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Intership Report (MBKB)

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Internship Report On

“Comparative Analysis of E-money and Cash Transactions of M/S Moula Boksh Karim
Boksh, Sylhet”

Course Title: Internship Defense

Course Code: BUS 411

Submitted To:

Professor Mazharul Hasan Mazumder, PhD

4th Year 2nd Semester Examination Committee
Department of Business Administration, SUST

Supervised By

Adiba Rahman Bushra Chowdhury

Department of Business Administration, SUST

Submitted By
Akber Shiddique Sunny
Reg. No. 2018731062
4th Year, 2nd Semester Session: 2018-19
Department of Business Administration, SUST

Submission Date: 13/12/2023

Letter of Transmittal

The Supervisor
Adiba Rahman Bushra Chowdhury
Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet

Subject: Submission of Internship Report.


I am a student of BBA bearing ID 2018731062 and I have done my major in Accounting

Information System. I have prepared my internship report on “Comparative Analysis of E-money
and Cash Transactions of M/S Moula Boksh Karim Boksh” and my Practical Training at their head
office as a part of my BBA curriculum. I have observed activities of MBKB from close vicinity
and have written my observed findings in this report from my own experience.

M/S Moula Boksh Karim Boksh offers internship program where I have done my internship.
Throughout my ongoing internship period I have acquired different skills and knowledge which is
very helpful for real life experience. I believe that internship program will definitely help me to
build my career in the future. I want to thank you for your immense support to write this report.

Sincerely Yours,


Akber Shiddique Sunny

Reg No: 2018731062
4th Year 2nd Semester
Department of Business Administration
Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet

Letter of Endorsements
This is to certify that the internship report on the "Comparative Analysis of E-money and Cash
Transactions of M/S Moula Boksh Karim Boksh, Sylhet" has been meticulously prepared by Akber
Shiddique Sunny, bearing ID: 2018731062, enrolled in the 21st Batch, with a major in Accounting
Information System, at the Department of Business Administration, Shahjalal University of
Science & Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh.

The successful completion of this internship signifies Akber Shiddique Sunny’s dedication and
application of academic knowledge in a practical setting. The report reflects a comprehensive
understanding of the subject matter and showcases the analytical skills developed during the
internship period.

We commend Akber Shiddique Sunny for his diligence and commitment throughout the internship
program. This certification is granted in recognition of his successful participation and completion
of the internship at M/S Moula Boksh Karim Boksh, Sylhet.

This report is accepted in terms of quality and form.


Adiba Rahman Bushra Chowdhury


Department of Business Administration

Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet

Letter of Declaration
I, Akber Shiddique Sunny, student of the BBA program at Shahjalal University of Science and
Technology, hereby declare that the report entitled “Comparative Analysis of E-money and Cash
Transactions of M/S Moula Boksh Karim Boksh, Sylhet” is a true and original work conducted by
me. This report has been submitted to the Department of Business Administration for the partial
fulfillment of the BBA program. The internship for this report was carried out from 3rd September
2023 to 30th November 2023 at M/S Moula Boksh Karim Boksh, Sylhet, under the guidance and
supervision of Adiba Rahman Bushra Chowdhury, Lecturer, Department of Business
Administration, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet.

I solemnly affirm that this report is the result of my own independent work and has not been
submitted previously in any form for publication or assessment elsewhere. I take full responsibility
for the content and authenticity of this report.


Akber Shiddique Sunny

Reg No: 2018731062
4th Year 2nd Semester
Department of Business Administration
Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet

Letter of Acknowledgement

I extend my sincere gratitude to the Almighty Allah (SWT) for granting me the strength and
guidance to successfully complete this internship report. My deepest appreciation is reserved for
my beloved parents, whose unwavering support has been the foundation of all my endeavors.

I am indebted to my esteemed teacher and internship supervisor, Adiba Rahman Bushra

Chowdhury, Lecturer at Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet, Department of
Business Administration. I am thankful for her gracious permission and invaluable guidance in
allowing me to explore my chosen topic.

Special thanks are due to Sakib Boksh, Director of M/S Moula Boksh Karim Boksh, for
overseeing my work with commendable dedication. Additionally, I express gratitude to the
individual who provided essential journals and working papers, serving as a valuable reference for
this report.

Lastly, I extend my heartfelt appreciation to all the officials at M/S Moula Boksh Karim Boksh for
their cooperation and support throughout my internship. Their collective efforts have significantly
contributed to the successful completion of this report.

Executive Summary
This comprehensive report on "Comparative Analysis of E-money and Cash Transactions of M/S
Moula Boksh Karim Boksh" serves as a pivotal requirement for the successful completion of my
BBA degree at Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet. The primary aim of this
internship-driven study is to conduct a detailed examination of e-money and cash transactions
within the operations of M/S Moula Boksh Karim Boksh (MBKB).

Structured into five distinct chapters, the report unfolds with an introductory chapter setting the
context for the study. The second chapter provides an in-depth profile of MBKB, elucidating its
vision, mission, products, services, and operational functions. This chapter also specifically
focuses on the Department of MBKB and provides a brief overview of e-money and cash
transactions. The third chapter contains the literature review and methodology of the study.

