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(d) 716.48 KW.
Ans: (d)
Chapter - 1
6. Which of the following is the ratio of absolute
Introduction of Fluid Properties viscosity to mass density?
(a) Coefficient of viscosity
Newton’s of Law (b) Viscosity index
(c) Specific viscosity
1. A fluid which has shear stress, is proportional to
(d) Kinematic viscosity.
the rate of shear strain is called
Ans: (d)
(a) Non –Newtonion fluid
7. The unit of viscosity in CGS-
(b) Ideal fluid
(a) kgf sec/sq.m.
(c) Ideal plastic fluid
(b) dyne sec/sq.m.
(d) Real fluid.
(c) Ns/sq.m
Ans: (d)
(d) gm cm/sq.m.
Ans: (b)
2. The SI unit of kinematic viscosity is …….
(a) m/s2
8. In a fluid, the shear stress is directly
(b) m2/s
proportional to the rate of shear strain is called
(c) m3/s
as ……..
(d) None of these.
(a) dilatants fluid
Ans: (b)
(b) thixotropic fluid
(c) Non- Newtonian fluid
3. The unit dynamic viscosity of a fluid is :
(d) Newtonian fluid.
(a) N.m2/s
Ans: (d)
(b) N/m2/m
(c) N.m/s
9. The property by virtue of which a liquid
(d) N.s/m2.
opposes relative motion between its different
Ans: (d)
layers is known as
(a) Capillarity
4. In which of the following units is the kinematic
(b) Surface tension
viscosity of a fluid expressed ?
(c) Viscosity
(a) N.s/m
(d) Density.
(b) m2/s
Ans: (c)
(c) N/m2. s
(d) N. s/m2
10. The dynamic viscosity of a liquid is 1.2 10-4
Ans: (b)
Ns/m2, Whereas, the density is 500 kg/m3. The
kinematics viscosity in m2/s is
5. The dynamic viscosity of an oil, used for
(a) 2.4 10-8 m2/s
lubrication between a shaft and sleeve is 6
(b) 12 108 m2/s
poise. The shaft is of diameter 0.4 m and rotates
(c) 14 10-8 m2/s
at 190 r.p.m. Calculate the power lost in the
(d) 20 10-8 m2/s.
bearing for a sleeve length of 90 mm. The
Ans: (a)
thickness of the oil film is 1.5 mm.
(a) 886.5 KW
11. Which of the following meters is not
(b) 800 KW
associated with viscosity
(c) 809.5 KW
(a) Red wood (c) Directly proportional to the rate of angular
(b) Say bolt Deformation
(c) Engler (d) inversely proportional to the rate of
(d) Orsat. angular deformation
Ans: (d) Ans: (c)

12. The property of a liquid which offers 18. If the mass density of a liquid is 100 kg/cum
resistance to the movement of one layer of and its dynamic viscosity (sq.m/s) will be :
liquid over another adjacent layer of liquid, is (a) 0.001
called (b) 0.01
(a) surface tension (c) 0.1
(b) Compressibility (d) 1.
(c) Capillarity Ans: (a)
(d) Viscosity.
Ans: (d) 19. In which the following fluid is the shear stress
found to be directly proportional to the rate of
13. What is the SI unit of viscosity ? angular deformation ?
(a) Both NS/m2 and Pas (a) Dilatant
(b) Pas only (b) Thixotropic
(c) kN/m (c) Non-newtonian
(d) Ns/m2 only. (d) Newtonian.
Ans: (a) Ans: (d)

14. Newton’s law of viscosity states that : 20. A real fluid is one which –
(a) Shear stress is directly proportional to the (a) is incompressible
shear strain (b) has viscosity
(b) Shear stress is directly proportional to the (c) has constant viscosity and density
Viscosity (d) has zero shear stress.
(c) Shear stress is directly proportional to the Ans: (b)
(d) Shear stress is directly proportional to the 21. Fluid that do NOT follow The linear relation
velocity gradient between shear stress and rate of deformation
Ans: (d) are termed as :
(a) Newtonian fluid
15. The viscosity of water at 20°C is (b) Ideal fluids
(a) 0.05 poise (c) Non-Newtonian fluids
(b) 0.1 poise (d) Plastic fluids.
(c) 0.01 poise Ans: (c)
(d) 0.1 centipoise.
Ans: (c) 22. On increasing the temperature of a liquid, the
viscosity of the liquid…………….. ?
16. 1 centipoise = ………… poise (a) Decrease
(a) (b) (b) Increase
(c) First decrease and then increase
(c) (d) . (d) Remains same.
Ans: (b) Ans: (a)

17. According to the Newton’s law viscosity for 23. Which of the following represents the unit of
materials in liquid state, the shear stress is : kinematic viscosity ?
(a) inversely proportional to angular (a) cm2/s (b) dyne-sec/cm2
deformation (c) gm/cm-sec (d) gm/cm2-sec.
(b) directly proportional to angular Ans: (a)
24. Which of the following is measured in the deformation
poise ? Ans: (d)
(a) Dynamic viscosity
(b) Kinematic viscosity 31. Stoke is the unit of
(c) Velocity of flow (a) Dynamic viscosity
(d) Discharge. (b) Kinematic viscosity
Ans: (a) (c) Specific volume
(d) Specific weight.
25. On increasing temperature, the viscosity of gas Ans: (b)
(a) decrease 32. In a Newtonian fluid
(b) First decrease and then rapidly decrease (a) The shear stress is directly proportional to
(c) increase the rate of fluid deformation
(d) not affected by temperature. (b) Dynamic viscosity is directly proportional
Ans: (c) to the rate of fluid deformation
(c) Kinematic viscosity is directly proportional
26. Calculate the kinematic viscosity (stoke) of the to the rate of fluid deformation
fluid, if the dynamic viscosity of fluid is 0.5 (d) Dynamic viscosity is zero.
poise and specific gravity is 0.4 ? Ans: (a)
(a) 0.95 (b) 1
(b) 1.25 (d) 1.5. 33. The property by Which a liquid opposes
relative motion between its different layers is
27. Which of the following is true about ideal called
Fluid ? (a) surface tension
(a) It is compressible (b) co-efficient of viscosity
(b) It is incompressible (c) Viscosity
(c) It has high shear force (d) osmosis.
(d) It has high value of viscosity. Ans: (c)
Ans: (b)
34. The shear stress for fluids, as per Newton’s law
28. A Newtonian fluid is defined as the fluid of viscosity is
which : (a) Inversely proportional to the rate of
(a) Obeys Newton’s law of viscosity angular deformation
(b) Is incompressible (b) Directly proportional to the rate of angular
(c) Obey s Hook’s law Deformation
(d) Is compressible. (c) Inversely proportional to angular
Ans: (a) Deformation
(d) Directly proportional to angular
29. In an a fluid, the shear stress is found to be Deformation.
directly proportional to the rate of angular Ans: (b)
deformation, then the fluid can be classified as:
(a) Thixotropic 35. Viscous force is the……… of shear stress due to
(c) Brownian viscosity and cross sectional area of flow
(d) Dilatant (a) Sum (b) Product
(d) Newtonian. (c) Difference (d) Ratio.
Ans: (d) Ans: (b)

30. Newton’s law of viscosity relates 36. Viscosity of a fluid with specific gravity 1.3 is
(a) intensity of pressure and rate of angular measured to be 0.003 Ns/m2. Its kinematic
Deformation viscosity, in m2/s, is …….. :
(b) viscosity and rate of angular deformation (a) 2.6
(c) shear stress, viscosity and temperature (b) 4.4
(d) Shear stress and rate of angular (c) 5.8
(d) 7.2 . viscosity between the plates ?
Ans: (a) (a) 10-3 poise
(b) 10-4 poise
37. Poise is unit of : (c) 2 10-3 poise
(a) Dyne-S/cm2 (d) None of the above.
(b) Dyne-cm/s Ans: (d)
(c) Dyne-cm/s2
(d) Dyne-s/cm. 44. An ideal fluid –
Ans: (a) (a) obey’s Newton’s law of viscosity
(b) is both incompressible and non-viscosity
38. The viscosity of a gas. (c) is non-viscous
(a) Decreases with increase in temperature (d) Frictionless and compressible.
(b) Increases with increase in temperature Ans: (b)
(c) Is independent of temperature
(d) Is independent of pressure for very high 45. Pascal-second is the unit of –
pressure intensities. (a) Pressure
Ans: (b) (b) kinematic viscosity
39. With respected to temperature, viscosity of (c) Dynamic viscosity
liquids : (d) Surface tension.
(a) increase Ans: (c)
(b) decrease
(c) may increase or decrease 46. Kinematic viscosity of gases on increase of
(d) Remains unchanged. Temperature
Ans: (c) (a) Decreases
(b) Increases
40. A fluid whose viscosity changes with the rate (c) Remains the same
of deformation is known as : (d) First decreases then increases.
(a) Newtonian fluid Ans: (b)
(b) Laminar flow
(c) Turbulent flow 47. Two horizontal plates are placed 2cm apart,
(d) Non-newtonian fluid. the space between them being filled with oil of
Ans: (d) viscosity 10 poise. If the upper plate is moved
with a velocity of 2m/s, the shear stress in the
41. Which of the following fluids can be classified oil would be :
as non-newtonian ? (a) 300 N/m2
(a) Kerosene oil and Diesel oil (b) 150 N/m2
(b) Human blood and Toothpaste (c) 200 N/m2
(c) Diesel oil and water (d) 100 N/m2.
(d) Kerosene oil and water. Ans: (d)
Ans: (b)
48. A fluid in which shear stress is more than the
42. A fluid, which is incompressible and is having yield value and shear stress is proportional to
no viscosity is : the rate of shear strain is known as :
(a) Newtonian fluid (a) Newtonian fluid (b) Ideal Fluid
(b) Non Newtonian (c) Real Fluid (d) Ideal Plastic fluid.
(c) Ideal fluid Ans: (d)
(d) Real fluid.
Ans: (c) 49. For Pseudoplatic non-Newtonian fluids, the
apparent viscosity
43. A plate of thickness 0.010mm, distant from a (a) Increases with increasing deformation rate
fixed plate, moves at 10 cm/s and requires a (b) decreases with increasing deformation rate
force of 1 N per unit area i.e. 1 N/mm2 to (c) is independent of the deformation rate
maintain this speed. What would be the fluid (d) decreases with time.
Ans: (b) (d) Dynamic viscosity law.
Ans: (a)
50. Dynamic viscosity has the dimensions as
(a) MLT-1 (b) ML-1T-1 57. Choose the best option for the Newtonian
(c) ML T
-1 -2 (d) M-1L-1T-1 fluid:
Ans: (b) (a) Frictionless and incompressible
(b) Viscosity is invariant with shear stress
51. A fluid, which satisfies the relation (c) Viscosity decreases at higher shear stress
(du/dy), Where ‘ ’ is shear stress (d) Viscosity increases at higher shear stress
(a) Newtonian fluid Ans: (b)
(b) Non-Newtonian fluid
(c) Thixotropic fluid/substance 58. A real fluid, in which the shear stress is not
(d) Plastic. proportional to the rate of shear strain is :
Ans: (a) (a) Newtonian fluid
(b) Ideal fluid
52. If the dynamic viscosity of a fluid is 0.5 poise (c) Ideal plastic fluid
and specific gravity is 0.5, then the kinematic (d) Non-Newtonian fluid.
viscosity of the fluid in stokes is Ans: (d)
(a) 0.25 (b) 0.50
(c) 1.00 (d) 0.75. 59. The viscosity of :
Ans: (c) (a) liquids increases with temperature
(b) gases increases with temperature
53. A fluid whose viscosity does not change with (c) fluids decreases with the temperature
the rate of deformation or shear strain is know (d) is always independed of temperature
as (e) gases decreases with temperature
(a) real fluid Ans: (b)
(b) ideal fluid
(c) Newtonian fluid 60. The velocity distribution for a flow over a plate
(d) non Newtonian fluid. is given by u = 3y2 + 2y, where u is velocity in
Ans: (c) m/s at a distance y meter above the plate. If
the dynamic viscosity is 9 poise, the shear
54. The property, which characterizes the stress at a boundary is given by ……………..
resistance which a fluid offers to applied shear (a) 1.8 N/m2 (b) 1.8 N/cm2
force is called as : (c) 1.8 N/mm 2 (d) 1.8 kg/cm2.
(a) surface tension Ans: (a)
(b) co-efficient of viscosity
(c) viscosity 61. A plate 0.025 mm distance from a fixed plate
(d) osmosis. moves at 60 cm/s and requires a force of 0.2
Ans: (c) kg/m2to maintain this speed. The dynamic
viscosity of the fluid between the plates will be
55. Dynamic Viscosity of a gas- nearly
(a) Increases as temperature decreases (a) 9.2 kgfs/cm2
(b) Increases as temperature increases (b) 8.3 kgfs/cm2
(c) Is independent of temperature (c) 7.4 kgfs/cm2
(d) May increase or decrease with increase in (d) 6.5 kgfs/cm2.
temperature, depending on the nature of Ans: (b)
Ans: (b) 62. A real fluid in which the shear stress is directly
proportional to the rate of shear strain is
56. An ideal flow of a liquid obeys- known as :
(a) Continuity equation (a) Newtonian fluid
(b) Newton’s law of viscosity (b) Ideal fluid
(c) Newton’s second law of motion (c) Ideal plastic
(d) None Newtonian fluid. deformation, then the fluid can be classified as:
Ans: (a) (a) Dilatant (b) Thixotropic
(c) Newtonian (d) Brownian.
63. The shear stress-strain graph for Newtonian Ans: (c)
fluid is a
(a) Straight line 70. The resistance to gradual deformation by
(b) Elliptical shear stress or tensile stress by a fluids is
(c) Parabolic curve termed as ?
(d) hyperbolic curve. (a) Shearing capacity
Ans: (a) (b) Viscosity
(c) Surface tension
64. Stoke is the unit of (d) Density.
(a) Kinematic viscosity in C.G.S units Ans: (b)
(b) Dynamic Kinematic in M.K.S units
(c) Kinematic viscosity M.K.S units 71. Air and water are example of
(d) Dynamic viscosity in S.I. units. (a) Ideal fluids
Ans: (a) (b) non-Newtonian fluids
65. Newton’s law of viscosity is a relationship (c) Thixotropic fluids
Between (d) Dilatants fluids.
(a) Pressure, velocity and temperature Ans: (b)
(b) Shear stress and rate of shear strain
(c) Shear stress and velocity 72. According to Froude’s model law-
(d) Rate of shear strain and temperature. (a) =
Ans: (b)
(b) =
66. The space between two parallel plates kept
3mm apart is filled with an oil of dynamic (c)
viscosity 0.2 Pa.s. What is the shear stress on
the lower fixed plate, if the upper one is moved
with a velocity of 1.5 m/s ?
(a) 1 (b) 10 Ans: (b)
(c) 100 (d) 1000.
Ans: (c) 73. The pressure at a point in a fluid is not equal in
all directions if
67. Which of lowing fluids can be classified as non- (a) the fluid is at rest
Newtonian ? (b) there are shear stresses
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 3 and 4 (c) The fluid is accelerated
(c) 2 and 5 (d) 1 and 5. (d) the fluid is rotated at a constant speed.
Ans: (b) Ans: (b)

68. Two horizontal plates are placed 14 mm apart 74. A flow of a viscous with = 1.0 has a
and the space between them is fluid with an oil velocity distribution given by u = 0.9y – y2. The
of viscosity of 14 poise. If the upper plate shear stress at y = 0.45 m is
moves with 2.5 m/s velocity, the shear stress (a) 0.90 N/m2 (b)
in the oil is (c) Zero (d) – 0.90 N/m2.
(a) 2500 N/sq.m Ans: (c)
(b) 250 N/sq.m
(c) 25 N/sq.m 75. Printer’s ink is an example of –
(d) 2.5 N/sq.m. (a) Newtonian fluid
Ans: (b) (b) Non-Newtonian fluid
(c) Thyrotrophic substance
69. If in a fluid, the shear stress is found to be (d) Elastic solid.
directly proportional to the rate of regular Ans: (c)
(d) Decreases with fall in temperature
Surface Tension Ans: (a)

76. Give SI unit for surface tension. 84. Internal pressure above atmospheric level of a
(a) N/sq.m. (b) N.m. soap bubble of diameter 50mm is 2.5N/m2.
(c) N.sq.m (d) N/m. What will be the surface tension in this case ?
Ans: (d) (a) 0.0156 N/m
(b) 0.0312 N/m
77. Surface tension has the units of ………. (c) 0.0125 N/m
(a) Force per unit mass (d) 0.2 N/m.
(b) Force per unit volume Ans: (a)
(c) Force per unit length
(d) Force per unit area. 85. Due to which property of mercury, it dies not
Ans: (c) stick to glass-
(a) Viscosity
78. What are the dimenstions of surface tension? (b) Surface tension
(a) MLT (b) ML (c) Cohesion
(c) MT-2 (d) ML-1. (d) Adhesion.
Ans: (c) Ans: (c)

79. Surface tension for an ideal fluid is ……….. 86. What shall be the pressure intensity inside a
(a) depends on temperature soap bubble of radius 4 cm?
(b) one (a) 7.36 N/m2
(c) Infinite (b) 1.84 N/m2
(d) zero. (c) 3.68 N/m2
Ans: (d) (d) None of these.
Ans: (a)
80. Surface tension of water
(a) Increase with decrease in temperature 87. If ‘d’ is the diameter of a bubble and ‘s’
(b) decreases with decreases in temperature represents the surface tension, what is the
(c) independent of temperature pressure inside the bubble ?
(d) None of these. (a) 4s/d (b) 4d/s
Ans: (a) (c) 4s/3d (d) 8s/d.
Ans: (d)
81. The difference of pressure between the inside
and outside of a liquid drop is ……… 88. Which of the following is the correct
(a) p = T r (b) p = T/r dimension of surface tension ?
(b) p = T/2r (c) p = 2T/r. (a) W/m (b) J/m2
Ans: (d) (c) J/m (d) N/m2.
Ans: (b)
82. Surface tension is due to ?
(a) Cohesion and adhesion 89. The units of surface tension are –
(b) Cohesion only (a) Same as units of forces
(c) Adhesion only (b) Energy per unit area
(d) None of the above. (c) Force per unit area
Ans: (b) (d) Dimensionless.
Ans: (b)
83. Surface tension …………. :
(a) Acts in the plane of interface normal to any 90. Spherical shape of droplets of mercury is due
line in the surface to –
(b) Is also known as capillarity (a) High density
(c) Is a functions of the curvature of the (b) High surface
(c) High adhesion tension = 0.08 N/m and density = 900 kg/m2,
(d) water. is –
Ans: (b) (a) 3 mm (b) 6 mm
(c) 5 mm (d) 8 mm.
91. Which one of the following is defined as force Ans: (b)
per unit length –
(a) Surface tension 98. The tendency of a small drop of fallen water to
(b) Compressibility remain in a spherical form is due to the
(c) Capillarity property of :
(d) Viscosity. (a) Viscosity (b) Adhesion
Ans: (a) (c) Surface tension (d) Gravimetric pull.
Ans: (c)
92. The intensity of pressure developed by surface
tension of 0.075 N/m in a droplet of water of 99. The mercury does not wet the glass. The is due
0.075 mm diameter is – to the property of the liquid known as
(a) 0.8 N/cm2 (a) cohesion (b) adhesion
(b) 0.6 N/cm2 (c) viscosity (d) surface tension.
(c) 0.4 N/cm2 Ans: (a)
(d) 400 N/cm2.
Ans: (c) 100. The property by which liquid surface causes
contraction is ……………
93. A jet of water has a diameter of 0.3 cm. The (a) Surface tension (b) cohesion
absolute surface tension of water is 0.072 N/m (c) adhesion (d) viscosity.
and atmospheric pressure is 101.2kN/m2. The Ans: (a)
absolute pressure within the jet of water will
be 101. A glass tube of 2.5 mm internal diameter is
(a) 101.104 kN/m2 immersed in oil of mass density 940 kg/m3 to
(b) 101.152 kN/m2 a depth of 9 mm. If a pressure of 148 N/m2 is
(c) 101.248 kN/m2 needed to from a bubble which is just
(d) 101.296 kN/m2. released, what is the surface tension of the
Ans: (c) oil ?
(a) 0.041 N/m (b) 0.043 N/m
94. If is the surface tension and R is the cylinder (c) 0.046 N/m (d) 0.050 N/m.
radius, the pressure increase ( in the Ans: (a)
interior of a liquid cylinder is given by
(a) (b) (c) (d) . 102. The surface tension in a soap bubble of 20
mm diameter, when the inside pressure is
Ans: (a)
2.0 N/m2 above atmospheric pressure, is
(a) 0.025 N/m (b) 0.0125 N/m
95. Surface tension has the dimensions-
(c) 5 N/m (d) 4.25 N/m
(a) FL-1 (b) F (c) FL-2 (d) FL-3.
Ans: (a) Ans: (c)

