Net Zero Accountancy Protocol
Net Zero Accountancy Protocol
Net Zero Accountancy Protocol
April 2022
1 Introduction.
The Purpose of the Net Zero Accountancy Protocol is to create It would be illogical for a business to claim to be net zero,
consensus across the accounting industry as to what Net Zero while its primary business activity was enabling avoidable
means for businesses in the sector and to provide an industry climate damage and an industry accepted view must therefore
standard against which business claiming to be Net Zero can be agreed.
be assessed.
Establishing a consistent approach to the way in which
The concept of Net Zero has been at the centre of international these fundamental issues are addressed is essential to the
climate change discussions since the 2015 Paris Agreement, maintenance of the momentum of the Net Zero movement
which bound all signatories to: – businesses will be less willing to start the journey if they are
unsure of the route they need to take, and customers and
“Achieve a balance between anthropogenic emissions by
regulators will be less inclined to believe claims of Net Zero if
sources, and removals by sinks of greenhouse gases in the
there is no consistent standard against which those claims can
second half of this century” 1
be assessed.
...and the conclusion of the IPCC Special Report (2018)
The truth is, the journey to Net Zero will be different for an
which stated:
Accountancy firm in comparison to a restaurant, farm or retailer,
“To ensure Global Heating stays below 1.5C - the minimum but the journey one Accountancy firm needs to go on will be
requirements of the 2015 Paris Agreement - global net C02 very similar to that of other Accountancy firms. A consistent and
emissions must reach ‘net zero’ by 2050 at the latest.” coherent industry approach will provide all stakeholders with
The simplicity of the concept – creating a global economy the reassurance required to accelerate progress. .
where the net emission of Greenhouse Gasses equals zero – has Our goal is to create a pragmatic, effective and publicly
captured people’s imagination, turning the complexities of available guide for Accountancy firms to achieve Net Zero. This
climate science into a clear and achievable goal. By early 2021, “protocol” will be practical and easy to use, whilst remaining
over 1/3 of FTSE 100 companies (but only c.10% of SMEs) had comprehensive in its scope and ambitious in its scientific
set Net Zero targets.2 3 robustness - offering businesses a realistic method of achieving
While these commitments are encouraging, there are striking credible sustainability goals, in line with the global climate goals
inconsistencies in the detail of each commitment, primarily required by the Paris Agreement.
relating to the methodology for calculating business’ current The need for urgent, strong action has never been greater and
emissions, the necessity of committing to ambitious reduction businesses are eager to do the right thing. This protocol aims to
of future emissions and the quality of the carbon credits or help turn that commendable ambition into a practical reality.
offset initiatives used to compensate for any emissions they are
unable to avoid.
To reach the required consensus, Net Zero Now oversee an open and collaborative process involving
thought-leaders and key players from across the accounting industry. To create the protocol, we use
a 5-step development approach, based on the process for certification scheme development used by
the ISO Committee on Conformity Assessment, in which there are 4 key steps:
Pilot programme
We will then test that protocol with a representative sample of
business from across the sector
Peer review
Before publication, we will share the protocol with a wide group
of industry and climate experts, academics and government to
ensure consensus
The final protocol will then be published on the Net Zero Now
website alongside a sector-specific Climate Action Playbook
featuring ideas and initiatives for businesses in the sector to
reduce emissions
The Protocol has been developed following thorough peer-review with multiple stakeholders from
the accounting industry and the sustainability sphere. It will be updated annually to include the most
recent advances in the science and best practice concerning sustainability in the accounting industry.
Input is encouraged from all stakeholders interested in Net Zero in the accounting industry.
Suggestions for changes or futures priorities for the development of the protocol should be sent to
[email protected].
The climate crisis requires a response that is both broad Strategic partner, Good Business, has been instrumental in
and deep, that engages everyone and enables everyone to guiding the development process and technical partners at
participate. University College London have provided climate expertise.
Therefore, while the Net Zero Accountancy Protocol is an Our pilot partners were:
initiative that has been coordinated by Net Zero Now, the • Grunberg & Co Chartered Accountants
protocol itself has been developed in partnership with a broad • Wilson Wright LLP
range of industry partners and represents an industry consensus • Blu Sky Chartered Accountants
of what accountancy practices need to do to reach Net Zero and • Counting Clouds
a standard against which their progress can be assessed. The
A wide range of stakeholders were invited to participate in the
protocol will be a freely available resource that all accountancy
consultation, with representatives from academia, third sector,
practices can use for guidance when starting their Net Zero
government agencies, trade associations and business. Their
journey. We cannot achieve the necessary impact working alone
feedback has helped shape the protocol and ensure broad
and Net Zero Now is grateful for the support received from
based endorsement.
collaborating partners that share our ambition for a Net Zero
global economy.
Net Zero Now and the Net Zero Accountancy protocol are aligned
with the definitions of Net Zero provided by the Race to Zero
with the appropriate GHG Protocol methodology
and include all Green House Gasses (GHGs)
value chain sources (inc. scope 1,2 and 3)
and accompanied by credible delivery plans.
These must be enacted from Year 1.
aligned in composition with the Oxford Principles on
Net Zero Aligned Carbon Offsetting
plans and action transparently and advocate for
widespread adoption of paths to Net Zero.
