Animal Science Handout
Animal Science Handout
Animal Science Handout
1. CELLULAR STUDIES- the study of animal cell structure involving the use of microscopy to
study cell structure and studies investigating activity with cells
2. DEVELOPMENT- the study of an organism from the time fertilization through birth or
hatching and into later life.
3. ECOLOGY- the study of the interaction and behavioral relationship among animals and with
their environmental with one another.
A. CALVING - act of giving birth in cows D. FOALING – act of giving birth in mares
B. FARROWING - act of giving birth in sows E. LAMBING - act of giving birth in ewes
2. ADG - average daily grain, a measures of weight response of animal or group of animals based on per
day performance.
3. ANATOMY - the science of the structure of the animal body and the relation of its parts.
8. FECUNDITY - female ability to produce fertilizable ova and to provide proper environment.
1. POULTRY – a collective term for all domestic birds rendering economic services to man
2. CHICKEN – one of the common poultry species, different from turkey, geese and ducks.
3. CHICK – young domesticate chicken while in downy stage
4. COCK – a male fowl one year and more
5. COCKEREL - a male fowl less than one year
6. CAPON – an unsexed male
7. PULLET – a female fowl less than a year
8. DRAKE – a male of duck family
9. DUCK – a female of duck family
10. DUCKLING – the young of a duck family in the downy stage of plumage
11. PLUMAGE – the feather of the fowl
12. POULT – the young the domestic poultry, properly applied until the sex can be ready
13. ABORTION – premature birth of a fetus so that it does not survive
14. ABNORMALITY – malformation
15. ANTIBIOTIC – destroying of checking the growth of bacteria, a chemical substance why a living
microorganism used to inhibit or kill another organism
16. AUTOPSY – postmortem examination and dissection of a body to determine the cause of its
17. COLUSRUM – the first milk of a nursing mother
18. CONSTIPATION – a sluggish action of the bowels
19. DYSPNEA – difficult breathing
20. DAM – female parent of a four legged animal
21. DYSTOCIA – difficult in giving birth
22. Fodder-feed for livestock
23. Forage-fodder for animals
24. Inoculation-the introduction of a specific virus in to the system
25. Husbandry-thrifty management of use farming
26. Metritis –inflammation of uterus
27. Morbidity-the quality of disease
28. Pasture –land with grass for grazing animal
29. Postmortem-examination after death
30. Quarantine-isolation because of suspect having a contagious disease
31. Ruminant-an animal that chew its cud
32. Treatment-a medical surgical care
33. Viral-pertaining for a cause virus
34. Diagnosis-the recognition of a disease from its symptom
35. Disinfectant-an agent that frees from infection
36. Jh
37. Microbes-microorganism that cause germ
38. Genes-a part of the chromosomes transmitted from parent to offspring
39. Chromosomes- any of the macroscopic bodies in the nucleus of a level cells
40. Anorexia-absence or loss of appetite
41. Afterbirth-the placenta and the other membranes expelled
42. Docile-easy manage or handled, obedient
43. Drench-to give liquid medicine to the animals by pouring down in to the throat
44. Estrus-the period of sexual excitement of witch time the female accept the mating with the male
45. Heat period-period-period during which female animal sexually receptive to the male
46. Purebred-an animal belonging to of the recognize breeds of livestock
47. Enteritis-inflammation of a intestine
48. Scour-a diarrhea condition of an animal
49. Progeny-offspring of young
50. Cauterize-to burn with a hot iron