Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Sec. 1. Legal Basis. The Government Sec. 1. Scope. This chapter covers the
Accounting Manual (GAM) is prescribed by COA general provisions from existing laws, rules and
pursuant to Article IX-D, Section 2 par. (2) of the regulations; and the basic standards/fundamental
1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines accounting principles for financial reporting by
which provides that: national government agencies.
03 Special Account-Locally
Sec. 11. Components of General Purpose Funded/Domestic Grants Fund
Financial Statements. The complete set of GPFSs
04 Special Account-Foreign
consists of:
Assisted/Foreign Grants Fund
a. Statement of Financial Position (Annex A);
05 Internally Generated Funds
b. Statement of Financial Performance (Annex B);
06 Business Related Funds
c. Statement of Changes in Net Assets/Equity
07 Trust Receipts
(Annex C);
The composition of fund clusters is enumerated in
d. Statement of Cash Flows (Annex D);
Annex P.
e. Statement of Comparison of Budget and Actual
Amounts (Annex E); and
Sec. 20. Materiality and Aggregation. Each
material class of similar items shall be presented
Sec. 15. Fair Presentation. The FSs shall present separately in the financial statements. Items of a
fairly the financial position, financial dissimilar nature or function shall be presented
separately unless they are immaterial. If a line item
performance and cash flows of an entity. Fair is not material, it is aggregated with other items
presentation requires the faithful representation of either on the face of FSs or in the Notes to the FSs.
the effects of transactions, other events, and A specific disclosure requirement in a PPSAS need
conditions in accordance with the definitions not be satisfied if the information is not material.
andrecognition criteria for assets, liabilities,
revenue, and expenses set out in PPSAS. The _______________________________
application of PPSAS, with appropriate disclosures,
if necessary, would result in fair presentation of the
Sec. 21. Offsetting. Assets and liabilities, and
_______________________________ revenue and expenses shall not be allowed to
offset unless required or permitted by a PPSAS
except when offsetting reflects the substance of the
transaction or other event.
Sec. 16. Compliance with PPSASs. An entity
whose financial statements comply with PPSASs _______________________________
shall make an explicit and unreserved statement of
such compliance in the notes.Financial statements
shall not be described as complying with PPSASs
Sec. 22. Comparative Information. Comparative
unless they comply with all the requirements of
information shall be disclosed with respect to the
PPSASs. Inappropriate accounting policies that do
previous period for all amounts reported in the FSs.
not comply with PPSAS are not rectified either by
Comparative information shall be included for
disclosure of the accounting policies used, or by
narrative and descriptive information when it is
notes or explanatory material.
relevant to an understanding of the current period’s
_______________________________ FSs.
Sec. 27. Statement of Cash Flows. The a. the ability of an entity to benefit
Statement of Cash Flows (SCF) provides from the asset and to deny or
information to users of FSs a basis to assess the regulate the access of others to
ability of the entity to generate cash and cash that benefit.
equivalents and to determine the entity’s utilization b. an entity can, depending on the
of funds. This also provides information on how the nature of the asset, exchange it,
entity generates income authorized to be used in use it to providegoods or
their operation and its utilization. services, exact a price for others’
use of it, use it to settle liabilities,
_______________________________ hold it, or perhaps even distribute
it to owners.
c. possession or ownership of an
object or right would normally be
Sec. 28. Statement of Comparison of Budget
synonymous with control over
and Actual Amounts. A comparison of budget and
the future economic benefits
actual amounts will enhance the transparency of
embodied in the right or object.
financial reporting in government.
However, there are instances
This shall be presented by government agencies when an entity may possess an
as a separate additional financial statement object or right but not expect to
referred in this Manual as the Statement of enjoy the benefits embodied in it,
Comparison of Budget and Actual Amount e.g. under a finance lease
(SCBAA). agreement, control over the
leased property owned by the
lessor is transferred to the represent those transactions
lessee. and events.
a. the specification of a past event Sec. 33. Accounting Standards for Revenue.
differentiates assets from The following accounting standards shall apply for
intentions to acquire assets, revenue and receipts of government entities:
which are not to be recognized.
b. a transaction or event giving rise a. Revenue includes only the gross inflows of
to control of the future economic economic benefits or service potential
benefits must have occurred.
received and receivable by the entity in its own
account. (PPSAS 9)
The following are indicators of future economic b. Receipts/Collections shall refer to all cash
benefits: actually received from all sources during a given
accounting period.
