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Ohaus MB200 Manual

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Unpacking Instructions ............................................................................ 5
Assembly Procedure................................................................................ 6
Platform Installation ................................................................................. 6


Locating ................................................................................................... 7
Span Calibration ...................................................................................... 8
Linearity and Span Calibration................................................................. 9
Weighing................................................................................................ 10
Taring .................................................................................................... 10
Batching (or Compounding) ................................................................... 11
Checkweighing ...................................................................................... 11

Drying Curves ........................................................................................ 12
Normal Mode ......................................................................................... 13
Auto Dry Mode....................................................................................... 15
Multi-Temp Program .............................................................................. 18
Moisture Regain Option ......................................................................... 20
Auto Print Option ................................................................................... 21
Items to Print Option .............................................................................. 22
Interval Print Option ............................................................................... 22
Port Parameters Selection ..................................................................... 23

Hardware ............................................................................................... 24
Software ................................................................................................ 25
ACCESSORIES AND REPLACEMENT PARTS .......................................... 28
TROUBLESHOOTING.................................................................................. 29
SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................................................ 30
SERVICE INFORMATION ............................................................................ 31
CARE AND MAINTENANCE ........................................................................ 31
WARRANTY ................................................................................................. 31
Ohaus Corporation
29 Hanover Road
Florham Park NJ

16. Replace the cover and fasten with the

three phillips screws that were re-
moved in step 9.

17. Replace the pan support and pan.

18. Place the balance in the location

where it will be used and verify it is
level. If minor adjustment is needed, use the leveling feet.

19. Recalibrate the balance as explained in the instruction manual supplied with the

The pages you are about to

view are for an accessory
which is no longer available

June 8, 2000
MB 300, MB301 and B Series Balances

The Security Device Bushing is not re-

quired on these balances.

To install, simply pass the Cable through

the hole in the pad between two heat
sink fins on the rear of the balance.

Rear of

Pass Cable
through hole. Security Device
Other Balances
The Security Device may be used with other balances however, a 1/2” diameter hole
may need to be drilled in the balance to accept the Security Device Bushing. If so, the
following precautions must be taken: P/N 76288-00
• Select a location on the balance where drilling will not
damage any internal components.
• If uncertain, contact balance manufacturer for recom-
• Make sure that chips caused by drilling do not get into Installation Instructions
the mechanism of the balance.
• Verify that operation of balance will not be obstructed
when Security Device Bushing is installed in the bal-

OHAUS® is the registered trademark of Ohaus Corporation as are the following

PRIMER® , 5-0-5® , and 10-10® . The Security Device accessory kit is designed to protect OHAUS® balances against
OHAUS CORPORATION theft. Before installing this accessory, carefully read these instructions. If assistance
P.O. Box 900 is needed, contact Ohaus Corporation:
29 Hanover Road
Florham Park, N.J. 07932, USA • In the U.S., call toll-free at 1-800-526-0659.
Tel: 201-377-9000 • In New Jersey, call 1-201-377-9000.
Telex: 6853191 OHAUS UW
Fax: 201-593-0359

With other offices in England, Mexico, Canada,

Japan, Germany, France, Switzerland

P/N 76438-00 R0793 © Ohaus Corporation 1993, all rights reserved.

INSTALLATION E Series, Galaxy, GT400,
Figure 1 shows the typical lock and Security
GT4000 and GT8000 Only
cable assembly for balances requiring Device
the Security Device Bushing to be in- Bushing 1. Remove screws and washers which
stalled in the balance. secure cover to base and lift the 1
cover. Be careful not to pull any
WARNING: ALWAYS DISCONNECT wires, cables or connectors going
POWER BEFORE OPENING BAL- from the cover to the base.
Lock 2. Remove Hole Plug.

3. Install Security Device Bushing in

Cable hole and install Lock and Cable as
Case in Figure 1.
Figure 1
4. Reassemble.
CT Series, C305, C505 and 1
S200 3 2
1. Remove Battery Cover and PRECISION Standard Balances
Battery Pack.
1. Remove the Draft Shield (if in-
2. Remove Hole Plug. stalled), Pan and Pan Support.

