Prevalence and Risk Factors Associated With Chronic Hepatitis B Among Patients Attending Fort Portal Regional Referral Hospital in Kabarole District, Western Uganda

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International Digital Organization for Scientific Research IDOSRJES101.6981.24

Prevalence and Risk Factors Associated with Chronic
Hepatitis B Among Patients Attending Fort Portal Regional
Referral Hospital in Kabarole District, Western Uganda
Muthegheki Godwin

Faculty of Clinical Medicine and Dentistry, Kampala International University Western Campus Uganda.

Viral hepatitis was a major public health problem in need of an urgent response. An estimated 257 million people were
living with chronic HBV infection. This study sought to determine the Prevalence and Risk Factors Associated with
Chronic Hepatitis B among Patients Attending Fort Portal Regional Referral Hospital in Kabarole District, Western
Uganda. Data was coded and entered into Epi info version 7, then exported into SPSS version 22.0 for analysis.
Descriptive statistics was used to summarize the variables. Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were
computed to determine risk factors associated with HBsAg seropositivity. AOR with corresponding 95% CI were
computed to see the strength of the association and a p-value of < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. 112
eligible adults comprising 48 (42.9%) males and 64 (57.1%) females participated in the study. The mean age of the
participants was 31.6 years [SD ±7.2]. Half of the study respondents, 56 (50.0%) were in the age range of 25–34 years.
The overall prevalence of HBV infection among adults in the community was 7.14%. Based on a bivariate logistic
regression analysis, being male, residing in an urban setting, having a primary education, being married, operating a
business or being self-employed, living in a family of five or more members, body piercing, history of hospitalization,
extraction of teeth at a dental facility, history of circumcision, drinking alcohol, unprotected sexual behaviour and
sharing of sharp personal items had a significant association with the seroprevalence of HBsAg in patients at FRRH.
However when the model was adjusted to cater for possible confounders in a multivariate logistic regression analysis,
being male [p=0.008], residing in an urban setting [p=<0.001], operating a business or being self-employed
[p=0.001], living in a family of five or more members [p=0.028], body piercing [p=<0.001], drinking alcohol
[p=0.006], unprotected sexual behaviour [p=0.001] and sharing of sharp personal items [p=0.028] remained
significantly associated with seroprevalence of HBsAg in patients at FRRH. The prevalence of Hepatitis B virus
amongst patients at FRRH IS 7.14%. Socio-demographic variables including gender, place of residence, occupation,
and staying in a family of 5 or more members in a household showed significant association with HBsAg seropositivity.
Body piercing, alcohol drinking habits, unprotected sexual behaviour and sharing of sharp personal items were risk
factors for HBsAg seropositivity among patients attending FRRH.
Keywords: Patients, Hepatitis, HBsAg seroprevalence, Drinking alcohol, Unprotected sexual behaviour.