4. Race to Zero Expert Peer Review Group, ‘Race to Zero Lexicon,’ 2021
This first edition of the Net Zero Accountancy Protocol has been developed as a free and universally accessible standard guide,
tailored specifically for practicing accountancy businesses. The protocol builds on existing greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting
standards, scientific evidence, and industry best practice. The aim is to provide a guide for accounting firms to follow in order to
achieve Net Zero certification.
The protocol provides an approved methodology for the development of an Accountancy-specific climate strategy. This includes:
i. The calculation of an Accountancy businesses direct and indirect GHG emissions
ii. Science Based Target setting and associated emissions reduction plans
iii. The purchase of appropriate and valid carbon offset credits
iv. Communication of their actions and results in a clear and transparent manner
Accountancy businesses that follow this methodology are eligible to receive one of three Net Zero Accountancy certifications: either
Net Zero Industry Target, Net Zero Accelerated Target or Net Zero Now. Full details of the difference between these certifications is
provided in sections 6.8 and 7.3.
As new research is produced, the protocol will be updated to ensure that scientific targets and product level emissions data are
current and applicable.
The protocol has been developed following thorough peer-review with multiple stakeholders from the accounting industry and the
sustainability sphere. It will be updated regularly to include the most recent advances in the science and best practice concerning
sustainability in the accounting industry.
This document aims to assist the accounting industry to become Net Zero
by 2030.
5.2 Using the Net Zero 5.3 Guiding Principles of the Protocol
Accountancy Protocol The four principles that guide the construction of the Net Zero
Disclaimer: Net Zero Accountancy® is a registered but on validating effective change. Immediate action is
trademark. The copyright notice displayed in this document necessary to guide the sector as a whole to Net Zero by 2030.
There are a variety of tools, models and frameworks available for businesses to develop a more systemic approach and explore the
full range of social, ethical and economic factors at play and the interrelationship between them.
Figure 2, created by Oxford Economist Kate Raworth, is an infographic named the ‘Doughnut’. The Doughnut depicts the social and
environmental factors that must be managed to ensure the safe and equal distribution of resources globally. There are twelve social
foundations and nine ecological boundaries which are recognised within this metric. Within ecological factors, climate change is one
of several factors that require urgent action.
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8. Kate Raworth, Doughnut Economics: Seven Ways to Think like a 21st Century Economist, Book, Whole (White River Junction, VT:Chelsea Green Publishing, 2017),
Figure 3 is an infographic provided by the UN on how to use the UN social development goals (SDGs) to become a more sustainable
business. The UN states that by understanding their SDGs, measuring and analysing their performance of your business, and then
implementing change to improve key areas, your business will become more sustainable. The UN has developed a full downloadable
guide on how you can integrate SDGs into your business.9
Report and 1.1
implement Understand the
change SDGs and their
Consider data
users’ information
needs 1.2
Conduct principled
prioritization of
SDG targets
Step 3 Step 1
3.1 Report, integrate Define priority
Consider general and implement SDG targets
features of good change
practice when
reporting on the SDGs 1.3
Define your
Step 2 SDG-related
Measure and analyze report content
Collect and
analyze data
Set business
Figure 3. The steps required to integrate the UN SDGs into your business
“the most common approach for calculating GHG emissions is through the application of documented emission factors. These
factors are calculated ratios relating GHG emissions to a proxy measure of activity at an emissions source”
Emissions calculations are therefore based on a combination of Activity Data that capture the quantity or volume of activity at a
source and Emissions Factors that allocate an amount of carbon dioxide equivalent for each unit of that activity.
• UN Race to Zero17
Secondary Data Non-specific
and Methodologies These projects are made possible by the sale of the credits that
they generate as a carbon offset.
Where the Net Zero Accountancy Protocol refers to other
There are many different types of Carbon Credit and the
Protocols (for example the GHG Protocol, Corporate Accounting
qualities of those compliant with the protocol requirements are
Standard) the principles of those standards
detailed in Section 7.3.
shall apply.
10. GHG Protocol, ‘Corporate Value Chain Accounting Report Standard’; GHG Protocol and Carbon Trust, ‘GHG Protocol - Technical Guidance for Calculating Scope 3 Emissions’.
11. UK Government, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, and Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, ‘Environmental Reporting Guidelines’.
12. UK Government and Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, ‘Guidance on How to Measure and Report Your Greenhouse Gas Emissions’.
13. British Standards Institution, PAS 2050.
14. British Standards Institution, ‘PAS 2060 Carbon Neutrality’.
15. ISO, ‘ISO 14064-1’, 2018,
16. Science Based Targets Initiative, ‘SBTi Criteria’.
17. UNFCCC, ‘Race to Zero Campaign’, 2021,
that the only way to limit the damage to the environment is to
move beyond the current focus on incremental reductions in Figure 6. CO2 concentration in the atmosphere in time period
emissions, and rapidly shift to a low-GHG economy.18 (2016 – 2021)
CURRENT The UK Climate Change Committee has made clear that while
380 the long-term goal is to reduce anthropogenic GHG emissions
to absolute zero, and to have a 100% reduction in GHG from
CO2 (parts per million)
1990 levels by the mid-century20, in certain sectors the most
pragmatic approach will involve Net Zero emissions in the
260 near term.
place over the last 800 thousand years. effort should be directed towards reducing emissions as far
In 2018
410 alone, it was estimated that human actions added 55 as possible each year, leaving a reduced quantity of residual
gigatons (55 million tons) of CO2e to the atmosphere. In the emissions. Capital should then be allocated to programs which
same time period, removals of CO2e by human action were remove a quantity of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere,
effectively zero. The result of decades of large imbalances such equivalent to these residual emissions. Offsetting is a vital
as this has been increasing concentration of CO2 in process in achieving Net Zero due to the difficulty in removing
Jan 2016 Jan 2019 Jan 2021
the atmosphere. all emissions. The Net Zero Now protocol provides a realistic
approach to achieving a Net Zero status through the progressive
When modern CO2 records were first captured, in 1958, gradual reduction of emissions on an annual basis and an
atmospheric CO2 was measured at 315 ppm. Since the Paris allocation of capital to programmes that can offset the impact of
Agreement was signed in December 2015, the atmospheric residual emissions.
concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere has increased from 403
parts per million (ppm) to 417 ppm in June 2021.
