SCF Capability Maturity Model
SCF Capability Maturity Model
SCF Capability Maturity Model
A control is the power to influence or direct behaviors and the course of events. That is
precisely why the Secure Controls Framework™ (SCF) was developed – we want to influence secure
practices within organizations so that both cybersecurity and privacy principles are designed,
implemented and managed in an efficient and sustainable manner.
NOTE - This guide is for educational purposes only. You are highly encouraged to work with a cybersecurity, privacy or audit professional
to validate any compliance-related assumptions. For more information, please visit
Table of Contents
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© 2023. Secure Controls Framework Council, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
This guide is for educational purposes only. You are encouraged to work with a cybersecurity and/or data privacy to validate any compliance-related assumptions.
Thank you for your interest in the Secure Controls Framework’s™ (SCF) Cybersecurity & Data Privacy Capability Maturity Model (C|P-
CMM)! The C|P-CMM is built directly into the SCF and is free to downloaded from
This was a massive undertaking by SCF contributors to define maturity levels for the SCF’s control catalog. The result of that work is each
of the SCF’s controls has corresponding L0-5 criteria defined. Note – the 2023.2 version of the SCF contains refreshed C|P-CMM content.
This document is designed for cybersecurity & privacy practitioners to gain an understanding of what the C|P-CMM is and how it can be
used in their organization.
Just like the SCF itself, the C|P-CMM is free for organizations to use through the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0
International (CC BY-ND 4.0) license.
There are likely many other use cases that the C|P-CMM can be used, but those objectives listed above drove the development of this
project. The reason for this simply comes down to a need by businesses, regardless of size or industry, for a solution that can help fix
those common frustrations that exist in most cybersecurity and data privacy programs. We want to help eliminate, or at least minimize,
the Fear, Uncertainty & Doubt (FUD) that is used to justify purchases and/or evaluate controls by injecting objectivity into the process.
The C|P-CMM draws upon the high-level structure of the Systems Security Engineering Capability Maturity Model v2.0 (SSE-CMM),
since we felt it was the best model to demonstrate varying levels of maturity for people, processes and technology at a control level. If
you are unfamiliar with the SSE-CMM, it is well-worth your time to read through the SSE-CMM Model Description Document that is
hosted by the US Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC). 1
The SSE-CMM has been around for over two decades and is a community-owned maturity model, so it is free to use. The SSE-CMM is
also referenced as ISO/IEC 21827:2008 Information technology -- Security techniques -- Systems Security Engineering -- Capability
Maturity Model (SSE-CMM). 2
This stance on fraudulent misrepresentations may appear harsh, but it accurately describes the situation. There is no room in
cybersecurity and data protection operations for unethical parties, so the SCF Council published this guidance on what a “reasonable
party perspective” should be. This provides objectivity to minimize the ability of unethical parties to abuse the intended use of the C|P-
Do you need to answer “yes” to every bullet pointed criteria under a level of maturity in the C|P-CMM? No. We recognize that every
organization is different. Therefore, the maturity criteria items associated with SCF controls are to help establish what would reasonably
exist for each level of maturity. Fundamentally, the decision comes down to assessor experience, professional competence and common
According to NIST, assurance is “grounds for confidence that the set of intended security controls in an information system are effective
in their application.” 5 Increased rigor in control testing is what leads to increased assurance. Therefore, increased rigor and increased
assurance are mutually inclusive.
The SCF Conformity Assessment Program (SCF CAP) leverages (3) three levels of rigor. The SCF CAP’s levels of rigor utilize maturity-based
criteria to evaluate a control, since a maturity target can provide context for “what right looks like” at a particular organization:
Level 1 (Basic) - Basic assessments provide a level of understanding of the security measures necessary for determining whether
the safeguards are implemented and free of obvious errors.
Level 2 (Focused) - Focused assessments provide a level of understanding of the security measures necessary for determining
whether the safeguards are implemented and free of obvious / apparent errors and whether there are increased grounds for
confidence that the safeguards are implemented correctly and operating as intended.
Level 3 (Comprehensive) - Comprehensive assessments provide a level of understanding of the security measures necessary for
determining whether the safeguards are implemented and free of obvious errors and whether there are further increased
grounds for confidence that the safeguards are implemented correctly and operating as intended on an ongoing and consistent
basis and that there is support for continuous improvement in the effectiveness of the safeguards.
L0 practices, or a lack thereof, are generally considered to be negligent. The reason for this is if a control is reasonably-expected to exist,
by not performing the control that is negligent behavior. The need for the control could be due to a law, regulation or contractual
obligation (e.g., client contract or industry association requirement).
