Star+Nations+Astro+Degrees+new+version+23 09 2021

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Conjunct Conjunct

Position Orb of
Constellation Star Name Conjunct Opposite Trine Sextile Square Race(s) of Beings Known North South
in 2000 Influence
Globe Globe

Sagitt./ Gemini/ Cancer/ Descendant of Man race from

ANDROMEDA Alpheratz 14˚18’ 2˚10’ Aries Libra Apr-03 Oct-03
Leo Aquarius Capricorn Lyra, various races.

Aramani humans, descendants

Sagitt./ Gemini/ Cancer/ of Taal Lyra. Also, Emerther,
CETUS Tau Ceti 17˚49’ 1˚30’ Aries Libra Apr-07 Oct-07
Leo Aquarius Capricorn benevolent Greys, Members of
Council of Five
Maytra Reptilians abducting
and enslaving humans. | Also,
Vertex M31 Sagitt./ Gemini/ Cancer/ other races of highly evolved
ANDROMEDA 27˚50’ 1˚30’ Aries Libra Apr-17 Oct-17
GLX Leo Aquarius Capricorn beings supporting harmony &
balance of Multiverse.

Capric./ Cancer/ Leo/ Descendant of Man race from

ANDROMEDA Mirach 00˚24’ 2˚10’ Taurus Scorpio Apr-20 Oct-20
Virgo Pisces Aquarius Lyra, various races.

The Zenae, Blue & Golden

humanoid of up to 12th density.
Connected to Tall Lyra. Created
Capric./ Cancer/ Leo/
ANDROMEDA Titawin 08˚33’ 1˚00’ Taurus Scorpio Andromedan Council-Zenetean Apr-28 Oct-28
Virgo Pisces Aquarius
Alliance of 14 different species to
support balance in this Galaxy.

Capric./ Cancer/ Leo/ Descendant of Man race from

ANDROMEDA Almach 14˚13’ 2˚10’ Taurus Scorpio May-04 Nov-04
Virgo Pisces Aquarius Lyra, various races

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Conjunct Conjunct
Constellation Star Name Orb Conjunct Opposite Trine Sextile Square Race(s) of Beings Known North South
in 2000
Globe Globe
Ashaari/Pleiadeans, Human
Capric./ Cancer/ Leo/
PLEIADES Maia 29˚41’ 1˚10’ Taurus Scorpio colonies from Lyra, various May-20 Nov-20
Virgo Pisces Aquarius
Taal-Shiar. A faction of Taal
Lyra from Taygeta moved here
due to disagreements. Joined
Capric./ Cancer/ Leo/
PLEIADES Alcyone 29˚59’ 2˚00’ Taurus Scorpio forces with Orion & Altair May-20 Nov-20
Virgo Pisces Aquarius
Alliance & Ashtar Command,
Involved with the Cabal. Not
members of GFW.

Libra/ Aries/ Pisces/

PLEIADES Alcyone 00˚01’ 2˚00’ Gemini Sagittar. Same as above May-20 Nov-20
Aquarius Leo Virgo

Descendants of four Man races

from Lyra. The Errahel ("Shrine
of Knowledge") AHEL|
Alkhorhu ('Serene Place') NOOR
| T-Marhu (Admin Central for
Libra/ Aries/ Pisces/ Taygeta system) TAAL Coloni
PLEIADES Taygeta 00˚16’ 1˚00’ Gemini Sagittar. May-20 Nov-20
Aquarius Leo Virgo from Omankhera| D'Akoorhu
('Guardians of Peace') NOOR
from Alhorat evolved to 9th
density - 'Pleiadeans of Light'|
All are GFW members

Ashaari/Pleiadeans, Human
Libra/ Aries/ Pisces/
PLEIADES Pleione 00˚23’ 1˚00’ Gemini Sagittar. colonies from Lyra, various May-20 Nov-20
Aquarius Leo Virgo

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Conjunct Conjunct
Position Orb of
Constellation Star Name Conjunct Opposite Trine Sextile Square Race(s) of Beings Known North South
in 2000 Influence
Globe Globe

Large Colonies of mainly AHEL

Libra/ Aries/ Pisces/ and little of the TAAL races from
HYADES Hyadum I 05˚48’ 1˚30’ Gemini Sagittar. May-26 Nov-26
Aquarius Leo Virgo Lyra.

Libra/ Aries/ Pisces/

HYADES Hyadum II 06˚52’ 1˚30’ Gemini Sagittar. Same as above. May-27 Nov-27
Aquarius Leo Virgo

Libra/ Aries/ Pisces/

HYADES Ain 08˚28’ 1˚30’ Gemini Sagittar. Same as above. May-29 Nov-29
Aquarius Leo Virgo

3 Main Colonies. The Anunnaki,

Libra/ Aries/ Pisces/
TAURUS Aldebaran 09˚47’ 2˚30’ Gemini Sagittar. AHEL from Lyra and 9th May-31 Dec-1
Aquarius Leo Virgo
dimensional beings.

