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International Journal of Computer and Information System (IJCIS)

Peer Reviewed – International Journal

Vol : Vol. 04, Issue 01, February 2023
e-ISSN : 2745-9659

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) Technology

in Education: Media of Teaching and Learning: A Review
1st Tira Nur Fitria
Institut Teknologi Bisnis AAS Indonesia email
: [email protected]

Abstract - Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are the latest technologies that provide a new color to the field of
education. This study reviews the use of AR and VR in education, especially in the teaching and learning process. This study is
library research. The analysis shows that AR and VR are the solutions for teachers and students as a medium in the teaching and
learning process. AR embellishes existing reality with image elements, sound effects, or text. While, VR creates a new simulation
environment that presents a specific topic to students in an engaging, interactive, and experiential way. Several subjects using AR
technology in education are: 1) anatomy of living things in Biology, 2) atoms in Chemistry, 3) earth and space in Geography, 4)
movie Screening in Film and Television, 5) Computer network topology in Informatics, 6) geometry in Mathematics, and 7) 3D
Stories in History. Several subjects which use VR technology in education are: 1) digestive system in Biology, 2) geometry in
Mathematics, 3) earth's surface in Geography, 4) artifacts and temples in History, 5) space in Astronomy, 6) surgical operation
practicum in Medical, and 7) pilot training in Aviation education. However, AR and VR have benefits and limitations. There are
several barriers to implementing AR and VR in educational institutions and some considerations in implementing AR and VR
technology in educational institutions. It is hoped that AR and VR can be used as a breakthrough in education and a solution to
improving the quality of education in the future.
Keywords: Augmented Reality (AR), education, Teaching and Learning
technological innovations for various fields have been
I. INTRODUCTION carried out, both by individuals and corporations.
Technology, which is now almost present in all aspects of
Technological progress always brings big changes in
human life, is indeed quite amazing and easy (Fitria et al.,
every era. In the industrial era 4.0, more and more people
2022). For example, technology in the field of
from various backgrounds are applying technology
communication makes it easier for humans to communicate
(Asmiatun et al., 2020). With the change of times, the
and get data quickly, even today's technology makes it
components that accompany it also evolve. Technology has
possible to accommodate large data sizes. Education is a
an impact on nearly every aspect of education. The
field that cannot be separated from these technological
increasing technological advancements have afforded the
area of education new possibilities (Tulgar, 2019). With all
Several current technological trends which are
technology, we as teachers and students now have unlimited
relevant to be developed for learning media include: First,
opportunities to take learning beyond the limited classroom
Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI is a concept in technology
and can now access the whole world, in just a few seconds
that can imitate human intelligence and is expected to be
with the right access and devices (T. N. Fitria et al., 2022).
able to imitate tasks that can be done by humans, such as
Having access to this technology helps connect
deciding something, recognizing something, or recognizing
students to learning in a more authentic and meaningful
a pattern or image (Fitria, 2021b). One of the uses of AI in
way, especially with multiple possibilities for students to
this learning media can be used to identify students learning
engage with content through the use of AR (Augmented
styles so that AI will decide what material students can
Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality) tools. AR can be made for
choose and can determine what learning methods are
learning media that cannot be done directly, for example, by
suitable for them (Fitria, 2021a). The second is the Internet
observing an object in three dimensions. Only by using a
of Things (IoT). IoT is simply a technology concept that can
cell phone or laptop can we observe something without
connect all physical objects that exist in our daily lives to
having to do it directly. Then for VR itself, students can do
the internet network so that they can be accessed anytime
things that are prohibited during this pandemic. For
and anywhere quickly and easily. One of the uses of IoT in
example, learning sports that are not allowed but by using
learning is ELearning which can be used as a virtual
VR that connects all of our movement tools with a virtual
classroom and can even meet face-to-face with
we can see how our teacher practices movements virtually
teachers/tutors virtually through devices connected to
which we can then do as well and the teacher can assess our
cameras. Another use of IoT in learning is the interaction
between books and an application. The application can
Virtual reality is a technology that can display
display the information contained in the book in a virtual
objects as if they were in the real world (Ningsih &
form such as images, videos, or even 3D shapes. Third,
Firmansyah, 2020). Technological developments are so fast,
Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR). VR
now is not something surprising in this century. Various
technology allows users to interact with an environment that

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is simulated by a computer system. VR brings users to be Augmented reality is widely used in various fields, one
able to enter a state that is visualized as if it were real or of which is education. In the field of augmented reality,
happening in front of them. While AR is a technology that education is used as learning media to make it more
can combine two- or three-dimensional (virtual) objects into interesting (Adami & Budihartanti, 2016). A learning
the real world. This AR technology allows users to project media that utilizes AR requires a fairly good
virtual objects as if they were real. specification of a device or device in the form of a
Those are 3 technologies that are currently trending smartphone. The components of AR itself consist of
and relevant to be applied to support student learning animation/images in 3D and a camera that is integrated
Page 17 with the AR application. AR learning media also can
Page visualize abstract concepts for understanding and
International Journal of Computer and Information System (IJCIS)
Peer Reviewed – International Journal
Vol : Vol. 04, Issue 01, February 2023
e-ISSN : 2745-9659

