BMAR 316 Study Unit 3 - 2024 - Edited

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1. Definieer die term “persoonlikheid”. 1. Define the term“personality”.

2. Verduidelik die aard van persoonlikheid. 2. Explain the nature of personality.

3. Bespreek en verstaan die verskillende 3. Discuss and understand the different theories
persoonlikheidsteorieë. of personality.

4. Defineer die term “persoonlikheidseienskappe” 4. Define the term “personality traits”.

5. Bespreek en identifiseer 5. Discuss and identify personality traits and how
persoonlikheidseienskappe en hoe insig in personality can provide a more precise
persoonlikheid ‘n meer presiese begrip van understanding of consumer behaviour and
verbruikersgedrag en diversiteit kan verskaf. diversity.
6. Verduidelik handelsmerkpersoonlikheid. 6. Explain brand personality.
7. Identifiseer en onderskei tussen die verskillende 7. Identify and differentiate between the various
tipes handelsmerkpersoonlikhede. types of brand personalities.
8. Verstaan die uitwerking van selfbeeld op
8. Understand the impact of self-image on
consumer behaviour.
Model of the Motivation Process

LE 3. Persoonlikheid SU 3. Personality
LE 4. Persepsie LE 4. Perception
LE 5. Vorige Leer LE 5. Previous Learning
LE 6. Houding LE6. Attitude



Chapter Four Slide
Die innerlike The inner
sielkundige psychological characteristics
eienskappe wat beide that both determine and
bepaal en weerspieël reflect how we think and act
hoe ons dink en optree
Wat is jou persoonlikheid? /
What is your personality?
Aard van persoonlikheid The Nature of Personality
• Persoonlikheid weerspieël • Personality reflects
individuele verskille individual differences
• Persoonlikheid is • Personality is consistent
konsekwent en blywend and enduring
• Persoonlikheid kan verander • Personality can change

Onbewustelike behoeftes en drang Unconscious needs or drives are at

wat die kern van menslike motivering the heart of human motivation

Sosiale verhoudings is fundamenteel Social relationships are fundamental

to die vorming en ontwikkeling van to the formation and development
persoonlikheid of personality

Kwantitative benadering to Quantitative approach to

persoonlikheid as 'n stel van personality as a set of psychological
sielkundige eienskappe traits

Pakhuis van die primitiewe of
Warehouse of primitive or
instinktiewe behoeftes waarvoor
instinctual needs for which
individuele onmiddellike
individual seeks immediate
bevrediging soek.
Individue se interne uiting van die
Individual’s internal expression of
samelewing se morele en etiese
society’s moral and ethical codes
of conduct
Individue se bewuste beheer wat
Individual’s conscious control that
die eise van die id en superego
balances the demands of the id
and superego
Freudian Theory: Id vs. Superego (Donald Duck)
Jeremy Allen White Ad
Freudian Theory: Superego (RSPCA)

Sosiale verhoudings is fundamenteel tot Social relationships are fundamental to

persoonlikheid personality

Alfred Adler: Alfred Adler:

Lewensstyl Style of life
Gevoel van minderwaardigheid Feelings of inferiority

Harry Stack Sullivan Harry Stack Sullivan

Ons vestig verhoudings met ander om spanning te We establish relationships with others to
verminder reduce tensions

Karen Horneys' drie persoonlikheidsgroepe Karen Horneys' three personality groups

Ingeskik: beweeg na ander Compliant: move toward others
Aggressie: beweeg teen ander Aggressive: move against others
Afgebrokke: beweeg weg van ander Detached: move away from others
Compliant Personality Advertising (Coke)
Aggressive Personality Advertising (Panda Cheese)
Detachment Personality Advertising (Bose)

• Fokus op die meting van • Focus on measurement of

persoonlikheid in terme van personality in terms of traits
• Personality Traits – Inner
• Persoonlikheidseienskappe – psychological characteristics that
Innerlike sielkundige eienskappe distinguish one individual from
wat een individu van ander other individuals
individue onderskei
• Personality is linked to broad
• Persoonlikheid is gekoppel aan product categories and NOT
breë produk kategorie en NIE specific brands
spesifieke handelsmerk
• Consumer’s level of innovation,
• Verbruiker se vlak van innovering, materialism and ethnocentrism.
materialisme en etnosentrisme.

innovativeness Dogmatism Need for uniqueness

Verbruiker- Dogmatisme Behoefte aan

Innovering uniekheid

Optimum stimulation
level Sensation seeking Visual vs verbal
Optimale stimulasie Sensasie soekend Visueel vs verbaal

Materialism Compulsions & Ethnocentrism

Materialisme Fixations Etnosentrisme
• Bereidwilligheid om te innoveer / Willingness to

