The Internal Contradictionsof Feminism
The Internal Contradictionsof Feminism
The Internal Contradictionsof Feminism
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1 author:
Belinda Brown
University College London
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
I am writing non-academic articles at the moment. My last academic article was in New Male Studies and was about the male provider role View project
How the concept of "responsive masculinity" is more helpful for understanding male behaviour than "toxic masculinity". View project
All content following this page was uploaded by Belinda Brown on 03 June 2015.
Belinda Brown
One of the most striking things about feminism is the extent to which a body of
beliefs based on notions of equality has produced new inequalities without hardly
anyone seeming to notice. I particularly have in mind the inequalities between
a rich, privileged female elite and the majority of other women as well as the
growing inequalities between men. These are partly the consequence of changes
in the employment market produced by a growing pool of female labour prepared
to work for a lower wage because their priorities lie elsewhere.
However, they are also due to changes in the structure of the family which have
resulted from the way in which Marxist ideas have shaped feminist thinking and
ensured that its impact on a rich, privileged minority has been quite different to its
impact on others. I believe that this has happened because those ideas were based
on a flawed conception of the relationship between the family and the workplace.
However, it should be noted that the developments to which I refer are far more
pronounced in Western societies than they are in former communist societies where
relatively high levels of employment among women and somewhat greater access
to top jobs meant that the motivation to develop a women’s movement was not as
strong as in the West. I would urge caution on those women’s groups in Central and
Eastern Europe who may feel tempted to adopt Western-style feminism: to do so
would risk jeopardising the progress achieved since the collapse of communism by
allowing some Marxist assumptions to be readmitted through the back door.
In Britain, the debate over the inequalities between different female socio-
economic groups has been stimulated by Alison Wolf’s book, The XX Factor: How
Working Women Are Creating a New Society.1 This revealed some striking disparities
in incomes and lifestyles of contemporary women. Broadly, the top 15–20 per cent
work in environments where men and women are more or less equally represented
and rewarded. These are women who live to work: career women who work full-
time, and who take little time off to have children. The other 80 per cent of women
As a consequence, feminists are being criticised for focussing on issues which are the
concern of the rich and privileged such as the number of women in the boardroom
or in the broadcasting studio, rather than upon the problems of ordinary women.
The feminists respond to this charge by saying that they have been fighting to
improve educational opportunities for women and to raise the status of female
employment, and by pressing for greater access to flexible employment or childcare
so that women can spend more time at work. However, the evidence suggests that
given the choice, ordinary women want to reduce the amount of time spent at work
in order to spend more time with their children; only the least well-off of all regard
long working hours as a solution to their problems.2 For many, the real source of
disadvantage and disappointment is not to be located in the workforce but in the
family, for the family is very different among the less well-off. This group is less
likely to be married; if they do have partners they are more likely to split up and if
they marry they are more likely to be divorced and they are unlikely to have a male
partner that earns more than them; indeed, they are unlikely to find a partner from
the dwindling supply of hardworking, motivated and employable young men.
If one peers behind the façade of feminism and female independence, it turns
out that in the lives of the modern liberated woman the man actually plays an
important and very useful role – even if this is not so in the case of their less
fortunate sisters. This is evident from the fact that among married and cohabiting
couples in contemporary Britain only ten per cent of mothers with pre-school
children are the only, main or equal earner. Among graduate mothers of three-
year-olds, only one in five works full-time. By contrast 91 per cent of graduate
fathers have full-time jobs. Surveys suggest that in such situations women are
far from clamouring to do more work, although once their children are at school
this changes. Even then it is those with partners who are more likely to be able to
return to work when their children are older than those without.3
In such privileged households men work just as hard as women, albeit more outside
the household than in. This had led feminists to complain that if men did more
housework and childcare women could work more outside the home. However,
the available evidence suggests that on the whole men are responsive to women’s
preferences in this regard.4 Research indicates that in both the immediate and
longer term, it is the mother’s employment schedules that determine the levels of
It also appears that overall men do earn more than women (and consequently
contribute 72 per cent of the total tax take) while women are responsible for 70 per
cent of domestic expenditure; these figures draw attention to the contrast between
the lives of a privileged elite with male partners who contribute significantly to
domestic expenditure and those who lack male partners.7 8
Finally, it is clear that the high level of female employment depends largely on
informal childcare with grandparents providing 42 per cent and resident partners
20 per cent of the care provided; non-resident partners play only a negligible role.
