The Pleurae
The pleurae refer to the serous membranes that line the lungs and
thoracic cavity.
Visceral pleura
Parietal pleura
Parietal Pleura
The parietal pleura covers the internal surface of the thoracic cavity. It
is thicker than the visceral pleura
The visceral pleura covers the outer surface of the lungs, and extends
into the interlobar fissures.
Two recesses:
Parietal Pleura
Innervation: The parietal pleura is sensitive to pressure, pain, and
temperature, produces a well localised pain, and it is innervated by the
phrenic and intercostal nerves.
Visceral Pleura
Innervaton: Its sensory fibres only detect stretch and receives autonomic
innervation from the pulmonary plexus
Blood supply: is via the bronchial arteries (branches of the descending aorta)
which also supply the parenchyma of the lungs.
Clinical Significance
• A pneumothorax (commonly referred to a collapsed lung) occurs
when air or gas is present within the pleural space.
• This removes the surface tension of the serous fluid present in the
space, reducing lung extension.
• Clinical features include chest pain, and shortness of breath, and
asymmetrical chest expansion.
• There are two main classes of pneumothorax – spontaneous and
The Lungs
• The lungs are the organs of respiration.
They achieve this by bringing inspired air into close contact with
oxygen-poor blood in the pulmonary capillaries.
Anatomical Position and Relations
The lungs lie either side of the mediastinum within the thoracic cavity
surrounded by a pleural cavity.
They are suspended from the mediastinum by the lung root – a
collection of structures entering and leaving the lungs
The medial surfaces of both lungs lie in close proximity to several
mediastinal structures:
Oblique fissure – Runs from the inferior border of the lung in a
superoposterior direction, until it meets the posterior lung border.
Mediastinal surface of the lung faces the lateral aspect of the middle
mediastinum. The lung hilum (where structures enter and leave the lung) is
located on this surface.
Costal surface is smooth and convex. It faces the internal surface of the
chest wall. It is related to the costal pleura, which separates it from the ribs
and innermost intercostal muscles.
The inferior border separates the base of the lung from the costal
and mediastinal surfaces.
The lung root is a collection of structures that suspends the lung from
the mediastinum.
All these structures enter or leave the lung via the hilum – a wedge
shaped area on its mediastinal surface.
Lung Segments
Right Lung Left Lung
Superior lobe Superior lobe
Apical Apical
Posterior Posterior
Anterior Anterior
Middle lobe Inferior
The bronchi, lung roots, visceral pleura and supporting lung tissues
require an extra nutritive blood supply delivered by the bronchial
arteries arising from the descending aorta.
Circular body – largest and most prominent part of the breast.
Axillary tail – smaller part, runs along the inferior lateral edge of the pectoralis
major towards the axillary fossa.
The nipple located at the centre of the breast is composed mostly of smooth muscle
Surrounding the nipple is a pigmented area of skin termed the areolae with numerous
sebaceous glands (enlarged during pregnancy ) secreting an oily substance that acts as a
protective lubricant for the nipple.
Anatomical Structure
The breast is composed of mammary glands surrounded by a connective tissue
Mammary Glands
The mammary glands are modified sweat glands. They consist of a series of
ducts and secretory lobules (15-20).
Each lobule consists of many alveoli drained by a single lactiferous duct.
These ducts converge at the nipple like spokes of a wheel.
Pectoral Fascia
The base of the breast lies on the pectoral fascia It acts as an attachment
point for the suspensory ligaments.
There is a layer of loose connective tissue between the breast and
pectoral fascia called the retromammary space - a potential space often
used in reconstructive plastic surgery.
Arterial supply
Medial aspect: internal thoracic artery (also known as internal mammary
Lateral part : Lateral thoracic and thoracoacromial branches
Lateral mammary branches: originate from the posterior intercostal arteries
(derived from the aorta) supplying the lateral aspect of the breast in the 2nd
3rd and 4th intercostal spaces.
Mammary branch – originates from the anterior intercostal artery.
The veins of the breast correspond with the arteries, draining into the axillary
and internal thoracic veins.
The lymphatic drainage of the breast is of great clinical importance due to its
role in the metastasis of breast cancer cells.
There are three groups of lymph nodes that receive lymph from breast tissue
Axillary nodes (75%)
Parasternal nodes (20%)
Posterior intercostal nodes (5%).
Skin – drains to the axillary, inferior deep cervical and infraclavicular nodes.
Nipple and areola – drains to the subareolar lymphatic plexus.
Nerve Supply
Note: These nerves do not control the production and secretion of milk
rather it is regulated by the hormones prolactin and oxytocin secreted
from the pituitary gland.
Clinical Relevance
Breast Cancer
Common presentations associated with breast cancer are due to blockages of the
lymphatic drainage.
Excess lymph builds up in the subcutaneous tissue, resulting in clinical features such
as nipple deviation and retraction and prominent skin between small dimpled pores
Larger dimples are generally caused by cancerous invasions and fibrosis. This causes
traction of the suspensory ligaments, causing them to shorten.
Metastasis commonly occurs through the lymph nodes. It is most likely to be the
axillary lymph nodes that are involved.
They become stony hard and fixed and following this, the cancer can spread to
distant places such as the liver, lungs, bones and ovary.
Surface Markings of the Thorax
• The anterior median line (AML)
• The midclavicular line (MCL)
• The anterior axillary line (AAL)
• The midaxillary line (MAL)
• The posterior axillary line (PAL)
• The posterior median line (PML)
• The scapular lines (SLs)
The Trachea: Lower border of the cricoid cartilage (C6) to the level of sternal angle
of Louis (T4/5)
The Jugular notch: Inferior border of the body of T2 vertebra and the space
between the 1st and 2nd thoracic spinous processes.
The sternal angle: T4–T5 IV disc and the space between the 3rd and 4th thoracic
spinous processes.
The left side of the manubrium is anterior to the arch of the aorta, and its right side
directly overlies the merging of the brachiocephalic veins to form the superior vena
cava (SVC).
The SVC passes inferiorly deep to the manubrium and manubriosternal junction
and enters the right atrium of the heart opposite the right 3rd costal cartilage
The body of the sternum (approximately 10 cm long): lies anterior to the right
border of the heart and vertebrae T5–T9.
The xiphoid process lies in a slight depression called the epigastric fossa.
The xiphisternal joint is palpable and is often seen as a ridge at the level of the
inferior border of T9 vertebra.
The central tendon of the diaphragm lies directly behind the xiphisternal joint.
In the midrespiratory position, the summit of the right dome of the diaphragm
arches upward as far as the upper border of the 5th rib in the midclavicular line but
the left dome only reaches as far as the lower border of the 5th rib.
In the male, the nipple usually lies in the fourth intercostal space about 4 in. (10 cm)
from the midline.
In the young adult female, it overlies the 2nd to 6th ribs and their costal cartilages
and extends from the lateral margin of the sternum to the midaxillary line. Its upper
lateral edge extends around the lower border of the pectoralis major and enters the
In the full grown-up female, its position is not constant.
Thoracic Blood Vessels
The arch of the aorta and the roots of the brachiocephalic and left
common carotid arteries lie behind the manubrium sterni.
The superior vena cava and the terminal parts of the right and left
brachiocephalic veins also lie behind the manubrium sterni.