Plerion The Five Galaxies 1.0
Plerion The Five Galaxies 1.0
Plerion The Five Galaxies 1.0
INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................3
THE CHARTED SPACE ....................................................................5
MAJOR SPECIES................................................................................. 12
MINOR SPECIES ................................................................................. 26
MAJOR EMPIRES AND POWERS .......................................... 28
MAJOR FACTIONS ........................................................................... 42
TECHNOLOGY & RESOURCES ...............................................43
EXPLORING THE FIVE GALAXIES ....................................... 45
TRAVEL & TRADE .......................................................................... 50
CREDITS .................................................................................................. 55
Welcome to the universe of Plerion, where adventure and danger await
in the depths of space. The Five Galaxies is part of a series of booklets
that will guide you through the wonders and perils of this universe.
In addition to the Core Rules, there are also available Solo Starfarer, a
solo game supplement, and The Book of Cosmic Creatures a bestiary
with nearly 200 aliens and monsters to populate your adventures.
In this booklet, we will take a closer look at the geography and history
of the Five Galaxies. From the bustling trade routes of Charted Space to
the uncharted expanses of the oddspace, we will explore the worlds and
systems that make up this universe.
From the ancient and powerful civilizations that span multiple galaxies,
to the small independent nations that struggle to survive on the fringes
of Charted Space, the universe of Plerion is full of intrigue and conflict.
Get ready to embark on an epic space opera adventure, where you will
encounter strange and wondrous creatures, explore the ruins of lost civ-
ilizations, and face the challenges of life in the depths of space!
Plerion is set in a vast and dynamic universe where humanity shares the
stars with numerous alien species. The known universe is divided into
five galaxies, each with its own unique history, cultures, and conflicts.
At the heart of Plerion’s universe is the ability to travel faster than light
through a dimension called oddspace. This discovery opened the door
to interstellar travel, allowing civilizations to explore and colonize the
galaxy. The Five Galaxies of Plerion are home to countless star systems,
planets, habitats, and space stations, each with their own dangers and
The Five Galaxies refer to the Local Group of galaxies, which spans over
three million light-years in diameter. The Local Group is a cluster of gal-
axies that includes the Milky Way, Andromeda, Triangulum, Large Mag-
ellanic Cloud, Small Magellanic Cloud, and many smaller galaxies and
To humans, these galaxies are known by these names, but other species
may use different names. In the Sidereal Year 5.151.267 (7.396 CE), the
main species that inhabit this region of space are the Lynem, Che-es-
une, Tesu, Wrulisu, Omale, and Hetsu.
Each of the Five Galaxies has its unique characteristics and inhabitants,
and they are interconnected through a network of wormholes and hy-
perlanes. The Andromeda galaxy is the largest and most familiar of the
Five Galaxies, and it is home to a diverse array of species and civiliza-
tions. Andromeda is the closest galaxy to the Milky Way, which is also
home to many advanced species.
Triangulum is a smaller galaxy, but it is home to some of the most an-
cient and advanced species in the Local Group. The Large and Small
Magellanic Clouds are dwarf galaxies that orbit the Milky Way and are
home to some unique species that are not found elsewhere in the Local
Despite their differences, the Five Galaxies are interconnected through
trade, diplomacy, and conflict. Many species have formed alliances and
federations to protect their interests and maintain peace and stability in
the region. However, the emergence of new threats and the shifting bal-
ance of power have created a volatile and unpredictable situation in the
Five Galaxies.
Humans are not the only species in this universe, and they are not the
most prominent. The Conglomerate of Sol is the human nation with
Earth at its center and spans a fraction of Orion’s Arm in the Milky Way.
The Conglomerate has established outposts and colonies in various lo-
cations in the Five Galaxies and beyond, but their influence is limited
compared to other species.
The Five Galaxies are home to numerous alien species, some of which
are as old as the galaxies themselves. Extinct species have left behind
artifacts and lost technologies that can be found in ruins and archaeo-
logical sites. The multiculturalism of the Charted Space generates both
growth and conflict, with great empires covering vast territories and
small independent nations fighting to maintain their sovereignty.
Charting the galaxy is profitable, with governments and organizations
willing to pay well for data on new targets and territories. Fast travel is
possible through natural and artificial wormholes, which reduce the time
it takes to traverse the vast expanses of space between clusters. The
Charted Space is dotted with military, commercial, and industrial sta-
tions that form the nodes of the travel network.
Venturing out on a mission in the Five Galaxies is a risky business that
involves facing uncharted expanses, landing on unknown planets facing
their alien cultures, or facing the dangers of abandoned installations or
derelict ships. Spacers have different ways of making profit, but all of
them are risky. Paramilitary and mercenary missions are a great source
of income, while interstellar trade, search for artifacts, and exploration
missions are other common activities of spacers.
Despite the dangers, starfaring travel in the Five Galaxies is as common
as traveling by plane nowadays, with planets, regions of space, and na-
tions communicating and trading through routes discovered continu-
ously through oddspace. Due to the limited capacity of fuel tanks, it is
commonly recommended to trace routes that end travel in well-known
star systems, or at least in one served by a base to refuel.
The sidereal space is vast and dangerous, and out there, you are almost
always alone. In case of trouble, nobody is likely to help you. Alien crea-
tures, pathogens, and unfamiliar technology are the order of the day in
uncharted regions. The Charted Space is not so well-known, and there
are billions of unknown systems waiting to be explored and exploited.
Technology is not all at the same level in Charted Space, and it varies by
country/species and from core to fringe of each one. Exporting ad-
vanced technology is profitable but can cause severe problems. Inter-
species relationships are complex, with cosmopolitanism being a domi-
nant trait of empires and distrust or xenophobia of smaller nations.
Spacers are usually open and welcoming and have no problem working
with people of other species.
In this chapter we'll unravel the intricate web of relationships among ce-
lestial wonders. Together, we'll discover how these cosmic entities inter-
act on a grand scale, deepening our understanding of the vast and
complex world of Charted Space and its marvels.
Location: Located approximately
2.537 million light-years away from
the Milky Way galaxy
Size: Approximately 220,000 light-
years in diameter
Description: The Andromeda Galaxy,
also known as Messier 31, is a spiral galaxy that
showcases a grand and majestic structure. It is charac-
terized by its prominent central bulge, sweeping arms of
stars, and a vast number of star clusters and nebulae.
► Notable Systems & Clusters:
►The Dominion of Aquilaria: a powerful empire led by the Lynem
species. Aquilaria controls a significant portion of the Andromeda
Galaxy, utilizing their unique amphibian physiology and expansive
military forces to enforce their rule.
►The United Federation of Avaros: a democratic federation com-
posed of various species, including the Lynem. Avaros is known for
its commitment to diplomacy, cultural diversity, and pursuit of
►The Technocratic Union of Skopalia: a highly advanced civiliza-
tion governed by the Che-esune species. Skopalia excels in techno-
logical innovation and scientific progress, utilizing their expertise
to advance their society and maintain dominance.
►The Commonwealth of Elyros: a cooperative society of avian
Wrulisu colonies. Elyros emphasizes mutual cooperation, resource
sharing, and cultural preservation, enabling them to thrive in the
diverse environments of the Andromeda Galaxy.
► Exploration and Mapping Efforts: Exploration and mapping
efforts in the Andromeda Galaxy have been extensive, with various
factions and organizations vying for control over uncharted sys-
tems and valuable resources. Major expeditions have uncovered
ancient civilizations, mysterious ruins, and unexplored frontiers.
► Distinctive Traits: The Andromeda Galaxy stands out in the vast
cosmos with its colossal expanse, regal spiral arms, and an abun-
dance of globular clusters. Within its cosmic borders lie a wealth of
celestial wonders, providing awe-inspiring vistas and enigmatic
scientific revelations.
► Dominant Species: The major powers in the Andromeda Galaxy
consist of the Lynem, Che-esune, and Wrulisu species. Each species
plays a significant role in the governance and influence within their
respective empires or organizations.
► Major Conflicts or Alliances: The Dominion of Aquilaria and the
United Federation of Avaros have a history of tensions and con-
flicts over territorial claims. The Technocratic Union of Skopalia
and the Commonwealth of Elyros maintain diplomatic relations, oc-
casionally collaborating on scientific endeavors.
► Technology Level: Technological advancements in the Andromeda
Galaxy are remarkable, with each major power showcasing unique
areas of expertise. The Dominion of Aquilaria excels in military
technology, while the Technocratic Union of Skopalia is renowned
for its scientific achievements and cutting-edge innovations.
► Resources and Trade: The Andromeda Galaxy is rich in resources,
including valuable minerals, energy sources, and habitable planets.
Trade networks connect the major powers, fostering economic co-
operation and the exchange of goods, technologies, and cultural
► Technology Level: The technological advancement within the Milky
Way Galaxy varies among the dominant species. The Lynem and
the Tesu have achieved significant scientific and technological
progress, enabling interstellar travel, advanced infrastructure, and
remarkable discoveries.
► Resources and Trade: The Milky Way Galaxy is rich in valuable re-
sources, including minerals, energy sources, and exotic materials.
Trade routes crisscross the galaxy, facilitating the exchange of
goods, knowledge, and cultural influences between different
species and civilizations.
Location: Situated between the Milky Way
and Andromeda galaxies
Size: Approximately 60,000 light-years
in diameter
Description: The Triangulum Galaxy is
a spiral galaxy with distinct arms
and a prominent central bulge. It is
known for its abundance of star-
forming regions and young stellar
► Notable Systems & Clusters:
► The Elyrian System:
home to the Common-
wealth of Elyros. This sys-
tem is characterized by lush
habitable planets and a vi-
brant avian civilization.
► The Skopalian Cluster: a col-
lection of star systems under the
Technocratic Union of
Skopalia. Known for their
technological prowess, the
Che-esune species domi-
nates this region.
► The Wrulisian Nexus: a cluster of
systems governed by the Wrulisu species within the Common-
wealth of Elyros. These systems are known for their coopera-
tive society and resource sharing.
► The Hetsusian Enclave: a region controlled by the Confeder-
acy of Enthor. Populated by the Hetsu species, this cluster is
characterized by their irritable temperament and formidable
► Exploration and Mapping Efforts: The Triangulum Galaxy has
been the subject of extensive exploration and mapping efforts by
various civilizations. Notable expeditions include the charting of
star systems and the discovery of habitable planets within the
Commonwealth of Elyros.
