Repair Manual SWE100 - 120 Ixion

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Service Manual en

SWE100/120, SWE120S
Valid from serial number: 715612-

Order number: 220813-040

Issued: 2005-03-22 ITS

© BT Europe AB
Issue date Resp. Changes
2005-03-22 ITS Completely new issue

This manual covers following truck models:

T-code Model Serial number

700 SWE100 715612-
700 SWE120 715612-
701 SWE120S 715612-

© BT Europe AB Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S Approved by: L-G Andersson

Table of contents
Order number Date Valid from serial number T-code
220813-040 2005-03-22 715612- 700, 701

1- Table of contents

General product information – M2 1-1

Intended application of the truck.................... 1

Prohibited application of the truck ................. 1

Truck data ..................................................... 2

Truck dimensions .......................................... 3

Identification plate ......................................... 4

Capacity plate................................................ 5

Modification plate .......................................... 5

Main components .......................................... 6

Warning and information plates and symbols 8

Technical data – M4 2-1

Introduction Maintenance – P1 3-1

Safety regulations with maintenance work .... 1

Cleaning and washing ................................... 2
3.2.1 External cleaning ................................................ 3
3.2.2 Cleaning the motor compartment ....................... 3
3.2.3 Electrical components ........................................ 3
Safe lifting...................................................... 4

Preventive maintenance – P2 4-1

Maintenance schedule .................................. 1

Lubrication schedule ..................................... 6

Oil and grease specification – P3 5-1

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Table of contents
T-code Valid from serial number Date Order number
700, 701 715612- 2005-03-22 220813-040

Tools – P4 6-1

Super Seal connectors ................................. 1

AMP connectors ........................................... 2

6.2.1 AMP Connectors, 040 series .............................. 3
Molex connectors.......................................... 3

Other tools .................................................... 4

Support arm chassis – 0350 7-1

General ......................................................... 1

Main components ......................................... 2

Maintenance ................................................. 2

Adjustment of the support arm width............. 3

Exchange of support arms ............................ 4

Electric drive motor – 1760 8-1

Component parts .......................................... 1

8.1.1 Dismantling of motor from truck .......................... 2
8.1.2 Assembling ......................................................... 2
Service/Repairs ............................................ 3
8.2.1 Dismantling of motor ........................................... 3
8.2.2 Assembling of motor ........................................... 4
8.2.3 Cleaning .............................................................. 4
Technical data .............................................. 5

Drive unit/gear – 2550 9-1

Component parts .......................................... 2

9.1.1 Technical data .................................................... 3
Leakage from top cover ................................ 4

Changing of the drive shaft’s sealing ring ..... 4

9.3.1 Dismantling ......................................................... 4
9.3.2 Assembling ......................................................... 5

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Table of contents
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Electro magnetic brake – 3370 10-1

Main components .......................................... 1

10.1.1 Serial number 570989- ...................................... 1
Maintenance.................................................. 2
10.2.1 Exchange of brake disc ...................................... 2

Steering – 4000 11-1

Component parts, tiller arm ........................... 1

Adjustments .................................................. 2
11.2.1 Adjusting of brake microswitch .......................... 2
Tiller arm handle............................................ 3
11.3.1 Dismantling/Assembling ..................................... 5
Changing of signal button/switch (9, 10) ............ 5
Changing of lift/lowering button (13) ................... 6
Changing of pushbutton (16) .............................. 6

Electrical systems 12-1

Electrical parts............................................... 1

List of symbols and electrical

wiring diagram 3
12.2.1 Electrical diagram 1(5) ....................................... 5
12.2.2 Electrical diagram 2(5) ....................................... 6
12.2.3 Electrical diagram 3(5) ....................................... 7
12.2.4 Electrical diagram 4(5) ....................................... 8
12.2.5 Electrical diagram 5(5) ....................................... 9
Functional description ................................. 10
12.3.1 Starting the truck .............................................. 10
12.3.2 Driving .............................................................. 10
12.3.3 Neutral speed reduction ................................... 10
12.3.4 Neutral speed reduction on slopes .................. 10
12.3.5 Braking ............................................................. 10
12.3.6 Lifting the forks ................................................. 11
12.3.7 Lowering the forks ............................................ 11
12.3.8 Horn ................................................................. 11
Hour meter .................................................. 11

Fault codes.................................................. 12

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Table of contents
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700, 701 715612- 2005-03-22 220813-040

Parameters .................................................. 25
12.6.1 Operator parameters ........................................ 25
12.6.2 Parameter description ...................................... 26
Parameter 1 ...................................................... 26
Parameter 2 ...................................................... 26
Parameter 3 ...................................................... 26
Parameter 4 ...................................................... 26
Parameter 5 ...................................................... 26
12.6.3 Service parameters .......................................... 27
12.6.4 Parameter description ...................................... 28
Parameter 10 .................................................... 28
Parameter 14 .................................................... 28
Parameter 15 - Non-configurable option ........... 28
Parameter 16 - Configurable option #1 ............. 28
Parameter 17 - Configurable option #2 ............. 29
Parameter 18 - Configurable option #3 ............. 29
Parameter 19 - Configurable option #4 ............. 29
Option parameters ............................................ 29
General ............................................................. 29
Parameter #15 Non-configurable options ......... 29
Changing non-configurable options .................. 29
Parameter #16 to 19 configurable optional func-
tions .................................................................. 30
Changing configurable optional functions ......... 31
Parameter 20 .................................................... 35
Parameter 21 .................................................... 35
Recommendation on parameter setting for freely
ventilated batteries ............................................ 36
Instructions for verifying parameter setting ....... 37
Recommendation on parameter setting for valve-
controlled batteries (VRLA) ............................... 38
Instructions for verifying parameter setting ....... 39
Parameter 22 .................................................... 39
Parameter 25 .................................................... 39
Parameter 28 .................................................... 39
Parameter 39 .................................................... 40
Login method and driver parameter access ..... 40
Expanded keypad - General ............................. 40
Expanded keypad - Programming .................... 40
Service indication .............................................. 42
Part numbers ............................................... 45
Transistor panel ........................................... 45
12.8.1 General ............................................................. 45

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Diagnostic and troubleshooting ................... 46

12.9.1 Error codes and troubleshooting ...................... 46
12.9.2 Resetting errors ............................................... 47
12.9.3 Safety ............................................................... 47
Technical specifications – Curtis 1243 ........ 48

Hydraulic system – 6000 1-1

General ......................................................... 1

Hydraulic diagram and components .............. 1

1.2.1 Main components ............................................... 1
1.2.2 Description ......................................................... 2
Lift ....................................................................... 2
Lowering ............................................................. 2
Operating pressure ............................................. 2
Relief valve ......................................................... 2
Pressure switch .................................................. 2

Main lift chain system – 7120 2-1

General ......................................................... 1

Checking the chain setting ............................ 1

Chain inspection............................................ 1
2.3.1 Noise .................................................................. 1
2.3.2 Surface rust ........................................................ 1
2.3.3 Rusty links .......................................................... 1
2.3.4 Stiff links ............................................................. 2
2.3.5 Bolt rotation ........................................................ 2
2.3.6 Loose bolts ......................................................... 2
2.3.7 Outline wear ....................................................... 3
2.3.8 Stretching ........................................................... 4
2.3.9 Damage .............................................................. 4
2.3.10 Damaged discs .................................................. 5
2.3.11 Damaged bolts ................................................... 5
2.3.12 Dirty chain .......................................................... 5
Cleaning ........................................................ 5

Lubrication..................................................... 6

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Table of contents
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700, 701 715612- 2005-03-22 220813-040

Battery charger (Inbuilt) – 8340 3-1

General ......................................................... 1

Charging ....................................................... 1

Troubleshooting and service......................... 2

Technical data .............................................. 2

Charging settings.......................................... 3
3.5.1 Freely ventilated batteries ................................... 3
3.5.2 Valve regulated batteries .................................... 3

Control/computer equipment – 8700 4-1

General ......................................................... 1

Connection ................................................... 1

Layout ........................................................... 2
4.3.1 Main program screen .......................................... 2
4.3.2 Nodes ................................................................. 2
4.3.3 Icons ................................................................... 3
4.3.4 Tool buttons and menu bar ................................. 3
4.3.5 Information window ............................................. 4
4.3.6 Status bar ........................................................... 4
Connection function ..................................... 4
Disconnection function.................................. 4

Downloading program function ..................... 5

4.6.1 Normal downloading (truck with key) .................. 5
4.6.2 Normal downloading (truck with keypad) ............ 5
4.6.3 Emergency downloading (truck with keypad) ..... 6
4.6.4 Downloading in old versions of logic card ........... 6
4.6.5 Emergency downloading (truck with keypad) ..... 6
Truck report function ..................................... 7

Parameters function...................................... 8

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Diagnostics function ...................................... 8

4.9.1 Representation of signal colours ........................ 9
4.9.2 “Tiller arm” tab .................................................... 9
4.9.3 “Drive Controller” tab
(transistor regulator - driving) 10
4.9.4 “Pump controller” tab
(transistor regulator - pump) 11
4.9.5 “EPS” steering servo tab .................................. 12
Other menu functions .................................. 13
4.10.1 Save to file ....................................................... 13
4.10.2 Download from file ........................................... 13
4.10.3 Reset CAN adapter .......................................... 13
4.10.4 Delete error code log ....................................... 13
4.10.5 Reset hour meter ............................................. 13
4.10.6 Read error code log ......................................... 13
4.10.7 Adjust date and time ........................................ 14
4.10.8 Adjusting the hour meter on older cards .......... 14
4.10.9 Help .................................................................. 14
About the TruckCom application ...................... 14
4.10.10 Exit ................................................................. 14
Specifications .............................................. 14

Installation ................................................... 15
4.12.1 Installation on a PC with Windows® 95/98 ...... 15
4.12.2 Installation on a PC with Windows XP/2000 .... 16
4.12.3 Installation on a PC with Windows NT ............. 21
4.12.4 In case of communication problems with CAN . 21
4.12.5 To uninstall ....................................................... 21

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General product information – M2
Intended application of the truck
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1- General product information – M2

The truck is a battery-powered support arm truck. In its standard design
the truck is equipped with a tiller arm for control while walking.
The tiller arm is specially designed to provide the best possible opera-
tor ergonomy, having all the controls and buttons within easy reach
without the operator needing to release the handle. The tiller arm is also
equipped with a display showing running time and battery status
among other things. The display is also used when the operator wishes
to change any of the operator parameters with which the truck can be
SWE100 has a maximum lifting capacity of 1000 kg.
SWE120 has a maximum lifting capacity of 1200 kg.
The truck has a 24V electrical system and the speed is regulated by
means of a transistor controller to provide gentle control of acceleration
and speed while driving.
The forks are raised by means of a powerful hydraulic unit. The lift is
electrically controlled using the buttons on the tiller arm. Control of the
lowering speed and positioning of the forks when stacking is performed
using the truck's mechanical hydraulic valves.
The truck can be equipped with different accessories such as ride-on
platform, integrated charger, load support and a button for temporary
speed reduction. The truck can also be fitted with low temperature oil if
it is to be used in cool and humid conditions.
Note that some of the truck models described in the Operator’s Manual
may not be marketed in your country.

1.1 Intended application of the truck

The truck is solely designed and manufactured to handle goods. The
trucks should be fitted with the appropriate accessories relevant to the

1.2 Prohibited application of the truck

The truck is designed for handling goods indoors. It is not permitted to
use the truck for other purposes including the following:
- In areas that contain dust or gases which can cause fires or ex-
- As a tow-truck for trailers
- To tow other trucks
- To transport/lift passengers
- To drive on gravel or grass

© BT Europe AB Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S 1- 1

General product information – M2
Truck data
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700, 701 715612- 2005-03-22 220813-040

1.3 Truck data

The table provides information regarding some technical data, which is
of value with daily use of the truck.

Truck type SWE100 SWE120

Rated capacity, kg ** 1000 1200 *
Lift height, mm 1400-3300 1400-4150
Travel speed without load (<750 kg), m/s 6 6
Travel speed with rated load (>750 kg), m/s 5,3 5,3
Gradient with rated load, % 8 8
Weight without battery, kg 570 -600 727-757
Weight with battery, kg (Ah) 720-750 (180) 927-957 (240)
Turning radius (Wa), mm (fork length 1150 mm) 1482 1479
Continuous noise level, according to
CE prEN 12053, dB A < 70 <70
Continuous noise level, according to ASME
B56, 11, 5_1992, dB A 65 65
Permitted drive wheel, material Power friction Power friction
Power fricktion sajpat Power fricktion sajpat
Power friction nonmark Power friction nonmark
Tractothan Tractothan
Elastomer Elastomer

* With fork width 520 mm the lifting capacity, rated load, is reduced to
1000 kg.
* Deviations may occur on trucks adapted to specific application; the
correct value can be found on the truck’s identification plate. In such
cases the truck is also fitted with a modification plate.
The truck’s lifting capacity, lift height and weight can be found on the
truck’s identification plate.

1- 2 Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S © BT Europe AB

General product information – M2
Truck dimensions
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1.4 Truck dimensions

The illustration shows external dimensions for the truck in its standard






800 D

SWE100 SWE120
A 414 384
B 1482 1479
C 1574 1571
D 570-685 520-685

© BT Europe AB Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S 1- 3

General product information – M2
Identification plate
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700, 701 715612- 2005-03-22 220813-040

1.5 Identification plate

The illustration shows the identification plate for the truck in

Item Text Unit

MIN kg

The illustration shows the identification plate for the truck in ASME-

Item Text Unit



F MIN kg

1- 4 Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S © BT Europe AB

General product information – M2
Capacity plate
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1.6 Capacity plate

The illustration shows the capacity plate used on the truck.
I J Item Text Unit

1.7 Modification plate

The illustration shows the modification plate which is found on the truck
if it is supplied as non-standard or if it has been modified after leaving
the manufacturer. The plate includes information according to the table

Item Text
A Modification plate
B Type
C Serial number
D Place of manufacture
E Place of manufacture
F Modification number
G Date

© BT Europe AB Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S 1- 5

General product information – M2
Main components
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700, 701 715612- 2005-03-22 220813-040

1.8 Main components

1. Tiller arm:
The truck is manoeuvred by the driver while walking. 204 degree
steering area.
The brakes are applied in the tiller arm’s upper and lower positions.
2. Identification plate:
With model designation, serial number, year of manufacture,
weight without battery, battery weight, rated capacity, battery volt-
age and manufacturer.
3. Covers:
Removable which provides good accessibility when servicing.
4. Emergency switch off:
5. Hydraulic control:
For controlling lifting and lowering functions.
6. Hydraulic unit:
Pump motor, pump and oil tank are integrated in a compact unit.
7. Hydraulic valves:
The valves are located to provide easy access.
8. Drive unit with brake:
Suspended drive unit with spring-loaded mechanical brake, travel
motor, gears and drive wheel combined into a compact unit. Steer-
ing bearings between motor and gears.
9. Serial number:
The serial number plate fitted to the chassis.
10. Electric panel:
Removable, which provides good access when servicing. 24 volt
electrical supply. The speed is variably controlled by means of a
11. Support castor wheels
Two support castor wheels to ensure stability
12. Battery:
24V with different Ah values. The battery is automatically locked in
the battery compartment.
13. Emergency disconnector and battery connector:
The battery is charged via the permanently fitted charging connec-
14. Mast:
Fitted with a finger guard to cover the driver's normal reach.

