Low Volume Interval Training Improves Muscle.5
Low Volume Interval Training Improves Muscle.5
Low Volume Interval Training Improves Muscle.5
Exercise Metabolism Research Group, Department of Kinesiology, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, CANADA;
and 2Department of Pediatrics and Medicine, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, CANADA
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HOOD, M. S., J. P. LITTLE, M. A. TARNOPOLSKY, F. MYSLIK, and M. J. GIBALA. Low-Volume Interval Training Improves
Muscle Oxidative Capacity in Sedentary Adults. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 43, No. 10, pp. 1849–1856, 2011. Introduction: High-
intensity interval training (HIT) increases skeletal muscle oxidative capacity similar to traditional endurance training, despite a low total
exercise volume. Much of this work has focused on young active individuals, and it is unclear whether the results are applicable to older
less active populations. In addition, many studies have used ‘‘all-out’’ variable-load exercise interventions (e.g., repeated Wingate tests)
that may not be practical for all individuals. We therefore examined the effect of a more practical low-volume submaximal constant-load
HIT protocol on skeletal muscle oxidative capacity and insulin sensitivity in middle-aged adults, who may be at a higher risk for
inactivity-related disorders. Methods: Seven sedentary but otherwise healthy individuals (three women) with a mean T SD age, body mass
index, and peak oxygen uptake (V̇O2peak) of 45 T 5 yr, 27 T 5 kgImj2, and 30 T 3 mLIkgj1Imin-1 performed six training sessions during
2 wk. Each session involved 10 1-min cycling at È60% of peak power achieved during a ramp V̇O2peak test (eliciting È80%–95% of
HR reserve) with 1 min of recovery between intervals. Needle biopsy samples (vastus lateralis) were obtained before training and È72 h
after the final training session. Results: Muscle oxidative capacity, as reflected by the protein content of citrate synthase and cytochrome
c oxidase subunit IV, increased by È35% after training. The transcriptional coactivator peroxisome proliferator–activated receptor F
coactivator 1> was increased by È56% after training, but the transcriptional corepressor receptor-interacting protein 140 remained
unchanged. Glucose transporter protein content increased È260%, and insulin sensitivity, on the basis of the insulin sensitivity index
homeostasis model assessment, improved by È35% after training. Conclusions: Constant-load low-volume HIT may be a practical time-
efficient strategy to induce metabolic adaptations that reduce the risk for inactivity-related disorders in previously sedentary middle-aged
egular endurance exercise training is an effective dividuals consider its lengthy time requirement a barrier to
strategy to improve insulin sensitivity (6,18) and performing regular exercise (4,42). Therefore, less time-
reduce the risk of developing metabolic disorders consuming interventions may be more attractive. We (7–9,11)
such as type 2 diabetes (T2D) (38). Although the patho- and others (1,36) have demonstrated that high-intensity interval
physiology of insulin resistance is not fully understood, in- training (HIT) is a potent stimulus to elicit adaptations that
creased skeletal muscle oxidative and glucose transport resemble those of traditional endurance training despite a
capacities resulting from exercise training have been linked substantial reduction in the total time commitment and ex-
to improved insulin sensitivity (6,13,15,17). These and other ercise volume. Direct comparisons of low-volume HIT and
adaptations may ameliorate the effects of sedentary living traditional high-volume endurance training suggest that both
on skeletal muscle energy metabolism (12) and thereby re- protocols lead to similar increases in muscle mitochondrial
duce the risk of chronic disease and premature death (3,38). content and endurance exercise performance (8,11). Low-
Despite the beneficial effect of endurance exercise training volume HIT also rapidly increases skeletal muscle glucose
on cardiorespiratory and metabolic health (13,16), many in- transporter (GLUT4) protein content (7,24). Two recent stud-
ies (1,36) also reported a significant improvement in insulin
sensitivity after 2 wk of HIT. Our previous research (e.g.,
Burgomaster et al. (7–9) and Gibala et al. [11]) and works
Address for correspondence: Martin Joseph Gibala, Ph.D., Department of Ki-
nesiology, McMaster University, Ivor Wynne Centre, Room 219, 1280 Main St., from other groups (1,36) have used an HIT model that in-
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8S 4K1; E-mail: [email protected]. volves repeated ‘‘all-out’’ maximal-intensity cycling efforts
Submitted for publication September 2010. on a specialized ergometer (i.e., repeated Wingate tests).
