SAR Image Simulation With Application To Target Re
SAR Image Simulation With Application To Target Re
SAR Image Simulation With Application To Target Re
70 2,626
3 authors, including:
All content following this page was uploaded by Kun-Shan Chen on 25 November 2015.
processing flow is basically adopted from [7, 19, 20]. Generally, the
inputs include satellite and radar parameters setting, target’s CAD
model, and also the clutter model. The computation includes satellite
orbit estimation, imaging geometry, target RCS, SAR echo and raw
signal generation. A critical step of Doppler centroid and rate
estimation for image focusing is also included. The most time
consuming part is in echo and raw signal generation which will be
illustrated in detail below. Then a refined range-Doppler method is
applied to perform the SAR image focusing. The outputs include
sets of images for a desired target for a range of radar looking angles
and orientation angles. Once the image database is built and made
available, feature extraction and enhancement is performed, followed
by a target recognition stage that includes a neural classifier training,
and neural weights storage for later operation stage.
38 Chang, Chiang, and Chen
(a) (b)
ECR = ΠΘNP (9)
where matrices Π, Θ, N, P represent, respectively, polar motion, Earth
rotation, nutation, and precession matrices:
≈Π NP (13)
dt dt
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 119, 2011 43
Absolute Doppler SAR Image (Optional)
Centroid Frequency
Doppler Rate Estimation
(Effective Velocity)
PB (Power Balance)
ACCC (Average Cross Correlation Coefficient)
MLCC (Multi-Look Cross-Correlation)
MLBF (Multilook Beat Frequency)
WDA (Wavenumber Domain Algorithm)
−`r + r0 + ∆` `r
V2 = . 2 , ∆` = (26a)
.. N
2 + r0 + (N − 1)∆` N ×1
M2 = 1TM ⊗ 1M N = [ 1M N · · · 1M N ]M N ×M N (26b)
x − x0 = [M3 ⊗ M4 ]M N ×M N (27)
0 2
`x `x
1 `x M − 2
V3 = .
M − = . (28a)
2 ..
M −1 (M − 1) M `x
− `2x M ×1
· ¸ ¹ º
V3 [δ − 1 : (M − 1)]δ×1 M −1
V4 = 0 ; δ= +1 (28b)
(M −δ)×1 M ×1 2
· ¸
Mirror(V3 [0 : δ − 1])δ×1
V5 = 0 (28c)
(M −δ)×1 M ×1
£ ¤
M3 = Toep(V5T , V4T ) M ×M (28d)
£ T
M4 = 1N ×1 · 1N ×1 N ×N (28e)
In the above equations, each of the bold-faced letters denotes
a matrix, and ⊗ represents the Kronecker product. The operation
V[m : n] takes element m to element n from vector V, and Toep( · )
converts the input into a Toeplitz matrix [39, 40]. Note that in (28c),
48 Chang, Chiang, and Chen
¡ ¢
where Ψ̃j (u, v) = Ψ̃ 2−j u, 2−j v and Ψ̃ (u, v) is the Fourier transform
of Ψ (u, v). After sampling, the power spectrum of the discrete detailed
signal becomes
XX ¡ ¢
Pjd (u, v) = 2j Pj u + 2−j 2kπ, v + 2−j 2lπ (33)
k l
(a) (b)
the targets to be recognized is not known to the tester, nor is the image
acquisition time. The ground truth was collected by the third party
and was only provided after recognition operation was completed. This
is very close to the real situation for recognition operation. A total
of 12 targets (T1-T12) were chosen for test, as indicated in Fig. 10.
Unlike in Fig. 9, this image was acquired in descending mode but was
unknown at the time of test. Table 5 gives the test results, where
the recognized targets and truth are listed. It is readily indicated
that all the MD80 targets were successfully recognized, while 4 types
of targets were wrongly recognized. T12 target (ground truth is a
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 119, 2011 53
HH A321 B747-400 B757-200 MD80 Recognized Truth
T1 19.25% 0.00% 22.88% 57.86% MD80 MD80
T2 0.01% 0.00% 0.00% 99.98% MD80 MD80
T3 14.99% 0.00% 11.59% 73.40% MD80 MD80
T4 21.31% 10.81% 15.27% 52.60% MD80 MD80
T5 0.00% 3.09% 95.10% 1.79% B757-200 E190
T6 96.82% 1.70% 0.00% 1.46% A321 B737-800
T7 0.13% 0.00% 0.17% 99.69% MD80 MD80
T8 0.10% 0.04% 0.00% 99.84% MD80 MD80
T9 63.28% 15.09% 0.00% 21.61% A321 FOKKER-100
T10 6.48% 2.26% 0.00% 91.24% MD80 MD80
T11 43.61% 15.59% 40.59% 0.00% A321 DASH-8
In this paper, we present a full blown satellite SAR image simulation
approach to target recognition. The simulation chain includes
orbit state vectors estimation, imaging scenario setting, target
54 Chang, Chiang, and Chen
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