a. distinguishable from the source of the
benefit i.e. the particular physical resource c. Fines shall include economic benefits or service
or legal right; potential received or receivable by a public sector
b. does not imply that assets necessarily agency, as determined by a court or other law
generate cash flows, the benefits can also enforcement body, as a consequence of the breach
be in the form of ‘service potential’; of laws or regulations. Fines and penalties, either
c. in determining whether a resource or right on tax revenue or other specific income account,
needs to be accounted for as an asset,the shall be recognized as income of the year these
potential to contribute to the objectives of were collected.
the entity should be the prime
d. Gifts and donations shall consist of voluntary
transfers of assets including cash or other
d. capacity to contribute to
monetary assets, goods in-kind and services in-
activities/objectives/programs; and
kind that one agency makes to another, normally
e. the fact that an asset cannot be sold does
free from stipulations. (PPSAS 23)
not preclude it from providing future
economic benefits. e. Goods in-kind are tangible assets transferred to
an agency in a non-exchange transaction, without
charge, but may be subject to stipulations. External
assistance provided by multilateral or bilateral
development organizations often includes a
Sec. 32. Recognition of an Asset. An asset shall component of goods in-kind. (PPSAS 23)
be recognized in the financial position when and
only when (a) it is probable that the future f. Taxes are economic benefits or service potentials
economic benefits will flow to the entity; and (b) the compulsory paid or payable to public sector
asset has a cost or value that can be measured agencies, in accordance with laws and or
reliably. The following are indicators of probable regulations, established to provide revenue to the
inflow of future economic benefits: government. Taxes do not include fines or other
penalties imposed for breaches of the law. (PPSAS
a. the chance of benefits arising is more likely 23)
rather than less likely (e.g. greater than 50%).
g. Transfers are inflows of future economic benefits
b. benefits can be expected on the basis of or service potential from non-exchange
available evidence or logic. transactions, other than taxes. (PPSAS 23)
Sec. 36. Basic Requirements for Disbursements Sec. 37. Certification of Availability of Funds.
and the Required Certifications. Disbursements No funds shall be disbursed, and no expenditures
of government funds shall comply with the following or obligations chargeable against any authorized
basic requirements and certifications: allotment shall be incurred or authorized in any
department, office or agency without first securing
a. Availability of allotment/budget for the certification of its Chief Accountant or head of
obligation/utilization certified by the Budget accounting unit as to the availability of funds and
Officer/Head of Budget Unit; the allotment to which the expenditure or obligation
may be properly charged.
b. Obligations/Utilizations properly charged against
available allotment/budget by the Chief No obligation shall be certified to accounts payable
Accountant/Head of Accounting Unit; unless the obligation is founded on a valid claim
that is properly supported by sufficient evidence
c. Availability of funds certified by the Chief
and unless there is proper authority for its
Accountant. The Head of the Accounting Unit shall
incurrence. Any certification for a non-existent or
certify the availability of funds before an Agency
fictitious obligation and/or creditor shall be
Head or his duly authorized representative enter
considered void. The certifying official shall be
into any contract that involves the expenditure of
dismissed from the service, without prejudice to
public funds based on the copy of budget release
criminal prosecution under the provisions of the
Revised Penal Code. Any payment made under
d. Availability of cash certified by the Chief such certification shall be illegal and every official
Accountant. The Head of the Accounting Unit shall authorizing or making such payment, or taking part
certify the availability of cash and completeness of therein or receiving such payment, shall be jointly
the supporting documents in the disbursement and severally liable to the government for the full
voucher and payroll based on the Registry of amount so paid or received. (Book VI, Section 41
Allotments and Notice of Cash Allocation/Registry of EO No. 292)
of Allotment and Notice of Transfer of Allocation;
e. Legality of the transactions and conformity with
existing rules and regulations. The requesting and
approving officials shall ensure that the Sec. 38. Prohibition against the Incurrence of
disbursements of government funds are legal and Overdraft. Heads of departments, bureaus, offices
in conformity with applicable rules and regulations; and agencies shall not incur nor authorize the
incurrence of expenditures or obligations in excess
f. Submission of proper evidence to establish
of allotments released by the DBM Secretary for
validity of the claim. The Head of the Requesting
their respective departments, offices and agencies.
