COP Internal Walls and Partitions

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for the seismic design and installation of

non-structural internal walls and partitions
JULY 2018

The purpose of this Code of Practice is to assist the construction industry, building
consent authorities, architects, engineers, builders, installers and specifiers to comply
with the New Zealand Building Code.
Association of Wall and Ceiling Industries of New Zealand Inc.
The Association of Wall and Ceiling Industries of New Zealand Inc. is a grouping of building industry
organisations, including contractors, tradespeople, manufacturers and suppliers, established to
represent the interests of members and their customers for interior wall and ceiling lining systems and
related products.

The Association was formed in 1992 as the Interior Systems Association incorporating existing trade
groups of suspended ceilings, plasterboard and fibrous plaster. The name of the association was
changed in November 2005.

AWCINZ membership is open to any interested party.

For further information, please contact [email protected] or go to

This Code of Practice was prepared by a project team comprising:

John Keen – USG Boral Greg Preston – Quake Centre, University

Nick Molcisi – Rondo of Canterbury
Andrew Clemmet – Potter Interior Systems Sahin Tasligedik – Quake Centre, University
Scott McPherson – Potter Interior Systems of Canterbury
Scott Simpson – Tracklok Matt Bishop – BVT Enginnering
Hans Gerlich – Winstone Wallboards Phil Mowles – BRANZ

AWCI acknowledges the grateful assistance of the Christchurch Quake Centre and the University of

Author – Alide Elkink

Editor –
Design and layout – David Ronalds

Document history
This document may be updated from time to time. Refer to the website for the
most recent updates of this Code of Practice:

Version Date Amendments

1st published edition July 2018

Comments on this Code of Practice are welcome, please send all comments to [email protected].

The production of this Code of Practice was funded by BRANZ whose support is gratefully
acknowledged. Responsibility for the content lies solely with the Association of Wall and Ceiling
Industries of New Zealand and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of BRANZ.

II AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions
The Canterbury earthquakes of 2010-2011 and The Ministry congratulates the Association of
the Wellington earthquake of 2016 highlighted Wall and Ceiling Industries on its initiative in
the need to consider the design and installation producing this Code of Practice. It is encouraging
of non-structural elements including internal to see industry groups creating their own
partitions in buildings. The collapse of non- guidance and codes of practice to complement
structural walls and partitions in an earthquake Ministry guidance and Acceptable Solutions
can injure or even kill people, block escape and Verification Methods. Note, however, that
routes and prevent the continued use of this Code of Practice is not part of the Ministry’s
buildings after an earthquake. Acceptable Solutions, Verification Methods or
guidance documents.
Where non-structural partitions are damaged
but do not collapse, there is a likely loss of fire, Improving the compliance and performance of
acoustic or thermal rating of the elements. The non-structural internal walls and partitions will
loss of fire rating of internal partitions in particular rely on greater awareness of responsibilities for
can be potentially fatal to building occupants. design and installation from those involved in
the construction industry. To this end, we hope
This new Code of Practice focuses on the that this Code of Practice will assist the industry
seismic design and installation of non-structural with the procurement, design and installation of
internal walls and partitions so that they are non-structural internal walls and partitions.
able withstand light to moderate seismic
movement without experiencing significant
damage and so the building is able to have
continued functionality. It also focuses on the
roles and responsibilities of all groups involved
in the design and installation of non-structural
internal walls and partitions and the need for
coordination between all groups.

AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions 1
1 Introduction 6 Seismic performance of glazed partitions 17
Background – the need for seismic solutions
3 Statutory requirements 19
for non-structural internal partitions 6
New Zealand Building Act 19
Consequences of partition failure 7
New Zealand Building Code 19
Reasons for a lack of seismic design 8
Clause B1 Structure 19
Bringing about change 8
Clause B2 Durability 20
Scope of the guidelines 8
Clause C Protection from fire 20
Seismic solutions 9
Clause F2 Hazardous building materials 20
Who is this GPG intended for? 9
Acceptable solutions and verification
Who is involved in the publication? 9
methods 20
2 Overview of non-structural Compliance with Clause B1 21
internal partitions 10 Compliance with Clause F2 21
Defining non-structural elements 10
4 Seismic design requirements for
Current methods of construction 10
non-structural partitions 22
Solid partition systems 10
Seismic separation 22
Glazed partition systems 11
Seismic restraint requirements 25
Types of seismic damage to non-structural
Seismic requirements for glazed partitions 26
partitions 12
Summary of design considerations for
Inter-storey drift 12
non-structural interior partitions 27
Impact between elements across

movement joints 12 5 Design non-structural partitions

Impact between adjacent non-structural using New Zealand Standard 28
elements 13 Geographic location and building type 28
Partition failure during the New Zealand Building Importance Level 28
earthquakes 13 Limit state design 29
Reasons for the lack of seismic restraint 14 Ultimate limit state (ULS) 30
Research on non-structural partition Serviceability limit state (SLS) 30
performance during seismic events 15 Serviceability limit state guidelines 31
Types of damage observed 15 Annual probability of exceedance 31
Proposed changes to partition Classification of building parts and
installation 17 components 31

2 AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions
Structural design procedures in 9 Building Information Modelling
accordance with Standards 33 (BIM) 56
Wind loads on buildings 34 Overview of BIM 56

Designing glazed partitions using Features of BIM modelling 56

NZS 4223.3 34 Facilitating collaboration 56

Benefits of BIM 57
6 An integrated approach to design 35
BIM and non-structural partitions 57
An integrated approach to design 35
BIM and the NZCIC Design Documentation
The need for collaboration and
Guidelines 57
coordination 35

Non-structural seismic coordinator 36 10 The future 58

Establishing design parameters 36 Improved collaboration 58

Construction Industry Council (CIC) Tools 58

Guidelines 37 Into the future 58

Roles and responsibilities 37

11 Appendices 59
Specific roles 37
Glossary 59
Construction monitoring 39

Producer statements 39

Procurement 40

Issues from design-build projects 40

7 Penetrations through partitions 41

Guidelines for penetrations through

partitions 41

Fire stopping materials 42

Fireboxes 43

Fire and smoke dampers 44

8 Generic details 45
Generic details and solutions 45

Partition construction 45

Improving the seismic performance of

non-structural partitions 55

AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions 3
List of figures
Figure 1: Cost breakdown of office buildings, Figure 12(b): Full height FRR partition to
hotels and hospitals 7 underside of composite flooring – section detail 48

Figure 2: In-plane, out-of-plane and vertical Figure 13: Full height FRR partition top corner
deflections 14 detail – steel stud framing 48

Figure 3: Damage to conventionally-built steel Figure 14: Full height FRR partition bottom
and timber framed drywalls8 16 corner detail – steel stud framing 49

Figure 4: Glass-to-frame clearance 18 Figure 15: Alternative partition head details

– (a) Double top track detail 49
Figure 5(a): Seismic separation – partition
edge 23 Figure 15: Alternative partition head details
– (b) Steel channel track with slotted holes for
Figure 5(b): Seismic separation at partition
vertical and in plane movement
head – steel channel/steelstud 23
accommodation 50
Figure 5(c): Seismic separation at partition
Figure 16: Corner detail – steel stud framing 50
base – steel channel/steel stud 24
Figure 17: Full height partition head detail –
Figure 5(d): Seismic separation – vertical
proprietary deflection track 51
movement control 24
Figure 18: Partition edge detail – proprietary
Figure 5(e): Seismic separation – vertical
deflection track 51
movement control joint 25
Figure 19: Glazed partition head detail –
Figure 6: Typical layout of seismic bracing
proprietary deflection track/standard
for non-structural partitions 26
aluminium glazing track 52
Figure 7: Process for the design of a non-
Figure 20: Glazed partition head detail –
structural interior partition system 38
50 mm aluminium glazing track 52
Figure 8: Clearance and fire stopping around
Figure 21: Glazed partition jamb/sill detail –
a penetration 42
proprietary deflection track/standard
Figure 9: Typical firebox installation through aluminium glazing track 53
FRR partition 44
Figure 22: Glazed partition jamb/sill detail –
Figure 10(b): Full height FRR partition base 50 mm aluminium glazing track 53
detail – steel channel/timber studs 46
Figure 23: Glazed partition head detail –
Figure 10(a): Full height FRR partition head seismic bracing to structure/50 mm
detail – steel channel/timber studs 46 aluminium glazing track 54

Figure 11: Partial height framed partition – Figure 24: Steel frame/plasterboard lined
seismic bracing to structure 47 partition/glazed partition junction 54

Figure 12(a): Full height FRR partition to

underside of composite flooring 47

4 AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions
List of tables
Table 1: Determining building information from
AS/NZS 1170.0 and NZS 1170.5 29

Table 2: Description and examples of building

importance levels (from AS/NZS 1170.0: 2002,
Tables 3.1 and 3.2). 30

Table 3: Suggested serviceability limit state

criteria (from AS/NZS 1170.0: 2002, Appendix C,
Table C1) 32

Table 4: Classification of building parts and

components (from NZS 1170.5:2004 Table 8.1). 33

Table 5: Parties involved in stages of a building

projected (adapted from CIC Guidelines (2016)). 37

Table 6: Generic stopping systems and

recommended use 43

AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions 5
Background – the need for seismic and shelves, and computers and monitors
solutions for non-structural internal tumbling from desktops, was often sufficiently
partitions severe to render buildings unusable.
Until recently the focus of earthquake engineering
has been on the performance of the building Non-structural elements of a commercial
structure and mitigation of structural damage building typically make up between 60-80%
to buildings but damage to non-structural of the initial construction cost of the building
building elements and the consequences of the so damage to these elements can result in a
damage have not been considered. However, significant financial loss, both due the repair
both the Canterbury earthquakes of 2010-13 costs to damaged fixtures and fittings and the
and the Wellington earthquake in November loss of revenue due to downtime to the business.
2016, in which a significant number of buildings
were unusable due to the damage to their Surveys conducted following the Canterbury
non-structural systems despite suffering little and Wellington earthquakes have shown that:
structural damage , highlighted the need to
yy over 50% of the costs associated with the
consider the seismic design of non-structural Christchurch earthquakes, now estimated at
elements in buildings. over $40 billion, have been attributed to non-
structural damage, and
There has been a large increase in the yy the damage caused to non-structural
knowledge and understanding of seismic design elements in the BNZ building (constructed in
for structural systems in the past 50 years, to 2009) in Wellington in the 2013 magnitude
the extent that modern buildings are able to 6.5 earthquake, resulted in closure of the
withstand the effects of moderate to severe building for 6 months, took 15 months to get
earthquakes and continue to perform well with the building fully functional again and had
regard to building functionality and operation an estimated cost of repair of $10 million.
and the life safety of building occupants. It sustained extensive damage again in the
2016 earthquake and at present, the building’s
At the same time, there has been little future is unknown2.
advancement on the seismic design of non-
structural elements and almost no consideration Investigation into the construction cost
given to the seismic design of interior partitions distribution of components for various types of
and walls. This has resulted in different levels buildings (Taghavi and Miranda, 2003) shows
of serviceability of buildings following seismic that the costs for non-structural components
events, as was evident after both the Canterbury in each of the building types is significantly
and the Wellington earthquakes. Following higher than for the building structure or
these earthquakes, it was found that while contents. Although these figures are from the
the structure of buildings may have suffered USA, the relative building costs in New Zealand
relatively low or minimal damage, the damage will be similar. The graph in Figure 1 shows
to the non-structural systems, such as collapsed typical building construction costs for three
ceilings, damaged partitions, fallen cupboards types of buildings. A report to the Canterbury

1 From: Design of low damage seismic drywalls in practical applications – Research paper by Ali Sahin Tasligedik, Ho-Hyung (Frank) Kang,
Hans Gerlich, University of Canterbury Quake Centre, Christchurch, NZ.

