Supervisory Control of Industrial Processes
Supervisory Control of Industrial Processes
Supervisory Control of Industrial Processes
1. Introduction
Modern production is complex, integrated and is constantly being adapted to the market
requirements by means of the reconfiguration of equipment structure and process alteration.
The development of such production is performed based on evolutionary strategy by
successively engaging (eliminating) stand-alone technological systems.
Evolutionary developed technical systems and facilities presently make up a considerable
share of technical systems. It is typical both for high-tech industries, namely: aviation, space
exploration, military equipment, machine-building (Sujeet, 2005), and for applications based
on large-scale interconnected production complexes (e.g. oil- and gas-producing industry,
oil and gas transportation, city economy engineering etc) (Gilard, 1999; Van Brussel et al.,
1999; Jo, 1999; Ambartsumyan, Prangishvili, Poletykin, 2003; Ambartsumyan, Kazansky,
2008; Ambartsumyan, Potehin, 2003; Ambartsumyan, Branishtov, 2006).
Evolutionary developed technical systems and facilities are featured by complex control
system availability. The latter integrates into a single whole different, as to the purposes,
automatic control loops (automatic control and regulation of physical process parameters,
automatic shielding and blocking, logical configuration control) as well as the functions of
supervisory control mainly aimed at coordination of different processes in a technical system.
Supervisory control (SC) is intrinsically logical and is to provide the required operational
sequence and exclude mutual blocking and deadlocks for stand-alone components
(operating according to their internal rules time scale). SC is discrete and asynchronous by
its nature and most commonly reveals itself as the change of event flow as required by
certain application (technical system functionality).
It is important to consider two "event" aspects: first, everything happens as the result of a
certain event; second, the change of states is regulated by events – there is no physical time
though the system is dynamic.
Though control systems are widely spread in the technical systems of such kind
(Sujeet, 2005; Gilard, 1999; Van Brussel et al., 1999; Jo, 1999; Ambartsumyan, Prangishvili,
Poletykin, 2003; Ambartsumyan, Kazansky, 2008; Ambartsumyan, Potehin, 2003;
Ambartsumyan, Branishtov, 2006), presently there is no appropriate theoretical base to solve
such supervisory control tasks as local control loops coordination, configuration of material
flows structure and interaction with operations staff.
Most spread concept of practical engineering of such systems is based on the model of
interacting ″black boxes″: a ″black box–control object″ and symmetrically connected with it
as to inputs and outputs a ″black box–control system (device)″. (Fig. 1).
Source: Process Management, Book edited by: Mária Pomffyová,
ISBN 978-953-307-085-8, pp. 338, April 2010, INTECH, Croatia, downloaded from SCIYO.COM
68 Process Management
Fig. 1. The scheme of transfer from the object data base and control requirements to the
mathematical description of the control
The first ″black box–control object″ is formed as a data base on the control object and
technique at the stage of the object examination and includes the requirements of this object
appropriate behaviour. The task of the required control search is tackled by the defining of a
″black box–control system″ able to monitor the behaviour – the event flow and, with the
control purpose taken into account, to affect the object inputs in such a way that an
appropriate behaviour of the object is achieved.
The question is how to search for a ″black box–control system″ with information on the first
black box available. Common engineering practice shows that information on control object
behaviour is only used indirectly.
What is the problem? We may speak about precise correspondence between a ″black box–
control object″ and a ″black box–control system″ only as far as inputs and outputs are
concerned, while behaviour is an approximate result of the designer’s informal, speculative
experiment with the initial data and limitations – the information the designer acquires
considering the process physics peculiarities and the object structure properties. At that,
there is not any confidence that a ″black box–control system″ can limit the behaviour of a
″black box–control object″ and provide its meeting the requirements since they, as a rule, are
specified as models of another (not "event") nature and the extent they are taken into
account depends on the designer’s skills. The above leads to serious problems: designer’s
uncertainty in the fact that the designed system complies with the control tasks set; the
necessity to make laborious verification of such compliance by computer simulation and the
refinement of the designed system at facilities.
For the last 10–15, a sophisticated interaction among computer-driven actuating devices
necessitates, when engineering, to analyze the design solutions safety and correctness, to
validate technical systems implementation techniques, to take other approaches actually
based on testing. It is a common knowledge that such approaches only can reveal a part of
errors but cannot guarantee the system as a whole is error-free.
Different engineering approach than that based on two black boxes concept is declared in
the theory of discrete event dynamic systems and supervisory control paradigm. The
abbreviation is often simplified to DES. The distinctive features of supervisory control
theory (all basic concepts and notions of this paper are borrowed from (Cassandras,
Lafortune, 2008)) are as follows:
• The controlled object is represented in DES model by three components: generator G of
L(G) language – proper control object, specification language К – limitations and G
functionality required, supervisor S – control component in DES;
• Setting and solving the task of formal synthesis of S on L(G) and K.
The above, in its turn, creates a theoretical basis for machine control engineering
fundamentally different from the deciphering of "black boxes" approximately fitting each
Supervisory Control of Industrial Processes 69
other. What does it give as compared with the classic procedure of discrete process control
system synthesis according to two-black-boxes model?
First, the description of the object as L(G)-language generator G, limited by nothing, is more
simple than the object description with all the admissible behaviour limitations taken into
account. This work is performed as a separate stage – primary object examination and
constructing a model "as it is".
Second, to form the required functionality (К specifications) basing on a generator G model
already available is also easier than to consider all limitations and requirements in yet non-
existing control system.
Third, control task is solved formally: a supervisor (provided the initial data is correct) is
synthesized and does not require verification while the object and its behaviour are
specified by object and know-how specialist and he is responsible for the data correctness,
its verification and validation.
The present paper formulates the purpose of DES theory development, with the structural
properties of technical systems taken into account, thus creating effective methods to
synthesize a supervisor as an instrument to solve the task of consistency and co-ordination
control of stand-alone components in a technical system.