1- 6 Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S © BT Europe AB

General product information – M2
Main components
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11 8
10 9

© BT Europe AB Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S 1- 7

General product information – M2
Warning and information plates and symbols
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700, 701 715612- 2005-03-22 220813-040

1.9 Warning and information plates and

The figure shows the position and significance of the plates and sym-
bols located on the truck.

1. Hydraulic control: Lifting/Lowering

2. Travel direction
3. Signal/Horn
4. Capacity plate
5. Identification plate
A: CE, B: ASME, depending on market
6. Hydraulic control: Lower
7. Serial number
8. Hydraulic oil filling
9. Maximum height for rated capacity
10. A) Do not walk under an elevated load
B) Do not stand on the forks
11. Lifting points
12. Modification plate

1- 8 Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S © BT Europe AB

General product information – M2
Warning and information plates and symbols
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© BT Europe AB Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S 1- 9

General product information – M2
Warning and information plates and symbols
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700, 701 715612- 2005-03-22 220813-040

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Technical data – M4
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220813-040 2005-03-22 715612- 700, 701

2- Technical data – M4
Model SWE100 SWE120 SWE120S
Drive motor
Type TSL140S-DS20 TSL140S-DS30 TSL140S-DS30
Output, kW 1.0 1.2 1.2
Duty cycle S2, 60 min S2, 60 min S2, 60 min
Minimum carbon brush length, mm 13 13 13
Nominal commutator diameter, mm 50 50 50
Minimum commutator diameter, mm 47 47 47
Resistance, shunt field winding, 0.55 0.55 0.55
Ω at 25 C°
Resistance armature winding, 0.0156 0.0156 0.0156
Ω at 24 °C
Insulation resistance between the >=1 Mohm >=1 Mohm >=1 Mohm
windings and motor casing
Weight, kg 14 14 14
Type BFK457-08 BFK457-08 BFK457-08
Braking force, Nm 12 12 12
Output, W 25 25 25
Resistance coil, Ω 23 23 23
Nominal play in actuated position, mm 0.2-0.4 0.2-0.4 0.2-0.4
Minimum thickness brake disc, mm 5.5 5.5 5.5
Thickness of a new brake disc, mm 7.0 7.0 7.0
Transmission/drive gear
Type 2-stage angle 2-stage angle 2-stage angle
transmission transmission transmission
Gear ratio 19,14:1 19,14:1 19,14:1
Oil volume, litre 1.0 1.0 1.0
Oil type Hypoid oil Hypoid oil Hypoid olja
at normal temperature SAE 80W/90 SAE 80W/90 SAE 80W/90
at temperature < -15oC SAE 75W SAE 75W SAE 75W

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Technical data – M4
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700, 701 715612- 2005-03-22 220813-040

Model SWE100 SWE120 SWE120S

Drive wheel, mm Dia 215x70 Dia 215x70 Dia 215x70
Axle pressure without load, kg 340 345 690
Axle pressure at rated load, kg 340 345 735
Tightening torque for wheel bolts, Nm 65 Nm 65 Nm 65 Nm
Support arm wheel, mm Dia 80x95 Dia 80x95 Dia 100x75
Axle pressure without load, kg 2x 230 (240) 2x 270 (240) 2x 355(240)
Axle pressure at rated load, kg 2x 1100 (240) 2x 1350 (240) 2x 1510(240)
Support castors, mm Dia 125x40 Dia 125x40
Axle pressure without load 2x 235 (240) 2x 350 (240)
Axle pressure at rated load, kg 2x 365 (240) 2x 470 (240)
Hydraulic system
Output, kW 2.2 2.2 2.2
Duty cycle,% 5 5 5
Minimum carbon brush length, mm 12 12 12
Minimum commutator thickness/diam- 4.75 4.75 4.75
eter, mm
Pressure at rated load, bar 193 193 193
Overflow pressure, bar 210 210 210
Pump flow, litre/minute 5.0 5.0 5.0
Tank volume, litre 4.5 4.5 4.5
Oil type: Hydraulic oil Hydraulic oil Hydraulic oil
at normal temperature ISO-L-HM32 ISO-L-HM32 ISO-L-HM32
at temperature < -15oC ISO-L-HV32 ISO-L-HV32 ISO-L-HV32

Drive motor circuits, A 125 125 125
Pump motor circuits, A 125 125 125
Control circuits, A 7,5 7,5 7.5
Battery compartment, Batteries
Dimensions LxWxH, mm, 180 Ah 196x643x452 196x643x452 196x643x452
240 Ah 196x643x572 196x643x572 196x643x572
320 Ah 244x643x572 244x643x572
Capacity, Ah 180-240 180-320 180-320
Weigh, kg 150-200 150-250 150-250

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Technical data – M4
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Model SWE100 SWE120 SWE120S

Driving speed
Without load, 0-750 kg, km/h 6.0 6.0 6.0
With rated load, km/h 5.3 5.3 5.3
Lift/lowering speed
Lift without load, m/s 0.19 0.19 0.19
Lift with rated load, m/s 0.10 0.10 0.10
Lowering without load, m/s 0.15 0.15 0.15
Lowering with rated load, m/s 0.19 0,19 0,19
Power consumption
Driving without load, A 23 23 23
Driving with rated load, A 30 34 34
Lift without load, A 54 54
Lift with rated load, A 148 148
Incline climbing ability
With rated load 8% 10 % 8%
Measurement, L2
Medium 741 728 805
Long 780 857
Turning radius WA 1482 1479 1519
Truck without battery, Medium 570 727 765

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2- 4 Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S © BT Europe AB

Introduction Maintenance – P1
Safety regulations with maintenance work
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3- Introduction Maintenance – P1
All points in the service program should be carried out to attain the high-
est safety and the least possible downtime. The service intervals are
only a guide and do not need to be followed to the letter. The operator
may adapt them to local conditions, but it is important that the intervals
comply with BT’s minimum requirements.
The service intervals are based on the running times and can be adapt-
ed to most normal 8 hour shifts. The service interval may be shortened
if the truck is used more frequently or in more demanding situations, e.g
cold store, dusty or corrosive situations. The following running times
have been used when calculating the intervals:
Day time: 08.00-17.00 (20 hr./week)
2-shifts: 06.00-14.00, 14.00-22.00 (40 hr./week)
3-shifts: 06.00-14.00, 14.00-22.00,22.00-06.00 (60 hr./week)
Ensure the truck is given a regular maintenance service after every 500
driving hours. The truck’s safety, efficiency and service life is depend-
ent on the service and maintenance it is given.
Only use BT approved spare parts when service and repair work are
carried out.

3.1 Safety regulations with

maintenance work
Only personnel that have been trained in the service and repair of this
type of truck are authorised to carry out service and repair work.
• Do not carry out any maintenance work on the truck unless you have
the correct training and knowledge to do so
• Keep the area where you carry out the service clean. Oil or water
makes the floor slippery
• Never wear loose objects or jewellery when working on the truck
When working with the truck’s electrical system, short-circuiting/
burns can occur if a metal object comes into contact with live electri-
cal connections.
Remove watches, rings or other types of metal jewellery.
• Always disconnect the battery by pulling out the battery isolator
when carrying out maintenance work on the truck unless otherwise
stated in this Service Manual
• Always switch off the truck’s power supply before opening the cov-
ers on the drive unit or electrical system
• Relieve the system pressure slowly before starting work on the
truck’s hydraulic system

© BT Europe AB Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S 3- 1

Introduction Maintenance – P1
Cleaning and washing
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700, 701 715612- 2005-03-22 220813-040

• Use paper or a rigid sheet of cardboard when checking for oil leak-
age. Never use your hand
• Bear in mind that the oil in the transmission or the hydraulic system
can be hot
Risk of burns.
Hot transmission and hydraulic oil.
Let the truck cool before changing the oil.
• Only fill the hydraulic system with new and clean oil
The hydraulic system can be damaged.
If the oil is contaminated hydraulic components can be damaged.
Always use new and clean oil in the hydraulic system.
• Store and dispose of changed oil in accordance with local directives
• Do not release solvents and the like, which are used for cleaning/
washing, into drains that are not intended for this purpose. Follow
the local directives that apply for disposal
• Disconnect the battery when welding on the truck
The battery can be damaged.
When welding using an electric power source the welding current can
enter the battery.
The battery should therefore be disconnected.
• Remove at least 100 mm of paint around the welding/grinding area
through sand-blasting or the use of a paint stripper when welding or
grinding on painted surfaces
Harmful gases.
Paint that is heated gives off harmful gases.
Remove 100 mm of paint from the work area.

3.2 Cleaning and washing

Cleaning and washing of the truck is important to ensure the truck’s reli-
• Carry out general cleaning and washing weekly
Risk of short-circuiting.
The electrical system can be damaged
Disconnect the battery before washing by pulling out the battery con-

3- 2 Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S © BT Europe AB

Introduction Maintenance – P1
Cleaning and washing
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220813-040 2005-03-22 715612- 700, 701

3.2.1 External cleaning

• Remove rubbish, etc. from the wheels daily
• Use a well-known degreasing agent, diluted to a suitable concentra-
• Rinse off loose grime using tepid water
Jamming, corrosion.
Mechanical components can be damaged.
After washing, the truck should be lubricated as set out in the chapter
Maintenance and lubrication chart.

3.2.2 Cleaning the motor compartment

• Cover the electric motors, connections and valves before washing
Risk of short-circuiting.
The electrical system can be damaged.
Electrical components must not be cleaned with a high pressure
washing unit.
• Clean the motor compartment using a well-known degreasing agent,
diluted to a suitable concentration
• Rinse off loose grime using tepid water

3.2.3 Electrical components

• Blow electric motors down using compressed air
• Clean the electrical panels, electronic boards, contactors, connec-
tions, solenoid valves, etc. using a damp cloth and a cleaning agent
Risk of short-circuiting.
Electrical components can be damaged.
Do not break the guarantee seal on the electronic board.

© BT Europe AB Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S 3- 3

Introduction Maintenance – P1
Safe lifting
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700, 701 715612- 2005-03-22 220813-040

3.3 Safe lifting

All lifting must be carried out on a flat, non-slip and firm surface. Avoid
new laid asphalt or asphalt on a hot summer’s day.
• Activate the parking brake to prevent the truck from moving during
the lift. If the lift applies to the brake wheel, chock the other wheels
so that the truck stands still
• Select a lifting point so that the lift is as easy as possible (one corner
at a time). If the truck has marked lifting points on the under side of
the chassis these can be used to obtain a well balanced lift
• Ensure that the surface under the jack is clean and free from oil and
• Ensure that your hands and the jack’s lever are free from oil and
• Use the lever that belongs to the jack. A lever that is too short re-
quires more force than is necessary. If the lever is too long there is a
risk of the jack being overloaded
• Support the truck:
- as close as possible to the part of the chassis that is to be lifted.
This reduces the risk of the truck tipping over
- so that the truck cannot roll
• Never lift up the jack in order to lift higher
• Never work under a lifted truck unless it is well supported
Risk of crushing.
A badly supported truck can fall.
Never work under a truck that is not supported on trestle-blocks and
secured by a lifting device.

3- 4 Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S © BT Europe AB

Preventive maintenance – P2
Maintenance schedule
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4- Preventive maintenance – P2

4.1 Maintenance schedule

I: Inspect, rectify and change if necessary. T: Tighten. C: Clean. L: Lubricate.

M: Control measurement, rectify if necessary
Pos. Work to carry out
No. Interval in hours - may vary due to appli- 5 20 80 500 1000 3000
Interval in days/weeks/months - may 1d 1w 1m 6m 12m 36m
vary due to application
0000. Chassis
0000.1 Check all links and locking pins I
0000.2 Check wear on cover/battery locking I
0000.3 Check of cracking and damage I
0000.4 Check the drive housing’s mounting on the T
0000.5 Check finger guard I
0000.6 Check signs and stickers I
0350 Support arm
0350.1 Tightening torque inspection of the cap bolts T
(Tightening torque 120 Nm)
0380. Fork carriage
0380.1 Check for crack formation and damage I
0380.2 Check clearance in bushes and links I
1700. Drive motor
1700.1 Check clearance in connections I/T1 I/T
1700.2 Check the carbon brushes in the drive motor M
1700.3 Clean the drive motor C
1700.4 Re-tighten the attachment bolts T2
1700.5 Check for abnormal noise in bearing I

© BT Europe AB Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S 4- 1

Preventive maintenance – P2
Maintenance schedule
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I: Inspect, rectify and change if necessary. T: Tighten. C: Clean. L: Lubricate.

M: Control measurement, rectify if necessary
Pos. Work to carry out
No. Interval in hours - may vary due to appli- 5 20 80 500 1000 3000
Interval in days/weeks/months - may 1d 1w 1m 6m 12m 36m
vary due to application
2550 Drive gear
2550.1 Check for leakage I3 I
2550.2 Check the oil level. Measured using the I
screwed in dipstick
2550.3 Check for abnormal noise I
2550.4 Check the attachment and clearance in steer- I
ing bearing
2550.5 Change the oil in the drive gear L4 L

3100. Brake
3100.1 Clean and check functionality C
3100.2 Check the brake disc M
3100.3 Check the clearance in disengaged position M
0,2-0,5 mm
3500 Wheels
3500.1 Remove string and other rubbish I
3500.2 Check the drive wheel for wear and the tight- I/T
ening torque on bolts
(New wheel: Drive tread thickness = 30mm)
(Tightening torque = 65Nm)
3500.3 Check that the castor wheel turns and rotates I
3500.4 Check for wear on the castor wheel I
(New wheel:Drive tread thickness = 10mm)
4110 Tiller arm
4110.1 Check the mountings I
4110.2 Check the power in the gas damper I

4- 2 Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S © BT Europe AB

Preventive maintenance – P2
Maintenance schedule
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I: Inspect, rectify and change if necessary. T: Tighten. C: Clean. L: Lubricate.

M: Control measurement, rectify if necessary
Pos. Work to carry out
No. Interval in hours - may vary due to appli- 5 20 80 500 1000 3000
Interval in days/weeks/months - may 1d 1w 1m 6m 12m 36m
vary due to application
5000 Electrical functions
5000.1 Check the function of the brake microswitch I I
5000.2 Check the function of the collision safety switch I
5000.3 Check the function of the horn I I
5000.4 Check for wear to cables in the tiller arm I
5000.5 Check the function of the driver’s control I I
5000.6 Check the error code log and operating times I I
5110 Battery
5110.1 Check the electrolyte level, 10-15 mm over the M
cell plates
5110.2 Check connections to battery, truck and charger I
5110.3 Check that the cell and pole guards are I
5110.4 Check the fluid density and temperature M
5110.5 Remove overflow fluid from the battery trough C
5110.6 Check the battery locking I
5400 Power system
5400.1 Cleaning and checking of mounting in chassis C/T1 C/T
5400.2 Re-tighten cable connections T1
5400.3 Check the contactor points on K10 and K30 I
5400.4 Check the movement of the contactors I
5400.5 Check the cable insulation I
5700 Electronic circuit board
5700.1 Check connectors and cables TI
5700.2 Check all segments on display I

© BT Europe AB Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S 4- 3

Preventive maintenance – P2
Maintenance schedule
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I: Inspect, rectify and change if necessary. T: Tighten. C: Clean. L: Lubricate.