The fourth chapter, a critical juncture of the report, offers a meticulous analysis of the observed
data from the comparative analysis. Throughout my practical training at MBKB's head office, I
closely observed the activities and documented my findings, lending authenticity and depth to the
interpretation of the data.

The conclusive fifth chapter encapsulates the report and presents key findings and strategic
recommendations derived from the research findings. This synthesis not only addresses the
observed variations in opinions among MBKB employees but also outlines areas for improvement.
The findings highlight that, on the whole, employees at M/S Moula Boksh Karim Boksh
demonstrate a high level of satisfaction in relation to the comparative analysis of e-money and
cash transactions, as examined in this report."

This internship experience and the subsequent report contribute not only to the fulfillment of
academic requirements but also offer valuable insights into the dynamics of electronic and cash
transactions within the context of MBKB, paving the way for informed decision-making and future

Table of Contents
Chapter one .............................................................................................................................................................. 9

Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................. 9

1.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................... 9

1.2 Rationale for selecting the Report ................................................................................................................... 9

1.3 Statement of the problems ............................................................................................................................ 10

1.4 Scope and delimitation ................................................................................................................................. 10

1.5 Objectives of the Report ............................................................................................................................... 10

1.5.1 Broad Objective .................................................................................................................................... 10

1.5.2 Specific Objectives ................................................................................................................................ 11

1.6 Limitations of the Report .............................................................................................................................. 11

Chapter 2 ................................................................................................................................................................ 12

Profile of the M/S Moula Boksh Karim Boksh........................................................................................................ 12

2.1 Overview of the Company ............................................................................................................................ 12

2.2 Historic Background of the M/S Moula Boksh Karim Boksh ........................................................................ 13

2.3 Company Vision........................................................................................................................................... 13

2.4 Company Mission......................................................................................................................................... 13

2.5 Core Values of MBKB ................................................................................................................................. 14

2.6 Functions...................................................................................................................................................... 14

2.7 Products and services of MBKB ................................................................................................................... 14

2.7 Corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives of MBKB .......................................................................... 15

2.8 Competitors Analysis of MBKB ................................................................................................................... 17

2.9 Branches of MBKB (bKash Office, Sylhet) .................................................................................................. 17

2.10 SWOT Analysis of MBKB ......................................................................................................................... 18

2.11 Departments of the M/S Moula Boksh Karim Boksh .................................................................................. 19

2.11.1 Accounts Department: ......................................................................................................................... 19

2.11.2 IT Department: .................................................................................................................................... 19

2.11.3 Supervisor Department: ....................................................................................................................... 19

2.11.4 DSO (District Sales Officer) Department: ............................................................................................ 19

2.11.5 Merchant Department: ......................................................................................................................... 20

2.11.6 Branch Manager Department: .............................................................................................................. 20

2.12 E-Money and Cash Transactions................................................................................................................. 21

2.12.1 E-Money ............................................................................................................................................. 21

2.12.2 Cash Transaction ................................................................................................................................. 21

2.13 E-money and Cash Transaction in MBKB .................................................................................................. 22

2.13.1 E-Money and Cash Transaction Framework of MBKB ........................................................................ 22

Chapter Three ......................................................................................................................................................... 24

Literature Review and Research Methodology ........................................................................................................ 24

3.1 Literature Review ......................................................................................................................................... 24

3.2 Methodology of the study ............................................................................................................................. 24

3.3 Sources of Data ............................................................................................................................................ 25

3.3.1 Primary Source...................................................................................................................................... 25

3.3.2 Secondary Data ..................................................................................................................................... 25

3.4 Methods of Data Collection .......................................................................................................................... 25

3.5 Sampling Method ......................................................................................................................................... 25

3.6 Target population ......................................................................................................................................... 26

3.7 Sample size .................................................................................................................................................. 26

3.8 Data Analysis and Presentation ..................................................................................................................... 26

Chapter Four .......................................................................................................................................................... 27

Analysis and Findings ............................................................................................................................................ 27

Chapter Five ........................................................................................................................................................... 35

Findings, Recommendations and Conclusion .......................................................................................................... 35

5.1 Findings of the study .................................................................................................................................... 35

5.2 Recommendations ........................................................................................................................................ 36

5.3 Learning Outcomes ...................................................................................................................................... 36

5.4 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................... 37

References ................................................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

Chapter one
1.1 Introduction

In the ever-evolving landscape of commerce, where traditional practices intersect with

technological advancements, the operational strategies adopted by businesses become pivotal to
their success. The comparative analysis of E-money and cash transactions becomes imperative to
understanding the intricacies of consumer behavior, preferences, and challenges faced by the
salesmen navigating these diverse transactional methods. This exploration aims to unravel the
evolving trends in financial transactions within the context of M/S Moula Boksh Karim Boksh,
providing valuable insights that can contribute to the company's adaptive strategies in an ever-
changing market landscape. As we delve into the intricacies of this comparative study, we seek to
uncover not only the current state of affairs but also anticipate the future trajectory of financial
transactions within this established and dynamic business.