• Bespreek nuwe produkte met ander aanlyn/ Discuss new

products with others online.
1. Functional Factors / Funksionele Faktore
2. Hedonic Factors / Hedoniese Faktore
3. Social Factors / Sosiale Faktore
4. Cognitive Factors / Kognitiewe Faktore
1. Global Innovativeness / Globale Innoverendheid
2. Domain-Specific Innovativeness / Domein-
Spesifieke Innoverendheid
3. Innovative Behaviour/ Innoverende Gedrag
• ‘n Persoonlikheidseienskap wat die mate van hardheid
weerspieël wat 'n persoon toon teenoor die onbekende en
inligting wat teenstrydig is met sy/haar eie gevestigde
oortuigings /
A personality trait that reflects the degree of rigidity a person
displays toward the unfamiliar and toward information that
is contrary to his or her own established beliefs

• “Closed minded”
• “Open minded”

• Wissel op 'n kontinuum van interne tot ander-
gerigtheid / Ranges on a continuum for inner-
directedness to other-directedness
• Interne-gerigtheid / Inner-directedness
– rely on own values when evaluating products
– Innovators
• ander-gerigtheid / Other-directedness
– look to others
– less likely to be innovators

Top South African Influencers

• Verbruikers wat vermy om te voldoen aan die verwagtings en
standaarde van ander /
Consumers who avoid conforming to expectations or
standards of others

• ‘n Persoonlikheid eienskap wat die vlak of die hoeveelheid
van nuwigheid of kompleksiteit meet wat individue in hul
persoonlike ervarings soek / A personality trait that measures
the level or amount of novelty or complexity that individuals
seek in their personal experiences.

• Die behoefte aan verskeidenheid, nuut en komplekse
sensasie en ondervindings / The need for varied, novel,
and complex sensations and experience
• Bereidwilligheid om sosiale en fisiese risiko's te neem vir
sensasie / Willingness to take social and physical risks for
the sensations

• Meet ‘n verbruiker se mate van soeke na verskeidenheid / Measures a
consumer’s degree of variety seeking

• Examples include:
– Exploratory purchase behavior / Eksploratiewe-aankoop gedrag
– Vicarious exploration / Plaasvervangende eksplorasie
– Use innovativeness / Vindingrykheid gebruik

• Behoefte vir kognisie / Need for cognition
– Individu met hoë “BVK” meer geneig om te reageer op
advertensies wat ryk is van produk inligting / Individual
with high NFC more likely to respond to ads rich in product
• Visialiseerders / Visualizers
• Verbaliseerders / Verbalizers

Visualizers vs. Verbalizers?

Visualizers vs. Verbalizers?

Chapter Five Slide
Materialism / Materialisme: A personality trait that
gauges the extent to which an individual is
preoccupied with the purchase and display of non-
essential and often conspicuous luxury goods. / ‘n
Persoonlikheidseienskap wat die mate meet waarin
'n individu daarvan hou om nie-noodsaaklike en
dikwels opvallende luukse goedere aan te koop en te

A personality trait representing one’s tendency
toward buying or not buying foreign-made
products. /
‘n Persoonlikheidseienskap wat 'n mens neig om
buitelandse produkte te koop of nie te koop


• Produk antromorfisme / Product Anthropomorphism

Die toekenning van menslike eienskappe aan objekte (nie-menslik) of diere /
Attributing human characteristics to objects or animals.

• Handelsmerkpersonifikasie / Brand Personification

Verbruikers se persepsies van die handelsmerk se eienskappe vir ʼn
menslike figuur / Consumer’s perception of brand’s attributes for a human-like

A Brand Personality Framework 7

Opreg Opwindend Vaardig Gesofistikeerd Gehard

Different Self-Images / 8
Verskillende Selfbeelde

Actual Self-Image • How consumers see themselves /

Werklike Selfbeeld • Hoe verbruikers hulself sien

Ideal Self-Image • How consumer would like to see themselves /

Ideale Selfbeeld • Hoe verbruikers huleself wil sien

Social Self-Image • How consumers feel others see them /

Sosiale Selfbeeld • Hoe verbruikers voel ander hul sien

Ideal Social Self-Image • How consumers would like others to see them
Ideale Sosiale Selfbeeld • Hoe verbruikers wil he ander hul moet sien
Extended Self

1. Actually, by allowing oneself to do things that otherwise would be very difficult

or impossible to accomplish (e.g., problem solving by using a computer)

2. Symbolically, by making oneself feel better (e.g., being considered the “best
dressed” at work)

3. Conferring status or rank, for example, being an art collector and owning a rare
and well-known masterpiece

4. Feelings of immortality by leaving valuable bequests after death

Altering The Self

1. Physical vanity, which is an excessive concern with or an inflated view

of one’s physical appearance

2. Achievement vanity, which is an excessive concern with or an inflated

view of one’s personal achievement
Class Activity

Identify the brand personality depicted by each of the following

advertisements. /

Identifiseer die handelsmerkpersoonlikheid wat uitgebeeld word in elk

van die volgende advertensies.


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