► Distinctive Traits: The Triangulum Galaxy is renowned for its abun-
dance of young stellar clusters, star-forming regions, and diverse
ecosystems. It is a hub of scientific exploration and cultural ex-
► Dominant Species: The dominant species in the Triangulum Galaxy
include the Wrulisu, Che-esune, and Hetsu, who govern their re-
spective regions within the Commonwealth of Elyros and the Con-
federacy of Enthor.
► Major Conflicts or Alliances: The Commonwealth of Elyros and the
Confederacy of Enthor maintain a cautious relationship, with occa-
sional tensions arising from territorial disputes. However, they have
also engaged in limited alliances to address common threats or
► Technology Level: The Triangulum Galaxy exhibits a range of tech-
nological advancements. The Technocratic Union of Skopalia
boasts advanced technology, while the Wrulisu species within the
Commonwealth of Elyros excels in cooperative endeavors.
► Resources and Trade: The Triangulum Galaxy is rich in resources,
including habitable planets, rare minerals, and advanced technolo-
gies. Trade routes within the Commonwealth of Elyros facilitate the
exchange of goods and cultural experiences.
Location: Located approximately
163,000 light-years away from the
Milky Way galaxy
Size: Approximately 14,000 light-
years in diameter
Description: The Large Magellanic
Cloud is a dwarf irregular galaxy that
exhibits irregular shapes and struc-
tures. It features bright clusters of
young stars, vast nebulae, and regions
of active star formation.
► Notable Systems & Clusters:
► The Empire of Wrulis: a powerful empire ruled by the Tesu
species. Wrulis extends its influence across multiple star sys-
tems in the Large Magellanic Cloud and neighboring clusters,
utilizing their reptilian physiology and adaptable nature to
thrive in diverse environments.
► The Confederacy of Enthor: a loose alliance of Hetsu clans.
Enthor spans various star systems, with each clan maintaining
its autonomy while collaborating for mutual defense and re-
source sharing.
► Exploration and Mapping Efforts: The Large Magellanic Cloud
has been subject to extensive exploration and mapping endeavors,
driven by the desire to uncover new frontiers, valuable resources,
and potential colonization opportunities. Several expeditions have
revealed unique celestial phenomena and unexplored regions.
► Distinctive Traits: The Large Magellanic Cloud is known for its ir-
regular shape and the presence of stellar nurseries, where new
stars are born. It hosts captivating nebulae, such as the Tarantula
Nebula, and showcases a rich diversity of stellar populations.
► Dominant Species: The dominant powers in the Large Magellanic
Cloud are the Tesu and Hetsu species. The Tesu rule over the Em-
pire of Wrulis, while the Hetsu clans form the Confederacy of En-
► Major Conflicts or Alliances: The Empire of Wrulis and the Confed-
eracy of Enthor have historically maintained a cautious relation-
ship, respecting each other’s territories while engaging in limited
interactions. Tensions over resource-rich systems and cultural
differences occasionally lead to skirmishes.
► Technology Level: Technological advancements in the Large Mag-
ellanic Cloud vary among the major powers. The Empire of Wrulis
boasts advanced technologies in resource extraction, terraforming,
and environmental adaptation. The Confederacy of Enthor focuses
on defensive capabilities and exploiting their adaptability to sur-
vive in challenging environments.
► Resources and Trade: The Large Magellanic Cloud offers a wealth
of resources, including minerals, gases, and unique astronomical
phenomena. Trade networks facilitate the exchange of goods, sci-
entific knowledge, and cultural influences between the Empire of
Wrulis and the Confederacy of Enthor.
seeking independence from major powers.
► Exploration and Mapping Efforts: Exploration and mapping
efforts within the Small Magellanic Cloud have revealed the pres-
ence of various habitable planets, resources, and celestial phenom-
ena. Notable expeditions have been undertaken by the Wrulan Em-
pire to expand their territories.
► Distinctive Traits: The Small Magellanic Cloud is known for its dy-
namic and turbulent nature, with frequent supernova explosions,
active star-forming regions, and nebulae. It provides a visually
captivating backdrop for exploration and scientific study.
► Dominant Species: The dominant species in the Small Magellanic
Cloud include the Tesu, Hetsu, and Omale. Each species controls
and influences their respective territories within the Wrulan Empire,
Confederacy of Enthor, and Omalian Collective.
► Major Conflicts or Alliances: The Wrulan Empire and the Confed-
eracy of Enthor have a history of territorial disputes and occa-
sional conflicts. The Independent Human Colonies often maintain a
neutral stance, seeking to establish peaceful relationships with
neighboring powers.
► Technology Level: Technological advancement within the Small
Magellanic Cloud varies among the major powers. The Wrulan Em-
pire possesses advanced technologies, while the Hetsu and Omale
species have developed innovative adaptations to survive in their
respective environments.
► Resources and Trade: The Small Magellanic Cloud offers a range
of resources, including valuable minerals, habitable planets, and
unique flora and fauna. Trade networks have emerged between the
major powers, facilitating the exchange of goods and knowledge.
In the vast expanse of the Five Galaxies, numerous species and civiliza-
tions have flourished, each with their own unique characteristics, cul-
tures, and interactions. This chapter delves into the diverse tapestry of
sentient beings that inhabit the Charted Space, providing a glimpse into
the major species that shape the intergalactic landscape. From amphib-
ian Lynem to avian Wrulisu, reptilian Tesu to mammalian Che-esune, the
chapter explores their physical traits, cultural nuances, and relationships
with other species, including humans.
While the species featured in this chapter are just a glimpse of the
abundant variety of life populating the Five Galaxies, they exemplify a
range of diverse civilizations that have been instrumental in shaping
this universe.
► Lynem
► Appearance: Familiar mammalian humanoid with a pangolin-
like head, octopus eyes, bat ears, and fur-covered body.
Sandy brown with dark blue speckles and vivid green high-
► Cultural Characteristics: Lynem societies are disdainful, and
males are responsible for raising young. They have a strong
bond with their offspring.
► Interactions: Disdainful attitude towards humans and rela-
tionships with other species vary.
► Notable Features: Lynem have a poor sense of taste and are
active during the day.
► Che-esune
► Appearance: Familiar mammalian humanoid with a horse-like
head, dog ears, and a bottlenose dolphin-like snout. Covered
in rubbery sandy brown skin with vivid green diamonds.
► Cultural Characteristics: Che-esune societies are aggressive
and live in large packs. Males mate for life, while females are
► **Interactions: **Aggressive temperament, xenophobia char-
acterizes smaller nations.
► Notable Features: Che-esune are blind, but they can produce
a skunk-like spray.
► Tesu
► Appearance: Octopedal reptile with tendrils, indigo serpentine
eyes, and a powerful tail. Covered in sleek feathers of cream,
dark brown, and ochre colors.
► Cultural Characteristics: Tesu live in packs and adapt quickly
to environmental changes.
► Interactions: Flighty temperament and a parasitic species
that leeches off another.
► Notable Features: Tesu can survive underwater for up to 21
minutes and consume toxic substances without harm.
► Wrulisu
► Appearance: Colossal avian creature with a unique beak and
stubby arms. Covered in feathery ochre plumage.
► Cultural Characteristics: Wrulisu engage in deadly competi-
tion between males for breeding rights. Family groups are led
by the grandfather.
► Interactions: Irritable temperament and have a significant
influence due to their size.
► Notable Features: Wrulisu can survive without drinking and
have an affinity for shiny objects.
► Omale
► Appearance: Unique invertebrate species characterized by its
oval head with medium-length antennae and a pair of pierc-
ing mandibles.
► Cultural Characteristics: Omale individuals typically live in
large packs, forming intricate social structures within their
► Notable Features: Within the Omale species, packs may
differentiate based on geographical location, distinct environ-
mental adaptations, or specific cultural practices.
► Hetsu
► Appearance: Large bipedal creature with a ridged head,
sandy brown feline eyes, and a muscular tail. Covered in
shaggy purple fur.
► Cultural Characteristics: Hetsu engage in deadly conflicts for
mating and territorial disputes. Males raise young alone until
they can defend themselves.
► Interactions: Irritable temperament and a cautious relation-
ship with humans.
► Notable Features: Hetsu are active during the day and have
a sensitive sense of touch.
Physical Characteristics:
► Appearance: The Lynem is a
medium-sized humanoid
mammal with distinct fea-
tures. They have a pangolin
head, two octopus eyes, bat
ears, a human-like nose, and
a camel-like mouth. Their
body has a serpentine neck
and two long, large arms that
end in small paws. The Lynem
has a cobra-like torso with a
thick waist, stumpy insect
legs, and a bird-like tail.
Their body is covered in lux-
urious fur, with most of it be-
ing sky blue with dark blue
speckles, while the rest of
their body is vivid green with
dark blue spirals.
► Physiology: The average height of the Lynem is 3 feet (0.9 meters),
and their average lifespan is 146 years. They reach maturity at
around 51 years of age and begin breeding at 28 years. Each mat-
ing results in four offspring every 25 years. The Lynem population
is relatively abundant. They have a temperament that can be de-
scribed as disdainful. Their diet consists of animal skin, lizards, and
amphibians. Interestingly, they have a poor sense of taste.
Cultural Characteristics:
► Society and Governance: Lynem society follows a unique familial
structure. Males are primarily responsible for raising the young,
and they develop a strong bond with their offspring. Females, on
the other hand, play a less prominent role in parenting and often
engage in other societal pursuits. Lynem society places value on
individualism, self-reliance, and personal achievements.
► Technology: The Lynem have achieved a high level of technologi-
cal advancement. They have developed tools and machinery suited
for their physical capabilities, including intricate craftsmanship in
metalwork and fine arts. Their technology focuses on practical ap-
plications and improving their overall quality of life.
► Arts and Traditions: The Lynem possess a rich artistic heritage.
They excel in various art forms, including sculpture, painting, and
music. Their artistic expressions often reflect the beauty of nature
and their reverence for the natural world. Traditional ceremonies
and rituals are an integral part of their culture, celebrating signifi-
cant life events and honoring their ancestors.
Interactions with Other Species:
► Relationship with Humans: The Lynem have a somewhat disdain-
ful attitude towards humans. They view humans as less sophisti-
cated and hold a certain level of superiority in their interactions.
However, they engage in trade and diplomatic relations when it
aligns with their interests and benefits their society.
► Relationships with Other Species: Lynem interactions with other
major species in the setting vary depending on their perception of
their cultural values and compatibility. They seek alliances and
partnerships with species that share their appreciation for nature
and artistic endeavors. They may show disdain or indifference to-
wards species that they deem as lacking in cultural sophistication.
Notable Subspecies or Factions: There are no notable subspecies or
factions within the Lynem species.
Important Historical Events: The Lynem have a long history of cultural
preservation and self-reliance. They have weathered various conflicts
and challenges by maintaining a strong sense of identity and tradition.