Outpost for 6 most malevolent

races: Maytra, Kiily-Tokurt,
Ebans, Grail, Ciakahrr &
Libra/ Aries/ Pisces/ Indugutk. Also, Asbaan-Hu
ORION Rigel 16˚50’ 2˚40’ Gemini Sagittar. Jun-7 Dec-7
Aquarius Leo Virgo enslaved race genetically
modified Noor colony from Lyra
with Zeta Greys to become a
slave race.

Libra/ Aries/ Pisces/ Some info HERE while I collect

LEPUS Nihal 19˚40’ 2˚00’ Gemini Sagittar. Jun-10 Dec-10
Aquarius Leo Virgo more data to be sure.

Diversity of Reptiloid species

including Indugutk & Ooganga
Libra/ Aries/ Pisces/ warriors. Bellatrix collective is
ORION Bellatrix 20˚57’ 2˚20’ Gemini Sagittar. Jun-11 Dec-11
Aquarius Leo Virgo involved with US Telos Alliance
and Ciakahrr Empire.

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Conjunct Conjunct
Position Orb of
Constellation Star Name Conjunct Opposite Trine Sextile Square Race(s) of Beings Known North South
in 2000 Influence
Globe Globe
Naacals (star brothers) for earth
people in central America, aiding
Libra/ Aries/ Pisces/
AURIGA Capella 21˚51’ 2˚40’ Gemini Sagittar. the rise of Mayan civilisation. Jun-12 Dec-12
Aquarius Leo Virgo
Members of GFW.

Diversity of worlds and species.

Amphibians, Dinoids, Greys,
Reptiloids… Grail tall saurian
greys warrior race. In the past
Libra/ Aries/ Pisces/
ORION Mintaka 22˚24’ 2˚10’ Gemini Sagittar. Tisari amphibian humanoid Jun-13 Dec-13
Aquarius Leo Virgo
peaceful race before their
paradise world was destroyed
and they had to leave.

Libra/ Aries/ Pisces/ Egaroth, highly advanced

ORION Alnilam 23˚28’ 2˚20’ Gemini Sagittar. Jun-14 Dec-14
Aquarius Leo Virgo beings. Council of Five Members.

Libra/ Aries/ Pisces/ Daron Egaroth. Highly advanced

ORION Meissa 23˚42’ 1˚00’ Gemini Sagittar. Jun-14 Dec-14
Aquarius Leo Virgo beings. Council of Five Members.

Libra/ Aries/ Pisces/ Members of the Orion League

ORION Alnitak 24˚41’ 1˚00’ Gemini Sagittar. Jun-15 Dec-15
Aquarius Leo Virgo working against the dark forces.

Referred to as ‘Doors of Heaven”.

Interdimensional portal.
Libra/ Aries/ Pisces/
ORION Nebula 25˚00’ 2˚40’ Gemini Sagittar. Unfortunately, it has been taken Jun-15 Dec-15
Aquarius Leo Virgo
over by dark forces who created
their outposts around it.

Libra/ Aries/ Pisces/ Some info HERE while I collect

ORION Saiph 26˚24’ 1˚00’ Gemini Sagittar. Jun-17 Dec-17
Aquarius Leo Virgo more data to be sure.

© Quantum Healing Journey 2021. All Rights Reserved.

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Conjunct Conjunct
Position Orb of
Constellation Star Name Conjunct Opposite Trine Sextile Square Race(s) of Beings Known North South
in 2000 Influence
Globe Globe

Libra/ Aries/ Pisces/ Some info HERE while I collect

URSA MINOR Polaris 28˚34’ 2˚10’ Gemini Sagittar. Jun-19 Dec-19
Aquarius Leo Virgo more data for you.

EBAN Reptiloid Greys deeply

involved with Cabal,
hybridization program.| Also,
Caray (Carians) originally
Libra/ Aries/ Pisces/
ORION Betelgeuse 28˚45’ 2˚40’ Gemini Sagittar. LAAN Lyra colony who settled Jun-20 Dec-20
Aquarius Leo Virgo
in Orion zone. Genetically
mutated to birth-like people.
GFW members.

Variety of cultures in 12 worlds.

Main races: Reptilians from
Orion Alliance and siege of The
Ashtar Collective. Ashkeru Taali
from Lyra members of Ashtar
Galactic Command. Also,
CANIS Sirius B/ Pisces/ Taurus/ Aries/
07˚11’ 1˚00’ Cancer Capricorn Ashkeru-Taal Lyra from Vega Jun-29 Dec-29
MAJOR Mirza Scorpio Virgo Libra
mutated with local greys to
adapt. Renowned scientists.
Also, the Royal group of Taal
from Lyra after making a deal
with Ciakahrr.

