Pic No Es #
Pic No Es #
Pic No Es #
Background Invasive intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring is a standard practice in severe brain injury cases,
where it allows to derive cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP); ICP-tracing can also provide additional information
about intracranial dynamics, forecast episodes of intracranial hypertension and set targets for a tailored therapy
to prevent secondary brain injury. Nevertheless, controversies about the advantages of an ICP clinical management
are still debated.
Findings This article reviews recent research on ICP to improve the understanding of the topic and uncover the hid-
den information in this signal that may be useful in clinical practice. Parameters derived from time-domain as well
as frequency domain analysis include compensatory reserve, autoregulation estimation, pulse waveform analysis,
and behavior of ICP in time. The possibility to predict the outcome and apply a tailored therapy using a personalised
perfusion pressure target is also described.
Conclusions ICP is a crucial signal to monitor in severely brain injured patients; a bedside computer can empower
standard monitoring giving new metrics that may aid in clinical management, establish a personalized therapy,
and help to predict the outcome. Continuous collaboration between engineers and clinicians and application of new
technologies to healthcare, is vital to improve the accuracy of current metrics and progress towards better care
with individualized dynamic targets.
Keywords Intracranial pressure, Multimodality monitoring, Traumatic brain injury, Spectral analysis, Optimal CPP
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Cucciolini et al. J Anesth Analg Crit Care (2023) 3:31 Page 2 of 13
Comprehend better pathophysiology of the injury Forecast episodes of intracranial hypertension. Provide information about cerebrovascular
and suggest different treatments. Predict response to certain therapies. reactivity and optimal cerebral perfusion
Prediction of outcome. pressure
• Predict response to therapies [2]. Each intracranial component can modify its volume in
• Forecast episodes of intracranial hypertension, using different ways and with a different time lag. Brain paren-
artificial intelligence algorithms, waveform morphol- chyma is nearly incompressible; therefore, it is considered
ogy, or behavior of ICP in time [5–7]. a static component, while blood and CSF are considered
• Predict the outcome throughout derived parameters as “dynamic” as they can rapidly augment or reduce their
(i.e., “ICP-dose” and “pressure-reactivity index”) [8–10]. volume [14].
• Provide information about cerebrovascular reactivity
and optimal CPP (tailored therapy) [8, 11]. Arterial compartment
The arterial compartment can regulate cerebral blood volume
ICP signal has been extensively explored during the last (CBV) modifying vessels’ diameter (e.g., modulating cerebral
50 years; techniques of signal analysis and artificial intel- blood flow, CBF). The amount of arterial blood in the skull
ligence have been applied to ICP waveform and its trend. can vary from 15 to 68 ml [15]. Regulation of CBF can act in
The published work includes animal and human experi- seconds, with a mean time of reaction of 3–10’’ [16].
mental studies, mathematical modelling of intracranial
components, as well as observational studies. Venous compartment
Many papers come from basic research and may pass Blood outflow has been less studied but plays a crucial role
unnoticed by clinicians. Thus, the aim of this narrative in determination of ICP. Nearly 70% of the total amount of
review is to summarize the recent research on invasive blood in the skull is venous, and ICP is directly related to
ICP monitoring to provide insights concerning (1) com- central venous pressure (CVP) [14]. Behavior of the venous
prehension of intracranial pathophysiology, (2) outcome circulation is thought to be a passive reflection of arterial
prediction, and (3) perspectives about tailored therapies inflow because the eventually increased arterial inflow
and individualized thresholds of CPP and ICP. increases venous outflow. However, an imbalance between
inflow and outflow may provoke a rise in ICP; in fact, pres-
sure in the sagittal sinus regulates CSF reabsorption and
Comprehension of intracranial pathophysiology is a major determinant of ICP [17]. Pressure in the venous
The Monro‑Kelly doctrine and components of ICP: system is influenced by downstream pressure, even if it is
past and new insights not passively transmitted: bridging veins within the skull
The balance between fundamental contents within the act as a Starling resistor [18], preventing the retrograde
skull was first described in 1783 by Monro and is still transmission from CVP to ICP [14]. Research into the
considered valid. Assuming that the skull is a rigid and behavior of the venous compartment and the time lag of its
non-expandable box, Monro stated that the blood con- compensatory mechanisms is highly awaited.