Hepatitis B infection is caused by the hepatitis B virus ranges in severity from asymptomatic to
(HBV), an enveloped Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) symptomatic, progressive disease [1, 2]. Chronic
virus that infects the liver, causing hepatocellular hepatitis B (CHB) – defined as the persistence of
necrosis and inflammation. HBV infection can be hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) for six months or
either acute or chronic, and the associated illness more – is a major public health problem [1, 3, 4].
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited Muthegheki, 2024
Worldwide, there are an estimated 240 million slow [12]. However, in the perspective of 15-20
chronically infected persons, particularly in low- and years of infection or the presence of other risk factors,
middle-income countries (LMICs). The major such as concomitant chronic disease, a progression to
complications of CHB are cirrhosis and hepatocellular more severe liver damage can be seen [12]. Thus, the
carcinoma (HCC). Between 20% and 30% of those use of antiviral treatment may be of importance.
who become chronically infected will develop these Treatment combinations of Tenofovir and Encetavir
complications, and an estimated 650,000 people will seem to be at least as effective in children as in adults
die annually due to CHB. The majority of people are [12].
unaware of their HBV infection, and therefore often Statement of Problem
present with advanced disease [1] (World Health In 2015, combating viral hepatitis by 2030 was
Organization WHO, 2017) More than 2 billion people included in the Sustainable Development Goals [13].
worldwide are estimated to have had hepatitis B virus Then, in 2016, the World Health Assembly passed
(HBV) infection and 350 million chronic carriers of the Global Health Sector Strategy on Viral Hepatitis,
the virus are at high risk of cirrhosis of the liver and which aims to eliminate HBV and HCV by 2030 [14].
primary liver cancer [5]. HBV accounts for an The targets include 90% global coverage of three-
estimated500, 000-700,000 annual deaths worldwide dose infant vaccination by 2020; timely birth-dose
[1]. The public health burden of HBV infection in vaccination in 50% of infants by 2020, and in 90% by
Uganda is unknown, although the country has long 2030; and prevalence in children aged 5 years of 1%
been considered to be among the highly endemic by 2020, and 0·1% by 2030. Reduction of incidence
countries of sub-Saharan Africa, with more than 8% of among infants is important because most HBV
the population expected to harbour chronic infection infections in infants become chronic, which is the
[5, 1]. Hepatitis is the inflammation of the liver from leading source of new chronic HBV infections. As
any cause. Hepatitis commonly results from a virus, well as the prevention targets, the 2030 targets
particularly one of the five hepatitis viruses – A, B, C, include the diagnosis of 90% of people infected with
D or E [6, 7, 8]. Less commonly, hepatitis results HBV and antiviral treatment of 80% of those
from other viral infections, such as infectious diagnosed and eligible for treatment [15]. Viral
mononucleosis, yellow fever, and cytomegalovirus hepatitis B is among the major diseases of public
infection and if it’s not controlled it causes vomiting, problems worldwide, especially in developing
fever, dehydration, nausea, poor appetite and death countries analyzed [16]. In the Kabarole district,
[8]. It’s mostly the infection of the digestive system public health officers in collaboration with the
especially the liver caused by viral family [8, 9]. municipal council had taken into consideration the
Most cases of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) are increasing number of patients who are seeking
associated with cirrhosis related to chronic hepatitis medical services due to viral infections. However,
virus. Changes in the time trends of HCC and most there is very minimal information about viral
variations in its age-, sex-, and race-specific rates Hepatitis in the Kabarole district, hence this study to
among different regions are likely to be related to determine the prevalence and risk factors associated
differences in hepatitis viruses that are most with chronic Hepatitis B among patients attending
prevalent in a population, the timing of their spread, Fortportal Regional Referral Hospital (FRRH).
and the ages of the individuals the viruses infect [10]. Therefore, this work will determine the prevalence
Environmental host, genetic, and viral factors can and risk factors associated with hepatitis B infection
affect the risk of HCC in individuals with HBV or among patients attending Fortportal Regional
HCV infection [11]. All children born to infected Referral Hospital in Kabarole District in Western
mothers should be tested for hepatitis B. The Uganda.
progression to liver damage in infected children is
Area of Study city. The coordinates of the hospital are
The study was conducted at Fortportal Regional latitude:0.655278; longitude;30. 281389. The
Referral Hospital. Fortportal Regional Referral hospital operates an estimated 333-bed space under
Hospital is a public Hospital located within the city four distinct departments namely General Surgery,
of Fort Portal, approximately 294 kilometres (183 Orthopedics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, and
mi) from Kampala, Uganda’s capital and largest Internal Medicine.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited Muthegheki, 2024
Study design response giving a total sample size of 112
A cross-sectional study design was utilized to achieve respondents.
the objectives of the study. Data collection
Sampling method Data will be collected using a thematic two-part
The convenience sampling method was used to questionnaire that was designed to capture the socio-
obtain participants in the study considering the demographic characteristics, risk factors and hepatitis
eligibility criteria. All willing patients attending B incidents.
FRRH during the period of data collection that met Data Processing and Analysis
the eligibility criteria were considered in the sample. Questionnaire tools were checked for their accuracy
Inclusion criteria and data completeness, then data was coded and
All willing adult (18 years and above) patients entered into Epi info version 7, then exported into
attending Fortportal Regional Referral Hospital. SPSS version 22.0 for analysis. Descriptive statistics
Exclusion criteria was used to summarize the variables. Figures and
All patients attending Fort Portal Regional tables were used to summarize the frequencies and
Referral Hospital for psychotic-related conditions. percentages of the variables. Bivariate and
Patients who could not respond on their own (in multivariate logistic regression analyses were
critical conditions) computed to determine risk factors associated with
Sample size determination. HBsAg seropositivity. Variables with a p-value of <
The sampling size was calculated by the use of the 0.2 during a bivariate analysis were incorporated in a
[17] formula multivariate logistic regression model to control for
confounding. Adjusted odds ratio (AOR) with a
corresponding 95% confidence interval (CI) was
D2 computed to see the strength of the association and a
Where; p-value of < 0.05 was considered statistically
N-desired sample size, Z-standard normal deviation significant. Hosmer and Lemeshow's test was utilized
taken as 1.96 at a confidential level of to test the goodness-of-fit of the final logistic
95%, regression model and provided a p-value of 0.35.
P-proportion of the target population, estimated to Quality control
have similar characteristics (where 50% is used if no The questionnaire was pretested amongst selected
measurable estimate or 0.5), willing patients at Kampala International
Q-is standardized =1.0 – P; where P is 0.5, University Teaching Hospital before the actual data
Therefore, collection. The collected data was checked
Q was; 1.0-0.5=0.5 or 50% D-degree of error =0.05 immediately after finalizing the questionnaire for
or 5% Calculation: completeness and consistency of the information
The confidential level was, 79% Degree of error was, collected.
10% On substitution; If 95% gives 1.96 (standard Ethical considerations
deviation) Ethical approval was sought from Kampala
79% gives (79×1.96) ÷95=1.63 thus my deviation International University Western Campus Faculty of
Degree of error 10/100=0.1. Clinical Medicine and Dentistry and an introduction
Thus; letter was given after to seek permission for data
N= (1.632×0.5×0.5) ÷0.1 =100 respondents. collection. Written and verbal consent was sought
10% of the sample size was considered for non- from the respondents before they were recruited into
the study [18].
Socio-demographic Characteristics of the (50.0%) were in the age range of 25–34 years. The
Respondents majority 81 (72.3%) of the respondents were rural
A total of 112 eligible adults comprising 48 (42.9%) residents. The majority of the study participants had
males and 64 (57.1%) females participated in the attained a formal primary education, 51 (45.6%), and
study. The mean age of the participants was 31.6 were peasant farmers 55 (49.1%) mainly coming from
years [SD ±7.2]. Half of the study respondents, 56 a family of five or more people 90 (80.4%) as shown in