Unit shall certify on the necessity and legality of
Parties responsible for the incurrence of overdrafts
charges to allotments under his/her supervision as
shall be held personally liable therefor. (Book VI,
well as the validity, propriety and legality of
Chapter 5, Section 41 of EO No. 292)
supporting documents. All payments of government
obligations and payables shall be covered by _______________________________
Disbursement Vouchers (DV)/Payrolls together with
the original copy of the supporting documents
which will serve as basis in the evaluation of
authenticity andauthority of the claim. It should be Sec. 39. Mode of Disbursements.
cleared, however, that the submission of the Payments/Disbursements by NGAs may be
supporting documents does not preclude effected through the Treasury Single Account
reasonable questions on the funding, legality, (TSA), by issuing Modified Disbursements System
regularity, necessity and/or economy of the (MDS) check or commercial check, cash through
expenditures or transactions; and cash advance, Advice to Debit Account (ADA), or
Non-Cash Availment Authority (NCAA).
_______________________________ a. Allotment – is an authorization issued by the
DBM to NGAs to incur obligations for specified
amounts contained in a legislative appropriation in
the form of budget release documents. It is also
Sec. 40. Authority to Disburse/Pay. NGAs are
referred to as Obligational Authority.
authorized to disburse/pay based on the Notice of
Cash Allocation (NCA), Notice of Transfer of b. Appropriation – is the authorization made by a
Allocation (NTA), Cash Disbursement Ceiling legislative body to allocate funds for purposes
(CDC) or other authority that may be provided by specified by the legislative or similar authority.
c. Approved Budget – is the expenditure authority
_______________________________ derived from appropriation laws, government
ordinances, and other decisions related to the
anticipated revenue or receipts for the budgetary
Sec. 41. Disbursement Voucher/Payroll. period. The approved budget consists of the
Checks/ADA shall be drawn based on duly following:
approved disbursement voucher or payroll.
Revolving Funds 07
Sec. 43. Reporting of Disbursements. All
payments/disbursements shall be reported using Trust Receipts 08
the prescribed forms for recording in the books of
d. Automatic Appropriations – are the
authorizations programmed annually or for some
_______________________________ other period prescribed by law, by virtue of
outstanding legislation which does not require
periodic action by Congress.
RAPAL shall be maintained by fund cluster and by
Major Final Output (MFO)/PAP/Appropriation Acts.
Sec. 5. Monitoring of the Budget. The budget
shall be monitored by the Budget Division/Units of
NGAs through the maintenance of registries for
that purpose.
Sec. 10. Registries of Allotments, Obligations
and Disbursements. The Registries of Allotments,
Obligations and Disbursements (RAOD) shall be
maintained by the Budget Division/Unit of agencies
_______________________________ to record allotments, obligations and
disbursements. It shall show the allotments
received for the year, obligations incurred against
Sec. 8. Registry of Appropriations and the corresponding allotment and the actual
Allotments. The Registry of Appropriations and disbursements made. The balance is extracted
Allotments (RAPAL) (Appendix 8) shall be every time an entry is made to prevent incurrence
maintained by NGAs to monitor appropriations and of obligations in excess of allotment and overdraft
allotments charged thereto. It shall show the in disbursements against obligations incurred. The
original, supplemental and final budget for the year RAODs shall be maintained by appropriation act,
and all allotments received charged against the fund cluster, MFO/PAP, and allotment class.
corresponding appropriation. The balance is
a. Registry of Allotments, Obligations and
extracted every time an entry is made to prevent
Disbursements-Personnel Services (RAOD-PS)
incurrence of overdraft in appropriations. Separate
(Appendix 9A) shall be used to record the negative entry (if reduction is necessary) in the
allotments received, obligations incurred and ‘Obligation’ column of the ORS and RAOD.
disbursements classified under PS.
b. Registry of Allotments, Obligations and
Disbursements-Maintenance and Other Operating
Expenses (RAOD-MOOE) (Appendix 9B) shall be
Sec. 14. Notice of Obligation Request and
used to record the allotments received, obligations
Status Adjustment. The NORSA shall be
incurred and disbursements classified under
prepared by the Accounting Division/Unit after the
processing of the claim which shall be used in
c. Registry of Allotments, Obligations and adjusting the original amount obligated to the
Disbursements-Financial Expenses (RAOD-FE) actual obligations incurred in the RAOD. It shall be
(Appendix 9C) shall be used to record the forwarded by the Accounting Division/Unit to the
allotments received, obligations incurred and Budget Division/Unit to take up the adjustments of
disbursements classified under FE. obligation in the RAOD. The following transactions
shall also need adjustments of obligations:
d. Registry of Allotments, Obligations and
Disbursements-Capital Outlays (RAOD-CO)
(Appendix 9D) shall be used to record the
allotments received, obligations incurred and
disbursements classified under CO.