1.2 Rationale for selecting the Report

During my internship tenure, I had the privilege of being immersed in the intricacies of their
operations, specifically within the bKash Distributor office, focusing on the accounts department.
This experience provided a firsthand understanding of the multifaceted aspects of financial
transactions, particularly in the context of E-money and cash dealings.

Motivated by this immersive experience, I selected "Comparative Analysis of E-money and Cash
Transactions of M/S Moula Boksh Karim Boksh" as the focal point of my internship report. In the
rapidly evolving landscape of financial transactions, the intersection of electronic money (E-
money) and traditional cash transactions has become a focal point for businesses. This report seeks
to conduct a meticulous examination of the transactions orchestrated by the organization's sales
force, unraveling the dynamics, trends, preferences, and challenges associated with both E-money
and cash transactions.

1.3 Statement of the problems

This report embarks on a comprehensive exploration under the theme of "Comparative Analysis
of E-money and Cash Transactions of M/S Moula Boksh Karim Boksh." The primary focus of this
study is to delve into the intricacies of financial transactions within the purview of M/S Moula
Boksh Karim Boksh, with a specific emphasis on the transactions facilitated by the dedicated sales

1.4 Scope and delimitation

The title of this report, "Comparative Analysis of E-money and Cash Transactions of M/S Moula
Boksh Karim Boksh," inherently outlines the specific focus on the intricacies of financial
transactions within the operations of M/S Moula Boksh Karim Boksh. This study meticulously
examines the transactions facilitated by the organization's sales force, seeking to unravel patterns,
preferences, and challenges inherent in both E-money and cash transactions.

It is essential to clarify that the scope of this report is deliberately limited to the comparative
analysis of E-money and cash transactions. While M/S Moula Boksh Karim Boksh engages in
various important facets of business, such as distributorships for British American Tobacco,
BKash, and Grameenphone, this study intentionally omits these elements to maintain a
concentrated focus on the chosen topic.

Furthermore, significant aspects of human resources and business operations, such as recruitment
and selection, training and development, and performance appraisals, are intentionally excluded
from the purview of this report. By honing in on the comparative analysis of financial transactions,
this report aims to provide a nuanced understanding of the evolving trends and challenges within
the context of E-money and cash transactions at M/S Moula Boksh Karim Boksh.

1.5 Objectives of the Report

1.5.1 Broad Objective

This study scrutinizes financial transactions within M/S Moula Boksh Karim Boksh, focusing on
salesmen. It aims to compare E-money and cash transactions for a comprehensive analysis.

1.5.2 Specific Objectives

Some Specific objectives are:

I. To establish a meaningful connection between theoretical or academic knowledge and

practical experiences.
II. To present a comprehensive overview of M/S Moula Boksh Karim Boksh, shedding light
on its activities.

1.6 Limitations of the Report

1. The completion of my three-month internship program at MBKB imposed limitations on

thoroughly exploring various sectors and gaining in-depth knowledge across different
2. Due to internal policies and operational constraints, there was restricted access to certain
sectors and confidential information, limiting a comprehensive examination of all aspects.
3. The necessity to adhere to the Company’s confidentiality policies restricted the disclosure
of specific data, particularly sensitive information.
4. Conducting surveys with a limited sample size of 20 respondents within a short time frame
raises concerns about the generalizability of the findings.

Chapter 2
Profile of the M/S Moula Boksh Karim Boksh
2.1 Overview of the Company

Founded in 1944 as a sole proprietorship, M/S Moula Boksh Karim Boksh embarked on its journey
with the inauguration of a BATA Distributor office in Sylhet. The brainchild of two visionary
brothers, Moula Boksh and Karim Boksh, the company has evolved into a stalwart enterprise,
leaving an indelible mark on the business landscape.

Over the years, the organization has strategically diversified its business portfolio, securing
distributorships for prestigious entities including British American Tobacco, bKash, and
Grameenphone. This strategic foresight has positioned the company as a key player in the
distribution and service sectors.

With a current workforce of 945 employees, M/S Moula Boksh Karim Boksh operates across
Sylhet and Sunamganj Districts, showcasing a comprehensive geographical presence. The
dynamic leadership, now helmed by Chairman Farid Boksh, the son of Karim Boksh, has ushered
the company into new realms of success.

At the heart of their operations lies the bKash Distributor office, boasting over 300 dedicated
salesmen. These professionals play a pivotal role in the distribution of bKash E-Money and Cash,
serving a vast network of 5500 agents across their operational areas.

In a testament to their strategic vision, M/S Moula Boksh Karim Boksh recently expanded its
bKash Distributorship to include three upazilas in Sylhet District: Jaintapur, Gowainghat, and
Companiganj. This expansion reflects the company's commitment to adaptability and growth.

M/S Moula Boksh Karim Boksh stands not only as a business entity but as a testament to the
enduring legacy of vision, adaptability, and excellence. With a rich history and a forward-looking
approach, the company continues to shape the landscape of distribution and financial services in
its designated regions.