21. European CFO Survey - Into the woods; Deloitte, Autumn 2019. Available:
22. Ibid
23. Bain & Company Sustainable Procurement Fact Sheet; Bain & Company; 2021 [Online] accessed 02/09/2021. Available:
24. PWC Low carbon and circular business; PWC 2021; [Online] accessed 02/09/2021. Available:
emission reductions. Global Heating is causing the ice caps Reduce Business Costs
to melt, which is leading to rising global sea levels, with some By monitoring energy and material use, many businesses are
low-lying nations already suffering consequences28. The Climate able to recognise areas where greater efficiency could occur,
Emergency is leading to severe weather fluctuations around reducing inefficiencies and waste and delivering operational
the world, including monsoons, droughts and a long list of cost reductions.31
associated systemic changes.
Spur Innovation
|| Social A focus on internal sustainability can stimulate innovation within
This environmental emergency is creating a humanitarian businesses, including efficiencies, innovative use of energy and
emergency, with over 25 million displaced due to weather novel products and services.
32. Kim et al., ‘Country-Specific Dietary Shifts to Mitigate Climate and Water Crises’.
33. Griskevicius, Tybur, and Van den Bergh, ‘Going Green to Be Seen’.
34. de Groot and Steg, ‘General Beliefs and the Theory of Planned Behavior’.
35. Gilg, Barr, and Ford, ‘Green Consumption or Sustainable Lifestyles?’
36. UK Government, ‘UK Enshrines New Target in Law to Slash Emissions by 78% by 2035’.
38. BSI, ‘Net Zero Barometer Report’.
Step 1: Calculate
• Complete a full GHG calculation and disclosure in line with follow GHG Protocol Corporate Standard
• Include all Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions plus all sector material Scope 3 emissions
Step 2: Mitigate
• Commit to ambitious reduction targets in line with what is required to restrict warming to less than 1.50C
i. an absolute GHG emissions reduction (Scope 1 and 2) of at least 50% by 2030
ii. an absolute GHG emissions reduction (all scopes) of at least 30% over 5 years
• Develop a credible mitigation plan to meet the target, and publish annual updates on progress to target
Step 3: Compensate
• Once you have verified your carbon footprint over 2 consecutive years and demonstrated a reduction in your
emissions, in line with your reduction target, you can purchase and retire carbon dioxide credits equivalent to
the whole footprint calculated in step 1
• Only purchase credits that meet good quality standards and are compliant in composition with the oxford
principles. They must retire within 12 months of the accounting period end
• Commit to maintain status as a Net Zero business
Step 4: Validate
Step 5: Communicate
• Publish Net Zero commitment along with detailed footprint and reduction plan and details for credits
• Adhere to the terms of use for the certification mark in stakeholder communications
• Advocate for widescale adoption of Net Zero commitments
Organizational boundaries must be clearly defined, considering All indicated sources must be reported and any exclusion and
the subject’s circumstances, and must be consistent across the rationale for the exclusion must be clearly indicated in the
calculation of GHG emissions covering all three scopes. The provided data.
Capital goods
39. GHG Protocol, "Corporate Standard" and ‘Corporate Value Chain Accounting Report Standard’
|| 6.5.2 Measure
After defining the subject and establishing the boundaries The entity must clearly document and explain any estimations
that will be used throughout the GHG accounting, the GHG and assumptions used in the calculation of the inventory. Where
emissions of the subject must be measured to provide a changes have been made to the methodology, these should be
complete, consistent, and relevant GHG inventory over the described in a transparent manner.
defined timescale.
The Accountancy firms GHG emissions must be assessed in One of the primary benefits of the Net Zero Accountancy
accordance with the requirements established in this section. Protocol is how it seeks to bring together an otherwise
For each of the mandatory sources the subject must identify disparate set of emissions factors relevant to business
appropriate activity data covering the defined time period and in the accounting industry. Details concerning the
multiply this by appropriate emissions factors. methodology for selection of approved data sets, can be
found in the online appendix at
In many countries, the emissions factors covering many of the
This information will be constantly updated, in order to
operations sources are published annually by government (in
keep up with the burgeoning field of research in lifecycle
the UK this service is provided by the Department of Business,
Energy and Industrial Strategy)40 and the subject must use
national, regional, international or other emission factors of
relevance, prioritising those most closely associated with the
emission source.