3. Install Security Device 2. Remove the three screws 2

Bushing in hole and install which secure cover to
Lock and Cable as in Fig- base and lift cover off.
ure 1.
3. Remove Hole Plug.
4. Reassemble.
4. Install Security Device Bush-
ing in hole and install Lock and 3
3 1
2 Cable as in Figure 1.
5. Reassemble.
Port-O-Gram Balances
1. Remove screws which secure Bat-
tery Cover. Remove cover and bat- MB200, PRECISION Plus and
tery pack. All GT Series Except GT400,
2. Remove Hole Plug. GT4000 and GT8000
Rear of
The Security Device Bushing is not re- balance
3. Install Security Device Bushing in 1
hole and install Lock and Cable as quired on these balances.
in Figure 1.
To install, simply pass the Cable through
4. Reassemble. the hole in the level indicator on the rear
of the balance.
Pass Cable through hole.

2 3
INSTALLATION E Series, Galaxy, GT400,
Figure 1 shows the typical lock and Security
GT4000 and GT8000 Only
cable assembly for balances requiring Device
the Security Device Bushing to be in- Bushing 1. Remove screws and washers which
stalled in the balance. secure cover to base and lift the 1
cover. Be careful not to pull any
WARNING: ALWAYS DISCONNECT wires, cables or connectors going
POWER BEFORE OPENING BAL- from the cover to the base.
Lock 2. Remove Hole Plug.

3. Install Security Device Bushing in

Cable hole and install Lock and Cable as
Case in Figure 1.
Figure 1
4. Reassemble.
CT Series, C305, C505 and 1
S200 3 2
1. Remove Battery Cover and PRECISION Standard Balances
Battery Pack.
1. Remove the Draft Shield (if in-
2. Remove Hole Plug. stalled), Pan and Pan Support.

3. Install Security Device 2. Remove the three screws 2

Bushing in hole and install which secure cover to
Lock and Cable as in Fig- base and lift cover off.
ure 1.
3. Remove Hole Plug.
4. Reassemble.
4. Install Security Device Bush-
ing in hole and install Lock and 3
3 1
2 Cable as in Figure 1.
5. Reassemble.
Port-O-Gram Balances
1. Remove screws which secure Bat-
tery Cover. Remove cover and bat- MB200, PRECISION Plus and
tery pack. All GT Series Except GT400,
2. Remove Hole Plug. GT4000 and GT8000
Rear of
The Security Device Bushing is not re- balance
3. Install Security Device Bushing in 1
hole and install Lock and Cable as quired on these balances.
in Figure 1.
To install, simply pass the Cable through
4. Reassemble. the hole in the level indicator on the rear
of the balance.
Pass Cable through hole.

2 3
MB 300, MB301 and B Series Balances

The Security Device Bushing is not re-

quired on these balances.

To install, simply pass the Cable through

the hole in the pad between two heat
sink fins on the rear of the balance.

Rear of

Pass Cable
through hole. Security Device
Other Balances
The Security Device may be used with other balances however, a 1/2” diameter hole
may need to be drilled in the balance to accept the Security Device Bushing. If so, the
following precautions must be taken: P/N 76288-00
• Select a location on the balance where drilling will not
damage any internal components.
• If uncertain, contact balance manufacturer for recom-
• Make sure that chips caused by drilling do not get into Installation Instructions
the mechanism of the balance.
• Verify that operation of balance will not be obstructed
when Security Device Bushing is installed in the bal-

OHAUS® is the registered trademark of Ohaus Corporation as are the following

PRIMER® , 5-0-5® , and 10-10® . The Security Device accessory kit is designed to protect OHAUS® balances against
OHAUS CORPORATION theft. Before installing this accessory, carefully read these instructions. If assistance
P.O. Box 900 is needed, contact Ohaus Corporation:
29 Hanover Road
Florham Park, N.J. 07932, USA • In the U.S., call toll-free at 1-800-526-0659.
Tel: 201-377-9000 • In New Jersey, call 1-201-377-9000.
Telex: 6853191 OHAUS UW
Fax: 201-593-0359

With other offices in England, Mexico, Canada,

Japan, Germany, France, Switzerland

P/N 76438-00 R0793 © Ohaus Corporation 1993, all rights reserved.

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