Maritime Transportation Thesis Topics
Maritime Transportation Thesis Topics
Maritime Transportation Thesis Topics
Embarking on the journey of writing a thesis on maritime transportation can be a daunting task. With
its complex intricacies and ever-evolving nature, crafting a comprehensive and insightful thesis
requires meticulous research, critical analysis, and expert knowledge in the field. From exploring
maritime regulations to examining the environmental impact of shipping, the breadth of potential
topics can seem overwhelming.
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November 19, 2009. Maritime Program. Provides a wealth of Maritime-related data and information.
Source: Compiled by the UNCTAD secretariat on the basis of data supplied by reporting countries
and as published on the. As in the previous year’s Review, five vessel groupings have been used
throughout most shipping tables. InfoAxon profiled as a leading open source solutions company
from India in Gl. Analyses from the Interreg projects show that there is still a gap when it comes to
issues like fuel consumption, electric drives and renewable energy sources for transport and green
technologies. Source: UNCTAD (2011). Table 1.2. The Trade and Development Report 2011.
Chapter 1: Philippe Crist, Kevin Cullinane, Melissa Dawn Newhook, Liliana?Annovazzi?Jakab.
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), including of demand for shipping services. Better
communication and dissemination of research results on a wider scale is desirable. Integrated Coastal
Zone Management is included in the North Sea Region 2020 document as a priority (“Managing
Maritime Space”). A decline could wreak havoc in the maritime transport industry because the
maritime transport fleet is unable to respond quickly as existing tonnage cannot be easily redeployed
and contractual obligations for the construction or order of additional ships cannot be easily removed
without substantial financial penalties. Traditional View Tactical Support of Navy and Coast Guard
Operations Support for Maritime Strategic Planning Broader Vision. Maritime Spatial Planning as
well as Integrated Coastal Zone Management are both important means of supporting sustainable
economic growth, increasing cohesion and creating a level playing field in the North Sea Region.
Source: UNCTAD secretariat, on the basis of OECD Main Economic Indicators, May 2010; the
UNCTAD Trade and Development. A Leading Maritime Region Maritime Business Perspectives
Efficient Transport Working inthe Transport Sector Smart Solutions Research and Knowledge
Management Combiningthe Modes Infrastructure - the Solid Base Green Maritime Transport Back
toIntroduction Planning the North Sea Region EFFICIENT TRANSPORT (1) The efficiency of the
(maritime) supply chain can be optimised amongst other things by further improving the integration
between different transport modes. Airports are strategic in terms of economy, providing freight and
cargo facilities. The data for 2006 onwards are based on Dry Bulk Trade Outlook. The reason behind
Singapore's maritime industry 's vibrant success is its strategic location and constant competition
evolved into a strategic center for maritime business. The movement association administration
concerns the operational administration of activity and. Ministry of the Interior Icelandic Maritime
Administration The Maritime Traffic Service (VTS) Icelandic Coast Guard Icelandic Marine
Accident Investigation Board Ministry for the Environment The Environment Agency. Inclusive
TOD is a necessary foundation for long-term sustainability, equity, shared prosperity, and civil peace
in cities.”. IV. True nationality of 20 largest fleets by flag of registration, as at 1 January 2011. 194.
Details of the Post Technical Advisor Investment and Private Sector Office of. The result was that
there was a severe imbalance between supply and demand which peaked in 1983 when surplus
tonnage amounted to 28.5% of the world fleet. As the synonyms suggest, maritime law is a field
with profound implications for global trade, environmental preservation, and international relations,
and your dissertation journey in this domain promises intellectual depth, real-world relevance, and a
chance to contribute to the ongoing discourse about the seas that connect our world. Chapter 6:
Tilmann Boehme, Kevin Cullinane, Peter Faust, Maximilian Mrotzek, Hong-Oanh (Owen). The
Review of Maritime Transport 2011 was prepared by the Trade Logistics Branch of the Division on
Technology. Transnet Port Terminals Sistem transportasi angkutan laut Sistem transportasi angkutan
laut IB Ilham Malik Global trade 2015 - 2020 Global trade 2015 - 2020 Liubomir Iliev MBA, MCMI
Cultural approach Cultural approach literature 2014 International Maritime Business Program at
Massachusetts Maritime Academy - O. Ensure that interconnections of transport modes and
integration of the trans- port networks are performed efficiently through freight terminals and
Logistics Platforms (Logistics Centres). Structure, ownership and types was better than the
corresponding month for.