Note – The reality with a L0 level of maturity is often:
For smaller organizations, the IT support role only focuses on “break / fix” work or the outsourced IT provider has a scope in its
support contract that excludes the control through either oversight or ignorance of the client’s requirements.
For medium / large organizations, there is IT and/or cybersecurity staff, but governance is functionally non-existent and the
control is not performed through either oversight, ignorance or incompetence.
L1 practices are generally considered to be negligent. The reason for this is if a control is reasonably-expected to exist, by only
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© 2023. Secure Controls Framework Council, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
This guide is for educational purposes only. You are encouraged to work with a cybersecurity and/or data privacy to validate any compliance-related assumptions.
implementing ad-hoc practices in performing the control that could be considered negligent behavior. The need for the control could be
due to a law, regulation or contractual obligation (e.g., client contract or industry association requirement).
Note – The reality with a L1 level of maturity is often:
For smaller organizations, the IT support role only focuses on “break / fix” work or the outsourced IT provider has a limited scope
in its support contract.
For medium / large organizations, there is IT and/or cybersecurity staff but there is no management focus to spend time or
resources on the control.
L2 practices are generally considered to be “audit ready” with an acceptable level of evidence to demonstrate due diligence and due
care in the execution of the control. L2 practices are generally targeted on specific systems, networks, applications or processes that
require the control to be performed for a compliance need (e.g., PCI DSS, HIPAA, CMMC, NIST 800-171, etc.).
It can be argued that L2 practices focus more on compliance over security. The reason for this is the scoping of L2 practices are narrowly-
focused and are not enterprise-wide.
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This guide is for educational purposes only. You are encouraged to work with a cybersecurity and/or data privacy to validate any compliance-related assumptions.
L3 practices are generally considered to be “audit ready” with an acceptable level of evidence to demonstrate due diligence and due
care in the execution of the control. Unlike L2 practices that are narrowly focused, L3 practices are standardized across the organization.
It can be argued that L3 practices focus on security over compliance, where compliance is a natural byproduct of those secure practices.
These are well-defined and properly-scoped practices that span the organization, regardless of the department or geographic
L4 practices are generally considered to be “audit ready” with an acceptable level of evidence to demonstrate due diligence and due
care in the execution of the control, as well as detailed metrics enable an objective oversight function. Metrics may be daily, weekly,
monthly, quarterly, etc.
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© 2023. Secure Controls Framework Council, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
This guide is for educational purposes only. You are encouraged to work with a cybersecurity and/or data privacy to validate any compliance-related assumptions.
L5 practices are generally considered to be “audit ready” with an acceptable level of evidence to demonstrate due diligence and due
care in the execution of the control and incorporates a capability to continuously improve the process. Interestingly, this is where
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) would exist, since AI/ML would focus on evaluating performance and making
continuous adjustments to improve the process. However, AI/ML are not required to be L5.
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© 2023. Secure Controls Framework Council, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
This guide is for educational purposes only. You are encouraged to work with a cybersecurity and/or data privacy to validate any compliance-related assumptions.
For most organizations, the “sweet spot” for maturity targets is between L2 and L4 levels. What defines the ideal target within this zone
is generally based on resource limitations and other business constraints, so it goes beyond just the cybersecurity and data privacy teams
dictating targets. Identifying maturity targets is meant to be a team effort between both technologists and business stakeholders.
From a business consideration, the increase in cost and complexity will always require cybersecurity and data privacy leadership to
provide a compelling business case to support any maturity planning needs. Speaking in terms the business can understand is vitally
Note - During the development of the C|P-CMM, a contributor identified an interesting insight that L0-L3 are “internal” maturity levels
for cybersecurity and data privacy teams, whereas L4-L5 are “external” maturity levels that expand beyond those teams. When you look
at the stakeholders involved in L0-L3, it is almost entirely IT, cybersecurity and data privacy. It isn’t until L4-L5 where there is true business
stakeholder involvement in oversight and process improvement. This creates an internal to external shift in owning the cybersecurity &
privacy program.
Without the ability to demonstrate evidence of both due care and due diligence, an organization may be found negligent. In practical
terms, the “negligence threshold” is between L1 and L2. The reason for this is at L2, practices are formalized to the point that documented
evidence exists to demonstrate reasonable steps were taken to operate a control.
Risk associated with the control in question decreases with maturity, but noticeable risk reductions are harder to attain above L3.
Oversight and process automation can decrease risk, but generally not as noticeably as steps taken to attain L3.
