupant load shall be not less than that number
interrupted by a building element other than a determined by dividing the floor area under
means of egress component as specified in this consideration by the occupant load factor assigned
chapter. Obstructions shall not be placed in the to the function of the space as set forth in Table
minimum width or required capacity of a means of 1004.1.2. Where an intended function is not listed
egress component except projections permitted by in Table 1004.1.2, the building official shall
this chapter. The minimum width or required establish a function based on a listed function that
capacity of a means of egress system shall not be most nearly resembles the intended function.
diminished along the path of egress travel.
Exception: Where approved by the building
1003.7 Elevators, escalators and moving walks. official, the actual number of occupants for whom
Elevators, escalators and moving walks shall not be each occupied space, floor or building is designed,
used as a component of a required means of egress although less than those determined by calculation,
from any other part of the building. shall be permitted to be used in the determination of
the design occupant load.
Exception: Elevators used as an accessible means
of egress in accordance with Section 1009.4. 1004.2 Increased occupant load. The occupant
load permitted in any building, or portion thereof,
is permitted to be increased from that number
SECTION 1004 OCCUPANT LOAD established for the occupancies in Table 1004.1.2,
provided that all other requirements of the code are
1004.1 Design occupant load. In determining
met based on such modified number and the
means of egress requirements, the number of
occupant load does not exceed one occupant per
occupants for whom means of egress facilities are
0.65 m2 of occupiable floor space. Where required
provided shall be determined in accordance with
by the building official, an approved aisle, seating
this section.
or fixed equipment diagram substantiating any
increase in occupant load shall be submitted. Where
1004.1.1 Cumulative occupant loads. required by the building official, such diagram shall
Where the path of egress travel includes intervening be posted.
rooms, areas or spaces, cumulative occupant loads 1004.3 Posting of occupant load. Every room or
shall be determined in accordance with this section. space that is an assembly occupancy shall have the
1004.1.1.1 Intervening spaces or accessory occupant load of the room or space posted in a
areas. Where occupants egress from one or more conspicuous place, near the main exit or exit access
rooms, areas or spaces through others, the design doorway from the room or space. Posted signs shall
occupant load shall be the combined occupant load be of an approved legible permanent design and
of interconnected accessory or intervening spaces. shall be maintained by the owner or the owner’s
authorized agent.
1004.4 Fixed seating. For areas having fixed seats SECTION 1005 MEANS OF EGRESS
and aisles, the occupant load shall be determined by SIZING
the number of fixed seats installed therein. The
occupant load for areas in which fixed seating is not 1005.1 General. All portions of the means of
installed, such as waiting spaces, shall be egress system shall be sized in accordance with this
determined in accordance with Section 1004.1.2 and section.
added to the number of fixed seats. Exception: Aisles and aisle accessways in rooms or
The occupant load of wheelchair spaces and the spaces used for assembly purposes complying with
associated companion seat shall be based on one Section 1029.
occupant for each wheelchair space and one 1005.2 Minimum width based on component.
occupant for the associated companion seat The minimum width, in mm, of any means of egress
provided in accordance with Section 1108.2.3. components shall be not less than that specified for
For areas having fixed seating without dividing such component, elsewhere in this code.
arms, the occupant load shall be not less than the 1005.3 Required capacity based on occupant
number of seats based on one person for each 450 load. The required capacity, in mm, of the means of
mm of seating length. egress for any room, area, space or story shall be
The occupant load of seating booths shall be based not less than that determined in accordance with
on one person for each 600 mm of booth seat length Sections 1005.3.1 and 1005.3.2.
measured at the backrest of the seating booth. 1005.3.1 Stair ways. The capacity, in
1004.5 Outdoor areas. Yards, patios, courts and millimeters, of means of egress stairways shall be
similar outdoor areas accessible to and usable by the calculated by multiplying the occupant load served
building occupants shall be provided with means of by such stairways by a means of egress capacity
egress as required by this chapter. The occupant factor of 7.5 mm per occupant. Where stairways
load of such outdoor areas shall be assigned by the serve more than one story, only the occupant load
building official in accordance with the anticipated of each story considered individually shall be used
use. Where outdoor areas are to be used by persons in calculating the required capacity of the stairways
in addition to the occupants of the building, and the serving that story.
path of egress travel from the outdoor areas passes Exceptions:
through the building, means of egress requirements
for the building shall be based on the sum of the 1. For other than Group H and I-2 occupancies,
occupant loads of the building plus the outdoor the capacity, in millimeters, of means of
areas. egress stairways shall be calculated by
multiplying the occupant load served by such
Exceptions: stairways by a means of egress capacity
1. Outdoor areas used exclusively for service of factor of 5 mm per occupant in buildings
the building need only have one means of equipped throughout with an automatic
egress. sprinkler system installed in accordance with
Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2 and an
2. Both outdoor areas associated with Group R- emergency voice/ alarm communication
3 and individual dwelling units of Group R- system in accordance with Section 907.5.2.2.
2. Facilities with smoke-protected assembly
1004.6 Multiple occupancies. Where a building seating shall be permitted to use the capacity
contains two or more occupancies, the means of factors in Table 1029.6.2 indicated for
egress requirements shall apply to each portion of stepped aisles for exit access or exit stairways
the building based on the occupancy of that space. where the entire path for means of egress
Where two or more occupancies utilize portions of from the seating to the exit discharge is
the same means of egress system, those egress provided with a smoke control system
components shall meet the more stringent complying with Section 909.
requirements of all occupancies that are served.
3. Facilities with outdoor smoke-protected
assembly seating shall be permitted to the
capacity factors in Section 1029.6.3 indicated
for stepped aisles for exit access or exit
stairways where the entire path for means of 1005.6 Egress convergence. Where the means of
egress from the seating to the exit discharge egress from stories above and below converge at an
is open to the outdoors. intermediate level, the capacity of the means of
egress from the point of convergence shall be not
1005.3.2 Other egress components. The
less than the largest minimum width or the sum of
capacity, in millimeters, of means of egress
the required capacities for the stairways or ramps
components other than stairways shall be calculated
serving the two adjacent stories, whichever is larger.
by multiplying the occupant load served by such
component by a means of egress capacity factor of 1005.7 Encroachment. Encroachments into the
5 mm per occupant. required means of egress width shall be in
accordance with the provisions of this section.
1005.7.1 Doors. Doors, when fully opened,
1. For other than Group H and I-2 occupancies,
shall not reduce the required width by more than
the capacity, in millimeters, of means of
175 mm. Doors in any position shall not reduce the
egress components other than stairways shall
required width by more than one-half.
be calculated by multiplying the occupant
load served by such component by a means Exceptions:
of egress capacity factor of 3.8 mm per
1. Surface-mounted latch release hardware shall
occupant in buildings equipped throughout
be exempt from inclusion in the 175 mm
with an automatic sprinkler system installed
encroachment where both of the following
in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or
conditions exist:
903.3.1.2 and an emergency voice/alarm
communication system in accordance with 1.1. The hardware is mounted to the side
Section 907.5.2.2. of the door facing away from the adjacent
wall where the door is in the open
2. Facilities with smoke-protected assembly
seating shall be permitted to use the capacity
factors in Table 1029.6.2 indicated for level 1.2. The hardware is mounted not less
or ramped aisles for means of egress than 850 mm nor more than 1200 mm
components other than stairways where the above the finished floor.
entire path for means of egress from the 2. The restrictions on door swing shall not apply
seating to the exit discharge is provided with to doors within individual dwelling units and
a smoke control system complying with sleeping units of Group R-2 occupancies and
Section 909. dwelling units of Group R-3 occupancies.
3. Facilities with outdoor smoke-protected 1005.7.2 Other pr ojections. Handrail
assembly seating shall be permitted to the projections shall be in accordance with the
capacity factors in Section 1029.6.3 indicated provisions of Section 1014.8. Other nonstructural
for level or ramped aisles for means of egress projections such as trim and similar decorative
components other than stairways where the features shall be permitted to project into the
entire path for means of egress from the required width not more than 38 mm on each side.
seating to the exit discharge is open to the
outdoors. Exception: Projections are permitted in corridors
within Group I-2 Condition 1 in accordance with
1005.4 Continuity. The minimum width or Section 407.4.3.
required capacity of the means of egress required
from any story of a building shall not be reduced 1005.7.3 Pr otr uding objects. Protruding
along the path of egress travel until arrival at the objects shall comply with the applicable
public way. requirements of Section 1003.3.
1005.5 Distribution of minimum width and
required capacity. Where more than one exit, or
access to more than one exit, is required, the means
of egress shall be configured such that the loss of
any one exit, or access to one exit, shall not reduce 1006.1 General. The number of exits or exit access
the available capacity or width to less than 50 doorways required within the means of egress
percent of the required capacity or width. system shall comply with the provisions of Section
1006.2 for spaces, including mezzanines, and distance equal to one-half the maximum horizontal
Section 1006.3 for stories. dimension of the room.
1006.2 Egress from spaces. Rooms, areas or All portions of machinery rooms shall be within 45
spaces, including mezzanines, within a story or m of an exit or exit access doorway. An increase in
basement shall be provided with the number of exits exit access travel distance is permitted in
or access to exits in accordance with this section. accordance with Section 1017.1.
1006.2.1 Egr ess based on occupant load Doors shall swing in the direction of egress travel,
and common path of egress tr avel distance. Two regardless of the occupant load served. Doors shall
exits or exit access doorways from any space shall be tight fitting and self-closing.
be provided where the design occupant load or the
1006.2.2.3 Refrigerated rooms or spaces.
common path of egress travel distance exceeds the
Rooms or spaces having a floor area larger than 93
values listed in Table 1006.2.1.
m2, containing a refrigerant evaporator and
Exceptions: maintained at a temperature below 20°C, shall have
access to not less than two exits or exit access
1. In Group R-2 and R-3 occupancies, one
means of egress is permitted within and from
individual dwelling units with a maximum Exit access travel distance shall be determined as
occupant load of 20 where the dwelling unit specified in Section 1017.1, but all portions of a
is equipped throughout with an automatic refrigerated room or space shall be within 45 m of
sprinkler system in accordance with Section an exit or exit access doorway where such rooms are
903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2 and the common path not protected by an approved automatic sprinkler
of egress travel does not exceed 38 m. system. Egress is allowed through adjoining
refrigerated rooms or spaces.
2. Care suites in Group I-2 occupancies
complying with Section 407.4. Exception: Where using refrigerants in quantities
limited to the amounts based on the volume set forth
1006.2.1.1 Three or more exits or exit access
in the SBC 501.
doorways. Three exits or exit access doorways shall
be provided from any space with an occupant load 1006.2.2.4 Day care means of egress. Day
of 501 to 1,000. Four exits or exit access doorways care facilities, rooms or spaces where care is
shall be provided from any space with an occupant provided for more than 10 children that are 2-1/2
load greater than 1,000. years of age or less, shall have access to not less
than two exits or exit access doorways.
1006.2.2 Egr ess based on use. The numbers
of exits or access to exits shall be provided in the 1006.2.2.5 Vehicular ramps. Vehicular
uses described in Sections 1006.2.2.1 through ramps shall not be considered as an exit access
1006.2.2.5. ramp unless pedestrian facilities are provided.
1006.2.2.1 Boiler, incinerator and furnace 1006.3 Egress from stories or occupied roofs.
rooms. Two exit access doorways are required in The means of egress system serving any story or
boiler, incinerator and furnace rooms where the area occupied roof shall be provided with the number of
is over 45 m2 and any fuel-fired equipment exceeds exits or access to exits based on the aggregate
422000 KJ input capacity. Where two exit access occupant load served in accordance with this
doorways are required, one is permitted to be a section. The path of egress travel to an exit shall not
fixed ladder or an alternating tread device. Exit pass through more than one adjacent story.
access doorways shall be separated by a horizontal 1006.3.1 Egr ess based on occupant load.
distance equal to one-half the length of the Each story and occupied roof shall have the
maximum overall diagonal dimension of the room. minimum number of independent exits, or access to
1006.2.2.2 Refrigeration machinery rooms. exits, as specified in Table 1006.3.1. A single exit or
Machinery rooms larger than 93 m2 shall have not access to a single exit shall be permitted in
less than two exits or exit access doorways. Where accordance with Section 1006.3.2. The required
two exit access doorways are required, one such number of exits, or exit access stairways or ramps
doorway is permitted to be served by a fixed ladder providing access to exits, from any story or
or an alternating tread device. Exit access occupied roof shall be maintained until arrival at the
doorways shall be separated by a horizontal exit discharge or a public way.
1006.3.2 Single exits. A single exit or access the actual number of dwelling units divided by four
to a single exit shall be permitted from any story or plus the ratio from the other occupancy does not
occupied roof where one of the following exceed one.
conditions exists:
1. The occupant load, number of dwelling units
and exit access travel distance do not exceed
the values in Table 1006.3.2(1) or ACCESS DOORWAY CONFIGURATION
1006.3.2(2). 1007.1 General. Exits, exit access doorways, and
2. Rooms, areas and spaces complying with exit access stairways and ramps serving spaces,
Section 1006.2.1 with exits that discharge including individual building stories, shall be
directly to the exterior at the level of exit separated in accordance with the provisions of this
discharge, are permitted to have one exit or section.
access to a single exit. 1007.1.1 Two exits or exit access
3. Parking garages where vehicles are door ways. Where two exits, exit access doorways,
mechanically parked shall be permitted to exit access stairways or ramps, or any combination
have one exit or access to a single exit. thereof, are required from any portion of the exit
access, they shall be placed a distance apart equal
4. Group R-3 and R-4 occupancies shall be to not less than one-half of the length of the
permitted to have one exit or access to a maximum overall diagonal dimension of the
single exit. building or area to be served measured in a straight
5. Individual single-story or multistory dwelling line between them. Interlocking or scissor
units shall be permitted to have a single exit stairways shall be counted as one exit stairway.
or access to a single exit from the dwelling Exceptions:
unit provided that both of the following
criteria are met: 1. Where interior exit stairways or ramps are
interconnected by a 1-hour fire-resistance-
5.1. The dwelling unit complies with rated corridor conforming to the
Section 1006.2.1 as a space with one requirements of Section 1020, the required
means of egress. exit separation shall be measured along the
5.2. Either the exit from the dwelling unit shortest direct line of travel within the
discharges directly to the exterior at the corridor.
level of exit discharge, or the exit access 2. Where a building is equipped throughout with
outside the dwelling unit’s entrance door an automatic sprinkler system in accordance
provides access to not less than two with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2, the
approved independent exits. separation distance shall be not less than one-
1006.3.2.1 Mixed occupancies. Where one third of the length of the maximum overall
exit, or exit access stairway or ramp providing diagonal dimension of the area served.
access to exits at other stories, is permitted to serve 1007.1.1.1 Measurement point. The
individual stories, mixed occupancies shall be separation distance required in Section 1007.1.1
permitted to be served by single exits provided each shall be measured in accordance with the
individual occupancy complies with the applicable following:The separation distance to exit or exit
requirements of Table 1006.3.2(1) or 1006.3.2(2) access doorways shall be measured to any point
for that occupancy. Where applicable, cumulative along the width of the doorway.
occupant loads from adjacent occupancies shall be
considered in accordance with the provisions of 2. The separation distance to exit access
Section 1004.1. In each story of a mixed occupancy stairways shall be measured to the closest
building, the maximum number of occupants served riser.
by a single exit shall be such that the sum of the 3. The separation distance to exit access ramps
ratios of the calculated number of occupants of the shall be measured to the start of the ramp run.
space divided by the allowable number of
occupants indicated in Table 1006.3.2(2) for each 1007.1.2 Thr ee or more exits or exit access
occupancy does not exceed one. Where dwelling door ways. Where access to three or more exits is
units are located on a story with other occupancies, required, not less than two exit or exit access
doorways shall be arranged in accordance with the 2. Steps, landings and the sides of ramps shall be
provisions of Section 1007.1.1. Additional required permitted to be marked with self-luminous
exit or exit access doorways shall be arranged a materials in accordance with Sections
reasonable distance apart so that if one becomes 1025.2.1, 1025.2.2 and 1025.2.4 by systems
blocked, the others will be available. listed in accordance with UL 1994.
1007.1.3 Remoteness of exit access 1008.2.2 Exit dischar ge. In Group I-2
stairways or ramps. Where two exit access occupancies where two or more exits are required,
stairways or ramps provide the required means of on the exterior landings required by Section
egress to exits at another story, the required 1010.6.1, means of egress illumination levels for
separation distance shall be maintained for all the exit discharge shall be provided such that failure
portions of such exit access stairways or ramps. of any single lighting unit shall not reduce the
illumination level on that landing to less than 11
1007.1.3.1 Three or more exit access
stairways or ramps. Where more than two exit
access stairways or ramps provide the required 1008.3 Emergency power for illumination. The
means of egress, not less than two shall be arranged power supply for means of egress illumination shall
in accordance with Section 1007.1.3. normally be provided by the premises’ electrical
1008.3.1 Gener al. In the event of power
SECTION 1008 MEANS OF EGRESS supply failure in rooms and spaces that require two
ILLUMINATION or more means of egress, an emergency electrical
1008.1 Means of egress illumination. system shall automatically illuminate all of the
Illumination shall be provided in the means of following areas:
egress in accordance with Section 1008.2. Under 1. Aisles.
emergency power, means of egress illumination
shall comply with Section 1008.3. 2. Corridors.
1008.2 Illumination required. The means of 3. Exit access stairways and ramps.
egress serving a room or space shall be illuminated 1008.3.2 Buildings. In the event of power
at all times that the room or space is occupied. supply failure in buildings that require two or more
Exceptions: means of egress, an emergency electrical system
shall automatically illuminate all of the following
1. Occupancies in Group U. areas:
2. Aisle accessways in Group A. 1. Interior exit access stairways and ramps.
3. Dwelling units and sleeping units in Groups 2. Interior and exterior exit stairways and ramps.
R-1, R-2 and R-3.
3. Exit passageways.
4. Sleeping units of Group I occupancies.
4. Vestibules and areas on the level of discharge
1008.2.1 Illumination level under nor mal used for exit discharge in accordance with
power. The means of egress illumination level shall Section 1028.1.
be not less than 11 lux at the walking surface.
5. Exterior landings as required by Section
Exception: For auditoriums, theaters, concert or 1010.1.6 for exit doorways that lead directly
opera halls and similar assembly occupancies, the to the exit discharge.
illumination at the walking surface is permitted to
be reduced during performances by one of the 1008.3.3 Rooms and spaces. In the event of
following methods provided that the required power supply failure, an emergency electrical
illumination is automatically restored upon system shall automatically illuminate all of the
activation of a premises’ fire alarm system: following areas:
1. Externally illuminated walking surfaces shall 1. Electrical equipment rooms.
be permitted to be illuminated to not less than 2. Fire command centers.
2.2 lux.
3. Fire pump rooms.
4. Generator rooms.
5. Public restrooms with an area greater than 28 2. Interior exit stairways complying with
m2. Sections 1009.3 and 1023.
1008.3.4 Dur ation. The emergency power 3. Exit access stairways complying with
system shall provide power for a duration of not less Sections 1009.3 and 1019.3 or 1019.4.
than 90 minutes and shall consist of storage
4. Exterior exit stairways complying with
batteries, unit equipment or an on-site generator.
Sections 1009.3 and 1027 and serving levels
The installation of the emergency power system
other than the level of exit discharge.
shall be in accordance with Section 2702.
5. Elevators complying with Section 1009.4.
1008.3.5 Illumination level under
emer gency power. Emergency lighting facilities 6. Platform lifts complying with Section 1009.5.
shall be arranged to provide initial illumination that 7. Horizontal exits complying with Section
is not less than an average of 11 lux and a minimum 1026.
at any point of 1 lux measured along the path of
egress at floor level. Illumination levels shall be 8. Ramps complying with Section 1012.
permitted to decline to 6 lux average and a 9. Areas of refuge complying with Section
minimum at any point of 0.6 lux at the end of the 1009.6.
emergency lighting time duration. A maximum-to-
minimum illumination uniformity ratio of 40 to 1 10. Exterior areas for assisted rescue complying
shall not be exceeded. In Group I-2 occupancies, with Section 1009.7 serving exits at the level
failure of any single lighting unit shall not reduce of exit discharge.
the illumination level to less than 2.2 lux. 1009.2.1 Elevators requir ed. In buildings
SECTION 1009 ACCESSIBLE MEANS where a required accessible floor is four or more
OF EGRESS stories above or below a level of exit discharge, not
less than one required accessible means of egress
1009.1 Accessible means of egress required. shall be an elevator complying with Section 1009.4.
Accessible means of egress shall comply with this
section. Accessible spaces shall be provided with Exceptions:
not less than one accessible means of egress. Where 1. In buildings equipped throughout with an
more than one means of egress are required by automatic sprinkler system installed in
Section 1006.2 or 1006.3 from any accessible accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or
space, each accessible portion of the space shall be 903.3.1.2, the elevator shall not be required
served by not less than two accessible means of on floors provided with a horizontal exit and
egress. located at or above the levels of exit
Exceptions: discharge.
1. Accessible means of egress are not required 2. In buildings equipped throughout with an
to be provided in existing buildings. automatic sprinkler system installed in
accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or
2. One accessible means of egress is required 903.3.1.2, the elevator shall not be required
from an accessible mezzanine level in on floors provided with a ramp conforming
accordance with Section 1009.3, 1009.4 or to the provisions of Section 1012.
1009.3 Stairways. In order to be considered part
3. In assembly areas with ramped aisles or of an accessible means of egress, a stairway
stepped aisles, one accessible means of between stories shall have a clear width of 1200 mm
egress is permitted where the common path minimum between handrails and shall either
of egress travel is accessible and meets the incorporate an area of refuge within an enlarged
requirements in Section 1029.8. floor-level landing or shall be accessed from an area
1009.2 Continuity and components. Each of refuge complying with Section 1009.6. Exit
required accessible means of egress shall be access stairways that connect levels in the same
continuous to a public way and shall consist of one story are not permitted as part of an accessible
or more of the following components: means of egress.
1. Exit access stairways providing means of 3. Areas of refuge are not required at elevators
egress from mezzanines are permitted as part not required to be located in a shaft in
of an accessible means of egress. accordance with Section 712.
2. The clear width of 1200 mm between 4. Areas of refuge are not required at elevators
handrails is not required in buildings serving smoke-protected assembly seating
equipped throughout with an automatic areas complying with Section 1029.6.2.
sprinkler system installed in accordance with
5. Areas of refuge are not required for elevators
Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2.
accessed from a refuge area in conjunction
3. The clear width of 1200 mm between with a horizontal exit.
handrails is not required for stairways
1009.5 Platform lifts. Platform lifts shall be
accessed from a refuge area in conjunction
permitted to serve as part of an accessible means of
with a horizontal exit.
egress where allowed as part of a required
4. Areas of refuge are not required at exit access accessible route in Section 1109.8 except for Item
stairways where two-way communication is 10. Standby power for the platform lift shall be
provided at the elevator landing in provided in accordance with Chapter 27.
accordance with Section 1009.8.
1009.6 Areas of refuge. Every required area of
5. Areas of refuge are not required at stairways refuge shall be accessible from the space it serves
in buildings equipped throughout with an by an accessible means of egress.
automatic sprinkler system installed in
1009.6.1 Tr avel distance. The maximum
accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or
travel distance from any accessible space to an area
of refuge shall not exceed the exit access travel
6. Areas of refuge are not required at stairways distance permitted for the occupancy in accordance
serving open parking garages. with Section 1017.1.
7. Areas of refuge are not required for smoke- 1009.6.2 Stair way or elevator access.
protected assembly seating areas complying Every required area of refuge shall have direct
with Section 1029.6.2. access to a stairway complying with Sections
1009.3 and 1023 or an elevator complying with
8. Areas of refuge are not required at stairways
Section 1009.4.
in Group R-2 occupancies.
1009.6.3 Size. Each area of refuge shall be
9. Areas of refuge are not required for stairways
sized to accommodate one wheelchair space of 750
accessed from a refuge area in conjunction
mm by 1200 mm for each 200 occupants or portion
with a horizontal exit.
thereof, based on the occupant load of the area of
1009.4 Elevators. In order to be considered part of refuge and areas served by the area of refuge. Such
an accessible means of egress, an elevator shall wheelchair spaces shall not reduce the means of
comply with the emergency operation and signaling egress minimum width or required capacity. Access
device requirements of Section 2.27 of ASME/CSA to any of the required wheelchair spaces in an area
B44 A17.1. Standby power shall be provided in of refuge shall not be obstructed by more than one
accordance with Chapter 27 and Section 3003. The adjoining wheelchair space.
elevator shall be accessed from an area of refuge
1009.6.4 Separ ation. Each area of refuge
complying with Section 1009.6.
shall be separated from the remainder of the story
Exceptions: by a smoke barrier complying with Section 709 or
1. Areas of refuge are not required at the a horizontal exit complying with Section 1026.
elevator in open parking garages. Each area of refuge shall be designed to minimize
the intrusion of smoke.