2.2 Historic Background of the M/S Moula Boksh Karim Boksh

Founded: 1944
Founder: Moula Boksh & Karim Boksh
Headquarter: Silver Star Tower (2nd Floor), Subid Bazar, Sylhet
Key People: Farid Boksh, (Chairman). Sakib Boksh, (Managing Director).

2.3 Company Vision

Moula Boksh Karim Boksh (MBKB) operates as a sole proprietorship business entity, steadfast in
its commitment to enhancing financial activities. The organization is driven by a dual ambition:
the continuous improvement of its financial operations and the establishment of an
environmentally friendly financial institution. MBKB aspires to operate in a manner that earns
admiration from stakeholders and competitors alike, positioning itself as a role model organization
within the sector. This vision reflects the organization's dedication to excellence, sustainability,
and leadership within the financial industry.

2.4 Company Mission

The mission of Moula Boksh Karim Boksh (MBKB) is to transform itself into a proficient
organization, excelling as a financial architect, an innovative provider, and a performance leader.
This vision underscores MBKB's commitment to achieving excellence across various dimensions,
encompassing organizational capability, financial acumen, innovative solutions, and leadership in

2.5 Core Values of MBKB

1. Excellence through Innovation.

2. Unwavering Ethics.
3. Customer-Centric Approach.
4. Financial Ingenuity.
5. Culture of Compliance.
6. Empowered Workforce.
7. Commitment to Continuous Improvement.
8. Environmentally Responsible Practices.

2.6 Functions

1. Distribution Leadership.
2. Financial Services Provider.
3. Telecommunications Partner.
4. Geographical Expansion.
5. Diversification of its business portfolio.
6. Community Engagement.
7. Service Sector Leadership.

2.7 Products and services of MBKB

Distribution Services

With its roots in distribution dating back to the inauguration of a BATA Distributor office in 1944,
MBKB remains a prominent player in the distribution sector. The organization efficiently manages
the supply chain and distribution channels for various products, ensuring timely delivery and
availability in the designated geographical areas.

Tobacco Products (British American Tobacco)

As a distributor since 1945, MBKB provides an array of tobacco products from British American
Tobacco, catering to the diverse preferences of consumers within the regions of Sylhet and
Sunamganj District.

Mobile Financial Services (bKash)

With the association with bKash since 2016, MBKB offers mobile financial services, facilitating
secure and convenient financial transactions for the local communities. This includes services such
as mobile banking, money transfer, and bill payments.

Telecommunication Services (Grameenphone)

Since acquiring the distributorship for Grameenphone in 2010, MBKB serves as a key player in
the telecommunications sector, providing essential mobile communication services to the residents
of the Sunamganj District.

Diversified Product Portfolio

Over the years, MBKB has strategically diversified its product portfolio to meet evolving market
demands. This includes a range of consumer goods and services, adapting to the changing needs
of the community.

Community Engagement and Services

Beyond tangible products, MBKB actively engages with the communities it serves, contributing
to social and economic development initiatives. This includes community outreach programs,
educational initiatives, and other services aimed at enhancing the overall well-being of the local

2.7 Corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives of MBKB

Anti-Smoking Awareness Programs: Recognizing the potential negative impact of tobacco
products on society, MBKB actively engages in anti-smoking awareness programs. These
initiatives aim to educate the community, particularly focusing on youth, about the health risks
associated with smoking and promote a healthier lifestyle.

Community Health and Well-being Initiatives: MBKB allocates resources to support

community health programs, including organizing health camps, providing access to healthcare
services, and supporting initiatives that enhance the overall well-being of the local population.

Educational Sponsorships: As part of its CSR commitment, MBKB invests in educational

sponsorships and scholarship programs. These initiatives help support the educational aspirations
of deserving individuals within the community, contributing to the development of human capital.
Environmental Sustainability Practices: In line with its vision of being an eco-friendly
organization, MBKB implements environmental sustainability practices. This includes initiatives
such as waste reduction, energy efficiency measures, and promoting environmental awareness
within the communities it operates.

Employee Welfare Programs: MBKB places a strong emphasis on the welfare of its employees,
implementing CSR initiatives that focus on employee development, well-being, and work-life
balance. This can include training programs, health and safety measures, and other employee-
centric initiatives.

Social Infrastructure Development: As part of its commitment to community development,

MBKB invests in social infrastructure projects. This may involve contributing to the construction
of schools, community centers, or other facilities that enhance the overall quality of life for
residents in the operational areas.

Partnerships with Non-Profit Organizations: MBKB collaborates with non-profit organizations

that specialize in social and environmental causes. This enables the organization to leverage its
resources for impactful initiatives and extend its reach in addressing societal challenges.

By actively participating in these CSR initiatives, M/S Moula Boksh Karim Boksh seeks to
mitigate the potential negative impact of its association with tobacco products and contribute
positively to the well-being of the community and the environment in which it operates.