96. A liquid forms an interface with another liquid 103. Surface tension is a phenomenon due to
or gas; the surface energy per unit area of the (a) cohesion only
interface is known as : (b) viscous force
(a) Surface tension (b) Specific energy (c) adhesion between liquid and solid
(c) Specific heat (d) Surface energy. Molecules
(d) difference in magnitude between the
Ans: (a)
forces due to adhesion and cohesion.
97. The maximum diameter that a capillary tube Ans: (a)
can have to ensure that a capillary rise of at
least 6 mm is achieved when the tube is 104. Surface tension on a liquid surface is caused
dipped into a body of liquid with surface by:
(a) Adhesion (b) Cohesion
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) Either (a) or (b).
Ans: (b)
112. If cohesion > adhesion, then :
105. The pressure difference between inside and (a) Capillary rise occurs
outside of a soap bubble of diameter d in (b) Depression occurs
terms of surface tension is (c) remain plane
(a) 2 d (b) 8 d (d) either rise or fall.
(c) 4 d (d) d. Ans: (b)
Ans: (b)
113. Capillarity is due to
106. Surface tension of water at 15°C temperature (a) Adhesion and cohesion both
And 1 atm pressure is about (b) Cohesion
(a) 0.073 N/m (b) 0.0073 N/m (c) Adhesion
(c) 0.0073 kN/m (d) 0.073 kN/m. (d) Neither adhesion nor cohesion.
Ans: (a) Ans: (a)

107. The tendency of a small drop of fallen water 114. If the diameter of the capillary tube is
to remain in a spherical form is due to the doubled, the capillary rise will be :
property of : (a) doubled (b) unaffected
(a) Viscosity (b) Adhesion (c) halved (d) one-fourth.
(c) Capillary action (d) Surface tension. Ans: (c)
Ans: (d)
115. Capillarity of liquid in small-diameter tubes is
108. Pressure inside water droplet is …….. if the due to molecular attraction. In case of
surface tension is ‘ ’ and diameter is ‘d’. Mercury, the following occurs in terms of
(a) (b) (c) (d) .
(a) Capillary rise
Ans: (b) (b) Capillary depression
(c) Capillary flattening
109. If the surface tension at the sir-water (d) Compressibility.
interface is 0.073 N/m, estimate the pressure Ans: (b)
difference between inside an air bubble of
0.01 mm. 116. The maximum diameter that a capillary tube
(a) 159.7 kN/m2 can have to ensure that a capillary rise of at
(b)159.7 MN/m2 least 6 mm is achieved when the tube is
(c) 319.4 kN/m2 sipped into a body of liquid with surface
(d) 0. tension = 0.08 N/m and density = 900 kg/m3,
Ans: (a) is –
(a) 3 mm (b) 6 mm
110. Surface tension has the units of (c) 5 mm (d) 8 mm.
(a) Nm (b) N/m Ans: (b)
(c) N/m2 (d) N/m3.
Ans: (b) 117. The mercury does not wet the glass. This is
due to the property of the liquid known as
111. If the surface tension of a soap air interface is (a) cohesion (b) adhesion
0.09 N/m, the difference between the (c) viscosity (d) surface tension.
internal and external pressure in the soap Ans: (a)
bubble of 3 cm diameter is :
(a) 22 (b) 20 118. A soil sample has an average grain diameter
(c) 24 (d) 30 as 0.03 mm. The size of interstices is one-
(e) 36. eighth of the mean grain diameter.
Ans: (c) Considering of water as 0.075 g/cm , the
water will rise in the clay to a height of Ans: (c)
(a) 2.4 m (b) 3.0 m
(c) 3.6 m (d) 4.0 m. 125. The capillary rise in the glass tube is not to
Ans: (d) exceed 0.2 mm of water. Determine it’s
minimum size, given that surface tension for
119. Cause of mercury depression is water in contact with air = 0.0725 N/m.
(a) Adhesion is strength than cohesion (consider angle, 0°, density of water =
(b) Cohesion is strength than adhesion 1000 kg/m3.)
(c) Both are equally stronger (a) 14.8 cm (b) 11.8 cm
(d) None of the above. (c) 12.8 cm (d) 13.8 cm.
Ans: (b) Ans: (a)

120. By what height will water rise by capillary 126. The maximum diameter that a capillary tube
action in s glass tube of 2.2 mm bore, given can have to ensure that a capillary rise of
that surface tension at the ambient atleast 6 mm is achieved when the tube is
temperature is 0.078 g/cm ? Assuming =0° dipped into a body of liquid with surface
for water at glass. tension = 0.08 N/m and density = 900 kg/m3,
(a) 1.68 cm (b) 1.60 cm is
(c) 1.52 cm (d) 1.42 cm. (a) 3 mm (b) 6 mm
Ans: (d) (c) 5 mm (d) 8 mm.
Ans: (b)
121. With an increase in size of the tube, the rise
or depression of liquid in the tube due to 127. The property by which the molecules of fluid
surface tension will are attracted by their own is called as …… :
(a) Decrease (a) Surface tension
(b) Increase (b) cohesion
(c) Remain unchanged (c) adhesion
(d) Depends upon the characteristics of (d) viscosity.
Liquid. Ans: (b)
Ans: (a)
128. The angles of contact between mercury and
122. The angle of contact between pure water and glass tube in case capillary depression is
clean glass is (a) 60° (b) 90°
(a) 0° (b) 45° (c) 128° (d) 157°
(c) 90° (d) 130°. Ans: (c)
Ans: (a)
129. What an increase in the radius of the tube,
123. The height through which water rises by the rise of liquid in the tube due to surface
capillary action in a glass tube of 2 mm bore tension will ……………
is the surface tension at the prevailing (a) decrease
temperature is 0.075 g/cm, is (b) increase
(a) 1.5 cm (b) 3 cm (c) remain unchanged
(c) 0.75 cm (d) 10.3 cm. (d) cannot be said.
Ans: (a) Ans: (a)

124. The capillary rise or depression in a small 130. When the adhesion between molecules of a
diameter tube is fluid is greater than adhesion between fluid
(a) directly proportional to the diameter and the glass, then the free level of fluid in
(b) directly proportional to the square of glass tube dipped in the glass vessel will be
Diameter ……….
(c) inversely proportional to the diameter (a) Same as the surface of the fluid
(d) inversely proportional to the square of (b) Lower than the surface of the fluid
Diameter. (c) Higher than the surface of the fluid
(d) Dependent on atmospheric pressure. 137. Compressibility is the reciprocal of the –
Ans: (b) (a) viscosity
(b) capillarity
131. The angle of contact between mercury and (c) bulk modulus of elasticity
side surface is (d) specific gravity.
(a) 0° Ans: (c)
(b) 45°
(c) 90° 138. What is the reciprocal of compressibility ?
(d) More than 90°. (a) Modulus of elasticity
Ans: (d) (b) Pressure
(c) Volumetric strain
132. Capillarity is due to (d) Bulk modulus of elasticity.
I. surface tension Ans: (d)
II. cohesion
III. Viscosity 139. Fluids change the volume under external
IV. vapour pressure pressure due to :
V. weight density of liquid. (a) Plasticity
(a) II, III (b) III (b) Elasticity
(c) I (d) II, III, V. (c) Viscosity
Ans: (c) (d) Compressibility.
Ans: (d)
133. Capillary rise a phenomenon that is
attributed to the following property of fluid : 140. The Bulk modulus of a fluid is given by 25
(a) density GPa. What is the compressibility (Pa-1) of that
(b) surface tension fluid ?
(c) vapour pressure (a) 4 (b) 4
(d) viscosity. (c) 25 (d) 25 .
Ans: (b) Ans: (b)

134. The capillary rise at 20°C in clean glass tube 141. The compressibility of the fluid is given as 5
of 1 mm diameter, containing water is : Pa-1 What is the Bulk modulus (GPa)
(a) 15 mm (b) 50 mm of fluid ?
(c) 20 mm (c) 30 mm. (a) 10 (b) 20
Ans: (d) (c) 20 (d) 25.
Ans: (c)
Compressibility 142. Which of the following is dimensionless?
(a) Specific volume
135. Compressibility is the reciprocal of – (b) Specific weight
(a) Bulk modulus of elasticity (c) Specific gravity
(b) Rigidity modulus of elasticity (d) Specific speed.
(c) Shear modulus of elasticity Ans: (c)
(d) Young’s modulus of elasticity.
Ans: (a) 143. The motion of air mass in a tornado is a …….
(a) Free vortex motion
136. The variation in the volume of a liquid with (b) Forced vortex motion
the change of pressure is called its : (c) Free vortex at centre and forced vortex
(a) Surface tension Outside
(b) Capillarity (d) Forced vortex at centre and free vortex
(c) Viscosity Outside.
(d) Compressibility. Ans: (d)
Ans: (d)
144. A liquid forms an interface with another
liquid gas; the surface energy per unit area of Taking g = 9.806 m/sec2. Specific volume will
the interface is known as : be
(a) Surface tension (a) 0.126 m3/kN
(b) Specific energy (b) 0.122 m3/kN
(c) Specific heat (c) 0.129 m3/kN
(d) Suction energy. (d) 0.132 m3/kN.
Ans: (a) Ans: (c)

145. Spherical shape of droplets of mercury is due 151. If a fluid has specific gravity of 0.4, then
to – determine its density.
(a) high density (a) 400 kg/m3
(b) High surface tension (b) 500 kg/m3
(c) high adhesion (c) 600 kg/m3
(d) water. (d) 200 kg/m3
Ans: (b) Ans: (a)

146. An open tank contains 60 cm of water 152. Specific weight of liquid :

covered with 30 cm of oil of specific gravity (a) Remains constant at every place
0.8. The pressure intensity recorded at the (b) Does not remain constant at every place
bottom of tank is : (c) Varies from place to place on the earth
(a) 8829 N/m2 (d) None of the above options.
(b) 9430.6 N/m2 Ans: (b)
(c) 2354.4 N/m2
(d) 8240.4 N/m2. 153. At 20° C. water has a vapour pressure of :
Ans: (d) (a) 10.3 KPa (b) 1 KPa
(c) 2.34 KPa (d) 760 KPa.
147. Centre of pressure on an inclined plane is …… Ans: (c)
(a) At the centroid
(b) Above the centroid 154. A vessel of 4 m3 contains oil which weights
(c) below the centroid 30 kN. The specific weight of the oil is
(d) At metancentre. (a) 4.5 kN/m3 (b) 6 kN/m3
Ans: (c) (c) 7.5 kN/m 3 (d) 10 kN/m3.
Ans: (c)
148. The maximum compressive force in a gravity
dam exists …… when the reservoir is full – 155. If the volume of a liquid weighing 3000 kg is
(a) At the heel 4 cubic metres, 0.75 is its
(b) At the centre of base (a) Specific weight
(c) Within middle third of base (b) Specific mass
(d) At the toe. (c) Specific gravity
Ans: (d) (d) Specific volume.
Ans: (c)
Specific weight/volume/
156. The weight per unit volume of liquid at a
gravity standard temperature and pressure is called
149. Cavitations is primarily associated with (a) Specific gravity
which of the following fluid properties (b) none of three mentioned here
(a) Specific gravity (c) specific weight
(b) Surface tension (d) mass density.
(c) Viscosity Ans: (c)
(d) Vapour pressure.
Ans: (d) 157. The dimension for specific weight is
(a) ML-2T-2 (b) ML-1T
150. If the mass density of a fluid is 789 kg/m3. (c) ML T2 (d) ML-1T-2.
Ans: (a) 6. Which among the following is pressure on a
fluid below atmospheric pressure ?
◉֍◉ (a) absolute pressure (b) gauge pressure
Chapter -2 (c) vacuum pressure
Ans: (c)
(d) none of these.

Pressure and it’s measurement

7. For a vacuum pressure of 4.5 m of water, the
equivalent absolute pressure is :
Type of Pressure and (a) 5.81 m of water (b) 14.83 m of water
Pressure Column (c) 12.33 m of water (d) 8.83 m of water.
Ans: (a)
1. Which of the following relations are correct ?
8. If density of water is 1000 kg/m3 gravitational
1. Absolute pressure = Atmospheric pressure +
acceleration is 9.81 m/sec2and the specific
Gauge pressure
gravity of liquid is 0.8, the pressure head in
2. Absolute pressure = Atmospheric pressure –
terms of height of liquid column for pressure
Vacuum pressure
intensity of 1 kg/cm2 is equal to :
3. Absolute pressure = Atmospheric pressure +
(a) 21.5 m (b) 7.5 m
vacuum pressure
(c) 10 m (d) 12.5 m.
4. Absolute pressure = Atmospheric pressure –
Ans: (d)
Gauge pressure
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 1 and 2 only
9. Which hydraulic units works on Pascal’s law ?
(c) 2 and 3 only (d) 3 and 4 only.
(a) Jet pump (b) Hydraulic pressure
Ans: (b)
(c) Hydraulic coupling (d) Air lift pump.
Ans: (b)
2. A hydraulic press has a ram of 300 mm
diameter and a plunger of 45 mm diameter.
10. What is the ratio of pressure exerted by 10 cm
When the force applied at the plunger is 50 N,
of water column to 5 cm of oil (relative density
the weight lifted by the hydraulic press will be
= 0.75)?
(a) 0.75 (b) 2
(a) 2133 N (b) 2223 N
(c) 2.67 (d) 0.375.
(c) 2316 N (d) 2406 N.
Ans: (c)
Ans: (b)
11. Absolute pressure in a flow system
3. Find the pressure represented by a column of
(a) is always above local atmospheric pressure
10 cm of water if specific weight of water is
(b) is a vacuum pressure
taken as 10 kN/m3:
(c) may be above, below or equal to the local
(a) 1 kN/m2 (b) 1000 kN/m2
atmospheric pressure
(c) 1 N/m 2 (d) 100 kN/m2.
(d) is also called negative pressure.
Ans: (a)
Ans: (a)
4. The pressure less than the atmospheric
12. A barometer is used measure :
pressure is known as
(a) absolute pressure
(a) Suction pressure (b) Vacuum pressure
(b) Gauge pressure
(c) Negative pressure (d) All the above.
(c) Local atmospheric pressure
Ans: (d)
(d) Standard atmospheric pressure.
Ans: (b)
5. Pressure variation of air above sea level is :
(a) linearly increasing with height
13. Corresponding to a pressure head of 8 m of
(b) exponentially decreasing with height
water column, height of kerosene (specific
(c) parabolic with height
gravity = 0.8) column will be ?
(d) linearly decreasing with height.
(a) 12.5 m (b) 10 m
Ans: (b)
(c) 6.17 m (d) 1.25 m
Ans: (b)
21. Mercury is used in barometers because :
14. The ratio of pressure between two points X (a) it is a perfect liquid
and Y located respectively at depths of 0.5 m (b) its volume changes uniformity with
and 8 m below water level in a tank is Temperature
(a) 1 : (b) 1 : 2 (c) it is liquid metal
(c) 1 : 8 (d) 1 : 16 (d) it gives less height of column for high
Ans: (d) Pressure
Ans: (d)
15. A water lake has a maximum depth of 100 m. If
the atmospheric pressure is 101 kPa, the 22. At sea level, the value of atmospheric pressure
absolute pressure at this depth is is close to
(a) 1082 kPa, (b) 881 kPa (a) 1.033 m of water column
(c) 900 kPa (d) 678 kPa (b) 10.33 m of water column
Ans: (a) (c) 103.3 m of water column
(d) 101.3 m of water column.
16. Local atmospheric pressure is measured using Ans: (b)
(a) Hygrometer (b) Hydrometer 23. ……… pressure is measured with the help of a
(c) Barometer (d) Thermometer. pressure measuring instrument is which the
Ans: (c) atmospheric pressure is taken as datum.
(a) Absolute (b) Gauge
17. When the barometer reads 740.0 mm of (c) Vacuum (d) Negative
mercury, a pressure of 10 kPa suction at that (d) Positive.
location is equivalent to Ans: (b)
(a) 10.2 m of water (abs)
(b) 9.87 m of water (abs) 24. The atmospheric pressure is given as 680 mm
(c) 88.72 kPa (abs) of Hg at a mountain location. Covert this to kPa
(d) 0.043 kPa (abs). and metre of water forms respectively
Ans: (c) (a) 90.7kPa, 92.5m of H2O
(b) 907kPa, 92.5m of H2O
18. The pressure represented by a column of 5 cm (c) 90.7kPa, 9.25m of H2O
of oil of relative density 0.75 is (d) 907kPa, 92.5m of H2O.
(a) 7357.5 N/m2 (b) 367.87 N/m2 Ans: (c)
(c) 0.0225 N/m 2 (d) 3.75 N/m2.
Ans: (b) 25. Which one of the following pressure unit
represents the LEAST pressure ?
19. Atmospheric pressure held in terms of water (a) Millibar (b) mm of mercury
column is (c) N/mm2 (d) kgf/cm2.
(a) 7.45 m (b) 8.5 m Ans: (a)
(c) 9.81 m (d) 10.330 m.
Ans: (d) 26. For a hydrostatic pressure measurement in
fluid at rest –
20. Which of the following is correct ? (a) The shear stress dependent upon the
(a) Absolute pressure = gauge pressure + coefficient of viscosity
atmospheric pressure (b) The shear stress is maximum on a plane
(b) Gauge pressure = absolute pressure + inclined 45° to horizontal
atmospheric pressure (c) The shear stress is zero
(c) Atmospheric pressure = absolute pressure (d) The shear stress is zero only on horizontal
+ gauge pressure plane
(d) Absolute pressure = gauge pressure – Ans: (c)
atmospheric pressure
Ans: (a) 27. Assertion (A) : Pressure is equal in all
directions at a point in an ideal fluid flow. 35. Piezometer is suitable for fluid related
Reason (R) : Pascal’s law is valid for all cases measurements which are
where shear stresses are zero (a) small and positive
(a) A is true; R is true, and it explains A (b) small and negative
(b) A is true; R is true, but it does not explain A (c) large and positive
(c) A is true; R is false (d) large and negative.
(d) A is false; R is true. Ans: (a)
Ans: (a)
36. A piezometer tube in pipes measures:
30. The ratio of pressure between the point X and (a) Velocity head
Y located respectively at depths 0.5m and 2 m (b) Total pressure
below a constant level of water in a container (c) Static pressure
is : (d) Negative static pressure.
(a) 1 : 2 (b) 1 : Ans: (c)
(c) 1 : 16 (d) 1 : 4.
Ans: (d) 37. U-tube Manometer of different liquid material
Is used to measure-
31. What shall be pressure head of a liquid of (a) Less pressure
specific gravity 0.8 for a pressure head of (b) High pressure
100m of water (c) Very less pressure
(a) 80 m (b) 125 m (d) Medium pressure.
(c) 160 m (d) 64 m. Ans: (b)
Ans: (b)
38. For measuring the static pressure in a pipe, a
32. The resultant hydrostatic force on a pressure gauge is usually connected to :
submerged body acts through a point known (a) orifice meter
as (b) Venturimeter
(a) Centre of gravity (c) Barometer
(b) Centre of depth (d) Piezometer.
(c) centre of immersed surface Ans: (d)
(d) Centre of pressure.
Ans: (d) 39. The pressure of a liquid measured with the
help of a piezometer tube is :
(a) Vacuum pressure
(b) Gauge pressure
Simple Manometer (c) Absolute pressure
(d) Atmospheric pressure.
33. Which is the simplest form of manometer used Ans: (b)
for measuring gauge pressures?
(a) U-tube Manometer 40. Manometer is used for measuring
(b) Simple Manometer (a) Velocity at a point in a fluid
(c) Differential Manometer (b) Pressure at a point in a fluid
(d) Piezometer. (c) Difference of pressure between two points
Ans: (d) (d) Both (b) and (c).
Ans: (d)
34. The rise of liquid in manometers gives the
(a) mercury level at the point 41. Inclined manometer is used for precise
(b) discharge capacity at that point measurement of small pressure in
(c) pressure head at that point (a) Low velocity gas flow
(d) density of water at that point. (b) High velocity gas flow
Ans: (c) (c) High velocity water flow
(d) Low velocity water flow.
Ans: (a)
42. The pressure measured with the help of a
piezometer tube is in : 49. The difference in pressure head, measured a
(a) N/mm2 (b) N/m2 mercury water differential manometer for 20
(c) Head of liquid (d) N/cm2. cm difference of mercury will be
Ans: (c) (a) 2.72 m (b) 2.52 m
(c) 2.0 m (d) 0.2 m.
43. Multi U-tube manometers with different fluids Ans: (b)
are used to measure.
(a) Very low pressure 50. Micro-manometer is used to
(b) Low pressure (a) determine low pressure difference
(c) High pressure (b) determine higher pressure difference
(d) Medium pressure. (c) pressure measurement for gases only
Ans: (c) (d) measure pressure in congested areas.
Ans: (a)
44. For measuring the static pressure in a pipe, a
pressure gauge is usually connected to: 51. If a mercury-oil differential manometer shows
(a) Orifice meter (b) Venturimeter a 20 cm difference of mercury level, the
(c) Barometer (d) Piezometer. difference in the pressure head is (consider
Ans: (d) the specific gravity of oil = 0.8)
(a) 2.0 m of oil (b) 2.5 m of oil
45. For measuring the static pressure in a pipe, a (c) 3.2 m of oil (d) 4.2 m of oil.
pressure gauge is usually connected to : Ans: (c)
(a) Orifice meter (b) Venturimeter
(c) Barometer (d) Piezometer. 52. A differential manometer measures
Ans: (d) (a) absolute pressure at a point
(b) local atmospheric pressure
46. Piezometric head of a fluid is defined as (c) difference in total energy between two
(a) The sum of absolute pressure head and point
Datum (d) difference in pressure between two points.
(b) The stagnation pressure head Ans: (d)
(c) The sum of stagnation head and datum
head 53. The derive used to measure the pressure
(d) the sum of gauge pressure head and datum difference between two points in the same or
Head. different pipes is known as –
Ans: (d) (a) Differential manometer
(b) U tube manometer
47. Manometers are used to measure: (c) Piezometer
(a) Pressure in water channels, pipes etc. (d) Single column manometer.
(b) Difference in pressure at two points Ans: (a)
(c) Very low pressure
(d) None of the above options. 54. In a differential manometer, the use of
Ans: (a) mercury is advantageous when the pressure
difference is :
(a) Large
Differential manometer (b) Small
(c) Either large or small
48. A differential manometer is used to measure (d) None of the above.
(a) pressure in Venturimeter Ans: (a)
(b) difference of pressure between two points
in a pipe
(c) atmospheric pressure
(d) pressure in pipes. Mechanical gauge
Ans: (b)
55. Which is the most common type or pressure
gauge among the following mechanical
gauges ?
(a) Diaphragm pressure gauge
(b) Dead weight pressure gauge
(c) Bourdon tube gauge
(d) Bellows pressure gauge.
Ans: (c)