2. Areas of refuge are not required in buildings
and facilities equipped throughout with an Exceptions:
automatic sprinkler system installed in 1. Areas of refuge located within an enclosure
accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or for interior exit stairways complying with
903.3.1.2. Section 1023.
identified by a sign stating: AREA OF required by this code shall meet the requirements of
REFUGE. this section.
2. Each door providing access to an exterior area Means of egress doors shall be readily
for assisted rescue shall be identified by a distinguishable from the adjacent construction and
sign stating: EXTERIOR AREA FOR finishes such that the doors are easily recognizable
ASSISTED RESCUE. as doors. Mirrors or similar reflecting materials
shall not be used on means of egress doors. Means
Signage shall comply with the ICC A117.1
of egress doors shall not be concealed by curtains,
requirements for visual characters and include the
drapes, decorations or similar materials.
International Symbol of Accessibility. Where exit
sign illumination is required by Section 1013.3, the 1010.1.1 Size of door s. The required
signs shall be illuminated. Additionally, visual capacity of each door opening shall be sufficient for
characters, raised character and braille signage the occupant load thereof and shall provide a
complying with ICC A117.1 shall be located at each minimum clear width of 800 mm. Clear openings of
door to an area of refuge and exterior area for doorways with swinging doors shall be measured
assisted rescue in accordance with Section 1013.4. between the face of the door and the stop, with the
door open 90 degrees. Where this section requires a
1009.10 Directional signage. Directional
minimum clear width of 800 mm and a door
signage indicating the location of all other means of
opening includes two door leaves without a
egress and which of those are accessible means of
mullion, one leaf shall provide a clear opening
egress shall be provided at the following:
width of 800 mm. The maximum width of a
1. At exits serving a required accessible space swinging door leaf shall be 1200 mm nominal.
but not providing an approved accessible Means of egress doors in a Group I-2 occupancy
means of egress. used for the movement of beds shall provide a clear
2. At elevator landings. width not less than 1000 mm. The height of door
openings shall be not less than 2000 mm).
3. Within areas of refuge.
1009.11 Instructions. In areas of refuge
and exterior areas for assisted rescue, instructions 1. The minimum and maximum width shall not
on the use of the area under emergency conditions apply to door openings that are not part of the
shall be posted. Signage shall comply with the ICC required means of egress in Group R-2 and
A117.1 requirements for visual characters. The R-3 occupancies.
instructions shall include all of the following: 2. Door openings to resident sleeping units in
1. Persons able to use the exit stairway do so as Group I-3 occupancies shall have a clear
soon as possible, unless they are assisting width of not less than 700 mm.
others. 3. Door openings to storage closets less than
2. Information on planned availability of 0.93 m2 in area shall not be limited by the
assistance in the use of stairs or supervised minimum width.
operation of elevators and how to summon 4. Width of door leaves in revolving doors that
such assistance. comply with Section 1010.1.4.1 shall not be
3. Directions for use of the two-way limited.
communication system where provided. 5. Door openings within a dwelling unit or
sleeping unit shall be not less than 2000 mm
in height.
6. Exterior door openings in dwelling units and
TURNSTILES sleeping units, other than the required exit
1010.1 Doors. Means of egress doors shall meet door, shall be not less than 1900 mm in
the requirements of this section. Doors serving a height.
means of egress system shall meet the requirements 7. In other than Group R-1 occupancies, the
of this section and Section 1022.2. Doors provided minimum widths shall not apply to interior
for egress purposes in numbers greater than egress doors within a dwelling unit or
sleeping unit that is not required to be an 1010.1.2.1 Direction of swing. Pivot or side-
Accessible unit, Type A unit or Type B unit. hinged swinging doors shall swing in the direction
of egress travel where serving a room or area
8. Door openings required to be accessible
containing an occupant load of 50 or more persons
within Type B units shall have a minimum
or a Group H occupancy.
clear width of 800 mm.
1010.1.3 Door opening force. The force for
9. Doors to walk-in freezers and coolers less
pushing or pulling open interior swinging egress
than 93 m2 in area shall have a maximum
doors, other than fire doors, shall not exceed 22 N.
width of 1500 mm.
These forces do not apply to the force required to
10. In Group R-1 dwelling units or sleeping retract latch bolts or disengage other devices that
units not required to be Accessible units, the hold the door in a closed position. For other
minimum width shall not apply to doors for swinging doors, as well as sliding and folding
showers or saunas. doors, the door latch shall release when subjected to
1010.1.1.1 Projections into clear width. a 67 N force.
There shall not be projections into the required clear The door shall be set in motion when subjected to a
width lower than 850 mm above the floor or ground. 133 N force. The door shall swing to a full-open
Projections into the clear opening width between position when subjected to a 67 N force.
850 mm and 2000 mm above the floor or ground
1010.1.3.1 Location of applied forces.
shall not exceed 100 mm.
Forces shall be applied to the latch side of the door.
Exception: Door closers and door stops shall be
1010.1.4 Special door s. Special doors and
permitted to be 2000 mm minimum above the floor.
security grilles shall comply with the requirements
1010.1.2 Door swing. Egress doors shall be of Sections 1010.1.4.1 through 1010.1.4.4.
of the pivoted or side-hinged swinging type.
1010.1.4.1 Revolving doors. Revolving
Exceptions: doors shall comply with the following:
1. Private garages, office areas, factory and 1. Revolving doors shall comply with BHMA
storage areas with an occupant load of 10 or A156.27 and shall be installed in accordance
less. with the manufacturer’s instructions.
2. Group I-3 occupancies used as a place of 2. Each revolving door shall be capable of
detention. breakout in accordance with BHMA
3. Critical or intensive care patient rooms within A156.27 and shall provide an aggregate
suites of health care facilities. width of not less than 900 mm.
4. Doors within or serving a single dwelling unit 3. A revolving door shall not be located within
in Groups R-2 and R-3. 3000 mm of the foot or top of stairways or
escalators. A dispersal area shall be provided
5. In other than Group H occupancies, revolving between the stairways or escalators and the
doors complying with Section 1010.1.4.1. revolving doors.
6. In other than Group H occupancies, special 4. The revolutions per minute (rpm) for a
purpose horizontal sliding, accordion or revolving door shall not exceed the
folding door assemblies complying with maximum rpm as specified in BHMA
Section 1010.1.4.3. A156.27. Manual revolving doors shall
7. Power-operated doors in accordance with comply with Table 1010.1.4.1(1). Automatic
Section 1010.1.4.2. or power-operated revolving doors shall
comply with Table 1010.1.4.1(2).
8. Doors serving a bathroom within an
individual sleeping unit in Group R-1. 5. An emergency stop switch shall be provided
near each entry point of power or automatic
9. In other than Group H occupancies, manually operated revolving doors within 1200 mm of
operated horizontal sliding doors are the door and between 600 mm and 1200 mm
permitted in a means of egress from spaces above the floor. The activation area of the
with an occupant load of 10 or less. emergency stop switch button shall be not
less than 25 mm in diameter and shall be red.
6. Each revolving door shall have a side-hinged manually to permit means of egress travel or closed
swinging door that complies with Section where necessary to safeguard means of egress. The
1010.1 in the same wall and within 3000 mm forces required to open these doors manually shall
of the revolving door. not exceed those specified in Section 1010.1.3,
except that the force to set the door in motion shall
7. Revolving doors shall not be part of an
not exceed 220 N. The door shall be capable of
accessible route required by Section 1009
swinging open from any position to the full width of
and Chapter 11.
the opening in which such door is installed when a
1010. Egress component. A revolving force is applied to the door on the side from which
door used as a component of a means of egress shall egress is made. Power-operated swinging doors,
comply with Section 1010.1.4.1 and the following power-operated sliding doors and power-operated
three conditions: folding doors shall comply with BHMA A156.10.
1. Revolving doors shall not be given credit for Power-assisted swinging doors and low-energy
more than 50 percent of the minimum width power-operated swinging doors shall comply with
or required capacity. BHMA A156.19.
2. There is an actuation of the automatic 1. The doors shall be power operated and shall
sprinkler system where such system is be capable of being operated manually in the
provided. event of power failure.
rated, shall be self-closing or automatic exterior storm or screen door, does not
closing by smoke detection in accordance swing over the landing.
with Section 716.5.9.3, shall be installed in
4. Variations in elevation due to differences in
accordance with NFPA 80 and shall comply
finish materials, but not more than 13 mm.
with Section 716.
5. Exterior decks, patios or balconies that are
6. The door assembly shall have an integrated
part of Type B dwelling units, have
standby power supply.
impervious surfaces and that are not more
7. The door assembly power supply shall be than 100 mm below the finished floor level
electrically supervised. of the adjacent interior space of the dwelling
8. The door shall open to the minimum required
width within 10 seconds after activation of 6. Doors serving equipment spaces not required
the operating device. to be accessible in accordance with Section
1103.2.9 and serving an occupant load of five
or less shall be permitted to have a landing on
1010.1.4.4 Security grilles. In Groups B, F, M one side to be not more than 175 mm above
and S, horizontal sliding or vertical security grilles or below the landing on the egress side of the
are permitted at the main exit and shall be openable door.
from the inside without the use of a key or special
1010.1.6 Landings at doors. Landings shall
knowledge or effort during periods that the space is
have a width not less than the width of the stairway
occupied. The grilles shall remain secured in the
or the door, whichever is greater. Doors in the fully
full-open position during the period of occupancy
open position shall not reduce a required dimension
by the general public. Where two or more means of
by more than 180 mm. Where a landing serves an
egress are required, not more than one-half of the
occupant load of 50 or more, doors in any position
exits or exit access doorways shall be equipped with
shall not reduce the landing to less than one-half its
horizontal sliding or vertical security grilles.
required width. Landings shall have a length
1010.1.5 Floor elevation. There shall be a measured in the direction of travel of not less than
floor or landing on each side of a door. Such floor 1100 mm.
or landing shall be at the same elevation on each
Exception: Landing length in the direction of travel
side of the door. Landings shall be level except for
in Groups R-3 and U and within individual units of
exterior landings, which are permitted to have a
Group R-2 need not exceed 900 mm.
slope not to exceed 0.25 unit vertical in 12 units
horizontal (2-percent slope). 1010.1.7 Thr esholds. Thresholds at
doorways shall not exceed 20 mm in height above
the finished floor or landing for sliding doors
1. Doors serving individual dwelling units in serving dwelling units or 13 mm above the finished
Groups R-2 and R-3 where the following floor or landing for other doors. Raised thresholds
apply: and floor level changes greater than 6 mm at
1.1. A door is permitted to open at the top doorways shall be beveled with a slope not
step of an interior flight of stairs, provided greater than one unit vertical in two units horizontal
the door does not swing over the top step. (50-percent slope).
3. In Group R-3 occupancies not required to be 1.1. The door is not part of the required
Accessible units, Type A units or Type B means of egress.
units, the landing at an exterior doorway shall 1.2. The door is not part of an accessible
be not more than 200 mm below the top of the route as required by Chapter 11.
threshold, provided the door, other than an
1.3. The door is not part of an Accessible locking devices operated by means of a key,
unit, Type A unit or Type B unit. electronic opener or integral combination lock.
2. In Type B units, where Exception 5 to Section 1010.1.9.3 Locks and latches. Locks and
1010.1.5 permits a 100 mm elevation change latches shall be permitted to prevent operation of
at the door, the threshold height on the doors where any of the following exist:
exterior side of the door shall not exceed 120
1. Places of detention or restraint.
mm in height above the exterior deck, patio
or balcony for sliding doors or 115 mm above 2. In buildings in occupancy Group A having an
the exterior deck, patio or balcony for other occupant load of 300 or less, Groups B, F, M
doors. and S, the main door or doors are permitted to
be equipped with key-operated locking
1010.1.8 Door ar r angement. Space
between two doors in a series shall be 1200 mm devices from the egress side provided:
minimum plus the width of a door swinging into the 2.1. The locking device is readily
space. Doors in a series shall swing either in the distinguishable as locked.
same direction or away from the space between the
2.2. A readily visible durable sign is
posted on the egress side on or adjacent to
Exceptions: the door stating: THIS DOOR TO
1. The minimum distance between horizontal
SPACE IS OCCUPIED. The sign shall be
sliding power-operated doors in a series shall
in letters 25 mm high on a contrasting
be 1200 mm.
2. Storm and screen doors serving individual
2.3. The use of the key-operated locking
dwelling units in Groups R-2 and R-3 need
device is revokable by the building
not be spaced 1200 mm from the other door.
official for due cause.
3. Doors within individual dwelling units in
3. Where egress doors are used in pairs,
Groups R-2 and R-3 other than within Type
approved automatic flush bolts shall be
A dwelling units.
permitted to be used, provided that the door
1010.1.9 Door oper ations. Except as leaf having the automatic flush bolts does not
specifically permitted by this section, egress doors have a doorknob or surface-mounted
shall be readily openable from the egress side hardware.
without the use of a key or special knowledge or
4. Doors from individual dwelling or sleeping
units of Group R occupancies having an
1010.1.9.1 Hardware. Door handles, pulls, occupant load of 10 or less are permitted to
latches, locks and other operating devices on doors be equipped with a night latch, dead bolt or
required to be accessible by Chapter 11 shall not security chain, provided such devices are
require tight grasping, tight pinching or twisting of openable from the inside without the use of a
the wrist to operate. key or tool.
5. Fire doors after the minimum elevated
1010.1.9.2 Hardware height. Door handles, temperature has disabled the unlatching
pulls, latches, locks and other operating devices mechanism in accordance with listed fire
shall be installed 850 mm minimum and 1200 mm door test procedures.
maximum above the finished floor. Locks used only
for security purposes and not used for normal 1010.1.9.4 Bolt locks. Manually operated
operation are permitted at any height. flush bolts or surface bolts are not permitted.
surface-mounted bolts are permitted on the electromagnetic locking systems, shall be permitted
inactive leaf. to be locked in the means of egress in Group I-1 or
I-2 occupancies where the clinical needs of persons
3. Where a pair of doors serves an occupant
receiving care require their containment. Controlled
load of less than 50 persons in a Group B, F
egress doors shall be permitted in such occupancies
or S occupancy, manually operated edge-or
where the building is equipped throughout with an
surface-mounted bolts are permitted on the
automatic sprinkler system in accordance with
inactive leaf. The inactive leaf shall not
Section 903.3.1.1 or an approved automatic smoke
contain doorknobs, panic bars or similar
or heat detection system installed in accordance
operating hardware.
with Section 907, provided that the doors are
4. Where a pair of doors serves a Group B, F or S installed and operate in accordance with all of the
occupancy, manually operated edge-or following:
surface-mounted bolts are permitted on the
1. The door locks shall unlock on actuation of
inactive leaf provided such inactive leaf is
the automatic sprinkler system or automatic
not needed to meet egress capacity
fire detection system.
requirements and the building is equipped
throughout with an automatic sprinkler 2. The door locks shall unlock on loss of power
system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1. controlling the lock or lock mechanism.
The inactive leaf shall not contain doorknobs,
3. The door locking system shall be installed to
panic bars or similar operating hardware.
have the capability of being unlocked by a
5. Where a pair of doors serves patient care switch located at the fire command center, a
rooms in Group I-2 occupancies, self- nursing station or other approved location.
latching edge-or surface-mounted bolts are The switch shall directly break power to the
permitted on the inactive leaf provided that lock.
the inactive leaf is not needed to meet egress
4. A building occupant shall not be required to
capacity requirements and the inactive leaf
pass through more than one door equipped
shall not contain doorknobs, panic bars or
with a controlled egress locking system
similar operating hardware.
before entering an exit.
1010.1.9.5 Unlatching. The unlatching of any
5. The procedures for unlocking the doors shall
door or leaf shall not require more than one
be described and approved as part of the
emergency planning and preparedness
Exceptions: required by Chapter 4 of the International
Fire Code.
1. Places of detention or restraint.
6. All clinical staff shall have the keys, codes or
2. Where manually operated bolt locks are
other means necessary to operate the locking
permitted by Section 1010.1.9.4.
3. Doors with automatic flush bolts as permitted
7. Emergency lighting shall be provided at the
by Section 1010.1.9.3, Item 3.
4. Doors from individual dwelling units and
8. The door locking system units shall be listed
sleeping units of Group R occupancies as
in accordance with UL 294.
permitted by Section 1010.1.9.3, Item 4.
1010. Closet and bathroom doors in
Group R-4 occupancies. In Group R-4 1. Items 1 through 4 shall not apply to doors to
occupancies, closet doors that latch in the closed areas occupied by persons who, because of
position shall be openable from inside the closet, clinical needs, require restraint or
and bathroom doors that latch in the closed position containment as part of the function of a
shall be capable of being unlocked from the ingress psychiatric treatment area.
2. Items 1 through 4 shall not apply to doors to
1010.1.9.6 Controlled egress doors in areas where a listed egress control system is
Groups I-1 and I-2. Electric locking systems, utilized to reduce the risk of child abduction
including electro-mechanical locking systems and
from nursery and obstetric areas of a Group 6.1. For doors that swing in the direction
I-2 hospital. of egress, the sign shall read: PUSH
1010.1.9.7 Delayed egress. Delayed egress
locking systems shall be permitted to be installed on
doors serving any occupancy except Group A, E 6.2. For doors that swing in the opposite
and H in buildings that are equipped throughout direction of egress, the sign shall read:
with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance PULL UNTIL ALARM SOUNDS.
with Section 903.3.1.1 or an approved automatic DOOR CAN BE OPENED IN 15 [30]
smoke or heat detection system installed in SECONDS.
accordance with Section 907. The locking system
6.3. The sign shall comply with the visual
shall be installed and operated in accordance with
character requirements in ICC A117.1.
all of the following:
Exception: Where approved, in Group I
1. The delay electronics of the delayed egress
occupancies, the installation of a sign is not
locking system shall deactivate upon
required where care recipients who because of
actuation of the automatic sprinkler system
clinical needs require restraint or containment as
or automatic fire detection system, allowing
part of the function of the treatment area.
immediate, free egress.
7. Emergency lighting shall be provided on the
2. The delay electronics of the delayed egress
egress side of the door.
locking system shall deactivate upon loss of
power controlling the lock or lock 8. The delayed egress locking system units shall
mechanism, allowing immediate free egress. be listed in accordance with UL 294.
3. The delayed egress locking system shall have 1010.1.9.8 Sensor release of electrically
the capability of being deactivated at the fire locked egress doors. The electric locks on sensor
command center and other approved released doors located in a means of egress in
locations. buildings with an occupancy in Group A, B, E, I-1,
I-2, I-4, M, R-1 or R-2 and entrance doors to tenant
4. An attempt to egress shall initiate an
spaces in occupancies in Group A, B, E, I-1, I-2, I-
irreversible process that shall allow such
4, M, R-1 or R-2 are permitted where installed and
egress in not more than 15 seconds when a
operated in accordance with all of the following
physical effort to exit is applied to the egress
side door hardware for not more than 3
seconds. Initiation of the irreversible process 1. The sensor shall be installed on the egress
shall activate an audible signal in the vicinity side, arranged to detect an occupant
of the door. Once the delay electronics have approaching the doors. The doors shall be
been deactivated, rearming the delay arranged to unlock by a signal from or loss of
electronics shall be by manual means only. power to the sensor.
Exception: Where approved, a delay of not more 2. Loss of power to the lock or locking system
than 30 seconds is permitted on a delayed egress shall automatically unlock the doors.
door. 3. The doors shall be arranged to unlock from a
5. The egress path from any point shall not pass manual unlocking device located 1000 mm to
through more than one delayed egress 1200 mm vertically above the floor and
locking system. within 1500 mm of the secured doors. Ready
access shall be provided to the manual
Exception: In Group I-2 or I-3 occupancies, the
unlocking device and the device shall be
egress path from any point in the building shall pass
clearly identified by a sign that reads “PUSH
through not more than two delayed egress locking
TO EXIT.” When operated, the manual
systems provided the combined delay does not
unlocking device shall result in direct
exceed 30 seconds.
interruption of power to the lock—
6. A sign shall be provided on the door and shall independent of other electronics—and the
be located above and within 300 mm of the doors shall remain unlocked for not less than
door exit hardware: 30 seconds.
4. Activation of the building fire alarm system, 1. Activation of an automatic sprinkler system
where provided, shall automatically unlock installed in accordance with Section
the doors, and the doors shall remain 903.3.1.1.
unlocked until the fire alarm system has been
2. Activation of an approved manual fire alarm
5. Activation of the building automatic sprinkler
3. A signal from a constantly attended location.
system or fire detection system, where
provided, shall automatically unlock the 1010.1.9.11 Stairway doors. Interior stairway
doors. The doors shall remain unlocked until means of egress doors shall be openable from both
the fire alarm system has been reset. sides without the use of a key or special knowledge
or effort.
6. The door locking system units shall be listed
in accordance with UL 294. Exceptions:
1010.1.9.9 Electromagnetically locked 1. Stairway discharge doors shall be openable
egress doors. Doors in the means of egress in from the egress side and shall only be locked
buildings with an occupancy in Group A, B, E, I-1, from the opposite side.
I-2, I-4, M, R-1 or R-2 and doors to tenant spaces in
2. This section shall not apply to doors arranged
Group A, B, E, I-1, I-2, I-4, M, R-1 or R-2 shall be
in accordance with Section 403.5.3.
permitted to be locked with an electromagnetic
locking system where equipped with hardware that 3. In stairways serving not more than four
incorporates a built-in switch and where installed stories, doors are permitted to be locked from
and operated in accordance with all of the the side opposite the egress side, provided
following: they are openable from the egress side and
capable of being unlocked simultaneously
1. The hardware that is affixed to the door leaf
without unlatching upon a signal from the
has an obvious method of operation that is
fire command center, if present, or a signal
readily operated under all lighting conditions.
by emergency personnel from a single
2. The hardware is capable of being operated location inside the main entrance to the
with one hand. building.
3. Operation of the hardware directly interrupts 4. Stairway exit doors shall be openable from the
the power to the electromagnetic lock and egress side and shall only be locked from the
unlocks the door immediately. opposite side in Group B, F, M and S
occupancies where the only interior access to
4. Loss of power to the locking system
the tenant space is from a single exit stairway
automatically unlocks the door.
where permitted in Section 1006.3.2.
5. Where panic or fire exit hardware is required
5. Stairway exit doors shall be openable from the
by Section 1010.1.10, operation of the panic
egress side and shall only be locked from the
or fire exit hardware also releases the
opposite side in Group R-2 occupancies
electromagnetic lock.
where the only interior access to the dwelling
6. The locking system units shall be listed in unit is from a single exit stairway where
accordance with UL 294. permitted in Section 1006.3.2.
1010.1.9.10 Locking arrangements in 1010.1.10 Panic and fire exit har dwar e.
correctional facilities. In occupancies in Groups Doors serving a Group H occupancy and doors
A-2, A-3, A-4, B, E, F, I-2, I3, M and S within serving rooms or spaces with an occupant load of
correctional and detention facilities, doors in means 50 or more in a Group A or E occupancy shall not
of egress serving rooms or spaces occupied by be provided with a latch or lock other than panic
persons whose movements are controlled for hardware or fire exit hardware.
security reasons shall be permitted to be locked
where equipped with egress control devices that
shall unlock manually and by not less than one of 1. A main exit of a Group A occupancy shall be
the following means: permitted to be locking in accordance with
Section 1010.1.9.3, Item 2.
shall be not less than 1100 mm. See Section 1009.3 1011.5 Stair treads and risers. Stair treads and
for accessible means of egress stairways. risers shall comply with Sections 1011.5.1 through
1011.5.1 Dimension reference surfaces.
1. Stairways serving an occupant load of less
For the purpose of this section, all dimensions are
than 50 shall have a width of not less than 900
exclusive of carpets, rugs or runners.