Both the newERDF regulation and the North Sea Region 2020 strategy include innovation amongst
the priorities for the next programming period. By the end of 2009, rates in all of various
international organizations such as the World. The large imbalance in the growth rates of ship supply
Developing countries continued to account for the. Dominant influence on infrastructure has been
containerization. Working Party on International Trade in Goods and Trade in Services Statistics 4-6
October 2010. The Review of Maritime Transport 2010 is prepared by the Trade Logistics Branch of
the Division on Technology. The data administration is given by TV data at settled times and
interims or when esteemed. A data administration is an administration to guarantee that crucial data
gets accessible in time. The VTS rules oblige that the VTS power ought to be given sufficient staff,
suitably qualified. This means that when there is a decline in maritime trade, the maritime transport
would easily suffer from huge losses incurred in contract obligations and fall out of the industry
which creates a void in suppliers of the service. (Department of Transportation, 2007; Pedraja, 1994)
2.3 Restrictive Shipping PracticesAccording to Donn (2006), unlike air and land transport of goods.
Maritime law emphasizes this field’s diverse legal issues, from international maritime disputes and
shipping regulations to marine environmental conservation and piracy prevention. An uneven
economic recovery has led to an equally in Japan, WTO expects Japan’s export volumes to. After
reviewing the multiple definitions of port systems, this paper applies a topological decomposition
method to worldwide inter-port maritime links. Faring along with the motor vehicles, it may be a bit
unsafe keeping in mind the lightweight of these rickshaws. This can best be done by ensuring that
ports are effectively connected (both physically and organisationally) to inland freight terminals and
MS EC Keep accessibility as a priority in the operational programme in the Interreg NSR programme
2014-2020. V. Container port throughput for maritime economies, 2008 and 2009. 201. The world
recovery is set to continue, albeit at a as all countries, with the exception of the United. Brokers,
Freight Forwarders Third and Fourth Party Logistic Providers Carriers. Smart and inclusive growth is
referred to in the EU 2020 strategy, and in the flagship initiatives “Innovation Union” and “An
Agenda for new Skills and Jobs”. However, modal shift actions require more than just physical
connections. The road freight already hold strong positions in ship scrapping, ship. This publication
was also internally reviewed in full by Vladislav Chouvalov, Anne Miroux, Jose Maria Rubiato and.
Strengthen research and innovation as a key theme in the future operationalprogramme of the
Interreg North Sea Region Programme. Following the global financial crisis of late 2008, been
affected too, with growth in these economies. Rickshaw services may be motor operated, a cycle
rickshaw or hand-pulled. It also covers the role of importers and exporters, shipping lines, logistics
and transport providers, port terminal services as well as government service agencies in promoting
maritime hubs in Singapore. Volpe (US 1971). Facts Controversy Procedural history. Details of the
Post Technical Advisor Investment and Private Sector Office of. Finally, the business sector
welcomes the new opportunities which the introduction of the Galileo satellite system will create on
the navigation front, for both land and sea transport. Better communication and dissemination of
research results on a wider scale is desirable.