2 From: BVT Engineering Professional Services at:

6 AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions

20% 17%



62% 70% Contents

48% Nonstructural


18% Structural
Office Hotel Hospital

Figure 1: Cost breakdown of office buildings, hotels and hospitals

(Reference Taghavi and Miranda3)

Earthquakes’ Royal Commission4 estimated that particular must retain the rating during and
almost every building in Canterbury experienced following a seismic event. For example, a partition
non-structural damage of some type during providing separation between an occupied space
the 2010–11 earthquakes. While the bulk of the and a safe exit route from the building is required
damage and cost of repair was to non-structural to be fire rated under the Building Act and the
elements such as building services (mechanical, integrity of the fire rating must be maintained.
electrical, HVAC, sprinklers) and external It was observed following the earthquakes that
cladding systems, the Canterbury earthquakes the level of damage that occurred to partitions
also resulted in significant damage to non- often meant they no longer had an effective fire
structural partitions in commercial buildings. rating. If the partition or wall is damaged and the
fire rating compromised, the safety of building
Damage was particularly pronounced where occupants will be at risk.
non-structural partitions continued past floor
levels, such as in vertical shafts and stairwells Consequences of partition failure
in multi-storey buildings, but damage also The consequences of partition failure are
occurred to partitions fixed to the underside of significant yet until recently, designing non-
suspended ceilings and to full height partitions structural partitions and walls to be able to
that extended to the underside of the floor withstand seismic movement has not been
above. The type of damage observed included considered necessary. In addition to the loss
cracked sheet joints, crushed sheet edges, of the fire resistance rating of the partition,
popped fixings, and in some cases substantial partition failure can present a falling hazard or
sheet fracturing and sheets that had been block escape routes preventing occupants from
dislodged from frames. The level of damage leaving the building.
that occurred to non-structural partitions
represented a significant economic cost. While they are subjected to the same levels
of deflection and displacement, damage will
Of additional concern was the loss of generally occur to non-structural building
functionality of the fire, acoustic or thermal elements at levels of building movement that
ratings of partitions. Fire rated partitions in cause little damage to the building structure.5

3 Taghavi, S. & Miranda, E. (Sept 2003). Response assessment of non-structural building elements. Peer Report 2003/05, Pacific Earthquake
Engineering Research Centre, College of Engineering, University of California, Berkley.

4 From Canterbury Earthqåuakes’ Royal Commission reports at:

5 Taghavi, S. & Miranda, E. (Sept 2003). Response assessment of non-structural building elements. Peer Report 2003/05, Pacific Earthquake
Engineering Research Centre, College of Engineering, University of California, Berkley.

AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions 7
This is primarily due to the lack of seismic yy seismic performance and expectations for
resistance of non-structural elements. partitions is ambiguous and undefined
yy a view that partitions are someone else’s
Non-structural partitions and walls are problem
typically constructed with a monolithic,
seamless and jointless finish and there are Bringing about change
often long lengths of walls whose surfaces There are currently no industry standards or
are unbroken by visible joints. This type guidelines for the seismic performance of non-
of construction does not allow for any structural interior partitioning systems. Yet the
movement tolerance, particularly seismic building industry recognises that changes to
movement. the design and installation of non-structural
internal partitions must occur. Factors that will
There are three types of potential risk from the help bring about changes include:
consequences of damage to non-structural yy involving all groups involved in a building
partitions: project at the early stages of the project
yy danger to life safety – there is a likelihood that yy incorporating seismic design into all elements
people may be injured or even killed and components at the design stage
yy property damage – as non-structural yy educating building practitioners on the
elements including non-structural partitions importance and need for seismic design of
and walls account for approximately 80% of building elements and components
the initial construction costs of a commercial yy educating building owners to understand the
building, damage to non-structural elements post-earthquake financial benefits of:
can be significant • less or no downtime due to interior building
yy functional loss – there may be significant damage
post-earthquake downtime to the building • reduced costs of reparation
function and operations that may result in • reduced insurance premiums if seismic
business downtime or closure and both with a restraint and low-risk construction is
loss of income. employed
yy encouraging industry to incorporate seismic
Reasons for a lack of seismic design design in non-structural building elements.
As the non-structural elements and components
of a building are not part of the structural load
Scope of the guidelines
path, they have tended to be overlooked in the This Code of Practice aims to provide
building design and construction. Reasons for standardised, industry agreed-upon solutions
this include: for the design and installation of internal
yy poor coordination between the different partitions and walls that can withstand the
parties involved in a building project effects of low to moderate earthquake events
yy poor understanding of each party’s with no or minimal damage, and to:
responsibilities yy reduce the risk of injury caused by the failure of
yy poor procurement processes interior partition systems

8 AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions
yy reduce the level of earthquake damage and plasterboard-lined and glazed internal
the associated repair costs to interior partition partitions.
yy provide an industry reference for installing non- The plasterboard-lined, framed partition
loadbearing, internal partitions to meet required installation details are based on the results
seismic performance limits of testing carried out by Tasligedik et al at the
yy provide consistent technical details and University of Canterbury.
specifications agreed upon by the industry sector.
The glazed partition details are based on
It will focus on best practice solutions recommendations made by the glazing industry
for installing lightweight non-structural, following observations of the types of damage
plasterboard-lined and glazed partition that occurred during the Christchurch and
systems that will: Wellington earthquakes. However, it must be
yy be able to withstand low to moderate noted that the installation details for glazed
earthquake events, and partitions have not been tested and at this stage
yy limit damage to partitions to minimise any loss are recommendations for installation only.
of functionality so the building can continue to
operate as intended. Who is this GPG intended for?
This Good Practice Guidelines is intended to be
This Good Practice Guidelines deals with used by:
lightweight, non-loadbearing partitions only. The yy architects and designers
term “partition” is generally used when referring yy engineers
to non-structural partitions and walls. yy project managers
yy contractors
The solutions are intended to apply primarily in yy subcontractors
commercial and industrial situations but may yy building consent authorities
be used in any non-structural partition system yy interior systems suppliers and installers.
Who is involved in the publication?
The focus is on the effects from low to moderate It is a joint effort publication that has been
earthquake events as the damage to non- brought together jointly by:
structural internal partition systems is of no yy the research community – University of
consequence where a severe earthquake Canterbury Quake Centre
results extensive or total damage to the yy Ministry of Business, Innovation and
building structure and complete loss of building Employment (MBIE)
functionality. yy manufacturers and distributors – Winstone
Wallboards, USG Boral, JSK Consulting
Seismic solutions Engineers, installers
This Good Practice Guidelines contains generic yy Association of Wall and Ceiling Industries
details of installation for non-structural, (AWCI) members.

AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions 9
Overview of non-structural
internal partitions
Internal partitions in commercial buildings are yy a partition is “Any wall dividing a floor area. A
non-structural elements that provide separations partition can be non-loadbearing and movable.”
within an occupancy or create divisions between yy a wall is “A vertical construction 1) enclosing
occupancies in the building. Most internal a building or structure, 2) dividing the internal
partitions are non-structural, i.e. they are space, or 3) serving as a fence.”
lightweight, non-loadbearing elements that do not
contribute to the structural stability of the building. Current methods of construction
Non-structural partitions in commercial
Partitions between occupancies will have a fire buildings generally consist of either:
rating and possibly an acoustic rating, and will yy a solid partition system comprising a framed
be full height to the underside of the structure and lined construction,
above. Partitions within occupancies may or may yy a glazed partition system, or
not have a fire or acoustic rating and often only yy a combination of the two.
extend to the underside of the suspended ceiling.
Solid partition systems
As an integral part of a building fit-out, Construction for framed and lined partitions
partitions allow the layout of internal spaces consists of either light gauge steel or timber
to meet the specific requirements and framing that is fully and rigidly fixed to the
configurations for the building occupants and building structure and lined on both sides with
contribute to the overall design, appearance a sheet lining material such as plasterboard,
and quality of the internal spaces. plywood* or a proprietary product to create a
monolithic system.
Defining non-structural elements
A definition of non-structural elements, given in *Note: Although other lining materials are also
the MBIE Practice Advisory 19, is: used with framed and lined partition systems,
plasterboard is the most commonly used lining
Non-structural elements are those elements material, so this Good Practice Guidelines will
within a building that are not considered to refer to partitions with plasterboard lining. The
be part of either the primary or secondary installation of partition systems with other types of
structural systems. Examples of non-structural linings should use the same principles of installation.
elements include components such as … light
non-loadbearing partitions … Partition framing consists of studs running
between horizontal top and bottom plates. A
NZMP 4212: 1998 Glossary of building terms fire or acoustic-rated partition has the top plate
defines the terms as follows: fixed to the underside of the structure above,
yy an element is “Part of a building or structure either the floor slab, the roof structure or a
having its own functional identity.” structural beam. Where no rating is required,

6 From: Improving earthquake performance of non-structural elements: MBIE Practice Advisory 19 – Building Performance website at: https://

10 AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions
the partition may extend to the underside of 10 mm thick but 13 mm and thicker sheets are
the suspended ceiling only. In the past the top available for fire and acoustic rated partitions.
plate was often fixed only to the ceiling so the Standard sheet width is 1200 mm and sheet
partition had no lateral stability. Top plates of lengths range between 2400 to 6000 mm.
partial height partitions must be secured to the
building structure using a seismic bracing or Specific use plasterboards are available for
restraint system. There are proprietary bracing wet areas, or fire and acoustic-rated partitions.
systems available for this purpose. Additional layers of plasterboard may be
installed to one or both sides of a partition
Bottom plates are fixed to the floor and studs to increase the fire and/or acoustic rating.
run vertically between the top and bottom The acoustic rating of a partition may also be
plates at regular spacings. End wall studs are increased by installing bulk insulating material
fixed to the building structure such as a column, between the studs or by using furring channels
an external wall or a structural return wall or and resilient clips, creating a physical break
to another partition perpendicular to the stud across the partition by.
framing being fixed.
The plasterboard sheets may be fixed
Steel framing is more commonly used than horizontally or vertically. Fixing is by gluing and
timber framing for commercial construction screwing sheets to studs and top and bottom
and particularly high-rise construction, because plates (and dwangs or nogs if used) at all
of the lower weight of the framing, the ease of edges and across the face of the sheets. Nails
construction and the stability of steel compared specifically designed for use with plasterboard
to timber (i.e. timber moves significantly as a may be used instead of screws. The sheet
result of changes of moisture and humidity). joints and fixings are plastered over to create a
monolithic appearance and the whole system is
Steel framing consists of roll-formed, rigidly fixed to the building structure.
galvanised, 0.50 or 0.55 BMT gauge (G500
or G550), high tensile steel. It is available in Glazed partition systems
thicknesses of 0.55, 0.75, or 0.95 mm and Glazed partitions are defined as either framed
typical sizes are 78 or 90 mm wide by a range or frameless systems although in both cases
of depths between 35-47 mm. aluminium framing is required to support the
panes of glass.
Timber framing is generally pinus radiata, either
untreated or treated to hazard class H1.2 in A framed glazed partition system generally
accordance with NZS 3640, and available in a refers to a system where each sheet of glass is
range of sizes but most commonly 90 mm by continuously supported at all four edges, i.e with
45 mm. top and bottom tracks and vertical mullions
between each pane of glass. Transoms may
Sheet linings are fixed to both sides of the sometimes be used to separate glass panes
framing. Standard plasterboard is generally horizontally, generally as a design feature.

AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions 11
A frameless glazed partition system also yy building deformation causing inter-storey drift
requires continuous top and bottom tracks to yy impact between elements across separation
support the glass, but vertical framing support or movement joints
is at the edges of the partition only. The vertical yy impact between adjacent non-structural
frames are fixed to the building structure, either elements.
a column or a wall, or fixed to non-structural
partitions. The vertical joints between adjacent Inter-storey drift
sheets of glass are simply butted and siliconed. During an earthquake a building is subjected
to movement in the same direction as the
Glass panes may be full height, i.e. floor-to- ground movement. However, while the base
ceiling, or partial height i.e. sill-to-ceiling. Glazed of a building moves with the ground there is a
partitions may be a combination of both full delayed response higher up the building, referred
height and partial height glass. The glass is to as inertial delay. This results in different
typically 6-12 mm thick and must be toughened degrees of movement going up the height of
or laminated safety glass. It is available as clear, the building relative to the movement at the
tinted, or partially or fully opaque and may be base and the ground. The effect of the inertial
patterned in a variety of ways. delay is also amplified up the building so the
higher up the building, the greater the degree of
The extruded aluminium frames are available movement relative to the lower levels. As well as
in a wide range of profiles and finishes including the height of the building, other factors that may
anodising and powdercoating. An anodised finish also increase the effect of inertial delay and the
may be coloured or left the natural silver colour of associated amplification of movement are the
the aluminium, while powdercoating is available in building mass and the acceleration or severity of
most paint colours. The frames generally hold the the shaking.
glass in place using glazing beads and gaskets, and
wedges and blocks are used to support the glass. The lateral or sideways movement on a building
during an earthquake causes vertical elements
Glazed partitions cannot be used where a such as columns and walls to be deformed
fire-rated partition is required so they are only as they move slightly out of square, first in
full height (i.e. to the underside of the building one direction then in the opposite direction.
structure) where there is no suspended ceiling. This movement is called inter-storey drift.
If an acoustic-rated glazed partition is required, The amplification of the movement going up
a double or ‘twin’ glazing system similar to IGU the building means the amount of sideways
systems, is installed. movement is slightly different at each floor level.