56. A bourdon gauge measures the pressure at a

point relative to :
(a) The standard atmospheric pressure and
not relative to absolute zero pressure
(b) The absolute zero pressure and not
relative to the local atmospheric pressure
(c) Standard to local atmospheric pressure and
not relative to local atmospheric pressure
(d) The local atmospheric pressure and not
relative to the standard atmospheric
Ans: (d)

57. Which of the following is the mechanical

pressure gauge ?
(a) manometer
(b) Piezometer
(c) Bourdon tube pressure gauge
(d) U-tube manometer.
Ans: (c)

Chapter – 3 (c) More than
(d) Equal and less than to
Buoyancy and flotation (e) None of these options.
Ans: (c)
Archemedes’s principle and
7. A uniform body 3 m long, 2 m wide and 1 m
law of flotation deep floats in water. If the depth of immersion is
1. A stone weight 450N in air and 250N in water 0.6 m then the weight of the body is :
The volume of the stone is (a) 3.53 kN (b) 33.3 kN
(a) 0.0204 m3 (b) 0.204 m3 (c) 35.3 kN (d) 45.6 kN
(c) 1.0204 m 3 (d) 1.0402 m3 (d) 49.7 kN.
Ans: (a) Ans: (c)
2. A block of wood 2 m long, 2m wide and 1 m 8. A metal body floats at the interface of water and
deep is floating horizontally in water. If density oil (sp. gr. = 0.85) such that 35% of its volume is
of wood is 800 kg/m3, then the volume of water submerged in water and 65% in oil. The density
displaced will be – of metal would be –
(a) 3.2 m3 (b) 2.6 m3 Ans: (c)
(c) 2 m 3 (d) 6 m3
Ans: (a) 9. The buoyancy depends upon the :
(a) Weight of the liquid displaced
3. What fraction of volume of solid piece of metal (b) Pressure with which the liquid is displaced
of specific gravity 6.20 floats above the surface (c) Viscosity of the liquid
of a of a container of mercury with specific (d) Compressibility of the liquid.
gravity of 13.60 ? Ans: (a)
(a) 0.455 (b) 0.545
(c) 0.223 (d) 1.0. 10. For passenger ships in sea, the meta centre
Ans: (b) height is kept
(a) As small as possible
4. Calculate the volume of the water displaced and (b) As large as possible
position of centre of buoyancy, respectively, for (c) Not too much high not too much small
a wooden block of which 2.5 m and of depth 1.5 (d) Can’t say.
m, When if when it floats horizontally in water. Ans: (a)
The density of wooden block is 650 kg/ m3 and
length 6 m. 11. A piece of wood having weight 5 kg floats in
(a) 14.62 m3 and 0.487 m from base water with 60% of its volume in the liquid. The
(b) 16.67 m3 and 0.762 m from base specific gravity of wood is
(c) 16.67 m3 and 0.487 m from base (a) 0.4 (b) 0.5
(d) 14.62 m3 and 0.762 m from base. (c) 0.6 (d) 0.83.
Ans: (a) Ans: (c)
5. Buoyant unit weight equals the saturated 12. An iceberg floats in sea water. If the specific
density : gravity of iceberg and sea water are 0.9 and
(a) Multiplied by unit weight of water 1.03 respectively. The percentage of total
(b) Divided by unit weight of water volume of the iceberg below the sea water
(c) Plus unit weight of water surface is
(d) Minus unit weight of water. (a) 87.38% (b) 8.738%
Ans: (d) (c) 7.38% (d) 78.38%.

6. The body will float if the force of buoyancy is Ans: (a)

…… the weight of the liquid displaced. 13. A 10 cm side cube weighting 5N is immersed
(a) Equal to in a liquid of relative density 0.8 contained in a
(b) Less than rectangular tank of cross-sectional area 15cm
15 cm. If the tank contained liquid to a sea water is 10.5 KN/m3, the specific weight of
height of 8cm before the immersion. The iceberg in KN/m3, is :
buoyant force on the cube is (a) 12.52 (b) 9.81
(a) 10 N (b) 5000 N (c) 8.93 (d) 7.83.
(c) 5 N (d) zero. Ans: (c)
Ans: (c)
20. A 15 cm length of steel rod with relative
14. A body weighing 40 N is losing 5N weigh when density of 7.5 is submerged in a two layer
submerged in water. Then its specific gravity fluid. The bottom layer is mercury and the top
of the body is equal to layer is water. The height of top surface of the
(a) 8 (b) 6 rod above the liquid interface (in cm) is
(c) 4 (d) 2. (a) 8.24 (b) 7.82
Ans: (a) (c) 7.64 (d) 7.38.
Ans: (d)
15. A cubical block of 1 m side length floats in
water, the depth of immersion being 0.4m. If 21. A dimensionless group formed with the
the specific gravity of water is 1.0, then the variables , w, and D is
mass of the block is : (a) w /D2 (b) wD2/
(a) 40 kg (b) 100 kg (c) w (d) w D.
(c) 400 kg (d) 1000 kg. Ans: (b)
Ans: (c)
22. Select the correct statement.
16. Principle involved in the relationship between (a) Viscosity of gas increases with temperature
submerged unit weight and saturated weight (b) Density of gas increases with temperature
of a soil is based on (c) Surface tension of liquid increases with
(a) Equilibrium of floating bodies temperature
(b) Archimedes’ principle (d) Bulk modulus is independent of
(c) Stokes’ law Temperature.
(d) Darcy’s law. Ans: (a)
Ans: (b)
23. Printer’s ink is an example of –
17. When a block of ice floating on water in a (a) Newtonian fluid
container melts, the level of water in the (b) Non-Newtonian fluid
container : (c) Thyrotrophic substance
(a) rises (d) Elastic solid.
(b) first falls and then rises Ans: (c)
(c) remains the same
(d) falls 24. The dimensions of surface tensions are :
(e) first rises and then falls. (a) MT-2 (b) MT2
Ans: (c) (c) MLT -2 (c) MLT2
(d) ML T .
2 2

18. A solid body sinks in a fluid when Ans: (a)

(a) the specific gravity of its material is greater
the unity 25. If the surface tension of a soap air interface is
(b) the buoyancy force does not pass through 0.09 N/m, the difference between the internal
the metacentre and external pressure in the soap bubble of 3
(c) the weight of the fluid displaced is less than cm diameter is :
the weight of the body (a) 22 (b) 20
(d) the metacentre lies below the C.G. (c) 24 (d) 30
Ans: (c) (d) 36.
Ans: (c)
19. In an iceberg, 15% of the volume projects
above the sea surface, If the specific weight of 26. For a fluid in motion, if pressure at a point is
same in all directions, the fluid is said to be: (c) Centre of gravity of the body
(a) A real fluid (d) Centre of the displaced fluid body.
(b) A non Newtonian fluid Ans: (d)
(c) An ideal fluid
(d) A Newtonian fluid. 33. The line of action of the buoyant force acts
Ans: (c) through the –
(a) Centroid of the volume of any floating body
27. A new design of a valve is to be tested if (b) Centroid of the displaced volume of fluid
liquid benzene through the valve, which of (c) Centroid of the horizontal projection of the
the following parameters is most important. Body
(a) Froude No (b) Reynolds No (d) Centroid of gravity of any submerged body.
(c) Mach No (d) Euler No. Ans: (b)
Ans: (b)
34. A point through which the force of buoyancy is
28. When the Mach number is less than unity, the supposed to act.
flow is called : (a) Centre of buoyancy
(a) sub-sonic flow (b) sonic flow (b) Metacentric height
(c) super-sonic flow (d) hyper-sonic flow. (c) Buoyancy
Ans: (a) (d) Metacenter.
Ans: (a)
29. The ratio of inertia force to viscous force is
called : 35. For the floating body, the buoyant force
(a) Reynolds’s number passes through the
(b) Froude’s number (a) Center of gravity of the body
(c) Weber’s number (b) Center of gravity of the submerged part of
(d) Euler’s number. the body
Ans: (a) (c) Centroid of the liquid displaced by the body
(d) Meta-Center of the body.
30. A body in neutral equilibrium will rotate about Ans: (c)
The :
(a) Centre of gravity and Meta centre 36. Center of buoyancy is
(b) Centre of pressure and Meta centre (a) the point through which the submerged
(c) Centre of gravity and centre of buoyancy weight of the body acts
(d) Centre of gravity and centre of buoyancy (b) the point thoroughly which the buoyant
and meta centre. force acts
Ans: (b) (c) the point through which the resultant
hydrostatic force acts
31. The centre of buoyancy of a submerged body- (d) the centre of gravity of the liquid displaced
(a) Coincides with the centre of gravity of the by the body
Body Ans: (b)
(b) Coincides with the centroid of the
displaced volume of the fluid 37. A body in neutral equilibrium will rotate
(c) Is always below the centre of gravity of the about the :
Body (a) Centre of gravity and Meta centre
(d) Is always above the centroid of the (b) Centre of pressure and Meta centre
displaced volume of the liquid. (c) Centre of gravity and centre of buoyancy
Ans: (b) (d) Centre of gravity and centre of buoyancy
and meta centre
32. The centre of buoyancy is Ans: (b)
(a) Point of intersection of the buoyant force
and the centerline of the body 38. The condition of stable equilibrium for a
(b) Point of intersection of the buoyant force floating body is
and the gravitational force (a) The metacentre M coincides with the
centre of gravity G (c) O lies above G
(b) The Metacentre M is above centre of (d) O lies below G
gravity G Ans: (c)
(c) The Metacentre M is below centre of
gravity G 44. A body floating in a liquid is said to be in
(d) The centre of buoyancy B is above centre of neutral equilibrium, if its metacentre
gravity G. (a) Coincides with its centre of gravity
Ans: (b) (b) lies above its centre of gravity
(c) lies below its centre of gravity
39. If a body floating in a liquid returns back to its (d) lies below the centre of buoyancy and
original position, when given a small angular centre of gravity
displacement, the body is said to be in : Ans: (a)
(a) Neutral equilibrium
(b) Stable equilibrium 45. For a submerged body, if the centre of
(c) Unstable equilibrium buoyancy coincides with the centre of gravity,
(d) All of the above options the equilibrium is called
(e) None of the above options. (a) stable (b) unstable
Ans: (b) (c) neutral (d) None of the above.
Ans: (c)
40. If the metacentric heights of two floating
bodies A sand B are 1 m and 1.5m, then which 46. If the position of meta centre remain lower
of the following is a correct statement ? than centre of gravity of the floating body, the
(a) The body A is more stable than body B body will remain in a state of
(b) The body B is more stable than body (a) Stable equilibrium
(c) The bodies A and B have equal stability (b) Unstable equilibrium
(d) The bodies A and B are unstable. (c) Neutral equilibrium
Ans: (b) (d) None of the above.
Ans: (b)
41. A stable submerged body has :
(a) Centre of gravity below centre of buoyancy 47. A floating body is said to be unstable if the
(b) Centre of gravity below metacentre metacentre (M) is
(c) Centre of gravity above centre of buoyancy (a) Equal to the centre of mass of the body
(d) Centre of gravity above metacentre (b) Above the centre of mass of the body
Ans: (a) (c) Below the centre of mass of the body
(d) Outside the body.
42. The increase in meta centric height Ans: (c)
1. Increase stability
2. Decrease stability 48. When metacentre of a floating body is lower
3. Increases comfort for passengers that the center of gravity, then the body will be
4. Decreases comfort for passengers in
The correct answer is (a) unstable equilibrium
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 1 and 4 (b) stable equilibrium
(c) 2 and 3 (d) 2 and 4. (c) neutral equilibrium
Ans: (b) (d) any of the above depending on other
43. For a body completed submerged in a fluid, the Ans: (a)
centre of gravity (G) and centre of buoyancy
(O) are known. The body is said to be in stable 49. The point about which a floating body starts
equilibrium, if oscillating the body is tilted is called :
(a) O does not coincides with centre of mass of (a) centre of buoyancy
the displaced fluid (b) centre of gravity
(b) G coincides with centre of mass of the (c) centre of pressure
displaced fluid (d) metacentre.
Ans: (d) (c) Lies above (b) is parallel to
Ans: (c)
50. For a submerged body, if the centre of
buoyancy is above the centre of gravity, the 56. The point about which a body starts
equilibrium is called as oscillating when the body is tilted by a small
(a) stable equilibrium angel
(b) unstable equilibrium (a) Centre of buoyancy
(c) neutral equilibrium (b) Meta centre
(d) restoring equilibrium. (c) Sill
Ans: (a) (d) Vein.
Ans: (b)
51. A floating body attains stable equilibrium if its
metacentre is 57. The stable equilibrium is achieved in the
(a) At the centroid floating body when ……….
(b) Above the centroid (a) center of gravity is below the centre of
(c) Below the centroid buoyancy
(d) Anywhere. (b) metacenter is above the center of gravity
Ans: (b) (c) metacenter is below the center of gravity
(d) metacentric height is zero.
52. A floating body is said to be in stable Ans: (b)
equilibrium if :
(a) Its metacentre height is a negative value 58. A body floating in stable equilibrium ……….
(b) Its metacentre height is zero (a) When its metacentric height is zero
(c) Its metacentre height is a positive value (b) When metacenter is above centre of gravity
(d) Its centre of gravity is below the centre of (c) When its centre of gravity is below its
buoyancy centre of buoyancy.
Ans: (c) (d) None of these.
Ans: (b)
53. For a floating body to be in stable equilibrium,
its metacentre should be – 59. An increase in meta centric height
(a) Below the centre of gravity (i) increase stability
(b) Below the centre of buoyancy (ii) decreases stability
(c) Above the centre of buoyancy (iii) increases comfort for passengers
(d) Above the centre of gravity. (iv) decreases comfort for passengers.
Ans: (d) (a) (i) and (iii)
(b) (i) and (iv)
54. Condition of stable equilibrium of submerged (c) (ii) and (iii)
body: (d) (ii) and (iv).
(a) Weight of body is equal to buoyancy force
& buoyancy point is above the centre of
Meta centric height
(b) Buoyancy force should be in between the 60. A cone of relative density 0.8 is to float in
centre of gravity and buoyancy point water with its axis vertical and vertex
(c) Buoyancy force should be below the centre downwards. Find the least apex angel of the
of gravity cone for stable equilibrium.
(d) Buoyancy force coincide with center of (a) 31003’33’’ (b) 51003’33’’
Gravity. (c) 41 03’33’’
0 (d) 21003’33’’.
Ans: (a) Ans: (a)