Rickshaw services may be motor operated, a cycle rickshaw or hand-pulled. This research provides
interesting evidence about the role of geography, technology and trade in the architecture of maritime
networks. Since the recession took hold in the second half of the 2009 trend and resume growth in
2010, albeit. A Leading Maritime Region Maritime Business Perspectives Efficient Transport
Working inthe Transport Sector Smart Solutions Research and Knowledge Management
Combiningthe Modes Infrastructure - the Solid Base Green Maritime Transport Back toIntroduction
Planning the North Sea Region EFFICIENT TRANSPORT (1) The efficiency of the (maritime)
supply chain can be optimised amongst other things by further improving the integration between
different transport modes. In early 2009, when China have sufficient supplies for production
purposes. Office of Trade Negotiations (OTN), CARICOM Secretariat CARICOM View: 40 years of
integration, come celebrate with us CARICOM View: 40 years of integration, come celebrate with us
Office of Trade Negotiations (OTN), CARICOM Secretariat OTN - Private Sector Trade Note - Vol
3 2013 OTN - Private Sector Trade Note - Vol 3 2013 Office of Trade Negotiations (OTN),
CARICOM Secretariat Aid for Trade: Case Study - Caribbean Aid for Trade (AfT) and Regional
Integr. UNCTAD Report - Economic Development in Africa Report 2012, “Structural trans. Fall
2013 November 5, 2013 Alan Palmiter Brian Bowman. These include (a) sales are estimated to have
dropped by 8 per cent. New developments on the basis of fundamental research can help to make the
maritime transport sector more competitive and environmentally friendly. RECOMMENDATIONS
BY THE MARITIME TRANSPORT CLUSTER MEP MS EC Underline the importance of quality
hinterland-port connections. Through a more focused communication approach, greater awareness
and understanding of the maritime sector will be achieved. The Review of Maritime Transport 2011
was prepared by the Trade Logistics Branch of the Division on Technology. This includes planning
of the roadways and rail tracks, terminals and parking infrastructure. Developed economies 2006 2
460.5 132.9 336.4 1 991.3 4 164.7 1 282.0 535.5 2 347.2. Organization and the International
Organization for. A Leading Maritime Region Maritime Business Perspectives Efficient Transport
Working inthe Transport Sector Smart Solutions Research and Knowledge Management
Combiningthe Modes Infrastructure - the Solid Base Green Maritime Transport Back toIntroduction
Planning the North Sea Region MARITIME BUSINESS PERSPECTIVES (1) In order to maintain
its leading role, the maritime transport sector in the North Sea Region should be able to act and do
business within a dynamic and competitive framework. For instance, the coracle is a small boat used
traditionally in countries like Ireland, Scotland, India, Vietnam, Iraq and Tibet. Details of the Post
Technical Advisor Investment and Private Sector Office of. Material in this publication may be
freely quoted or reprinted, but acknowledgement is requested, with reference. The deepening of
economic ties between developing suppliers. The end of the inventory cycle, by China, India and
Brazil. Trade and Development Report 2014 Trade and Development Report 2014 2010-Nov-29 -
UNCTAD-JETRO Joint Report - International Trade After the Econo. 2010-Nov-29 - UNCTAD-
JETRO Joint Report - International Trade After the Econo. This has spread quickly both Republic of
Korea; as well as other similar initiatives. Shipments of petroleum products contrasts with declining
natural gas consumption. India and other developing countries resumed their in view of their
inherent vulnerability to any erosion in. How do hotel linen suppliers contribute to sustainable and
eco-friendly pract. During Period 1999-2003, ASEAN transport cooperation has been focused on the
development of - Trans-ASEAN transportation network. Prospects for shipping the world fleet
continued to grow by 7 per cent during. Details of the Post Technical Advisor Investment and Private
Sector Office of.
Brokers, Freight Forwarders Third and Fourth Party Logistic Providers Carriers. The designations
employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression. V.
Container port throughput for maritime economies, 2008 and 2009. 201. Isolating ports of
comparable size reveals hidden substructures with the help of graph visualization. Source: UNCTAD
(2011). Table 1.2. The Trade and Development Report 2011. On the supply side, the main global
exporters of about 5.2 billion tons. The share of dry cargo in the. In 2010, developed economies
recorded positive and poverty alleviation. Consider the topics of ship design and the impact of
maritime transport onmarine life as possible priorities for future local, national or European
researchinitiatives. Airports are strategic in terms of economy, providing freight and cargo facilities.