1011.5.2 Riser height and tread depth.
2. Spiral stairways as provided for in Section
Stair riser heights shall be 180 mm maximum and
100 mm minimum. The riser height shall be
3. Where an incline platform lift or stairway measured vertically between the nosings of adjacent
chairlift is installed on stairways serving treads. Rectangular tread depths shall be 280 mm
occupancies in Group R-3, or within dwelling minimum measured horizontally between the
units in occupancies in Group R-2, a clear vertical planes of the foremost projection of
passage width not less than 500 mm shall be adjacent treads and at a right angle to the tread’s
provided. Where the seat and platform can be nosing. Winder treads shall have a minimum tread
folded when not in use, the distance shall be depth of 280 mm between the vertical planes of the
measured from the folded position. foremost projection of adjacent treads at the
1011.3 Headroom. Stairways shall have a intersections with the walkline and a minimum
headroom clearance of not less than 2000 mm tread depth of 250 mm within the clear width of the
measured vertically from a line connecting the edge stair.
of the nosings. Such headroom shall be continuous Exceptions:
above the stairway to the point where the line
1. Spiral stairways in accordance with Section
intersects the landing below, one tread depth
beyond the bottom riser. The minimum clearance
shall be maintained the full width of the stairway 2. Stairways connecting stepped aisles to cross
and landing. aisles or concourses shall be permitted to use
the riser/ tread dimension in Section
1. Spiral stairways complying with Section
3. In Group R-3 occupancies; within dwelling
1011.10 are permitted a 2000 mm headroom
units in Group R-2 occupancies; and in
Group U occupancies that are accessory to a
2. In Group R-3 occupancies; within dwelling Group R-3 occupancy or accessory to
units in Group R-2 occupancies; and in individual dwelling units in Group R-2
Group U occupancies that are accessory to a occupancies; the maximum riser height shall
Group R-3 occupancy or accessory to be 200 mm; the minimum tread depth shall
individual dwelling units in Group R-2 be 250 mm; the minimum winder tread depth
occupancies; where the nosings of treads at at the walkline shall be 250 mm; and the
the side of a flight extend under the edge of a minimum winder tread depth shall be 150
floor opening through which the stair passes, mm. A nosing projection not less than 19 mm
the floor opening shall be allowed to project but not more than 32 mm shall be provided
horizontally into the required headroom not on stairways with solid risers where the tread
more than 120 mm. depth is less than 275 mm).
1011.4 Walkline. The walkline across winder 4. See Section 403.1 of the SBC 901 for the
treads shall be concentric to the direction of travel replacement of existing stairways.
through the turn and located 300 mm from the side
where the winders are narrower. The 300 mm 5. In Group I-3 facilities, stairways providing
dimension shall be measured from the widest point access to guard towers, observation stations
of the clear stair width at the walking surface of the and control rooms, not more than 23 m2 in
winder. Where winders are adjacent within the area, shall be permitted to have a maximum
riser height of 200 mm and a minimum tread
flight, the point of the widest clear stair width of the
adjacent winders shall be used. depth of 230 mm.
1011.5.3 Winder treads. Winder treads are 1011.5.5.1 Nosing projection size. The
not permitted in means of egress stairways except leading edge (nosings) of treads shall project not
within a dwelling unit. more than 32 mm beyond the tread below.
Exceptions: 1011.5.5.2 Nosing projection uniformity.
Nosing projections of the leading edges shall be of
1. Curved stairways in accordance with Section
uniform size, including the projections of the
nosing’s leading edge of the floor at the top of a
2. Spiral stairways in accordance with Section flight.
1011.5.5.3 Solid risers. Risers shall be solid.
1011.5.4 Dimensional uniformity. Stair
treads and risers shall be of uniform size and shape.
The tolerance between the largest and smallest riser 1. Solid risers are not required for stairways that
height or between the largest and smallest tread are not required to comply with Section
depth shall not exceed 9.5 mm in any flight of 1009.3, provided that the opening between
stairs. The greatest winder tread depth at the treads does not permit the passage of a sphere
walkline within any flight of stairs shall not exceed with a diameter of 100 mm.
the smallest by more than 9.5 mm.
2. Solid risers are not required for occupancies
Exceptions: in Group I-3 or in Group F, H and S
occupancies other than areas accessible to the
1. Stairways connecting stepped aisles to cross
public. There are no restrictions on the size
aisles or concourses shall be permitted to
of the opening in the riser.
comply with the dimensional non-uniformity
in Section 1029.13.2. 3. Solid risers are not required for spiral
stairways constructed in accordance with
2. Consistently shaped winders, complying with
Section 1011.10.
Section 1011.5, differing from rectangular
treads in the same flight of stairs. 1011.6 Stairway landings. There shall be a floor
or landing at the top and bottom of each stairway.
3. Non-uniform riser dimension complying with
The width of landings shall be not less than the
Section 1011.5.4.1.
width of stairways served. Every landing shall have
1011.5.4.1 Nonuniform height risers. Where a minimum width measured perpendicular to the
the bottom or top riser adjoins a sloping public way, direction of travel equal to the width of the stairway.
walkway or driveway having an established grade Where the stairway has a straight run the depth need
and serving as a landing, the bottom or top riser is not exceed 1200 mm. Doors opening onto a landing
permitted to be reduced along the slope to less than shall not reduce the landing to less than one-half the
100 mm in height, with the variation in height of the required width. When fully open, the door shall not
bottom or top riser not to exceed one unit vertical in project more than 175 mm into a landing. Where
12 units horizontal (8-percent slope) of stair width. wheelchair spaces are required on the stairway
The nosings or leading edges of treads at such landing in accordance with Section 1009.6.3, the
nonuniform height risers shall have a distinctive wheelchair space shall not be located in the required
marking stripe, different from any other nosing width of the landing and doors shall not swing over
marking provided on the stair flight. The distinctive the wheelchair spaces.
marking stripe shall be visible in descent of the stair
Exception: Where stairways connect stepped aisles
and shall have a slip-resistant surface. Marking
to cross aisles or concourses, stairway landings are
stripes shall have a width of not less than 25 mm but
not required at the transition between stairways and
not more than 50 mm.
stepped aisles constructed in accordance with
1011.5.5 Nosing and riser pr ofile. Nosings Section 1029.
shall have a curvature or bevel of not less than 1.6
1011.7 Stairway construction. Stairways shall be
mm but not more than 14.3 mm from the foremost
built of materials consistent with the types
projection of the tread. Risers shall be solid and
permitted for the type of construction of the
vertical or sloped under the tread above from the
building, except that wood handrails shall be
underside of the nosing above at an angle not more
permitted for all types of construction.
than 30 degrees from the vertical.
1011.7.1 Stair way walking surface. The accordance with Section 1011.5 and the smallest
walking surface of treads and landings of a stairway radius shall be not less than twice the minimum
shall not be sloped steeper than one unit vertical in width or required capacity of the stairway.
48 units horizontal (2-percent slope) in any
Exception: The radius restriction shall not apply to
direction. Stairway treads and landings shall have a
curved stairways in Group R-3 and within
solid surface. Finish floor surfaces shall be securely
individual dwelling units in Group R-2.
1011.10 Spiral stairways. Spiral stairways
are permitted to be used as a component in the
1. Openings in stair walking surfaces shall be a means of egress only within dwelling units or from
size that does not permit the passage of 13 a space not more than 23 m2 in area and serving not
mm sphere. Elongated openings shall be more than five occupants, or from technical
placed so that the long dimension is production areas in accordance with Section 410.6.
perpendicular to the direction of travel. A spiral stairway shall have a 190 mm minimum
clear tread depth at a point 300 mm from the narrow
2. In Group F, H and S occupancies, other than
edge. The risers shall be sufficient to provide a
areas of parking structures accessible to the
headroom of 2000 mm minimum, but riser height
public, openings in treads and landings shall
shall not be more than 240 mm. The minimum
not be prohibited provided a sphere with a
stairway clear width at and below the handrail shall
diameter of 30 mm cannot pass through the
be 650 mm.
1011.11 Handrails. Stairways shall have
1011.7.2 Outdoor conditions. Outdoor
handrails on each side and shall comply with
stairways and outdoor approaches to stairways shall
Section 1014. Where glass is used to provide the
be designed so that water will not accumulate on
handrail, the handrail shall comply with Section
walking surfaces.
1011.7.3 Enclosures under inter ior
stairways. The walls and soffits within enclosed
usable spaces under enclosed and unenclosed 1. Stairways within dwelling units and spiral
stairways shall be protected by 1-hour fire- stairways are permitted to have a handrail on
resistance-rated construction or the fire-resistance one side only.
rating of the stairway enclosure, whichever is
2. Decks, patios and walkways that have a single
greater. Access to the enclosed space shall not be
change in elevation where the landing depth
directly from within the stairway enclosure.
on each side of the change of elevation is
Exception: Spaces under stairways serving and greater than what is required for a landing do
contained within a single residential dwelling unit not require handrails.
in Group R-2 or R-3 shall be permitted to be
3. In Group R-3 occupancies, a change in
protected on the enclosed side with 13 mm gypsum
elevation consisting of a single riser at an
entrance or egress door does not require
1011.7.4 Enclosures under exterior handrails.
stairways. There shall not be enclosed usable
4. Changes in room elevations of three or fewer
space under exterior exit stairways unless the
risers within dwelling units and sleeping
space is completely enclosed in 1-hour fire-
units in Group R- 2 and R-3 do not require
resistance-rated construction. The open space
under exterior stairways shall not be used for
any purpose. 1011.12 Stairway to roof. In buildings four
or more stories above grade plane, one stairway
1011.8 Vertical rise. A flight of stairs shall not
shall extend to the roof surface unless the roof has
have a vertical rise greater than 3600 mm between
a slope steeper than four units vertical in 12 units
floor levels or landings.
horizontal (33-percent slope).
Exception: Spiral stairways used as a means of
Exception: Other than where required by Section
egress from technical production areas.
1011.12.1, in buildings without an occupied roof
1011.9 Curved stairways. Curved stairways with access to the roof from the top story shall be
winder treads shall have treads and risers in
permitted to be by an alternating tread device, a at the same elevation as the platform, landing or
ship’s ladder or a permanent ladder. floor surface.
1011.12.1 Stair way to elevator equipment. Exception: Alternating tread devices used as an
Roofs and penthouses containing elevator element of a means of egress in buildings from a
equipment that must be accessed for maintenance mezzanine area not more than 23 m2 in area that
are required to be accessed by a stairway. serves not more than five occupants shall have a
minimum tread depth of 75 mm with a minimum
1011.12.2 Roof access. Where a stairway is
projected tread depth of 265 mm. The rise to the
provided to a roof, access to the roof shall be
next alternating tread surface shall not exceed 200
provided through a penthouse complying with
Section 1510.2.
1011.15 Ship’s ladders. Ship’s ladders are
Exception: In buildings without an occupied roof,
permitted to be used in Group I-3 as a component
access to the roof shall be permitted to be a roof
of a means of egress to and from control rooms or
hatch or trap door not less than 1.5 m2 in area and
elevated facility observation stations not more than
having a minimum dimension of 600 mm.
23 m2 with not more than three occupants and for
1011.13 Guards. Guards shall be provided access to unoccupied roofs. The minimum clear
along stairways and landings where required by width at and below the handrails shall be 500 mm.
Section 1015 and shall be constructed in accordance
1011.15.1 Handr ails of ship’s ladder s.
with Section 1015. Where the roof hatch opening
Handrails shall be provided on both sides of ship’s
providing the required access is located within 3000
mm of the roof edge, such roof access or roof edge
shall be protected by guards installed in accordance 1011.15.2 Treads of ship’s ladder s. Ship’s
with Section 1015. ladders shall have a minimum tread depth of 125
mm. The tread shall be projected such that the total
1011.14 Alternating tread devices.
of the tread depth plus the nosing projection is not
Alternating tread devices are limited to an element
less than 215 mm. The maximum riser height shall
of a means of egress in buildings of Groups F, H
be 240 mm.
and S from a mezzanine not more than 23 m2 in area
and that serves not more than five occupants; in 1011.16 Ladders. Permanent ladders shall
buildings of Group I-3 from a guard tower, not serve as a part of the means of egress from
observation station or control room not more than occupied spaces within a building. Permanent
23 m2 in area and for access to unoccupied roofs. ladders shall be permitted to provide access to the
Alternating tread devices used as a means of egress following areas:
shall not have a rise greater than 6000 mm between
1. Spaces frequented only by personnel for
floor levels or landings.
maintenance, repair or monitoring of
1011.14.1 Handr ails of alter nating tr ead equipment.
devices. Handrails shall be provided on both sides
2. Non-occupiable spaces accessed only by
of alternating tread devices and shall comply with
catwalks, crawl spaces, freight elevators or
Section 1014.
very narrow passageways.
1011.14.2 Treads of alter nating tr ead
3. Raised areas used primarily for purposes of
devices. Alternating tread devices shall have a
security, life safety or fire safety including,
minimum tread depth of 125 mm, a minimum
but not limited to, observation galleries,
projected tread depth of 215 mm, a minimum tread
prison guard towers, fire towers or lifeguard
width of 175 mm and a maximum riser height of
240 mm. The tread depth shall be measured
horizontally between the vertical planes of the 4. Elevated levels in Group U not open to the
foremost projections of adjacent treads. The riser general public.
height shall be measured vertically between the 5. Non-occupied roofs that are not required to
leading edges of adjacent treads. The riser height have stairway access in accordance with
and tread depth provided shall result in an angle of Section 1011.12.1.
ascent from the horizontal of between 50 and 70
degrees. The initial tread of the device shall begin 6. Ladders shall be constructed in accordance
with Section 306.5 of the SBC 501.
designed so that water will not accumulate on exit passageway is more than 30 m or the listed
walking surfaces. viewing distance for the sign, whichever is less,
from the nearest visible exit sign.
1012.8 Handrails. Ramps with a rise greater than
150 mm shall have handrails on both sides. Exceptions:
Handrails shall comply with Section 1014.
1. Exit signs are not required in rooms or areas
1012.9 Guards. Guards shall be provided where that require only one exit or exit access.
required by Section 1015 and shall be constructed
2. Main exterior exit doors or gates that are
in accordance with Section 1015.
obviously and clearly identifiable as exits
1012.10 Edge protection. Edge protection need not have exit signs where approved by
complying with Section 1012.10.1 or 1012.10.2 the building official.
shall be provided on each side of ramp runs and at
3. Exit signs are not required in occupancies in
each side of ramp landings.
Group U and individual sleeping units or
Exceptions: dwelling units in Group R-1, R-2 or R-3.
1. Edge protection is not required on ramps that 4. Exit signs are not required in dayrooms,
are not required to have handrails, provided sleeping rooms or dormitories in occupancies
they have flared sides that comply with the in Group I-3.
ICC A117.1 curb ramp provisions.
5. In occupancies in Groups A-4 and A-5, exit
2. Edge protection is not required on the sides of signs are not required on the seating side of
ramp landings serving an adjoining ramp run vomitories or openings into seating areas
or stairway. where exit signs are provided in the
concourse that are readily apparent from the
3. Edge protection is not required on the sides of
vomitories. Egress lighting is provided to
ramp landings having a vertical dropoff of
identify each vomitory or opening within the
not more than 13 mm within 250 mm
seating area in an emergency.
horizontally of the required landing area.
1013.2 Floor-level exit signs in Group R-1.
1012.10.1 Cur b, rail, wall or bar r ier. A
Where exit signs are required in Group R-1
curb, rail, wall or barrier shall be provided to serve
occupancies by Section 1013.1, additional low-
as edge protection. A curb shall be not less than 100
level exit signs shall be provided in all areas serving
mm in height. Barriers shall be constructed so that
guest rooms in Group R-1 occupancies and shall
the barrier prevents the passage of a 100 mm-
comply with Section 1013.5.
diameter sphere, where any portion of the sphere is
within 100 mm of the floor or ground surface. The bottom of the sign shall be not less than 250
mm nor more than 300 mm above the floor level.
1012.10.2 Extended floor or ground
The sign shall be flush mounted to the door or wall.
surface. The floor or ground surface of the ramp
Where mounted on the wall, the edge of the sign
run or landing shall extend 300 mm minimum
shall be within 100 mm of the door frame on the
beyond the inside face of a handrail complying with
latch side.
Section 1014.
1013.3 Illumination. Exit signs shall be internally
or externally illuminated.
SECTION 1013 EXIT SIGNS Exception: Tactile signs required by Section 1013.4
1013.1 Where required. Exits and exit access need not be provided with illumination.
doors shall be marked by an approved exit sign
1013.4 Raised character and braille exit signs. A
readily visible from any direction of egress travel. sign stating EXIT in visual characters, raised
The path of egress travel to exits and within exits characters and braille and complying with ICC
shall be marked by readily visible exit signs to A117.1 shall be provided adjacent to each door to
clearly indicate the direction of egress travel in an area of refuge, an exterior area for assisted
cases where the exit or the path of egress travel is rescue, an exit stairway or ramp, an exit passageway
not immediately visible to the occupants.
and the exit discharge.
Intervening means of egress doors within exits shall
be marked by exit signs. Exit sign placement shall 1013.5 Internally illuminated exit signs.
be such that no point in an exit access corridor or Electrically powered, self-luminous and
photoluminescent exit signs shall be listed and shall be adequate in strength and attachment in
labeled in accordance with UL 924 and shall be accordance with SBC 201 Section 1607.8.
installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s Handrails required for stairways by Section
instructions and Chapter 27. Exit signs shall be 1011.11 shall comply with Sections 1014.2 through
illuminated at all times. 1014.9. Handrails required for ramps by Section
1012.8 shall comply with Sections 1014.2 through
1013.6 Externally illuminated exit signs.
1014.8. Handrails for stepped aisles and ramped
Externally illuminated exit signs shall comply with
aisles required by Section 1029.15 shall comply
Sections 1013.6.1 through 1013.6.3.
with Sections 1014.2 through 1014.8.
1013.6.1 Gr aphics. Every exit sign and
1014.2 Height. Handrail height, measured above
directional exit sign shall have plainly legible letters
stair tread nosings, or finish surface of ramp slope,
not less than 150 mm high with the principal strokes
shall be uniform, not less than 850 mm and not more
of the letters not less than 20 mm wide. The word
than 950 mm. Handrail height of alternating tread
“EXIT” shall have letters having a width not less
devices and ship’s ladders, measured above tread
than 50 mm wide, except the letter “I,” and the
nosings, shall be uniform, not less than 750 mm and
minimum spacing between letters shall be not less
not more than 850 mm.
than 10 mm. Signs larger than the minimum
established in this section shall have letter widths, Exceptions:
strokes and spacing in proportion to their height.
1. Where handrail fittings or bendings are used
The word “EXIT” shall be in high contrast with the
to provide continuous transition between
background and shall be clearly discernible when
flights, the fittings or bendings shall be
the means of exit sign illumination is or is not
permitted to exceed the maximum height.
energized. If a chevron directional indicator is
provided as part of the exit sign, the construction 2. In Group R-3 occupancies; within dwelling
shall be such that the direction of the chevron units in Group R-2 occupancies; and in
directional indicator cannot be readily changed. Group U occupancies that are associated with
a Group R-3 occupancy or associated with
1013.6.2 Exit sign illumination. The face of
individual dwelling units in Group R-2
an exit sign illuminated from an external source
occupancies; where handrail fittings or
shall have an intensity of not less than 55 lux.
bendings are used to provide continuous
1013.6.3 Power source. Exit signs shall be transition between flights, transition at
illuminated at all times. To ensure continued winder treads, transition from handrail to
illumination for a duration of not less than 90 guard, or where used at the start of a flight,
minutes in case of primary power loss, the sign the handrail height at the fittings or bendings
illumination means shall be connected to an shall be permitted to exceed the maximum
emergency power system provided from storage height.
batteries, unit equipment or an on-site generator.
3. Handrails on top of a guard where permitted
The installation of the emergency power system
along stepped aisles and ramped aisles in
shall be in accordance with Chapter 27.
accordance with Section 1029.15.
1014.3 Handrail graspability. Required handrails
1. Approved exit sign illumination means that shall comply with Section 1014.3.1 or shall provide
provide continuous illumination independent equivalent graspability.
of external power sources for a duration of
Exception: In Group R-3 occupancies; within
not less than 90 minutes, in case of primary
dwelling units in Group R-2 occupancies; and in
power loss, are not required to be connected
Group U occupancies that are accessory to a Group
to an emergency electrical system.
R-3 occupancy or accessory to individual dwelling
2. Group I-2 Condition 2 exit sign illumination units in Group R-2 occupancies; handrails shall be
shall not be provided by unit equipment Type I in accordance with Section 1014.3.1, Type
battery only. II in accordance with Section 1014.3.2 or shall
provide equivalent graspability.
1014.3.1 Type I. Handrails with a circular
1014.1 Where required. Handrails serving
cross section shall have an outside diameter of not
stairways, ramps, stepped aisles and ramped aisles less than 32 mm and not greater than 50 mm. Where
the handrail is not circular, it shall have a perimeter flight of stairs or ramp run. Where handrails are not
dimension of not less than 100 mm and not greater continuous between flights, the handrails shall
than 160 mm with a maximum cross-sectional extend horizontally not less than 300 mm beyond
dimension of 60 mm and minimum cross-sectional the top riser and continue to slope for the depth of
dimension of 25 mm. Edges shall have a minimum one tread beyond the bottom riser. At ramps where
radius of 0.25 mm. handrails are not continuous between runs, the
handrails shall extend horizontally above the
1014.3.2 Type II. Handrails with a
landing 300 mm minimum beyond the top and
perimeter greater than 160 mm shall provide a
bottom of ramp runs. The extensions of handrails
graspable finger recess area on both sides of the
shall be in the same direction of the flights of stairs
profile. The finger recess shall begin within a
at stairways and the ramp runs at ramps.
distance of 20 mm measured vertically from the
tallest portion of the profile and achieve a depth of Exceptions:
not less than 8 mm within 22 mm below the widest
1. Handrails within a dwelling unit that is not
portion of the profile. This required depth shall
required to be accessible need extend only
continue for not less than 10 mm to a level that is
from the top riser to the bottom riser.
not less than 45 mm below the tallest portion of the
profile. The width of the handrail above the recess 2. Handrails serving aisles in rooms or spaces
shall be not less than 32 mm to not greater than 70 used for assembly purposes are permitted to
mm. Edges shall have a minimum radius of 0.25 comply with the handrail extensions in
mm. accordance with Section 1029.15.
1014.4 Continuity.Exceptions: 3. Handrails for alternating tread devices and
ship’s ladders are permitted to terminate at a
1. Handrails within dwelling units are permitted
location vertically above the top and bottom
to be interrupted by a newel post at a turn or
risers. Handrails for alternating tread devices
are not required to be continuous between
2. Within a dwelling unit, the use of a volute, flights or to extend beyond the top or bottom
turnout, starting easing or starting newel is risers.
allowed over the lowest tread.
1014.7 Clearance. Clear space between a handrail
3. Handrail brackets or balusters attached to the and a wall or other surface shall be not less than 38
bottom surface of the handrail that do not mm. A handrail and a wall or other surface adjacent
project horizontally beyond the sides of the to the handrail shall be free of any sharp or abrasive
handrail within 38 mm of the bottom of the elements.
handrail shall not be considered obstructions.
1014.8 Projections. On ramps and on ramped
For each 13 mm of additional handrail
aisles that are part of an accessible route, the clear
perimeter dimension above 100 mm, the
width between handrails shall be 900 mm
vertical clearance dimension of 38 mm shall
minimum. Projections into the required width of
be permitted to be reduced by 3 mm.
aisles, stairways and ramps at each side shall not
4. Where handrails are provided along walking exceed 115 mm at or below the handrail height.
surfaces with slopes not steeper than 1:20, Projections into the required width shall not be
the bottoms of the handrail gripping surfaces limited above the minimum headroom height
shall be permitted to be obstructed along their required in Section 1011.3. Projections due to
entire length where they are integral to crash intermediate handrails shall not constitute a
rails or bumper guards. reduction in the egress width. Where a pair of
intermediate handrails are provided within the
5. Handrails serving stepped aisles or ramped
stairway width without a walking surface between
aisles are permitted to be discontinuous in
the pair of intermediate handrails and the distance
accordance with Section 1029.15.1.
between the pair of intermediate handrails is greater
1014.5 Fittings. Handrails shall not rotate within than 150 mm, the available egress width shall be
their fittings. reduced by the distance between the closest edges
1014.6 Handrail extensions. Handrails shall of each such intermediate pair of handrails that is
return to a wall, guard or the walking surface or greater than 150 mm.
shall be continuous to the handrail of an adjacent
1014.9 Intermediate handrails. Stairways shall 1015.3 Height. Required guards shall be not less
have intermediate handrails located in such a than 1000 mm high, measured vertically as follows:
manner that all portions of the stairway minimum
1. From the adjacent walking surfaces.
width or required capacity are within 750 mm of a
handrail. On monumental stairs, handrails shall be 2. On stairways and stepped aisles, from the line
located along the most direct path of egress travel. connecting the leading edges of the tread
3. On ramps and ramped aisles, from the ramp
SECTION 1015 GUARDS surface at the guard.
1015.1 General. Guards shall comply with the Exceptions:
provisions of Sections 1015.2 through 1015.7.
Operable windows with sills located more than 1. For occupancies in Group R-3 not more than
1800 mm above finished grade or other surface three stories above grade in height and within
below shall comply with Section 1015.8. individual dwelling units in occupancies in
Group R-2 not more than three stories above
1015.2 Where required. Guards shall be located grade in height with separate means of
along open-sided walking surfaces, including egress, required guards shall be not less than
mezzanines, equipment platforms, aisles, stairs, 900 mm in height measured vertically above
ramps and landings that are located more than 750 the adjacent walking surfaces or adjacent
mm measured vertically to the floor or grade below fixed seating.
at any point within 900 mm horizontally to the edge
of the open side. Guards shall be adequate in 2. For occupancies in Group R-3, and within
strength and attachment in accordance with SBC individual dwelling units in occupancies in
201 Section 1607.8. Group R-2, guards on the open sides of stairs
shall have a height not less than 850 mm
Exception: Guards are not required for the measured vertically from a line connecting
following locations: the leading edges of the treads.
