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USN Sub Code:22AIU303/22ISU303

B. E. Degree (Autonomous) Fifth Semester End Examination (SEE), Feb/Mar 2024


Model Question Paper-1

[Time: 3 Hours] [ Maximum Marks: 100]

Q No Questions Marks Course RBT

Outcom Cognitive
e Level
1 a) Define operating system. List and explain operating system 05 CO1 L1
b) Explain the process states with the suitable diagram. 05 CO1 L2
c) Discuss the concept of multi-threading along with its models. 06 CO1 L2
d) Analyze system calls. 04 CO1 L4
2 a) Write a c program to implement LS UNIX command using unix 8 CO1 L2
system calls.
b) Write a note on interprocess communication. 6 CO1 L4
c) Distinguish between multiprogramming, multiprocessing, and 6 CO1 L4
multitasking system.
3 a) Identify the requirements to be met by a solution to the critical 5 CO2 L3
section problem
b) Analyze semaphore give the definition for wait () and signal (). 5 CO2 L4
c) Consider the following snapshot of a system 10 CO2 L5
Allocation Available


0 0 1 2 1 5 2 0 P 0 0 1 2
P0 0

P1 1 0 0 0 P 1 7 5 0

P2 1 3 5 4 P 2 3 5 6

P3 0 6 3 2 P 0 6 5 2

P4 0 0 1 4 P 0 6 5 6

Answer the following question using Banker’s algorithm

i)What is the content of the matrix needed
ii)Is the system in a safe state ?
ii)If a request from P1 arrives for (0,4,2,0) can the request be
granted immediately?
4 a) List out the different scheduling algorithms. Explain any one 7 CO2 L2
scheduling algorithms with an example.
b) What are the different methods to handle deadlocks? Also 7 CO2 L1
explain deadlock prevention and deadlock avoidance.
c) To write a program for implementation of Priority 6 CO2 L5
scheduling algorithms.

5 a) Categorize between internal and external fragmentation. 6 CO3 L4

b) Describe the Buddy system used for managing free memory 6 CO3 L2
assigned to kernel process.
c) Consider the following reference string 8 CO3 L5
7 0 1 2 0 3 0 4 2 3 0 3 2 1 2 0 1 7 0 1 for a memory with three
frames .how many page faults would occur for LRU and FIFO
page replacement algorithms?
6 a) Elucidate TLB (Transition Look Aside buffers) in detail with a 7 CO3 L4
simple paging system with neat diagram.
b) What is locality of reference? Differentiate between paging and 7 CO3 L1
c) Write a program to implement LRU page replacement algorithm. 6 CO3 L5
7 a) Explain the following in brief: i) file attributes ii) file types iii) 12 CO4 L2
file Operations
b) Discuss the concept of virtual file system with the necessary 8 CO4 L2
8 a) Discuss the following in detail 8 CO4 L2
i) File system implementation
ii) Directory implementation

b) Present a general overview of physical structure of secondary and 5 CO4 L4

tertiary storage devices.
c) Write a program for sequential file for processing the student 7 CO4 L2
9 a) Summarize the Revocation of access rights. 6 CO5 L2
b) Describe the access matrix model used for protection in a 8 CO5 L2
computer system
c) What are the goals of protection and principles of Protection? 6 CO5 L1
10 a) Describe the different forms of security violations in security 8 CO5 L2
b) Write a program to Simulate disk scheduling algorithms- Scan, 6 CO5 L2
c) Summarize the following briefly 6 CO5 L2
1) Worms
2) Denial of service
3) Port scanning
USN Sub Code:22AIU303/22ISU303

B. E. Degree (Autonomous) Fifth Semester End Examination (SEE), Feb/Mar 2024


Model Question Paper-2

[Time: 3 Hours ] [ Maximum Marks: 100]

Q No Questions Marks Course RBT

Outcome Cogniti
a) Summarize the types of system calls provided by an operating 5 CO1 L2
b) Explain the concept of process scheduling with a suitable 5 CO1 L2
Outline Interprocess Communication. Explicate the two 5 CO1 L1
fundamental models of Interprocess Communication.
Write a program to to demonstrate use of fork, execve, wait, 5 CO1 L5
d) getpid, exit system calls.

2 a) Identify the activities for which the operating system is 10 CO1 L3
responsible for in connection with
i) Process management
ii) ii) File management

b) Discuss the three multithreading models in brief. 10 CO1 L2

3. a) Suppose the following jobs arrive for processing at the times 8 CO2 L5
indicated. Each job will run the listed amount of time.
process Burst time Arrival time
P1 06 2
P2 08 1
P3 07 3
P4 03 0
i) Give a Gantt chart illustrating the execution of these jobs,
using the pre-emptive SJF, FCFS and Round Robin scheduling
ii) What is turnaround time and waiting time of each job for the
above algorithms?
b) Illustrate Test & Set instruction. Implement mutual Exclusion 4 CO2 L3
using the same.

c) Discuss monitor concept by presenting a deadlock free solution 4 CO2 L2

to the dining philosopher’s problem.
d) Write a program that implements the Bankers’ algorithm for 4 CO2 L5
deadlock avoidance. The program should check for safe
sequence and resource request algorithm