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© 2023. Secure Controls Framework Council, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
This guide is for educational purposes only. You are encouraged to work with a cybersecurity and/or data privacy to validate any compliance-related assumptions.
The following example shows this approach being applied to the maturity levels for running, where it demonstrates the nested approach
to the maturity levels by each succeeding level of maturity incorporates skills learned by the preceding level.
The point of this example is to demonstrate a relatable scenario that readers can comprehend how being asked to jump straight into an
advanced level of maturity is not practical, where it requires some level of lesser maturity. For example, if you were just learning how to
walk, it would be foolish to try and run the 400m hurdles that require both the strength and skill of sprinting, but also the knowledge of
how to jump over an obstacle.
In this example, this maturity model is applied to a control to raise an individual’s resting heart rate through exercise.
L0 – Sitting Down
o Sitting down would be non-existent effort. No evidence of exercise exists.
o Sitting down would be considered deficient in terms of meeting this control.
L1 – Crawling
o Crawling is at best considered ad-hoc exercise and likely doesn’t meet the intent of the control.
o Crawling would be considered deficient in terms of meeting this control.
L2 – Walking
o Walking builds on skills learned through crawling and demonstrates a capability that raises the individuals’ resting heart
o Walking would meet the intent of the control, but there is clearly room for improvement.
L3 – Running
o Running builds on the skills learned through walking and meets the control’s intent.
o Running would be the “sweet spot” of maturity for this example.
L4 – 400-meter Sprint
o Sprinting builds on the skills learned through running and meets the control’s intent.
o Sprinting requires mastery of running skills to do it properly and avoid injury.
L5 – 400-meter Hurdles
o Running the hurdles builds upon skills learned through sprinting and meets the control’s intent.
o Hurdling requires a mastery of sprinting, since jumping hurdles is in addition to a sprinting race.
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This guide is for educational purposes only. You are encouraged to work with a cybersecurity and/or data privacy to validate any compliance-related assumptions.
The time to execute a business plan to mature a cybersecurity and data privacy program generally spans several years, where certain
capabilities are prioritized over other capabilities. This means the CISO/CIO/CPO will establish CMM targets that evolve each year, based
on prioritization. In the graphic below, the use of a spider chart can be beneficial to identify current vs future gaps with the C|P-CMM.
Prioritization of capability maturities may be based on risk assessments, audits, compliance obligations or management direction.
All too often, unprincipled cybersecurity & privacy leaders manipulate the business through Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt (FUD) to scare
other technology and business leaders into supporting cybersecurity initiatives. These bad actors maintain the illusion of a strong
cybersecurity & privacy program, when in reality the department is an array of disjointed capabilities that lacks a unifying plan. These
individuals stay in the job long enough to claim small victories, implement some cool technology, and then jump ship for larger roles in
other organizations to extend their path of disorder. In these cases, a common theme is the lack of viable business planning beyond a
shopping list of technologies and headcount targets to further their career goals.
Cybersecurity & privacy departments are a cost center, not a revenue-generating business function. That means cybersecurity & privacy
compete with all other departments for budget, and it necessitates a compelling business case to justify needed technology and staffing.
Business leaders are getting smarter on the topic of cybersecurity & privacy, so these leaders need to rise above the FUD mentality and
deliver value that is commensurate with the needs of the business.
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© 2023. Secure Controls Framework Council, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
This guide is for educational purposes only. You are encouraged to work with a cybersecurity and/or data privacy to validate any compliance-related assumptions.
When identifying a target level of maturity, it is crucial to account for your organization’s culture. The reason for this is the
implementation of perceived “draconian” levels of security can cause a revolt in organizations not accustomed to heavy restrictions. One
good rule of thumb when deciding between L3 and L4 targets is this simple question: “Do you want to be in an environment that is in
control or do you want to be in a controlled environment?” L3 maturity is generally considered “an environment that is in control”
where it is well-managed, whereas being in a L4 environment is more of a “controlled environment” that is more controlled and less
free. Given those considerations, environments not used to heavy restrictions may want to target L3 as the highest-level of maturity
targets. Additionally, the cost to mature from a L3-4 or L4-5 could be hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars, so there is a very real
cost associated with picking a target maturity level. This is again where having management support is crucial to success, since this is
ultimately a management decision.