1. On the loading side of loading docks or piers. 3. For occupancies in Group R-3, and within
2. On the audience side of stages and raised individual dwelling units in occupancies in
platforms, including stairs leading up to the Group R-2, where the top of the guard also
stage and raised platforms. serves as a handrail on the open sides of
stairs, the top of the guard shall be not less
3. On raised stage and platform floor areas, such than 850 mm and not more than 950 mm
as runways, ramps and side stages used for measured vertically from a line connecting
entertainment or presentations. the leading edges of the treads.
4. At vertical openings in the performance area 4. The guard height in assembly seating areas
of stages and platforms. shall comply with Section 1029.16 as
5. At elevated walking surfaces appurtenant to applicable.
stages and platforms for access to and 5. Along alternating tread devices and ship’s
utilization of special lighting or equipment. ladders, guards where the top rail also serves
6. Along vehicle service pits not accessible to as a handrail shall have height not less than
the public. 750 mm and not more than 850 mm,
measured vertically from the leading edge of
7. In assembly seating areas at cross aisles in
the device tread nosing.
accordance with Section 1029.16.2.
1015.4 Opening limitations. Required guards
1015.2.1 Glazing. Where glass is used to
shall not have openings that allow passage of a
provide a guard or as a portion of the guard system,
sphere 100 mm in diameter from the walking
the guard shall comply with Section 2407. Where
surface to the required guard height.
the glazing provided does not meet the strength and
attachment requirements of SBC 201 Section Exceptions:
1607.8, complying guards shall be located along 1. From a height of 900 mm to 1100 mm, guards
glazed sides of open-sided walking surfaces. shall not have openings that allow passage of
a sphere 110 mm in diameter.
2. The triangular openings at the open sides of a and placed not less than 3000 mm from the roof
stair, formed by the riser, tread and bottom edge or open side of the walking surface.
rail shall not allow passage of a sphere 150
1015.7 Roof access. Guards shall be provided
mm in diameter.
where the roof hatch opening is located within 3000
3. At elevated walking surfaces for access to and mm of a roof edge or open side of a walking surface
use of electrical, mechanical or plumbing and such edge or open side is located more than 750
systems or equipment, guards shall not have mm above the floor, roof or grade below. The guard
openings that allow passage of a sphere 525 shall be constructed so as to prevent the passage of
mm in diameter. a sphere 525 mm in diameter.
4. In areas that are not open to the public within Exception: Guards are not required where
occupancies in Group I-3, F, H or S, and for permanent fall arrest/restraint anchorage connector
alternating tread devices and ship’s ladders, devices that comply with ANSI/ASSE Z 359.1 are
guards shall not have openings that allow affixed for use during the entire roof covering
passage of a sphere 525 mm in diameter. lifetime. The devices shall be reevaluated for
possible replacement when the entire roof covering
5. In assembly seating areas, guards required at
is replaced. The devices shall be placed not more
the end of aisles in accordance with Section
than 3000 mm on center along hip and ridge lines
1029.16.4 shall not have openings that allow
and placed not less than 3000 mm from the roof
passage of a sphere 100 mm in diameter up
edge or open side of the walking surface.
to a height of 650 mm. From a height of 650
mm to 1100 mm above the adjacent walking 1015.8 Window openings. Windows in Group R-
surfaces, guards shall not have openings that 2 and R-3 buildings including dwelling units, where
allow passage of a sphere 200 mm in the top of the sill of an operable window opening is
diameter. located less than 900 mm above the finished floor
and more than 1800 mm above the finished grade
6. Within individual dwelling units and sleeping
or other surface below on the exterior of the
units in Group R-2 and R-3 occupancies,
building, shall comply with one of the following:
guards on the open sides of stairs shall not
have openings that allow passage of a sphere 1. Operable windows where the top of the sill of
110 mm in diameter. the opening is located more than 23 m above
the finished grade or other surface below and
1015.5 Screen porches. Porches and decks that are
that are provided with window fall
enclosed with insect screening shall be provided
prevention devices that comply with ASTM
with guards where the walking surface is located
more than 750 mm above the floor or grade below.
2. Operable windows where the openings will
1015.6 Mechanical equipment, systems and
not allow a 100 mm-diameter sphere to pass
devices. Guards shall be provided where various
through the opening when the window is in
components that require service are located within
its largest opened position.
3000 mm of a roof edge or open side of a walking
surface and such edge or open side is located more 3. Operable windows where the openings are
than 750 mm above the floor, roof or grade below. provided with window fall prevention
The guard shall extend not less than 750 mm devices that comply with ASTM F2090.
beyond each end of such components. The guard
4. Operable windows that are provided with
shall be constructed so as to prevent the passage of
window opening control devices that comply
a sphere 525 mm in diameter.
with Section 1015.8.1.
Exception: Guards are not required where
1015.8.1 Window opening contr ol devices.
permanent fall arrest/restraint anchorage connector
Window opening control devices shall comply with
devices that comply with ANSI/ASSE Z 359.1 are
ASTM F2090. The window opening control device,
affixed for use during the entire roof covering
after operation to release the control device
lifetime. The devices shall be reevaluated for
allowing the window to fully open, shall not reduce
possible replacement when the entire roof covering
the minimum net clear opening area of the window
is replaced. The devices shall be placed not more
unit to less than the area required by Section 1030.2.
than 3000 mm on center along hip and ridge lines
SECTION 1016 EXIT ACCESS 2.1. The stock is of the same hazard
classification as that found in the main
1016.1 General. The exit access shall comply with
retail area.
the applicable provisions of Sections 1003 through
1015. Exit access arrangement shall comply with 2.2. Not more than 50 percent of the exit
Sections 1016 through 1021. access is through the stockroom.
1016.2 Egress through intervening spaces. 2.3. The stockroom is not subject to
Egress through intervening spaces shall comply locking from the egress side.
with this section. 2.4. There is a demarcated, minimum
1. Exit access through an enclosed elevator 1100 mm-wide aisle defined by full- or
lobby is permitted. Access to not less than partial-height fixed walls or similar
one of the required exits shall be provided construction that will maintain the
without travel through the enclosed elevator required width and lead directly from the
lobbies required by Section 3006. Where the retail area to the exit without obstructions.
path of exit access travel passes through an 1016.2.1 Multiple tenants. Where more
enclosed elevator lobby, the level of than one tenant occupies any one floor of a building
protection required for the enclosed elevator or structure, each tenant space, dwelling unit and
lobby is not required to be extended to the sleeping unit shall be provided with access to the
exit unless direct access to an exit is required required exits without passing through adjacent
by other sections of this code. tenant spaces, dwelling units and sleeping units.
2. Egress from a room or space shall not pass Exception: The means of egress from a smaller
through adjoining or intervening rooms or tenant space shall not be prohibited from passing
areas, except where such adjoining rooms or through a larger adjoining tenant space where such
areas and the area served are accessory to one rooms or spaces of the smaller tenant occupy less
or the other, are not a Group H occupancy than 10 percent of the area of the larger tenant space
and provide a discernible path of egress through which they pass; are the same or similar
travel to an exit. occupancy group; a discernible path of egress travel
Exception: Means of egress are not prohibited to an exit is provided; and the means of egress into
through adjoining or intervening rooms or spaces in the adjoining space is not subject to locking from
a Group H, S or F occupancy where the adjoining the egress side. A required means of egress serving
or intervening rooms or spaces are the same or a the larger tenant space shall not pass through the
lesser hazard occupancy group. smaller tenant space or spaces.
3. An exit access shall not pass through a room SECTION 1017 EXIT ACCESS TRAVEL
that can be locked to prevent egress. DISTANCE
4. Means of egress from dwelling units or 1017.1 General. Travel distance within the exit
sleeping areas shall not lead through other access portion of the means of egress system shall
sleeping areas, toilet rooms or bathrooms. be in accordance with this section.
5. Egress shall not pass through kitchens, 1017.2 Limitations. Exit access travel distance
storage rooms, closets or spaces used for shall not exceed the values given in Table 1017.2.
similar purposes.
1017.2.1 Exterior egress balcony increase.
Exceptions: Exit access travel distances specified in Table
1. Means of egress are not prohibited through a 1017.2 shall be increased up to an additional 30 m
kitchen area serving adjoining rooms provided the last portion of the exit access leading
constituting part of the same dwelling unit or to the exit occurs on an exterior egress balcony
sleeping unit. constructed in accordance with Section 1021. The
length of such balcony shall be not less than the
2. Means of egress are not prohibited through amount of the increase taken.
stockrooms in Group M occupancies where
all of the following are met: 1017.2.2 Gr oup F-1 and S-1 increase. The
maximum exit access travel distance shall be 120 m
in Group F-1 or S-1 occupancies where all of the
following conditions are met:
1. The portion of the building classified as Exception: Non-public aisles serving less than 50
Group F-1 or S-1 is limited to one story in people and not required to be accessible by Chapter
height. 11 need not exceed 700 mm in width.
2. The minimum height from the finished floor 1018.4 Aisle accessways in Group M. An aisle
to the bottom of the ceiling or roof slab or accessway shall be provided on not less than one
deck is 7300 mm. side of each element within the merchandise pad.
The minimum clear width for an aisle accessway
3. The building is equipped throughout with an
not required to be accessible shall be 750 mm. The
automatic sprinkler system in accordance
required clear width of the aisle accessway shall be
with Section 903.3.1.1.
measured perpendicular to the elements and
1017.3 Measurement. Exit access travel distance merchandise within the merchandise pad. The 750
shall be measured from the most remote point mm minimum clear width shall be maintained to
within a story along the natural and unobstructed provide a path to an adjacent aisle or aisle
path of horizontal and vertical egress travel to the accessway. The common path of egress travel shall
entrance to an exit. not exceed 9 m from any point in the merchandise
Exception: In open parking garages, exit access pad.
travel distance is permitted to be measured to the Exception: For areas serving not more than 50
closest riser of an exit access stairway or the closest occupants, the common path of egress travel shall
slope of an exit access ramp. not exceed 23 m.
1017.3.1 Exit access stair ways and ramps. 1018.5 Aisles in other than assembly spaces and
Travel distance on exit access stairways or ramps Groups B and M. In other than rooms or spaces
shall be included in the exit access travel distance used for assembly purposes and Group B and M
measurement. The measurement along stairways occupancies, the minimum clear aisle capacity shall
shall be made on a plane parallel and tangent to the be determined by Section 1005.1 for the occupant
stair tread nosings in the center of the stair and load served, but the width shall be not less than that
landings. The measurement along ramps shall be required for corridors by Section 1020.2.
made on the walking surface in the center of the
Exception: Nonpublic aisles serving less than 50
ramp and landings.
people and not required to be accessible by Chapter
SECTION 1018 AISLES 11 need not exceed 700 mm in width.
1018.1 General. Aisles and aisle accessways
serving as a portion of the exit access in the means
of egress system shall comply with the
requirements of this section. Aisles or aisle STAIRWAYS AND RAMPS
accessways shall be provided from all occupied 1019.1 General. Exit access stairways and ramps
portions of the exit access that contain seats, tables, serving as an exit access component in a means of
furnishings, displays and similar fixtures or egress system shall comply with the requirements
equipment. The minimum width or required of this section. The number of stories connected by
capacity of aisles shall be unobstructed. exit access stairways and ramps shall include
Exception: Encroachments complying with Section basements, but not mezzanines.
1005.7. 1019.2 All occupancies. Exit access stairways and
1018.2 Aisles in assembly spaces. Aisles and aisle ramps that serve floor levels within a single story
accessways serving a room or space used for are not required to be enclosed.
assembly purposes shall comply with Section 1029. 1019.3 Occupancies other than Groups I-2 and
1018.3 Aisles in Groups B and M. In Group B and I-3. In other than Group I-2 and I-3 occupancies,
M occupancies, the minimum clear aisle width shall floor openings containing exit access stairways or
be determined by Section 1005.1 for the occupant ramps that do not comply with one of the conditions
load served, but shall be not less than that required listed in this section shall be enclosed with a shaft
for corridors by Section 1020.2. enclosure constructed in accordance with Section
1. Exit access stairways and ramps that serve or
atmospherically communicate between only
8. Exit access stairways and ramps serving the 1020.2 Width and capacity. The required
balcony, gallery or press box and the main capacity of corridors shall be determined as
specified in Section 1005.1, but the minimum width
assembly floor in occupancies such as
theaters, places of social gatherings, shall be not less than that specified in Table 1020.2.
auditoriums and sports facilities. Exception: In Group I-2 occupancies, corridors are
1019.4 Group I-2 and I-3 occupancies. In Group not required to have a clear width of 2400 mm in
I-2 and I-3 occupancies, floor openings between areas where there will not be stretcher or bed
movement for access to care or as part of the
stories containing exit access stairways or ramps are
required to be enclosed with a shaft enclosure defend-in-place strategy.
constructed in accordance with Section 713. 1020.3 Obstruction. The minimum width or
Exception: In Group I-3 occupancies, exit access required capacity of corridors shall be unobstructed.
stairways or ramps constructed in accordance with Exception: Encroachments complying with Section
Section 408 are not required to be enclosed. 1005.7.
1020.4 Dead ends. Where more than one exit or
exit access doorway is required, the exit access shall
be arranged such that there are no dead ends in
corridors more than 6000 mm in length.
1. Adjacent lot lines. connecting four stories or more and not less than 1
hour where connecting less than four stories. The
2. Other portions of the building.
number of stories connected by the interior exit
3. Other buildings on the same lot unless the stairways or ramps shall include any basements, but
adjacent building exterior walls and openings not any mezzanines. Interior exit stairways and
are protected in accordance with Section 705 ramps shall have a fire-resistance rating not less
based on fire separation distance. than the floor assembly penetrated, but need not
For the purposes of this section, other portions of exceed 2 hours.
the building shall be treated as separate buildings. Exceptions:
SECTION 1022 EXITS 1. Interior exit stairways and ramps in Group I-
3 occupancies in accordance with the
1022.1 General. Exits shall comply with Sections
provisions of Section 408.3.8.
1022 through 1027 and the applicable requirements
of Sections 1003 through 1015. An exit shall not be 2. Interior exit stairways within an atrium
used for any purpose that interferes with its function enclosed in accordance with Section 404.6.
as a means of egress. Once a given level of exit
1023.3 Termination. Interior exit stairways and
protection is achieved, such level of protection shall
ramps shall terminate at an exit discharge or a
not be reduced until arrival at the exit discharge.
public way.
Exits shall be continuous from the point of entry
into the exit to the exit discharge. Exception: A combination of interior exit stairways,
interior exit ramps and exit passageways,
1022.2 Exterior exit doors. Buildings or constructed in accordance with Sections 1023.2,
structures used for human occupancy shall have not 1023.3.1 and 1024, respectively, and forming a
less than one exterior door that meets the
continuous protected enclosure, shall be permitted
requirements of Section 1010.1.1. to extend an interior exit stairway or ramp to the exit
1022.2.1 Detailed requirements. Exterior discharge or a public way.
exit doors shall comply with the applicable 1023.3.1 Extension. Where interior exit
requirements of Section 1010.1. stairways and ramps are extended to an exit
1022.2.2 Arr angement. Exterior exit doors discharge or a public way by an exit passageway,
shall lead directly to the exit discharge or the public the interior exit stairway and ramp shall be
way. separated from the exit passageway by a fire barrier
constructed in accordance with SBC 201 Section
707 or a horizontal assembly constructed in
SECTION 1023 INTERIOR EXIT accordance with SBC 201 Section 711, or both. The
STAIRWAYS AND RAMPS fire-resistance rating shall be not less than that
required for the interior exit stairway and ramp. A
1023.1 General. Interior exit stairways and ramps fire door assembly complying with SBC 201
serving as an exit component in a means of egress Section 716.5 shall be installed in the fire barrier to
system shall comply with the requirements of this provide a means of egress from the interior exit
section. Interior exit stairways and ramps shall be stairway and ramp to the exit passageway.
enclosed and lead directly to the exterior of the Openings in the fire barrier other than the fire door
building or shall be extended to the exterior of the assembly are prohibited. Penetrations of the fire
building with an exit passageway conforming to the barrier are prohibited.
requirements of Section 1024, except as permitted
in Section 1028.1. An interior exit stairway or ramp Exceptions:
shall not be used for any purpose other than as a 1. Penetrations of the fire barrier in accordance
means of egress and a circulation path. with Section 1023.5 shall be permitted.
1023.2 Construction. Enclosures for interior exit 2. Separation between an interior exit stairway
stairways and ramps shall be constructed as fire or ramp and the exit passageway extension
barriers in accordance with SBC 201 Section 707 or shall not be required where there are no
horizontal assemblies constructed in accordance openings into the exit passageway extension.
with SBC 201 Section 711, or both. Interior exit
stairway and ramp enclosures shall have a fire- 1023.4 Openings. Interior exit stairway and ramp
resistance rating of not less than 2 hours where opening protectives shall be in accordance with the
requirements of SBC 201 Section 716. Openings in systems shall be independent of other building
interior exit stairways and ramps other than ventilation systems.
unprotected exterior openings shall be limited to
1023.7 Interior exit stairway and ramp exterior
those necessary for exit access to the enclosure from
walls. Exterior walls of the interior exit stairway or
normally occupied spaces and for egress from the
ramp shall comply with the requirements of SBC
enclosure. Elevators shall not open into interior exit
201 Section 705 for exterior walls. Where non-rated
stairways and ramps.
walls or unprotected openings enclose the exterior
1023.5 Penetrations. Penetrations into or through of the stairway or ramps and the walls or openings
interior exit stairways and ramps are prohibited are exposed by other parts of the building at an
except for equipment and ductwork necessary for angle of less than 180 degrees, the building exterior
independent ventilation or pressurization, sprinkler walls within 3000 mm horizontally of a nonrated
piping, standpipes, electrical raceway for fire wall or unprotected opening shall have a fire-
department (Civil Defense) communication resistance rating of not less than 1 hour. Openings
systems and electrical raceway serving the interior within such exterior walls shall be protected by
exit stairway and ramp and terminating at a steel opening protectives having a fire protection rating
box not exceeding 0.01 m2. Such penetrations shall of not less than 3/4 hour. This construction shall
be protected in accordance with SBC 201 Section extend vertically from the ground to a point 3000
714. There shall not be penetrations or mm above the top-most landing of the stairway or
communication openings, whether protected or not, ramp, or to the roof line, whichever is lower.
between adjacent interior exit stairways and ramps.
1023.8 Discharge identification. An interior exit
Exception: Membrane penetrations shall be stairway and ramp shall not continue below its level
permitted on the outside of the interior exit stairway of exit discharge unless an approved barrier is
and ramp. Such penetrations shall be protected in provided at the level of exit discharge to prevent
accordance with SBC 201 Section 714.3.2. persons from unintentionally continuing into levels
below. Directional exit signs shall be provided as
1023.6 Ventilation. Equipment and ductwork for
specified in Section 1013.
interior exit stairway and ramp ventilation as
permitted by Section 1023.5 shall comply with one 1023.9 Stairway identification signs. A sign shall
of the following items: be provided at each floor landing in an interior exit
stairway and ramp connecting more than three
1. Such equipment and ductwork shall be
stories designating the floor level, the terminus of
located exterior to the building and shall be
the top and bottom of the interior exit stairway and
directly connected to the interior exit
ramp and the identification of the stairway or ramp.
stairway and ramp by ductwork enclosed in
The signage shall also state the story of, and the
construction as required for shafts.
direction to, the exit discharge and the availability
2. Where such equipment and ductwork is of roof access from the interior exit stairway and
located within the interior exit stairway and ramp for the fire department (Civil Defense) . The
ramp, the intake air shall be taken directly sign shall be located 1500 mm above the floor
from the outdoors and the exhaust air shall be landing in a position that is readily visible when the
discharged directly to the outdoors, or such doors are in the open and closed positions. In
air shall be conveyed through ducts enclosed addition to the stairway identification sign, a floor-
in construction as required for shafts. level sign in visual characters, raised characters and
3. Where located within the building, such braille complying with ICC A117.1 shall be located
equipment and ductwork shall be separated at each floor-level landing adjacent to the door
from the remainder of the building, including leading from the interior exit stairway and ramp into
other mechanical equipment, with the corridor to identify the floor level.
construction as required for shafts. 1023.9.1 Signage requirements. Stairway
In each case, openings into the fire-resistance-rated identification signs shall comply with all of the
construction shall be limited to those needed for following requirements:
maintenance and operation and shall be protected 1. The signs shall be a minimum size of 450 mm
by opening protectives in accordance with Section by 300 mm.
716 for shaft enclosures.
The interior exit stairway and ramp ventilation
2. The letters designating the identification of protected as required for access from other
the interior exit stairway and ramp shall be floors.
not less than 38 mm in height.
2. The fire barrier separating the smoke-proof
3. The number designating the floor level shall enclosure from the exit passageway is not
be not less than 125 mm in height and located required, provided the exit passageway is
in the center of the sign. protected and pressurized in the same manner
as the smokeproof enclosure.
4. Other lettering and numbers shall be not less
than 25 mm in height. 3. A smoke-proof enclosure shall be permitted
to egress through areas on the level of exit
5. Characters and their background shall have a
discharge or vestibules as permitted by
nonglare finish. Characters shall contrast
Section 1028.
with their background, with either light
characters on a dark background or dark 1023.11.2 Enclosure access. Access to the
characters on a light background. stairway or ramp within a smokeproof enclosure
shall be by way of a vestibule or an open exterior
6. Where signs required by Section 1023.9 are
installed in the interior exit stairways and
ramps of buildings subject to Section 1025, Exception: Access is not required by way of a
the signs shall be made of the same materials vestibule or exterior balcony for stairways and
as required by Section 1025.4. ramps using the pressurization alternative
complying with Section 909.20.5.
1023.10 Elevator lobby identification
signs. At landings in interior exit stairways where
two or more doors lead to the floor level, any door
with direct access to an enclosed elevator lobby
shall be identified by signage located on the door or 1024.1 Exit passageways. Exit passageways
directly adjacent to the door stating “Elevator serving as an exit component in a means of egress
Lobby.” Signage shall be in accordance with system shall comply with the requirements of this
Section 1023.9.1, Items 4, 5 and 6. section. An exit passageway shall not be used for
any purpose other than as a means of egress and a
1023.11 Smokeproof enclosures. Where
required by Section 403.5.4 or 405.7.2, interior exit circulation path.
stairways and ramps shall be smokeproof 1024.2 Width. The required capacity of exit
enclosures in accordance with Section 909.20. passageways shall be determined as specified in
1023.11.1 Ter mination and extension. A Section 1005.1 but the minimum width shall be not
less than 1100 mm, except that exit passageways
smokeproof enclosure shall terminate at an exit
discharge or a public way. The smokeproof serving an occupant load of less than 50 shall be not
enclosure shall be permitted to be extended by an less than 900 mm in width. The minimum width or
exit passageway in accordance with Section 1023.3. required capacity of exit passageways shall be
The exit passageway shall be without openings unobstructed.
other than the fire door assembly required by Exception: Encroachments complying with Section
Section 1023.3.1 and those necessary for egress 1005.7.
from the exit passageway. The exit passageway
1024.3 Construction. Exit passageway enclosures
shall be separated from the remainder of the
shall have walls, floors and ceilings of not less than
building by 2-hour fire barriers constructed in
a 1-hour fire-resistance rating, and not less than that
accordance with SBC 201 Section 707 or horizontal
required for any connecting interior exit stairway or
assemblies constructed in accordance with SBC 201
ramp. Exit passageways shall be constructed as fire
Section 711, or both.
barriers in accordance with SBC 201 Section 707 or
Exceptions: horizontal assemblies constructed in accordance
1. Openings in the exit passageway serving a with SBC 201 Section 711, or both.
smoke-proof enclosure are permitted where 1024.4 Termination. Exit passageways on the
the exit passageway is protected and level of exit discharge shall terminate at an exit
pressurized in the same manner as the discharge. Exit passageways on other levels shall
smokeproof enclosure, and openings are terminate at an exit.