tent within the skull should have been constant, so the
amount of inflow should have equalized the outflow Brain parenchyma
[12]. Kellie, gave a further contribution in understand- Brain parenchyma represents ~80% of the intracranial vol-
ing intracranial dynamic, including cerebrospinal fluid ume (1200–1600 ml); this compartment has a less static
(CSF); he stated that any fluid contained in the cranium behavior than previously thought [19]. Some authors,
cannot be displaced without being replaced by another proved that both neurons and glia may shrink, adjusting
component, and that the same is valid if you introduce cell volume in response to different environmental stress-
a new component into the skull [13]. When a displace- ors like pressure or osmotic changes. An experimental
ment is not possible, any factor that provokes an increase study by Kalisvaart et al. tested various models of intrac-
in intra-cranial volume results in increased ICP. ranial damage in adult rats, to elucidate timing and extent
Vbrain + Vblood + VCSF = K of tissue modifications. After ischemic and hemorrhagic
insults there was an increase in neuronal packing density
Where Vbrain = brain volume, V blood = blood volume, and a reduction in cell volume diffused to many brain areas
VCSF = cerebrospinal fluid volume, K = constant (even contralateral to the lesion), involving neurons and
Cucciolini et al. J Anesth Analg Crit Care (2023) 3:31 Page 3 of 13
astrocytes [20]. The sum of apoptotic and pre-apoptotic the lumbar sac, which has a relative capability of expan-
shrinking in injured and non-injured neurons and glia, may sion in case of increased CSF pressure. In addition, other
alter the whole brain tissue volume and compliance, which mechanisms of CSF reabsorption and displacement have
changes dynamically over hours and days [21]; unfortu- been observed, such as filtration of CSF through nerve
nately, evaluation of the sole brain compliance remains roots holes, and direct infiltration of CSF in the peri-ven-
nowadays a challenge. tricular brain tissue; this latter mechanism achieves CSF
reabsorption by mixing CSF with extracellular fluid, that
Cerebrospinal fluid is directly reabsorbed into capillaries. This reabsorption
CSF has a volume of 1/10 of the brain (~150 ml), and reg- mechanism has been called glymphatic circulation [27].
ulation of its production and reabsorption is described by
the Davson equation [22]: Conclusions and panoramic overview about raised ICP
Each compartment has its own dynamic behavior and
ICP = P CSF = Pss + RCSF × If
co-participate to compensate an eventual rise in ICP.
Where ICP = intracranial pressure, PCSF = pressure Every compartment has a different time of adaptation to
of cerebrospinal fluid, PSS = sagittal sinus pressure, changes, and different chemical and physical ways to do
RCSF = resistance to CSF outflow, If = liquor formation. it. ICP represents the picture of elasticity and compliance
In 1973, Marmarou expanded Davson’s work with a of the whole system.
mathematical model explaining CSF formation, circula- A panoramic overview of the main causes of raised ICP
tion and reabsorption [23, 24]. The model is based on the and their associated treatments is illustrated in Table 2 [28].
concept of capacitance and resistance, where capacitance
is offered by the ventricles and resistance by the stric- Estimation of compensatory reserve with ICP
tures in the CSF circulation. Cerebrospinal compensatory reserve is a general concept
The main determinant of CSF pressure is the sagittal related to the contents of the skull and expresses the rela-
sinus pressure, and CSF flow has a static and dynamic tionship between any increase in volume to an increase in
component (e.g., continuous and pulsatile flow, similarly pressure (Fig. 1) [29]. During the years researchers have
to blood flow in arteries). One of the main roles of CSF is been trying to plot the pressure-volume curve of the
to distribute and equalize ICP; CSF compensatory reserve intracranial content, starting from the ICP signal. The
(e.g., the ability of CSF to absorb changes in volume with- relationship between pressure and volume defines the
out an increase in ICP) can be measured with infusion or compliance of the system, and its inverse index, elastance.
withdrawal of fluid from the ventricles (see “Estimation of Compliance is the increase in volume provoked by an
compensatory reserve with ICP” section for details) [25, increase in pressure, while elastance is the change in pres-
26]. Part of the CSF compliance has to be addressed to sure per unit change in volume (ΔP/ΔV) [30].
Table 2 Possible mechanisms of raised ICP that involve increase in one or more of the contents of the skull: blood (arterial or venous),
CSF (hydrocephalus), or brain parenchyma (interstitial edema or tumor). ARDS: acute respiratory distress syndrome; SDH: subdural
Compartment Cause of raised ICP Possible adequate treatment
involved in raised
Fig. 1 Hypothetical shape of cerebrospinal pressure-volume curve. For small increases in volumes (left part of the graph), pressure responds slowly
and proportionally. This is a zone of good compensatory reserve: changes in volume produce low-pressure response. After the first breakpoint,
ICP responds exponentially to a volume increase. This is an area of compromised compensatory reserve. Above a certain critical threshold of ICP
(sources say that this threshold may vary between patients from 25 to 55 mmHg) the arterial bed starts to collapse and the curve tends to flatten,
indicating exaustion of compensatory reserve along with decreasing CBF. RAP: correlation between amplitude and mean value of ICP (see text
for details)
Quantifying elastance is clinically attractive as it should 31]. He developed a mathematical model and introduced
be predictive of impending exhaustion of the compen- the pressure-volume index (PVI) defined as the notional
satory reserve. The volume-pressure curve of the brain volume (millimeters), which when added to cerebrospinal
describes a non-linear relationship with three distinct space, causes a 10-fold raise in ICP. PVI was calculated by
parts and slopes: measuring ICP changes in response to rapid injections or
withdrawals of liquid from subarachnoid space. This metric
• At physiological volumes and low ICP, there is a lin- has been used clinically [32]; however, due to the difficulty
ear rise in ICP with increasing intracranial volume. in standardizing the rate of volume change and the elevated
For small increases in volume, the ICP remains quite risk of infection (needs to manipulate a ventricular catheter
low, and the patient has a high compensatory reserve; multiple times) this metric fell into disuse [33, 34].
small increases in volume can be compensated by a Subsequently, a continuous index indicating the rela-
reduction in CBV or CSF displacement. tionship between pulsatile CBV and ICP has been devel-
• Once the reserve is exhausted, a breakpoint is oped: the RAP index (R-symbol of correlation between
reached, and any subsequent increase in volume, A-amplitude of fundamental component of ICP and
increases the ICP exponentially. P-mean pressure) [35]. RAP is an index of compensatory
• At high volumes, there is a change in pendency so reserve ranging from +1 to −1. When RAP is close to +1,
the changes in volume are no more transmitted to there is synchronisation between the rise in mean ICP and
changes in pressure, as this is already near the value its mean pulse amplitude (AMP), so a small rise in intrac-
above which a collapse in brain arterioles may occur. ranial volume results in a high rise of ICP. A RAP value
At this point, the patient has intracranial refractory close to 0 indicates a lack of relationship between the
hypertension and will go towards brain herniation if changes in AMP and mean ICP. When RAP is −1 AMP
no intervention is performed. has an inverse relationship with ICP (AMP decreases as
the ICP continues to rise): at this stage, the compensatory
Estimation of dynamic compensatory reserve in research reserve is exhausted and CBF falls (Fig. 1) [29, 36].
and at the bedside
Several approaches have been proposed to quantify the Autoregulation estimation with pressure reactivity index
intracranial elastance at the bedside either intermittently or An estimation of autoregulation is possible through-
continuously. The first description of intracranial volume- out the ICP signal [37]. Autoregulation is an impor-
pressure relationship was published by Marmarou et al. [6, tant autoprotective mechanism by which arterioles in
Cucciolini et al. J Anesth Analg Crit Care (2023) 3:31 Page 5 of 13
Fig. 2 Pulse waveform analysis of ICP. Type A indicates normal ICP; there is a stepwise modification towards type D as intracranial compliance
decreases. P1: percussion wave; P2: tidal wave; P3: dicrotic wave. See text for description
Frequency domain analysis (Fig. 3). RR is usually around 8–20 cycles/min, thus 0.13–
The process of decomposing a signal into its different frequen- 0.33 Hz. In the slow frequency range, some waves that
cies is called spectral analysis and generates a power spectrum have a period of 20 s–3 min are represented; they are
of that signal by applying the fast Fourier transform (FFT). thought to represent cerebrovascular cyclic dilation and
By decomposing the ICP signal, three main com- constriction in response to systemic haemodynamic vari-
ponents can be identified: the heart rate (HR), the ations or brain metabolism [47, 48].
respiratory rate (RR), and other slow waves. HR is gen-
erally between 60 and 130 bpm, which translates into Behavior of ICP in time: during minutes (waves)
1–2.16Hz, and is usually the most represented compo- and during hours (patterns)
nent, also called the fundamental harmonic of ICP. Res- During prolonged ICP monitoring, many types of waves
piratory waves are also well represented, and in patients have been observed. Based on the authors, different types
sedated and ventilated the peak is usually very sharp of waves were described with different terms, and this
and defined, as the respiratory rate is extremely regular contributed to generate confusion.
Fig. 3 ICP in time domain (A), and frequency domain (B). Numbers represent: slow waves (1), respiratory waves (2), heart rate frequency (3). 2b
is the second harmonic of the respiratory waves, and 3b the second harmonic of the heart rate
Cucciolini et al. J Anesth Analg Crit Care (2023) 3:31 Page 7 of 13
Overall, waves can be described by their frequency long-lasting waves (from 20 s to 3 min), regular and
(period), amplitude (intensity), regularity, duration in repetitive, associated with changes in CBF, and they are
time, and relationship with other waves. Among ICP probably associated with brain metabolism (Fig. 4). How-
waves we can recognize mainly: A-waves, B-waves, ever, the term B-waves includes a lot of different subcat-
C-waves, and respiratory waves (Table 3) [2, 47, 49]. egories based on symmetry/asymmetry, the presence of
included plateau waves, and frequency; several authors
refer to B-waves with different terminologies as slow
Low frequency range waves B waves, or vasogenic waves [51].
Slow waves of ICP have been extensively described.
Slow waves represent ICP oscillations that have a dura- During these kinds of waves the increase of CBF veloc-
tion of at least 20 s, up to several minutes (frequency of ity and ICP is synchronised. The average magnitude of
0.005–0.05 Hz) [16]. These waves are generally repetitive B waves after TBI is associated with the outcome: the
but not regular, with variable amplitude. Because of their grater the amplitude, the better is the outcome [29]. In
frequency, they occupy the left part of the ICP spectrum addition, in awake patients with hydrocephalus, B waves
(Fig. 3), and they are thought to be the expression of vas- alternate periods of silence and periods of regular waves.
odilation and constriction peculiar of the brain vessels. Usually, these waves appear when patients are in the
REM phase of sleep, but they have been described in
B waves or hyperemic waves B waves were first association with sleep breathing disorders outside of the
described by Lundberg in the late ‘50 s [50]. They are REM phase [52].
Table 3 Resume of the nomenclature and characteristics of the waves observable in ICP. A-B-C waves were first observed by
Lundberg in the late 1950s and early 1960s. Subsequently, more studies involving continuous recording of ICP were published, and
other nomenclatures appear
Frequency range Alphabetical Name Alternative names Description
Episodic, no frequency defined A-waves Plateau waves Characteristically shaped waves in ICP with three
phases: ascending, plateau, descending.
Slow waves, 0.005–0.05 Hz B-waves Hyperaemic waves, vasogenic waves, Very heterogeneous category, composed of slow
waves with different morphologies: symmetric/
asymmetric, with/without plateau waves superim-
posed, with/without ramps. Associated with increase
in CBF and probably brain metabolism.
0.1–0.15 Hz C-waves Mayer waves or M-waves, Traube- Sympathetic waves originating in the systemic circu-
Hering-Mayer waves lation and transmitted to ICP.
0.16–0.3 Hz R-waves Respiratory waves Waves synchronous with breathing.
Fig. 4 B waves in ICP. abp: arterial blood pressure, icp: intracranial pressure; ecg: electrocardiogram. It is possible to see that icp shows fluctuations
(B-waves) while abp and ecg show not. In abp it is possible to se an artifact related to the flush of the arterial line
Cucciolini et al. J Anesth Analg Crit Care (2023) 3:31 Page 8 of 13
Fig. 5 Plateau wave in a TBI patient. abp: arterial blood pressure; icp: intracranial pressure; rso2_l: brain oxygen saturation collected
with near infrared spectroscopy, left side; rso2_r: brain oxygen saturation, right side; fvl: flow velocity left acquired with transcranial doppler; fvr: flow
velocity right. On the left (A) raw signals collected during multimodal monitoring in ICU. On the right side, the same raw signals are represented
as means over 10 s. While ICP increases, it is possible to see that flow velocity decreases in both sides, as well as the brain regional oxygen saturation
Cucciolini et al. J Anesth Analg Crit Care (2023) 3:31 Page 9 of 13
Fig. 6 Respiratory waves present in arterial blood pressure (abp) and transmitted to intracranial pressure (icp) and blood flow in the right MCA (fvr).
In A, the signals are shown in the time domain, while in B, there is icp and fvr represented in the frequency domain. Frequency of these respiratory
waves is ~0.22 Hz, corresponding to about 13breaths/min. ^ represent the slow waves peak; * represents the respiratory waves peak. # represents
the heartbeat peak
• Low and stable ICP (lower than 20 mmHg); ICP dose capacity of prediction has been demonstrated
• Low baseline ICP with plateau waves; in TBI as well as in subarachnoid hemorrhage [61, 62].
6 months [37, 64]. Averaged PRx is an independent pre- when actual CPP is higher than CPPopt there is an
dictor of outcome after TBI; the critical value associ- increased disability [2, 37, 64].
ated with increased mortality is approximately +0.25 The concept of PRx-guided CPP therapy is also sup-
[2, 40]. PRx well correlates with indices of autoregula- ported by the fact that brain tissue oxygenation increases
tion based on transcranial doppler and ultrasonography with increasing CPP but only until the level of C PPopt;
[2, 29]. When the lower limit of cerebral autoregula- further increase in CPP does not improve oxygenation
tion is reached, PRx is strongly dependent on CPP and [67]. In addition, retrospective analysis showed that
it increases with decreasing CPP. PRx has been used to CPPopt may vary individually, from 60 to 100 mmHg, so
calculate “optimal CPP” and guide therapies for patients can differ dramatically from the guideline’s fixed thresh-
with TBI; this could have a significant impact on mortal- olds (60-70mmHg) [4].
ity and outcomes in the next few years [64]. The CPPopt can be clinically estimated in real time
by plotting and analyzing PRx-CPP curves in sequential
Tailored therapy 4-h time windows, to have a constant updated value for
Optimal CPP and ICP the CPPopt. Recent studies have updated the algorithm
Some authors demonstrated that in some patients the for CPPopt calculation, using a multi-window weighted
relationship between PRx and CPP might show a char- approach, to improve reliability and stability of C PPopt
acteristic U-shaped curve [64]; this curve is obtained calculation [68]. The CPPopt Guided Therapy Assessment
plotting CPP on the x-axis and PRx on the y-axis (Fig. 7). of Target Effectiveness (COGiTATE) study demonstrated
The U-shaped curve, if obtained, suggests that there is a the safety and feasibility of targeting the CPPopt in TBI
value of CPP at which PRx is the lowest, so potentially patients with ICP monitoring [11]. Nevertheless, PRx is
a “best” CPP in which autoregulation status is the best under evaluation for its reliability and pitfalls, and new
for the patient. In this context, PRx can be used for the insights about its limitations and automatic recognition
assessment of patient’s optimal CPP (CPPopt), which has of unreliable raw data are awaited [43, 69].
been defined as the CPP at which PRx is most negative
[65, 66]. Controversies about ICP monitoring
Too low or too high CPP levels might be detrimen- ICP monitoring is considered a standard of care for
tal to the brain, potentially leading to ischemia or brain brain-injured patients in many centres worldwide, even if
oedema. The greater the distance between the current an advantage of monitoring was never demonstrated. As
and the C PPopt, the worse the outcome: when actual CPP indications for placing invasive monitoring of ICP are not
is lower than CPPopt there is an increase in mortality, clear, clinical practice between centres can be extremely
Fig. 7 U-shaped curve for optimal cerebral perfusion pressure. CPP: cerebral perfusion pressure. PRx: pressure reactivity index. In the first time series
is illustrated the mean CPP averaged every minute. PRx is shown as a risk bar chart, where green zones are indicating good autoregulation (PRx < 0),
red zones are representing bad autoregulation (PRx > 0.3) and yellow areas are transition zones. When CPP is plotted against PRx, it is possible
to evidence a CPPopt, that is the lowest point of the U-shaped curve, where PRx is the most negative. Crossing of the U-shaped curve with the x
axis (PRx = 0) might represent the lower and upper limit of autoregulation. The graph at the bottom represents the distribution of the values of CPP
for the period analyzed
Cucciolini et al. J Anesth Analg Crit Care (2023) 3:31 Page 11 of 13
heterogeneous [70]. Recent randomised controlled trials CBV Cerebral blood volume
FFT Fast Fourier transform
(RCT) have further ignited the debate; a multicentre RCT PRx Pressure reactivity index
by Chestnut et al. conducted on 324 Bolivian and Ecua- PVI Pressure-volume index
dorean patients investigated the efficacy of treatment RCT Randomised controlled trials
RR Respiratory rate
based on monitoring of ICP vs standard treatment where RAP Index of compensatory reserve
ICP was not monitored [71, 72]. The authors showed no
difference in the primary outcome (composite measure- Acknowledgements
Not applicable.
ment of survival, impaired consciousness, functional and
neuropsychological status at 6 months). Other observa- Authors’ contributions
tional studies comparing outcomes of patients in centres MC, GC, and VM contributed to the conception and design of the paper. GC
and VM drafted the article. MC supervised the work. All the authors revised
that use ICP monitoring have controversial results, with the article, contributed for its intellectual content, read and approved the final
some authors reporting a better outcome, and others version of the article.
showing no differences [73]. In addition, as ICP moni-
toring implies intervention for targeting low ICP and an The authors received no fundings for the article.
adequate CPP, a study by Cremer et al. showed increased
levels of interventions, without an improvement in out- Availability of data and materials
Not applicable.
come [74].
Many confounding factors can influence results of
these observational studies, as differences in treatment Declarations
between centres and bias of selection, with exclusion Ethics approval and consent to participate
of either the most or less severely injured. For this rea- Not applicable.
son, while more RCT are awaited to clarify the role of Consent for publication
ICP monitoring, the current brain trauma fundation All the authors approved the final content of the manuscript for publication.
guidelines still recommends to monitor ICP in all severe
Competing interests
trauma with a level of evidence IIb, in order to reduce in MC receive part of the licensing fees for ICM+ software, licensed by Cam-
hospital and 2 weeks post injury mortality [4]. bridge Enterprise Ltd, University of Cambridge, Cambridge. The rest of the
authors declare that they have no competing interests.
ICP monitoring guides the management of acute brain- Received: 29 June 2023 Accepted: 16 August 2023
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though some controversies about its use are still ongo-
ing. While a well-defined threshold for interventions has
not been established, a lot of information is retrievable References
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