Here below is given a brief survey of basic concepts and major noted results, as to DES and
supervisory control, followed by the description of the present paper tasks and the results
70 Process Management
E*: Pi(t) = s}. Pi-1(s) correlates every string s ∈ Ei with some subset of strings E* the projects of
which on Ei equal s. Both operations are in natural manner extended to the languages L ⊆ E*
and Li ⊆ Ei*. Pi(L)={t ∈ Li: (∃s ∈ L) [Pi(s) = t]}; Pi−1(Li) := {s ∈ E*: (∃t ∈ Li) [Pi(s) = t]}.
In projection operation definition, instead of set indexes, for the sets, the events of which are
excluded from the result of this operation, we shall use the designation of the set itself:
PEi or PE−i 1 .
Languages are a good instrument to observe DES behaviour but in order to perform
analytical study and to set the task of providing the required dynamics (off-line behaviour),
it is necessary to present a countable string set as a mathematical operator. There are many
ways to present languages in the form of mathematical operators that generate or recognise
the language. In DES theory, for these purposes, as a rule, finite state machines are used. A
finite state machine is defined as G = (Q , E , δ , Γ , Qm , q0 ) , where Q – a set of states; E – a set of
events; – a transition function Q × E → Q ; Γ : Q → 2 E – a function of admissible events in
each state; Qm – a set of marked states; q0 – an initial state. We would like to note that in this
definition the function of outputs is missing. For every state qi the function of transitions is
specified for the events admissible in this state (e.g. for qi ∈ Q and e ∈ Γ i the function
δ (qi , e ) := q j ). This definition can be naturally extended also for the following event strings:
δ (qi , ε ) := qi , δ (qi , se ) := δ (δ (qi , s ), e ) for s ∈ E* and e ∈ E. Let’s denote by δ (qi , s )! the fact that
the function δ (qi , s ) is defined.
The function Γ : Q → 2 E is excessive in a model definition but it simplifies many
examination schemes and algorithms development when analysing the languages presented
by finite state machines, e.g. consistency definition. Qm ⊂ Q is a subset of marked states –
the states corresponding to a certain functionality of G, with one of them necessarily being
initiated in a specific variant of G use.
The language generated by G machine is designated as L(G ) := {s ∈ E∗ : δ (q0 , s )!} . This is a set
of all strings from E* admissible in the initial state q0. It is evident that L(G ) ⊆ E∗ . If the
machine is completely defined, L(G) = E*. It G is represented by a weighed graph of
transitions, L(G) is presented as a set of strings of the events weighing the edges of all the
paths originated from the initial state q0.
When a sophisticated DES is defined via components, two more operations on machines are
often applied: Cartesian product and parallel composition. Product definition
Supervisory Control of Industrial Processes 71
((q1, q2), e) = {( 1(q1, e), 2(q2, e)) if e ∈ Г1(q1) ∩ Г2(q2) │ ( 1(q1, e), q2) if e ∈ Г1(q1) \ E2 │ (q1, 2
(q2, e)) if e ∈ Г2(q2) \ E1 │ and indeterminate in other cases}.
It is obvious that both operations are associative and, provided parentheses are places
accordingly, may be easily generalized for n machines: a product –
n n
G = ×1Gi = G1 × ... × Gn ; a composition – G = ⊕ 1G i = G i ⊕ ... ⊕ G n .
The initial stage of object study (modelling) is dedicated to prognostication of possible
physical behaviour of the entire object or its subsystems, i.e. consideration of possible
actions and possible variants of behaviour in the absence of any control and restrictive
actions. At this stage, DES is represented by machine G as a language L(G) generator. Thus,
G generates event sequences of any kind reflecting control-free DES behaviour. In order to
specify and provide control in DES, a set of events E is subdivided into two disjoint subsets:
Ec – a subset of controllable events corresponding to the commands and Euc – a subset of
uncontrollable events for which the moments they occur are unpredictable.
The present-day view on DES was first worded in (Ramadge, Wonham, 1987) though then
the term "discrete event systems" was not used but a new technique of discrete process
modelling and control was stated. The term "discrete event systems (DES)" appears already
in (Ramadge, Wonham, 1989), where DES is represented by generator G of different
sequences of events from E. G is limited by nothing and therefore the sequences reflect the
behaviour L(G ) ⊆ E* unbounded by control. Any DES has some functionality to implement
which are required not all possible sequences but only those providing this functionality
and meeting the limitations specified. In order only to provide the required event sequences,
G is term "supplemented" by supervisor S, built-in a "feedback" manner (Fig. 2).
en, en-1,…,e1
eu1, eu-1,…,euk
72 Process Management
design limitations imposed on joint behaviour of separate G components. The allowance for
all restrictions R gives rise to K ⊆ L(G) – a language of specifications – a subset of sequences
dictated by G functionality. Actual control scheme stated in (Van Brussel et al., 1987) is
presented in Fig. 3. It took the name of "Supervisory control theory" or RW approach
(named after its authors J. Ramadge J. and W. Wonham W).
E’c E=Ec Euc
S/Ec E’’ c
∩ Ec
E=Ec Euc
Supervisory Control of Industrial Processes 73
uncontrollable event and vice versa: S blocks the events not meeting limitations (irrelevant
to K). Further on, only admissible supervisors will be considered.
For the modelling of DES with passive actuators in paper (Chalmers, Golaszewski,
Ramadge, 1987) it is suggested that the model should be expanded with forced controllable
events and a new control scheme (Fig. 5), with controllable events generated by supervisor,
is developed. For such model, the terms of controllability for specification language are also
Ec ∩
actuators E’c E=Ec Euc
74 Process Management
A detailed survey of the results obtained on DES can be found in (Cassandras, Lafortune,
2008); herein the major results on controllability from (Ramadge, Wonham, 1987; Ramadge,
Wonham, 1989) are set forth:
• Is formulated the condition of controllability for the language: K ⊆ L(G ) is controllable
if KEuc ∩ L(G ) ⊆ K
• It is proved that if K is controllable, there exists a non-blocked S such that L(S/G) = K
• Are developed the methods to design supervisor S as a function of strings (Ramadge,
Wonham, 1987; Cassandras, Lafortune, 2008).