2.8 Competitors Analysis of MBKB

In the fiercely competitive landscape of the Mobile Financial Services (MFS) industry, bKash
commands a leading position, boasting a substantial market share of 39.9% (TAHASIN &
HOQUE, 2022). However, the industry dynamics are undergoing a notable transformation with
the emergence of Nagad as a formidable challenger, rapidly securing a noteworthy market share
of 18.1%. Despite Nagad's promising trajectory, it faces the significant challenge of differentiating
itself from established competitors, particularly bKash and Rocket, the latter maintaining an 11.7%
market share. Nagad's rise underscores its success factors in navigating this fiercely contested
terrain. However, the landscape is further complicated by the collective dominance of bKash and
Rocket, holding a staggering 99% market share. This presents a substantial challenge for Nagad
to carve its niche. The industry is also marked by indications of an impending price war, suggesting
heightened competition among key players like bKash, Nagad, and Rocket. Amidst these evolving
dynamics, the Mobile Financial Services sector stands on the brink of significant shifts, and for
M/S Moula Boksh Karim Boksh, the main competitor being Nagad and Rocket poses challenges
as they steadily expand their presence. Currently, MBKB holds a substantial 95% share of the
MFS industry in Sylhet and Sunamganj Districts, but the expanding reach of Nagad and Rocket
poses strategic considerations for the company.

2.9 Branches of MBKB (bKash Office, Sylhet)

• Chatok,
• Dirai,
• Jagonnathpur,
• Companigonj.

2.10 SWOT Analysis of MBKB

Strengths Weaknesses

o Established Legacy o Tobacco Dependency

o Diversified Portfolio o Limited Geographical Reach
o Operational Expertise
o Strategic Geographic Presence

Opportunities Threats

o Market Expansion o Regulatory Challenges

o Technological Integration o Intense Competition
o Diversification of Services o Changing Consumer Preferences

2.11 Departments of the M/S Moula Boksh Karim Boksh

2.11.1 Accounts Department:

• Maintaining accurate and up-to-date financial records related to bKash transactions and
• Developing and managing budgets, as well as providing financial forecasts to support
• Conducting audits of bKash transactions to ensure compliance and accuracy.

2.11.2 IT Department:

• Developing and maintaining the technological infrastructure required for bKash

operations, including software, hardware, and networks.
• Ensuring the security and integrity of customer data and financial transactions conducted
through bKash.
• Providing technical support to resolve issues and challenges related to bKash services.

2.11.3 Supervisor Department:

• Overseeing the coordination and collaboration among different departments within the
bKash office.
• Monitoring the performance of employees and teams to ensure efficiency and adherence
to operational standards.
• Addressing any escalated issues or conflicts that may arise within the bKash office.

2.11.4 DSO (Distribution Sales Officer) Department:

• Developing and implementing sales strategies to promote bKash services in the assigned
• Analyzing market trends and competition to identify opportunities and challenges in
promoting bKash.
• Managing a team of sales representatives to achieve sales targets and expand bKash market

2.11.5 Merchant Department:

• Identifying and acquiring new merchants to expand the network of businesses accepting
bKash payments.
• Providing support and training to merchants on how to integrate and use bKash payment
services effectively.
• Building and maintaining positive relationships with existing and potential merchant

2.11.6 Branch Manager Department:

• Overseeing the day-to-day operations of the bKash office, ensuring that activities align
with organizational goals and standards.
• Providing leadership and guidance to the bKash office staff, fostering a positive work
environment and encouraging teamwork.
• Assessing the performance of the bKash office against established metrics and
implementing improvements as needed.
• Managing relationships with bKash customers, addressing concerns, and ensuring a high
level of customer satisfaction.
• Ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and preparing reports on bKash
activities for higher management and regulatory bodies.

2.12 E-Money and Cash Transactions

2.12.1 E-Money

E-Money, an electronic form of currency, plays a significant role in the realm of mobile banking.
It is a digital representation of traditional currency stored electronically, enabling various financial
transactions through mobile devices (McCarthy, 2018). E-Money serves as a digital counterpart to
physical cash, allowing users to conduct cashless transactions via mobile devices. It facilitates
financial activities such as payments, transfers, and purchases. E-Money is seamlessly integrated
into mobile banking platforms, providing users with convenient access to financial services
directly from their mobile devices. E-Money transactions within mobile banking are subject to
regulatory frameworks to ensure financial integrity, consumer protection, and adherence to legal

2.12.2 Cash Transaction

Cash transactions in mobile banking involve the use of a mobile device (such as a cell phone or
tablet) to perform financial activities that traditionally involve physical cash (Chen, 2019). It
encompasses a range of transactions, including payments, transfers, and other monetary operations
conducted electronically. Mobile banking offers a range of features that enhance the financial
experience for users. The convenience it provides allows users to perform cash transactions
anytime, anywhere, eliminating the need for physical presence at a bank or ATM. Digital wallets
play a significant role, storing cash digitally and enabling users to access and manage funds on
their mobile devices (Pradhan, 2023). Security is prioritized with advanced measures such as
encryption and authentication, ensuring the safety of digital cash transactions. Users can engage
in a variety of cash-related transactions, including peer-to-peer transfers, bill payments, and
mobile-based purchases. Real-time updates provide timely information, allowing users to monitor
their financial activities promptly. Furthermore, cash transactions seamlessly integrate with a range
of banking services, enhancing the overall banking experience by offering a comprehensive suite
of features and functionalities for users.