Throughout history, they have showcased their artistic achievements
and contributed to the enrichment of the cultural tapestry within the
Five Galaxies.
Strengths and Weaknesses:
► Strengths: The Lynem possess impressive dexterity and agility, al-
lowing them to excel in artistic endeavors and craftsmanship. Their
luxurious fur provides them with natural protection against the ele-
ments. They have excellent night vision and acute hearing, making
them adept at sensing their surroundings.
► Weaknesses: Despite their physical abilities, the Lynem have rela-
tively smaller physical stature and less strength compared to some
other species. Their disdainful temperament may hinder diplomatic
negotiations and relationships with other species, potentially lead-
ing to conflicts.
Overall Influence and Presence: The Lynem, with their artistic talents
and unique culture, have made their presence known in the Five Galax-
ies. Their contributions to the artistic and cultural landscape have gar-
nered admiration and respect from those who appreciate their crafts-
manship and creative expressions.
Physical Characteristics:
► Appearance: The Che-esune is a medium-sized humanoid mammal
with distinct features. They have a horse head, dog ears, and a
bottlenose dolphin-like snout. Their body features a thick neck and
two medium-length arms that end in two-toed hooves. They are
covered in rubbery skin, with one half sandy brown with vivid green
speckles and the other half black and light blue separated by a thin
gray line. The lower body is beige with vivid green diamond pat-
► Physiology: The Che-esune has an average height of 5 feet (1.5
meters) and an average lifespan of 131 years. They reach maturity
at around 46 years of age and begin breeding at 27 years. Each
mating results in five offspring every 34 years. The Che-esune pop-
ulation is excessive in numbers. They have an aggressive tempera-
ment. Their diet primarily consists of fruits.
Cultural Characteristics:
► Society and Governance: Che-esune society revolves around fam-
ily units and massive family groups. Males mate for life, while fe-
males engage in secret promiscuity. The breeding pair leads the
massive family group, and young males typically leave their fami-
lies to join large male groups once they reach maturity. The society
is structured hierarchically, with the breeding pair and older males
holding leadership roles.
► Technology: The Che-esune has a limited level of technological ad-
vancement. Their focus is primarily on practical tools and equip-
ment that aid in their survival and defense. They have developed
simple implements for gathering and processing fruits, as well as
basic weapons for self-defense.
► Arts and Traditions: The Che-esune’s cultural expressions are
deeply rooted in their communal rituals and celebrations. They
have unique dances and vocalizations that signify important life
events, such as mating rituals and group bonding. Their artwork of-
ten incorporates natural elements and vibrant colors, reflecting
their connection to the environment.
Interactions with Other Species:
► Relationship with Humans: Due to their aggressive temperament
and blind nature, Squats have had limited interactions with hu-
mans. They are wary and prone to defensive behaviors when en-
countering unfamiliar species. Che-esune-human interactions are
rare and often tense, with both sides exercising caution.
► Relationships with Other Species: The Che-esune's aggressive na-
ture and territorial tendencies make them prone to conflicts with
other species. They fiercely protect their resources and territories,
often engaging in territorial disputes with neighboring groups or
species. However, they do form alliances and cooperative relation-
ships with certain species when it serves their interests.
Notable Subspecies or Factions: There are no
notable subspecies or factions within the Che-
esune species.
Important Historical Events: The Che-esune's
history is marked by ongoing territorial con-
flicts and competition for resources. They
have adapted to various environments and
developed survival strategies that empha-
size group cohesion and defensive capa-
bilities. The formation of large male
groups and their hierarchical social struc-
ture has played a crucial role in their con-
tinued survival.
Strengths and Weaknesses:
► Strengths: The Che-esune's tenta-
cle arms provide them with ver-
satility and dexterity in han-
dling objects and performing
tasks. Their rubbery skin offers
natural protection against cer-
tain environmental hazards. Their
sense of hearing and vocalizations serve
as effective means of communication within
their group.
► Weaknesses: The Che-esune's blindness limits their visual percep-
tion and ability to navigate complex environments. When fatigued,
their intelligence and decision-making capabilities may be com-
promised. Their aggressive temperament and territorial nature can
hinder diplomatic relations and lead to conflicts.
Overall Influence and Presence: The Che-esune species, with their
unique physical attributes and aggressive nature, have a significant
presence in the Five Galaxies. While they may not actively seek interac-
tions with other species, their territorial presence and occasional en-
counters with neighboring groups contribute to the dynamics of the set-
Physical Characteristics:
► Appearance: The Tesu is a large, unique, octopedal reptile with dis-
tinct features. It has a narrow head covered with tendrils, two in-
digo serpentine eyes that are fully retractable, short ears, and no
visible nose. Its long jaw is filled with blunt teeth. The Tesu has a
thick neck, pointed shoulders, and a tubular torso. It possesses two
useless wings and eight short, spindly legs, along with a heavy tail.
The Tesu’s body is covered in sleek feathers. It has a cream color
on one half and slate dark brown on the other, separated by a thin
pale green line. There is also a strip down its back with chocolate
brown and ochre stripes.
► Physiology: The Tesu stands at an average height of 7 feet (2.1 me-
ters) and has an average lifespan of 80 years. They reach maturity
at around 30 years of age, and both males and females are ready
to breed at this stage. Each breeding results in six eggs every
decade. The Tesu population is limited in numbers. They have a
flighty temperament and primarily consume amphibians and water
Cultural Characteristics:
► Society and Governance: Tesu society follows a pattern of pairing
up with a new partner whenever they are ready to mate. Females
actively compete to attract males during the breeding season. The
young Tesu males typically leave their families and choose to live
independently once they reach maturity. Social structure and gov-
ernance within Tesu society are relatively loose, with a focus on in-
dividual autonomy.
► Technology: The Tesu have a limited level of technological ad-
vancement. Their focus is primarily on practical tools and equip-
ment that aid in their survival and adaptation to different environ-
ments. They have developed specialized implements for gathering
food and building shelters, using materials available in their sur-
► Arts and Traditions: Tesu culture revolves around their ability to
adapt quickly to environmental changes. They value resourceful-
ness, innovation, and the sharing of knowledge. Their artistic ex-
pressions often incorporate natural elements and movements in-
spired by the creatures and landscapes of their environment. Tradi-
tional ceremonies and rituals celebrate the cycles of life and the in-
terconnectedness of all living beings.
Interactions with Other Species:
► Relationship with Humans: The Tesu maintain a relatively flighty
attitude towards humans. Their rapid adaptation to environmental
changes often leads to encounters with human settlements, which
can be met with cautious curiosity or evasive behavior. The Tesu’s
parasitic nature and unique abilities may evoke fascination or
wariness among humans.
► Relationships with Other Species: Tesu interactions with other
major species in the setting depend on the compatibility of their
adaptations and behaviors. They establish relationships based on
mutual benefit, particularly with species that offer resources or
symbiotic opportunities. Their flighty temperament can make long-
term alliances challenging, but they adapt quickly to changing cir-
cumstances and often find themselves in various partnerships.
Notable Subspecies or Factions: There are no notable subspecies or
factions within the Tesu species.
Important Historical Events: The Tesu’s history is defined by their par-
asitic nature and their ability to adapt swiftly to environmental changes.
They have navigated various challenges by forming short-term alliances
and relying on their resourcefulness. The Tesu’s ability to thrive in di-
verse habitats has allowed them to expand their presence across differ-
ent regions within the Five Galaxies.
Strengths and Weaknesses:
► Strengths: The Tesu possess remarkable strength, enabling them to
lift nine times their own weight. Their quick adaptation to environ-
mental changes gives them a significant advantage in surviving
and thriving in diverse conditions. They are skilled at leeching off
another species, benefiting from the resources and symbiotic rela-
tionships they establish.
► Weaknesses: Despite their physical capabilities, the Tesu’s flighty
temperament may hinder their ability to form long-lasting alliances
or engage in sustained cooperation. Their parasitic nature may
lead to strained relationships with certain species that perceive
them as exploitative or disruptive.
Overall Influence and Presence: The Tesu species, with their unique
physiology and adaptability, have a noticeable presence in the Five Gal-
axies. Their ability to rapidly adjust to environmental changes allows
them to occupy diverse territories and establish dynamic relationships
with other species. The Tesu’s parasitic nature and resourcefulness con-
tribute to the intricate ecological web within the setting.
Physical Characteristics:
► Appearance: The Wrulisu is a colossal, unique, avian species with
distinct features. It has a wide head, two salmon pink feline eyes,
and a top-heavy beak. The Wrulisu possesses a thin neck and two
stubby, useless arms. The species has two stubby large forelegs
and two long, powerful back legs, with no tail. The head, neck,
shoulders, and arms of the Wrulisu are covered in tiny feathers,
while the rest of its body is adorned with rigid feathers. The Wrulisu
are completely ochre in color.
► Physiology: The Wrulisu towers at an average height of 87 feet
(26.5 meters) and has an average lifespan of 120 years. They reach
maturity at around 20 years of age, at which point they are ready
to breed. Each breeding period results in three offspring every
decade. The Wrulisu population is abundant, with many individuals
existing within the species. They have an irritable temperament
and primarily consume fish and herbs.
Cultural Characteristics:
► Society and Governance: Wrulisu society revolves around intense
competition between males during breeding periods. Males vie for
breeding rights, often engaging in deadly confrontations where the
winner earns the opportunity to mate while the loser succumbs to
his wounds. The Wrulisu family groups are massive and led by the
grandfather figure, who holds authority and guides the group’s de-
cisions. Young males leave their birth families when they reach
breeding age to join new families.
► Technology: The Wrulisu species has achieved a significant level of
technological advancement. They possess advanced tools and ma-
chinery that cater to their avian physiology and specific needs.
Their technology is geared towards enhancing
their hunting skills, improving agricultural
practices, and enabling efficient communi-
cation and transportation within their
large family groups.
►Arts and Traditions: Wrulisu culture
encompasses vibrant artistic expres-
sions that celebrate their avian her-
itage and natural surroundings. They
create intricate feather-based art-
work, perform awe-inspiring aerial
displays, and compose melodic
songs reminiscent of their unique
vocal abilities. Traditional rituals
and ceremonies mark important
life stages and are deeply rooted in
their cultural identity.
Interactions with Other Species:
► Relationship with Humans: The Wrulisu species maintains a cau-
tious relationship with humans due to their irritable temperament
and the potential for conflicts during breeding periods. While they
are not openly hostile, they prefer to maintain their distance and
have limited direct interactions. Humans may admire the Wrulisu
for their impressive size and unique appearance, but they are care-
ful not to provoke them.