Accepted for publication March 2011. This type of training requires a specialized ergometer and a
0195-9131/11/4310-1849/0 high level of motivation, and the extremely demanding na-
MEDICINE & SCIENCE IN SPORTS & EXERCISEÒ ture of the exercise can induce feelings of severe fatigue.
Copyright Ó 2011 by the American College of Sports Medicine All-out interval training may therefore be impractical or
DOI: 10.1249/MSS.0b013e3182199834 unsuitable for some individuals, and others have called for
Copyright © 2011 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
the development of alternative HIT strategies that might the Hamilton Health Sciences/Faculty of Health Sciences
be more suitable for specific populations, depending on Research Ethics Board.
age, health status, and psychology (10). Furthermore, the Preexperimental procedures. Waist circumference
majority of research investigating the metabolic effects of was measured using a nonelastic tape at the midpoint be-
HIT (e.g., Babraj et al. (1), Burgomaster et al. (7–9), Gibala tween the iliac crest and the bottom of the rib cage while
et al. (11), and Little et al. (24)) has been conducted in participants stood in a relaxed position with arms at their
young active individuals (e30 yr), and it is unclear whether side. A stadiometer and physician’s scale were used to
the findings can be applied to sedentary middle-aged indi- measure height and weight, and body mass index was cal-
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viduals, a population more at risk of developing chronic culated (kgImj2). Resting HR and blood pressure were
disease (42). measured by an automatic inflation monitor (Spot Vital
The primary purpose of this study was to examine skeletal SignsÒ; Welch Allyn, Mississauga, Canada). Finally, rest-
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muscle remodeling in response to short-term low-volume ing and postexercise 12-lead ECG were conducted on the
HIT in previously sedentary middle-aged adults. The train- same day as the V̇O2peak test using an ECG apparatus
ing protocol was based on our recent work in young healthy (MAC; Marquette Electronics, Inc., Milwaukee, WI).
individuals (24) and was designed to be more practical as Participants performed an incremental exercise test to
compared with Wingate-based training, which requires a exhaustion on an electronically braked cycle ergometer
specialized ergometer and an all-out effort. We hypothe- (Lode Excalibur Sport V2.0; Groningen, The Netherlands)
sized that HIT would stimulate mitochondrial biogenesis, to determine V̇O2peak and peak power output (Wmax). After
as evidenced by changes in the protein content of the a 3-min cycling warm-up at 50 W, the workload was in-
common marker enzymes citrate synthase (CS) and cyto- creased by 1 W every 2 s until participants reached voli-
chrome c oxidase (COX), and alter the expression of pro- tional exhaustion or the pedal cadence decreased to G40
teins linked to this adaptive response including peroxisome revolutions per minute because power output is not valid
proliferator–activated receptor F coactivator (PGC) 1> and below this cadence according to the manufacturer’s specifi-
receptor-interacting protein (RIP) 140 (2,23,31). A second- cations. A metabolic cart with an online gas collection sys-
ary purpose was to explore the potential clinical significance tem (MOXUS Modular V̇O2 System; AEI Technologies,
of low-volume HIT by determining the insulin sensitiv- Pittsburgh, PA) was used to acquire data to quantify oxy-
ity index (ISI) using the homeostasis model assessment gen consumption, carbon dioxide production, and substrate
(HOMA) method (26) before and after training. We hy- oxidation via RER. The coefficient of variation (CV) for
pothesized that ISI (HOMA) would improve after the 2-wk V̇O2peak measurements using the MOXUS System in our
HIT protocol and that this would be accompanied by an laboratory is e4% (9). V̇O2peak and Wmax corresponded to
increased total GLUT4 content in skeletal muscle. the highest oxygen consumption and peak power output
values achieved during a 15-s period, respectively. The gas
analyzers and turbine volume were calibrated before each
METHODS test using standard reference gases (VitalAire, Mississauga,
Subjects. Seven sedentary but otherwise healthy men Canada) and a 3-L syringe obtained from the metabolic cart
(n = 4) and women volunteered to participate in the study manufacturer (AEI Technologies), respectively. HR was
(age = 45 T 5 yr, body mass index = 27 T 5 kgImj2, peak monitored continuously throughout the test by telemetry
oxygen uptake (V̇O2peak) = 30 T 3 mLIkgj1Iminj1). Eligi- with a Polar A3 monitor (Polar, Lake Success, NY). After
bility for the study was confirmed by medical screening in- completion of the incremental exercise test, participants
cluding the completion of a general health questionnaire and returned to the laboratory on two occasions to verify the
the following measurements: height, weight, resting HR, workload eliciting 60% Wmax and become familiarized with
blood pressure, fasting plasma glucose, and an ECG. Pre- the training protocol.