2.13 E-money and Cash Transaction in MBKB

E-Money and cash transactions play a pivotal role in the financial activities of MBKB (M/S Moula
Boksh Karim Boksh). E-Money, defined as electronically stored monetary value used for
transactions, coexists with traditional cash transactions within MBKB's operations. Cash-in
transactions, a component of E-Money transactions, have a direct impact on the currency outside
the bank, narrow money, and subsequently, the broad money. This interaction influences the
overall money supply within the financial system, providing insights into the macroeconomic
implications of E-Money use.

MBKB's activities involve managing both E-Money and cash transactions, reflecting the
coexistence of digital and physical forms of currency. The operational strategy involves salesmen
commencing their day by collecting E-money in their designated Mother Sim. Subsequently, they
traverse their assigned areas to exchange E-money for cash from bKash Agents. This strategic
approach ensures the smooth flow of E-money and cash transactions within the company's
expansive network. The distinct features and implications of E-Money, such as convenience,
security measures, and integration with services, contribute to the overall financial landscape of
MBKB. This harmonious relationship allows MBKB to cater to a diverse range of BKash agents
preferences, ensuring accessibility and adaptability in an evolving financial ecosystem.

2.13.1 E-Money and Cash Transaction Framework of MBKB

E-Money Transactions:

➢ E-Money, defined as electronically stored monetary value, coexists with traditional cash
transactions within MBKB's financial activities.
➢ MBKB incorporates digital wallet solutions, allowing bKash Agents to store and manage
E-Money electronically on their mobile devices.
➢ E-Money transactions offer users the flexibility to perform financial activities anytime and
anywhere, reducing reliance on physical currency.
➢ Robust security measures, including encryption and authentication, are implemented to
ensure the safety and integrity of E-Money transactions.
➢ MBKB facilitates various E-Money transactions, such as peer-to-peer transfers, bill
payments, and mobile-based purchases.

Cash Transactions:

➢ MBKB continues to support traditional cash transactions through its physical branches,
providing in-person services for agents who prefer or require cash-based interactions.
➢ Cash transactions are seamlessly integrated with the E-Money framework, ensuring a
cohesive financial ecosystem for agents.

Chapter Three
Literature Review and Research Methodology
3.1 Literature Review

The scholarly discourse on the shift from conventional cash transactions to electronic money (E-
money) has garnered considerable attention, particularly within the organizational financial
operations domain. Noteworthy studies underscore the potential of E-money implementation to
significantly enhance economic performance, especially in developing countries (Soseco, T.,
2016). In the context of Bangladesh, an examination of the acceptance of mobile financial services,
with a specific focus on the role of bKash, provides valuable insights into the nuanced impact of
such services on both familial and business spheres (Shahriar, 2020). Moreover, research
elucidating the dynamics of E-money use, encompassing transaction volumes, preferences, and
perceptions, contributes to a comprehensive understanding of this evolving financial landscape
(Wulandari, et al., 2016). Beyond individual and organizational implications, the literature delves
into the macroeconomic perspective by quantifying the contribution of mobile money to the money
supply, underscoring the need for a holistic comprehension of its effects on the nominal quantity
of money (Nizam, 2022). Additionally, an internship report scrutinizing the performance of mobile
financial services, featuring a comparative analysis, offers a nuanced exploration of the
competitive landscape and user experiences, thereby enriching the literature on this subject
(Ahmed, 2019).

3.2 Methodology of the study

This report focuses on conducting a Comparative Analysis of E-money and Cash Transactions at
M/S Moula Boksh Karim Boksh, Sylhet. The data and information necessary for this analysis have
been collected through a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods. The
evaluation and presentation of the data utilize statistical measures, including percentages, tables,
and graphical representations.

3.3 Sources of Data

This report is exclusively based on primary and secondary sources of data.

3.3.1 Primary Source

I gathered primary data for this report through a multifaceted approach that included leveraging
work experience, direct observation, and engaging in face-to-face discussions with officers from
the Accounts division of Moula Boksh Karim Boksh (MBKB). Furthermore, to augment my
understanding, I conducted interactions with employees and salespersons using a structured
questionnaire. This comprehensive methodology allowed for a nuanced exploration of the subject,
drawing on both experiential insights from the workplace and structured input from key
stakeholders within MBKB.

3.3.2 Secondary Data

The secondary data and information utilized in this report are derived from various sources,

i. Prospectus of (MBKB),
ii. Annual Reports of MBKB,
iii. Unpublished data sources,
iv. Previous reports prepared by students.

