¡Hi! Good evening. My name is Karen Cubides. I’m going to talk to you about the book
“Roommates” by the authors Sue Leather and Julian Thomlinson. ¡Let 's start!
Well, some of the participants in the story are Bobby Harris, Bobby is a business student of
Brenton, Brenton is the college he is going to college for the first time. Ash Browning is
Bobby's roommate at Brenton college, he is also a business student. Gloria Harris, Gloria is a
Bobby Mother’s and Marvin Harris is a Bobby’s Father. Jenny Basola is an Anthropology
student, she's Ash and Bobby's friend. Gayle K. is a manager of the college cafeteria and
Bobby’s boss.
It all starts with a boy named Bobby who begins his new life at the college away from his
parents. However, when you arrive you realize that everything is very different and it will be
a little difficult. They will wonder why? Well, your roommate is a very disorganized person
and he loves parties which will bring you a lot of problems if you are not careful with him.
Days later the problems would begin because it wouldn’t let him sleep or get to his classes or
work time, which was making him lose patience.
Until one day he took his car without permission and Bobby looked for him on a motorcycle
and he suffered an accident. He was so upset that Bobby spoke to him again after he left the
hospital and things finally changed.
Well, as for the question, I think that if his partner Ash had been more organized and more
empathetic with Bobby's situation they would not have had so many problems. Ash had to be
calm and sensible in college, so he could get along with his classmate from the beginning. I
think I am completely changing the ending of the story since Ash's actions made everything
that happened to Bobby bad, and on the contrary of studying and working being a rewarding
feeling for him, Ash turned it into a memory bad for bobby.
To end, I would like to add something else, all people are different and we have grown up in
different homes, with different cultures and teachings, but we also have to learn to live with
the customs of the people around us, and even more so when our actions affect us directly or
indirectly on them respect everyone equally, be empathetic and analyze each situation, what
is right for us may not be right for another person, and if things happened in the opposite way,
how would you act?
In this case the situations that happened were not that serious but there are times when people
like Ash do terrible things to people like Bobby. They make people like Bobby who want to
be smart and nice end up being the complete opposite, life is about that, choosing the right
path where you want to belong, either you grow and be the best or you sink and fail in all
aspects. Only you decide about yourself, OK, only you.
This was all, it was a pleasure to accompany you in this wonderful space, we will see you
later, bye.