c1-c2 Killer Expressions by Topic
c1-c2 Killer Expressions by Topic
c1-c2 Killer Expressions by Topic
The Future
1. With any luck, I will probably…
2. I have a burning ambition to…
3. I’ve always dreamed of… so I expect I will…
4. I haven’t made up my mind yet but I’m leaning towards studying…
5. I’m torn between studying… and ….
6. In all likelihood I’ll study…/work in…
7. I see myself working in the field of…
8. If everything goes to plan in 5 years, I’ll be…
9. I’ve got it all mapped out; first I’m going to… then…
10. I have absolutely no clue what I’m going to do tomorrow let alone in 5 years.
11. I have always had aspirations to go into the field of…
12. I expect I’ll follow in my Mum/Dad’s footsteps.
1. I’m the youngest of 4 siblings.
2. I squabble with my sister sometimes.
3. You know what they say, blood is thicker than water.
4. It’s like they always say, you can’t choose your family.
5. My sister and I are like chalk and cheese; we couldn’t be more different.
6. My brother on the other hand, we’re like two peas in a pod.
7. My uncle is the black sheep of the family.
8. People always tell me that I’m the spitting image of my grandma when she was my age.
9. I’m actually named after my great-great grandad.
10. Ginger hair runs in my family.
11. My mum is the main breadwinner in our family. She’s the one who brings home the bacon.
12. Personality-wise I definitely take after my mum but my looks are all my dad.
The Environment
1. Factory farming
2. GM crops
3. Cut fossil fuel emissions
4. Emit harmful greenhouse gases
5. Smog
6. The hole in the ozone layer
7. Reduce one’s carbon footprint
8. Do our bit to save the planet.
9. Raise awareness of the effects of climate change.
10. Cut down on meat.
11. Have a detrimental effect on the planet
12. Take urgent action to
13. Switch to renewable energy sources
14. Stand up for endangered species
15. Take responsibility for our actions
16. Strive to be more energy-efficient/greener
17. Reduce, reuse, recycle
● Confused: Be/feel perplexed/puzzled/baffled/bewildered | bɪˈwɪldəd |
● Sad: Be/feel blue/down/down in the dumps/down in the mouth
● Tired/ill: Be/feel under the weather/run down/out of sorts
● Fit & healthy: Be/feel in tip-top condition/on top of one’s game/in the pink/full of beans
● Stressed: Be fed up/at the end of one’s tether/stressed out/sick and tired of
● Happy: be elated/over the moon/on cloud nine/on top of the world/jumping for joy
● Angry: be spitting feathers/enraged/furious/irate/cross/in a huff
● Nervous: be on edge/edgy/agitated/apprehensive/tense
Things that annoy you:
1. A pet peeve/bugbear of mine is…
2. It really gets on my nerves when people….
3. It drives me up the wall when people….
4. It drives me round the bend when people….
5. It really gets my goat when people….
6. It really pisses me off when people….
7. I can’t stand it when people….
8. It really rubs me up the wrong way when people…
9. It really stresses me out when people…
10. When people…. it’s like a red rag to a bull for me.
11. When people…. it makes me tear my hair out.