Women with partners inevitably have far more access to childcare not only
because this can be provided by the partner but also because there will be two sets
of grandparents to give support, rather than one. Such resources are especially
important to those on low wages. Meanwhile, many ordinary women become
more dependent on the state or on poorly paid employment for the lack of an
adequate supply of male providers.
Similarly, Engels traces the origins of what he refers to as the “world historical defeat
of the female sex” as lying in the development of technology, for example the cattle-
drawn plough, which women’s childcare responsibilities prevented them from using.
This results in men having ownership of surplus resources which they need to pass
on to their children. To do so they need to gain control of the women through whom
inheritance would otherwise occur. What follows from this is the subordination of
the family and women within it for the purposes of transferring wealth:
The woman was degraded and reduced to servitude, she became the slave
of his lust and a mere instrument for the production of children.
The fundamental belief about the relationship of the family to the means of
production forms the plate tectonics of feminism. Through feminism Engels’
words are still with us today:
Then it will be plain that the first condition for the liberation of the wife
is to bring the whole female sex back into public industry, and that this
in turn demands the abolition of the monogamous family as the economic
unit of society…
And so on. Germaine Greer wrote in The Female Eunuch: “Women’s Liberation,
if it abolishes the patriarchal family, will abolish a necessary substructure of the
authoritarian state; … so let’s get on with it”.16
The need to excise the father from family life became part of mainstream thinking.
So for example Anna Coote in a 1991 article for The Guardian has this to say:
The father is no longer essential to the economic survival of the unit. Men
haven’t kept up with the changes in society; they don’t know how to be
parents. Nobody has taught them: where are the cultural institutions to
tell them that being a parent is a good thing? They don’t exist. At the same
time, women don’t have many expectations of what men might provide.17
Women and children will suffer needlessly until the state faces up to the
reality of its own inability to do anything about the revolution in national
morals. What it can do is shape a society that makes a place for women and
children as family units, self-sufficient and independent.18
This is just what the state proceeded to do. One example of this can be found in
the fact the British tax system has ensured that lower income families are better
off living apart. The Institute of Fiscal Studies has calculated that in 2010, 95 per
cent of single people would incur a “couple penalty” if they married or started
living together as couples. 89 per cent of existing couples with children presently
incur a couple penalty of averaging £109 per week.19 A recent pamphlet shows
how much better off a family is when its members separate. It explains that if the
family stays together the main provider (usually a father) is caught in a tax trap
and does not escape the high effective tax rates until his salary reaches £38,000.
If he chooses to live apart from his family he could escape the tax trap at about
16k while the mother could access state benefits as a lone parent with children.
The authors conclude that:
All of this has been accompanied by a strong emphasis on female employment and
tax policies which put pressure on women to go out to work. As men are regarded as
marginal to the family there is little focus on male employment or on the ever declining
educational performance of men. At the same time the inability to effectively perform
the provider role is used by the courts, legal system and mothers as a stick to beat men
with and further exclude them from family life.21 I would argue that it is precisely the
resulting dearth of motivated, employable educated men which constitutes the real
difference between the lives of ordinary women and those of the privileged few.
This provider role, which feminists are so intent on undermining, is not about
creating dependency among women, nor even is it necessarily about provisioning
them – although of course this is extremely valuable. It is part of a process of
motivating, socialising and getting the most out of men. Geoff Dench has written
a book in which this is convincingly and elegantly argued:
For Engels, the shift towards agricultural production increased the productivity of
labour which in turn increased the demand for labour, because it meant more surplus
could be produced. Reproduction was at the service of production. In the real world
relations are the other way around. People work in order to feed and provide their
family and this seems to occur regardless of sex or age. So for example if we look at
the employment patterns of women we find that the category of women who have
raised their workplace participation the most and most rapidly are precisely mothers
with young children, suggesting that reproduction is a push towards work. However,
this does not mean that they have prioritised employment. The clear preference of
most women for part-time work strongly supports the conclusion that work is valued
insofar as it fits in with family and community life and serves those purposes.24
Reproductive relations seem to be central for men too. Dench in his research finds
that it is among men who don’t have partners expecting them to earn a living
that the worklessness is heaviest. He suggests that this is not simply a matter
of women choosing partners who work. It is also that men who do not get the
experience of living with and providing at least some support for a female partner
may not develop the necessary motivations to hold down a job.25
Once the primacy of private relations is acknowledged the heart is put back into
society. The stage is then set for some very positive social changes.