From a CISO/CIO/CPO perspective, identifying a target level of maturity is also very beneficial in obtaining budget and protecting their
professional reputation. In cases where business leadership doesn’t support reaching the proposed target level of maturity, the
CISO/CIO/CPO at least has documentation to prove he/she demonstrated a defined resourcing need (e.g., CMM level to support a
business need) and the request was denied. Essentially, this can help cover a CISO/CIO/CPO in case an incident occurs and blame is
pointed. That is just the reality of life for anyone in a high-visibility leadership position and being able to deflect unwarranted criticism is
professional reputation insurance.
Defining a target maturity state is Step 4 in the Integrated Controls Management (ICM) model is a free resource from the SCF. That guide
can be useful, since it helps establish two key pre-requisites to identifying CMM targets:
1. Prioritization of efforts (including resourcing); and
2. Identification of applicable statutory, regulatory and contractual obligations.
The most efficient manner we can recommend would be to first look at the thirty-two domains that make up the SCF and assign a high-
level CMM level target for each domain. These domains are well-summarized in the SCF’s free Cybersecurity & Data Privacy by Design
Principles (SIP) document and can be used by a CISO/CIO/CPO to quickly align a maturity target to each domain, in accordance with
previously-established prioritization and business needs.
While a CISO/CIO/CPO can stop at the domain level to target CMM levels, it is expected that they or their subordinates go through each
of the corresponding SCF controls to then tag each control with the appropriate target CMM level. These control targets can then be
assigned to managers and Individual Contributors (IC) to develop operational plans to reach those goals. Ideally, a quarterly status review
is conducted to oversee the progress made towards reaching the target CMM levels.
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© 2023. Secure Controls Framework Council, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
This guide is for educational purposes only. You are encouraged to work with a cybersecurity and/or data privacy to validate any compliance-related assumptions.
When you consider regulations such as the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), there is an expectation for systems,
applications and processes to identify and incorporate cybersecurity and data privacy by default and by design. In order to determine
what is appropriate and to evaluate it prior to “go live” it necessitates expectations for control maturity to be defined.
Referencing back to the C|P-CMM Overview section of this document, L0-1 levels of maturity are identified as being deficient from a
“reasonable person perspective” in most cases. Therefore, project teams need to look at the “capability maturity sweet spot” between
L2-L4 to identify the reasonable people, processes and technologies that need to be incorporated into the solution.
As previously-covered, avoiding negligent behavior is a critical consideration. The most common constraints that impact a project’s
maturity are: (1) budget and (2) time. A System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) has constraints and the expectations are that security and
privacy controls are applied throughout the SDLC.
Projects do not have unlimited budgets, nor do they tend to have overly flexible timelines that allow for new security & privacy tools to
be installed and trained upon. From a project perspective, this is often going to limit target CMM levels to L2-3 for planning purposes.
While there are over 1,000 controls in the SCF’s controls catalog, it is necessary for a project team to pare down that catalog to only
what is applicable to the project (e.g., ISO 27002, PCI DSS, CCPA, etc.). This step simply involves filtering out the controls in the SCF that
are not applicable. This step can also be done within Excel or within a GRC solution (e.g., SCF Connect). In the end, the result is a tailored
set of controls that meets the project’s specific needs.
Now that you have pared down the SCF’s controls catalog to only what is applicable, it is a manual review process to identify the
appropriate level of maturity for each of the controls. Ideally, the project will inherit the same target maturity level for controls as used
throughout the organization. For any deviations, based on budget, time or other constraints, a risk assessment should be conducted to
ensure a lower level of maturity for project-specific controls is appropriate.
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© 2023. Secure Controls Framework Council, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
This guide is for educational purposes only. You are encouraged to work with a cybersecurity and/or data privacy to validate any compliance-related assumptions.
It is now commonplace for Third-Party Service Providers (TSPs), including vendors and partners, to be contractually bound to implement
and manage a baseline set of cybersecurity and data privacy controls. This necessitates oversight of TSPs to ensure controls are properly
implemented and managed.
One of the issues with managing TSPs is most questionnaires ask for simple yes, no or not applicable answers. This approach lacks details
that provide critical insights into the actual security posture of the TSP. The C|P-CMM can be used to obtain more nuanced answers from
TSPs by having those TSPs select from L0-5 to answer if the control is implemented and how mature the process is.
Referencing back to the C|P-CMM Overview section of this document, L0-1 levels of maturity are identified as being deficient from a
“reasonable person perspective” in most cases. Therefore, organizations need to look at the “capability maturity sweet spot” between
L2-L4 to identify the reasonable people, processes and technologies that need TSPs need to be able to demonstrate to properly protect
your systems, applications, services and data, regardless of where it is stored, transmitted or processed. From a TSP management
perspective, this is often going to limit target CMM levels to L2-3 for most organizations.