M: Control measurement, rectify if necessary
Pos. Work to carry out
No. Interval in hours - may vary due to appli- 5 20 80 500 1000 3000
Interval in days/weeks/months - may 1d 1w 1m 6m 12m 36m
vary due to application
6000 Hydraulic system
6000.1 Check hoses and connections for leakage I
6000.2 Check hoses for wear and damage I
6000.3 Check the oil tank for cracks, leakage and I
damaged mountings
6000.4 Check that the oil level is correct I I
6100.5 Change the oil and clean the filter L5 L

6600. Lift cylinder

6600.1 Check for leakage I
6600.2 Check the mountings I
7100 Lifting Mast
7100.1 Check for damage and crack formation I
7100.2 Retighten tha mast mounting bolts T
(Tightening torque = 197Nm)
7100.3 Check the play of the inner section rollers I X
7100.4 Check the lateral play of the inner section I X
7100.5 Check for wear on the lifting chains and chain I X
7100.6 Check the adjustment of the lifting chains I X

1 = The connections are re-tightened for the first time after 80 h, and
then every 1000 h/12 months.
2 = The attachment bolts are re-tightened after 80 h/ 1 month to 45 Nm.
3 = Check for leakage in conjunction with the first oil change.
4 = The oil is changed for the first time after 80 h/1 month, and then eve-
ry 3000 h/36 months
5 = The oil is changed and the filter cleaned for the first time after 80 h/
1 month, and then every 1000 h/12 months
When points with higher hour intervals are carried out the points with
lower hour intervals should also be carried out unless otherwise speci-
fied above.

4- 4 Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S © BT Europe AB

Preventive maintenance – P2
Maintenance schedule
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6600 4110



5110 3100


3500 1700

© BT Europe AB Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S 4- 5

Preventive maintenance – P2
Lubrication schedule
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700, 701 715612- 2005-03-22 220813-040

4.2 Lubrication schedule

Pos no Service point Interval/Running hours Lubricant
500h 1000h 3000h
1 Wheel bearings L A
2 Mast beam L F
3 Lifting chains L D
4 Hydraulic system C O B
5 Steering Bearings L G
6 Drive gear C O C
L = Lubrication C = Check O = Oil change

6 5

4- 6 Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S © BT Europe AB

Oil and grease specification – P3
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5- Oil and grease specification – P3

Table 1: Oil and grease specification

Lubricant Specification Application area
> - 15°C < - 15°C
A Grease S213366 S213366 Bearings and bushings
Q8 Rubens WB Q8 Rubens WB
B Hydraulic oil ISO-L-HM32 ISO-VG32 Hydraulic system
C Transmission oil Hypoid oil Hypoid oil Gears
SAE 80W/90 SAE 75W
D Grease See table below See table below Chains
F Grease BT 055-70111 BT 055-74320 Mast
G Grease Staburags Staburags Steering bearings

Ambient temperature Viscosity Recommended products ( Similar products

class from other manufacturers may be used)
> - 40°C VG 15 Klüberoil 4UH 1-15, Klüber Lubrication
< - 30°C
> - 30°C VG 68 Klüberoil 4UH 1-68N, Klüber Lubrication
Anticorit LBO 160 TT, Fuchs DEA
< + 5°C
> + 5°C VG 150 Klüberoil 4UH 1-150N, Klüber Lubrication
Anticorit LBO 160, Fuchs DEA
< +45°C
Rexoil, Rexnord Kette
>+ 45°C VG 220 Klüberoil 4UH 1-220N, Klüber Lubrication
<+ 80°C

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Oil and grease specification – P3
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6 5

5- 2 Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S © BT Europe AB

Tools – P4
Super Seal connectors
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6- Tools – P4

6.1 Super Seal connectors


Figure Number Application

159232 Tools for fitting pins/sleeves

159229 Tools for loosening locks (1)

159230 Tool for fitting secondary locks

1-2 poles (2)

159231 Tool for fitting secondary locks

3-6 poles (2)

159228 Tools for removing pins/sleeves (3)

© BT Europe AB Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S 6- 1

Tools – P4
AMP connectors
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700, 701 715612- 2005-03-22 220813-040

6.2 AMP connectors

PT = Power Timer (4,8. 5,8. 6,3 mm)
JPT = Junior Power Timer (2,8 mm)
MPT = Micro Power Timer (1,5 mm)

Figure Number Application

151080 (PT) Tools for removing pins/sleeves

213296 (JPT) Tools for removing pins/sleeves

213298 (MPT) Tools for removing pins/sleeves

1=163787 Tools for fitting sleeves


1=213336 (MPT)
2=213337 (MPT)
1=213336 (JPT) Tools for fitting pins
2=213549 (JPT) For 0,5-2,5 mm2


6- 2 Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S © BT Europe AB

Tools – P4
Molex connectors
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6.2.1 AMP Connectors, 040 series

Figure Number Application

213130 Pin removal tool

213129 Tools for fitting pins

6.3 Molex connectors

Figure Number Application
156937 Tools for fitting pins/sleeves

156936 Tools for fitting sleeves/pins

© BT Europe AB Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S 6- 3

Tools – P4
Other tools
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700, 701 715612- 2005-03-22 220813-040

6.4 Other tools

Figure Number Application
156263 Service instrument (CAN)

1=163793 Service instrument for pro-

2=163792 gramme changes

08-13022 Driving gear puller

6- 4 Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S © BT Europe AB

Support arm chassis – 0350
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7- Support arm chassis – 0350

7.1 General
NOTE! Only for SWE120S.
The truck consist of one unit built up in such a manner that the support
arm chassis and the separate mounting points for the mast and lift cyl-
inders are bolted to the drive unit.
The support arms of the straddle chassis are adjustable in width from
900 mm to 1300 mm to suit different pallet sizes. Normally the support
arms are only adjusted prior to a truck being delivered to a customer.

© BT Europe AB Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S 7- 1

Support arm chassis – 0350
Main components
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700, 701 715612- 2005-03-22 220813-040

7.2 Main components






Pos no Description
1 Support arm wheel axle
2 Wheel axle locking circlip
3 Support arm wheel
4 Support arm
5 Mounting bracket to drive unit chassis
6 Support arm safety catch
7 Support arm clamp
8 Support arm locking bolt
9 Lift cylinder mounting bracket
10 Mast mounting bracket

7.3 Maintenance
The fastening of the support arms needs to be checked at the regular
500 hours preventive maintenance service. The torque setting of the
support arm clamp bolts (pos no. 7 in chapter “Main components”) must
be checked with a torque wrench set at 120 Nm.

7- 2 Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S © BT Europe AB

Support arm chassis – 0350
Adjustment of the support arm width
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7.4 Adjustment of the support arm



To adjust the measurement A between the support arms proceed as

• Jack up the side of the truck.
The truck can tip over.
Do not jack up both support arms at the same time. the truck is a three
Jack up one side at the time and support it while working.
• Loosen the bolt at the front of the cross beam.
• Loosen the clamp bolts,2.
• Pull out (or push in) the support arm. To get the measurement A,
measure B = A/2 - 305 mm. Make sure that the measurement B is
equal on both sides.
If the support arm is pulled out too much the safety catch, 3, will drop
into the hole in the arm to stop it from falling out.
• Tighten bolt 1 and lock it with the locking nut.
• Tighten the four clamp bolts, 2, with a torque wrench. Torque value:
120 Nm.

© BT Europe AB Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S 7- 3

Support arm chassis – 0350
Exchange of support arms
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700, 701 715612- 2005-03-22 220813-040

7.5 Exchange of support arms

When changing a support arm the job is more extensive than adjusting
the arm width.
• Lift out the battery.
• Remove the battery box from the chassis. Two bolts at the bottom of
the box.

• Remove the safety catch from the support arm clamp.

• Jack up the side of the truck where the support arm is to be changed.
• Loosen the bolt at the front of the cross beam, 1.
2 • Loosen the clamp bolts, 2.
1 • Pull out the support arm.
• Fit the new support arm and adjust the arm width according to “Ad-
justment of the support arm width”.
• Lower the truck to the floor.
• After tightened the clamp bolts, fit the safety catch.

• Remount the battery box.

• Fit the battery.

7- 4 Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S © BT Europe AB

Electric drive motor – 1760
Component parts
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8- Electric drive motor – 1760

8.1 Component parts


14 19
13 17

15 10

11 8


Pos Description Note

1 Screw M6x25
2 Bearing shield
3 Locking ring
4 Bearing
5 Carbon brush bridge
6 Screw M5x12
7 Screw M5x20
8 Carbon brush
9 Rotor
10 Key
11 Plug

© BT Europe AB Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S 8- 1

Electric drive motor – 1760
Component parts
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700, 701 715612- 2005-03-22 220813-040

Pos Description Note

12 Stator
13 Cable
14 Cable
15 Bearing shield
16 Screw M6x25
17 Seal
18 Bearing
19 Washer
20 Locking ring
21 Locking ring

8.1.1 Dismantling of motor from truck

• Switch off the truck and pull out the battery plug.
• Remove the covers for the motor compartment.
• Release the cables for the motor and tiller arm.
• Unscrew the four nuts for the attachment of the motor to the drive
• Loosen the cables for the key switch and emergency switch. Pull out
all the cables from the cover’s cable duct.
• Loosen the cover over the motor compartment and the tiller arm’s
mounting from the motor. Remove the cover over the motor com-
partment together with the tiller arm.
• Carefully lift the motor straight up, without damaging the sealing sur-
faces to the drive gear and place the motor on a clean surface.
• Protect the drive gear from impurities by covering over its opening in
an appropriate manner, e.g. with a piece of plastic.
The requisite service and repair of the motor can now be carried out.

8.1.2 Assembling
• Assembling is carried out in the reverse order.
• Carefully lift down the motor in the drive gear to avoid damaging the
seals and gear wheels.
• Tighten the nuts on the studs to the prescribed torque, 26.6 Nm.
• Fit and adjust the brakes as per the instructions. Screw tight the cov-
er and tiller arm, and connect the cables that were previously re-
moved. Check that the polarity is correct.
• The function of the brakes should be checked before the truck is
8- 2 Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S © BT Europe AB
Electric drive motor – 1760
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8.2 Service/Repairs

8.2.1 Dismantling of motor


14 19
13 17

15 10

11 8


• Release the brake disc’s companion flange by first removing the

locking ring together with the washer in the end of the rotor shaft.
The companion flange can now be lifted off. It may be necessary to
unclamp it with an appropriate tool.
• Remove the four plugs that cover the carbon brushes, move the
springs on the carbon brushes to one side and pull out the carbon
• Dismantle the commutator end’s bearing shield (2) together with the
carbon brush bridge (5) and carbon brushes (8) by unscrewing the
eight screws (1). Now put down the motor with a firm resting point
against the edge of the bearing shield, and carefully tap on the rotor
shaft’s end with a rubber mallet.
• Dismantle the drive end’s bearing shield (15) together with the rotor
(9). Make sure not to damage the motor windings when the rotor is
removed from the motor housing.
• After dismantling the motor’s bearing shields and removing the rotor
from the motor housing, the gear wheel in the rotor’s drive end is re-
moved. This is done by unscrewing the nuts on the gear wheel and
then pulling the gear wheel off with a puller. Note that the gear wheel
is locked with Loctite to the rotor shaft.

© BT Europe AB Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S 8- 3

Electric drive motor – 1760
T-code Valid from serial number Date Order number
700, 701 715612- 2005-03-22 220813-040

• Now release the inner locking ring together with the underlying
washer. Pull out the rotor shaft from the bearing (18).
• Release the outer locking ring together with its washer, and remove
the bearing from the bearing shield.
• Remove the bearing shield’s seal (17) and carefully clean the bear-
ing shield.
• Fit a new seal in the bearing shield.

8.2.2 Assembling of motor

Assemble the motor in the reverse order.
• Carefully check that the rotor can move freely in the direction of rota-
tion and that the carbon brushes are flush with the commutator.
• Check the motor’s insulation resistance (between respective wind-
ing and the motor housing). For a new motor this should lie between
2 - 3 Mohm. When a used motor has been exposed to impurities an
insulation resistance down to approx. 1 Mohm is acceptable.
• Fit a new O-ring in the drive shaft end’s bearing shield and a new
seal on the collar of the bearing shield.

8.2.3 Cleaning
An extremely critical factor to ensure correct functioning of the motor is
that it is kept as clean as possible. The motor and the motor compart-
ment must be regularly checked for dust, oil, and other impurities.
A vacuum cleaner with an appropriate nozzle can be used to clean the
motor if the motor windings and inner compartment are dry Com-
pressed air can be used in combination with a vacuum cleaner. In which
case the compressed air must be clean and dry.
A cloth of non-fluffing material should be used if the windings have a
coating. The cloth can also be moistened with a grease-dissolving,
organic and volatile detergent that does not damage the windings. Use
detergent sparingly to avoid it penetrating into the parts of the motor.
Residual detergent should be removed with an appropriate solvent, if it
leaves a greasy surface.
If the parts of the motor are heavily fouled it may be necessary to use a
solvent that is sprayed onto the parts. It is important that the detergent
is applied in a way to prevent dirt from penetrating into the parts of the
motor, especially for the rotor.
One method of cleaning the rotor is to dip it in solvent. If this is done
then the rotor must always be dried with the application of heat. There
must be adequate ventilation during the drying process, and the drying
should continue until a number of measurements of the insulation
resistance provide equivalent and approved results.

8- 4 Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S © BT Europe AB

Electric drive motor – 1760
Technical data
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220813-040 2005-03-22 715612- 700, 701

8.3 Technical data

Type of machine SWE100/120,

Type TSL140S-DS30
Output (kW) 1,2
Intermittence S2 60 min.
Minimum length of carbon brush (mm) 13
Minimum commutator diameter (mm) 47
Resistance, shunt field winding Ω at 25 C° 0,55
Resistance, armature winding,Ω at 24C° 0,0156
Insulation resistance between windings and >= 1Mohm
motor housing
Weight (kg) 14

© BT Europe AB Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S 8- 5

Electric drive motor – 1760
Technical data
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This page is intentionally left blank

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Drive unit/gear – 2550
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9- Drive unit/gear – 2550




25 27
10 26

12 14
15 29



21 22

© BT Europe AB Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S 9- 1

Drive unit/gear – 2550
Component parts
T-code Valid from serial number Date Order number
700, 701 715612- 2005-03-22 220813-040

9.1 Component parts

Pos Description Note

01 Drive gear complete
2 Air valve
3 Cover
4 Dip stick
5 Washer
6 Gasket
7 Nut Tightening torque 70 Nm
Locked with punch mark
8 Washer
9 Gear wheel Primary gear
10 Conical roller bear-
11 Shims
12 Screw Top cover and gear housing
Tightening torque 26.6 Nm
Lock with Loctite 242
13 Shims
14 Conical roller bear-
15 Pinion/ Crown gear Cog clearance 0.09-0.15 mm
Pretension bearing with 2-5/100
Stamped size on pinion adjusted
with shims
16 Nut Tightening torque 300 Nm
Locked with punch mark
17 Shims
18 Conical roller bear-
19 Shims
20 Screw Bottom cover and gear housing
Tightening torque 26.6 Nm
Lock with Loctite 242

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Drive unit/gear – 2550
Component parts
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Pos Description Note

21 Screw Bottom cover and gear housing
Tightening torque 26.6 Nm
Lock with Loctite 242
22 Cover
23 Gasket
24 Gear wheel Motor gear
25 Washer
26 Nut Tightening torque 30 Nm
Locked with punch mark
Lock with Loctite 603
27 Screw Motor and gear housing
28 Nut Tightening torque 26.6 Nm
Lock with Loctite 242
29 Conical roller bear-
30 Shims
31 Seal
32 Drive shaft

9.1.1 Technical data

Type of truck SWE100/120, SWE120S

Type of gear 2-step angle gear
Gear ratio 19,14:1
Oil volume, litres 1,0
Oil type Hypoid oil
Viscosity, normal temperature SAE 80W90
Viscosity, <-15°C SAE 75W

© BT Europe AB Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S 9- 3

Drive unit/gear – 2550
Leakage from top cover
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700, 701 715612- 2005-03-22 220813-040

9.2 Leakage from top cover

• Lift up the truck, and block up to ensure that it is stable.
• Unscrew the drive wheel.
• Unscrew the M8 nuts (28), that hold the gear and motor, with a box
wrench. Support the gear so that it does not drop.
• Release the M8 bolts (12), that hold the cover (3), with a 6 mm hex
socket wrench.
• Change the gasket (6).
Assembling is carried out in the reverse order
• Tighten the four M8 bolts and the four M8 nuts to a torque of 26.6 Nm
Lock with Loctite 242.
• Tighten the drive gear’s 5 bolts to a torque of 65 Nm.