By contrast, familial relations are based on trust, love and interdependence; in such
an environment material and non-material goods circulate through reciprocity
and exchange. Where families are strong these networks will be outward-looking
and will come to include more and more people who are not necessarily related
by blood, providing additional sources of support and exchange. In this way, the
flourishing of family-type relationships based on care rather than self-interest can
act as a protective buffer, compensating for a weakening welfare state.
A strong domestic realm has been shown to contribute to gender equality; this is
most likely to occur where the home is a unit of production. Social reproduction
where varied social networks spiral outwards from the family could compensate
for the loss of role in material production. This could serve to promote gender
equality by increasing the power and influence of the home.
In traditional societies the family often provided the mediating link between production
and reproduction. Those who earned more were able to have more children and this
helped to redistribute their wealth. The less well-off restricted the number of children
they had, when they were able to, in order to better look after the few, although in
developing countries poor families might have many children in the hope that at least
one might provide for them in old age. The erosion of the family has broken these
links and thus a mechanism which had a regulatory role facilitating equality has been
destroyed. For example the very wealthy now tend to have very few children, thus
concentrating wealth in fewer hands. The less well-off appear to have more children
presumably because children attract state benefits. A focus on the family unit for tax
and benefit purposes might help to restore the family’s regulatory and supportive role.
Feminism wrought essential social change from which we have all benefitted.
The place of feminists in history is secure. However, social landscapes constantly
change and if the feminist movement is again to be constructive it will need to
significantly adapt. If this is not happening this has much to do with the absence
Wolf, A., The XX Factor: How Working Women Are Creating a New Society, London, Profile Books, 2013.
See for example
Or Alakeson, V., “The Price of Motherhood: women and part-time work”, Resolution Foundation, 2012.
Dench, G., What Women Want: Evidence from British Social Attitudes, London, Hera Trust, 2010.
Bloemen, H. G. and Stancanelli, E. G. F., “Market hours, household work, child care, and wage
rates of partners: an empirical analysis”, in Review of Economics of the Household, 2013. DOI:10.1007/
Norman, H., Elliot, M. and Fagan, C., “Which fathers are the most involved in taking care of their
toddlers in the UK? An investigation of the predictors of paternal involvement”, in Community, Work
and Family, 2013. DOI:10.1080/13668803.2013.862361.
Agache, A., Leyendecker, B., Schafermeier, E,. Scholmerich, A., “Paternal involvement elevates
trajectories of life satisfaction during transition to parenthood”, in European Journal of Developmental
Psychology, 2013. DOI: 10.1080/17405629.2013.851025.
Smith, S., “Engels and the origin of women’s oppression”, in International Socialist Review, issue 2, 1997.
James, S., Marx and feminism, Crossroads Books, 1994.
Lyndon, N., Sexual Politics; Heresies on Sex, Gender and Feminism, 2014.
Marx, K., The Poverty of Philosophy, Progress Publishers, 1955.
Engels, F., “The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State”, 1884, in Feminism: The
Essential Historical Writings, Miriam Schneir, 1972.
Marx K. and Engels F., The Communist Manifesto, New York, 1948, p. 27. Engels, op cit.
Greer, p. 326
“The Parent Trap”, The Guardian, 16 September 1991. Cited from Neil Lyndon, op. cit.
The worm-turned syndrome”, in The Observer, 17 October 1989.
Draper, D., Beighton L., Independent Taxation – 25 years on, CARE, 2013, p. 33.
Fennel, A., Who Cares about the Family?, Mothers at Home Matter, 2015, p. 14.
Bryan, D. M., “To Parent or provide? The effect of the provider role on low-income men’s
decisions about fatherhood and paternal engagement”, in Fathering, 2013, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 71–89.
DOI: 10.3149/fth.1101.71
Dench, G., Transforming Men: Changing Patterns of Dependency and Dominance in Gender Relations,
New Brunswick, Transaction Publishers, 1996.
Brown, B., “Reviewing Gendered Employment Policies”, in Men for Tomorrow, 2014, working
paper 09/14.
Brown, B. and Dench, G., The Family Strikes Back: Changing Attitudes to Work and Family, London,
Hera Trust, 2014.
Dench, G., What Women Want; Evidence from British Social Attitudes, New Brunswick, Transaction
Publishers, 2011.