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(, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited Muthegheki, 2024
Table 1.

Table 1: Socio-demographic Characteristics of patients attending FRRH (N = 112)

Characteristics Category Frequency (N = 112) Percentage (%)

Gender Male 48 42.9

Female 64 57.1
Residence Urban 31 27.7

Rural 81 72.3
Age 18–24 16 14.3
25–34 56 50.0
35–44 31 27.7
≥45 9 8.0
Marital status Married/ Living with a 69 61.6
Single 20 17.9
Separated 23 20.5
Educational status No formal Education 19 17.0
Primary 51 45.6
Secondary 29 25.8
Tertiary 13 11.6
Occupational status No income work 31 27.8
Peasant farming 55 49.1
Business/Self employed 15 13.4
Gov’t employee 11 9.7
Family size ≤2 7 6.2
3–4 15 13.4
≥5 90 80.4

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(, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited Muthegheki, 2024






Married/ Living with a partner

No formal Education

Peasant farming



No income work
Gender Residence Age Marital status Educational status Occupational status
Family size

Frequency (N = 112) Percentage (%)

Figure 1: Stacked line graph showing socio-demographic Characteristics of patients attending socio-
demographic characteristics of patients at FRRH

Prevalence of HBV Infection

The overall prevalence of HBV infection among 62.5%, mostly married accounting for 75.0%, with
adults in the community was 7.14%. Of the total a secondary level education 37.5%, operating a
HBV-infected participants, 6 (75.0%) were male and 2 business or self-employed 62.5% and living in a
(25.0%) were female. The majority of the HBV family of five or more members 87.5% as shown in
seropositive stayed in the urban setting accounting Table 2 and Figure 3.
for 87.5%, aged between 25–34 years representing

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited Muthegheki, 2024
Table 2: Distribution of HBsAg Seroprevalence with Socio-Demographic Characteristics of Patients at FRRH
Characteristics Category Frequenc Negative Positive
(N = 112)
n (%) n (%)