However, the direct practical application of the proposed models and methods is confined
to lab examples of dynamic DES engineering and supervisor synthesis. Such constraint is
explained by high dimensionality of the object states set. To analyze for controllability, a
complete DES specification of generator G is required. Even in the simple example given
here below (a machine with four mechanisms) the number of states equals 4356. (The
number can be considerably reduced with DES structural features taken into account).
Main direction of works focused on overcoming supervisor synthesis complexity is based on
different kind of modularity. Methods of modular supervisor synthesis for G, as a single
entity, are elaborated. At this, different control schemes are explored (disjunctive,
conjunctive, hierarchical, generalized). Pioneer work (Ramadge, Wonham, 1989) that
initiated the development of modularity, as applied to DES theory, was evolved and
generalized in (Yoo, Lafortune, 2002). Later, different authors (De Queiroz, Cury, 2000;
Gaudin, Marchand, 2003) developed the methods of modular supervisor synthesis on
modular description G=<G1, G2, …, Gn> and modular specification K=<K1, K2, …, Kn> of
modular S. However, the complexity of such synthesis and weak correspondence of the
initial specification structure to the resulting supervisor make the methods proposed
scantily attractive for practical implementation. Besides, controllability properties are
verified on language models K and L(G) defined for the object (Plant) as a whole, which
makes it difficult to apply these results to real industrial facilities.
The present paper sets the task to develop a prototype of structured dynamic DES by
structuring the object components according to their functionality. To operate the model, the
paper proposes the methods that will allow to raise the dimension of supervisor control
tasks and form a theoretical basis for a new supervisor control engineering technique.
Structured are all three DES components but mainly object model and specification.
Supervisory Control of Industrial Processes 75
confirmation of the fact that the commands sent to actuators were executed. So, the
foregoing gives the ground to mark out Ew events as a separate set. The second specific
feature is as follows: the behaviour of every actuator Gi is simulated by the language L(Gi) of
words over Ei = {Ewi ∪ Eci } and the specification of desired behaviour is formulated as a
language K over events Ed = Ec∪Euc, a totality of commands and conditions of their use.
Making the allowance for these specifics, makes it possible to get numerous advantages both
in defining DES and formulating controllability conditions and supervisor synthesis.
76 Process Management
to evaluate the completeness and correctness of conditions. With the above in view, herein is
proposed to create a specification of a well-structured DES with the events Ed = {Ec∪Euc}, i.e.
combination of commands and conditions for their execution in sequence.
Definition 2: The language K⊆Ed* defined by FSM Η = (Q h , Ed , δ h , Γ h , Qmh , q0 ) as a set of
strings defining the required specifications, is called a directive specification language (a
process specification tapes language).
It is assumed that FSM H has no deadlocks (Fig. 6) and livelocks (liveloops, within which H
fails to go out of a certain state subset and does not reach Qm and then q0), i.e. H is non-
It is worthy to be noted that if a graph is strongly connected and q0 ∉ Qm , then q0
transitions only as shown in Fig. 6 are possible.
Qm –
out states
Supervisory Control of Industrial Processes 77
To the left
To the right
Working (smooth)
Open clutch
Close clutch Turn on cutter
Parked (--+)
Ready to work (-+-)
Clutch is open Cutter is working End of the operation (+--)
Clutch is closed
Table is fixed
Table is rotating
Table has closed full circle
78 Process Management
"Workpiece clutch" mechanism: e1-1 – to clamp, e1-2 – clutch closed, e1-3 – to unclamp, e1-4 –
clutch closed, e1-5 – clutch is moving.
"Turntable" mechanism: e2-1 – to lock the table, e2-2 – table locked, e2-3 – to unlock the table,
e2-4 – table unlocked, e2-5 – locker is moving, e2-6 – to make a ¼ turn, e2-7 – table is moving,
e2-8 – table is turned, e2-9 – to switch off turning gear, e2-10 – table stopped.
"Spindle" mechanism: e3-1 – to move spindle fast to the left, e3-2 – feed zone, e3-3 – working
position, e3-4 – to move spindle to the left, e3-5 – working zone, e3-6 – operation finished, e3-7 –
to move spindle to the right, e3-8 – to move spindle fast to the right, e3-9 – parked.
"Cutter" mechanism: e4-1 – to turn on cutter, e4-2 – cutter working, e4-3 – to turn off cutter, e4-4 –
cutter stopped, e4-6 – cutter unstable spinning.
Mechanisms behaviour, as agreed here above, will be considered as sequences (strings) of
possible events. These sequences will be defined as finite state machines (Fig. 8–11).
Hereinafter they are called component finite machines (CFM). It is easily seen that CFM
transition graphs and graph edges weighed by events, specify operation of each mechanism
quite transparently.
e1-1 e1-5
2 e1-5 3 clutched
e1-4 e1-2
e1-1 e1-2
Clutch is
opened 1 4
e1-5 e1-3
e1-4 e1-3
6 e1-5 5 unclamp
Supervisory Control of Industrial Processes 79
Start Feed
(Parked) <<
e3-9 e3-1 e3-2
1 2 e3-2 3
e3-1 e3-3
e3-2 Back >> e3-3
e3-9 e3-8
11 e3-2 4
e3-5 e3-3
Back > 9 e3-4 e3-4
8 e3-5
e3-6 5
7 e3-6 <
e4-1 e4-6
2 e4-6 3
e4-4 e4-2
e4-1 e4-2
1 4
e4-6 e4-3
e4-4 e4-3
6 e4-6 5
80 Process Management
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 2 2
3 3 3
4 4 4
t 5 t 5 t 5
a a a
b 6 b 6 b 6
l l l
e e e
7 7 7
8 8 8
9 9 9
10 10 10
11 11 11
Fig. 12. CFM composition for G1 and G2: а) complete; b) with allowance for limitations r1
and r2; c) with allowance for limitations r1, r2, r3
Pursuant to SC theory, we should make a composition of all machines to achieve
"uncontrollable" G behaviour. DES, modelling "uncontrollable" behaviour of the first two
mechanisms, is represented by G1 ⊕ G2 composition, with relevant transition graph structure
illustrated in Fig. 12-а. Here a structure of initial components transitions is shown: across - G1
structure, down - G2 structure, and relevant pairs are represented by nodes at arrows
intersection. Edges weighing corresponds to weighing of transitions in the initial components.