3.4 Methods of Data Collection

The data collection for this study employed the 'Interview Method,' where structured interviews
were conducted with both officers and salespersons of the M/S Moula Boksh Karim Boksh
(MBKB) using a questionnaire. This method facilitated a direct and in-depth exploration of their
perspectives, experiences, and insights, ensuring a systematic and comprehensive approach to
gathering information.

3.5 Sampling Method

The sample random sampling technique was followed for this report.

3.6 Target population

Distribution Sales Officer (DSO) and Salesman of MBKB.

3.7 Sample size

Sample size is 5 Distribution Sales Officer (DSO) and 15 Salesman of MBKB.

3.8 Data Analysis and Presentation

Upon completion of the survey, data analysis was conducted using Microsoft Excel. The gathered
data were organized and presented in the form of Excel tables and graphical charts to visually
represent key trends and patterns. Additionally, the percentage distribution of responses for each
option was determined, providing a quantitative overview of the survey findings. This analytical
approach utilizing Excel tools enhances the clarity and accessibility of the results, facilitating a
comprehensive understanding of the insights derived from the survey data.

Chapter Four
Analysis and Findings
4.1 What is your age?

(Source: Author, Calculating based on primary data)

A satisfactory distribution of age groups is evident within the company, as illustrated by the survey
data. The analysis reveals that 50% of the employees fall within the age range of 25-35 years,
reflecting a substantial portion of the workforce. Additionally, 25% of the employees are aged
between 18 to 25 years, contributing to a well-balanced age distribution in the organization. This
data signifies a fair and inclusive age policy, considering the diverse age groups represented among
the employees.

4.2 What is your income level?

(Source: Author, Calculating based on primary data)

Surveyed employees' income distribution reveals distinct patterns. Notably, no respondents

reported earnings below 20,000 Tk. The majority (65%) falls within the 20,000 to 30,000 Tk range,
primarily consisting of fresh graduates and skilled professionals engaged in Salesman activities.
Moving up the income brackets, 15% of respondents earn between 30,000 to 40,000 Tk,
representing senior salesmen and junior DSOs. Another 20% fall within the 40,000 to 50,000 Tk
range, occupying high-level roles in senior to top management, handling complex tasks indicative
of their responsibilities and contributions to the organization.

4.3 Years of experience with MBKB

(Source: Author, Calculating based on primary data)

The responses from MBKB employees regarding their years of experience are as follows: 15% of
the participants reported having less than one year of experience, while 30% indicated 1-3 years
of experience. A substantial portion of the employees, constituting 35%, reported having 3-5 years
of experience. Additionally, 10% of the employees each reported having 5-7 years and more than
7 years of experience. These findings provide a comprehensive overview of the distribution of
experience levels among the surveyed employees at MBKB.

4.4 Do bKash Agents follow specific trends preferences regarding e-money and
cash transaction?

(Source: Author, Calculating based on primary data)

In response to this inquiry, employees of MBKB demonstrate varying perspectives. Out of 20

employees surveyed, 0% strongly agreed, 60% agreed, 15% disagreed, and 25% remained neutral.
Notably, none of the employees strongly disagreed. The 15% who disagreed expressed the opinion
that bKash agents might lack the necessary education to discern and adapt to trends or articulate
their preferences effectively.

4.5 Is it true that demographic factors influence the choice of payment method
among Agents?

(Source: Author, Calculating based on primary data)

In response to the question, MBKB employees exhibited varying perspectives. Out of the 20
respondents, 5% strongly agreed, 30% agreed, 45% disagreed, and 20% remained neutral. Notably,
no employees expressed strong disagreement, and 20% maintained a neutral stance, indicating
their belief that demographic factors may sometimes influence the choice of payment method
among agents but not consistently. This diversity of opinions highlights the nuanced views within
the employee cohort at MBKB regarding the impact of demographic factors on payment method
preferences among agents.

4.6 Frequency of Handling E-Money Transactions.

(Source: Author, Calculating based on primary data)

The employees at MBKB exhibit diverse patterns in handling e-money on a regular basis. Notably,
75% of the respondents, who primarily consist of salesmen within the company, engage with e-
money on a daily basis. Another segment, comprising 15%, which includes junior DSOs, handles
e-money on a weekly basis. Additionally, 10% of the respondents, classified as senior DSOs, are
involved in overseeing and monitoring the overall e-money transactions within the company. This
distribution of responses provides insights into the varied roles and frequency of engagement with
e-money among different job roles at MBKB.

4.7 Challenges Encountered with E-Money Transactions

(Source: Author, Calculating based on primary data)

In response to the query on challenges encountered with E-Money transactions, MBKB employees
expressed diverse perspectives. Notably, 25% of respondents identified connectivity issues as the
primary challenge, while 10% attributed challenges to agent resistance. The majority of
respondents highlighted technical glitches as a significant hurdle, impacting the smooth execution
of transactions. Furthermore, 30% of participants identified salesman misconduct as a perceived
cause for challenges in E-Money transactions. This varied feedback provides valuable insights into
the perceived obstacles faced by MBKB employees in the realm of E-Money transactions.