structuring an object model enabling AR as a more

effective medium following the objectives of the
facilitation. However, technological developments such as learning media (Mustaqim, 2016).
these three types of technology will directly impact all
sectors of life, including education. The application of B. Virtual Reality (VR)
technology which is currently a trend in the world, we can Virtual Reality (VR) is a human-computer concept
now see that it has begun to be widely used for learning that simulates the future world. Humans can explore the
purposes. Such as the use of e-learning to support learning, world virtually online. VR is an artificial application
which is one of the applications of Internet of Things (IoT) produced by various devices in real-life environments
technology. In the future, there will be many technologies (Sutopo, 2022). According to Musril et al. (2020),
that can be involved in the learning process. If IoT-based virtual reality is a technology that can make the user
technology has begun to be widely used in the world of enter the virtual world and interact in it because VR is a
education, in the future the use of AR and VR will technology-based computer that combines special
increasingly emerge. devices for input and output for users to interact
Based on the explanation above, the researcher is directly immersive with the virtual environment as if
interested to know more about AR and VR including their they were in the real world. Computer assembly
use, benefits, and limitations. Therefore, the objective of learning media based on VR can be utilized by students
this study is to review the use of Augmented Reality (AR) whenever and for fun so that students can learn without
and Virtual Reality (VR) in education, especially in the limitations in space and time.
teaching and learning process. Virtual reality can imitate or recreate the
experience that is sensed sensorily by humans. Most
II. LITERATURE REVIEW A. Augmented Reality virtual reality provides a virtual environment utilizing
(AR) the sense of sight (Hasanudin, 2021). VR app helps
Augmented Reality (AR) is the realization of a users experience reality modified in different ways, by
virtual environment by adding virtual information to adapting the senses such as sight and hearing in
the physical real-world environment. AR adds virtual addition. Virtual reality has features such as
information not only to the real environment, but also disconnecting experiences and interactions from the
to the streaming video and games, and provides a real world or combining them with the real world, thus
simpler appearance (Sutopo, 2022). Augmented Reality making the real and virtual similar. Virtual reality is a
(AR) is a technology that augments the real physical simulated experience that offers a sensation similar to
world with computer-generated 3D virtual objects, the real world. The standard VR systems typically use a
allowing users to interact with them via their mobile VR headset or multiprojection environment to produce
devices' screens (Lee et al., 2017). Augmented reality is realistic visuals, audio, and other sensations that
a way of viewing the real world (either in person or simulate the user's physical presence in a virtual
through a device such as a camera that creates real- environment. It means that the use of virtual reality
world visuals) and "adding" to that visual world with devices will result in high immersion, which is an
computer-generated input (Zailani, 2022). While experience immersive experience that places the user in
Ismayani (2020) adds that a virtual environment that surrounds the user so that the
Augmented Reality is a technology that combines 2D user feels that he/she is a part of it (Wibawanto, 2020).
or 3D computer-generated objects into the real
environment around the user in real-time. III. METHOD
Augmented Reality (AR) is a type of technology This research type is library research. The literary
that interactively combines real and virtual objects that study technique consists of a sequence of tasks about the
will generate 3D objects to be displayed on the screen. collection of library data, the reading and taking of notes,

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and the management of materials study. According to Zed (Kholifah et al., 2021). These two technologies, both
(2004), in library research, the researcher encounters textual AR and VR, support each other and enliven the
and qualitative information. The library's data is "ready for development of the technology world. This can add to
usage". This indicates that scholars are utilizing source the experience in the world of education, create new
materials that are already available in the library. General experiences, and in the future will add intelligent
library data are secondary sources, therefore the researcher technology support. AR and VR bring a new dimension
acquires secondary resources. In this section, the researcher to the interaction between digital devices and the real
outlines the theory, investigates the study through the world. Media learning that uses this technology can
literature produced on the subject, and synthesizes it to easily improve student understanding because 3D
highlight critical concerns. On the Google Scholar website, objects, text, images, videos, and audio can be
the article search is conducted by entering the term displayed to students in real (Fitria, 2022a).
"microlearning." Articles from foreign and domestic Both AR and VR can increase curiosity &
journals pertinent to the issue under study were searched. enthusiasm for learning. In absorbing information,
A qualitative study of the Miles and Huberman students are not only fixated on visual books or other
model was used for the data analysis, which included data audio-visual materials, if there is an application of AR
reduction, data analysis, and a conclusion (Miles et al., and VR in learning. Given that AR and VR produce a
2018). In the reduction stage, the researcher simplifies three-dimensional effect that visualizes real objects,
(reduces) and discards unnecessary data in such a way that this encourages students to better understand the
the data can produce information that is following the lessons being taught and increases their curiosity to
research. In the display stage, the researcher sings the data think critically. Through high curiosity, there is also a
in the form of a table so that it is easy to understand. high enthusiasm for learning. Moreover, this AR and
Page 17 Page 15 Peer Reviewed – International VR technology also allows more interaction than

International Journal of Computer and Information System (IJCIS)