55. In the stability of floating bodies, the stable 61. Metacentric height is given as the distance
equilibrium id attained if the meta centre (M) between ……….
point …….. the centre of gravity (G) (a) The centre of gravity of the body and the
(a) lies below (b) Coincides with Metacentre
(b) the centre of gravity of the body and the (a) (b) (c) (d) .
centre of buoyancy
Ans: (c)
(c) the centre of gravity of the body and the
centre of pressure
67. A merchant ship has metacentric height of
(d) centre of buoyancy and metacentre.
2.7m. After unloading it increased to 3.6 m.
Ans: (a)
The ratio of periodic times before and after
unloading the cargo ship if radius of gyration is
62. The meta centric height of a floating body :
not is not altered is
(a) is the distance between the meta centre of
(a) 1 (b) 0.75
(b) is the distance between the meta centre (c) (d) .
and centre of gravity Ans: (d)
(c) does not control the stability of a floating
body 68. A stone weight 450N in air and 250N in water.
(d) is the same about longitudinal and The volume of the stone is
transverse axis (a) 0.0204 m3 (b) 0.204 m3
Ans: (b) (c) 1.0204 m3 (d) 1.0402 m3.
Ans: (a)
63. The metacentric height is the distance
between the 69. The magnitude of the buoyant force can be
(a) Centre of gravity of the floating body and determined by
the centre of buoyancy (a) Newton’s Law of viscosity
(b) Central of gravity of the floating body the (b) Principle of moments
metacentre (c) Archimedes principle
(c) Metacentre and the centre of buoyancy (d) Bernoulli’s principle.
(d) Original centre of buoyancy and new Ans: (c)
centre of buoyancy.
Ans: (b) 70. A body is floating as shown in the given figure.
The centre of buoyancy, centre of gravity and
64. A solid cylinder of diameter 3 m has a height of metacentre are leveled respectively as B, G and
2m. What would be the metacentre height of M. The body is
cylinder when it is floating in water with its
axis vertical? The specific gravity of cylinder is G
(a) 0.1017 m (b) 0.30 m M
(c) 0.4017 m (d) 1.4 m.
Ans: (a) B

65. A solid cylinder of length L and diameter D and (a) Vertically stable
specific gravity 0.6 floats in neutral (b) Vertically unstable
equilibrium in water with its axis vertical what (c) Rotationally stable
is ratio of L to D (d) Rotationally unstable.
Ans: (d)
(a) (b)
71. A solid cylinder of diameter 3 m has a height
(c) (d) . of 2m. What would be the metacentric height
Ans: (d) of cylinder when it is floating in water with its
axis vertical? The specific gravity of cylinder is
66. The moment of inertia of a floating body along 0.7.
its longitudinal axis and the volume of water (a) 0.1017 m (b) 0.30 m
displaced by it are I and V respectively. The (c) 0.4017 m (d) 1.4 m.
height of the metacentre above centre of Ans: (a)
buoyancy of the body, is :
72. If a body floating in a liquid returns back to its metacentric height will be nearly (Take sin
original position, when given a small angular 2016’ = 0.04, cos 2016’ = 0.9992 and tan 2016’ =
displacement, the body is said to be in : 0.04)
(a) Neutral equilibrium (a) 1.73 m (b) 1.42 m
(b) Stable equilibrium (c) 1.18 m (d) 0.87 m.
(c) Unstable equilibrium Ans: (c)
(d) All of the above options
(e) None of the above options. 78. The increase in meta centric height
Ans: (b) 1. Increase stability
2. Decrease stability
73. A uniform body 3 m long, 2 m wide and 1 m 3. Increases comfort for passengers
deep floats in water. If the depth of immersion 4. Decreases comfort for passengers
is 0.6 m then the weight of the body is : The correct answer is
(a) 3.53 kN (b) 33.3 kN (a) 1 and 3 (b) 1 and 4
(c) 35.3 kN (d) 45.6 kN (c) 2 and 3 (d) 2 and 4.
(e) 49.7 kN. Ans: (b)
Ans: (c)
79. Centre of buoyancy is
74. When a ship entres sea from river, one can (a) The point through which the submerged
expect it to : weight of the body acts
(a) rise a little (b) The point thoroughly which the buoyancy
(b) sink a little force acts
(c) remain at the same level of the draft (c) The point through which the resultant
(d) rise of fall depending on whether it is steel hydrostatic force acts
of wood (d) The centre of gravity of the liquid displaced
(e) sink if temperature difference between the by the body.
river and seawater is more than 2 degree C. Ans: (b)
Ans: (a)

75. The centre of buoyancy is

(a) Point of intersection of the buoyant force
and the centerline of the body
(b) Point of intersection of the buoyancy force
and the gravitational force
(c) Centre of gravity of the body
(d) Centre of the displaced fluid volume.
Ans: (d)

76. A metal body floats at the interface of water

and oil (sp. gr. = 0.85) such that 35% of its
volume is submerged in water and 65% in oil.
The density of medal of metal would be –
(a) 852.5 kg/m3
(b) 912.5 kg/m3
(c) 902.5 kg/m3
(d) Cannot be determined.
Ans: (c)

77. A ship weighs 127 MN. On filling the ship’s

boats on one side with water weighing 600 kN
with the mean distance of the boats from the
centre line of the ship being 10m, the angle of ◉֍◉
displacement of the plumb line is 2°16’. The
is :
Chapter - 4 (a) (b)

Hydrostatics Pressure & Forces (c) (d)

Where symbols have their usual meanings.
Ans: (a)
Centre of pressure
1. An open vertical rectangular tank is provided 7. The centre of pressure will coincide with the
with a circular hole of 3 m diameter on one of centre of gravity if a plane surface is –
its vertical sides. This hole is closed by a disk of (a) Vertical (b) Horizontal
3 m diameter that can rotate about the (c) Immersed in a gas (d) None of the above.
horizontal diameter. When the water level in the Ans: (b)
tank is 4 m above the centre of the disk, the
torque required to maintain the disk in 8. The vertical depth of the centre of pressure,
equilibrium will be nearly : for the inclined plane surface below the free
(a) 39 kNm (b) 33 kNm surface of the liquid is
(c) 28 kNm (d) 23 kNm. (a) (b)
Ans: (a)
(c) (d) .
2. A vertical triangular gate has one side in a free Ans: (c)
surface, with vertex downwards. If the height of
the gate is ‘h’ the depth of centre of pressure is : 9. The position of centre of pressure on a plane
(a) h/3 (b) h/4 surface immersed vertically in a static mass of
(c) h/2 (d) 2h/3. fluid is :
Ans: (c) (a) at the centre of submerged area
(b) always above the centre of gravity
3. A vertical rectangular planer surface is (c) always below the centre of gravity
submerged in water such that its top and (d) has no relation with centre of gravity.
bottom surfaces are 1.5m and 6.0m respectively Ans: (c)
below the free surface. The position of center of
pressure below the free surface will be at a 10. A vertical triangular area with vortex
distance of : downward and attitude ‘h’ has its base on the
(a) 3.75 m (b) 4.0 m free surface of the liquid. The centre of
(c) 4.2 m (d) 4.5 m. pressure below the free surface will be at a
Ans: (c) depth of :
(a) h/4 (b) h/3
4. The location of centre of pressure for a circular (c) h/2 (d) 2h/3.
plate 2 m diameter immersed vertically in Ans: (c)
water with its top edge. 1.0 m below the water
surface is 11. As the depth of immersion of vertical plane
(a) 1.125 m (b) 2.000 m surface increases the location of center of
(c) 1.215 m (d) 2.125 m. pressure –
Ans: (d) (a) comes closer to the center of gravity of
5. The depth of centre of pressure for a vertically (b) moves apart from the center of gravity of
immersed surface from the liquid surface given Area
by (c) Ultimately coincides with center of gravity
(a) (b) of area
(c) (d) . (d) remains unaffected.
Ans: (a)
Ans: (d)
12. The depth of the centre of pressure of a
6. Centre of pressure of an inclined plane surface vertical semi-circular plane of diameter
located at the free surface is Ans: (a)
(a) (b) 19. The depth of the centre of pressure on a
vertical rectangular hate (4 m wide and 3 m
(c) (d) . high) with water up to top surface is
Ans: (d) (a) 1.0 m (b) 1.5 m
(c) 2.0 m (d) 2.5 m
13. The hydrostatic pressure in kgf exerted on one Ans: (c)
side of an annular area enclosed by concentric
circles of radii 2 m and 1 m, and having its 20. Determine the position of center of pressure
centroid 4 m below water surface is (from the surface) for a rectangular lamina of
(a) 10000 (b) 11000 height h immersed vertically in water upto a
(c) 120000 (d) 24000 depth j below the free surface
Ans: (c) (a) (b)

14. The vertical rectangular plane surface is (c) (d) .

submerged in water with its top surface and Ans: (b)
bottom surface at 1.5 m and 6.0 below the free
water surface. The depth of centre of pressure 21. An open tank contains 60 cm of water covered
below the free water surface is with 30 cm of oil of specific gravity 0.8. The
(a) 4.0 m (b) 4.5 m pressure intensity recorded at the bottom of
(c) 4.375 m (d) 4.2 m tank is :
Ans: (d) (a) 8829 N/m2
(b) 9430.6 N/m2
15. In an inclined plane submerged in water, the (c) 2354.4 N/m2
centre of pressure is located (d) 8240.4 N/m2
(a) at the centroid Ans: (d)
(b) below the centroid
(c) above the controid 22. The force exerted by a static fluid on a vertical,
(d) anywhere in the plane. horizontal or an inclined plane surface that is
Ans: (b) immersed depends on the.
(a) density of the liquid only
16. A vertical wall is subjected to a pressure due to (b) area of the immersed surface
a liquid on one of its sides. The total pressure (c) density of the liquid, area of immersed
on the wall per unit length is surface and depth of the centre of gravity
(a) wH (b) of the immersed surface
(d) density of the liquid and area of the
(c) (d) . immersed surface
Ans: (b) Ans: (c)

17. An equilateral triangle h is immersed in water 23. A rectangular plate 0.75m X 2.4m is immersed
with vertex down (base at water surface). The in a liquid of relative density of 0.85 with its
center of pressure below the water surface is at 0.75m side horizontal and just at the water
a depth of surface. If the plane of the plate makes an
(a) 3h/4 (b) h/3 angle of 60° with the horizontal, then the
(c) 2h/3 (d) h/2. pressure on one side of the plate is …………..
Ans: (d) (a) 7.8 kN (b) 15.6 kN
(c) 18.0 kN (d) 27.0 kN.
18. A circular plate of diameter, d is submerged in Ans: (b)
water vertically, so that the topmost part is
just at the at the water surface. The center of 24. The formula for centre of pressure for a
pressure of the plate will be below the water vertically immersed surface is given by:
surface at a depth of (a) (b)
(a) d (b) d (c) d (d) d.
(c) (d) surface increases, the location of centre of
Ans: (b)
(a) Falls closer to the centre of gravity of the
25. Centre of pressure of a vertically immersed
(b) Moves away from the centre of gravity of
surface is always below the centre of gravity
the area
by the distance of :
(c) Ultimately coincides with the centre of
(a) (b) gravity of the area
(c) (d) . (d) None of these.
Ans: (a) Ans: (a)

26. What is the depth of the center of pressure for 32. A vertical triangular area with vertex
the rectangular lamina which is vertically downward and attitude ‘h’ has its base lying on
inside the water of height h? the free surface of a liquid. The centre of
pressure below the free surface is at a distance
(a) (b) of
(c) (d) . (a) (b) h/3
Ans: (c) (c) h/2 (d) .
27. A longitudinal rectangular surface is hanged Ans: (c)
into the water such that its top and bottom
points are at depth of 1.5 and 6.0 m 33. Centre of pressure on an inclined plane is…….
respectively. The depth of center of pressure (a) At the centroid
(m) from the top surface is …….. (b) Above the centroid
(a) 3.8 (b) 4.2 (c) Below the centroid
(c) 4.6 (d) 4.8. (d) At metancentre.
Ans: (b) Ans: (c)

28. The location of centre of pressure for a circular 34. At what depth from the surface of water the
plate 2 m diameter immersed vertically in centre of pressure is located ?
water with its top edge 1.0 m below the water
surface is
(a) 1.125 m (b) 2.000 m 1.5 m
(c) 1.215 m (d) 2.125 m 1.5 m

Ans: (d) 1.0 m

29. The depth of centre of pressure for a vertically (a) 3.00 m (b) 3.25 m
immersed surface from the liquid surface (c) 2.75 m (d) 3.75 m.
given by : Ans: (b)
(a) (b) 35. If a vertical circular plate of diameter ‘d’ is
(c) (d) submerged in water, What is the depth of
Ans: (d) center of pressure from the water surface ?
(a) d/2 (b) 3d/5
30. Central of pressure of an inclined plane surface (c) 5d/8 (d) 4d/7.
is : Ans: (c)

(a) (b) 36. A rectangular plate 1.25 m 2.4 m is

(c) (d) . immersed in a liquid of relative density 0.85
with its 1.25 m side horizontal and just at the
Where symbols have their usual meanings.
water surface. If the plate of the plate makes
Ans: (a)
an angle of 60° with the horizontal, the
pressure force on one side of the plate is
31. As the depth of immersion of a vertical plane
(a) 15.0 kN (b) 30.0 kN
(c) 30.6 kN (d) 26.0 kN
Ans: (d)

37. The centre of pressure of a submerged

plainular region is ?
(a) free from orientation of region
(b) In the centroid of Region
(c) Always below the centroid
(d) Point where the resultant forces act on the
region due to pressure.
Ans: (d)

Chepter - 5 (a) Unsteady flow
(b) Uniform flow
Fundamentals of fluid flow (c) Non-uniform flow
(d) Steady flow.
Ans: (d)
Types of flow
7. A stream tube consists of a bundle of :
1. A flow is called hyper-sonic, if the Mach number (a) Streamlines
is (b) Pathlines
(a) More than 6 (c) Streamlines
(b) Less than unity (d) Contour.
(c) Unity Ans: (a)
(d) Between 1 and 4.
Ans: (a) 8. If at the particular instant of time, the velocity of
flow does not change with location over a
2. The type of flow in which the fluid particles specific region, the flow is called as ……….
move along well-defined paths or stream line & (a) Steady flow
all the stream lines are straight and parallel is (b) unsteady flow
known as (c) uniform flow
(a) Steady flow (d) non-uniform flow.
(b) Uniforms flow Ans: (c)
(c) Laminar flow
(d) Compressible flow . 9. The type of fluid in which flow and fluid
Ans: (c) properties does not change with time at any
given location, is known as …….
3. The flow in which the velocity at any given time (a) Non-uniform flow
changes with respect to space is known as – (b) Rotational flow
(a) Uniform flow (c) Steady flow
(b) Non-uniform flow (d) Unsteady flow.
(c) Compressible flow Ans: (c)
(d) Incompressible flow.
Ans: (b) 10. Density of fluid changes from point to point in
which of the flowing type of flow?
4. A fluid in which the density of the fluid does not (a) Laminar flow
change during flowing is called as : (b) Uniform flow
(a) Incompressible (c) Compressible flow
(b) Uniform (d) Turbulent flow.
(c) Compressible Ans: (c)
(d) Non-linear.
Ans: (a) 11. A flow in which the velocity of the fluid at a
particular fixed point does not change with
5. A fluid flow in which the density of the fluid time is called as
changes significantly during flowing is called as : (a) Steady flow
(a) Incompressible (b) Unsteady flow
(b) Uniform (c) Vortex flow
(c) Compressible (d) Uniform flow.
(d) Non-linear. Ans: (a)
Ans: (c)
12. Steady flow occurs when ……..
6. A flow in which at any point in the flowing fluid (a) Conditions change steadily with time
various characteristics such as the velocity, (b) condition do not change with time at any
pressure, density, temperature, etc. do not point
change with time is called as : (c) conditions are same at adjacent point with
time 19. When various fluid particles move in Zig-Zag
(d) velocity vector at any point remains paths, flow is called
Constant. (a) Laminar flow
Ans: (b) (b) Turbulent flow
(c) Uniform flow
13. One dimensional flow is: (d) None of above.
(a) Steady, uniform flow Ans: (b)
(b) Uniform flow
(c) Flow which neglects changes in a 20. Streamlines and path lines always coincide in
transverse case of –
(d) Restricted to flow in a straight line. (a) Steady flow
Ans: (c) (b) Laminar flow
(c) Uniform flow
14. The flow is known as uniform if …….. is same at (d) Turbulent flow.
any instant. Ans: (a)
(a) Pressure
(b) Velocity 21. The necessary condition for the flow to be
(c) Velocity gradient steady is that
(d) Acceleration. (a) the velocity does not change from place to
Ans: (b) Place
(b) The velocity is constant at a point with
15. The flow in a pipe whose value is being opened respect to time
or closed gradually is an example of : (c) The velocity changes at a point with
(a) Steady flow respect to time
(b) Unsteady flow (d) None of the above.
(c) Rotational flow Ans: (b)
(d) None of these.
Ans: (a) 22. The component of acceleration in x-
direction is
16. In steady flow : (a) ax = u + v + w +
(a) Local acceleration is zero
(b) Convective acceleration is zero
(c) Both the local as well as convective (b) ax = u -v -w +
acceleration are zero
(d) None of the local and convective
(c) ax = u -v -w -
acceleration is zero.
Ans: (a)
(d) ax = u +v +w -
17. A flow in which the quantity of liquid flowing
Ans: (a)
per second is constant, is called :
(a) Streamline flow
23. If the velocity of flow at given time changes
(b) Turbulent flow
with respect to space, then the type of flow
(c) Steady flow
(d) Laminar flow.
(a) Uniform (b) Non uniform
Ans: (c)
(c) Steady (d) Unsteady
Ans: (b)
18. A flow through a long pipe at the constant rate,
is called
24. Steady flow occurs in fluid flow when
(a) Steady uniform flow
(a) flow characteristics at a point change
(b) Steady non-uniform flow
steadily with time
(c) Unsteady uniform flow
(b) flow characteristics remain same at all
(d) Unsteady non-uniform flow.
Ans: (a)
(c) Flow characteristics at a point do bot
change with time 31. In source flow, the flow is
(d) only velocity remains same at all points (a) Moving out radially and uniformly
Ans: (c) (b) Moving out radially and non uniformly
(c) Moving in and out radially
25. The type of fluid in which flow and fluid (d) Moving in radially
properties does not change with time at Ans: (a)
any given location is known as………….
(a) Non uniform flow (b) Rotational flow 32. …………. Is the flow coming from a point and
(c) Steady flow (d) unsteady flow moving out radially in all directions of a
Ans: (c) plane at uniform rate.
(a) sink flow (b) Uniform flow
26. Steady flow occurs when ………… (c) Free- vortex flow (d) Source flow
(a) Conditions changes steadily with time Ans: (d)
(b) conditions do not change with time at any
point 33. The type of flow in which the velocity at
(c) conditions are same at adjacent point with any given time does not change with
time respect to space is known as :
(d) velocity vector at any point remains (a) Uniform flow
constant (b) Unsteady flow
Ans: (b) (c) Laminar flow
(d) Compressible flow
27. Flow at constant rate through a tapering Ans: (a)
pipe is………..
(a) Steady and uniform flow 34. If at the particular instant of time, the
(b) Steady and non uniform flow velocity of flow does not change with
(c) Unsteady and uniform flow location over a specific region, the flow is
(d) unsteady and non- Uniform flow called as
Ans: (b) OR
The flow in which the velocity at any given
28. A flow through long pipe at constant rate is time changes with respect to space is
called : known as
(a) Steady uniform flow (a) Uniform flow
(b) Steady non uniform flow (b) Non- uniform flow
(c) Unsteady uniform flow (c) compressible flow
(d) Unsteady non uniform (d) Incompressible Flow
Ans: (a) Ans: (b)