9.3 Changing of the drive shaft’s sealing

The drive shaft’s sealing ring can be changed with the gear mounted in
the truck.
Follow the instructions below if oil is leaking from the drive shaft.

9.3.1 Dismantling
• Unscrew the drive wheel 1).
• Remove the lower cover and drain off the oil (22).
• Release the drive shaft nut. Remove the nut and washer (16,17).
• Carefully tap out the drive shaft with a brass drift and hammer (32).
• Pull off the bearing from the drive shaft with tool 08-13022 (29).
• Check that the bearing washers are not damaged. If they have been
damaged by the puller tool, measure the total thickness of the shim
washers and change them before assembling (30).
• Remove the sealing ring from the drive shaft (31).

9- 4 Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S © BT Europe AB

Drive unit/gear – 2550
Changing of the drive shaft’s sealing ring
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9.3.2 Assembling
Assembling of the gear after changing the drive shaft’s sealing ring is
carried out in the reverse order to dismantling.
Pay special attention to the following during assembling:
• Fill the sealing ring with grease after fitting it on the drive shaft.
• Make sure that only undamaged shim washers with the same total
thickness as the originals are put on the drive shaft.
• Press the bearing on the drive shaft and make sure not to damage
the bearing’s shim washers.
• When fitting the drive shaft with bearing, shim washers and seal,
make sure that the shaft keys correspond with the crown gear’s keys
and that the bearing and seal are correctly positioned in the gear
housing before the shaft is pressed in completely.
• Put the distance ring on the drive shaft end, and put on the shaft nut.
Always use a new nut. Tighten the shaft nut to a torque of 300 Nm
and lock it with a punch mark in the middle. The drive shaft nut
should be lubricated before it is put on the shaft.
• Change the gasket before fitting the bottom cover. Make sure that it
is not damaged. Fit the cover and tighten the bolts to a torque of 26.6
Nm. The bolts should be lubricated before they are fitted. Fill up with
oil in accordance with the instructions for replenishing the oil.
Fit the drive gear and tighten the bolts to a torque of 65 Nm.

© BT Europe AB Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S 9- 5

Drive unit/gear – 2550
Changing of the drive shaft’s sealing ring
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700, 701 715612- 2005-03-22 220813-040

This page is intentionally left blank

9- 6 Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S © BT Europe AB

Electro magnetic brake – 3370
Main components
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10- Electro magnetic brake – 3370

10.1 Main components

10.1.1 Serial number 570989-

1 9


5 6

Pos No Description
1 Magnetic coil
2 Cap screws
3 Electrical wire
4 Pressure plate
5 Pressure springs
6 Flange
7 Mounting bolts
8 Brake disc
9 Hub

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Electro magnetic brake – 3370
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10.2 Maintenance
Basically the brake is maintenance free in normal work environments.
However it is recommended according to the preventive maintenance
schedule to check the brake disc for wear.

10.2.1 Exchange of brake disc

The brake disc shall be exchanged when its total thickness has been
reduced to 5,5 mm.
• Disconnect the electrical wires of the brake.
• Undo and remove the three fastening bolts.
• Loosen the brake disc from the hub and check for wear and tear. Re-
place the brake disc if the surface is unevenly worn.
• Reassemble the brake.
• Reconnect the electrical wiring.

10- 2 Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S © BT Europe AB

Steering – 4000
Component parts, tiller arm
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11- Steering – 4000

11.1 Component parts, tiller arm



10 11

14 13

18 17




Pos Description Note

1 Screw 4
2 Washer
3 Handle
4 Screw 4
5 Washer 2

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Steering – 4000
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Pos Description Note

6 Cable holder
7 Nut
8 Gas damper
9 Bracket
10 Stop screw
11 Screw 4
12 Ball joint
13 Screw
14 Distance
15 Bush 2
16 Damper 2
17 Axle
18 Cam
19 Distance
20 Screw
21 Distance
22 Distance
23 Switch S 10

11.2 Adjustments

11.2.1 Adjusting of brake microswitch

Switch (23) is always adjusted to its lowest position.
• Unscrew the screws (13, 20) that hold the switch and the distance.
• Press down the switch and tighten the screws.
• Check that the switch is actuated by the cam (18) in the arm’s top
and bottom position.

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11.3 Tiller arm handle

27 26
24 14
25 14
23 22
21 18

20 16
19 15
30 14

31 13
10 11
32 9

35 33

5 6 7

1 2

Pos Description Note

1 Screw
2 Cover Keyboard option
3 Handle
4 Electronic circuit board
5 Screw
6 Display card
7 Top cover
8 Pushbutton Option
9 Signal switch
10 Signal button
11 Display glass
12 Arm
13 Pushbutton Lift/Lower
14 Plate
15 Spring
16 Pushbutton Not used

© BT Europe AB Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S 11- 3

Steering – 4000
Tiller arm handle
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Pos Description Note

17 Arm
18 Holder
19 Spring
20 Control switch
21 Axle
22 Sliding bearing
23 Control stop
24 Arm
25 Spring holder
26 Spring
27 Spring holder
28 Sliding bearing
29 Control switch
30 Button for safe reversing
31 Arm
32 Spring
33 Lower cover
34 Screw M4x40
35 Screw 2xM5x45 - 2xM5x60

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11.3.1 Dismantling/Assembling
• Dismantle cover (2), (keyboard option).
• Remove the screws (35), hold top cover firm (7).
• Disconnect the cable connected to the electronic circuit board (4).
• Remove the screws (34).
• Carefully lift off the lower cover (33), and place a finger between the
lower cover (33) and button (30) to hold the button (30) in place.
Assembling is carried out in the reverse order.
Static electricity!
Risk of static discharge that can damage the electronics.
Make sure to take the necessary precautions before working with the

Changing of signal button/switch (9, 10)

• Dismantle the button as per the diagram.

• Disconnect the connection for the switch on the electronic circuit

board (4).
• Press out the switch from its mounting.
Assembling is carried out in the reverse order.

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Changing of lift/lowering button (13)

• Remove the button by placing a screwdriver in the hole (A) as per
the diagram below.


• Unscrew the holder (18) so that the arm (12) comes loose.
Assembling is carried out in the reverse order.

Changing of pushbutton (16)

• Press the button by hand sideways.
• Place a screwdriver as per the diagram and carefully pry the button

• Unscrew the button’s holder and arm.

Assembling is carried out in the reverse order.

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Electrical systems
Electrical parts
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12- Electrical systems

12.1 Electrical parts

S17 S10


R1 P2
K10 Y34
F3 P1

H1 M1

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List of symbols and electrical wiring diagram
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12.2 List of symbols and electrical

wiring diagram

Symbol Description Function Notes

A1 Transistor regulator
A2 Electronic card
A6 Display
A17 Keypad PIN-number login Option

F1 Fuse Drive motor circuit 125 A

F3 Fuse Pump motor circuit 125 A
F 50 Fuse Operating circuit A5 7,5 A
F 51 Fuse Operating circuit A1 7,5 A
F 52 Fuse Optional equipment Option

G1 Battery 24 V

H1 Horn

K10 Contactor Main contactor

K30 Contactor Pump motor

A2:S1-S9 Speed control Forwards/Reverse


M1 Motor Drive motor

M3 Motor Pump motor

P2 Pressure switch Pressure switch fork lift 120 bar

R1 PTC-resistor Power supply 15 Ohm

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Symbol Description Function Notes

S111 Switch Option
S112 Switch Option
S113 Switch Turtle button
S114 Switch Option
S115 Switch Option
S116 Switch Option
S10 Switch Travel brake Brake lever
S17 Switch Key
S18 Switch Horn button
A2:S17 Switch Safety reversing
A2:S19 Switch Fork lifting
A2:S20 Switch Fork lowering
S21 Switch Emergency switch off
S42 Switch Manual fork lowering

Y1 Brake
Y34 Magnetic valve Forks
Y41 Magnetic valve Fork lowering

X1 Connector Battery

X41 Connection point CAN-communication

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12.2.1 Electrical diagram 1(5)

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12.2.2 Electrical diagram 2(5)

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12.2.3 Electrical diagram 3(5)

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12.2.4 Electrical diagram 4(5)

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12.2.5 Electrical diagram 5(5)

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Electrical systems
Functional description
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12.3 Functional description

12.3.1 Starting the truck

• To enable the truck to be started, the battery plug must be connect-
ed, the emergency switch (S21) closed and the start key (S17) in the
ON position.


B- 12.3.2 Driving
T1 • S10 closed .
Ish S2

- M- • The speed control activated in any direction.


Ia A1

K10 B+
12.3.3 Neutral speed reduction
• The speed control to neutral position, motor starts to work as gener-
ator. Brake energy comes back to battery.
• Y1 will be applied when the truck comes to a stand still even if the till-
er is in drive position.
• Energy is fed back to the battery (see diagram below).
• The transistors (T2) for the brake circuit generated are not live.

Ish S2

- M-

Ia A1

K10 B+

12.3.4 Neutral speed reduction on slopes

If the driver release the speed control on a slope and the truck doesn’t
come to a stop within a certain time the electrical brake will be applied
by the system.

12.3.5 Braking
The brake is always applied when the truck is started with the
tiller in it’s upper or lower position (S10 open). The brake is released in
the same moment as the conditions for driving are fulfilled and the truck
starts to move.
Conditions to brake the truck:
• S10 open.

12- 10 Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S © BT Europe AB

Electrical systems
Hour meter
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12.3.6 Lifting the forks

• A2:S19 activated.
• Battery status OK (if battery capacity >20% left).

12.3.7 Lowering the forks

• A2:S20 activated.

12.3.8 Horn
• S18 activated.

12.4 Hour meter

• Press S18 and turn S17 to “on” at the same time.
• Press S18 until you read H= hour meters.
• You have now choosen H=hourmeters the symbol “B” will be high-
• You can now choose type of hourmeter by pressing the speed con-
A= Key time.
b= Drive motor time.
c= Pump motor time.
A d= Activity time.
s= Time to service.


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Fault codes
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12.5 Fault codes

• Press and hold S18 while turning S17 to “ON” position.
• Press and hold S18 until E = error codes is displayed.
• When E is selected, the “E” symbol will light up as an indication of
what is shown in the display.
• The 50 most recent error codes are stored. The latest error is dis-
played first. The display shows the error code first, followed by the
time when the error occurred.
• The error codes are divided into two groups, C = caution and E = error.
• C codes are not stored. They are only cautions and remain lit in the
display as long as the fault remains.
• If there is only one error registered in the memory, the other empty
entry lines appear as follows: Error: E - - - and time: - - - - .

Code C3
Description TLS: Shock sensors registered values outside
the limits
Possible error A shock sensor has reported values that exceed
cause the truck’s tolerance values.
Driving may be too hard
Check that the shock sensor’s limit values are
correctly set.
Check that the shock sensor is correctly posi-
tioned./The brake engages and stops the truck.
The TLS reset command activates the truck

Code C4
Description TLS: Use of the truck has been blocked
Possible error Truck use can be “blocked” by a TLS command. /
cause The truck cannot be used until a new TLS com-
mand cancels the blocking of the truck

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Code C19
Description Parameter caution. Displayed for 5 seconds.
Possible error The parameters have probably been changed.
cause When changing/updating the program the param-
eters have automatically been changed to default
values (only applies to old program versions).
In later program versions the parameters are only
changed if they are outside the values permitted
by the new program.
Action 1. This means that the special parameters must
be reset manually.

Code C20
Description Speed control caution.
Possible error Problem with the speed control sensors.
cause The toggle switch may have been activated when
starting or there may be a fault on one of the sen-
sors on the electronic card. (tiller arm head)
Action 1. Restart with the speed control in neutral posi-
2. Replace the electronic card.

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Fault codes
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Code C28
Description Emergency switch caution
Possible error The emergency switch has been activated.
cause No current to the travel regulator, input. A1/16.
Action 1. Check fuse F51.
2. Check the emergency switch.
3. Check the cables from the battery and the bat-
tery contacts.
4. If PTC resistor R1 is very hot, remove the bat-
tery contact and allow the resistor to cool.

Code C29
Description Service warning
Possible error Time for service.
cause The service counter has not been reset since the
last service.

Code C31
Description Pressure switch warning.
Possible error A problem with the pressure switch. Check that
cause the voltage is approximately 24 V between cables
24 and 40 connected to the pressure sensor.
Check the voltage between cable 40 and 63 con-
nected to the pressure sensor. The output voltage
should be 0.5 Volt (unloaded machine) - 5 Volt
(max load).

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Code C41
Description Warning of low battery voltage
Possible error Battery voltage < 17 volt.
cause The battery parameters are not correctly set.
Time to charge up the battery.
Action 1. Check parameter 21, battery size and type.
2. Check the battery contact and the pole con-
nections on the battery
3. Check the key switch, S17, poor contact
causes unpermitted voltage drop.
The electrical system measures the voltage inside
the travel regulator.

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Code C42
Description Warning of high battery voltage
Possible error Battery voltage > 33 volt.
cause Energy return feed to battery during motor braking
with a fully-charged battery.
Action 1. The fault disappears after a few lifts, once the
battery has been run down slightly.
2. Check the cabling, the battery contact and the
contact points on main contactor K10.

Code C43
Description The travel regulator shuts off due to excess or
subnormal temperature.
Possible error Too intensive operation or ambient temperature
cause too cold.
Error in the travel regulator.
Temperature levels below -25oC or above +85oC
reduce running speed.
Action 1. Check that the M12 fan is functioning. (Applies
to P 24)
2. Check that the travel regulator is installed with
good contact with the chassis.

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Code C90 (Option)

Description Extra I/0 (0) CAN communication error
Possible error Data from extra I/0 box /(0) not being received by
cause [A2]/ Check the CAN-bus cable and the
connections. [A2] Restart the truck.