Journal Vol : Vol. 04, Issue 01, February 2023 e- conventional learning. Both AR and VR encourage
ISSN : 2745-9659 students to think creatively and critically. From a sense of increased enthusiasm for learning, boredom in the
learning process can be overcome by the application of
AR and VR technology in the classroom. This is
Furthermore, the researcher describes the findings and then because teaching and learning activities using AR and
concludes with an answer to the existing problems. VR become more interesting and imaginative. Thus
providing a new atmosphere in more modern teaching
Findings and Discussion Findings and learning activities.
This study reviews the use of Augmented Reality AR and VR technology also encourages student
(AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) in education, especially in engagement. They are free to interact with virtual objects.
the teaching and learning process including its benefits and As a result, students can analyze, experiment, and gain
limitations. experiences that enhance their learning. Both AR and VR
A. Benefits and Limitations of Augmented Reality (AR) make it easier for teachers in delivering material. The
and Virtual Reality (VR) application of AR and VR in learning makes learning
AR/VR makes learning more immersive and activities feel more fun. This is also useful for teachers as a
experiential. This leads to increased memory retention medium for delivering material and facilitating the teaching
among students. It is very helpful for students with and learning process. Teachers do not need to deliver too
learning disabilities. AR and VR are expected to be one much material in lectures, because they have been assisted
solution to overcome student boredom in learning by this VR technology. The positive impact is that the
(Sulistianingsih & Kustono, 2022). Both AR and VR application of VR in the delivery of material can increase
analyze and simplify complex topics and concepts for the effectiveness and optimal learning outcomes of students.
better understanding. AR and VR also promote The long-term benefit is that the use of AR and VR in
independent learning and independence among learning has the potential to improve the quality of
students. It is a great training tool and gives learners education in the future. Considering the current generation Z
confidence. AR and VT make distance learning is more interested in learning media that inserts technology
interesting and interesting. With its immersive nature, in it, compared to conventional learning.
immersive technology can improve student learning
experiences in a way that has never been done before, 1. Benefits and Limitations of Augmented Reality (AR)
making the application of AR/VR technology in There are several previous research about the
schools a worthy priority for educational institutions in application of Augmented Reality (AR) in the teaching
Indonesia. For example, educators can package and learning process as follows:
learning materials and experiences in the form of
interactive multimedia or use augmented reality and
virtual reality technology to increase interactivity
Table 1. Previous Research about Augmented Reality (AR)
Research Result of Study

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(Kysela & Augmented Reality (AR) can give the teaching of history a fresh and appealing
Štorková, 2015) appearance. AR has considerable potential as a method for highlighting
noteworthy aspects and bringing history to life through mobile device
multimedia material.
(Saputro & Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology used to realize the virtual world into the
Saputra, 2015) real world in real-time. The human digestive system consists of the mouth,
esophagus or esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. Using
Augmented Reality which can realize the virtual world into the real world, it
can turn these objects into 3D objects, so that the learning is not monotonous
PagePage 1176

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International Journal of Computer and Information System (IJCIS)
Peer Reviewed – International Journal
Vol : Vol. 04, Issue 01, February 2023
e-ISSN : 2745-9659

and children are motivated to find out more, such as knowing the name of the
organ and the description of each organ.
3. (Kamelia, 2015) AR is a learning media to improve understanding of chemical concepts
interactively such as atomic structure and molecular shape in chemical bonds.
AR provides a more realistic interaction and is an advancement of a
promising technology method that can motivate users to engage in more
active learning systems.
4. (Sartika et al., By applying Augmented Reality (AR) technology, the delivery of learning
2016) information can be clarified because this application can combine the real
world and the virtual world. Not only displaying material, but the application
can also display images of planets in 3D animated objects with audio.
5. (Irfansyah, The results of testing the Animal Recognition application using Android-based
2017) Augmented Reality (AR) can run on various Android mobile devices. Based on
the results of the test data, it can be concluded that this application based on AR
can help increase students' interest and understanding in learning.
6. (Setyawan et al., The implementation of AR learning media shows very good results and is
2019) suitable for use as learning media, both in the classroom and independently
according to the results of the validation of learning design experts, media
experts, and teacher validation as material experts. Student responses to the use
of this media in learning are very good. Students are enthusiastic about
participating in learning and arouse student curiosity.
7. (Kusuma et al., By using interactive media with Augmented Reality (AR) technology, teachers
2019) can be helped in conveying Javanese script material, so that students are
more interested in learning Javanese script. Augmented Reality (AR)
technology combines two-dimensional and or three-dimensional virtual objects
into a real three-dimensional environment and then projects these virtual objects
in a real environment.
8. (Yapici & regarding Augmented Reality (AR) activities, biology teachers were
Karakoyun, overwhelmingly enthusiastic. Some of the benefits of the AR activities were
2021) subject concretization, retention, excitement and entertainment, the
opportunity to repeat, and multimedia support. In addition to these
advantages, some negatives were highlighted, including internet connection
interruption, the need to maintain a stable phone, the passivation of students over
time, the expense, and the unsuitability for all subjects.
9. (Kurniawan & The use of the AR application for learning Salat or Sholat can increase
Kusuma, students' interest in learning and the level of students' understanding of the
2021) prayer material which is indicated by an increase in scores before and after using
the application.
10. (Restika et al., Augmented Reality can provide an in-depth experience and understanding
2021) more interactively and interestingly in learning the components of the Total
Station tool. This AR application only requires a Smartphone in its
implementation so users can access it anywhere and anytime.
11. (Ningrum et al., Augmented Reality (AR) integrated circulatory system electronic comic
2022) media can increase students' interest in learning. AR can be used for the
practice of learning the human circulatory system by utilizing augmented
realityintegrated electronic comic media to increase the learning interest of fifth-
grade elementary school students.
12. (Wedyan et al., AR increases language skills and academic performance. Additionally, it
2022) decreases students' anxiety, boosts their creativity, and promotes teamwork
and involvement. In addition, the students had good sentiments concerning the
use of AR for English language acquisition.
13. (Shaumiwaty Teachers use Augmented Reality-based learning media in learning English well.

