Surface Integrity Aspects in Gear Manufacturing
Surface Integrity Aspects in Gear Manufacturing
Surface Integrity Aspects in Gear Manufacturing
Procedia CIRP 87 (2020) 3–12
Gears are highly loaded components in many different application areas such as automotive, aircraft turbines, ships or wind energy systems.
The demand on gears can be summarized by ever rising load capacity on the one hand side and significant noise reduction on the other hand.
Both demands can only be fulfilled by adapted gear finishing processes generating the best possible macro- and micro geometry as well as the
desired surface integrity state. The paper presents research work on analyzing the thermal load on gears during gear hobbing, surface integrity
states by different hard gear finishing operations and possibilities to avoid thermal damage in gear manufacturing by adapted process
monitoring and fast non-destructive analyzing techniques.
© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
( Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of
the 5th CIRP CSI 2020
Keywords: gear grinding; surface integrity; gear honing; gear hobbing; skive hobbing; residual stresses
many different chip removal and non-cutting technologies Fig. 3 [7]. Thus the induced residual stresses by cleaning with
available [7]. The succeeding heat treatment is an essential shot peening are more or less totally removed by the
part in the process chain, determining the micro structure, succeeding gear finishing operation. Any attempt to modify
hardness and residual stress state of the gear prior to the final the residual stress state of a gear flank towards high
machining step. Depending on the type of heat treatment compressive stresses has to take these effects into account.
different levels of geometrical distortion of the gear can Additionally if shot peening is applied for the purpose of
prevail. compressive residual stress generation the gear should be pre-
finished [12]. Shot peening alters the surface of the flank, an
“orange-peel” like appearance of the top layer can be
observed and needs succeeding removal. This final finishing
step should remove as little material as possible (< 30 µm)
just to maintain the induced compressive residual stresses.
3.1 Finishing by abrasive processes described length might lead to locally increased material
removal rates and thus to the danger of grinding burn [13].
The grinding processes of gears can be distinguished in Furthermore especially in case of dedendum grinding the
generating grinding and profile grinding though another whole width of the grinding wheel is in contact with the
classification of continuous and discontinuous processes has workpiece which limits the access for coolant into the zone of
to be made, Fig. 5. contact, thus further enhancing the probability of thermal
In this paper only the most important variants, namely damage. As a consequence in many industrial applications
continuous generating grinding, discontinuous profile discontinuous profile grinding is done in at least two steps.
grinding and gear honing will be discussed. While continuous First roughing is used to remove most of the material with
generating grinding is by far the most productive finishing sometimes locally different material allowances. If the
process for large batch production in automotive and general geometrical distortion after heat treatment is expected to be
transmission applications up to a modulus of mn,max = 10 mm, high, either moderate grinding conditions (low feed speed,
discontinuous profile grinding is the most flexible process low depth of cut) are chosen to avoid any thermal overload.
from single part production up to medium and large sized Or more productive parameters are applied in order to
batches with a modulus range from mn < 1mm up to mn > 35 increase productivity, by taking the risk of local burn into
mm [6]. account. In any case finish profile grinding is following to
achieve the desired surface roughness and surface integrity
In case of continuous generating gear grinding there are
multiple contacts of the grinding worm with the workpiece,
see Fig. 6 right. These individual lengths of engaged profile
are significantly smaller compared to profile grinding.
Furthermore there is sufficient space for applying coolant to
the contact zone. Thus in direct comparison the overall
grinding burn risk is much smaller for continuous generating
gear grinding. In the following specific research results of the
above mentioned processes for hard finishing of gears by
grinding are presented.
Fig. 5. Abrasive processes for hard gear finishing [5, 11]
3.1.1 Discontinuous profile gear grinding
Honing has gained substantial importance for two main
reasons. On the one hand, it was shown that the generated Many research activities have been conducted to determine
surfaces on the gears generate a much lower running noise the influence of different parameters on the surface integrity
compared to conventionally ground surfaces [6, 10, 14]. In state of ground gears. In case of discontinuous profile gear
addition the process of gear honing does not need large grinding the resulting residual stress profiles and full width at
overtravel of the tool. It is possible to machine a running half maximum (FWHM) values for rising material removal
gearing close to any other geometrical design element like, are shown in Fig. 7. The results show that the first ground
e.g. a clutch gearing. By this it is possible to machine different tooth gaps show no hints of thermal overload with desired
gears on one shaft, avoiding the necessity of mounting compressive residual stresses at the surface.
separate machined gears after finishing.
With regard to surface integrity aspects the following
general comparison of the contact conditions of gear grinding
have to be discussed, Fig. 6.