TSP controls are expected to cover both your internal requirements, as well as external requirements from applicable laws, regulations
and contracts. Using the C|P-CMM can be an efficient way to provide a level of quality control over TSP practices. Being able to
demonstrate proper cybersecurity and data privacy practices is built upon the security principles of protecting the confidentiality,
integrity, availability and safety of your assets, including data.
While there are over 1,000 controls in the SCF’s controls catalog, it is necessary to pare down that catalog to only what is applicable to
that specific TSP’s scope of control (e.g., Managed Service Provider (MSP), Software as a Service (SaaS) provider, etc.). This step simply
involves filtering out the controls in the SCF that are not applicable. This step can also be done within Excel or within a GRC solution (e.g.,
SCF Connect). In the end, the result is a tailored set of controls that address the TSP’s specific aspects of the cybersecurity & privacy
controls that it is responsible for or influences.
Now that you have pared down the SCF’s controls catalog to only what is applicable, it is a manual review process to identify the
appropriate level of maturity for each of the controls that would be expected for the TSP. Ideally, the TSP will inherit the same target
maturity level for controls as used throughout the organization. For any deviations, based on contract clauses, budget, time or other
constraints, a risk assessment should be conducted to ensure a lower level of maturity for TSP-specific controls is appropriate.
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© 2023. Secure Controls Framework Council, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
This guide is for educational purposes only. You are encouraged to work with a cybersecurity and/or data privacy to validate any compliance-related assumptions.
It is commonplace to conduct a cybersecurity and data privacy practices assessment as part of Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) due
diligence activities. The use of a gap assessment against a set of baseline M&A controls (e.g., SCF-B control set) can be used to gauge the
level of risk. In practical terms, this type of maturity-based gap assessment can be used in a few ways:
Sellers can provide the results from a first- or third-party gap assessment to demonstrate both strengths and weaknesses, as a
sign of transparency.
Buyers can identify unforeseen deficiencies that can:
o Lead to a lower buying price; or
o Backing out of the deal.
If the acquiring entity only leverages a single framework (e.g., NIST CSF, ISO 27002 or NIST 800-53) for due diligence work, it will most
likely provide a partial picture as to the divesting entity’s cybersecurity and data privacy practices. That is why the SCF-B is a bespoke set
of cybersecurity and data privacy controls that was purposely built for M&A to provide as complete a picture as possible about the
divesting entity’s cybersecurity and data privacy practices.
A control set questionnaire that asks for simple yes, no or not applicable answers is insufficient in M&A due diligence. Failure to leverage
maturity-based criteria will result in the inability to provide critical insights into the actual security posture of the divesting entity. The
C|P-CMM can be used to obtain more nuanced answers to determine (1) if a control is implemented and (2) how mature the process
behind the control is.
Referencing back to the C|P-CMM Overview section of this document, L0-1 levels of maturity are identified as being deficient from a
“reasonable person perspective” in most cases. Therefore, acquiring entities need to look at the “capability maturity sweet spot”
between L2-L4 to identify the reasonable people, processes and technologies needed to demonstrate to properly protect systems,
applications, services and data, regardless of where it is stored, transmitted or processed.
Areas of deficiency can be identified and remediation costs determined, which can be used to adjust valuations. Key areas that affect
valuations include, but are not limited to:
Non-compliance with statutory, regulatory and/or contractual obligations
Data protection practices (e.g., privacy)
IT asset lifecycle management (e.g., unsupported / legacy technologies)
Historical cybersecurity incidents
Risk management (e.g., open items on a risk register or Plan of Action & Milestones (POA&M)
Situational awareness (e.g., visibility into activities on systems and networks)
Software licensing (e.g., intellectual property infringement)
Business Continuity / Disaster Recovery (BC/DR)
IT / cybersecurity architectures (e.g., deployment of on-premises, cloud and hybrid architectures)
IT /cybersecurity staffing competencies
The SCF did the hard work by developing the SCF-B control set. The “best practices” that comprise the SCF-B include:
Trust Services Criteria (SOC 2)
ISO 27002
ISO 31000
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© 2023. Secure Controls Framework Council, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
This guide is for educational purposes only. You are encouraged to work with a cybersecurity and/or data privacy to validate any compliance-related assumptions.
ISO 31010
NIST 800-160
NIST Cybersecurity Framework
OWASP Top 10
UL 2900-1
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© 2023. Secure Controls Framework Council, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
This guide is for educational purposes only. You are encouraged to work with a cybersecurity and/or data privacy to validate any compliance-related assumptions.