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Annual Plan 2nd Grammar 2023

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Subject: Grammar/ Language Grade: Second Grade Teacher: Joyce Brackman

From February to November 2022

I Partial February -April

Unit 1 Lesson 1-5

Learning Learning Learning Achievement Vocabulary Grammar
Objetives Outcome Activities Expectations
Practice Lesson 1 Circle Electronic At the end of the lesson People, animal, General English
working with Nouns nouns, Device for students will recognize the things, places,
nouns, regular, regular and online basic structure of a months of the
irregular Lesson 2 irregular sessions sentence. year, days of
nouns, Regular and nouns, They will know when and the week, titles,
personal Irregular personal Notebook how to apply contractions. fruits, colors,
pronouns, nouns pronouns Students will be able to write shapes,
articles and Constructio plural nouns, regular and classroom
identify them in Lesson 3 Use the n paper irregular nouns. objects,
sentences. Personal topics in animals, family
Work with Pronouns sentences Index cards members, parts
contractions. of the body,
Learn to use Lesson 4 child, man, foot,
plural nouns Definitive and tooth,
In definitive

Lesson 5
To Be

II Partial April -June

Unit 2 Lesson 6-9
Learning Learning Learning Achievement Vocabulary Grammar
Objectives Outcome Activities Expectations
Identify Lesson 6 Electronic To identify adjectives, Colors, Sizes, General
adjectives, Adjectives Device for prepositions and questions Feelings, Numbers, English
prepositions Sing songs online in sentences. these, this, those,
and questions Lesson 7 sessions Know how and when to that, at, in, on,
in sentences. Demonstrative use the topics in beside, under,
Understand Adjectives Write Notebook sentences behind, between,
how to use sentences around, there is,
them correctly Lesson 8 Construction there are, there is
and identify Prepositions paper not, there are not,
the categories what, when, where,
inside each Lesson 9 Index cards how.
topic. Questions Read

III Partial July -August

Unit 3 Lesson 10-11

Learning Learning Learning Achievement Vocabulary Grammar
Objectives Outcome Activities Expectations
Learn and Lesson 10 Sing songs Electronic Students will be able to Yes, no, what, when, General
understand Simple Device for identify verbs in where, how, verbs in English
actions verbs present tense Write online sentences and to write general….
and their sentences sessions them in the proper way in
usage. Work Lesson 11 sentences.
with subject Present Make Notebook
verb Continuous stories
agreement. Constructions
Draw paper
IV Partial September -November

Unit 4 Lesson 12-13

Learning Learning Learning Achievement Vocabulary Grammar
Objectives Outcome Activities Expectations
To work with Lesson 12 Sing songs Electronic To read and Verbs: jump, eat, General
regular, Simple Past Tense Device for online write sentences drink, walk, etc… English
irregular Draw pictures sessions in a proper way. what, when, where,
verbs. Work Lesson 13 of verbs Identify the how
with future Future Going to Notebook correct tense for
tense. To Write each sentence.
write complete sentences Constructions Write verbs
sentences paper according to the
Read tense

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