29. Which of these is not one of the types of 35. In a steady flow
fluid flow? (a) Streamlines and pathlines are identical but
(a) One two and three dimensional flows are different from streaklines
(b) Uniform and non uniform flow (b) Streadlines and pathlines are identical but
(c) Variable and constant flow are different from streamlines
(d) Laminar and turbulent flow (c) Streamlines, streamlines and pathlines are
Ans: (c) different from each other
(d) Streamlines, streaklines and pathlines are
30. …………. Is the type of flow in which fluid all identical
particles move in zig- zag ‘ way. Ans: (d)
(a) Irrotational flow
(b) Non uniform flow 36. When the density of the fluid flow
(c) Turbulent flow changes from point to point flow is called
(d) Incompressible flow (a) rotational (b) Irrotational
Ans: (c) (c) compressible (d) incompressible
Ans: (c)
37. A streak line is (a) Laminar flow (b) Uniform flow
(a) A line everywhere tangent to the velocity (c) Compressible flow (d) Turbulent flow
vector at a given instant Ans: (c)
(b) the actual path traversed by a fluid particle
(c) the locus of a particle that has earlier 42. The necessary condition for the flow to be
passed through a prescribed point uniform is that
(d) A set of fluid particles that from a line at a (a) the velocity is constant in the flow field
given instant with respect to space
Ans: (c) (b) The velocity is constant at a point with
respect to time
38. The type of flow in which the density of the (c) the velocity changes at a point with
fluid changes from point to point is called. respect to time
(a) Steady flow (d) The velocity changes in the flow field with
(b) compressible flow respect to space
(c) Unsteady flow Ans: (a)
(d) Incompressible flow
Ans: (b) 43. In one dimensional flow, the flow
(a) is steady and uniform
39. Match list -1 with List –II select the correct (b) takes place in straight line
answer using the codes given below the (c) takes place in curve
lists: (d) takes place in one direction
List –I Ans: (d)
A. Stream lines
B. Streak lines 44. When a fluid flows through a tapering pipe
C. Path lines at a constantly increasing rate, the flow is
D. Equipotential lines said to be
List – II (a) Turbulent flow
1. Tracing of motion of any fluid particle (b) Unsteady uniform flow
2. Tracing of motion of different fluid (c) Unsteady non uniform flow
particles (d) Irrotational flow
3. Identification of location of number of Ans: (c)
fluid particles
4. Orthogonal to streak lines 45. A path line describes
5. Location of equal piezometric heads (a) the velocity direction at all points on the
Codes: line
A B C D (b) the path followed by particles in a flow
(a) 2 3 4 5 (c) the path over a period of times of a single
(b) 3 2 1 4 particle that has passed out at a point
(c) 1 2 4 3 (d) the instantaneous position of all particles
(d) 2 3 1 5 that have passed a point
Ans: (d) Ans: (c)

40. When the velocity of flow of fluid does not 46. A flow , in which each liquid particle does
change both in magnitude and direction not have a definite path, and the paths of
from point to point in the flowing fluid for individual particles also cross each other,
any given instance of time, the flow is said is called a
to be (a) Rotation flow (b) Non- uniform flow
(a) Steady flow (b) Laminar flow (c) Turbulent flow (d) unsteady flow
(c) One dimension flow (d) Uniform flow Ans: (c)
Ans: (d)
47. The type of flow in which various
41. Density of fluid changes from point to point characteristics do not change with time is
in which of the following type of flow? known as:
(a) Uniform flow (b) Steady flow through a point is called
(c) Similar flow (d) Stationary flow (a) Streakline (b) Streamline
Ans: (b) (c) Pathline (d) None of these
Ans: (a)
48. Uniform flow is said to occur when
(a) size and shape of the cross section in a 54. The path followed by a fluid particle in
particular length remain constant motion is called
(b) size and shape to the cross section change (a) Path line (b) Stream line
along a length (c) Streak line (d) Filament line
(c) frictional loss in the particular length of the Ans: (a)
channel will be more than the drop in its
elevation 55. Flow in a pipe where average flow
(d) frictional loss in the particular length of parameters are considered for analysis is
the channel will be loss than the drop in an example of
elevation (a) Incompressible flow
Ans: (a) (b) One –Dimensional flow
(c) Two – Dimensional flow
49. Which of the following statements (d) three Dimension flow
represent steady uniform flow? Ans: (b)
(a) flow through an expanding pipe at
constant rate 56. In case of source flow, the flow coming
(b) Flow through an expanding pipe at from a point and moving…………. In all
increasing rate direction of a plane at uniform rate.
(c) Flow through a long pipe at decreasing (a) Out radially
rate (b) Inwards radially
(d) Flow through a long pipe at constant rate (c) Both out radially and Inwards radially
Ans: (d) (d) None of the above
Ans: (a)
50. The branch of science which deals with the
study of fluid in motion without 57. An ideal flow of any fluid must fulfill the
considering the forces causing the motion following
is known as (a) Newton’s law of viscosity
(a) Dynamics (b) Statics (b) Newton’s law of motion
‘(c) Kinematics (d) Phreatic (c) Boundary layer theory
Ans: (c) (d) continuity equation
Ans: (d)
51. If flow characteristic at any given time
remain same at all sections of the flow it is 58. When a fluid flows through a tube of
called as varying cross section
(a) Unsteady flow (b) steady flow (a) Pressure head increases with decreases in
(c) Irrotational Flow (d) Uniform flow cross section area
Ans: (d) (b) If cross section increases velocity of fluid
52. Compressible flow is defined as the fluid in (c) If cross section is reduced velocity of fluid
which increases
(a) Momentum of fluid layer does not remain (d) velocity do not depend on across sectional
constant area of the tube
(b) Momentum of fluid layer remains constant Ans: (c)
(c) Density of fluid does not remain constant
(d) Density of fluid remains constant 59. The flow in which fluid characteristics at
Ans: (c) any given time changes with time is called
(a) Steady flow (b) Unsteady flow
53. A line that connects all particles passing (c) Uniform flow (d) Non – uniform flow
Ans: (b) Ans: (a)

60. When various fluid particles move in zig- 66. On which principle equation of continuity is
zag paths, flow is called Based ?
(a) Laminar flow (b) Turbulent flow (a) Conservation of energy
(c) Uniform flow (d) None of above (b) Conservation of mass
Ans: (b) (c) Conservation of momentum
(d) All option are correct.
61. Considering the velocity as one of the flow Ans: (b)
characteristics, which of the following
expression can be written for one 67. A pipeline gets tapered from 500 mm diameter
dimensional unsteady flow? to 250 mm diameter. The water is flowing at
(a) u = f(x,y,z,t) (b) u = f(x,y,z) the rate of 6.4 m3/sec from this pipe. Find the
(c) u = f(x,t) (d) u = f(x,y,z) velocity of water at the smaller end.
Ans: (c) (a) 130.44 m/sec
(b) 157.44 m/sec
62. A flow in which at any point in the flowing (c) 100.44 m/sec
fluid various characteristics such as the (d) 212.44 m/sec.
velocity, pressure density, temperature, Ans: (a)
etc. do not change with time is called as:
(a) Unsteady flow 68. According to continuity equation :
(b) Uniform flow (a)
(c) Non uniform flow
(b) a1v1 = a2 v2
(d) Steady flow
(c) a1 v2 = a2 v1
Ans: (d)
(d) none of the above.
Ans: (b)
63. A streamtube consists of a bundle of :
(a) Streamlines (b) Pathlines
69. If a pipe of dia. 30 cm running full with water
(c) Streaklines (d) Contour
with velocity 100 m/sec is charged by a pipe of
Ans: (a)
dia. 15cm, then the velocity of water flowing
through the pipe will be
(a) 50 m/sec (b) 25 m/sec
(c) 200 m/sec (d) 400 m/sec.
Continuity Equation Ans: (d)

64. The equation of continuity of flow is 70. The velocity in a 2 cm diameter pipe is 20
applicable when the m/sec of the pipe is increased to 5 cm the
(a) All of the options velocity in m/sec will be
(b) Flow is one dimensional (a) 6.4 (b) 5.2
(c) Velocity is uniform over the cross section (c) 4.8 (d) 3.2
(d) Flow is steady. Ans: (d)
Ans: (a)
71. A 0.30 m dia. Pipe carrying oil at 1.5m/sec
65. Which of the following expression represents velocity suddenly expands to 0.60 m dia. pipe.
the continuity equation incase of steady The discharge in the 0.60 m dia. pipe is
incompressible flow? (a) 0.09 m3/sec (b) 0.112 m3/sec
(c) 0.219 m /sec
3 (d) 0.106 m3/sec.
Ans: (d)
72. If an incompressible fluid enters a pipe with a
(c) velocity of 4cm/s and moves out with a
(d) None of these. velocity of 2cm/s, calculate the cross sectional
area of the inlet if the diameter of the pipe at
the pipe at the outlet is 7 cm. (a) stream line
(a) 154 sq. cm. (b) 77 sq. cm. (b) flow net
(c) 14 sq. cm. (d) None of these. (c) velocity potential
Ans: (d) (d) equipotential line.
Ans: (b)
73. The differential form of continuity
equation for one dimensional steady flow 79. If velocity potential exists, the flow should be
of compressible fluids with usual terms is (a) rotational (b) laminar
(a) + =0 (b) + + (c) turbulent (d) irrotational
Ans: (d)

(c) = - (b) = - 80. In which of the following case flow net can not
Ans: (d) be drawn ?
(a) irrotational flow
74. For a flow, the velocity field and variation (b) Steady flow
in density is given as = (10x + 3y+ 2z) + (c) When flow is governed by gravity
(12x+4y+5z) +(8x+7y+λz)k, and � = (d) When flow is not governed by gravity
Ans: (d)
λ, if the mass is conserved ?
(a) -10 (b) -11 (c) 10 (d) 11 81. What is the value of angle (degree) between
Ans: (b) stream lines and equipotential lines at line at
the point of intersection in the flow net ?
75. The velocity component of a two- (a) 0 (b) 45
dimensional fluid flow is given by v= Axy. (c) 60 (d) 90.
The unknown velocity component such Ans: (d)
that continuity equation is satisfied is
equal to. 82. Which of the following statement is CORRECT
(a) -0.5Ax2 +f(y) (b) – Ay2/x + f(y) about the stream lines and equipotential lines?
(c) -0.5y/x+f(y) (d) Ay2/x + f(y) (a) Both can be drawn graphically for viscous
Ans: (a) flow around any boundary
(b) Meshes formed by them are always
76. The y component of velocity in a two squares
dimensional incompressible flow is given (c) They always meet orthogonally.
by v =2y. At the point (0,1) the x (d) They can be calculated for all boundary
component of velocity u = 0. What is the conditions.
equation for the x component of velocity? Ans: (c)
(a) u = 0 (b) u =2x (c)u =2x (d) = 2y
Ans: (c) 83. If velocity potential (ɸ) satisfies the laplace
equation, it represents the possible ……… flow
(a) unsteady, compressible, rotational
Velocity and stream function (b) steady, compressible, rotational
(c) unsteady, incompressible, irrotational
77. A flownet can be applied for all the listed (d) steady , incompressible, irrotational.
purpose below EXCEPT? Ans: (d)
(a) determination of seepage
(b) determination of seepage pressure 84. For a two dimensional flow, the stream
(c) determination of electric charge carrying function is given by = 2xy. The velocity at a
capacity point (3,4) is equal to –
(d) determination of hydrostatic pressure (a) 6m/sec (b) 8m/sec
Ans: (c) (c) 10 m/sec (d) 12m/sec.
Ans: (c)
78. A grid obtained by drawing a series of
equipotential lines and stream lines is called a 85. In a two-dimenstional flow of fluid, if a velocity
potential function exists which satisfies the Ans: (b)
relation = 0, then the flow is
92. The stream function of a doublet with
(a) Steady incompressible horizontal axis and of strength is
(b) steady laminar and incompressible (a) r (b) cos
(c) irrotational and incompressible
(d) turbulent and incompressible.
Ans: (b) (c) r sin (d)
Ans: (d)
86. For an irrotational flow the equation
= 0 with usual notations is called : 93. Which one of the following is the use of
flow net analysis in fluid mechanics?
(a) Cauchy –Riemann equation
(a) To determine the streamlines and
(b) Reynold’s equation
equipotential lines
(c) Bernoulli’s equation
(b) To determine downward lift pressure
(d) Laplace equation.
above hydraulic structure
Ans: (d)
(c) To determine the velocity for given
boundaries of flow
87. In the case o a steady uniform flow of a fluid,
(d) To design the hydraulic structure
the acceleration is :
Ans: (d)
(a) Any value greater than 1
(b) 1
94. If the stream function Ψ = 2x2 – 3.5 y2 what
(c) Zero
is the magnitude of velocity at point (2,1)
(d) Infinity.
is ?
Ans: (c)
(a) 24 (b) 25 (c) 26 (d) 15
Ans: (b)
88. The line where the velocity potential is
constant is called as ……….
95. If the value of potential function for a fluidf
(a) equipotential line
flow is given as ⏀= 6 xy, the
(b) flow line
corresponding value of stream function
(c) velocity gradient
will be
(d) steam line.
(a) 3x2 + C (b) 3y2+ C
Ans: (a)
(c) 3(x2-y2) + C (d) 3(x2 +y2) +C
Ans: (b)
89. The stream function for a two dimensional
flow is given by Ψ = 2xy. The velocity at
96. If velocity potential (⏀) exists in a fluid
(2,2) is:
flow, then the flow is said to be
(a) 4 (b) 4 (c) 2 (d) (a) laminar (b) turbulent
Ans: (a) (c) irrotational (d) rotational
Ans: (c)
90. Imaginary curve drawn through a flowing
fluid in such a way that tangent it at any 97. Equipotential lines and stream line are
point gives the velocity of the flow at that intersect to each other at:
point is (a) Obtuse (b)Right angle
(a) Path line (b) Streak line (c) 45° (d) Acute angle
(c) Stream line (d) Stream tube Ans: (b)
Ans: (c)
98. In a two dimensional flow, with its stream
91. A line along which the velocity potential is function Y= 2xy, the velocity at a point (3,4)
constant is known as : is
(a) Line of varying stream function (a) 12 units (b) 10 units
(b) equipotential line (c) 8 units (d) 6 units
(c) Stream line Ans: (b)
(d) Line of constant stream function
99. If the velocity potential of a fluid flow (c) cut orthogonally except at the stagnation
satisfies the Laplace equation, the flow is (d) are orthogonal every where in the flow
(a) steady and uniform field
(b) steady and rotational Ans: (c)
(c) uniform incompressible and irrotational
(d) steady , incompressible and irrotational 105. The stream function in a two dimensional
Ans: (d) flow field is given by Ψ = x2 - the
magnitude of velocity at point (1,0) in x –
100. Velocity potential function is defined as: direction will be:
(a) A vector function of space and time such (a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 0.5
that its positive derivative with respect to Ans: (c)
any direction gives the fluid velocity in
that direction.
(b) A scalar function of space and time such 106. Given ⏀ = 3xy and Ψ = (y2 – x2) , the
that its negative derivative with respect discharge passing between the stream
to any direction gives the fluid velocity in line through the points (1,3) and (3,3 ) is :
that direction. (a) 2 units (b) 4 units
(c) A scalar function of space and time such (c) 8 units (d) 12 units
that its positive derivative with respect Ans: (d)
to any direction gives the fluid velocity
in that direction 107. In a parallel two dimensional flow in the
(d) A vector function of space and time such positive x- direction, the velocity varies
that its negative derivative with respect linearly from zero at y = 0 to 75m/sec at y
to any direction gives the fluid velocity = 1m. the expression for Ψ is given by:
in that direction. (a) 22.5y2 (b) 30.0y2
Ans: (b) (c) 37.5 y2 (d) 45.0y2
Ans: (c)
101. A stream function is given by Ψ = 6x-5 y,
The magnitude of the resultant velocity 108. For stream function Ψ 3x2 - y3, the
at any point will be: magnitude of velocity at the point (2,1) is:
(a) (b) (c) (d) (a) 12.37 (b) 12 (c) 13 (d) 13.5
Ans: (b) Ans: (a)

102. Any between two stream lines represents: 109. A grid obtained by drawing a series of
(a) Velocity (b) discharge equipotential lines and stream lines is
(c) Head (d) Pressure called:
Ans: (b) (a) equipotential net
(b) stream net
103. Since stream line is everywhere tangent (c) flow net
to the velocity vector (d) viscosity potential function
(a) there is a velocity component at right to Ans: (c)
the stream line
(b) Velocity of flow is maximum across the 110. The velocity potential function for source
stream line varies with distance r as
(c) there can be no flow of fluid across the (a) (b) (c) cr (d) n r
stream line Ans: (d)
(d) Flow across the stream line id identiacal
Ans: (d) 111. The velocity components in x and y
directions in terms of stream function Ψ
104. In a flow field, the streamlines and are
equipotential lines: (a) u = ; v = (b) u = ;v=
(a) cut at any angle
(b) are parallel
(c) u = ;v= (d) u = ;v= function must exits for every flow
(c) Stream function may or may not exist
Ans: (d) (d) Potential function may or may not exist
Ans: (d)
112. The flow rate between stream lines with
values 1 and 2 is given by 118. for a 2D flow field, the stream function Ψ
(a) 1+ 2 (b) 1+ 2
(c) 2- 1 (d) C 1+ 2 = (y2 - x2). The magnitude of discharge
Ans: (c) occurring between the stream line passing
through points (0.3) and (3,4) is
113. The magnitude of resultant velocity at (a) 6 units (b) 3 units
point (1,1) for a stream function (c) 1.5 units (d) 2 units
= (x2 – y2) is: Ans: (b)
(a) 2 (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) 4
Ans: (b) 119. Vorticity at any point is defined as the
circulation per
114. A set of curves (⏀ lines) representing line (a) unit area (b) unit lingth
of equal heads indicates……………. (c) unit volume (d) Unit mass
(a) the stream lines Ans: (a)
(b) a flow net
(c) the equipotential lines 120. the velocity potential which follow the
(d) a potential drop equation of continuity is………..
Ans: (c) (a) x2y (b) x2-y2 (c) cosx (d) x2 +y2
Ans: (b)
115. Flow lines & equipotential lines are
(a) Lines intersecting each other at angles of 121. In a flow net, the angle (in degree)
90degree between equipotential line and stream
(b) Lines intersecting each other at angles of line is:
45 degree (a) 0° (b) 39° (c) 45° (d) 90°
(c) Parallel to each other Ans: (d)
(d) Perpendicular to each other
Ans: (d) 122. In which of the following case flow net can
not be drawn?
116. Regarding to used of graphical properties (a) Irrotational flow
of flow net , which of the following is (b) Steady flow
correct? (c)When flow is governed by gravity
(I) To calculate the loss by reservoir (d) When flow is not governed by gravity
nappe seepage Ans: (c)
(II) To find out the upward force acting
below dam 123. At the point of intersection, the product
(III) To judge the probability of piping of the slope of the stream line and the
below dam slope of the equipotential line is equal
(a) I and II (b) I,II and III to………
(c) I and III (d) II, and III (a) -1 (b) 0 (c) 0.5 (d) +1
Ans: (b) Ans: (a)

124. flowlines and equipotential lines are

117. Which of the following statement is true always --------------- to each other.
to the two dimensional flow of ideal (a) identical
fluids? (b) parallel
(a) Potential function exists if stream (c) intersect at acute angles
function exists (d) perpendicular
(b) Both potential function and stream Ans: (d)
125. If velocity potential (Φ) satisfies the (d) Reynolds’s equations of motions
laplace equation, it represents Ans: (d)
(a) Possible steady and Irrotational flow
(b) rotational flow
(c) steady flow only Vortex motion
(d) none of the above
Ans: (a) 131. The curvilinear flow condition applicable
to free vortex flow is (C as constant, r as
126. If stream function (Ψ) exists, it is a radius of curvature, v as velocity of flow):
possible case of fluid flow which (a) v = constant
(a) rotational (b) v = C/r
(b) irrotational (c) v = change as per rotation of flow
(c) steady Ans: (b)
(d) may be rotational or irrotational
Ans: (d) 132. In a free vortex velocity
(a) increases with radius
127. A flownet is a graphical representation of (b) decreases with radius
streamline and equipotential lines such (c) is constant
that: (d) None of these
(a) velocity potential increases in the Ans: (b)
direction of flow
(b) indicates the direction and magnitude of 133. Which of the below is not a/an example of
(c) intersect each other orthogonally forced vortex flow of fluid?
forming curvilinear squares (a) Flow of liquid through a hole provided at
(d) none of the above the bottom of a container
Ans: (c) (b) Flow of water through the runner of a
128. The stream function for the two (c) A vertical cylinder containing liquid
dimension flow is given by q = 4xy the which is rotated about its central axis
velocity at (2,2) is with a constant angular velocity
(a) 8 sq root 2 (d) flow of liquid inside the impeller of a
(b) 4 sq root 2 centrifugal pump
(c) 8 Ans: (a)
(d) 4
Ans: (a) 134. Which of the following statement for free
vortex flow, is incorrect?
(a) Fluid particles move in circle about a
Forces and fluid point
(b) Flow is necessarily rotational
129. Navier –stoke equation is useful in the (c) The only non – trivial velocity
analysis of component is tangential
(a) viscous flow (d) Tangential speed varies with radius
(b) non – viscous flow Ans: (b)
(c) turbulent flow
(d) non viscous and 135. Surface profile of a forced vortex flow is:
Ans: (a) (a) Straight line (b)Ellipse
(c) Hyperbolic (d) Parabolic
130. Which of these equations of motion Ans: (d)
satisfies statement for flow where force
due to compressibility is negligible? 136. When a liquid rotates at constant angular
(a) Navier- stokes equation velocity about a vertical axis of a rigid
(b) Euler’s equation of motion body:
(c) Euler’s equation of motion
(a) the pressure varies inversely as the
(c) (d) None of the above
altitude along any vertical line
(b) the velocity vector remains constant at a Ans: (c)
(c) the velocity vector varies inversely as the 142. In case of a forced vortex
altitude along any vertical line (a) velocity decreases with radius
(d)the pressure varies as the square of the (b) velocity increases with radius
radial distance (c) the fluid rotates as a composite solid
Ans: (d) (d) the motion of fluid varies at random
Ans: (b)
137. A cylindrical vessel of radius of radius
42.31 cm and height 1m is open at the 143. The flow of water through the hole in the
top. It holds water to half its depth. bottom of a wash basin as in example of:
Which one of the following values (a) steady flow (b) Uniform flow
approximates the speed at which the (c) Free vortex (d) forced vortex
cylinder is to be rotated about the Ans: (c)
vertical axis, so as to make the apex of the
paraboloid just reach the centre of the 144. In a forced vortex
bottom of the vessel? (a) the fluid velocity is inversely
(a) 100 rpm (b) 150 rpm proportional to the radius
(c) 250 rpm (d) 300 rpm (b) the fluid rotates without any relative
Ans: (a) velocity
(c) the rise depends on the specific weight
138. The movement of air mass in the case of (d) the rise is proportional to the cube of
Tornado can be described as: angular velocity
(a) forced vortex throughout Ans: (b)
(b) Free vortex throughout
(c) forced vortex at the core and free vortex 145. The motion of air mass in a tornado is a:
outside (a) forced vortex motion
(d) Free vortex at the core and forced vortex (b) free vortex motion
outside (c) free vortex at centre and forced vortex
Ans: (c) outside
(d) forced vortex at centre and free vortex
139. A liquid undergoing a rigid body rotation outside
in a container is said to have Ans: (d)
(a) forced vortex motion
(b) Circulation 146. When a cylindrical vessel, containing
(c) free vortex motion some liquid is rotated about its vertical
(d) Translation axis, the liquid, surface is depressed
Ans: (a) drown at the axis of its rotation and rises
up near the walls of the vessel on all sides
140. For a forced vortex flow, the height of . This type of flow is known as
paraboloid formed is equal to (a) steady flow (b) turbulent flow
(a) + (b) (c) (d) (c) Vortex flow (d) uniform flow
Ans: (c)
Ans: (b)
147. When no external force is required to
141. The pressure variation along a radial rotate the fluid mass, that type of flow is
direction for vortex flow along a called as:
horizontal plane is given as (a) laminar flow (b) free vortex flow
(a) (b) (c) turbulent flow (d) forced vortex flow
Ans: (b)
148. Consider the following statements is/are (b) stream function
examples of vortex flow: (c) vorticity
X : Flow of water through the runner of a (d) None of these
turbine. Ans: (c)
Y : Flow of fluid inside the impeller of a
centrifugal pump. velocity
Which of the above statements is/are
CORRECT? 154. A steady two dimensional incompressible
(a) X only (b) Y only flow filed is represented by
(c) Both X and Y (d) Neither X nor Y U = x + 3y + 3 and v = 2x – y – 8
Ans: (c) In this flow field , the stagnation point is
(a) (3,2) (b) (-3,2)
149. The rotation of a bucket containing water (c) (-3, -2) (d) (3,-2)
and rotating about its vertical axis at Ans: (d)
constant speed shall produce:
(a) Free vortex 155. Given the x- component of the velocity u =
(b) Force vortex 6xy- 2x2 then y – component of the flow v
(c) Both of the above depending on the speed is given by
of rotation (a) 6y2 - 4 y (b) 6 y + 2x2
(d) None of the above (c) 5x2 - 2 y (d) 4xy – 3y2
Ans: (b) Ans: (d)

vorticity 156. for a flow the velocity components are

given by u = (λxy2 - x3y2) and v = (x2y3 –
3 y3) . what is the value of λ for the
150. Vorticity is……….. times the value of possible flow field which includes steady
rotation incompressible flow?
OR (a) 3 (b) 5 (c) 7 (d) 9
Vorticity of a fluid is equal to: Ans: (d)
(a) Rotational component
(b) Half the rotational component
(c) Double the rotational component
(d) One fourth the rotational component
Ans: (c)
157. The component of acceleration in x-
direction is
151. In a 3 – Dimensional flow, the component
of vorticity along z- axis will be (a) ax = u
(a) (b) (b) ax = u
(c) ax = u
(c) (d)
(d) ax = u
Ans: (d)
Ans: (a)
152. Vorticity at any point is defined as the
circulation per 158. In a free vortex velocity
(a) unit area (b) unit length (a) increase with radius
(c) unit volume (d) Unit mass (b) decreases with radius
Ans: (a) (c) is constant
(d) None of these
153. the value of obtained from dividing Ans: (b)
limiting value of circulation by area of
closed contour is known as…………. 159. If head over a triangular notch is doubled,
(a) potential function discharge Q will increase to
(a) 2Q (b) 5.675 Q (c) 2.828 Q (d) 4 Q (a) Irrotation flow (b) Non uniform flow
Ans: (b) (c) uniform flow (d) Unsteady flow
Ans: (a)
160. In steady flow of a fluid , the total
acceleration of any fluid particle: 167. If velocity potential exists, the flow should
(a) Can be zero be dp/dx = dz/dy………… irrotational flow.
(b) Is never zero (a) rotational (b) laminar
(c) Is always zero (c) turbulent (d) irrotational
(d) Is independent of coordinates Ana: (d)
Ans: (a)
168. The linear velocity of a body rotating at v
161. The flow in which parallel curved stream rad/s along a circular path of radius ‘r’ is
lines are steady has: given by
(a) local acceleration (a) v/r (b) vr (c) v2/r (d) v2r
(b) normal convective as well as local Ans: (b)
(c) normal convective acceleration 169. A two dimensional flow in xy plane is
(d) tangential convective acceleration irrotational if
Ans: (d) (a) (b)

162. In a steady flow of fluid

(a) total acceleration is zero (c) (d)
(b) convective acceleration is zero Ans: (b)
(c) local acceleration is zero
(d) no acceleration is zero 170. If a flow velocity field is given by V = 2x2
Ans: (c) i+6x2yj :
(a) flow is three dimensional
163. In the case of a steady uniform flow of a (b) flow is physically possible and
fluid the acceleration is: irrotational
(a) Any value greater than 1 (b) 1 (c) flow is physically not possible
(c) Zero (d) Infinity (d) flow is physically not possible
Ans: (c) Ans: (c)

164. If the fluid motion is uniform, the 171. Consider the following parameters
convective acceleration is related to flow:
(a) Zero (b) less than zero 1. Vorticity
(c) more than zero (d) more than unity 2. Velocity potential
Ans: (a) 3. Stream function
Which of these parameters exist both in
Rotational & irrotational flow rotational and irrotational flows?
(a) 1& 2 (b) 2& 3 (c) 1&3 (d) 1,2 &3
Ans: (c)
165. Which of these statements on Irrotational
flow is correct? 172. Consider the following statements:
(a) Irrotational flow is Turbulent 1. fluids of low viscosity are all
(b) Net rotation of fluid particles about their irrotational.
mass 2. Rotation of the fluid is always
(c) Irrotational flow is Non uniform associated with shear stress.
(d) Irrotational flow is Laminar Which of these statements is /are
Ans: (b) correct?
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 1 & 2 (d) NOT
166. The relationship dp/dx = dz/dy is valid Ans: (b)
160. If velocity potential exists the flow should
(a) Steady (b) Unsteady Stream line flow
(c) Rotational (d) Irrotational 167. Imaginary curve drown through a flowing
Ans: (d) fluid in such a way that tangent to it at
any point gives the velocity of the flow at
161. The following condition will be satisfied that point is
by steady irrotational flow (a) path line (b) Streak line
(a) ( u/ y) +( v/ x) =0 (c) Stream line (d) Stream tube
(b) ( u/ x) +( v/ y) =0 Ans: (c)
(c) ( v/ x) +( u/ y) =0
Select the correct answer using the codes 168. The flow of a fluid along a curved path or
given below: the flow of a rotating mass of fluid is
(a) 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 3 known as:
(c) 1,2 3 (d) 1 and 2 (a) Laminar flow (b) Vortex flow
Ans: (a) (c) Steady flow (d) Uniform flow
Ans: (b)
162. The motion of outgoing water from the
hole made at midpoint of completely 169. stream lines and path lines, always
filled open cylindrical tank with water is coincide in case of
…………… (a) Steady flow (b) Laminar flow
(a) forced vortex (b) irrotational (c) Uniform flow (d) Turbulent flow
(c) rotational (d) turbulent Ans: (a)
Ans: (b)
170. A flow in which each liquid particle has
163. Irrotational flow is such that definite path, and the path of individual
(a) circulation is zero particle parallel to each other is called.
(b) the particles go in a circular motion (a) Steady flow (b) Uniform flow
(c) stream function exists (c) Streamline flow (d) Turbulent flow
(d) vorticity may not be zero Ans: (c)
Ans: (a)
171. Which one of the following velocity fields
164. If net rotation or a fluid element of a flow represents a possible fluid flow?
is zero it is called (a) U = X, V = Y (b) U= X2, V = y2
(a) Steady flow (b) Uniform flow (c) U = xy, v = x2 y2 (d) U = x; v = -y
(c) Irrotational flow (d) Unsteady flow Ans: (d)
Ans: (c)
172. The necessary condition for the flow to be
165. Which of the following is an important uniform is that
tool in analyzing two – dimensional (a) the velocity is constant in the flow field
irritation flow problems? with respect to space
(a) Equipotential lines (b) stream lines (b) the velocity is constant at a point with
(c) Flow net (d) None of these respect to time
Ans: (c) (c) the velocity changes at a point with
respect ot time
166. Irrotational flow is characterized as the (d) the velocity changes in the flow field
one in which: with respect to space
(a) fluid flows along a straight path Ans: (a)
(b) fluid does not rotate as it moves along
(c) net rotation of fluid particles about their 173. Stream lines, streak lines are all identical
mass centre remains zero in the case of
(d) none of the above (a) uniform flow (b) non- uniform flow
Ans: (c) (c) unsteady flow (d) steady flow
Ans: (d)

174. The flow in which each liquid particle has

a definite path and the paths of adjacent
particles do not across each other , is
called :
(a) stream line flow (b) uniform flow
(c) steady flow (d) turbulent flow
Ans: (a)

175. In the analysis of the flow velocity of a

liquid for a fixed instant of time, a space
curve is drawn so that it is tangent
everywhere to the velocity vector, then
this curve is usually known as
(a) Instantaneous Curve
(b) Momentum curve
(c) Potential Line
(d) Streamline
Ans: (d)

is zero equations of motions are known as –
(a) Reynol’s equation of motion
(b) Navier-stokes equation
(c) Euler’s equation of motion
(d) Bernouli’s equation.
Ans: (c)

Chapter – 6 7. Bernouli’s equation is applicable between any

two points:
Fluid dynamics (a) in steady rotational flow of an
Euler’s and Bernouli’s equation (b) in any type of irrotational flow of a fluid.
(c) in any rotation flow of an incompressible
1. If the fluid is ideal as per assumptions of (d) in steady irrotational flow of an
Bernonllis theorem, it means that : incompressible fluid.
(a) Pressure is constant Ans: (d)
(b) viscosity is zero
(c) velocity is zero 8. To which of the following conditions can the
(d) flow is constant. Bernouli’s equation between any two points be
Ans: (b) Applied ?
(a) Rotational flow of an incompressible fluid
2. The Bernoulli’s equation refers to the (b) Any irrotational flow
conservation of : (c) Steady, rotational flow of incompressible
(a) Mass (b) Energy Fluid
(c) Momentum (d) Force. (d) Steady, irrotational flow of incompressible
Ans: (b) fluid.
Ans: (d)
3. The Bernoulli’s equation is applicable to –
(a) compressible flow 9. Bernouli’s equation will not be used in
(b) steady flow (a) Venturimeter
(c) unsteady flow (b) Centrifugal pump
(d) non-uniform flow. (c) orifice meter
Ans: (b) (d) Pitot tube.
Ans: (b)
4. “For a steady, ideal flow of an incompressible
fluid, the total energy at any point of the fluid is 10. The line which give the sum of pressure head,
constant” refers to datum head and kinematic head of a flowing
(a) Euler’s equation fluid in a pipe is called as a ………. Line
(b) Bernoulli’s equation (a) hydraulic gradient
(c) momentum equation (b) discharge gradient
(d) moment of momentum equation. (c) velocity gradient
Ans: (b) (d) total energy.
Ans: (d)
5. From the following assumption made in the
derivation of bernoulli’s equation is incorrect. 11. Which equation usually gives the laminar flow
(a) The fluid is ideal for real fluid ?
(b) The flow is unsteady (a) Euler
(c) The flow is incompressible (b) Newton
(d) The flow is irrotational. (c) Bernouli’s
Ans: (b) (d) Navier-stokes.
Ans: (d)
6. If the flow is assumed to be ideal, viscous force
12. For Bernouli’s equation to remain valid, which (d) Light equation.
of the following is NOT required ? Ans: (b)
(a) Steady flow
(b) Ideal gas fluid 19. If Bernouli’s equation for total water head at a
(c) Irrotational flow point is applied to the flow water through a
(d) Incompressible medium. porous soil, the term containing the head can
Ans: (b) be neglected, where X is
13. On which of the following principle Bernouli’s (a) Pressure (b) Elevation
equation is based ? (c) Gravity (d) Velocity.
(a) Convservation of momentum Ans: (d)
(b) Convservation of energy
(c) Convservation of mass 20. Bernouli’s equation represents total energy
(d) Archimedes principle. per unit of certain quantity. That quantity is :
Ans: (b) (a) Energy per unit specific volume
(b) Energy per unit mass
14. Bernouli’s equation is applied to : (c) Energy per unit volume
(a) Venturi meter (d) Energy per unit weight.
(b) Orifice meter Ans: (d)
(c) Pitot tube
(d) All of these. 21. Under which of the following conditions will
Ans: (d) equation constant be valid in a
15. Bernouli’s equation is based on one flow field :
assumption, that is only …….. force is acting on 1. Flow is rotational
the fluid and not other external forces are 2. Flow is irrotational
acting on the flowing fluid. 3. Flow is incompressible
(a) Atmospheric pressure 4. Flow is steady
(b) Gravitational pressure 5. Flow is laminar.
(c) Air pressure (a) 1, 3 and 5
(d) Frictional force. (b) 2, 4 and 5
Ans: (b) (c) 1, 3 and 4
(d) 2, 3 and 4.
16. Euler’s equation for motion of liquids is based Ans: (d)
on the assumption that the……
(a) flow is stream line 22. In the Bernouli’s equation written as
(b) flow takes place continuously constant, each of the tern
(c) flow is homogenous and incompressible represents energy per unit
(d) flow is turbulent. (a) mass (b) volume
Ans: (c) (c) weight (d) length of flow.
Ans: (c)
17. The Bernouli’s equation is applicable to :
(a) Real fluids and unsteady flows 23. The most familiar from form of Bernouli’s
(b) Both steady and unsteady flows equation is :
(c) Steady flow of fluids along a stream tube
(d) All fluids and flow along a stream tube. (a)
Ans: (c) (b)
18. A fundamental equation, which represents (c) at any section = constant head
velocity of fluid and pressure at height, is (d) None of these.
called…… Ans: (c)
(a) Continuity equation
(b) Bernouli equation 24. Bernouli’s equation is relation to –
(c) Equation of motion (a) law of conservation of mass
(b) law of conservation of angular momentum
(c) law of conservation of energy 31. Bernoulli’s theorem deals with the law of
(d) law of conversation of linear momentum. conservation of :
Ans: (c) (a) Mass (b) Momentum
(c) Energy (d) None of the above.
25. Piezometric head is the sum of Ans: (c)
(a) elevation and kinetic energy head
(b) elevation and pressure head 32. Which of the following pair is incorrectly
(c) Kinetic energy and pressure head matched :
(d) only pressure head. (a) Piezonetric Head : Sum of datum head
Ans: (b) and pressure head
(b) Dynamic Head : Sum of datum head
26. The energy equation is given by : and velocity head
(a) H = Z + + (c) Stagnation Head : Sum of pressure head
And velocity head
(b) H = Z + - (d) Total Head : Sum of piezometric
head and dynamic
(c) H = Z - + head.
(d) None of above. Ans: (b)
Ans: (a)
33. What flows with a flow rate of 0.6 cumec
27. For laminar flow, kinetic energy correction through an inclined pipe PQ of length 10 m
factor is : length having a uniform cross-section. The end
(a) 1 (b) 1.33 Q of the pipe is above the end P and the pipe
(c) 2 (d) 2.7. makes an angle of 30° to the horizontal. For a
Ans: (c) pressure of 30 kN/m2 T the end Q, the
corresponding pressure at the end P (in kN/m2
28. The term Z in total energy expression units) is : (take unit weight of water as 10
+ + Z is-
(a) 50 (b) 20
(a) potential energy (c) 80 (d) 30.
(b) pressure energy Ans: (c)
(c) potential energy per unit weight
(d) None of the above. 34. The Bernoulli equation is written with usual
Ans: notation as (p/ g + Z) = constant. In
this equation, each of the terms represent
29. Euler’s equation of motion can be integrated (a) energy in kg-m/kg mass of fluid
when it is assumed that: (b) energy in N-m/kg mass of fluid
(a) Continuity equation is satisfied (c) energy in N-m/kg weight of fluid
(b) The fluid is incompressible (d) power in kW/kg mass of fluid
(c) A velocity potential exists and density is (e) Unit less quantities.
Constant Ans: (c)
(d) The flow is rotational and incompressible.
Ans: (b) 35. The velocity at the Reynold’s number equal
to 2000 is called :
30. Euler’s equation in the differential form for the (a) Critical velocity
motion of liquids is given by : (b) Lower critical velocity
(a) pdp + g.dz + v.dv = 0 (c) Higher critical velocity
(b) + g.dz + dv = 0 (d) Uniform velocity.
Ans: (b)
(c) - g.dz + dv = 0
(d) pdp + g.dz + v.dv = 0 36. At two points ‘1’ and ‘2’ in a pipeline, the
Ans: (b) velocities of fluid are v and 3v respectively.
Both points are at same elevation. The flow (a) Incompressible (b) steady
can be assumed to be incompressible, in viscid, (c) irrotational (d) uniform
steady and irrotational. The difference in Ans: (c)
pressure P1 and P2 at point 1 and 2 is
(a) 0.5 pv2 (b) 2 pv2 43. The Bernoulli’s equation written in
(c) 3 pv 2 (d) 4 pv2 conventional form represents total energy per
Ans: (d) unit of a certain quantity. Identify this
37. Bernoulli’s equation is applied to quantity.
(a) Pitot tube (a) energy per unit volume
(b) All of three mentioned here (b) energy per unit mass
(c) Venturimeter (c) energy per unit weight
(d) Orifice meter. (d) energy per unit specific weight.
Ans: (b) Ans: (c)