1024.5 Openings. Exit passageway opening In each case, openings into the fire-resistance-rated
protectives shall be in accordance with the construction shall be limited to those needed for
requirements of SBC 201 Section 716. maintenance and operation and shall be protected
by opening protectives in accordance with Section
Except as permitted in Section 402.8.7, openings in
716 for shaft enclosures.
exit passageways other than unprotected exterior
openings shall be limited to those necessary for exit Exit passageway ventilation systems shall be
access to the exit passageway from normally independent of other building ventilation systems.
occupied spaces and for egress from the exit
Where an interior exit stairway or ramp is extended
to an exit discharge or a public way by an exit PATH MARKINGS
passageway, the exit passageway shall comply with 1025.1 General. Approved luminous egress path
Section 1023.3.1. Elevators shall not open into an markings delineating the exit path shall be provided
exit passageway. in high-rise buildings of Group A, B, E, I, M, and
1024.6 Penetrations. Penetrations into or through R-1 occupancies in accordance with Sections
an exit passageway are prohibited except for 1025.1 through 1025.5.
equipment and ductwork necessary for independent Exception: Luminous egress path markings shall
pressurization, sprinkler piping, standpipes, not be required on the level of exit discharge in
electrical raceway for fire department (Civil lobbies that serve as part of the exit path in
Defense) communication and electrical raceway accordance with Section 1028.1, Exception 1.
serving the exit passageway and terminating at a
steel box not exceeding 0.01 m2. Such penetrations 1025.2 Markings within exit components. Egress
shall be protected in accordance with Section 714. path markings shall be provided in interior exit
There shall not be penetrations or communicating stairways, interior exit ramps and exit passageways,
openings, whether protected or not, between in accordance with Sections 1025.2.1 through
adjacent exit passageways. 1025.2.6.
Exception: The minimum width of 25 mm shall not 1025.2.5 Obstacles. Obstacles at or below
apply to outlining stripes listed in accordance with 2000 mm in height and projecting more than 100
UL 1994. mm into the egress path shall be outlined with
markings not less than 25 mm in width comprised
1025.2.4 Perimeter demar cation lines.
of a pattern of alternating equal bands, of luminous
Stair landings and other floor areas within interior
material and black, with the alternating bands not
exit stairways, interior exit ramps and exit
more than 50 mm thick and angled at 45 degrees.
passageways, with the exception of the sides of
Obstacles shall include, but are not limited to,
steps, shall be provided with solid and continuous
standpipes, hose cabinets, wall projections and
demarcation lines on the floor or on the walls or a
restricted height areas. However, such markings
combination of both. The stripes shall be 25 mm to
shall not conceal any required information or
50 mm wide with interruptions not exceeding 100
indicators including but not limited to instructions
to occupants for the use of standpipes.
Exception: The minimum width of 25 mm shall not
1025.2.6 Doors within the exit path. Doors
apply to outlining stripes listed in accordance with
through which occupants must pass in order to
UL 1994.
complete the exit path shall be provided with
1025.2.4.1 Floor-mounted demarcation markings complying with Sections 1025.2.6.1
lines. Perimeter demarcation lines shall be placed through 1025.2.6.3.
within 100 mm of the wall and shall extend to
1025.2.6.1 Emergency exit symbol. The
within 50 mm of the markings on the leading edge
doors shall be identified by a low-location luminous
of landings. The demarcation lines shall continue
emergency exit symbol complying with NFPA 170.
across the floor in front of all doors.
The exit symbol shall be not less than 100 mm in
Exception: Demarcation lines shall not extend in height and shall be mounted on the door, centered
front of exit discharge doors that lead out of an exit horizontally, with the top of the symbol not higher
and through which occupants must travel to than 450 mm above the finished floor.
complete the exit path.
1025.2.6.2 Door hardware markings. Door
1025.2.4.2 Wall-mounted demarcation hardware shall be marked with not less than 0.010
lines. Perimeter demarcation lines shall be placed m2 of luminous material. This marking shall be
on the wall with the bottom edge of the stripe not located behind, immediately adjacent to, or on the
more than 100 mm above the finished floor. At the door handle or escutcheon. Where a panic bar is
top or bottom of the stairs, demarcation lines shall installed, such material shall not be less than 25 mm
drop vertically to the floor within 50 mm of the step wide for the entire length of the actuating bar or
or landing edge. Demarcation lines on walls shall touchpad.
transition vertically to the floor and then extend
1025.2.6.3 Door frame markings. The top
across the floor where a line on the floor is the only
and sides of the door frame shall be marked with a
practical method of outlining the path. Where the
solid and continuous 25 mm to 50 mm-wide stripe.
wall line is broken by a door, demarcation lines on
Where the door molding does not provide sufficient
walls shall continue across the face of the door or
flat surface on which to locate the stripe, the stripe
transition to the floor and extend across the floor in
shall be permitted to be located on the wall
front of such door.
surrounding the frame.
Exception: Demarcation lines shall not extend in
1025.3 Uniformity. Placement and dimensions of
front of exit discharge doors that lead out of an exit
markings shall be consistent and uniform
and through which occupants must travel to
throughout the same enclosure.
complete the exit path.
1025.4 Self-luminous and photoluminescent.
1025.2.4.3 Transition. Where a wall-
Luminous egress path markings shall be permitted
mounted demarcation line transitions to a floor-
to be made of any material, including paint,
mounted demarcation line, or vice versa, the wall-
provided that an electrical charge is not required to
mounted demarcation line shall drop vertically to
maintain the required luminance. Such materials
the floor to meet a complimentary extension of the
shall include, but not be limited to, self-luminous
floor-mounted demarcation line, thus forming a
materials and photoluminescent materials.
continuous marking.
Materials shall comply with either of the following
Exception: The adjoining compartment shall not be 1027.6 Exterior exit stairway and ramp
required to have a stairway or door leading directly protection. Exterior exit stairways and ramps shall
outside, provided the refuge area into which a be separated from the interior of the building as
horizontal exit leads has stairways or doors leading required in Section 1023.2. Openings shall be
directly outside and are so arranged that egress shall limited to those necessary for egress from normally
not require the occupants to return through the occupied spaces. Where a vertical plane projecting
compartment from which egress originates. from the edge of an exterior exit stairway or ramp
and landings is exposed by other parts of the
SECTION 1027 EXTERIOR EXIT building at an angle of less than 180 degrees, the
STAIRWAYS AND RAMPS exterior wall shall be rated in accordance with
1027.1 Exterior exit stairways and ramps. Section 1023.7.
Exterior exit stairways and ramps serving as an Exceptions:
element of a required means of egress shall comply
with this section. 1. Separation from the interior of the building is
not required for occupancies, other than those
1027.2 Use in a means of egress. Exterior exit in Group R-1 or R-2, in buildings that are not
stairways shall not be used as an element of a more than two stories above grade plane
required means of egress for Group I-2 where a level of exit discharge serving such
occupancies. For occupancies in other than Group occupancies is the first story above grade
I-2, exterior exit stairways and ramps shall be plane.
permitted as an element of a required means of
egress for buildings not exceeding six stories above 2. Separation from the interior of the building is
grade plane or that are not high-rise buildings. not required where the exterior exit stairway
or ramp is served by an exterior exit ramp or
1027.3 Open side. Exterior exit stairways and balcony that connects two remote exterior
ramps serving as an element of a required means of exit stairways or other approved exits with a
egress shall be open on not less than one side, perimeter that is not less than 50 percent
except for required structural columns, beams, open. To be considered open, the opening
handrails and guards. An open side shall have not shall be not less than 50 percent of the height
less than 3.3 m2 of aggregate open area adjacent to of the enclosing wall, with the top of the
each floor level and the level of each intermediate openings not less than 2.1 m above the top of
landing. The required open area shall be located not the balcony.
less than 1000 mm above the adjacent floor or
landing level. 3. Separation from the open-ended corridor of
the building is not required for exterior exit
1027.4 Side yards. The open areas adjoining stairways or ramps, provided that Items 3.1
exterior exit stairways or ramps shall be either through 3.5 are met:
yards, courts or public ways; the remaining sides
are permitted to be enclosed by the exterior walls of 3.1. The building, including open-ended
the building. corridors, and stairways and ramps, shall
be equipped throughout with an automatic
1027.5 Location. Exterior exit stairways and sprinkler system in accordance with
ramps shall have a minimum fire separation Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2.
distance of 3000 mm measured at right angles from
the exterior edge of the stairway or ramps, including 3.2. The open-ended corridors comply
landings, to: with Section 1020.
1. Adjacent lot lines. 3.3. The open-ended corridors are
connected on each end to an exterior exit
2. Other portions of the building. stairway or ramp complying with Section
3. Other buildings on the same lot unless the 1027.
adjacent building exterior walls and openings 3.4. The exterior walls and openings
are protected in accordance with Section 705 adjacent to the exterior exit stairway or
based on fire separation distance. ramp comply with Section 1023.7.
For the purposes of this section, other portions of 3.5. At any location in an open-ended
the building shall be treated as separate buildings. corridor where a change of direction
exceeding 45 degrees occurs, a clear level and terminate at the same level of
opening of not less than 3.3 m2 or an exit discharge, the termination of the exit
exterior stairway or ramp shall be access stairway or ramp and the exit
provided. Where clear openings are discharge door of the interior exit
provided, they shall be located so as to stairway or ramp shall be separated by a
minimize the accumulation of smoke or distance of not less than 9 m or not less
toxic gases. than one-fourth the length of the
maximum overall diagonal dimension of
the building, whichever is less. The
SECTION 1028 EXIT DISCHARGE distance shall be measured in a straight
line between the exit discharge door from
1028.1 General. Exits shall discharge directly to
the interior exit stairway or ramp and the
the exterior of the building. The exit discharge shall
last tread of the exit access stairway or
be at grade or shall provide a direct path of egress
termination of slope of the exit access
travel to grade. The exit discharge shall not reenter
a building. The combined use of Exceptions 1 and
2 shall not exceed 50 percent of the number and 2. Not more than 50 percent of the number and
minimum width or required capacity of the required minimum width or required capacity of the
exits. interior exit stairways and ramps is permitted
to egress through a vestibule provided all of
the following conditions are met:
1. Not more than 50 percent of the number and
2.1. The entire area of the vestibule is
minimum width or required capacity of
separated from areas below by
interior exit stairways and ramps is permitted
construction conforming to the fire-
to egress through areas on the level of
resistance rating of the interior exit
discharge provided all of the following
stairway or ramp enclosure.
conditions are met:
2.2. The depth from the exterior of the
1.1. Discharge of interior exit stairways
building is not greater than 3000 mm and
and ramps shall be provided with a free
the length is not greater than 9 m.
and unobstructed path of travel to an
exterior exit door and such exit is readily 2.3. The area is separated from the
visible and identifiable from the point of remainder of the level of exit discharge by
termination of the enclosure. a fire partition constructed in accordance
with Section 708.
1.2. The entire area of the level of exit
discharge is separated from areas below Exception: The maximum transmitted temperature
by construction conforming to the fire- rise is not required.
resistance rating for the enclosure. 2.4. The area is used only for means of
1.3. The egress path from the interior exit egress and exits directly to the outside.
stairway and ramp on the level of exit
3. Horizontal exits complying with Section 1026
discharge is protected throughout by an shall not be required to discharge directly to
approved automatic sprinkler system. the exterior of the building.
Portions of the level of exit discharge with
access to the egress path shall be either 1028.2 Exit discharge width or capacity. The
equipped throughout with an automatic minimum width or required capacity of the exit
sprinkler system installed in accordance discharge shall be not less than the minimum width
with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2, or or required capacity of the exits being served.
separated from the egress path in 1028.3 Exit discharge components. Exit
accordance with the requirements for the discharge components shall be sufficiently open to
enclosure of interior exit stairways or the exterior so as to minimize the accumulation of
ramps. smoke and toxic gases.
1.4. Where a required interior exit 1028.4 Egress courts. Egress courts serving as a
stairway or ramp and an exit access portion of the exit discharge in the means of egress
stairway or ramp serve the same floor
system shall comply with the requirements of 4. The area shall be provided with a safe and
Sections 1028.4.1 and 1028.4.2. unobstructed path of travel from the building.
1028.4.1 Width or capacity. The required
capacity of egress courts shall be determined as
specified in Section 1005.1, but the minimum width
shall be not less than 1100 mm, except as specified 1029.1 General. A room or space used for
herein. Egress courts serving Group R-3 and U assembly purposes that contains seats, tables,
occupancies shall be not less than 900 mm in width. displays, equipment or other material shall comply
The required capacity and width of egress courts with this section.
shall be unobstructed to a height of 2.1 m.
1029.1.1 Bleachers. Bleachers, grandstands
Exception: Encroachments complying with Section and folding and telescopic seating, that are not
1005.7. building elements, shall comply with ICC 300.
Where an egress court exceeds the minimum 1029.1.1.1 Spaces under grandstands and
required width and the width of such egress court is bleachers. Where spaces under grandstands or
then reduced along the path of exit travel, the bleachers are used for purposes other than ticket
reduction in width shall be gradual. The transition booths less than 9 m2 and toilet rooms, such spaces
in width shall be affected by a guard not less than shall be separated by fire barriers complying with
900 mm in height and shall not create an angle of Section 707 and horizontal assemblies complying
more than 30 degrees with respect to the axis of the with Section 711 with not less than 1-hour fire-
egress court along the path of egress travel. The resistance-rated construction.
width of the egress court shall not be less than the
1029.2 Assembly main exit. A building, room or
required capacity.
space used for assembly purposes that has an
1028.4.2 Constr uction and openings. occupant load of greater than 300 and is provided
Where an egress court serving a building or portion with a main exit, that main exit shall be of sufficient
thereof is less than 3000 mm in width, the egress capacity to accommodate not less than one-half of
court walls shall have not less than 1-hour fire- the occupant load, but such capacity shall be not
resistance-rated construction for a distance of 3000 less than the total required capacity of all means of
mm above the floor of the egress court. Openings egress leading to the exit. Where the building is
within such walls shall be protected by opening classified as a Group A occupancy, the main exit
protectives having a fire protection rating of not less shall front on not less than one street or an
than 3/4 hour. unoccupied space of not less than 3000 mm in width
that adjoins a street or public way. In a building,
room or space used for assembly purposes where
1. Egress courts serving an occupant load of less there is not a well-defined main exit or where
than 10. multiple main exits are provided, exits shall be
2. Egress courts serving Group R-3. permitted to be distributed around the perimeter of
the building provided that the total capacity of
1028.5 Access to a public way. The exit discharge egress is not less than 100 percent of the required
shall provide a direct and unobstructed access to a capacity.
public way.
1029.3 Assembly other exits. In addition to
Exception: Where access to a public way cannot be having access to a main exit, each level in a building
provided, a safe dispersal area shall be provided used for assembly purposes having an occupant
where all of the following are met: load greater than 300 and provided with a main exit,
1. The area shall be of a size to accommodate not shall be provided with additional means of egress
less than 0.46 m2 for each person. that shall provide an egress capacity for not less
than one-half of the total occupant load served by
2. The area shall be located on the same lot not that level and shall comply with Section 1007.1. In
less than 15 m away from the building a building used for assembly purposes where there
requiring egress. is not a well-defined main exit or where multiple
3. The area shall be permanently maintained and main exits are provided, exits for each level shall be
identified as a safe dispersal area. permitted to be distributed around the perimeter of
the building, provided that the total width of egress percent slope), shall have not less than 5.6
is not less than 100 percent of the required width. mm of clear aisle capacity for each occupant
served. Level or ramped aisles, where slopes
1029.4 Foyers and lobbies. In Group A-1
are not steeper than one unit vertical in 12
occupancies, where persons are admitted to the
units horizontal (8-percent slope), shall have
building at times when seats are not available, such
not less than 5.1 mm of clear aisle capacity
persons shall be allowed to wait in a lobby or
for each occupant served.
similar space, provided such lobby or similar space
shall not encroach upon the minimum width or 1029.6.2 Smoke-pr otected assembly
required capacity of the means of egress. Such seating. The required capacity in millimeters of the
foyer, if not directly connected to a public street by aisle for smoke-protected assembly seating shall be
all the main entrances or exits, shall have a straight not less than the occupant load served by the egress
and unobstructed corridor or path of travel to every element multiplied by the appropriate factor in
such main entrance or exit. Table 1029.6.2. The total number of seats specified
shall be those within the space exposed to the same
1029.5 Interior balcony and gallery means of
smoke protected environment. Interpolation is
egress. For balconies, galleries or press boxes
permitted between the specific values shown. A life
having a seating capacity of 50 or more located in a
safety evaluation, complying with NFPA 101, shall
building, room or space used for assembly
be done for a facility utilizing the reduced width
purposes, not less than two means of egress shall be
requirements of Table 1029.6.2 for smoke-
provided, with one from each side of every balcony,
protected assembly seating.
gallery or press box.
Exception: For outdoor smoke-protected assembly
1029.6 Capacity of aisle for assembly. The
seating with an occupant load not greater than
required capacity of aisles shall be not less than that
18,000, the required capacity in millimeters shall be
determined in accordance with Section 1029.6.1
determined using the factors in Section 1029.6.3.
where smoke-protected assembly seating is not
provided and with Section 1029.6.2 or 1029.6.3 1029.6.2.1 Smoke control. Aisles and aisle
where smoke-protected assembly seating is accessways serving a smoke-protected assembly
provided. seating area shall be provided with a smoke control
system complying with Section 909 or natural
1029.6.1 Without smoke pr otection. The
ventilation designed to maintain the smoke level not
required capacity in millimeters of the aisles for
less than 1800 mm above the floor of the means of
assembly seating without smoke protection shall be
not less than the occupant load served by the egress
element in accordance with all of the following, as 1029.6.2.2 Roof height. A smoke-protected
applicable: assembly seating area with a roof shall have the
lowest portion of the roof deck not less than 4500
1. Not less than 7.6 mm of aisle capacity for
mm above the highest aisle or aisle accessway.
each occupant served shall be provided on
stepped aisles having riser heights 175 mm or Exception: A roof canopy in an outdoor stadium
less and tread depths 275 mm or greater, shall be permitted to be less than 4500 mm above
measured horizontally between tread the highest aisle or aisle accessway provided that
nosings. there are no objects less than 2000 mm above the
highest aisle or aisle accessway.
2. Not less than 0.127 mm of additional aisle
capacity for each occupant shall be provided 1029.6.2.3 Automatic sprinklers. Enclosed
for each 2.5 mm of riser height above 175 areas with walls and ceilings in buildings or
mm. structures containing smoke-protected assembly
seating shall be protected with an approved
3. Where egress requires stepped aisle descent,
automatic sprinkler system in accordance with
not less than 1.9 mm of additional aisle
Section 903.3.1.1.
capacity for each occupant shall be provided
on those portions of aisle capacity having no Exceptions:
handrail within a horizontal distance of 750
1. The floor area used for contests,
performances or entertainment provided the
4. Ramped aisles, where slopes are steeper than roof construction is more than 15 m above
one unit vertical in 12 units horizontal (8-
the floor level and the use is restricted to low- 2. For smoke-protected assembly seating, the
fire-hazard uses. common path of egress travel shall not
exceed 15 m.
2. Press boxes and storage facilities less than 93
m2 in area. 1029.8.1 Path through adjacent row.
Where one of the two paths of travel is across the
3. Outdoor seating facilities where seating and
aisle through a row of seats to another aisle, there
the means of egress in the seating area are
shall be not more than 24 seats between the two
essentially open to the outside.
aisles, and the minimum clear width between rows
1029.6.3 Outdoor smoke-pr otected for the row between the two aisles shall be 300 mm
assembly seating. The required capacity in plus 15.2 mm for each additional seat above seven
millimeters of aisles shall be not less than the total in the row between aisles.
occupant load served by the egress element
Exception: For smoke-protected assembly seating
multiplied by 2.0 mm where egress is by stepped
there shall be not more than 40 seats between the
aisle and multiplied by 1.52 mm where egress is by
two aisles and the minimum clear width shall be
level aisles and ramped aisles.
300 mm plus 7.5 mm for each additional seat.
Exception: The required capacity in millimeters of
1029.9 Assembly aisles are required. Every
aisles shall be permitted to comply with Section
occupied portion of any building, room or space
1029.6.2 for the number of seats in the outdoor
used for assembly purposes that contains seats,
smoke-protected assembly seating where Section
tables, displays, similar fixtures or equipment shall
1029.6.2 permits less capacity.
be provided with aisles leading to exits or exit
1029.7 Travel distance. Exits and aisles shall be access doorways in accordance with this section.
so located that the travel distance to an exit door
1029.9.1 Minimum aisle width. The
shall be not greater than 60 m measured along the
minimum clear width for aisles shall comply with
line of travel in non-sprinklered buildings. Travel
one of the following:
distance shall be not more than 76 m in sprinklered
buildings. Where aisles are provided for seating, the 1. 1200 mm for stepped aisles having seating on
distance shall be measured along the aisles and aisle each side.
accessways without travel over or on the seats.
Exception: 900 mm where the stepped aisles serve
Exceptions: less than 50 seats.
1. Smoke-protected assembly seating: The 2. 900 mm for stepped aisles having seating on
travel distance from each seat to the nearest only one side.
entrance to a vomitory or concourse shall not
Exception: 600 mm between a stepped aisle
exceed 60 m. The travel distance from the
handrail and seating where a stepped aisle does not
entrance to the vomitory or concourse to a
serve more than five rows on one side.
stairway, ramp or walk on the exterior of the
building shall not exceed 60 m. 3. 600 mm between a stepped aisle handrail or
guard and seating where the stepped aisle is
2. Open-air seating: The travel distance from
subdivided by a mid-aisle handrail.
each seat to the building exterior shall not
exceed 120 m. The travel distance shall not 4. 1100 mm for level or ramped aisles having
be limited in facilities of Type I or II seating on both sides.
construction. Exceptions:
1029.8 Common path of egress travel. The 1. 900 mm where the aisle serves
common path of egress travel shall not exceed 9 m less than 50 seats.
from any seat to a point where an occupant has a 2. 750 mm where the aisle does not
choice of two paths of egress travel to two exits. serve more than 14 seats.
Exceptions: 5. 900 mm for level or ramped aisles having
seating on only one side.
1. For areas serving less than 50 occupants, the
common path of egress travel shall not Exception: For other than ramped aisles that serve
exceed 23 m. as part of an accessible route, 750 mm where the
ramped aisle does not serve more than 14 seats.
1029.9.2 Aisle catchment ar ea. The aisle seating and tread edges except for permitted
shall provide sufficient capacity for the number of projections.
persons accommodated by the catchment area
Exception: The clear width of aisles adjacent to
served by the aisle. The catchment area served by
seating at tables shall be permitted to be measured
an aisle is that portion of the total space served by
in accordance with Section 1029.12.1.
that section of the aisle. In establishing catchment
areas, the assumption shall be made that there is a 1029.9.6.1 Assembly aisle obstructions.
balanced use of all means of egress, with the There shall not be obstructions in the minimum
number of persons in proportion to egress capacity. width or required capacity of aisles.
1029.9.3 Conver ging aisles. Where aisles Exception: Handrails are permitted to project into
converge to form a single path of egress travel, the the required width of stepped aisles and ramped
required capacity of that path shall be not less than aisles in accordance with Section 1014.8.
the combined required capacity of the converging 1029.9.7 Stair ways connecting to stepped
aisles. aisles. A stairway that connects a stepped aisle to a
1029.9.4 Unifor m width and capacity. cross aisle or concourse shall be permitted to
Those portions of aisles, where egress is possible in comply with the assembly aisle walking surface
either of two directions, shall be uniform in requirements of Section 1029.13. Transitions
minimum width or required capacity. between stairways and stepped aisles shall comply
with Section 1029.10.
1029.9.5 Dead end aisles. Each end of an
aisle shall be continuous to a cross aisle, foyer, 1029.9.8 Stair ways connecting to
doorway, vomitory, concourse or stairway in vomitor ies. A stairway that connects a vomitory to
accordance with Section 1029.9.7 having access to a cross aisle or concourse shall be permitted to
an exit. comply with the assembly aisle walking surface
requirements of Section 1029.13. Transitions
between stairways and stepped aisles shall comply
1. Dead-end aisles shall be not greater than 6000 with Section 1029.10.
mm in length.
1029.10 Transitions. Transitions between
2. Dead-end aisles longer than 16 rows are stairways and stepped aisles shall comply with
permitted where seats beyond the 16th row either Section 1029.10.1 or 1029.10.2.
dead-end aisle are not more than 24 seats
1029.10.1 Tr ansitions and stair ways that
from another aisle, measured along a row of
maintain stepped aisle riser and tr ead
seats having a minimum clear width of 300
dimensions. Stepped aisles, transitions and
mm plus 15 mm for each additional seat
stairways that maintain riser and tread dimensions
above seven in the row where seats have
shall comply with Section 1029.13 as one exit
backrests or beyond 10 where seats are
access component.
without backrests in the row.
1029.10.2 Tr ansitions to stair ways that do
3. For smoke-protected assembly seating, the
not maintain stepped aisle riser and tr ead
dead end aisle length of vertical aisles shall
dimensions. Transitions to stairways from stepped
not exceed a distance of 21 rows.
aisles with riser and tread dimensions that differ
4. For smoke-protected assembly seating, a from the stairways shall comply with Sections
longer dead-end aisle is permitted where 1029.10.2.1 through 1029.10.3.
seats beyond the 21-row dead-end aisle are
1029.10.2.1 Stairways and stepped aisles in a
not more than 40 seats from another aisle,
straight run. Transitions where the stairway is a
measured along a row of seats having an aisle
straight run from the stepped aisle shall have a
accessway with a minimum clear width of
minimum depth of 550 mm where the treads on the
300 mm plus 7.6 mm for each additional seat
descending side of the transition have greater depth
above seven in the row where seats have
and 750 mm where the treads on the descending
backrests or beyond 10 where seats are
side of the transition have lesser depth.
without backrests in the row.