4.8 Challenges Encountered with Cash Transactions:

(Source: Author, Calculating based on primary data)

In response to the query on challenges encountered with Cash transactions, MBKB employees
expressed diverse perspectives. Notably, 15% of respondents identified Security Concern as the
primary challenge, while 10% attributed challenges to inconvenience. The majority of respondents
highlighted Handling large cash as a significant hurdle, impacting the smooth execution of
transactions. Furthermore, 25% of participants identified salesman misconduct as a perceived
cause for challenges in Cash transactions. This varied feedback provides valuable insights into the
perceived obstacles faced by MBKB employees in the realm of cash transactions.

Chapter Five
Findings, Recommendations and Conclusion
5.1 Findings of the study

1. Both E-Money and Cash transactions coexists in MBKB.

2. The income levels exhibit diversity, ranging from 20k to 50k Tk, reflecting the varied roles
and responsibilities of employees within MBKB.
3. Employees' years of experience are well-distributed, with 35% having 3-5 years,
showcasing a mix of both experienced and relatively new individuals.
4. 60% of respondents agree that bKash agents follow specific trends, while 15% disagree,
indicating varied perceptions about bKash agents' ability to capture trends.
5. Employee opinions vary on the impact of demographic factors on payment preferences,
with 30% agreeing, 45% disagreeing, and 20% remaining neutral.
6. A majority of salesmen (75%) handle e-money daily, junior DSOs (15%) handle it weekly,
and senior DSOs (10%) oversee overall e-money transactions.
7. Connectivity issues (25%) and technical glitches are primary challenges, while 30%
attribute challenges to salesman misconduct.
8. Challenges include security concerns (15%), inconvenience (10%), handling large cash
(majority), and salesman misconduct (25%), providing insights into obstacles faced by
MBKB employees.

5.2 Recommendations

1. Implement age diversity training programs to leverage the varied experiences and
perspectives of employees, promoting collaboration and a vibrant workplace.
2. Consider a comprehensive review of the salary structure to ensure it aligns with the diverse
roles and responsibilities within MBKB, recognizing the contributions of employees at
different levels.
3. Leverage the diverse experience levels by tailoring roles and responsibilities, ensuring that
tasks match the skillsets and expertise of employees.
4. Provide training programs for bKash agents to enhance their ability to capture trends,
ensuring alignment with evolving market preferences.
5. Conduct awareness programs among employees regarding the influence of demographic
factors on payment preferences, fostering a better understanding of customer behavior.
6. Customize training programs based on job roles, ensuring that salesmen, junior DSOs, and
senior DSOs are equipped with the appropriate skills for their specific engagements with
7. Address connectivity issues and technical glitches by investing in robust technological
infrastructure, creating a smoother environment for e-money transactions.
8. Implement guidelines and training for salesmen conduct to mitigate challenges associated
with misconduct, contributing to a more reliable and ethical work environment.
9. Establish protocols for handling large cash transactions, enhancing security and
minimizing inconveniences associated with such transactions.
10. Create a structured feedback mechanism to continually assess challenges faced by
employees in both e-money and cash transactions, fostering a responsive and adaptive
organizational culture.

5.3 Learning Outcomes

1. I gained a profound understanding of how e-money and traditional cash transactions

coexist within the operational framework of MBKB. This experience has given me unique
personal insights into the dynamics of these two financial modes.
2. Acquired hands-on experience by delving into the operational strategies employed by
MBKB in managing e-money and cash transactions. This practical knowledge has
equipped me with a deep understanding of the intricacies involved in financial operations.
3. Practical skills in managing the flow of transactions were acquired through the study of
strategic approaches within MBKB. I learned how to handle the collection of E-money and
its exchange for cash, contributing to my proficiency in transaction flow management.
4. I gained in-depth knowledge about the distinct features of e-money, including its
convenience, security measures, and integration with services. This understanding has
allowed me to appreciate the impact of these features on the overall financial landscape.
5. My exploration revealed how the harmonious relationship between e-money and cash
transactions enables MBKB to adapt to diverse preferences and changes in the financial
ecosystem. This experience honed my adaptability skills in navigating the evolving
financial landscape.
6. The practical knowledge I gained is directly applicable to real-world scenarios, offering
valuable insights into the evolving landscape of financial transactions and technology from
my own perspective. This hands-on experience has enriched my understanding of the
practical implications of my study.

5.4 Conclusion

In summary, the internship report on the "Comparative Analysis of E-money and Cash
Transactions of M/S Moula Boksh Karim Boksh" offers a thorough rundown of the background,
development, and present extent of the organization's operations. The selection of this report was
based on the author's firsthand observation of the BKash Distributor office, namely in the
accounting department. This study aims to close the knowledge gap between theory and practice
by providing insights into the complex dynamics of financial transactions within the setting of
cash and e-money transactions. The report's conclusions illuminate the many viewpoints and
difficulties associated with both cash and e-money transactions. The report's suggestions point out
areas that need improvement and strategic improvements, and the conclusion summarizes the main
lessons learned and stresses the significance of changing with the financial transaction landscape.


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