► Relationships with Other Species: Wrulisu interactions with other
major species in the setting are influenced by their territorial na-
ture and the challenges of coexisting with other large creatures.
They establish boundaries and engage in negotiations with species
that share their habitats to minimize conflicts and ensure the sus-
tainable use of resources. Wrulisu family groups often form al-
liances with other avian species, utilizing their combined strength
and skills for mutual protection.
Notable Subspecies or Factions: Within the Wrulisu species, various
factions and subgroups may emerge based on geographical location,
family lineage, or specific cultural practices. These divisions can lead to
distinct variations in traditions, beliefs, and social structures within
different Wrulisu communities.
Important Historical Events: Wrulisu history is marked by intense com-
petition and the intricate dynamics of their family groups. The tradition
of deadly confrontations among males during breeding periods has
shaped their society and ensured the survival of the fittest. Over time,
the Wrulisu have adapted their technological advancements to support
their communal lifestyle and protect their territories from encroachment
by other species.
Strengths and Weaknesses:
► Strengths: The Wrulisu's enormous size and physical strength give
them a significant advantage in hunting and defense. Their ad-
vanced technology allows them to optimize their natural abilities,
enhancing their efficiency in various tasks. The Wrulisu's ability to
survive underwater for extended periods and consume toxic sub-
stances without harm provides them with additional adaptability.
► Weaknesses: The Wrulisu's irritable temperament and territorial
nature can sometimes hinder peaceful interactions with other
species. Their large size requires substantial resources for suste-
nance and shelter, making them vulnerable to scarcity or habitat
loss. The pungent odor produced by their scent glands can also be
a disadvantage, potentially alerting predators or deterring poten-
tial allies.
Overall Influence and Presence: The Wrulisu species, with their colos-
sal stature, advanced technology, and territorial nature, commands a
noticeable presence within the Five Galaxies. Their intricate family
structures and competitive breeding practices have shaped their cul-
tural identity and interactions with other species. The Wrulisu's ability to
survive in diverse environments and adapt their technology to suit their
avian physiology has contributed to their influence in their respective
Physical Characteristics:
► Appearance: The Omale is a unique
invertebrate species characterized by
its oval head with medium-length
antennae and a pair of piercing
mandibles. It lacks arms but pos-
sesses a flexible thorax with a
wasp waist and a small round
abdomen. The Omale has a sin-
gle bony leg, and its body is cov-
ered in spikes and thick hairs. It
displays a metallic grey coloration
with light green stripes.
► Physiology: With an average height
of 34 feet (10.4 meters), the Omale
has a relatively short lifespan of 51
years. They reach maturity at around 13 years of
age, becoming capable of breeding at 8 years. Each breeding cycle
results in the production of 296 eggs every 9 years. The Omale pop-
ulation is plentiful, with numerous individuals found within their
territories. They possess a flighty temperament and sustain them-
selves on a diet primarily consisting of fungi and eggs.
Cultural Characteristics:
► Society and Governance: Omale individuals typically live in large
packs, forming intricate social structures within their communities.
The packs are led by dominant individuals who establish hierar-
chies based on physical prowess, intelligence, or other notable at-
tributes. Decision-making is often a collective process, with input
from various members of the pack. Cooperation and coordination
are vital to their survival and success.
► Technology: The Omale have developed a unique understanding of
their environment and have adapted their technology accordingly.
Their advancements focus on enhancing their natural abilities,
such as sensory perception, defensive mechanisms, and efficient
communication within their pack. They utilize tools and structures
crafted from materials available in their surroundings to meet their
specific needs.
► Arts and Traditions: Omale culture emphasizes adaptability, re-
silience, and resourcefulness. Their artistic expressions manifest
through intricate patterns woven into their habitat structures, sto-
rytelling that chronicles their pack’s history and legends, and rhyth-
mic movements that reflect their coordinated pack dynamics. Tra-
ditional rituals celebrate significant events within their society and
strengthen the bonds between pack members.
Interactions with Other Species:
► Relationship with Humans: The Omale’s flighty temperament and
unique physiology often make them wary of close interactions with
humans. They prefer to maintain a certain distance and observe
from afar. However, they recognize the potential benefits of al-
liances and trade relationships and may engage in limited interac-
tions with humans when their interests align.
► Relationships with Other Species: The Omale’s interactions with
other major species in the setting depend on the specific circum-
stances and dynamics of their territories. They establish bound-
aries and territories, avoiding unnecessary conflicts. While they are
generally flighty and unpredictable, they can form alliances or en-
ter into mutually beneficial arrangements with species that share
their ecosystems or possess complementary strengths.
Notable Subspecies or Factions: Within the Omale species, packs may
differentiate based on geographical location, distinct environmental
adaptations, or specific cultural practices. These variations can lead to
different factions or subgroups with unique traditions, social structures,
or hunting strategies.
Important Historical Events: Omale history is shaped by their ability to
adapt to the slightest environmental changes, which can prove fatal.
The development of their unique defensive mechanisms, such as spit-
ting a foul-smelling fluid, has contributed to their survival. They have
experienced conflicts and challenges stemming from unpredictable be-
haviors during highly stressful situations, which have shaped their ap-
proach to societal stability and self-preservation.
Strengths and Weaknesses:
► Strengths: The Omale’s flighty nature and quick adaptability en-
able them to respond effectively to changing environmental condi-
tions. Their unique physiology, including the ability to spit a foul-
smelling fluid, acts as a deterrent against potential threats. The in-
tricate social structures within their packs foster strong coopera-
tion and coordination, enhancing their chances of survival and suc-
► Weaknesses: The Omale’s flighty temperament can sometimes hin-
der their ability to establish long-term alliances or maintain peace-
ful interactions. Their susceptibility to stress-induced aggression
and unpredictability poses challenges in maintaining stable rela-
tionships. They rely heavily on their environment for sustenance,
making them vulnerable to fluctuations in the availability of fungi
and eggs.
Overall Influence and Presence: The Omale, with their unique appear-
ance and adaptable nature, maintain a significant presence within their
territories across the Five Galaxies. Their intricate social structures, re-
silient cultural practices, and innovative technologies enable them to
navigate their environments and establish a sustainable existence. The
Omale’s ability to respond swiftly to changing conditions and their in-
trinsic defensive mechanisms contribute to their influence in their re-
spective ecosystems.
Physical Characteristics:
► Appearance: The Hetsu is a very large bipedal creature with a
ridged head covered in spikes. It possesses two wide sandy brown
eyes located on the back of its head, no visible ears, and a long
trunk. The creature also has a pair of piercing mandibles. It stands
on two stubby, useless arms and has a protruding ribcage with a
concave stomach. The Hetsu has two stubby, large legs that end in
hooked talons, and it possesses a muscular tail. The head of the
Hetsu is covered in a thin slime, while the rest of its body is covered
in shaggy fur. It exhibits a unique purple coloration.
► Physiology: With an average height of 16 feet (4.9 meters), the
Hetsu has a relatively long lifespan of 160 years. They reach matu-
rity at around 46 years of age and can breed at 28 years. Each
breeding cycle results in the production of four eggs every 19
years. The Hetsu population is excessive, with numerous individuals
found within their territories. They have an irritable temperament
and sustain themselves on a diet primarily consisting of carrion
and grass.
Cultural Characteristics:
► Society and Governance: Hetsu individuals engage in competitive
behaviors, often leading to deadly conflicts, particularly among
males. The species does not have a structured family unit, and the
males are responsible for raising the young alone until they are ca-
pable of defending themselves. The Hetsu value independence and
self-sufficiency in their societal dynamics.
► Technology: The Hetsu do not possess advanced technological ca-
pabilities. Instead, they rely on their physical attributes and in-
stincts to navigate their environments. They utilize their powerful
legs and talons for hunting and defense.
► Arts and Traditions: Hetsu culture does not focus on traditional
artistic expressions or elaborate rituals. Instead, their cultural iden-
tity is primarily shaped by their physical prowess, survival instincts,
and individualistic tendencies.
Interactions with Other Species:
► Relationship with Humans: Due to their irritable temperament
and relatively limited interactions, the Hetsu maintain a cautious
and distant relationship with humans. They tend to avoid direct
conflicts but will defend themselves if provoked. Humans may ob-
serve and study the Hetsu from a distance, respecting their territo-
rial boundaries.
► Relationships with Other Species: The Hetsu's interactions with
other major species in the setting are minimal due to their inde-
pendent nature and preference for solitary existence. They are
known to coexist within their ecosystems, but their interactions are
often limited to sharing resources and maintaining a delicate bal-
ance within the food chain.
Notable Subspecies or Factions: Within the Hetsu species, variations
may exist based on geographical location, adaptations to specific envi-
ronments, or the development of unique physical attributes. These vari-
ations can lead to different factions or subgroups with specialized hunt-
ing techniques or distinct physical characteristics.
Important Historical Events: The history of the Hetsu is largely shaped
by their competitive nature and the deadly conflicts that arise from ter-
ritorial disputes and mating rituals. The ability of males to raise young
alone has contributed to their survival as a species and the passing
down of adaptive traits from one generation to the next.
Strengths and Weaknesses:
► Strengths: The Hetsu possess physical attributes that make them
formidable hunters and defenders. Their powerful legs, talons, and:
long trunk provide them with advantages in various aspects of sur-
vival. Their independent nature allows them to adapt quickly to
changing circumstances and rely on their instincts for self-preser-
► Weaknesses: The Hetsu's irritable temperament and limited social
interactions may hinder their ability to form alliances or cooperate
in large groups. Their dependency on carrion as a food source can
sometimes pose challenges when it comes to sustaining themselves
during periods of scarcity. They may also be susceptible to environ-
mental changes that affect the availability of resources within their
Overall Influence and Presence: The Hetsu, with their unique appear-
ance and independent nature, hold a significant presence within their
territories across the Five Galaxies. Their physical prowess and adapt-
ability contribute to their influence within their respective ecosystems.
While their interactions with other species are minimal, their presence
within the food chain and their ability to shape their environments play
a crucial role in maintaining the delicate balance of nature.
The Five Galaxies are home to a diverse array of species, each with
their unique characteristics, cultures, and contributions to the interga-
lactic community. Here are the lesser-known, yet significant, minor
species that inhabit these cosmic realms. These fascinating beings add
depth and richness to the tapestry of life in the Five Galaxies.
► Korvans
► Appearance: Small insectoid species.
► Cultural Characteristics: Exceptional engineering and me-
chanical skills, natural affinity for robotics, advanced AI tech-
► Interactions: Sought after for their engineering expertise,
thriving colonies in the Milky Way Galaxy.
