Y3-Final Exam - U1 - 2023-2024
Y3-Final Exam - U1 - 2023-2024
Y3-Final Exam - U1 - 2023-2024
Write with clear and readable handwriting. Answer detailed answers in complete sentences.
Assessment Criteria
Maximum Achieved Checked Revised
Criterion (A)
Grade Grade by by
Criterion A: 8
Control Committee
Command Terms:
Command Definition
Select Choose from a list or group.
Apply Use knowledge and understanding in response to a given situation or real circumstances.
Break down in order to bring out the essential elements or structure. To identify parts
and relationships, and to interpret information to reach conclusions
Offer a considered and balanced review that includes a range of arguments, factors or
Discuss hypotheses. Opinions or conclusions should be presented clearly and supported by
appropriate evidence
(Level 1-2)
Select the word or term that answers the question or completes the sentence.
1. A tube that connects the kidney to the bladder is called ___________ .
a. Urethra
b. Ureter
c. Blood vessel
d. trachea
2. Urine is stored in the ___________ .
a. urethra c. bladder
b. ureter d. kidney
3. Identify the correct order in which urine is processed until it leaves the body.
a. kidney – bladder – ureter – urethra
b. ureter- kidney – urethra – bladder
c. kidney – ureter – bladder – urethra
d. bladder – ureter – kidney - urethra
4. Identify the organ shown in the figure below.
a. Bladder
b. Hypothalamus
c. Kidney
d. Ureter
7. Identify the urinary disorder that causes an involuntary release of the urine.
a. Urinary tract infections
b. Kidney stones
c. Kidney disease
d. Bladder control problems
8. Identify the system that removes excess salt and water as sweat.
a. Urinary system
b. Integumentary system
c. Respiratory System
d. Digestive system
(Level 3-4)
9. Apply your knowledge about the respiratory system to write down the names of the missing organs,
structure or function in the table that follows.
Organ Name Structure and Function
a. nose __________________________________________________________________
b. It is a tubelike passageway that receives air, food, and liquids from the mouth or
____________ the nose.
c. larynx __________________________________________________________________
d. Windpipe, a tube made up of cartilage rings that allows air to enter the lungs.
e. Bronchi __________________________________________________________________
f. branches out of bronchi and are narrower from it.
g. are microscopic sacs that look like bunches of grapes and is the place where gas
____________ exchange takes place.
e. diaphragm __________________________________________________________________
10. Identify the word from the box that completes each sentence.
a. Vessels that take blood away from the heart are ______________________ .
b. ________________ are tiny blood vessels that deliver supplies to all body cells and take away
waste materials.
c. Vessels that brings blood towards the heart are ____________________ .
d. ____________ is the upper chamber of the heart.
e. The lower two chambers of the heart are called the ______________________ .
f. The network for arteries and veins that supply blood to heart cells is the ___________________ .
(Level 5-6)
11. Use the figure below to answer the questions.
Analyze the figure above. Explain where this process happens and discuss what number 1 and 2 represent.
a. Describe thoroughly the path of blood from the time it enters the heart at point 1 till it goes back to
the heart again at point 6.
b. Outline the chemical reaction that takes place when the blood reaches the body cells.
(Level 7-8)
13. Use the diagram below to answer the questions that follow.
Figure A
a. Label step B in the figure then analyze the process taking place to discuss what happens in steps A
and B.
b. Discuss and predict what may happen to the human body if urine did not go through step B in the
14. The diagram below represents the difference between a healthy air sac and an infected air sac in a patient
who has severe infection with Corona Virus. Predict how the infection in the lungs ends up with side
effects on the heart and weakening of the heart muscle.
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Criterion A: Knowing and understanding Achievement Level: /8
At the end of year 3, students will be able to:
i. describe scientific knowledge
ii. apply scientific knowledge and understanding to solve problems set in familiar and unfamiliar situations.
iii. analyze information to make scientifically supported judgments.
Level descriptor Task-Specific Clarification Questions Checked Revised Level
level by by achieved
0 The student does not The student does not reach a ______
reach a standard indicated standard indicated by any of the
by any of the descriptors descriptors below.
The student is able to: The student: Q1: (0-2)
i. recall scientific ☐ recalls the properties and Q2: (0-2)
knowledge. functions of different organs of the Q3: (0-2)
1–2 excretory system. Q4: (0-2)
Q5: (0-2)
Q6: (0-2)
Q7: (0-2)
Q8: (0-2)