1029.10.2.2 Stairways and stepped aisles that
1029.9.6 Aisle measur ement. The clear
change direction. Transitions where the stairway
width for aisles shall be measured to walls, edges of
changes direction from the stepped aisle shall have
a minimum depth of 275 mm or the stepped aisle each additional 300 mm, or fraction thereof, beyond
tread depth, whichever is greater, between the 3600 mm of aisle accessway length measured from
stepped aisle and stairway. the center of the seat farthest from an aisle.
1029.10.3 Tr ansition mar king. A distinctive Exception: Portions of an aisle accessway having a
marking stripe shall be provided at each nosing or length not exceeding 1800 mm and used by a total
leading edge adjacent to the transition. Such stripe of not more than four persons.
shall be not less than 25 mm, and not more than 50
1029.12.1.2 Seating at table aisle accessway
mm, wide. The edge marking stripe shall be
length. The length of travel along the aisle
distinctively different from the stepped aisle
accessway shall not exceed 9 m from any seat to the
contrasting marking stripe.
point where a person has a choice of two or more
1029.11 Construction. Aisles, stepped paths of egress travel to separate exits.
aisles and ramped aisles shall be built of materials
1029.12.2 Clear width of aisle accessways
consistent with the types permitted for the type of
serving seating in rows. Where seating rows have
construction of the building.
14 or fewer seats, the minimum clear aisle
Exception: Wood handrails shall be permitted for accessway width shall be not less than 300 mm
all types of construction. measured as the clear horizontal distance from the
back of the row ahead and the nearest projection of
1029.11.1 Walking sur face. The surface of
the row behind. Where chairs have automatic or
aisles, stepped aisles and ramped aisles shall be of
self-rising seats, the measurement shall be made
slip-resistant materials that are securely attached.
with seats in the raised position. Where any chair in
The surface for stepped aisles shall comply with
the row does not have an automatic or self-rising
Section 1011.7.1.
seat, the measurements shall be made with the seat
1029.11.2 Outdoor conditions. Outdoor in the down position. For seats with folding tablet
aisles, stepped aisles and ramped aisles and outdoor arms, row spacing shall be determined with the
approaches to aisles, stepped aisles and ramped tablet arm in the used position.
aisles shall be designed so that water will not
Exception: For seats with folding tablet arms, row
accumulate on the walking surface.
spacing is permitted to be determined with the tablet
1029.12 Aisle accessways. Aisle arm in the stored position where the tablet arm
accessways for seating at tables shall comply with when raised manually to vertical position in one
Section 1029.12.1. Aisle accessways for seating in motion automatically returns to the stored position
rows shall comply with Section 1029.12.2. by force of gravity.
1029.12.1 Seating at tables. Where seating is 1029.12.2.1 Dual access. For rows of seating
located at a table or counter and is adjacent to an served by aisles or doorways at both ends, there
aisle or aisle accessway, the measurement of shall be not more than 100 seats per row. The
required clear width of the aisle or aisle accessway minimum clear width of 300 mm between rows
shall be made to a line 480 mm away from and shall be increased by 7.6 mm for every additional
parallel to the edge of the table or counter. The 480 seat beyond 14 seats where seats have backrests or
mm distance shall be measured perpendicular to the beyond 21 where seats are without backrests. The
side of the table or counter. In the case of other side minimum clear width is not required to exceed 550
boundaries for aisles or aisle accessways, the clear mm.
width shall be measured to walls, edges of seating
Exception: For smoke-protected assembly seating,
and tread edges.
the row length limits for a 300 mm-wide aisle
Exception: Where tables or counters are served by accessway, beyond which the aisle accessway
fixed seats, the width of the aisle or aisle accessway minimum clear width shall be increased, are in
shall be measured from the back of the seat. Table 1029.12.2.1.
1029.12.1.1 Aisle accessway capacity and 1029.12.2.2 Single access. For rows of seating
width for seating at tables. Aisle accessways served by an aisle or doorway at only one end of the
serving arrangements of seating at tables or row, the minimum clear width of 300 mm between
counters shall comply with the capacity rows shall be increased by 15.2 mm for every
requirements of Section 1005.1 but shall not have additional seat beyond seven seats where seats have
less than 300 mm of width plus 13 mm of width for backrests or beyond 10 where seats are without
backrests. The minimum clear width is not required 1029.13.2.2 Risers. Where the gradient of
to exceed 550 mm. stepped aisles is to be the same as the gradient of
adjoining seating areas, the riser height shall be not
Exception: For smoke-protected assembly seating,
less than 100 mm nor more than 200 mm and shall
the row length limits for a 300 mm aisle accessway,
be uniform within each flight.
beyond which the aisle accessway minimum clear
width shall be increased, are in Table 1029.12.2.1. Exceptions:
1029.13 Assembly aisle walking surfaces. 1. Riser height non-uniformity shall be limited
Ramped aisles shall comply with Sections to the extent necessitated by changes in the
1029.13.1 through 1029.13.1.3. Stepped aisles shall gradient of the adjoining seating area to
comply with Sections 1029.13.2 through maintain adequate sightlines. Where non-
1029.13.2.4. uniformities exceed 5 mm between adjacent
risers, the exact location of such non-
1029.13.1 Ramped aisles. Aisles that are
uniformities shall be indicated with a
sloped more than one unit vertical in 20 units
distinctive marking stripe on each tread at the
horizontal (5-percent slope) shall be considered a
nosing or leading edge adjacent to the
ramped aisle. Ramped aisles that serve as part of an
nonuniform risers. Such stripe shall be not
accessible route in accordance with Sections 1009
less than 25 mm, and not more than 50 mm,
and 1108.2 shall have a maximum slope of one unit
wide. The edge marking stripe shall be
vertical in 12 units horizontal (8-percent slope). The
distinctively different from the contrasting
slope of other ramped aisles shall not exceed one
marking stripe.
unit vertical in 8 units horizontal (12.5-percent
slope). 2. Riser heights not exceeding 230 mm shall be
permitted where they are necessitated by the
1029.13.1.1 Cross slope. The slope measured
slope of the adjacent seating areas to
perpendicular to the direction of travel of a ramped
maintain sightlines.
aisle shall not be steeper than one unit vertical in 48
units horizontal (2-percent slope). 1029. Construction tolerances. The
tolerance between adjacent risers on a stepped aisle
1029.13.1.2 Landings. Ramped aisles shall
that were designed to be equal height shall not
have landings in accordance with Sections 1012.6
exceed 5 mm. Where the stepped aisle is designed
through 1012.6.5. Landings for ramped aisles shall
in accordance with Exception 1 of Section
be permitted to overlap required aisles or cross
1029.13.2.2, the stepped aisle shall be constructed
so that each riser of unequal height, determined in
1029.13.1.3 Edge protection. Ramped aisles the direction of descent, is not more than 10 mm in
shall have edge protection in accordance with height different from adjacent risers where stepped
Sections 1012.10 and 1012.10.1. aisle treads are less than 550 mm in depth and 20
Exception: In assembly spaces with fixed seating, mm in height different from adjacent risers where
edge protection is not required on the sides of stepped aisle treads are 550 mm or greater in depth.
ramped aisles where the ramped aisles provide 1029.13.2.3 Tread contrasting marking
access to the adjacent seating and aisle accessways. stripe. A contrasting marking stripe shall be
1029.13.2 Stepped aisles. Aisles with a slope provided on each tread at the nosing or leading edge
exceeding one unit vertical in eight units horizontal such that the location of each tread is readily
(12.5-percent slope) shall consist of a series of apparent when viewed in descent. Such stripe shall
risers and treads that extends across the full width be not less than 25 mm, and not more than 50 mm,
of aisles and complies with Sections 1029.13.2.1 wide.
through 1029.13.2.4. Exception: The contrasting marking stripe is
1029.13.2.1 Treads. Tread depths shall be not permitted to be omitted where tread surfaces are
less than 275 mm and shall have dimensional such that the location of each tread is readily
uniformity. apparent when viewed in descent.
Exception: The tolerance between adjacent treads 1029.13.2.4 Nosing and profile. Nosing and
shall not exceed 5 mm. riser profile shall comply with Sections 1011.5.5
through 1011.5.5.3.
1029.14 Seat stability. In a building, room 2. Handrails are not required where, at the side
or space used for assembly purposes, the seats shall of the aisle, there is a guard with a top surface
be securely fastened to the floor. that complies with the graspability
requirements of handrails in accordance with
Section 1014.3.
1. In a building, room or space used for
3. Handrail extensions are not required at the top
assembly purposes or portions thereof
and bottom of stepped aisles and ramped
without ramped or tiered floors for seating
aisles to permit crossovers within the aisles.
and with 200 or fewer seats, the seats shall
not be required to be fastened to the floor. 1029.15.1 Discontinuous handr ails. Where
there is seating on both sides of the aisle, the mid-
2. In a building, room or space used for
aisle handrails shall be discontinuous with gaps or
assembly purposes or portions thereof
breaks at intervals not exceeding five rows to
without ramped or tiered floors for seating,
facilitate access to seating and to permit crossing
the seats shall not be required to be fastened
from one side of the aisle to the other. These gaps
to the floor.
or breaks shall have a clear width of not less than
3. In a building, room or space used for 550 mm and not greater than 900 mm, measured
assembly purposes or portions thereof horizontally, and the mid-aisle handrail shall have
without seating at tables and without ramped rounded terminations or bends.
or tiered floors for seating and with greater
1029.15.2 Handr ail ter mination. Handrails
than 200 seats, the seats shall be fastened
located on the side of stepped aisles shall return to
together in groups of not less than three or the
a wall, guard or the walking surface or shall be
seats shall be securely fastened to the floor.
continuous to the handrail of an adjacent stepped
4. In a building, room or space used for aisle flight.
assembly purposes where flexibility of the
1029.15.3 Mid-aisle ter mination. Mid-aisle
seating arrangement is an integral part of the
handrails shall not extend beyond the lowest riser
design and function of the space and seating
and shall terminate within 450 mm, measured
is on tiered levels, not more than 200 seats
horizontally, from the lowest riser. Handrail
shall not be required to be fastened to the
extensions are not required.
floor. Plans showing seating, tiers and aisles
shall be submitted for approval. Exception: Mid-aisle handrails shall be permitted to
extend beyond the lowest riser where the handrail
5. Groups of seats within a building, room or
extensions do not obstruct the width of the cross
space used for assembly purposes separated
from other seating by railings, guards, partial
height walls or similar barriers with level 1029.15.4 Rails. Where mid-aisle handrails
floors and having not more than 14 seats per are provided in stepped aisles, there shall be an
group shall not be required to be fastened to additional rail located approximately 300 mm
the floor. below the handrail. The rail shall be adequate in
strength and attachment in accordance with SBC
6. Seats intended for musicians or other
201 Section 1607.8.1.2.
performers and separated by railings, guards,
partial height walls or similar barriers shall 1029.16 Assembly guards. Guards
not be required to be fastened to the floor. adjacent to seating in a building, room or space used
for assembly purposes shall be provided where
1029.15 Handrails. Ramped aisles having
required by Section 1015 and shall be constructed
a slope exceeding one unit vertical in 15 units
in accordance with Section 1015 except where
horizontal (6.7-percent slope) and stepped aisles
provided in accordance with Sections 1029.16.1
shall be provided with handrails in compliance with
through 1029.16.4. At bleachers, grandstands and
Section 1014 located either at one or both sides of
folding and telescopic seating, guards must be
the aisle or within the aisle width.
provided where required by ICC 300 and Section
Exceptions: 1029.16.1.
1. Handrails are not required for ramped aisles 1029.16.1 Perimeter guar ds. Perimeter
with seating on both sides. guards shall be provided where the footboards or
walking surface of seating facilities are more than
750 mm above the floor or grade below. Where the SECTION 1030 EMERGENCY ESCAPE
seatboards are adjacent to the perimeter, guard AND RESCUE
height shall be 1000 mm high minimum, measured
from the seatboard. Where the seats are selfrising, 1030.1 General. In addition to the means of egress
guard height shall be 1000 mm high minimum, required by this chapter, provisions shall be made
measured from the floor surface. Where there is an for emergency escape and rescue openings in Group
aisle between the seating and the perimeter, the R-2 occupancies in accordance with Tables
guard height shall be measured in accordance with 1006.3.2(1) and 1006.3.2(2) and Group R-3
Section 1015.2. occupancies. Basements and sleeping rooms below
the fourth story above grade plane shall have at least
Exceptions: one exterior emergency escape and rescue opening
1. Guards that impact sightlines shall be in accordance with this section. Where basements
permitted to comply with Section 1029.16.3. contain one or more sleeping rooms, emergency
escape and rescue openings shall be required in
2. Bleachers, grandstands and folding and each sleeping room, but shall not be required in
telescopic seating shall not be required to adjoining areas of the basement. Such openings
have perimeter guards where the seating is shall open directly into a public way or to a yard or
located adjacent to a wall and the space court that opens to a public way.
between the wall and the seating is less than
100 mm. Exceptions:
1029.16.2 Cr oss aisles. Cross aisles located 1. Basements with a ceiling height of less than
more than 750 mm above the floor or grade below 2000 mm shall not be required to have
shall have guards in accordance with Section 1015. emergency escape and rescue openings.
Where an elevation change of 750 mm or less 2. Emergency escape and rescue openings are
occurs between a cross aisle and the adjacent floor not required from basements or sleeping
or grade below, guards not less than 650 mm above rooms that have an exit door or exit access
the aisle floor shall be provided. door that opens directly into a public way or
Exception: Where the backs of seats on the front of to a yard, court or exterior exit balcony that
the cross aisle project 600 mm or more above the opens to a public way.
adjacent floor of the aisle, a guard need not be 3. Basements without habitable spaces and
provided. having not more than 18 m2 in floor area
1029.16.3 Sightline-constr ained guar d shall not be required to have emergency
heights. Unless subject to the requirements of escape and rescue openings.
Section 1029.16.4, a fascia or railing system in 1030.2 Minimum size. Emergency escape and
accordance with the guard requirements of Section rescue openings shall have a minimum net clear
1015 and having a minimum height of 650 mm shall opening of 0.53 m2.
be provided where the floor or footboard elevation
is more than 750 mm above the floor or grade below Exception: The minimum net clear opening for
and the fascia or railing would otherwise interfere grade-floor emergency escape and rescue openings
with the sightlines of immediately adjacent seating. shall be 0.46 m2.
or tools. Bars, grilles, grates or similar devices are 1031.2.1 Security devices and egress
permitted to be placed over emergency escape and locks. Security devices affecting means of egress
rescue openings provided the minimum net clear shall be subject to approval of the fire code official.
opening size complies with Section 1030.2 and such Security devices and locking arrangements in the
devices shall be releasable or removable from the means of egress that restrict, control, or delay egress
inside without the use of a key, tool or force greater shall be installed and maintained as required by this
than that which is required for normal operation of chapter.
the emergency escape and rescue opening. Where
1031.3 Obstructions. A means of egress shall be
such bars, grilles, grates or similar devices are
free from obstructions that would prevent its use,
installed in existing buildings, smoke alarms shall
including the accumulation of snow and ice.
be installed in accordance with Section 907.2.11
regardless of the valuation of the alteration. 1031.3.1 Gr oup I-2. In Group I-2, the
required clear width for aisles, corridors and ramps
1030.5 Window wells. An emergency escape and
that are part of the required means of egress shall
rescue opening with a finished sill height below the
comply with Section 1020.2. The facility shall have
adjacent ground level shall be provided with a
a plan to maintain the required clear width during
window well in accordance with Sections 1030.5.1
emergency situations.
and 1030.5.2.
Exception: In areas required for bed movement,
1030.5.1 Minimum size. The minimum
equipment shall be permitted in the required width
horizontal area of the window well shall be 0.84 m2,
where all the following provisions are met:
with a minimum dimension of 900 mm. The area of
the window well shall allow the emergency escape 1. The equipment is low hazard and wheeled.
and rescue opening to be fully opened. 2. The equipment does not reduce the effective
1030.5.2 Ladders or steps. Window wells clear width for the means of egress to less
with a vertical depth of more than 1100 mm shall be than 1.5 m.
equipped with an approved permanently affixed 3. The equipment is limited to:
ladder or steps. Ladders or rungs shall have an
inside width of at least 300 mm, shall project at least 3.1. Equipment and carts in use;
75 mm from the wall and shall be spaced not more 3.2. Medical emergency equipment;
than 450 mm on center (o.c.) vertically for the full
height of the window well. The ladder or steps shall 3.3. Infection control carts; and
not encroach into the required dimensions of the 3.4. Patient lift and transportation
window well by more than 150 mm. The ladder or equipment.
steps shall not be obstructed by the emergency
escape and rescue opening. Ladders or steps 4. Medical emergency equipment and patient lift
required by this section are exempt from the and transportation equipment, when not in
stairway requirements of Section 1011. use, is required to be located on one side of
the corridor.
5. The equipment is limited in number to a
SECTION 1031 MAINTENANCE OF maximum of one per patient sleeping room
THE MEANS OF EGRESS or patient care room within each smoke
1031.1 General. The means of egress for buildings compartment.
or portions thereof shall be maintained in 1031.4 Exit signs. Exit signs shall be installed and
accordance with this section. maintained in accordance with Section 1011.
1031.2 Reliability. Required exit accesses, exits Decorations, furnishings, equipment or adjacent
and exit discharges shall be continuously signage that impairs the visibility of exit signs,
maintained free from obstructions or impediments creates confusion or prevents identification of the
to full instant use in the case of fire or other exit shall not be allowed.
emergency when the building area served by the 1031.5 Nonexit identification. Where a door is
means of egress is occupied. An exit or exit adjacent to, constructed similar to and can be
passageway shall not be used for any purpose that confused with a means of egress door, that door
interferes with a means of egress. shall be identified with an approved sign that
identifies the room name or use of the room.
TABLE 1004.1.2
Accessory storage areas, mechanical
28 gross
equipment room
Agricultural building 28 gross
Aircraft hangars 46 gross
Airport terminal
Baggage claim 1.9 gross
Baggage handling 28 gross
Concourse 9 gross
Waiting areas 1.4 gross
Gaming floors (keno, slots, etc.) 1.02 gross
Exhibit Gallery and Museum 2.8 net
Assembly with fixed seats See Section 1004.4
Assembly without fixed seats
Concentrated (chairs only-not fixed) 0.65 net
Standing space
Unconcentrated (tables and chairs) 0.46 net
1.4 net
Bowling centers, allow 5 persons for each lane including 4.6 m of
runway, and for additional areas 0.65 net
Warehouses 46 gross
TABLE 1006.2.1
OL≤ 30 OL > 30 (meter)
A, E, M, U 49 23 23 23
B 49 30 23 30
F 49 23 23 30
H-1, H-2, H-3 3 NP NP 7.5
H-4, H-5 10 NP NP 23
I-1, I-2, I-4 10 NP NP 23
I-3 10 NP NP 30
R-1 10 NP NP 23
R-2 10 NP NP 38
R-3 10 NP NP 38
R-4 10 23 23 38
S 29 30 23 30
U 49 30 23 23
NP = Not Permitted.
a. Buildings equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section
903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2. See Section 903 for occupancies where automatic sprinkler systems
are permitted in accordance with Section 903.3.1.2.
b. Group H occupancies equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance
with Section 903.2.5.
c. For a room or space used for assembly purposes having fixed seating, see Section 1029.8.
d. For the travel distance limitations in Group I-2, see Section 407.4.
e. The length of common path of egress travel distance in a Group R-3 occupancy located in a
mixed occupancy building or within a Group R-3 or R-4 congregate living facility.
f. The length of common path of egress travel distance in a Group S-2 open parking garage shall
be not more than 30 meters.
TABLE 1006.3.1
1-500 2
501-1,000 3
TABLE 1006.3.2(1)
Basement, first,
second or third story R-2a,b 4 dwelling units 38 meters
above grade plane
Fourth story above NP NA NA
grade plane and higher
NP = Not Permitted.
NA = Not Applicable.
a. Buildings classified as Group R-2 equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in
accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2 and provided with emergency escape and
rescue openings in accordance with Section 1030.
b. This table is used for R-2 occupancies consisting of dwelling units. For R-2 occupancies
consisting of sleeping units, use Table 1006.3.2(2).
TABLE 1006.3.2(2)
A, Bb, E, Fb , M,
U 49 23
Sb,d 29 23
Second story above B, F, M, Sd 29 23
grade plane
Third story above NP NA NA
grade plane and higher
NP = Not Permitted.
NA = Not Applicable.
a. Buildings classified as Group R-2 equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in
accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2 and provided with emergency escape and
rescue openings in accordance with Section 1030.
TABLE 1010.1.4.1(1)
1.8 12
2.1 11
2.4 10
2.7 9
3 8
TABLE 1010.1.4.1(2)
2.4 7.2
2.7 6.4
3 5.7
3.4 5.2
3.7 4.8
3.8 4.6
4.3 4.1
4.9 3.6
5.2 3.4
5.5 3.2
6.1 2.9
7.3 2.4
TABLE 1017.2
SYSTEM (meters )
(meters )
B 60 90 c
c. Buildings equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section
d. Group H occupancies equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance
with Section 903.2.5.1.
TABLE 1020.1
SERVED BY Without sprinkler With sprinkler
H-1, H-2, H-3 All Not Permitted 1
TABLE 1020.2
TABLE 1029.6.2
SMOKE- Stairs and aisle Stairs and aisle Level aisles or
PROTECTED steps with steps without ramped aisles not Ramped aisles
ASSEMBLY handrails within handrails within steeper than 1 in steeper than 1 in
OCCUPANCY 750 mm 750 mm 10 in slope 10 in slope
Equal to or less
5.08 6.35 3.81 4.19
than 5,000
10,000 3.3 4.14 2.54 2.79
15,000 2.44 3.05 1.78 1.96
20,000 1.93 2.44 1.42 1.57
Equal to or greater
1.52 1.91 1.12 1.22
than 25,000
TABLE 1029.12.2.1
1101.1 Scope. The provisions of this chapter shall
apply to existing buildings constructed prior to the SECTION 1103 FIRE SAFETY
adoption of this code. REQUIREMENTS FOR EXISTING
1101.2 Intent. The intent of this chapter is to BUILDINGS
provide a minimum degree of fire and life safety to 1103.1 Required construction. Existing buildings
persons occupying existing buildings by providing shall comply with not less than the minimum
minimum construction requirements where such provisions specified in Table 1103.1 and as further
existing buildings do not comply with the minimum enumerated in Sections 1103.2 through 1103.10.
requirements of the SBC 201.
The provisions of this chapter shall not be construed
1101.3 Permits. Permits shall be required as set to allow the elimination of fire protection systems or
forth in Sections 105.6 and 105.7 and SBC 201. a reduction in the level of fire safety provided in
1101.4 Owner notification. When a building is buildings constructed in accordance with
found to be in noncompliance with this chapter, the previously adopted codes.
fire code official shall duly notify the owner of the Exceptions:
building. Upon receipt of such notice, the owner
shall, subject to the following time limits, take 1. Where a change in fire-resistance rating has
necessary actions to comply with the provisions of been approved in accordance with Section
this chapter. 803.6 of the SBC-901.
where the atrium was constructed and is 2.3. Where doors are provided in the glass
maintained in accordance with the code in wall, they shall be either self-closing or
effect at the time the atrium was created, automatic-closing and shall be
the atrium shall have a smoke control constructed to resist the passage of smoke.
system that is in compliance with Section
3. In Group I-3 occupancies, exit stairways or
ramps and exit access stairways or ramps
2.2. Glass walls forming a smoke constructed in accordance with Section 408
partition or a glass-block wall assembly of the SBC 201.
shall be permitted when in compliance
with Condition 2.2.1 or 2.2.2.
2.2.1 Glass walls forming a 1103.4.2 Thr ee to five stories. In other than
smoke partition shall be Group I-2 and I3 occupancies, interior vertical
permitted where all of the openings connecting three to five stories shall be
following conditions are met: protected by either 1-hour fire-resistance rated Automatic sprinklers are construction or an automatic sprinkler system shall
provided along both sides be installed throughout the building in accordance
of the separation wall and with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2.
doors, or on the room side Exceptions:
only if there is not a
walkway or occupied 1. Vertical opening protection is not required for
space on the atrium side. Group R-3 occupancies. The sprinklers shall be not 2. Vertical opening protection is not required for
more than 305 mm away open parking garages.
from the face of the glass 3. Vertical opening protection for escalators
and at intervals along the shall be in accordance with Section 1103.4.5,
glass of not greater than 1103.4.6 or 1103.4.7.