liminary screening determined that participants were (a) Fasting blood and resting muscle biopsy sam-
sedentary, defined as not having participated in a regular pling. Although sedentary to begin with, participants were
exercise program (i.e., two or fewer sessions per week and instructed to avoid any physical activity aside from activities
e30 min per session) for at least 1 yr before the study, and for at least 24 h before the blood and muscle sampling pro-
(b) did not present any contraindications to beginning an cedures. For blood sampling, subjects reported to the labo-
exercise program. The participants did not partake in any ratory in the morning (È8:00 a.m.) after an overnight (Q10 h)
form of regular physical activity and did not meet the min- fast. A resting blood sample was obtained by venipuncture
imum level of physical activity recommended by leading from an antecubital vein and treated according to man-
public health agencies including Health Canada and the ufacturer’s instructions (VacutainerÒ; BD, Mississauga,
American College of Sports Medicine. The procedures for Canada). The lateral portion of one thigh was prepared for
each visit were explained to participants on arrival at the the extraction of muscle biopsy samples from the vastus
laboratory. Participants were informed of the purpose and lateralis (5). The procedure was initiated by injection of a
potential risks associated with the study before providing local anesthetic (2% lidocaine) followed by a small inci-
written informed consent. The experiment was approved by sion in the skin and underlying tissues. The obtained biopsy
Copyright © 2011 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
samples were immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen and Laval, Canada) and phosphatase (PhosSTOPÒ; Roche Ap-
stored at j80-C until subsequent analysis. The final fasting plied Science) inhibitors and protein concentration of ho-
blood and muscle samples were obtained È72 h after the last mogenates determined using a commercial assay kit (Pierce
training bout using procedures identical in all respects to BCA Protein Assay Kit; Rockford, IL). The CV for protein
preexercise baseline trials. quantification for duplicate samples is G5.0% in our labora-
Experimental protocol. The training protocol was ini- tory. Proteins were denatured by addition of 4 Laemmli
tiated at least 3 d after the pretraining muscle biopsy proce- buffer and heating to 95-C for 5 min. Equal amounts of
dure. Participants completed six sessions of high-intensity protein (5–20 Kg) were separated by electrophoresis on
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interval exercise on a cycle ergometer (Lode) during a 2-wk 7.5%–12.5% sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel
period, with each session interspersed by 1–2 d of recovery electrophoresis gels for È2 h at 100 V. Proteins were elec-
(i.e., training occurred on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday trotransferred to nitrocellulose membranes at 100 V for 1 h.
