Course Code: 21PGDBA301 Course: R For Data Analytics

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NO : 211001 SEAT NO : 101

M. S. Ramaiah Institute of Management

III Semester End-term Examination, December 2022
Course Code: 21PGDBA301 Course: R for Data Analytics
Time: 2 hours Max. Marks: 50
1. Carry a fully charged laptop with fully functional and updated R Studio software.
2. Answer both the Questions.
3. Question 1 carries 10 marks; Question 2 carries 40 marks.
4. Write detailed code for both the questions.
5. Prepare Document 1- The input code, screenshots of data frame created, images of all the
output tables, frequency distributions, dataframe summaries, graphs/charts etc. must be pasted
into a word document.
6. Prepare Document 2- The complete data summary, details of packages used to carry out
analysis, detailed interpretations, inferences with relevant justifications must be handwritten in
the answer booklet provided and scanned.
7. Merge Documents 1 and 2 and create a single PDF file.
8. Upload the single collated PDF file to DHI.
9. Ensure the images are clear and legible.
1. The following data represents the monthly sales of two-wheelers (in hundreds of units) in an outlet
from January to November 2022: (10 Marks)
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov
Number of two-
60 85 100 50 68 35 78 120 130 140 145
wheelers sold
Create the Data frame for the above data. Obtain the descriptive metrics, represent the data using a line
graph and report your findings.
2. Ecopax is a company providing sustainable packaging solutions to healthcare and pharma sectors
using biodegradable packaging materials. The Company is looking at expanding its solutions to other
sectors, especially food packaging. Brands have been turning to sustainable packaging for many
reasons, including CSR, reducing their carbon footprints, reducing waste and increasing sales. Market
research company Global Web Index reports that 61% of U.S. and 56% of the UK consumers seek out
products that are recyclable or that use sustainable materials when making day-to-day purchases. Eco-
conscious consumers care about sustainable packaging because they are concerned about the
environment, and they are willing to support companies that share this concern. As a Research
Analyst at Ecopax you are required to undertake a study to assess the consumer awareness and
perceptions towards sustainable packaging for food products. In this light, you administered a survey
among 1000 respondents across several cities in the North and South India.
The data collected provides the following details:
1. Resp_ID: Respondent number
2. Gender: Whether Male or Female
3. Region: The respondent’s location- North or South
4. Age: The respondent’s age category
5. Education: The respondent’s education level
6. Monthly_income: The respondent’s monthly income category (in Rs.)
7. Awareness: The respondent has answered Yes/No depending on whether he/she is aware about
sustainable packaging

Note: Writing anything on the question paper will be considered as malpractice

VENUE : LAB REG.NO : 211001 SEAT NO : 101
8. Preference: The respondent has answered Yes/No indicating the preference towards products that
use sustainable or ecofriendly packaging
9. Willingness_to_paymore: The respondent has indicated Yes/No based-on respondent’s
willingness to pay more for a product that uses ecofriendly packaging which is less harmful to
environment and human health
10. Amount: Average amount (in Rs.) that the respondent is willing to pay per product in excess for
the ecofriendly packaging
11. Reason: The respondent has stated the key factor driving them to buy sustainably packaged
A five-point likert scale was administered to assess the consumer perception towards sustainably
packaged products where 1: Strongly disagree, 2: Disagree, 3: Neutral, 4: Agree, 5: Strongly
agree. The 7 statements are given below.
12. Perception1: I acknowledge products with images that are eco-friendly
13. Perception2: Packaging made from eco-friendly material reduces product waste
14. Perception3: I always read the printed information on the package before purchasing it
15. Perception4: I will switch to different product if it uses eco-friendly package
16. Perception5: Packaging made from eco-friendly material prevents overpacking
17. Perception6: I purchase a green packaged product because its packaging is safe
18. Perception7: The product with green packaging is more attractive
19. Recommendation: Respondent’s inclination to refer to friends/relatives to buy products that have
ecofriendly package-yes/no
Prepare a summary report with detailed inferences:
a) Describe the data structure and the type of variables. As part of data cleaning, if you
handled/omitted any missing values, indicate the same in your report. Carry out exploratory data
analysis for all the above variables with detailed inferences based on the descriptive metrics.
(10 Marks)
b) Represent the respondent demographics using bar diagrams. Compare the mean perception score
among male and female respondents using histogram with density plots. Draw suitable inferences.
Highlight in your report the R packages and functions used as part of this analysis.
(10 Marks)
c) Analyze the consumer perception with respect to sustainable packaging based on the following
three dimensions (6 Marks)
1) The age category- as classified below and above 40 years
2) Gender
3) Region
Develop suitable descriptive measures, frequency distributions and group summaries to
substantiate your analysis. Present a detailed analysis with comparative insights on which age
group, gender, region is willing to pay more, indicates higher preference and recommends
ecofriendly packaging. What will be your strategies to target them? (6 Marks)
d) Generate a cross tabulation of gender and the key factor driving the consumers to buy sustainably
packaged products. Summarize your findings. (8 Marks)

Note: Writing anything on the question paper will be considered as malpractice

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