Machine G 1⊗ 2 represents unlimited by anything, parallel operation of mechanisms G1 and
G2 originating L( G 1⊗ 2 ) language.
In our example, the following restrictions as to joint behaviour of the mechanisms take
place: r1: "turning of G2 "Turntable" mechanism is possible if a workpiece is clutched"; r2: "if
in the course of the table turning a workpiece unclasping begins , "Turntable" will only
terminate turning".
The implementation of these technological restrictions are formally realized by banning the
following state compositions: 1, 2, 3 of G1 CFM and 2-9 of G2 CFM. With these limitations
applied, all pairs of states under verticals 1, 2, 3 and a number of pairs under verticals 5, 6
are excluded (Fig. 12-b). The same refers to their incident transitions. As the result, we get
the machine K1 as shown in Fig. 12-b. More detailed analysis of admissible transitions
results in the necessity of one more limitation: r3 – "at table turning, а workpiece unclasping
is inadmissible", which makes specification more strict (K2) as shown in Fig. 12-c.
Supervisory Control of Industrial Processes 81
Thus, we have DES of G 1⊗ 2 and it’s necessary to provide its operation within the
framework of language K. In what way is it possible to regulate a path choice in G 1⊗ 2
graph? In our example, for G 1⊗ 2 Ec1⊗ 2 = { e1 − 1 ,e 1-3 , e2 − 1 ,e 2-3 , e2 − 6 , e2 − 9 } ,
Ew1⊗ 2 = { e1 − 2 ,e 1-4 , e1 − 5 , e2 − 2 ,e 2-4 , e2 − 5 , e2 − 7 e2 − 8 , e2 − 10 } .
Graph transition trajectory can be regulated by a function of transitions G1⊗ 2 by blocking or
accepting the events from Ec set with the help of supervisor S (outer to G) which
dynamically interacts with G in a feedback manner. The way it can be realized is illustrated
by our example. In state, q1,4 in cycles 1, 2 and 3 of the table operation, a supervisor each
time enables e2-1 and disables e1-4, and, after the table returns to its initial position for the 4-th
time, it is e1-4 that is admitted and e2-1 that is banned.
So, CFM sequential merging and the detection of limitations for CFM joint operation are
quite a complicated procedure even in our case. We have already noted that the detection of
limitations in the course of pairwise component combination, gives the ground to doubt
about the completeness of such limitations or vice versa in their excessive strictness. Besides,
there is no possibility to predict the consequences of joint operation with the components
still absent in the composition. For example, should we start CFM merging with "Spindle"
and "Turntable" mechanisms, it will in no way possible to make allowance for the fact that
between their "activities" a locker actuation will take place.
At the same time, for technical objects, their required behaviour is always defined by their
functionality that is specified, for example, by text description. The required machine
behaviour is presented by informal specification in table 1.
82 Process Management
Fig. 13. The required machine behaviour in terms of directive specifications. The semantics
is as follows: eex-1 – a workpiece is on the table, eex-2 – a workpiece is removed from the table,
eex-3 – processing is not over, eex-4 – processing is over (other events semantics was given here
above in the mechanisms description).
Supervisory Control of Industrial Processes 83
Fig. 15. Machine behaviour as described in the language of directive specifications, with a
"Cutter halt" operation moved to the large loop
Indeed, if we make quite a transparent substitution of CFM operations in the transition
graph of H specification and properly apply the functions of outputs (to be shown here
below), we shall get a controlling finite state machine. This machine, provided inputs are
independent (this being an indispensable condition for conventional logical control
according to the "black box" scheme), will precisely perform the operation sequences
specified. Note that substitutions can be made for each of three specifications and, thus,
three different controlling machines will be obtained. Later on, it will be possible to carry
out arbitrarily profound optimization applying all the methods used in the finite machine
theory and logical synthesis. However, at the attempt to unite a control object and
G = G 1 , G 2 ,..., G n machines, obtained as per specifications presented in Fig. 15, 16, the
errors, mentioned here before, will reveal themselves in blocking (non-fulfilment) of some
commands and a "hanging" – an unforeseen cyclic operation interruption will occur. At the
same time, with DES theory analytic methods applied, possible blocking situation will be
revealed analytically. It is evident that once DES theory methods are applied, a "dimension
damnation" will manifest itself: CFM parallel composition of the example in question
already gives a machine with the number of states equal to 4356 and its composition with H
machine results in the machine with dozens of thousands states.
So, we face the following problem: how to predict blocking situation without composition of
Gi in G followed by general composition with K. To tackle this problem, let’s continue
considering the theory of SDES-modelling.
84 Process Management
react to them by the change in the position (location, speed, pressure, level, temperature,
flow rate etc), with a set of space co-ordinates being split up into a number of intervals and
presented by events. Since space, though presented by a set of events remains physical, the
events in it may "happen" in a certain order.
Feature of expected events (F1). For the events e ∈ Ewi of one component, there exists
ordering based on consecution of ei1,ei2,…,ein such that in any chain of these events on graph,
the events are arranged in direct or reverse order (this also refers to ei1 and ein).
Furthermore, this relation is also valid for neighbouring graph chains.
Feature of operations (F2). The events e ∈ Ewi weigh on Gi graph the chains of transactions –
transitions (edges and states), with one edge and state, weighed by e ∈ Eci (event-command),
adjoining to this chain on the left side, and on the right side, either an edge and state, also
weighed by another command e ∈ Eci , or a fork with events e ∈ Euc i
. This feature allows to
unambiguously mark out process operations - the substrings relevant to the command and
the reaction expected, on Gi graph (i.e. to "colour" graph). Then, uncoloured will be left only
the edges corresponding to e ∈ Euc .