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of each week). Each session consisted of a 3-min warm-up at Ponceau S staining was used to verify and control for equal
50 W, followed by a series of 10 60-s high-intensity cy- transfer and loading. After blocking in 5% milk Tris-buffered
cling efforts interspersed with 60 s of recovery and terminated saline–Tween 20 (TBS-T), membranes were incubated with
with a 5-min cool-down at 50 W. The workload during primary antibodies for 2 h at room temperature (CS, COX II,
each interval was set at 60% of peak power achieved during COX IV) or overnight at 4-C (GLUT4, PGC-1>, RIP140,
the V̇O2peak test. Mean power output during training was p-Akt, Akt) in 3% milk or bovine serum albumin. Membranes
È150 W, and this elicited È80% of HR reserve at the end of were then washed for 3 5 min in TBS-T and incubated in-
the first 60-s interval, climbing to È95% of the HR reserve appropriate species-specific secondary antibodies at 1:10,000
after the last interval. During recovery between the high- dilution in 3% milk TBS-T for 1 h at room temperature. After
intensity efforts, subjects cycled at a fixed resistance of 30 W. 3 15-min washes, blots were developed using a chemilu-
Training took place in a dedicated (research only) exercise minescent substrate (SuperSignalÒ West Dura; Pierce) and
testing and training laboratory located within the Department exposed to an x-ray film or visualized using a FluorochemÒ
of Kinesiology at McMaster University, and sessions were SP Imaging system and software (Alpha Innotech Corpora-
directly supervised by a certified kinesiologist. All subjects tion, San Leandro, CA). After measurement of p-Akt, mem-
completed all prescribed exercise bouts. branes were stripped by incubating in Restore Western Blot
Physical activity and nutritional controls. Par- Stripping Buffer (Pierce) with vigorous shaking for 45 min,
ticipants were instructed to continue their normal daily ac- reblocked in 3% milk TBS-T, and probed for total Akt. Band
tivity (i.e., remain sedentary) throughout the experimental intensities were quantified using the National Institutes of
period and to refrain from any structured physical activity Health ImageJ analysis software.
except for the prescribed training program. Participants Mixed venous blood samples were collected into tubes that
were also instructed to maintain their habitual diet during contained sodium heparin or a clot activator (Vacutainer; BD).
the 2-wk training period. To control for any diet-induced Collection tubes were immediately inverted eight or five
variability in fasting blood or resting biopsy measures, par- times as per the manufacturer’s directions and then placed on
ticipants recorded their dietary intake for 24 h before pre- ice or left to clot at room temperature as instructed. Blood
training sampling procedures and replicated the diet using samples were then centrifuged for 10 min at 1750g. The re-
the same types and quantities of food before the posttraining sulting plasma was immediately analyzed for blood glucose
procedures. Subsequent dietary analyses (The Food Proces- (Ascensia Contour; Bayer, Tarrytown, NY). The serum was
sor SQL 9.8; ESHA Research, Salem, OR) revealed no stored at j80-C for subsequent analysis of insulin using a
differences in the total energy or macronutrient content of commercially available assay kit (Insulin EIA; ALPCO Di-
diets before or after training (data not shown). agnostics, Salem, NH). All samples were run in triplicate,
Muscle and blood analyses. The total protein content with the CV being G4.0% for glucose and G3.0% for insu-
of CS, cytochrome c oxidase (COX) subunits II and IV, lin. Insulin sensitivity was estimated using the ISI (HOMA)
GLUT4, PGC-1>, RIP140, phosphorylated Akt (p-Akt), and method using the following equation previously described
total Akt were quantified by standard Western blotting pro- by Matsuda and DeFronzo (26): ISI (HOMA) = k/(fasting
cedures as we have previously described (10,12,24). A rab- glucose fasting insulin), where k = 22.5 18.
bit polyclonal antibody for CS was a kind gift from Statistical analyses. Differences between pre- and
Dr. Brian Robinson (Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, posttraining values for all variables were analyzed using
Canada). COX antibodies were from MitoSciences (Eugene, paired-samples t-tests. All data are presented as mean T SD.
OR). The GLUT4 antibody was from Chemicon/Millipore Significance was set at P G 0.05.