Katayy Taal Lyra colony from

CANIS Pisces/ Taurus/ Aries/ Vega. Planet Kashta ('born from
Sirius A 14˚05’ 2˚40’ Cancer Capricorn Jul-06 Jan-06
MAJOR Scorpio Virgo Libra the brilliant star')

Eldaru blonde humans, refugees

CANIS from Rigel, related to Noor Lyra.
Pisces/ Taurus/ Aries/
MINOR Procyon 25˚47’ 2˚40’ Cancer Capricorn Also, Ginvo race, members of Jul-18 Jan-18
Scorpio Virgo Libra
Council of Five.

© Quantum Healing Journey 2021. All Rights Reserved.

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Conjunct Conjunct
Position Orb of Race(s) of Beings Known
Constellation Star Name Conjunct Opposite Trine Sextile Square North South
in 2000 Influence
Globe Globe
Some info HERE while I collect
Aries/ Libra/ Taurus/
HYDRA Alphard 27˚17’ 2˚20’ Leo Aquarius more data. Aug-19 Feb-19
Sagitt. Gemini Scorpio

Reptilians, Lizard Humanoids

Shapeshifters, master
Taurus/ Scorpio/ Gemini/
DRACO Thuban 07˚27’ 1˚00’ Virgo Pisces manipulators, service to self, Aug-31 Mar-03
Capric. Cancer Sagitt.
war focused, Illuminati order co-
Some info HERE and HERE
Gemini/ Sagitt./ Cancer/
VIRGO Spica 23˚50 2˚40’ Libra Aries while I collect more data. Oct-16 Apr-16
Aquarius Leo Capric.

Ohorai, highly evolved 9 density

Gemini/ Sagitt./ Cancer/ race. Regarded as the ‘Great
BOOTES Arcturus 24˚14’ 2˚40’ Libra Aries Oct-17 Apr-17
Aquarius Leo Capric. Elders of Light’.

17 planets with varied life forms.

Beta Amphibians, Insectoids,
Cancer/ Capric./ Leo/
CENTAURUS Centauri/ 23˚59’ 2˚40’ Scorpio Taurus Reptilians but mainly Dahl Nov-16 May-16
Pisces Virgo Aquarius
Hadar humans, refugees of Noor Lyra.

Tall white humans, also settled

on Earth before last Ice Age
Alpha Cancer/ Capric./ Leo/
CENTAURUS 29˚29 2˚40’ Scorpio Taurus Lemuria, Atlantis, Inner Earth Nov-21 May-21
Centauri Pisces Virgo Aquarius
people Selosi/Telosi/Agarthans.

N.Tori Endorians.Etherial
beings of 9-11th density.
Leo/ Aquarius/ Pisces/ Supporting earth evolution.
SCORPIUS Antares 946’ 230’ Sagittar. Gemini Dec-02 Jun-02
Aries Libra Virgo Also, Gnomopo, unique genetics
predators feared also by Dracos.

© Quantum Healing Journey 2021. All Rights Reserved.

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Conjunct Conjunct
Position Orb of Race(s) of Beings Known
Constellation Star Name Conjunct Opposite Trine Sextile Square North South
in 2000 Influence
Globe Globe
See the lesson on Galactic
Galactic Leo/ Aquarius/ Pisces/
GALACTIC 26˚52’ 3˚00’ Sagittar. Gemini Center inside this course. Dec-19 Jun-19
Center Aries Libra Virgo

Virgo/ Pisces/ Libra/ Colonies of Man races.

LYRA Alathfar 10˚13’ 1˚00’ Capricorn Cancer Dec-31 Jul-1
Taurus Scorpio Aries

12 colonized planets. Adari Taal.

Elevar Ahel. Ozman peace
Virgo/ Pisces/ Libra/
LYRA Vega 15˚17’ 2˚40’ Capricorn Cancer ambassadors, Puxhity Noori Jan-06 Jul-06
Taurus Scorpio Aries

Virgo/ Pisces/ Libra/ Colonies of Man races.

LYRA Sheliak 18˚52 1˚20’ Capricorn Cancer Jan-08 Jul-08
Taurus Scorpio Aries

Multidimensional portal,
M57 Ring Virgo/ Pisces/ Libra/ unfortunately taken over by
LYRA 20˚00’ 2˚40’ Capricorn Cancer Jan-10 Jul-10
Nebula Taurus Scorpio Aries Draco and other dark races.

Virgo/ Pisces/ Libra/ Colonies of Man races.

LYRA Sulaphat 21˚54 1˚30’ Capricorn Cancer Jan-11 Jul-11
Taurus Scorpio Aries

Gemini/ Aries/ Taurus/ Colonies of Man races.

LYRA Aladfar 00˚02’ 1˚00’ Aquarius Leo Jan-20 Jul-20
Libra Sagitt. Scorpio

Akhori blond humans

cooperating with malevolent
Gemini/ Aries/ Taurus/ races. Also, Onorhai and
AQUILA Altair 01˚47’ 2˚40’ Aquarius Leo Jan-22 Jul-22
Libra Sagitt. Scorpio Darthar, both races are 6th &
7th density benevolent beings.

© Quantum Healing Journey 2021. All Rights Reserved.

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