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International Journal of Computer and Information System (IJCIS)
Peer Reviewed – International Journal
Vol : Vol. 04, Issue 01, February 2023
e-ISSN : 2745-9659

et al., 2022) Using AR-based instructional media improves English subject-matter student
learning results. Teachers and students feel that learning is more enjoyable
in the learning process based on the findings of the questionnaire used to
acquire a score classified as excellent.

Based on the previous above, shows curiosity is piqued (Setyawan et al.,

that more benefits than limitations to using 2019).
Augmented Reality (AR) technology in the The AR exercises provided subject
teaching and learning process. AR offers concretization, retention, excitement
and enjoyment, the option to repeat,
and multimedia assistance (Yapici &
e 17
Karakoyun, 2021). Augmented Reality
Page 17
significan can deliver a more immersive,
t potential interactive, and engaging learning
as a way experience. The integration of
for Augmented Reality (AR) and
bringing electronic comics into the circulatory
history to system can boost students' enthusiasm
life for studying (Ningrum et al., 2022;
through Restika et al., 2021). AR improves
multimedi both language skills and academic
a content achievement. Additionally, AR reduces
on mobile anxiety, enhances creativity, and
devices fosters cooperation and engagement
(Wedyan et al., 2022). Using
ng instructional media based on
notable augmented reality enhances English
features subject matter learning outcomes for
(Kysela students (Shaumiwaty et al., 2022).
& Štorková, 2015). Using AR brings Besides, several drawbacks of AR
the virtual world into the actual world, include internet connection disruption,
these things are transformed into 3D the necessity to keep a reliable phone,
objects so that learning is not repetitive the passivity of students over time, the
and students are encouraged to study price, and the incompatibility with all
more (Saputro & Saputra, 2015). AR is topics/courses (Yapici & Karakoyun,
an interactive learning medium to 2021).
enhance idea comprehension. AR AR technology has several
delivers a more realistic interface and advantages so it becomes an alternative
is a development of a promising media in various sectors. These
technology that can encourage to advantages are: 1) Expanding user
participate in more active learning perception. 2D and 3D objects in AR
methods (Kamelia, 2015). AR may provide a wider picture to users. Not
merge the actual and virtual worlds, limited to the outside, the user will also
and the transmission of educational see the ins and outs of the object
content can be made more transparent. deeper. This certainly creates a
AR-based applications can boost different perception to him of
students' interest and comprehension in something he sees from various
studying (Irfansyah, 2017; Kurniawan perspectives. 2) User experience. Not
& Kusuma, 2021; Kusuma et al., just seeing, the user also allows
2019). The deployment of AR learning interaction in studying an object. The
media is ideal for classroom and experience gained will feel closer and
individual usage as learning media. real. It's not just a theory that needs to
The students’ responses to the usage of be elaborated for so long without a
this medium for learning are quite clear implementation. 3) Flexible in
positive. Students are eager to various devices. The tools used by the
participate in learning, and their user can be in the form of many options
tailored to their needs. Starting from the

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International Journal of Computer and Information System (IJCIS)
Peer Reviewed – International Journal
Vol : Vol. 04, Issue 01, February 2023
e-ISSN : 2745-9659

most simple devices to those that are technology, which lacks tracking of the
complex and require a high budget. user's perspective, in which the
From these advantages, it can be seen application must know the user's
that the main purpose of using AR location in advance.
technology in education is to provide
extra insight by explaining more 2. Benefits and Limitations of Virtual
interesting and in-depth topics. Reality (VR) Technology
Currently, laboratory experiments using There are several previous
AR are rapidly developing. It is not research about the use of Virtual
uncommon for educational games to Reality (VR) in the teaching and
emerge that take advantage of their learning process as follows:
sophistication. Likewise with AR
Table 1. Previous Research about Virtual Reality (VR)
No Research Article Result of Study
1. (Williams et al., Virtual reality (VR) provides a lot of educational potential for developing
2018) clinical skills without taking any risks. A VR simulation could teach
emergency skills and highlight any obstacles that need to be taken into
2. (Taufiqurrohman Learning with the Project Based Learning learning model using virtual
& Sumbawati, tour (Virtual Reality) learning media in the experimental class shows an
2020) average learning outcome value of 85.54. So virtual tour media is very
suitable to be used in the simulation learning process of a Tour Guide.
3. (Pavlova et al., Based on the material of Google Expeditions, StreetView, and Youtube 360,
2020) sample assignments for ecology students are designed. Virtual reality
technologies may be used to study specialized terminology for issues of
climate change, ecosystems, energy, forests, oceans, seas, and water. The
authors believe that "virtual immersion" in authentic surroundings will
e 17
e 18
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International Journal of Computer and Information System (IJCIS)
Peer Reviewed – International Journal
Vol : Vol. 04, Issue 01, February 2023
e-ISSN : 2745-9659