(Billerica, MA). The PGC-1>, p-Akt, and total Akt anti-
bodies were purchased from Cell Signaling Technology
(Beverly, MA), and the RIP140 antibody was from Sigma RESULTS
(St. Louis, MO). Muscle biopsy samples were homogenized Skeletal muscle adaptations. The protein content of
in a radioimmunoprecipitation assay buffer supplemented CS and COX IV increased by 31% and 39%, respectively,
with protease (Complete MiniÒ; Roche Applied Science, after training (P G 0.05, Fig. 1). COX II content tended to
INTERVAL TRAINING IN SEDENTARY ADULTS Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercised 1851
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increase (È16%) after training, but this did not reach statis- training (P G 0.05, Fig. 4), whereas total Akt protein con-
tical significance (P = 0.10, data not shown). Total GLUT4 tent was not significantly different (P = 0.80).
content increased by È260% after training (P G 0.001, Fasting insulin, glucose, and ISI (HOMA). Fast-
Fig. 2). PGC-1> protein was increased by 56% after ing insulin concentration decreased by 16% after training
training (P = 0.01, Fig. 3A), but there were no effects of (after = 6.6 T 2.9 vs before = 8.1 T 3.5 KIUImLj1, P G 0.01),
training on RIP140 protein content (P 9 0.05, Fig. 3B). whereas fasting glucose concentration was not significantly
Basal Akt phosphorylation was reduced by È67% after different despite a tendency to decline (after = 4.3 T 0.5 vs
FIGURE 2—Skeletal muscle GLUT4 protein content is increased af- FIGURE 4—Basal Akt activation is reduced after 2 wk of HIT. P-Akt
ter 2 wk of HIT. GLUT4 protein was measured in resting muscle bi- relative to total Akt (t-Akt) protein was measured in resting muscle
opsy samples Pre and Post training. Values are means T SD (n = 7); biopsy samples Pre and Post training. Values are means T SD (n = 7);
*P G 0.001. *P G 0.05.
Copyright © 2011 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
sensitivity that are generally observed after high-volume en-
durance training (6,18,30). Although it has been suggested
that duration is more important than intensity when prescrib-
ing exercise to improve insulin sensitivity (18), the present
study and other works (1,41) suggest an important role for
exercise intensity.
The mechanisms by which exercise training improves
insulin sensitivity are not fully understood, but changes in
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Burgomaster et al. (8) and Pilegaard et al. [34]). Although
DISCUSSION previous research has supported a link between improve-
The major novel finding from the present investigation ments in muscle oxidative capacity and insulin sensitivity
was that six sessions of constant-load HIT performed during (6,40), the hypothesis that reduced mitochondrial capacity
2 wk improved insulin sensitivity and increased markers of plays a causative role in insulin resistance (28) has come
skeletal muscle mitochondrial content and glucose transport under scrutiny lately (14). Even if reduced mitochondrial
capacity in previously sedentary middle-aged adults. These capacity is not causative, increased mitochondrial ATP
beneficial adaptations occurred despite a low total exercise production in response to exercise training is still linked
volume and training time commitment. To further elucidate with improvements in insulin sensitivity (19). Another pos-
the potential mechanisms that promote the muscle adaptive sible mechanism that improves insulin sensitivity after ex-
response, we measured the protein levels of PGC-1> and ercise involves increased skeletal muscle glucose transport
RIP140, which are positive and negative regulators of mi- capacity (15,17,35). Whole muscle GLUT4 protein content
tochondrial and metabolic gene expression, respectively. increased by more than twofold after training in the present
PGC-1> protein increased after training, yet there were no study, which is comparable to that observed after short-term
changes in total RIP140 content. These data support the no- high-volume endurance training (17). In rodents, the in-
tion that low-volume constant-load HIT is a time-efficient crease in total skeletal muscle GLUT4 content after training
strategy to promote mitochondrial biogenesis and induce met- is proportional to glucose transport capacity in response to a
abolic adaptations that may reduce the risk for insulin resis- given concentration of insulin (35).