In early 2009, when China have sufficient supplies for production purposes. These risks are further
magnified by the extraordinary shocks that have occurred. CASE Network Report 51 - Currency
Crises in Emerging - Market Economies: Caus. Pacific (ESCAP) estimated that by the end of 2010,
there in 2010 bounced back from the contraction of the. InfoAxon profiled as a leading open source
solutions company from India in Gl. A. WORLD ECONOMIC SITUATION together with some of
the world’s fastest-growing. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this
publication do not imply the expression. Cohesion is also an objective of the Connecting Europe
Facility. Rivers and oceans are considered to be the two main components of the physiography of
maritime transportation. III. (c) Merchant fleets of the world by flags of registration, groups of
countries and type of ship. Business Visa India for Japan Citizens 1.pdf Business Visa India for Japan
PT HARRIS IJEN JAYA MANDIRI.pdf Marine traffic 1. This essay explains why it is necessary or
vital for a country like Singapore to be a maritime hub. Whether you’re intrigued by the legal
intricacies of marine accidents and salvage operations, the complexities of maritime boundary
disputes, the conservation of marine ecosystems, or the evolving legal challenges in the Arctic and
Antarctic regions, maritime law holds a bounty of captivating subjects to explore. Source: Review of
Maritime Transport, various issues. The United States and Japan performed better than least 30
million jobs are estimated to have been lost. Figure 1.2. International seaborne trade, selected years
(millions of tons loaded). In 2010, 60 per cent and 56 per cent, respectively. Developed. Ensure
shore-based facilities are adapted to the growing capacity of container vessels by encouraging
sufficient hinterland transport facilities, including Dry Ports. Dominant influence on infrastructure
has been containerization. With Japan representing the world’s third largest investment activity are
likely to revive the economy. Dr. Benjamin Parameswaran International Max Planck Research School
for Maritime Affairs, Hamburg, Germany Maritime Transportation Services under the GATS
Agreement, Challenges for Viet Nam Hanoi, 24 October 2005.
Ensure shore-based facilities are adapted to the growing capacity of container vessels by encouraging
sufficient hinterland transport facilities, including Dry Ports. Consider new business opportunities in
sectors like cruise tourism, off-shore industry and marine renewables when outlining the future
European transport and cohesion programmes. Developed regions accounted for 38.4 per cent of
importing 10.2 bcm of LNG. However, projects as well as the business sector still need tools to
foster the accessibility of peripheral regions in order to create a coherent region. Bus terminals, in
particular, require planning in terms of the spaces allotted for the bus parking and ticketing counters
to segregate the inter and intra city bus services. The business sector underlines that it is better to
focus on a few ICT standards and making their use obligatory, compared to continually striving to
create new standards. This publication was externally reviewed by the following persons. Paul
Szwed Cross-Cultural Competence through Education, Training, and Experience at the. Brazil
averaged 115.3 (100.8 in the second quarter of recorded the sharpest trade decline in more than. In
2010, dry cargo, including major dry bulks, minor concentration of resources and raw materials,
which. Prospects for shipping the world fleet continued to grow by 7 per cent during. Cross-Cultural
Competence through Education, Training, and Experience at the. International Policy for Arctic
Information and Knowledge Management. Consider maritime transport as a fundamental element of
the priorities and areas of intervention in the new operational programme for the Interreg North Sea
Region Programme 2014-2020. Confirm the need to further develop smart transport solutions, in
particular supporting the Transport White Paper initiatives 4 and 7 on the “Blue Belt” and E-Freight,
taking the necessary actions to facilitate and promote such developments. Promote the use of
incentive schemes to improve environmental performance. An eco-friendly alternative to meet the
transportation requirements, EMVs generate an additional need for charging stations that must be
widespread and easily accessible. Since the recession took hold in the second half of the 2009 trend
and resume growth in 2010, albeit. Walkability is also a growing concern among citizens with the
heavy automobile traffic rendering the streets and squares abandoned. Figure 1.2. International
seaborne trade, selected years (millions of tons loaded). Chapter 4: Sharmila Chavaly, Patrick
Donner, Ki-Soon Hwang, Peter Marlow, Arvind Mayaram. This publication was also internally
reviewed in full by Vladislav Chouvalov, Anne Miroux, Jose Maria Rubiato and. Consider opening
up the future Interreg North Sea Region Programme for targeted investments in infrastructure, with
the aim of increasing efficiency throughout the maritime transport chain. It also covers the role of
importers and exporters, shipping lines, logistics and transport providers, port terminal services as
well as government service agencies in promoting maritime hubs in Singapore. For instance, the
coracle is a small boat used traditionally in countries like Ireland, Scotland, India, Vietnam, Iraq and
Tibet. The exception was the relatively steady growth in economies in transition, are expanding
through trade. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Ok. These
include, for example, uniform interpretation of EU competition rules, harmonization of EU
regulations and stricter standardisation in the fields of data handling, permits, planning and
geospatial information. Details of the Post Technical Advisor Investment and Private Sector Office
of. Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letters combined with figures.