1. Fund Authorization;
2. Major Final Output;
3. Program/Activity/Project; and
4. Major Programs/Projects -
identified by Key Result area (KRA)
Sec. 32. Submission of Budget and Financial
Accountability Reports. All departments/agencies Sec. 3. Objectives of Responsibility
shall observe the following timelines in submitting Accounting. Responsibility accounting aims to:
the required FARs to COA-GAS and DBM:
a) ensure that all costs and revenues are properly
a. Within thirty (30) days after the end of each charged/credited to the correct responsibility center
quarter – so that deviations from the budget can be readily
attributed to managers accountable therefor;
5. SAAODB – FAR No. 1
6. SAAODBOE – FAR No. 1.A b) provide a basis for making decisions for future
7. List of Allotments/Sub-Allotments - operations; and
FAR No. 1.B
8. SABUDB – FAR No. 2 c) facilitate review activities, monitoring the
9. SABUDBOE – FAR No. 2.A performance of each responsibility center and
10. QRROR – FAR No. 5 evaluation of the effectiveness of agency’s
b. On or before 30th day following the end of the
year – ADDO – FAR No. 3 _______________________________________
c. On or before 30th day of the following month Sec. 4. Concepts of Responsibility Accounting.
covered – MRD – FAR No. 4 The following are the concepts of responsibility
d. On or before February 14 of the following
calendar year – Consolidated Statement of a. Responsibility accounting involves accumulating
Allotments, Obligations, and Balances per and reporting data on revenues and costs on the
Summary of Appropriations under FCR under GAA, basis of the manager’s action who has authority to
GARO, and SARO. make the day-to-day decisions about the items;
Sec. 10. Disclosure. An entity shall disclose: Sec. 12. Recognition of Revenue from Non-
Exchange Transactions. The cash basis of
a. The accounting policies adopted for the recognition accounting shall be applied by all government
of revenue, including the methods adopted to agencies in the recognition of revenue from non-
determine the stage of completion of transactions exchange transaction until a reliable model of
involving the rendering of services; measurement of this revenue is developed.Therefore,
asset and the corresponding revenue or liability that
b. The amount of each significant category of revenue
arises from non-exchange transaction shall be
recognized during the period, including revenue
recognized when collected or when these are
arising from:
measurable and legally collectible.
1. Rendering of services;
a. Taxation revenue shall be determined at a gross
2. Sale of goods;
amount. It shall not be reduced for expenses paid
3. Interest;
through the tax system.
4. Royalties;
5. Dividends or similar distributions; and b. Gifts and donations, other than services in kind
6. Amount of revenue arising from exchanges of shall be recognized as assets and revenue when it is
goods or services included in each significant probable that the future economic benefits or service
category of revenue. potential will flow to the entity and shall be measured
at fair value.
Sec. 11. Revenue from Non-Exchange
Transactions. Revenue of the NGAs from c. Goods in-kind received without conditions shall be
nonexchange transactions are derived mostly from recognized as revenue immediately.
taxes, gifts and donations, goods in kind and fines
and penalties. Most NGAs derive revenues from d. Donation in cash or in kind shall be recognized as
transactions where they receive resources and revenue.
provide no or nominal consideration directly in return.
These are as follows:
a. Tax Revenue
1. Tax Revenue-Individual and Corporation
2. Tax Revenue-Property
3. Tax Revenue-Goods and Services
4. Tax Revenue-Others
Sec. 13. Measurement of Revenue from Non-
Exchange Transactions. Revenue from non-
b. Fines and Penalties
exchange transactions shall be measured at the
1. Tax Revenue
amount of the increase in net assets recognized by
2. Service Income
the entity, unless it is also required to recognize a
3. Business Income
liability. Where a liability is recognized and
subsequently reduced, because the taxable event
c. Shares, Grants and Donations
occurs, or a condition is satisfied, the amount of the
1. Share from National Wealth
reduction in the liability will be recognized as revenue.