Types of seismic damage to non- Impact between elements across movement

structural partitions joints
Non-structural building elements such as Separation or movement joints are gaps
partitions are damaged by earthquakes in a between different parts of the building structure
variety of ways, including as a result of: or between different buildings where they have

12 AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions
been connected internally, to allow independent internal partitions often suffered damage
movement from one another. In an earthquake, that ranged from moderate to significant and
there is likely to be different rates of movement required extensive reparation or complete
of different parts or elements of the building. replacement.
If there is insufficient movement allowance,
elements are likely to impact against one Typical partition damage was as a result of:
another causing them to be damaged. yy in-plane movement, i.e. movement parallel to
the wall that occurs as a result of storey drift
In order to provide continued functionality of the (Figure 2). Damage included deformation of
building following an earthquake, the materials the framing and connection failure.
and finishes across movement joints must yy out-of-plane movement, i.e. movement
be able to accommodate the same degree of perpendicular to the wall due to storey drift or
movement as the joint itself. from floor deflections. Damage was typically
to the connections at the top of the partitions,
Impact between adjacent non-structural elements sometimes resulting in complete failure and
In an earthquake, there will be different rates of overturning of the partition. This type of failure
movement between adjacent non-structural can endanger building occupants by causing
elements so if they are inadequately secured injury and blocking egress routes as people
and too close to one another, they are likely to attempt to leave the building.
knock against one another and be damaged.
This was a major cause of damage to buildings The most significant damage occurred to
in the New Zealand earthquakes. Non-structural partitions with large areas of plasterboard lining
elements such as services pipes and ducting and where the linings were continuous past floor
that were inadequately secured and in close levels such as in vertical shafts and stairwells of
proximity, pounded against one another causing multi-level buildings. Typical damage included
damage to both. It was also observed that where cracked sheet joints, crushed sheet edges,
services pipes and ducting passed through popped fixings, fractured sheets, and sheets
partitions with no allowance for movement that had dislodged from the framing. The levels
around the opening, the partition was also of damage meant that where partitions were
significantly damaged. fire rated such as between an exitway and an
occupied space or where a pressure differential
Partition failure during the New Zealand between spaces was required to control the
earthquakes movement of smoke, the fire resistance rating
The 2010/2011 earthquakes in Canterbury and therefore the safety of building occupants
and the 2013 earthquake in Wellington were potentially compromised.
highlighted the poor performance of many
non-structural internal partitions in multi-storey Other types of damage that were observed
commercial buildings. One of the most common included that many partition failures occurred
observations was that although the building due to a lack of adequate seismic restraint of
structure performed well, the non-structural partial height partitions to the building structure.

AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions 13
in-plane deflection

vertical deflection

out-of-plane deflection

Figure 2: In-plane, out-of-plane and vertical deflections

It was noted that in even recently constructed moves at a different rate and travels a greater
buildings, partial height partitions are often distance in one direction before moving back in
installed without effective seismic restraint and the opposite direction than the same partition
in some situations, no seismic restraint at all. without additional loading. This often results
The damage that occurred highlighted the need in a greater level of damage to the partition
for adequate seismic bracing. supporting additional loading.

Partitions that supported book or storage Reasons for the lack of seismic restraint
shelves or were used to provide lateral support While the structural engineer focuses on
for floor-supported storage shelves, equipment the structural design of a building, the non-
or other non-structural items, also fared structural elements such as internal partitions
particularly badly. The design of partitions does are not generally included in the structural
not generally consider the additional loads engineer’s brief. In fact, the design and
imposed on the partitions but following the installation of non-structural components
earthquakes it was observed that partitions with typically occurs after the building consent
heavy fixtures attached suffered more damage documentation has been processed by the BCA
than partitions that carried no additional load. and is often undertaken by the system supplier
This is because a partition supporting a load or the subcontractor.

14 AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions
This means that the non-structural partitioning building project when structural monitoring
system seldom undergoes a seismic design may no longer be occurring.
review or bracing installation check. And as BCAs yy new partitioning may be installed into an
do not require specific design or construction existing building without applying for a
producer statements for seismic bracing of the building consent, so there may be no oversight
non-structural partitioning systems, they are not to ensure that adequate seismic restraint is
generally provided. also installed.

There are a number of reasons for the lack of Research on non-structural partition
consideration for seismic restraint or building performance during seismic events
movement accommodation in non-structural Types of damage observed
partitioning, including: Research7 was undertaken by the University
yy lack of understanding for the need for seismic of Canterbury on the seismic performance of
restraint in non-structural partitioning plasterboard-lined (drywall) partition systems
yy seismic performance expectations are and the ability of the systems to withstand
ambiguous or inspecified movement as a result of inter-storey drift.
yy no engineering involvement as the structural Testing included both timber and steel framed
engineer’s responsibility is typically restricted systems. The research found that although both
to the building structure with little or no types of framing systems suffered damage,
involvement in the design and monitoring of the responses differed between the two. It was
non-structural elements observed that:
yy late involvement of non-structural partition yy steel-framed partitions began to show signs of
supplier failure at 0.2-0.3% drift
yy late selection of non-structural partition yy timber-framed partitions began to show signs
system often not occurring until after the of failure at 0.75% drift.
building consent process has been completed
and therefore not part of the approval process The types of damage observed also differed:
yy poor communication between the designer yy Steel-framed partitions began to show signs
and the contractor of cracking vertically at the plasterboard
yy poor tender and procurement processes, sheet lining junctions and most of the
e.g. seismic restraint may be tagged out of subsequent damage occurred along these
a tender to allow a more competitive tender interfaces.
price but if the tag is not identified as being yy Timber-framed partitions suffered plate
required, it may be omitted altogether anchor failure in shear particularly at the
yy when the focus is on initial capital cost not life bottom corners, but significant shear stress
cycle costs, so the continued functionality of at the upper corners was also observed.
the building after an earthquake event is not Although the partitions remained serviceable
considered for a longer period at relatively low levels of
yy inadequate monitoring as non-structural inter-storey drift once the damage occurred, it
partitions are typically installed later in the was also greater. See Figure 3.

7 Research undertaken by A.S. Tasligedik, S. Pampanin and A. Palermo for the Civil and Natural Resources Engineering Department, University of
Canterbury (VEESD 2013)

AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions 15
corner crushing of the linings

lining toe crushing by rocking of the linings sheared anchorage

As-built steel framed drywall As-built framed drywall

damage concentrated to lining yy pronounced strut action
interfaces yy damage concentrated to corners
yy anchors rupture in shear at lower border

Figure 3: Damage to conventionally-built steel and timber framed drywalls8

It was determined that the reasons for the compression across the sheets causing stress
differences in damage between the two framing damage at the corners of the partitions.
systems was due to the different methods of
installation and fixing: Other types of damage were also observed
The vertical studs in steel-framed construction yy In steel framing:
are able to rotate about the screw connections • top and bottom track movement due to
to the steel channel bottom plate. This put inadequately secured fastening
additional stress along the vertical joints • studs coming out of the top and/or bottom
between lining sheets creating displacement. tracks
• partitions detaching from the building
The dwangs (horizontal timber blocking structure
between studs) in the timber-framed yy in both steel and timber framing, linings:
construction resulted in more rigid partitions • cracked around openings and penetrations
than with steel-framing. Deformation of the • compressed where the partitions were
building structure (i.e. moving out of square) butted to the building structure
on the timber framing caused diagonal • cracked at the perimeters of the sheets

8 Tasligedik, A.S. Pampanin, S. Palermo, A. (2013). Design of low damage seismic drywalls in practical applications. Civil and Natural Resources
Engineering Department, University of Canterbury (VEESD 2013), Figure 4

16 AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions
yy in taller framing (e.g. double height partitions) around 2.0% drift. However, the damage that
for both steel and timber: consisted of minor cracking in the plasterboard
• linings detached from framing. at aluminium edge trims, did not compromise the
fire (and acoustic) rating of the partitions.
From the types of damage observed, it was
determined that steel framed partitions are The modelling also demonstrated that an isolated
ductile, i.e. have a more flexible response to partition system would not affect the structure of
building movement but this only occurred at low the building or alter the period (i.e. the interval of
drift levels, whereas the timber framed partitions time between successive oscillations or cycles)
are non-ductile, i.e. have a less flexible response of the building. In comparison, existing drywall
to building movement but they are able to partitions that are rigidly connected to the building
withstand higher drift levels. structure, were observed to have some effect on
the structural system by altering the building’s
Based on the level of damage to partitions, period up to 10%.
it was also found that existing construction
practices result in partitions that are not able The numerical analysis modelling results therefore
to withstand the drift levels that a building concluded that when the internal partitions are
may be subjected to during a low to moderate separated from the building structure:
earthquake. New methods of partition yy the degree of damage to internal partitions is
construction are therefore required to limit the significantly reduced
degree of damage that currently occurs during yy the effect of the structural/non-structural
earthquakes of a magnitude that do not result in interaction is sufficiently low that there is no
major structural damage to the building. need to factor this into the design of a non-
structural partition system.
Proposed changes to partition installation
The report of the research findings proposed The report also concluded that the change to
that the seismic performance of drywall partition installation can be achieved using current
partition systems could be improved by making construction methods with little or no additional
a simple change to the way partitions are cost, materials or workmanship skills required.
installed. The proposal is to separate or isolate
the partitioning system from the building Seismic performance of glazed
structure so that partitions are able to move partitions
independently within the building structure. In an earthquake, a glazed partition is likely to
fail in one of two ways:
Numerical analysis modelling was carried out on yy if there is insufficient frame edge cover to the
a 10-storey reinforced concrete building using an glass, it may fall out of the frame
isolated partition system. This demonstrated that yy if the frame has insufficient separation from
the partitions could accommodate moderately the structure to accommodate inter-storey
high levels of building drift without damage. The drift, the glass may break under the pressure
partitions began to show signs of damage at of the frame deformation.

AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions 17
Glazed partitions must be able to withstand in pockets or rebates in the frame that must be
both in-plane and out-of-plane movement deep enough to continue to hold the glass under
without imposing any load to the glazing as glass frame deformation that may occur during an
is a brittle material that cannot accommodate earthquake and there must be sufficient glass-
deformation across its surface or withstand a to-frame clearance to accommodate inter-storey
load on its edges. The glass is held in position drift (Figure 4(a)-(c)).


glazing frame

gasket glazing frame

setting block

aluminium glazing frame


glass-to-frame clearance

Figure 4: Glass-to-frame clearance

18 AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions
Statutory requirements
There are currently no specific statutory Each of the clauses consists of three
requirements that apply to non-structural categories:
internal partitions in commercial buildings and yy Objectives
a building consent is not required to install yy Functional requirements
non-structural partitions. Nevertheless, all yy Performance criteria.
building work must comply with the Building
Act 2004 and the New Zealand Building Code If the performance criteria of a clause are met,
(NZBC). the objectives and functional requirements for
the clause are also met.
New Zealand Building Act
The New Zealand Building Act 2004 defines the Not all clauses in the Building Code are relevant
rules for building work in New Zealand. It requires to all buildings or parts of buildings. For non-
that all building work complies with the New structural internal partitions the clauses that
Zealand Building Code (NZBC), even when the must be considered are:
work does not require a building consent. The yy B1 Structure
NZBC, contained in Schedule 1 of the Building yy B2 Durability
Regulations 1992*, sets out performance yy C1-C6 Protection from fire
standards for building work to meet the yy F2 Hazardous building materials
requirements of the Building Act. While it sets
how a building must perform, it does not set out Clause B1 Structure
how performance should be achieved, i.e. it is a The NZBC Clause B1 Structure:
performance-based building code. yy The objective requires buildings to be
constructed in such a way that:
(*Note that the Building Regulations were • people are safeguarded from injury or loss
revoked in 2005 and Schedule 1 the only part of of amenity due to structural failure of the
the regulations that have been retained.) building, and
• other property is not damaged as a result of
The New Zealand Building Act and the New structural failure.
Zealand Building Code are the mandatory yy The functional requirement of clause B1 states
(statutory) legislative documents relating to that:
construction work in New Zealand. • “… building elements… shall withstand the
combination of loads that they are likely to
New Zealand Building Code experience during construction or alteration
The NZBC consists of three general clauses and and throughout their lives”.
38 technical clauses divided into eight broad yy The performance criteria of clause B1 require
categories of building work covering all aspects that:
of building work including structural stability, • (B1.3.1): “Building elements… shall have
fire safety, access, moisture control, durability, a low probability of rupturing, becoming
services and facilities, and energy efficiency of unstable, losing equilibrium, or collapsing…
buildings. throughout their lives.”

AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions 19
• (B1.3.2): “Building elements… shall have a applies to internal partitions and walls and
low probability of causing loss of amenity includes requirements for:
through undue deformation, vibratory yy fire stopping (i.e. dealing with penetrations
response… throughout their lives.” through fire-rated separations),
• (B1.3.3): “Account shall be taken of all yy controlling the spread of smoke, and
physical conditions likely to affect the yy internal surface finishes of building elements.
stability of … building elements including…
earthquakes…” While Clause C does not specifically apply to
• (B1.3.4: “Due allowance shall be made for mitigating seismic damage to non-structural
(a) the consequences of failure, (b) the partitions, it does require that the fire resistance
intended use of the building.” rating of partitions is maintained for a specified
time after an earthquake event.
All three categories are relevant and applicable
to non-structural partitions. Clause F2 Hazardous building materials
Clause F2 Hazardous building materials requires
Clause B2 Durability that potentially hazardous building materials
NZBC Clause B2 Durability requires that may only be used in such a way that they pose
a building must continue to satisfy the no undue risk to building occupants.
performance requirements of this code for
the specified intended life of the building with This clause refers primarily to glazed partitions
only normal maintenance. For non-structural and requires glazing to meet the requirements of
partitions and walls, the specified intended life is the referenced standards.
at least 5 years.
Acceptable solutions and verification
Clause C Protection from fire methods
Clause C Protection from fire is set out Each of the Building Code clauses contains
differently from the other Building Code prescriptive solutions (acceptable solutions),
clauses. It consists of six clauses, C1-C6 that methods of testing (verification methods),
cover all aspects of building fire protection. and references to New Zealand Standards and
Clause C1 provides the objectives for each of other documentation as means of meeting the
the C clauses. These are to: requirements of the Code for that particular
yy safeguard people from the risk of injury or clause of the Building Code.
illness due to fire
yy prevent fire from spreading to other properties When a building design that is submitted for
yy facilitate firefighting. building consent application complies with
an acceptable solution, a verification method,
Clauses C2-C6 deal with specific aspects of fire a referenced Standard or other referenced
safety construction based of the occupant risk documentation, it must be accepted by a Building
groups. Each clause is divided into parts. Part Consent Authority (BCA) as being compliant with
4 – Control of internal fire and smoke spread the relevant clause of the Building Code.

20 AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions
Compliance with the NZBC can be achieved in yy NZS 4223.3 Part 3: 2016 Glazing in buildings –
a variety of ways including: Human impact safety requirements.
yy following an acceptable solution or verification
method Verification method B1/VM1 section 2 to NZBC
yy using an alternative solution, Clause B1, references the AS/NZS 1170 suite of
yy or using a range of other paths to demonstrate standards generally as a means of achieving
compliance with the Building Code. structural compliance.

The acceptable solutions, verification methods Specific references include to:

and other referenced material in the Building yy AS/NZS 1170.0 for evaluating risk and loading
Code are not mandatory and other means of levels when designing to the ultimate and/or
demonstrating compliance may also be used. serviceability limit states.
These are submitted as alternative methods of yy NZS 1170.5 Section 8 for specific references
construction and require evidence to be supplied to internal, non-structural partitions. This
to the BCA to demonstrate that the proposed section addresses the requirements for parts
alternative method will comply with the and components and states that all parts of
requirements of the relevant Building Code. If an structures and non-structural components
alternative method is accepted, it will become (including partitions) and their connections
an alternative solution. and part supports must be able to withstand
earthquake actions, deflections and
Most NZBC clauses provide no references or displacements.
means of compliance for non-structural interior yy NZS 4223.1 for general glazing requirements
partitions. There are no acceptable solutions and provides the design criteria, guidance
or verification methods providing a means for specific design and procedures for glass
of compliance for interior partitions and the selection, and glazing in buildings.
only references to New Zealand Standards yy NZS 4223.3 for glass design for internal
relevant to non-structural interior partitions are partitions, including requirements for the area
contained in clauses B1 and F2. and thickness of glass, containment and edge
cover to the glass.
Compliance with Clause B1
The New Zealand Standards relevant to Compliance with Clause F2
non-structural partitions are referenced in The New Zealand Standard relevant to non-
Acceptable solutions and verification methods structural partitions is referenced in Acceptable
for NZBC Clause B1 are: solutions and verification methods for NZBC
yy AS/NZS 1170.0 Part 0: 2002 Structural design Clause F2 is:
actions – General principles yy NZS 4223.3 Part 3: 2016 Glazing in buildings –
yy NZS 1170.5 Part 5: 2004 Structural design Human impact safety requirements.
actions – Earthquake actions – New Zealand
yy NZS 4223.1 Part 1: 2008 Glazing in Buildings –
Glass selection and glazing

AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions 21
Seismic design requirements
for non-structural partitions
Although there is no specific requirement in the Seismic separation
NZBC, non-structural partitions should be able to Seismic separation of non-structural partitions
perform at least as well as the building structure in from the building structure allows the
a low or moderate earthquake event. That is, if the partitions to move independently, reducing
building structure is not damaged, there should be the likelihood of damage by impact from the
no or minimal damage to interior partitions and building structure. The seismic separation can
where partitions are required to be fire rated, the be achieved by providing gaps at the top and
fire resistance rating must be fully maintained. the sides of partitions. These can be designed
as negative or shadow line details or filled
Non-structural partitions and walls must be able with a compressible filler material that can
to resist seismic movement in all directions, both accommodate seismic movement.
horizontally (laterally) and vertically.
The amount of separation to accommodate
Based on both the findings from the research by lateral movement is based on the calculated
the University of Canterbury into how partition inter-storey drift at the particular level of the
systems responded to inter-storey drift and building. Half of the inter-storey drift should be
observations of the seismic performance of accommodated as a gap or seismic separation
plasterboard-lined partition systems, two at each end of the length of wall to avoid major
proposals for improving the seismic resilience damage in the event of an earthquake.
of non-structural internal partitions were made.
These are for: Vertical movement allowance at the top of
yy seismic separation, that is isolating or plasterboard lined walls should be incorporated
separating the non-structural partitions from to accommodate floor deflections (Figures 5(b)
the building structure, and and (c)).
yy seismic bracing, that is restraint of partial
height partitions (i.e. to the underside of a Strips of plasterboard or a similar material
suspended ceiling) to the building structure. should be used as packers between all top and
side wall frame edges and the building structure.
If partitions are to be used to provide support or Where partitions are required to be fire-rated,
lateral restraint to non-structural components the packing material must be plasterboard or a
such as cupboards or shelving, the walls and proprietary fire barrier material.
seismic bracing must be able to resist the
additional loading. Control joints are required in partitions where
there are long unbroken partitions or wall runs
Seismic design and detailing for non-structural and where structural control joints occur in
partition installation should be included in the primary structure. They can be achieved
building consent application documentation. by installing double studs separated by

22 AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions
continuous plasterboard expansion/seismic gap between
strips between perimeter plasterboard lining and structure
track and building structure as required for calculated drift
for full width of track

steel studs friction fitted between

top and bottom tracks

building structure

25-50 mm expansion/
movement gap

steel channel perimeter track

fixed to building structure

plasterboard lining fix lining to studs only

(i.e. do not fix to edge track)

Figure 5(a): Seismic separation – partition edge

continuous plasterboard strips

between track and underside of
building structure for full width
of track
underside of slab/structure above

steel channel top track

10-20 mm gap – top

track to underside slab/

10-15 mm gap between

lining and structure 10-15 mm expansion gap
– stud to top track

fix lining to studs only

(i.e. do not fix lining to track)

plasterboard lining
steel studs friction fitted between
top and bottom tracks

Figure 5(b): Seismic separation at partition head – steel channel/steelstud

AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions 23
plasterboard lining

steel studs friction fitted

between top and bottom

proprietary skirting
steel channel bottom track fixed to studs only

fix lining to studs only

(i.e. do not fix lining to track)

floor slab

Figure 5(c): Seismic separation at partition base – steel channel/steel stud

continuous plasterboard strips between

studs for full depth of studs

gap width as required for

structural joint or partition length

steel studs friction

fitted between top
and bottom tracks

plasterboard lining

Figure 5(d): Seismic separation – vertical movement control

24 AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions
continuous plasterboard strips between
steel channels for full width of channels

gap width as required for

structural joint or partition length

steel channel

25-50 mm expansion/
movement gap
steel studs friction fitted
between top and bottom tracks

plasterboard lining

Figure 5(e): Seismic separation – vertical movement control joint

plasterboard strips or a similar packing material A range of proprietary, pre-engineered partition

(Figures 5(d) and (e)). A range of proprietary restraint systems that connect the partition top
jointers are also available to accommodate the plate to the underside of the structure above,
gaps between sheet lining materials if required. are available for different situations including:
yy bracing for steel and timber framed partitions
Seismic restraint requirements yy bracing for aluminium glazed partitions
Non-structural internal partitions must be yy retrospective bracing for existing unbraced
braced to the building structure. Seismic partition systems
restraint of non-structural internal partitions yy bracing that is installed horizontally to brace
may be achieved by: partitions perpendicular to one another for
yy using details or proprietary systems that have situation where there is insufficient ceiling
been verified as being compliant with the space for bracing to be installed
Building Code yy low-profile systems are available for use where:
yy using specific engineering design details • a large amount of vertical deflection must
that have been designed by an engineer with be accommodated
competency in the application of earthquake • the plenum or ceiling space is high
actions such as a Chartered Professional • there is little room for bracing due to the
Engineer (CPEng). large number of services in the ceiling space.

AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions 25
Seismic restraint systems are generally installed Seismic requirements for glazed partitions
at angles ranging between 30-600 in plan to the The same principles for providing seismic
partition being braced and perpendicular in plan separation and restraint of framed and lined
to partition returns or to straight partitions with partitions must also be applied to glazed partitions.
no return walls (Figure 6). They can generally
accommodate up to 50 mm of inter-storey drift, Seismic separation can be achieved by providing
90 mm of in-plane wall deflection and 20 mm a minimum 50 mm deep channel in the head and
of out-of-plane wall deflection. side glazing frames to accommodate seismic
movement without imposing force on the glass.
Installation of proprietary restraint
systems should be in accordance with the Seismic restraint for glazed partitions is the
manufacturer’s or supplier’s instructions which same as for framed and lined partitions and
may also require installation by specialist is required wherever glazed partitions do not
installers. extend to the underside of the building structure.

2.4 m

90˚ 90˚ 90˚

≤ 3.0 m
30˚– 60˚

30˚– 60˚ 30˚– 60˚


30˚– 60˚

1.5 m 1.5 m 2.4 m 2.4 m

≤ 3.0 m 3.0 – 4.8 m

Figure 6: Typical layout of seismic bracing for non-structural partitions

26 AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions
Some framing systems have removable glazing Summary of design considerations for
beads that hold the glass in place in the frame. non-structural interior partitions
A glazing bead allows the sufficient depth of As part of the interior partition design process,
the pocket housing the glass to provide both a number of issues should be considered:
the edge cover and the movement allowance yy the potential damage to non-structural
required. However, some framing systems have components that may occur as a result of the
fixed pockets on two or more sides of a frame deformation of structural components
(i.e. they do not have removable glazing beads). yy the need to accommodate seismic
This means that the frame rebate depth must be separations in the building
minimal in order to be able to install the glass. yy where partition systems are located in the
Following the New Zealand earthquakes, it was building as inter-storey drift increases higher
observed that in some situations the glazed up the building
partitions failed because the edge cover was yy whether building services systems must pass
below the depth required to contain the glass. through a non-structural partition, which
means the potential for impact damage during
Non-structural glazed partitions must be self- seismic activity must be addressed
supporting and there must be no loads applied yy whether fire, acoustic or thermal ratings must
from above or the sides of the partition. Any be maintained
wall element above a glazed partition should yy the integrity of partitions separating exitways
be isolated, either by being suspended from that provide a safe means of exiting the
above or with a lintel installed so that there is no building in the event of an emergency, must be
weight on the glazing or mullions. maintained.

AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions 27
Design non-structural partitions
using New Zealand Standard
Designing non-structural partitions using AS/ yy geographic location of the building
NZS 1170 yy building type – to establish building
importance level
As there are no acceptable solutions containing yy building importance level (IL)
specific reference or guidance for non-structural yy ultimate limit state (ULS)
partitioning systems, specific engineering design yy serviceability limit state (SLS)
(SED) with reference to AS/NZS 1170 is required. yy annual probability of exceedance
Verification method B1/VM1 to Clause B1 of yy consequences of building failure
the NZBC references the AS/NZS 1170 suite of yy classification of building parts.
New Zealand Standards. Relevant parts of the
standard include: The methods to determine the building
yy AS/NZS 1170.0: General Principles information required are provided in AS/NZS
yy NZS 1170.5: Earthquake actions – New Zealand. 1170.0 and NZS 1170.5 and are summarised in
Table 1.
These Standards should be referred to when
designing the installation of non-structural Geographic location and building type
partitions. Under NZS 3604:2011 Timber framed buildings,
New Zealand is divided into zones based on
AS/NZS 1170.0 requires buildings to be designed environmental features including earthquake,
and constructed so that during their design wind snow load and exposure.
working life, they are able to withstand all
actions and environmental influences that may NZBC Clause A1 classifies buildings according
be imposed on them. to type in seven categories. A building with
a given classified use may have one or more
Section 3 of AS/NZS 1170.0 requires that intended uses under the Building Act. The broad
buildings must be able to withstand seismic classifications are:
actions so that: yy housing
yy the building does not collapse yy communal residential
yy parts of the building do not collapse if they yy communal non-residential
present a hazard to people inside the building yy commercial
yy the non-structural systems that will enable yy industrial
people to evacuate the building do not collapse. yy outbuildings
yy Determining level of seismic restraint required yy ancillary.
yy The first step in designing the non-structural
partitioning system is to obtain the building Building Importance Level
information required to determine the level of Buildings have an importance level (IL) based
seismic restraint required. This includes: on the consequences of building failure after

28 AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions
Standard Section/table Information

AS/NZS 1170.0 Section 3.3 and Table 3.2 Building importance level (IL)

Sections 3.2 and 3.4, Table 3.3 Annual probability of exceedance

Table 3.2 Building type

Table 3.1 Consequences of failure for importance levels

Section 2.2 Ultimate limit state (ULS) design procedure

Section 2.3 Serviceability limit state (ULS) design procedure

NZS 1170.5 Section 2.3 Ultimate limit state (ULS) verification

Section 2.4 Serviceability limit state (ULS) verification

Section 8 Requirements for parts and components

Table 8.1 Classification of building parts

Table 1: Determining building information from AS/NZS 1170.0 and NZS 1170.5

a major event, and the risk to human life, the AS/NZS 1170.0, which is referenced from NZBC
economic cost and the ability for the building Clause B1 Structure, also uses the building
to continue to function or be repaired. There importance levels to define ultimate limit state
are five levels of importance, defined in NZBC (ULS) and serviceability limit state (SLS) for
Clause A3 as follows: the impact of wind, snow and earthquake levels
yy Level 1: Buildings and structures that present on buildings. AS/NZS 1170.0 also defines the
a low degree of hazard to life or property, such consequence of building failure in relation to
as outbuildings, fences and walls. the building importance level. This is shown in
yy Level 2: Buildings not included in the other Table 2.
categories, such as timber-framed houses, car
parking buildings or office buildings. (Note: Although Clause A3 states that the
yy Level 3: Buildings that may have contents of building importance levels refer only to NZBC
high value to the community or pose a risk to a Clause C Protection from fire, they align with the
large number of people in close proximity, such importance levels given in AS/NZS 1170.0)
as conference centres, stadiums and airport
terminals. When determining building importance levels,
yy Level 4: Buildings that must remain functional if a building has multiple uses, the importance
immediately after an earthquake or major event, level for the whole building shall be the highest
such as hospitals, communications centres and applicable level for any use in the building.
other critical post-disaster buildings.
yy Level 5: Structures whose failure poses a Limit state design
catastrophic risk to a large area or a large The structural design of buildings requires
number of people, such as a dam or a consideration of all the loads that could
biological containment centre. potentially act on a building over its lifetime,

AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions 29
Importance Type of building Examples Consequences of
level failure*

1 Building that present a low risk to Structures with a total floor Low
life or other property area less than 30 m2

2 Normal buildings and those not Single family dwellings Ordinary

in other importance levels

3 Buildings that may have large Schools, healthcare facilities, High

numbers of people, pose a risk to correctional facilities, multi-
crowds or contain items of high occupancy residential,
value to the community commercial, industrial, office
and retail buildings, public
assembly buildings, theatres
and cinemas

4 Structures with special post- Buildings and facilities High

disaster functions designated as essential, or
with a special post-disaster
function, medical emergency
and surgical facilities

*Note: For definitions of consequences of failure, refer to the descriptions given in AS/NZS 1170.0, Table 3.1

Table 2: Description and examples of building importance levels (from AS/NZS 1170.0: 2002, Tables 3.1
and 3.2).

ranging from the ongoing in-service loads to rare A structural engineer must provide both ULS and
events such as a severe earthquake. SLS deflection criteria.

While the in-service design load is an Ultimate limit state (ULS)

appropriate design level for ongoing loads on a The ultimate limit state (ULS) requires that a
building, it does not deal with the loads that may building remains standing after being subject to
be imposed on rare occasions. This has resulted its peak load such as may occur during a major
in the development of the limit state design. earthquake.

A limit state is the condition of a building AS/NZS 1170 requires ULS design levels for
beyond which it no longer meets the specified buildings based on their importance level and
design criteria including the structural integrity, design working life to be able to withstand
functionality, durability or serviceability of the seismic events between 1-in-100 to 1-in-2500-
building. and is the result of a level of loading or year probability. For example, the ULS design
some other action that is beyond the ability of level for an importance level 2 (IL2) building and
the building to withstand. a 50-year design working life is based on a 1-in-
500-year earthquake.
Two basic limit states are defined by AS/NZS
1170: Serviceability limit state (SLS)
yy the ultimate limit state (ULS), and The serviceability limit state (SLS) is the level of
yy the serviceability limit state (SLS). load that a building of a particular importance

30 AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions
level can withstand after an earthquake and Annual probability of exceedance
still be used for its intended purpose without The annual probability of exceedance is
repair. This means the level of load defined for the probability of an event (such as an
this limit state is low as it is a state expected to earthquake) occurring in any year. It is based
be reached several times during the life of most on the building’s:
buildings in New Zealand. yy design working life
yy importance level
There are two categories of serviceability limit yy ULS
state (SLS): SLS1 and SLS2. These are defined yy SLS (either SLS1 or SLS2).
in AS/NZS 1170.0: 2002, 3.4.2 as follows:
yy SLS1 – where structural and non-structural AS/NZS 1170.0: 2002, Table 3.3 sets out the
components do not require repair after an annual probability of loadings (exceedance)
SLS1 earthquake, wind or snow event for earthquake, wind and snow for:
yy SLS2 – where the building must remain yy ultimate limit state (ULS) for buildings
functional after an SLS2 earthquake. with designated importance levels 1-4,
The higher serviceability limit state, SLS2, is yy serviceability limit states 1 and 2 (SLS1
required for buildings with a high importance level and SLS2) for buildings with designated
4 (IL4) such as hospitals, emergency services importance levels 2-4.
buildings and so on, as it is required that they
will be fully operational within minutes or hours, Classification of building parts and
rather than days, following a seismic event. components
A building part9 is defined as:
A SLS1 design level applies to building with yy “a member that is either attached to and
importance levels 2-4 and must be able to supported by the structure but is no part of
withstand an earthquake based on a 1-in-25- the structural system, or
year earthquake. yy an element of the structural system that can
be loaded by an earthquake in a direction that
For more information, refer to the BRANZ it is not usually designed for”.
Seismic Resilience website at: A building component10 is defined as “part of
resilient-design/earthquake-engineering/limit- a building too complex to be called a building
state-design/ element, e.g. wall door, etc. which may be built
from several elements”.
Serviceability limit state guidelines
Appendix C, Table C1 in AS/NZS 1170.0: An alternative definition of a part11 is “an
2002, provides guidelines and serviceability element that is not intended to participate
parameters for the design of building elements in the overall resistance of the structure to
and components. For non-structural internal horizontal displacement under earthquake
partitions, these are shown in Table 3. conditions for the direction being considered”.

9 From NZS 1170.5, p. 56

10 From NZMP 4212, p. 29

11 From NZS 1170.5, p. 59

AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions 31
Element Phenomenon Serviceability Element
controlled parameter response(1)
Walls face loaded discerned mid height height/150
General movement deflection
impact: soft body mid height height/200 but <
deflection 12 mm(2) (3)
supported mid height height/1000
elements rattle deflection

Walls(4) in plane lining damage mid height Height/300

Plaster/gypsum deflection
face loading lining damage mid height Height/200

Glazing Glazing system bowing mid span deflection Span/400

Fixed glazing glass damage mid span deflection 2 x glass
system clearance(5)


1 The span or height ratios used in the deflection criteria are the clear spacing between parts of support.

2 Walls and partitions require stiffness control to minimise disturbance such as neighbours on the other side of an inter-tenancy wall. The stated
deflection criteria (height/200 from a concentrated load of 0.7 kN at mid-height) has been simplified for ease of application and is based the
impact of a person running and falling against a wall.

3 Internal partitions may also be subjected to differential pressures as a result of wind pressure. A net coefficient of 0.5 may be considered
appropriate when used in conjunction with the serviceability wind pressures.

4 Different wall linings have different movement tolerances so some are identified.

5 The surface finish and size of partitions may affect the observed deflections of ceilings and floors, e.g. the reflective surface of glass amplifies
apparent bowing by the reflected images as they move with the surface distortions. Ripple effects are more apparent on flat surfaces, while
textured surfaces tend to disguise ripple effects. Large surface areas appear to move more than smaller surface areas. Where the texture of the
surface is unknown, design should be to a higher deflection limit.