4. (Rachmatullah & Virtual Reality has an influence and impact on students' ability to clinical
Sukihananto, simulations following the real environment in increasing knowledge and
2020) skills. Virtual Reality (VR) is a simulation learning media that can
improve the knowledge and skills of nursing students.
5. (Bramantya, 2020) Based on the average results obtained, it shows an increase in results higher
learning after using Virtual Reality media. The existence of Virtual
Realitybased learning media is expected to become a reference for the
creation of more innovative learning media. Virtual Reality-based learning
media can serve as a model for the development of more innovative
learning media.
6. (Purwati et al., Virtual Reality application of Solar System Learning Media can facilitate the
2020) learning process related to the solar system. Users agree that the Virtual
Reality Application of Solar System Learning Media is effective in
facilitating learning related to the solar system as evidenced by the
results of the questionnaire (60%) for the agreed value on the content
aspect. Users agree Virtual Reality Application Learning Media of Solar
System efficiently facilitates learning linked to the solar system, as
indicated by a 60% agreement rate of the questionnaire.
7. (Almira et al., The test results of virtual reality-based learning media get an average
2021) percentage index of 86% and are in the "Very Good" category, so Virtual
Reality-based learning media is effective to replace written learning
media that is of interest to students. With the existence of virtual reality-
based learning media, this media can be used by teaching lecturers and
students in the teaching and learning process in the world of education,
especially in basic photography subjects.
8. (Arsadhana et al., The VR method is believed to be used as a future learning method
2022) because it penetrates the boundaries of space and time and can be used in
all circles, including early childhood and students with special needs. The
disadvantages of VR are mainly in terms of health, expensive devices, and the
limited internet network in Indonesia.
9. (Ahmad et al., By utilizing Augmented Reality technology, the anatomical shape of the
2022) human body can be visualized through three-dimensional (3D) virtual
modeling using a smartphone. AR applications for cupping points on the
anatomy of the human body can be operated on an android or smartphone has
been built.
10. (Darojat et al., In learning Virtual Reality (VR) media is used as a complement to teaching
2022) materials for science subjects. The results of product tests that have been
applied to media experts, material experts, and students have received
many positive responses, so it can be said that the virtual reality system
of the solar system is suitable for use in learning. This media makes it easy
for students to analyze the arrangement of the solar system and provides an
attraction for students so that an increased sense of learning arises. However,
to use it, users must use a device that has a gyroscope capability.
11. (Saepuloh & After completing the teaching series, the use of VR in learning English
Salsabila, 2022) vocabulary at SD Negeri Cipanas 2 makes learning more interesting,
effective, and fun. This can be seen from the enthusiasm and active
participation of students when participating in learning.
12. (Fardani, 2020) interest from users who tend to be very high in the use of Virtual Reality (VR)
technology in learning. The use of VR media has a significant impact on
the level of pleasure and students' understanding of the material being
taught. VR also makes learning more effective and efficient because will
save time as well as costs.

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International Journal of Computer and Information System (IJCIS)
Peer Reviewed – International Journal
Vol : Vol. 04, Issue 01, February 2023
e-ISSN : 2745-9659

13. (Ariatama et al., The use of VR encourages innovation in learning media that is different
2021) from before in increasing students' participation and critical thinking
perspectives and bringing students closer to VR technology. The
characteristics of VR technology can be implemented in the teaching
and learning process during a pandemic in attracting students' interest
and feeling the atmosphere like in a classroom when offline learning
takes place.

Page 17
Based on the previous above, it (3D) virtual form using a smartphone and
shows more benefits than limitations of Augmented Reality technology (Ahmad et al.,
using Virtual Reality (VR) technology 2022). A virtual reality system of the solar
in the teaching and learning process. system is ideal for educational usage. This
Virtual reality (VR) offers significant. medium makes it easier for students to study
A and attracts students so they develop a greater
VR simulation might be used to educate appreciation for learning (Darojat et al., 2022).
emergency skills and identify potential The utilization of VR media has a substantial
difficulties (Williams et al., 2018). effect on students' enjoyment and
Learning with the Project-Based comprehension of the content being taught. VR
Learning model and virtual tour also makes learning more efficient and effective
(Virtual Reality) learning media results since it saves time and money (Fardani, 2020).
in an average learning outcome Virtual The use of VR stimulates creativity in learning
tour media is ideally suited for usage in media that differs from the past by improving
the Tour Guide simulation learning student engagement and views on critical
process (Taufiqurrohman & thinking and bringing students closer to VR
Sumbawati, 2020). A "virtual technology. In offline learning, VR technology
immersion" in authentic environments may pique students' attention and simulate the
will allow students to grasp career- classroom environment (Ariatama et al., 2021).
specific vocabulary when studying Virtual Reality provides a very realistic quality
vocabulary (Pavlova et al., 2020). This sensation for its use and can connect to certain
is evident through the students’ passion other devices. The advantages of this
and active engagement in learning technology are also very much like a realistic
activities (Saepuloh & Salsabila, 2022). visual experience. It makes us able to interact
Virtual Reality influences students' with objects that exist when we use this
capacity to replicate the real-world technology which can usually be encountered
environment in clinical simulations, while playing certain games.
hence enhancing their knowledge and Besides, VR technology also provides
abilities (Rachmatullah & Sukihananto, other advantages such as 1) Makes us able
2020). The availability of Virtual to see the beautiful scenery around the
Reality-based learning media will serve world both realistically and directly. This
as a benchmark for the development of can be realized because VR technology
more creative learning media. Learning carries a very realistic visual quality (T. N.
media based on virtual reality can serve Fitria, 2022b). So that the appearance of the
as a model for the creation of more environment presented by this technology
creative learning media (Bramantya, almost resembles the original in 3D. 2) It
2020). Virtual Reality-based learning makes us move a lot. If we usually play
media can effectively replace student- games using only our fingers, the data for
interesting textual learning media playing games using this technology is
(Almira et al., 2021). Virtual reality is different, because we will use many
regarded to be a future learning movements such as running, walking, or
technique since it transcends place and just moving our hands (T. N. Fitria, 2022c).
time and can be employed in all circles In addition to having advantages, VR
(Arsadhana et al., 2022). The technology also has disadvantages, namely:
anatomical contour of the human body 1) Manufacturing costs are more likely to
may be viewed in three-dimensional be expensive. 2) Very limited to use and