4. a) Is CPU scheduling necessary? Discuss the five different 7 CO2 L3

scheduling criteria used in comparing scheduling mechanisms.
b) Classify the different methods used to handle deadlocks. Explain 7 CO2 L2
how circular wait condition can be prevented from occurring?
c) Describe dining philosopher’s problem. 7 CO2 L2

5. a) Explain the concept of segmentation. Illustrate the same with an 7 CO3 L2

b) Summarize briefly i) Memory allocation ii) Swapping 7 CO3 L3

c) Write a program to implement IPC using shared memory. 6 CO3 L5


6 a) Describe the structure of page table. 10 CO3 L2

b) Illustrate demand paging with an example. 10 CO3 L3

7. a) Analyze File-System implementation. 7 CO4 L4

b) Explain disc structure in detail. 7 CO4 L2

c) Write a program for sequential file for processing the student 6 CO4 L5

8. a) Discuss the various methods to access the information stored in a 10 CO4 L2

b) Derive the various disc scheduling algorithm considering the 10 CO4 L4
suitable example.
9. a) Summarize briefly 10 CO5 L2
1) goals of protection
2) principles of protection

b) Illustrate revocation of access rights. 10 CO5 L3


10. a) Discuss computer security classification. 10 CO5 L2

b) Explain how firewalling is done to protect systems and network. 10 CO5 L2

c) Write a program to Simulate disk scheduling algorithms- 10 CO5 L5

USN Sub Code:22AIU303/22ISU303

B. E. Degree (Autonomous) Fifth Semester End Examination (SEE), Feb/Mar 2024


Model Question Paper-3

[Time: 3 Hours ] [ Maximum Marks: 100]

Q No Questions Marks Cours RBT

e Cognitiv
Outco e
me Level
1. a) Delineate operating system. What is the common task’s performed 06 CO1 L1
by the operating system.

b) Discuss process. What are the states a process can be in? Give the 08 CO1 L2
process state diagram clearly indicating the conditions for a
process to shift from one state to another.
c) Write a c program to implement unix MV command by using 06 CO1 L3
system calls.


2 a) Discuss the different categories of system programs. 7 CO1 L2

b) Write a c program to implement Process control system 7 CO1 L2

calls-Application to demonstrate use of fork, execve, wait, getpid,
exit system calls.

c) Explain the concept of process scheduling with a suitable diagram. 6 CO1 L5

3. a) Characterize the critical section problem. What requirements 6 CO2 L4

should a solution to critical section problem satisfy? State
Peterson’s solution and indicate how it satisfy the above
b) Categorize the deadlock prevention approaches. 04 CO2 L4

c) Investigate the bounded-buffer problem with its data structure. 04 CO2 L4

d) Write a program for implementation of FCFS and SJF scheduling 6 CO2 L5


4 a) Consider the following snapshot of resource allocation at time t1 7 CO2 L5

Allocation Request available
P0 010 000 000
P1 200 202
P2 303 000
P3 211 100
P4 002 002
i) Show the system is not deadlocked by generating one
safe sequence.
ii) At instance t2 p2 makes an additional request for an
instance of type C. show that the system is deadlocked
if the request is granted. Write down the deadlocked

b) Describe the range of monitors with a schematic view of its 7 CO2 L2

structure write a monitor’s solution to bounded buffer problem.
c) Write a program to Illustrate the Dining-Philosophers Problem 6 CO2 L5
with the necessary diagram and data structure.
5 a) Write a note on swapping. 08 CO3 L1

b) Draw the hardware implementation of paging. 06 CO3 L3

c) Write a short note on i) hashed page tables ii) Inverted Page Tables 06 CO3 L2


6 a) What do you mean by page faults? When does page fault occur? 06 CO3 L1
Describe the action taken by OS when a page fault occurs?
b) Consider the following page reference string: 10 CO3 L5
Foe a memory with three frames. How many page faults would
occur for LRU, FIFO and optimal page replacement algorithms?
Which is the most efficient among them.
c) Write a program to simulate Buddy memory allocation algorithm. 04 CO3 L1

7. a) Discuss how free space is managed in file system. 10 CO4 L2

b) List and explain different allocation methods in file system 10 CO4 L1


8 a) Given the following queue 95, 180, 34, 119, 11, 123, 62, 64 with 12 CO4 L5
head initially at track 50 and ending at track 199 calculate the
number of moves using FCFS, SSTF, elevator, and C-LOOK
04 CO4 L2
b) Explicate the linked allocation and indexed allocation method.

c) Write a program to organize the file using single level directory. 04 CO4 L5

9. a) Write short notes on Revocation of access rights. 06 CO5 L1

b) Describe the access matrix model used for protection in a 08 CO5 L2

computer system
c) Discuss the goals of protection and principles of Protection. 06 CO5 L2


10. a) Describe any two program threats. 06 CO5 L2

b) Explain the different forms of security violations in security 06 CO5 L2

c) Discuss system and network threats in detail. 08 CO5 L2

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