Source: Review of Maritime Transport, various issues. The large imbalance in the growth rates of ship
supply Developing countries continued to account for the. The secondary objectives of the research
works are to understand how the Maritime Transportation Industry is affected by the evolution of the
logistics and supply chain management in the industry and how the use of new concepts and
technologies in this industry has led to the creation of new opportunities as well as challenges for the
Maritime Transportation Industry. The following section sets out some of the main marked the end
of the “super cycle”. This publication was externally reviewed by the following persons. Clearly
identify maritime transport within the new ERDF regulation. RECOMMENDATIONS BY THE
MARITIME TRANSPORT CLUSTER MEP MS EC With regard to the EU Integrated Maritime
Policy, comprehensively promotethe leadership of the North Sea Region in international maritime
affairs. The exception was the relatively steady growth in economies in transition, are expanding
through trade. IMO regarding the scope and content of a possible global ship classification market.
Consider opening up the future Interreg North Sea Region Programme for targeted investments in
infrastructure, with the aim of increasing efficiency throughout the maritime transport chain. After
reviewing the multiple definitions of port systems, this paper applies a topological decomposition
method to worldwide inter-port maritime links. Further projects are needed to provide a solid and
harmonised framework for developing efficient transport and logistics activities. In the 1980s, the
changing pattern of international trade combined with rapid technological developments resulted in
many structural and technological changes in the world shipping industry (Sussman, 2002). As the
synonyms suggest, maritime law is a field with profound implications for global trade, environmental
preservation, and international relations, and your dissertation journey in this domain promises
intellectual depth, real-world relevance, and a chance to contribute to the ongoing discourse about
the seas that connect our world. The road freight already hold strong positions in ship scrapping,
ship. These are grave problems unique only to the maritime shipping industry which makes it more
dangerous than other transportation method. (GAO, 2002) One big problem with the maritime
transportation industry is that it is very sensitive to instabilities in the industry. Vessel and Terminal
Requirements Melchor Becena Security Administrator Port Everglades. Counterbalancing to some
extent the various downside. The VTS rules oblige that the VTS power ought to be given sufficient
staff, suitably qualified. This means that when there is a decline in maritime trade, the maritime
transport would easily suffer from huge losses incurred in contract obligations and fall out of the
industry which creates a void in suppliers of the service. (Department of Transportation, 2007;
Pedraja, 1994) 2.3 Restrictive Shipping PracticesAccording to Donn (2006), unlike air and land
transport of goods. This publication was also internally reviewed in full by Vladislav Chouvalov,
Anne Miroux, Jose Maria Rubiato and. While geographic proximity is one main explanatory factor in
the emergence of port systems, other logics also appear, such as specialized and long-distance
trading links. New developments on the basis of fundamental research can help to make the maritime
transport sector more competitive and environmentally friendly. As demand for maritime transport
services derives improved. Developments in forecast an oversupply of tonnage in coming years.
Also, a number of agreements came into force in 2010. The stimulus measures taken by governments
at The overall strong performance of developing countries. The North Sea Region is host to several
important research institutes in the maritime transport sector. Bus terminals, in particular, require
planning in terms of the spaces allotted for the bus parking and ticketing counters to segregate the
inter and intra city bus services. Its maritime economy accounts for 13 % of European GDP and
employs 12 % of the total EU workforce.