tance and T2D in previously sedentary middle-aged adults. Insight into potential regulators of the muscle
Low-volume HIT rapidly improves insulin sen- adaptive response. Several lines of evidence have sug-
sitivity. The importance of exercise intensity in preventing gested that reduced PGC-1> in skeletal muscle might be
and treating T2D is well recognized (39). Fifteen weeks of implicated in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance and T2D
high-intensity interval exercise was previously shown to re- (25,27,32). PGC-1> coactivates several transcription factors
duce markers of insulin resistance in young women (41), to coordinately upregulate a program of mitochondrial and
and Babraj et al. (1) demonstrated that insulin sensitivity— metabolic gene transcription in muscle (2,23). PGC-1>
measured indirectly using oral glucose tolerance tests—was mRNA expression is robustly increased in the postexercise
improved after 2 wk of Wingate-based HIT in young recovery period after endurance (34) and interval (12) ex-
recreationally active men. More recently, Richards et al. (36) ercise, and training has been shown to increase PGC-1>
reported improved insulin sensitivity, on the basis of hyper- protein expression in some studies (8,29). For these reasons,
insulinemic euglycemic clamp measurements, in previously PGC-1> is hypothesized to play a critical role in the mus-
sedentary or recreationally active young adults after an iden- cle’s adaptive response to exercise (43). Furthermore, mod-
tical HIT protocol. To our knowledge, the present study is the est overexpression of PGC-1> by electrotransfection of the
first to report rapid improvements in an indirect measure PGC-1> gene into skeletal muscle of rats increases mito-
of insulin sensitivity after low-volume HIT in previously chondrial content, GLUT4 protein, and muscle insulin sen-
sedentary middle-aged adults who may be at a higher risk sitivity (2), and induction of PGC-1> can rescue cultured
for developing insulin resistance and T2D. Unlike Wingate- muscle cells from lipotoxicity (20). Therefore, interventions
based training, the 2-wk HIT protocol in the present study that increase PGC-1> in skeletal muscle would seem to have
used a lower-intensity constant-load protocol as opposed to beneficial effects on insulin sensitivity and metabolic health.
all-out efforts. Our HIT program elicited changes in insulin The increase in skeletal muscle PGC-1> protein content
INTERVAL TRAINING IN SEDENTARY ADULTS Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercised 1853
Copyright © 2011 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
seen in the present study suggests that low-volume HIT is a vation, an increase in PGC-1> protein content, and an in-
potent strategy. However, it is currently unclear whether the crease in mitochondrial content in skeletal muscle. Thus, it
increase in PGC-1> is required to direct an increase in mi- is intriguing to speculate that the reduced basal Akt acti-
tochondrial biogenesis and GLUT4 expression or whether vation in skeletal muscle may be relieving inhibition or
this response might play a supportive role in maintaining degradation of PGC-1> to promote an increase in mito-
such increases. Wright et al. (43) demonstrated that activa- chondrial biogenesis, in essence, the reverse process of what
tion of existing PGC-1> protein that caused an increase in has been shown to occur in response to high-fat feeding in
nuclear abundance enabled PGC-1> to coactivate various mice (25).
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transcription factors and mediate the initial stages of the Limitations. It must be acknowledged that the present
adaptive response. Furthermore, despite a lower basal level findings are based on a small somewhat heterogeneous
of mitochondrial content, it seems as though a strain of sample of inactive adult males and females. Despite this,
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PGC-1>–null mice respond in a similar manner as wild-type however, we were able to detect significant changes in many
animals by increasing mitochondrial biogenesis after en- muscle metabolic parameters and markers of insulin sensi-
durance exercise training (21). Therefore, it is likely that tivity after only 2 wk of low-volume constant-load HIT. It is
PGC-1> is one of several transcriptional regulators that help possible that the differences in menstruation status could
control the adaptive response to exercise in skeletal muscle. influence some of the findings in the female participants,
For this reason, we also examined the effect of HIT on the but this was not assessed in the present study. The small
protein content of the transcriptional corepressor RIP140. sample size also limited any comparisons between males
Compared with PGC-1>, much less is known regarding the and females. On the basis of our encouraging findings for
role of RIP140 in human skeletal muscle. However, animal the efficacy of short-term low-volume constant-load HIT
studies have highlighted an important role for this protein in for improving markers of metabolic health, future studies