Example 1. G operations (Fig. 8) are as follows: To clench piece: states 1→4, chain –
e1 − 1 ,e1 − 5 , e1 − 2 ; to unclench piece: states 4→1, chain – e1 − 4 ,e1 − 5 , e1 − 6 .
Example 2. G3 operations (Fig. 9): Quick feed to the left: states: 1→4, chain - e3 − 1 ,e3-2 , e3 − 3 ;
operational feed to the left: states: 4→7, chain - e3 − 4 ,e3-5 , e3 − 6 ; slow retraction to the right:
states: 7→4, chain - e3 − 7 ,e3-5 , e3 − 3 ; spindle parking: states: 4→1, chain - e3 − 8 ,e3-2 , e3 − 9 .
Feature of forks separability in G and H (F3). Any fork in the transition graph (both for Gi
and H) is weighed by the events from {Eic ∪Eiuc} in a separate way, i.e., branching is always
either on e ∈ Euc i
or on e ∈ Eci : ∀j : [ Γ ij ≥ 2] ⇒ [∀e ∈ Γ ij : e ∈ Euc
|e ∈ Eci ] .
Forks in transition graphs are limited, as a rule, to provide one-to-one description and
implementation. For example, mixed branching (Fig. 16) is difficult to interpret. Since a
transition, particularly in object, has some delay, then, when analysing qi state (Fig. 16), it is
expedient to introduce a new fact – an event euc , negating the initial event euc , and to
transform the initial specification in corresponding transitions as shown in Fig. 16.
Supervisory Control of Industrial Processes 85
The features presented are applied to choose the principle of role structuring, as a basis of
two-level SDES, and are used in ℜ(s ) algorithm of carrying out the experiment (refer to i.
5.1), actually, replacing the operation of component machine composition.
5. SDES study
It is natural to inquire, what properties the behaviour specification in language K should
possess to provide a supervisor which ensures behaviour G=<G1,G2,…,Gn> according to the
specification, and at the same time is admissible for G. The answer to the question is
associated with controllability study (in terms of Ramadge and Wonham, 1987)) of the
language K which is a specification of the required behaviour of G defined by a set of
components <G1,G2,…,Gn>. As the basic method to study joint G and H behaviour, it is
proposed to experiment with <G1,G2,…,Gn> by strings s∈K (such, that h(q0, s)!, i.e.
admissible for the initial state q0). The experiment point is to simulate operation of
component machines driven by events-commands from strings s∈K. The algorithm of such
experiment is given here below.
86 Process Management
Supervisory Control of Industrial Processes 87
language, generated by G under S control, coincides with K provided that for any line s,
specified for the initial state of H, which defines the language of specification K, the
experiment on ℜ (s) algorithm is positive.
Proof The necessity is proved by contradiction: the theorem terms are satisfied, unblocking
supervisor S such that PEd (L(S / G )) = K exists but for a certain string s ∈ K (such that h (q0,
s)!) the experiment ℜ (s) = False with respect to G = G 1 , G 2 ,.., G n . There can be a lot of such
strings, but let s be the shortest of them. Let ω (s ) = e and s := ue. It is evident that for all
prefixes of string u and string u itself, the experiment is positive, i.e. ℜ (u) = True, but, in
case u is extended, ℜ (ue) = False and θ ( e ) = c (e – control event). It is revealed at 2.2 (Table
1). At this, Gk is in state q kj and e ∉ Γ kj (e is inadmissible for Gk in its current state q kj ).
On the other hand, as u, ue ∈ K and supervisor S, such that PEd (L(S / G )) = K , exists, let’s
choose from L(S / G ) strings u', u'e for which PEd ( u′) = u and PEd (u′e ) = ue . Since the sets of
CFM events do not intersect (refer to note 1), N ( e ) = k , from u' admissibility for Gk it follows
that at u' generation Gk will be transferred to state q kj , and then from u'e admissibility for Gk
it immediately follows that e∈ Γ kj (i.e. e is admissible for Gk in its current state q kj ). This
comes into conflict with the assumption that ℜ (s) = False. The necessity is proved.
Sufficiency. Let’s K ≠ Ø be a language such that for any s ∈ K ℜ (s) = True with respect to
G = G 1 , G 2 ,.., G n . We shall show that in such case there exists a supervisor unblocking for
G and providing PE ( L(S / G)) = K .
Let’s define language M on K in the following way:
⎧ ⎫
M = ⎨ε ∪ ∪ ℜr(s )⎬
⎩ ⎭
88 Process Management
The controllability condition derived in the paper is formed with respect to specification
language K outside L(S\G) . Therefore, K is controllable with respect to <G1, G2,…,Gn > if it is
prefix-closed and ℜ experiment is positive on all s ∈ K. This requirement is more strict then
Wonham’s but it relates to the language К that is more expressive then L(S\G). The example
in section 4 illustrates SDES blocking by supervisor (in case the experiment is false). At the
same time, this result and, which is most important, the procedure of its verification
(algorithm ℜ (s)) are pragmatic, i.e. the number of checks cannot exceed the number of
simple paths to every edge of graph H) and the result is given in terms of conditions and
transitions of all the components involved in the experiment.
Our example is illustrated in Table 3, with supervisor S designed as a function of strings as
per the algorithm defined above in the theorem proof.
6. Method of direct supervisor synthesis on the basis of SDES model for real-
time automation systems (RTAS)
The investigations set forth in sections 4, 5 were carried out for SDES with off-line
components that were controlled via blocking mechanism as pee the scheme shown in Fig.
Supervisory Control of Industrial Processes 89
4. At the same time, RTAS has a number of features that are useful to apply for control
modelling and engineering.
• First, RTAS is featured by control subdivision into two sublevels of control: the level of
actuators that executes operations control and a process control level that provides
operation sequences.
• Second, actuators are passive but can receive operative commands, execute them
autonomously and provide feedback.