38. At two points 1 and 2 in a pipeline, the

velocities are V and 2 V respectively. Both the
points are at the same elevation. The fluid
density as P. The difference between pressure
at 1 and 2 is ---------◉֍◉--------
(a) pv2 (b) pv2
(c) 2 pv2 (d) 3 pv2
Ans: (b)

39. Water flows with a flow rate of 0.5 cumecs

through a pipes AB of length 12 m length
having a uniform cross-section. The end B of
the pipe is above the end A and the pipe makes
an angle of 30° to the horizontal. For a
pressure of 20 KN/m2 at the end B, the
corresponding pressure at the end A (in
kN/m2 units) is :
(a) 137.7 (b) 71
(c) 38.9 (d) 78.9
Ans: (d)

40. The velocity head representing the Kinetic

energy per unit weight of fluid is denoted by
(a) v2 (b)
(c) (d)
Ans: (d)

41. The total energy represented by the

Bernoulli’s equation has the units
(a) N-m/m (b) N-m/N
(c) N-m2/s (d) N-m/s.
Ans: (b)

42. The Bernoulli’s constants for points lying on

the same stream line and those which lie on
other stream lines will have the same value, if
the flow is
Chapter- 7 6. The cavitation and pitting can be prevented by
creating which one of the following conditions?
Flow Measurement (a) Reducing the pressure head
(b) Reducing the velocity head
(c) Increasing the elevation head
Venturimeter (d) Reducing the piezometric head.
Ans: (b)
1. The discharge through a venturimeter is given
as (with usual notation): 7. The discharge over a triangular notch having
(a) Q = Cd / angle 2 is-
(b) Q = Cd A1A2 / (a)
(c) Q = Cd A1A2 / (b)
(d) None of the above. (c)
Ans: (c)
2. A horizontal pipe line conveys a constant rate of Ans: (b)
flow which is measured by venturimeter
installed on it. When the pipe is inclined 8. Cavitation in fluid flow occurs when
upwards in the direction of flow, the reading of (a) the total energy suddenly increases
level difference on a differential U-tube (b) total energy decreases suddenly
manometer- (c) velocity head reduces to zero
(a) will increase (d) pressure of flow decreases to a value close to
(b) will remain same its vapour pressure
(c) will decrease Ans: (d)
(d) may fluctuate with time.
Ans: (b) 9. The coefficient of discharge of a venturimeter
(a) Increases with an increase in Reynold’s
3. Water flow in large sized pipes for large flow Number
rates can be measured using : (b) decreases with decrease in Reynold’s
(a) Orifices (b) Notches number
(c) Venturi meter (d) Elbow meter. (c) increase upto certain value of Reynold’s
Ans: (c) number and then becomes constant
(d) does not depend upon the size.
4. In any vermturimeter carrying a liquid at Ans: (c)
sufficiently high discharge, cavitation condition
can occur at the throat. This occurs due to 10. In a venture flume the flow takes place at :
pressure at the throat reaching a critical value (a) gauge pressure
controlled by : (b) absolute pressure
(a) viscosity of the fluid (c) atmospheric pressure
(b) eddy viscosity of the flow (d) none of the above.
(c) volumetric bulk modulus of the fluid Ans: (b)
(d) surface tension of the fluid
(e) room temperature 11. A venturimeter, having a diameter of 7.5 cm at
Ans: (d) throat and 15 cm at the enlarged end, is
installed in a horizontal pipeline of 15 cm
5. In cavitation, the collapse pressure of vapour diameter. The pipe carries an incompressible
bubbles is: fluid at a steady rate of 30 litres per second.
(a) Less than atmospheric pressure The difference of pressure head measured in
(b) Equal to atmospheric pressure terms of the moving fluid in between the
(c) 13.6 atmospheres enlarged end and the throat of the
(d) 13600 atmospheres. venturimeter is observed to be 2.45 m. Taking
Ans: (a) the acceleration due to gravity as 9.81 m/s2,
the coefficient of discharge of the venturimeter (a) A function of temperature only
(correct up to two places of decimal) is : (b) A physical property of the fluid
(a) 0.90 (b) 0.95 (c) Dependent on the flow
(c) 0.85 (d) 0.74. (d) Independent of the flow
Ans: (b) Ans: (c)

12. The divergent portion of a Venturimeter is 19. At a particular point in the channel, the
made longer than convergent portion in order specific energy and velocity of flow is given by
to 1.5 m-kg/kg and 2.5 m/s respectively. What is
(a) Avoid the tendency of breaking away the the depth of flow in channel at that point?
stream of liquid only (a) 0.5 (b) 1.18
(b) To increase the velocity (c) 2.32 (d) 2.5
(c) Both (a) and (b) Ans: (b)
(d) To minimize frictional losses only.
Ans: (c) 20. During the formation of hydraulic jump
(a) the specific energy and specific force
13. What is measured using a venturimeter? remains constant
(a) velocity (b) pressure (b) the specific energy increases and specific
(c) viscosity (d) discharge. force decreases
Ans: (d) (c) the specific energy decreases and specific
force increases
14. The coefficient of discharge ‘Cd’ of a (d) the specific energy decreases and specific
venturimeter lies within the limits force remains constant
(a) 0.7 – 0.9 (b) 0.6 – 0.8 Ans: (d)
(c) 0.75 – 0.95 (d) 0.95 – 0.99
Ans: (d) 21. The total number of possible GVF profiles in
open channel are
15. A venturimeter is a derive used for measuring (a) 12 (b) 11
the : (c) 9 (d) 15.
(a) pressure developed inside the pipe Ans: (a)
(b) head loss in a piping system
(c) rate of flow of fluid flowing through a pipe 22. For an open channel, chezy’s formula is
(d) efficiency of the pumping system (symbol’s have their usual meanings)
(e) friction loss in a pipe system. (a) V = (b) V = C
Ans: (c) (c) V = CRS (d) V = C/
Ans: (b)
16. Which of the following is used to measure the
discharge ? 23. The sequent depth ratio of a hydraulic jump in
(a) current meter (b) Venturimeter a rectangular horizontal channel is 10.30. The
(c) pitot tube (d) Hotwire anemometer Froude number at the beginning of the jump is
Ans: (b) (a) 5.64 (b) 7.63
(c) 8.05 (d) 13.61
17. In horizontal venturimeter the velocity for Ans: (b)
flow in main pipe is
(a) Greater than the velocity of flow at the
throat section
(b) Lesser than the velocity of flow at the
throat section
(c) Equal to velocity of flow at throat section -------------◉֍◉-------------
(d) Double the velocity of flow at the throat
Ans: (b)

18. The eddy viscosity for turbulent flow is

Chapter- 8 7. Orifices are used to measure
(a) rate of flow
Orifices and Mouth piece (b) none of three mentioned here
(c) velocity
(d) pressure
Orifices Ans: (a)

8. The co-efficient of velocity for an orifice is given

1. At vane contracta, the area of the water het is by (using usual notations)-
minimum and the velocity of emerging water is
(a) (b)
(a) minimum (b) average
(c) maximum (d) zero. (c) (d) .
Ans: (c)
Ans: (a)
2. The average value of co-efficient of velocity is
(a) 0.84 (b) 0.76 9. The loss of energy in Orifice meter is more than
(c) 0.97 (d) 0.62 in the case of venturimeter because
Ans: (c) (a) Sudden obstruction
(b) Turbulence
3. An orifice is called a large if water head, is (c) More friction
(a) Twice the diameter of the orifice (d) pressure variation.
(b) thrice the diameter of the orifice Ans: (a)
(c) four times the diameter of the orifice
(d) five times the diameter of the orifice. 10. An orifice discharge under a head of 1.25m of
Ans: (d) water. A pitot tube kept at its centre line at the
vena contract indicates a head of 1.20 m of
4. A vertical cylindrical tank, 2 m diameter has, at water. The coefficient of velocity of the orifice
the bottom, a 5 cm diameter, sharp-edged (a) 0.990 (b) 0.980
orifice, for which Cd = 0.6. Water enters the tank (c) 0.956 (d) 0.965.
at a constant rate of 9 l/sec. At what depth Ans: (b)
above the orifice will the level in the tank
become steady? 11. Coefficient of discharge in terms of orifice is,
(a) 2.95m (b) 2.75m actual discharge ‘a’ and ideal discharge ‘d’ is
(c) 2.60m (d) 2.50m. (a) d/a (b) a/d
Ans: (a) (d) (a+d)/d (d) (a-d)/d
Ans: (b)
5. Coefficient of discharge (Cd) is defined as
(a) 12. The flow rate through a circular pipe is
measured by
(b) (i) Pitot-tube
(ii) venturimeter
(iii) orifice meter
(d) None of the above. (iv) None of the above
Ans: (c) Code :
(a) (i) (b) (i), (ii) and (iii)
6. In a standard orifice meter, (c) (ii) and (iii) (d) All of the above.
(a) the level edge is on the upstream Ans: (c)
(b) the coefficient of discharge does not depend
upon the location of taps 13. Consider a tank attached with an orifice of
(c) the loss of head is less than that in a diameter d. If H is the head of the liquid above
Venturimeter the centre of the orifice, the theoretical
(d) the level angle is usually 30° to 45° velocity of the discharged flow through the
Ans: (d) orifice is given by
(a) (b) 19. Depending upon their cross sectional areas,
(c) (d) the orifice is classified as:
(a) Sharp-edged orifice
Ans: (b)
(b) Xexagonal orifice
(c)Trapezoidal orifice
14. The height of water level in a tank above the
(d)Square orifice
centre of a circular hole 2.5 cm in diameter is
Ans: (d)
50m. The velocity of water flowing through the
hole is (neglect friction between jet and well)
20. The orifice diameter is kept generally………..
(a) 20.53 m/sec (b) 25.85 m/sec
times the diameter of the pipe:
(c) 31.32 m/sec (d) 40.40 m/sec.
Ans: (c)
15. Two small orifices A and B of diameter 1 cm
and 2 cm respectively, are placed on sides of a
Ans: (d)
tank at depths of h1 and h2 below the open
liquid surface. If discharges through A and B
21. What will be the coefficient of discharge if the
are equal, then ratio of h1 and h2 (assuming
theoretical discharge of a pump is 25 l/s and
equal Cd values) will be :
actual is 20 l/s?
(a) 16 : 1 (b) 8 : 1
(a) 0.8
(c) 4 : 1 (d) 2 : 1
(b) 1.2
Ans: (a)
(c) 1.4
(d) 1
16. The distance of vena contracta from the orifice
Ans: (a)
is approximately-
(a) 2/3 diameter of the orifice
22. Internal size of water tank is 100cm 50cm.
(b)3/4 diameter of the orifice
The initial level of water in the tank was 20cm
(c)1/4 diameter of the orifice
and it was raised to 50cm in 15seconds when
(d)1/2 diameter of the orifice
water was released into this tank through a pipe.
Ans: (d)
The discharge of water into the tank is:
(a) 10 liters/s
17. The head of water over the centre of an orifice
(b) 10 /s
of diameter 20mm is 1m. The actual discharge
(c) 16.67 liters/s
through the orifice is 0.85 liters/s. Find the
(d) 1.67 /s
coefficient of discharge.
Ans: (a)
(a) 1.4
(b) 0.61
23. The theoretical velocity of jet at Vena
(c) 1
contracta is:
(d) 0.2
(a) 2gh
Ans: (b)
(b) 2g
18. The discharge through a large rectangular (c)
orifice is: (d)
(a) Ans: (c)

24. Orifice meter is used to measure:

(b) - )
(a) Discharge
(b) Average velocity
(c) - ) (c) Max velocity
(d) Pressure at a point
(d)None of the above. Ans: (a)
Ans: (c)
25. In an orifice used for flow measurement, the 31. The average value of co-efficient of velocity is:
coefficient of velocity is always: (a) 0.84
(a) Equal to unity (b) 0.76
(b) Greater than unity (c) 0.97
(c) A non-zero negative number (d) 0.62
(d) Less than unity Ans: (c)
Ans: (d)
32. Coefficient of velocity at vena-contracta is:
26. Coefficient of velocity, in flow through orifice, (a)
varies in the range of: (b)
Or (c)
The value of for sharp edged orifice is (d)
generally: Ans: (a)
(a) 0.99-1.02
(b) 0.68-0.72 33. The ratio of actual discharge of a jet of water to
(c) 0.95-0.99 its theoretical discharge is known as :
(d) 0.62-0.68 (a) Coefficient of discharge
Ans: (c) (b) Coefficient of velocity
(c) Coefficient of contraction
27. What is the theoretical value of the coefficient (d) Coefficient of viscosity
of contraction for sharp edge orifice? Ans: (a)
(a) 0.401
(b) 0.611 34. Coefficient of velocity for an orifice is given by
(c) 0.982 (with usual notations) :
(d) 1 (a) (b)
Ans: (b)

28. At vena contracta, the area of the water jet is (c) (d)
minimum and the velocity emerging water is:
(a) Minimum Ans: (d)
(b) Average
(c) Maximum 35. Velocity of jet emerging from a small orifice is
(d) Zero given by the equation V = Which of the
Ans: (c) following is correct regarding this velocity?
(a) It is the average velocity of the jet
29. Which of the following is used as a standard (b) It is the velocity at the mouth of the orifice
orifice : (c) It is the velocity at the vena-contracta
(a) Submerged orifice (d) It is the approach velocity of the jet
(b) Sharp-edged orifice Ans: (d)
(c) Re-entrant
(d) Drowned orifice 36. If coefficient of contraction for a sharp edged
Ans: (b) orifice is 0.65 and coefficient of velocity of flow is
0.92, then coefficient of discharge will be:
30. Streamlines are straight and parallel to each (a) 0.598
other and perpendicular to the plane of the orifice (b) 0.706
is known as……….. . (c) 1.415
(a) Convergent (d) 1.57
(b) divergent Ans: (a)
(c) Vena contracta
(d) External mouth piece
Ans: (c)
(d) 1.57
Mouth Piece Ans: (a)

43. The coefficient of discharge, in terms of

37. The coefficient of discharge ( ) for internal and is given (Notations have their usual
mouthpiece, which is running full, is : meaning) –
(a) 0.855 (b) 0.707 Or
(c) 0.5 (D) 1.0 Relation between , and is (where symbols
Ans: (b) have their usual meaning )
38. A short tube of length not more than two or If and are thr hydraulic coefficient of
three time its diameter, which is fitted to a circular an orifice, then –
opening in a tank is known as_______ . (a) =
(a) orifice (b) mouth piece (b) =
(c) weir (d) notch (c) =
Ans: (b) (d) =
Ans: (b)
39. Borda’s mouth piece is also known as _______ .
(a) Convergent 44. A convergent mouth piece has the maximum
(b) Cylindrical value of coefficient of discharge ( ) is about:
(c) Divergent (a) 0.60
(d) Re-entrant (b) 0.95
(c) 0.80
40. The coefficient of discharge, (d) 0.50
- Ans: (b)
Where – Coefficient of contraction, = 45. Which mouth piece has the maximum
Coefficient of velocity coefficient of discharge ?
Or (a) External mouthpiece
Relation between , and is (where symbols (b) Convergent divergent mouthpiece
have their usual meaning) (c) Internal mouthpiece
Or (d) None of the above
Relation between , and is : Ans: (d)
(a) =
(b) = 46. A mouth piece and an orifice, both of the same
(c) = diameter ‘d’ are discharging under the same haed
(d) = ‘H’ . The discharge through the mouthpiece will
Ans: (b) be:
(a) the same as that of the orifice
41. Which of the following mouthpieces is having (b) less than that of the orifice
maximum coefficient of discharge ? (c) more than that of the orifice
(a) External mouthpiece (d) no relationship
(b) Convergent-Divergent mouthpiece Ans: (c)
(c) Internal mouthpiece
(d) Convergent mouthpiece 47. Venturimeter (v), flow nozzle (N) and orifice
Ans: (b) meter (O) arranged in increasing order of co-
efficient of discharge are :
42. If coefficient of contraction for a sharp edged (a) V, N, O
orifice is 0.65 and coefficient of velocity of flow is (b) N, O, V
0.92, then coefficient of discharge will be: (c) O, N, V
(a) 0.598 (d) O, V, N
(b) 0.706 Ans: (c)
(c) 1.415
48. Mouthpiece has increased net haed when (b) Flow contraction
compared to small orifice due to: (c) Boundary friction
(a) Turbulence in the tube (d) Expansion of flow after sudden contraction
(b) Vena contracta occurred within the tube Ans: (d)
(c) Smaller length of the tube
(d) Smooth boundary of the tube 54. The loss of haed at entrance in a pipe is:
Ans: (b) (a) (b)
49. In the category of flow meters, head loss is at
the least for: (c) (d)
(a) Orifice meter Ans: (b)
(b) Nozzle flow meter
(c) Venturimeter 55. The loss of energy at at the exit of pipe is given
(d) Manometer as:
Ans: (c)
(a) = (b) =
50. Consider the following devices:
A. Orifice
(c) = (d) =
B. Borda’s mouthpiece running free
C. Bell-mouthed orifice Ans: (c)
D. External mouthpiece
What is the correct sequence these devices 56. In the flow of fluid through pipes, the
decreasing magnitude of coefficient of discharge? hydraulic gradient line (HGL) is always placed :
(a) B, C, A, D (a) below the total energy line
(b) D, C, A, B (b) below the axis of the pipe
(c) D, A, C, B (c) sloping in nature along with flow
(d) B, A, C, D (d) above the total energy line
Ans: (b) Ans: (a)