2. Share from Philippine Amusement and Gaming
(Pars. 48 and 49, PPSAS 23)
Corporation (PAGCOR)/ Philippine Charity
Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) Sec. 14. Measurement of Assets on Initial
3. Share from Earnings of GOCCs Recognition from Non-ExchangeTransactions. An
4. Income from Grants and Donations in Cash asset acquired through a non-exchange transaction
5. Income from Grants and Donations in Kind shall initially be measured at its fair value as at the
date of acquisition. (Par. 42, PPSAS 33)
Sec. 15. Measurement of Liabilities on Initial Sec. 20. Taxation Revenue Shall Not Be Grossed
Recognition. Where the time value of money is Up For the Amount of Tax Expenditures. Tax
material, the liability will be measured at the present expenditures are preferential provisions of the tax law
value of the amount expected to be required to settle that provide certain taxpayers with concessions that
the obligation. (Par. 58, PPSAS 23) are not available to others. Tax expenditures are
foregone revenue, not expenses, and do not give rise
Sec. 16. Tax Revenue. Taxes are economic benefits to inflows or outflows of resources that is, they do not
or service potential compulsory paid or payable to give rise to assets, liabilities, revenue, or expenses of
public sector agencies, in accordance with laws and the government. (Pars. 73 and 74, IPSAS 23)
or regulations, established to provide revenue to the
government. Taxes do not include fines or other Examples are the tax expenditure fund, which is a
penalties imposed for breaches of the law. Unless subsidy released by the DBM to government-owned
otherwise specified in laws and regulations, the or controlled corporations and government financial
taxable event for: institutions to settle
a. Income tax is the earning of assessable income customs duties and other taxes arising from the
during the taxation period by the taxpayer; importation of goods; and benefits granted to
taxpayers like the tax credits.
b. Value added tax is the undertaking of taxable
activity during the taxation period by the taxpayer; Sec. 21. Recognition of Asset through Transfers.
An entity shall recognize an asset in respect of
c. Goods and services tax is the purchase or sale of transfers when the transferred resources meet the
taxable goods and services during the taxation definition of an asset and satisfy the criteria for
period; recognition as an asset. (Par. 76, PPSAS 23)
d. Customs duty is the movement of dutiable goods or a. Transfers meet the definition of an asset when the
services across the customs boundary; entity controls the resources as a result of a past
event (the transfer), and expects to receive future
e. Death duty is the death of a person owning taxable
economic benefits or service potential from those
property; and
resources. Transfers satisfy the criteria for recognition
f. Property tax is the passing of the date on which the as an asset when it is probable that the inflow of
tax is levied, or the period for which the tax is levied, if resources will occur, and their fair value can be
the tax is levied on a periodic basis. reliably measured. In certain circumstances, such as
when a creditor forgives a liability, a decrease in the
Sec. 17. Illustrative Accounting Entries. Refer to carrying amount of a previously recognized liability
Annexes H to N for illustrative accounting entries. may arise. In these cases, instead of recognizing an
asset as a result of the transfer, the entity decreases
Sec. 18. Transfer of Internal Revenue Allotment.
the carrying amount of the liability. (Par. 78, PPSAS
Where an NG imposes a tax, the entire proceeds of
which is collected by NGAs and transferred to LGUs
through an appropriation, the NGAs recognize assets b. Transfers include grants, debt forgiveness, fines,
and revenue for the tax, and a decrease in assets and bequests, gifts, donations and goods and services in-
an expense for the transfer to LGUs. The LGUs will kind. All of these transactions transfer resources
recognize the assets and revenue for the transfer. without approximate equal value in exchange and are
The following is the accounting entry at the books of not taxes but some are with conditions.
accounts of the DBM:
c. Transfers are established by a binding arrangement
that includes conditions, such as inter-entity and intra-
entity fund transfers:
Sec. 19. Expenses Paid Through the Tax System
and Tax Expenditures. Taxation revenue shall be 1. From an NGA to another NGA;
determined at gross amount. It shall not be reduced 2. From the NGA’s Central Office to its
for expenses paid through the tax system. Expenses Regional/Bureau Offices and Operating/Field Units;
of the government paid through the tax system or as 3. From an NGA to an LGU and vice-versa;
reduction from tax revenue received should not be 4. From an NGA to a GOCC and vice-versa;
offset or deducted from that tax revenue. Therefore, 5. From an entity that is created by law or regulation
taxation revenue shall be recognized at the gross to perform specific functions with operational
amount and the expenses deducted shall be autonomy; and 6. From donor entity to NGAs.