Table 3: Suggested serviceability limit state criteria (from AS/NZS 1170.0: 2002, Appendix C, Table C1)

According to these definitions, partitions and Under each category there is also an associated
non-load bearing walls can be defined as both ULS or SLS requirement. These are summarised
building parts and components. in Table 4. Note that the category requirements
apply to the parts and components following an
NZS 1170.5: 2004 is the design actions earthquake but do not apply to fire safety and
standard cited by verification method B1/ safe egress if there is a fire.
VM1 to NZBC clause B1 Structure. Section
8 of NZS 1170.5 addresses the seismic A system is assigned a part category according
performance requirements for building parts to its potential to cause death or injury, or its
and components and classifies them into one importance for the continued functioning of
or more categories, P1-P7, based on specific the building, or if the consequential damage is
performance criteria. high. For example, categories P2 and P3 apply

32 AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions
Category Criteria Structure limit state

P1 Building component presents a hazard to people outside the building ULS

P2/P3 Building component presents a hazard to people inside the building ULS
(includes heavy partition systems)

P4 Building component necessary for the continuing function of the ULS

evacuation and life safety support systems in the building

P5 Building component required for: SLS2

yy IL4 building; building required to have operational continuity:
yy functionality for building to be redeveloped

P6 Where the consequential damage caused by a component failure is SLS1

disproportionately great

P7 All other components SLS1

Table 4: Classification of building parts and components (from NZS 1170.5:2004 Table 8.1).

where a system represents a hazard to human exceedance for wind, snow and earthquakes
life inside a building, while category P4 requires from AS/NZS 1170.0, section 3.
parts and components to continue to function to yy If required, determine the ultimate load for
enable the building to be safely evacuated, and wind from AS/NZS 1170.2.
for life safety systems in the building to continue yy Determine the ultimate load for earthquakes
to function. The ULS applies for the design of from NZS 1170.5.
categories P2-P4. yy Design and detail the structure in accordance
with NZS 1170.5 for earthquakes.
A part is considered a hazard to human life if
it weighs more than 7.5 kg and is able to fall AS/NZS 1170.0, clause 2.3 sets out the design
more than 3 m. A partition system that comes for the SLS as follows:
within these criteria needs to be designed to the yy Determine the type of design serviceability
ultimate limit state. condition to be considered.
yy Determine the design situation including
Structural design procedures in serviceability load and serviceability limits for
accordance with Standards the condition being considered from AS/NZS
Section 2 of AS/NZS 1170.0 sets out structural 1170.0, section 3.
design procedures for the ULS (Clause 2.2) and yy If required, determine the serviceability load
SLS (Clause 2.3). for wind from AS/NZS 1170.2.
yy Determine the serviceability limits applicable
AS/NZS 1170.0, clause 2.2 sets out the design to earthquake loading from NZS 1170.5.
procedure for the ULS as follows:
yy Determine the building importance level (IL) AS/NZS 1170.0, clause 3.2 sets out design
and the associated annual probability of requirements include that buildings must

AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions 33
be able to withstand all actions during their yy for design wind pressures and distributed
lifetime as follows: forces – paragraph 2.4
yy for earthquakes: yy to calculate wind actions – paragraph 2.5.
• to avoid collapse of building parts that
present a hazard to life, and Designing glazed partitions using NZS
• to avoid damage to non-structural elements 4223.3
that are necessary for evacuation of the Requirements for glazed partitions are set out
building in NZS 4223.3: 2016 Glazing in buildings. Part 2 –
yy to perform adequately under all expected Human impact safety requirements.
actions (serviceability requirement).
The NZBC Clause A1 identifies a range of
The information for the design of non- structural building usages that must be glazed in
partitions should be supplied to the interior accordance with NZS 4223.3, sections 3.2, 3.3
partition systems supplier by a structural and 3.4. These include assembly care buildings
engineer. such as schools and early childhood centres,
communal residential buildings, commercial and
Wind loads on buildings industrial buildings, and other buildings where
Wind loads on the building exterior cause there is a high risk of injury from glazing.
pressure changes to the exterior that can result
in a pressure differential across the exterior wall, The New Zealand Standard, NZS 4223.3
affecting the internal pressure. Internal pressures describes glazing requirements for all glazing
can be sufficiently significant to need to be that is wholly or partly within 2000 mm from
considered for interior partition design. a floor or ground level. Other requirements for
glazing include for fully framed, partly framed
Wind actions on buildings are determined and and unframed partitions.
calculated in accordance with AS/NZS 1170.2: 2011:
yy for site wind speeds – paragraph 2.2
yy for design wind speeds – paragraph 2.3

34 AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions
An integrated approach to
An integrated approach to design yy ensuring appropriate oversight by employing
The design and installation of non-structural a specialist non-structural seismic co-
interior partition systems requires collaboration ordinator who will be responsible for
and integration between all the relevant overseeing all of the interior non-structural
disciplines involved in the building project. This partitioning and ensuring that the specified
generally includes: systems and products are installed.
yy the designer or architect
yy a structural engineer and/or specialist Critical decisions made in the early stages of
seismic engineer a project are easier to make, less costly and
yy services engineers (MEP and HVAC). more effective than when they are made later in
the project. Early engagement and interaction
A collaborative approach involves disciplines between all parties involved can ensure that:
working together to jointly analyse problems, yy design objectives are clarified and refined early
provide feedback on design options and in the project
solutions, and collectively make decisions yy appropriate performance levels are set, and
at each stage of the project. It also includes yy the best design solutions are identified early in
having regular meetings and maintaining good the design process.
communication between all relevant parties
of a building project and should begin as early The need for collaboration and
as practicable. It is also important to identify coordination
and agree on oversight and management Investigation by the Ministry of Business,
methodologies for key coordination issues. Innovation and Employment (MBIE) into
building project practices has found that a lack
Factors to facilitate the development of the of collaboration is likely to result in:
building project include: yy misunderstandings and incorrect assumptions
yy involving all relevant parties as early as yy groups not being aware of changes to the
possible in the project so that: design being made elsewhere.
• problems are identified and resolved early yy delays in progress
in the project rather than becoming major yy inefficiencies
issues during the construction phase yy the need to repeat work.
• critical decisions made in the early stages
of the project An advisory published by MBIE, Practice Advisory
• specialist areas can be designed with the 19 Improving earthquake performance of non-
requisite seismic restraints structural elements, provides advice to building
yy obtaining all the required information from practitioners on the need for a well-planned
relevant disciplines at the start of the and coordinated approach to the design and
project construction of seismically restrained non-

AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions 35
structural elements in a building. Although the Structural information including the seismic
practice advisory refers primarily to building design criteria such as SLS and ULS for
services such as mechanical and electrical plant, the proposed building, and specific design
ducting, pipework, cable trays and suspended information required for the internal partitioning
ceilings, the advice can also be applied to should be provided by the structural engineer.
lightweight, non-loadbearing partitions. Partition manufacturers also often provide
design information such as seismic restraint
To see the advisory, refer to MBIE website: tables and guidelines.
code-compliance/b-stability/b1-structure/ Establishing design parameters
practice-advisory-19/improving-earthquake- The design parameters for the non-structural
performance-non-structural-elements/ elements should be determined at the
preliminary design phase of a building project.
The Canterbury Earthquakes Royal
Commission recommended that a structural The location of the bracing or seismic restraint
Chartered Professional Engineer (CPEng) for ceiling-height and full-height partitions
should be engaged at the same time as the must be coordinated with other non-structural
architect for the design of a complex building. building components that need to be located in
A guidance document, Improving Collaboration the ceiling space such as sprinkler systems, air-
between Architects and Engineers that was put conditioning ducts, cabling ducts, and lighting
together by a number of different agencies, systems. Ceiling spaces often have very limited
strongly recommends collaboration between space so the design and layout of the ceiling
disciplines. It is available online at: space must be carefully planned to ensure there are no component clashes.
When designing the layout for the seismic
Non-structural seismic coordinator restraint of partitions in the ceiling space,
A specialist non-structural seismic considerations should include the:
coordinator should be included in the design yy characteristics of the building structure
team for larger projects. A suitably qualified yy location of non-structural partitions in the
coordinator would: building
yy prepare seismic restraint layout drawings yy type of anchorage or restraint system
yy design details for the installation of non- yy potential interaction between structural and
structural partitions including all junctions of non-structural elements.
partitions and walls with building structure
yy be responsible for ensuring that non-structural The layout of the ceiling space and the location
partition systems are designed and installed of all components including seismic restraints
as specified in the ceiling space, should be completed
yy monitor the installation and construction of and included as part of the building consent
the seismic restraint system. documentation the tender process.

36 AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions
Construction Industry Council (CIC) Table 5 shows which parties are involved at
Guidelines particular stages of the building project and who
The New Zealand Construction Industry should provide the deliverables.
Council’s (NZCIC) 2016 Design Documentation
Guidelines provides a good template on which Roles and responsibilities
to base an integrated design approach. They The process outlining who may be involved
set out guidelines for all disciples involved in a and what their roles are is shown in Figure 7.
building project including: Note that not all steps will be relevant for all
yy roles and responsibilities construction projects.
yy the coordination and design interfaces
between parties Specific roles
yy a checklist to define the design processes The architect or designer is generally
yy a schedule of activities to be carried out. responsible for the overall design of the building
and oversees the coordination of the design
The guidelines provide useful general checklists input from the specialist disciplines such as
and benchmarks for the design, construction structural, building services (MEP), and fire
and monitoring of the building project. engineers.

CIC Guidelines Design Requirements Parties required to Deliverables

(2016) stages principle input, assist and required and parties
coordinate responsible

Concept design General Seismic design Architect, Project Structural engineer


Preliminary General Seismic design Architect Structural, MEP, Fire

design engineers

Developed General Seismic design Architect Structural, MEP, Fire

design engineers

Detailed design General Proprietary Architect Structural, MEP, Fire

Structural/ design engineers

Procurement Structural/ Erection/ Architect, Project

geotech construction manager, Structural,
MEP, Fire engineers

Construction, General Seismic design Architect, Project Contractor

Administration, manager, Structural,
Observation MEP, Fire engineers

Table 5: Parties involved in stages of a building projected (adapted from CIC Guidelines (2016)).

AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions 37
Who is involved Procedure Selection options

Designer*/ Determine building importance IL1 IL2 IL3 IL4 IL5

engineer/seismic level (IL)
specialist or
coordinator Determine building category P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7

Engineer/seismic Determine the ultimate and ULS SLS

specialist service limit states for all

Designer Select partition system Use manufacturer’s Design by a

installation details suitably qualified
person (engineer/
seismic specialist)

Engineer/ Determine which services must Service to pass Service to pass in

seismic specialist pass through partitions below ceiling the ceiling space
with services Design appropriate seismic
specialists) restraints

Designer Apply for building consent

including partition design
documentation in application

* Designer refers to architect, architectural designer, specialist interior designer.

Figure 7: Process for the design of a non-structural interior partition system

38 AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions
The structural engineer is responsible for: criteria requirements. Traditionally the primary
yy the structural design of the building and secondary structural elements of a building,
yy providing the seismic design criteria for the which are engineer-designed and detailed, are
non-structural elements in the building. closely monitored while non-structural elements
tend to be overlooked or poorly monitored and
Building services engineers (MEP) are managed during the design, procurement and
responsible for designing and installing construction phases of the project.
specialist building services such as heating
and ventilation systems, electrical, data and On-site monitoring is crucial in the construction
communication systems, and plumbing and process to ensure that details of construction
drainage systems. such as fixings and anchorages, seismic
clearances and movement allowances are
Fire engineers are responsible for the fire safety constructed or provided as detailed.
design of buildings including materials and
construction, means of egress, preventing the Monitoring of internal partition installation
spread of fire and firefighting facilities. should be carried out by the architect or
designer, a structural engineer, interior
The main contractor is responsible for: partitioning system designer or, if employed, the
yy providing the materials, labour, equipment and non-structural seismic coordinator.
services required for the construction of a building
yy overseeing the construction process Producer statements
yy managing the coordination of seismic A producer statement is a professional opinion
solutions and details by relevant trade that may be used to contribute to the evidence
contractors including services, ceiling and that proposed work will meet compliance with
partition subcontractors the Building Code. If a producer statement
yy communicating any changes that may affect is used it should be submitted with the
the seismic design of any of the restraint construction documentation.
systems to the architect, designer or specialist
non-structural partition coordinator. Producer statements are typically used for
specialist work or proprietary products that are
Subcontractors and tradespeople are to be installed by specialist contractors. There
responsible for the installation of building services, are four types of producer statement referring
fixtures and fittings within the scope of their trade. to different statements relating to:
yy PS1 – Design
Construction monitoring yy PS2 – Design review
Construction monitoring involves site visits yy PS3 – Construction
and reviewing the contract design information yy PS4 – Construction review.
to ensure that materials and methods of
installation are in accordance with the contract A PS3 is sometimes used by the installers of
documents, specification and performance proprietary systems such as partitioning systems.

AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions 39
Procurement a construction project, it can also substantially
Procurement deals with acquiring (procuring) complicate coordination. There are a number of
the goods, services and activities that are reasons for this including that:
essential to the building project. It constitutes yy the full design team has often not been
the overarching process under which decided on before the preparation of
purchasing is one part. Procurement involves a construction documentation has begun.
number of processes including: This can cause problems when decisions
yy recruiting the right contract workers about the design must be made early in the
yy sourcing products project but the parties who will be responsible
yy establishing payment terms for particular aspects of the design and
yy negotiating contracts construction have not yet been contracted and
yy purchasing goods therefore have no input into design decisions.
yy logistically managing the transportation of yy communication among disciplines in fast-
materials between facilities and sites. track projects is generally more difficult due to
the development of separate tender packages
Procurement is essential to the success of a resulting in a fragmented design process.
construction project as it encompasses the
logistical management of goods and services yy the demands of a rushed project schedule
at all levels of the construction project, and is may mean that aspects of design and
dependent on expertise, industry knowledge fabrication such as shop-drawing preparation,
and reliable strategies to meet the required are not always being thoroughly checked by
objectives of the project. the architect or engineer.
yy the complexity of some projects can hinder
Issues from design-build projects effective cooperation and coordination
Large projects are sometimes fast-tracked between design teams that have not
by dividing the construction contract into previously worked together. This highlights
a number of separate tenders that may be the importance of adequately defining
negotiated with a single supplier or as a performance objectives and assigning roles
competitive tender. Although the aim of a and responsibilities if integrated seismic
design-build project is to shorten the time for design and construction is to be achieved.

40 AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions
Penetrations through
Services such as ducting, sprinkler pipes, cables, is not likely to endanger the lives of building
water pipes and fire and smoke dampers in occupants, damage following a low to moderate
commercial buildings are often able to be earthquake can be costly both in terms of repairs
installed in the suspended ceiling space, but in and loss of building functionality.
some situations, services must pass through
partitions. This may occur where there is no Generally, a situation-specific solution should
ceiling space, or where services must pass from be designed for each penetration through a
one occupancy to another or from one firecell non-structural partition but there are some
to another in the same occupancy. Partitions guidelines that should be followed.
separating different occupancies or firecells
within an occupancy must be fire-rated and the Guidelines for penetrations through
fire rating must be maintained for the specified partitions
time of the rating at all times. Where possible, the building design should
avoid requiring the need for services
During an earthquake, suspended services penetrations to go through fire-rated partitions
pipes and ducting move and sway but not in by designing a different route for the service.
synchronisation with the building structure or Where penetrations are unavoidable, there
the partitions. If there is insufficient clearance are a number of alternatives to help minimise
around a penetration through the partition, the potential damage such as:
services pipes are likely to knock against the yy planning coordinating services during the
partition, potentially causing damage to both. design phase to avoid penetrations where
The consequences of damage to penetrations, yy combining services to go through the same
particularly fire-rated penetrations, are severe: penetration to minimise the number of
yy in the event of a fire, the fire resistance penetrations required
rating (FRR) of the partition is likely to be yy providing adequate clearances around
compromised potentially causing the premature penetrations
spread of fire from one firecell to another and yy avoiding fixing services components to the
putting the lives of building occupants at risk partition penetration
yy damage to pipework such as sprinkler and yy avoiding fixing services components to and
water pipes can cause the pipes to fracture or part of a lightweight partition.
pull apart and flood the building Clearances around penetrations
yy fractured or broken pipes also mean there will
be no water available for firefighting. NZS 4219:2009 Seismic performance of
engineering systems in buildings requires a
Some partitions are designed with a thermal or 50 mm clearance around services through
acoustic rating. While the loss of these ratings penetrations in a structural element such as a

AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions 41
wall or a floor. The clearance is intended to avoid Fire stopping materials
impact or interaction due to differential seismic A range of fire stopping materials is available
movement between the service component to provide fire protection for fire stopping and
and the structure. The same principle should be sealing penetrations in fire rated elements
applied where service penetrations pass through including non-structural partitions. Generic
non-structural partition systems. products include:
yy mineral fibre mats/strips
To create a clearance around a penetration yy foam
through a lightweight framed partition, a frame yy bags/pillows
to provide clearance should be constructed yy plugs/blocks
around the penetration (Figure 8). A suitable yy pipe closures
stopping material is then inserted around the yy sealants/mastics
framing. yy preformed elastomeric seals.

50 mm minimum clearance plasterboard lining

steel stud framing

clearance around
penetration filled
with suitable
fire-rated stopping

pipe collar

framing around service

penetration opening

Figure 8: Clearance and fire stopping around a penetration

42 AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions
The selection, use and installation of Fire Fireboxes
stopping systems should be selected and A firebox is designed to prevent the spread of
installed based on the location where they are fire through service penetrations in partitions. It
to be used and in strict accordance with the consists of a chassis containing fire and smoke-
manufacturer’s or supplier’s recommendations. rated brushes and an intumescent fire seal
through which service pipes, cables and ducting
Table 6 describes the types of stopping can pass through the one penetration (Figure 9).
materials available and where they may be used. It can be fixed to the underside of the concrete

Stopping systems Description Recommended use

Mineral fibre mats/strips Mineral fibre products available in To seal penetrations through FRR
mats, strips and other preformed walls and partitions.

Foam A two-part silicone material that To seal penetrations particularly

foams and increases in volume when where there are multiple or complex
mixed. shape services.

Bags/pillows Made of a special fabric case filled Available in different shapes and
with an intumescent material. sizes for a range of uses. As they are
also flexible, they can be used where
cables penetrate a wall.

Plugs/blocks Formed from materials such as Available in different shapes and

bonded vermiculite, mineral wool, sizes for a wide range of situations.
gypsum or cementitious materials, Specifically, shaped plugs are also
polyurethane and modified rubber made for specific locations e.g.
that may be either rigid or flexible. to fit the gaps at the underside of
trapezoidal metals decking.

Pipe closures (plastic Available as pipe collars or wraps Use specifically for plastic pipes and
pipes only) filled with intumescent material that trunking.
expands on heating, putting pressure
on and collapsing plastic pipes and
closing the penetration.

Sealants/mastics Consists of a high viscosity binder such Can be used in a wide range of
as acrylic, polysulphide or silicone with situations, particularly for small
an intumescent filler, which expands openings, complex penetrations and
on heating dispersed in it. When it is where access is difficult.
dispensed, either be dispensed by gun
or trowelled into an opening, a curing
process creates a flexible or a rigid seal.
Preformed elastomeric Generally available in strip form and Typically used between building
sealants made from elastomeric foam that elements such as wall/floor or wall/
may also be intumescent. column.

Table 6: Generic stopping systems and recommended use

AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions 43
slab of the floor above so it is independent of the damper allows air to flow through the duct
the partition framing, installed in new partition but if a fire breaks out, the intumescent material
construction or retrofitted into an existing within the damper will expand to form a non-
partition system. Fireboxes are available in a combustible, insulating fire stopping barrier.
range of sizes that will suit most situations.
Fire and smoke dampers must also be fixed
When installing a firebox, ensure there is independently of partition penetrations. They
sufficient space on both sides of the unit where should:
it goes through a partition to install cable or pipe yy be installed using flanges fixed to the fire
hangers as the penetrating services must be damper sleeve but not to the wall to allow for
supported independently of the firebox. thermal expansion during a fire
yy have a separation between the fire damper
Fire and smoke dampers sleeve and the penetration in accordance with
Fire and smoke dampers are installed with the manufacturer’s recommendations
ducting systems where the ducting passes yy have the gap created by the separation packed
through fire rated walls. under normal conditions with a compressible, non-combustible material.

plasterboard lining
20 mm minimum intumescent sealant
over backing rod on all sides of firebox

firebox chassis

flange surround
to firebox

timber framing


foam packing fitted snugly

around penetrating services

Figure 9: Typical firebox installation through FRR partition

44 AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions
Generic details
This section contains generic details showing yy covering gaps with trim finishes that allow
typical methods of construction for seismic movement.
restraint and separation of non-structural
internal partitions. Note that when proprietary Partition construction
products are used, manufacturer’s instructions To construct framed and lined partitions with
should be followed. seismic separations:
1. Fix steel channel top and bottom tracks to
Generic details and solutions the floor and the underside of the building
New solutions and design details are required structure above (concrete floor, beam, roof)
to mitigate the damage that occurs to non- over plasterboard* or similar strips that are
structural partition systems during seismic full depth of the tracks.
events. Architects and designers must move 2. Fix steel channel perimeter tracks to the
away from designing internal partitions with a building structure (column, exterior wall or
monolithic finish by designing to: structural wall) over plasterboard* or similar
yy allow independent movement of non- strips that are full depth of the tracks.
structural partitions by isolating them from the * Note that where partitions are required
building structure to be fire-rated, the packing material must
yy provide lateral stability by bracing partial be plasterboard or a proprietary fire barrier
height partitions to the building structure. material.
3. Friction fit studs, either steel or timber,
Although there is a preference for a clean between the top and bottom tracks leaving a
finish where joints, junctions and intersections 10-15 mm deflection gap between the top of
between different materials flowing smoothly the stud and the top track.
and seamlessly from one to the other, this 4. Allow a 25-50 mm gap between the edge
method of construction and finishing has proved track and the adjacent stud.
to be unsuccessful under seismic conditions. 5. Fix lining material at all edges and across the
sheets to the studs only. Do not fix the lining
Alternative finishes could include: to the top, bottom and perimeter tracks.
yy incorporating shadow lines or negative details
at wall junctions and intersections Refer to Figures 10 to 25.
yy breaking up large areas of wall with regularly
spaced control joints

AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions 45
continuous plasterboard
strips between track
and underside of
building structure for full
width of track

underside of slab/structure above

steel channel top track

10-20 mm gap – top track

to underside slab/structure

10-15 mm expansion gap

– stud to top track
10-15 mm gap between
lining and structure

plasterboard lining

timber stud friction fitted fix lining to studs only

between top and bottom tracks (i.e. do not fix lining to track)

Figure 10(a): Full height FRR partition head detail – steel channel/timber studs

proprietary skirting
fixed to studs only

timber stud friction fitted

between top and bottom tracks

fix lining to studs only

steel channel top track
(i.e. do not fix lining to track)

floor slab
plasterboard lining

Figure 10(b): Full height FRR partition base detail – steel channel/timber studs

46 AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions
proprietary partition
bracing system

steel channel top track suspended ceiling

steel stud

15 mm gap
plasterboard lining fixed
to studs below top track

Figure 11: Partial height framed partition – seismic bracing to structure

concrete floor slab concrete rib

plasterboard lining to underside of

timber boarding – type, thickness
and layers dependent on FRR

timber boarding

steel top track

movement allowance
gap between steel stud
plasterboard sheets

steel track
continuous plasterboard
strips between tracks for
full width of tracks
suspended ceiling line

steel track
plasterboard lining

steel stud

Figure 12a: Full height FRR partition to underside of composite flooring

AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions 47
steel top track concrete rib
timber boarding
concrete floor slab

45˚ bracing as required by steel plasterboard lining to

stud partitioning system – underside of timber boarding
alternate brace direction where steel stud – type, thickness and layers
possible dependent on FRR

steel track line of blocking between

ribs as required

movement allowance gap continuous plasterboard strips

between plasterboard sheets between tracks for full width of tracks

fixings for plasterboard through studs

only (do not fix through steel tracks) steel stud suspended ceiling line

plasterboard lining steel track

Figure 12(b): Full height FRR partition to underside of composite flooring – section detail

underside of building structure above

10-15 mm deflection gap

between top track and continuous plasterboard
perimeter track and studs strips between underside of
building structure and top
track for full width of track

steel channel top track

continuous plasterboard plasterboard linings

strips between perimeter show dotted
track and building structure
for full width of track

steel channel perimeter track

fixed to building structure through
packing strips
friction-fit steel studs

Figure 13: Full height FRR partition top corner detail – steel stud framing

48 AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions
continuous plasterboard strips between
line of column or structural wall perimeter track and building structure
for full width of track

friction-fit steel studs

expansion/seismic gap
between perimeter track plasterboard linings
and building structure as shown dotted
required for calculated drift

steel channel perimeter track

fixed to building structure steel channel bottom track
through packing strips

fix lining to studs only

(i.e. do not fix lining to tracks)
floor slab

Figure 14: Full height FRR partition bottom corner detail – steel stud framing

continuous plasterboard strips

underside of slab/structure above
between track and underside of
building structure for full width of track

10-15 mm gap 10-20 mm gap – top track to

between lining underside slab/structure
and structure

10-15 mm defection gap –

top track to second track

steel channel top track fixed secondary track

through plasterboard strips
to underside of building

plasterboard lining steel studs fixed to secondary track

and friction fitted to bottom track

fix lining to secondary

track and studs only

Figure 15: Alternative partition head details – (a) Double top track detail

AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions 49
steel channel top and perimeter track

longitudinal slotted holes

to accommodate in plane
movement – install fastening
through centre of slot

vertical slotted holes to

accommodate vertical movement –
fix studs and plasterboard to track
through slotted holes