51. In a short cylindrical external mouthpiece , the 57. Assertion (A): A loss of head at a sudden
vena-contracta occurs at a distance from the contraction in a pipe is smaller than that at a
outlet of orifice equal to: sudden expansion.
(a) Diameter of the orifice Reason (R): When the flow contracts, it tends to
(b) One-fourth the diameter of the orifice become irrotational.
(c) One-third the diameter of the orifice (a) both A and R are true R is the correct
(d) Two-fourth the diameter of the orifice explanation of A
Ans: (b) (b) Both A and R are true but R is not a correct
explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
Minor Losses (d) A is false but R is ture
Ans: (c)
52. The head loss in a sudden expansion from 6cm
diameter pipe to 12cm diameter pipe, in terms of 58. Minor losses in a pipe flow are those losses:
velocity , in the 6cm dia pipe is: (a) which are insignificantly small
(b) which can always be neglected
(a) . (b) . (c) caused by local disturbance due to pipe fittings
(d) caused by frictional resistance
(c) . (d) . (e) caused by the temperature of the fluid being
conducted at room temperature
Ans: (d) Ans: (c)

53. The minor loss due to sudden contraction is 59. The loss of head entrance in a pipe is:
due to:
(a) Cavitation (a) (b)
(c) (d)
Ans: (b)

60. The losses of head due to sudden contraction

of a pipe is equal to………….. . Where is
coefficient of a contraction is the velocity of
flow after contraction of pipe.
(a) (b) (

(c) (1 ) (d)
Ans: (d)

Chapter-8 6. Low discharges are effectively measured by:
(a) Rectangular notch
(b) Stepped notch
Weirs & Notches (c) Trapezoidal notch
(d) Triangular notch
1. If the coefficient of discharge is 0.6, then the Ans: (d)
discharge over a right angled notch is:
(a) 0.417 7. The discharge over a right angled V-notch is :
(b) 1.417 (a) H (b)
(c) 4.171
(d) 7.141 (c) (d)
(e) Ans: (d)
Ans: (b)
8. Due to each end contraction, the crest length is
2. A triangular notch is preferred to a rectangular reduced by:
notch because: (a) 0.1 L
(a) Only one reading is required (b) 0.1 H
(b) Its formula is simple to remember (c) 0.1 /2g
(c) It gives more accurate results for low (d) 0.01 L
discharge Ans: (b)
(d) It measures a wide range of flows accurately
(e) All of the above options 9. Condition for broad crested weir is:
Ans: (e) (a) 2b>H (b) 2b<H
(c) H<b (d) b=2H
3. The ratio of the percentage error in the Ans: (a)
discharge and percentage error in the
measurement of head over a triangular notch is: 10. When the water level on the downstream side
(a) 2/5 (b) 3/3 of a weir is above the top surface of a weir , the
(c) 5/2 (d) 3/2 weir is known as :
(e) 3/5 (a) Narrow crested weir
Ans: (c) (b) Broad crested weir
(c) Ogee weir
4. The discharge over a triangular notch is: (d) Submerged weir
(a) Inversely proportional to Ans: (d)
(b) Directly proportional to
(c) Inversely proportional to 11. A Cipolletti weir has a side slope of :
(d) Directly proportional to (a) 1V : 1H
Ans: (d) (b) 1V : 2H
(c) 1H : 4V
5. The discharge over a triangular notch having (d) 1H : 2V
angle 2 θ is- Ans: (c)
(a) Cd tan θ
12: Aeration of nappe is necessary for which type
of weirs?
(b) Cd tan θ (a) Contracted rectangular
(b) Suppressed weir
(c) Cd tan θ (c) Submerged contracted rectangular
(d) Triangular
Ans: (b)
(d) Cd tan θ
Ans: (b)
13: Notch is a device used for measuring : 20. The discharge over a rectangular notch is:
(a) Velocity through a pipe (a) Directly proportional to
(b) Velocity through a small channel (b) Directly proportional to
(c) Rate of flow through pipes (c) Inversely proportional to
(d) Rate of flow through a small channel (d) Inversely proportional to
Ans: (d) Ans:(b)

14. In a barrage, crest level is kept 21: The discharged over a triangular notch
(a) High with small gates depends on the central angle of the notch, head
(b) Low with small gates over the notch, acceleration due to gravity and
(c) Low with large gates kinematics viscosity of the fluid. The number of
(d) High with large gates non-dimensional terms formed for the
Ans: (c) phenomenon is:
(a) 1 (b) 3
15. A weir, generally, uses as a spillway of a dam (c) 2 (d) 4
is: Ans: (a)
(a) Ogee weir
(b) Submerged weir 22. For a broad crested weir, if discharge is
(c) Narrow crested weir maximum for available head of 24m, then what
(d) Broad crested weir would be the critical depth of weir?
Ans: (a) (a) 8m (b) 12m
(c) 16m (d) 24m
16. The discharge through a V-notch varies as: Ans: (c)
(a) (b)
(c) (d) 23. As compared to a rectangular weir, a triangle
Ans: (c) weir measures low discharges more accurately,
the discharge through the latter being:
17. The percentage error in the computed (a)
discharge over a triangular notch crossesponding
to an error of 1% in the measurement of the head
over the notch, would be: (b)
(a) 2.5
(b) 2 (c)
(c) 2.2
(d) 1.5
Ans: (a) (d)
Ans: (b)
18. The head over a 90 V-notch increases from
0.20 m to 0.40 m. The ratio of the new discharge 24. A Cipolletti weir is a
to the original discharge is : (a) rectangular weir with sharp edges
(a) 1.414 (b) high triangular notch
(b) 2.000 (c) trapezoidal notch with 45° slope
(c) 4.000 (d) trapezoidal notch with sides inclined at 1H:4V
(d) more than 4.000 Ans: (d)
Ans: (a)
25. A triangular notch is more accurate measuring
19: Suppressed weir has : device than a rectangular notch
(a) Crest length less than width of channel (a) For low flow rates
(b) Crest length more than width of channel (b) For medium flow rates
(c) Crest length equal to width of channel (c) For high flow rates
(d) Crest length can be less or more than width of (d) for all flow rates
channel Ans: (a)
Ans: (c)
26. Notch is a device used for measuring : 33. Which notch is preferable for low flow rates?
(a) Rate of flow through pipes (a) Rectangular
(b) Rate of flow through a small channel (b) Triangular
(c) Velocity through a pipe (c) Both rectangular and Triangular
(d) Velocity through a small channel (d) None of these
Ans: (b) Ans: (b)

27. The error in discharge due to error in the 34: The discharge over a broad crested weir is
measuring of head over a rectangular notch is maximum when the depth of flow is
given by (a) (b)
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(c) (d) Ans: (d)
Ans: (b)
35. Discharge formula for triangular weir is:
28. Notch is used for measuring : (a)
(a) Velocity through a small channel
(b) Rate of flow through a pipe (b)
(c) Velocity through a pipe
(d) Rate of flow through a small channel
Ans: (d) (c)

29. Discharge over a rectangular notch or weir is (d)

given by the equation
Ans: (a)
(a) 0.67
(b) 0.75 36: Notches are used to measure-
(c) 0.67 (a) Flow rate
(d) 0.75 (b) Velocity
Ans: (c) (c) Pressure
(d) All above
30. For maximum discharge over a triangular Or
notch, the angle of the notch should be In any channel, notch is used to measure the
(a) 30° (b) 60° following
(c) 90 (d) 120° (a) Discharge
Ans: (c) (b) Pressure
(c) Velocity
31. If H is the head, the discharge through a V- (d) Static energy
notch varies- Ans: (a)
(a) Proportional to head (H)
(b) Inversely proportional to angle θ 37. The discharge formula for rectangular weir is
(c) Inversely proportional to tan θ/2 (a) Q=
(d) Proportional to
Ans: (d) (b) Q=

32. In a 90° triangular notch, the error in the

estimated discharge for a given head due to an (c) Q=
error of 1% in cutting the vertex angle is:
(a) Zero (b) 1% (d) Q=
(c) % (d) Ans: (d)
Ans: (c) °
38: The sheet of water flowing through a notch or 45: The discharge over a rectangular notch is
weir is known as : (a) Inversely proportional to
(a) Crest notch (b) Directly proportional to
(b) Nappe (c) Inversely proportional to
(c) Crest (d) Directly proportional to
(d) Crested weir Ans: (b)
Ans: (b)
46: For which angle of triangular notch the
39: The cipolletti weir is a …………. Weir. discharge over it is maximum?
(a) Triangular (a) 30°
(b) Trapezoidal (b) 60
(c) Circular (c) 45°
(d) Rectangular (d) 90°
Ans: (b) Ans: (d)

40: A suppressed sharp crested weir is 0.6 m high 47. Weirs are normally used to calculate-
and discharges water at a head of 1.2 m. The (a) Volume
coefficient discharge of this weir is : (b) Headloss
(a) 0.611 (c) Discharge
(b) 0.701 (d) Velocity
(c) 0.736 Ans: (c)
(d) 0.761
Ans: (d) 48. The Francis formula for the discharge over
cipolletti weir is:
41. The weir is always aligned at right angle to the (a) 1.84L
direction of the river flow because (b) 1.84LH
(a) It ensure less length of weir (c) 1.84L
(b) It gives good discharging capacity (d) 1.84L
(c) It is economical Ans: (c)
(d) It ensure less length, good discharge and
economical 49. A stream has a width of 30m, depth of 3m and
Ans: (d) 4 mean velocity of 1.25m/sec. What is the height
of a weir to be built on the stream floor so as to
42: Which notch is preferred for measuring the cause an afflux of 1m? Assume value of discharge
low discharges? coefficient as 0.95.
(a) Triangular notch (a) 3.594m
(b) Rectangular notch (b) 2.787m
(c) Trapezoidal notch (c) 4.312m
(d) Parabolic notch (d) 1.956m
Ans: (a) Ans: (b)
43: How many types of weir are there besed on -------------◉֍◉-------------
the shape of the crest?
(a) 6 (b) 4
(c) 5 (d) 3
Ans: (b)

44: Triangular weir is also called-

(a) Trigonometric
(b) Ogee
(c) V-notch
(d) Isolated
Ans: (c)
Chapter-9 7. A sphere of diameter 30cm is moving with a
uniform velocity of 4m/s . The dynamic viscosity
and specific gravity of the liquid is given as 0.8
Flow Through Pipes poises and 0.9 respectively. What is the value of
Reynolds number?
(a) 135 (b) 10000
Reynolds Number (c) 13500
Ans: (c)
(d) 15000

1. If Reynolds number is _________ then the flow of 8. The flow is classified as the laminar flow when
fluid through a pipe is laminar. the calculated value of the Reynolds number is
(a) < 2000 (b) > 4000 ……….. .
(c) > 2000 (C) < 4000 (a) Less than 2000
Ans: (a) (b) Between 2000 and 4000
(c) Between 2000 to 5000
2. Reynold’s number is a ratio of interia force to (d) Greater than 5000
the – Ans: (a)
(a) Gravitational force
(b) Tensile force 9. If the Reynolds number for a flow is 3000, then
(c) Viscous force the type of flow is ……….. .
(d) Frictional force (a) Laminar (b) Transitional
Ans: (c) (c) Turbulent (d) Vortex
Ans: (b)
3. Identify the dimensionless parameter from the
following. 10. Flow in a pipe is laminar if Reynolds number is
(a) Kinematic viscosity (a) Less than 2000
(b) Specific weight (b) Between 2000 and 4000
(c) Chezy’s co-efficient (c) Between 4000 and 6000
(d) Reynolds number (d) Above 6000
Ans: (d) Ans: (a)

4. If the Reynolds number is more than 5 , 11. The flow in a pipe neither laminar nor
the boundary layer is called as: turbulent when the Reynolds number is:
(a) Laminar boundary layer (a) Less than 2000
(b) Turbulent boundary layer (b) Between 2000 and 2800
(c) Newtonian boundary layer (c) More than 2800
(d) Ideal boundary layer (d) None of the above
Ans: (a) Ans: (b)

5. Reynolds number is the ratio of : 12. The flow in a pipe is neither laminar nor
(a) Viscous force and inertia turbulent when the Reynold’s number is :
(b) Inertia force and viscous force (a) Less than 2000
(c) Elastic force and viscous force (b) Between 2000 and 2800
(d) Gravity force and pressure force (c) More than 2800
Ans: (b) (d) None of the above
Ans: (b)
6. Calculate the Reynolds number if a fluid flows
through a pipe of diameter 100 mm with velocity 13. The Maximum efficiency of transmission
0.5 m/s having density of 900 kg/ and having through pipe is :
viscosity of 0.097 kg/m-s. (a) 50% (b) 56.7%
(a) 514.4 (b) 510.3 (c) 66.67% (d) 76.66%
(c) 512.5 (d) 463.9 Ans: (c)
Ans: (d)
14. The force exerted by the fluid on a pipe bend 20. If f = Friction coefficient for a pipe L and D are
for x direction, is given a length and diameter for the pipe respectively and
(a) V is velocity of the flow through the pipe then
(b) according to Darcy Weisbach equation the head
(c) loss due to friction resistance (hf) is given by
(d) (a) fL (b) 2fL
Ans: (a) (c) 3fL (d) 3fL
Ans: (b)
15. Laminar flow through a circular tube studied
experimentally by : 21. In a 12cm diameter pipe, the major losses are
(a) Newton equal to 5.0 /2g. The equivalent length of pipe to
(b) Pascal account for the major losses for f = 0.04 is
(c) Hagen and Poiseuille (a) 5m (b) 15m
(d) Prandtl (c) 10m (d) 20m
Ans: (c) Ans: (b)

16. The Glycerin is flowing at 25° C in a pipe of 22. For laminar flow in a pipe carrying a given
diameter 150 mm with a velocity of 3.6 m/s. The discharge, the height of surface roughness is
flow is : doubled, In such a case the Darcy Weisbach
(a) Laminar friction factor will :
(b) Turbulent (a) Remain unchanged (b) Be halved
(c) Critical (c) Be doubled (d) Increases four hold
(d) Rectilinear Ans: (a)
Ans: (a)
23. Which one of the following is not a formula to
find headloss due to friction in flow through
Darcy Weisbach Equations pipes?
(a) Darcy Weisbach formula
17. Compare the cost of pumping the same fluid at (b) Hazen Williams formula
the same flow rate through a 150 mm pipe and (c) Lea formula
through 200 mm pipe both having the same (d) Manning’s formula
roughness factor = 0.03 (negligible minor loss). Ans: (c)
(a) 4.2 times (b) 2.1 times
(c) 8.4 times (d) 10 times 24. Relation between the Darcy Weisbach friction
Ans: (a) factor and chezy’s constant is:
18. If the velocity of flow as well as the diameter of (a) C = (b) =
the flowing pipe are respectively doubled, the
(b) 8 f = g (d) 8 fg = 1
head loss thereafter be?
Ans: (b)
(a) Halved
(b) Doubled
25. Major losses in the pipe are due to the
(c) Increased 4 times
(a) Entrance effects (b) Frictional effects
(d) No changes
(c) Value and fittings (d) Pipe bends
Ans: (b)
Ans: (b)
19. If is the head loss, Q the discharges, the
26. The loss of head in pipe due to friction is
length of pipeline, the fraction factor and ‘d’ the
calculated by
diameter of pipe, then their relationship is :
(a) Darcy-Weisbach equation
(a) = (b) = (b) Darcy’s law
(c) Chezy’s law
(d) Energy loss
(c) = (d) =
Ans: (a)
Ans: (b)
27. The frictional resistance of a pipe varies pipe is given as 0.01. What is the length (m) of
approximately with the…………. of the liquid : pipe?
(a) Pressure (a) 1150 (b) 1860
(b) Velocity (c) 2263 (d) 2785
(c) Square of velocity Ans: (c)
(d) Cube of velocity
Ans: (c) 34. In pipe flow , head loss due to friction is:
(a) (b)
28. The major loss of energy in long pipes is due
(a) Sudden englargement (c) (d)
(b) Sudden contraction Ans: (a)
(c) Length of pipe
(d) Friction in pipe 35. Loss of head due to friction in a pipe of
Ans: (d) diameter ‘d’ varies as:
(a) (b)
29. In a pipe flow, the minor loss due to sudden
(c) (c) d
contraction is due to:
Ans: (c)
(a) Cavitation
(b) Expansion
36. For the same mean velocity, the ratio of head
(c) Boundary
loss per unit length for a pipe flowing full to that
(d) Flow contraction
for the same pipe flowing half full would be:
Ans: (b)
(a) 2.0 (b) 1.63
(c) 0.5 (d) 0.61
30. A circular pipe o diameter 0.5 m carries the
Ans: (c)
discharge of 50 litres/s. The head loss due to
friction in pipe is 0.15 m and friction factor for the
37. The flow constant ‘f’ in Darcy Weisbach
pipe is given as 0.01. What is the length (m) of
equation for haed loss in piped flows has a unit of:
(a) m/sec (b) kg-m/sec
(a) 50.5 (b) 85.71
(c) No unit – diversion (d) m
(c) 98.95 (d) 110.01
Ans: (c)
Ans: (*no one is correct*)
38. A horizontal pipe line of length 2200 m and 10
31. What is the head loss in pipe due to friction
cm diameter is carrying water at a velocity of 1.2
over the length of 30 km, if the diameter of pipe is
m/s . If the friction factor is 0.03 then the Energy
80 cm velocity of flow is 30 cm/s? Take friction
Head lost in friction would be:
factor 0.032.
(a) 96.88 m (b) 193.76 m
(a) 0.4 m (b) 4.5 m
(c) 40.36 m (d) 48.44 m
(c) 5.5 m (d) 10 m
Ans: (d)
Ans: (c)

32. The water is flowing through 800 m long

circular pipe of diameter 30 cm with the velocity
of 0.26 m/s. The Friction factor for the pipe is
given as 0.016.
(a) 5.5 (b) 14.7
(c) 21.3 (d) 35.6
Ans: (b)

33. A circular pipe of diameter 0.5 m carries the

discharge of 50 liters/s. The head loss due to
friction in pipe is 0.15 m and friction factor for the

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