Code C91 (Option)

Description Extra I/0 (1) CAN communication error
Possible error Data from extra I/0 box /(1) not being received by
cause [A2]/ Check the CAN-bus cable and the
connections. [A2] Restart the truck.

Code C92 (Option)

Description Configuration error Extra I/0 (0)
Possible error Incorrect setting of options in the extra I/0 box (0)
cause Check the outputs’ allocation on the I/0 expansion
box (0)

Code C93 (Option)

Description Configuration error Extra I/0 (1)
Possible error Incorrect setting of options in the extra I/0 box (1)
cause Check the outputs’ allocation on the I/0 expansion
box (1)

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Fault codes
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Code E101
Description Travel regulator does not correspond with the type
of truck
Possible error Incorrect travel regulator or electronic card has
cause been installed. The truck has a built-in control
function that checks to ensure the wrong combina-
tion of travel regulator and electronic card has not
been installed.
Action Check travel regulator and electronic card.

Code E104
Description Switch-transistor to brake is short-circuited
Possible error Error in the travel regulator, output. A1/3.
cause Incorrect value on parameter 22
Action Check cabling and contacts. Measure Ohms on
the magnet coil (Y1) for the brake. Value 13-15
Check parameter 22

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Code E106
Description Digital outputs short-circuited or exceeding field
current limit.
Possible error Problem regulating the field current.
cause Internal monitoring error.
Action 1. Check the output for main contactor K10 (A1/
4), check cabling and contacts and measure
ohms for the coil. Value 25-30 ohm. Check the
output for the brake coil K10 (A1/3), check ca-
bling and contacts and measure ohms for the
coil. Value 13-15 ohm.
2. Check the output for horn (A1/7), check ca-
bling and contacts.
3. Check the drive motor’s shunt winding and ca-
bling and contacts. Unfortunately it is not pos-
sible to measure ohms for the field winding us-
ing a standard universal instrument, since the
winding has a value as low as 0.3 ohm.

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Fault codes
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Code E107
Description Contactor K10 does not close.
Possible error Problem with main contactor points or coil.
cause Contactor’s operating cabling off/not connected.
Interruption in the travel regulator’s output, A1/4.
Action 1. Check if the contactor is activated.
2. If the contactor is working, check the contact
points and accompanying cabling.
3. If the contactor is not working, check the coil
and accompanying cabling. Measure Ohms
for the coil. Value 25-30 ohm.
4. Check the travel regulator’s output, A1/4.

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Code E108
Description Contactor K10 does not open.
Possible error Main contactor points welded.
cause Short circuit in the travel regulator’s output A1/4.
Action 1. Check that the contactor’s contact points are
not welded together.
2. Check that the R1 resistor is not short-
3. If the contact points are OK, but the contactor
engaged, check cable 64 and the travel regu-
lator’s output A1/4.

Code E110
Description System error.
Possible error Temporary error/error in the travel regulator.
Action 1. Restart the machine.
2. Replace travel regulator.

Code E140
Description Error in control total.
Possible error Fault on the internal micro-monitoring (tiller arm
cause head), incorrect software or circuit board.

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Code E141
Description Software problem.
Possible error Fault on the internal monitoring (tiller arm head),
cause incorrect software or circuit board.
Action 1. Restart the machine.
2. Download the program again.
3. Replace the electronic card

Code E150
Description Fault in the data communication.
Possible error Break on the CAN cable.
Action 1. Check the 119 and 120 cables and their con-
2. Replace travel regulator.

Code E151
Description Tx error in data communication.
Possible error Travel regulator not responding.
Action 1. Check 119 and 120 cables and the connec-
tions on the travel regulator.
2. Replace travel regulator.

Code E157
Description Bus shut off.
Possible error CAN bus problem.
Action 1. Check 119 and 120 cables and the connec-
tions on the travel regulator.
2. Replace travel regulator.
3. Replace the electronic card

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Code E159
Description Transgression error.
Possible error CAN bus problem.
Action 1. Check 119 and 120 cables and the connec-
tions on the travel regulator.
2. Replace travel regulator.
3. Replace the electronic card

Code E160
Description Error in safety reversing function
Possible error Error in important sensor part.
Action 1. Replace the electronic card

Code E200
Description Open field.
Possible error Shunt field’s circuit open.
Action 1. Check the field winding connections E1 and
E2. Unfortunately it is not possible to measure
ohms for the field winding using a standard
universal instrument, since the winding has a
value as low as 0.3 ohm.
2. Check cables 4 and 5 and outputs S1 and S2
3. Replace travel regulator

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Fault codes
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Code E201
Description M minus error.
Possible error Problem with switch transistor in the armature cir-
cause cuit inside the travel regulator.
Action 1. Check cable and connections between A1/M
on the travel regulator and connection A2 on
drive motor.
2. Replace travel regulator.

Code E202
Description Fault on sensor in travel regulator
Possible error Fault on armature current sensor in travel regula-
cause tor
Action Replace travel regulator

Code E214
Description CAN timeout in power amplifier.
Possible error The motor monitor is reporting an unexpected
cause data loss from the electronic card in the tiller arm
Action 1. Check cables 119 and 120 between electronic
card and travel regulator.
2. Replace electronic card
3. Replace travel regulator.

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12.6 Parameters
• Press and hold S18 while turning S17 to “ON” position.

A • Press and hold S18 until P = parameters is displayed.

• You have now selected P = parameters and the symbol “C” is lit as
an indication of what is now shown in the display.
• Press L1 up or down and scroll to the parameter you want to change
or view.
E D C B • Press S18 once to access the parameter.
• Press L1 up or down to specify the parameter value.
• Press S18 once to confirm the change.
• Turn S17 to the off position.
You have now changed the parameter and the new setting will come
into force the next time you start the machine.
Truck handling
When you change specific truck parameters, the truck’s driving char-
acteristics are also changed.
Do not change any parameters unless you really know what you are

12.6.1 Operator parameters

Parameter Description Unit Min. Max. Step Std. Description
01 Speed, Turtle % 40 100 5 60 Speed, Turtle button
button 40: slow speed
100: maximum speed.
02 Max. speed % 40 100 5 100 Max. speed
40: slow speed
100: maximum speed
03 Acceleration 10 100 5 70 10: slow acceleration
100: maximum acceler-
04 Braking in neu- 5 100 5 50 Specifies motor braking
tral mode once the lever is put
into neutral.
5: weak braking power
100: maximum break-
ing power
05 Logout 1min 0 20 1 20 The time it takes for the
truck to switch off when
the keypad is used. The
time counts down from
the moment the last
power-consuming unit
is used. Value = 0 gives
4 hours.
In steps of 1

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12.6.2 Parameter description

Parameter 1
The speed of use of the turtle button can be adjusted.

Parameter 2
The maximum speed can be adjusted.

Parameter 3
The lower the parameter value, the longer it takes for the truck to
achieve maximum speed.

Parameter 4
Specifies the motor braking power when the lever (L1) is put into neu-
tral. The lower the parameter value, the longer the braking time.

Parameter 5
The time it takes for the truck to switch off when the keypad is used.
The time counts down from the moment the last power-consuming unit
is used.
Value = 0 gives 4 hours.

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12.6.3 Service parameters

• Connect the CAN key to X41.
• Press and hold S18 while turning S17 to “ON” position.
• Press and hold S18 until P = parameters is displayed.
• You have now selected P = parameters and the symbol “C” is lit as
an indication of what is now shown in the display.
• Press L1 up or down and scroll to the parameter you want to change
or view.
• Press S18 once to access the parameter.
• Press L1 up or down to specify the parameter value.
• Press S18 once to confirm the change.
• Turn S17 to the off position.
You have now changed the parameter and the new setting will come
into force the next time you start the machine.
Truck handling
When you change specific truck parameters, the truck’s driving char-
acteristics are also changed.
Do not change any parameters unless you really know what you are

Parameter Description Unit Min Max Step Std Description

. . .
10 PIN-code 0 9999 1 1 Facility for specifying up to 10
PIN codes (10 different drivers).
14 Crawling -10 10 1 -5 The amount of power the mon-
speed itor should emit when you
reach the first speed sensor
can be specified here.
-10: low speed for the first
speed sensor.
10: high speed for the first
speed sensor
15 Non-config- See “Option parameters” on page 29,
urable option
0 to 9
16 Configurable See “Option parameters” on page 29,
option #1
17 Configurable
option #2
18 Configurable
option #3
19 Configurable
option #4
20 Hour meter 1 5 1 2 Select hour meter.
21 Battery size 1 20 1 5 Selection of battery size.

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Parameter Description Unit Min Max Step Std Description

. . .
22 Inductive 0 1 1 1 0: Mechanical switch
sensor 1: Inductive sensor
25 Service inter- 1h 0 2000 50 100 Option for setting service timer
28 Lift button 0 3 1 1 Button selection
39 Password 1 12 1 1 States which level of authoriza-
tion the driver has for the
Odd values specify open driver
parameters, even values spec-
ify that driver parameters must
be opened using the CAN key

12.6.4 Parameter description

Parameter 10
The functionality of parameter #10 is set aside if the value of parame-
ter #39 is set to 5,6,7 or 8. The PIN codes are managed using the so-
called expanded keypad. See section Expanded keypad - General on
page 40 for more detailed information.
Ten drivers can have their own PIN code to gain access to the truck.
Each driver can set all driver parameters individually.
On delivery the PIN code is set to 1 and this only applies for driver no. 1.
Code 0 is not accepted as a solitary code.
When you wish to start the truck enter your code and press the green
button numbered 1.
When you want to switch off the truck, press the red button numbered 0.
When the CAN key is connected, you can start the truck by simply
pressing the green button numbered 1. Switch off by pressing the red
button numbered 0.

Parameter 14
Specifies the speed you will have when you reach the first speed sensor.

Parameter 15 - Non-configurable option

See “Option parameters” on page 29,

Parameter 16 - Configurable option #1

See “Option parameters” on page 29,

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Parameter 17 - Configurable option #2

See “Option parameters” on page 29,

Parameter 18 - Configurable option #3

See “Option parameters” on page 29,

Parameter 19 - Configurable option #4

See “Option parameters” on page 29,

Option parameters
Do not try to change these parameter unless you have specific knowl-
edge of the truck options or truck modifications. This service manual
only covers the truck’s standard equipment. Specially modified
trucks may require you to have access to particular service informa-
tion. Incorrect adjustment of option parameters may result in incor-
rect function.

Parameters #15 to #19 have been reserved in the truck control system
for extra options and/or specific product modifications. These parame-
ters are normally configured by the manufacturer on modification or
customisation of the truck. It is recommended that the parameter set-
tings be loaded up from the truck when carrying out any modification. If,
for example, the main electronic card [A2] must be replaced, the origi-
nal parameter settings can then be simply transferred to the new card,
which ensures that all the special options function correctly.

Parameter #15 Non-configurable options

Up to 16 so-called sub-parameters are stored under parameter #15.
Their status is either ON or OFF and they do not require any other
adjustments. They are therefore called non-configurable options.

Changing non-configurable options

• Ensure the truck is in parameter mode.

The parameter symbol is lit.

• Select parameter #15 using [L1].
The first set-up of sub-parameters is displayed
The next set-up of sub-parameters is displayed if you continue to acti-
vate the speed control L1. Ensure that only the relevant sub-parame-
ters are displayed.
The value of the sub-parameters is displayed after 1 second.
• Press the horn button S18.
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The parameter symbol flashes. .

• Enter the sub-parameter value by repeatedly operating the speed

control L1 in either direction. See Table 2: for more information.
• Press the S18 horn button once to confirm the new setting.

The parameter symbol is lit (i.e. stops flashing).

• Switch off the truck by pressing on the keypad.

The non-configurable option is now activated.
• Check that the function works correctly before the truck is put back
in operation.

Table 2: Parameter #15 Non-configurable option

Function name Value Note!
Sub-parameter no.

Function OFF

Basic setting
Function ON

1 "Turtle" function 1 0 0
2 to 9 For future use - - -

Parameter #16 to 19 configurable optional functions

Parameter no. #16, #17, #18 & #19 can be adjusted to activate up to a
maximum of 4 pre-programmed functions and configure these to suit
optional equipment or customisation of the truck. See “Table 3:List of
configurable optional functions” on page 32. These are thus called the
configurable optional functions.
• Each parameter can be programmed to cover a specific optional
• Each optional function can have up to 4 independent variables asso-
ciated with it.
• Each independent variable has a value you can change to configure
the function.

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Parameter no. (range 16-19)

Independent variable: #0 is the option designation
Independent variable value (range 0-63)
0= no option has been activated for this parameter
1 to 63 = Pre-programmed option number. See separate table.)
16 - 0 - 1


Independent variable: #1, #2, #3 & #4 contain the optional function valu
Independent variable value (the range depends on the function referred
The value depends on the option and independent variable selected.
See separate table
16 - 1- 1


Fig. 1Summary – option parameter

Changing configurable optional functions

In order to activate a configurable optional function, it must first be
assigned a parameter from #16 to #19. This is done by changing inde-
pendent variable #0 to the pre-programmed option number. Once this
has been done, the independent variable for the option must be config-
ured. This is done by changing the values for independent variables #1,
#2, #3 and #4.
• Ensure the truck is in parameter mode.

The parameter symbol is lit.

• Select parameter #16, #17, #18 or #19 using [L1].

Independent variable #0 is displayed
The independent variable value is displayed after 1 second. The value
“0” means that an optional function has not been assigned to this
parameter, and the speed control L1 in this case displays the next
parameter if you continue to activate it.
• Press the horn button S18.

The parameter symbol flashes.

• Enter the independent variable value #0 by repeatedly operating the

speed control L1 in either direction. See Table 3:
• Press the S18 horn button once to confirm the new setting.

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The parameter symbol is lit (i.e. stops flashing).

• Select independent variable #1 by activating the speed control L1.

Independent variable value #1 is displayed after 1 second.
• Press the horn button S18.

The parameter symbol flashes.

• Enter the independent variable value #1 by repeatedly operating the

speed control L1 in either direction. See the list of optional functions
in Table 3:
• Press the S18 horn button once to confirm the new setting.

The parameter symbol is lit (i.e. stops flashing).

Adjust independent variables #2, #3 and #4 in the same way as above.

• Switch off the truck by pressing on the keypad.

The optional function is now activated.
• Check that the optional function works correctly before the truck is
put back in operation.