• Third, while RTAS engineering, a technologist defines specifications (the required
operation sequences), and it is advisable that in a synthesized supervisor, the structure
of sequences was preserved and the synthesis result, as to its complexity, was linearly
dependent on initial specification.
The papers on the synthesis of logical devices (Kuznetsov, 1975; Ambartsumyan, Potekhin
1977) contained similar requirements and synthesis methods were called standard
realization. According to the papers on standard realization methods, such approach has the
following advantages:
• The obtained result is always "recognizable" by the author of initial specifications;
• The result complexity is proportional to the scope of initial data;
• The number of operations in the synthesis procedures is also linearly dependent on
initial data.
Basic paradigm of standard realization is the synthesis of object control system (device) by
syntactic transformation of this object behaviour specification. Therefore, standard
realization is the engineering method that guarantees the engineering result of acceptable
complexity and for acceptable time, provided there is the initial description of the object
With the above mentioned RTAS features and standard realization idea taken into account,
the present section pursues the objective to develop a supervisor synthesis method
providing dependability – acceptable complexity of the result (supervisor) achieved for
acceptable time (the number of operations).
This section is dedicated to the study of SDES with passive actuators. In such SDES, all
controlled events are forced from the point of view of operation (Chalmers, Golaszewski,
Ramadge, 1987) and the control is performed as per the scheme similar to that shown in Fig.
Definition 6. A well-structured DES, for which the composition of uncontrollable part is
defined as per Definition 1, all are forced, the required behaviour is defined by the
specification language K ⊆ Ed* ,(K ≠ 0) , and which is provided by supervisor S generating
unambiguously controlled events Ec in such a way that K is fulfilled, will be called a
structured discrete event system with forced controlled events (SDESf).
Comments to the definition. SDESf should meet the condition of determinacy, i.e. for any
string s admissible for the initial state, if its extension by a controlled event is possible, such
extension for this string is unique. It is suggested that a structured DES with forced events
should be realized according to the scheme (Fig. 17) in which supervisor "perceives" all the
events generated by G but initiates only controlled events.
Based on introduced notions, let’s specify the tasks of this section.
For SDESf specified by G component set and K specification, they are as follows:
• Define a condition of K specification controllability.
• Examine the matter of a supervisor existence.
90 Process Management
Plant - Generator
G 1 Ec
G 2
Ec Ec E w Euc E
Fig. 17. The scheme of supervisory control for SDES with forced controlled events
• Elaborate the method of specification realizability analysis that will indicate if G and K
are consistent.
• Develop the method of synthesis of supervisor S (if K specification is realizable)
providing control in G in such a way that К is fulfilled, with the method synthesising S
for acceptable time and S complexity having linear dependence on K complexity.
Supervisory Control of Industrial Processes 91
The last condition in the above definition ω (s ) = τ ( qi → q k ) states the fact of the string s end
on ( qi → q k ) transition.
Definition 8. Let Oi be a set of subscripts of states qj to which there is a direct transition from
qi ; let θ ( e ) = {c uc w} be a function of event type; let qi ∈ Q H ; ⎣⎢Oi ⎦⎥ ≥ 2 . Then qi is called a
correct selection (fork), if only one of the following conditions is fulfilled:
• For all the transitions incidental to qi, θ (τ ( qi → q k )) = uc is fulfilled (the selection on
uncontrollable events);
• For all the transitions incidental to qi θ (τ ( qi → q k )) = c is fulfilled (the selection on
∀m , n : [m , n ∈ Oi ⇒ Φ m
controllable events), with the defining sets on any pair of directions not intersecting, i.e.
i ∩ Φ n = ∅] .
The answer to the question, as to the existence of supervisor for SDES with forced controlled
events, is given by the following theorem.
Theorem of SDESf controllability. Let a well-structured G = G 1 , G 2 ,.., G n be given, for
which E = {Ew ∪ Ec ∪ Euc } , all Ec are forced Ed = {Ec ∪ Euc } and K ⊆ Ed* ,(K ≠ ∅ ) . Non-
blocking supervisor S such that PEuc (L( s / G )) = K } exists then and only then when for any
s ∈ K (such that δ h (q0 , s )! ) ℜ(s) = True as respects G = G 1 , G 2 ,.., G n and all selections in
the transition graph of H are correct.
Theorem proof Necessity. The first part of condition: ℜ(s) = True is valid as shown in the
proof of the theorem of controllability in section 5. Let’s prove the necessity and sufficiency
of the second condition: branching correctness. Proof is made by contradiction. Let there
exist an unblocking supervisor S but for H the condition of branching correctness is not met.
Then two options are possible, namely:
• Branching is mixed, i.e. for the transitions incident to qi θ [τ ( qi → q k )] = [c ∧ uc ] is
fulfilled. It is impossible as conflicting branching limitation.
• For qi branching, the condition of empty intersection of defining sets is not fulfilled. Let
si transfer H to qi state, than there exists at least one event e i + 1c that simultaneously
weighs two different edges originating from qi. On the other hand, since a supervisor
exists, it is determinate and is defined as a function of strings, thus, for this option, two
different values e i + 1c and [ e i + 1c ] , weighing the next pair of edges, must fit the same
argument si. We have arrived at a violation.
The necessity is proved.
Sufficiency is proved constructively. Let K ≠ ∅ be a language such that for any s ∈ K
ℜ(s) = True with respect to G = G 1 , G 2 ,.., G n . We shall show that in such case there exists a
supervisor unblocking for G and providing PEd (L(S / G )) = K .
Let’s define language M on K in the following way:
⎧ ⎫
M = ⎨ε ∪ ∪ ℜr (s )⎬
⎩ ⎭
Any string u ∈ M is admissible for L(G ) as per construction in ℜ . For this reason,
M ⊆ L(G ) .
For any u ∈ M let’s define:
92 Process Management
e : θ ( e ) = c ∧ ℜ( PEd (u)e ) = True
S(u) = ⎨
⎪other e not included in codomain S for u
e : θ ( e ) ≠ c ∧ ℜ( PEd (u)e ) = True (4)
The designed converter admits the following:
• all Ec possible (as to transition function for G) after u (string 1 from (4));
• instead of any event of e ∈ {Ew ∪ Euc } , if this event enters the definition area of
corresponding transition in H or a certain component of G k (string 2 from (4)).