1800 mm.
4. Exit access stairways and ramps shall be in Windows in the glass wall accordance with Section 1103.4.8.
shall be nonoperating type.
1103.4.3 More than five stories. In other The glass wall and than Group I-2 and I-3 occupancies, interior vertical
windows shall be installed openings connecting more than five stories shall be
in a gasketed frame in a protected by 1-hour fire-resistance rated
manner that the framing construction.
system deflects without
breaking (loading) the Exceptions:
glass before the sprinkler 1. Vertical opening protection is not required for
system operates. Group R-3 occupancies. The sprinkler system shall 2. Vertical opening protection is not required for
be designed so that the open parking garages.
entire surface of the glass
3. Vertical opening protection for escalators
is wet upon activation of
shall be in accordance with Section 1103.4.5,
the sprinkler system with-
1103.4.6 or 1103.4.7.
out obstruction.
4. Exit access stairways and ramps shall be in
2.2.2 A fire barrier is not
accordance with Section 1103.4.8.
required where a glass-block
wall assembly complying with 1103.4.4 Atriums and covered malls. In
Section 2110 of the SBC 201 other than Group I2 and I-3 occupancies, interior
and having a ¾ hour fire vertical openings in a covered mall building or a
protection rating is provided. building with an atrium shall be protected by either
1-hour fire-resistance-rated construction or an
automatic sprinkler system shall be installed
throughout the building in accordance with Section 3. Exit access stairways and ramps in buildings
903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2. equipped throughout with an automatic
sprinkler system in accordance with Section
903.3.1.1, where the area of the vertical
1. Vertical opening protection is not required for opening between stories does not exceed
Group R-3 occupancies. twice the horizontal projected area of the
2. Vertical opening protection is not required for stairway or ramp, and the opening is
open parking garages. protected by a draft curtain and closely
spaced sprinklers in accordance with NFPA
3. Exit access stairways and ramps shall be in 13. In other than Group B and M
accordance with Section 1103.4.8. occupancies, this provision is limited to
1103.4.5 Escalator s in Group B and M openings that do not connect more than four
occupancies. In Group B and M occupancies, stories.
escalators creating vertical openings connecting 4. Exit access stairways and ramps within an
any number of stories shall be protected by either 1- atrium complying with the provisions of
hour fire-resistance-rated construction or an Section 404 of the SBC 201.
automatic sprinkler system in accordance with
Section 903.3.1.1 installed throughout the building, 5. Exit access stairways and ramps in open
with a draft curtain and closely spaced sprinklers parking garages that serve only the parking
around the escalator opening. garage.
1103.4.6 Escalator s connecting four or 6. Exit access stairways and ramps serving
fewer stories. In other than Group B and M open-air seating complying with the exit
occupancies, escalators creating vertical openings access travel distance requirements of
connecting four or fewer stories shall be protected Section 1029.7.
by either 1-hour fire-resistance-rated construction 7. Exit access stairways and ramps serving the
or an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with balcony, gallery or press box and the main
Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2 shall be installed assembly floor in occupancies such as
throughout the building, and a draft curtain with theaters, auditoriums and sports facilities.
closely spaced sprinklers shall be installed around
1103.4.9 Waste and linen chutes. In Group
the escalator opening.
I-2 occupancies, existing waste and linen chutes
1103.4.7 Escalator s connecting mor e than shall comply with Sections 1103.4.9.1 through
four stories. In other than Group B and M 1103.4.9.5.
occupancies, escalators creating vertical openings
1103.4.9.1 Enclosure. Chutes shall be
connecting five or more stories shall be protected by
enclosed with 1-hour fire-resistance-rated
1-hour fire-resistance-rated construction.
construction. Opening protectives shall be in
1103.4.8 Occupancies other than Gr oup I- accordance with Section 716 of the SBC 201 and
2 and I-3. In other than Group I-2 and I-3 have a fire protection rating of not less than 1 hour.
occupancies, floor openings containing exit access
1103.4.9.2 Chute intakes. Chute intakes shall
stairways or ramps that do not comply with one of
comply with Section 1103. or 1103.
the conditions listed in this section shall be
protected by 1-hour fire-resistance-rated 1103. Chute intake direct from
construction. corridor. Where intake to chutes is direct from a
corridor, the intake opening shall be equipped with
1. Exit access stairways and ramps that serve, or
a chute-intake door in accordance with Section 716
atmospherically communicate between, only
of the SBC 201 and having a fire protection rating
two stories. Such interconnected stories shall
of not less than 1 hour.
not be open to other stories.
1103. Chute intake via a chute-intake
2. In Group R-1, R-2 or R-3 occupancies, exit
room. Where the intake to chutes is accessed
access stairways and ramps connecting four
through a chute-intake room, the room shall be
stories or less serving and contained within
enclosed with 1-hour fire-resistance-rated
an individual dwelling unit or sleeping unit or
construction. Opening protectives for the intake
live/work unit.
room shall be in accordance with Section 716 of the
SBC 201 and have a fire protection rating of not less pyroxylin shall be protected with an approved
than ¾ hour. Opening protective for the chute automatic sprinkler system capable of discharging
enclosure shall be in accordance with Section 70 L/min/m2 over the area of the vault.
1103.6 Standpipes. Existing structures shall be
1103.4.9.3 Automatic sprinkler system. equipped with standpipes installed in accordance
Chutes shall be equipped with an approved with Section 905 where required in Sections
automatic sprinkler system in accordance with 1103.6.1 and 1103.6.2. The fire code official is
Section 903.2.11.2. authorized to approve the installation of manual
standpipe systems to achieve compliance with this
1103.4.9.4 Chute discharge rooms. Chutes
section where the responding fire department (Civil
shall terminate in a dedicated chute discharge room.
Defense) is capable of providing the required hose
Such rooms shall be separated from the remainder
flow at the highest standpipe outlet.
of the building by not less than 1-hour fire-
resistance-rated construction. Opening protectives 1103.6.1 Existing multiple-stor y
shall be in accordance with Section 716 of the SBC buildings. Existing buildings with occupied floors
201 and have a fire protection rating of not less than located more than 15 m above the lowest level of
1 hour. fire department (Civil Defense) access or more than
15 m below the highest level of fire department
1103.4.9.5 Chute discharge protection.
(Civil Defense) access shall be equipped with
Chute discharges shall be equipped with a self-
closing or automatic-closing opening protective in
accordance with Section 716 of the SBC 201 and 1103.6.2 Existing helistops and helipor ts.
having a fire protection rating of not less than 1 Existing buildings with a rooftop helistop or
hour. heliport located more than 9 m above the lowest
level of fire department (Civil Defense) access to
1103.4.10 Flue-fed inciner ators. Existing
the roof level on which the helistop or heliport is
flue-fed incinerator rooms and associated flue shafts
located shall be equipped with standpipes in
shall be protected with 1 hour fire-resistance-rated
accordance with Section 2007.5.
construction and shall not have other vertical
openings connected with the space other than the 1103.7 Fire alarm systems. An approved fire
associated flue. Opening protectives shall be in alarm system shall be installed in existing buildings
accordance with Section 716 of the SBC 201 and and structures in accordance with Sections 1103.7.1
have a fire protection rating of not less than 1 hour. through 1103.7.7 and provide occupant notification
in accordance with Section 907.5 unless other
1103.5 Sprinkler systems. An automatic sprinkler
requirements are provided by other sections of this
system shall be provided in existing buildings in
accordance with Sections 1103.5.1 through
1103.5.3. Exception: Occupancies with an existing,
previously approved fire alarm system.
1103.5.1 Gr oup I-2. In Group I-2, an
automatic sprinkler system shall be provided in 1103.7.1 Gr oup E. A fire alarm system shall
accordance with Section 1105.8. be installed in existing Group E occupancies in
accordance with Section 907.2.3.
1103.5.2 Gr oup I-2 Condition 2. In
addition to the requirements of Section 1103.5.2, Exceptions:
existing buildings of Group I-2 Condition 2
1. A manual fire alarm system is not required in
occupancy shall be equipped throughout with an
a building with a maximum area of 93 m2 that
approved automatic sprinkler system in accordance
contains a single classroom and is located not
with Section 903.3.1.1. The automatic sprinkler
closer than 15 m from another building.
system shall be installed as established by the
adopting ordinance. 2. A manual fire alarm system is not required in
Group E occupancies with an occupant load
1103.5.3 Pyr oxylin plastics. An automatic
less than 50.
sprinkler system shall be provided throughout
existing buildings where cellulose nitrate film or 1103.7.2 Gr oup I-1. An automatic fire
pyroxylin plastics are manufactured, stored or alarm system shall be installed in existing Group I-
handled in quantities exceeding 45 kg. Vaults 1 facilities in accordance with Section 907.2.6.1.
located within buildings for the storage of raw
Exception: Where each sleeping room has a means approved, supervised sprinkler system installed in
of egress door opening directly to an exterior egress accordance with Section 903.
balcony that leads directly to the exits in accordance
Exception: An automatic smoke detection system
with Section 1021, and the building is not more than
is not required in buildings that do not have interior
three stories in height.
corridors serving sleeping units and where each
1103.7.3 Gr oup I-2. In Group I-2, an sleeping unit has a means of egress door opening
automatic fire alarm system shall be installed in directly to an exit or to an exterior exit access that
accordance with Section 1105.9. leads directly to an exit.
1103.7.4 Gr oup I-3. An automatic and 1103.7.5.2 Group R-1 boarding and
manual fire alarm system shall be installed in rooming houses manual fire alarm system. A
existing Group I-3 occupancies in accordance with manual fire alarm system that activates the
Section 907.2.6.3. occupant notification system in accordance with
Section 907.5 shall be installed in existing Group
1103.7.5 Gr oup R-1. A fire alarm system
R-1 boarding and rooming houses.
and smoke alarms shall be installed in existing
Group R-1 occupancies in accordance with Sections Exception: Buildings less than two stories in height
1103.7.5.1 through 1103. where all sleeping units, attics and crawl spaces are
separated by 1-hour fire-resistance-rated
1103.7.5.1 Group R-1 hotel and motel
construction and each sleeping unit has direct access
manual fire alarm system. A manual fire alarm
to a public way, egress court or yard.
system that activates the occupant notification
system in accordance with Section 907.5 shall be 1103. Group R-1 boarding and
installed in existing Group R-1 hotels and motels rooming houses automatic smoke detection
more than three stories or with more than 20 system. An automatic smoke detection system that
sleeping units. activates the occupant notification system in
accordance with Section 907.5 shall be installed in
existing Group R-1 boarding and rooming houses
1. Buildings less than two stories in height throughout all interior corridors serving sleeping
where all sleeping units, attics and crawl units not equipped with an approved, supervised
spaces are separated by 1-hour fire- sprinkler system installed in accordance with
resistance-rated construction and each Section 903.
sleeping unit has direct access to a public
Exception: Buildings equipped with single-station
way, egress court or yard.
smoke alarms meeting or exceeding the
2. Manual fire alarm boxes are not required requirements of Section 907.2.11.1 and where the
throughout the building where the following fire alarm system includes not less than one manual
conditions are met: fire alarm box per floor arranged to initiate the
2.1. The building is equipped throughout alarm.
with an automatic sprinkler system 1103.7.6 Gr oup R-2. A manual fire alarm
installed in accordance with Section system that activates the occupant notification
903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2. system in accordance with Section 907.5 shall be
2.2. The notification appliances will installed in existing Group R-2 occupancies more
activate upon sprinkler water flow. than three stories in height or with more than 16
dwelling or sleeping units.
2.3. Not less than one manual fire alarm
box is installed at an approved location. Exceptions:
1103. Group R-1 hotel and motel 1. Where each living unit is separated from other
automatic smoke detection system. An automatic contiguous living units by fire barriers
smoke detection system that activates the occupant having a fire resistance rating of not less than
notification system in accordance with Section /4 hour, and where each living unit has either
907.5 shall be installed in existing Group R-1 its own independent exit or its own
hotels and motels throughout all interior corridors independent stairway or ramp discharging at
serving sleeping rooms not equipped with an grade.
2. A separate fire alarm system is not required in occupancies in accordance with Sections 1103.8.1
buildings that are equipped throughout with through 1103.8.3.
an approved supervised automatic sprinkler
1103.8.1 Where requir ed. Existing Group
system installed in accordance with Section
I-1 and R occupancies shall be provided with
903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2 and having a local
single-station smoke alarms in accordance with
alarm to notify all occupants.
Section 907.2.11. Interconnection and power
3. A fire alarm system is not required in sources shall be in accordance with Sections
buildings that do not have interior corridors 1103.8.2 and 1103.8.3, respectively.
serving dwelling units and are protected by
an approved automatic sprinkler system
installed in accordance with Section 1. Where the code that was in effect at the time
903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2, provided that of construction required smoke alarms and
dwelling units either have a means of egress smoke alarms complying with those
door opening directly to an exterior exit requirements are already provided.
access that leads directly to the exits or are 2. Where smoke alarms have been installed in
served by open-ended corridors designed in occupancies and dwellings that were not
accordance with Section 1027.6, Exception required to have them at the time of
3. construction, additional smoke alarms shall
4. A fire alarm system is not required in not be required provided that the existing
buildings that do not have interior corridors smoke alarms comply with requirements that
serving dwelling units, do not exceed three were in effect at the time of installation.
stories in height and comply with both of the 3. Where smoke detectors connected to a fire
following: alarm system have been installed as a
4.1. Each dwelling unit is separated from substitute for smoke alarms.
other contiguous dwelling units by fire 1103.8.2 Inter connection. Where more
barriers having a fire-resistance rating of than one smoke alarm is required to be installed
not less than 3/4 hour. within an individual dwelling or sleeping unit, the
4.2. Each dwelling unit is provided with smoke alarms shall be interconnected in such a
hardwired, interconnected smoke alarms manner that the activation of one alarm will activate
as required for new construction in all of the alarms in the individual unit. Physical
Section 907.2.11. interconnection of smoke alarms shall not be
required where listed wireless alarms are installed
1103.7.7 Gr oup R-4. A manual fire alarm and all alarms sound upon activation of one alarm.
system that activates the occupant notification The alarm shall be clearly audible in all bedrooms
system in accordance with Section 907.5 shall be over background noise levels with all intervening
installed in existing Group R-4 residential doors closed.
care/assisted living facilities in accordance with
Section 907.2.10.1. Exceptions:
Exceptions: 1. Interconnection is not required in buildings
that are not undergoing alterations, repairs or
1. Where there are interconnected smoke alarms construction of any kind.
meeting the requirements of Section 907.2.11
and there is not less than one manual fire 2. Smoke alarms in existing areas are not
alarm box per floor arranged to continuously required to be interconnected where
sound the smoke alarms. alterations or repairs do not result in the
removal of interior wall or ceiling finishes
2. Other manually activated, continuously exposing the structure, unless there is an
sounding alarms approved by the fire code attic, crawl space or basement available that
official. could provide access for interconnection
1103.8 Single and multiple-station smoke without the removal of interior finishes.
alarms. Single and multiple-station smoke alarms 1103.8.3 Power source. Single-station
shall be installed in existing Group I-1 and R smoke alarms shall receive their primary power
from the building wiring provided that such wiring
is served from a commercial source and shall be 1104.2 Elevators, escalators and moving walks.
equipped with a battery backup. Smoke alarms with Elevators, escalators and moving walks shall not be
integral strobes that are not equipped with battery used as a component of a required means of egress.
backup shall be connected to an emergency
electrical system. Smoke alarms shall emit a signal
when the batteries are low. Wiring shall be 1. Elevators used as an accessible means of
permanent and without a disconnecting switch other egress where allowed by Section 1009.4.
than as required for overcurrent protection. 2. Previously approved elevators, escalators and
Exceptions: moving walks in existing buildings.
1. Smoke alarms are permitted to be solely 1104.3 Exit sign illumination. Exit signs shall be
battery operated in existing buildings where internally or externally illuminated. The face of an
construction is not taking place. exit sign illuminated from an external source shall
have an intensity of not less than 54 lux. Internally
2. Smoke alarms are permitted to be solely
illuminated signs shall provide equivalent
battery operated in buildings that are not
luminance and be listed for the purpose.
served from a commercial power source.
Exception: Approved self-luminous signs that
3. Smoke alarms are permitted to be solely
provide evenly illuminated letters shall have a
battery operated in existing areas of buildings
minimum luminance of 0.2 cd/m2 lamberts.
undergoing alterations or repairs that do not
result in the removal of interior walls or 1104.4 Power source. Where emergency
ceiling finishes exposing the structure, unless illumination is required in Section 1104.5, exit
there is an attic, crawl space or basement signs shall be visible under emergency illumination
available that could provide access for conditions.
building wiring without the removal of Exception: Approved signs that provide continuous
interior finishes. illumination independent of external power sources
1103.9 Carbon monoxide alarms. Existing Group are not required to be connected to an emergency
I-1, I-2, I4 and R occupancies shall be equipped with electrical system.
carbon monoxide alarms in accordance with Section 1104.5 Illumination emergency power. Where
915, except that the carbon monoxide alarms shall means of egress illumination is provided, the power
be allowed to be solely battery operated. supply for means of egress illumination shall
1103.10 Medical gases. Medical gases normally be provided by the premises’ electrical
stored and transferred in health-care-related supply. In the event of power supply failure,
facilities shall be in accordance with Chapter 53. illumination shall be automatically provided from
an emergency system for the following occupancies
where such occupancies require two or more means
FOR EXISTING BUILDINGS 1. Group A having 50 or more occupants.
1104.1 General. Means of egress in existing Exception: Assembly occupancies used
buildings shall comply with the minimum egress exclusively as a place of worship and having an
requirements where specified in Table 1103.1 as occupant load of less than 300.
further enumerated in Sections 1104.2 through
1104.25, and the building code that applied at the 2. Group B buildings three or more stories in
time of construction. Where the provisions of this height, buildings with 100 or more occupants
chapter conflict with the building code that applied above or below a level of exit discharge
at the time of construction, the most restrictive serving the occupants or buildings with 1,000
provision shall apply. Existing buildings that were or more total occupants.
not required to comply with a building code at the 3. Group E in interior exit access and exit
time of construction shall comply with the stairways and ramps, corridors, windowless
minimum egress requirements where specified in areas with student occupancy, shops and
Table 1103.1 as further enumerated in Sections laboratories.
1104.2 through 1104.25.
4. Group F having more than 100 occupants.
Exception: Buildings used only during daylight plumbing systems or equipment, guards shall
hours and that are provided with windows for have balusters or be of solid materials such
natural light in accordance with the SBC 201. that a sphere with a diameter of 525 mm
cannot pass through any opening.
5. Group I.
2. In occupancies in Group I-3, F, H or S, the
6. Group M.
clear distance between intermediate rails
Exception: Buildings less than 279 m2 in gross measured at right angles to the rails shall
sales area on one story only, excluding mezzanines. not exceed 525 mm.
7. Group R-1. 3. Approved existing open guards.
Exception: Where each sleeping unit has direct 1104.7 Size of doors. The minimum width of each
access to the outside of the building at grade. door opening shall be sufficient for the occupant
load thereof and shall provide a clear width of not
8. Group R-2.
less than 700 mm. Where this section requires a
Exception: Where each dwelling unit or sleeping minimum clear width of 700 mm and a door
unit has direct access to the outside of the building opening includes two door leaves without a
at grade. mullion, one leaf shall provide a clear opening
9. Group R-4. width of 700 mm. In ambulatory care facilities,
doors serving as means of egress from patient
Exception: Where each sleeping unit has direct treatment rooms or patient sleeping rooms shall
access to the outside of the building at ground level. provide a clear width of not less than 800 mm. In
1104.5.1 Emer gency power dur ation and Group I-2, means of egress doors where used for the
installation. Emergency power for means of egress movement of beds shall provide a clear width not
illumination shall be provided in accordance with less than 1000 mm. The maximum width of a
Section 604. In other than Group I-2, emergency swinging door leaf shall be 1200 mm nominal. The
power shall be provided for not less than 60 minutes height of door openings shall be not less than 2000
for systems requiring emergency power. In Group mm.
I2, essential electrical systems shall comply with Exceptions:
Sections 1105.5.1 and 1105.5.2.
1. The minimum and maximum width shall not
1104.6 Guards. Guards complying with this apply to door openings that are not part of the
section shall be provided at the open sides of means required means of egress in occupancies in
of egress that are more than 750 mm above the floor Groups R-2 and R-3.
or grade below.
2. Door openings to storage closets less than
1104.6.1 Height of guar ds. Guards shall 0.93 m2 in area shall not be limited by the
form a protective barrier not less than 1000 mm minimum width.
3. Width of door leafs in revolving doors that
Exceptions: comply with Section 1010.1.1 shall not be
1. Existing guards on the open side of exit access limited.
and exit stairways and ramps shall be not less 4. Door openings within a dwelling unit shall be
than 750 mm high. not less than 2000 mm in height.
2. Existing guards within dwelling units shall be 5. Exterior door openings in dwelling units,
not less than 900 mm high. other than the required exit door, shall be not
3. Existing guards in assembly seating areas. less than 1900 mm in height.
1104.6.2 Opening limitations. Open 6. Exit access doors serving a room not larger
guards shall have balusters or ornamental patterns than 6.5 m2 shall be not less than 600 mm in
such that a 150 mm-diameter sphere cannot pass door width.
through any opening up to a height of 850 mm. 7. Door closers and door stops shall be permitted
Exceptions: to be 2000 mm minimum above the floor.
1. At elevated walking surfaces for access to, 1104.8 Opening force for doors. The opening
and use of, electrical, mechanical or force for interior side-swinging doors without
closers shall not exceed a 22 N force. The opening 1104.10 Stair dimensions for existing
forces do not apply to the force required to retract stairways. Existing stairways in buildings shall be
latch bolts or disengage other devices that hold the permitted to remain if the rise does not exceed 200
door in a closed position. For other side-swinging, mm and the run is not less than 225 mm. Existing
sliding and folding doors, the door latch shall stairways can be rebuilt.
release when subjected to a force of not more than
Exception: Other stairways approved by the fire
66 N. The door shall be set in motion when
code official.
subjected to a force not exceeding 133 N. The door
shall swing to a fullopen position when subjected to 1104.10.1 Dimensions for replacement
a force of not more than 222 N. Forces shall be stairways. The replacement of an existing stairway
applied to the latch side. in a structure shall not be required to comply with
the new stairway requirements of Section 1009
1104.9 Revolving doors. Revolving doors shall
where the existing space and construction will not
comply with the following:
allow a reduction in pitch or slope.
1. A revolving door shall not be located within 3
1104.11 Winders. Existing winders shall
m of the foot or top of stairways or
be allowed to remain in use if they have a minimum
escalators. A dispersal area shall be provided
tread depth of 150 mm and a minimum tread depth
between the stairways or escalators and the
of 225 mm at a point 300 mm from the narrowest
revolving doors.
2. The revolutions per minute for a revolving
1104.12 Curved stairways. Existing
door shall not exceed those shown in Table
curved stairways shall be allowed to continue in
use, provided the minimum depth of tread is 250
3. Each revolving door shall have a conforming mm and the smallest radius shall be not less than
side hinged swinging door in the same wall twice the width of the stairway.
as the revolving door and within 3 m.
1104.13 Stairway handrails. Stairways
Exceptions: shall have handrails on at least one side. Handrails
shall be located so that all portions of the stairway
1. A revolving door is permitted to be used
width required for egress capacity are within 1100
without an adjacent swinging door for street-
mm of a handrail.
floor elevator lobbies provided a stairway,
escalator or door from other parts of the Exception: Aisle stairs provided with a center
building does not discharge through the handrail are not required to have additional
lobby and the lobby does not have any handrails.
occupancy or use other than as a means of
1104.13.1 Height. Handrail height, measured
travel between elevators and a street.
above stair tread nosings, shall be uniform, not less
2. Existing revolving doors where the number of than 750 mm and not more than 1100 mm.
revolving doors does not exceed the number
1104.14 Slope of ramps. Ramp runs
of swinging doors within 6 m.
utilized as part of a means of egress shall have a
1104.9.1 Egr ess component. A revolving running slope not steeper than one unit vertical in
door used as a component of a means of egress shall 10 units horizontal (10-percent slope).
comply with Section 1104.9 and all of the following
The slope of other ramps shall not be steeper than
one unit vertical in eight units horizontal (12.5-
1. Revolving doors shall not be given credit for percent slope).
more than 50 percent of the required egress
1104.15 Width of ramps. Existing ramps
are permitted to have a minimum width of 750 mm
2. Each revolving door shall be credited with not but not less than the width required for the number
more than a 50-person capacity. of occupants served as determined by Section
1005.1. In Group I-2, ramps serving as a means of
3. Revolving doors shall be capable of being
egress and used for the movement of patients in
collapsed when a force of not more than 578
beds shall comply with Section 1105.5.4.