Table 3: List of configurable optional functions

Independent Independent vari- Independent var- Independent varia-
variable #1 able #2 iable #3 ble #4
Independent variable #0 = 1: The option button controls the spider output
0:Spider 0 0:Digital output 1 1-6:option button 1-6 Type of function:
1:Spider 1 1:Digital output 2 0:instantaneous
2: :Digital output 3 1:butterfly switch
3: :Digital output 4
Independent variable #0 = 2:Reduced running speed controlled by the spider’s digital input
0:Spider 0 0-7:Digital input 1-8 0-12:reduced speed 0:high-speed range
1:Spider 1 40-100% 1:low-speed range
(i.e. 40+5*arg3 e.g. 2: both ranges
4: 40+5*4=60%)
Independent variable #0 = 3:Activate the spider output for specific movements
0:Spider 0 0:Digital output 1 Select movements. Initial position:
1:Spider 1 1:Digital output 2 See Table 4: 0: shines constantly
2: :Digital output 3 1: flashes 1 Hz
3: :Digital output 4 2: flashes 2 Hz

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Table 3: List of configurable optional functions

Independent Independent vari- Independent var- Independent varia-
variable #1 able #2 iable #3 ble #4
Independent variable #0 = 4:Activate the main contactor controlled by the spider’s digital input
0:Spider 0 0-7:Digital input 1-8 0-30:Holding time 0- Not used
1:Spider 1 30 minutes
Independent variable #0 = 5: Lift/lowering controlled by the spider’s digital inputs
0:Spider 0 0: Lift, digital input 1 0: Blocking of lower- 0: Fork lift/lowering
1:Spider 1 Lowering, digital ing disconnected 1: Support arm lift/lower-
input 2 1: Blocking of lower- ing
Blocking of lower- ing connected
ing, input 3
1: Lift, digital input 2
Lowering, digital
input 3
Blocking of lower-
ing, input 4
2: Lift, digital input 3
Lowering, digital
input 4
Blocking of lower-
ing, input 5
3: Lift, digital input 4
Lowering, digital
input 5
Blocking of lower-
ing, input 6
4: Lift, digital input 5
Lowering, digital
input 6
Blocking of lower-
ing, input 7
5: Lift, digital input 6
Lowering, digital
input 7
Blocking of lower-
ing, input 8
Independent variable #0 = 6:Lift height limitation with by-pass
0:Spider 0 0-7: Limit 1-6: By-pass, Not used
1:Spider 1 switch for option switch 1-6
digital input 1-8

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Table 4: Option 3 – Choice of movement

Selected movement Independent
variable #3
- 0
Driving forward 1
Driving backward 2
Driving forward or backward 3
Fork lift 4
Fork lift or driving forward 5
Fork lift or driving backward 6
Fork lift or driving forward or driving back- 7
Fork lowering 8
Fork lowering or driving forward 9
Fork lowering or driving backward 10
Fork lowering or driving forward or driving 11
Fork lift or fork lowering 12
Fork lift or fork lowering or driving forward 13
Fork lift or fork lowering or driving backward 14
Fork lift or fork lowering or driving forward or 15
driving backward
All other movements (AOM) 16
Driving forward or AOM 17
Driving backward or AOM 18
Driving forward or driving backward or AOM 19
Fork lift or AOM 20
Fork lift or driving forward or AOM 21
Fork lift or driving backward or AOM 22
Fork lift or driving forward or driving back- 23
ward or AOM
Fork lowering or AOM 24
Fork lowering or driving forward or AOM 25

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Table 4: Option 3 – Choice of movement

Selected movement Independent
variable #3
Fork lowering or driving backward or AOM 26
Fork lowering or driving forward or driving 27
backward or AOM
Fork lift or fork lowering or AOM 28
Fork lift or fork lowering or driving forward or 29
Fork lift or fork lowering or driving backward 30
or AOM
Fork lift or fork lowering or driving forward or 31
driving backward or AOM

Parameter 20
You decide yourself what the hour meter will show.
1A = Key time
2b = Movement time
3c = Drive motor time
4d =Pump motor time
5s = Time for service

Parameter 21
You must specify the type of battery the truck is equipped with.
In order to set the meter for the battery’s level of discharge, the follow-
ing should be taken into account:
• Acid concentration when the battery is fully charged, to check the
grade of the battery. Must be between 1.27-1.29.
• When the lifting capacity is disconnected (the battery is 80 % dis-
charged), the value must be close to, but not below, 1.14.
The acid concentration can vary depending on the battery make.

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Recommendation on parameter setting for freely

ventilated batteries

Parameter 21 Battery size SWE100, SWE120,


Less dis- 2
charge 3
5 260Ah - 320Ah
Standard value
6 190Ah - 250Ah
7 120Ah - 180Ah
Greater dis- 13

The service life of the battery will be reduced if the value of parameter
21 is set at too high a value. The standard setting of parameter 21 is
set for normal truck handling. Other applications may require a differ-
ent setting of parameter 21. Check that the parameter setting is the
correct one using the instructions below.

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Instructions for verifying parameter setting

• Charge up the battery
• Use the truck in its normal application until the battery indicator
shows an empty battery (0% on the display).
• Remove the battery from the truck and allow to rest for at least two
hours. NB! No charging or discharging during this period.
• Measure the acid weight of the battery at room temperature. If the
acid weight is less than 1.15 g/cm3, the parameter value must be
reduced. If the value significantly exceeds 1.15 g/cm3, the risk of
damage to the battery is reduced. At the same time, the operating
time of the truck is reduced. If a longer operating time is required, the
parameter value can be increased. Maximum one unit.
• Each change must be accompanied by a new verification of the pa-
rameter setting.

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Recommendation on parameter setting for valve-

controlled batteries (VRLA)

Parameter 21 Battery size SWE100, SWE120,


Less discharge 2 260Ah - 320Ah

3 190Ah - 250Ah
4 120Ah - 180Ah
Greater dis-
charge 14

The service life of the battery will be reduced if the value of parameter
21 is set at too high a value. The standard setting of parameter 21 is
set for normal truck handling. Other applications may require a differ-
ent setting of parameter 21. Check that the parameter setting is the
correct one using the instructions below.

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Instructions for verifying parameter setting

• Charge up the battery
• Use the truck in its normal application until the battery indicator
shows an empty battery (0% on the display).
• Disconnect the battery from the truck and allow the battery to rest for
at least two hours. NB! No charging or discharging during this peri-
• Measure the battery voltage at room temperature. If the voltage is
less than Uend, see the table below, the parameter value must be re-
duced. If the value significantly exceeds Uend, the risk of damage to
the battery is reduced. At the same time, the operating time of the
truck is reduced. If a longer operating time is required, the parameter
value can be increased. Maximum one unit.
• Each change must be accompanied by a new verification of the pa-
rameter setting.

Battery type Battery voltage at rest, Uend

Hawker Evolution 24,24 V

Parameter 22
You must specify the type of brake switch the truck is equipped with.
Mechanical switch = 0
Inductive sensor= 1

Parameter 25
Using this parameter you can specify a limit for when the next service is
to take place, from 0 to 2000 hours, in 50-hour steps. When it is time for
a service, warning 29 (C29) is shown in the display.

Parameter 28
Using this parameter you can select which button is to be used for lift/
0 = No lift/lower button activated
1 = Bottom lift/lower button activated (default)
2 = Top lift/lower button activated
3 = Both lift/lower buttons are activated

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Parameter 39

Login method and driver parameter access

This parameter determines which function is to be used for login and
whether the operator can adjust the driver parameter settings.
• Value 1 – Key switch fitted – Driver parameters accessible (without
CAN service key).
• Value 2 – Key switch fitted – Driver parameters NOT accessible
(without CAN service key).
• Value 3 – Keypad (Standard 10 PIN code)- Driver parameters acces-
sible (without CAN service key) NB! this is the original setting.
• Value 4 – Keypad (Standard 10 PIN code)- Driver parameters NOT
accessible (without CAN service key).
• Value 5 – Expanded keypad (100 PIN code)- Driver parameters ac-
cessible (without CAN service key)
• Value 6 – Expanded keypad (100 PIN code)- Driver parameters
NOT accessible (without CAN service key)
• Value 7 – Expanded keypad (100 PIN code) + TLS- Driver parame-
ters accessible (without CAN service key)
• Value 8 – Expanded keypad (100 PIN code) + TLS- Driver parame-
ters NOT accessible (without CAN service key)

Expanded keypad - General

The truck can contain a maximum of 10 individual driver profiles. The
expanded keypad function thus allows you to assign a maximum of 10
PIN codes for each of the driver profiles. This allows you to manage a
maximum of 100 unique PIN codes.
If the expanded keypad function is activated, the standard manage-
ment of PIN codes normally accessible via parameter #10 is set aside.

Expanded keypad - Programming

A number of PIN codes can be made accessible by activating the so-
called block. Block no. 0 is activated as standard. This means that 3 dif-
ferent driver profiles are available from the start. Activation of other
blocks means that all PIN codes for the block are accessible (See Table
6:). If all 10 blocks are activated, there will be 10 PIN codes available for
the driver profile.
The truck program stores a standard list of PIN codes as per Table 6:
These PIN codes can be changed to any value, but you should avoid
the same PIN code in different driver profiles.

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To start programming the expanded keypad:

• Connect an appropriate CAN service key to X41

• Enter code 341671 and press on the keypad.

• Select the programming command from Table 5:

Table 5: Programming command - expanded keypad

Progamming Function Notes
Reset to factory settings Block 1 - 9 is deacti-
Press “1” + vated. Original PIN
codes reset as per
Table 6:
PIN codes in the block can be B= Block no. 0 - 9
Press “2” + B + used
PIN codes in the block cannot B= Block no. 0 - 9
Press “3” + B + be used
Programming a new PIN code B= Block no. 0 - 9
Press “4” + B + F + NNNN + F= Driver profile no.
NNNN = PIN code

• Switch off the truck by pressing on the keypad.

The expanded keypad programming is now complete
Parameter #39 must be set with the value 5, 6, 7 or 8 for the new PIN
codes to be valid.
Carry out a practical test by logging in using some of the new PIN
codes. It is important to establish that the correct driver profile has been
activated when a certain PIN code has been entered, especially if a
specific driver profile has been set for a specific application/goods han-
Table 6: shows the PIN codes available as standard in the program.
These can be activated for use or changed according to the driver’s
One or more of these blocks can be activated.
A driver profile is activated, on normal login, by all PIN codes whose
block no. is activated.
The truck program does not approve login using the PIN code “0000”.
Service personnel should keep notes on activated blocks, changed PIN
codes and specially-set driver profiles.
Resetting the expanded keypad does NOT affect the driver profile set-

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Table 6: Standard PIN code assignment with the expanded keypad

Driver 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Block 0 0000 0001 0002 0003 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
Block 1 5421 7901 1437 3731 1049 9439 7265 1322 2869 1574
Block 2 1787 4854 2907 9175 5799 1490 3031 7392 5622 5023
Block 3 4659 3174 1026 3815 6703 1179 5152 7514 5668 3215
Block 4 9197 7110 5477 3846 9491 5918 8222 6923 8139 7025
Block 5 2549 6276 9879 9658 1690 4042 5201 9807 4332 9715
Block 6 7474 4142 8620 3754 8432 8788 7430 1948 2595 8527
Block 7 1930 1482 7135 2395 7365 7092 4611 2831 4185 6067
Block 8 2876 4731 1022 5377 3257 7334 9009 7881 8843 7436
Block 9 3242 3162 5878 2828 1910 6907 2136 5730 2957 7691

Service indication
A • Connect CAN key to X41 and start the truck
• Battery status is shown and symbol “D” is lit
• Press S18 to go to display mode.
See the table below.
Flashing symbol Data
B A speed reference value has been sent
to Curtis
C Digital inputs to Curtis and hall sensors.
* See explanation below
BC Battery voltage (V)
D Armature voltage (A)
BD Field current (A)
CD PWM (pulse width modulation) armature
in percentage
BCD Status of Curtis

*These are displayed by segments of three of the figures being marked


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• The figure with the highest value is active (marked with an arrow).
• Power amplifier, inputs.

Segment Function
C S31, input A1:15
D S10, input A1:12
G S10, input A1:5

• The figure with the second highest value is active (marked with an
A • Power amplifier, inputs

Segment Function
C Y41, output A1:2
D Y1, output A1:3

A E K10, output A1:4

F H1, output A1:7
G G Y1, output A1:5

E C DP K30, output A1:6


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• The figure with the third highest value is active (marked with an ar-
A • Digital input from control sensors.

Segment Function
A D Forks up
E Forks down
G F Support arm up

E C G Support arm down

DP DP Horn

• The figure with the fourth highest value is active (marked with an ar-
Segment Function
A Extra function 6
B Extra function 5
E D C B C Extra function 4
D Extra function 3
E Extra function 2
F Extra function 1

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12.7 Part numbers

• Press S18 and turn S17 to “on” at the same time.
A • Press S18 until you Pn= partnumbers.
• You have now choosen Pn= part numbers the symbol “D” on display
will be highlighted to indicate what’s currently shown on display. In
the start the Pn = part number complete unit will be shown.
• By scrolling with the speed control you can get the following informa-
E D C B tion:
• SPn= Software part number.
• HPn= Hardware part number.
• HSn= Hardware serial number.

12.8 Transistor panel


12.8.1 General
B+ M- Curtis 1243 is a regulator for controlling shunt motors. Varying the volt-
age applied through the armature primarily controls the speed. The
voltage is varied through use of pulse-width modulation (PWM). This
involves varying the “on” time of the MOS-FET transistors regulating
the armature current.
M A2 Switching of the rotational direction is achieved by switching the polari-
ty on the field winding (S1-S2). The regulator is fitted with a four-quad-
rant transistor bridge for the field winding and a single-quadrant transis-
tor bridge for the armature winding.

S1 S2

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12.9 Diagnostic and troubleshooting

12.9.1 Error codes and troubleshooting


The table below describes the error codes that may be shown by the
STATUS LED or read using the handheld terminal.

STATUS LED Handheld ter- Explanation Possible cause

minal display
LED off - No voltage or defec- Burnt fuse, bad contact, not con-
tive regulator nected, defective regulator
LED on - Defective regulator Defective regulator
1,1 ¤¤ CURRENT Built-in current shunt Armature current sensor fault in
SHUNT FAULT defective motor controller.
1,2 ¤ ¤¤ HW FAILSAFE Power amplifier Motor controller reports unexpected
CAN-timeout loss of data flow from tiller head
1,3 ¤ ¤¤¤ M- SHORTED Internal M- short to Problem with switch transistor in
B- armature circuit inside motor control-
3,1 ¤¤¤ ¤ CONT COIL/FLD Too high current for Attempt to drive more current than
SHORT contactor feeding or specified from outputs.
shorted field winding Problem to regulate field currrent.
Internal controller fault.
3,3 ¤¤¤ ¤¤¤ FIELD OPEN Open field winding Shuntfield open, harness broken,
motor controller defect.
4,1 ¤¤¤¤ ¤ LOW BATTERY Low battery voltage 1. Battery voltage <17 volts
VOLTAGE 2. Corroded battery terminals
3. Loose battery or regulator connec-
4,2 ¤¤¤¤ ¤¤ OVERVOLTAGE Overvoltage 1. Battery voltage > 33 volts
4,3 ¤¤¤¤ ¤¤¤ THERMAL Over-/under-temper- 1. Temp. >85oC or < - 25oC
CUTBACK ature reduction 2. Truck overloaded
3. Wrong installation of transistor reg-
4. Operation under extreme condi-

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12.9.2 Resetting errors

To reset an error turn S17 to off and then on again.

Error Reset when

OVERVOLTAGE Battery voltage falls below 33 V
THERMAL CUTBACK The temperature is within allowed range
THROTTLE FAULT 1, 2 Error has been fixed
LOW BATTERY VOLTAGE When battery voltage exceeds 16 V

12.9.3 Safety
The regulator is a high-power component. When working on a battery
operated vehicle, necessary precautions should be taken. This
includes, but is not limited to, correct training, use of eye protectors,
avoiding use of lose-fitting clothes, removal of watches and jewellery,
and use of insulated tools only.
Risk of short-circuiting.
Remove all watches, jewellery and always use insulated tools only.