With increasing specific material removal V’w the residual 3.1.2 Continuous generating gear grinding
stress state is shifted towards low compressive stresses at the
surface and high tensile residual stresses up to 550 MPa in The influence of continuous generating gear grinding on
subsurface areas. For V’w = 800 mm³/mm the progressing surface integrity is shown in Fig. 9 [17]. In the presented case
clogging and wear of the corundum grinding wheel leads to a dressable corundum grinding worm was used. The results
the shown surface integrity state with severe thermal damage show that even for this less thermally critical process it is
due to tensile residual stresses and reduced FWHM values possible to shift the residual stress state to tensile residual
indicating structural changes and hardness loss. In this case it stresses at the surface, if the parameters are chosen in a
is impossible to grind the whole gear (47 teeth) without progressive way.
intermediate dressing. At least after half of the gear is ground
(23 teeth) a dressing operation must be applied in order to
remove clogging and wear and to offer a sharp grinding wheel
to continue the process without risk of thermal damage.
Fig. 8 shows the influence of increasing material removal
rates Q’w on the resulting gear properties [16]. As expected the
normalized spindle power is rising with higher Q’w, whereas
the residual stress state at the surface is shifted towards lower
compressive residual stresses. The increased load on the
corundum grinding wheel results in slightly better surface
roughness values. All these results are still in a fully
acceptable range. The chosen material removal rates are quite
moderate, in industrial practice local specific material removal
rates Q’w might be much higher exceeding values of 20
mm³/mms. These high values very likely lead to local thermal
overload with resulting tensile residual stresses and structural
changes towards re-hardening layers appearing like white
etching areas (WEA) in micro-structural investigations.
to occur in case of uncontrolled geometrical distortion of the the tooth flank basically lead to desired compressive residual
gear or because of too aggressive process parameters. stresses at the surface with sufficient penetration into the steel
material, no matter which tool concept (dressable corundum
or electroplated diamond) is used.
Fig. 11. Residual stress state after gear honing with diamond abrasives [10]
cutting strategy was used to decrease the load of the tool. The hobbing it increases to 105 µm and for dry hobbing to 178
chosen cutting parameters and the gear geometry are shown in µm. All other geometry values and gearing parameters are
the table of Fig. 12. within the quality range. Additionally, no tendencies are
obvious and moreover the higher workpiece temperature (ΔT
= 35°C) seems not affecting the geometry. There were no
further investigations to analyze the residual stress state,
because it would have been necessary to destroy the large
gears to cut out single teeth for X-ray diffraction analysis.
Knowing that this was just a single industry test, it seems that
dry finish hobbing is possible for the demanded application.
Fig. 14. Single tooth gap finish profile milling of hardened gears [22, 23]
Fig. 13. Comparing the temperature curve of dry hobbing and hobbing
with coolant [20, 21]
An investigation was done on an internal ring gear
(AISI4140) with a modulus of 14 mm and, outer diameter of
After hobbing the gear geometry was measured. Surface
2500 mm and 162 teeth. After soft machining the ring gear an
roughness always stayed in requested tolerances. All of the
induction heating was applied to get a surface hardness of 56
gearing parameters are in the quality range of IT12. Only the
to 58 HRC. After hardening a profile cutter with tungsten
circularity was increased and out of quality range. The initial
cemented carbide indexable inserts was used, Fig. 14 upper
circularity after turning was 80 µm for both rings. For wet
right. With up-cut milling all tooth gaps were manufactured.
B. Karpuschewski et al. / Procedia CIRP 87 (2020) 3–12 9
Without changing the inserts, the wear is increased with every with 200 m/min. The result for PCBN with vc = 200 m/min is
cut gap. The width of the flank wear was measured every 40
very similar to those of cemented carbide. The shape of the
gaps (geared length of 8 m). The wear increases right from the
curves for the initial state are very similar, starting with lower
beginning up to 100 µm and then kept constant for about 60
compressive stresses at the very top layer (-200 MPa and -350
m. After that it increases again and reaches the maximum
flank wear of 200 µm at 83 m. More details of the wear
experiment are to be found in [22, 23].
During the test, residual stress depth profiles were done by
cutting out single teeth, which showed high local maxima in
Barkhausen noise testing. The measurements were carried out
with a mobile X-ray diffractometer Stresstech Xstress 3000
with a goniometer G3.
It is obvious that the residual stress changes with increasing
wear of the inserts, Fig. 14 lower part. For the initial state of
the insert the residual stresses in 0° and 90° orientation of the
cutting direction compressive stresses result at the outer
surface layer (-710 MPa to -380 MPa respectively). After a
depth of 50 µm the residual stresses reach a steady state which
seems not to be affected by the milling process. The tensile
stresses of about 100 MPa for the 90° direction is probably
caused by the rolling process of the ring. Cutting with the Fig. 15. Experimental setup for two flanked analogy test for hard skive
worn inserts the residual stresses of the outer surface layer for hobbing
0° increase significantly from -710 to 50 MPa. For 90° it is
nearly the same. However, the level of the tensile stresses is After that the stresses decrease to the local minimum in a
very low and can be considered as uncritical. It can be seen depth of 20 µm with -450 MPa for cemented carbide and -810
that coated ultrafine grained tungsten carbide inserts are able MPa for PCBN. After worn out of the cutting insert the
to perform dry profile milling of hardened large gears and resulting residual stresses look very similar with still
may promote the function- oriented characteristic of compressive stresses of about -300 MPa. The shape of the
compressive residual stresses [24]. curve differs to the initial state and the cutting speed influence
is not present anymore.