Gender Male 48 42 40.1 6 75.0

Female 64 62 59.6 2 25.0

Residence Urban 31 24 23.1 7 87.5

Rural 81 80 76.9 1 12.5

Age 18–24 16 16 15.4 0 0

25–34 56 51 49.0 5 62.5
35–44 31 30 28.8 1 12.5
≥45 9 7 6.8 2 25.0

Marital status Married/ Living with a partner 69 63 60.6 6 75.0

Single 20 19 18.3 1 12.5
Separated 23 22 21.1 1 12.5

Educational status No formal Education 19 17 16.3 2 25.0

Primary 51 50 48.1 1 12.5
Secondary 29 26 25.0 3 37.5
Tertiary 13 12 11.6 1 12.5

Occupational status No income work 31 30 28.9 1 12.5

Peasant farming 55 54 51.9 1 12.5
Business/Self employed 15 10 9.6 5 62.5
Gov’t employee 11 10 9.6 1 12.5

Family size ≤2 7 7 6.7 0 0

3–4 15 14 13.5 1 12.5
≥5 90 83 79.8 7 87.5

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited Muthegheki, 2024
Risk Factors of Hepatitis B Virus Infection with the seroprevalence of HBsAg in patients at
among patients attending FRRH FRRH as shown in Table 3&4. However, when the
Based on a bivariate logistic regression analysis, model was adjusted to cater for possible confounders
being male [COR=12.1, 95% CI (3.5 - 30.4)], in a multivariate logistic regression analysis, being
residing in an urban setting [ COR= 9.2, 95% CI male [AOR=3.5, 95% CI (1.0 – 20.6), p=0.008],
(2.0 - 25.5)], having a primary education residing in an urban [AOR= 4.0, 95% CI (1.8 –
[COR=1.1, 95% CI = (0.6–2.0)], being married [ 18.5), p=<0.001], operating a business or being self-
COR= 2.1, 95% CI (1.1 – 3.8)], operating a business employed [ AOR= 0.7, 95% CI (0. 3–1.7), p=0.001],
or being self-employed [ COR= 1.1, 95% CI (0.6– living in a family of five or more members [ AOR=
2.1)], living in a family of five or more members [ 5.8, 95% CI (2.2-22.6), p=0.028], body piercing
COR=3.4, 95% CI (1.4 - 7.4)], body piercing [AOR=2.2, 95% CI (1.1 – 9.5), p=<0.001],
[COR=1.2, 95% CI (0.8–6.5)], history of drinking alcohol [AOR=8.0, 95% CI (3.9–21.1),
hospitalization [COR=1.1, 95% CI (0.5–3.8)], p=0.006], unprotected sexual behavior [AOR=7.4,
extraction of teeth at a dental facility [COR=2.0, 95% CI (1.8–54.2), p=0.001] and sharing of sharp
95% CI (1.8–7.6)], history of circumcision personal items [AOR=4.2, 95% CI (0.5–16.8),
[COR=0.6, 95% CI (1.1–5.5)], drinking alcohol p=0.028] remained significantly associated with
[COR=1.0, 95% CI (0.4–3.0)], unprotected sexual seroprevalence of HBsAg in patients at FRRH as
behaviour [COR=1.4, 95% CI (0.6–3.8)] and shown in Table 3&4.
sharing of sharp personal items [COR=1.1, 95% CI
(0.6–2.1)] were found to be significantly associated

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(, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction
in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited Muthegheki, 2024
Table 3: Bivariate and Multivariate analysis of socio-demographic risk factors for HBV Infection amongst
patients attending FRRH
Variables Seroprevalence of HBsAg COR (95% CI) AOR (95% CI) P-
Negative Positive


Gender Male 42 6 12.1 3.5 - 30.4* 3.5 1.0 – 0.008*

Female 62 2 Ref Ref

Residence Urban 24 7 9.2 2.0 - 25.5* 4.0 1.8 – <0.001*

Rural 80 1 Ref Ref

Age 18–24 16 0 Ref Ref

25–34 51 5 1.1 0.6–2.0 1.1 0.5–2.4 0.071
35–44 30 1 1.1 0.1–2.1 0.7 0.05–1.9 0.815
≥45 7 2 2.3 1.1–5.2 1.7 0.6–5.0 0.208

Marital Married 63 6 2.1 1.1 – 3.8* 1.6 0.2 – 2.8 0.085

status Single 19 1 2.4 1.3–4.6 1.4 0.5 – 4.0 0.528
Separated 22 1 Ref Ref

Educational No Education 17 2 Ref Ref

Primary 50 1 1.1 0.6–2.0* 1.1 0.5–2.4 0.254
Secondary 26 3 1.1 0.6–2.1 0.7 0.3–1.7 0.316
Tertiary 12 1 2.3 1.1–5.2 1.7 0.1–6.0 0.305

Occupational No work 30 1 Ref Ref

Peasant 54 1 1.1 0.6–2.0 1.1 0.5–2.4 0.254
Business 10 5 1.1 0.6–2.1* 0.7 0.3–1.7 0.001*
Gov’t employee 10 1 2.3 1.1–5.2 1.7 0.1–5.2 0.200

Family size ≤2 7 0 Ref Ref

3–4 14 1 2.1 0.7 - 5.5 2.2 0.5 - 8.8 0.114
≥5 83 7 3.4 1.4 - 7.4* 5.8 2.2 - 22.6 0.028*

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in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited Muthegheki, 2024
Table 4: Bivariate and Multivariate analysis of other risk factors of HBV Infection amongst patients
attending FRRH
Variables Seroprevalence of COR (95% CI) AOR (95% CI) P -
HBsAg Value
Negative Positiv
Tattooing on body Yes 0 0 Ref Ref
No 104 8 5.8 2.5 – 14.4 4.5 1.8 – 0.601
Body piercing Yes 83 7 1.2 0.8 – 6.5* 2.2 1.1 – 9.5 <0.001*
No 13 1 Ref Ref

History of circumcision Yes 22 2 0.6 1.1–5.5* 1.0 0.5 – 5.0 2.882

No 82 6 Ref Ref

History of hospitalization Yes 89 4 1.1 0.5–3.8* 1.6 0.1–4.1 1.053

No 15 4 Ref Ref

Dental extraction at health Yes 78 3 2.0 1.8–7.6* 1.1 0.6–6.5 1.182

No 26 5 Ref Ref

Catheterization Yes 14 2 Ref Ref

No 90 6 1.5 0.1–2.8 1.4 0.5–5.2 0.668

Alcohol drinking or Yes 68 7 1.0 0.4–3.0* 8.0 3.9–21.1 0.006*

drug/substance utilization
No 36 1 Ref Ref

Unprotected sexual behavior Yes 63 8 1.4 0.6–3.8* 7.4 1.8–54.2 0.001*

No 41 0 Ref Ref

Ever smoke cigarette Yes 37 2 Ref Ref

No 67 6 2.5 1.4 - 7.1 5.8 2.0 – 8.4 1.740

Sharing of sharp personal Yes 79 6 1.1 0.6–2.1* 4.2 0.5–16.8 0.028*


No 25 2 Ref Ref
Notes: *Significant
Abbreviations: COR - Crude odds ratio; AOR - Adjusted odds ratio; CI - Confidence interval