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Electrical systems
Technical specifications – Curtis 1243
T-code Valid from serial number Date Order number
700, 701 715612- 2005-03-22 220813-040

12.10 Technical specifications –

Curtis 1243

Value Unit Explanation

Rated operating voltage 24 Volts
Overvoltage limit 33 Volts
Undervoltage limit 16 Volts Minimum operating voltage
Electrical insulation towards cold 500 V AC Minimum
PWM frequency 16 kHz
Max. current of armature winding * 150 Amps for 2 minutes
100 Amps for 1 hour
Max. current of field winding 20 Amps for 2 minutes
20 for 1 hour
Contactor voltage 24 Volts Same as battery voltage
Contactor current 2 Amps Max (current limit at 2.5 amps)
KSI input voltage, Min. 16.8 Volts
KSI input current 50 mA
Logic input voltage >7.5; High Volts
<1; Low
Logic input current 15 mA
Operating temperature -40 to +50 °C
Overtemperature, reduction 85 °C
Undertemperature, reduction -25 °C

* During specific test conditions.

12- 48 Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S © BT Europe AB

Hydraulic system – 6000
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220813-040 2005-03-22 715612- 700, 701

1- Hydraulic system – 6000

1.1 General
To avoid functional problems with the lowering valve, such as uninten-
tional lowering of forks, the valve must be cleaned and the function
checked before replacing the valve.

1.2 Hydraulic diagram and components





1.2.1 Main components

Pos No Description Remark
1 Lift Cylinders Fork lift
2 Hydraulic Unit A = Non return valve
B = Lowering valve, manual
C = Lowering valve, el
D = Overflow valve
E = Flow control valve
F = Filter
M = Pump motor
P = Pump
3 Pressure switch Load >750 kg
Speed = 5,3 km/h

© BT Europe AB Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S 1- 1

Hydraulic system – 6000
Hydraulic diagram and components
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700, 701 715612- 2005-03-22 220813-040

1.2.2 Description
When the pump motor starts, the oil flows through the non return valve
to the lift cylinders.

When the lowering valve is actuated by the lowering lever on the chas-
sis, or the lowering button on the tiller arm, the valve opens to allow the
oil in the pressure lines to return to the oil tank. The lowering speed can
be regulated by the movement of the lowering lever on the chassis.
Lowering using the button on the tiller arm gives a constant lower

Operating pressure
The operating pressures at rated load are:
• SWE100: 150 bar.
• SWE120: 180 bar.
• SWE120S: 190 bar.

Relief valve
The relief valve opens at the following pressures:
• SWE100: 170 bar.
• SWE120: 200 bar.
• SWE120S: 210 bar.

Pressure switch
The pressure switch is used to regulate the speed and is influenced by
the load. It only has an off/on operation.
Load > 750 kg. Speed = 5,3 km/h
Load < 750 kg. Speed = 6,0 km/h

1- 2 Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S © BT Europe AB

Main lift chain system – 7120
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2- Main lift chain system – 7120

2.1 General
Applies to all machines with a mast.
On machines with T-code 407 RR B7-B8/15, 408 RR B7C-B8C/15, 413
RR E7-E8/15 and 414 RR E7C-E8C the chains should be replaced eve-
ry 2.5 years.

2.2 Checking the chain setting

The lift chains must be adjusted at regular periods due to stretching,
see below. The chain setting is checked during servicing as set out in
the maintenance schedule.
Any adjustment is made with the chain mounting bolts.
Adjust the fork height according to C code 7100, 7420, 7700 and 7800
as applicable.

2.3 Chain inspection

The chains are exposed to two types of wear, outline wear and stretch-
ing. Wear to the bolts and disc holes is caused by stretching. The
chains are also affected by the environment they are used in.

2.3.1 Noise
If lubrication has been insufficient there will be metallic friction on the
chain and this will result in noise.
The chain should be replaced.

2.3.2 Surface rust

Surface rust is easy to recognize as the chain will be reddish brown.
Deep-seated rust has generally started and the chain has impaired
The chain should be replaced

2.3.3 Rusty links

Fretting corrosion results in a reddish brown powder being visible by
the outer discs. It can also appear as if the chain is bleeding when lubri-
The chain should be replaced.

© BT Europe AB Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S 2- 1

Main lift chain system – 7120
Chain inspection
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700, 701 715612- 2005-03-22 220813-040

2.3.4 Stiff links

If it is not possible to pull out the chain to its normal position this can be
because of link rust or seizing.

The chain should be replaced.

2.3.5 Bolt rotation

Bolt rotation can be a phenomenon of stiff links. The fault is easy to see
when comparing with a new chain.

The chain should be replaced

2.3.6 Loose bolts

If a bolt is loose it will protrude from the side of the chain, which is due
to a stiff link or bolt rotation.

The chain should be replaced

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Main lift chain system – 7120
Chain inspection
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2.3.7 Outline wear

H2 H3

P = Pitch
H2 = Nominal disc height.
H3 = Minimum disc height.
A new lift chain has a specific nominal disc height, defined as H2 in the
figure. As the truck is used the lift chain wears radically, on the side that
runs over the chain sprocket. The minimum disc height is define as H3
in the figure and denotes the minimum permitted value of the disc

Maximal permitted outline wear is 5% of the height H2. If a lift

chain reaches the maximum level of wear, the chain should be
The nominal and minimum disc heights for respective lift chains are
stated in the table in the chapter “Stretching”.

© BT Europe AB Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S 2- 3

Main lift chain system – 7120
Chain inspection
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700, 701 715612- 2005-03-22 220813-040

2.3.8 Stretching
The amount of stretch on a lift chain is measured on the part of the
chain that runs over the chain sprocket. The amount of stretch may, at
the most, be 2% on the most worn section of the chain.
Measurement is suitably made over 300-1000 mm of the chain.
The nominal and maximum permitted chain lengths for lift chains are
stated in the table below.

Type of Nominal Minimum Pitch P Nominal chain Maximum permitted

chain disc height disc height (mm) length for 20/30/ chain length for 20/
H2 ( mm) H3 (mm) 50 discs (mm) 30/50 discs (mm)
3/4”, 2x3 17.8 16.9 19.05 381/572/953 389/583/972
3/4”, 3x4 17.8 16.9 19.05 381/572/953 389/583/972
3/4”, 4x6 17.8 16.9 19.05 381/572/953 389/583/972
1”, 4x4 23,6 22,4 25,4 508/762/1270 518/777/1295
1”, 6x6 23,6 22,4 25,4 508/762/1270 518/777/1295

Wear to the bolts and around the holes on the discs are a reason
why the chain stretches. The chain should be replaced if stretch-
ing is more than 2%.

2.3.9 Damage

The chain should be replaced if damaged in any way.

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Main lift chain system – 7120
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2.3.10 Damaged discs

If a disc has broken on the chain, this can be due to overloading or cor-

The chain should be replaced.

2.3.11 Damaged bolts

It can be difficult to discover whether a bolt has broken. It can appear as
bolt rotation and/or that the outer disc is loose.

The chain should be replaced.

2.3.12 Dirty chain

If a chain is very dirty it is first and foremost recommended that it is
replaced. It can also be dismantled and cleaned as set out in the chap-
ter “Cleaning”.

2.4 Cleaning
If a chain is very dirty it is recommended that it is replaced.
Dirty chains should be cleaned before they are lubricated, e.g. by
washing with solvent such as diesel or petrol.
The chain should be blown dry using compressed air and lubricated
directly after cleaning
Exercise care with degreasing agent as these can contain abrasives.

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Main lift chain system – 7120
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700, 701 715612- 2005-03-22 220813-040

2.5 Lubrication
Mineral and synthetic oils can be used to relubricate Rexnord chains.
Lubricant must not contain substances such as molybdenum disul-
phide, PTFE or the like.
A lift chain should be offloaded from the weight of the fork carriage
(hanging free) when lubricated.
• Lubrication intervals:
- 500 hours with normal operations
- 100 hours when driving in rugged environments such as cold
stores and corrosive environments.
The chains are sprayed with lubricant. Note the entire chain must be
lubricated, even the fastening bolts. It is especially important that the
part of the chain which runs over the chain sprocket is well lubricated.
The lubricate must comply with the viscosity demands at respective
temperatures as set out in the table below. The following lubricants are
Ambient Viscosity Recommended Products*
temperature class
> - 40°C VG 15 Klüberoil 4UH 1-15, Klüber Lubri-
< - 30°C
> - 30°C VG 68 Klüberoil 4UH 1-68N, Klüber
< + 5°C
Anticorit LBO 160 TT, Fuchs DEA
> + 5°C VG 150 Klüberoil 4UH 1-150N, Klüber
< + 45°C
Anticorit LBO 160, Fuchs DEA
Rexoil, Rexnord Kette
>+ 45°C VG 220 Klüberoil 4UH 1-220N, Klüber
<+ 80°C
* Equivalent products from another manufacturer may be used.
Do not use a special rust protective agent to prevent
rust on the lift chains.
These agents impair the lubrication of the chains. Regular lubrication
is the best method to prevent rust attack.

2- 6 Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S © BT Europe AB

Battery charger (Inbuilt) – 8340
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220813-040 2005-03-22 715612- 700, 701

3- Battery charger (Inbuilt) – 8340

3.1 General
SMCI is a battery charger intended for valve-regulated or freely venti-
lated lead acid batteries. It is adapted for batteries from about 100 Ah
up to 320 Ah.
The charger which uses advanced switch techniques is connected to a
A B normal (grounded 230 V single phase) socket (B) and the built-in micro
controller then controls charging following the pre-set charging curve.
During charging the charging process is displayed with a status indica-
tor on the standby housing (A).
The micro controller also controls charging with respect to charging
time and temperature in the charger so that charging can be limited,
e.g. if a fault occurs in some cell in the battery or when there is insuffi-
cient cooling of the charger.
SMCI 300 is delivered pre-set for 24 v and with software intended for
charging valve-regulated or freely ventilated lead acid batteries.
The size and type of the battery are selected using the switch on the
side of the fan(C) which is accessible via a slotted head screwdriver.

3.2 Charging
Connect the charger to the mains. When charging starts after a few
seconds, the orange status indicator on the standby housing(A) lights
up. Yhis indicator remains lit until the battery is fully charged and the
indicator turns to green.
Charging time varies depending on the type of battery and the degree
of discharge. Normally the charger is started after working hours and
the battery is fully charged the next morning. A highly discharged freely
ventilated battery of 320 Ah may need up to 14 hours re-charging time,
a VR battery even longer.
Some time after charging (depending on, for example, type of battery)
SMCI 300 switches to maitenance charging. The green indicator
remains lit to show that the battery is fully cgarged.
When charging is completed, the mains plug is placed in the standby

© BT Europe AB Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S 3- 1

Battery charger (Inbuilt) – 8340
Troubleshooting and service
T-code Valid from serial number Date Order number
700, 701 715612- 2005-03-22 220813-040

3.3 Troubleshooting and service

First check whether the charger indicates an error. A red, blinking indi-
cator means that the charger cannot detect that any battery is connect-
ed.Check the cables, pole terminals and other connections to the bat-
teries. Measure battery voltage. If the charger still doesn´t work, send it
to your supplier for repair.

3.4 Technical data

Size 250x115x67 mm
Weight 1,6 kg
Ambient temperature -25°C till +40°C
Mains voltage 90-255 V AC 45-400 Hz
(Reduced charging current for mains volt-
age below 200 V
Rated voltage 24 V DC
Rated current 30 A
Max output 750 W
Efficiency > 86%
Battery type Freely ventilated lead batteries (with
water refilling). Valve regulated (VR) lead
Protection IP 20
General Temperature regulated cooling fan, pro-
tected against faulty polarisation

3- 2 Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S © BT Europe AB

Battery charger (Inbuilt) – 8340
Charging settings
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220813-040 2005-03-22 715612- 700, 701

3.5 Charging settings

3.5.1 Freely ventilated batteries

Switch Batterysize Output I2 current Max current main-

current tenance
0 No charging (red LED is lit) - - -
1 100-119 Ah 30 A 5,5 A 0,5 A
2 120-144 Ah 30 A 6,6 A 0,6 A
3 145-174 Ah 30 A 8A 0,8 A
4 175-209 Ah 30 A 9,6 A 1,0 A
5 210-249 Ah 30 A 11,5 A 1,2 A
6 250-299 Ah 30 A 13,7 A 1,4 A
7 300-350 Ah 30 A 16,2 A 1,6 A

3.5.2 Valve regulated batteries

Switch Batterysize Output I2 current Max current main-

current tenance
8 No charging (red LED is - - -
9 300-350 Ah 30 A 3,9 A 1,6 A
A 250-299 Ah 30 A 3,3 A 1,4 A
B 210-249 Ah 30 A 2,75 A 1,2 A
C 175-209 Ah 30 A 2,3 A 1,0 A
D 145-174 Ah 25 AA 1,9 A 0,8 A
E 120-144 Ah 21 A 1,58 A 0,6 A
F 100-119 Ah 17 A 1,32 A 0,5 A

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Battery charger (Inbuilt) – 8340
Charging settings
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700, 701 715612- 2005-03-22 220813-040

This page is intentionally left blank

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Control/computer equipment – 8700
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4- Control/computer equipment –
TruckCom 3.5 User Manual -for trucks using the “PowerDrive” platform.
This Manual is valid for version 3.5 of TruckCom p/n 182145-008.

4.1 General
TruckCom is a communication program which communicates with
trucks equipped with CAN (Controller Area Network) communication.
It enables the following tasks to be performed:
• downloading truck control software.
• viewing and adjusting operator / truck parameters and hour meters.
Additionally, the truck’s parameter set (including hour meter values)
can be saved to file and reloaded later.
• viewing diagnostic data for various digital inputs / outputs and ana-
logue data including voltages, currents and certain temperatures.
The program is a Windows program running under Windows® 95/98,
Windows® XP/2000 and Windows® NT.

4.2 Connection
A CAN interface of the CPC-PP type is needed to connect it to the
truck, with attendant cable. Connect the interface via the printer port on
a PC. Connect the cable between the interface and the truck's CAN ter-
The CAN interface is supplied with power from the truck electronics and
is protected from any high voltages in the truck if a fault should occur.

© BT Europe AB Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S 4- 1

Control/computer equipment – 8700
T-code Valid from serial number Date Order number
700, 701 715612- 2005-03-22 220813-040

4.3 Layout

4.3.1 Main program screen

Menu bar window




Tool button bar

Fig. 42 Main TruckCom program screen

The Main window opens when the program is started. This shows the
menu bar, tool buttons, workspace, log window and status window.

4.3.2 Nodes
Devices which are connected to and communicate via the CAN inter-
face are called nodes. The nodes detected on the bus are shown in the
node window. The current node status and input component/informa-
tion is shown with different icons.

Fig. 43 A typical node window dis-


4- 2 Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S © BT Europe AB

Control/computer equipment – 8700
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4.3.3 Icons

Icon Description
Node OK is shown when contact is made with a node
and no errors have been reported.

Node not connected is shown when there is no contact

with a node in the network.

Node not OK is shown when an error has been reported

by a node. Click on node to obtain more information.

Program version is shown when information is available

on which software is installed. Click to obtain more infor-
Information is shown when a node has information on,
for example, error codes.