recognized and shall form part of the statement of
financial performance. Expenses paid through the tax d. An entity shall recognize an asset in respect of
system are those expenses which should be paid transfers when the transferred resources meet the
irrespective of whether the taxpayer pay taxes, or use definition of an asset and satisfy the criteria for
a particular mechanism to pay taxes. (Par. 71, recognition as an asset.
e. An entity obtains control of transferred resources c. Assets arising from fines are measured at the best
either when the resources have been transferred to estimate of the inflow of resources to the entity. (Par.
the entity, or the entity has an enforceable claim 89, PPSAS 23)
against the transferor. Many arrangements to transfer
resources become binding on all parties before the Sec. 25. Recognition and Measurement of
transfer of resources takes place. (Par. 79, PPSAS Bequests
a. Bequests which satisfy the definition of an asset
f. Transfers of resources that satisfy the definition of are recognized as assets and revenue when it is
contributions from owners will not give rise to probable that the future economic benefits or service
revenue. Agreements that specify that the entity potential will flow to the entity and the fair value of the
providing resources (a) is entitled to distributions of assets can be measured reliably. Determining the
future economic benefits or service potential during probability of an inflow of future economic benefits or
the recipient entity’s life, or distribution of any excess service potential may be problematic if a period of
of assets over liabilities in the event that the recipient time elapses between the death of the testator and
entity is wound up, or (b) acquires a financial interest the entity receiving any asset. The entity will need to
in the determine if the deceased person’s estate is sufficient
to meet all claims on it, and satisfy all bequests. If the
recipient entity that can be sold, exchanged, will is disputed, this will also affect the probability of
transferred or redeemed, are, in substance, assets flowing to the entity. (Par. 91, PPSAS 23)
agreements to make a contribution from owners. (Par.
80, PPSAS 23) b. The fair value of bequeathed assets is determined
in the same manner as for gifts and donations. Where
Sec. 22. Measurement of Transferred Assets. deceased estates are subject to taxation, the tax
Transferred assets are measured at their fair value as authority may already have determined the fair value
at the date of acquisition. (Par. 83, PPSAS 23) of the asset bequeathed to the entity, and this amount
may be available to the entity. Bequests are
Sec. 23. Debt Forgiveness and Assumption of measured at the fair value of the resources received
Liabilities or receivable. (Par. 92, PPSAS 23)
a. Lenders will sometimes waive their right to collect a Sec. 26. Recognition and Measurement of Gifts,
debt owed by a public sector entity, effectively Donations and Goods In-kind
cancelling the debt. For example, an NGA may cancel
a loan owed by an LGU. In such circumstance, the a. Gifts and donations (other than services in-kind)
LGU concerned recognizes an increase in net assets are recognized as assets and revenue when it is
because a liability it previously recognized is probable that the future economic benefits or service
extinguished. (Par. 84, PPSAS 23) potential will flow to the entity and the fair value of the
assets can be measured reliably. With gifts and
b. Entities recognize revenue in respect of debt donations, the making of the gift or donation and the
forgiveness when the former debt no longer meets transfer of legal title are often simultaneous, in such
the definition of a liability or satisfies the criteria for circumstances, there is no doubt as to the future
recognition as a liability, provided that the debt economic benefits flowing to the entity. (Par. 95,
forgiveness does not satisfy the definition of a PPSAS 23)
contribution from owners. (Par. 85, PPSAS 23)
f. Dishonored checks shall remain in the custody of Sec. 36. Illustrative Accounting Entries for Cash
the Collecting Officer, pending their redemption, Overage/Shortage of Collecting Officer
unless the agency head or the court shall direct
otherwise, in which case appropriate receipts
should be secured from the officer authorized to
take custody of the checks. The Collecting Officer
shall immediately advise the transfer of custody of
the check.
3. For major classes of taxation revenue that the c. Cash Disbursement Ceiling. The accounting
entity cannot measure reliably during the period in entries for the collection of revenue of, and the
which the taxable event occurs, information about constructive receipt of disbursement authority to,
the nature of the tax; and Foreign Service Posts (FSPs) of DFA and DOLE
are as follows: