Ucsap Quarter 2 Module 5 6activity

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Department of Education

Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula

Division of City Schools
Ayala, Zamboanga City
Tel. No. /Fax No.: (062) 982-0185
Quarter 2: Module 5
Suggest ways to Address Social Inequalities
Name: ____________________
Section: ________

I. Objectives
 Identify ways on how to respond to the following social inequalities.
- Gender
- Ethnic Minorities
- Differently Able Person
 Craft Action Plan on how to address inequalities.

Activity 1: A Powerful Story “From Where I Stand” (A Gender Equality Project for the Global
Directions: Read a story below. Reflect and respond to the following statements and questions:

Once upon a time, there was a young girl who loved going to school. However, she lived in an area
where some political leaders didn’t want her to go to school. They used to attack the schools and
try to stop girls going to school.

So, one day this young girl, who was only eleven years old at the time, started to make speeches
and write blogs saying that girls should be allowed to go to school as well.

However, the people in power, who didn’t want girls to go to school, wanted to frighten her to
stop her telling people these things. They knew lots of people around the world were listening to
what she was saying, so they made it clear that they would harm her if she kept saying these

The young girl did not stop saying her opinions. So, one day, when she was fourteen years old, a
man came onto the bus when she was on her way back from school and shot her. The bullet hit
her head. Luckily, this young girl did not die.

She was taken to another country and she survived. She went on to finish school and continues to
tell the world that girls should be allowed to go to school.

This girl is Malala Yousafzai and this happened between 2008 and 2012. In 2014, she was awarded
the Nobel Peace Prize and is now a leading global advocate championing the equal right to
education for all, especially for girls.

Questions: (5 points each)

1. What would you do if the people with political power in your area attacked your school and said
you (whether you are a boy or a girl) weren’t allowed to go anymore?
2. If someone threatened you for saying your opinion, would you stop or would you carry on
3. What do you think of this girl? Do you think what she did made an impact? Why/ why not?
4. Do you think we need more role models like Malala in the world and our local community?
5. As a student, how can you become active contributors towards eradication of gender inequality?
Activity 2: Action Plan

DIRECTIONS: Formulate a social action plan using the template provided below. Read and understand
carefully the necessary content of your action plan enumerated after the template.

Suggest a social action plan that, in your opinion, will help combat social Racial and ethnic inequality, and
person with disabilities, social class difference or any other social stratification divisions that exist in your
locality or based on your own experience, inequalities in our society. Your action plan can focus on different
aspects of social inequalities

Define your goal and set a specific objective/s that respond to the specific issue

What action do you suggest to interrupt or combat

Social inequality


Identify your responsibility and what behaviors on

RESPONSIBLE your part would take this action entail?

Note: Your action plan can focus on different aspects of social inequality: Racial and ethnic inequality,
gender inequality, and person with disabilities, social class differences or any other social stratification
divisions that exist in your locality or based on your own experience. Your plan can involve any social
institution that might be related to the social inequality that you chose: the family, the education system,
the mass media, the government, the economic system, the army/police, etc.

Make sure that you are answering the following questions in your ACTION PLAN:
➢ What action do you suggest to interrupt or combat Social inequality?
➢ What resources or materials (people, space, information, etc.), if any, would you need to achieve your
➢ What behaviors or steps on your part would take this action entail?
➢ What obstacles might you encounter? What could you do to reduce or overcome these obstacles?
➢ How can you measure/evaluate your success?

Purpose The action plan has very The action plan has good The action plan has little
definite purpose in purpose in addressing purpose in addressing
addressing social social inequalities. social inequalities.
Clarity The action plan has very The action plan has good The action plan has
clear direction towards direction towards undefined direction
attainment of the attainment of the towards attainment of
objective/s. objective/s. the objective/s.
Feasibility The action plan is The action plan is quite The action plan is not
strongly achievable. achievable achievable
Completeness All parts of the action Some parts of the action Not all parts of the
plan were complete and plan were complete and action plan were
detailed detailed enough. complete and some
comprehensively. details were lacking.

Font style & Size: Calibri 12
Paper: Long (8.5” x 13”)
Spacing: 1.0
Department of Education
Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Division of City Schools
Ayala, Zamboanga City
Tel. No. /Fax No.: (062) 982-0185

Quarter 2: Module 6
Human Responses to Emerging Challenges in Contemporary Societies

I. Objectives
Examine human responses to emerging challenges in contemporary societies.
a. Define social change—its characteristics and causes;
b. Describe how societies and governments address the challenge of global warming and climate
c. List types of migration and the issues it brought to OFWs;

Activity 1: Below are some aspects that face challenges and changes of the human population. On
its half side (upper), write the changes; and the other half side (down), write the adaptations people
make on those changes. (20 points)
Changes: Changes: Changes: Changes:


Adaptations: Adaptations: Adaptations: Adaptations:

Activity 2: Below is the organizer that describes the circumstances of OFWs brought about by migration for
employment. Complete the organizer below by filling important details. (15 points)

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