6.6 Step 2. Mitigate The following businesses interruption provisions have been
designed to enable businesses calculating full value chain
This section covers the creation and implementation of an emissions for the first time to overcome this challenge and
emissions reduction target and a framework for taking action to participate in the initiative.
reduce GHG emissions in alignment with the ambition criteria of
Any interruption to "business as normal" lasting for more than
the Science-Based Targets initiative.
three weeks, is regarded as a business interruption resulting
|| 6.6.1 Set a Target in atypical trading. This does not include regular business
Reducing emissions is an essential step in the Net Zero process. interruption such as an annual two-week holiday when the
The subject must set a target to reduce its GHG emissions in-line business is closed. Disturbances caused by COVID-related public
with the latest science regarding climate change. health advice fall under this definition.
To achieve the Net Zero Accountancy certification, the business Any business calculating emissions for the first time and using an
must have set a reduction target in compliance with the accounting period during which there is an identifiable business
ambition criteria of the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTI)42. interruption resulting in atypical trading, must calculate a ‘Typical
Trading’ year estimation for the purposes of base year and target
The emissions reduction target must represent at least:
i. An absolute GHG emissions reduction (all scopes) of at least
30% over 5 years43 Typical trading year estimations must be based on scaling of
ii. An absolute GHG emissions reduction (scope 1&2) of 50% partial year data and must use data covering at least 15% of
by 2030 uninterrupted normal opening. For businesses open all year, this
is 55 days, or around two months.
A client analysis activity, we call Scope X, must be carried out
by the Accountancy business. This must demonstrate that they The emissions from this sample period must be scaled-up to
generate more revenue from climate positive activities than provide an estimated Typical Trading year the full year, in order
from climate negative activities. More information can be found to provide data that can be used as a base year and to set
in section 7.2.2 future targets.
Emissions data from the most recent year should be used as Businesses going Net Zero on the basis of a disrupted trading
a base year for the reduction calculations, or according to the year may purchase carbon credits equivalent to the actual
provisions for business interruption. emissions data from the disrupted trading year, not the
scaled-up emissions.
42. Science Based Targets Initiative, ‘Towards a Science Based Approach to Climate Neutrality in the Corporate Sector (Draft for Comments)’.
43. Race to Zero Campaign, ‘Race to Zero Pledge’.
The methodology used to forecast GHG emissions reductions The assessor will review the documentation and award the
should align with that used to quantify the original GHG certification to the subject business if all requirements are met.
emissions, and therefore the same principles apply. The assessor can at any time require further detail in any of the
areas concerning the documentation if doubts about any of the
GHG reduction plans must be reviewed at least annually and
principles stated in this protocol arise, including completeness,
progress against planned actions must be tracked. Feasibility
accuracy and robustness of data provided, and the subject
assessments of possible additional action should be undertaken
business must provide it to successfully achieve the certification.
to ensure that the required reduction targets are met. A director
or senior manager should be responsible for the development Businesses that calculate, set targets, and develop action plans
and implementation of the emission reduction plan. in accordance with the criteria have the option to either be
certified to:
A guide to the actions that may be considered to reduce
emissions is outlined in Section 7.2.2 as well as an online On the Road to Net Zero:
resource, “Climate Action Playbook for Accountancy Practices” • Carbon Footprint: Businesses need a verified assessment of
is available here. their carbon footprint over a 12-month period, calculated in
accordance with this protocol
• Emissions Reduction: Businesses must commit to meeting
the short-term emissions reduction targets as prescribed in
this protocol
• Net Zero Commitment: Businesses must commit to reaching
Net Zero by a given year no later than the “long stop date” as
6.7 Step 3. Compensate outlined in this protocol
To retain their Net Zero Certification, businesses must complete The Net Zero Accountancy certification marks are the main tool
and publish an annual validated carbon footprint and details provided to communicate the net zero status of the business to
of the carbon offsets initiatives used to compensate for any stakeholders. The ability and right to use the mark is dependent
residual emissions. on the ability of the business to complete all the certification
requirements successfully.
In each case, the applying business must take action towards
meeting the reduction targets and continue to follow this Once certified, Accountancy businesses should use the mark to
pathway. If the applying business falls below 65% of the target communicate their actions and raise awareness of their status,
reduction pathway, it must demonstrate that measures are in ensuring that all communications must be factually based,
place to correct this, or certification will be removed. providing clarity and transparency about the procedures and
results achieved to avoid misunderstandings. The use of the
If the applying business has put in place a rectification plan but
Net Zero Accountancy certification marks must comply with the
still falls below 65% of the target reduction for 2 consecutive
requirements and guidance stipulated on its use.
years, certification will be suspended.
The Accountancy businesses participating in the Net Zero
Accountancy certification must disclose all GHG inventory
metrics related to the certification, including gross emissions,
targets, reduction activities, current progress to targets, and
details of carbon credits.
7 Detailed Guidance.
7.1 Calculate
Calculating emissions requires the use of two types of data: The following activities must always be included to achieve a Net
activity data and emission factors. Zero Accountancy certification45:
• Any accounting directly managed by the certification holder,
“Activity data” is a quantitative measure of a level of activity that
or that operates under the same brand, that contributes to the
results in GHG emissions (for example, litres of fuel consumed,
activities performed at the business.
or kilograms of material purchased).
• Any upstream and downstream activities performed by
An “emission factor” is a factor that converts activity data third parties that are necessary to the functioning of the
into GHG emissions data (for example kg CO2 emitted per accounting service (e.g., transportation, production of office
litre of fuel consumed, or kg CO2 emitted per kilograms of commodities, etc.).
material produced).