► Notable: Known for creating intricate and efficient systems.
► Glimmerians
► Appearance: Luminescent species emitting a soft, radiant
► Cultural Characteristics: Ability to manipulate light and en-
ergy, skilled in energy manipulation, excel in energy-based
weaponry and shielding.
► Interactions: Scattered throughout the Triangulum Galaxy,
inhabiting planets with diverse ecosystems.
► Notable: Highly skilled in energy-based technologies.
► Drakorians
► Appearance: Reptilian species with exceptional agility and
► Cultural Characteristics: Keen senses, skilled hunters, evolved
to blend seamlessly with surroundings.
► Interactions: Predominantly found in the Small Magellanic
Cloud, dwelling in dense forests and jun-
►Notable: Formidable adversaries.
► Appearance: Resilient and adaptable species.
► Cultural Characteristics: Remarkable inge-
nuity and versatility, excel in various fields,
establish diverse colonies and outposts.
► Interactions: Scattered throughout the
Five Galaxies, contribute to intergalactic
affairs through resourcefulness and de-
► Notable: Found in various professions,
including scientific research, diplomacy,
and combat.
► Litharians
► Appearance: Crystalline species com-
posed of living gemstones.
► Cultural Characteristics: Remarkable
durability, expertise in crystal-based
technologies, skilled in crystal energy
► Interactions: Inhabit the Large Mag-
ellanic Cloud, reside within vast crystal
caves and underground networks.
► Notable: Known for their crystal-based
► Aerians
► Appearance: Avian beings with large, feath-
ered wings.
► Cultural Characteristics: Exceptional agility,
skilled in aerial combat and navigation, affin-
ity for atmospheric manipulation and weather
► Interactions: Primarily inhabit the Andromeda Galaxy, build
floating cities amidst the clouds.
►Notable: Known for their aerial prow-
ess and weather manipulation abilities.
► Dominion of Aquilaria
► Species: Lynem
► Location: Primarily located in the Andromeda Galaxy, with
scattered outposts in the Triangulum and Milky Way Galaxies.
► Government: Monarchial Empire
► Summary: The Dominion of Aquilaria is a vast empire ruled by
the Lynem species. The Aquilarians dominate the aquatic
realms of the Andromeda Galaxy. Their empire extends across
multiple star systems, encompassing both underwater habi-
tats and terrestrial colonies. The Dominion maintains a strict
hierarchy, with a monarch at its helm, and their advanced
technology and military prowess make them a formidable
force in intergalactic affairs.
► United Federation of Avaros
► Species: Multispecies
► Location: Primarily located in the Milky Way Galaxy, with ex-
tensive trade networks throughout the Triangulum and Large
Magellanic Cloud.
► Government: Federation
► Summary: The United Federation of Avaros is a collective of
tribes and communities that have united under a common
goal of promoting peace, cooperation, and interstellar trade.
The Avarosian have established a vast network of trade routes
connecting various star systems in the Milky Way. The Federa-
tion operates on a democratic model, with representatives
from each member tribe participating in decision-making pro-
cesses. Their emphasis on diplomacy and cultural exchange
has made them a significant player in the intergalactic com-
► Technocratic Union of Skopalia
► Species: Che-esune
► Location: Concentrated in the Triangulum Galaxy, with minor
territorial claims in the neighboring galaxies.
► Government: Technocratic Republic
► Summary: The Technocratic Union of Skopalia is a highly ad-
vanced civilization led by the Che-esune species. Known for
their unique blend of technological expertise and aggressive
demeanor, the Skopalian society is structured around scien-
tific progress and meritocracy. They have mastered the art of
harnessing natural resources and have developed ground-
breaking technologies that have propelled them to the fore-
front of intergalactic innovation. The Technocratic Union oper-
ates as a republic, with elected representatives overseeing
various specialized departments and councils.
► Empire of Wrulis
► Species: Tesu
► Location: Spread across the Large Magellanic Cloud and
neighboring clusters, with a presence in the Milky Way Galaxy.
► Government: Monarchial Empire
► Summary: The Empire of Wrulis is a formidable empire ruled
by the Tesu species.The Tesu have built a vast empire that
spans multiple star systems. Known for their adaptability and
resilience, the Wrulis Empire has thrived in diverse environ-
ments, from lush planets to desolate wastelands. Under the
leadership of their monarch, the Tesu have established a hier-
archical society where ancient traditions and strict codes of
conduct shape their governance and interactions with other
► Commonwealth of Elyros
► Species: Wrulisu
► Location: Found throughout the Triangulum and Small Magel-
lanic Cloud, with a growing presence in the Andromeda Gal-
► Government: Commonwealth
► Summary: The Commonwealth of Elyros is a collective of
avian Wrulisu colonies that have come together to form a co-
operative society. The Wrulisu have established a vast net-
work of colonies in various star systems. The Commonwealth
operates on a system of shared governance, with each colony
having a representative in the central decision-making body.
Their focus on mutual cooperation, resource sharing, and cul-
tural preservation has allowed them to thrive in the diverse
environments of the Triangulum and beyond.
► Confederacy of Enthor
► Species: Hetsu
► Location: Primarily located in the Small Magellanic Cloud,
with expanding influence in neighboring clusters.
► Government: Confederacy
► Summary: The Confederacy of Enthor is a loose alliance of
Hetsu clans that have banded together for mutual defense
and resource sharing. The Hetsu have formed a confederacy
that spans multiple star systems. Each clan retains its auton-
omy, with representatives coming together to address matters
of common interest. The Confederacy is primarily focused on
protecting their territories and preserving their unique way of
life, while cautiously engaging in limited interactions with
other major powers.
Brief History:
► The Dominion of Aquilaria traces its
roots back to the ancient Lynem
civilization that originated in the
Triangulum Galaxy.
► Over the centuries, the Lynem ex-
panded their influence, establishing
colonies on terrestrial planets and
developing advanced technology.
► The Dominion experienced a period
of rapid expansion during the
Golden Age, where they forged al-
liances, conquered neighboring ter-
ritories, and established a central-
ized monarchy.
► The Dominion’s history is marked by conflicts with rival powers, ter-
ritorial disputes, and internal power struggles, but they have man-
aged to maintain their dominance in the Andromeda Galaxy.
Cultural Characteristics:
► The Lynem culture places a strong emphasis on harmony with wa-
ter and nature.
► They have a deep spiritual connection to aquatic environments
and consider them sacred spaces.
► The Dominion values wisdom, honor, and loyalty, with a strict code
of conduct that governs their interactions and societal structure.
► Lynem society is highly communal, with an appreciation for art,
music, and storytelling.
Territorial Claims:
► The Dominion of Aquilaria holds sway over a significant portion of
the Andromeda Galaxy, with control over numerous star systems
and aquatic habitats.
► They maintain a presence in the Triangulum and Milky Way Galax-
ies through scattered outposts and colonies.
Conflicts and Alliances:
► The Dominion has engaged in conflicts with rival powers, such as
Technocratic Union of Skopalia, over territorial disputes and re-
► They have formed alliances with other major empires to counter
common threats, such as the Empire of Wrulis and the Common-
wealth of Elyros.
Dominant Species or Factions:
► The Lynem species is the dominant force within the Dominion of
Aquilaria, with their unique cultural heritage shaping the empire.
► Notable factions within the Dominion include noble houses, military
orders, and religious sects, each with their own areas of influence
and responsibilities.
Leadership and Governance:
► The Dominion is led by a hereditary monarch who holds supreme
authority and serves as the spiritual and political figurehead.
► Beneath the monarch, a council of nobles and advisors provides
guidance and assists in decision-making.
► The empire operates under a feudal system, with regional gover-
nors overseeing specific territories and reporting to the central
Major Achievements or Contributions:
► The Dominion of Aquilaria has made significant advancements in
underwater technology, including sophisticated habitat structures
and underwater transportation systems.
► They have contributed to the scientific understanding of aquatic
ecosystems and developed sustainable resource management
► The Dominion’s art and music have gained recognition throughout
the Five Galaxies, with their unique blend of aquatic themes and
melodic compositions.
Relationships with Other Empires/Organizations:
► The Dominion has a longstanding rivalry with the United Federa-
tion of Avaros, engaging in both diplomatic negotiations and occa-
sional conflicts.
► They maintain trade and diplomatic relations with the Empire of
Wrulis, exchanging knowledge and resources.
► The Dominion has had occasional conflicts and territorial disputes
with the Technocratic Union of Skopalia.
► They have engaged in cultural exchanges and alliances with the
Commonwealth of Elyros, fostering mutual understanding and co-
Overall Influence and Power:
► The Dominion of Aquilaria holds significant influence in the An-
dromeda Galaxy, both politically and economically.
► Their advanced underwater technologies and control over aquatic
resources give them a strong position in intergalactic trade.
► They are recognized as a major power within the Five Galaxies,
commanding respect and influencing the balance of power in the
Brief History:
► The United Federation of Avaros
was formed through the unification
of multiple species in the Milky Way
Galaxy, with the aim of creating a
harmonious and cooperative soci-
► The federation emerged from a pe-
riod of turmoil, as various species in
the region sought to overcome con-
flicts and establish a system of
shared governance.
► Through diplomatic negotiations and a commitment to mutual
prosperity, the United Federation of Avaros was established as a
beacon of inter-species cooperation and progress.
Cultural Characteristics:
► The United Federation of Avaros prides itself on its diversity and
inclusion, embracing the unique cultures, traditions, and perspec-
tives of its member species.
► The federation values equality, tolerance, and peaceful coexis-
tence, fostering an atmosphere of cooperation and understanding.
► Cultural exchange and collaboration are highly encouraged, lead-
ing to a rich tapestry of art, literature, and scientific advancements
within the federation.
Territorial Claims:
► The United Federation of Avaros holds control over a significant
portion of the Milky Way Galaxy, with numerous star systems and
habitable planets falling under its jurisdiction.
► They maintain diplomatic outposts and trade networks in the Trian-
gulum Galaxy and Large Magellanic Cloud, extending their influ-
ence beyond their core territories.
Conflicts and Alliances:
► The United Federation of Avaros has a history of engaging in diplo-
matic negotiations to resolve conflicts peacefully, prioritizing dia-
logue and compromise.
► They have formed alliances with other major powers, such as the
Dominion of Aquilaria and the Commonwealth of Elyros, to pro-
mote intergalactic stability and cooperation.
► The federation has been involved in diplomatic disputes with rival
powers, such as the Technocratic Union of Skopalia, over resource
allocation and political influence.