Truck report
GB“4.7Truck report function” on page 7

Parameters is shown when a node has information on a




4.3.4 Tool buttons and menu bar

The tool button bar allows direct access to the program’s most common
functions. The menu bar allows access to all the program functions.
Explanations of each menu bar item are given in the relevant section.

Search for Disconnect Truck

units from PC Download report

Parameters Diagnostics Information Exit

Fig. 44 Tool button bar

© BT Europe AB Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S 4- 3

Control/computer equipment – 8700
Connection function
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700, 701 715612- 2005-03-22 220813-040

4.3.5 Information window

The right section of the main window contains a status window where
different messages are shown.
To see previous messages, use the scroll arrows in the right margin.

4.3.6 Status bar

There is a status bar at the bottom of the main window, which shows
variable status when the program is run.


The following are shown from the left:

Help text "pop-up" via the mouse cursor, connected/not connected to
network, truck type connected, initiation result of CAN interface and the
present time.

4.4 Connection function

To connect the PC the network, select the Scan units function. This can
be done with the menu <Nodes | Scan units> or with the tool button
[Scan nodes].
This should also be done when the truck is supplied with voltage and in
normal drive mode.
The program will now run a check and installation of the CAN interface.
A diagnosis will also be carried out to check which units are connected
in the system. The result of this diagnosis is shown in the Node window.

4.5 Disconnection function

Select the Disconnect function to disconnect from the network. This
can be done with the menu <Nodes | Set PC off-Line > or with the tool
button [Set PC off-Line].
The CAN interface is then reset and the CAN cable can be disconnect-
ed if so required. This enables connection to another truck without hav-
ing to close the program.

4- 4 Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S © BT Europe AB

Control/computer equipment – 8700
Downloading program function
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220813-040 2005-03-22 715612- 700, 701

4.6 Downloading program function

To download a new program to one of the nodes, select the Download
software function. This can be done with the menu <Tools | Download
software... > or with the tool button [Download].



4.6.1 Normal downloading (truck with key)

Select Open.. to open the file to be downloaded into a node. The file
name, file type and version number are shown in the window for file
information. If it is file for a controller, indicate which type of controller is
to receive the file. Start downloading by selecting Start... and by restart-
ing the truck by turning the key off and on twice.
Restart must be made within 20 seconds from when the Start button
has been activated.
Close the download window when the download is ready, and then dis-
connect the PC from the network. A new connection can now be made
to verify the new program.

4.6.2 Normal downloading (truck with

Select Open to open the file to be downloaded into a node. The file
name, file type and version number are shown in the file information
dialogue box. If it is file for a controller, indicate which type of controller
is to receive the file. Start downloading by depressing and then releas-
ing the red key on the keypad.
The truck must be restarted within 20 seconds from the time the Start
key has been actuated.

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Control/computer equipment – 8700
Downloading program function
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700, 701 715612- 2005-03-22 220813-040

When downloading has been completed, close the download dialogue

box and then disconnect the PC from the network. It is now possible to
reconnect to verify the new application.

4.6.3 Emergency downloading (truck with

• Disconnect the battery connector.
• Select OK in the dialogue box.
• Keep the red key on the keypad depressed while reconnecting the
battery connector.
• Release the red key to commence downloading.

4.6.4 Downloading in old versions of logic

To download to older versions of electronic cards which do not support
restart with key, the button Old card... should be used instead of Start...
Downloading is carried out in the same way, except that restart is done
by using the battery lug instead of the key.

4.6.5 Emergency downloading (truck with

E141 will be shown in the truck’s display when starting, if for any reason
there is no program in the electronics card (interrupted downloading).
Communication with the truck via the PC will then be minimised. Use
“E141” to download the program in the card.
On some trucks, a counter, which continuously counts up, is displayed.
Once programmed, the logic cards in some trucks can only be up-
graded with the same basic firmware. In other words, it is not possible
to replace the basic firmware (other machine type).

4- 6 Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S © BT Europe AB

Control/computer equipment – 8700
Truck report function
Order number Date Valid from serial number T-code
220813-040 2005-03-22 715612- 700, 701

4.7 Truck report function

It is possible to generate a report to a file or disk with the truck’s config-
uration and status. Select menu <Tools | Generate truck report...> or
with the tool button Truck report. Save the report in Report.file.


Example of information generated in the truck report:

REPORT DATE-TIME=2004-01-19 11:11:58 01=104 00007.5
CPC-PP SERIAL No=8002041 02=104 00007.5
MACHINE NUMBER=555555 03=104 00007.5
CUSTOMER=CUSTOMER 1 04=104 00007.5
TECHNICIAN=NONAME 05=104 00007.5
NOTES=Test report -
[CAN NODES] 09=104 00005.0
HARDWARE=167833-004 1=100
SERIAL NO=53676 2=100
FIELD MAXIMUM (A)=34 100=0
MFG Date:=26/05/03

The contents of certain rows can vary according to truck type.

© BT Europe AB Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S 4- 7

Control/computer equipment – 8700
Parameters function
T-code Valid from serial number Date Order number
700, 701 715612- 2005-03-22 220813-040

4.8 Parameters function

To change the truck parameters, select the Parameter function. This
can be done with the menu <Tools | Change parameters > or with the
tool button Parameters.
The truck must in Normal mode (i.e. not Parameter mode) when con-
necting TruckCom. Otherwise TruckCom will report “Unable to deter-
mine truck brand”
The parameter numbers follow the description in the respective truck
Service Manuals, section 5000.
The parameter window shows the information and the current settings
for all parameters. The parameters are divided into 4 tabs.
• [Driver] - driver; driver parameters and PIN code storing
• [Truck] - truck; service parameters
• [Time] - time; time-related service parameters
• [Option parameters] - option parameters. (no. 15 to 19)
Do not attempt to make any adjustments to the option parameters un-
less you have sufficient knowledge of the truck’s options/ modified
functions. Specially modified trucks may require that you have ac-
cess to special service information.
Improper adjustment of the option service parameters may result in a

4.9 Diagnostics function

To access diagnostics, select the Diagnostic function. This can be done
with the menu <Tools | Diagnostic...> or with the tool button Diagnostic.
If the value “---” is shown in a field, or a “read status LED” is red, the
communication has been interrupted for some reason and error data
cannot be shown.
The tab information displayed in the diagnostics mode depends on
the type of truck connected.

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4.9.1 Representation of signal colours

The screen dumps shown in the following section have been modified
to improve legibility in black & white print.




4.9.2 “Tiller arm” tab

Clicking on the tiller arm tab will display a dialogue showing the follow-
• Speed lever -the status of the speed control and travel direction se-
lector. The status of each individual hall element is displayed.
• Buttons -The status of the control buttons is displayed. “Sxx” refers
to the switch designations as given in the circuit diagram.
• Option -Status of option buttons
• Battery -The measured battery voltage
• R14 -Shows the measured signal voltage from the lift/lower control
• R15 -Not used at present
© BT Europe AB Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S 4- 9
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Diagnostics function
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4.9.3 “Drive Controller” tab

(transistor regulator - driving)

Clicking on the Drive Controller tab will display a dialogue showing the
• Status of digital inputs and outputs of the transistor regulator. pin re-
fers to the motor controller pin designations as given in the circuit di-
• Field PWM - The effective power output supplied to the field circuit
as a percentage.
• Armature PWM - The effective power output supplied to the arma-
ture circuit as a percentage
• Field current - The current flowing in the field circuit in Amperes.
• Armature current - The current flowing in the Armature circuit in Am-
• Raw throttle data - The received speed control signal as a percent-
• Temperature - The temperature of the output stage of the transistor
controller in degrees Celsius
• Inp pin 10 - The input voltage from the mode/pressure sensor.
“digital o” indicates the digital status of the input.
• Inp pin 11-The input voltage from the man-on platform sensor.
“digital o” indicates the digital status of the input.

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4.9.4 “Pump controller” tab

(transistor regulator - pump)

If the truck is equipped with a lift/lower transistor regulator, the Pump

controller tab displays the following:
• Status of digital inputs and outputs of the transistor regulator. pin re-
fers to the motor controller pin designations as given in the circuit di-
• Field PWM, Armature PWM, Field current, Armature current, Tem-
perature - Measured values from the transistor regulator for the
pump motor. See the explanation on page 10
• Raw throttle data - The received lift/lower signal as a percentage.
• Out pin9 - The output signal to the proportional lowering valve as a
• Inp pin 10 - The input voltage from the pressure sensor.
“digital o” indicates the digital status of the input.
• Inp pin 11 - The input voltage from the pressure sensor.
“digital o” indicates the digital status of the input.

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4.9.5 “EPS” steering servo tab

Clicking on the “EPS” tab will display a dialogue showing the following:
• “Operational” - Indicates the status of the servo’s control system
• “EPS enabled” - Indicates the status of the servo’s power stage out-
• “Reference switch reached” - indicates status of drive wheel in cen-
tre reference switch.
• “Reference position found” - indicates whether a successful steering
in centre has been performed.
• “EPS in power save mode” - Shows whether the steering servo is in
the standby mode (following a certain amount of inactivity).
“Actual values” (Measured values)
• “Temperature EPS” - The temperature of the steering servo output
stage in degrees Celsius.
• “DC bus voltage” - Supply voltage to steering servo
• “Wheel position” - Shows the estimated steering angle of the drive
• “Voltage analog input 1, pin5”- The measured DC input signal (0)
from the steering potentiometer.
• “Voltage analog input 2, pin13”- The measured DC input signal (1)
from the steering potentiometer.
• “Current” - the measured current supplied to the steer servo motor in
• “Actual velocity” -The measured rotational speed of the steer servo
motor shaft in r.p.m.
4- 12 Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S © BT Europe AB
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Other menu functions
Order number Date Valid from serial number T-code
220813-040 2005-03-22 715612- 700, 701

4.10 Other menu functions

4.10.1 Save to file

The truck parameters can be saved in the PC for downloading at a later
Select <File | Save to file | Parameters >. All parameters in the nodes
which are connected to the bus will be scanned in and saved in a file.
If only the hour meters are needed, select <File | Save to file | Hour
meters >.

4.10.2 Download from file

A set of parameters can be downloaded from the PC to the truck. Select
<File | Load from file | Parameters >. The parameters in the file will be
copied to the nodes connected to the bus. If only the hour meter set-
tings are needed, select <File | Load from file | Hour meters >.

4.10.3 Reset CAN adapter

If problems should occur when resetting the CAN adapter connected to
the PC, this can normally be done manually by making sure that the
adapter is supplied with voltage and then selecting <Nodes | Reset

4.10.4 Delete error code log

To delete the truck’s error code log, start the truck in parameter mode
and then select < Tools | Erase error log >.

4.10.5 Reset hour meter

To reset the truck’s hour meter, start the truck in drive mode and then
select < Tools | Reset hour meters >.

4.10.6 Read error code log

To show the truck’s error code log, select < Tools | Read error log >.

© BT Europe AB Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S 4- 13

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700, 701 715612- 2005-03-22 220813-040

4.10.7 Adjust date and time

To quickly adjust the truck’s data and time, select < Tools | Adjust date
& time >. The time given in the PC will now be downloaded into the
This does not apply to trucks without a real-time clock.

4.10.8 Adjusting the hour meter on older

To adjust the hour meter on trucks with older cards, select
< Tools | Adjust Hour meters >. The time given in the PC will now be
downloaded into the truck.

4.10.9 Help
About the TruckCom application
To see program information, select <Help | About TruckCom... > or use
the tool button [Information].

4.10.10 Exit
To exit the program, select <File | Exit > or use the tool button [Exit].

4.11 Specifications

Table 1: CAN interface specification

Description Value Unit
Power consumption 40-120 mA
Supply voltage 11-28 V
Transfer rate 125 kbit/s
Storage temperature -20-80 0
Operating temperature 0-60 0

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4.12 Installation
The program must be installed from the hard disk.
The software application in the computer can be damaged, which is
why the PC installation should be performed by someone with the re-
quired knowledge. BT does not accept any responsibility for any er-
rors that occur during the installation.
All references to PC operating system actions, menus and commands
are based on the English language version of Windows®.

4.12.1 Installation on a PC with Windows® 95/

If a previous version of the TruckCom application has been installed on
the PC, it will be necessary to edit the System.ini file.
Start the Msconfig.exe application by selecting the Start button, select-
ing Run and then typing msconfig.
Click on System.ini and open the folder (386Enh).
Unmark the option at Device=C:\Windows\Cpcppvd.vxd.
Save the change and close the application.
Now continue with installation
The software application is supplied on a CD or via a network. Start
installation by running X:\SETUP.EXE, where X:\ is the drive on which
the installation application can be found.
Then follow the on-screen instructions.

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700, 701 715612- 2005-03-22 220813-040

4.12.2 Installation on a PC with Windows XP/

To make the application work, it is necessary to first enter a value in the
Windows® Registry and then make a few changes in the Windows®
Control panel.
Due to the built-in Windows® security, this must be done manually.
The instructions below provide step-by-step guidance to enable these
changes and make the interface operate under Windows XP and Win-
dows 2000.
The changes can be made either before or after TruckCom is installed.
• Open the Registry Editor. To do this, select the Start button, then
Run, type regedit and hit Enter.

• Mark the Enum folder which can be found under

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet inside the
Registry Editor.

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Select the Edit option, then Find and type PortName to search for the
correct folder.
The location of the folder differs between different computers (some
may be .. \Enum\Root\.., while others could be ...\Enum\ACPI\... etc.).
Thus be sure to search for the correct folder.

When the folder is found, check that LPTx (x=1, 2, 3, 4) is displayed in

the PortName data field and that the folder name is Device Parameters.

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700, 701 715612- 2005-03-22 220813-040

Right-click with the mouse in the right box to enter a new value of the
DWORD type and with the name

4- 18 Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S © BT Europe AB

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Change the value in data field 1 by right-clicking on the name and

selecting Modify.


The Device Parameters folder should look like the one in the picture.

The Registry change is now complete. Close the Registry Editor.

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700, 701 715612- 2005-03-22 220813-040

Changes in Windows® Control Panel

Select the Start button. Choose Settings, then Control Panel and dou-
ble-click on System, then select Hardware.
Click on Device Manager and open Ports (Com & LPT).

4- 20 Service Manual SWE100/120, SWE120S © BT Europe AB

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Order number Date Valid from serial number T-code
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Double-click on the LPT port to be changed, and select the Port Set-
tings tab. Check the "Use any Interrupt assigned to the port" option and
click on OK.

The software application is supplied on a CD or via a network. Start

installation by running X:\SETUP.EXE, where X:\ is the drive on which
the installation application can be found.
Then follow the on-screen instructions.

4.12.3 Installation on a PC with Windows NT

The software application is supplied on a CD or via a network. Start
installation by running X:\SETUP.EXE, where X:\ is the drive on which
the installation application can be found.
Then follow the on-screen instructions.

4.12.4 In case of communication problems

with CAN
Make sure the computer settings for the printer port in the BIOS Setup
are as follows:
Port address: 0378
IRQ: 7
Mode: Output only
For detailed information on how to change the Setup settings, refer to
the User's Guide supplied with the computer.

4.12.5 To uninstall
To uninstall TruckCom under Windows®, select the Start button, Set-
tings, Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs. To uninstall you must
then select the TruckCom Program and click Change/Remove.

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© BT Europe AB
SE-595 81 Mjölby

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