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(, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited Muthegheki, 2024
According to WHO classification criteria of than those from family settings of lesser numbers
HBsAg prevalence, this prevalence observed at [AOR= 5.8, 95% CI (2.2-22.6), p=0.028]. This
FRRH is categorized as ‘highly endemic’ [15]. The finding is consistent with results from studies in
observed HBsAg prevalence at FRRH at 7.14% is Bahrain, and Ethiopia among pregnant women and in
almost twice the national prevalence reported in the Nigeria among children who showed that those from
Uganda Population-based HIV Impact Assessment families above 4 people were very highly likely to
(UPHIA) 2016–2017 national sero survey, where contract the Hepatitis B virus. In the Bahrain case,
HBV infection prevalence among Ugandan adults was this pattern of association was attributed to the
reported at 4.3% [19]. In the same survey, south-west frequency of interaction of the many family members
Uganda where FRRH is located in the Kabarole with the outside masses which increased the
district was reported to have the lowest prevalence of likelihood of one or many contracting the virus and
0.8% by the national average [19]. The findings of this delivering it home [25, 26]. The study also
study therefore indicate an 88.8% increment of the established other risk factors other than
HBsAg prevalence at FRRH alone in three years. The sociodemographic variables that had a significant
prevalence established at FRRH is nearly consistent association with HBsAg seropositivity among patients
with the national prevalence reported slightly more attending FRRH which included body piercing,
than a decade ago of 10.3% [20]. However, it is lower alcohol drinking habits, unprotected sexual behaviour
than the northern Uganda prevalence reported at and sharing of sharp personal items. Individuals with
17.6% [21]. This study has been able to establish a a history of practising body piercing were 2.2 times
significant association between HBsAg seropositivity more likely to test positive for HBsAg than those
and particular socio-demographic variables including with no record of piercing their bodies [AOR=2.2,
gender, place of residence, occupation, and number of 95% CI (1.1 – 9.5), p=<0.001]. This finding is
family members in a household. Male patients were corroborated by other findings in Bangladesh, in
3.5 times more likely to turn out HBsAg seropositive Ethiopia and among pregnant women in Mbarara.
[AOR=3.5, 95% CI (1.0– 20.6), p=0.008]. This This is attributed to the fact that tools used in body
finding is consistent with a study in Nigeria that piercing can transmit the Hepatitis B virus if
found male adults 3 times more likely to turn up contaminated and used between individuals without
Hepatitis B positive than females. This pattern in sterilization [27, 28, 29]. Alcohol drinking was a
Nigeria was attributed to the fact that the males were significant factor in HBsAg seropositivity showing
more exposed to the risk factors that were associated those who indulged in the habit were 8 times more
with HBsAg than the females [22]. Individuals likely to test positive for HBsAg [AOR=8.0, 95% CI
residing in an urban setting were 4 times more likely (3.9–21.1), p=0.006]. This finding is consistent with
to return an HBsAg positive result than those who a study in Belgium and Brazil which attributed it to
lived in rural areas [AOR= 4.0, 95% CI (1.8 – 18.5), the effect of alcohol as a result of another
p=<0.001]. This finding is corroborated by a study significantly associated risk factor like unprotected
in Rwanda that reported pregnant women in urban sex and persistence in crowded social areas [30, 31].
centres to be more likely to test positive for HBsAg Individuals who indulged in unprotected sexual
than those in rural settings [23]. Individuals who behaviour were 7.4 times more likely to test positive
operated a business or were self-employed were 0.7 for HBsAg than those who didn’t [AOR=7.4, 95% CI
times more likely to present with HBsAg positive (1.8–54.2), p=0.001]. A study in Ethiopia reported a
results than those who earned an income through similar significant association among those who
other means [AOR= 0.7, 95% CI (0.3–1.7), p=0.001]. indulged in unprotected sex. Unprotected sex is one of
This result is similar to that reported in Beijing China the most reported and confirmed routes of
and was attributed to the fact that individuals in transmission of the Hepatitis B virus [28]. Sharing of
business premises are always in crowded settings to sharp personal items also showed a significant
which crowding was found to be significantly association with HBsAg seropositivity among
associated with Hepatitis B virus contraction [24]. patients attending FRRH [AOR=4.2, 95% CI (0.5–
The study also established that individuals who lived 16.8), p=0.028]. This finding is consistent with
in a family setting of five or more members were studies done in Northern Uganda, Nigeria, and Iraq
almost 6 times more likely to test positive for HBsAg and also reported generally as one of the greatest risk
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited Muthegheki, 2024
factors by a systematic analysis in sub-Saharan Africa [32, 22, 21, 15].
Out of 112 patients studied at FRRH, 8 turned out vaccination of children should be promoted and the
positive for HBsAg representing a 7.14% prevalence hepatitis B birth dose vaccine needs to be
of Hepatitis B virus amongst the hospital population. implemented in the country. However, HBV
Socio-demographic variables including gender, place vaccination would not be as effective for the adult
of residence, occupation, and staying in a family of 5 population, therefor we recommend alternative
or more members in a household showed significant solutions like population screening and treatment of
association with HBsAg seropositivity. Body HBV to be able to manage and reduce the
piercing, alcohol drinking habits, unprotected sexual transmission of HBV among adults. We recommend
behaviour and sharing of sharp personal items were mass education of the public about the risk of unsafe
risk factors that showed a significant association with sexual practice, direct contact with blood and body
HBsAg seropositivity among patients attending fluids, sharing sharp items such as razors, nail
FRRH. clippers, toothbrushes, and earrings or body rings,
Recommendations and use of unsterile needles for ear or body piercing,
Results of the study show an 88.8% increase in and tattoos HBV transmission. We believe this can go
Hepatitis B prevalence in only 3 years based on a long way in curbing the transmission rate of the
national averages reported for the region in 2017. To HBV virus.
prevent future hepatitis B virus infection in this study
area and countrywide, we recommend universal
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CITE AS: Muthegheki, Godwin (2024): Prevalence and Risk Factors Associated with Chronic Hepatitis
B Among Patients Attending Fort Portal Regional Referral Hospital in Kabarole District, Western

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited

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