Dominant Species or Factions:
► The United Federation of Avaros consists of a diverse array of
member species, each contributing their unique strengths and per-
► Notable factions within the federation include the Council of Repre-
sentatives, a governing body composed of elected officials from
different species, and the Coalition for Inter-Species Relations, a
group dedicated to fostering understanding and cooperation
among member species.
Leadership and Governance:
► The United Federation of Avaros operates under a representative
democracy, where member species elect representatives to the
Council of Representatives.
► The council serves as the central decision-making body, responsi-
ble for formulating policies, enacting legislation, and addressing in-
ter-species issues.
► Leadership roles within the federation rotate among the member
species, ensuring a fair distribution of power and influence.
Major Achievements or Contributions:
► The United Federation of Avaros has achieved remarkable ad-
vancements in inter-species communication and cooperation, fos-
tering peaceful coexistence and mutual understanding.
► They have made significant progress in scientific research, particu-
larly in the fields of xenobiology, interstellar travel, and sustainable
resource management.
► The federation’s commitment to cultural exchange and artistic col-
laboration has resulted in the development of unique artistic ex-
pressions and the preservation of diverse cultural heritages.
Relationships with Other Empires/Organizations:
► The United Federation of Avaros maintains strong diplomatic ties
with the Dominion of Aquilaria, engaging in cooperative projects
and trade agreements.
► They have formed alliances with the Commonwealth of Elyros to
promote intergalactic peace, security, and economic prosperity.
► The federation has engaged in diplomatic negotiations with the
Technocratic Union of Skopalia to address territorial disputes and
establish mutually beneficial trade relations.
► They actively seek to build positive relationships with other minor
species and organizations, fostering a network of inter-species co-
operation and collaboration.
Overall Influence and Power:
► The United Federation of Avaros wields considerable influence in
the Milky Way Galaxy, promoting peace, stability, and inter-
species cooperation.
► Their diplomatic prowess and commitment to equality have earned
them respect and admiration among other major powers in the
Five Galaxies.
► The federation’s advancements in scientific research, cultural ex-
change, and governance serve as models for intergalactic cooper-
ation and peaceful coexistence.
Brief History:
► The Technocratic Union of Skopalia
traces its roots back to the scientific
revolution of the Che-esune species in
the Triangulum Galaxy.
► Driven by their insatiable thirst for
knowledge and progress, the
Skopalians formed a society focused
on technological advancements and
scientific exploration.
► Over time, they consolidated their
power and established the Technocratic
Union, a government system that pro-
motes meritocracy and expertise in deci-
Cultural Characteristics:
► Skopalian culture revolves around the pursuit of scientific knowl-
edge, innovation, and technological advancement.
► They value intellect, logic, and rationality, and their society pro-
motes a strong work ethic and dedication to scientific research.
► Skopalian culture also emphasizes efficiency, order, and precision
in all aspects of life, including governance, technology, and soci-
etal organization.
Territorial Claims:
► The Technocratic Union of Skopalia primarily holds influence and
control over the Triangulum Galaxy, where their society originated.
► They have established research outposts and mining operations in
neighboring galaxies, expanding their reach and resource acquisi-
Conflicts and Alliances:
► The Skopalians have engaged in conflicts with neighboring powers
due to territorial disputes and competition for resources.
► They are wary of other major empires and organizations, particu-
larly those they perceive as potential threats to their technological
► The Technocratic Union seeks strategic alliances and partnerships
with other powers that can contribute to their scientific and tech-
nological advancements.
Dominant Species or Factions:
► The Technocratic Union of Skopalia is primarily composed of the
Che-esune species, who hold significant influence and power within
the organization.
► Notable factions within the union include the Council of Tech-
nocrats, an assembly of expert scientists and engineers, and the
Bureau of Resource Allocation, responsible for managing the distri-
bution of vital resources.
Leadership and Governance:
► The Technocratic Union operates as a Technocratic Republic, where
elected representatives from specialized fields of study govern the
► The Council of Technocrats, composed of accomplished scientists
and researchers, holds substantial decision-making authority.
► Leadership positions within the Technocratic Union are earned
through merit and expertise, with individuals demonstrating excep-
tional scientific prowess and innovation ascending to positions of
Major Achievements or Contributions:
► The Technocratic Union of Skopalia has made remarkable ad-
vancements in various fields of technology, including robotics, en-
ergy generation, and artificial intelligence.
► They are known for their efficient resource management practices,
allowing them to sustain their technological advancements and
maintain their industrial capabilities.
► Skopalian scientists have made groundbreaking discoveries in in-
terstellar travel, allowing them to expand their influence beyond
their home galaxy.
Relationships with Other Empires/Organizations:
► The Technocratic Union of Skopalia maintains a cautious and
strategic approach to their relationships with other powers.
► They prioritize alliances and partnerships that can contribute to
their scientific and technological progress, while remaining skepti-
cal of empires that may challenge their dominance.
► The Skopalians actively seek out trade agreements and scientific
collaborations, particularly with organizations that can provide
valuable resources or research opportunities.
Overall Influence and Power:
► The Technocratic Union of Skopalia holds significant influence
within the Triangulum Galaxy and maintains a formidable techno-
logical advantage.
► Their advancements in science and technology have garnered re-
spect and fear from other major powers in the Five Galaxies.
► The Skopalians’ quest for knowledge and their highly efficient soci-
ety have positioned them as a major player in intergalactic affairs,
wielding considerable economic and technological power.
Brief History:
► The Empire of Wrulis traces its ori-
gins to the ancient Tesu civilization,
which emerged in the Large Magel-
lanic Cloud and neighboring clus-
► Through a combination of strategic
conquests, diplomatic alliances,
and cultural assimilation, the Tesu
established a vast empire that ex-
panded across multiple star sys-
► The empire has a rich history of conflicts, territorial disputes, and
cultural exchanges with neighboring powers and species.
Cultural Characteristics:
► Wrulis culture is deeply rooted in ancient traditions and customs
that have been passed down through generations of Tesu.
► They place great value on honor, loyalty, and obedience to the
monarchy, with a strong emphasis on discipline and adherence to
strict codes of conduct.
► Rituals and ceremonies play a significant role in Wrulis society, of-
ten marking important milestones, coronations, or diplomatic
Territorial Claims:
► The Empire of Wrulis holds dominion over a significant portion of
the Large Magellanic Cloud, with extensive territories and colonies
established across the region.
► They also maintain a presence in the Milky Way Galaxy, where they
have established strategic outposts and trading hubs.
Conflicts and Alliances:
► The Wrulis Empire has a complex history of conflicts and alliances
with neighboring powers and species.
► Their expansionist tendencies and territorial ambitions have often
led to clashes with rival empires, resulting in wars and territorial
► However, they have also formed alliances and treaties with select
powers, especially those that align with their strategic interests or
share cultural similarities.
Dominant Species or Factions:
► The Wrulis Empire is primarily composed of the Tesu species, who
hold positions of power and influence throughout the empire.
► Within the empire, notable factions include the Council of Advisors,
an assembly of trusted advisors and administrators, and the Royal
Guard, responsible for the protection of the monarchy and main-
taining law and order.
Leadership and Governance:
► The Empire of Wrulis is governed by a monarchical system, with a
hereditary ruler known as the Emperor or Empress at its helm.
► The monarch holds significant power and authority, overseeing the
decision-making processes and setting the empire’s course.
► The Council of Advisors provides counsel to the monarch, ensuring
the smooth functioning of the empire’s administrative and bureau-
cratic machinery.
Major Achievements or Contributions:
► The Wrulis Empire has demonstrated remarkable adaptability and
resilience in conquering and establishing control over diverse envi-
ronments, from habitable planets to harsh and inhospitable worlds.
► They have developed advanced military strategies and tactics, en-
abling them to defend their territories and expand their influence.
► The empire has made significant contributions to art, literature,
and philosophy, blending ancient traditions with contemporary ex-
Relationships with Other Empires/Organizations:
► The Wrulis Empire maintains a complex web of relationships with
other major empires and organizations.
► They have engaged in both conflicts and alliances, driven by their
territorial ambitions, cultural differences, and strategic considera-
► The empire seeks to secure favorable trade agreements and diplo-
matic alliances with powers that can enhance their military capa-
bilities or provide access to valuable resources.
Overall Influence and Power:
► The Empire of Wrulis wields considerable influence and power in
the Large Magellanic Cloud and neighboring clusters.
► Their vast territories, military might, and cultural heritage make
them a force to be reckoned with in intergalactic affairs.
► The Wrulis Empire’s adherence to ancient traditions, hierarchical
structure, and disciplined society contribute to their image of
strength and authority within the Five Galaxies.
Brief History:
► The Commonwealth of Elyros
emerged as a result of the cooper-
ative efforts of various Wrulisu
colonies spread across the Triangu-
lum and Small Magellanic Cloud.
► Seeking mutual benefits and secu-
rity, the Wrulisu colonies joined
forces, establishing a collective so-
ciety governed by shared principles
and values.
► Over time, the Commonwealth ex-
panded its influence, reaching into
the neighboring Andromeda Gal-
axy and establishing new colonies
and alliances.
Cultural Characteristics:
► Elyros culture emphasizes mutual cooperation, resource sharing,
and cultural preservation.
► The Wrulisu colonies within the Commonwealth maintain their dis-
tinct traditions and customs while also celebrating their collective
identity as part of a larger cooperative society.
► Art, music, and storytelling play an important role in Wrulisu cul-
ture, with a focus on preserving their rich heritage.
Territorial Claims:
► The Commonwealth of Elyros has established colonies and settle-
ments throughout the Triangulum and Small Magellanic Cloud, uti-
lizing the diverse environments to support their avian lifestyle.
► They have expanded their reach into the Andromeda Galaxy, es-
tablishing new colonies and forging alliances with local powers.
Conflicts and Alliances:
► The Commonwealth of Elyros prioritizes diplomacy and peaceful
coexistence, seeking to build alliances rather than engaging in
► However, they are not hesitant to defend their colonies and inter-
ests, and have engaged in defensive actions when faced with
threats to their territories.
Dominant Species or Factions:
► The Commonwealth of Elyros is primarily composed of the Wrulisu
species, who hold leadership positions and influence within the co-
operative society.
► While the Commonwealth operates under a unified governance
structure, individual colonies maintain some level of autonomy and
distinct cultural identities.
Leadership and Governance:
► The Commonwealth of Elyros operates on a system of shared gov-
ernance, with each Wrulisu colony represented in the central deci-
sion-making body.
► Representatives from each colony participate in cooperative deci-
sion-making processes, ensuring that the interests and concerns of
all colonies are taken into account.