Since machine H (generating K) does not contain deadlocks and liveloops, L(S / G ) = PE−d1 (K )
by designing, and all s ∈ PE−l 1 (K ) are admissible for G (as ℜ=True), than S by construction also
cannot contain deadlocks and liveloops, thus, S is non-blocking. The theorem is proved.
Comments to the theorem.
1. The proposed condition of controllability is formulated with respect to specification
language К that is more expressive and compact then L(S\G), at least, because it is a
projection of L(S/G) on Ed.
2. For controllability, besides the requirement of positive experiment, it is necessary that
all forks in the transition graph of H should be correct, which is effectively verified by
the graph nodes review.
3. The condition of controllability for SDESf is worded as a limitation imposed only on
specification language K but does not restrict language L(S/G). Nevertheless, K is
controllable as relates G = G 1 , G 2 ,.., G n , provided it is prefix-closed, algorithm ℜ=True
for all s ∈ K , and all forks are correct. This condition is more strict than that in paper
(Chalmers, Golaszewski, Ramadge, 1987) as it admits branching on controllable events,
in case the selection is correct.
Let’s consider possible branching variants on e ∈ Ec - controlled events. Practically, the
following situations are possible:
• Logical substantiation for choosing the continuation is in the pre-history.
• There is no logical substantiation in the past (the defining sets for both directions
intersect but, at this, sequences are admissible for both branches.
This situation will be illustrated by the structure of transition graph shown in Fig. 18.
Semantics of events, states and sequences will be described later in section 6.4. Herein we
shall discuss a few peculiarities of forks in the transition graph. The edges of forks
originating in states q1,q4 and q22, in Fig. 18, are outlined by firm ellipses. The events: eex-1 – a
round piece or eex-2 – a hexahedral piece, took place in the first outlined fragment, but in the
situation of the following firm ellipses, there are no longer such events and a clamp choice
should be made from memory of those events.
Another branching variant is referred to in the description of cutter-type choice – in Fig. 18,
corresponding forks are marked by dashed ellipses. From the point of view of event
sequence, both variants are admissible for G = G 1 , G 2 ,.., G n and there is no data to choose
the variant of the process continuation. In principle, the second situation, in conformity with
the theorem condition, testifies that K is not coordinated with G = G 1 , G 2 ,.., G n and SDES
is not controllable with К. However, for practical tasks, such situation is settled by the
addressing of algorithm to the external, as relates to given SDES, system (e.g. to operator).
Thus, when analysing forks (selection) of H graph on controllable events, two aspects,
important for supervisor S engineering, were revealed. First, for every branching on
Supervisory Control of Industrial Processes 93
⎧→ q i '
controllable events qi ⎨→ ... , it is a unique extension (sq' i ≠ sq' n ) that corresponds to string
⎪→ q '
⎩ i
sq' , and this provides determinacy of S. Second, the events defining the condition of
selection (direction) either happened in the past or lie outside SDES structure.
eex-5 e5-1
in Fig.19.
qk Ф ik Фij qI qj
λa(qk)=k eCSi qI qj eCSi λa(qj)=j
94 Process Management
External External
query eex feedback eex
G1 G2 G... Gn
Supervisory Control of Industrial Processes 95
qh G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1-4 1 1 1 1
1 1-4 1 1 1 1
4 4 4-7 1 1 4
4 4 4-7 4 1 1
1 4 4-7 1 4 4
1 4 4-7 4 4 1
Table 4. Full states (fragment)
1. If, first, the experiment was made for every complete state in every node and it, at least
once, was positive, and, second, all H edges were walked through, than the set of all
attainable complete states was obtained. This is equivalent to the building of the tree of
2. If all transitions came into action, than the specification defined by H is controllable and
the data acquired is sufficient to form S basis.
It is suggested that a supervisor should be synthesised via weighing H graph edges by new
operations and output functions λs (qi , ti , j ) = { ec , ε } defined on pairs of states and transitions.
Output functions will "return" either controllable event ec or empty symbol ε and they
must keep their value over the whole transition qi → q j .
96 Process Management
H = ( Q h , Ed , δ h , Γh , Qmh , q0 )
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
S = ( Qs , E, δ s , ρs , λs Γ s , Γt , Qms , q0 )
Thus, supervisor synthesis method must solve the following tasks:
• form the vectors of complete states for every state Qh;
• put in action all the transitions (edges) of H;
• should the experiment be positive, to build for S main missing constructions ρs , λs , Γτ .
en . . e3 e 2 e 1
2 4
q0 c
q4 c
q0 q1 c c c
q43 q4
q0 3 5 c
3 q3
q4q1 5
c c K
q1 q3
q1 q3
3 G
Command from specification is sent to CFM
q2 1 1
2 Putting in action its internal states, the CFM issues the
q2 G 1 2 events of uc type
G1 3
After performing the command, CFM current states
form a vector of states
Supervisory Control of Industrial Processes 97
The proposed algorithm ℑ which fulfils the method of direct supervisor engineering, for the
purpose of clearness, will be depicted graphically as data structure and the algorithm
diagram (Fig. 21). Algorithm ℑ processes specification K, defined by a transition graph,
carries out the simulation of control command operation (arrows 1 in Fig. 21) in component
machines Gi. The component machines "put into action" the transitions, in conformity with
the command. As the result, algorithm ℑ forms:
• word ec ew 1 ...ew n representing operation fulfilled (arrows 2 in Fig. 21);
To process the next edge
To send a command to 1
To initiate components, corresponding CFM
vector of states,
no specification 9 3
To get a feedback (word)
98 Process Management
state, a loop on outgoing edges (block 5) is formed. For every edge, the weighing by
functions ρ, and operation ec ew 1 ...ew n takes place (blocks 14, 15) once. On termination of
the traversal of all H nodes and edges, we get the set of all admissible states. If all the
transitions took place, than H is controllable (ticked-off output) and the acquired data define
the weighing of machine - supervisor S. If graph traversal is terminated ahead of schedule
(the output marked with "!" symbol) than specification K and object G=<G1, G2, …, Gn> are
blocks from 2 to 6 on all states ∑ 1 Oi equals the number of H edges - |R|. Which required.
number of operations follows from the fact that the total number of the executed algorithm
Thus, for the case, when the complete states one by one take their places in H states, the
linearity of dependence of the number of operations on the number of edges, is maintained
but in more complicated cases, the occurrence of "additional" complete states in H weighing
structure results in the iteration of transitions analysis.