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International Journal of Computer and Information System (IJCIS)
Peer Reviewed – International Journal
Vol : Vol. 04, Issue 01, February 2023
e-ISSN : 2745-9659

manufacture. 3) Can increase mun

unemployment resulting in icati
designing projects only taking a on
few people. Besides, the limitations skill
of VR relate to health, pricey s,
equipment (VR tools), and espe
Indonesia's inadequate internet
infrastructure (Arsadhana et al., thei
2022; Darojat et al., 2022). r
B. Application of Augmented Reality ty to
(AR) in the Teaching and Learning spea
Process k in
AR/VR can be implemented in publ
various subjects such as 1) Science: ic.
Using the visual and sensory power of The
VR to teach students subjects such as re is
human and animal anatomy, molecular
biology, chemistry, and atomic physics.
The training of astronauts and pilots Lea
makes extensive use of extended reality rnin
technology. 2) Literature: Virtual tours g
of historical buildings and (Vir
archaeological sites in remote areas tual
enrich the student experience of history, Spe
archeology, and political science. In ech
addition, art students can experience Cou
firsthand the world's top museums and rse)
the works of art in them through VR. 3) whe
Practical exercises: Using AR/VR to re
explain various business models and
economic models to students in an
easy-to-understand way. In business cho
education, AR/VR allows you to ose
visually understand and experience the
actual buying and selling, in-store size
experiences, production lines, supply of
chains, etc. This technology is very the
helpful for students in their work. 4) cro
Architecture and engineering: The most wd
popular use of AR/VR has been to
witnessed in the fields of architecture spea
and engineering. Designers can use VR k to
technology to better implement their
vision by creating full-scale 3D models, tice
as well as the limitations of physics and thei
mechanics by creating the most r
imaginative and innovative designs. 5) publ
Communication skills: Outside the ic
discipline, VR technology is used by spea
students to improve their king
Pa pres
ge enta
17 tion
Pag skill
e 19 s.

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1. Application of Augmented Reality (AR) students. Students can freely explore more
Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual knowledge in it. The possibility is to
Reality (VR) are one of the world's interact with objects is the main attraction.
breakthroughs that can be adapted to The absorption of material will be easier by
various fields. Education (Supriyadi et involving students' emotions.
al., 2022). The use of digital technology c. Earth and Space in Geography
in the teaching and learning process has Materials about earth and space need
become commonplace. Today, the this technology. Many educational
power of AR and VR is pushing institutions have implemented it to support
education into the realm of experience. geography subjects, whose terms are often
Students now have access to vast difficult to understand. Teachers are also
amounts of data and learning materials motivated to accompany their students in
while teachers increasingly play a role exploring the sides of the earth and outer
as learning facilitators. Education is space. Teaching media is no longer just
tailored to the needs of students. fixated on atlases and globes. These props
Teachers create online lessons to are less relevant in this day and age because
address specific learning gaps and they are rigid and tend to be boring. The
increase understanding of specific presence of AR has indeed become a new
topics that require deeper learning hope in the world of education to continue
interventions. Besides, AR and VR to develop quickly and efficiently.
technologies have been introduced to d. Movie Screening in Education
optimize learning outcomes using Teachers can also show the sophistication
simulations, 3D images, and advanced of AR by presenting this technology-based
audiovisual effects. educational film or video. The video that is
Several subjects using Augmented watched must of course be related to the subject
Reality (AR) technology in the teaching matter to be discussed. Usually, videos or films
and learning process are as follows: that use Augmented Reality provide more
a. Anatomy of Living Things in Biology evocative visuals. The image quality and the
In biology subjects, AR-based atmosphere built into it make the audience feel
media will be very helpful for more real. You can also start this way in class.
teachers and students. Especially in Provide a memorable learning experience to our
studying the anatomy of various students.
creatures. Looking at just one cell e. Computer Network Topology
will provide a very different in Informatics
experience if only viewed using a For those of you who teach in the Computer
microscope. 3dimensional Network department, as much as possible try to
visualization in AR displays the start applying AR in learning. The reason is,
shape of cells from various sides. there are enough vocational schools that use it
Students can study every inch of to explain to students about computer network
the cell side they see. If using a topology. Several applications have also been
microscope, students can only pay launched to support the learning process in this
attention to its shape. However, field. Details of the computer network topology
when AR-based teaching media is that is fairly complex can be parsed and studied
used, everything he sees is independently. During the learning process,
equipped with theory and there is a students will increase their achievement in
lot of additional information that understanding the material without having to
does not exist in other teaching repeat it many times.
media. f. Geometry in Mathematics
b. Atoms in Chemistry Who would have thought that learning to
Similar to knowing the build space could also be more fun? Yes, thanks
anatomy of living things, exploring to the presence of AR-based technology,
the atomic world will be more problems in geometry can be solved simply. If
interesting with AR media. The the school where we teach has not implemented
process of how the atom was it, then immediately apply it to increase the
formed until its journey merges quality of teaching and learning. Students who
with other atoms can be enjoyed by are afraid of math no longer have a reason not to
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International Journal of Computer and Information System (IJCIS)
Peer Reviewed – International Journal
Vol : Vol. 04, Issue 01, February 2023
e-ISSN : 2745-9659

study. This media is an alternative that take it

helps students understand without seriously
having to force them. because they
g. 3D Stories with History are involved
Introducing history to students also in it. Based
on the
requires innovation. Currently, AR
technology is not only focused on mentioned
developing exact category education. above, the
The role of
Pag Reality
e 17 technology
Pag is very
e 20 influential in
soci the learning
al process.
sect Motivation
or and
also willingness
need to learn
sa more deeply
soph is a
istic tremendous
ated effect on
role students. If
to we haven't
attra used this
ct method at
stud all, don't
ents' hesitate
inter because it
est has a very
in positive
lear effect. Not
ning only for our
. students but
Esp also for
ecial ourselves.
ly if The
ther examples of
e are the
med application
ia of AR in
who learning that
use have been
3D described
glas above are
ses just a few of
whe the many
n samples.
sho The rest,
win many other
g subjects also
hist use it
oric continuously
al .
es. 2. Application of Virtual Reality (VR) in the
Teaching and Learning Process
will In the world of education, Virtual Reality
(VR) has begun to be applied. Through the
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International Journal of Computer and Information System (IJCIS)
Peer Reviewed – International Journal
Vol : Vol. 04, Issue 01, February 2023
e-ISSN : 2745-9659

concept of multimedia and its three encourages students to interact and

dimensions, it can be used to support think critically about past lives.
education and increase the effectiveness e. Space in Astronomy
of student learning. The following is an Studying the universe directly
example of subjects in the usually schools visit the Planetarium
implementation of Virtual Reality (VR) and
in the learning process. Observatory building. There, there are
a. The digestive system in Biology props of planets and celestial bodies, as
Material about the human well as a simulation of the night sky.
digestive system is difficult to see However, it is less efficient, especially
directly because most of it is in the during a pandemic. The application of
body. Using visual aids is still VR technology allows students to
considered conventional because study the universe in class and even at
they cannot display blood flow, home. With 3D concepts displayed,
heart rate, or other organs while getting to know planets and other space
working in the body. Therefore, the objects is clearer than visuals in books
application of VR in Biology can or videos.
be a solution to these obstacles. VR f. Surgical operation practicum in
as an alternative learning media to Medical Education
introduce the digestive system to This technology also benefits
humans can make students schools of prospective doctors who are
interested in learning it. learning to perform surgical operations.
b. Geometry in Mathematics Compared to having to use a doll or a
Math subjects can also be done human body, the use of VR in doctor
with VR. One of them is Geometry training is more efficient, because it
which discusses the shape, size, can minimize costs and the results of
relative position of images, and the the exercise can be analyzed in depth.
nature of space. For example, in g. Pilot training in Aviation Education
geometry, students can learn about Prospective pilots or pilots can
cones, spheres, cylinders, and even practice flying a plane without
polyhedra curves in three- flying a real plane. It is also effective
dimensional space. and reduces the risk of accidents.
c. Earth's surface in Geography Especially if doing fighter pilot
VR in Geography can also be training, students can practice shooting
applied. For example, on material without having to waste real bullets,
about the Earth's surface. Usually, because VR simulates situations in a
students only see through pictures virtual environment exactly like the
in books or videos. With real environment.
technology for education such as
VR, students can see clearly in a C. Barriers to the Application of AR and VR
form like in the real world. Educational Media in Educational
Moreover, one of the advantages of Institutions
VR in learning Geography is its Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual
ability to present nature in a wide Reality (VR) technologies are now increasingly
field. popular and widely applied in education
d. Artifacts and temples in History because of their undeniable benefits. With the
Studying the past can also implementation of educational media through
use this technology. Artifacts AR and VR devices, students' interest and level
or temples in the past can only of understanding of learning materials increased
be seen from pictures or videos rapidly. Through the media of Mixed Reality
that tend to be boring. The (MR) glasses, there is no need to be complicated
application of VR in history and elaborate in explaining the subject matter. It
learning allows students to see has the potential to redesign and revolutionize
past environmental and social the way we teach and learn. However, until now
conditions, including historical AR and VR education still have obstacles
heritage objects. This
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Peer Reviewed – International Journal
Vol : Vol. 04, Issue 01, February 2023
e-ISSN : 2745-9659

PagePage 2117 4. Distribution and Launch

that become challenges in their Distribution is directly related to
implementation, here are 5 obstacles as investment. When there's no widespread
follows: distribution, it's hard to raise funds to create
1. Problems with the Availability of "interactive stuff," as in the case of
Funds Chromebooks for reference. Chromebooks have
A major obstacle to the public a great price point and have managed to expand
education system is a lack of funds. their market to schools. But it happens at
Investing hundreds of millions of different rates in different places. AR and VR
rupiahs in new technology equipment in will likely go down a similar path with
education, plus setting up the necessary Chromebooks.
safeguards and training costs, makes 5. Transitional Technology
this a pretty big obstacle. But judging As with any new technology change, there
from the benefits that can improve the will be a transition period to getting comfortable
quality of education, it means that there with new formats and platforms. This can be an
will also be an increase in the quality of obstacle when teachers cannot follow the
human beings in this country. transition period. Technology in the classroom
Moreover, if the government also that is immersive and interactive is very
supports and participates in realizing interesting to apply. Rather than passively
the application of this educational reading about the experiences of others, students
technology, of course, the investment is should actively build their projects such as
very feasible. executing, repeating, and learning. The
2. Lack of Investment obstacles above will be a challenge for
Production of a product in large developers to immediately find a solution, this
quantities can lower the market price is because AR and VR itself have enormous
for that product, making it more potential if they can be developed and applied in
affordable, including AR and VR the learning process for children.
products for this educational
technology. But to produce in large D. Considerations for Implementing AR/VR
quantities requires a large amount of Technology in Schools
investment as well. The investment to With its immersive nature, immersive
produce this educational technology is technology can improve student learning
still low. The role of the government is experiences in a way that has never been done
urgently needed to solve this problem before, making the application of AR/VR
because it returns to the previous point technology in schools a worthy priority for
that the impact of the implementation of educational institutions in Indonesia. In addition
this educational technology is an to transforming classroom learning from
increase in human quality, and the conventional to modern and interactive, VR
impact will be felt by the increasing technology also allows students to go on virtual
development of the country in a museum tours, conduct field trips, experiment in
positive direction. virtual laboratories, and participate in activities
3. Quality Content that would not be possible in the real world. All
Content is important because it is of this can be done from inside the classroom
something that users of this AR and VR without leaving the room, making it the perfect
educational technology will consume. technology as a solution for learning outside the
What's a technology without useful classroom during the COVID-19 pandemic and
content for its users? In this case, to making distance learning practices more
encourage schools or other educational effective.
institutions to buy this educational Unfortunately, Augmented Reality (AR)
technology, of course, they need a and Virtual Reality (VR) technologies have not
reason why they should buy it, and one yet become mainstream in Indonesian schools,
of the main drivers is content that is which makes it difficult to incorporate them into
useful, quality, and can improve the the curriculum. Of course, it will not be easy to
quality of education with teaching implement in real terms in Indonesia, but it is
materials that are easier to absorb. by also not impossible to do. The following are
students, and make it easier for teachers some things that educational institutions in
to deliver subject matter. Indonesia must pay attention to so that the

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International Journal of Computer and Information System (IJCIS)
Peer Reviewed – International Journal
Vol : Vol. 04, Issue 01, February 2023
e-ISSN : 2745-9659

application of AR/VR technology in

schools/institutions becomes easier and
more effective, as follow:

1. Quality Standard Evaluation

AR and VR are relatively new
tools in the learning space, it can be
difficult to judge and sort through
quality content. Teachers/lecturers
must ensure that the content is still
following the existing educational
curriculum in each region. Ideally,
when planning virtual content to be
implemented in the classroom, there
should be a variety of topics, so that
students experience new things,
deepen their knowledge, and
broaden their horizons. It is even
more effective if there are different
types of learning content, such as
animations, videos, and interactive
games to expand the imagination of
the learner and avoid predictability.
To take the advantage of AR and
VR, students' senses must be stimulated, so

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International Journal of Computer and Information System (IJCIS)
Peer Reviewed – International Journal
Vol : Vol. 04, Issue 01, February 2023
e-ISSN : 2745-9659

they are fully engaged and immersed in the scanned with mobile phones which then appear
lesson through both auditory and visual with the AR scanner application. Or we can also
components. Both students and teachers can make special books that can be scanned too so
use this technology to replay, pause and skip that students who don't like reading books can
content, so they can learn and teach at their easily understand learning through this method.
own pace and have complete control over Especially if the student has a visual way of
content delivery. learning, of course, this will further support his
2. Going Beyond Traditional Education understanding.
When preparing for the integration of
AR/VR technology in schools, it is important IV. CONCLUSION
not only to stick to traditional subjects but also
Today's increasingly sophisticated technology does
to use technology to lead students into new
not need to be doubted. Augmented Reality (AR) and
learning areas. Educators can play an
Virtual Reality (VR) are examples of technology that
important role in facilitating learning and
present a new experience for their users in the education
using technology to achieve these goals,
field. However, both of these technologies have benefits and
which is why using technology in new ways
limitations. It is important to distinguish between
should be at the forefront of our minds when
Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) to better
integrating something new like AR/VR into
understand their impact on education. Augmented Reality
the learning experience. By placing students in
(AR) embellishes existing reality with image elements,
different situations that are physically
sound effects, or text. Virtual Reality (VR), on the other
impossible in the classroom, they will be able
hand, creates a new simulation environment that presents a
to experience sensations they would normally
specific topic to students in an engaging, interactive, and
never feel.
experiential way. This technology is one of the solutions for
3. Using Teacher Training
teachers and students as a learning medium. Several
VR and AR technologies offer completely subjects using Augmented Reality (AR) technology in the
new learning experiences for students, but teaching and learning process are: 1) anatomy of living
they can also enhance the skills of educators. things in Biology, 2) atoms in Chemistry, 3) earth and space
A study published in Educational Science in Geography, 4) movie Screening in Film and Television,
notes that teachers must continue to practice to 5) Computer network topology in Informatics, 6) geometry
keep pace with the development of AR/VR in Mathematics, and 7) 3D Stories in History. Several
technology. This will ultimately enhance their subjects which use Virtual Reality (VR) technology in the
skills as educators rather than replace them. teaching and learning process are: 1) digestive system in
It's also worth noting that because VR and AR Biology, 2) geometry in Mathematics, 3) earth's surface in
can simulate real-life classroom settings, Geography, 4) artifacts and temples in History, 5) space in
teachers can use them to test course materials Astronomy, 6) surgical operation practicum in Medical
they want to apply in class, allowing them to education, and 7) pilot training in Aviation education. This
practice and improve their classroom research has not been tested on research subjects due to
management skills during the process. While obstacles in the field and become suggestions for further
it is not yet mainstream, VR/AR will soon research.
change the classroom and the way different
subjects are taught. Teachers and students will
no doubt benefit from this technological
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Vol : Vol. 04, Issue 01, February 2023
e-ISSN : 2745-9659

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