Major Achievements or Contributions:
► The Commonwealth of Elyros is known for its cooperative approach
to resource management and environmental preservation, which
has allowed them to thrive in diverse star systems.
► Their advanced understanding of avian biology and technology
has led to innovative advancements in transportation, communica-
tion, and sustainable living.
Relationships with Other Empires/Organizations:
► The Commonwealth of Elyros maintains peaceful relationships and
diplomatic ties with other major empires and organizations.
► They actively seek alliances and partnerships that align with their
cooperative values and principles, engaging in trade and cultural
Overall Influence and Power:
► Their cooperative society and advanced understanding of avian
technology make them respected contributors to intergalactic
► The Commonwealth’s commitment to mutual cooperation, cultural
preservation, and resource sharing sets them apart as a unique
and influential power within the Five Galaxies.
Brief History:
► The Confederacy of Enthor was
formed by the alliance of Hetsu
clans spread across the Small Mag-
ellanic Cloud.
► The Hetsu clans, known for their ir-
ritable temperament and formida-
ble size, joined forces to protect
their territories and resources from
external threats.
► Over time, the Confederacy expanded its influence, forming al-
liances with neighboring clusters and engaging in limited interac-
tions with other major powers.
Cultural Characteristics:
► The Hetsu culture within the Confederacy emphasizes indepen-
dence, self-sufficiency, and territorial defense.
► Each clan maintains its distinct traditions and customs, with a fo-
cus on preserving their unique way of life.
► Art, storytelling, and martial prowess are highly valued within
Hetsu society, reflecting their history of conflict and self-reliance.
Territorial Claims:
► The Confederacy of Enthor primarily claims territories within the
Small Magellanic Cloud, utilizing their formidable size and strength
to protect and expand their domains.
► They have also established a presence in neighboring clusters,
strategically expanding their influence and securing vital re-
Conflicts and Alliances:
► The Confederacy of Enthor maintains a defensive stance, focused
on protecting their territories and resources from external threats.
► While they prefer to avoid conflicts, the Hetsu clans are not hesi-
tant to engage in defensive actions when their domains are endan-
► The Confederacy seeks limited alliances with other major powers,
cautiously engaging in diplomatic relations and trade agreements.
Dominant Species or Factions:
► The Hetsu species dominates the Confederacy of Enthor, with each
clan contributing to the confederate structure and decision-making
► Each clan holds a degree of autonomy within the confederacy, with
representatives from each clan coming together to address mat-
ters of common interest.
Leadership and Governance:
► The Confederacy of Enthor operates as a loose confederacy, with
decision-making power distributed among the representatives of
the Hetsu clans.
► Clan leaders and representatives gather periodically to discuss and
address matters related to territorial defense, resource manage-
ment, and mutual support.
Major Achievements or Contributions:
► The Confederacy of Enthor is renowned for its formidable defen-
sive capabilities, utilizing their size and strength to protect their
territories and resources.
► Hetsu clans have developed advanced martial techniques and
strategies, contributing to their reputation as fierce warriors.
Relationships with Other Empires/Organizations:
► The Confederacy of Enthor maintains cautious and limited interac-
tions with other major powers, seeking to preserve their autonomy
and unique way of life.
► They engage in trade and diplomatic exchanges when necessary,
focusing on securing resources and strategic alliances that benefit
their territories.
Overall Influence and Power:
► While their influence beyond their primary territories is limited, the
Thetesis’ reputation as fierce warriors and their strategic alliances
contribute to their impact within the Five Galaxies.
► The Confederacy’s focus on territorial defense and self-preserva-
tion sets them apart as a unique power, preserving their autonomy
while cautiously engaging with the wider intergalactic community.
► Galactic Coalition of Peace (GCP): The GCP is a diplomatic al-
liance formed by multiple major empires and organizations across
the Five Galaxies. Its primary objective is to promote peace, coop-
eration, and stability among the galactic powers. The GCP oper-
ates as a council, with representatives from each member faction
participating in decision-making processes. Its headquarters is lo-
cated on a neutral space station situated near the center of the
Wormhole Access Network.
► Order of Ascendancy: The Order of Ascendancy is a secretive or-
ganization that seeks to transcend the limitations of mortal exis-
tence and achieve a higher state of being. They possess ancient
knowledge and mystical practices that grant them unique abilities.
The Order operates from hidden monastic fortresses located in re-
mote and uncharted regions of the Triangulum Galaxy.
► Remnant Sovereignty: The Remnant Sovereignty is a faction com-
prised of surviving members of an ancient and highly advanced
civilization that mysteriously vanished eons ago. They have redis-
covered their lost technology and artifacts, allowing them to re-
claim their former power. The Remnant Sovereignty is spread
across multiple star systems within the Andromeda Galaxy and
maintains a strict isolationist policy to protect their secrets.
► Void Consortium: The Void Consortium is a powerful economic and
trade organization that spans the Milky Way Galaxy. They control
extensive mining operations, interstellar shipping lanes, and nu-
merous trade hubs. The Consortium’s influence reaches across mul-
tiple sectors, and they have a reputation for being shrewd negotia-
tors and ruthless business competitors.
► Ethereal Enclave: The Ethereal Enclave is a faction composed of
beings with advanced psychic and telepathic abilities. They are
dedicated to exploring the mysteries of consciousness and unlock-
ing the true potential of the mind. The Enclave’s headquarters is lo-
cated within a pocket dimension accessible through specially
crafted gateways scattered throughout the Five Galaxies.
► Rift Reavers: The Rift Reavers are a faction of pirates and scav-
engers who exploit the dangers of interdimensional rifts for their
benefit. They navigate the treacherous space between dimensions,
salvaging rare artifacts and technology from lost civilizations. The
Rift Reavers have hidden bases within asteroid fields and remote
regions, making them elusive and difficult to track down.
In the vast expanse of the Five Galaxies, each galaxy holds its unique
treasures and resources, shaping the technological advancements and
scientific pursuits of its inhabitants.
► Andromeda Galaxy:
► Impressive advancements in energy systems, fueled by exotic
elements like chromium and graviton crystals.
► Abundant rare minerals in asteroid belts, supporting ad-
vanced manufacturing processes.
► Diverse flora and fauna with potential medicinal properties,
driving breakthroughs in biotechnology.
► Milky Way Galaxy:
► Technological innovation driven by the diversity of habitable
planets and ecosystems.
► Extensive reserves of raw materials, such as duranium and
stellium alloys, fueling manufacturing and construction.
► Ancient ruins and archaeological sites offering remnants of
lost technologies, inspiring scientific advancements.
► Triangulum Galaxy:
► Untapped resources in unexplored regions, including special-
ized minerals like gravitite and plasmonic crystals.
► Unique phenomena within dense nebulae, such as cosmic ra-
diation pockets and exotic particle streams, driving cutting-
edge research in astrophysics.
► Large Magellanic Cloud:
► Rich reserves of volatile gasses like hyperion gas and astra-
line, vital for energy production and advanced technologies.
► Opportunities for stellar engineering and fusion reactors in
prolific star-forming regions and young stellar clusters.
► Vibrant ecosystems with unique biological specimens, holding
potential for scientific discoveries in genetics and bioengi-
► Small Magellanic Cloud:
► Abundance of exotic crystals and gemstones, such as lumi-
naite and astralite, with rare properties for advanced tech-
► Accessible asteroid fields supporting mining operations and
yielding valuable metals and minerals.
► Enigmatic ancient artifacts and relics with mysterious powers,
fueling scientific curiosity and conflicts.
The availability and distribution of technology and resources in the Five
Galaxies have profound implications for intergalactic politics and con-
► Resource Competition: Scarcity of resources fuels territorial dis-
putes and power struggles among major empires and organiza-
tions. Control over resource-rich planets, asteroid fields, and gas
giants becomes a driving force behind diplomatic negotiations, al-
liances, and even wars.
► Technological Disparities: Variations in technological advance-
ments create power imbalances, with advanced societies exerting
control over less developed regions. Superior technology provides
defensive capabilities and offensive potential, shaping the balance
of power in the intergalactic arena.
► Environmental Challenges: Resource exploitation brings economic
prosperity but also poses environmental risks. Uncontrolled extrac-
tion of minerals and gasses can lead to ecological damage and re-
source depletion, causing tensions between those advocating for
sustainable practices and those driven by profit.
► Weaponization of Technology: Advanced technologies, such as
energy weapons, force fields, and nanotechnology, significantly
impact intergalactic conflicts. Possession of devastating weaponry
influences strategic decisions, deterrence policies, and military al-
liances, ultimately shaping the stability and outcomes of conflicts
in the Five Galaxies.
In this chapter you will find prompts and sparks to give added depth to
your games set in the Five Galaxies.
► Endless Frontiers: The sheer size of the Five Galaxies means
there's always more to discover. Various entities, from governments
to corporations, are eager to fund expeditions into these new
realms, providing a thriving market for skilled explorers and map-
► High Demand for Detailed Information: There's a strong market
for accurate maps and thorough surveys. Governments want data
to expand their territories, and corporations need information for
trade routes and resource allocation. Precise, current data is a
valuable commodity in the competitive intergalactic scene.
► Profitable Exploration Deals: Those with exploration data can ex-
pect lucrative offers from interested parties. Experts in the field of-
ten receive substantial contracts, commissions, and exclusive
rights, along with perks like trade benefits, access to restricted ar-
eas, and high-profile recognition.
► Risks of the Unknown: Venturing into unexplored space isn't with-
out danger. Unpredictable celestial events, harsh planetary condi-
tions, and potential hostilities pose significant risks. Moreover, such
expeditions demand considerable investment in ships, equipment,
and skilled crew.
The remnants of ancient civilizations within the Five Galaxies continue
to fascinate explorers, scholars, and collectors.
► Mysteries of the Past: These ancient species left artifacts that
offer insights into their advanced technologies and cultures,
spurring explorers and archaeologists to uncover their secrets.
► Value Across Disciplines: These artifacts are highly sought after
for their scientific, cultural, and economic significance, offering a
glimpse into the past and commanding high prices in the market.
► Cultural Significance: These remnants connect present civiliza-
tions to their past, enriching cultural identities and offering narra-
tives of historical significance.
► Economic Attraction: Ancient artifacts can fetch high prices in the
intergalactic antiquities market, fueling a lucrative trade in histori-
cal relics. This economic allure drives the search for hidden ruins
and lost civilizations.
► Ethical and Competitive Challenges: The pursuit of these artifacts
requires careful ethical consideration and adherence to preserva-
tion standards. The competition among academics, collectors, and
even criminal elements can lead to conflicts over these prized pos-
sessions. Respecting cultural heritage and protecting local species
is of utmost importance.
These artifacts, with their extraordinary powers and origins, are highly
sought after by individuals, factions, and collectors throughout the Five
Galaxies. Each possesses unique abilities and potential, making them
coveted treasures in the vast reaches of space.
► Chrono Gauntlet: A wrist-mounted device that allows the wearer
to manipulate time within a localized area. It can slow down or
speed up time, enabling temporal distortions for strategic advan-
► Stellar Compass: A small handheld device that utilizes advanced
celestial mapping technology to guide users through the vastness
of space. It provides accurate navigation, identifies nearby star
systems, and alerts users to potential hazards.
► Nanomesh Armor: A lightweight, flexible armor made from self-re-
pairing nanomaterials. It adapts to the wearer’s movements and
can withstand extreme conditions, including energy-based attacks
and ballistic impacts.
► Scepter of Celestial Fire: An ancient artifact capable of channel-
ing and controlling celestial energies. It can unleash devastating
blasts of energy or create protective force fields, harnessing the
power of stars.
► Dimensional Shard: A crystal-like fragment that contains residual
energy from an interdimensional rift. It can open temporary por-
tals to other realms or augment the user’s abilities with interdimen-
sional energy.
► Neural Enhancer: A cybernetic implant that enhances cognitive
abilities and mental processing speed. It enables users to access
vast amounts of information, analyze complex situations, and
make split-second decisions.
► Sentinel’s Eye: A floating, orb-like device that hovers above the
ground and projects a protective energy shield. It can detect
threats and analyze the environment, providing real-time situa-
tional awareness to its user.
► Vortex Blade: A plasma-infused melee weapon that generates a
swirling vortex of energy around its blade. It can slice through
solid objects with ease and unleash devastating energy waves
upon impact.
► Eternal Chalice: A mystic artifact said to grant eternal youth and
longevity. It is rumored to possess regenerative properties, healing
wounds and extending the lifespan of its holder.
► Sonic Resonator: A handheld device that emits powerful sonic fre-
quencies. It can shatter objects, incapacitate enemies, or create
harmonic vibrations to manipulate the environment.
► Phoenix Core: An ancient power source resembling a miniature
star. It provides near-limitless energy for advanced technologies
and can be harnessed to power colossal space stations or interstel-
lar vessels.
► Quantum Harmonizer: A device that can stabilize and harmonize
quantum fluctuations, enabling stable wormhole creation and
travel. It is highly sought after for its potential to unlock new
realms and expand the Wormhole Access Network.
► Gaia’s Heart: A large crystal infused with the life force of a living
planet. It can restore ecosystems, heal damaged environments,
and even revive extinct species, offering the possibility of ecologi-
cal restoration on a massive scale.
► Astral Codex: A sacred tome inscribed with celestial knowledge
and cosmic secrets. It contains ancient prophecies, star maps, and
spells capable of manipulating cosmic energies.
► Hyperion Lens: A sophisticated ocular implant that enhances vi-
sion and perception. It grants the ability to see across vast dis-
tances, detect hidden objects, and analyze energy signatures with
exceptional clarity.
► Infinity Key: A key-shaped device that grants access to hidden
pocket dimensions and sealed gateways. It can unlock interdimen-
sional portals, granting passage to realms beyond the known cos-
► Soulweaver’s Harp: A musical instrument with the power to ma-
nipulate souls and channel ethereal energies. Its haunting melodies
can influence emotions, heal spiritual wounds, or disrupt the
essence of other beings.
► Astroblade: A technologically advanced weapon that harnesses
cosmic energies and projects them as deadly energy beams. It can
cut through energy shields and disrupt molecular structures.
► Oracle Stone: A small gemstone that holds fragments of cosmic
knowledge. When touched, it provides visions of future events, al-
lowing glimpses into potential outcomes and assisting in strategic
► Cosmic Amulet: A talisman infused with the essence of the stars. It
grants its wearer enhanced resilience, protection against cosmic
energies, and limited control over stellar forces.
► Challenges of Isolation: In remote, unexplored areas, far from es-
tablished outposts or aid, explorers often find themselves without
immediate support. They must depend on their own resources,
skills, and quick thinking to tackle emergencies and difficult situa-
► Need for Specialized Training: To navigate these unknown envi-
ronments, explorers receive extensive training in fields like alien bi-
ology, planetary geology, and high-tech equipment. This prepara-
tion, along with carrying specialized gear, is crucial for ensuring
their safety and success in unfamiliar settings.
► Importance of Collaboration: Sharing insights, experiences, and
data between explorers, scientists, and authorities is key for im-
proving safety and readiness. Such collaborations help in develop-
ing best practices and refining exploration protocols based on past
experiences and discoveries.
Intergalactic trade is the lifeblood of relations between star systems, in-
fusing vitality into diplomatic connections, propelling economic ad-
vancement, and nurturing a diverse interplay of cultural interactions. At
the core of this expansive, interconnected universe stands the Worm-
hole Access Network. This remarkable network symbolizes the pinnacle
of interstellar travel, acting as a portal that opens up unknown territo-
ries and permits swift voyages through the immense stretches of the
Five Galaxies.
Yet, the domains of space travel and commerce are not without their
hazards. They coexist with a spectrum of risks and threats, from the
silent yet pervasive danger of cosmic radiation to the menacing
prospects of confrontations with hostile forces hidden in the dark re-
cesses of space.
► Commonwealth of Elyros: The avian Wrulisu colonies of the Com-
monwealth of Elyros span the Triangulum and Small Magellanic
Cloud, with a growing presence in the Andromeda Galaxy. The irri-
table yet formidable Wrulisu traders establish colonies along the
trade routes, sharing resources and preserving their cultural her-
itage. Their focus on mutual cooperation and resource sharing has
allowed them to flourish within the diverse environments of the Tri-
angulum and beyond.
► Confederacy of Enthor: The Hetsu clans of the Confederacy of En-
thor primarily reside in the Small Magellanic Cloud, with expanding
influence in neighboring clusters. The Hetsu engage in limited
trade interactions, prioritizing mutual defense and resource shar-
ing. Their trade routes facilitate the exchange of essential re-
sources and goods necessary for the preservation of their territo-
ries and unique way of life.
These common trade routes and hubs play a vital role in fostering inter-
galactic commerce and cultural exchange among the major powers
within the Five Galaxies. The flow of goods, resources, and knowledge
through these routes contributes to economic growth, technological ad-
vancements, and diplomatic relations. It serves as a platform for di-
verse species and civilizations to interact, learn from one another, and
forge alliances that shape the future of the Charted Space.
Traders and travelers proactively address risks by employing advanced
technologies, security personnel, and alliances. Evolving security mea-
sures and intergalactic laws maintain a relatively secure environment
for trade and travel in Charted Space.
► Resources and Goods in Interstellar Trade:
► Rare Elements and Minerals: Resources such as exotic ele-
ments, rare minerals, and precious metals are highly sought
after commodities in intergalactic trade. These resources are
essential for technological advancements, energy production,
and manufacturing processes across the Five Galaxies.
► Cultural Artifacts and Knowledge: The exchange of cultural
artifacts, artworks, literature, and knowledge forms a signifi-
cant aspect of intergalactic trade. Civilizations trade their
unique cultural expressions, ancient relics, and intellectual
property, enriching the cultural tapestry of the participating
► Advanced Technologies: The trading of advanced technolo-
gies and scientific innovations is prevalent within the Five Gal-
axies. Empires and organizations exchange cutting-edge tech-
nologies, research findings, and engineering expertise, pro-
moting scientific progress and enabling technological
► Economic Implications and Power Dynamics:
► Economic Prosperity: Interstellar trade drives economic
growth and prosperity within the Five Galaxies. The exchange
of resources, goods, and technologies generates employment
opportunities, stimulates markets, and fosters economic de-
velopment for participating civilizations.
► Power Imbalances: Trade relationships can create power im-
balances among empires and organizations. Dominant players
with access to valuable resources or advanced technologies
often wield significant economic influence, impacting political
dynamics and shaping the balance of power within the inter-
galactic community.
► Dependence and Interdependence: Interstellar trade engen-
ders both dependence and interdependence among trading
partners. Reliance on specific resources or technologies from
other galaxies can create vulnerabilities, while reciprocal
trade relationships foster interdependence and encourage
peaceful coexistence.
► Role of Explorers, Traders, and Smugglers:
► Explorers: Explorers, driven by curiosity and the allure of the
unknown, actively seek out new frontiers. They embark on ex-
peditions to uncharted territories, venturing into unexplored
systems, uncovering hidden resources, and mapping un-
charted regions. These daring individuals play a vital role in
expanding the boundaries of knowledge and opening up new
possibilities for intergalactic trade.
► Traders: Traders, motivated by profit and market opportuni-
ties, often inadvertently contribute to exploration and discov-
ery. As they navigate through trade routes, traders encounter
uncharted systems, stumble upon unexploited resources, and
establish connections with previously unknown civilizations,
unveiling new frontiers in the process.
► Smugglers: While not always viewed favorably, smugglers
play a significant role in uncovering hidden and forbidden ter-
ritories. Their clandestine operations take them to remote and
restricted areas, unveiling hidden treasures and resources that
are inaccessible through conventional trade channels. Smug-
glers, driven by their own motives, become inadvertent pio-
neers of discovery.
► Lucrative Opportunities and Risks:
► Untapped Resources and Markets: Venturing into uncharted
territories presents opportunities for traders to access un-
tapped resources and open up new markets. The discovery of
rare minerals, unique flora and fauna, and unexplored tech-
nologies can lead to significant economic gains for those
brave enough to seize the opportunities.
► Unknown Dangers and Uncertainty: Exploration of un-
charted territories carries inherent risks. Unknown celestial
phenomena, hostile environments, and encounters with dan-
gerous entities or uncontacted civilizations pose threats to ex-
plorers and traders. Navigating uncharted territories requires
meticulous planning, risk assessment, and preparedness for
unexpected challenges.
► Local Galactic Group diagram CC BY-SA 3.0 Andrew Z. Colvin
► Local Group Galaxies Comparison CC BY 3.0 SkyFlubbler
► Andromeda Galaxy CC BY-SA-4.0 David (Deddy) Dayag
► Milky Way Galaxy CC BY-SA-4.0 NASA/JPL-Caltech
► Triangulum Galaxy Public Domain
► Large Magellanic Cloud CC BY-SA-4.0 Kevinmloch
► Small Magellanic Cloud CC BY-SA-4.0 Pablo Carlos Budassi
► Illustrations and flags generated with DALL-E 3
► Cover image generated with