regulating oxidative metabolism and insulin sensitivity should include larger sample sizes and a control group to
(31,37). Transgenic animal models have demonstrated that directly assess the potential health-promoting adaptations to
low levels promote whereas high levels inhibit the expres- this type of training. Future studies should also use more
sion of genes involved in mitochondrial biogenesis, glu- direct measures of muscle insulin sensitivity and glycemic
cose transport, and lipid metabolism (31,37). Furthermore, control because the assessment of insulin sensitivity using
RIP140-null mice show improved insulin sensitivity and are ISI (HOMA) in the present study is limited by the fact that it
resistant to high-fat diet–induced obesity (31). Given the was based with a single fasting blood sample. Muscle glu-
apparent contrasting roles of PGC-1> and RIP140 in con- cose uptake is primarily regulated by insulin signaling to
trolling metabolic and mitochondrial gene networks, we GLUT4 translocation from intracellular pools to the sarco-
hypothesized that skeletal muscle adaptations to exercise lemma. We assessed total GLUT4 protein content in resting
training may involve reductions in RIP140. This did not muscle biopsy samples in this study and as such cannot
seem to be the case because total RIP140 protein was un- determine whether training had an influence on GLUT4
changed after HIT. However, this does not conclusively trafficking. However, an increase in total GLUT4 is a rela-
demonstrate that RIP140 is not involved in the adaptive tively rapid response and seems to be important in mediating
response because the association of RIP140 with other some of the increase in muscle glucose uptake and insulin
proteins in nuclear receptor complexes may be the strongest sensitivity after exercise (15,17,35).
determinant of its ability to repress gene expression (31). Conclusions and significance. In summary, the re-
A final novel finding from the present study was the sults of the present investigation demonstrate that low-
training-induced reduction in basal Akt activation. It is im- volume constant-load HIT rapidly induces skeletal muscle
portant to note that muscle samples were taken in the fasted mitochondrial biogenesis, increases GLUT4 content, and
state at the same time as blood sampling. Thus, the reduction improves insulin sensitivity in previously sedentary adults.
in basal Akt phosphorylation in skeletal muscle likely rep- These findings provide novel information regarding the po-
resents a downstream consequence of the reduction in fast- tency of low-volume HIT to improve insulin sensitivity to
ing plasma insulin. Although the majority of work linking a similar magnitude as previous research examining higher-
Akt to insulin resistance has been conducted in hepatic cells volume endurance training (6,30). Despite similar meta-
(22), Liu et al. (25) have recently hypothesized that basal bolic adaptations between this HIT and previous endurance
Akt activation in skeletal muscle is linked with reduced training studies, the time requirement of the present proto-
mitochondrial content and insulin resistance. Akt has been col involved È20 min per session, totaling È60 minIwkj1.
shown to directly phosphorylate PGC-1>, leading to inhi- Given that lack of time is the most-often-cited barrier to
bition and degradation (22). In response to a high-fat diet, performing regular exercise (4,42), low-volume HIT may
mice become insulin resistant concomitant with an increase represent an alternative to traditional endurance training
in basal Akt activation, a reduction in PGC-1> protein, and a to help increase exercise participation in the general popu-
decrease in mitochondrial content in skeletal muscle (25). In lation. Further research is required to examine the long-
response to 2 wk of low-volume HIT in humans, we saw an term effect of low-volume HIT on metabolic health and
increase in insulin sensitivity, a reduction in basal Akt acti- chronic disease prevention, but the present results suggest
Copyright © 2011 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
that low-volume HIT may be an effective exercise strategy Canada Graduate Scholarship, and F.E.M. held an NSERC Under-
graduate Student Research Award.
for the prevention and treatment of insulin resistance and The authors thank their subjects for their time and effort and
inactivity-related disorders. John Moroz, Todd Prior, Dr. Krista Howarth, and Michael Percival for
technical and analytical assistance.
There were no specific funding sources for this article.
This work was supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health and The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
Research and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research The results of the present study do not constitute any endorsement
Council of Canada (NSERC). J.P.L. was supported by an NSERC by the American College of Sports Medicine.
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