The Net Zero Accountancy certification is held by the certificate
Accountancy businesses must follow the guidelines for setting holder, and it is not transferrable to other supply chain entities.
organisational and operational boundaries set out here and in
|| 7.1.2 Operational Boundaries
Chapters 3 & 4 of the GHG Protocol.44
Emissions inventories must include activities of any accounting
|| 7.1.1 Organisational Boundaries
service or other site managed by the business that form part
Accountancy businesses must define the organisational entity of its operations as well as the upstream and downstream
that is the subject of the certification. Certification requirements activities performed by third-parties that are necessary to the
apply to this entity as well as any subsidiaries. functioning of the professional service (e.g. business travel, office
Accountancy businesses operating in multiple countries, even supplies, etc)
if they are under the same brand, are considered as different Accountancy businesses must account for all the emissions
businesses for each country and must apply separately. from sources identified as “required” in Figure 9. This includes all
For Accountancy businesses with multiple sites, or numerous scope 1 (direct) and scope 2 (indirect) emissions together with
activities taking place under the same brand name, all sites and the most material scope 3 (value chain) emissions.
brands that operate under the same brand nationally, must
contribute data to the certification process.
44. GHG Protocol and Carbon Trust, ‘GHG Protocol - Technical Guidance for Calculating Scope 3 Emissions’
45. DEFRA, BEIS, and UK Government, ‘Environmental Reporting Guidelines’.
7 Detailed Guidance.
Scope 2 Emissions from the generation of purchased electricity, heat, steam or cooling
1e. Subcontractors
2 Capital Goods
GHG Scope 2) 3d. All other fuel and energy related activities
Corporate Scope 3 4a. Outbound courier deliveries of packages
Standard upstream
Upstream 4b. Third-party transportation and storage of service-related goods
Scope 1 4 transportation
and 2. and distribution 4c. Third-party transportation and storage of sold products
Chain 4d. All other upstream transportation and distribution
5a. Recycled waste by category
Scope 3 Waste
5 generated in 5b. Waste to landfill or to incineration
5c. Mains water waste
6a. All transportation by air, public transport, rented/leased vehicle and taxi
6 6b. Emissions arising from hotel accommodation associated with business travel
6d. Events / conference overhead
7 Employee commuting
9 transportation 9a. Third-party deliveries services
and distribution
15 Investments
Figure 9. A list of all emission sources Accountancy businesses must account for
7 Detailed Guidance.
|| 7.1.3 Measure
Accountancy businesses must follow the GHG Protocol All GHG emission sources included in the emissions assessment
methodology for calculating emissions or ISO 14064-1 46 47
. must be categorised and published according to the categories
For each emissions source, Accountancy businesses should defined in Table 3. Each of the categories defined as required
identify the relevant unit metric, the activity or consumption within the Protocol must contain information with either the
data for the year and the associated unit emissions factors. calculated result, a zero result, or a clear reasoning behind its
Unit emissions factors can be specific to the product or service exclusion from the assessment.
used only if a life cycle analysis has been carried out and data For general guidance on all categories set out in Table 2, please
published. Otherwise, industry benchmarks must be used and refer to the GHG Protocol Standard or ISO 14064-1.49 50
explicitly referenced in the calculations.
Direct measurement of GHG emissions
by monitoring concentration and
flow rate is not common…the most
common approach for calculating GHG
emissions is through the application of
documented emission factors. These
factors are calculated ratios relating GHG
emissions to a proxy measure of activity
at an emissions source.” 48
Scope 2
Unit metric
Annual Consumption
Emissions Factor kg CO2e/ kWh
Emissions from
the generation of
purchased electricity 4,200
Figure 10. Example emissions calculated from electricity consumption
46. ISO 14064 – 1: Greenhouse gases — Part 1: Specification with guidance at the organization level for quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and removals.
47. GHG Protocol, ‘Corporate Value Chain Accounting Report Standard’.
48. World Business Council for Sustainable Development and World Resources Institute, ‘A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (Revised Edition)’.
49. GHG Protocol and Carbon Trust, ‘GHG Protocol - Technical Guidance for Calculating Scope 3 Emissions’.
50. ISO 14064 – 1: Greenhouse gases — Part 1: Specification with guidance at the organization level for quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and removals
7 Detailed Guidance.
|| 7.1.4 How to report GHG Emissions from Carbon || 7.1.6 Scope 2 – Indirect Energy Emissions
Neutral and Net Zero Suppliers
Scope 2 emissions are the indirect energy emissions associated
Businesses are increasingly considering the option of becoming to your business. They are the emissions associated with the
carbon neutral while offering services to other companies. As an electricity, heat and steam purchased from the national grid. If
increasing practice, this will have an impact on GHG emissions your business does not purchase energy directly from an energy
calculation for businesses that trade with them. supplier, but rather it’s included within a utility bill, provided by
a 3rd party (e.g. a landlord, shared workspace, etc.), please see
When accounting for these services in the GHG inventory the
section 7.1.9, ‘all-inclusive bill’ scenario, for more information.
following steps must be followed:
1. Suppliers must provide written confirmation that the goods For businesses that purchase “green” electricity, both the
or services provided are Net Zero or carbon neutral and any average locational grid factor and market factor should be
relevant third-party certification. reported i.e. calculated and reported once with the national
2. Where certification is not provided an inventory for the grid emission factor, and a second time with an emission factor
supplier’s GHG emissions and evidence of the purchase and specific to the supplier. For further guidance see GHG Protocol
retiring of equivalent approved carbon credits is required. Scope 2 Guidance51.