3.2.3 Skive hobbing
provide the necessary kinematics and spindle performances. stresses are present directly on the surface, very low
Mandatory to apply this technology is an adapted software residual stresses form in the immediate subsurface zone of
package for skiving. While soft skiving is already introduced the downwardly (↓) machined gears, which are
in industry the potential of hard skiving is not yet explored. approximately at the same level as the ground test series.
First attempts are being made to identify suitable process
parameters and cutting tool materials to apply this fast process
also to hardened gears [27]. Specific results on surface
integrity aspects on hardened gears are not yet published.
Only first results for soft gears with a surface hardness of 30
HRC machined by skiving have been reported in [28].
partly chosen beyond industrial values to provoke grinding suitable to generate sufficient surface integrity states, namely
burn. The results reveal the sensitivity of the method to detect compressive residual stresses at the surface and in subsurface
thermal damage on gears fast and reliable. For calibration and areas. In a direct comparison of finishing alternatives by
interpretation of the BN-results, Fig 19 upper part, two abrasive processes, greatest care must be taken for
reference methods have been applied as well, namely nital discontinuous profile gear grinding. Here the complex contact
etching and X-ray diffraction for residual stress analysis, Fig. conditions are most suitable to generate undesired grinding
19 lower part. burn. For continuous generating gear grinding and gear
honing the danger of thermal damage is clearly reduced. This
is based on better coolant accessibility, smaller grinding tool -
workpiece contact areas for generating grinding and much
smaller cutting speeds and thus thermal load for honing.
For hard finish cutting processes some variants like profile
milling and skive hobbing are already applied in industry. The
demands on macro geometry of the cut gears are usually
lower compared to ground gears, because these machined
gears have most often larger dimensions. They are not used
for permanent high speed and high load rotation but more for
lower rotational speeds like in tunnel boring machines or for
positioning purposes like crane tower rotation or nacelle
orientation of wind power plants. But hard skive hobbing and
hard skiving will have the potential to compete with grinding
processes in smaller gear dimensions. For all cutting
processes the resulting residual stress state on the gear surface
is strongly influenced by tool wear.
If a specific high compressive residual stress state must be
guaranteed on the gear, additional processes like shot peening
or rolling are usually applied. While shot peening is well-
established already, deep rolling offers additional benefits like
larger penetration depths, but needs to be further explored
before industrial acceptance.
In any case adapted inspection methods are needed to
Fig. 19. Gear grinding process monitoring with Barkhausen noise [33]
ensure the desired surface integrity state and thus guarantee
the desired performance. While reference methods like nital
Rising material removal rates Qw generate higher thermal etching and X-ray diffraction will remain important for e.g.
load on the tooth flanks. This is clearly reflected by higher calibration, the need for fast and process near methods is
BN- amplitudes and confirmed by visible surface color continuously rising. The most promising technique for
changes during nital etching and rising tensile residual ferromagnetic materials like hardened steels is based on
stresses in subsurface areas. It is important to notice that these Barkhausen noise measurement. While robot-based post-
tensile residual stresses only occur in depths larger than 20 process systems are already used, the potential for in-process
µm, directly on the surface the residual stress state remains measurement in grinding machines is currently investigated.
compressive due to the moderate finishing conditions. Based In conclusion gears will remain important machine
on the measurement parameters, namely magnetization elements because of their unbeaten ability to convert torque,
frequency and amplitude, the BN-methods allows relevant speed and direction of rotating elements in any kind of
subsurface inspection, which is not available with only transmission. While some established application areas like
surface X-ray residual stress measurement. gear boxes for combustion engines might shrink, there will be
In future, the authors attempt to apply a sensor system for new options for electrical concepts (e.g. much higher
Barkhausen noise in a grinding machine tool with the aim of rotational speed, lower demanded noise level) or any kinds of
in-process monitoring during grinding with coolant supply. high loaded turbines (e.g. geared turbofan).
The concept includes considerations to use a wear protection
layer on the sensor to reduce wear and to also test a
measurement variant of the Barkhausen noise without direct Acknowledgements
sensor contact, with a thin air gap. First unpublished results
already reveal the high potential of this concept. The scientific work presented here has been supported by
the German Research Council (DFG) within the research
6. Conclusion priority programs SPP1480 and SPP2086 and the
collaborative research center SFB TRR136. The authors thank
In the presented paper results of surface integrity the DFG for this funding and intensive technical support.
investigations on gears were discussed. Gears belong to the
highest loaded machine elements and are thus subject to
severe quality control. Many cutting and grinding
processes are
12 B. Karpuschewski et al. / Procedia CIRP 87 (2020) 3–12