Figure 15: Alternative partition head details – (b) Steel channel track with slotted holes for vertical and in
plane movement accommodation

gap as required for

calculated building drift steel track

plasterboard lining
steel track

plasterboard lining

steel studs friction

fitted between top
and bottom tracks

gap as required for

calculated building drift
steel studs friction fitted
between top and bottom tracks
plasterboard lining

Figure 16: Corner detail – steel stud framing

50 AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions
underside of building structure

proprietary deflection track

25 mm deflection gap

plasterboard capping
deflection channel

plasterboard lining

friction-fit steel stud

15 mm gap

Figure 17: Full height partition head detail – proprietary deflection track

line of building structure proprietary deflection track

proprietary deflection channel

plasterboard capping

deflection gap
as required for
calculated drift

plasterboard lining

proprietary skirting
fixed to studs only

Figure 18: Partition edge detail – proprietary deflection track

AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions 51
underside of building structure
proprietary deflection channel

proprietary deflection track

25 mm deflection gap

aluminium glazing track


Figure 19: Glazed partition head detail – proprietary deflection track/standard aluminium glazing track

underside of building structure

50 mm aluminium
glazing track

15 mm seismic gap


Figure 20: Glazed partition head detail – 50 mm aluminium glazing track

52 AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions
25 mm deflection gap
building structure
proprietary deflection track

proprietary deflection channel

aluminium glazing jamb



aluminium glazing sill

glazing block
25 mm typical depth

Figure 21: Glazed partition jamb/sill detail – proprietary deflection track/standard aluminium glazing track

building structure
aluminium glazing jamb

15 mm seismic gap



aluminium glazing sill

50 mm typical depth

Figure 22: Glazed partition jamb/sill detail – 50 mm aluminium glazing track

AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions 53
proprietary partition bracing system

suspended ceiling

aluminium glazing head


Figure 23: Glazed partition head detail – seismic bracing to structure/50 mm aluminium glazing track

proprietary deflection track

25 mm deflection gap
plasterboard lining

glazing gaskets

plasterboard capping

deflection channel

glazing gaskets aluminium glazing frame


Figure 24: Steel frame/plasterboard lined partition/glazed partition junction

54 AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions
Improving the seismic performance of elements with regulatory overview provided
non-structural partitions by building officials. It should be linked to the
A paper presented to the 2014 New Zealand list of design and inspection requirements
Society for Earthquake Engineering conference12 provided as part of the building consent
proposed the following actions for improving documentation.
the seismic performance of non-structural yy Require a PS4 (construction review) for
partitions: specified non-structural elements. [This] will
yy Include the structural design criteria address concerns surrounding construction
directly on the drawings – this information review and verification of most non-structural
should be provided by the structural engineer elements.
and include both seismic load and drift yy Review the New Zealand Building Code and
expectations. It will provide contractors, standards relating to non-structural bracing
manufacturers and the designers of yy Encourage bracing for non-structural
non-structural partitions with the design elements and systems to be listed separately
requirements for the partitions. from the equipment in tenders.
yy Identify and provide a list of the design and yy Encourage education of all involved
inspection requirements for non-structural in the construction industry (including
components as part of the building consent designers, contactors and building owners)
documentation. about damage limitation and prevention, the
yy Require a PS1 (design) to be submitted by benefits of damage limitation, and how this
the appropriate design engineer, contractor can be achieved. Education across the industry
or an engineer employed by the contractor for is vital to improve the performance of non-
the identified non-structural elements [to] structural elements in earthquakes.
provide clarity of design responsibility for these

12 From Seismic performance of non-structural elements within building presented by H. Ferner, M. Wemyss, A. Baird & A. Beer (Beca Ltd, Auckland, New Zealand) D. Hunter
(Fletcher Construction, Auckland New Zealand), p.7

AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions 55
Building Information
Modelling (BIM)
Overview of BIM Drawings including plans, sections, elevations
Over the past 30 years, CAD software has and details can be derived from any direction or
evolved from 2D drawings into 3D integrated vantage required from the model and schedules
building information modelling (BIM) of materials and quantities can be generated
applications that coordinate and integrate all the from the model. When the project goes out
information about the building. The BIM model to tender, tenderers and contractors can have
contains information and data about the design, access to the model and data.
construction and maintenance of the building
throughout its life from initial conception and The BIM model can facilitate the tracking and
design to demolition. location of critical elements and services as well
as the logging all lifecycle work such as servicing
The concept of BIM is a virtual building model and replacing equipment and building elements
that functions in the same way as the actual through the life of the building.
building model will once it has been built. This
is achieved by embedding the data about Features of BIM modelling
the building into a 3D model to integrate and The most significant features of BIM
coordinate the building information supplied by methodology include:
all different groups involved in the construction yy the building model is combined in a single file
project. It can update the data automatically yy real architectural elements are used for
when changes are made to the model and as a modelling
3D model, it can provide easy visualisation of the yy issues of design are apparent and can be dealt
project. with in the virtual model
yy automatic updating of documentation occurs
The BIM model can be made accessible to when changes are made
everyone involved in the project so when yy clash detection means conflicts between
changes are made, they will be available to services or elements can be identified and
everyone, potentially eliminating many of the remedied in the virtual model avoiding costly
problems that arise from issues such as clashes on-site clashes
between building elements. yy data associated with the model can be used
for quantity take-offs and costings
Once the model has been built, it can be yy changes to design can be made in the
developed, analysed, tested, tweaked, and modelling phase rather than during actual
altered in its virtual format, before the actual construction, potentially reducing delays,
building is constructed. A clash detector can be wastage, cost over-runs and so on.
run by the BIM manager to ensure that clashes
between the building structure and elements Facilitating collaboration
and components of the building do not occur. BIM systems can facilitate collaboration and

56 AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions
cooperation between all members of the operation and maintenance of the completed
design team and help mitigate or avoid many of building.
the issues and conflicts that often occur during
construction. BIM and non-structural partitions
BIM requires the early involvement of all groups
Benefits of BIM involved in the project including non-structural
Benefits that BIM provides include: partition designers, manufacturers and installers.
yy the model can show the spatial relationships The ability for sub-contractors to have early input
between elements and components into the model means they also have input into
yy the relationships are updated as changes are the seismic bracing and seismic resistance of the
made to the model systems.
yy as it is one model containing all the building
information, there are less likely to be errors A BIM system can also help identify possible
in the documentation brace locations and orientations within existing
yy coordination in the virtual model facilitates buildings to assist in retrofitting non-structural
coordination during construction element bracing.
yy 3D models are more comprehensible to
most people and therefore less susceptible BIM and the NZCIC Design
to misinterpretation than 2D drawings Documentation Guidelines
yy information about materials and quantities The second addition of The New Zealand BIM
are associated with elements and Handbook was published jointly by the BIM
components as embedded data Acceleration, Committee, BRANZ and MBIE in
yy simulations of different design and November 2016. It is available online at:
performance options such as structural,
thermal, acoustic, lighting and fire
performance, can be tested and optimised The aim of the Handbook is to:
yy when changes are made, the revised yy provide guidelines for a consistent approach to
performance of the building can easily be using BIM in New Zealand, and
recalculated yy provide information on how BIM should be
yy it allows for better planning of site activities implemented.
and construction sequences
yy prefabricated elements can be modelled, The New Zealand Construction Industry Council
documented and manufactured with greater (NZCIC) Design Documentation Guidelines are
precision coordinated with and refer to the BIM Handbook.
yy data generated during the design and
construction of the building can be passed
on to a facility manager to assist in the

AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions 57
The future
Improved collaboration is a limit state where a certain amount of
The Canterbury and Wellington earthquakes repairable damage is acceptable, but the cost
have reinforced the need for better collaboration of repair should be significantly less than the
between architects, engineers and consultants cost of replacement. While this is not a limit
from the early stages of a building project. In state defined by NZS1170.5, it is generally
its report, the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal comparable with the SLS2 requirement for
Commission said: ‘A structural Chartered critical post-disaster designated buildings
Professional Engineer should be engaged at the which requires that the structures are
same time as the architect for the design of a designed so they can be returned to a fully
complex building.’13 operational state in a short timeframe
(minutes to hours, rather than days). DCLS
In a paper, Improving Collaboration Between would provide a mechanism for discussion
Architects and Engineers, prepared jointly with building owners about the performance
by the Institution of Professional Engineers objectives for their of the building in an
New Zealand (IPENZ), New Zealand Institute earthquake.
of Architects (NZIA), and the New Zealand yy Performance Assessment Calculation Tool
Registered Architects Board (NZRAB and MBIE, (PACT) – This is an open-source software
it states that: system, developed by the Applied Technology
Council (ATC) of America, that assesses
In their collective view, the Canterbury the seismic vulnerability, or fragility, of each
Earthquakes Royal Commission’s statement, structural and non-structural component
cited above, is correct. A change in professional as well as providing a component value
thinking is required, so that both architects breakdown of a building. It provides a simple
and engineers better understand how, in the method of calculating the expected damage
design of complex buildings, they need to work and costs associated with different non-
together from the beginning to maximise the structural components.
contribution that both professions bring to the
design process.14
Into the future
Following the earthquakes in recent years, there
This approach means that the major industry is a greater appreciation that New Zealand
organisations wish to see improvement in all regularly experiences earthquakes ranging in
aspect of the seismic performance of New magnitude from very low that occur unnoticed to
Zealand buildings. severe earthquakes causing extensive damage
to buildings. The cost is high in financial loss, loss
Tools of property and loss of life. But there is much
A range of tools to facilitate seismic design and that can be addressed to improve the seismic
performance assessment are being developed performance of buildings. This is an ongoing
in New Zealand and overseas15. These include: issue and there will undoubtedly continue to
yy Damage Control Limit State (DCLS) – be ongoing research and investigation into the
The concept of damage control limit state seismic performance of buildings in New Zealand.

13 Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission (2012). Final report, volume 5, summary and recommendations in volumes 5–7 Christchurch, the
city and approach to this inquiry. Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission, Christchurch.

14 From Improving Collaboration Between Architects and Engineers at:


15 From Seismic performance of non-structural elements within building presented by H. Ferner, M. Wemyss, A. Baird & A. Beer (Beca Ltd,
Auckland, New Zealand) D. Hunter (Fletcher Construction, Auckland New Zealand), pp.7-8

58 AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions

Base metal thickness Insulated glazing unit

Building part Inter-storey drift

A member that is either attached to, and The difference in sideways movement between
supported by, the structure but is not part of the two adjacent storeys
structural system of the building
Component The ability of a material to expand or swell
A building material formed into units of specified
dimensions Load
A force applied to a structure
Design working life
Duration of the period during which a structure MEP
or a structural element, when designed, is Mechanical, electrical and plumbing
assumed to perform for its intended purpose
with expected maintenance but without major Mullion
structural repair being necessary A vertical bar separating panes of glass

Dwang Nog
A short (usually horizontal) member fixed See dwang
between framing timber. Also known as a nog
Element A wall dividing a floor area that may also be
Part of a building or structure having its own non-loadbearing and moveable
functional identity e.g. a roof
Period (seismic movement)
Firecell The interval of time between successive
A space or series of spaces within a building occurrence of the same state in an oscillatory or
enclosed by a combination of smoke cyclic phenomenon
separations, external walls, roofs and floors
FRR An enclosed space such as a space above a
Fire resistance rating suspended ceiling

HVAC Primary structure

Heating, ventilation and air conditioning The structural system provided to carry the
inertial action effects generated in the structure
by earthquake actions to the ground.

AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions 59
Secondary structure Transom
The structural system provided to carry actions A horizontal bar separating panes of glass
other than the earthquake actions generated in
the structure ULS
To remain within its ULS, a building must still be
SLS standing after being subjected to its peak design
Buildings that can still be used for their intended load – concerned with life safety
purpose after an earthquake of the magnitude
that can be expected once or twice during the Wall
life of the building A vertical construction a) enclosing a building
or structure, b) dividing an internal space, c)
Structure serving as a fence
Organized combination of connected structural
elements designed to provide some measure of

60 AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions
AWCINZ – CODE OF PRACTICE – Good practice guidelines for non-structural internal walls and partitions 61

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