7 Detailed Guidance.
Figure 11. Required purchased goods and services Emissions associated with large capital goods purchases such as
vehicles, construction or technical electronic equipment must
Figures 12 and 13 are example calculations for purchased be accounted for in full in the year in which they are purchased.
goods and services. They are not amortised as may be the case with financial
accounting methods. For full details of this, please refer to
Category 2 in the GHG Protocol Technical Guidance.
7 Detailed Guidance.
|| 7.1.9 Scope 3 - Fuel and Energy Related Activities The assumption for this calculation is that energy usage is
uniform across the building.
This section details how the greenhouse gas impact of
electricity, heat and steam purchased not from an energy If the energy consumption of the whole building or relevant
company, is accounted for in Scope 3 emissions under the Net metered area is unavailable, the methodology for the all-
Zero Now Accountancy Protocol. inclusive scenario must be followed.
Most businesses will purchase their electricity, heat and steam All-Inclusive Utility Bill Scenario
directly from an energy supplier e.g. Ecotricity and report
If the electricity bill for the building as a whole is unattainable, or
within Scope 2. However, there are circumstances where this
your business is provided with a single service bill that combines
is not the case e.g. working in shared offices (e.g. WeWork), an
rent and utilities, the following methodology must be followed
all-inclusive utility bill, or employees working from home. If
to obtain the emissions associated to Scope 3 fuel and energy
your business hosts events, the electricity supplied to the event
related activities.
location should also be calculated within this section. Other
goods and transport associated to the event should be included The UK government provides a tool which estimates the carbon
within purchased goods and services, as well as upstream footprint of a building from required energy certificates. The tool
and downstream transportation. This section of the Net Zero is able to provide an annual mass of CO2e provided per m2. By
Accountancy Protocol details how energy emissions associated knowing the postcode of your building and the total m2 of office
to shared offices, an all-inclusive services bill, work from home space your business rents, you are able to calculate the CO2e of
and events are calculated. energy consumption based on the size of office space rented.
7 Detailed Guidance.
2.47 kWh electricity per person per day Where disposal method is not available, businesses should
8.91 kWh natural gas per person per day assume landfill.
For further information, see the Anthesis Working from Home Where no quantity, category or disposal method data is
White Paper53. available, businesses should assume 97kg general waste per
employee, disposed of to landfill.54
Estimates may be used to derive the number of days during the
accoiunting year that em ployees spent working from home and || 7.1.12 Scope 3 - Business Travel
these may be supplemented by sampling surveys of employees This category details how the greenhouse gas impact of
in larger businesses. business travel is accounted for in Scope 3 emissions under the
The emissions associated with the energy consumption of Business travel includes emissions from the transportation of
hosting an event must be calculated and reported for the Net employees for business-related activities in vehicles owned or
Zero Now Accountancy Protocol. The methodology to do so operated by third parties, such as:
used for the event. If the annual energy consumption of the by the reporting company are accounted for in either scope
building is unknown, the UK government energy certificate tool 1 (for fuel use) or scope 2 (for electricity use). Emissions from
must be used in its place. leased vehicles operated by the reporting company not included
in scope 1 or scope 2 are accounted for in scope 3 (Upstream
|| 7.1.10 Scope 3 - Upstream Transportation leased assets). Emissions from transportation of employees
and Distribution to and from work are accounted for in scope 3, (Employee
Accountancy businesses must calculate and report the commuting) .
emissions associated with their upstream transportation and Emissions from business travel must be recorded in the format
distribution, such as third-party transportation and storage of of transportation method and distance travelled.
service-related goods.
Transportation method
Delivery Method Deliveries Made Average Distance (km) X (kg CO2e / passenger / km)
(CO2e/km) X (#) X Distance (km)
53. Estimating energy consumption & GHG emissions for remote workers. Anthesis. 2nd February 2021. Available:
54. The World Bank, Trends in Solid Waste Management to 2050
7 Detailed Guidance.
Transportation method
Distance (km) X (kg CO2e / km)
7 Detailed Guidance.
7.2 Mitigate
|| 7.2.1 Set Targets
Accountancy businesses must set and publish targets for explanation of all the considerations taken in the process.
emissions reduction that are supported with a base year, Recalculations of base years should be done along with the
timescales and a clear achievability plan. guidance provided in the GHG Corporate Standard Protocol or
ISO 14064-1.
Science-based targets (SBTs) are carbon emission targets that
are specifically developed in line with climate science and Tracking progress to target
the level of decarbonisation that is required to limit global
Progress towards achieving these targets must be reported
temperature increase in line with science. SBTi is a collaborative
annually during the process of re-certification. Professional
initiative by CDP, World Resources Institute (WRI), the WorldWide
service businesses that are considerably off track to meet their
Fund for Nature (WWF) and the United Nations Global Compact
goals must demonstrate that measures are in place to correct it.
(UNGC), that helps companies to set targets aligned with science
A business is considered to be ‘considerably off-track’ is one that
by providing guidance, effectively helping them transition into a
is below 65% of the way towards meeting the target.
low carbon economy.
7 Detailed Guidance.
Subject businesses must therefore conduct a screening of GHG reduction plans must be reviewed at least annually
services offered and allocate services and associated revenue to assess the progress against planned actions, assess the
on the basis of whether these services are climate positive, feasibility of further reductions and ensure that the required
climate negative or climate neutral. In each case the principle reduction targets are met. A director or senior manager should
to be applied is whether the service offered directly facilitates or be responsible for the development and implementation of the
enables the associated climate impact. emission reduction plan.
Example 1 - Negative climate impact: Providing R&D tax credits Net Zero Now has prepared an advisory document listing
services for an innovation that decreases vehicle efficiency. steps businesses in the accounting industry can take to reduce
their GHG emissions. This document can be found online at
Example 2 - Positive climate impact: Providing project finance The structure of that document is outlined in
advisory services for the construction of a new solar power
Table 6 below.
Businesses are advised to check with local authorities and
Example 3 - Climate neutral: Providing bookkeeping, payroll
business advisers on grants, incentives and offers to support the
and tax return services for any type of business
adoption of action in each of these areas.
Businesses applying for net zero certification must demonstrate
that they generate more revenue from climate positive activities
than from climate negative activities and commit to eradicate
revenue generated from climate negative activities within
5 years.
7 Detailed Guidance.
Incentivise ☑ Incentivise employees working from home to have green electricity suppliers.
National grid heat Audit, Analyse, ☑ Explore possibilities to understand where and when electricity is used: sub-meters
and steam Target, Act and half hourly data and set reduction targets
☑ Explore possibilities to understand where and when you are purchasing goods and
Purchased goods Audit, Analyse,
services. Target hotspot areas and reduce the purchase of goods and services to only
and services Target, Act
items that are truly necessary
Audit, Analyse, ☑ Ensure the capital good is 100% necessary before purchase. Take into the account
Capital goods
Target, Act it’s carbon footprint from a full LCA. Is there a lower carbon alternative?
Audit, Analyse, ☑ Explore possibilities to understand where and when electricity is used: sub-meters
Fuel and energy Target, Act and half hourly data and set reduction targets
related activities
Lobby ☑ Lobby your building manager to select a ‘green’ energy supplier
Audit, Analyse,
☑ Assess waste across types and streams
Target, Act
Waste Reduce ☑ Reduce waste throughout the professional service process as much as possible
☑ Use public transport where possible
Sourcing ☑ Leverage low carbon transport. I.e. Rail over flying
☑ If flying is necessary, choose economy over business or first class
7 Detailed Guidance.
Upstream Audit, Analyse, ☑ Ensure the leased asset is 100% necessary before leasing. Take into the account it’s
leased assets Target, Act carbon footprint from a full LCA. Is there a lower carbon alternative?
Audit, Analyse,
☑ Assess waste across types and streams
Target, Act
Waste Reduce ☑ Reduce waste throughout the professional service process as much as possible
☑ Franchise owner should set companywide initiatives to reduce the GHG emissions.
Audit, Analyse,
Franchise Upon auditing all franchised locations, the highest emitting locations should be
Target, Act
targeted for emission reductions.
7.3 Compensate
Once an Accountancy firm has calculated and begun reducing Businesses that calculate, set targets, and develop action plans
emissions in line with science based targets, carbon credits in accordance with the criteria have the option to either:
should be used to offset residual emissions.
On the Road to Net Zero:
The purchase of offsets must be in line with the core Oxford • Carbon Footprint: Businesses need a verified assessment of
Principles for Net Zero Aligned Carbon Offsetting. These state their carbon footprint over a 12-month period, calculated in
that: emissions reductions must take priority, high quality accordance with this protocol
offset schemes must be used, and the composition of offsets • Emissions Reduction: Businesses must commit to meeting
must regularly revise and updated to meet the latest the short-term emissions reduction targets as prescribed in
scientific guidance.57 this protocol
• Net Zero Commitment: Businesses must commit to reaching
Carbon offsets are an external environment instrument that
Net Zero by a given year no later than the “long stop date” as
can be used to offset the remaining residual emissions from
outlined in this protocol
professional service businesses in order to achieve Net Zero
status. These credits are generated by implementation of Or
projects that either stop GHGs being emitted (avoidance) or
Net Zero Now:
extract and store GHGs from the atmosphere (sequestration).58
• Carbon Footprint: Businesses need a minimum of 2 verified
assessments of their carbon footprint, each over a 12-month
57. Allen et al., ‘The Oxford Principles for Net Zero Aligned Carbon Offsetting’.
period, calculated in accordance with this protocol
58. UNFCCC, ‘Race to Zero Campaign’.
7 Detailed Guidance.
7 Detailed Guidance.
The composition of purchased credits must be in accordance with the ratios and taxonomy set out by the Oxford Principles, listed in
Figure 15.
Is carbon stored?
No Yes Yes
1 2 3 4 5
Avoided emissions, or emission Emissions reduction Emissions reduction Carbon removal Carbon removal
reduction without storage with short-lived storage with long-lived storage with short-lived storage with long-lived storage
Forward-looking, Clear retrospective Avoided damage to ecosystems CCS on industrial facilities Afforestation & reforestation DACCS
counterfactual emissions data Changes to ag practices that CCS on fossil-fuel power plant Soil carbon enhancement BECCS
baseline: N2O abatement retain already-stored carbon Ecosystem restoration Mineralisation
Renewable Methane Enhanced weathering
energy abatement
The five types of offsets, as described by the Oxford Based on this timeline, avoided emissions and short-term
Principles, have differentAvoided emissions,
long-term impactsor emission
with emission removal must be gradually phased out over the
reduction with short-lived storage
Percent breakdown of offset portfolio
regards to climate change mitigation. Due to the coming years, ensuring that long-term storage of GHG emissions
1 2
current state of the offset / removal market, and in becomes more prevalent and eventually all offsets will be
Carbon removal
line with future expected developments, long term with short-lived storage
Carbon Removal with Long-Lived Storage.
carbon removal is currently not available at a large 4
enough scale to make it practical for businesses going 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
Net Zero Now. 1 & 2reduction
Emissions 55% 53% 50% 47% 45%
with long-lived storage
Based on these mitigating circumstances linked to
33 0% 1% 3% removal
Carbon 5% 7%
the current carbon offset market, alternative methods with long-lived storage
may be used in combination. The composition of 4 45% 45% 45% 45% 45%
offsets must follow the suggested ratios as listed in 5 0% 1% 2% 3% 3%
Figure 16.
0% Figure 16. Composition of carbon offsets that must be
followed for Net Zero Professional Services)60
2020 2030 2040 2050
59. Allen et al., ‘The Oxford Principles for Net Zero Aligned Carbon Offsetting’.
60. Allen et al.
7 Detailed Guidance.
Purchase of credits
To receive certification under the Net Zero Accountancy Protocol, the purchase of approved carbon credits equivalent to the total GHG
emissions produced by the business in the assessment year must be made in full once the carbon footprint is complete.
7.4 Validate
To support the integrity of the Net Zero Accountancy certification, this step defines all required actions to meet the quality assurance
and documentation requirements within the Protocol.
Quality assurance must be conducted by the professional service. The process consists of an evaluation of the processes, data and
calculations undertaken, ensuring that all the requirements established in the Protocol have been met.
Documentation must be submitted to the assessor for verification including input data, calculations, assumptions and estimations,
procurement evidence and quality assurance attestations.
Table 9 lists details of the verification requirements and procedures relating to each step in the process. The ability and right to use the
Net Zero Accountancy certification mark is dependent on successful validation of the submitted documentation.
The definition of the subject and assessment year must be recorded, and full, itemised GHG inventory
1. Calculate All calculation tools and emissions factors must be documented and from approved sources.
The Assessor may require additional information in the event that concerns arise over the quality, completeness,
accuracy or robustness of the presented data.
The Accountancy business must submit evidence of a commitment to a valid reduction target together with
an emissions reduction plan to meet the defined targets.
2. Mitigate The Accountancy business must submit a commitment statement signed by a director.
The Assessor may require additional information in the event that concerns arise over the quality, completeness,
accuracy or robustness of the presented data.
Accountancy businesses going Net Zero must submit evidence that approved credits equivalent to the total
3. Compensate GHG emissions in the assessment year have been purchased and retired.
Accountancy businesses committing to Net Zero must complete and sign the commitment statement.
Accountancy businesses must complete and sign a quality assurance attestation and submit together with all
4. Validate
the necessary documentation.
Use of the Net Zero Accountancy certification mark must adhere to the utilisation of the mark guidelines. All
5. Communicate the communications transmitted to customers must be factually based and consistent with the steps followed
to achieve the certification.
7 Detailed Guidance.
8 Glossary of terms.
For a more in depth lexicon and glossary of words and terms linked to climate change, see the IPCC Annex61.
Absolute Zero
When no greenhouse gas emissions are attributable to an actor’s activities across all scopes.
Anthropogenic Removals
The withdrawal of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere, as a result of deliberate human activities.
An independent body/organisation that will inspect reported data to ensure it meets the standards of this and other protocols.
Carbon Footprint
Often used to refer to all Greenhouse Gas Emissions associated with a product, business or entity. See Greenhouse Gas.
Carbon Neutral
Carbon neutrality is achieved when human made C02 emissions are balanced by human made C02 removals.
Carbon Offsetting
An action or activity (such as the planting of trees) that compensates for the emission of carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases
to the atmosphere. A carbon offset occurs when an individual company or organization directly or indirectly (by funding projects in
other locations) removes greenhouse gases from the atmosphere or prevents a certain quantity of greenhouse gases from
being released.
Climate Change
A change of climate which is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere
and which is in addition to natural climate variability observed over comparable time periods. Also referred to as the Climate
Emergency, Global Warming and Global Heating.
Climate Neutral
See Carbon Neutral. In addition to Carbon, climate neutral often refers to all greenhouse gas emissions.
Climate Positive
Activity that goes beyond achieving Net Zero to create an environmental benefit by removing additional carbon dioxide from
the atmosphere.
Measuring the total greenhouse gas emissions from the extractions of raw materials to create the product, through to the product’s
manufacture, distribution, use and eventual disposal by consumer.
Measuring the total greenhouse gas emissions from the extractions of raw materials to create the product, through to the product’s
manufacture, packaging and distribution to the retailer.
Emissions Factor
A term used for calculations of the greenhouse gas footprint associated with a product or activity. Emissions factors are often
presented in CO2e (Carbon dioxide equivalent). For more information, see Section 2.1 Greenhouse Gases.
61. IPCC, 2018: Annex I: Glossary [Matthews, J.B.R. (ed.)]. In: Global Warming of 1.5°C. An IPCC Special Report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission
pathways, in the context of strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change, sustainable development, and efforts to eradicate poverty
8 Glossary of Terms.
Same as previous reference.
Net Zero
See Section 3.
Zero emissions
Applies to the state of a subject when new Greenhouse Gas emissions
are reduced to zero.