6.4 Example 2
The proposed method will be illustrated by the example of supervisor synthesis for a
milling machine with 6 mechanisms: a clamp for round pieces (1), turntable (2), spindle (3),
rectangular cutter (4), angle clamp (5), round cutter (6). Kinematics of this machine is similar
to that of the machine from section 3.3 (Fig. 4) but in the considered machine, the processing
of 2 types of pieces with different fastening and by different tools (mechanisms G5 and G6)
are foreseen. Each mechanism is simulated by corresponding CFM {Gn}. The nodes
1 The formula runs as follows: S has the order of magnitude maximal of two values: the
cardinal number of the set of states or the cardinal number of the set of edges.
Supervisory Control of Industrial Processes 99
correspond to the space position and edges – to events. Event semantics is presented in
Appendix 1.
Respective CFM is shown in Fig. 23, by colour, in transitions, are marked the events of ec
type, ticked-off is the initial state q0.
G 1- round clutch
e 2 -1 e2-4
1 e 2 -6 7 e2-7 8 e2-8 9 e 2 -9 10
e 2 -1 1 11 e2-12 12
G2- turntable
e3-9 e 3 -8 e 3 -4 e 3 -7
G3- spindle
G 4- cutter
G 5 – corner clutch
G 6 – round cutter
100 Process Management
3 e5-1 6 8
eex-5 e2-1 e5-5 e3-1 e67-8- 2 e3-4
e2-5 e5- 2 e3-2 e3-5
16 4 7 10
2- 2 e1-1 e6-7
3 -3 e4-1 e8-10
3- 6
eex-1 e1-5 e7-94-5 9
2 e1-2 5 e4-2 e3-7
e2-1 e3-5
24-1 e2-9 17
e2-5 e3-3
18 e2-10 19 e19-17
2 -2 e6-3
e2-11 12 e6-6
24 23 e2-6 eex-3
e2-12 12-14
e6- 4
e2-7 16 e2-3 14 11
e1-3 e2-13 e4-3
e5-3 e2- 8 e2-5
e5-5 e1-5 15 e2 - 4 13 e4-5
e1-4 eex-4 e4-4
e5 - 4 12-20
e3-8 20
e2-3 e3-2
22 e2-5 21
e2- 4
7. Conclusions
SDES model proposed herein, does not use component composition in the explicit form but
operates G 1 , G 2 ,..., G n set and K⊆Ed* specification language specified by
H = (Q , Ed , δ h , Γ , Qm , q0 ) machine (recall that Ed = Ec ∪ Euc is a language over a set of
h h h
commands and conditions). Such approach to the description model is more economical,
than that in L(G) language and is much more expressive than the one based on parallel
composition ⊕ 1G i = G i ⊕ ... ⊕ G n and K⊆L(G).
Thus, the proposed SDES model and the procedure of its operation take maximum account
of the SDES (real-time automation system) peculiarities mentioned in the introductory part.
There is a ground to believe that thereby it will be possible to avoid the «explosion of states»
at supervisor synthesis. The proved theorem of controllability for SDES builds a theoretical
Supervisory Control of Industrial Processes 101
basis for further studies and a base for programming and experiments on the stream of real
Thus, (turning back to the problem stated in Introduction) it can be declared that herein is
developed a theoretical basis for a new technique of machine control engineering that
excludes ambiguity and mistakes in the initial specification of a control object as a "black
As the result of research pursued, the conditions of SDES and SDESf controllability were
formulated, the matter of supervisor existence was studied, the method of specification
realizability verification was shown.
The condition of controllability was worded with respect to specification language K that is
more expressive and compact (being a project of L(S/G)) than language L(S/G) traditionally
used in the models with parallel composition.
The paper suggests the structure of supervisory control, contains the study of the method of
supervisor S synthesis based on the object model and specification (G and K). It also
illustrates a linear dependence of supervisor S complexity on the number of edges of H
At the same time, the number of synthesis operations (time complexity) remains linear only
for the specification in which complete states, one at a time, are disposed on H, i.e. the
number of operations for the designing of S ≤ O( R ) . Generally, the appearance of "second"
complete states in the structure of H weighing, results in the repeated analysis of transitions
and the linearity is violated. However, practically, for real tasks, this phenomena, reflecting
a designer’s aspiration to specify commands sent to aggregates (actuators) more
economically, does not lead to a considerable growth of the number of operations.
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Supervisory Control of Industrial Processes 103
Appendix 1
104 Process Management
Appendix 2
Process Management
Edited by Maria Pomffyova
ISBN 978-953-307-085-8
Hard cover, 338 pages
Publisher InTech
Published online 01, April, 2010
Published in print edition April, 2010
The content of the book has been structured into four technical research sections with total of 18 chapters
written by well recognized researchers worldwide. These sections are: 1. process and performance
management and their measurement methods, 2. management of manufacturing processes with the aim to be
quickly adaptable after real situation demands and their control, 3. quality management information and
communication systems, their integration and risk management, 4. management processes of healthcare and
water, construction and demolition waste problems and integration of environmental processes into
management decisions.
How to reference
In order to correctly reference this scholarly work, feel free to copy and paste the following:
Alexander A. Ambartsumyan (2010). Supervisory Control of Industrial Processes, Process Management, Maria
Pomffyova (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-085-8, InTech, Available from: