Department of Ship technology, CUSAT, B.Tech (NA&SB, Batch - XXVII
Figure 8.1 - Typical midship section of a double skin Ice class Tanker
8.1.1. Definitions
(1) L : Rule length, in m, is the distance, in meters, on the summer load water
line from the forward side of the stem to the after side of the rudderpost
or to the center of the rudder stock, if there is no rudder post. L is neither
to be less than 96% nor to be greater than 97% of the extreme length on
the summer load water line.
97% of extreme length of LWL = 264.39 m
(2) B : Breadth at amidships or greatest breadth, in meters.
B = 48.7 m
(3) D : Depth is measured, in meters, at the middle of the length L, from top of
the keel to top of the deck beam at side on the uppermost continuous deck.
D = 23.76 m
(4) T : T is the Maximum Ice Class draught of the ship, in m = 16.75 m
(5) LPP : Distance in m on the summer LWL from foreside of the stem to after side
of rudder post, or to the centre of the Podded unit, if there is no rudder
LPP = 263.00 m
(6) LPAR = Length of parallel midship body, in m (approx. 92.05 m)
(7) CB : Moulded block coefficient at draught T corresponding to summer
waterline, based on rule length L and moulded breadth B, as follows:
Department of Ship technology, CUSAT, B.Tech (NA&SB, Batch - XXVII
Department of Ship technology, CUSAT, B.Tech (NA&SB, Batch - XXVII
Vessel is designed to be classed as ‘+100 A1(ice) Double Hull Oil Tanker ESP.’
ESP means Enhanced Survey Program. This is for Ice navigating tanker having integral
cargo tanks for carriage of oil having flash point > 60o C. Where the length of the ship is
greater than 190m, the scantlings of the primary supporting structure are to be assessed
by direct calculation and the Ship Right notations Structural Design Assessment (SDA),
Fatigue Design Assessment (FDA) and Construction Monitory (CM) are mandatory.
8.1.4 Type Of Framing System [LRS Part 4, Chapter 9, Section 1.3.10, 1.3.11]
The bottom shell, inner bottom and deck are longitudinally framed (for L >
75m). The side shell, inner hull bulkheads and long bulkheads are also longitudinally
framed (L > 150m). When the side shell in long framed, the inner hull bulkhead is also
to be framed longitudinally. Primary members are defined as girders, floors, transverses
and other supporting members.
Department of Ship technology, CUSAT, B.Tech (NA&SB, Batch - XXVII
The hull midship section modulus about the transverse neutral axis, at the
deck or keel is to be not less than
Z min = f1KL C1L2B (CB + 0.7) x 10-6 m3
f1 = ship’s service factor, specially considered depending upon
the service restriction and in any event should not be less than
0.5 For unrestricted sea going service f1 = 1.0
∴f1 taken as 1 and KL = 0.78 (Grade DH32/EH32)
C1 = 10.75 – [(300-L)/100] 1.5 for 90<L<300m
= 10.537
CB = Block Coefficient = 0.84
∴ Zmin = 43.09 m3
1. Deck plating
2. Sheer strake and shell plating above Ice
strengthened region.
3. Ice strengthened shell
4. Side shell below ice strengthening
5. Bilge
6. Bottom shell
7. Keel
Department of Ship technology, CUSAT, B.Tech (NA&SB, Batch - XXVII
Ke = 1.60
RCH is the resistance in Newton of the ship in a channel with brash ice and a
consolidated layer:
R CH = C1 + C 2 + C 3C μ (H F + H M ) (B + C ψ H F ) + C 4 L PAR H 2F + C5 ⎜ 2 ⎟ wf
2 ⎛ LT ⎞ A
⎝B ⎠ L
⎝ sinα ⎠
Department of Ship technology, CUSAT, B.Tech (NA&SB, Batch - XXVII
C ψ = 25.89
C1 and C2 take into account a consolidated upper layer of the brash ice and are to be
taken as zero for ice classes IA, IB and IC.
C3 = 845 kg/(m2s2)
C4 = 42 kg/(m2s2)
C5 = 825 kg/s2
⎛ LT ⎞
5 ≤ ⎜ 2 ⎟ ≤ 20
⎝B ⎠
P = 21.2 MW (approx)
Department of Ship technology, CUSAT, B.Tech (NA&SB, Batch - XXVII
cd = a factor which takes account of the influence of the size and engine output of
the ship.
Δ = the displacement of the ship at maximum ice class draught [t] = 183376.12 t
P = the actual continuous engine output of the ship [kW] 38250 KW
K = 83.75
a =2
b = 286
c1 = a factor which takes account of the probability that the design ice pressure
occurs in a certain region of the hull for the ice class in question.
Department of Ship technology, CUSAT, B.Tech (NA&SB, Batch - XXVII
c1 = 1
ca = a factor which takes account of the probability that the full length of the area
under consideration will be under pressure at the same time. It is calculated by the
47 - 5 l a
ca = ; maximum 1.0 ; minimum 0.6
po = the nominal ice pressure; the value 5.6 Mpa shall be used.
Department of Ship technology, CUSAT, B.Tech (NA&SB, Batch - XXVII
For transverse framing the thickness of the shell plating shall be determined by the
f1 ⋅ p PL
t = 667 s + t c [mm]
For longitudinal framing the thickness of the shell plating shall be determined by the
p PL
t = 667 s + t c [mm ]
f 2 ⋅σ y
f2 = 0.6 + ; when h/s ≤ 1
If steels with different yield stress are used, the actual values may be substituted for the
above ones if accepted by the classification society.
Department of Ship technology, CUSAT, B.Tech (NA&SB, Batch - XXVII
The vertical extension of the ice strengthening of the framing shall be at least as
Vertical extension of ice strengthening in framing is from 5.41 m to 18.55 m.
Section modulus
p⋅s⋅h ⋅l 6
mt ⋅σ y
10 cm 3 [ ]
the formula:
p = ice pressure
s = frame spacing [m]
h = height of load area
l = span of the frame [m]
7 mo
mt =
7 - 5h/l
σy = yield stress [N/mm2]
Department of Ship technology, CUSAT, B.Tech (NA&SB, Batch - XXVII
Z = 580.4 cm3
f3 ⋅f4 ⋅p⋅ h ⋅l 2 6
m ⋅σ y
[ ]
10 cm 3
3 ⋅f3 ⋅ p ⋅ h ⋅l 4
2σ y
10 cm 2 ]
This formula is valid only if the longitudinal frame is attached to supporting structure by
Department of Ship technology, CUSAT, B.Tech (NA&SB, Batch - XXVII
Z = 1076.5 cm3
A = 48.62 cm2
The section modulus of a stringer situated within the ice belt (see 4.3.1) shall be
calculated by the formula:
Z= 5
f ⋅ p ⋅ h ⋅l 2 6
m ⋅σ y
[ ]
10 cm 3
2σ y
[ ]
3 ⋅ f5 ⋅ p ⋅ h ⋅ l 4
10 cm 2
Department of Ship technology, CUSAT, B.Tech (NA&SB, Batch - XXVII
The load transferred to a web frame from an ice stringer or from longitudinal framing
shall be calculated by the formula:
F = p ⋅ h ⋅ S [MN]
F = 0.76 MN
t = 20 mm
For Lloyd’s grade DH32, and for Russian Ice class LU4 or FMA Ice class 1A.
8.4.2 Sheer strake: [Design Ice class and steel grade, RS]
t = 20 mm
For Lloyd’s grade EH32, and for Russian Ice class LU4 or FMA Ice class 1A.
∴t = 12.48 mm
Selected t = 20 mm (Lloyd’s Grade DH32)
Department of Ship technology, CUSAT, B.Tech (NA&SB, Batch - XXVII
√h kT2
t = 0.0052s 1.8-FB
hT2 = T + 0.5CW m but need not be taken greater than 1.2T
= 19.93
FB = 0.67 (refer ‘DEFINITIONS’)
k = 0.78 (refer ‘DEFINITIONS’)
∴t = 10.27 mm
Selected t = 18 mm (Lloyd’s Grade DH32)
8.4.5 Keel Plating
Width of keel plate is to be not less than 70B mm, but need not exceed 1800
mm and is to be not less than 750 mm. (LRS part 4, chapter1, and table 1.5.1)
70B = 3409 mm
Selected w = 1800 mm
t0 = 0.005s√ kh1
s = spacing of inner bottom longitudinal = 700mm
k = 0.78
h = distance in m, from the plate in consideration to the highest
point of the tank, excluding hatchway.
R = 0.354
b1 = B/2 = 24.35 m
h1 = 0.72 (h+Rb1)
= 21.15
Department of Ship technology, CUSAT, B.Tech (NA&SB, Batch - XXVII
t0 = 14.22 mm
t = 12.33 mm Selected = 14 mm (Lloyd’s Grade DH32)
The section modulus of bottom longitudinals within the cargo tank region is not to be
less than greater of the following:
a) Z = 0.056kh1sle2F1FS cm3
K = 0.78 (refer ‘DEFINITIONS’)
h1 = (h0 + D1/8), but in no case be taken less than L1/56 m or
(0.00L1 + 0.7) m, whichever is greater & need not be
taken greater than (0.75 D + D1/8), for bottom longitudinals.
= 19.82m
h0 = distance in m, from the midpoint of span of stiffener to
highest point of tank, excluding hatchway.
= 22 m
D1 = 16 m (refer ‘DEFINITIONS’)
s = spacing of bottom longitudinals = 700 mm
le = effective span of longitudinals which are
assumed to be supported by web frames spaced at 5s,
where s is the basic frame spacing in midship region
(850 mm ) not to be taken less than 1.5 m in double bottom
and 2.5 m else where.
le = 4.25 m
F1 = Dc1/(25D-20h)
= 0.133
c1 = 75/(225 – 150FB), at base line of ship.
FB = 0.75 (refer ‘DEFINITIONS’)
∴c1 = 0.667
h = distance of longitudinal below deck at side, in meters
= 23.76 m
D = 23.76 m (refer ‘DEFINITIONS’)
∴F1 = 0.133
FS = 1, at upper deck at side and at the base line.
Department of Ship technology, CUSAT, B.Tech (NA&SB, Batch - XXVII
∴Z = 1459.5 cm3
b) Z = 0.0051kh3sle2F2 cm3
k = 0.78 (refer ‘DEFINITIONS’)
h3 = 75D+Rb1
b1 = 24.35 m
R = (0.45+0.1 L/B)(0.54 – L/1270) = 0. 354
D1 = 16 m
h3 = 26.44 m
F2 = Dc2/ (3.18D-2.18h) = 0.785
c2 = 165/ (345-180FB)
s = 700 mm
le = 4.25 m
∴Z = 1044.8 cm3
Greater of the two is to be taken, i.e. Z = 1459.5 cm3
Selected 400 x 18 HB
8.5.2 Deck Longitudinals (LRS, Part 4, Chapter
The modulus of bottom longitudinals within the cargo tank region is not to be less
than greater of the following:
a) Z = 0.056kh1sl2eF1FS cm3
k = 0.78 (refer ‘DEFINITIONS’)
h1 = (h0 + D1/8), but in no case be taken less than L1/56 m.
h0 = 0 ( for deck longitudinals)
D1 = 16
(h0 + D1/8) = 2
L1 = 190
L1/56 = 3.39
0.01L1 +0.7 = 2.6
∴h1 = L1/56 = 3.39
s = 700 mm
le = 4.25m
F1 = Dc1 / (4D + 20h)
h = 0 (for deck longitudinals)
c1 = 60 / (225 – 165FD) at deck
FD = 0.75 (refer ‘DEFINITIONS’)
∴ c1 = 0.595
Department of Ship technology, CUSAT, B.Tech (NA&SB, Batch - XXVII
∴F1 = 0.148
Fs = 1, at upper deck at side and at baseline of ship
∴Z = 277.06 cm3
b) Z = 0.0051kh3sle2F2 cm3
R = 0.354
bi = B/2 = 24.35 m
h3 = h0 + Rb1 = 8.62 m
s = 700 mm
le = 4.25m
F2 = Dc2 / (D + 2.18h)
c2 = 165 / (345 – 180FD)
FD = 0.75 (refer ‘DEFINITIONS’)
∴c2 = 1.0
∴F2 = 1.0
∴Z = 433.5 cm3
Greatest of the two is to be taken, i.e. Z = 433.5 cm3
250 x 12 HB section is selected
From standardization point of view the side shell is divided into longitudinal fields as
shown in fig 8.3. Design of the longitudinals for each field is done using the information
for the lowest longitudinal in each field.
The modulus of side shell longitudinals within the cargo tank region is not
to be less than greater of the following:
a) Z = 0.056kh1sle2F1Fs cm3
b) Z = 0.0051kh3sle2F2 cm3
h1 = (h0 + D1/8), but in no case be taken less than L1/56 m or
0.01L1 +0.7 m whichever is the greater.
s = 700 mm
le = 4.25m
k = 0.78
FD = 0.75
D1 = 16
L1 = 190m
Department of Ship technology, CUSAT, B.Tech (NA&SB, Batch - XXVII
L1/56 = 3.39
h = distance of longitudinal below deck at side, in meters
h3 = h0 + Rb1
For side longitudinals above D/2,
F1 = Dc1 / (4D + 20h)
F2 = Dc2 / (D + 2.18h)
For side longitudinals below D/2,
F1 = Dc1/(25D-20h)
F2 = Dc2/(3.18D-2.18h)
Department of Ship technology, CUSAT, B.Tech (NA&SB, Batch - XXVII
The inner hull, inner bottom and longitudinal bulkheads are longitudinally
The symbols used in this section are defined as follows:
b1 = the greatest distance in meters, from the centre of the plate panel
or midpoint of the stiffener span, to the corners at top of the tank
on either side.
c1 = 60 / (225 – 165FD) at deck
= 1.0 at D/2
= 75/(225 – 150FB), at base line of ship
c2 = 165/(345 – 180FB) at deck
= 1.0 at D/2
= 165/(345 – 180FD) at baseline of ship
h = load height, in meters measured vertically as follows:
Department of Ship technology, CUSAT, B.Tech (NA&SB, Batch - XXVII
(a) for bulkhead plating the distance from a point one third of the height of the plate
panel above its lower edge to the highest point of the tank, excluding hatchway
(b) for bulkhead stiffeners or corrugations, the distance from the midpoint of span
of the stiffener or corrugation to the highest point of the tank, excluding
h1 = (h + D1/8), but not less than 0.72 (h + Rb1)
h2 = (h + D1/8), in meters, but in no case be taken less than L1/56 m or
(0.01L1 + 0.7) m, whichever is greater
h3 = distance of longitudinal below deck at side, in meters, but is not to
be less than 0
h4 = h + Rb1
h5 = h2 but is not to be less than 0.55h4
t0 = 0.005s √kh1
t1 = t0(0.84 + 0.16(tm/t0)2)
tm = minimum value of t0 within 0.4D each side of mid depth of
Inner hull and longitudinal bulkheads are to be longitudinally framed . The modulus
of longitudinals is not to be less than greater of the following:
(a) Z = 0.056kh2sl2eF1 cm3
(b) Z = 0.0051kh4sl2eF2 cm3
Department of Ship technology, CUSAT, B.Tech (NA&SB, Batch - XXVII
The inner hull and bulkhead plating is divided into various strakes for the
determination of center line bulkhead longitudinals and inner hull longitudinals.
s = 700 mm
le = 4.25m
Table.8.9 Determination of scantlings of CL longitudinal bulkhead
longitudinal and inner hull longitudinal.
The inner bottom is to be longitudinally framed and the inner bottom plating
thickness is to be
t = t0 / √ 2-FB
t0 = 0.005s√ kh1
s = spacing of inner bottom longitudinal = 700mm
k = 0.78
h = distance in m, from the plate in consideration to the highest
point of the tank, excluding hatchway = 20.76 m
R = 0.354 (refer previous sections)
b1 = B/2 = 24.35 m
h1 = 0.72 (h+Rb1)
= 21.15
t0 = 14.21 mm
Department of Ship technology, CUSAT, B.Tech (NA&SB, Batch - XXVII
t = 12.32 mm
Selected = 14 mm
Selected HB 330 x 13
Department of Ship technology, CUSAT, B.Tech (NA&SB, Batch - XXVII
l = 90
√ (14 +Z√ Z)
2 -1 mm
l = 90 √ (14 +Z√ Z)
2 -1 mm
Z = 12871.3 cm3
Department of Ship technology, CUSAT, B.Tech (NA&SB, Batch - XXVII
8.8.2 Bracket connecting deck transverse and center line bulkhead web
l = 90{ 2
√ (14 +Z√ Z) - 1} mm
Z = 14602 cm3
l = 90 {2 (√14602/ [14 + √ 14602]) – 1}
= 1783.1 mm
a ≥ 0.8l = 1426.5 mm
b ≥ 0.8l = 1426.5 mm
Given a = 2400 mm and b = 2000 mm
t = thickness of web itself = 25 mm
Flange breadth to be not less than
bf = 40 (1 + Z / 1000) mm, but not less than 50mm
= 40 (1 + 14602/ 1000)
= 624.08 mm
Taken 750 mm
8.8.3 Bracket connecting centre line vertical web and inner bottom plating
l = 90{ 2
√ (14 +Z√ Z) - 1} mm
Z = 14602cm3
l = 90 {2 (√14602/ [14 + √ 14602]) – 1}
= 1783.1 mm
a ≥ 0.8l = 1426.5 mm
Department of Ship technology, CUSAT, B.Tech (NA&SB, Batch - XXVII
b ≥ 0.8l = 1426.5 mm
Given a = 2400 mm and b = 2000 mm
t = thickness of web itself = 25 mm
Flange breadth to be not less than
bf = 40 (1 + Z / 1000) mm, but not less than 50mm
= 40 (1 + 14602/ 1000)
= 624.08 mm
Taken 750 m
ITEMS (m) t(m) NO (m2) LEVER A*L (4m) (4m)Iown
Deck Plate 23.5 0.02 2 0.94 23.76 22.334 530.6653 1.57E-05
Sheerstrake Plate 3 0.02 2 0.12 22.26 2.6712 59.46091 0.045
Above IceBelt Plate 2.5 0.02 2 0.1 19.51 1.951 38.06401 0.026042
Ice Belt Plate 12.5 0.024 2 0.6 12 7.2 86.4 3.90625
Below Ice Belt Plate 3 0.02 2 0.12 4.26 0.5112 2.177712 0.045
Bottom Shell Plate 19 0.02 2 0.76 0.01 0.0076 0.000076 1.27E-05
Bottom Bilge Plate 6 0.02 2 0.24 1.25 0.3 0.375 0.36
Keel Plate 1.8 0.022 1 0.0396 0.011 0.0004 4.79E-06 1.6E-06
Margin Plate 4 0.014 2 0.112 4.5 0.504 2.268 0.074667
Inn Bot Plate 18.35 0.014 2 0.5138 3 1.5414 4.6242 4.2E-06
Centre Girder 3 0.022 1 0.066 1.5 0.099 0.1485 0.0495
Side Girder 3 0.015 6 0.27 1.5 0.405 0.6075 0.03375
CL bhd reg 1 5 0.012 3 0.18 21.26 3.8268 81.35777 0.125
CL bhd reg Bb/w 1
&2 13 0.013 1 0.169 12.26 2.0719 25.40198 2.380083
CL bhd reg 2 2.76 0.014 1 0.03864 4.38 0.1692 0.741285 0.024529
IB hull plate reg 1 5 0.012 2 0.12 21.26 2.5512 54.23851 0.125
IB hull plate reg b/w
1&2 13 0.013 2 0.338 12.26 4.1439 50.80397 2.380083
IB hull plate reg 2 2.76 0.014 2 0.07728 4.38 0.3385 1.48257 0.024529
Wing Tank Girder 1 3 0.012 2 0.072 6 0.432 2.592 4.32E-07
Wing Tank Girder 2 3 0.012 2 0.072 9 0.648 5.832 4.32E-07
Wing Tank Girder 3 3 0.012 2 0.072 12 0.864 10.368 4.32E-07
Wing Tank Girder 4 3 0.012 2 0.072 15 1.08 16.2 4.32E-07
Wing Tank Girder 5 3 0.012 2 0.072 18 1.296 23.328 4.32E-07
Wing Tank Girder 6 3 0.012 2 0.072 21 1.512 31.752 4.32E-07
Deck Longitudinals 250 x 12 68 0.26316 23.6 6.2106 146.5696
Department of Ship technology, CUSAT, B.Tech (NA&SB, Batch - XXVII
Department of Ship technology, CUSAT, B.Tech (NA&SB, Batch - XXVII
Department of Ship technology, CUSAT, B.Tech (NA&SB, Batch - XXVII
Department of Ship technology, CUSAT, B.Tech (NA&SB, Batch - XXVII
Height of NA =10.237
I ref =1415.56
I na =602.54
Z deck =44.44
Z keel =58.85
Z Req 43.31 m3
Here ZDECK and ZKEEL are getting more than the minimum section modulus required. So
the design is satisfactory
Department of Ship technology, CUSAT, B.Tech (NA&SB, Batch - XXVII