N is applied within 75 mm of the outer edge
of a wing.
1104.16 Fire escape stairways. Fire escape Exception: For fire escape stairways serving 10 or
stairways shall comply with Sections 1104.16.1 fewer occupants, an approved fire escape ladder is
through 1104.16.7. allowed to serve as the termination.
1104.16.1 Existing means of egress. Fire 1104.16.7 Maintenance. Fire escape
escape stairways shall be permitted in existing stairways shall be kept clear and unobstructed at all
buildings but shall not constitute more than 50 times and shall be maintained in good working
percent of the required exit capacity. order.
1104.16.2 Pr otection of openings. Openings 1104.17 Corridor construction. Corridors
within 3 m of fire escape stairways shall be serving an occupant load greater than 30 and the
protected by opening protectives having a minimum openings therein shall provide an effective barrier
/4-hour fire protection rating. to resist the movement of smoke. Transoms,
louvers, doors and other openings shall be kept
Exception: In buildings equipped throughout with
closed or be self-closing. In Group I-2, corridors in
an approved automatic sprinkler system, opening
areas housing patient sleeping or care rooms shall
protection is not required.
comply with Section 1105.4.
1104.16.3 Dimensions. Fire escape stairways
shall meet the minimum width, capacity, riser
height and tread depth as specified in Section 1. Corridors in occupancies other than in Group
1104.10. H, that are equipped throughout with an
approved automatic sprinkler system.
1104.16.4 Access. Access to a fire escape
stairway from a corridor shall not be through an 2. Corridors in occupancies in Group E where
intervening room. Access to a fire escape stairway each room utilized for instruction or
shall be from a door or window meeting the criteria assembly has not less than one-half of the
of Section 1005.1. Access to a fire escape stairway required means of egress doors opening
shall be directly to a balcony, landing or platform. directly to the exterior of the building at
These shall not be higher than the floor or window ground level.
sill level and not lower than 200 mm below the floor 3. Corridors that are in accordance with the SBC
level or 450 mm below the window sill. 201.
1104.16.5 Materials and strength. 1104.17.1 Cor ridor openings. Openings in
Components of fire escape stairways shall be corridor walls shall comply with the requirements
constructed of noncombustible materials. Fire of the SBC 201.
escape stairways and balconies shall support the
dead load plus a live load of not less than 4.78 Exceptions:
kN/m2. Fire escape stairways and balconies shall be 1. Where 20-minute fire door assemblies are
provided with a top and intermediate handrail on required, solid wood doors not less than 45
each side. mm thick or insulated steel doors are
1104.16.5.1 Examination. Fire escape allowed.
stairways and balconies shall be examined for 2. Openings protected with fixed wire glass set
structural adequacy and safety in accordance with in steel frames.
Section 1104.16.5 by a registered design
professional or others acceptable to the fire code 3. Openings covered with 12.5 mm gypsum
official every 5 years, or as required by the fire code wallboard or 19 mm plywood on the room
official. An inspection report shall be submitted to side.
the fire code official after such examination. 4. Opening protection is not required where the
1104.16.6 Ter mination. The lowest balcony building is equipped throughout with an
shall not be more than 5.4 m from the ground. Fire approved automatic sprinkler system.
escape stairways shall extend to the ground or be 1104.18 Dead end corridors. Where more
provided with counterbalanced stairs reaching the than one exit or exit access doorway is required, the
ground. exit access shall be arranged such that dead ends do
not exceed the limits specified in Table 1104.18. In
Group I-2, in smoke compartments containing
patient sleeping rooms and treatment rooms, dead
end corridors shall be in accordance with Section have unenclosed interior stairways in
1105.5.6. accordance with Section 1023.
Exception: A dead-end passageway or corridor 4. Separation from the open-ended corridors of
shall not be limited in length where the length of the the building is not required for exterior
dead-end passageway or corridor is less than 2.5 stairways provided that:
times the least width of the dead-end passageway or
4.1. The open-ended corridors comply
with Section 1020.
1104.19 Exit access travel distance. Exits
4.2. The open-ended corridors are
shall be located so that the maximum length of exit
connected on each end to an exterior exit
access travel, measured from the most remote point
stairway complying with Section 1027.
to an approved exit along the natural and
unobstructed path of egress travel, does not exceed 4.3. At any location in an open-ended
the distances given in Table 1104.18. corridor where a change of direction
exceeding 45 degrees (0.79 rad) occurs, a
1104.20 Common path of egress travel.
clear opening of not less than 3 m2 or an
The common path of egress travel shall not exceed
exterior stairway shall be provided.
the distances given in Table 1104.18.
Where clear openings are provided, they
1104.21 Stairway discharge shall be located so as to minimize the
identification. An interior exit stairway or ramp accumulation of smoke or toxic gases.
that continues below its level of exit discharge shall
1104.23 Minimum aisle width. The
be arranged and marked to make the direction of
minimum clear width of aisles shall be:
egress to a public way readily identifiable.
1. 1000 mm for aisle stairs having seating on
Exception: Stairways that continue one-half story
each side.
beyond their levels of exit discharge need not be
provided with barriers where the exit discharge is Exception: 900 mm where the aisle serves less
obvious. than 50 seats.
1104.22 Exterior stairway protection. 2. 900 mm for stepped aisles having seating on
Exterior exit stairways shall be separated from the only one side.
interior of the building as required in Section Exceptions:
1027.6. Openings shall be limited to those necessary
for egress from normally occupied spaces. 1. 750 mm for catchment areas serving not
more than 60 seats.
2. 600 mm between a stepped aisle
1. Separation from the interior of the building is handrail and seating where an aisle does
not required for buildings that are two stories not serve more than five rows on one side.
or less above grade where the level of exit
discharge serving such occupancies is the 3. 500 mm between a stepped aisle handrail or
first story above grade. guard and seating where the aisle is
subdivided by the handrail.
2. Separation from the interior of the building is
not required where the exterior stairway is 4. 1000 mm for level or ramped aisles having
served by an exterior balcony that connects seating on both sides.
two remote exterior stairways or other Exception: 900 mm where the aisle serves less
approved exits, with a perimeter that is not than 50 seats.
less than 50 percent open. To be considered
open, the opening shall be not less than 50 5. 900 mm for level or ramped aisles having
percent of the height of the enclosing wall, seating on only one side.
with the top of the opening not less than 2.1 Exception: 750 mm for catchment areas serving
m above the top of the balcony. not more than 60 seats.
3. Separation from the interior of the building is 6. In Group I-2, where aisles are used for
not required for an exterior stairway located movement of patients in beds, aisles shall
in a building or structure that is permitted to comply with Section 1105.5.8.
1104.24 Stairway floor number signs. 1105.3.3 Separ ation and pr otection. The
Existing stairways shall be marked in accordance incidental uses listed in Table 1105.3 shall be
with Section 1023.9. separated from the remainder of the building or
equipped with an automatic sprinkler system, or
1104.25 Egress path markings. Existing
both, in accordance with the provisions of that table.
high-rise buildings of Group A, B, E, I, M and R-1
occupancies shall be provided with luminous egress 1105.3.3.1 Separation. Where Table 1105.3
path markings in accordance with Section 1025. specifies a fire resistance-rated separation, the
incidental uses shall be separated from the
Exception: Open, unenclosed stairwells in historic
remainder of the building in accordance with
buildings designated as historic under government
Section 509.4.1 of the SBC 201.
historic preservation program.
1105.3.3.2 Protection. Where Table 1105.3
permits an automatic sprinkler system without a
SECTION 1105 CONSTRUCTION fire-resistance-rated separation, the incidental uses
REQUIREMENTS FOR EXISTING shall be separated from the remainder of the
GROUP I-2 building by construction capable of resisting the
passage of smoke in accordance with Section
1105.1 General. Existing Group I-2 shall meet all 509.4.2 of the SBC 201.
of the following requirements:
1105. Protection limitation. Except as
1. The minimum fire safety requirements in otherwise specified in Table 1105.2 for certain
Section 1103. incidental uses, where an automatic sprinkler
2. The minimum mean of egress requirements in system is provided in accordance with Table
Section 1104. 1105.3, only the space occupied by the incidental
use need be equipped with such a system.
3. The additional egress and construction
requirements in Section 1105. 1105.4 Corridor construction. In Group I-2, in
areas housing patient sleeping or care rooms,
Where the provisions of this chapter conflict with corridor walls and the opening protectives therein
the construction requirements that applied at the shall provide a barrier designed to resist the passage
time of construction, the most restrictive provision of smoke in accordance with Sections 1105.4.1
shall apply. through 1105.4.7.
1105.2 Construction. Group I-2 Condition 2 shall 1105.4.1 Materials. The walls shall be of
not be located on a floor level higher than the floor materials permitted by the building type of
level limitation in Table 1105.2 based on the type construction.
of construction.
1105.4.2 Fire-r esistance rating. Unless
1105.3 Incidental uses in existing Group I-2. required elsewhere in this code, corridor walls are
Incidental uses associated with and located within not required to have a fire resistance rating.
existing single-occupancy or mixed-occupancy
Group I-2 buildings and that generally pose a
greater level of risk to such occupancies shall 1105.4.3 Cor ridor wall continuity.
comply with the provisions of Sections 1105.3.1 Corridor walls shall extend from the top of the
through 1105. Incidental uses in Group I-2 foundation or floor below to one of the following:
occupancies are limited to those listed in Table 1. The underside of the floor or roof sheathing,
1105.3. deck or slab above.
1105.3.1 Occupancy classification. 2. The underside of a ceiling above where the
Incidental uses shall not be individually classified ceiling membrane is constructed to limit the
in accordance with Section 302.1 of the SBC 201. passage of smoke.
Incidental uses shall be included in the building
occupancies within which they are located. 3. The underside of a lay-in ceiling system
where the ceiling system is constructed to
1105.3.2 Area limitations. Incidental uses limit the passage of smoke and where the
shall not occupy more than 10 percent of the ceiling tiles weigh not less than 4.88 kg/m2 of
building area of the story in which they are located. tile.
1105.4.4 Openings in corr idor walls. 1105. Dutch doors. Where provided,
Openings in corridor walls shall provide protection dutch doors shall comply with Section
in accordance with 1105.4.4.1 through 1105.4.4.3. 1105. In addition, dutch doors shall be
equipped with latching devices on either the top or
1105.4.4.1 Windows. Windows in corridor
bottom leaf to allow leaves to latch together. The
walls shall be sealed to limit the passage of smoke,
space between the leaves shall be protected with
or the window shall be automatic-closing upon
devices such as astragals to limit the passage of
detection of smoke, or the window opening shall be
protected by an automatic closing device that closes
upon detection of smoke. 1105. Selfor automatic-closing doors.
Where selfor automatic-closing doors are required,
Exception: In smoke compartments not containing
closers shall be maintained in operational condition.
patient sleeping rooms, pass-through windows or
similar openings shall be permitted in accordance 1105.4.4.3 Openings in corridor walls and
with Section 1105.4.4.3. doors. In other than smoke compartments
containing patient sleeping rooms, mail slots, pass-
1105.4.4.2 Doors. Doors in corridor walls
through windows or similar openings shall not be
shall comply with Sections 1105. through
required to be protected where the aggregate area of
the openings between the corridor and a room are
1105. Louvers. Doors in corridor walls not greater than 51,000 mm2 and are located with
shall not include louvers, transfer grills or similar the top edge of any opening not higher than 1200
openings. mm above the floor.
Exception: Doors shall be permitted to have 1105.4.5 Penetr ations. The space around
louvers, transfer grills or similar openings at toilet penetrating items shall be filled with an approved
rooms or bathrooms; storage rooms that do not material to limit the passage of smoke.
contain storage of flammable or combustible
1105.4.6 Joints. Joints shall be filled with an
material; and storage rooms that are not required to
approved material to limit the passage of smoke.
be separated as incidental uses.
1105.4.7 Ducts and air tr ansfer openings.
1105. Corridor doors. Doors in corridor
The space around a duct penetrating a smoke
walls shall limit the transfer of smoke by complying
partition shall be filled with an approved material to
with the following:
limit the passage of smoke. Air transfer openings in
1. Doors shall be constructed of not less than 44 smoke partitions shall be provided with a smoke
mm thick solid bonded-core wood or capable damper complying with Section 717.3.2.2 of the
of resisting fire not less than ⅓ hour. SBC 201.
Exception: Corridor doors in buildings equipped Exception: Where the installation of a smoke
throughout with an automatic sprinkler system. damper will interfere with the operation of a
2. Frames for side-hinged swinging doors shall required smoke control system in accordance with
have stops on the sides and top to limit Section 909, approved alternative protection shall
transfer of smoke. be utilized.
3. Where provided, vision panels in doors shall 1105.5 Means of egress. In addition to the means
be a fixed glass window assembly installed to of egress requirements in Section 1104, Group I-2
limit the passage of smoke. Existing wired facilities shall meet the means of egress
glass panels with steel frames shall be requirements in Section 1105.5.1 through 1105.5.8.
permitted to remain in place. 1105.5.1 Exit signs and emer gency
4. Door undercuts shall not exceed 25 mm. illumination. The power system for exit signs and
emergency illumination for the means of egress
5. Doors shall be positive latching with devices shall provide power for not less than 90 minutes and
that resist not less than 22 N. Roller latches consist of storage batteries, unit equipment or an
are prohibited. on-site generator.
6. Mail slots or similar openings shall be 1105.5.2 Emer gency power for
permitted in accordance with Section oper ational needs. The essential electrical system
shall be capable of supplying services in accordance 1105.6.1.1 Refuge areas. Refuge areas shall
with NFPA 99. be provided within each smoke compartment. The
size of the refuge area shall accommodate the
1105.5.3 Size of door . Means of egress
occupants and care recipients from the adjoining
doors used for the movement of patients in beds
smoke compartment. Where a smoke compartment
shall provide a minimum clear width of 1000 mm.
is adjoined by two or more smoke compartments,
The height of the door opening shall be not less than
the minimum area of the refuge area shall
2000 mm.
accommodate the largest occupant load of the
Exceptions: adjoining compartments.
1. Door closers and door stops shall be permitted The size of the refuge area shall provide the
to be 2000 mm minimum above the floor. following:
2. In Group I-2 Condition 1, existing means of 1. Not less than 2.8 m2 for each care recipient
egress doors used for the movement of confined to a bed or stretcher.
patients in beds that provide a minimum clear
2. Not less than 1.4 m2 for each resident in a
width of 800 mm shall be permitted to
Group I-2 using mobility assistance devices.
3. Not less than 0.56 m2 for each occupant not
1105.5.4 Ramps. In areas where ramps are
addressed in Items 1 and 2.
used for movement of patients in beds, the clear
width of the ramp shall be not less than 1200 mm. Areas of spaces permitted to be included in the
calculation of the refuge area are corridors,
1105.5.5 Cor ridor width. In areas where
sleeping areas, treatment rooms, lounge or dining
corridors are used for movement of patients in beds,
areas and other low-hazard areas.
the clear width of the corridor shall be not less than
1200 mm. 1105.6.2 Smoke bar r iers. Smoke barriers
shall be constructed in accordance with Section 709
1105.5.6 Dead-end corr idor s. In smoke
of the SBC 201.
compartments containing patient sleeping rooms
and treatment rooms, dead-end corridors shall not Exceptions:
exceed 9 m unless approved by the fire code
1. Existing smoke barriers are permitted to
remain where the existing smoke barrier has
1105.5.7 Separ ation of exit access door s. a minimum fire-resistance rating of 1/2 hour.
Patient sleeping rooms, or any suite that includes
2. Smoke barriers shall be permitted to terminate
patient sleeping rooms, of more than 93 m2 shall
at an atrium enclosure in accordance with
have not less than two exit access doors placed a
Section 404.6 of the SBC 201.
distance apart equal to not less than one-third of the
length of the maximum overall diagonal dimension 1105.6.3 Opening pr otectives. Openings in
of the patient sleeping room or suite to be served, smoke barriers shall be protected in accordance
measured in a straight line between exit access with Section 716 of the SBC 201. Opening
doors. protectives shall have a minimum fire-protection-
rating of 1/2 hour.
1105.5.8 Aisles. In areas where aisles are
used for movement of patients in beds, the clear Exception: Existing wired glass vision panels in
width of the aisle shall be not less than 1200 mm. doors shall be permitted to remain.
1105.6 Smoke compartments. Smoke 1105.6.4 Penetr ations. Penetrations of
compartments shall be provided in existing Group smoke barriers shall comply with the SBC 201.
I-2 Condition 2, in accordance with Sections
1105.6.1 through 1105.6.6. Exception: Approved existing materials and
methods of construction.
1105.6.1 Design. Smoke barriers shall be
provided to subdivide each story used for patients 1105.6.5 Joints. Joints made in or between
sleeping with an occupant load of more than 30 smoke barriers shall comply with the SBC 201.
patients into not fewer than two smoke Exception: Approved existing materials and
compartments. methods of construction.
1105.6.6 Duct and air tr ansfer openings. that travel distances required in Section 907.4.2.1
Penetrations in a smoke barrier by duct and air are not exceeded.
transfer openings shall comply with Section 717 of
1105.10 Essential electrical systems.
the SBC 201.
Essential electrical systems in Group I-2 Condition
Exception: Where existing duct and air transfer 2 occupancies shall be in accordance with Sections
openings in smoke barriers exist without smoke 1105.10.1 and 1105.10.2.
dampers, they shall be permitted to remain. Any
1105.10.1 Where required. In Group I-2
changes to existing smoke dampers shall be
Condition 2 occupancies where life support is being
submitted for review and approved in accordance
provided, an essential electrical system shall be
with Section 717 of the SBC 201.
provided in accordance with NFPA 99.
1105.7 Group I-2 care suites. Care suites in
1105.10.2 Installation and dur ation. In
existing Group I-2 Condition 2 occupancies shall
Group I-2 Condition 2 occupancies, the installation
comply with Sections 407.4.4 through 407.
and duration of operation of existing essential
of the SBC 201.
electrical systems shall be based on a hazard
1105.8 Group I-2 automatic sprinkler system. vulnerability analysis conducted in accordance with
An automatic sprinkler system installed in NFPA 99.
accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 shall be
provided throughout existing Group I-2 fire areas.
The sprinkler system shall be provided throughout SECTION 1106 REQUIREMENTS FOR
the floor where the Group I-2 occupancy is located, OUTDOOR OPERATIONS
and in all floors between the Group I-2 occupancy
and the level of exit discharge. 1106.1 Tire storage yards. Existing tire storage
yards shall be provided with fire apparatus access
1105.9 Group I-2 automatic fire alarm system. roads in accordance with Sections 1106.1.1 and
An automatic fire alarm system shall be installed in 1106.1.2.
existing Group I 2 occupancies in accordance with
Section 907.2.6.2. 1106.1.1 Access to piles. Access roadways
shall be within 45 m of any point in the storage yard
Exception: Manual fire alarm boxes in patient where storage piles are located not less than 6 m
sleeping areas shall not be required at exits if from any storage pile.
located at all nurses’ control stations or other
constantly attended staff locations, provided such 1106.1.2 Location within piles. Fire
stations are visible and continuously accessible and apparatus access roads shall be located within all
pile clearances identified in Section 3405.4 and
within all fire breaks required in Section 3405.5.
SECTION Atrium or Underground
High-rise A B E F H-1 H-2 H-3 H-4 H-5 I-1 I-2 I-3 I-4 M R-1 R-2 R-3 R-4 S
covered mall building
1103.2 R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R
1103.3 R — R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R
1103.4.1 R — R — — — — — — — — — — R R — — — — — — —
1103.4.2 R — R R R R R R R R R R R — — R R R R — R R
1103.4.3 R — R R R R R R R R R R R — — R R R R — R R
1103.4.4 — R — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
1103.4.5 — — — — R — — — — — — — — — — — R — — — — —
1103.4.6 — — — R — R R R R R R R R R R R — R R R R R
1103.4.7 — — — R — R R R R R R R R R R R — R R R R R
1103.4.8 R — R R R R R R R R R R R — — R R R R R R R
1103.4.9 R — — — — — — — — — — — — R — — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — — — — — — — R — — — — — — — —
1103.5.3 — — — R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R
1103.6.1 R — R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R — R R
1103.6.2 R — R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R — R R
1103.7.1 — — — — — R — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
1103.7.2 — — — — — — — — — — — — R — — — — — — — — —
1103.7.3 — — — — — — — — — — — — — R — — — — — — — —
1103.7.4 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — R — — — — — — —
1103.7.5 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — R — — — —
1103.7.6 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — R — — —
1103.7.7 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — R —
1103.8 — — — — — — — — — — — — R — — — — R R R R —
1103.9 R — — — — — — — — — — — R R — R — R R R R —
1104 R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R
1105 — — — — — — — — — — — — — R — — — — — — — —
1106 — — — — — — — — — — — — — R — — — — — — — —
a. Existing buildings shall comply with the sections identified as “Required” (R) based on occupancy classification or use, or both, whichever is applicable.
b. Only applies to Group I-2 Condition 2 as established by the adopting ordinance.
R = The building is required to comply.
(rpm) (rpm)
2 11 12
2.1 10 11
2.3 9 11
2.4 9 10
2.6 8 9
2.7 8 9
2.9 7 8
3 7 8
TABLE 1104.18
Unsprinklered (m) Sprinklered (m) Unsprinklered (m) Sprinklered (m) Unsprinklered (m) Sprinklered (m)
NR = No requirements.
a. 6 m for common path serving 50 or more persons; 22.5 m for common path serving less than 50 persons.
b. See Section 1029.9.5 for dead-end aisles in Group A occupancies.
c. This dimension is for the total travel distance, assuming incremental portions have fully utilized their allowable maximums.
For travel distance within the room, and from the room exit access door to the exit, see the appropriate occupancy chapter.
d. See the SBC 201 for special requirements on spacing of doors in aircraft hangars.
e. In Group I-2, separation of exit access doors within a care recipient sleeping room, or any suite that includes care recipient
sleeping rooms, shall comply with Section 1105.5.7.
f. In Group I-2, in smoke compartments containing care recipient sleeping rooms and treatment rooms, dead-end corridors shall comply with
Section 1105.5.6.
g. In Group I-2 Condition 2, care recipient sleeping rooms, or any suite that includes care recipient sleeping rooms, shall comply with Section
h. Where a tenant space in Group B, S and U occupancies has an occupant load of not more than 30, the length of a common
path of egress travel shall not be more than 30 m.
TABLE 1105.2
TABLE 1105.3
501.4 Applicability…………………………102
Approval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104.6.1, 401.2,
24- HOUR BASIS 603.1.2, 2307.2, 2308.2, 3101.2, 5706.4.7.1
Defined .................................................................... 202 Approved materials and equipment ................. 104.7
ABANDONED PREMISES (see VACANT Board of appeal .................................................. 108.1
PREMISES) Emergencies ..................................................... 104.11
ABANDONMENT General…………………………………………101
Flammable and combustible liquid tanks 5704.2.13 Inspections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104.6.2, 106
ACCEPTANCE TESTING Maintenance............................................................ 107
Fire protection system installations . . . 901.5, Permits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104.2, 105
904.4, 907.8 Right of entry ....................................................... 104.3
Fire pumps……………………………..913.5.1 Unsafe buildings ..................................................... 110
Flammable and combustible liquid tanks Violations ................................................................. 109
Singleand multiple-station smoke alarms 907.8.1
Defined ..................................................................... 202
Smoke control systems 909.18
Glass .................................................................. 5101.4
Plastic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5101.4, 5104.1.1
AEROSOL WAREHOUSE ............................. 5104.4
Aviation facilities ………………………2003.4
Defined ..................................................................... 202
Construction and demolition sites…….3310.1
AEROSOLS . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . Chapter 51
Doors for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504.2, 3205.4,
Classification levels .......................................... 5103.1
Classification of products . . . . . . . . . . . Table
Equipment to……………………………..509
5103.1 Defined ....................................................... 202
High-piled storage buildings……………3206.6
Inside storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5104
Tire storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3406
Manufacturing facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5107
Nonsegregated storage . . . . . . . . . . . . 5104.3.1,
Aviation facilities………………………….2003.4
Table 5104.3.1 Outside storage. . . . . . . 5105
Permit required…………………………….105.6.1
Building openings and roofs…………….504
Retail display. .. . . . . . . . . . . . …… . . . . 5106
Segregated storage . . . 5104.3.2, Table 5104.3.2
High-piled storage……………………….3206.6
Lumber yards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2803.6,
Tents and membrane structures…………3103.8.1
ACCESSIBLE MEANS OF EGRESS……1009 (Occupancy Group U)
Defined……………………………………….202 Defined……………………………………..202
Standby power……………………………..604.2.1 Occupant load. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Table 1004.1.2
Defined…………………………………………202 AGRO-INDUSTRIAL
Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2804.1, 2808.1
Generators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3508
Alternative methods and materials . . . . . 104.9,